Support for Craig Murray

For those of you who don’t know, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, and current alt-news blogger, Craig Murray is on his way to prison.
We haven’t covered the story much here, being mainly concerned with the global autocratic power-grab and being cursed with only so many hours in the day, but nevertheless, the case is a travesty.
The crime he’s convicted of? Contempt of court, through “jigsaw identification” of anonymous accusers during the (farcical and corrupt) case against Scotland’s former First Minister Alex Salmond.
Without getting into the details, Murray was said to have published enough information that it would become possible to identify said accusers. It was exactly as contrived as it sounds, and was nothing but an exercise in singling out one of the few voices a) defending Salmond, and b) reporting the obvious political machinations behind the trial in the first place.
The eventual (unprecedented) conviction – as in all cases where the state is exerting power for its own sake – was a foregone conclusion. And Mr Murray is on his way to reside at Her Majesty’s Pleasure for eight months. The first time a British court has jailed a journalist for contempt in over fifty years.
And he has already been denied the right to launch an appeal.
A tearful farewell to Craig Murray with his supporters singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ as he hands himself in to the police at St Leonards Police Station, Edinburgh to begin his 8 month sentence for reporting on the Alex Salmond case. Journalism under threat in Scotland and the UK.
— Ragged Trousered Philanderer (@RaggedTP) August 1, 2021
Nay-sayers will likely say that it’s “only eight months”, or that he’s a “civil prisoner” (meaning he gets to wear his own clothes, and more access to books and visitors), but that’s not really the point.
The point, as always, is the precedent.
Scottish law has found a journalist guilty for a contrived reason, purely because he was gain-saying the state. Further, in her ruling the Judge found that bloggers and small independent outlets should be held to different standards than larger, traditional media outlets.
Just as with Julian Assange, whether you like or agree with Craig Murray is not the issue. The point is, officially, they are both journalists in jail for publishing.
If it were happening in Russia or Iran, the mainstream press would be all over it…but it’s happening here, so they clap along.
In a way, Murray’s loss of freedom mirrors that of entire nations under lockdown, or travellers forced into jail-like “quarantine hotels” at their own expense. There is an all-out assault on freedom going on, at every level of society. And those who champion Craig Murray now, but remain silent on the bigger picture, should perhaps take this chance to open their eyes and see how the world is changing around them before it’s too late.
The war against freedom has many theatres, some big and some small, but they’re all important.
Any reader who wants to send a letter of support can do so at using the e-mail address: craigmurrayjustice[at]
There may be a physical mailing address in the future if you prefer.
You can read a detailed history of the case through Craig’s blogs. We also suggest you follow his twitter, and the Craig Murray Justice Campaign account, to keep up-to-date with his status.
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An attempt to misdirect.
The fact that the current First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has no intent to separate Scotland from Great Britain, no matter what lies she spewed.
As for Judge Lady Dorrian, she is way out of line with acting Judge and Jury for both cases. Supreme Court also disallowed the presentation of the case so its pretty much assured the UK is a third world apartheid nation. One of two in the world with a few more to come.
Excuse me, but isn’t it a bit incredible that letters of support should be sent using, of all things, a gmail address?
It isn’t only this cause, I constantly run into people using gmail addresses where one would think the they would be a bit more aware about supporting a company that in many cases is doing its best to silence them.
Well, possibly, but it is hard to be sure this isn’t all theatre. Look at Murray’s lack of opposition to the covid fascism and how he helped the Tories win two elections by supporting the SNP.
I strongly criticised Craig for his approach to the Salmond court case, but he’s a principled man and shouldn’t be in prison.
How on earth you can say “it’s all threatre” I do not know!
Many people here complain that Craig Murray did not write about their favourite hobby horse. Or that they disagreed with some of his views. I have never come across any media or blogger that I agreed with on every issue, you have to read around and use your critical thinking faculties. Craig’s great contribution here was exposing the corruption at the heart of the SNP. If you want to write about your own hobby horse, set up your own blog.
I’ll say what I want here, so long as it’s relevant and admins are okay with it.
Well said! I think Tim Glover thinks this is his site and he is the judge. ( He reminds me of Craig Murray ” I know who is telling the truth in the Alex Salmond case. Normally an acquittal of an accused does not necessarily mean that the prosecution witnesses are lying but this case is an exception because I have decided that it is an exception”
Your comments come from an imaginary world and do not connect with reality.
And so will I. Is that ok?
So glad to read an article about Craig here, one of the most shocking injustices perpetrated by a corrupt system that I have ever heard of in the UK
With respect and I have sympathy for him and Assange. It is a sad day when innocent people are convicted. Journalist are the problem. Look at the situation today with the covid Hoax . They are perpetuating the lie.
I thought that the quality of Craig Murray’s reports on the Alex Salmond case was sometimes quite poor and biased. He seemed to think that the fact that Alex Salmond was acquitted meant that the prosecution witnesses were liars. An acquittal in a criminal trial does not necessarily mean that and it was wrong of Murray to try and substitute his own view of matters for the jury’s . ( It seems to me that that is what he sometimes did. He seemed to be convinced that some or all of the witnesses were liars. He was entitled to think that. However it was wrong of him to imply that the jury and the judge shared his view.) I do think that he has been treated unfairly though. He either should not be in a prison, or other journalists should be in prison with him. ( I think the former as it was very strange that he was prosecuted long after the trial).
There is incontestable proof that the accusers lied – eg, one of the accusers was proved in court to be not present on the occasion she claimed to be assaulted. In Scottish law, “Not Guilty” is different from “Not Proven”. Salmond was found “Not Guilty” on all except one charge, which was found “Not Proven”. If you had actually read his blog you would know all this.
what do you mean when you say that ‘ one of the accusers’ was proven not to be present?There was a witness who alleged that she was not present. you do not know whether the jury believed the witness about this or not. I did read some of craig murray’s blogs; i thought they were often extremely poor; he just kept asserting that the witnesses for the defence were telling the truth without stating that this was his opinion and not the opinion of the court. i found his blogs full of contradictions.please explain the differnce between ‘ not proven ‘ and ‘not guilty’. Craig Murray is no friend of Assange. if craig murray wants to be of service to Assange , he should make sure that the quality of his reports is good.Have you noticed that he suddenly does not like Lady Dorian anymore? he only likes her when she presides over proceedings he agrees with.
Are you serioulsy suggesting that every time an accused is acquitted in a criminial trial in Scotland the prosecution witnesses are tried for perjury? Come on!! I think you can only have been at the Craig Murray School of Law.
His approach was far too aggressive and the same also at Assange’s hearing in February 2020.
Interesting comment from you John. I thought Craig Murray’s reporting about the Alex Salmond case was just plain wrong sometimes ( especially the way he kept saying that it was a fact that the prosecution witnesses were liars instead of stating that it was just Murray’s opinion). However I thought that Craig Murray’s reporting on the Assange case seemed quite good. However , I’ll keep an open mind on it as I really don’t rate him very highly as a judge any more , having read his blog on the Alex Salmond case ( I formed the view that he might be a friend of Alex Salmond’s and so too close to him to be objective). However I haven’t reread his reports about Assange. What did you find wrong with Craig Murray’s reports about the Assange case ? ( Btw that’s not to say that Crraig Murray did not make some very good points about the Alex Salmond case. He definitely asked good questions about why a prosection was brought at all in respect of certain alleged offences ..but then I thought he became muddled/biased/wrong after the beginning of his reports)
Admin said he/she found my deleted spam and restored it. But not this one – which I am posting again. It was originally in response to Willem’s critique of Craig Murray:
I have similar feelings though I reckon Craig is in a world where the pressure to conform must be unimaginable.
I recall how Christopher Hitchens expressed a feeling of actual ecstasy when he saw 9/11 and I reckon that was because it gave him a chance to switch sides whilst not appearing to i.e. he had played the “Left” bad boy for so long but that terrorist attack now permitted him to vault all the way over to the side of the neo-cons whilst still maintaining a “Left” veneer since “we Westerners are all in it together against these Muslim bastards!”
Craig never made such a wretched capitulation but he must have come close to it many times e.g. when Jake Wallis Simons accused him of anti-Semitism over a passage that Craig wrote on his blog. Craig denied that he’d wrote that and called JWS a liar. It turned out that Craig did indeed write the passage but that it had been taken out of context. JWS had CM by the balls with a libel case and it must have been tense for CM until the whole thing was worked out. I was left with the impression that CM had had his fingers wrapped. You don’t mess with the Zios!
But CM’s blog always seemed like a straightjacket to me. I admire someone like John Goss for sticking it so long. But it was hopeless. And I now think that this blog was either set up as a controlled opposition front or became ambushed and then turned into one.
I’m sorry to see him jailed but I doubt if it’ll mean much in the midst of what is clearly the most devastating attack on democratic rights to occur in my lifetime. Murray may become another Assange i.e. a poster boy for the phony Left. Although I don’t think CM will be treated so badly. I certainly hope not.
For some reason Akismet is picking on you and sending your stuff straight to the spam bin. I found this here too.
Akismet is picking on me? I don’t know whether to see that as something ominous or to take it as a sign that I must be on the right track!
Thanks George, thanks Admin, for (sharing) the comment. I agree that CM probably has a lot of pressure on him and so cannot say everything that an (anonymous) commenter can say. If so, that is a form of censorship (self censorship)
The describing of his blog as a straightjacket is spot on, if you ask me.
Anyway, what else can one say. All’s been said… I hope for CM that prison time will not be too hard on him. Bertrand Russell called his jail time as if he was living on an ocean liner, and he did write a book while being jailed (if I remember correctly). That sort of treatment doesn’t sound too bad. Anyway…
Another insight of Orwell’s 1984 is that it is the “middle management” layer that is under the most pressure. Thus Winston Smith’s life is a nightmare. The rulers are hidden and can believe whatever they want and do whatever they want. The masses are “faceless” and ironically they also can believe and do what they want – although, in their case, what they can do is severely limited for as long as they are disunited (which, of course, is the main aim of the system).
But the “middle management” are the executive class, the ones who can be seen, the representatives of the system. Thus the pressure on them is relentless. And thus it is with CM and all the journalist, academics, politicians, editors, writers, entertainers etc.
The system says to them,
“Oh you’ve done well for yourself! You are deservedly famous because you are so talented and hardworking! And we are so impressed with you that we consider you an ambassador for our marvellous culture and our wondrous democracy.
And you don’t want to threaten that position with a few ill-considered remarks, do you? Because one slip of the tongue and we can make things very unpleasant for you! A fall from grace, public ridicule, the descent into “non-person” status, a has-been, possibly even a never-was etc. Oh there are no end to the vituperative labels we can shower you with: reactionary, racist, bigot etc. And any number of accusations of sexual misconduct.
Oh we have an entire catalogue of horror waiting for you stars should you betray us! And our media doesn’t care about the truth or objectivity or decency. So why don’t you forget all that true dissent and just take those lovely accolades, tributes, decorations! Hell we can even spin you out a glamourous aura of rebellion!”
I care little for corpus dictionary-making and so it is now legit (sort of). But it’s strait-jacket, not straight-jacket.
We all need to do the best we can thoughout this COVID atrocity, as best as we can..
or I will show the shots, and you will cry..try youbest to stop that happenning to your grandkids (I am still working on it..but have little influnce – that is the decision of their parents – They seriously do not need any more vaccine shots, but how can I tell their mum and dad, when they have had them all and are perfectly OK
How can I tell, My Son not to take it, when he travels a lot?
I think I have convinced my wife.
She never needed any shots, except when she was run over by a car to her dance class.
Smashed her leg to fuck – broken really bad.
The NHS were completely and utterly totaly brilliant at putting my wife’s leg back together.
with all the gear – cost nowt. All on the NHS.
Go out. Try and get back to how we were a few years ago.
We didn’t know this was going to happen, but it has. So we have got to fight back in any we can – or we will all be dead.
“Massive Attack – Special Cases”
Sinéad O’Connor gave us all a warning
If you didn’t listen, that is your problem
I have not read one comment on here that shows the slightest understanding of Scottish politics.
The judiciary, the police and the legislature have always been pro union. The NSP is controlled by a feminist cabal completely out of touch with the reality of life in Scotland. There is no separation of power in Scotland.
No attempt has ever been made by the NSP to provide a vision of what Scotland could be. No constitution, no currency, no central banking system, no idea on relationship with England. Is it any wonder why Unionists are completely unconvinced when a nationalist party makes no attempt to convince them? They have created divisions in society by ineptitude. No referendum will ever be successful if 50% of the country do not want it. And why should it? As a Republican, I know very well that 51% does not make a nation.
Murray’s imprisonment is merely the tip of the ice berg of corruption in Scotland. The Salmond fiasco and the investigations into the Rangers liquidation has cost well over £100 million alone. Orkney, powered 100% by renewables, has the highest fuel poverty rates in the country based on a government energy policy of insanity.
The country is rife with anti-Irish racism. Scotland’s not so secret shame.
The NSP are in fact 5th columnists. They have no interest in Scotland as a Nation state. They are happy to keep their well paid jobs in Holyrood. A parcel of rogues if ever there was one.
Whatever you think of Craig Murray is immafuckinterial. He is merely a victim of the despicable shite dropped on us from Sturgeon and her witches and her corrupt gaggle of bawbags.
Away and feck Yousaf.
Indeed Finn, that’s a fair analysis of the situation in Scotland. The SNP under Sturgeon has now been morphed into a province of its larger neighbour. As Sturgeon tries her Miss Goody Two Shoes act in competition with clown Boris over this medical fraud the last vestiges of independence have almost vanished. Servitude to and compliance with this totalitarian regime will extinguish all hope for a free Scotland whose assets continue to be exploited and squandered under unionist control. Sturgeon and her little civil service cabal are all too comfortable in their self serving political bubble. When it came to independence rallies under Yes they were neither seen nor heard. What remains is an empty shell of a party playing “safe” and dining off crumbs from the Establishment’s table. Shameful.
I have taken The Knee, but I am not going to take The Knee for Craig Murray, and He Wouldn’t either for The Queen, which I completely approved of.
I took the knee cos I was brought up in a cult, The cult of The Roman Catholic Church. Not all of it was bad. Some of it was really good. I was never physically or sexually abused, and as I was an altar boy, quite obviously being trained to be a Roman Catholic Priest, despite The Mental Terrorism which sent a significant proportion of my family to Boundary Park Mental Hospital, where I had to regularly visit when Oldham Athletic were Playing Away….
You see, it was quite difficult for me. Obviously highly intelligent family, but all apart from my Mum and my eldest sister, and younger brother complete brainwashed religious lunatics.
ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy) worked on some of them, cos they couldn’t remember what their sins were.) If they couldn’t remember what they had done wrong, then they might get let off, not going to hell.
However, whilst completely rejecting the Catholic Religion at the Age of 15, and later meeting a former Catholic girl, who also rejected the Cult at the same age as me…
We have both maintained our Christian Upbringing, and try to practice it as best we can , when we meet people.
I am so proud of my wife. She is a lot of fun, and absolutely lovely to Everyone.
I try to be, but very occasionaly want to hit someone in the pub, for being so offensive. I haven’t but I have tried.
My sister is still alive. Thanks for any prayers.
I knew she would get better. She has had this problem before.
I hear what ur trying to say bro, total love n hugs xxxxxxxxxx
on the radio other day they talked of
accents uk
how they will all be gone in 30 year
a little barnera lerner spector in joke insider mockery
for sure
the oirish
the welsch
the scotch
the engerlamder
killergi plan what ever way you spell it
blighty for the chop
murray is part pf the process
not victim
in fighting between different foreign corporations is
front men just acting
collecting data and souls
…- *Hostage* would be the correct term here…
Another one bites the spam
Another one bites the spam
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the spam
Hey I’m gonna get you too
Another one bites the spam!
George. It happens to us all. It’s not personal!
Another head of the hydra, Politico magazine, launches another article evidencing an increasingly familiar anxiety:
All is reversed here and the boundaries are strictly demarcated:
A third possibility never arises: the scene at Backwater Jack’s may well be an indication of resistance to bullshit.
“a disbelief in news around the Delta variant so intense it bordered on …” intelligence? No – it has to be “belligerence”!
And we hear about “how social pressures can often pull people away from public safety measures” – as opposed to media pressures that push people towards criminally undertested vaccines!
But naturally we end up with “a resurgence of the virus across the country” – after which the customary interminable viral doom wankfest.
I don’t have a problem with Craig Murray switching his National Allegiances from England were he was born to an English Mum and grew up, and tried to get elected as an English MP in his local Norwich constituency, to Scotland, where he did go to University, and where his Dad was born. I very nearly went canvassing for him in Norwich. I really like the place, and know some people who live there.
But I find it rather bizarre that someone born in Japan to a Japanese Mum, and spends half her life in Japan, and the other half in California, can represent Great Britain in The Olympics, cos her Dad happened to be born here.
Has she ever even visited Great Britain? Good Luck to the girl. I wouldn’t bother if I were her.
I have to admit, I have shown almost zero interest in The Olympics, and only slightly more in The Football.
Everything is so completely corrupt now, I want nothing to do with any of it, and felt disgusted that the vast majority of people in B&Q today were wearing Masks.
You don’t have to now. I didn’t. No one said anything.
Beam me up Scotty. They’ve all gone mad here.
Not sure he has to “switch allegiances”. I have and English father and a Scottish mother.
I don’t favour one country over the other.
if anyone would like a little cloak and dagger with their supper I suggest they look at the story and persecution of ‘cancer curer’ david noakes… you will have to dig a bit to circumvent regime agit-prop..
it revolves around a little known drug called gcMAF…. which had incredible results curing the cancered…
and illustrates perfectly septic isle perfidy, and big moneys reach…
I have read about that and ‘cancer curer’ david noakes. I think it outrageous that he was jailed for flogging his magic cure gcMAF, but also have no idea if it had any benefit to someone with cancer, except as a placebo effect, and other advice he promoted, re changes in lifestyle and diet. If people believe that something is going to cure them, then it probably will produce a positive effect. First of all they are going to feel much better about themselves, and that in itself, together with eating a more natural diet, and other measures, may kick in their brain and their natural immune system.
Whether it will cure them or not is another matter, but the entire Medical Industry and Pharmaceutical Industry is totally corrupt. Whilst it is entirely possible, and likely that some conventional treatments will be successful, it is extremely difficult to measure and try and validate, even on a personal basis.
Whilst I am in no position whatsoever to give medical advice, cancer is rampant in all my brothers and sisters, cousins and relations, very few of who’m are still alive.
I am still here, but I have hardly ever visited my doctor in the last 60 years, and when I did only took his drugs for a maximum of 3 months, and then flushed them down the bog, when they made me ill.
The doctor’s receptionist still phones me up and tells me off for not taking the medicine that was prescribed for me 17 years ago.
I have only been back once since.
Hardly outrageous Tony.
Dr Robert Young in the USA has a success rate of around 90% in curing various kinds of cancers using protocols which he developed around particular mineral salts, nutrition and vibrational therapy… The powers that be obviously didn’t like that, even though he’d never harmed anybody and nobody had filed any complaints against him… Many charges were brought against him and he was eventually jailed for 3 years.
His insight into what cancer actually is, is also interesting.
I think “they” know what cancer actually is.
In 2015 the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) closed a factory in Milton, Cambridgeshire owned by David Noakes’ company Immuno Biotech that manufactured GcMAF for cancer treatment.
In September 2018 Noakes pleaded guilty in UK to manufacturing a medicinal product without a manufacturer’s licence, selling or supplying medicinal products without market authorisation, and money laundering, and sentenced to 15 months of jail.
In April 2021 Noakes pleaded guilty in France to manufacturing and selling fake medicinal products and cosmetics by Internet and sentenced to 4 years of jail.
Noakes sounds more like a modern day snake oil salesman. A crook.
There is nothing of value left in Scotland ! The Scottish overlords having cut down all the forests caused most of the sheep to flee to Australia , while many of the Scots were driven out or fled to Canada , India or the US during the various clearances in search of a less repressive life . The only difference between the Salmond and the Sturgeon is that the Salmond looks better in a kilt, something George IV and Walter Scott made popular ? .
well that is one perspective, you missed Ulster in the diaspora too.
But your first line is correct certainly – auld Alba’s fukt indeed , has been a long time, but acutely now. On a positve note, i am well bye any “nation-state-pride” shite.
So what ? I missed Palestine and Southern Ireland as well , both would be countries have more citizens in the wind than in their homeland . James I , a Scot dumped thousands of ungrateful Presbyterian Scots into Ulster to the horror of the local catholic Irish ,setting up the condition’s for such insane events as the Battle of the Boyne where mostly Dutch , Germans and Swedes fought French and Spanish troops . The deposed King of England James II aka “James the shite” to many Scots, found it prudent to stay in France after that fiasco .
you show some ignorance there mcDonagh: james 6th certainly cleared a massive amount of borderers to Ulster where they could fight the Irish instead of English, after 1603; simultaneously, in the feudal tradition, Scots had bought up large swathes of Down and encouraged Scots settlers in the spirit of “improvement”; Scots dominated Antrim preceding this (in the old tribal tradition); then the 17thC saw indeed refugee Presbyterians swamp Ulster as they fled the “Killing Times” – where Anglicans and Catholics terrorised the south west, murdered teenagers, drowned women and played football with heads of the slain – one of those quite significant episodes (every bit as bad as what happened in the highlands less than 100 years later) that seem to completely escape official narratives of Britain, Scotland or Ulster.
“dumping ungrateful presbyterians” is well off the mark! and Palestine or the south of Ireland? do explain.
Regarding the Boyne etc, yes it is insane that a battle between various European entities for dynastic control remains portrayed as some centre piece sectarian narrative, some even claim the House of Orange was funded by the Vatican.
Anyway, just more proof that much of what history is spouted, is biased, exclusive, censored guff – the world over.
I have gained the distinct impression, that there are far more Scottish people living in London, than there are in Edinburgh. That might be true of Glaswegians too, except it is very hard to understand their accents, unless exceedingly drunk.
How on earth did you come to that deduction?
wee little man sturgeon town
main growth area is drug abuse and heart disease
from tossing throwing trees to
hiding from nano graphene fake
walking with 2 walking sticks in a couple of generations
“There is nothing of value left in Scotland”
Tell that to the oil companies and London government who continue to exploit and trouser huge amounts of revenue from the North Sea.
The small oil reserve in the North Sea was depleted decades ago with England and Norway being the main beneficiaries.
Sorry mate but they’re still here and making a killing. I live in Aberdeen and have spent almost 45+ years in the oil industry. Hi tech and a lot less manpower ensures future profitability, we are still oil rich, although our controlled media would have you believe otherwise.
there’s plenty there, west zetland fields, off tip of Lewis too, they didnae build sullom voe for the north sea! hence auld alba will never be free, same with coal, we’ve loads still there, and sea gas.
Alba is a mismanaged treasure trove, turned to a wind, meat and fibre-farming money circus; which is ecologically an improvement on sheep! jings! whilst the sit on a healing landmass, maritime pillage, rape and excess surge. Bless the Nicola Sturge Party.
We are engurlunds reserve tank, always, especially when everything else dries up, unfortunately. More unfortunately most scots now are unionists. . . latent gimps at best.
Ireland seems a lost cause since cv84, total flattener. WTF???
; )
Mossange 2.0
Craig Murray was Britain’s youngest Ambassador, and around 2004 whilst in Afghanistan, he became aware of Torture being conducted in Uzbekistan and suspected at least complicitity if not actual involvement of US / British / Nato Security Services.
He knew this was completely illegal and immoral, and reported this to the British Government. He was then smeared fitted up with a whole host of allegations, which he proved untrue, and then fired. He wrote a book Murder in Samarkand, which I became aware of in around 2009, and I became a supporter of him and nearly met him on several occasions. I intended to meet him as a witness at the House of Commons for an investigation about torture, but he asked if anyonecould video the proceedings which I managed to do from an obscure Parliamentary feed.
“Craig Murray – Torture 1 of 7”
His political views, and loyalties seem to have changed quite considerably over the past 15 years, but I see nothing wrong with that. I just don’t agree with most of them.
It still think he is an honest man of courage and integrity. His imprisonment is completely outrageous even if he was / is a spy, and I may write him a letter if I get an address for him in jail.
As an Ambassador, he most certainly would have had strong connections to the Intelligence Services, and I suspect his blog, or connections to his blog are moderated by them. I don’t think there is anything particularly unusual about that, In fact it now seems to be quite normal, almost everywhere.
He definitely still had connections in the civil service.
Even saying “I don’t agree with X but they are being treated unfairly” is a tacit admission that agreement or disagreement is part of the situation. It begs the question of how much you’d have to disagree with someone before you support the unfairness.
Read the comments, nobody supports the unfairness, weather they agree with him or not.
Blimey I agree with you.
Maybe your Climate Change scepticism is because you don’t know the difference between ‘weather’ & ‘whether’.
Some of the stuff BTL here makes me laugh. it’s becoming more like OffMail with all the far right / fascists / Tommy Robinson up-voters on here.
…- Climate and weather are two *Distinct* natural phenomena, but thanks for playing…
Are you one of those woke missionaries for tranny olympics?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend is always a part of political calculations. Mr Robinson is a good example of that reordering as dissidents on the left snuggle up to those on the right in an attempt to avoid being trampled by the stampeding herds of tyranny loving servile humans .
Rubbish? Maybe. I’ll agree that OG’s readership is probably more likely to be concerned with keeping the system honest and fair. But I’ve never met anybody who can’t talk themselves into believing that it’s “a victory for justice” when the system is unfair in their favor.
That’s not what you said though. Those poeple arn’t going to see any unfairness, they won the case they were arguing, of course they’ll see it as a victory for justice.
This has no bearing on whether people generally support unfairness based on whether they agree or disagree with the accused on other topics. Whatever the weather. h/t Ucumist 😉
My initial point was that people are so afraid of guilt by association that they are in the habit of prefacing expressions of support for any controversial figure with a disclaimer.
The implication is that their support might have been withheld if the accused had previously expressed views or behaved in a way that they considered too offensive. The more unsympathetic the figure, the bigger the difference between objective fairness and perceived justice.
All you have to do is increasingly convince people that the accused “deserves it” and they’ll move from unqualified support to qualified support and ultimately to silence over travisties of justice. How much support did Assenge lose due to mere accusations of rape? Imagine if the claims had been less obviously unfounded.
Frankly I think he was a fool to approach the Salmond case so aggressively, it was bound to attract the wrong sort of attention.
Nevertheless, I don’t think he belongs in a prison.
Off subject but I’ve just listened to a conversation with the devil,It’s on YouTube I don’t usually go on YouTube but I was searching for something completely different and stumbled upon it,Very interesting to what has been happening now.
What is the title? Do you have a link?
I can’t do links on here but it’s called A conversation with the devil if you type it in on search it’ll come up on YouTube it’s very interesting.
Nice one, thanks, Annie. Though it is rather longer than I care to listen. Yet the essence is clear, the base of the current misery is fear.
This applies to the mighty and the powerless equally.
The former fear losing power, influence, profit, position, status, fear that there is possibly a competitor, who could be mightier and dethrone them. Ultimately, the question is, who will rule the world? Corporate power, military power, China, the USA?
The powerless also fear that they might lose what they have still got, health, means of livelihood, loss of loved ones, loss of home, fear of punishment for non-compliance, their lives etc.
In this sense it is not really off subject.
What does the judge fear, when she sends Craig Murray, a journalist, to prison for doing his job? What does the government fear, that is holds Julian Assange in prison for the same. What do we fear, when we do not stand up for free thinking?
Fear is the most powerful means of ruling, particular because we try to find a rational justification for it (upholding the law?). It is used to encourage us to forego living a dignified life. The compensations are bread and games, McDonalds, TV, a nice pension, some status symbols that show, we’ve made it.
You really got me going there, it hit a nerve. Thanks, again.
That’s what I thought it’s not actually the devil per se,It’s about control maybe how thy others think.
With fear everything we are going through is fear propaganda.I’m not afraid but I fear for my fellow man
Your Devil considers Rockefeller as his enemy. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Richard Bruce Cheney, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and Anthony Stephen Fauci?
Are the devil 😷
he burns words
his helpers do 2
he is quoted as saying let england burn
like many scotch yes scotch not scots
wants to leave and join europe
he is agent
that is my view
his site has m i handlers
everything is data everything actor
fake gangs counter and pseudo
objecting or protecting sturgeons
while salmon falls
has the stink of fishy fish mongers halls
pending pending
spam spam test testing
puff its gone
don’t worry ‘gorden’ (or is it gordon ?)… your ‘children’ have ‘gone’ to a ‘better’ place…hehe
NB: keep up the good work… I like that ‘stream of consciousness’ thing you have going.. .. it has a seance like quality to it….
the take home point is that freedom of expression is extinct; just in time for the owners, too
There’s a lot of holier than thou in the comments. It’s okay to disagree with Craig Murray about Covid or climate change or whatever and yet appreciate his bravery and his substantial contribution in other areas.
I would single out Craig’s work on the Skripals as the single most important factor in the decision to imprison him. Salmond is essentially a spent political force who has had his day in the sun. Craig’s work on the Assange case was great but not an essential threat. However, his sometimes brilliant analysis of the Skripals’ case was republished far and wide. It made a complete mockery of the British government storyline in real time.
You are probably right about his analysis of the Skripals, but I wrote on his blog, about the very first reports of the incident, almost when it was happening, and said this is quite obviously a fake pre-planned job. Just look at the photography, and the fact that all the crew are there – including the Press from London. What I wrote appeared on his blog, and I was chatting to one of the spooks / press almost live.
The next day, Craig wrote a far more professional report of what was happeening in Salisbury, and I was still allowed to post. He continued to do this during the course of subsequent events over the next few months. Many others added to it, writing far better than I can.
Some months later, I looked back, and noticed that everything I had written, before Craig had got on the story, had been deleted. I am perfectly O.K. about that. I don’t want any more spooks turning up at my door wearing masks, over nothing whatsoever to do with me.
However Craig Murray was very very naughty exposing the complete and utter bollocks of the Skripal story, and is now being punished for it.
You seriously can pack a punch when u talk str8 Tony, personally loved ur folksy anecdotes, true or not, too friend. Showing ur seemingly true self now rocks, will personally miss the occasional folksy anecdote tho.
Hugs n all that’s good to u n urs =)
Scotland has always been a hotbed of extremism towards its people . This is just the latest example as that EU colony run by a corrupt official from Brussels , Nicola Sturgeon and her coven . Their bloodthirsty overlords were hanging witches well into the 19th century ?
This is the take home point: “Just as with Julian Assange, whether you like or agree with Craig Murray is not the issue. The point is, officially, they are both journalists in jail for publishing.”
The majority of “courts” judges have been bought and paid for for at least 100 years. See: Bar Association. You can thank your buddies hiding beneath the suits of the corporate financial system…
This was certainly eye-opening.
When you consider BlackRock and Vanguard are the controlling share-holders in almost every product we eat or use, from mining to farming to manufacturing, through consumption, it’s no surprised the governments and courts are controlled.
Saw a story link today about how Vanguard is offering 1,000$ to ‘vaccine hesitant’ if they get ‘vaccine.’
Interestingly this doc ends with a European official bragging about how the fake swine flu virus pandemic was planned and carried out with the help of the media and how people were coerced into getting needless vaccines. He laughs about it as he addresses a like minded crowd.
Hello Cyndee J: Yes, it’s an excellent video. Another poster on OffGuardian shared this same link about a month ago.
Monopoly – Follow The Money
April 7, 2021
Monopoly – Follow The Money – YouTube
It is indeed, eye opening…
I’ve been opposed to the corporate system for many decades. The system is based on the feudal or manorial method. > What Is Manorialism? (
Ownership of slaves (referred to as “villeins”) is the essence of all corporate ‘stocks’ and financial holdings based on human slavery. Most civilians are aiding and abetting their own enslavement…
Thank you for your comment and inclusion of the link.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply and additional information.
I’m originally from Alabama in the southern US. When he was just a boy my grandfather found work as a coal miner in this very area. Interest my thought most people associate West Virginia with coal mining, the deepest underground mines are near my birthplace of Birmingham.
Last week hundreds of Alabama coal miners protested in front of BlackRock in NYC. Apparently BlackRock is the majority shareholder in Warrior Met which now owns the Alabama mine.
A few years ago the previous owner Jim Walter Mining went bankrupt after in the aftermath of a 2001 explosion that killed 13 miners.
The new company Warrior Met got the miners to agree to take pay and benefit cuts to keep the mine open. The workforce agreed —with the caveat that this was a temporary agreement only until the mine returned to profitability. You can guess the rest….the mine is profitable again and the owners did not keep their promises to miners.
The miners have been on strike since last March. I only learned of BlackRock’s ‘involvement’ when the union took its protest to NYC. Sadly it didn’t get much coverage on mainstream media.
Hello Cyndee J: The takeover of privately owned business through monopolizing markets and sabotaging business properties is a tried and true method. Companies such as Black Rock and Halliburton have been playing this card all over the world.
The media is always looking the other away (like failing to notice certain events related to the Deepwater Horizon spill) because these corporate Medusa’s control media through franchise and syndication.
Civilians remain locked into the corporate system through shared Mutual Funds and retirement pensions tied to income. It’s the company store: >
Sixteen Tons
Tennessee Ernie Ford
Some people say a man is made outta mud
A poor man’s made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
I was born one mornin’ when the sun didn’t shine
I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine
I loaded 16 tons of number nine coal
And the straw boss said, “Well, a-bless my soul”
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
I was born one mornin’, it was drizzlin’ rain
Fightin’ and trouble are my middle name
I was raised in the canebrake by an ol’ mama lion
Can’t no high toned woman make me walk the line
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
If you see me comin’, better step aside
A lotta men didn’t, a lotta men died
One fist of iron, the other of steel
If the right one don’t get you
Then the left one will
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store…
Yes it is why Catherine Austin Fitts urges us to unlock our money from the system. Maybe it’s easier said than done or maybe I’m simply scared to break my annuity a few years from retirement. I’m trying to develop more courage.
It may be only a matter of months before some social credit score scheme negates my access to any of my personal retirement income or social security.
I told my daughter tonight I am still somewhat in a state of shock that things have gone so far. Illinois today mandated masks for students and teachers beginning immediately even during indoor exercise classes.
I watch a movie filmed only a few years ago and people are close to one another, groups of actors clustered for a scene and I think we are no more of a threat to each other now than we were then or than we ever were.
TPTB have convinced us to see each other as a threat when THEY are the threat. I guess they always have been.
Spamcheck this:
While Craig is an important part of the resistance, you fail to report in detail what happened in the German Reich IV on August 1st, 2021.
This is coming to you soon, if it isn’t already there.
And yes, the authorities who command these fascist henchmen, belong to the same group of people that have Julian Assange illegally detained and Craig Murray locked away. The question can only be:
How much longer are you willing to appease these despicable people?
“It would appear that Germany has a bad case of the MerkelNazi Virus Variant.”
“Meanwhile in NY Gov Death, the Deblasio Virus Variant and the rest of the Billy Eugenics Euthanasia Cull Juice Death Cult Fan Club are trying to round up more labrats for the next round of the experiment.”

“Nothing says Third Reich more than a goosestep parade, a stomping of the untermenschen-useless eaters and a jackboot down the throat.”
Something else came to mind. Might warrant repeated use.
The gift that keeps giving. Seriously, some of the longtime
participants in this forum knew where this is going.
C.J. Hopkins wrote about it repeatedly.
It cannot be reiterated too many times, that there will
be no future without the removal of those entities from
their positions, that are responsible.
If it is not all fake, where are the hackers that get the
shift schedules for the time in question – who was on duty,
who oversaw, or who gave the orders.
A reconciliation before an uprising?
Again, what is society to do about those who have been/are
actively and eagerly partaking in this reset of whatever sorts?
Practically, the whole of bureaucracy must go. Surveillance
must end immediately.
We are in for some true end times scenarios – created willfully
and intentionally. The orders always come from the same floor.
The top one.
“Any reader who wants to send a letter of support can do so at using the e-mail address: craigmurrayjustice[at]”
Given who owns gmail, how can one be sure these letters will reach their destination?
Both Assange and Craig Murray are political prisoners, for whistleblowing. The regime in Blighty makes a big thing of encouraging whistleblowers and other honest people to come forward. Then they jump on them and whizz them through a kangeroo court.
If the regime in Blighty wasn’t scared shitless of Scots wanting independence, this farce and miscarriage of justice wouldn’t occur.
This and previous gov’ts have only added fuel to the fire for independence, which would be manna from heaven for politicians but a hell for the people of both countries. People who have learned to live and thrive together despite the efforts of politicians on opposite sides of the border.
The regime in Blighty also hasn’t forgiven Craig for going native in Uzbekistan, exposing the expansion of american bases in the area and exposing the toadying of the then gov’t in Blighty to their fellow conspirators in washintub.
Gov’ts may change, but somehow the narrative doesn’t.
We now have more shysters in gov’t that ever before, using the public as a money spinner and cash machine, and gaoling anyone who gets in their way.
I take Craig Murray at face value, he sees himself as sitting at the Captain’s table, and observes decorum. You can work out 911 for yourself for God’s sake, everybody else has. Same goes for Covid and anything else you care to drag up. What he plainly declares is that Scotland does not need permission to dissolve the Union and resume life as a sovereign nation. It’s perhaps naive to think that a country belongs to the people who live there, but that’s who he is. It obviously came as a surprise what his job was as an Ambassador. Maybe he lives in the world of ‘Sikunder Burnes’. I really enjoyed his book. I hope he gets a good rest and writes another as good. Maybe he has a degree ( as described in the book ), that out-ranks all the appointed lackeys. He certainly gives that impression.
Appreciate Off-g posting an article like this, course u have to focus on the more important big pic. Pretty sure not many folks are available to maintain/moderate the site too, u do a gr8 job with ur available resources, this is a seriously hi-end website despite limited resources. Also, love the fact ur one of the few sites who don’t try to force cookies etc on users, to access the site.
Enjoy n learn much from many of Craig Murray’s articles, irritates me a li’l he focuses so much on Scottish independence, it matters a lot to him personally tho. So fair do’s, one doesn’t have to read those articles.
Personally don’t think he’s a bootlicker, there are ppl who genuinely want to be honorable and fair in his sort of former occupation. Also, surely he must be given serious credit for calling out what the Govt was doing, which he was cruelly hounded for by the State.
Sadly, that hounding is happening to him again, all the veiled allusions he made in his articles, were freely expressed in the msm. Stunning hypocrisy is one of the things which can trigger me strongly.
Hugs n all that’s good to Craig, he ain’t a well man, so hope he comes thru this totally unjustified experience, at least ok.
I have been reading Craig Murray blog for some time. I like his detailed style of writing.
But do not agree with him on many things. He has mostly accepted the governments position on covid. He is also a convert to climate change. This just shows that some one who is intelligent and able to analyse can not always see the wood for the trees.
This is very much a political arrest. The on line harm bill continues this drive to a separate justice for what they call trusted sources. Namely those that follow the approved narrative and those that question or put out unwanted information.
It’s not totally clear what Mr Murray does believe on some subjects: he has ambitions to be the first President of an independent Scotland, so he makes sure he remains within the Overton window on subjects like Climate Change, Covid19 and Brexit (in Scotland, slagging off Brexiteers is pretty much Government policy).
I regard him as a highly informed analyst on much to do with Russia and the FCO, a man very close to the Assange narrative and a man who shows his lack of scientific training where many highly complex scientific/biomedical matters are concerned.
a highly informed analyst on much to do with Russia
“much to do” is correct. Here’s about the rest:
Some years ago he penned an article titled “Nigeria on Volga.”
He explained how it’s a third-world economy in decline, with no hope for improvement.
Russia’s oil&gas exports account for ~15% of its official GDP.
I find it difficult to have any empathy for Murray, he drank from the parasites poison chalice for so long I wouldn’t trust him to piss straight. The judgement is clearly a miscarridge of justice, state over-reach, and a dangerous precedent, but maybe that was the plan.
He’s a big supporter of Assange, who himself has a shady spooky portfolio, has anything positive come out of wikileaks really? Besides some MSM and gov hand wringing (and public outrage) all it seems to have achieved is changes to the judicial systems and laws that make the illegal gov actions now legal policy, a la Snowden (with little MSM handwringing or public outrage).
He’s also a big cheerleader for “Climate Change” and Extinction Rebellion, a known astro turfing outfit, which makes him appear as an intellectual agent-provocateur.
A few weeks in gaol and he’ll come out as a sheep-dipped whistleblower “hero” for free speech, even tho his anticts only served to allow the Judiciary to set a precedent with negative outcome for free speech. I guess we’ll have to reserve judement and wait for the ECHR, and even if that overturns the UK ruling, I still wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.
Maybe I’m just too cynical.
Assange and Snowden have hardly ever mentioned/pretty much avoided the 9/11 subject. That says enough about them for me.
Here’s Zbigniew Brzezinski on PBS newhour in 2010 explaining how Wikileaks could be the perfect “intelligence cut out operation”.
ZB is a conspiracy theorist, who knew (lol)
Your cynicism is totally understandable ImpObs, think we all get weary at times cos of all the diarrhoea the SCUM n their bootlickers try to force us to accept. Personally don’t think Craig is one of those bootlickers tho.
Gr8 seeing u too Claret, all that’s good to both of u =)
Ooh, looks like u too might now be a target for the pathetic, malicious downvoters now. Actually, probably just 1 or 2 sad, small minded li’l ppl, who have no control over their personal triggers and have too much time on their hands.
Oops, the above comment was meant for ImpObs
of course, the aim being to reinforce the ‘narrative’ (the beano comic scripted by un-intelligence), creating astro-turfed freedom fighters who always hand the regime more power to restrict ‘freedumbs’…. we saw all of this with the imbecile ‘tommy robinson’ who seems to be a state agent by all accounts… and a dark mirror reflection of the other state funded fraudsters and social engineering op ‘hope not hate’…
it seems as always there are flavours of shit to suit both sides of the imaginary ‘divide’ (and conquer)…..
b from mooneys of alabama
ass ange murray galloway the anthony wedgewood benn
corbyn family saymore hershey robert fisked,gnome chumpski
the cock burnt family can all be defined by the position they take on the 9 and 11 trauma ritual
the belly says full fat to me
balkanization works well as a globo tool ask serbia
the twat who runs the welsch now wants to leave
Understand why so many think like u gorden, don’t agree personally tho. There are loadsa gatekeepers for sure, most of those u mention said/did many good things tho.
In a high minded way, cld be they think it best to bite their tongues on stuff any1 with a competent brain can figure out, so they’re not censored or marginalised n can speak some truth to power safely. Cld also be they’re just too frit to weigh in on such issues, which is pretty craven, still understandable to me tho.
Totally agree …. For many political dissidents 9/11 involvement is something that would be counterproductive and a gift to their adversaries .If JA or Snowden for example hung their hats on that particular peg they would for the rest of their lives have “9/11 conspiracy theorist” added as a permanent prefix to their names. Their body of work would be badly damaged by the association .
Despite the absurdity of that event the public are never going to budge from their ignorance . They saw two planes hit two buildings then they saw the nineteen mugshots. Case closed.
This article and one or two of the comments equate Murray’s incarceration to that of Julian Assange, in principle at least. It also mustn’t be forgotten that Murray has been a thorn in the side of ‘the establishment’ over Julian Assange’s treatment for many years now. My belief is that he would probably have just been given a quiet rap on the knuckles for his misdemeanours regarding the Salmond case if he didn’t have that connection to Assange.
Whilst Murray’s imprisonment is ostensibly for contempt of court I think the severity of the punishment has been compounded by the desire of the contemptible PTB to punish him for campaigning for Assange and highlighting the injustice and corruption behind the latter’s treatment.
I agree.
He’s not being punished for his jigsaw crime alone. He has been a thorn in their side over Assange, and also the Skripals, if I’m not mistaken.
Craig Murray was asked numerous times by bloggers including myself to discuss the Scamdemic. Frequently, he refused when he on very rare occasions did he sided with the status quo. Moreover, he or his moderation team frequently censored many bloggers who tried to draw attention to the Scamdemic. So the notion of free speech for him is not as quite free as Craig would want you to believe. Nevertheless, he is a thorn in Wee Crankies side hence the stitch up !
Murray’s incarceration stems from the Salmond trial where a verdict of not guilty was delivered. Craig Murray was one of the few writers who presented Salmond’s case when all other media writers seemed to be against him. I have not seen the same level of support from Salmond for Murray. Is this because Salmond has deserted Murray or is it purely because it is not reported in the main stream media ?
It could be both. There is no separation of powers (law and government) in Scotland. Apparently, it was ‘an oversight’, when the Scottish Parliament was re-convened. Both have been shown, recently, to be completely corrupt and the MSM is in their pocket.
I would not trust any of the players in this game as far as I could throw them.
Salmond has an RT show. If he hasn’t supported him on there, then he has something to answer for…..
I don’t know. Of course I feel empathy and he serves an unjust sentence. But there is much injustice in this world and what can you do?
What also is problematic is that people like Assange, Snowden, and now Murray are, let me say it: unsympathetic to me. And that is not because of the msm, it is because what they say and write on their own blog/book/website/interviews.
I don’t like Craig Murray’s blog. He has been dodging quite a few questions about 911 and covid. He is boring and likes to brand the English as unpeople. I never ever saw him apologizing or even changing an opinion in which he was wrong, because he is always right. I gave him money in the past for a case that would be very expensive (he said) and which brought in 100000s of euros for him and then it was a non-starter and Craig kept the money (even though he said he gave it away). His friends, including John Pilger and Roger Waters (that he boasts about) have shown their feathers in the Covid nonsense, and are therefore people I no longer trust or would like to drink coffee with. Murray does though. Why?
Anyway, he doesn’t deserve the jail sentence, is if you would ask me and there is nothing I can do about it. Let Roger Waters take care of it. There is much other injustice in the world that I can do something about. Think fi about the elderly who are locked up in old people’s homes because their children are too busy with… whatever. Is where I would put my energy in.
I stopped reading C Murray a while ago. His articles popped up in the wrong places.
Also, modern show trials are different from the ones in the past. The indicted walks into court, gets a verdict and walks out the back door to go into hiding for a while. Some even walk out of a high security prison while the guards are sleeping, never to be seen again.
I’ve posted a reponse to you but as usual I have taken a spam holiday which hopefully won’t be too long!
It seems my spam holiday has turned into permanent exile. Oh well – it was fun while it lasted!
It can be a nuisance (the spam filter)
I found your missing comment in the spam bin and restored it. 🙂
If there is anything on Dr. Mercola’s site that you want, copy it now. The entire site will be taken down in 48 hours– some 25,000 articles & videos. Perhaps you are aware that he is number one on Biden’s list of 12 sources of “disinformation.” We are about to lose a tremendous archive of health information.
Why is it being taken down? Didn’t he say this once before?
I just went to his site.
He is taking down all previous articles, etc. because of the censorship – mostly because of Biden’s announcement about the 12 terrible anti-agenda people.
However, he will still continue to write his daily newsletter. Anything he writes will be on his site for 48 hours and then taken down by him.
So he is doing this himself. If you go to his site he explains it all.
What I find interesting is that his book about Covid19 is a best seller on Amazon.
It appears you can still purchase it there. I would have thought Amazon would censor it. Or is it just social media that is censoring?
He previously removed only covid treatments/preventatives w the reason given as threats to his physical safety. (He was not selling any product in relation to this you understand, but only giving info documented to the studies & to expert testimony.)
In all likelihood there are current legal threats, since wrong-doing has already been alleged. Additionally, there’s the NYT piece a couple days ago– full of false allegations and attacks. With Biden’s attack on him the entire US govt is arrayed against him. He’ll lose everything he has trying to defend himself.
But I don’t see what legal requirement would mean he can publish stuff for 48 hrs and then remove it. And I don’t see any specific legal threats or any threats at all.
Am I missing something? Isn’t he just putting his content behind a paywall and blaming censorship?
What paywall?! Everytying on his site has always been free. I do not have an intimate familiarity w the attacks & threats– legal and otherwise. I suggest that rather than criticize him you might ask HIM your questions.
AFAIK he is the most influential and reliable alternative medicine doctor in the English-speaking world. He donates to lots of other worthwhile organizations. He exposes the consequences of fluoride, root canals, mammograms, EMFs, statin drugs, and the cholesterol myth.
He is openly delighted when one of his interviewees “outs” his errors and corrects him or tells him something he doesn’t already know. He provides transcripts of all interviews. And his own articles are always sourced to published studies!
He headed the campaign to label GMOs. He couldn’t win that one with the unlimited dollars and crooked elections arrayed against him, but he succeeded of his actual goal– to make people aware of the toxicity of GMOs. He is simply an extraordinary hero who has fought all his adult life to find and present the valid info that sets us free from the extraordinary set of lies promulgated by TPTB for decades.
Most people think it began w the covid operation. It is decades longer.
It is a crying shame that much of the good of Dr. Mercola’s work has been cancelled– and that Off-G has allowed itself to be manipulated in favor of TPTB.
You’ve made over 650 comments here, why the sudden switch to hating on this site? Why are you accusing Off-g of being manipulated by TPTB for echoing the views of many prominent experts in relation to PCR testing? Off-g hasn’t altered its position, why the sudden shift? It doesn’t seem like natural behaviour somehow. A2
“Further, in her ruling the Judge found that bloggers and small independent outlets should be held to different standards than larger, traditional media outlets.Just as with Julian Assange, whether you like or agree with Craig Murray is not the issue. The point is, officially, they are both journalists in jail for publishing.”
For publishing the Truth. In this case the identity of anonymous accusers.
When Charlie Chaplin made his film about someone with an ambition to take over the world, everyone knew who The Great Dictator was: his name was Adenoid Hinkel, and his face was instantly recognizable. But today we have a dictatorship of the anonymous and the faceless.
This was predicted more than a century ago by GK Chesterton: that a Public Person would be someone very private and mainly concerned with making money.
We let them get away with Con-911 because the implications were too terrible to bear: that the governments of our so-called Free World were a regime of cut-throat bandits who made a Holocaust of 3,000 of their own citizens to make a spectacular show, a Pearl Harbour Event through which they could suspend civil liberties in the name of Patriotism.
We let them get away with Con-911; so, emboldened, the faceless dictators came back with Con-19 to suspend even more civil liberties, to kill and maim millions of their fellow citizens with experimental drugs in the name of Public Health. Always, as in Con-911 and all their other Conspiracies, with the aim of secretly fleecing the sheeple by secret transfers of public money to private hands of anonymous oligarchs.
Name them and shame them — even if it means going to prison (like Assange and Murray) or worse (like Dr.David Kelly, RIP).
Content changed again, before the comments get too real…
Well, you know, it’s all a secret. so suss up. The ‘alternative’ media are controlled, yes, even this one. buddy. Covid bullshit true though, so there is that !
Tommy Robinson is another journalist recently jailed for contempt, so Craig is notthe first in fifty years
“Tommy Robinson” is clearly a psyop, “he” isn’t even in the same ballpark as Craig Murray.
Yes Bob. Real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, plus a few other aliases.Why anybody would trust someone with several ID’s, I have no idea.Convicted for fraud and assault. Dubious connections with the ADL. Did a foto-shoot in Israel sitting on a tank. Applauded by far-right/anti-Islam populists all over the place.Sold his big fancy house for around a million quid a few years ago. Hardly any kind of ‘working class hero’ as some people seem to think.
“Real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon”
Sure about that? According to this article on the BBC website, the name on his “own legitimate passport” is Paul Harris.
Despite this, the Judge in the case this article is referring to told him: “I am going to sentence you under the name of Stephen Lennon although I suspect that is not actually your true name, in the sense that it is not the name that appears on your passport.”
(Seriously, I’m not making this up, the BBC reports this as a direct quote from the Judge!)
It could not be more obvious that Tommy Stephen Paul Harris Yaxley-Lennon Robinson is a creature of the “establishment”
As, I suspect, are Assange, Snowden and (possibly unwittingly) Murray
If you actually piss the government off, you tend to end up dead
‘Sure about that?’
Come to think it, no, not entirely. I should have written: In many msm outlets it is reported as his real name.
‘It could not be more obvious that Tommy Stephen Paul Harris Yaxley-Lennon Robinson is a creature of the “establishment”’
I agree, he seems to me to be a spooky stereotype/TV caracature/shit-stirrer designed by the (in)security services, The fact that ‘Tommy’ uses all those fake radical-islamic-muslim-extremist-terrorist attacks in his hateful-rants/repertoire is also a big red flag.
Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties
Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise
While Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten-foot cell
An innocent man in a living hell
— Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy, “Hurricane” (1975)
I abandoned Craig’s censorious blog, and cooled off after long exposure to his idiosyncratic perspective, but the above-quoted verse still applies. “Objectively”, his ordeal and unjust punishment is not on the same order as Assange, or Rubin Carter’s trumped-up conviction for multiple homicides.
But it is a difference of degree or magnitude, not kind. The common denominator is that they all are victims of heinous, malicious malfeasance.
BTW, the evildoers who perpetrated this travesty seem to exhibit projection: it’s definitely a case of a jigsaw indictment, followed by a jigsaw conviction. And the prosecution team and their superiors are manifestly the sort who successfully pound wrong pieces into place in order to triumphantly complete the puzzle.
There is a very good chance that ‘The Hurricane’ was indeed guilty of the heinous murders. Think how the movie starring Denzl Washington presaged BLM etc…Read David Axelson’s ‘Murder, Myth and Marketing – how Rubin Carter conned the NYT ,Bob Dylan, Madison Avenue and Hollywood’. I saw the movie, and something about it rang very falsely, and so read this book and understood why. Like ‘American Gangster’ where a vicious gangster is lionised, or Erin Brockovich where anybody who knows how much the real Erin made from the settlements to the victims is pretty disconcerting. Is Hollywood capable of creating anything in which truth is not completely distorted…I’d say no.
‘Is Hollywood capable of creating anything in which truth is not completely distorted…I’d say no.’
I can’t think of one.
Sorry,miles off-topic: ‘Nebraska’ is a truly fantastic film.
I would like to respond to your anonymous too little too late crocodile tears and for squeezing in your ‘not time for anything else except CoV denialism GBD GBTv BrexShit daily bullshit’ … Just fuck right off… I hope that is simple enough for you and your thicko fascist spawning ground suckers.
Be seeing you 👌🏼
I believe Murray is a good man, and I support him, but god knows what the security services have over him. Look at the comments on Murray’s blog. It’s like a field fest of MI5, MI6 and other assorted psychos.
And they really are psychos mostly, in the sense that only one point of view is ever tolerated (it’s board policy).
I hope Craig survives his two months in prison (that’s probably all he will serve) and when he gets out he might be emboldened to speak about the covid stuff.
Any fecking egit can see what’s going on (particularly egits who have been part of the British Establishment).
There are no excuses here.
Rob, I’m pretty sure I remember a comment where you said you, like myself, live in France. Are you protesting? I can be found in Limoges each Saturday at 2pm
Apologies if you’re the wrong Rob
‘Anti…..anti pass sanitaire’
Cumberland, I’m in the Charente, about half way between Limoges and Angouleme.
Living in a very rural area I haven’t been directly involved in the big protests.
Rumour is that very shortly there’s going to be a massive general strike in France?
Cheers for the reply Rob. We too, live in a very rural area. Limoges is an hour south for us. Two Saturdays ago there were quite a few english voices to be heard. I picked out about 20 in a crowd of about 1000, but there were probably more. This was WorldWide rally for freedom day. Last Saturday, still about 1000, but there was only my wife and I. I heard no other english voices. This Saturday we will be there with two Welsh friends.
Telegram channel RSA limoges is worth following for info on the Limoges protests.
I am amazed that, after Macrons speech, many, many French are getting experimentally jabbed. Why not just wait it out? Maybe that means the 70%, ordered from the globalists, will be acheived and then we’ll be left alone.
Hold out till end of October. The EU is to issue 3 therapeutic covid treatments, and then 2 more before end of 2021. This may damage the vax narrative
Rob, In the matter of the covid scam, I fear Craig is one of the hypnotised. Maybe a few weeks sitting in jail, free to read but not to publish, may waken him from the trance. Depends whether he gets to see TV inside, I suppose.
Maybe if he can catch up on Off Guardian’s offerings over the last eighteen months…he’ll be thoroughly schooled and will certainly enjoy the comments section
Hopefully, in view of his bad health, Craig will only be banged up for a couple of months.
I’ve only been banged up on two occasions, and on both occasions it was just one night in the cells. God knows what it’s like to be banged up for days, weeks and months on end!
Allegedly, Mr Murray doesn’t write all the comments himself.
“Is this a surprise? Part of the “BIG LIE” the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psychos give for Julian Assange’s death sentence is that he did not wear a condom. Though the world knows it is because those thieving mass murdering psycho Nazi thugs do like anyone reporting of their many Crimes Against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”
RIP Free Speech, RIP Free Press.
Killed by the Satanic Cabal and their Totalitarian bootlickers.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Possibly from G.O.