WATCH: TLAV’s Syria Roundtable

Ryan Christian of The Last American Vagabond is joined by Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley and Kevork Almassian for a very special roundtable on Syria.

They discuss a recent surge in Syria propaganda, primarily coming from the independent media. They review these recent claims, their origin, and the evidence around them, or lack thereof, and compare this to the reality on the ground.

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David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 8, 2021 11:21 PM

Thanks very much for providing us all with a link to the actual Syrian people.

Aug 8, 2021 5:44 AM

As Ryan Christian says in his introduction to this excellent discussion, the Syrian misinformation and I would say “deception”, underpins the covid 19 agenda. It is an imperialist war against Syria, by the same gang who have gone on to wage war on their own populations under the guise of a virus which does not exist outside of our normal experience of flu. However the desperation to inject everybody with experimental gene edited MRA.

Just think if they are prepared to deceive you on such things as 9/11; MH-17; Brexit; [the only people to benefit from that was Johnson and his bunch of corrupt Tories]; the Skripals etc, they will have no compunction deceiving and lying to you about covid – would they.

Worst of all and think about this again, they will have no compunction about killing innocent people to achieve their aims using both informational and biological attacks.

Aug 8, 2021 6:01 AM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

And of course not least of all the White Helmet. The propaganda construct paid for by the 5 eyes and their cohorts.

H. Bell
H. Bell
Nov 8, 2021 12:40 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

Brexit was voted for in the only real democratic way we have, referendum and far from only the Tories benefiting considering the majority of all parties wanted that status quo to remain we have now lost the millions which took menial jobs from our own masses. The North East of this country has been renedered destitute since our joining the club, my own son was working a manual role for five years at min wage, the jobs boom which followed the expulsion of cheap manual labourers has benefited this area, my son found a better job but with extra travel he’d not have been much better off, he put his notice in to move to the new job but thanks to ‘Brexit’ his firm realised his worth and doubled his wage. So for you southern office workers getting cheap plumbers and cheap everything else which you can’t do for yourselves it might well look like a disaster but for those of us who’ve endured 30 years of hardship, min wage being maximum wage and watching our workplaces inundated by cheap eastern blockers its been a godsend and do I care if we lose trade with the eu states, no do I fk.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 7, 2021 3:07 PM

As can be gleaned from the lack of reader comments, no one in the West gives a damn about the plight of civil populations in Syria. They also didn’t give a damn about civilian populations in Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, or any place beyond the narrow dictates of consumer indoctrination. The “non-compliance” blather reeks of diaper ooze…

When police and troops kick down the door to your homes (like they do in the above Nations) you’ll realize we are indeed all in this together…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 7, 2021 3:23 PM

“Yes. If the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psychopaths could pull this young child with intravenous tubes in his arm from a hospital bed, torture him and decapitate him, does one doubt that they would not hesitate for an instant to do similar (or worse) to ones own child. We are all in this together.”
comment image

Langley-Land must end.”

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 8, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

WTF? Can you cite that photo?

Aug 7, 2021 12:12 PM

I didn’t watch and will take a pass. Speaking of limited hang out and propaganda..

Kevork Almassian spreads rumours from obvious CIA agent/disinfo source Lindsey Snell.
She who was arrested by the Turks and she whose husband Suliman Wardak was also arrested, or so she claimed, connected to the coup attempt against the Turkish leader, obviously coordinated between US, Israel and Egypt.

Her claim of being captured by AQ was entirely fabricated in my opinion, including her great escape by kitten.

Almassian who has time and time again allied himself with the US backed Kurds/PKK doesn’t come across as an ally of Syria. Though I would say he is an ally of the PKK as are too many Armenians who seem to have little loyalty to Armenia- given western machinations that have occurred there.

Beeley just doesn’t cut it for me at all.


Aug 7, 2021 4:37 PM
Reply to  Penny

they all mention turkey,israel mi6 and cia that is a good sign in my book

let us not forget chatham house and brookings tavistock mind corporaton
barbera lerner spector people movements
rita katz site intel news
the 100s of millions given to timothy bells bell pottinger for white helmets trauma video productions and lastly the kosher vide maker syrian danny

where are you danny

Aug 7, 2021 9:03 PM
Reply to  gorden

“they all mention turkey,israel mi6 and cia that is a good sign in my book’
In what context are all those nations mentioned?
That’s what matters. that they ‘talk the talk’ doesn’t mean anything other then they are appealing to a specific audience.
Cavorting with CIA agents/faux journalists (Lindsey Snell) doesn’t pass the sniff test for me

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 8, 2021 9:51 PM
Reply to  Penny

These journalist are both women doing on the scene reporting and interviews with local people.
That is real journalism, not MSM and Twitter warrior junk.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2021 9:14 AM

The Graud continues its wartime propaganda drive re: – well you know. All the way from “competitive” notes on the efficacy of the vax rollout as it relates to various countries (“Six EU states overtake UK Covid vaccination rates as Britain’s rollout slows”) to heart-warming tales of personal salvation and gratitude (“‘Without her, I wouldn’t be here’: Covid patients reunited with the medics who saved them”). Meanwhile Jonathan Freedland endeavours to keep the “Scepticism = Right Wing” meme alive with the convenient punch doll of Trump:   “The Republican tribe cleave loyally to the other defining feature of 2020 Trumpism: the refusal to believe in the reality of Covid and to do what’s needed to thwart the virus. And so the single greatest predictor of whether an American has been vaccinated or not is whether they voted for Biden or Trump last November. As of last month, 86% of Democrats had received at least one shot; among Republicans it was only 45%. That’s no surprise when Republican politicians compare the vaccination drive to the Nazi persecution of the Jews or to the KGB knock on the door and when Republicans at state level have forced out public health officials for pushing the vaccine too energetically. Of course, these twin tenets of Trumpism are conjoined. What they share is disdain for expertise and contempt for facts, whether the experts be scientists or election officials and whether the facts relate to the nature of a virus or the sum total of votes cast last November. Trumpism demands instead that the facts bend the knee before the mighty helmsman. It is truth that must defer to the ruler, not the other way around.” As opposed to a truth that must defer to the constantly pumped out illusion of “heroic Science from below”.  Freedland concludes in Biblical… Read more »

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 7, 2021 12:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“The war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psychopaths are rolling out their tiresome propaganda cliches rather heavy these days aren’t they?”

“Now for some Debs.”
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S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 7, 2021 12:28 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Now a word from Baby Debs.”
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S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 7, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Now a word from Baby Debs.”
comment image

Aug 7, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

A blast from the past that’s right. Vote Communist in the next election.

Are there still Communists in the U$A? Or were they all Culturally Genocided in the 1950s?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 7, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  NickM

“In a SHAM DEMOCRACY USA/ THIRD REICH USA (where most everything concerning public office is a fraud) voting was/is less the issue than getting the word out and organizing.”
comment image


S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 7, 2021 3:04 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Harder to do six feet apart with a diaper on ones face.”

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 8, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Are you sure? Suddenly they want us all wearing masks.
I’m thinking a motorcycle helmet with a Guy Fox faceplate would be unnerving.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2021 8:53 AM

I have noticed that sceptical sites like OffG and even the phony ones like Lockdown Sceptics (now retreating behind the new moniker “Daily Sceptic”) accumulate vast reams of comments very quickly whereas the old Left sites I used to frequent are attracting a bare dribble. I reckon it’s because the latter are now ludicrously anachronistic, still floating around that little mud-throwing theatre. I reckon the highly visible transition in the Labour party from Corbyn (almost credible refugee from Old Labour) to Kier Starmer (obvious Mr Blobby stand-in for the Zio-Blairites) is reflected in those Left sites – the appearance of dissidence now irreparably dissolved by their clear role as viral salespeople.  

Aug 7, 2021 8:04 AM

More evidence that people hospitalized with ‘Covid’, actually have thrombosis for which they should receive anticoagulation (and NOT only air support).

From the NEJM: randomized trial in ‘Covid’ patients where those treated with anticoagulation (in levels that are normally only given when you have thrombosis) do better than those who do not


Thrombosis experts congratulate themselves on this BIG achievement, without realizing that (in the absence of ‘Covid’) they just showed that if you treat people with thrombosis without therapeutic levels of anticoagulation, they fare less well.

Aka: malfeasance!

Aug 7, 2021 8:11 AM
Reply to  Willem

To show you how large the hubris and malfeasance is: here is the list of participating hospitals in the trial (with in brackets the initials of the contributing doctors). And NEJM is the top of the bill, the leading example, the top of the pyramid and which example ALL doctors should follow The list: From the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at University Health Network (P.R.L., M.E.F., V.D., J.P.G., L.C.G., G.H.), the University of Toronto (P.R.L., E.C.G., A.S.S., M.E.F., V.D., R.A.F., L.C.G., G.H., M.H.), University Health Network (E.C.G., M.H.), St. Michael’s Hospital Unity Health (A.S.S., Z.B., J.C.M., M.S.), Ozmosis Research (L.B., L.P.G.D., V.W.), and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (J.P.G.), Toronto, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (M. Carrier, L.A.C., D.A.F., G.L.G., D.M.S.), Institut du Savoir Montfort (Marc Carrier, G.L.G.), and the University of Ottawa (L.A.C., D.A.F., D.M.S.), Ottawa, Université Laval (A.F.T.) and CHU de Québec–Université Laval Research Center (A.F.T.), Quebec, QC, the University of Manitoba (B.L.H., A. Kumar, R.Z., S.A.L., D.S., G.V.-G.), CancerCare Manitoba (B.L.H., R.Z.), and St. Boniface Hospital (N.M.), Winnipeg, MB, McGill University, Montreal (S.R.K., E.G.M.), McMaster University (P.L.G.) and the Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis Research Institute (P.L.G.), Hamilton, ON, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC (F.L.), the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (S. Murthy, K.R.), and the University of Alberta, Edmonton (S.D.) — all in Canada; NYU Grossman School of Medicine (J.S.B., H.R.R., J.S.H., T.C., N.M.K., S.P.), the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Mount Sinai Heart (R.S.R.), NYU Langone Health, NYU Langone Hospital (T.C., J.M.H., E.Y.), and Bellevue Hospital (N.M.K.), New York, Montefiore Medical Center (M.N.G., H.H.B., S.C., J.T.C., R.N.) and Albert Einstein College of Medicine (M.N.G., H.H.B., B.T.G., A. Hope), Bronx, and NYU Langone Long Island, Mineola (R.D.H., A. Hindenburg) — all in New York; the University of Pittsburgh (M.D.N., B.J.M., D.T.H., M.M.B., D.C.A., A.J.K., C.M.L., K.L., S.K.M.,… Read more »

Aug 7, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  Willem

What is the cause of this clotting? Is it the Covid-19 “spike protein”? If so, does that spike protein come from the bio-engineered virus that caused Covid-19 (assuming that virus is still around). Or does the spike protein now come from all those injections of spike-protein RNA that are laughingly called vaccines?

Does normal annual Corona flu cause blood clotting?

Aug 7, 2021 3:22 PM
Reply to  NickM

‘ Does normal annual Corona flu cause blood clotting?’

Even more simple:

‘annual Corona flu= blood clotting

Treatment corona=oxygen
Treatment blood clotting=anticoagulation

So the trial shows that they give the wrong treatment to a patient with corona flu which=Anticoagulation (as the trial shows) and not oxygen, because

blood clotting is misdiagnosed as corona flu…

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 8, 2021 11:12 PM
Reply to  NickM

To my knowledge they are harmful body waste product that gets eliminated. They do cellular damage.

So the argument follows that your reaction to the vaccine is problematic. The specific virus is and your risk of ADE is mRNA vaccine specific.

Aug 7, 2021 9:04 AM
Reply to  Willem

The anomalous spike protein causes all sorts of damage all over the body, through clotting [Salk Institute]. Yet, direct excess deaths remained insigificant. The indirect methods of murder to impose tyranny were a little more successful: mistreating common symptoms, quarantining healthy people with ill ones, delaying or denying medicaal treatment in general, denying livelihood, and various forms of mental torture (including restrictions).

It is comical to see the desperate attempts to explain the lack of cases/deaths in UK after the recent relaxation of restrictions.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Aug 7, 2021 8:02 AM

Good book worth reading – A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth – describes how the populace was terrorised by behavioural psychologists ably supported by the media, the political and business class

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 7, 2021 10:27 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Will check it out. I read a 500 page book by one of the writers who contributed here a few weeks ago. It was called Pseudopandemic by Iain Davies. He largely spells out the con from A to Z. Well worth a read.

Aug 7, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Funny you should mention it, I just bought it and am listening on Audible, highly recommend it also.

Aug 7, 2021 8:01 AM

I feel ashamed to watch these people who have taken so many risks and devoted so much effort to getting out the truth about NATZO’s war against Syria — which is only one arena of the wider Anglo Zionazi Capitalist resource wars against the Middle East and Central Asia. But I comfort myself by knowing that they are doing something important in the moral sphere – getting out the truth — and that by contributing to OffG and other Truther sites in my own tiny way I am part of the same moral crusade.

Meanwhile the real movers in Syria — the armed Axis of Resistance — have painfully reclaiming that country. NATZO has been driven back, and now occupies only a north-eastern area on the border with NATZO member Turkey. Twenty years ago the memorandum was handed down to the U$ Army by its dual-citizen Anglo Zionazi secretary of defense: take out Syria and Iran in 5 years; but Syria and Iran are still standing — and stronger than ever. While, in Central, Asia NATZO’s main army has ignominiously withdrawn (though still growling and snapping like a retreating dog).

Has the US begun its “great retreat”?
“The truth rarely if ever convinces its opponents; it simply outlives them” — Max Planck, physicist.

Because the Truth is anchored in Physical Reality.

Aug 7, 2021 9:13 AM
Reply to  NickM

Great great comment.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Aug 7, 2021 5:29 AM

Trump continued sick US policy of threatening to punish any country or entity that tried to help Syria rebuild from 10 years of US attacks, even said you couldn’t go to a trade fair in Damascus.
8/23/2019: “The United States strongly discourages businesses and individuals from participating in the August 28 #Damascus International Trade Fair. #Syria
8/23/2019: “Businesses or individuals who plan to participatein the #Damascus International Trade Fair must be aware that by doing business with the sanctioned Assad regime or its associated, they too could be subject to U.S. sanctions. #Syria
8/23/2019: Members of the public who have info on any businesses or individuals who plan to participate in the Aug. 28 [2019] Trade Fair in #Damascus can provide such info to U.S. authorities by emailing the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Financial Assets at [email protected]

Jubal Hershaw
Jubal Hershaw
Aug 7, 2021 5:03 AM

Thalidomide > Birth Defects = Coincidence

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 8, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  Jubal Hershaw

That was a hard and well learned lesson that states experimental vaccines should not be given to pregnant women or children. Ever.

Jubal Hershaw
Jubal Hershaw
Aug 7, 2021 5:00 AM

YOU take ALL the RISKS, Big Pharma takes all the Profits.

Aug 7, 2021 3:12 AM

Boris was foreign sec at one time early on in the war on Syria, doling out our tax millons to ‘moderate’ head choppers while we were getting hit with austerity here in Blighty. That was also a period when sovereignty was being hotly discussed. The point being that the Constitution is the property of, well, the constituents; that’s us, and thinking on, so is Parliament; so is every state institution that composes the State. Our property! Our creation, proper to us. Essential services, electricity, gas, transport, had already been sold on the cheap to private interest and although I’m a bit foggy on dates police, courts, councils, were incorporated into for-profit businesses. I know that HMG is registered at the SEC, in the USA; does this make ‘the governance’ an American company? This goes back at least to 2008, then known as United Kingdom Fund Inc, with offices at Bear-Stearn in N.Y. So we are already are lumbered with a corporate state in every sense, and in total negation of common law we are being moved around like the livestock they see us as, and if you remember the foot and mouth destructive fiasco of !999(?), take that as the animal trials for a future method for disposing of people. What ever way this pans out, we are on bread and water for the foreseeable future. Sorry sir, I can’t be kind, there’s something wrong in paradise.

Aug 7, 2021 7:17 AM
Reply to  Asymmetric

Thanks for reminding us of “the F&M fiasco” which was where the sinister Joker duo, Tony B.Liar and Neil Ferguson made their debut on the stage of big time public criminality. Ferguson cooked up a “mathematical model” which gave PM B.Liar the excuse to satisfy his innate blood lust by making a Holocaust of 6 Million sheep. It was a fiasco for the country but highly profitable for the Joker duo: it bore all the trademarks of future Joker operations by B.Liar, Ferguson and their successor Con-artists: not only Con-19 but Con-911, Con-WMD, Con-Viagra, Con-Sarin, Con-QE and the coming Con-Bcubed.

Anglo-Welsh mongrel
Anglo-Welsh mongrel
Aug 7, 2021 12:04 AM

When Hillary declared that Assad was ‘on the wrong side of history’, it was so obvious that the power had reached the heads of Obama and his cronies. What an arrogant claim. Just the sort of statement made before a fall.

Aug 7, 2021 7:24 AM

“Assad must go”. Ah, yes, I remember it well:


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 6, 2021 11:56 PM

Update France : This is what France will look like this Saturday 7th of August:


If you are in France, this link will lead you to a clickable map where you can find times/places for the gatherings.

France Antipass Protests 7/8/2021

More @anonymecitoyen

Aug 6, 2021 11:27 PM


nano dust nano bots magnets


Aug 7, 2021 12:32 AM
Reply to  gorden

DARPA is a disturbing agency.

Aug 7, 2021 7:30 AM
Reply to  gorden

good research, thanks.

now all we need is proof that tech is in the vaccines and you have a valid point.

Aug 7, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

what if the rna is distraction is it really needed
what if the vaccine is just hardware and the 5 g is infinity updated software.

on off inflamation
on or off switch of life
the demon internet of everything

Aug 7, 2021 2:46 PM
Reply to  gorden

what if we had some real evidence, then maybe we could do better than speculative flimsy connections

Aug 7, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

what if you was an honest
what if you did not believe in the oded yinon
what if you was not a compromised satanist
what if you was more subtle and did not show your colours
so easily
mr pasteur germ theory lover

quack watch reader lol lol

Aug 7, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  gorden

Wow, I’m so impressed by your superior theories of everything, I bow to the strength of your intellectual arguments, science really doesn’t stand a chance.

Aug 7, 2021 8:35 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

science is demonic babylon corruption
a snuff kill and profit beast system

take my place in doctor queue old bean

believe and do what thou wilt

the vaccine
the separation of the soul
hived minds

Aug 6, 2021 9:33 PM

O/T Either evil stalks the land and vast numbers — doctors, psychs, teachers, coaches, politicians, administrators, corporate managers, advertising executives, priests, rabbis and imams, policemen, military officers, analysts, academics — have been hypnotised, threatened or brainwashed… or we are dealing with the dumbing down of society, which more easily explains the across-the-board collusion in idiocy. There is nothing more provocative than calling the masses peasants. But I don’t. Peasants are intelligent, astute observers of psychology and of nature. They have to be. They pit their lives against Nature. There is no tougher judge. A raw hillside in Caerffili is my own family’s testimony. Yet utter the word in the presence of a middle-classer and nothing will rouse him to anger more quickly than doubting his cranial credentials. Perhaps I’m wrong. Maybe the latest reports are misleading: Telegraph: Universities set own entrance exams amid A-level chaos or, with a Guardian spin: Extra cash for medical schools as grades surge. Do we have evidence for dumbing down or brainwashing? We do. MK-Ultra failed though not for want of trying. Hypnotism and Monarch seem to work on selected candidates but as a means to control the masses it never gets beyond 30 per cent (that’s for hypnotism). Evidence for dumbing down is stronger. Gatto, Iserbyt, Dodd and many others have testified to the Rockefeller funding of stupification. Gates has taken over the role with Common Core. Public calls to limit education go back centuries to our Prussian friends and before. Most prominent was president Woodrow Wilson but he is not alone. “We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 6, 2021 10:11 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Either evil stalks the land and vast numbers — doctors, psychs, teachers, coaches, politicians, administrators, corporate managers, advertising executives, priests, rabbis and imams, policemen, military officers, analysts, academics — have been hypnotised, threatened or brainwashed…or we are dealing with the dumbing down of society, which more easily explains the across-the-board collusion in idiocy. It’s both surely. The accumulating hypnotising, threatening and brainwashing is part of that very dumbing down of society. Perhaps my saving grace is that I stumbled on the political rot of our society late and was therefore immune to the ceaseless mind shaping of the various players – especially the “Left” branch. And so my discovery of Marx and “conspiracy theory” at the same time did not involve any artificial either/or division. Indeed, the pejorative designation “conspiracy theory” struck me right away as a glaring confidence trick and quite possibly the most devastatingly successful act of mental negation ever. And so becoming aware of this trick and its particular application to the Left via 9/11, I felt irritated. But with a step up of this false bifurcation re: covid, I started to fully understand how manipulated the Left were. And my contact with Philip Roddis showed up one of the most astonishing coups of this unholy psychic chicanery. In his most recent “take” on covid, he demonstrates how much his thinking has ossified when he referred to one of the biggest obstacles we face as: “… a neoliberal world order which makes a killer pandemic – whether or not this is the big one – a matter of when not if.” Thus the “killer pandemic” is in the nature of an impending certainty. It is the Left’s Biblical prophecy. And St. Bill’s blasé announcement of “the next pandemic” has a readymade audience. This Left will happily allow itself… Read more »

Aug 6, 2021 10:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We are at 1937, into 1938….a quick study of there will tell one about mass hypnosis….this time we are seeing basically far more wide spread…and I don’t thing straight out war in military form is the game this time…it is basically tied to the climate change, reset agenda at all costs….

their planning is stunning…realising big buy up of Aussie employing coys such as SPC so they can issue mandates about only vax being employed starts to be apparent….these people are going to pursue the agenda with their fortunes until the ultimate which sadly for all of is is implosion and real mass destruction…

so at this point the Germans started to round up the Jews,,,the israel mob announced from today the unvax will be locked up…only this time it is lock dow and totally ironic that it is the israel mob leading the way….obviously US money and bought their soul….

I think it is time we in Australia started attempting to remind our leaders about Anzac….they seem to have forgotten it…

Aug 7, 2021 12:55 AM
Reply to  Edith

I say this to people daily. In australia the vast majority of the country attends a dawn service for ANAZAC Day (a public holiday). If all these same people did the same for the freedoms we are being stripped of now, then this stuff would soon end.

After all, these are the freedoms that the ANZACs gave their lives for.

What’s happened to all the real men? These days I see so called tough guys with full sleeve and neck tattoos walking round with masks on.

Aug 7, 2021 4:01 AM
Reply to  Edith

The “leaders” are actually followers ….of edicts from Geneva. As treasonous scum they wouldn’t give a hoot about anzacs, human rights, or rule of law.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 6, 2021 10:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And of course it was the Left’s very desire for a global pandemic that set the scene for their incorrigible gullibility over covid. But the desire for a theory to be true is never proof that the theory is true – indeed that very desire tends to discredit the theory.

And the most sobering matter is that, even the gathering admission that the ruling class has “overstated” the deadliness of covid, along with the admission that this ruling class has benefitted enormously from this “pandemic”, does nothing to raise the Left’s suspicion. Indeed, they even hold fast to their conviction that any impending virus, which they are already primed to expect, must serve as “a blow to capitalism”.

And so the next virus will start the entire show over again. And the sequel will again have the Left crowing in jubilation whilst the media inexplicably pours on the fearmongering, the politicians do their clown incompetence routine, the rulers get richer, the masses get poorer, the Left screech about “opportunism”, this leading to another declaration of “overstating” the danger … and whilst everyone scrambles from the wreckage yet again, the Left say, yet again “Oh well – the next one will be the REAL ONE!” 

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 7, 2021 6:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

…The “Left” are dinosaurs praying for comets, George… – Stick a fork in ’em, they’re *Done* (As are the “Right”, for that matter)…

…Time to *Change Up* ur political axes, peeps! – Time to go *Orthogonal*:…

…- Liberty (ie: Individual, *Universal* Human Rights) at one pole vs Authoritarian Totalitarism at t’other… Even then that’s *Less Than Half* the job done, until we’ve collectively crawled our flabby arses out of *Flatland* and into the Socio-Political 3rd Dimension, and *Beyond*

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 8, 2021 11:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sure George, but it helps to disentangle yourself from the Scamdemic and adopt an unbiased science driven view.

In part that includes grasping Covid is unremarkable. Yes, in general, they become less dangerous too.

Putting all that aside my hope is happening, not that a real pandemic becomes inevitable, but that we learn about this area.
IE Do the science and be properly prepared for the real thing.

In that context, sloppy lockdowns and experimental vaccines become very suspect. The expertise was out there for decades if you don’t have an agenda. What a scam.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Aug 7, 2021 7:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

– ”especially the “Left” branch”

Agreed, but not wishing to split hairs I think that the ‘Left’ branch is little more than a wokeist centre-right neo-liberal outfit. It is the same everywhere. Starmer’s Labour party and the US Democrats are the archetypes and market-leaders in this respect. As for the media their followers and scribes are to be found in publications such as The Guardian (of course) the New York Times, Washington Post and der Spiegel.

I am afraid that at the level of politics and economics the mass of the population (including the above-mentioned elite) are frankly illiterate and they pay for this by increasingly being treated like latter-day serfs (or even sheep). Present day politics and economics can be best described as a more or less open racket. But the people fall for it, time after time.

In ‘The Condition of the Working Class in England – 1844, by Friedrich Engels it was a masterpiece in social and political journalism and deserved to be read by anyone with the slightest interest in politics. But of course he isn’t read and has more or less hasn’t been heard off by the masses or the ‘intelligentsia’ but the masses are paying and will continue to pay the price for their illiteracy.

So here we are, as Orwell put it ‘a society of rabbits ruled by stoats’. Has humanity got what it takes to change their situation? That seems and open question.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2021 9:00 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

The works of Marx and Engels are brilliant and will remain relevant for at least as long as capitalism persists. But the various Marxist movements were gradually neutered throughout the course of the 20th century – first through diversion into patriotic sentiment via the world wars and later through the ceaseless demonization of “conspiracy theory” after JFK. The latter development has given us “the Left” as it presently exists with its dreary conspiracy phobic catechism automatically spouted from the Big Book of Boilerplate, the quoting of which substitutes for the burden of actually thinking.

flashlight joe
flashlight joe
Aug 7, 2021 1:20 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The brainwashing is due to a well organized and massively implemented campaign of [war] propaganda.

Fox News was used as the vector of propaganda to brainwash conservatives with hate (emotion) to attack Iraq in 1991 and 2003.

Now, NPR and CNN has been the propaganda vector to brainwash liberals with fear (emotion) to believe there is a killer virus pandemic.

Quoting M.K. Vol I, Chapter VI:

[Speaking of the power of propaganda which must be used in the German struggle for survival, techniques which he learned from the Allied propaganda leaflets dropped on German troops in WWI]

“This broadness of outline [of propaganda techniques] from which we must never depart, in combination with steady, consistent emphasis, allows our final success to mature. And then, to our amazement, we shall see what tremendous results such perseverance leads to – to results that are almost beyond our understanding.” 

Our adversaries are brainwashed zombies. Rational arguments will not sway them because they have been emotionally conditioned, just like Pavlov’s dogs. Emotion precedes thought.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2021 8:09 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You are right about peasants – and I think the masses too, despite the obvious large numbers of dumbasses swallowing the viral crud. You are also right about the galling ironic self-inflicted stupidity of that self-appointed intellectual elite. To be fair, I don’t count Philip Roddis to be in that category but I think he represents that contingent who have supped at the poison well of Leftist complacency so long that the conspiracy-phobic prattle rolls off automatically. And it’s fascinating to watch how Caitlin Johnstone and even Simon Elmer approach the sceptical position in an extremely round about pontificating way and, once (almost) there, instantly back off with mea culpas over “the error of conspiratorial thinking” as if crossing themselves and holding up the garlic to “keep in” with their Leftist moderators.

Aug 6, 2021 8:43 PM

So, Fauci is trying to get people afraid of variants. He says: What we’re seeing, because of this increase in transmissibility, and because we have about 93 million people in this country who are eligible to get vaccinated who don’t get vaccinated. In this pathetic attempt at propaganda, Fauci wants people to think that the number of holdouts is low, so people will be angry that “only a small number are doing all of this. Why don’t they just get on board?”. The number of holdouts is much higher. I don’t believe that they have 40% vaccinated. They are doing their best to pit the people against each other. They need fear and anger so that the people are emotional. People are reactive when driven by emotions, instead of rational, which is driven by thought. Emotionally driven people are easily led by group think and mob mentality. The “shedding” stuff plays into this as well. They want chaos so they have a reason to apply order. Its an easy set up to get vaccinated people fighting with unvaccinated people. It makes people “choose” a side (like identity politics), with each side blaming the other for being more dangerous to society. “Why do I have to do this, when its them causing it?”. The fact is that covid doesn’t exist. No strain of covid or any variants have ever been isolated, or ever will be. Therefore, nobody, on either side, should be dealing with covid-anything. They can cry “cases” all day long, but there isn’t a single test that can tell you that you have covid (its in the test package inserts). Don’t buy into the anger and fear. Instead, look to see how they are manipulating people. When you see an interview, look up the etymology of the names. You’ll… Read more »

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 6, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

Er – didn’t you notice that the subject of this post is Syria…?

Aug 7, 2021 12:35 AM

You prefer controlled discussions?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 7, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  Wisenox

I prefer sticking to the subject rather than wandering all over the map, wanking one’s solipsistic obsessions. Evidently, from the downvotes my original comment has earned, a solid bunch here prefer the wanking self-indulgence approach.

Bound to happen, I suppose, when the site-owners operate such a principled, non-censoring, pro-free-speech approach. I prefer that, and salute it. But wankers, trolls and 77-oid propa-operatives will be an inevitable part of the upshot.

Something to be said for John Michael Greer’s ruthless moderation on his website, which produces an astonishingly high quality of discussion in the btls, with silly buggers entirely absent, except on the odd occasion when John lets one through, to disarm his/her half-bakery with a single rapier flick. 🙂

Now, wankers! The subject is Syria, as described by the indescribably heroic real journalists who report from there, putting their lives on the line every day, Serena Shim-style; people who deserve our attention, respect and commentary relevant to what they offer; in such blinding contrast with the comfortably stay-at-home keyboard wankers who haunt Off-G’s btls. And yes, I’m one such. But I have the excuse that I’m 81 now, and physically buggered. “There was a time…” 🙂

Aug 7, 2021 2:18 PM

You have a point, Rhis, but in the world as it actually is today, nothing is unconnected to the covid scam.
In fact most of the other scandals in current world politics shed important light upon the way in which this scam was prepared and polished over recent decades.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 7, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  wardropper

True. It is all of a piece.

Aug 7, 2021 1:08 AM
Reply to  Wisenox

The problem is the ones who have been quick to roll up their sleeve are the weak. These people submit to fear and threats. The ones who have not taken part in the trail are well informed, strong minded, vocal and have truth on their side.

I walk through the shopping mall muzzle free just waiting for one of these half-wits to say something so I can give them both barrels. Never happens, they’re limp noodles.

So if the establishment believe these people are going to go to war for them, they are very much mistaken.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 7, 2021 6:50 AM
Reply to  Wisenox
David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 9, 2021 12:14 AM
Reply to  Wisenox

It appears that the sequences exist and are heavily patented.

Aug 6, 2021 7:53 PM

“Personal to the off-g team, think that was a wise suppression, i was spitting fire at the time, cos of not controlling my personal triggers. Been tough today, all that’s good to the team. “

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 6, 2021 7:40 PM

I perused Caitlin Johnstone’s latest – something I certainly would not have done had it not been for Philip Roddis linking to it. https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2021/08/04/after-russiagate-why-wouldnt-people-be-skeptical-about-covid/ Naturally Philip likes it. And for pretty much the reason I don’t. Indeed nothing seems to have changed in this particular section of the Left. There is a hell of a lot of warbling over nothing much in particular e.g. do we really need to dig up suspicions over “Russiagate” as a way into suspicions about covid? The very contortion of that journey suggests a distancing from the entire covid matter. But then again, the viral case is frightfully … upsetting. But not for the obvious reason i.e. that it is so patently a front for the most aggressive attack on the masses in our lifetimes. Oh no, it is upsetting because it threatens to tear apart that very distancing, that comfortable gaze we can direct from our armchairs at the dismal scene outside. This from Philip: “That subset of covid ‘scepticism’ detecting a ruling class scam (as distinct from ruling classes doing what they do best: turn crises real or manufactured to their advantage) has what Simon Elmer calls a weak grasp of how things work in the 21st century.” First note that what ruling classes “do best” is “turn crises real or manufactured to their advantage” Note the sleight of hand manoeuvre. The notion of being manufactured has no subject here i.e. we are not told who manufactured the crisis. Clearly it is the ruling class but the fact that this is not stated directly signals an anxiety which is emphasised by the curious idea that even if the crisis is manufactured – by the ruling class – it has to be “turned to their advantage”. But this is an oxymoron. If the crisis is manufactured it… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 6, 2021 7:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The fact that some on this Left seem to be making vague motions in the direction of rejecting at least some of the covid narrative is … well, boring and irrelevant. I’m sorry but despite friendly overtures from some I find it difficult to contain my anger. I feel like screaming, “You really haven’t a fucking clue!” And there is an unpleasant slyness in the contradictory combination of a feigned modesty over “what we know” and a brute rejection of the sceptical position, all the more offensive since the latter is the truly modest position.

Aug 7, 2021 7:51 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Personally love journalists , like Caitlin, Helen Buyniski etc George, seriously don’t agree with ur thoughts there’s a serious dichotomy between left n right. Once again, personally, i’m extreme end economically socialist/whatever label, however, i’m an extreme end social libertarian, which i don’t see recognition for in this particular comment of yours.

Think this vid by Jimmy Dore is totally worth a watch: https://odysee.com/@SabbySabs:e/jimmy-dore-left-vs.-right:8?

Also, for some reason he lost the plot n had the killer jabs, he knows that was stupid n explains the harm they caused him here: https://odysee.com/@NoNewAbnormal:4/OIkNffatbOuzOZGd:f?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2021 7:56 AM
Reply to  Cesca

I don’t see any “serious dichotomy between left n right” as presented in the media unless it’s that the Left are claiming that the Right are “under-reporting” the covid carnage. But both sides are promoting the virus ‘n vax crap. And the real life counterparts to this dismal show seem to be mostly going along with it.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 7, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  Cesca

You’re trolling, talking in circles and clogging the thread.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2021 2:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Actually the Caitlin article gives itself away in the very title:

After Russiagate, Why WOULDN’T People Be Skeptical About Covid?

i.e. it took “Russiagate” to make people sceptical about Covid. But then “Russiagate” is an interesting example of a “conspiracy” which we can now all happily admit to!

cf. CJ’s own words:

“Looking at mainstream news outlets in 2021, you’d hardly know they’d recently spent years hammering the story into public consciousness that Vladimir Putin had infiltrated the highest levels of the US government, day after day after day after day after day.

But they did. Vast fortunes were raked in off the public interest generated by click-friendly stories about the latest BOMBSHELL revelation involving some peripheral member of Trump’s associates perhaps maybe having some kind of contact with a Russian national at some point. Entire careers were built on this.

Then the Mueller investigation invalidated the entire claim by failing to indict a single American for conspiring with the Russian government, and the mass media who’d spent the previous few years bashing everyone in the face with that story just kind of slowly sidled away from it.”

In other words, Russiagate was an orchestrated media campaign – although revealingly the word “conspiring” is relegated to the fictional scenario sculpted by the media manipulators.

So “conspiracies” are barred from admission … until the admission serves a ruling class purpose where the conspiracy is then re-labelled as “hammering into public consciousness”, “making fortunes”, “bashing everyone in the face” etc.  

Aug 6, 2021 7:26 PM

UK Column News – 6th August 2021 French Protests Grip 100 Towns and Cities Rothschild puppet Macron awaits his next script Vaxxed and unvaxxed join protests to defend fundamental freedoms in French constitution. Defence of rights goes beyond partisan divide — Bigger than Yellow Vests protests. People attempt peaceful settlement — but there is growing talk of government buildings. French politicians suspected of trying to provoke violence so they can trigger state of emergency. Macron struggling to polarize public à la USA. Compromised, Senile Crypto-Fascist Biden Seeks Federal Vaccine Mandate U.S. locked in partisan divide New York to mandate shots for certain door activities NY mayor Bill de Blasio aka Warren Wilhelm Jr tried voluntary but people kept making other choices so he’s got to use the NKVD-Cheka. Patrick Henningsen: Biden keeps saying it’s legal. There is a difference between legal and constitutional. Bill Gates Reappears on CIA TV, Pushing “Virus is Real From a Lab” Tells CNN we have to prepare for next flu/cold pandemic CIA sanitary towel — sorry, Andersen — pushes lab leak theory to bolster pandemic. Patrick Henningsen: if there was a real virus you would not need a fraudulent testing regime; redefinition of pandemic from deaths to cases; and new rules for death certificates and coroners. They are playing the public like a fiddle and all this is predicated on Super Coroni. Housewives love-in between Anderson Cooper and Bill Goats Andy: do you even want to know how this virus happened? Bill: it doesn’t change the actions we must take, darling, to save lives. Team America: World Police Australia’s Three Largest States Locked Down State of Victoria, Six Cases Five km limit to travel Processed food peddler SPC the first Aus firm to mandate vaccination for all staff ABC: How to convince someone who is hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine… Read more »

Aug 6, 2021 6:48 PM

Eva and Vanessa are two incredibly brave women who have put themselves in harm’s way to bring us the truth. A huge thank you to both.

“Comedians” on BBC Radio Scotland at 1.50 to 2 pm today launched a series of vicious attacks on “the anti-vax brigade.” Considering most of us are obliged to pay the BBC tax this is totally out of order.

Aug 6, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Molinos

Simple, don’t watch the idiots lantern, don’t allow brainwashing bilge into your mind, don’t pay them to do this !

Aug 6, 2021 10:41 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

I haven’t paid a TV licence in my life and it was the car radio. They do take complaints seriously and someone gets back to you so they may think twice about doing that again.

However, I would prefer to think of Eva and Vanessa and Canthama at Syria perspective when it existed, Patrick at 21st century Wire and b. at MOA before he joined the Covid mainstream, and all the Syrian, Iranian and Lebanese people who have died in this struggle. Why Eva and Vanessa rise above all the other commentators is that they spent long periods in Syria with little financing and traveling along roads not knowing if ISIS was up ahead. Heroic.

Aug 7, 2021 4:24 AM
Reply to  Molinos

Re Canthama and others; they joined Platos Guns. Recommended.

Aug 7, 2021 9:28 AM
Reply to  grr

Thanks for telling us where SyrianPerspective’s analyst Canthama found a new home after SP itself went offline. Canthama had a high opinion of Plato’s Guns; from which this essay is a sample: “Forget the bombs. ?w=960&ssl=1 Let us remember these ancient artisans and bricklayers and what marvelous vision stirred their breast to compel them to build a city like Damascus. Let us leave our philistine century aside for a moment and remember the philosophical womb of Damascus that incubated the humanistic ideal and desire for everlasting human community. Let us remember the intoxicating scent of Damascus jasmine and the dreamy ambience of ancient public fountains; let us generously evoke the sartorial silky-elegance of Dame Damascus; and in poetic whispers, let us invite into our hectic highway of thought, the ultimate messiah of humanity: the diaphanous Muse. The very force behind all human progress emanating from the vast and unexplored human imagination: that infinite and internal world of ours that’s full of mystery and genius and innovation. Let us privately hold court with this ageless Muse – this Muse who is as old as god – this Muse whose most enduring vision of community was birthed in the minds of the builders of Damascus: this Muse who was called forth by the first founders of Damascus to assist them in manifesting the finest and most enduring of all human cities. Let us all sit by the banks of the Barada River and eat apples with the Muse that inspired these faceless ancient Syrians to create and build such an everlasting city as Damascus – a city that is even older than the oldest pyramid on earth – a city that is actually twice as old as the oldest pyramid.” To which I add: Let us remember too, that the Syrian Church is the oldest Christian Church;… Read more »

Aug 7, 2021 8:59 AM
Reply to  Molinos

The State Broadcaster is controlled by the government of the day who are controlled by the Satanists so you can complain as much as you want but they carry on regardless. The only effective protest is the off button.

Yes, I agree with you about Eva and Vanessa. The other social source you didn’t mention was Saker who along with MOA have swallowed the Scamdemic fairytale

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Aug 6, 2021 5:57 PM

For anyone interested in serious Covid-19 research, TLAV is a must. Ryan (and it’s Cristian, not Christian) provides hundreds of links to peer-reviewed articles. His site is my first resource in “combating medical misinformation.” Thanks to OffG for amplifying his message.

Aug 6, 2021 5:19 PM

No matter how many people we Americans are forced to kill and maim to get “freedom and democracy” just right, we will never outdo our staunch commitment to those bulwarks of our existence on August 6 and again August 9, 1945.

We must never ask how we came to view goodness and light with such reverence that we proudly sacrifice the peoples of this Earth. Rather, we must simply accept it as our burden. And thank God for bestowing this great insight upon us.

Here’s Edward Curtin’s take on that fateful day.

The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Aug 6, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Howard

Bloody well said. Feel like I have as much blood on my hands, here in the U.K. where mostly people still do think they live in a democracy. my heart breaks.

Jess Boy
Jess Boy
Aug 6, 2021 5:19 PM
Aug 6, 2021 4:58 PM

Many thanks to these brave people for their reporting about Syria and West Asia.

They have also revealed what the other ‘journalists’ really are.

Aug 6, 2021 3:30 PM

Rocks seeing vids from sites other than yt, which i just can’t contaminate myself with now, as in anything else google related.

TLAV n The Conscious Resistance are both among my personal faves for discussion based info/vids. Saw and downloaded this actual discussion over a week ago, it’s heartbreaking but about things we need to learn n care about.

Being good n sorting out work so i can enjoy the weekend, without my conscience biting my bum. Will post a link to a less recent TLAV discussion with the lovely Whitney Webb, think quite a few others will find it seriously interesting:


Aug 6, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  Cesca

Damn i can be daft, it’s the Whitney vid i downloaded a week or so ago, downloaded the Vanessa/Eva one to watch later now tho. Cheers off-g =)

Aug 6, 2021 1:37 PM

When they said they wanted to inject children whose natural immune system is superior to any vaccine, that is statistically or clinically unmatched by any product, that was the red flag.
— Karen Kingston, a pharmaceutical and medical device industry consultant.

I found the patents, they did not read as a vaccine. They read as a bio weapon. There is clearly a power behind the scenes, that it bribing and pressuring doctors. It is not just money. The threat of ridicule and humiliation is very powerful.

She joins Dr Andrew Kaufman

For context, the mainstream media and pharma industry paid influencers (they may even be right but they don’t declare their little brown envelopes): https://twitter.com/hoaxeye/status/1421360388600483840?lang=en

Aug 6, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I watched her interview with StewPeters a few days ago trying to sell “vaccines have graphene in”. Firstly the Spanish study is flimsy at best, but her patent evidence doesn’t even count as flimsy. It’s a huge leap from vaccine patents, to SINOPEGs website (lipid manufacturers), to an unrelated news item on Sinopegs news page about “Core-shell structured polyethelene glycol functionalized graphine for energy storage polimer dielectric performaces”.

Unless she’s got anything more, the claim lacks proof.

Aug 6, 2021 6:08 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

your the google dude
you is lazy girl

the one that does the 60 secs research on quack watch and other roth and rockerfella organs

do you work for glazo or something

Aug 6, 2021 7:04 PM
Reply to  gorden

ImpObs, just one of numerous, uninformed keyboard Jockeys/Freemason operatives that populate the [sic] “interwebs”.

Aug 7, 2021 7:17 AM
Reply to  Researcher

pot kettlle

you think she has proof? really?

Aug 7, 2021 7:20 AM
Reply to  gorden

when the only search results that come up for a product you are pushing are from inter linked sites advertising that product, it looks like a scam.

When quckwatch has the easiest bunch of links to the fraud cases about the Dr pushing that product, the links are valid.

Aug 7, 2021 5:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This page has more context on the graphene. Jon Rappoport just wrote a great article the other day, exposing the entire scheme. Today, his nomorefakenews.com site is down.

Also 153news.net which hosts thousands of banned covid related videos, and before that, exposure of the mass shooting hoaxes, was taken down the other day.

It appears the controllers are going to use the hoaxes and false flags they manufacture, like the Capitol Incident, and the Covid Hoax to claim “misinfo” and “inciting terrorism, violence or hate” to actively censor anyone that disputes their lies.

First they’ll take down sites. Then they’ll arrest or quarantine people challenging the narrative, or add dissenters to the terrorist watch list, round them up for injection, eventually. Take away their ability to earn a living, their payment tools, seize their bank accounts. This is how it’s shaping up. It’s all out war.

Aug 8, 2021 7:02 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Jons site is back up, I can’t find another article on graphine in the cov vax besides the one reporting the Spanish results where Jon “reserves judgement on that”


his later post regarding graphine seems to be about research into using graphine in new vaccines, but nothing specific about the cov vax.


if he has changed his “reserving judgement” stance would you be so kind as to link the post, tia.

Aug 8, 2021 5:18 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

I was NOT REFERRING TO GRAPHENE re the Rappoport article. He wrote an article exposing “the entire scheme“, meaning the scheme of covid, flu and generating the numbers for fake pandemics. Stop trolling.

If it’s too intellectually challenging for you to interpret my comments correctly, don’t read them.

Aug 9, 2021 10:07 AM
Reply to  Researcher

pot kettle again! Typical Narcissist gaslighting as usual, in butt hurt caps no less LOL.

it’s you poking a butthurt stick at me for pointing out the lack of evidence for graphene in vax

just one of numerous, uninformed keyboard Jockeys/Freemason operatives that populate the [sic] “interwebs”.

then you’re posting more shite about graphene as if it’s already been demonstrated in the vax, so wind your neck in with the “intellectually challenging” misinfo

Aug 6, 2021 1:17 PM

Selling ‘Woke Wars’:


“We had to bomb the women so they could wear flip-flops… “

Aug 6, 2021 1:09 PM

Vanessa, Eva, and Kevork are a few of the real honest people out there among a sea of bullshit people. There’s another good interview here with Vanessa and Cory morningstar.. https://www.rokfin.com/stream/7947/Ep341-Cory-Morningstar–Vanessa-Beeley-on-the-Nonprofit-Industrial-Complex

I find it really sick that “heroes” like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, downplayed 911 as not a big deal. They are clearly limited hangouts and these days they are silent about convid. They were mass media golden children for a while.
Fk the bullshit Emmanuel Goldstein type cucks.

Aug 6, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  Rob

Why on earth should JA or ES talk about 911 or Covid ?
It may have escaped your notice but one is banged up in a maximum security prison and the other is in forced excile thousands of miles from home.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 6, 2021 1:01 PM

“Missed some (from back around 2016).”
comment image


Better War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity for Better War Racketeering. Brought to us by the criminal psychotics and psychopaths back down at Langley-Land.”

Aug 6, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I watched the entire footage of this event before You Tube took it down. I wish i hadn’t. Some images can’t be ever removed from your memory.

Aug 6, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  Maiasta

Yes its very disturbing, contrast that with the spin the BBC puts on it.

Aug 6, 2021 7:55 PM
Reply to  Maiasta

I don’t need to see the footage, the stills are bad enough, but thanks for the reminder Coop of just exactly what good people around the world are up against

Aug 7, 2021 12:19 AM
Reply to  Corarden

They beheaded a kid the reason it’s important is because one of the guys their was in the white helmets they mad a documentary directed by Geroge Cloony, see how far it goes. Very dark piece of propaganda but it really blows the doors off the MSM’s agenda. When they get caught out like this.

Aug 7, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  Maiasta

They should stay in your memory a horrible wrong was done and remember a fucking white helmet camera man was there when it happened, Bastards. I have seen so many of these horrors and I feel its the least I can do. Feel connected though painful memory and images thats how atrocities get remembered by connecting to them. All this done by a powerful few. The best we can do is get smarter and always remember. The MSM hide the graphic nature of reality so people do not empatheticly connect with the reality of war and the death it causes. If people did they would stop it. Instead they supplant that reality with a kind of noble anachronistic fable. Makes me sick. Human life has value intrinsic value as does all life on this planet.

Aug 7, 2021 4:39 AM
Reply to  Maiasta

They were “moderate: terrorists and as a US criminal govt lackey said ” An isolated incident doesn’t mean one is an extremist”

Aug 7, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  grr

Not an isolated incident, though. The group was Harakat Nur ad-Din az-Zinki, and they were known for their extreme actions. They actually filmed themselves testing poison gas on rabbits before progressing to use it on Syrian soldiers.

dr death
dr death
Aug 6, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

flown first class by ‘your’ governments (who they were in fact created by and work for) into your country.. to live next door to ‘you’ or auntie ethel… (some float over on rafts or hitch a lift with an NGO ‘rescue ship’)….

sometimes it seems the ahem, not-too-legal system here in airstrip-one exists solely to service jihadis (whatever that refers to nowadays, it supposedly means ‘struggle’ so I am informed), we have over 40.000 that the mendicants in westmonster admit to… almost as many as the pro-bono agitators that represent them and make sure they get to stay…

ready and waiting to be ‘reactivated’ for ‘wetwork’ or for the nod from their handlers to deal with ‘infrastructure’ when the ‘street’ wars go hot….

funnily enough most of the orders will no doubt be coming out of the pentagon via gchq…

Clive William
Clive William
Aug 6, 2021 10:30 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Thank you,
Yes horrible and lesson for on-line tag merchants whether they be pure as given snow or reside in devils kitchen.
A boy learned it being driven past Saddleworth Moor,
“I was a Human Being once no longer a Child”.