What’s REALLY behind the war on home ownership?
Becoming a "Nation of Renters" is clearly a big part of the New Normal.
Kit Knightly

The incipient “Great Reset” is a multi-faceted beast. We talk a lot about vaccine passports and lockdowns and the Covid-realated aspects – and we should – but there’s more to it than that.
Remember, they want you to “own nothing and be happy”. And right at the top of the list of things you definitely shouldn’t own, is your own home.
The headlines about this have been steady for the last few years, but it has picked up pace in the wake of the “pandemic” (as has so much else). An agenda hidden on back pages, behind by Covid’s meaningless big red numbers, but perhaps no less sinister.
You can find articles all over the net talking up renting over owning.
Last month, for example, Bloomberg ran an article headlined:
America Should Become a Nation of Renters”
Which praises what they call “the liquefaction of the housing market” and gleefully expounds on the idea that “The very features that made home buying an affordable and stable investment are coming to an end.”
The Atlantic published “Why Its Better To Rent Than Own” in March.
Financial pages from Business Insider to Forbes to Yahoo and Bloomberg again are filled with lists titled “9 Ways Renting is Better Than Buying”, or similar.
Other publications go more personal with it, with anecdotal columns about ignoring financial advice and refusing to buy your home. Vox, never one to sell their agenda with any kind of subtlety, have a piece titled:
Homeownership can bring out the worst in you
Which literally argues that buying a house can make you a bad person:
It’s the biggest thing you might ever buy. And it could be turning you into a bad person.
So what exactly is the narrative here? What’s the story behind the story?
The short answer is fairly simple: It’s about greed, and it’s about control.
It almost always is, in the end.
The longer answer is rather more complicated. Major investment firms such as Vanguard and Blackrock, along with rental companies such as American Homes 4 Rent, are buying up single-family homes in record numbers – sometimes entire neighbourhoods at a time.
They pay well over market value, pricing families who want to own those homes out of the market, which forces the housing market up whilst the Lockdown-created recession is lowering wages and creating millions of newly unemployed.
Of course, this is motivating people to sell the houses they already own.
People all across America have been saddled with houses worth less than they bought them for since the 2008 economic crash, and are eager to take the cash from private investment firms paying 10-20% over market value. Combine an economic recession with a created housing boom and you have a huge population of motivated sellers.
Of course, many of these sellers don’t realise, until it’s too late, that even if they attempt to downsize or move to a cheaper area, they may be priced out of the market completely, and forced to rent.
As such, in the last year, the private investment share of single-family home purchases is estimated to have increased ten-fold, going from 2% in 2018 to over 20% this year.
As more and more people are forced to rent, of course, rental properties will be in higher and higher demand. This in turn will drive the cost of renting up.
Market Watch has already reported that, in the last year, rent has increased over 3x faster than the government predicted.
This problem is likely to get worse in the near future.
Last night, Congress “accidentally failed” to extend the Covid-related eviction ban.
Which means, this weekend, while Senators adjourn to the summer homes they probably don’t rent, the ban will officially end and a lot of people are likely to have their houses foreclosed or their landlords kick them out.
The newly empty buildings will be a feeding frenzy for the massive corporate landlords. Who will descend on the banks like starving hyenas to snap up the foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar. Just like they did in 2008.
None of this is any secret, it’s been covered in the mainstream. Tucker Carlson even did a segment on it in early June.
The Wall Street Journal headlined, back in April, “If You Sell a House These Days, the Buyer Might Be a Pension Fund”, and reported:
Yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family homes, competing with ordinary Americans and driving up prices
However, since then, something has clearly changed. The propaganda machine has kicked into gear to defend Wall Street from any backlash.
No better example of this shift can be found than The Atlantic, which ran this story in 2019:
With help from the federal government, institutional investors became major players in the rental market. They promised to return profits to their investors and convenience to their tenants. Investors are happy. Tenants are not.
…and this story last month:
The real villain isn’t a faceless Wall Street Goliath; it’s your neighbors and local governments stopping the construction of new units.
Going back to the Vox well we have:
Wall Street isn’t to blame for the chaotic housing market
Which ran just a few days after the Atlantic article, and is practically identical.
Both these (oddly similar) articles argue that Wall Street and private equity firms can’t be blamed for buying up houses, and that the real problem is the lack of supply to meet demand.
You see, all the “selfish” people who already own homes (they did say it makes you a bad person) are blocking the construction of new houses, and thus driving up the cost of property through scarcity.
This has been a logically flawed argument around the housing market for decades.
That there aren’t enough houses for people to buy is patently absurd when the US census data says that there are over 15 million houses currently standing empty. That’s enough to house all of America’s roughly 500,000 homeless people 30x over.
There’s plenty of houses, there’s just not enough money to buy them.
The reason for that is the same reason the California has massive “homeless camps” in its major cities, and that so many people are having to become renters instead of owners: wage stagnation.
For decades now, wage increases have lagged behind increases in the cost of living. In the 1960s one full-time job could afford a decent standard of living for a family of four or more. These days both parents work, sometimes multiple jobs each.
It was huge amounts of financial de-regulation which created this situation. So, whether you believe Vox’s BlackRock apologia or not, one way or another Wall Street very definitely is to blame.
But this isn’t just about money. It never is. Just as the war on cash isn’t just about efficiency, and the environmental push isn’t just about climate change. Ditto veganism. It’s about control. Just like vaccines, lockdowns and masks.
It always comes down to control.
It’s an oft-used cliche, but no less true for that, that homeowning “gives people a stake in society”. A family-owned house is a source of security for the future and something to leave your children. It is also sovereignty and privacy. Your own space that no one else can control or take away.
In short: A homeowner is independent. A renter is not. A renter can be controlled. A homeowner can not.
It’s the same reasoning behind the way working people were encouraged to take out loans and become debt slaves. If you limit people’s options, if you make them rely on you for a roof over their heads, you have control over them.
There’s a great article about this situation called “Your New Feudal Overlords”.
Under Feudalism, land wasn’t owned by the working class, but provided to them by landed barons, hence the term “Land Lord”. If you disrespected your Lord, or broke his rules, or he perceived another peasant/farm animal/crop would be a better use of the land, he could take it back.
Essentially, the behaviour of serfs was kept in check by their reliance on the nobility for a place to live. That’s very much the dynamic they’re going for here.
Rental agreements can be full of any terms and conditions the landlord wants, and the more desperate people get the more of their consumer rights they will sign over.
Maybe you’ll agree to smart meters which monitor your internet or power-usage habits, and then sell the data to behavioural modellers and viral marketers.
Maybe you’ll have to agree to certain power limitations or water shortages in order to “fight climate change”.
Maybe it will get worse than that.
Maybe they’ll go full Black Mirror style corporate dystopia. Maybe, through affiliation programs, the mega-equity firm which owns your rental house has ties to McDonald’s, and as such will require you to not eat at any competing fast-food franchises, or demand you observe at least ninety seconds of Disney advertisements per day.
Maybe it will be as simple as including vaccine status in the tenancy agreement, making it impossible for the unvaxxed to find a home.
Maybe they just want to make poor people miserable.
After all, the super-wealthy have got all the money they could ever need, and all the luxury they could ever use. Their living standards are as high as physically possible. So maybe the only way they can keep “winning”, is to start driving the living standards of us proles down.
No air travel. No vacations. No going out at all. Live in a tiny house, or a pod. Eat bugs. Get rid of your car. Rent your clothes. Or your furniture. Pay taxes on sugar. And alcohol. And red meat.
They’ve been very clear about this. They’ve told you about the Great Reset and the Internet of Things. That’s the plan.
You won’t own a house. And you’ll be happy…or else the mega-corporation you’re forced to rent from will kick you out.
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They’re working fast. What Dr. John Coleman refers to as ‘future shocks’. And we’ve been slow – that needs to change.
was with this until it took an anti-vaxx turn
If you question vaccine safety that doesn’t make you ‘anti-vaxx’. Try to be less brainwashed. A2
Moreover, believing your personal medical choices should, per existing law, remain private, is also not being “anti-vaxx.”
Having said that, anyone who thinks what’s happening now is a-OK has abdicated their responsibility as a citizen, and as such, really deserves to live in the world they’re helping to create more than anyone.
Watch this video and take back control of your health:
In the words of Dr. Gary G Kohls:
Here is a must-watch, totally-truthful, science-based, vaccinology-literate video for anyone who is considering getting a booster (or even an initial) dose of any of the still-experimental, still unproven for long-term safety or efficacy, mRNA Covid-19 inoculations. and then quickly forwarded on to loved ones before one of the many powers-that-be finds a way to shut it down.
I’ve never owned my own house, and knew at a young age I probably never would, unless I married into it, which hasn’t happened. I’ve realized wealth is relative, so am happy at my current level of wealth and ownership, as happy as a wealthier person is. One always wants better but that’s the human condition.
But I really take issue with private companies raping the land of it’s public monies, resources, and debt on future resources all in the name of ‘helping’. That is the public’s wealth, they have worked hard, paid taxes! It’s theft of the most vulnerable, however fancily one describes it, and it’s anti-human, anti-life.
Let them rent….its throwing money away! I’m happy to rent my house in the desert, and I’ll buy another one.
eh. I sold my house because I had this nasty feeling the local government would take it if I didn’t. This Flory guy—a fixture on the city council—raved about taking houses by eminent domain he didn’t fell were being kept up to snuff.
We had a few mayors who were in for a combination of decades. But then this woman got in and things never felt right again. I lived in “Witch City”, Salem it’s called. I knew the history of the trials was a sham. I wrote one story and wanted to write more, but didn’t dare because I still lived there. Pretty sure Sarah Ingersoll killed her arranged-marriage first husband to marry her first love.
Salem, Sarah, and Death
But the witch trials were not about the occult or moldy bread or demonic possession. It was about the wealthy and powerful killing people off to grab land—sound familiar?
I stuck to the happier scams to save my own skin:
Salem is the Halloween Capital of the World
I now know that person in that office is NWO. Damn am I glad I got out of there. Most of the funds are gone, so nothing will be left for the NWO to take.
Here you go! You’re prettymuch right on the money!
Germans rent at 75%?
One of the many problems with renting is you typically have to move every couple of years. When prices go up the owners like to sell. You can’t make any changes to the place and that often includes growing a garden.
This is an excellent article which should be blatantly obvious to all by now: Blackstone/BlackRock and the CCP are the major real estate owners — this is the culmination of the 50-year long Rockefeller Plan, hatched by the meetings of Rockefeller and Mao and Zhou when Nixon and Kissinger, David Rockefeller’s minions, flew to Beijing with Rockefeller aboard Air Force One!
Blackstone Group — founded with Rockefeller seed money by DR’s minion, Peter G. Peterson — owned 30% of BlackRock which was spun off from the Blackstone Group — who knows what their ownership is today?!
In the 1970s Rockefeller and the Chicoms created the Rigged Market of Rigged Markets — the control of capital/labor between these two economies, establishing them as the top 2 economies 50 years later — eventually merging Wall Street and the CCP, which is exactly what happened!
IT IS ALL ABOUT the ultra-concnetration of ownership — welcome to the Global Neofeudalist State.
Stop on, finally someone gets it
“Major investment firms such as Vanguard and Blackrock” … this is not accurate. It suggests that there are many independent investment companies and that two of these are doing this buying up. Vanguard (privately owned) owns most shares of Blackrock as well as most of the other main players. Vanguard sits at the top of the pyramid of power and money and is THE big monopolist in this world. See this video
You make a very silly and very confused criticism and you present a video by a very confusing German fellow — Euros always seem to use 20 sentences when 1 sentence would suffice!? WHAT you stated is factually incorrect!
The Big Four investment firms are BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity (and Vanguard isn’t privately owned — that’s Fidelity).
They are the major shareholders in the majority of major corporations including the top banks, Big Tech and PuppetMedia, etc.
They are also the major shareholders in each other: the major shareholders in BlackRock are Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity; the major shareholders in Vanguard are BlackRock, State Street and Fidelity, etc. — thus they are cross-shareholding which effectively multiples their financial power and influence while also effectively constituting one, single financial entity!
Also, their cross-shareholding is further exponentially amplified as they are the top shareholders of so many companies — and in the majority of instances where they do not appear to be in the top four they are the major shareholders in the others who appear — e.g., Berkshire Hathaway, Wellington, etc.
(Hopefully this site won’t censor this comment as they did my last one — why I seldom comment at this CENSORING site!)
Ok, instead of “inaccurate” I should have said that there is a lot more to it, as you helpfully point out too. Thank you for this further insight.
If you don’t own real property, your economic security and independence is weakened. For the last 20 years I’ve owned at least 2 places to live just for extra safety. At this time I have 3. But then I’ve been a real estate investor for almost 50 years.
Many people will remember the 1980’s “Right to Buy” scheme where rental properties owned by councils or housing associations were forced on the market to be sold to sitting tenants at deep discounts. This didn’t create a generation of homeowners, what it did was provide a temporary windfall which took low cost housing and made it high cost. At the time few people realized this, they were too focused on the windfall (which may have been taxed as a capital gain — anyone know?) to understand the implications. The result now is that people I know live in quite expensive ‘ex-council’ houses — and the people who might have lived in council houses live where?
I should mention that by law councils who were forced to sell their property were not allowed to invest the proceeds into new housing. It had to go into the general fund to keep rates low.
(I thought at the time this would all end in tears…..)
All of that reminds me the iconic dialogue with the “terrorist leader” in good old Deus Ex
Am I the only one suspicious of UK Government (or other ones for that matter) “Government Backed Mortgages”?
Same as I’m now cacking my pants about the bounce back loan I took to get my business back up and running after lockdown 1 – I feel owned
Has anyone experienced the home rental market in the UK recently. I hear it’s becoming the wild west and so many people after 1 property letting agents now accepting sealed offers. I can confirm or deny, just what I have heard through friends.
‘Veganism is about control.’
Funny how one little aside can suddenly make everything else sound more dubious.
I’ve never had any indication that the Vegans I’ve known were coerced by anything but their own conscience… I may not be inclined to join them, but the theory that they were somehow brainwashed by mainstream media at the behest of financial concerns is bordering on space lizard overlord territory.
“Veganism is not a problem. Not wanting to consume meat and meat products is commendable and honorable. The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psychopaths are glomming on to the issue as cover, so the world does not see them for the mass murdering thieving slimy, sleazy career criminals that they are.”

Good analysis. Effectively, the US Constitution was Revolutionary because it made a statement that Individual Rights were going to be protected for everyone. In these Rights is understood the right to own, a key feature of real capitalism. But when we can’t make the difference anymore between Major Corporations and Government, and these mega corporations get into a complicit scheme to own everything…our individual rights dissipate.
Prior to the US revolution, Individual Rights were
closely correlated with social status which is closely related to economic
You just need to read the Plea (https://craigwright.net/blog/bitcoin-blockchain-tech/satoshi-and-the-sophists/
) Mega elitists such as Craig Steven Wright, the fake Satochi Nakamoto and
pretend Bitcoin creator, to understand to core of the Big Post Covid Reset…it’s
running back to your life being a Privilege distributed by the State.
In English, 2 words describe the core of our rights:
Freedom and Liberty. One carries a exogenous dimension (Liberty), the other an
Endogenous one (Freedom). In the French language, there is no such nuance. And
Liberty and Freedom are only Liberté And it their dictum “Liberté Égalité
Fraternité”, an Individual Rights incompetency arise. Because with these 3
words persists the idea that we are foremost a community before being
Individuals, in line with a Matriarchal concept, but the Antitheses of the American Original vision.
Is it surprising that Sarkozy promulgated laws which
made it so that even in your House, what you say may be held against you. In France, if
more than 3 persons in a house are talking, and that one is not a direct member
of the family in the first degree, any hate speech articulated may send you in
prison and get you a fine…No sanctity in the Household, even if you are the
It is perhaps ironic that in the UK home ownership was first used to break the unity of the working class and push through neo-liberalism in the form of selling council houses (i.e. local authority owned social housing) at cheap prices to tenants and thus winning their support, yet the same forces now seem intent on ending mass home ownership.
I want to know who’s gonna buy all the houses Boris wants in his “build back better” policy. If we can get any building supplies to even build houses.
It is all money laundry. The construction industry and film production industry are the best Money Laundering Machines i.e. Suckers of the Filthy Money (which is the previously citizens’ earned money streamlined into cocaine or other filthy business secured by CIA & MOSSAD = criminal entities with criminal purposes, and re-pumped back into previously made transaction netting within financial institutions and big corporations. In such a way the middle (working, employed) class gets destroyed. 5% (the Few) own everything, 10% of skilled technical professionals (the Minority) run financial firms and companies for the Owners, and 85% (the Majority) are enslaved by precariousness of all kinds. So much about “democracy” in which the Majority rules. Irony.
For all those who hated her and still blame her for everything, Mrs Thatcher placed owning one’s own home at the centre of her ideology – freedom comes from having assets and owning your own home (eventually outright, and passing on those assets to one’s children). Today’s so-called ‘capitalist’ ideology has nothing to do with capital, in fact, it is the antithesis of capital, it is a Government-corporate fascist state where the economic might of the state is turned against the citizen and used to fund oligarchy and the profit of a small minority at the expense of the majority. In the UK, since Tony Blair and Gordon Brown all parties have followed that narrative and we are (almost literally) slavishly following the USA. The Covid and Global Warming scams are being utilised to speed up the change to ‘owning nothing and being happy’. The farmers are next – big Agro wants their land, and they are mostly small ‘c’ conservatives so must be erradicated. May God help us all…
When I heard she had died, I was inconsolable. I needed two beers at a street party to feel better.
These days when I try to look up Off Guardian in my browser (DuckDuckGo) instead of getting the website I get “Off Guardian media bias/fact check” and “Off Guardian pseudopandemic,” an article by Iain Davis from June 29 and then some more links to sites not exactly complimentary about Off Guardian. I managed to find t his article through a facebook link. Have other people being having these problems? What would you suggest I do?
Bookmark it.
Yes, I noticed that issue too. Duck Duck Go has turned into Google. They have the same awful, censored, falsely ranked results. The intelligence agencies are controlling the web crawling. They initiated Tech and DARPA-net. We have censorship, globally now that’s the same as China. There are many sites that we cannot see. I’ve noticed a difference in my search results year by year, and now almost week by week. It’s crazy that a site such as off-guardian, which is mild in terms of challenging “the state” (mainstream) propaganda is being actively censored.
I see the move to google by DuckDuckGo – a pity it was good whilst it lasted.
Which search engine can we use instead?
Believe it or not, Bing (Micro$oft) is probably the best of a bad lot for now.
Search for Off-Guardian and the first link that comes up for me is Covid Vaccines: The “LEAKED” Pfizer Contract
Try Qwant.com, it’s a French privacy oriented search engine, they have their own search algorithms and databases, originally they were based off of Bing. It’s excellent.
I have used this one called swisscows.
Thanks for memtioning that!
Use Yandex.com, the Russian counterpart to Google. It works and doesn’t censor searches.
Never close the tab on your browser. This way any time you open the browser, the page is loaded.
If I search for ‘Off Guardian’ or ‘OffGuardian’ on DuckDuckGo or Google using my iPhone, the OffG website comes up first for me every time.
Manfred Max-Neef, the late “Barefoot Economist” from Chile, who lectured at UC Berkeley, said 5 or 10 years ago that USAmerica was the 1st “Undeveloping Nation” and cited formerly affluent homeowners living in vans at the curbside of their foreclosed mansions.
An analogue to this, for “dot” collectors, is what Alan Watts called over 50 years ago “the Los Angelization of the world” (himself an L. A. resident, and as a bonus fun fact, interviewed my old man, a profoundly corporatist lawyer — ecjlaw.com — for his services, in 1969, and declined them, despite an intro from his friend Laura Huxley).
Both the LosAngelization of the World and Undevelopment are sorry symptoms of the same disease of Organized Greed, without an apparent immune system or other remedy in most societies, since Intel is busily employed with its vast armies of termites to eviscerate all these structures, many ages old.
The controlled demolition of our societies and cultures goes on apace, with accelerants of salivating covetousness, institutionalized sins.
I myself have always preferred the nomadic way, the street, rich with the opportunities for unconventional wisdom, such as contented any number of native peoples here in USA, before having even their tribal roots and networks here largely deracinated and decimated by “settlers”.
And, even more so, “developers”.
All as a fairly recent development into this Age of Undevelopment.
I met a guy 50 miles down the coast near the seaside in Bucanneer Park, Oceanside, north San Diego County. We talked a long time one sunny day, he told me from the front seat of his high end Lexus luxury model how he had been living there in his car with his cat for three years, after losing his mansion with custom swimming pool. He had little street savvy and I cringed while he told me, with childlike naiveté, stories of being mistreated by all the usual suspects, health agencies, other street people, and on and on. I tried to warn him, seeing one gnarly red flag after another, but it went in one ear and out the other, from what I could tell.
Here in the US, the CDC mandated a policy to prohibit eviction of renters for 1 year (that has just now expired). Many landlords sustained huge financial losses or bankruptcy as their renters became squatters. What this might portend for our biowarfare future is the squeezing of individual/small group rental property ownership using onerous regulation, a lack of access to financing, etc. to foster the consolidation of rental property by mega/global corporations who will seamlessly align with any and all tenets of The Great Reset.
Do they not fear that creating a population that owns nothing, that population also have nothing to lose?
Probably not. The English “tramps” as we used to call them in “Down and Out in Paris and London” were so badly fed that they had no spirit to rebel. That’s probably what’s happening now.
Orwell noted the disappearance of the “London mob” which had still been a phenomenon even in the 19th century.
In Athens the police tend to make their presence felt more, but it is a hot Mediterranean country and it had a civil war and military coups in the 20th century. The British are quite supine and I expect this not to change.
You are living in the 20th century — the technology now exists to biologically enslave us all!
Look up graphene and mRNA vaxes —- then look up that Harvard professor and department chair who is being prosecuted for his lying about being a visiting professor at the Wuhan University of Technology, Charles Lieber.
His patents and papers concern graphene-based syringe-injectable nanomesh neuro laces to cover the human brain and act as neural links to external comm devices.
see my comment above yours. Besides what I relate there, all the other tech giants are investing in sovereignty-overrides. Robot Zuck hired Regina Dugan for his Bldg. 8 in Palo Alto, CA., and gave her a 200 $million budget to develop an interface between our smartphone/laptop cameras and out irises, to read subtle changes which they insist reflect exactly our brain activity.
And then translate them into text. You’ll look at your next Windows version and think, “I think I’ll check your email” and your email will pop up. Or other things of like ilk, etc. yadaya
Yes, that’s an excellent fact and point (That DARPA dudette, Regina)— the mRNA and graphene and Charles Liever of the syringe-injectable neural link and his time as a visiting prof at the Wuhan University of Technology is chilling — especially given all his patents and papers on that stuff!
With Amazon’s Sidewalk, Facebook as you mentioned, Bill Gates being an advisor to the Chinese Communist Party and his connections to EVERYTHING, the future does look rather bleak!
Check out the papers on the right side of the first link below:
“Do they not fear that creating a population that owns nothing, that population also have nothing to lose?”
They’ve got that part worked out, or think they do, or they would not have sprung this on us, as a sort of penultimate provisional coup de grace. No 1789 Tennis Courts in Paris and sans culottes revolutions, now. There is way too tight a system of Matrix for any shenanigans like that. 50 years ago Cesar Chavez and MLK wondered how they would not get traction among their members, so much inner resistance. They had no idea how deep, wide, and omnipresent systems of surveillance were back then, even with old school tech.
And believe me, that old school tech was decades ahead of what we thought it was, or even know NOW, because it was a closely kept secret system. Now, it’s light years ahead of what it was then.
Nissan has a car where the dummy wears headphones (the KURO concept car) or so it seems: actually, a headset, that is an e.e.g. device. They claim it can read your brainwaves and communicate with your car computer, which can react to a crash scenario, and right the ship, up to a half second faster than the driver.
Think of what the CIA is doing with brain-reading technology. If you do a search, Google has these little droplet-down text mini-menus that say “brain-reading tech is able to translate thoughts into text with 98% accuracy.”
Yikes, huh.
Negative Interest Rates
Why doesn’t anyone discuss zero to negative interest rates ? Why has this unprecedented phenomenon been pushed by the banksters ?
In America, the government owns your home even if you pay the banksters off. Don’t pay your property tax and out on the street you go.
I’ve given this a lot of thought over the last dozen years. And done a lot of research too. It is one of the most important mechanisms of transforming middle-class life into out and out serfdom in America, this taking away the possibility of home ownership. First they went after the millennials, by way of impossible levels of student debt (so they couldn’t buy a house), then they worked on the problem of what to do about the existing tens of millions of homeowners. Private equity entered into the picture big-time and since then has been at it relentlessly. Basically, it is not possible for any normal middle-class person to buy a home in any desirable part of the country (and increasingly even the less desirable, more remote and inaccessible parts), because you can’t compete with the endless cash resources of private equity. The article is very right, and I have had the same thesis in mind for many years: homeownership provides a form of security, a political voice that comes from power, that the new feudal lords have to get rid of at any cost. And they’ve succeeded without any noise.
IT IS ALL ownership —- not just home ownership! Who owns the banks?
In a study of the Rockefeller Financial Group back in the early 1970s by Prof. James Knowles (impossible to find now, although once frquently found in other book citations), Prof. Knowles wrote that the owners of the banks was a carefully guarded secret.
Once upon a time we knew the duPont family owned GM — no longer. Today, seldom do we know who owns anything as most everything is owned by a select few!
Recall that the original primary investors in Intel, Apple and Microsoft was the Rockefller family — who are the principal investors today — not the investment firms of BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, etc., but those investing through them???
aY!!! Where you been.???
Young ones 1980, men behaving badly 1997, friends 1995 (shared accommodation no ownership), Robert de niro The Intern 2016 which helped shaped normalize working till 70+ living in shared accommodation and retirement is boring..Carrying on working for free.
In 2010 The daily failed > the red tops shill papers all had sync huge articles about how B&Q wartmart (asda u.k) etc was hiring only older people(over 50/55 generation) as they was more reliable than the youngsters.. they was really happy
slavesworkers!”They changed the terminology minimal wage to ‘national wage’ OKEY can you live in a city buy a home on national wage errrr no! Can you in Europe err no! can you in usa errrr no.!
You can just about half live.
Sound good though national wage. Rhythms was slave .U.k Food banks to USA food stamps .rhythms, sound friendly nice helpful. it aint.
The Communistatives expected people who lost their jobs during the recession and banking taxpayer bailout to work for free or get sanction . In fact the whole Reagan thatcher era welfare to work was about free slave labour, U>k YTS scheme was a scam free labor with the promise of a job at the end of 2 years I no not one person who got a job at the end of 2 years. All the employers did was get another mug for free to work 6 days a week and the mug paid up front for the bus fare to get it back at the end of the week with a load of hassle the fake promise of something at the end of the rainbow.
I could go one all day how TV series from 3 decades ago to the latest holly werid flick normalizes shared accommodation and working till death for free.
During the breXxit mega ritual the pension age was uppted 2 years they did it in France and the yellow vest movement started around that time which made it the longest demonstration in French history until Bs19 came along and stopped it all.
Now it hit the middle and some of the alt media channels it turned into the invisible energy doing this! and that when it isnt it the usual lot. It just you haven’t been paying attention as usual as most of you been reading the scrpits they been giving you..
allodial allodium
allodal whatever
freehold in the uk is not ownership it is posher version of leashold
when they say you will own nothing in the future it is pretty true today
1666 cesti que vie act
slave system
It may be possible to quibble on this point, but I don’t think the great reset agenda is looking to simply rebrand ‘freehold’, I think they’re intent on eliminating it, so everyone exists in corporate state-owned accommodation. No property rights for private citizens. A2
“No property rights for private citizens”
Why so stalinist?
It’s not necessary at all.
They will just make us so poor, that we won’t be able to own anything of relevance, everything courtesy of free market inclusive capitalism.
They are well on track, today this is home, in few years you won’t be able to afford an electric car, carbon indulgences will impoverish us further…
People will have tooth brush and clothes of their Choice. And be happy, yeaaaa
I was pointing toward the WEF’s vision of ‘you will own nothing and be happy’. A2
I am noting an increase in homelessness.
I think they might just push people to rebellion, and are beefing up police and surveillance to that end.
…Where there’s *Rent* there are *Rentiers*…
“The Cantillon effect
The Cantillon effect was explained by Richard Cantillon (1680s – 1734) an Irish-French economist and author of “Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général” (Essay on the Nature of Trade in General). In his Essay, Cantillon provided an advanced version the quantity theory of money, however he also dug deeper and perceptively into the relative inflation associated with the introduction, circulation and velocity of money. He explained that the original recipients of new money enjoy higher standards of living at the expense of later recipients. This is because of inflation in asset prices e.g. affecting house prices and rents and as a result of time lags impacted by a disproportionate relative inflation in prices of assets and goods decreasing value of money in the hands of non-asset holding individuals i.e. the majority. These concepts of relative inflation, or a differential rise in prices among different goods in an economy, is now known as the Cantillon effect. The Cantillon effect has two components. One is the impact of new money on differential inflation rates between assets and consumption items and, the other, is the real incomes and wealth effects that result in an increasing disparity in incomes and wealth within the country. Under QE this effect has been extreme because banks short-circuited money distribution largely to themselves and a reduced number of large corporate customers to deal in assets and share buy backs. It is self-evident that if rentiers maintain a gowth in income that is ifnlation proof the state of theri real income will constantly rise. However, this is not the case of the state of real incomes for an increasing majority of the population. This Bank of England “policy” has done little to help the conditions of the working population which is becoming increasingly asset-less. This mechansim constraining asset access and accumulation by the majority is a driver of an inevitable future increasing inequality.”
“The nature of asset-derived income
Thostein Veblen identified the problems we now face, back in 1921, well before the 1929 New York Stock Exchange crash, when he examined trends in financialisation and the growth in the rentier class in manufacturing and industry. Financialization is the process whereby all economic considerations are reduced to a nominal financial quantification usually measured in the local currency or expressed in a common currency by applying exchange rates.
The crucial problem with financialization is that what appear to be distinct policies or even schools of thought, such as Keynesianism or Monetarism, and supply side economics are in fact questions of emphasis on which aspect of financialization is more significant as a policy target. These are aggregate demand (expressed as a quantified monetary aggregate) or money supply (expressed as a quantified monetary aggregate). Increasingly economic activities involve so-called financial engineering where the manipulation of numbers substitutes for real production or services where income is received in return for little effort beyond the holding of some asset which generates an income from those who make use of the asset. This has created a major financial services activity that is made up of über-rentiers.”
…(Emphasis mine…)
…Now tell me, what’s *Wrong* with *This* picture?… – Note the 2008-2020 QE ‘ramp’, then note the 2020-2021 *Spike*… – Then further note the L/H scale is in 1,000s of Billions, ie: *Trillions* (…Pic from University of Michigan’s Federal Reserve Economic Database, sourced from this article:
…US M1 Money Supply, 1960-2021:
(…Q: – Now just *Where* do y’all think pretty much *Alla* that *Went* (and subsequently *Stayed Put*)?…)
I think you are over intellectualizing the systemic fraud of fantasy finance/financial engineering.
As Thorstein Veblen once said:
“What is, is wrong.”
First time commenting here. Today I just couldn’t stand.
I’ve checked the whole article and comments for instances of ‘capitali’.
Until now just 4 instances, not a one in article. Horror!!!
No wonder we are in deep shit, since knowledge of who is banging us from behind is almost literally absent.
Century+ years ago Marx predicted, capitalism will end in monopoly capitalism and that is exactly what we are experiencing now. They will buy everything, they will control everything. Sadly, even majority of the “left” would probably not agree with me on this point, because they believe monopoly capitalism happened during robber barons times. Never mind that concentration of capital today is unprecedented and is just increasing.
And when I hear lamenting about feudalism…….I don’t know whether to be sad or angry.
From article: “The short answer is fairly simple: It’s about greed, and it’s about control. ”
Sure, control, power, no doubt. But greed…..
Invoking greed is completely useless psychologization.
It’s excellent time for an adage, one profane and profound:
Why a dog is licking his balls?
Because he is able to, because he can!!!!
No bs about he likes it or……ability is first.
Therefore the right question is:
What is the basis that allows today monopolists to grab?
I haven’t been precise enough in the third line from the end.
It’s not just that ability is first, it is a necessary condition.
To rephrase the final question, a million dollar question, not a rhetorical question, for most people is unfortunately like to ask what 42 means and I predict I won’t get the right answer:
What is the ultimate necessary condition for monopolists’ grabbing???
Well, I thought that was another fine rant from Kit.
“Just as the war on cash isn’t just about efficiency, and the environmental push isn’t just about climate change…” I found that passage odd. I don’t really know what Kit means by “push” there. But supposing that he’s referring to a campaign to deal with environmental devastation, which I fully support (when genuine), I would argue then that that’s backwards. If the climate crisis movement, and viruses and pandemics, are meant to distract us from the devastation caused by too free capitalists (and their irresponsible, destructive industrial practices that, among other things, lead to the poisoning of the planet), then I would put those two items Kit mentioned in reverse order. The climate crisis – ardent climate change fighters call it climate crisis – movement is not really about, and will not actually address, environmental destruction.
That is correct. Global warming is a myth. Environmental devastation is real.
You are full of horse snit, people become renters, instead of owners: because of wage stagnation. absolutely not, its because of price inflation brought about by government spending. .. and government’s need to pay off the debts they burdened the homeowner with..
Both — and very obvious so no points for you!
The investor class has a powerful ally (as if we didn’t know that) in the FHA in the US.
Example: the condo community I live in now has so many rentals that the FHA will not approve a loan. Since these are lower end condos, FHA loan approval is absolutely crucial for a prospective buyer.
Consequently, one has almost no choice but to sell to an investor – who is able to pay cash.
They got you coming and going.
…Welcome to Planet Company-Town:…
The song is based on the reality of manual labour in a coal mine.
Most youngsters in the west can not image that is is possible to move sixteen tons in weight without mechanical assistance.
I never worked in the coal mines like my father and my grand father and brother in law. Although I was offered a job down the mines.
I once loaded about sixteen tons over an eight hour period. In my 20s I loaded a large lorry with over 300 large 22″ CRT TV’s weighing about 100 pounds each from a warehouse on my own. First stacking them one by one on pallets then using a fork lift truck to load them into the lorry. Climbing into the lorry and using a pallet mover to position them inside the lorry.
But I was not working in the harsh conditions of a coal mine.
…Same here re: coal mining and suchlike:… – *Never* known work like *That*, thank Gawd!… – 16 tons in 8 hours, so 2 tons an hour… – I did used to work as van boy for Caerns and Brown, a wholesale food/catering distributor doing restaurants, pubs, office/factory canteens, etc.,… – We used to hump 25kg bags of flour on occasion (most individual orders were grouped into a wheelie cage), so going metric for a minute your typical coal miner’d be shifting the equivalent of *80* of those sacks of flour *Per Hour*!…
…Another van boy-type gig I had back then was as Installer with Radio Rentals (no longer exist, but look em’ up), right around when wide-screen/home cinema (+amps/speakers) was just becoming a thing, but the tellys were all still CRT, so yeah… – I know *Very Well* what you mean there… – Hotel contracts were always particularly *Fun*, though at least they were generally all 14″ Trinitron-style portables, but still, anywhere between 100-300-odd, depending on the hotel, up and down stairs 2 at a time with the top one tucked under yer chin if Teh Management wouldn’t free up a lift (elevator if you’re a yank) from guest use (which was quite often)… – *Happy Days*… 🙂
…Johnny Cash’s version of John Henry’s Hammer off the Folsom Prison live album is another fave of mine…
And based upon the ultra-concentration of ownership — where we are today globally
Yup. Ban ownership all non-resident owned property, along with the existence of all forms of corporate stock ownership, and the “rental” problem resolves in a flash. Of course no one backs these logical remedies, because they’re invested in IMF and World Bank controlled portfolios and pension funds.
Who’s zoomin’ who?
some guy in libya did it once, does anyone remember what happened to him?
Hello kevx: >
Muammar al Gaddafi
“Today there is swine flu. Perhaps tomorrow there will be fish flu, because sometimes we produce viruses by controlling them. It is a commercial business. Capitalist companies produce viruses so that they can generate and sell vaccinations. That is very shameful and poor ethics. Vaccinations and medicine should not be sold,” he said.
He went on to say that “medicines should be free of charge and vaccinations given free to children, but capitalist companies produce the viruses and vaccinations and want to make a profit. Why are they not free of charge? We should give them free of charge, and not sell them.”
Muammar Gaddafi Speech To United Nations
September 23, 2009
Sure our equally faux Govt will soon roll out this horror show too:
Hello everyone!
Re: Housing market in cities.
Its fckin scandalous what’s going on in cities throughout the world. Average people who work damned hard for their barely minimum wages can’t get the mortgages to afford to buy at even the bottom end of the market in the cities they were born in. They can’t save enough for a deposit cos the prices are constantly rising. Private rentals are through the roof and there is a very, very long waiting list for cheaper, social housing.
This is an excellent documentary I saw on TV not so long ago. Sorry I can’t find a link for the whole film.The situation has gotten even worse since this film was made in 2019.
‘Push’ 2019 trailer:
‘Landlords without faces. Apartments without renters. A documentary exploring the new, unlivable city. Housing prices are skyrocketing in cities worldwide. Incomes are not. The working and middle classes are getting pushed out of cities, while financial powerhouses use housing as a place to park money. PUSH is a documentary from award-winning director Fredrik Gertten, investigating why we can’t afford to live in our own cities anymore. We follow UN Special Rapporteur on Housing, Leilani Farha, on her quest to understand who’s getting squeezed, who’s getting rich and why housing has become one of today’s most pressing world issues? ‘
The film had its World Premiere at CPH:DOX, 2019, where it won the coveted Audience Award.
I don’t know how wonderful a mortgage is. My darling ex paid for it for a while. Though as a migrant DownUnder coming from Berlin about 75% rent. The way the city council adminsters a quarter of a million buildings means rent doesn’t kill life off as it does in similar sized anglo amerikanized cities like Sydney, which mortgage as the con to freedom when you are almost dead means no life before you get there. Saving for the deposit for instance at a time when you are twenty something should be spent getting ripped into life. Conconvid 19-33 or not. Sitting nowhere to save every penny because you known when you’re old blah blah blah leaves no money to get into life. Which is perhaps what the politicians want. As they are proving with the lock up regime of no choice. Furthermore one’s money ought if possible to be invested in you choice so that with a better saving amount nationally foreign take overs will less than more. In Australia is it basically non existent. No one invests in anything. When Darwin harbour was up for the 99 yr lease no Australian firm, company or investors stepped up because the money was wasted in non productive real estate. The Chinese won the contract. Now the government is complaining that this is the Chinese Governments infiltration of Australia. Well almost. Implied. Apart from nearly all production DownUnder is US, UK, Holland and then EU, Japan in minerals mainly. The Chinese have stopped buying coal and Russian tenders have won some contracts. If the locals put their money where their mouths were they’d have more local ownership. A mortgage is not a life. Though the banks are laughing without having to try it on to get your life signed away for the next quarter of century – spent doing nothing cause you got no money. Most inner cities compared to other societies here are basically lame.
…Calling ’em Vampires would be granting them a generous romanticism/glamour that they *Do Not* deserve… – Straight-up-and-down *Leeches* is what they are, in point of fact…
…- *Life-Sucking Leeches*…
How can the eugenicists behind the Great Reject best obstruct the creation of families? Remove home and car ownership, promote transgenderism in schools, vaccinate newborns to death, introduce new adult vaccines that can lead to an increase in miscarriages, add food chemicals that induce low sperm count, etc.
“A fundamental difference between modern dictatorships and all other tyrannies of the past is that terror is no longer used as a means to exterminate and frighten opponents but as an instrument to rule masses of people who are perfectly obedient.”
~Hannah Arendt ~ (The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1966)
Scientific Authoritarianism Erodes Private Property and Human Liberty
“In his book, The Counter-Revolution of Science, F. A. Hayek identified such a possibility under the rubric of “scientism” that involved a shift in the scientific method from strict empiricism, critical thought, and objectivity toward nonempirical, purely subjective, elitist and a collectivist approach to doing science.
As such, consensus replaces strict empiricism and independent open criticism normally associated with the scientific method. Since scientism, as “scientific consensus” trumps everything else, including reason, there is a danger that falsehoods, even those previously proven false, could be elevated by a majority of “scientists” accepting them.
Resisting the advance of scientific authoritarianism has become the front line for the protection of human liberty and the sanctity of private property.”
Thanks for link…much appreciated
It’s clear to us who pay attention that culling the population is part of the reason for the covid injections. It isn’t just profits for vaccine makers. Reports like “Israel Becomes First Country in the World to Push 3rd COVID Shot for Already Vaccinated,” by Brian Shilhavy (Vaccine Impact), say it all. As I said to my sister (who is a realtor), The American scene isn’t exactly the Canadian scene, but the agendas of the hoaxsters behind the Great Reset, etc, target the globe. If one country leads another in, say, vaccination rates of the population, as Israel had done, that doesn’t mean that the rest of the world won’t catch up. The agendas are the agendas. As for the injections, the hoaxsters know that they are poison and are killing people. They are not pulling back on their program to inject everyone even though they know about the deadliness of their jabs. They are pushing full steam ahead. (Will some of them be victims of their own culling operation? Are they macho?) They are therefore culling the population.
Two phenomena are occurring in parallel, at least here in Canada.
On the one hand, in the cities, what we call “renovictions” are multiplying and throwing hundreds of families out on the street who can’t find new housing. New landlords like Blackrock are buying up apartment blocks and shortly afterwards send eviction letters to tenants because major renovation work is needed. These renovations often involve cutting the number of units in a building by half and turning them into deluxe apts. Current tenants can’t afford and, as a result, many people are looking for new housing and prices are skyrocketing.
On the other hand, more financially comfortable people, mostly retired baby boomers with good pensions, are buying second and third homes in the countryside, which has pushed up house prices by 20-40% in a few months. Add to this refurbishing of of primary residences and their new second homes, which is driving up the price of lumber and creating shortages. In addition, covid-19 has created a buying frenzy: cars, RVs, motorcycles, electric bikes, boats, etc., it’s completely crazy. Everything is going up except the inflation rate. People are living like there’s no tomorrow. Maybe they’re right. Personally I see a gloomy tomorrow.
There’s also dire staff shortages in every sector. Things are not looking good and expect tribulations before owning nothing and being happy.
‘it’s completely crazy. Everything is going up except the inflation rate.
People are living like there’s no tomorrow. Maybe they’re right.
Personally I see a gloomy tomorrow.’
Yes Jean, I’ve been discussing this craziness with friends for quite a while now.
Zero % interest rates on regular savings accounts, so people are being coerced into ‘investing’ with any extra cash they may have. The stock markets and housing markets are booming it seems. Mortgage rates have been at an all time low for years.
If (or more likely when) there is a massive crash it will be the small ‘investors’ who will suffer after naively risking all their hard-earned savings. It may be quite lucrative for some right now, but I don’t see how it can carry on like this. This surely can’t be a sign of a healthy economy….or maybe it is,but only for wealthy people. I don’t know.
Recall what took place in 1974 in Canada? Rather quietly — and secretly — Canada adopted a central bank scheme like the USA’s Federal Reserve system and handed over money creation entitlement to the private sector.
Stunning. It’s depopulation
Depopulation by any means. Dr Bryan Ardis, Reiner Fuellmich, Wolfang Wodarg (bitchute.com)
Agreed. Among other things, as Kit notes.
I only read the title, but I’m going to read the article (thanks by the way).
Everything they present lately can be resumed to “make the masses as dependent as possible in order to kick them out and let them die if they don’t behave“.
Just look at what’s happening in food, money, and so on. Everything made available “as-as-service”, even human beings…
Any attempt to bring someone to any sense of reason is frivolous. Once there mind is made up, regardless of facts, is basically pointless.
We live in a very, very daft society.
Attributed more so by their own comfort in the world.
This is true but sometimes personal experience overrides the programming. I have witnessed this on a few occasions.
“Maybe they just want to make poor people miserable.”
One of my fellow students in the 60s told a joke with a punchline that I thought came from a bygone age. But I was wrong, it came from the future.
Innocent newlywed in bed in the Savoy: “That was heavenly. Do the poor do that?”
“It’s too good for them”.
Michael Parenti said something similar. I don’t want to spoil his joke, so I will say nothing more
Here it goes: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkttzU86CFE
Ooh, just been talking about Michael Parenti in the latest article. Always great to see someone else who knows he rocks, all that’s good. =)
Great Parenti observation amd joke.
Never forget the first time I heard Mr. Parenti call out the bulltwacky of Noam Chomsky, who I believe has been a CIA asset since he worked for Kissinger at Harvard.
It’s a great joke and it needed to be made against the self-obsessed sex and gender issues, which themselves are artificially induced by consumer capitalist bollocks – a case where the usual money grubbing blends in seamlessly with the needed propaganda I.e. make loads of dosh AND divide and rule at the sane time.
I consider Michael Parenti to be one of the grestest thinkers who has ever existed — he has never been wrong about anything and prescient about everything!
Sorry, intemded to type: “greatest”
At this rate of societal collapse the powers that be will soon have redact living memories through ‘disappearing’ old films and tv shows showing how well off our parent’s generation were. [1984 style]
I know. Seriously, how are they going to sell the “… and life has never been better” part of the equation?
a book called the thought experiment shows the quantum outcome of changing these things using thought patterning of the masses
Fusing together their two big narratives:
It’s science so it must be true. There happen to be 33 of them, well just amazing! I’ll put three masks on so I can feel safe…
also articles getting us used to having autoimmunity … https://getpocket.com/explore/item/chronic-inflammation-is-long-lasting-insidious-dangerous-and-you-may-not-even-know-you-have-it?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB&fbclid=IwAR1WqBuO0Fb_FR4tL2eSfIFS7vQTAHf62Xjn3qc30BD9Iq8a0yvewnfsZLk
In the good old days, homes could be had with a one income family, kids at school, father plenty of free time and mother doing what mothers do. Now the price paid for a house often includes divorce, disfunction, depression and a soul crushed by imaginary credit and crippling debt until you’re dead.
Yes, I started work for a while as a bus conductor with London Transport in 1979, and at that time London Transport had a 100% staff mortgage scheme for anyone prepared to sign a commitment to stay on the job for two years. London Transport gave the bank a guarantee for your mortgage so you could get it instantly with no deposit. And yes, you could pay off the mortgage on an average house in London on a bus conductor’s wages at that time. I would say life had never been better for ordinary people in the UK then.
My mom conveyed a story about someone she knew who saved $200 in coin and used that as a down payment on a $15K 3 bedroom brick house in the 1960’s.Then the private banks took control of western governments in the 70’s, shut off fiscal policy for public purpose and systematically decimated the 30 years of a robust middle class made possible by FDR policies. Now, any mention of restoring a functional government again is met by banker propaganda’s “Socialism!” scaremongering.
It wasn’t all fun and games back then.
My mother, recently widowed in 1961 with a guaranteed widow’s pension from my father and the cash equivalent of half the $15.5K price of the home she wanted to buy – COULD NOT get a loan without a co-signer.
A co-signer – for one reason and one reason only: she was a woman in 1961.
No, it wasn’t all fun and games.
Well, that is true and in 1973 women were no longer required, in America, to have a co-signer and tne cost of housing shot up almost overnight!
All true. The dumb asses don’t understand the term “usury banking” and have zero math skills. The housing markets have been utterly destroyed by rents and compound interest payments for over 60 years. They invest in the company store. “One day older, and deeper in debt”…
Gotta love those corporations…
Hi y’all, if you really believed that there were too many people on earth and you wanted to drastically reduce the number but you couldn’t get people to accept it voluntarily, would you consider surreptitious mass sterilisation, possibly through a public health emergency?
Who knows? If I didn’t believe that there was a Creator with a plan, I might think that we had a crisis and are in need of a solution, even if it wasn’t a desirable one.
Unfortunately the Creator – whom I call Big Mind, from studying physicist, mathematician and mystic Tom Campbell’s Big TOE (his Big Theory Of Everything) – this Creator is constrained by the absolute logical necessity of allowing us, it’s children, spike-like outgrowths of its own being, full free-will choice for what we do. We have to have that if we are to be useful to its main reason for creating our holodeck virtual reality, into which we re-incarnate repeatedly: to help fulfil Big Mind’s Great Primary Purpose.
It’s a tricky situation: you have the powers of god, yet the undodgeable logic of the reality you inhabit means that if you are to pursue your most over-riding purpose – constantly lowering ever-encroaching entropy, and constantly growing towards harmonious and loving order – then you just have to allow the outgrowths of yourself – the individuated units of consciousness, or souls – complete freedom of will. The project just doesn’t work otherwise.
And we ‘individual’ souls, often completely lost in the conviction that our real identities are the bodies and personalities we’re running in each lifetime, therefore give the inclinations of those transient bodies/personalities free rein, to do any damn idiotic or rotten thing which they may think they want to do – often mistakenly and with subsequent regret (oh tell me about that!!).
We just have to be free to make muck-ups, and often we do. Then, after the karmic processing work that we get to do in the bardo state, between incarnations – we get to come back again with a completely new and different body/personality (but with the same immortal, steadily-evolving soul), have another go, and try to make a better contribution to serving the Great Purpose next time round…
That’s the existential ground-plan on which I operate anyway. The steady convergence of ancient wisdom-tradition world-views and the latest cutting-edge ideas in modern theoretical physics (mind/information as the basis and foundation of all things) make it seem like a pretty good bet.
…What I *Would* consider is that such people should lead by example and *Go Straight To The Front Of The Line*… – ‘Be the change you want to see’ kinda thing…
If no one owns anything then who is going to own everything?
Corporations.REITS.Stocks.Screwing people.
““REITs have been buying up massive swaths of Canada’s aging rental housing stock and pursuing a strategy that has led to a mass tenant displacement and skyrocketing rents,” according to an ACORN press release. The federal government has aided and abetted this strategy, it adds, introducing a REIT exemption in the Income Tax Act in 2011.”
They did this some time ago in aust….oldies used to find these trailer parks beside the sea often and cheap and dream of spending the last years of their lives enjoying each other’s company and the sea…but of course in moved the developers and bingo it took it all away…..not sure where the displaced are now…no doubt battling to survive in some backyard somewhere or on the streets….
this of course is called progress….but one should note who is actually the investors in a lot of this…oh no pensions funds….they have been pretty destructive in aust…they got in first destroying a lot of small business and other parts of community long before the covid boys moved in..,
“aust”? Is that ‘Aust’, as in Australia?
“this of course is called progress…”
…- There’s *That* word again…
“If no one owns anything then who is going to own everything?”
The government. It worked for the Soviets, according to tenured university professors and their students.
In China, Cina’s America Class — its princelings.
In America, America’s China Class — its Deep State.
POTUS Biden truly is jeopardising The USA.
The Defense forces could lose a war against Those Commies if The Side Effects of the toxic injections affect their fighting ability. (Assuming he doesnt intend to use The Bomb instead). Hopefully less muddled heads will prevail by stopping the injections of the Defence forces.
WTF? All of them need to be disabled and stood down. For the good of the world.
Why are you such a fanboy of the murderous clowns in the US military?
Commies? What commies? Which country on this planet has been the absolutely most destructive? Clue: It wasn’t a communist country (fake or real).
The banksters control both sides.
“POTUS Biden truly is jeopardising The USA.”
Hah! Everything the Biden administration is doing is designed to End America!
No “jeopardising” about it . . .
“It always comes down to control.”
The tenant of an apartment block has no control over the repairs to his apartment (except to do it himself – if permitted). In the futuristic film Brazil there is a scene about this: the all-powerful Form P54 and an apartment stuck halfway between repairs with pipes and cables everywhere, waiting to be replaced. We visited a distant relative in New York’s concrete jungle whose plaintive note about the air conditioning was like a performance from Waiting for Godot.
“They don’t fix themselves”