Covid Vaccines: The “LEAKED” Pfizer Contract
Troubling without being groundbreaking, the leaked document confirms a lot of what we already knew. But is it real?
Kit Knightly

An allegedly leaked vaccine supply contract between Pfizer and the government of Albania has sent some shockwaves through social media over the last few days.
It doesn’t contain any really groundbreaking information but, if it’s genuine, it certainly confirms the worst suspicions many of us had about the terms of the vaccine supply agreements.
The document was first published by the Albanian independent media outlet back in January, but came to prominence in the Anglosphere three days ago, when Twitter user Ehden posted a long thread breaking down its contents. His account has since been “limited” (we’ve all been there), but you can read his blog here.
In the interests of open discussion, and without endorsing its authenticity, we present the whole document below. We recommend anyone interested download it, just in case it disappears from the net, as potentially embarrassing documents tend to do.
So, is the document genuine?
That’s hard to say. It certainly wouldn’t be unprecedented for it to be a “honey trap” leak. A document that makes outlandish claims, which many in the alternate media run with, only for it to be debunked and discredit all those who reported it. It happens. It’s why you should always approach any “leak” with supreme caution.
But one argument for the contract’s authenticity is its lack of any “huge groundbreaking admission” that would be the hallmark of a fake leak.
Since it was posted by Ehden, other “contracts” have leaked, which contain similar language and clauses. But, as these aren’t 100% proven genuine either, it would be wrong to use them to corroborate each other.
Stronger evidence can be found on the website of the Israeli Ministry of Health, where they have a (heavily redacted) copy of their “REAL-WORLD EPIDEMIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE COLLABORATION AGREEMENT” with Pfizer (we downloaded a copy of that too, just in case.)
These two documents do have some strong similarities.
Under “definitions” for example, both use the same word-for-word phrasing for the definitions of “product” and “affiliate(s)”. “Intellectual Property” is very similar too. As is a lot of the language under “Term and Termination”.
That is evidence that the document could be real…OR its evidence that good sources of Pfizer’s boilerplate legal contracts are available on the internet, as a useful resource for fakers. It cuts both ways.
There’s circumstantial evidence for the document’s authenticity, of course. The fact the Twitter account discussing it was “limited” almost immediately, for example. The fact it has been on the internet for nearly seven months and hasn’t been the subject of a single official denial by either party OR a “fact check” from one of those famous “independent fact-checkers”. These are all points in its favour.
As yet, it’s hard to be certain either way. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that it’s real. What does it say?
A lot of the talk so far has been about the awful financial terms, but that’s not at all unusual in state contracts with private firms. The government agrees to terrible terms for the taxpayer, whilst accepting a back-hander here or there or a cushy job in the future. It’s the way the world works.
No, really, in the fifty-two pages, there are two key paragraphs that people should focus on.
First, under section 5.5 “Purchaser Agreements” [our emphasis]:
Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized.
This is simply logically irrefutable. Chemicals that have existed for less than year, by definition, have unknown long-term effects. (Which, incidentally, is what we got banned from Twitter for saying yesterday).
Second, under section 8.1 “Indemnification by the Purchaser” [again, our emphasis]
Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer, BioNTech, each of their Affiliates, contractors, sub-contractors, licensors, licensees, sub-licensees, distributors, contract manufacturers, services providers, clinical trial researchers, third parties to whom Pfizer or BioNTech or any of their respective Affiliates may directly or indirectly owe an indemnity based on the research, development, manufacture, distribution, commercialization or use of the Vaccine, and each of the officers, directors, employees and other agents and representatives, and the respective predecessors, successors and assigns of any of the foregoing (“Indemnitees”), from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and other expenses of an investigation or litigation), whether sounding in contract, tort, intellectual property, or any other theory, and whether legal, statutory, equitable or otherwise (collectively, “Losses”) arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the Vaccine, including but not limited to any stage of design, development, investigation, formulation, testing, clinical testing, manufacture, labeling, packaging, transport, storage, distribution, marketing, promotion, sale, purchase, licensing, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, provision, or use of the Vaccine.
Essentially Pfizer is totally protected from any legal liability in the event their vaccine actually does have any of those aforementioned “adverse effects that are not currently known”. A later paragraph even says that the government must pay Pfizer’s legal fees in the event they get sued.
And there’s no reason, at all, to think this would be just an Albania thing. Clearly, if they included it in this contract, they included it in every contract. In South Africa, for example, it is known Pfizer demanded sovereign assets as be used collateral for their legal indemnity.
To sum up, if the document is real, Pfizer’s vaccine distribution contracts:
- Acknowledge their product may not work.
- Admit it might have unknown harmful effects.
- Recognisess they are likely to be sued if that’s the case.
- Ensures legal protection of their huge profits.
We knew all that already. But it’s always good to get it in writing.
Many thanks to the reader who forwarded this story to us on Telegram. With our Twitter account currently “limited”, it’s more important than ever we use these alternative channels of communication. You can follow our telegram channel here.
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I’m willing to bet Pfizer has similar language in their contracts, but I can 100% guarantee the exerpts shown here are fake. In the sections above it refers to the vaccine as “Vaccine.” The actual names of the Pfizer vaccine are Tozinameran, Comirnaty, or BNT162b2.
The name varies based on where the specific supply was manufactured and where it is being sold. The contract would reflect the name relevant to their jurisdiction. So I can 100% guarantee this is fake.
Your observation does in fact not mean that the excerpts above are necessarily fake. The contract may include a phrase near its beginning where it states (for example:) “…Comirnaty (hereinafter referred to as the “Vaccine”)…” or something to that effect –
Page 6 (10 in reader) 1.54 “Vaccine” shall include all………
I’m not some lawyer or anything, but wouldn’t they just include a phrase in the beginning saying ‘…Tozinameran (hereinafter reffered to as “Vaccine”)’?
I mean, if they do this to shorten “End User License Agreement” to “EULA” for easier understanding when you purchase a videogame on steam (yes, I read the contracts) they’d probably be able to do it in this case too, right?
I was glad to see this article up. I had been working on compiling information on the contracts.
A few days ago I was astonished to find this and wrote an article:
BioNTech Signs Collaboration Agreement with Pfizer to Develop mRNA‐basedVaccines for Prevention of Influenza
August 16, 2018
The date is what is significant. The contract was agreed to August 16, 2018. If you read the article and watch Dr.Tenpenny’s video on Flu Vaccines, you will see how the manifestation of the mysterious COVID virus more than likely coincides with Pfizer/BioNTech bringing their mRNA facility online.
I work on the vaccine topic fervently because I am near 70-years-old and already vaccine-injured. I fear “death by vaccination” if they should start going around the USA forcing the genetically-modifying highly-experimental COVID shot on everyone, which they could do if H.R. 6666 passes the Senate.
They already destroyed my babies with their baby shots in the 1970s and our lives have been no less than tragic because of the United States Government.
I pulled information together from this contract and other sources to ask the ACLU for help one last time. I don’t think it will be forthcoming.
How The American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU] no longer Protects the American Citizen
I’ve just about resigned myself to the probability that this whole concocted mess will result in my demise and the demise of everyone I love.
By now hopefully we all understand that mRNA vaccines effectively mean DNA modification by viral RNA (Adeno viral vector) at cellular level i.e. gene therapy. This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a fact and can be checked with the manufacturers.
Many of us now harbour a strong and warranted suspicion that this is a depopulation agenda for many obvious reasons starting with the enormous scale of this farce. The Australian Government’s latest plan to pay people $300 to get vaccinated is not doing anything to allay these fears. Surely even the most gullible amongst us must be getting a tad nervous.
That said you may be wondering why, for the most part, vaccinated people seem to be okay. Well here is the answer. In 2019 they discovered a way of delaying or controlling the timing of the gene modification in gene therapy. 2019
The clock is ticking.
No, mRNA vaccines do in fact not effectively mean that. There is no adenoviral vector involved in the technology at all. You may have this tech confused with the DNA vaccine, which does rely on a viral vector but still does not equate gene therapy. Please try to obtain information from reliable, scientific sources before making unsubstantiated claims. Thank you.
Also, what do you think is the linked text supposed to tell us?
Master of Reality Fauci Claims Vaccines Only Work If Everyone Takes Them
I don’t want to be a bummer, but it was announced last year, in the Main Stream Media press that the Emergency Authorization included guaranty that the Treatment and Prophylaxis producers which were government sponsored could not face law suits.
Kit, The best person I can think of to evaluate this is Astrid Stuckelberger.
Yes, she is a very good. Watched her on bitchute saying in a nice way, get vaccinated and you will die.
Just being facetious: don’t get vaccinated and you will die too 🙂
‘We started to create this vaccine in January 2020 without knowing if it would ever be needed. To have reached one billion doses released only 18 months later is a phenomenal achievement on the part of AstraZeneca, who have co-ordinated manufacturing at multiple sites around the world to reach this milestone.
‘It was made possible by many years of research at Oxford University in the production of the vaccine platform technology, developing a manufacturing process and conducting clinical trials with other ChAdOx1-vectored vaccines.’
In March 2020 you told us to hunker down in our houses and unleashed a campaign of terror because the Coronavirus was so novel that nobody understood it, how to deal with it or indeed survive it so pray tell Dame Sarah Gilbert, Saïd Professor of Vaccinology, and co-developer of the vaccine, how the fuck did you know to start the development and trials of this vaccine 3 months before!?!?! Unless you are Marty Mcfly and think we live in a fantasy world!!
Actually no. They started in 2018
BioNTech Signs Collaboration Agreement with Pfizer to Develop mRNA‐basedVaccines for Prevention of Influenza
August 16, 2018
Conversation with the base: some are border esoteric, but on the whole, the comprehension and humanity of the base of the resistance is incredible, the gentleness. In fact, learning much from everyone Im meeting. Particularly impressed by the 30s-40s generation. Have been given permission to write as I wish about them all as long as I dont give names. Its especially interesting learning the life history of some. Interestingly, many have suffered in their lives, within their families or at school, or later at work, or their children have suffered, and this suffering has led to a different vision of life. In fact, surprisingly all those who confide appear to be people who have suffered much, but overcome their suffering. I dont think Ive met this amount of inner suffering in India. There its a material problem. Here those who are confiding, like this lady I had lunch with (taking into account I did not know any of these people 2 weeks ago, and Im non-French, their frankness is in itself touching), are not poor, Id say some are pretty wealthy, anyhow far more than I am.
Anyhow its a “raz de marée” in the protests. Some violent confrontations with the police in Paris, but there are more protesters than expected I think, so the police is overwhelmed. And the protesters are themselves calling to their fellow protesters to remain non-violent, not to respond to any provocations. The extent to which non-violent action is now integrated is also interesting to witness. The extent to which large numbers are motivated in fighting a doctrine, rather the humans embodying the doctrine, is also good to see. Everyone wants justice applied, but most want this to be done in a civilized way (calls for guillotine and all that are rare, Ive seen them on the internet, but no one Ive come across has shown any anger or desire for revenge: today met a group of actors, all determined never to get vaccinated, never to have the pcr test, etc.) One person suggested that the president and all be asked to do work of public utility, like cleaning roads, cleaning the seas, and that they should be made to sleep “à la belle étoile” to reconnect with nature, another was talking of confronting the perpetrators with their victims, both saying the aim was to give those responsible a possibility of realising in this life what they have done, and of giving them the possibility to transcend themselves… Gandhi has not died in vain.
Ya don’t even have to wait for the fetus to grow up,
and the flavor is O-so-yummmmmy…
Make vampires look quaint and old fashioned!!!
BUY some today!
Obama agency rules Pepsi’s use of aborted fetal cells in soft drinks constitutes ‘ordinary business operations’ | The Truthseeker
P.S. I wonder what they use in Dr.Pepper?
Ethan A. Huff – Natural News March 17, 2012
“The Obama Administration has given its blessing to PepsiCo to continue utilizing the services of a company that produces flavor chemicals for the beverage giant using aborted human fetal tissue. reports that the Obama Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has decided that PepsiCo’s arrangement with San Diego, Cal.-based Senomyx, which produces flavor enhancing chemicals for Pepsi using human embryonic kidney tissue, simply constitutes “ordinary business operations.”
here ya go great meme btw
how do you do that?
Been trying for days with other pics
Not to presume to “speak” for shamen, who may have a better approach.
But here’s a workaround for loading images since the site software doesn’t feature direct image uploading, assuming one doesn’t find it too tedious or onerous:
• First, upload the image file to a (free) upload site; Postimages is straightforward enough:
• Once uploaded, the page will display several URLS for the uploaded image; copy “Direct Link” and paste it into the Off-G comments window. Make sure it’s on a separate line with spaces above and below.
• Do not use the “link” markup feature, just post the raw link. Voilà!
Disclaimer: It works for me. I have not investigated the Postfix site, so if there’s some unacceptable down side– you know, like it being controlled opposition or a front for some state-security apparatus– I’m unaware of it.
Thank you.
That’s great but the problem is they didn’t work through the pandemic because there was no pandemic. However, if stupidity a disease, then yes we have a serious pandemic.
Conversation with the most prominent voice of the French resistance, a scientist:
they: “do you not have Christian representations in your home?”
I: “No”
they: “did Gandhi not pray mother Mary?
I: “Every culture has its own symbolism”
They: “Yes they do, but in Christianity its not symbolism, its reality, it all really happened”
Evidently they believe in the virus, and wanted me to sign my name to an epidemiological study they did, which was rubbish, and I had to refuse.
They are certainly honest and courageous. This is no comment on their character. But Im forced to agree with the mainstream criticisms coming from the scientific world on them (criticisms which otherwise recognize their honesty).
Conversations with prominent scientists who have spoken out in other countries of an entirely different nature and level. And indeed it is an honour to work with them, and to be entrusted by them with various duties.
Great article Kit.
The companies making the shot don’t even have to do any advertising.
The government does all the ads for them and we the tax payer pays for it.
Great marketing saving the companies billions.
“That is not new. The WAR RACKET has been doing that for centuries.”
A great public/private partnership.
If I have written anything anywhere since this atrocity started, or linked to anywere and I had any influence whatsoever that anyone had read my words or links, that convinced them Not to allow themselves to be personally executed by the death jabs, and they convinced their family and friends not to be jabbed too..
Then I think I’ve done Good Job.
I just want to save a life.
You can do Good Too
Just Say No to Jabs
There is Great Evil in This World
And Wonderful Beauty Too
I think we are very near a turning point, but it ain’y going to be easy.
These evil bastards in power are determined to kill us.
We have to disarm them through the power of our words and love for our fellow human beings and sunflowers.
Ours are about to Come Out. Best For Years, We have acually had people knocking on our door on a Sunday morning…Is it OK if I take a photograph of your sunflowers. My wif invites him in – and says come and video our Back Garden too. She is like that. She got the seeds from too old gentleman in Farncombe. They asked us to photograph their Garden..They were in a National Competition
Gardeners World.
(this is not my photography) just my words
Agreed fellow human. Time for man to wake up from his 2000 year old slumber and realise who he really is.
Do tell, how was man 2000 years ago?
I send emails with links to the latest information, sometimes three a day, to friends and family.
I know I have saved my wife, saved one sibling, probably have a friend or two laughing at me and calling me a nutter, have opened the eyes of another friend or two (but maybe not fully), and lastly have earned an extremely hostile enmity from another sibling who is totally brainwashed by MSM and govt talking heads.
It’s not a great score I admit. But I have harmed no one.
If one person ‘saves’ one other person that’s a pretty good score.
Good onya, mate. I have tried and tried with my son, whose natural intellect used to empower him with critical thinking skills.
But earlier this year, something; and I do not know what, turned him.
He is now double-spiked and heading for disaster.
I am so sad that I have failed and that those fuckpigs, at least, temporarily, have won.
The tide is now turning on a global scale. Even this nest of vipers, the ABC here in Straya are tonight reporting the protests. Of course, it’s a negative reflection of the events but it does show that they can no longer ignore what will eventually march up to their door and make demands.
This sounds quite crazy but I like the idea of the new earth human as a heart centred being, making all choices and decisions on the basis of love:
What most people can’t possibly understand unless they were born in the 1940’s(My Sister is making a miraculous recovery in Stepping Hill Hospital -thanks for Your Prayers) or the 1950’s (me) that we had been bombed to shit. We had bombed the Germans to shit too.
Neither Us English Kids -Nor The German Kids knew why
Why were the Germans dropping bombs on us, and We were dropping bombs on them?
We were natural friends.
But we didn’t know that.
So what could we do..
Well it just so happens, that my family live in a very old house pretty close to what was then London’s Main Airport…
So the Germans dropped load of bombs on us. and you can still tell, cos where they hit us in our road, they have built New houses now.
My Dad, wel he had just got married ti my My Mum in 1939, and immediarely volunteered well like you would – to protect your country youw ife and your family, cos we have got bombs falling on us.
I wasn’t born then, but my Dad told me.
They wouldn’t let me fly…..but I wanted to shoot these NAZI’s down
They said – you are too old, but you are a Brilliant Engineer.
You (My Dad are deployed on The Front Line)
It’s Your Job, to Fix the Spitfires, Fill them with Bullets, Test them and Get them back in the Air, after the New 17 year old pilots have done a circuit, and portray some talent to Fly
My teachers were awesome. Derek Piggot took me to the limit. He says you can go solo now.
So when I turned up at Yorkshire Gliding Club, with my Pilots log book, they thought I was quick learner, so I had to slowly give it up. It was quite dangerous, but enormous fun.
You can’t beat screwing a thermal, except in bed….and then she is not too keen in letting you do it again “You are going to kill yourself – come back to bed”
Still here.
Biden Announces Forced “Inconveniences” for the Unvaccinated Americans
EXACTLY the same thing happening in Australia. Why do I have this feeling that a state of War now exists….
Did you see the msm coverage of Sydney today? The Piglice threw every cop car in the State at the CBD to ensure a terrified population did not protest again. We live in Foryourowngoodistan now. Dare to disagree with Official Narrative & every pinch lipped, puerile tv presenter & officious Party Arsewhip stands in righteous umbrage… #ivermectin vs a liability-less bigpharma with no need of any concerns about side effects, ever. This is a very real TEST of how much We will OBEY. To quote a Tarantino line ” this sh💩t’s gonna get Medieval “…
Yes, I agree.
Yese past few days, I have been trying to imagine what wartime as a civilian must have been like.
I think I understand it better after living through this shitfuckery; waiting for the next Convid bomb to burst.
Yes, it is war.
Ha ha I love that guy. “if they tested bird crap on your windscreen for covid it would test positive”
Birds get corona flu. Poultry researchers never came up with a vaccine that could prevent corona in birds. Not surprising is no vaccine that can prevent corona in humans. The difference is, birds don’t bother with “vaccine passports”. So who are we calling Birdbrain?
Kit, He did not say these contracts were leaked. He searched and found the contracts (with the possible exception of the Albanian contract).
He also said the one from Brazil has an authentication signature code which would stand up in court. This is way out of my area but it would be worthwhile to see if people who do understand such things could verify that screen shot as valid or not.
We have to be Brave.
I have to be Brave, by going back to The Pub, with My Wife.
I ain’t going with anyone else
AND Face The Jeberatti as They Try and Wind Me Up UnJabbed,
Look at The State of Me – Dancing at The Front
And Look at The State of You…sat at the Back..and need an escort to the Bog.
My Wife and I have got our Tickets.
Who is The Oldest Here, and Best Looking?
How about You?
My Wife and I Haven’t Been Jabbed
Time for a recap. News headlines ABC Australia yesterday. “Lockdowns to end once 80 per cent of the population is vaccinated against COVID-19” The ex used car salesman is unleashing his 4 phase plan on the Australian people. Before this I was 99% sure this was depopulation. I’m now 110% sure. I’ll probably accidentally cut my head off while shaving tomorrow morning for writing this. Here is my theory (the Wallaby Brief). The vaccine is essentially a DNA delivery gene altering mechanism
It modifies your DNA so that the body overreacts to an easily survivable infection like seasonal flu. It causes a cytokine storm.
Some of you may have noticed that so far most vaccinated people you know seem to be okay. Now if you want to vaccinate 80% of the population without causing panic you have to delay the effect. To do that you need a way of subduing the worlds most common contagious virus. Influenza aka Flu.
In 2019 there were 60,000 registered cases of flu in Aus. In 2020 there were 100. Did flu just magically go away. Yes and no. Obviously a lot of so called covid cases were flu but even those were not that many. So what is going on? This is important because the worlds most common contagious deadly virus is the key. Firstly the vaccine is actually two vaccines. The DNA altering part and the flu vaccine. The 2nd and sometimes 3rd jabs are flu vaccines. Secondly social distancing, lockdowns, masks and all the other bullshit serve a dual purpose. The first one is obviously fear mongering to get people to get vaccinated, but the second reason is more important. To stop the spread of flu while vaccinations are still ongoing.
But if 80% of the docile vaccinated citizens die in a while, who will be left to govern? Those who refuse to obey the order?
Yes. That’s the part that doesn’t fit in the depopulation theory. So, the powerful eliminate most who blindly obey them and leave around the ones who disobey them and even despise them for what they are doing….That’s a shitty plan to say the least.
You may be right.
However y’day the lying coont from Victoria “Health” Dept, said we have no flu! LOL
The contracts of Pfizer and Moderna with the EU were made publicly available not so long ago. A comparison with this Albanian contract should provide clues as to genuineness.
Dr. Charles Hoffe explains everything you wanted to know about bloodclots (but were afraid task) in 9’:
and Natural News reveals health care workers are being bribed to post scary scripted
Quote: One script that is being repeated over and over again on Twitter reads as follows:
“I just left the ER.
We are officially back to getting crushed by COVID-19.
Delta Variant is running rampant and it’s MUCH more transmissible than the original virus.
99% of our ICU admits did NOT receive a vaccine.
Virtually ALL of them wish they had.”
This message was posted by someone named “Sam Ghali, M.D.,” as well as by another named “Terry,” another named “Alex West,” and yet another named “Julia Song.” In each instance, the message was identical, suggesting that Wuhan Flu evangelists are utterly desperate to convince more people to get “vaccinated.”
Honestly, I’ve had enough.
I’ve researched gene and virus patents, gene and virus splicing, whatever they’ve got going with the scissors thing, chimeric viruses, Pasteur v Béchamp, EU graphene flagship, neuro/brain link interfaces, agenda 2030; Event 201, CladX, Spars, WEF, WWF, Club of Rome, Club of the Isles, 4th industrial revolution, NWO, GMO, DNA, RNA, mRNA, GO…and every other entity which is identified by being a club, a chivalric order or just a few, toxic, letters of the alphabet.
I now know all about blood-clots, thromboses, sepsis, myocarditis, pericarditis et al…and I don’t really want to know – I never did have to before.
We used to just live and accept that our elders died…or that if we (the science forbid), did something dangerous, like climbing a tree, we were risking our safety.
At this point, I’m saying
I’m just hunkering down.
For what is worth I also know of all those things. Well, you can’t say it wasn’t educational.
I know…it might have been more useful to learn how to build a shed or fix a leaky pipe.
I have recently seen some horrendous videos of people who have been very seriously damaged by the death shots, and also some first hand reports. If that happened to me, I’d rather be dead.
Meanwhile, things seem to be pretty much back to normal in The UK, and we have got our tickets for a music festival in a few weeks time. I think it will probably go ahead.
In Australia, where virtually no one has dropped dead (mainly because Aussies aren’t daft and hardly anyone has had the death shot), most of the country including almost all of Sydney is in full lockdown as a result of about 126 postive PCR tests, which test for Sweet F A
Lots of Sports people and Musicians have suddenly gone belly up writhing in pain like a cat who’s been poisoned, and you take one look, and think no chance, yet some of them have survived.
I personally know, hardly any of these people, but was a bit upset by the main man in ZZ Top – Dusty Hill, who suddenly dropped dead this week, when about to start on a Massive US Tour.
Now, if you are about to start a Massive US Tour, you ain’t going to do it, unless you are feeling really well.
I have no idea if Dusty Hill had recently been jabbed, but such tours in the USA usually involve a lot of flying, and its entirely possible he was told, if you don’t get jabbed, then you can’t fly.
Sad Loss.
“ZZ Top – Gimme All Your Lovin’ (Official Music Video)”
Just to lighten the load, ‘viral’ or otherwise – the erection of guillotines increased by 300%, in just 3 days, in Les Landes in south-west France!
Over the course of last weekend, there were 3 of them appeared, bearing the names of 300 elected representatives who’d all signed an open letter in support of Macron’s #passdelahonté.
Two of the accused, ‘élus’, then took to Twatter to describe, in detail, just how terrified they are for their lives.
However, yesterday, a fifty year old father was taken into custody and said that he regretted that his symbol had been, ‘Mal perçu’ (sorry no adequate translation). He awaits judgement in October.
It should be noted here that the, aforementioned, ‘guillotines’, were constructed from fence-palings and tin-foil.
Oh, and before I forget – the young man who designed and pasted up the poster of Macron looking like you-know-who on the round-about is also up before the beak.
Great news. Let’s see the heads roll.
Yet another report of a death (33 yo) in French MSM:
It looks like (wishful thinking?) the bad news is leaking through.
A French father writing a BTL comment has told of his daughter, who is allergic and carries an EpiPen, and who was injected in a vaccine centre after a bit of humming and hawing by the medics present because they did not have the authority to issue a contra-indication certificate to allow her to attend college (!). She seems unhurt (first jab) but it’s a sign of the massive malpractices these people are committing.
The number 33 is always a red flag, October.
That’s not to take away the fact that people are being killed.
They can’t ask anyone to have this vaccination in order to go to college. It may strongly suggested in a grave tone but it is not legal and they know it.
THis is the problem with a lot of people in the alternative media, just like the MSM keep implying that you have to take it to do certain things and that is not true, at least not for now while there’s still at least a resemblance or pretence of a judicial system and a representative government.
I fully agree. They are trying to bully people into doing it ‘voluntarily’, since they cannot force it on them legally. At least not while the products are not fully approved. The people must put an end to these atrocities before full approval, as that might enable them to make them mandatory.
That depends on how alternative you go. Semblance of judiciary and government is long gone. Globally now we have governments of occupation.
I keep forgetting to visit this site to see the latest data…….still unbelievable that our government is trying to keep this information from circulating as misinformation.
What I still don’t understand is why the Swiss Policy Research people are ignoring the inaccuracy of the PCR testing. They specifically state that many more people have died of Covid than the vaccines and do not allude whatsoever that PCR tests have been misused.
What have I missed?
The ‘Our Government’, bit.
“In March 2008, the U.S. government ‘bailed out’ Bear Stearns, Wall Street’s fifth largest investment firm. In July of that year, it ‘bailed out’ Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, huge mortgage lenders and backers of mortgage loans, and officially nationalized them two months later. Once panic struck in mid-September, other nationalizations followed. The government effectively nationalized AIG, a giant insurance company, by purchasing the vast majority of its stock. More than 700 banks, as well as General Motors and Chrysler, also became partly government-owned shortly thereafter, as the government used TARP funds to supply them with capital.
“Throughout the political spectrum, some commentators regarded these moves as efforts to make the rich richer, while some on the left regarded them as progressive in some sense, since they marked an ideological shift away from the free market and neoliberalism. I think both notions are seriously mistaken.
“These interventions— and the government’s aggressive fiscal and monetary policies generally— were a new manifestation of state-capitalism. It is not the state-capitalism of the former U.S.S.R., characterized by central ‘planning’ and the dominance of state property. It is state-capitalism in the sense in which Dunayevskaya (2000:258ff) [reference to Raya Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom: from 1776 until today] used the term to refer to a new global stage of capitalism, characterized by permanent state intervention, that arose in the 1930s with the New Deal and similar policy regimes. The purpose of the New Deal, just like the purpose of the latest [2008] government interventions, was to save the capitalist system from itself. [Emphasis added]
“Because many liberal and leftist commentators chose to discuss the interventions in distributional terms— who is the government
rescuing, rich investors and lenders, or laid-off workers and average homeowners facing foreclosure?— let me stress that I mean ‘save
the capitalist system’ in the literal sense. The purpose of these interventions was not to make the rich richer, or even to protect their wealth, but to save the system as such. [Emphasis in original text]
“Government officials have not hidden the fact that this has been their aim. In testimony before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke (2010) stated:
‘Governments provide support to too-big-to-fail firms in a crisis not out of favoritism or particular concern for the management, owners, or creditors of the firm, but because they recognize that the consequences for the broader economy of allowing a disorderly failure greatly outweigh the costs of avoiding the failure in some way‘. [Emphasis added]”
From Andrew Kliman’s The Failure of Capitalist Production — Underlying Causes of the Great Recession.
And knowing that people of likes of Bernanke never change their mind, his statement, in 2019, would read something like this:
“Governments apply harsh and seemingly cruel policies against their population not out of ill-will but because they recognize that the consequences for the broader economy of allowing a disorderly failure greatly outweigh the costs of avoiding the failure in some way.”
As for the whole medical stuff, it’s just the bone we’re are thrown at to keep us distracted, for one can only distract from the truth, never hide it.
A valuable contribution to current economics for clueless people like myself. Capitalist regimes propping up one failed finance company by borrowing money from other finance company. Socialist handouts for the bankers and capitalist debt for the people.
Vote communist at the next election. And if there is no communist cell in your district, form one.
Hello NickM, then you have company because I’m clueless in Economics too, but having suspicions that answers to the nightmare we’re going through wouldn’t come from the health or biology departments, I stumbled on Kliman’s book which was an eye-opener on a number of things: tendency for the rate of profit to fall, increasing organic composition of Capital, market saturation and how much the economy is the primary determinant of events throughout history.
The capitalist mode of production is a dead end, and no matter how many times those in power will try and save it, it will always be at the expense of what is human in us. How long shall we be the passive witnesses of our own dehumanisation who can tell?
“US surgeon general recommends fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors to protect the unvaccinated”
See how they worded that “ to protect the unvaccinated”
Yesterday Fauci said the viral load is the same for the vaxxed and unvaxxed when infected! When in reality the vaxxed have a much higher viral load.
Don’t be a fool and think that means the infected vaxxed person cannot spread it to a not infected vaxxed person. The title from the Surgeon General is so misleading it borders on evil. If you are vaxxinated you shouldn’t be able to catch it or spread it.
Title should be to protect the vaxxed and non vaxxed since both spread and catch the virus.
No proof what so ever anywhere that asymtomatics spread the virus if it even exists in the first place.
Why are the vaxxed so angry with the un-vaxxed that they have to wear masks and get a 3rd or 4th shot? If your vax isn’t protecting you or you are spreading the virus don’t blame the un-vaxxed. They are trying to divide us like they do with race, man- made climate change and religion.
It’s like going to the races getting a tip from the bookie (scientists/government) to put your money on number 4 but number 7 comes in and the vaxxed blames the people who didn’t listen to the bookie and put their money on number 2? They rigged the game and we both lost. I just hope the loss won’t be so bad for either of us.
If you got duped blame the bookie who gave you the tip. Follow the money.
Just to add when the surgeon general says fully vaccinated people should wear masks outdoors to protect the unvaccinated” also gives the vaccinated the false impression that they are not only morally superior but they are also following the science while the pesky unvaccinated are not.
Yes, in this context “unvaccinated” is a loose translation of “untermenschen“.
Eventually the duly-masked protectors will come to feel that the recalcitrant untermenschen are insufficiently appreciative, or outright taking advantage, of their altruistic, sympathetic noblesse oblige.
Then the authorities will reciprocate their righteous resentment by launching Phase Two: No More Mister Nice Guy!
Er – plural of the anglicised Siberian tribal word ‘shaman’ is ‘shamans’; unless they’re women, in which case it’s ‘shamankas’. And pronunciation is as spelt, not ‘shay-man’.
PS: ‘women’ in this case means the usual biological definition, regarding x and y chromosomes; nothing to do with the passing fad of wokery bollocks. Traditional societies often recognise the value of cross-dressing for ritual religious purposes, but haven’t elevated it into a groves-of-academe, boredom’n’pointlessness-alleviating obsession.
Of course, ‘shamen’ may mean something else entirely…?
The Indemnify and Hold Harmless clause is a (now) standard Uniform Commercial Code contract clause. Any “governmental” official who signs this particular contract is committing treason against his countrymen, and should be hung from a gallows…
I’ve posted a number of links to Laws and lawful concepts regarding corporate regulation, but alas, few here seem to acknowledge the weight of such agency… Indeed, alas…
Let’s make it simple: Read the Corporate Charters and Mission Statements of almost any major pharmaceutical entity. Compare the charter statements to the results of such agency. It is clearly a fraudulent mission. Take it from there…
Former head of Pfizer Research and 16 year employee of the drug cartel Mike Yeadon explained the ongoing jabb genocide, Van der Bosche (limited hangout) even felt the need to warn, Luc Montagnier winner of Nobel Prize also warns to stay away from the poison prick, PCR inventor and Nobel explosives chemistry laureate Kary Mullis exposed Fauci for the lying clown he is and his AIDS scam with the lying Bob Gallo. Dr Robert Malone who holds several patents for his inventions in mRNA says it is deadly and must be stopped immediately, Dr Bhakdi in Germany, Prof Wodarg who exposed the swine flu lies…on and on men and women of morals have warned about this covaids psy op and the consequent mRNA death shots and yet there are mindless four legged critters lining up for slaughter. If they want to die…let them do it. Evolution is a bloody affair and intelligence tests can cost an organism its life. When was it any different here on Planet Sheeple?
To Ouch witZ if you must
$pritZen macht frei.
Same as it ever waZ
DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’
What I don’t get about Mike Yeadon is that he must have been fully on board with what they were doing at the time – not all that long ago.
Further down the chain…I understand.
He left Pfizer in 2011 when they discontinued research in his area of activity.
He’s not anti-vaxx – he’s anti-this-vax, thus all the smear pieces.
But, he must have known where the research was heading.
Maybe he did but at the time felt somewhat powerless to do anything about it and probably doubted it would come into play in such a big way so soon.
Research is research. That’s the basis of scientific discovery, and much or most of it fails. That’s the learning process, and that’s why Pharma has such huge R&D budgets.
Anyway, as the great philosopher Yogi Berra stated:
Predictions are difficult, especially about the future.
Do you know any Pharma whose R&D budget exceeds their marketing budget?
Most actual R&D is done by universities. The research undertaken by Pharma is to determine whether profits will exceed compensation.
I’m suspicious too. For someone who is clearly capable of critical thinking, there would have been a time during his years at Pfizer when he would have passed something unethical and known about it. After all, he was in a senior position and these drug companies hide stuff all the time..
If he had, he would now be compromised and be a sitting duck for a smear campaign.
I want to be wrong, but one has to open to all possibilities.
Not sure, but it’s our impression that he retired long before Covid became a hot topic.
Mike is a textbook example of a technocrat bourgeois who finally awoke from the in-group trance of that segment of society, into which he’d been induced and hypnotised since under-graduate days, realised with alarm that his discipline in therapeutics had been hijacked by the money-grubbers, and then recognised with horror that one of the desperate outcomes of this subversion was the current fakedemic and poison-stabs attempted coup-d’etat.
At least give him credit for recognising the error of his ways, and then standing up at great personal cost and some serious personal danger of assassination, to shout the truth from the house-tops.
I’m curious. Surely if a fact checker is wrong then they have libelled somebody? Why hasn’t anyone sued facebook for libel? The knock on to this is censoring when unwarranted (false fact check) essentially defames a person does it not? The average person will believe a censored person must be a bad person spreading lies. Defamation all day long surely?
These “fact checkers” very rarely point out an individual or organisation is wrong. They tend to go after an anonymous statement or a poorly worded assessment that they can pick at.
Libel and deformation cases are lengthy and expensive, so even if an individual had been a victim the companies that run these fact checkers have very deep pockets. They can drag out proceedings until the complainant goes bankrupt trying to defend themselves.
Also note that the “fact checkers” never actually link to any evidence that is from official sources, only biased opinions that mirror their own opinion.
Interesting thing is if you go look at one of these sites, their corrections section, if they have one, is often just as big as the main part of the site.
“the companies that run these fact checkers have very deep pockets.”
That’s why an appropriately-accurate name for the chact feckers is ‘fat-chequers’. Anonymised mediawhores, all of them. Disgusting thirty-silver-pieces professional liars.
The bit that caught my eye, when I read Ehden’s analysis, the other day was the no-returns paragraph.
No returns, at all, under virtually any circumstance (those mentioned being nigh on impossible to prove).
And all doses ordered (even if proved to be ‘faulty’ etc) must be paid for – regardless of circumstances.
Later on that day, Macron announced that he had ordered another 250,000,000 doses over the next two years. Then yesterday, I saw a clip of Trudeau announcing something similar. There are probably others that I haven’t heard of – Israel?
Then there was Pfizer’s profit forecast of $33.5 billion (hmm, 33?).
All at the same time as people are beginning to say, ‘No’, and take to the streets.
I know that the money situation is surreal everywhere, already, but could this put Pfizer in a place where it could ‘legally’ bankrupt countries and overtly take control?
like demanding military assets as security? indeed.
Arès (French film – Netflix 2016)
Uncanny…or blatant advertising?
In my opinion that must be part of the plan. For the medical-banking cartel arm to take over from governments, and for governments to deliberately bankrupt themselves up to 2025 by creating so many useless restrictions, to destroy the economies while creating an ever increasing death and injury rate, as booster shots are introduced.
Pfizer asked for nations bank reserves, military bases and embassies as collateral. For a product the governments already know they don’t need. That’s a sign that the powers that already own central banks, governments and embassies, and PhRMA (and indeed, all conglomerates, courts and militaries) are simply shifting the power base from sovereign governments (which were always a front and never real) to a central one world government where medical experimentation and forced quarantine, by seizing people as potential biohazards, is the norm.
People can’t see where this is headed because they don’t want to.
I am thinking the same, Researcher, and that is why I asked the question.
Here, there…nobody is getting it.
Same as they don’t want to see where Con-911 was headed; because a warning voice inside their little mutton heads told them that to doubt Con-911 means they must doubt the good intentions of the farmer and his dogs. Better to keep their woolly heads down and Carry on Munching.
This ‘central, one-world government’ thing. Are the Chinese and Russian leaderships on-board with it? Or – just possibly – not? It’s not going to get far beyond Oceania and dependencies otherwise; not even looking too successful there right now, in fact.
And yes, I know about VladiP’s recent gaffe in his Q&A with the media, asserting that he believed the official scamdemic hype. Bad mis-step. But he isn’t superman after all; every normal human fecks-up occasionally. But that doesn’t (one-swallow/Summer style) mean that the whole Russian ruling establishment is colluding with the 1W-gov thing. I doubt that they are actually; nor are the central corps of real power-wielders in the CCP. That belief is one of those cospithirries that seems to me to be genuinely tin-foil bonkers. An authentic 1W-gov absolutely requires power-wielders within Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia to be in full agreement and collusion. Yeah, that sounds likely, dunnit? Some – though by no means all – cospithirries really are daft brain-farts.
I think we should be told. 🙂
Here is Pepe Escobar’s interpretation of Putin, based on comparison to Xi after both spoke at WEF: He has been explicit about keeping Russia independent. In contrast, Xi was mealy-mouthed.
In far too many ways to delve into here, Russia is safe – even from deteriorating climate. But then, we are dealing with megalomaniacs who will repeatedly invade even the Graveyard of Empires (Afghanistan).
Russia and China have been controlled by the Crown Crime Cartel and Vatican, overtly since the 19thC, and covertly long before, through organized religions, monarchies and dynasties.
It’s quite out in the open although Freemasons and their dimmer, more boring offshoots – Marxist shills – like to pretend it’s not really happening.
But, the vaccine is free to the people, surely this isn’t about profit, is it? Sorry, couldn’t help the snark.
Some embarrassment in France.
MSM now admitting that being jabbed does not prevent infection or spreading (, which makes the official rationale for the health pass (to protect others) look a bit shaky.
Also, a faux investigative outlet that allows blogs has had to allow the publication of a report on the adverse effects, which are being carefully concealed by everybody who is somebody: (
Let’s be clear, there was never anything spreading before, now they are jabbing people with all manner of viruses that can be picked up by fake PCr tests there is no spread, there are vast amounts of different issues
The country is in the midst of a phantom ‘fourth wave’, where there are more jab victims than ‘Covid’ patients in hospitals.
That the media can pull off such fakery about people’s own immediate environment is mind-boggling. It’s like they’re hypnotised.
They are literally hypnotised. The Pied Piper (MSM) has them under it’s mesmerising spell.
In many even death and destruction of immediate family members isn’t enough to break this spell
Like the German people were hypnotised to believe that they were all Ubermenschen as blonde as Hitler, as athletic as Goering and as beautiful as Goebbels.
It cost the German people 4 Million dead before they came to their senses. What is Con-19 going to cost the EU$A?
A lot 🙁
Not like. They ARE hypnotised. As that retired stage-hypnotist entertainer analysed in detail, what the pocket-pols, technocrats and mediawhores have been doing, methodically, for a year and a half now is classic hypnotic-induction techniques: ‘two minutes hypnosis’ every time you expose yourself to the broadcast/print lamestrean ‘news’.
Of course, most of these inducers are themselves hypnotised, really believing the shite they’re given to read on their autocues. Even Vladimir Putin seems to have fallen for it; and he doesn’t need an autocue…
Fortunately, ten-to-twenty percent of us are naturally rather resistant to trance-induction. And everyone else can awaken from it spontaneously, if they’ll just take a rest from the mind-poison spewing from the damned TV.
Seriously, the Amish elder was right: “Why is there no covid amongst the Amish? Because we don’t do TV.” (h/t to Scooper for that spot-on joke).
When I read the word, ‘virus’, now, I don’t read it in the way they want me to. I just interpret it as, ‘toxin’, or ‘pathogen’.
Whatever is in these injections, it’s toxic and it’s killing people.
Today, I encountered, for the first time, a report of a ‘triple dose’ death.
This video might be of interest:
“Stew Peters with Karen Kingston – former Pfizer employee confirms poison in ‘covid’ ‘kill shot'” (video: 25.14 mins), at:
And the following site provides a summary, in text form, of the significant statements which Karen Kingston made in the above video:
“Critically important interview regarding the ‘covid-19’ ‘vaccines’ with Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee (video)” [text, and video], at:
Yes, I’ve seen that one.
They are being jabbed and being made ill. But there are no viral products in any vaccines. Because they can’t isolate them. Only poison and foreign genetic material such as cancer cells and recombinant proteins. Along with undisclosed heavy metals and other toxins.
The PCR test never tests for a virus. Neither do any viral tests, which either look for genomic matches from short sequences which are not unique – they are ubiquitous – or for proteins that are also common such as antibodies which are non specific and not related to viruses at all.
All viral tests are fraudulent products. They (viral tests) exist to convince doctors and patients that the symptoms being experienced are caused by a viral illness instead of poisoning and subsequent detoxification.
Quite probably true, R. But still unproven, still very much in contention. Be accurate, to accentuate your reliability!
My mother has received a text from a friend who has a close friend in Sydney who is a doctor. She is alleging that (in NSW so all states too) the govt. has taken control of medical practices. Daily directives are issued on how to treat a wide range of issues. Any positives are taken to hospital and are quarantined with no access allowed. Most probably ventilated and suffocated.
The clinic head has banned them from reporting adverse events, of which she sees many every day.
So here we are now, the NAZI’s Germany, Hirohito’s Japan, and the criminals in the UK & USA that did experiments post WWII on unwitting and forced people were just a taste of things to come from the Hippocratic (hypocritic) Oathers.
Sure, there’s no global, mass-killing pandemic, Marilyn. But I think we have to admit that some kind of genuine novel flu pathogen – quite possibly engineered – has been spreading through the world. But it’s now pretty near global herd-immune, background-endemic status, along with all the other minor-nuisance colds’n’flu pathogens; all of which, btw, can still kill an unlucky small minority, if they’re denied the genuine non-vaccine prophylactics/cures.
All these pathogens (whatever they really are; ‘virus’ or whatever), though minor in the great scheme of life and death, are nevertheless pretty nasty when playing their end-games on the small genuinely-vulnerable minority. Have you ever seen someone dying of flu-induced pneumonia? Not pretty.
This is a report on the Israeli data. Israeli and Public Health England data clearly show the jab is completely useless at best, dangerous at worst.
The Le Monde article is labelled, ‘DERNIERE MINUTE’. The comments are droll to say the least.
Paywall 🙁
I would love to see the faces of the true believers of Le Monde when they realise they’ve been had, despite their superior intelligence 🙂
I just read their Twatter feed. I’m not on Twatter, but I must say it’s been a valuable tool for keeping up with everything that’s going on.
Le Figaro isn’t paywalled and the comments there are interesting – very much against the imposition of ‘vaccines’ and sanitary passes.
Re: The CDC withdrawal of EUA for one of the PCR tests.
This has been widely misunderstood.
The CDC are not admitting that the test can return a positive result because of the presence of influenza virus.
They have already admitted that it is impossible to distinguish between flu and covid on the basis of clinical symptoms.
So they want to introduce a test that tests for both influenza virus and Sars2.
But it’s going to be a PCR test with all it’s attendant bs.
And flu has always been often indistinguishable from bacterial or fungal infection on the basis of clinical symptoms alone.
So unless they’re testing for every strain of bacteria and virus under the sun the whole thing has always been a farce anyway.
No, the dumped all the anti body tests weeks ago, now they have dumped 267 PCr kits, and they also dumped millions of actual kits some weeks back because they are contaminated
The CDC and the WHO first admitted that the PCR was ‘flawed’ in December last year, I think. So, it will have taken a year for them to ‘phase it out’.
Who knows (no pun intended) what they have planned next but it must, surely, be linked to the Gates/Soros buy-out of the UK testing company?
Sydney was put under lockdown because of some cases; a block of flats was cordoned off by police because of an “outbreak” – presumably the residents are still inside and praying the cladding isn’t flammable.
Anyways – in trying to justify this madness a Sydney health official stated only 13% of the Sydney pop has had the jab hence the lockdown.
Either they’re deliberately trolling citizens or accidentally let the cat out the bag – probably both.
Point is if the 13% figure is representative of the whole country Aussies seem to be rejecting this madness in a way that is infuriating the parasite class:
With quiet honour and dignity.
Trewpol you’ve got a really good point there. However, it’s not about imposing poisonous injections on people either – I think the extension to the lockdown is pure, sheer, spite given the demonstrations in Australia this weekend and the pathetic, whining of the Politicians. It is the deliberate subjugation of free citizens to silence dissent.
As the Scamdemic drags on, the evil that is will attempt to undermine we the people more and more. One very effective way they do that is by running dis-information campaigns. They set people up with a honey pot of bogus info hoping they buy into it and then later it’s revealed for what it was (bogus) and those who bit into the rotten apple are made to look stupid and marginized. This is usually followed by the “tar and feather” technique where everyone else (we the people) is associated with the bogus story and paraded as idiots to the unaware masses thereby reinforcing the support for their side and dimminishing we the people’s credibility.
There are a lot of things being reported right now about the vaccines, their contents etc. Caveat emptor!
If the leaked document is genuine (and I think it is) the following clause is indeed the major one “…there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.”
This clause may not be there in other vaccine (the ones that are given to children with very tragic health consequences for the little ones) contracts.
The second quoted one on on legal immunity is common to other vaccine contracts.
The vaccine manufacturer is openly admitting that there may be adverse events from the vaccine. This definitely makes the vax pharma companies liable for prosecution of the principles laid down in the Nuremberg Code.
Not that one needed an admission from the pharma companies. But still it is an open admission and can be used against them in future legal trials (notwithstanding the legal immunities they seek and get from governments).
“there may be adverse effects of the vaccine that are not currently known”
And surely that is the clause that needs to be uppermost in the prosecution trials of every single individual – from Government officials, media stooges and doctors and nurses – who has assured trusting vaccine recipients that the vaccines are “perfectly safe”.
It should be – but the ‘long march through the institutions’, has already happened. The courts (what’s left of them) are toothless.
When the tide turns the institutions and courts too will be cleansed.
We can only hope, R Anand.
Yes! More so when the vaccine maker is itself saying there could be adverse effects on health.
Anyone who says that vaccines are safe and pushes for mandating them can be brought to justice in near future when things change.
Verbose update on the new-fangled shenanigans of covid and variants and vaccines and stuff:
Upshot: people who were fully vaxxed up to the eyeballs and thought they’d be in the clear (pause for effect and spooky music) … weren’t!
Blah blah
(Note scare quotes around the word “end”!)
blah blah
(especially when they’re blown up and constantly recycled!)
(of course they do!)
Interlude: redirection to “scary chart”. (Well I presume it’s scary. I always thought these charts were like Rorschach blotches.)
After which oodles of words which seemed to be spiralling out of control. But what about this?
Even ignoring that self-regarding corporate pep talk term “personal risk calculus”, what are we to make of “if you want to avoid COVID entirely”? I thought this bug was the end of days. So – is it now a matter of personal choice?
The most convenient thing about all this shite is that even if you point out discrepancies, they can easily be blamed on … incompetence!
The inner party have not a care in hanging the outer party out to dry. Too often it’s overlooked that that’s the O’Brien/Winston relationship in ‘1984’ (not state/citizen as most assume).
Albert Pike talks contemptuously of the “neophytes” in ‘Morals and Dogma’. He quite openly says that they’ve been lied to and deceived. If they manage to crawl their way into the inner ring, then they find out…. too late.
Useful idiots can usually be relied upon to turn the whole process into a lobby for “more resources” to tackle the “incompetence”.
George avoids the subject of Freemasonry, as if it has no existence, although presumably he (or the persona used here) is Scottish.
He instead, highlights lies:
“Scary Stories”
“The vaccine works”
“Avoid COVID”
Then plants the idea that incompetence prevails as an excuse for planned genocide.
Slate is State Department propaganda. And Fast Company is like Forbes crossed with Wired. WSWS is a CIA manifestation perpetuating the left vs right psy-op.
Disinfo dissemination, loosely posing as criticism.
Hmm…It’s hard to cut through the fog.
George must know about Freemasonry.
None of us who grew up in Scotland, (well, in the central belt) in the ’60s or ’70s, could not know about the masons.
They marched during our school holidays. My dad took us into the house before they came by, every year..
We didn’t like it. Summer is short in Scotland and a day lost is a day lost.
Not really but there’s lots of things I don’t know about e.g. the mating habits of squirrels. There are things I DO know about e.g. the lives and music of Gustav Mahler and Claude Debussy. And I can assure you that David Icke was wrong about both.
Wrong? ‘De gustibus non disputandum est.’
Indeed – he is factually wrong. But I reckon that’s not a shocker!
Well sure Researcher. I also missed a lot of other topics too – like bowel movements and Tolkien and watching old reruns of Star Trek.
But if you want me to mention the F word then sure:
Freemasonry Freemasonry Freemasonry Freemasonry …
Gosh that was fun!
Oh not the fucking spam folder again! What did I do this time? Is it because I mentioned Freemasonry?
What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?
Currently, around three to six months.
Very true.
But the odds are shortening…
or it could be said the conspiracy theory was always the truth but it was covered up for a certain amount of time.
I wonder when the real purpose is going to appear. It’s China’s fault. War on China. That’s the only point at which this will end…or I should say we’ll be cosy in our biosecurity nightmare by then.
Didn’t the allies plan to take the rich German economy out the same way last century?
This document may prove that even if something is legitimate, it can still be used as a kind of ploy by sending investigators on wild goose chases after tons of minutiae in order to help make a case against “vaccines” and other Great Reset paraphernalia.
All the promoters of the New Normal have to do is spout something, however nonsensical, and call it “Science” and their job is done. Whereas the genuine debunkers must chase down an endless array of minutiae in order to – maybe – convince a few members of the public that the official narrative is full of holes.
As it has always been
“On a high crag sits Truth, and he who would approach her, about it and about must go”. — apologies to Donne
Hey man, it’s called a struggle for a reason.
“genuine debunkers must chase down an endless array of minutiae”
Reminds me of my wife when she was an active researcher. Someone published a bit of nonsense based on 10 experiments; Alice did 100 experiments in order to squash the nonsense before it could take hold.
I suggest people read this.. supposedly the first ‘autopsy’ of a needling recipient..
it’s all kosher and NIH….
it also supports what many here have suspected for some time…. it looks like trouble ahead for the injectee’s..
The data from Israel is more convincing, there’s no “might” about that data!
Even if the leak is real, it is underwhelming. As Kit writes, essentially 2 paragraphs are interesting where the uncertainty of the products adverse effects are admitted (this is actually good documentation and basis to reject the vaccine), and the indemnification section. However, at least in most western vaccination programs, ALL vaccine producers have legal indemnification – if a Norwegian citizen has a permanent vaccine damage, the state has a fund to cover that (good luck on winning the legal battle though…). I think it works the same in the UK. Of course, that this arrangement already exists is scandalous enough, and Pfizer’s shot is not truly a vaccine but a gene therapy, but still.
eye agree incentives are needed
vaccine lottery with big money wins
free bucket of vaccinated chicken with every shot max 5 shots and 5 buckets chicken
big mac breakfast or lunch menu
mandates forced vaccinations
use of the blunt trauma city of lonson and queens own sas
sbs for coastal regions
call up of the hard men vinny jones the kemp sisters from eastenders danny die errr
etc etc
at this stage sophie we should already have tran itiioned onto the global warming cooling taxing weather modification flooding fishy dish munger halls
rome and babylon was not builded in a day communism satanism all the isims owned the same
forward trauma tavistock on with the play shoah
can i have 3 downs this time gc
“In this extended discussion Julianne Romanello and myself together with Jason Bosch delve into the ideological and spiritual thoughts that have turned our world into an open air prison. We looked into the work of Leo Strauss, Athens & Jerusalem, Noahide fundamentals, the origin of Zionism and many other crucial topics most intellectuals insist to avoid…”
Video: The Philosophy that drives the Chaos – Julianne Romanello & Gilad Atzmon interviewed by Jason Bosch – Gilad Atzmon
“The writing is on the wall. The medium is the message. For reasons explained in our works on this subject, the present elite in the west is governed by a misanthropic principle, which views the exercise of power as something measured by the degree to which it can be exercised in the most painful way.
So long as activists on the left and activists on the right are fighting over whether the Great Reset, lockdowns, and cyberterrorism is actually a capitalist plot or a communist plot, then it will be difficult for the public to organize an effective resistance to what this really all is: Evil.”
The Problem Is Evil: Of Cyberterrorism, Great Resets, and Political Prisoners
“power as something measured by the degree to which it can be exercised in the most painful way.”
Gilad Atzmon has good basic instincts, he recognizes that the bully exults in his capacity to **harm** his victim.
“And when a bloke looks me in the eye
I promptly bash his kisser fit to blind him,
And when the coward turns to fly
I grabs his yellow hair that streams behind him”
— Goethe, Faust 2, the Three Mighty Men (tr. Louis McNeice).
Fast Company magazine, billed as “the future of business”, has run an article titled,
And that pretty much gives you a good idea of the contents. But first, the magazine itself is all in favour of effectively continuing the lockdown,
As someone who was forced to do working from home I can vouch for this being shit. When you “work” from home, you never really feel you’re at work and consequently never feel you’ve stopped work.
Anyway, the article continues,
This too is shit. If they adopted a dog during the pandemic and that dog is difficult to attend to once they return, then why did they adopt the dog? And buying clothes is such a hassle? But the “trapped in a cubicle” is indicative of the sector we’re discussing here. Also misleading. Even the cubicle mob still have to – shock horror! – interact with others face-to-face!
And that’s what this bumf is really all about: the abolition of real life contact between actual people in an actual workspace!
But note also how the desires of the business sector and the desires of the “Left” (e.g. the WSW) coincide!
These employees would do well to realise that if they don’t go back to work in person, that would make it easier for their employers to send their jobs to distant low-wage locations.
Or even to replace them with machines. In fact, with them all isolated from each other, how would any of them know how many others had already been replaced with machines?
To reinforce your contention that working from home has its limitations, several years ago I worked in the Payroll Dept of an educational company. One branch was remote, on-line tutoring.
It was a running joke how many teachers were written up and eventually fired for being “late for work” or just plain “absent from work.”
How can you be “late for work” when your work station is your living room?
Saw sad story on how New York City dog pounds are overflowing with pets adopted during lockdown being turned in.
That is sad, but cheer up.
Before long, the mass-media Mighty Wurlitzer will churn out a heartwarming, feel-good story, to wit: some celebrity, corporation, or prosperous dog-loving citizen will bankroll COVID vaccinations for every one of those dogs!
What if you don’t want to wear a mask all day long?
I have no source, and my recollection is hazy– but I dimly recall seeing a story where some government or corporate employer requested or required all participants in Zoom meetings to wear masks in order to promote solidarity or unity in the face of the “pandemic”.
How do we download the contract? I’m pretty au fait with computers (been using them since the ZX81) but I couldn’t work out how to do it.
Here you go, I don’t know why OffG didn’t embed it
How curious – this from the WSW:
“The campaign being carried out against mass vaccination is thoroughly right-wing and must be opposed by workers throughout the world. Under conditions of the global pandemic of a lethal virus, which has killed more than four million people, according to official figures (in reality, far more than 10 million), mass vaccination is an elementary requirement of public health and the self-defense of the working class.”
Mass vaccination is an elementary requirement of the “self-defense of the working class”????
Once again, I feel the WSW have been watching a strange movie – one in which, against the ruling class, the working class managed to get together and produce these vaccines themselves! This was presumably after we, the people, forced the rulers “kicking and screaming” into lockdown!
Oh yes – I remember now! When the MSM never once mentioned the virus and we, the people had to protest until eventually we ourselves downed tools before marching off to our homes where we knocked up these heroic vaccines in our back sheds! And then we had to campaign for months to get the governments to give mass vaccinations! And now these Right Wing bastards are trying to undo all our good work!
Excellent article …
A make-believe world, indeed. I find the left-right dualism of little use except as an aphorism. Perhaps we are looking at adults imprinted with a worldview by children’s stories.
On the right we have Cautionary Tales For Children, fearsome admonitions on the perils of going about with your guard down.
On the left we have The Golden Book of Fairy Tales, mostly fantasy with a just a touch of folk lore in the best examples.
Here’s my latest personal tale. In keeping with the observation above, it was a cautionary one, in which I lost nothing but time and learned a bit.
I suppose I may have been insulated against partisanship by the fact that I never really took an interest in politics until 9/11 after which there was a steep learning curve developing through questions about that event and then leading to a discovery of Marx who made a lot of sense. But even then (especially then?) I was made forcibly aware of a split between the “proper Marxist approach” and “conspiracy theory” – a split which seemed thoroughly artificial to me. And I started to suspect a bit of background intelligence manipulation to keep dissent divided against itself. This suspicion emerged into full view with covid – indeed it was unmistakable that the Marxist contingent, whatever it may have meant in the beginning, had been thoroughly “gotten to”.
Consequently whenever someone misinterprets Marx I feel the old hackles rising but am getting better at just moving on without comment – because it really doesn’t matter at the moment. Sadly I must now admit that Marx is the face much of the pandemic posturing now wears. I have yet to find one openly Marxist group that called covid out for the fraud it so obviously is. And that is sobering indeed.
But I think the underlying movement at work here is one that was symbolically given in an excellent Ray Bradbury story that formed part of his Martian Chronicles. A group of earthmen land on Mars to find the planet a simulacrum of their various childhoods where they are seduced by the sheer sense of nostalgia into becoming separated by what appear to be old family and friends. Each of the astronauts is lured away to a separate childhood home. And once separated ….
And I can’t resist but quote the story even though it is a lengthy quote, starting with the musing of one of the earthmen after he is “tucked up in the same bedroom as his brother”:
“…he thought, just suppose … Just suppose, now, that there were
Martians living on Mars and they saw our ship coming and saw us inside our
ship and hated us. Suppose, now, just for the hell of it, that they wanted to
destroy us, as invaders, as unwanted ones, and they wanted to do it in a very clever way, so that we would be taken off guard. Well, what would the best weapon be that a Martian could use against Earth Men with atomic weapons? The answer was interesting. Telepathy, hypnosis, memory, and imagination.
Suppose all of these houses aren’t real at all, this bed not real, but only
figments of my own imagination, given substance by telepathy and hypnosis
through the Martians …
And suppose those two people in the next room, asleep, are not my mother
and father at all. But two Martians, incredibly brilliant, with the ability to
keep me under hypnosis all of the time.
… What more natural? What more unsuspecting? What more simple? A man doesn’t ask too many questions when his mother is suddenly brought back to life; he’s much too happy. And here we all are tonight, in various houses, in various beds, with no weapons to protect us, and the rocket lies in the moonlight, empty. And
wouldn’t it be horrible and terrifying to discover that all of this was part of
some great clever plan by the Martians to divide and conquer us, and kill us?
Sometime during the night, perhaps, my brother here on this bed will change
form, melt, shift, and become another thing, a terrible thing, a Martian. It
would be very simple for him just to turn over in bed and put a knife into my
heart. And in all those other houses down the street, a dozen other brothers or fathers suddenly melting away and taking knives and doing things to the
unsuspecting, sleeping men of Earth …
His hands were shaking under the covers. His body was cold. Suddenly it
was not a theory. Suddenly he was very afraid.
He lifted himself in bed and listened. The night was very quiet. The music
had stopped. The wind had died. His brother lay sleeping beside him.
Carefully he lifted the covers, rolled them back. He slipped from the bed
and was walking softly across the room when his brother’s voice said, ‘Where are you going?’
His brother’s voice was quite cold. ‘I said, where do you think you’re
‘For a drink of water.’
‘But you’re not thirsty.’
‘Yes, yes, I am.’
‘No, you’re not.’
Captain John Black broke and ran across the room. He screamed. He
screamed twice.
He never reached the door.”
Seriously sobering and interesting read. Thank you.
The left-right continuum makes a lot of sense if you’re debating economics but little to none otherwise. The specific meaning has been more or less totally effaced by the legions of people who use these terms to mean “warm fuzzy” or “bad stuff that I disagree with” rather than giving any consideration to where they fit compared to other possible policies. Something with at least two axes e.g. the Political Compass conveys so much more, but everyone wants to reduce everything to a binary these days.
If they genuinely, sincerely believe more than 10 million have been killed by a lethal virus, they’re the stupidest, most credulous, most out of touch buffoons to walk the earth and should never be allowed to hold political power anywhere, anytime.
If they’re lying for whatever reason, they’re the most shameless liars, even worse than the MSM, and should likewise be prevented from having power.
Regarding those quotes, I think the WSW must be the single worst news source on the entire planet right now. Even the mainstream scare porn of 4 million dead isn’t enough, these lunatics need it to be 10 million, how long before they’re claiming it’s 50 million?
Im sure their groupies like Zaremba believe every word, too.
At least it wasn’t six million; that number has been done to death.
“Done to death”, eh? Very droll!
Apart from that, I’m pretty sure that the number “six million” has long since been copyrighted, or trademarked, or whatever the correct term is for “legally deemed to be exclusive intellectual property”.
Unlicensed use will have serious adverse legal and financial consequences!
Who owns the rights? In a wily or desperate attempt to circumvent the spidery spamcheck, I’ll only hint that it’s the “industry” exposed by Norman Finkelstein. 😉
To be generous, I think a lot of their membership and readers have been lulled into a group-think, and stupidly defend their little information silo. Since March of 2020, given that they accepted at face value the mainstream Narrative on Covid (only thinking the the MSM and governments were underplaying the impending doom) I was compelled to conclude that they or, more precisely their leadership, were actually a CIA-controlled organization. Since then, the WSWS/SEP have only provided more grist to that conclusion. In the past, less radical leftist organizations would see the WSWS as kind of a touchstone, and would frequently cite their views. In summary, they are not dumb but are providing a very important propaganda role on the radical left and left in general.
Yes you’ve got it in one. Their comments (i.e. the ones they permitted to appear) were always depressingly uniform. That’s why, after an initial bit of covid mockery – which their administrator countered at once (a very unusual procedure for them and possibly indicative of a large sceptical faction), I never bothered going any further.
THEY own the MSM doncha know.
Jesus wept… These demented fruitcakes in the WSWS seriously need psychological help. However, given their frothing hysterics and over the top fear porn for over 16 months, as well as being in contravention of the Nuremburg Code by pushing this jab onto innocent people, and helping prolong this nightmare by their full compliance, I actually wish they’d line up for their two jabs and just fuck right off.
Did I mention to you that while browsing through Carolyn Zaremba’s Facebook page there was definitely a theme going on in who she was linking articles from: The Guardian, WSWS, BBC and Caitlin Johnstone. How unsurprising.
I don’t know how you have the stomach to wade through their shite. You deserve a medal for that alone.
Perhaps there’s method in their madness.
Let’s say the WSW was “paid” to heavily promote all aspects of the “pandemic” in order to further the absurd notion that the entire project is one great big Communist plot.
Then throw in the pretend Communism of China and – Voila! – you’ve created a most convenient boogey man.
(BTW,I get uncomfortable using the term “Voila” ever since watching a Lewis Black skit where he says you should ONLY use the term Voila if, upon opening a package of rubbers, one leaps out, flies across the room, and lands on your dick. Then you can say “Voila!”)
I think a good working translation of “Voilà!” would be:
“Well, look at that!”
That would give new meaning to the word “pingback”!
you gave me a giggle, but then I thought… “pingdemic” pmsl
This is the best comment I have seen from you.
They are tightening the screws.
Australian Government Criminality and the Deliberate Implosion of Sydney (
The terms of supply appear to be fairly standard. Suppliers will try to exercise the most favourible terms for themselves. It is up to the customer to push back. Nothing unusual in any of this.
However, Pfizer was understood to have placed excessive pressure on receiving countries to provide security guarantees. In some cases, even military bases/assets, sovereign wealth funds. All very odd for a toxic juice supplier. Along the way, a number of dissenting leaders have passed away under odd circumstances.
There is a lot more to this than simple supply.
Was there an assassination attempt on the leader of Madagascar recently ?
Apparently, allegedly with two French nationals involved.
Hello dnomsed: Indemnity (hold harmless) clauses are part of of Uniform Commercial Code > Uniform Commercial Code | Uniform Commercial Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
Uniform contracts law governs contractual transactions with real estate, services, insurance, intangible assets and employment, they are enforceable under Common Law jurisdictions.
How many people have read their “implied” contracts with companies such as Verizon, T mobile, AT&T? That’s why they get screwed into the ground 24/7 whilst silently saying yes, yes, yes to the rape…
Agreed. It honestly pays dividends to study the fine print.
Meanwhile you have Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent the Chief Midwife of UK writing a letter reminding all healthcare professionals that they “have a responsibility to proactively encourage pregnant women” to get vaccinated.
“Vaccines save lives, and this is another stark reminder that the Covid-19 jab can keep you, your baby and your loved ones, safe and out of hospital,” the chief midwife told pregnant women.
Whether the above contract is genuine or not it is already widely known that:
The jabs are not vaccines
Pharma cannot get sued for death or injury caused by it
The jabs are still being trialled
Pregnant women have to be super careful about what they ingest or inhale
Yet you have the Chief Midwife coercing pregnant ladies to inject this poison into their arms!!!
i know someone who went into hospital and was told they had covid, there symptoms?, runny nose, fever, achy muscles and poor appetite, also known and the exact same symptoms as, the flu. I do think some of these medical professionals are not as knowledgeable as they think they are.
possibly the most poignant message seen on a protest sign:
“At this point I would feel safer if Coronavirus held a press conference telling us how it’s going to protect us from Government”