WATCH: Designing humans for Fun and Profit
Welcome, Esteemed Globalist Supergopher. Here is your access link to the secret online briefing session of the Committee of United Nazis, Tyrants and Sociopaths.
On today’s livestream, your deep state briefer will walk you through what we’re telling the public about our ambition to transform the human species through biodigital technologies…and reveal what we’re actually doing to engineer a perfectly compliant, perfectly controlled, cattle-like subspecies.
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Judicial Watch: New HHS Documents Reveal Millions in Federal Funding for University of Pittsburgh Human Fetal Organ Harvesting Project Including Viable and Full-Term Babies Aug 03, 2021 (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch and The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) announced today that they received 252 pages of new documents from the US Department of Health and Human Services that reveal nearly $3 million in federal funds were spent on the University of Pittsburgh’s quest to become a “Tissue Hub” for human fetal tissue ranging from 6 to 42 weeks gestation. These documents were obtained as part of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in which Judicial Watch represents CMP and is suing HHS after it failed to respond to an April 28, 2020, FOIA request seeking among other things, the grant applications for a University of Pittsburgh “tissue hub and collection site.” (Center for Medical Progress v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:21-cv-00642)). The documents reveal the following: – The aims of the project listed in the original 2015 proposal were to “develop a pipeline to the acquisition, quality control and distribution of human genitourinary [urinary and genital organs and functions] samples obtained throughout development (6-42 weeks gestation). … [and] generate an ongoing resource to distribute fresh developmental human genitourinary samples from various stages (6-42 weeks) to the GUDMAP [GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project] Atlas projects.” – In the proposal, Pitt notes that is has been “collecting fetal tissue for over 10 years … include[ing] liver, heart, gonads, legs, brain, genitourinary tissues including kidneys, ureters and bladders.” – Pitt noted in 2015 “we have disbursed over 300 fresh samples collected from 77 cases. The collections can be significantly ramped up as material could have been accrued from as many as 725 cases last year.” – The… Read more »
If “vaccines” don’t work after two jabs why would you want to get a third.
Third time’s a charm! 😉
So certain humans now developing mindware, wetware in Sci-fi. I recall a novel set in the Balkans 2030ish, foes would dump nano to infect the opposition with a new mindset, Meme-war. Presto, they’re now your troops…or voters…or worker drines. The vid also mentioned DARPA & their new trick, steering a moth…staggering implications. We are fucked.
mit scientists celebrating the end of humanity and the kingpins that fund them,Bravo that’s not about saving the world but destroying it!!!Devil makes work for idle hands and none of these philanthropists have a job.
Also eating meat has a profound impact on brain function it’s what got us to where we are today,Strange they are trying to take meat off the menu?Wouldn’t be because less meat makes you dumb???
Here’s wheat the World Economic Forum tells us.
BillGates has patents in artificial meat. CRISPR Tasty! He’s also now the biggest owner of grazing lands in the US. No cows? You’ll eat his meat, after buying it. He also bought the four BIGGEST HERITAGE SEED BANKS in The World, you know, Finland et al, nuclear winter? So, he plays CRISPR all over that, locks/loses the ORIGINAL seeds from 100,000 plant species…and we can only buy his patented yum yums, forever. The ones with secret herbs & spices that will detetmine sex, untelligence (sic), height, Obedience etcetera.
Yummy 🤢.
The whole slideshow is here.
Dont worry, Bill Gates is investing in artificial meat production. People will eat meat produced in laboratory. „Normal” meat is full of viruses and bacterias, therefore will be declared unsafe (at the begining) and eventually forbiden.
I think I’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole and it’s a lot to toll.I wish I knew nothing before no nothing at all.We a simple species with love and grace to give,Why don’t these psychopathic lunatics just let us live.Instead we are bombarded with techno design to shape the human conscious and take away our Devine.Too much too soon we are now bind,It’s not us it’s not mankind.
I’m not sure if all of this is just another plan – to keep those of us who are awake also in a state of fear.
To be sure, they can poison us…but do they really have the technology to turn us into something else?
Not if their databanks identify lizard saliva as being 48% West Asian and 51% Ashkenazi.
Which could also be more of the mind-fookery!
I swing between cautious optimism, deep fear and militant anger.
I think your right they are playing mind games your next move like a game of chess,As James corbett put it they are playing 4d chess one step ahead always some tactic up there sleeves.Beware the wolf in sheep’s clothing.I imagine all these elites rich royalty planning there next move but I think they moved too soon this time we have a chance to check mate.
I think so too.
I agree. They want us all living in a state of fear for one reason. There are many steps to the fear and psychosis.
Supposed to say mind instead of Devine but I think it has the same meaning.
A little lite entertainment to join the festive mood:
The Bogy Bingo Boogie
And the lord sayith: “Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!”
And the four beasts uttereth: “Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!”
And the twenty-four elders proclaimeth: “Hallelujah!”
And seven grim angels spilleth forth their vials
And the lord flusheth his terrible white toilet!
And all those not beautiful
And all those not fat
And all those slow of wit
And all who faileth math
Were flush-ed from the lord’s awesome soil stack
Yea, they festereth in hell for a thousand years
Chanting: “Get Real, Get Real, Get Real!”
Written long ago… PV
Although i seriously appreciate well researched news/info sites like Alex Jones etc, they also irritate me cos personal agendas get pursued too often imo. Can’t say that about James or the likes of Quite Frankly.
James needs no introduction by me, many might not be aware of the lovely QF tho. His shows/presentations are discussion/caller based, usually covering wide ranging discussions around a loose theme. Think this vid of his rocks as an introduction, it does use films i saw as a child on tv/video/dvd to illustrate how the Scum used such media to let us know EXACTLY what they wanted to do. Their hubris is so great they don’t care if we know, thinking we’re too primitive to comprehend what they’re saying, or be able to do anything about it.
Enjoy, sure most will:
Alex Jones? Nooooooooo!
Cracked up laughing, bless u Claret. I’m one of those who doesn’t care where good info comes from, totally capable of sorting wheat from chaff n think it’s daft to discard good info cos u personally loathe the source. That’s letting ur emotions dominate reason/logic.
Lovely to see u, hugs n all that’s good 4 now =)
OK Cesca, but not everyone is capable of seeing the disinfo/distractions and get led down long, dark dead-end alleyways only to find they have just wasted a lot of time and energy getting there, only to be left confused and disappointed….(been there,done that) and that’s why I don’t like characters such as Alex Jones (whoever he really is)
Nice to see you too madame.
Totally agree about the dangers u point out Claret but in all fairness, can’t agree that’s true when it comes to Alex Jones. I ain’t impressed with how he presents himself either but in all fairness, he’s highly accurate when it comes to most important stuff. He shldn’t be judged for being human n messing up, which we all do, also, i think when we’re told not to look somewhere, that’s a powerful reason to take a close look.
Sure we can just agree to disagree, hugs n all that’s good for now =)
Ah, knew the malicious, snide downvoters wld strike sometime, fill ur boots, i have total contempt for you n don’t care what u think or do me dears.
BTW, think there are very few of the above mentioned ilk on the site, who are extremely irrational n easily triggered.
The Graud frets about … “The Science”:
“Microbiologist Elisabeth Bik queried Covid research – that’s when the abuse and trolling began”
And before you even look, you can tell from the title it’s going to be a moral lesson on TRULY EVIL PEOPLE WHO DON’T FOLLOW THE SCIENCE AND PICK ON BLAMELESS MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS.
And the goalposts are set when we find the concern is over “the methodology of a paper that claimed hydroxychloroquine was effective in treating Covid-19”.
(And after all the sly fuckery I’ve had to put up with from alleged Marxists, “methodology” is one of the most mistrusted words.)
But Noam Chomsky, when he was still worth reading, noted that arguments can be controlled by controlling the presuppositions – in this case the dogma that Covid really is this deadly virus that needs treating.
And there’s a bit of unintentional hilarity when the article complains about “politicians promising to secure supply of unproven drugs and roll them out to citizens”!
WTF!!! Can tell the SCUM bootlickers have been out in force, downvoting this post.
James is a totally solid dude always worthy of respect at least, he doesn’t offer any info without thorough research n it being most likely true.
Oops, make that article incase there’s any confusion =)
my click just moved it 0.2, so not many folks are voting IMO, just haters more offended and determined lol
Bless n cheers Impob, prob bots are downvoting the article, least u tried tho.
All that’s good for now friend =)
There are lots of mad scientists around. However I think the agenda at the moment is depopulation. It appears Corbett has left the fight for survival. The fight against the convid psyop and the clot shots.
But if you search Sperm Production decline last 50 years we find that fertility is already plunging. Down 54% since 1970. Pesticides, vax load birth to 6 y.o., chemicals, plastics. Now 5g which the Telcos deny kill mitichondria ( go to I.G. & view #wearenotsam ). You can deny it but hey, note China & 1 child policy…gawn. Man is already trending towards chronic infertility!
if one uses a hulda clark zapper smal electrical box using 9v battery you can locate the nano graphene matrix locations
i have some in my head in my back
the zapper device does a good job in a tesla rife kind of way destroys bacteria within but does not seem to help knock out the nano bots
this mesh network within gets information from 5g during the early morning hours
you can feel th flicker flutters within lik rosmay baby or john hurt alien.
vector must be sky spraying nano release on transport systems air conditioning food drink/
close proximity to 5g opens wide breach blood brain barrier
in some ways many ways the vax is cover story as all have nano within
experiments with tesla coil and tesla violet ray device also have failed to knock back the moving bots within the body
graphene and whatever else that makes up the matrix of the human genome take over is an evil brew indeed
we need a linus pauling
we need not fear
for they feed off fear
we must not consent
we must learn comprehend the meaning of the term
conditional acceptance based on are conditions
no consent no contract
free pizza is a desperate message
pathetic satanists
god is within why comply with demons
why sell your soul for trinkets
we are all sovereign
kings and queens
god above
the devil in his dung heap below
boris and queer starmers actors
shit eaters
ironic that the inventor/saleswoman of this psudo-technology to cure cancer (and everything else), died from cancer!
snuffed out
by rockerfella types like many others
i have been using zapper for years so i believe in her
her detox protocols like those of andreas moritz where very powerful and valid
what have you given
and you came here with a quack watch link lol lol
it is the trillion dollar medi cull pharma farma who are the quacks
silly billy goat
I’m sure you do.
you use your doctor m i tavistock
you take your germ theory shite
i am not here to provide links for you
just checking in on limited hang outs
that rarely offer solutions
just around and around merry go round
the question is mpObs
what are you selling
smith klein?
Rife Frequency List
…A little glimpse of the future for ya, peeps:… 😉
Another entry in the long-running series ‘Only Ultra-Right Trump-lovers Are Against This’:
Plenty of left wingers who are anti vaccine and anti lockdowns just (I’m entering the any true Scotsman fallacy here) not proper lefties i.e people who think trump was the second coming of Hitler and Mussolini. We all know the types. The über erwacht.
I noted JC said something that could be construed as being skeptical of lockdowns during a recent Who Wants to be Able to Afford a Decent House in the South East. An act no doubt. Or a purposeful, timed exclamation of his own opinion. Whichever, it is going to divide people all the more. JC is popular. JC is unpopular. Like Piers Morgan, JC is a Logan Paul for the oldies. Enterdrainment.
Again he is just their to stir the pot and his anti communist lies known no bounds. Also top gear was used as a method to sneak intelligence operatives into Syria when they did a Xmas special a few years back. He also told a laughable story about an Albanian communist lighthouse keeper getting 25 years in jail for saying “why does that capitalist nation over there’s lighthouse have a light and ours doesn’t”. The story NEVER HAPPENED.
Neurolink. FFS. Our neurons are already linked. But hey, let’s link them to technology. Poor monkey. Give the primate a 🕹 to play games with.
The superhighway collective unconscious shhhh …
neurolink or neurocapture
There is no ‘eugenics operation’, endless ‘treatments’ are now the preferred business model for US big pharma. It is a tax, not genetic engineering.
I previously said that the covid claptrap seems to be winding down or going through a lull presently. That is partly to do with the Olympics. Sport is the media’s favoured form of news polystyrene.
“Hey look you plebs! Here’s a load of steroid infused morons pumping around with their limbs and muscles! Plenty of pecs and buttocks to wank over! Look at them all thrashing each other! And here’s a flag to wave about and scream at the foreigners!”
(Whispered voice in background: “Secretly we’d love to endlessly loop hard core porn to keep you lot subdued in your cots – but legally we can’t do that yet. Never mind! We’re working on removal of all constraints and we’ll soon have you salivating before these fleshy modern coliseums of debauchery!”)
Sport has become increasingly also a vehicle for elite narratives:
two weeks ago it was Russia doesn’t play by our rules-based system… one week ago it was mental health…. two days ago it was that Belarus was so bad it’s own people don’t want to live there (phew, she turns out to be okay, thoughts and prayers)… today it’s transgender weightlifters…. the overall narrative may well be that China is overtaking the USA.
It’s just a vehicle to reach people who don’t watch “the news”.
P.S. According to Coleman, the elite like to refer to themselves as ‘The Olympians’.
Ah yes! Those amateur athletes in their $1,000 sports footwear.
I can see how the masses would identify with that.
No, I mean I really can see how the iPhone brigade identifies with that.
Dumb as dog shit.
Hello George Mc: You’re right. “Sporting” events have always played to the lowest denominator. The plebs don’t add up the cost of ‘training’ facilities, sports stadiums, airline fares, or the enormous cost of feeding these steroid gilded monstrosities.
All part of the dumbing down and avoidance of intelligible behavior… But the events create money flow like sewer water to a river…
Interesting agenda. Cut through the new age gibberish and we will get with the programme. First off – wipe out the oldies. That means anyone over the age of 70 gets terminated. This of course has actually been happening – and quite right too! These people are useless eaters and need despatching pronto. The cull is just beginning, however; the mass-murdering eugenicists will then starting working the way through broader layers of the population. The sick, the ignorant, the non-compliant, domestic terrorists and generally speaking no-body who fits into the eugenicist agenda.
It is crazy? Is it insane? Of course it is. Will it work? Probably not. Why? because these people are totally detached from reality living in a technological bubble that is a simulacrum, not a reality, and which is never going to stop. The termination of humanity will leave the world to the animals, mostly rats and cockroaches, natures survivors. Maybe the process will start all over again. But do you really want to see this film second time around?
As a septuagenarian I have the luxury of not being around when all this happens. But I do feel sorry for those people who have been made the victims of this lunacy. They didn’t deserve this dystopian future, a nightmare which was not of their making.
Hello Donald Duck: I hear what you’re saying, but elder populations have nothing to lose by putting up a fight. The cowardice of my generation is more than disgusting.
“Here honey You can inherent all the sickness, pollution, and social destruction we funded and worked for. See how much we loved you?” Fuck…
Yes I reckon that killing lots of people has been what covid has been all about from the start. Which means that the wretched media have been screaming about piles of corpses that don’t exist. And ignoring the piles of corpses that do.
…So GeorgeMc’s been noting of late how the pocket ‘recommended articles’ widget on his browser keeps dishing ConvidProp in his face 24/7… – Well, same here; Get a load of this one… – It’s an *Absolute Hoot*!:…
“How to cope when life seems unreal”
“If you feel detached from the world, you might be going through depersonalisation. Be reassured, there are ways to recover”
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I don’t know what it means but the covid stuff seems to be moving further and further down the page on the “Internet Billboard” that gets thrust at me when I log on. There is one article about a “fourth wave” somewhere but I no longer have the strength to focus on these gaseous emissions. It’s as if the rulers aren’t quite sure where to take it. I reckon they realise that less and less are doing the headless chicken thing so they’re putting it on hold for the moment. They could even just move on without referring to it again. I now realise they could do what they want. 90% of the population could be wondering, “What the fuck happened to covid?” but if the MSM continued to ignore it for a month, then that would be that.
But perhaps that’s too optimistic. They didn’t work on such a big production to simply let it go.
Unless they’ve already achieved what they wanted to achieve?
I wouldn’t rule out that they reckon it will be psychologically more devastating if they get people thinking covid has gone only to bring it back again. In fact I’d rate it a near-certainty.
I like your posts Edwige, but I really hope you are totally fckin wrong about this.
…At this point, given the underlying ructions with the financial system, my take is they are *Necessarily* commited to the hilt – they have no other choice… – But as you say George, they may well back off the whole Convid narrative altogether: a) Cos it just ain’t working no more And b) Just for the sheer psychological effect of sudden ‘WTF?!…’ mood whiplash, added gaslightery, and hell, just to show us all that they damn-well can (“Do not adjust your set… – We control the horizontal… We control the vertical…”, etc.)…
…If they do tho’, you can bet on a non-stop conga line of ever-accelerating /intensifying facocta crises until the whole damn system finally melts down…
…- Like I said, they’re *Irrevocably Commited* now… – Either they push through ‘Teh Reset’, or it’s the day of the rope for them and they *Know It*…
I expect they are regrouping and the inevitable autumn “surge” will be well planned and the greasing of palms is already in full swing.
Besides, the orchestraters are into the long game here and the last 18 months will have opened up huge opportunities for investment in future plans.
We tend to consider the immediate future, like Corbett and his prepare for the battle just around the corner tune, however we are at the mercy of these long term thinking scum who are risk averse and will back off in favour of learning from their mistakes and continuing to grind us down.
Based on what I see as soon as I step out the door these days, I’d say it’s almost mission accomplished without any biodigital interventions.
UK Column News – 2nd August 2021 PART ONE Gov Admits Vaccine Deaths Are A Trade Off AstraZeneca – Patient Info, Reg 174 “… in some cases were life threatening or had a fatal outcome… the benefits still outweigh the risks.” David Scott: if it kills people but it saves more lives, there must be some calculations to show this. Why am I unable to get any? So he tried: The Scottish Gov “does not have the info because it does not hold the data” Public Health Scotland: we don’t know. Talk to MHRA NHS: “NHS does not hold this info. Please contact PHE” PHE: “your email’s was passed to press office for their consideration” MHRA: automated reply If it depends on risk — where is the risk assessment? Mike Robinson: they don’t hold the data. They only have computer models and we know what that’s worth. Patient “Die Off” Was Planned NHS made secret pandemic plan to deny care to elderly – Telegraph Confidential Whitehall documents show that the NHS plans refused treatment to those in their 70s and that “support” would instead be offered to use so-called “end of life pathways”The strategy was drawn up by NHS England following a pandemic planning exercise in 2016 and was designed to stop hospitals being overwhelmed. Telegraph clings to the incompetence canard, avoiding the reality in the face of the crime. Ian Duncan Smith: flawed data, they have not been forthcoming with the real death numbers. Using behavioural science to improve and protect the health of the nation David Scott: They are trying to portray it as incompetence. They drew up plans to withdraw care. We saw the death toll as a result. This is the beginning of the effort. Digital Identity Plans Advance UK Gov announces “trust network” run by independent certification… Read more »
Sorry for typos: Alphabet (Google) CEO Sundar Pichai: “We ban content that promotes diagnostic methods that contradict local health authorities or WHO.”
It’s a chance to reiterate how Pichai refers to authorities not as national but local, in the same breath as an inter-governmental organization. This is globalist ideology. Prince Charles refers to the same Rockefeller Newspeak.
Oh that’s good! An update of “conspiracy theory”.
But think of what they’re implying. Jigsaws! Puzzles! Reality itself is a puzzle. Putting it together is what intelligence demands!
But you slime dwellers are not supposed to do that! You don’t figure it out! We tell you about it!
“Incompetence” is a variation on “coincidence”. And the beauty about “coincidence” is that it can apply to any set of circumstances whatsoever. Which is richly ironic. The much demonised “conspiracy” approach at least has to tie events together. The “coincidence” approach doesn’t need to do anything at all.
“Oh the rich are getting richer because of a virus with no evidence and vaccines with no testing and perfectly healthy people are being declared “infected” and you are all getting fucked up the arse? It all just happened that way! IT’S JUST INCOMPETENCE AND COINCIDENCE!”
I know this is likely the least of our worries at the moment, but is the UK really going to accept this dolt as their King ?
UK Column News – 2nd August 2021 PART TWO Fact Checking Charles on “1/3 of Soil Has Been Degraded” Verdict: Fake News Michael Gove claimed the same: “UK is 30 or 40 years away from the fundamental eradication of soil fertility.” Reuters and Farmers Weekly: “Only 100 harvests left in UK farm soils” Mike Robinson: this is a narrative being pushed by people with a specific ideology that believes in population reduction. Our World in Data, Dr Hannah Ritchie: “But the “60 harvests” claim is quite clearly false. More than 90% of conventionally managed soils had a ‘lifespan’ greater than 60 years. The median was 491 years for thinning soils. Half had a lifespan greater than 1,000 years, and 18% exceeded 10,000 years. There were also some soils that were not eroding at all. Where soil formation rates exceeded erosion rates, soils thickened. In fact, some were thickening – soil was forming quicker than it was eroding.People will often argue that while extreme headlines may be untruthful, they are worth it if they force people to take action. I don’t buy it. It can be damaging in many ways.” Friends of Charles are Pushing Depopulation Dave Gardner, co-host of the Over Population Podcast for the World Population Balance organization Gardner told China’s CGTN he is keen to see populaton fall from 7.5 billion to 4 billion very quickly. Brian Gerrish: Charles waves the royal hand and tells us he’s assembled 60 trillion dollars. This is as bad as the Church of England boasting it’s assembled 17 trillion dollars for world political agenda. Charles’ Dutchy brand has just clocked up 1 billion in sales. He is a hypocrite, a dangerous man and we should not believe a word he says. David Scott: There is no population just as there is no… Read more »
Clarification: The Scottish drug casualty numbers seem to be deaths per year. They come from National Records of Scotland via this BBC report.
Typos: David Scott: There is no overpopulation just as there is no global warming.
Humza Yousaf is the Scottish health secretary.
If soil is indeed eroding isn’t that due to the bizarre methods of inorganic farming, where they don’t replenish the soil with compost and manure but just use chemical fertilizers?
it’s largely due to ploughing, with no covercrop the soil is washed and blown away, chem ferts destroy the microbiota effectively killing the soil.
The “soil building” figues are way off, with the right methods soil can be rebuilt in a few years at something like 1″ per year (see Joel Salatin polyface farms).
Yes, I saw something about this on dutch TV the other week….it’s also about using massive heavy machinery which tamps the topsoil down making a really hard layer, so the rainwater doesn’t soak in and washes off instead, causing flooding.
Oh the Dutch and soil! Spraying animal excrement over their fields as in Fields of Dementia.
The way things are going, most of the land mass will be more huge slabs of concrete and then building upwards I’m afraid. The area around Amsterdam airport is a couple of metres under sea level I believe.
That’s called evolutionary co-existence or Live and Let Live (like humans and the flu). The grasslands feed the animals and the animals fertilize the grasslands.
A friend once showed me 3 patches of grass, side by side, at his workplace (I think it was a John Innes Centre). They were test beds for fertilizers, and must have been going for a hundred years or more. One had only compost and the other two were treated with the best synthetic fertilizers. As a “hard science” graduate I was humbled by Nature’s obvious superiority.
Charles isn’t a “hypocrite”, he makes it very clear where he stands.
BTW he wanted to make Jimmy Savile the godfather of his first child.
Presumably Charles was discreetly advised that if he let Savile hold the baby, Savile might not give it back.
“God is the best designer” — Arab proverb.
“But perhaps God designed us to attend to details such as a viral infection” — Jaques Supervielle
…- Qu’ran, Sura 8: Al-Anfal (‘The Spoils of War‘), Verse 30…
This is a bit off topic, but related. I want to show people this post card in an Amazing Polly video:
You can pretty much tell she’s one of them from all of her symbols, but note the card on the right side. Its reversed. If you screenshot it and flip it in the editor, you’ll see it says “Fear the Mind Killer”.
They need the people worked up and anxious, so that they have a reason to drop the hammer.
There’s no need to fear something that hasn’t been isolated, and no need to take a vaccine for it either. Also, mRNA is very fragile and its not likely to survive any shedding event. If they could pass the poison to you through shedding, they would have done it already. Inoculate teachers and school nurses, kids take it home, parents take it to work, etc…
“You can pretty much tell she’s one of them from all of her symbols” …. one of who ? … what symbols ?
Here is an article that looks at one of the esteemed elites in the Great Reset:
Carney is another fine example of rules for three but not for me.
“There can be no masters in an orderly society
Hierarchy breeds the twin sisters of contempt and corruption.”
– Paul Vonharnish –
(Many years ago)
But not again like Heinrich Himmler did it. This time we add ethics:
“In His own image made He him”: as blonde as Hitler, as athletic as Goering, as beautiful as Goebbels and as humanel as Himmler.”