We Are Many. The Oppressors Are Not.
Hiroyuki Hamada

I remember chatting with a man from Iraq in 2016. He was driving a taxi in Germany. I wrote about him in one of my essays[1]:
Last month, I was chatting with an Iraqi taxi driver in Berlin. My 12 year old son and I took a cab from the Museum for Contemporary Art to our hotel. I couldn’t help but ask the cab driver why he ended up in Berlin. He said it was something to do with the availability of the visa. He stressed that he had to leave because he didn’t like Islam. He said Muslims were killing each other.
I felt very slightly sad because he sounded like he had to say that to prove that he wasn’t a “terrorist”. I told him that it was the US that supported Saddam when it was convenient. Then, the US flipped, changing its policy, as doing so became more convenient. I asked him, Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, same old story, no?
Then he said something unexpected. He said it was a “people’s revolution”. “We stood against Saddam”. He was referring to the first gulf war in 1991. He went on to describe how it didn’t go as people wished, and it brought about the devastating trade embargo, more war, ISIS and so on. His voice was passionate. I felt the anger and frustration against war and imperialism that I also feel myself, in his voice.
The imperial war against countries that defy the US hegemonic imperatives involves a few steps. The target population is deprived of their basic necessities by economic embargo, trade sanctions, travel restrictions and demonization of its leader.
The society is destabilized by the lack of resources and economic activities. The opposing forces in the country are generously funded by the empire to build a momentum against the defying “regime” in the name of “revolution,” “democracy,” “freedom” and etc.
The communities are divided. The institutions are compromised to serve capital, adding more confusions and predicaments to the population.
Quite often this is sufficient enough to silence those who defy such interventions and it results in an overthrow of the existing order. The society is transformed to suit the colonial policies concocted by western industries, which result in resource extraction, privatization, financialization, exploitation of cheap labor, construction of US military bases and so on.
Quite a few middle eastern countries have defied such interventions resulting in proxy wars and western military interventions.
That was the “war on terror” which continues to this day as the US forces are freely employed against the world according to its “war on terror legal framework,” while its measures are still in place as restrictions against our legal rights as well as restrictions at airports and so on.
Many of us raised our voices against the obvious crime of invading other countries, colonizing them and subjugating them. To my surprise there were people who objected to our assertion saying that if we didn’t invade them, they would have invaded us, they were “terrorists,” and so on.
Enormous profits were generated by this huge public project, war, at the expense of the people in the war torn countries as well as oppressed people in some of the richest countries of the world. No one was held accountable for deaths and destruction. The war to save people from terrorists was a huge capitalist project to expand the power and wealth of hardened criminals who call themselves politicians, philanthropists, businessmen, intellectuals, patriots, academics, and so on.
The underlining mentality of neocolonial violence is based on prejudice against the peoples of the targeted countries.
Those peoples, who reside within countries governed by “leaders” who have sworn to obey imperial policies, are subjected to tighter measures of exploitation and subjugation in order to serve the interests of the imperial institutions. The predicaments of the subject population—poverty, social unrest, and corruption, which stem from the economic subjugation, justifiy the mental superiority among westerners, falsely proving the inferiority of the “barbaric” population which must be “assisted” by westerners.
If the leader of a colonized country attempts to amend the unfair situation by implementing policies that serve that country’s own people, the western authority would mobilize policies to remove such an element. The policies are firmly backed by the prejudice amongst the imperial population.
Simple slogans and key words such as “he is killing his own people,” “save the children,” “regime,” “dictatorship” and “genocide” can trigger the colonial mentality as well as the white savior mentality in the imperial population.
Fast forward to 2021–the era of war on virus. We are experiencing a massive wealth transfer to the rich and powerful, which can be best described by Jeff Bezos thanking his workers and customers for his rocket ride[2].
The cynical exploitative violence inflicted against workers is found in all sectors across the country, creating destruction of small community businesses, massive homelessness, suicide surge, a spike in drug-related deaths. Lockdown measures are wreaking havoc in vital social relations, which must now be reorganized.
The virus event has turned the dwindling healthcare system into mask-wearing, social distancing and getting injected with extremely lucrative experimental GMO drugs — which are surrounded by unprecedented numbers of injuries and deaths, far surpassing all combined prior vaccine injury and death reports to the CDC reporting system VAERS.
The lockdown measures and profit-oriented measures against the virus further narrowed the capacity of the general healthcare system, resolution in huge numbers of patients without vital care for their urgent conditions. Destroying the healthcare system (as it quietly transitions to telehealth with zero dissent) for the sake of saving lives is only an aspect of the current mobilization.
The education system, which has been under attack for generations by corporate forces, has received a blank check to fire faculties, turn classes into online tutorials, and pursue a new mission to create obedient workers for the Forth Industrial Revolution.
The financial institution has accelerated its herding of the population into the digital realm where people are conditioned, commodified, and exploited as data. In every industry, a massive restructuring process for profit is occurring in the name of Covid measures.
Now, I understand that respiratory illnesses can be very dangerous. If you look up articles from pre-Covid time, you find desperate calls from healthcare professionals screaming about the risk of flu epidemics due to the lack of facilities and resources. This has become reality after Covid, as massive death tolls have resulted from nursing home lockdowns. Profit oriented treatment options have been promoted while effective options were restricted, resulting in yet even more deaths and hospitalizations.
But statistically, all these deaths in the US had not exceeded the range of year to year variation in death rate. This crucial fact has been observed in various countries.
The Covid situation, if anything, is very much a manmade event. It can not be described as a deadly pandemic comparable to the bubonic plague. This should shatter virus event narratives propped up by “cases“ concocted by unreliable PCR tests—its inaccuracy has been highly criticized by many scientists—including the inventor of the PCR test himself–due to its arbitrary results depending on the degree of amplification in search of the targeted DNA fragments[3][4].
The above observation is strictly based on the opinions of numerous healthcare professionals, doctors, and scientists across the globe. At the very least, it must be recognized that there are significant disagreements within the field of science on every aspect of Covid-19, its treatments, and lockdown measures.[5][6]
However, none of those are examined in a serious manner by the establishment. In fact there are many instances of healthcare professionals being disciplined for reporting cases of vaccine injury, speaking against the treatment policies, and questioning the prevelant assumptions regarding the virus. Healthcare professionals are actively forced to play along with the official Covid narrative.
For the general public the mixed emotions over the contradictions have turned to frustration, and the frustration has turned anger as if we are stuck in a pressure cooker made with official narratives and structural impediments of lockdowns and forced vaccine injection. The heat and pressure have broken down the social fabric as our daily routines are dictated by “new normal.”
So many things have happened since last year. But somehow things don’t seem to fit in right places in our heads.
We mark our sense of time and space with traditional events, daily routines and our common knowledge. When we lose those, we are left with a series of elements and dynamics without those markers.
But alternate markers have been provided by those who have deprived us of the markers. Our lives are marked with lockdowns, masks and social distancing–the “new normal”.
Now we mark our lives with it.
We are told that there is a deadly disease out there and the only solution is to vaccinate. Our life and death are determined by one of the largest corporate entities, the medical-industrial complex.
Just as the war on terror was described as a “crusade”—legitimizing the twisted religious and cultural superiority of the colonizers, disguising white man’s burden as humanitarian obligation — the war on virus crowns “science” as its guiding force. However, needless to say, the credibility of the “science” is proportional to the accompanying might of wealth and power — just as the facts of war are bought and sold as “journalism”.
Propaganda lies fill the air as those who oppose are marked as “others” who deserve to be castigated as being outside of the protection of the gated community.
This way of framing — the medical-industrial complex — is useful in understanding the dynamics within the capitalist hegemony. However, such an entity is also a part of the media industrial complex, non-profit industrial complex, political industrial complex, and of course military-industrial complex.
In short, our lives are dictated by multiple dynamic forces of oligarchs, orchestrating a “reality” which firmly manifests as a capitalist framework—a cage to condition our lives based on its imperatives.
As the current virus mobilization reframes our society, obliterating existing values, norms and beliefs, the corporate institutions and their owners are consecrated as absolute beings which determine our life and death. This is why decrees legitimated by the “emergency” are acceptable political means now. This is why large corporations have gained enormous wealth. This is why our lives are herded into the digital realm where we are commodified, conditioned to be exploited, and truncated to be stripped of the mystery of life and the unknown.
But where do the anger and frustration go?
The US establishment is well aware of the boiling anger and frustration over the situation. The momentum of anger is cultivated and it is being shaped to put the people against each other—an old corporate duopoly trick, which has grown steadily as a dynamic tool of social engineering in the US. The ghosts of the Civil War still determine the means of enslavement, while allowing the ruling class to preside over the theater of “democracy,” “freedom” and “humanity”—a manufactured “reality.”
Individualism, self-determination and a sense of freedom based on the sacrifices of many oppressed people are a privilege only allowed to people with economic security. This is a part of the reason why the resistance against the Covid lockdown measures encompasses a reactionary element. In particular, erroneously defining the trajectory as “socialism” or “communism”.
This ironic twist, the capitalist oppression being blamed on the enemy of capitalists, once again reveals the mechanism of the imperial duopoly as well as the expansion of the exploitive violence against a formerly economically secure segment of the population, which will require tighter measures of draconian restrictions.
It is not a coincidence that the red states have embraced the opposing positions while the blue states firmly adhere to the official narratives on vaccines and lockdown measures. The subject populations are allowed to choose the mode of enslavement, but the slight differences in the choice are big enough to activate colonial hatred toward each other. The unresolved historical pain, emotion and grudge have found urgent expression against “enemies” among us.
A fight between teeth-baring wolves and cunning foxes, as Malcolm X would call it, channels the anger and frustration safely within the capitalist framework. The media, politicians and major institutions carefully instigate conflicts among the people by demonizing opponents over vaccines and lockdown measures, while protecting “pandemic” narratives one way or the other.
Some people might think that things must get worse before it gets better. Things can certainly get worse but it looks like it only means more fragmentation of communities and destabilization of institutions, which allows further erosion of people’s interests by the capitalist domination along with justifications for its draconian measures. This probably gives a comfortable feeling for those privileged ones in gated communities.
This also accompanies the exacerbation of fascist momentum, which always justifies the forces of western imperial hegemony—remember how the Trump phenomenon pushed neoliberal policies, which are embraced by the both corporate parties, while justifying anything else to oppose Donald Trump, who was largely perceived as an obvious caricature of the narcissistic failing empire? The US capitalism moves forward while oscillating left and right within the acceptable spectrum of imperialism.
In short, everything is under control according to those who destroyed the middle eastern countries. The only difference is that now the target is us. We are under attack. Some of us are demonized by the establishment to play the role of scapegoats. Some of us are praised as heroes saving lives and sacrificing themselves. Our communities are being destroyed to be further consumed by the colonizers of humanity and nature.
The war on the virus is meant as a crucial background of destabilization and fear which helps extract huge amounts of public spending in the name of saving lives, saving the environment and saving people’s livelihoods—which are all under attack by the savagery of the very capitalist domination. Since the war on the virus is largely targeting public money, we are bombarded with an unprecedented amount of wholesale propaganda narratives, as if we are thrown into the process of corporate electoral process — we are supposed to vote yes to those lucrative capitalist fixes for the capitalist problems by going along with the narratives.
Public outcries against the policies are safely consumed among the populations as people are forced to fight among themselves.
Moreover, the war on the virus is meant to be a perpetual war. Inconceivable “mistakes” will be made, victories would be declared here and there, facts will be revealed when convenient, while much of the facts are distorted to prop up the pretence of this vast protection racket scheme by the oligarchs. One step forward, and one step backward, our lives swirl within the torturous theater of the “medical crisis,” but the real solution is never to be found within it.
The empire can not lose the war but the empire has no intention of winning the war either, for the winning can destroy the domesticated momentum of the in-fighting among the people, as well as an assortment of “activism” backed by the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, which effectively drives capitalist agendas in the name of “our democracy”.
After all, we are many. The oppressors are not.
The mechanism of domestication must be kept in place to tame the masses within the feudal hierarchy of money and violence. Meanwhile, fear, doubt and real threat against our livelihood in the form of economic strangulation continue to force us to swallow the protection racket deal with the criminal enterprise.
Ultimately, the trajectory points to a complete domestication of our species through management of all means of production, its products, and the distribution system. As the peoples become products themselves with biotech procedures, the social relations within the digital realm seamlessly merge with the fabricated reality, virtually cementing the feudal hierarchy of the absolute power.
As we operate within social media outlets, as we present our identities within their frameworks, and as we are injected with GMO drugs to modify our physical response to the natural world, we have already stepped into a dangerous stage that might very well spell the end of our species as we know it.
What could Iraqis do as they suffered the deadly embargo and invasions? The question is ours now. Unfortunately, many of those who stood with the empire are still insisting on fighting the imperial war as we have become the targets of the war, demonizing our community members as enemies, repeating slogans and talking points to justify the imperial restructuring, as our communities fall apart to be devoured by the colonizers.
It is no coincidence that those who oppose the current mobilization are accused of being racists, conspiracy theorists, or fascist worshippers—just as not agreeing with bombing brown people would be accused of letting brown children die by the hand of a “dictator.”
Our real enemy is not the “antivaxxers,” or the gullible people swallowing the corporate propaganda. The real enemy is the imperial oligarchs who are shaping our society in order to continue their ways of exploitation and subjugation. They are shaping the capitalist cage to squeeze the last remnants of our imagination and our connection to humanity and nature. How can we defy the colonization of humanity and nature?
How can we be a part of the resistance against the criminal pyramid scheme which is bound to implode with its destructive nature? How can we build our ways to be in harmony with ourselves, with each other and with nature? We are a part of the countless people who have held the dream of such harmony. We stand strong with them in solidarity.
We are many. The oppressors are not.
Hiroyuki Hamada is an artist. Exhibiting widely in gallery and non-commercial settings alike, Hamada has been the recipient of a Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant, twice received New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowships in sculpture, and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. Alongside his career as an artist, his writing can be found at various outlets online.
[1] Hiroyuki Hamada, How Do We Dream the Dream of Peace Together?, September 23, 2016 [back]
[2] Lauren Elizabeth, Jeff Bezos Made Some Revealing Comments After His Trip into Space. July 20, 2021M [back]
[3] Apoorva Mandavilli, Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. August 29, 2020 [back]
[4] International Consortium of Scientists External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results. November 27, 2020 [back]
[5] Off-Guardian.org, 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic March 24, 2020 [back]
[6] Dr. Mike Yeadon – Bitchute: MICHAEL YEADON – HELA INTERVJUN – [SVENSK UNDERTEXT] June 8, 2021 [back]
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Check out https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/red-star-radio-red-star-radio-VM3RcK01ytp/
Its one of the few ‘left’ outlets thats critical about the pandemic.
I listened to part 1 on the “vaccines” and it was good as far as it went, but it did not inquire why the global ruling class is so intent on imposing these injections on the entire population of the planet, i.e. what the politics behind it are. However, I hope this will be covered in part 2 which I will listen to and I will reserve judgement for now.
Australia’s vaccine passport:
They cannot afford to announce the end of the “state of emergency” or “exception” which is what gives the courts the option to dismiss all legal action. If they end the scamdemic , they will have to deal with a lot of lawsuits and they can’t have that.
OMG, not “spam checked!” finally?!
Lets talk numbers
In the UK the government can call on approximately 150,000 armed forces,150,000 police and for the sake of argument they can call on another 100,000 other traitorous bods to protect them.
They can never assemble that 450,000 in one place at one time
Admittedly they have the upper hand in firepower however WE have the numbers,the much touted figure of 3.5% of the population hitting the cobbles simultaneously would be enough to end this overnight so roughly 4.2 million in the UK
Your quest is how to get 4 of your friends,acquaintances,family etc to accompany you to the next planned event
This is worrying. Wake up UK or Freedom will evaporate with our passive complicity.
Our roads are full of trucks, the pingdemic is over. Getting the Army out on the streets delivering food is a psyop to familiarise the population to accept their presence & soften them up and prepare them for Martial Law….another Trojan Horse.
Came a bit late to the news about Mark Rutte, Dutch PM, being confronted by newbie politician Gideon van Meijeren regarding his Klaus Schwab links. Does everybody know that Mark Rutte received a ‘Global Citizen’ award from Schwab in 2019? Just blogged this:
The Greek PM is also a Schwab fan, has been photographed with Schwab’s book on his desk. His announcements are direct word for word translations of Klaus’s slogans and he is hot on the heels of Macron in pushing for vax passports. The guy is a sleazy as it gets, dressed up in a suit of confident sophistication.
I can’t think of a suitable treatment for these creatures, other than the full zombification treatment as practiced in Haiti: particularly vile persons are selected by the voudon cult for this treatment: First the target is dosed with the puffer fish poison which leaves them totally paralysed and not breathing but stil alive and conscious. They appear dead even to physicians, and so are pronounced dead and buried alive while they can watch what is happening but cannot respond or move in any way. Later they are exhumed and given datura aka “nightshade” which is a plant that causes extreme dissociation and often permanent psycholigical and physical damage. The peson is left alive but only a half person, with no willpower or mental faculties.
This is much “better” than execution or imprisonment!
Open Letter to the Unvaccinated
You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is fully vaccinated, and even in Israel, the “world’s lab” according to Pfizer, one third of people remain completely unvaccinated…
This was in 2018
‘The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has admitted that, in direct violation of Federal law, it failed to provide a single vaccine safety report to Congress for thirty years, according to Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).’
Sorry, forgot to link
Been saying that for the longest time. EN-MASSE NO ONE CAN defeat you. They are the minority and have to result to FEAR, FAUCTEETH, and FARCE to kontrol you.
Queensland: https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/apps/E-Petitions/home/TermsAndConditions/3589
I agree that government-corporate cronyism is the real force to fear, and that capitalists who have climbed into bed with government to crush competition and enslave the people are evil, but I dispute the assertion that this is not Communism or Fascism (Fascism being a creature of the left).
Regardless of what it gets called, a ruling elite of government and plutocrats intend to enslave the rest of us: Apparatchiks and party faithful vs the proletariat. This structure is typical of left wing tyrannies, where the favored, including the pet oligarchs of the regime, get to REALLY oppress the masses. Cue the usual jokes about equality meaning equal misery, “we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us,” etc.
Yeah, you’re right. I think the trap with “communism” and “fascism” is that they are just terms that describe the real monster which is, quite plainly, con men conning people.
Left or right is not the explanation.
Many months ago at the PO a woman in front of me muttered “This is communism”. I said “No, it’s totalitarianism”.
“What’s that?” she replied. So I had to give her a quick lesson. I still think she didn’t understand me.
It aggravates the hell out of me that so many people have reverted or regressed to the legacy Cold War binary-thinking that automatically conflates totalitarianism, authoritarianism, tyranny, etc. with “communist” or “socialist”.
Your interlocutor probably didn’t comprehend your clarification, but those who conflate the terms out of a conscious ideological belief would simply dismiss your lesson on the grounds of “That’s a distinction without a difference!”
Left! RIght! Left! Right! Left! RIght!
IMO it isn’t left vs. right, it’s top vs. bottom. Not a horizontal fight, but a vertical one.
It seems to me that two distinct goals have emerged among the elite purveyors of this global hoax:
1) to Generate as much profit as possible for the quack vaxx manufacturers – generate a bonanza for big Pharma.
2) to force the vaccine passport system on the masses and establish a total control grid
These two goals overlap but are not identical, and they occasionally conflict with one another. And when they do conflict we get a glitch in the matrix.
It seems to me the various recent stories published about the very high percentages of new Covid cases being from among the fully vaccinated support Goal #1: perpetual profit for the vaccine manufacturers as continuous booster shots will be needed.
But the recent claims by politicians and reporters alleging that new cases of Covid are almost exclusively from among the still unvaccinated support Goal #2: the vaccine passport. These two claims are contradictory and the fact they are both being aggressively pushed simultaneously suggests some confusion and conflict on the part of the elites.
They’re trying to demonize and ostracize the unvaccinated while simultaneously persuade the vaccinated to still socially distance, still wear masks, and also get booster shots.
My suggestion is that OffG writers and readers try to gather as many of these stories as possible so we can have a reference page where the inconsistent, contradictory, and nonsensical message being promulgated stands in stark relief.
I was just listening to Robert Malone on bannon’s war room podcast. He said it seems the US is moving toward mandatory vaccination. Starting with groups they can control military academia etc. and how ivermectin is working better than he would have imagined against ‘covid.’
What is worrisome is he seems to be advocating vaccinating the at risk and elderly and the rest of us should be tested so we know if we have ‘covid,’ a flu, etc. he even suggested at home tapid tests so we can stay on top of this. Is he secretly in the employ of Bill Gates and George Soros’ rapid testing company Mologic?
I don’t trust anyone who supports mandatory vaccination of elderly for example. And he said vaccinated are going to need boosters. And more boosters?
Do any of you have opinions on him? Controlled Op?
Let’s keep a very close watch C. … I do think you’re probably right.
His work is developing mRNA medical treatments so he believes in them. He just objects to the present practises, which do contravene medical ethics as we knew them. Malone seems sincere, but Bannon is controlled opposition. “Ex” Naval Intelligence and Goldman Sachs partner.
I automatically discount ALL ex-forces or ex-intelligence “truthers”. Joining these gangs is a sign of permanent psychopathological issues, and such people generally do not change. There is just no room for trust in this game. Military and intelligence training involes rather permanent brainwashing and disconnection from one’s true self, and most likely these folks are still working for the Borg in an unofficial manner or are simply insane ranters.
“There is just no room for trust in this game.”
GFY – trust in the ONLY thing that matters in life (esp. trust in oneself)
“game” ? i sense my hippocampus activating
DON’T EVER SPEAK TO OLD PEOPLE – like your grandad for example. Old people have strange ideas about life, they remember clouds …
Ah, Joni Mitchell. I remember her well.
Aaaay, don’t make me slap you in the head.
1) “to Generate as much profit as poss …”
They don’t need the money. They already have it all. Hell, they even own the machines that print money, own the private companies (called Central Banks – The FEDERAL reserve (about as Federal as Federal Express) – the BANK of ENGLAND, and approx another 160 of Rothschild owned ‘central banks’ – you can start to understand why the collective term for bankers is ‘wunch’) </RANt>, that LEND money to governments AT INTEREST. How do you repay that loan? Oh, simple (saw Idiocracy for the first time yesterday), just borrow more …
Sorry – back to work.
So, it MUST be 2)
Upvoted bigly
My husband just spoke with relatives who told him a cousin’s 30 year old son is in the hospital paralyzed with Guillaume-Barre. He had just gotten his second ‘jab.’
His family, all dutifully ‘vaxxed,’ has no clue there is a link between the experimental shots and GBS!
So that’s a case that will not be reported to VAERS. It is barbaric that doctors administering this gene therapy are not informing their patients of the risks associated with it.
And apparently the neurologists at the hospital haven’t told the family this is a documented response to the ‘vaccine.’
Yup the death and injuries are massively under reported.
Whoever administers the inoculation must provide a toll-free number and urge the innoculee (please don’t confuse with the “enculée”) to communicate any and all reactions.
Hell, how else will we be able to accumulate valid experimental data for the future?
information we don’t like -> watebasket
information WE like -> MSM
Has anyone noticed something very, very alarming at the Northern Ireland page of the NHS regarding covid19 and jabs?
After the Saturday shopping I think that I can say that at 14.20 pm I have heard at least 5 ambulances and/or police cars blaring out the sirens as if a revolution was imminent or an invasion by the Russians has been taking place. It happens every day, but particularly when people are out and about doing all the things needed at the weekend.
But all this hullabaloo was just for show. The message the police cars and ambulances were trying to convey was one of fear and trepidation. You see, although the case numbers and (largely manufactured) deaths have dropped, they think we are so stupid as to be conned by this infantile trick.
Of course they are going to up the ante with another lockdown from late autumn until Christmas and beyond. After all the covid-monster is abroad so better to lock yourself in, put on the face-nappies and hide in the cupboard, Whohahhaha.
I noticed an escalation of ambulance and police sirens myself up here in Nicola Sturgeon’s fiefdom. It never occurred to me that they may be bogus fanfares to strike terror. But I’m starting to consider any possibility now.
It’s what they did in Italy to start the ball rolling, Media from Australia dutifully went to Italy to report the hundreds of ambulances racing to hospitals, they still refuse to correct the record that proves the ambulances were all empty and going to get the old people out by bribing care homes to have them, they died of old and pneumonia and the now recognised murder.
By the time Frontline got there the damage was done even though they interviewed doctors who said there was never an emergency. So New York, then all the west did the same dirty trick and murdered tens and tens of thousands of old people with drugs, abandonment and abuse
An awful truth about Italia, Marilyn … a country unfortunately now governed by Dragons.
Italia has always been a testing ground for social engineering.
Questions regarding the huge NATO base so close to the areas of first “contagion” have been swept under the extraordinarily filthy imperial rug.
That said, there is vigorous opposition in Italia to the “official” narrative. And permanent distrust of the liar class.
Allambulances and cop cars everywhere in all collaborating countries are obviously instructed to drive around with the flashing lights on at all times since the start of the scamdemic. It REALLY helps maintain the panic.
Same everywhere I think. It’s one of the PTB’s strategy to increase anxiety and the sense of emergency. I first saw this reported on this site I think by a whistle blower working for a surrey hospital. They claimed the ambulances were instructed to use sirens on all journeys.
I hear them A LOT here in Brisbane too. There’s huge electronic road signs here to boot, saying things like “Feeling distracted? Expect police ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.”
But this is cool and normal to most people.
The sirens…ambulance and cop are incessant.
We hear and see the helicopter ambulance very regularly as we are a kilometre from the hospital. I asked a neighbour if he too thought it was more than usual and he agreed.
I think this is a great site. Mostly positive, uplifting stuff. Read this post and though ‘who the fuck wrote this”. Just constant uuh,uuh,uuh – looked up and saw “grr” and thought “Yup, that’s exactly how i feel” – i’m not alone.
PS – we see mostly what we are looking for. Or something like that – prolly Krishnamurti
I’d like you chat with you off the board – you make me smile (i’m not gay – im 58, male,white, stoned) – there may well be an option to do this but i’ve been internet-free for 2 years. if you feel the need to chat with someone real, my email is [email protected] – yeah, Gmail, google etc .. Pretty sure my Tor browser is just a fast-track …
I remember being the brunt of hacks and shills, who basically disregarded my posts warning about viral vaccine shedding. This was many months ago, and based on several published reports. Studies like this one. >
Quote: “A study published Thursday shows how a bird flu virus that’s sickening and killing people in China could mutate to potentially become more contagious.”
A Few Genetic Tweaks To Chinese Bird Flu Virus Could Fuel A Human Pandemic
June 15, 2017
Note the 2017 date of the above post.
It’s great being a conspiracy theorist, as it brings out the best in those who use comments sections to further an obvious agenda that kills and maims human beings…
August 2, 2021
Rise of the VARIANTS (bitchute.com)
Makes the case healthcare policy under covid was planned euthanasia:
Ferguson has told the Times more UK lockdowns are in his opinion unlikely. A sign of an imminent pivot – or getting hopes up to dash them as part of psychological warfare?
They’ve blown their wad, shot their bolt, everyone with a working brain is bored shitless with this macabre outrage, including some of them obviously. The human spirit can’t be crushed in such an evil, banal and nauseating fashion. Life and living it find a way. The law of unintended consequences is beginning to reveal itself finally…people have been reminded of or even discovered the things that make life worth living…and nothing…NOTHING these fuckers have to offer is on that list.
Every day this goes on, more people ask why is this still going on?
It’s dumbfounding how Ferguson is still trotted out time and time again even though he’s a proven scientific fraud. You can give all the evidence in the world the man’s a charlatan and they go on quoting him like he’s this infallible genius, the incarnation of scientific truth. They brazenly ignore reality. Are there any real journalists left?
Ferguson? Fuck! What about Blair? The fact is that the system’s most obsequious pawns are invulnerable to scandal, fraud, sex crime etc. The foot soldiers of the powerful are invincible and immortal.
Is he still there? The Perennially Poor Pandemic Prognosticator, who screws the public more often than his girlfriend (he’s the one caught breaking lockdown to stay over with his girlfriend during last year’s episode of “no sex, please, we’re British.”)
It’s not just him – virtually everything upon which new announcements are predicated is based on ‘modeling’. There’s no real data – it’s all computer modeling of what ‘could happen’ if variables are assumed that you know nothing about. Modeling, like the PCR ‘test’, is easily manipulated to yield a chosen conclusion.
Whiskey – Tango – Foxtrot
Hello banana: It would be much more helpful to readers if you would give them a title and description related to the supplied link. Granted, the title of the video is totally wrong, but that fact can be supplied in your description.
Vladimir Zelenko is not former president Trump’s doctor. >
Excerpted from: Vladimir Zelenko – Wikipedia
“On March 23, 2020, Zelenko published an open letter to U.S. president Donald Trump where he claimed to have successfully treated hundreds of his COVID-19 patients with a 5 day course of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc sulfate.
Zelenko’s treatment protocol quickly gained notoriety with several media figures and various U.S. administration officials promoting it, including Rudy Giuliani, Sean Hannity, and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.” [End quote]
In the video, Mr Zelenko does an excellent job of detailing why the ‘vaccine’ jabs are bullshit, and murder…
It’s still quite an impressive feat for a banana to log in and post a link, so go easy on the poor fruit.
Terence had it right – parsimony wins
I’d say that MSN scored an own goal with this article…well in my mind anyway…go Pasta E Vino – Huntingdon Beach!
‘We are many. The oppressors are not.’
I disagree.
We are not many, most people are more than happy to do whatever the authorities tell them to do.
If the authorities tell them that the unvaccinated are a deadly threat that must be forced to take the vaccine hordes of them will volunteer to be part of the teams that admister it by force, and they will be 100% convinced they are doing the moral thing the entire time.
Agreed. I main task just now is ideological. It’s about convincing a critical mass of the population that the narrative is fraudulent and that the aims behind it are malevolent. Once you have that critical mass, the rest will be easy.
This is undoubtedly the key to our salvation but I would add that the New Ideology be integrated within a new decentralized global structure that will totally undermine the power base of the ENEMY.
This would not be as difficult to achieve as it may sound because the infrastructure is already in place – it simply needs to be reconfigured.
absoloodle. it’s no longer a question of ‘if’, but ‘when’. and for an increasing number of people “why not NOW”
I remember this sentiment from the early days of nine eleven research and it is self defeating and further marginalizes skeptics from achieving any influence when it counted most (in the immediate aftermath). I worked for a radio station in DC at the time (2002/3) and we blew a lot of chances to reach a broader audience as the 9/11 truth movement did as a whole.
Operation coronacircus, much grander but a continuation and expansion of the nwo mission IS being resisted, on a massive scale. We only need to look at the experimental injection rate to see that. @October pointed us to the interview with Thomas Renz Ohio lawyer where he unequivocally states from his own staffs research for the cases he’s bringing forth that the injection rate in the US is 30%. Australia 14%, France 36% etc etc.
In a ‘quarantined’ society where do we expect our fellows to be resisting exactly? A massive majority not taking this is a very very good sign and indicates there are way more of us than the msm et al would have us believe. Just look at all the shit people on here talked about the spineless French etc for months and now look at it man. It’s like 1789 again!
We need unity consciousness. We need to continue to reclaim the fact that we are the 99%. It helps no one and really just indicates ones social milieu to think this is all sewn up, to attack ppls intelligence, call them sheeple, etc. This certainly feeds this beast. Their plan conjured you at EXTREME ‘social distance’ from the 99% cannot succeed without 80-90% compliance and after a year and a half of wall to wall psychological coercion, terror, and manipulation with Goal #1a being injections and #1aa being passports I think people on the whole have done a damn good job of not caving in.
I agree wholeheartedly.
In the past, I have been openly critical of my fellow Aussie for not living up to the examples set by our national hero, Ned Kelly.
I am very happy to admit that I judged too early .
The Aussies are resisiting at the most vital time and in the most vital way; by not accepting the experimental drug.
That is why the fear dial is turned up to 11 and 16,000,000 people are being punished.
Yet still the uptake of poison is low and the slime behind this have overplayed their hand.
Good onya.
Fuck yeah man I think you are 1000% right on there. Thinking and praying for all of you over there in Aus and France. Great to see this victory from yesterday in Australia:
Thanks! 🙂
There are many signs of many cracks here, man.
Don’t write off the Aussies, please.
Long Convid has fuck-all on our resolve when we are playing to win.
Back from a demo in France. It was most uplifting to hear people sing the war song of the Army of the Rhine (aka the Marseillaise). And to note that while there are many who are paying attention to what is really going on, the main thrust of the demonstrators is against the so-called health pass, and what it means for everyone.
Meanwhile, the truth about the ‘fourth wave’ and the effects of the injections continues to leak out. Can’t wait for it to become a flood.
Well said and to your point what I’m seeing is people are now so brainwashed that the MSM or TPTB no longer need to make an effort to convince them to follow the narrative. Most have internalized the BS and it’s simply self sustaining. Before Covert-19, most people when asked if they’d rebel against the Nazis and stand up for their fellow citizens, would say yes. What this madness has taught us is we are no different than the Good German. It is cathartic to post here and not only see your post stay but have many up vote and reaffirm your point of view. The articles on this site and the people that post allows one to re-establish their bearings and confirm that their not crazy. However, this site can’t be our final destination, we can’t stay here in the comfort and security of like minded people. We are called to step outside our comfort zone. Everyone knows the limit to which they’ll risk their way of life, but I encourage you to go a little further. Standing still is not an option because day by day the state is stripping away that life you hold so dear. Risking what you have is liberating, having the state take it away is demoralizing. Like Red said in Shawshank Redemtion “Get busy living or get busy dying G-damn right!”.
Israel had the fastest and highest vaccination rate of any country in the world. Most of the country was vaccinated months ago. NewsChannel 13 Israel yesterday:
“95% of the severe patients are vaccinated”.
“85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people.”
“We are opening more and more COVID wards.”
“The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out”
(Dr. Kobi Haviv, earlier today on Chanel 13 @newsisrael13
Now the salient point Doctor Haviv is missing is this. The vaccine IS working exactly as intended, What is happening now is immune system over response to ordinary cold and flu infections. Cytokine storms. Which might explain why they beating the vaccination drums so feverishly in the US and Aus to name a few.
Nice guy nice words
And hes Right;
We Are Many!
Grow up your instincts young ones
Grow up your force and will
Grow your Ire at the right time
We Are Many!
They a little bunch of cowards and chicken sh*ts, relying in security forces that are too awakening
We Are Many!
Mass Psychosis – How An Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill
I particularly like the bit in the middle which explains the psychological effect of terror unleashed in multiple waves, alternating with periods of relative calm
Krishnamurti: “It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society”.
This is good karma
Ha ha ha excellent!! Good karma indeed.
Good on him!
The Robocops once again believing they can do whatever the fuck they like to people.
The coppers are doing themselves no favours. People won’t forget the treatment those pricks have meted out.
The ying says that guy’s a sentient hero…the yang says he’s a gutless super spreader. The court, where he WILL find himself, says he’s going to jail.
YES, the cops are so far out of line it boggles the mind…but they are fully backed by Gov.
That’s not going to end well for that guy.
Long-term, it will end a lot worse for the enforcers.
I’d like to believe that.
Don’t be too sure they caught him.
I hope he got away, and lives to fight another day.
I fear otherwise, but I’d almost rather not know.
Nicely served!
Phase 1. False pandemic. Vaccinate.
Phase 2. The vaccinated start dying. Blame covid. Vaccinate more.
Ran Israeli
“95% of the severe patients are vaccinated”. “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people.” “We are opening more and more COVID wards.” “The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out” (Dr. Kobi Haviv, earlier today on Chanel 13
2:07 AM · Aug 6, 2021·Twitter Web App
If you not aware Israel had the fastest and highest vaccination rate early on.
…Also today, in *Unmitigated* Convid-Weasel *Fuckery*:…
“The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) announced on Thursday that the first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine will be offered to all 16- and 17-year-olds without needing the consent of their parents, reversing its own recommendation from just two weeks ago.
The independent panel of experts, which advises the UK government on immunisation, had earlier said that the jab should not be given to minors unless they were over 12 and suffered from medical conditions that would make them vulnerable to Covid-19, or lived with someone deemed high-risk. JCVI said it will issue a recommendation about when the second dose should be administered at a later date.
The NHS is now gearing up to give the shot to about 1.4 million children. To help with the effort, the government plans to assemble an army of Instagram and TikTok stars, as well as a fleet of ‘vaccine buses’ to drum up enthusiasm for the jab and make it easy for teens to get, iNews reported.
The kid-friendly approach to promoting the Pfizer jab comes after social media observers highlighted the fact that JCVI chair Wei Shen Lim sent mixed signals about how the decision to offer the jab to teens was made.
During a press briefing on Thursday announcing the policy, Lim said his committee decided to reverse its recommendation after “carefully considering the latest data.”
But he appeared to back-pedal after a journalist asked if the committee would be publishing “the evidence” used in making its decision to allow 16- and 17-year olds to get the shot, in order to help reassure parents. Lim responded by stating that there was currently no evidence available to share with the public.”
…(Empasis mine)…
…- Well Folks!!… – It appears Professor Lim musta *Forgot All About* *This* lil’ piece of evidence, right here, so I’m gonna do the good Prof’ *And* the general public a *Real Solid* by sharing it with y’all, *Right Now*!:… 😉
(…- *Fair Warning*: – I’ll prolly be copypasta-ing this again, *As Is*, over the next coupla threads, since this one’s growing a bit stale, and it’s 05:30 here as I am initially posting this…)
“Professor Wei Shen Lim
Year: 2021
Status: Interests To Declare
Band 1 – Up to £2,000
Band 2 – £2,001 – £25,000
Band 3 – Over £25,001
For example, fees and grants paid to your Department, and for which you have direct responsibility, and which are used for research, education, equipment, salaries etc. Also includes benefits in kind, and fees for your own work if you do not benefit personally.
Company Purpose of Support Amount
Pfizer Unrestricted investigator Band 3
This includes a position you may hold in another organisation (eg being a Trustee or member of relevant outside organisations, including pressure groups). It also includes any commercial or other relevant interest of your partner.
Organisation Role/Position Completed in Past Year or Continuing?
Joint Commitee on Vacc Chair Continuing”
It was literally 2 seconds ago that youngsters didn’t get “convid”. Narrative changes like a B-grade soap opera script. Lame.
I love Texans and Texas!
The Future if we are lucky

The future?
If we haven’t all been culled.
RC The Rapper – Just Say No!
Really enjoyed this one, thanks for sharing 🙂
Strange that the Youtube beast will allow this on their platform.
Maybe because Chris Sky is widely touted as freemason controlled op?
Wow hero Pipe piper Jesus Christ sky management team can get him on music videos and most TV mainstream channels and news paper front pages.every alt media shill outlet going. what a year this out of no way guy has had.!
remind me how theses appear out of no where type story’s end.?
yes that correct f*cking shill from day one.
You lot never learn.
More from the wicked witch of the East: NSW, Australia Premier Gladys Berejiklian – August 5, 2021
“If you’re an employer, please put PRESSURE on your staff to get vaccinated!”
Lets see. I’ll modify my God given DNA (i.e reject what my creator gave me) in case I get infected with a non-existent virus which even if it does exist, has a 99.999999% survival rate. Two words for the witch F%$ck and Off
“Two words for the witch F%$ck and Off”
…- With *Extreme* Prejudice…
the comments below the video are priceless and sound very Australian
Modern political whores push the convid case numbers up with the assistance of a corrupt medical system.
No one can be a Master of Science, because Science is Not Like That.
You can however become a Master of Your Art, if when you are a young child you focus and build on the skills that you have portrayed when you are Three Years Old, and your Parents and Family give You Massive encouragement.
“That is Brilliant”
You may not become the best Violinist the world has ever seen, but have tried to play The Violin and maybe even sing.
Just focus on your real skills, and just try and make them very much better, whatever they are..
You are a Three Year old Child in The Universe
Just try and do the best you can do, and you will be fine, and live a good life.
Good people are attracted to Good people.
You might not only form or be a part of a team, you might even eventually meet the one of your dreams – who you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Lets Get Married. We went to Preston’s of Bolton after Stonehenge 82.
I thought no time to mess around. Still Here.
This is the best article I’ve read on the “Great Reset” (or “Great Setup” as I call it.) Here’s a bit of it …..
“The primary tangible effect of the Great Reset is an increased amount of power and wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people, all of whom are hostile toward you, your values, and your way of life.
We should see this (covid) wealth transfer as a prelude to an even larger wealth transfer that is forthcoming via the climate change con.
The Western middle class sits on an enormous reserve of wealth in the form of home ownership and retirement funds. These are the white whales of the global elite. One would be a fool, given all of the evidence, to believe that they would stop at anything to acquire this massive reserve of wealth.
To the extent that it is possible, we must make ourselves more resilient. This means owning land, having your own well, a supply of food to weather the storm, adequate supplies of ammunition, useful skills, and close community bonds. It also means sounding the alarm bells about elite propaganda campaigns, legislative maneuvers, and bureaucratic fiats designed to destroy you.”
Written by
Sam Jacobs
So.. the second link is to ammo dot com….
Many americans apparently never outgrew the Far West mentality. I wonder if they have really thought things through… are they expecting to use that ammo against the Borg and its technology? essentially sticks and sling shots against fighter jets and helicopters, ICBMs and satellite targetting?
Or, if the Borg’s military machine somehow breaks down and it comes to the point of “every man for himself”, is that a world they want to live in? apparently it is… the world where the guy with the biggest guns takes all, not so different from the old world… Is that what they think “human nature” is?
Maybe it’s as simple as not letting them get you without at least trying to fight back. I completely agree that the Borg can out do any gun owner, any day. I too used to wonder about the logic there. Now my sentiment lies more with taking one of them out when they come to get you. Maybe that’s merely a naive and emotional reaction, no doubt emotion plays a huge part in it. But a bigger part of me every day not only understands that, but has the urge to get myself a weapon to at least go out fighting if it comes to that. I am from the US so maybe that old Far West thing influences me too. I have reservations about getting a weapon still, but I feel like I get closer every day to giving those up. Would I truly be able to kill another human being, no matter how evil that person is? Not sure of that, at all. So I sit on the fence for right now, but I’ll no longer judge those who are armed.
As for the world of The Walking Dead that could very well be the outcome, I have no wish to live through that. I think about a weapon for that reason as well.
They promised a “gamechanger”!
c/o Philosophers-stone.info
The Penny Drops For This Vaxxxed Reporter
Aug 6, 2021
Is the Oxford/Astrazeneca Covid-19 vaccine a gamechanger? And other vaccine questions answered
Wed 30 Dec 2020
Chief Investigator for the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine trial Andrew Pollard, Dr Amir Khan and Devi Sridhar answered some key questions on the new vaccine after it was approved by the UK regulator today.
Is this vaccine going to be a gamechanger in the battle against Covid?
Andrew Pollard said: “I think having all of these vaccines is game changing. The problem we’ve had is not having enough vaccines and of course we’re still in that point. The UK’s in a good position now with access to the vaccine we’ve been involved in developing, but for the world to be safe, we need a lot more doses and more vaccines because so many people need protecting in countries everywhere. For our health security and our economic survival, we need all of them to be protected as well.”
Sadly the penny dropped too late
anybody who doesn’t smell the enormous dead stinking vaccinated elephant in the front room by now is truly lost
Yes. I agree.
I say to my wife that anyone still wearing a mask is doing us a favour as we don’t have to look at their face.
Life without those people is quite a pleasant prospect.
~ “Mankind continues to get dumber by the day…”
I knew we were making progress. New Political Campaign from The British Government. Is This Carrie in Control????Has Boris Fucked Off with The Teddy Bear???
Yup, I mean seriously. If this doesn’t set alarms bells ringing then nothing will. Even sheep will run when they see a wolf. Our human sheeple seem to be even less alert to danger than sheep.
Check out these headlines on news.com.au
“Joe Hildebrand: People who refuse to get vaccinated are no longer decent members of societyAny eligible Aussie who hasn’t gotten the jab at this point is no longer a truly decent member of society, writes Joe Hildebrand.”
Not sure who this giant A Hole is but I hope he has had all his vaccinations.
I have just seen pictures of this dickwad. He even looks like a giant asshole. Hope to bump into him sometime soon.
He is a worthless C grade so called “celebrity/journalist”. He is widely despised and mocked for his boorish, ignorant personality.
In short a rancid piece of shit.
And yes too hope he has had poison stabs – lots of them.
Here come the beatings.
He is an Australian reject, mate. If he showed his face in a tavern, he’d have a queue of blokes waiting to sit on his chest and rain punches on his head.
That’s why he sticks to drinking at home or in wine bars with the other hipsters.
He can have my jabs as a token of my appreciation for his contribution to journalism.
I saw one yesterday by some shill, Jonathon Meers of Business Insider I believe, with a headline stating that the unvaccinated should pay full price if they’re hospitalized. I’d like to tell that asshole that the next time he goes out mountain biking (as an example of a nice healthy limousine liberal healthy habit, not slamming on mountain bikers per se) and goes over a cliff his ass should pay for his full medical bill. Or maybe if he goes on that trip to Europe that he got shot up to do, and has plenty of funds to do, and gets in a plane crash or some such, then he too should pay for all of his own medical care. Those of us who have to work every day out in the real world don’t get those little luxuries, why should we pay for people like him who do?
Even better, once he gets some nasty auto-immune disease, cancer, stroke, whatever after gleefully taking and then pushing the Pharma poison, don’t come crying to the rest of us who tried to warn you and yes, pay your own medical bill in full cause Pharma ain’t going to. Dumbass.
Of course this all goes totally against my beliefs that ANYONE should be medically discriminated against, but if these assholes wanna play that game some of us can play it too.
Ive received an email from a very PC professor from one of the London uni colleges, who cannot understand the difference between the GJ and the current protests in France… She appears not to be aware there is anything unusual that has happened in the world for the last 18 months or so. I am trying to draft a reply. The first was too angry. So I am trying to water it down, no need to upset her, but if I can even throw some doubt, some reason to read even an article on the matter, would be a great victory… Any ideas? I think saying there is a war would be too challenging. Should I mention the term dictatorship and that there’s no virus identified? That may be going too far… Possibly just keep it brief saying the measures+vaccines are killing massively, that its a crime against humanity and refer her to articles?
You might mention that the healthcare workers figure quite prominently in these demos. Even before Covid “hit,” les soignants were very unhappy with the deteriorating conditions of their profession, the constant cutbacks in hospital beds, ICU units, and medical doctors per square kilometer, and they were making their unhappiness felt. About four years ago a doctor of mine (I live in SW France) complained to me about the fact that the government was purposely scaling back the number of available doctors per capita, and if you live in the provinces, as I do, you know that there was already a shortage. The initial Covid “crisis”, in 2020, in France, Italy, and Spain was caused as much by the drastic shortage of hospital beds and ICU beds as it was by the supposed deadliness of the disease. They would have been overwhelmed in a bad flu season as well. And did you know that, in the year leading up to Covid, Macron continued the prior administration’s policy of scaling back hospital beds and then, after the “first wave” of Covid subsided, went ahead and suppressed more beds?
Then, after being on the “front line” for the first year of the “crisis,” the nurses and docs and soignants find themselves told that they have no choice but to take the dodgy vax. And of course, as many have said, being healthcare workers, they have seen very many vaccine accidents already among co-workers and patients coming in to hospital.
This is something to bear in mind in explaining the situation to your friend. It’s only one aspect of the protests, but an important. Luckily there are some very highly qualified medical experts in France who have been making their opinions known. Watch the video I provide below, featuring one of France’s top virologists, Jean-Michel Claverie, founder, no less of the Institut Francais de virologie. He speaks his mind for all to hear, only to be shouted down and cut off by two thirtyish TV presstitute shills. It’s quite bracing and infuriating at the same time.
Do tell me sometime what part of France you live in. I’m in the Dordogne.
Here’s the video:
“Mensonge d’état”. BFM coupe très vite un virologue – YouTube
Hello, its really nice to meet someone who lives in France. And all you say is absolutely to the point. It would be best to present it like that. Its an excellent suggestion, thank you very much.
I am in the Paris region. Yes, indeed the cuts in beds and hospital personnel have been terrible in France, and not just in the Provinces. In fact in March 2018 there was a real shortage due to a particularly bad flu season. I had to take my mother to emergency right then as she had a heart attack. She could have been saved, but they were so overwhelmed (and Im talking of one of the best hospitals in the Paris region) that they made a mistake, a tragic mistake, and she passed away. They didnt even allow me to be with her, it was horrid. It took me ages to get over guilt feelings for having called emergency.
So yes I know, compared to the experiences of those I know in the UK, where before 2020, hospital teams did their utmost to save their parents, contrary to the rumours circulating for some years that in the UK after 65 they dont make any effort.
I am sorry about your mother. The evil of our rulers, and the policies they implement, eventually filters down to all of us.
Well went out to a pub tonight and watched people masking up on entry.. unmasking upon sitting down.. masking when going to the loo…. unmasking when sitting down again. The dreaded virus worshipped through ritual. And they think we are insane?
Sorry not sure what GQ is but if you have a titter of a wit (as they say here) then you know the whole thing is fuc*king insane.
GJ even. Conversation tonight also convinced me of the futility of trying to get the covidians to be rational. These people love the idea of being in the middle of a ‘global pandemic’.
Overheard a conversation in pub garden just the other night. There were six of them, with one woman talking loudly over everyone, and the gist of it was.. What their symptoms were when they tested positive.. other people they know that had similar symptoms (including a bad belly?) that probably had also had the Covid.. What side effects they had after the jab…?
They were boasting like valiant warriors showing off their wounds after battle at war.. The ‘loud’ woman was clearly leader of the pack, but they all made affirmative noises as she spoke. They valiantly shared their vax effect stories, proudly claiming such things as, they had felt like shit for 3 days, could barely get out of bed. What epic sacrifices they have taken in the name of the good.
They walk among us, they don’t just believe in this, they love it, and they need it in their lives to feel valiant, and worthy.. it’s scary stuff.. O.o
So true. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…there’s A LOT of people out there ENJOYING this. The last 18 months have been an exciting break to routine…a front row seat to the greatest show on earth…their dull lives have received a shot in the arm (no pun intended) with free tickets to the main event…they get to walk in real time amongst it…safe in their safety masks. Lots of people have LOVED the whole work from home thing…the time off. It’s been like a car crash they can’t look away from. They are transfixed…it’s become a drug and they absolutely don’t want it to stop.
Yep.Team covid
Yes exactly, its feeling the void that life has become for all too many in totally materialist societies where man has been debased into an automaton, a debasement which many have accepted.
I agree.
My mother used to tell me that the war years were the best of her life!
Oh, the camaraderie… It’s easy to see how simply the strings can be pulled and how obediently the puppets dance.
Fuck that.
”Give peace a chance” ~ Thank you, John.
Not really a fan of Chris Hedges any more, but this is part of what he meant when he wrote War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.
He compellingly argued that war seduces (or bamboozles) entire societies, creating and promoting narrative fictions that the public believes and relies on to continue to support conflicts.
Or scamdemics.
What’s life without taking one for the team?
Ankie, this is extremely interesting. Each of us sharing a different perspective on the events, on the reaction of the people, on our different experiences, we might actually be able to understand the whole. Id say, lets used the OffG comments site to do so, if the administrators allow that.
Indeed, its scary. Its scary to see the majority in such a state.
I don’t believe Many prople like the idea of the pandmic. Most people have had their lives seriously disrupted. But I also think most lack the courage to question the “authorities”.
Its interesting that you have a different perspective. I think it would be good as I said above that we each write of our experiences, what we are observing, our interactions.
As a writer and a scientist, with 2 or 3 others, we’re trying to not just analyse, but leave a detailed report of what actually happened for future generations. So not just rehashing the scientific side at nauseam, but we are living History with a big H so to say from the inside, few generations have this opportunity. So trying to make sense of the human side. How it happened legally, and all that, that is easy. Ive myself written on that and the scientific aspect. But basically its a human story, its a story about us, about what makes us part of this species. And to get to the bottom of it if one can of such complex behaviour is not easy. Indeed its multi-faceted. Some as you say dont “like the idea of the pandemic” without necessarily being able to understand that there is no pandemic and any excess deaths is due to the torture methods in place. I have met those.
Its hard to know what the majority reaction is. Are those you mention the majority, or is it wishful thinking from our part, because at least that presages hope. Or are the majority those described by Pig Swill, Ankie, and Hill Street Blues?
It would also help us to know how to orient our own “fight” against what is happening, and to try and gauge the near future.
Its easy to become enclosed with like-minded people. After a period of clash with people totally on the other side, to which belongs every single person I knew except 1 1/2 (1/2 is someone who is dithering, though certainly less and less), I am now surrounded by those in the resistance. So I find it hard to gauge the temperature of society so to say…
If I was leaving something for future generations I’d start by describing the many videos out of Wuhan where people were collapsing from covid…then show all the videos out of the rest of the world after that where NOBODY was filmed collapsing of covid.
And I\d let them do the maths from there.
Good idea! But that wont explain why so many fell for the hoax.
They never looked beyond the collapsing Wuhan “victims”. That’s all they saw. They never, like me and everyone else with half a brain, thought to look out for the same collapses coming out of Italy, NYC etc. It slipped their mind. They fell for the hoax because they saw Wuhan people collapsing and were seized with fear. At that point, the hook was set.
Something like that. I just remember, myself, when NYC and Italy were going off with convid…where’s the videos of people dropping in the streets?
There weren’t any.
Hmmm…that’s fishy.
I think there’s plenty who fit that category as well.
I think you have a point there. As with Nazism, it gives many whose lives had become a total void, the feeling of being important again. In fact, you have expressed a very important point.
To the pub, you mean in the UK? But I thought masks were no longer necessary there.
Yes in France seemingly a large majority remains totally insane. The policies have turned people as you say insane, possibly that is not the exact word, Im not sure how to describe it, its worse than insane. I had hoped that cinemas and public places would be boycotted, but apparently not, restaurants and cafes are full, cinemas are full, at least here in the Paris region, where you need a pass, vaccination or negative covid test to go. So its not very promising. Sure, there are plenty protesting, 6.5 million last Sat. But protests wont put an end to this nightmare. And people are wearing masks as you say, more and more once again.
A tyranny can function because people themselves go further than the authorities demand, without being forced. Was reading a book about Nazi Germany. Seemingly that was also the case there. And this gives the time for the full police State to be developed. After that its a long and prolonged battle. Just like then, we had had plenty of time to put an end to this. Contrary to then, where there was an outside world that contributed to bringing to an end the regime, this time there is no outside. Its a major difference. Also, as you say, this time everyone is victim. Then it was opponents, Jews, Gypsies, the mentally handicapped. So if you did not belong to these groups, you were “ok”, i.e. you escaped torture and death, at least until war was declared and the men sent to be killed in battlefields. This time, no one is escaping torture and possibly death. I can understand that one may not care what happens to others, but to oneself?
That is a major evolution: the individual today no longer can tell when he is physically tortured. He takes torture for protection. Yes, indeed insane is the least that can be said.
OK off-g, your spam filter is officially broken. I just got put in the spam check block for posting a link to Ars Tecnica…
History Lesson (Pam Popper)
Message starts at 1 minute mark:
It’s beginning to smell a lot like Auschwitz
Some more good news. I just heard it on the radio. I don’t know if its true. I might have misheard it, or the news reader might have been making it up.
She said The UK Government Has Provided Insurance until September 2022 for People who Organise Live Music Festivals, in case the UK Government imposes a Complete Lockdown for any reason they can think of, at exceedingly short or any notice.
If true, and I think it is, we can than Peter Gabriel for that.
Not been to WOMAD for awhile. Our kids grew up there, and the Greek and Spanish Islands and a few other places across the World on holiday.
I like Good News.
They Now Realise and are Shitting Themselves.
We have Sussed them and word is Spreading.
Stay Strong and Smile at Them. It does Their Head in.
They really want to take their Masks Off and Give You a Hug.
Not achieved that yet, but I will.
This is about what you do, not someone you have seen on TV, who you don’t know.
Go out and Smile.
We have got someone we trust to come in our home, and look after our cat.
Getting Ready Now.
DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’https://rumble.com/vkgdq7-deadly-shots-former-pfizer-employee-confirms-poison-in-covid-vaccine.html
Our Tragedy Is the Loss of Love: Are We Still Human?
Here’s another belter, they seem to be spamming us with this shit…
I am not an expert in anything. If anyone declares themselves as an expert, then he is almost certainly a complete wanker.
I was trained in science. I gave up religion when I was 15, but I do not discount the moral teachings of Christianity or any religion.
I am not saying I believe or don’t believe in God. It’s hard not to believe in God, because I find God in so many people, many of who’m claim to be Atheists. They are just so holy, nice,welcoming and helpful, and they smile, and try and cheer you up. They are not trying to kill you nor make you unhappy. That’s the basis of Love.
I would like to believe in the Devil, and I hope all you Evil Satanic Bastads go there forever after you have all jabbed each other to Death. That’s the basis of Hate.
And that is the Position we find ourselves in Now.
Love Vs Hate
We are going to Win This One
Jennifer Aniston is the latest demonstration of the psychosis of the middle layer – that fragile class who are in the limelight but only on penalty of excommunication should they prove themselves less than enthusiastic in distributing the moral guidance that the rulers demand be given to the plebs. Jennifer is, like the rest, floating in that polystyrene landscape manufactured specifically for the celebs wherein she is constantly flattered but with an underlying threat of instant dismissal and consignment to obsolescence. Poor Jennifer fearful for her delicate hologram health, floating in that media saturated sensory deprivation tank and eager to conform, to plead and bargain – all to save her little Hollywood diorama.
Yes yes yes – of course Jennifer will sell those injections!
Excellent summation of the Hollywood cretans in general. George C Scott would never have succumbed to this horseshit.
She’s dangerously unhinged and has been for many, many….many years. Not that the great majority would think so. She’s just like us! Bit richer! And better! Somehow.
Let’s be fair. Let’s not forget the King of Uncle Toms and sell outs. Morgan Freeman.
Morgan Freeman – “Be There, This Is Your Shot” PSA – The …https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/www.cc.com.icohttps://www.cc.com/video/v2t35m/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-morgan-freeman-be-there-this-is-your-shot-psa
Morgan Freeman talks about doing his part to convince everyone to get vaccinated for the coronavirus by partnering with the Creative Coalition for its “Be There, This Is Your Shot” PSA. Tags: COVID-19 PSA vaccinations Health and wellness themes Morgan Freeman Conspiracy theory themes
Morgan Freeman – Why Everyone Should Get the COVID Vaccine | The Daily Social Distanci…
Morgan Freeman Stars in COVID Vaccine PSA: ‘If You Trust Me, You’ll Get the Vaccine’
Morgan Freeman stars in coronavirus vaccine PSA
May have been a “tool” for decades. Jimi Hendrix, anyone?
My personal favourite sell out is none other than Roger Waters…who is a massive Anthony Fauci fanboy.
Roger Waters? You must be joking. He’s always been anti establishment and I have always respected him for that. Do you have any proof?
Go search for the video of him praising the hell out of Fauci. It’s out there. Sorry to burst your Pink Floyd bubble…but there you go.
Weak …
What’s that supposed to mean? Go find the footage of Waters praising the shit out of Fauci. Here’s a link but the vid is dead: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4764514/pg1?c1=1&c2=1&disclaimer=Continue
That shows it existed. I SAW it though not on that website. But a quick look around seems to show its been scrubbed.
Roger Waters’ army of lawyers and PR experts have had it memory holed. But I bet a deep dive will find it somewhere. Go find it.
not better … hotter!
Nice 👍
Good article. They may well have already lost and what we’re seeing now is revenge against the peoples who thwarted them. The shifting government narratives and tactics over the last 18 months are not a sign of strength but weakness as they frantically try to hide their lies.
No, they frantcially trying to get 80% vaccinated before they start dropping. They always knew it would be a race. Even when they start dropping like flies they will blame covid and use those deaths to increase the vaccination push. In a way, it’s perfect.
Pure gaslighting shit:
But this is funny:
Now that has a familiar ring. Hmm … let’s try a little word substitution:
Ah yes, now I recognise it!
…The Beeb hacks appear to have devolved to the level of cracking open a tin of alphabetti spaghetti and tipping it over their monitors, then letting it trickle down the screen whilst fingering the bits into random groupings in hopes that coherent syntax will emerge (*Spoiler Alert*: – It Doesn’t)…
…- Their spewage doesn’t even rise to the level of ‘Bad Writing’ these days, let alone ‘Bad Journalism’… – The loss of command of their basic language faculties is *Just Shocking*!…
They are selected and trained for maintenance in the Potemkin Village of “The Narrative”. Eisensteins they are not.
I buy very little direct from the USA, for various reasons – like getting anything delivered from The USA to England takes considerably longer than buying anything direct from China or even Japan.
However, I like this analysis by American “Prepper” Brandon Smith
“‘it appears that the vaccination rate, especially in the US, is nowhere near as high as the elites would like.While the Biden Administration and the CDC claims an overall vaccination rate of 67%, numerous other stats including the Mayo Clinics state map numbers indicate that only four states in the US actually have a vaccination rate over 65% (for one dose or more), and the majority of states have rates around 50% or less. Even large population blue states like California and New York are not above the 65% mark, and frankly, those numbers are going nowhere as vaccinations are dropping off a cliff.
If someone has not submitted by now with zero wait times and ample doses everywhere, then they are unlikely to ever be vaccinated.
Contradictory stats suggest to me that Biden and the CDC are inflating their vaccination numbers to create the illusion that a larger majority of Americans support the jab. And if this is the case, it explains why Biden, Fauci and the mainstream media are force feeding the public with pro-vaccine hype that consistently contradicts the real science. They are not getting the fear and public compliance that they had hoped for.
But why do they want 100% vaccination? Why are they so desperate for every single person in the world to get the mRNA jab?”
“The stage is being set, in my view, for a mass infertility event, and covid will be blamed in place of the experimental vaccines. This is why the establishment needs a 100% vaccination rate; unvaccinated people would stand as evidence of their crime. Let me explain…My concern is that Klaus Schwab’s reset agenda is impossible to enforce in a permanent way unless the human population is greatly reduced over a short period of time (a generation or two). Globalists are constantly talking about population control and reduction. Elites like Bill Gates are famous for it. Is it any wonder that they would devise a plan to institute it?”
I agree with him. It’s total evil. But Psychopaths don’t care.
Even if 50% or 25%, that is still a huge amount of cadavers.
WWII levels but over a shorter time span.
Hamada uses the word “capitalist” 12 times in this short article. Apparently it is written from a Marxist perspective. Schwab’s “Great Reset” appears to resemble the Communist regime under Mao during the “Cultural Revolution.” “You will own nothing, have no privacy, and be happy.” While I agree that a corporate structure with its pyramidal power structure is anti human, I would wonder which form of economic system Hamada fancies. Perhaps the socialist systems under Mao or currently Xi, the Soviet Union under Lenin, Stalin, and Brezhnev, or perhaps the Pol Pot or former Albanian model. Enquiring minds would like to know.
Yes, that was really getting on my nerves too. It’s so yesterday, sticking with the names we were GIVEN for the divisions we were GIVEN by the rulers. Lots of people are very bossy and manipulative. They get their way by force and then dominate with words belittling any pushback. The same type of bossy people dominate whatever power structure happens to rule. They are not interested whether it’s capitalist or socialist, they just use the words of influence that work in the situation. Bolshevik Russia or Fascist Germany, which is your favourite? They’re just names. Considering Hitler was head of the National Socialist Party should give you a clue that it’s all false anyway. Both capitalism and socialism are run by money, that’s capital isn’t it, so what’s the bloody difference? The same greedy people get their hands on the goodies,whatever they call themselves or their “good” cause. So how come the blue states love the Covid Cult? Looks to me like they love being bossed. The whole article just muddled everything up, pushing it’s A against B labels, condoning the fake divisions that allow us to be conquered and not stand together.
Yes, I have come to the conclusion that the primary difference between communism and fascism is how the top adherents choose to market the system to the unwary.
…Communism:… – The Owner Class wear ‘Party Boss’ hats…
…Fascism:… – The Owner Class wear ‘Corporate Boss’ hats…
…- *Seemples*…
The local birds don’t seem to like buzzards, what have you done to them? Maybe they’re red kites.
How many communists are members of the WEF, the WHO, the CIA, the Pentagon, the MSM, the US government, the CDC (and similar institutions of other nations) as well as Big Business? The answer is none, none of them are communists and all are committed capitalists. That should answer your question. That people think that this has anything to do with communism (that doesn’t actually exist anywhere in the world anymore (no, China’s economic system is not communist anymore either, it is state-controlled capitalism) shows that people don’t know what communism is and don’t really know what capitalism is either. What we appear to see is massive state control of our lives, but that is not unique to what used to be called “actually existing communism.” Italiam philosopher Giorgio Agamben said a year and a half ago: “If a state can turn totalitariann on a dime [as pretty much all Western governments did] then they were already totalitarian.” Simply put: Western governments don’t need the illusion of democracy anymore.
What we are seeing is totalitarianism, and that can exist in most any type of modern government. The reason why people think that this is communism is the same reason why people believe the Covid Narrative: propaganda – although in this case right wing propaganda. Don’t think that right wing media, who might be telling more of the truth than Liberal media on Covid right now, does not have an agenda (not in your intrests) too. They are also committed capitalists.
I agree with you. Sociopaths will do anything and say anything to get to the top and the system is just made for them. Corporations are literally bodies without souls and we should not accept them. Let’s hope that their grisly manifestation in inglorious techno- colour today will be their undoing.
It’s taken 17 months, but I have finally a got a cofirmed convert, without even mentioning it for weeks.
I paraphrase my wife:
“The Government has gone completely mad. They have spent the last year and more telling everyone, that COVID was almost completely harmless to anyone under the age of 70, especially Children – who are almost completely unaffected. Now they want to inject Children”
My wife is very caring especially towards Children, as are most Mums and Nanas
The Propaganda may have gone one step too far.
I wonder if she will come on the next demo with me.
She is now very worried, not about either herself or me, or our kids. We haven’t been jabbed.
She is worried about the vast majority of her friends and relations who have.
Excellent discussion here on how the British Empire has been diligently trying to re-establish the ancient world of kingdoms and feudalism (closed system thinking), while at the same time Russia and China are busy building the multipolar world of continued human progress and innovation (open system thinking).
Russia and China operate under the same banking system as the west. Where do you think the money and machines came from to build China up? The same place Russia’s did a century ago. The old dialectic game still works a charm, play the two wings against the middle.
Yes, Professor Antony C Sutton explored this in great depth with his various books such as Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution or National Suicide. Additionally, Corbett produced an excellent video a few years ago about the mirage of China being a threat. The Hegelian dialectic in practice!
I’m a great admirer of Anthony Sutton. I’ve read a bit of….drat his name won’t come, about the tri-lateral commission who was mentored by Sutton.
Apparently, even Cuba and North Korea are part of the same big corporation…incorporated. It’s ALL incorporated!
I suspect the British Empire, what’s left of it officially…AND Russia and China are all part of the ONE big company.
“All we have to do is do some space exploration….”
We couldn’t even get to the bloody moon and never will be able to.
The British Empire, the Chinese and Russian dystopias are all creations of the central banking cartel.
“As we operate within social media outlets, as we present our identities within their frameworks, and as we are injected with GMO drugs to modify our physical response to the natural world, we have already stepped into a dangerous stage that might very well spell the end of our species as we know it.”
Since it’s been long proven that GMOs are harmful to our health, why do we think a GMO vaccine would do us any good?
perfectly safe and reliable
BBC news…….
.thunk…what was that?