Science, Salvation and Heretics: From Monsanto to Pfizer it’s the same old playbook
The “settled science” behind GMOs can teach us valuable lessons about the rollout of Covid19 “vaccines”
Colin Todhunter

Why are numerous ‘independent alternative’ media outlets and writers not questioning the COVID-19 vaccine rollout? If anything, they are promoting it without even considering the serious concerns being voiced by top scientists.
When there are experts like cardiologist and epidemiologist Professor Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone (credited with inventing mRNA vaccine technology), former vice president of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Dr Michael Yeadon, vaccine researcher and immunologist Dr Byram Bridle, world-renowned microbiologist Dr Sucharit Bhakti and hundreds of other respected scientists, immunologists and virologists expressing serious concerns or even calling for a halt to the rollout, surely their views must be given space.
However, from the outset, these self-proclaimed ‘anti-establishment’ platforms and journalists threw their hand in with the official COVID-19 narrative.
They are now supporting the vaccine rollouts and by implication the entities pushing the vaccines – governments, mainstream media, the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, Big Pharma and Silicon Valley and its bedfellow, the US military.
In effect, the full weight of the establishment has been brought to bear on pushing the COVID narrative and the vaccines. The very establishment that these ‘independent’ media outlets have previously challenged over the devastating ‘humanitarian’ conflicts in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria.
To show such contempt for human life (civilian ‘collateral damage’) via geopolitical and resource-grabbing wars sold under the thin veneer of ‘the war on terror’ or ‘humanitarian intervention’ but then feel a need to save humanity from the ‘deadly’ virus must make some of those supporters of the official line on COVID just a little suspicious of the motives.
As critical care physician Dr Pascal Sacre recently wrote:
If people want trustworthy rulers, honest politicians, they should always judge rulers, financial elites and politicians by their actions rather than by their words.”
By not giving space to top scientists in the field of vaccine technology, immunology or virology who express deep concerns, these outlets are in fact engaging in censorship as much as the mainstream media, Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube.
Science involves open debate and transparency, not censorship.
Same old playbook
There are strong similarities between the issue of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in agriculture and the COVID ‘pandemic’ in terms of the framing of debates in both fields: a type of ‘the science is decided’ mentality and a smearing of critics in an attempt to demonise and close down debate.
Some years ago, Robert T Fraley, Monsanto’s former vice president and chief technology officer, asked on Twitter:
Why do people doubt science?”
Accompanying his question was a link to an article that implied people who are suspicious of vaccines, GMOs, climate change or fluoridated water are confused, adhere to “conspiracy theories”, are motivated by ideology or are simply misinformed.
But science is not the giver of ‘absolute truth’. That in itself should allow us to develop a healthy scepticism towards it. Scientific knowledge is built on shaky stilts that rest on shifting foundations.
Science historian Thomas Kuhn wrote about the revolutionary paradigm shifts in scientific thought, whereby established theoretical perspectives can reinforce prevailing paradigms and serve as a barrier to the advancement of knowledge, until the weight of evidence and pressure from proponents of a new theoretical outlook is overwhelming.
The old faith then gives way and the new ‘truth’ changes.
The manufacture of scientific knowledge involves a process driven by various sociological, methodological and epistemological conflicts and compromises, both inside the laboratory and beyond.
Why do people doubt science?
Not because they are ill-informed or have read Kuhn or some sociology journal, but because they can see how science is used, corrupted and manipulated by powerful corporations and governments to serve their own ends.
Take US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, for instance. He once called for “sound science” to underpin food trade that involves GMOs. Despite what Vilsack would have us believe – that there are no concerns about GMOs – many studies show that they present risks to human health and are having serious environmental, social and economic consequences.
“Sound science” and the GMO agritech sector are too often perfect strangers. The industry carries out inadequate, short-term studies and conceals the data produced by its research under the guise of ‘commercial confidentiality’, while independent research highlights the dangers of its products.
It has in the past also engaged in fakery in India, bribery in Indonesia and smears and intimidation against those who challenge its interests as well as the distortion and the censorship of scientific findings that undermine its agenda.
In the US, policymakers released GM food onto the commercial market without proper long-term tests, citing the belief that it is “substantially equivalent” to ordinary food. But foreign genes are being inserted into organisms that studies show make them substantially non-equivalent.
“Substantial equivalence” is a trade strategy on behalf of the GMO sector that neatly serves to bypass science by removing its GMOs from the type of scrutiny usually applied to potentially toxic or harmful substances.
Ultimately, it is not science itself that people have doubts about but “science” that is pressed into the service of immensely powerful private corporations and regulatory bodies that are effectively co-opted and adopt a ‘don’t look, don’t find approach’ to studies and products.
There is a tendency to label anyone who opposes GMO as anti-science, not least because they are arguing against a supposed ‘scientific consensus’ in favour of GMOs. But this ‘consensus’ is nothing but a fiction of the collective imagination of the pro-GMO lobby.
The first rule of risk-taking is to not cross the street blindfolded, which is what the GMO and COVID-19 vaccine lobbies would like us all to do, even though there are serious risks associated with these technologies.
Furthermore, based on the work of US lawyer Steven Druker, we can see that the processes involved in getting GMO crop technology onto the commercial market were fraudulent and there has not been a single independent long-term epidemiological study on GMOs. With clinical trials still ongoing, similar concerns dog the ‘emergency use authorisation’ experimental COVID-19 vaccines.
The ‘technological salvation’ argument being put forward in favour of the vaccines is also present with GMOs: the technology is needed to ‘feed the hungry’ or ‘save dying children’. When an argument cannot be won using rational debate and science, we usually see the emotional blackmail fallback position and ad hominins against critics.
Whether it is GMO crop technology or COVID vaccines, we are seeing a huge unscientific experiment using people as human guinea pigs to rake in massive profits.
In the case of the vaccines, there is also a wider agenda involving a ‘great reset’ of the economy and labour’s relationship to an increasingly authoritarian state whose role is to produce the conditions that will subordinate ordinary people to the ‘new normal’ required by private capital: mass surveillance, worklessness and the eradication of civil and political rights in favour of technocratic rule. In fact, genetically engineered food and crops are an integral part of this reset.
Part of the vaccine rollout involves accusing critics and the unvaccinated of being irresponsible and dangerous fearmongers. There is a huge government-media campaign to marginalise and demonise those who question the vaccines or refuse to take them due to valid concerns.
Instead of indulging in smear campaigns and censorship, what society should be facilitating is open debate and taking very seriously what critics are saying. When people engage in the former and run from the latter, it indicates that their arguments will not and do not withstand scrutiny.
Vaccine billionaires
In finishing, let us return to the world of Robert T Fraley and Monsanto and the type of ‘science’ he pushes. Bayer, which took over Monsanto in 2018, has just lost another appeals court decision in the US regarding its glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup, often used with GMO ‘roundup ready’ seeds and thus a key component of the GMO agenda. It faces tens of thousands of claims alleging that this herbicide causes cancer.
In a recent decision by a court of appeal in California, it was stated:
Monsanto’s conduct evidenced reckless disregard of the health and safety of the multitude of unsuspecting consumers it kept in the dark. This was not an isolated incident; Monsanto’s conduct involved repeated actions over a period of many years motivated by the desire for sales and profit.”
There is a clear lesson here with regard to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Unlike Monsanto, however, Pfizer and the other vaccine manufacturers have received indemnities against the costs of compensation for adverse effects that might come from their COVID vaccines.
A shrewd business move considering Pfizer’s corporate rap sheet which does nothing to inspire trust in that company. Its track record includes product safety, pricing, advertising and marketing, environment, human rights, labour, worker safety and tax and subsidy crimes and scandals.
It is also claimed by the UK-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism that Pfizer bullied governments to put up federal bank reserves, embassy buildings or military bases as a guarantee against the cost of future legal cases stemming from the adverse effects of its COVID-19 vaccine. This would mean that governments rather than the company would shoulder any legal costs.
Vaccine manufacturers might well face bankruptcy sooner rather than later given the rising numbers of deaths and serious adverse effects being reported. But shielded from liability, the new vaccine billionaires, among them Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, which has produced a vaccine with Pfizer, will be able to hold onto their loot.
Although nothing will bring back those who succumbed to the deadly effects of glyphosate, at least Monsanto (via Bayer) is now in the dock and has already been forced to shell out hundreds of millions of dollars to its victims or their families.
Through these legal cases involving glyphosate it has been made clear just how powerful corporations can – and do – corrupt “science” for their own ends.
Robert F Kennedy Jr, one of the attorney’s fighting Bayer-Monsanto in the US courts, has explained that for four decades Monsanto manoeuvred to conceal Roundup’s carcinogenicity.
He also says that Monsanto faces cascading scientific evidence linking glyphosate to a constellation of other injuries that have become prevalent since its introduction, including obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, brain, breast and prostate cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and declining sperm counts.
This is what smearing and ignoring critics, malfeasance in public office, the capturing of regulatory agencies and scientific fraud leads to.
It is interesting that governments, and public officials, sat on their hands and facilitated the rollout of glyphosate and other toxic agrochemicals and watched what is now a major public health crisis spiral out of control.
They prioritised the needs of the agrochemical sector ahead of public health and side-lined science that challenged the adverse effects of its products.
But governments are now suddenly expressing great concern for everyone’s well-being by locking them down, waging a fear campaign and cajoling and bribing people to take risky vaccines with dubious efficacy and which are arguably not needed. So, whose needs are they prioritising this time around?
Although we are still in the relative early days of the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts, disturbing evidence is mounting of the actual harm resulting from these poorly tested vaccines and the potential risks (infertility, cognitive, cancer, cardiovascular, etc) that lie in store.
Dr J Patrick Whelan, a paediatric rheumatologist, warned the US Food and Drug Administration in late 2020 that mRNA vaccines could cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways not assessed in safety trials.
This is deeply concerning.
But not for some. Not least the nine new vaccine billionaires worth a combined $19.3 billion courtesy of COVID-19 vaccines that were largely funded with billions of dollars from the public purse.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal
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To my comment on Mrs. Alena M. Buyx, who due to her uncritical acceptance of pharma propaganda qualified as a member of the WHO Ethics Council on Genome Editing (see below), I would like to add the question, how these appointments come about? Diversity of opinions seems not a criteria. And that for an organization that supposedly represents the world.
Seems that Pfizer does not require its employees to be injected:
“Please note that if you have declared you are not been vaccinated, decline to declare your status, or have a medial or a religious accommodation, Pfizer will require that you participate in a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing regimen.”
Why would they? They didn’t question the fundamentals of the narrative: the existence of the alleged “novel” virus, the causal relationship between the alleged virus and alleged illness, the validity of the PCR “test”, the validity of the supposed genome sequence, etc
There is virtually zero intelligent questioning of the COVID-19 narrative in any shape or form.
It makes far more sense with psyops to start focus on – and to always promulgate as part of the analysis of the lie narrative – the root lie not the various branch lies but the ROOT lie, in this case, the Problem part of the Problem > Reaction > Solution psyop.
The Problem lie is that there’s a “novel” virus.
That’s where you START and that’s what you always put forward whenever you talk about masks, lockdown, social distancing, PCR tests, vaccines and all the other nonsense we have to endure.
There is now conclusive scientific evidence that indeed Sars2 is not novel – by way of a peer reviewed Danish study:
SARS-CoV-2 – BROAD “HERD IMMUNITY” without VAX – Strong natural immune responses regardless of disease severity – PubMed
For a fuller explanation by Sucharit Bhakdi @1:12:10 of Session 3 “First Do No Harm” – D4CE
Symposium – Doctors for COVID Ethics
Very good article. Thanks, Colin Todhunter & OffG.
“Vaccine manufacturers might well face bankruptcy sooner rather than later given the rising numbers of deaths and serious adverse effects being reported. But shielded from liability, the new vaccine billionaires, among them Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, which has produced a vaccine with Pfizer, will be able to hold onto their loot.”
I think even the CEOs of the vaccine companies, and their board of diretors, will all be brought to justice by a new people-driven system that will emerge sooner or later.
the global elite-oligarchs-technocrats and their corporate minions will all fail in their evil designs over humanity.
Conflating Zionism with Judaism is the textbook trick used by apologists for the atrocities perpetrated by Zionists in order to smear their opponents with false charges of racism. In short: Fuck off, knobhead.
Why no mention of the gutter press’s prostitution to the criminal conspiracy responsible for our current woes? As well as being the biggest, wealthiest and most effective political lobbying outfit in the world, Big Pharma and its philanthrocapitalist chums like Bill Gates invest heavily in the mass media and journalists’ training (sic) to ensure their tarnished image is endlessly and cravenly burnished. Hence, the mass media presstitutes chorusing the praises of experimental gene therapy injections which are killing and injuring recipients in historically unprecedented numbers. As a former Fleet Street writer and editor, I am appalled to see our public watchdog degenerate into Establishment lap-dog.
over here they have convinced people that the virus is everywhere in the air like a bad spirit from the Dark Ages and that the scamdemic is ongoing…so you see peasants walking in clean air wooded mountain countryside on empty roads by themselves wearing a face diaper… TV, pressure to conform and whatever sites they read, has seen to this.
The zombie apocalypse is happening and it has official support.
For a very clear explanation of what is a “variant” and an “anti-body”, I recommend the latest video from my favourite doctor, Dr Sam Bailey (she’s from New Zealand). She has written the book “Virus Mania” together with Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, and Stefano Scoglio.
Apart from the inital flaky PCR test, by reporting “variants” daily, they imply that they are running additional tests on each “positive” sample. I doubt they will spend that kind of money.
Couldn’t agree more…this book is a must read imho…a real eye opener and facts to back up their claims too.Great book.
Yes, great book and she’s my favourite doctor too.
I trust the people below on the pandemic. No doubt there are other very worthwhile contributors but I’m always wary of people being controlled opposition and with these people I don’t have that doubt – not that I’m omniscient on the subject, of course, and I know they push out people at every rung of the truth ladder so possibly some of these people could be controlled opposition and others who have an important contribution to make are not … just my opinion.
Sam Bailey, MD
Torsten Engelbrecht,
Claus Köhnlein, MD
Dr Stefano Scoglio
Dr David Rasnick
Dr Saeed Qureshi
Christine Massey who did great work on FOI requests
Makia Freeman
David Crowe (who died last year)
Blogger Stephers is very good on nanoparticles including Graphene Oxide and the incredible biotech possibilities it affords. Very scary stuff.
Good list. I would add Alison McDowell of
New article by Dr. Stefan Lanka:
Photo: speech @ Nuremberg!!!

If you mention the word ‘Jew’, your comment gets deleted. What a surprise!
No it doesn’t. The word Jew is just a word. What gets comments spammed is ignorant race-hate, but it seems neo-Nazis genuinely don’t understand the difference. They genuinely think saying “Jews are scum who want to control the world” is just ‘mentioning’ the word Jew. It’s delusional thinking.
Feel free to mention the word Jew as much as you like in any context but neo-Nazi race-hate.
Why doesn’t the author name names? His failure to support his accusation with any actual instances of Covid misreporting makes the article seem weak. Instead of actually exposing the media outlets to which he alludes to, he appears to be hiding their identities. We can guess who they are easily enough, with Democracy Now probably being the first to come to any critic’s mind – but we shouldn’t have to.
how much space?!!!
I, too, believe Colin/OffG should have let some names be named.
Colin reports extensively on Indian agriculture, and he must have noticed how the alternative media here (I am from India) like The Wire, Scroll, The Print, and a couple of others have all been corrupted or threatened by the global oligarchy-technocracy group that is driving the cvid hoax and mass murder through the toxic jabs.
Recently, however, The Wire, did a critical story on WHO. But much of it was on WHO’s funding pattern and it was not quite critical of WHO’s role in the China (Wuhan Labs) – Germany (Dorsten & his fraudulent PCR Test) affair.
Also, I suspect, given critical reportage of WHO by alt-media, there seems to be a move by the same global PTB that to scapegoat WHO and in the process deflect attention from its own stranglehold over countries’ governments and medical institutions.
The Wire, last year, started a new special section called The Science Wire. I wonder who its direct and indirect funders were, and whether the money trail would end at Gates-Rockfellers (BlackRock)-Rothschild (Vanguard) etc.
Whoreporate “science” is not science at all.
The masses seem to be oblivious to the giant octopus in the room.
One reason independent media are promoting plandemic propaganda, including the non-‘vaccine’ rollout, is because they’re not independent.
They’re controlled by the same philanthrocapitalist colonizers as other ruling class extensions of the NGO/nonprofit industrial complex, as for example with Amy Goodman and Democracy Now: The Quarantine Report (!), bought and paid for by such investors as George Soros and his anything but Open Society Foundations.
Then you’ve got career critics like Chomsky, Hedges, Klein and others who by purse and persuasion are performing their own professional class duties to manufacture dissent dovetailing conveniently with the “necessary illusions” (Chomsky), like climate change, that insidiously gain the consent of the disaffected to global fascist agenda.
What’s alternative often amounts to alternatives of, not to, the mainstream media, as such sources show little to no real investigative journalism in riding the coattails of corporate storylines with their own brand of op-ed spin pieces and boilerplate content, carving out market niches among captive audiences of the theoretical left.
Hell yeah, we need a revolutionary paradigm shift, not just in science a la Thomas Kuhn, but in society and the ruling class system which has come to exert such monopolized institutional control as to try to turn the planet into one big experiment of social engineering for marching human lab rats into a post-human dystopia under the Orwellian slogan of ‘Science Is Real’.
The ruling class, starting with the Roman Empire’s melding with J-Christianity (and most certainly including the Byzantines) created a spiritual disease via a collective generational trauma caused by extensive and ongoing genocide, enslavement, torture and indoctrination into materialism , fear of life and the natural, and slave religion/ fake spirituality, which has also resulted in physical disease, with and without vaccines.
A more humane and worthwhile future is only possible if the causes of the spiritual disease are identified and removed. Humans without a genuine spiritual experience in their lives are easy pickings for the slave masters and are not really fully human. When their only spiritual teacher is suffering or a priest of suffering, (the cross was an instrument of torture) they cannot be free or fully alive.
“Ultimately, it is not science itself that people have doubts about but “science” that is pressed into the service of immensely powerful private corporations and regulatory bodies that are effectively co-opted and adopt a ‘don’t look, don’t find approach’ to studies and products.”
Yes, while the “science” is also dubious. The real problem is the sales and commodification of science.
Here’s a little meditation I made on my site, called Safe and Recommended.
and we’re now called ” consumers” of health cares, ”customers” of the sh*t care system.
You could say there is a “science” to efficient propaganda, but does that validate lying to people? Nuclear bombs and nuclear energy employed the skills of science, but does that make it good science, or validate nukes and their apocalyptic radiation? Where is science in the purpose of revealing truth and best possible solutions for humanity? FGS!
You can certainly tell the truth in propaganda and counter-propaganda, if you define it as the now-familiar phrase “countering misinformation”. You can set the record straight.
The best response is not to respond in kind but to anticipate, get out in front, when you can see the international TV spotlight is coming your way.
CNN, for example, often outright lies against developing and post-communist countries — the channel is a well-known water carrier for State Department elements. When it’s not inventing, it often muddies the waters. Don’t watch it but monitor it.
I would quibble with one little line: “The very establishment that these ‘independent’ media outlets have previously challenged over the devastating ‘humanitarian’ conflicts in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria.”
Even this litmus test for the so-called alternative media was flunked by nearly every one of them; at least in America where I have been keeping up with them. Libya and Syria, in particular, as Democratic Party-launched wars, have never been subjected to serious scrutiny by nearly all Left-wing media outlets. To this day it’s an unthinkable heresy in most American “alternative media” to criticize Obama’s invasion of Libya or the destruction of Syria, let alone seriously consider the US’s overt use of Al Qaeda, Isis and affiliated terrorists in both conflicts.
Ask your Woke associates:
!) Do you enjoy eating GMO foods and search them out at the supermarkets for your personal consumption and enjoyment?
If they answer “no” to this, then ask:
2) How would you define the term GMO?
(Essential short answer is an organism which has one or more genes artificially added to it, not native to that species, which produce chemicals inside the organism not native to that species.)
3) If your WOKE associate does not rebel and walk away at this point to protect their MSM belief systems, then ask:
It is a fact that both the mRNA and “vector” “vaccines” add an artificial gene to a human body. Would it be fair to say that they convert a human to a GMO? If not, why not? Do you feel comfortable being a GMO?
Good luck.
Good point…
Of course the “correct” response to all that is…conspiracy theorist.
And that ends the debate.
From recent conversations: Covid rules because the media is indeed the Voice of God. Or rather, the media is the only voice in town, any others simply not acknowledged or dismissed with grunts of the usual conspiracy phobic chant.
And when an acquaintance started to spout off about a US minister who had urged his flock to reject the vax “despite the fact that his own son had died horribly of …”, I waved my hand and shouted “Stop!” At which point my interlocutor said, “But surely you don’t still …” at which point I repeated the injunction, adding, “You know what I think of all this and I’m not getting drawn into any more of this shite!” Which worked.
But I have also noted that the ones who parrot the pandemic mummer’s play, also feed into stomach churning swill like, “I really admire people like Bill Gates for making their own fortune”. They are the cast of Brave New World: outsized children who have no concept of independent thought.
“Dr J Patrick Whelan, a paediatric rheumatologist, warned the US Food and Drug Administration in late 2020 that mRNA vaccines could cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways not assessed in safety trials.”
I think that would that be relevant only for the covid mRNA vaccine that makes the toxic covid spike protein. The spike protein is a vascular toxin because it destroys the ACE2 receptor.
Wikipedia (it’s okay sometimes) :
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is an enzyme attached to the membrane of cells located in the intestines, kidney, testis, gallbladder, and heart. ACE2 lowers blood pressure by catalyzing the hydrolysis of angiotensin II (a vasoconstrictorpeptide) into angiotensin (1–7) (a vasodilator).ACE2 counters the activity of the related angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) by reducing the amount of angiotensin-II and increasing Ang(1-7), making it a promising drug target for treating cardiovascular diseases.
I don’t think all potential mRNA vaccines would be vascular toxins as the covid one is, though they might cause problems in other areas relating to the immune system.
I have an interest in why they seem to have gone for the heart and cardio vascular system…which of course is fundamental to our system if you want to stay alive….they already go for ACE reducing drugs….and cholesterol was one of the first tries…
there were whispers early on that those on statins were vulnerable to the magic virus…perhaps they are just vulnerable to the drug having a limited working moment as do all their heart drugs…I cannot imagine those on statins do too well when they get this magic protein injected…I suspect any sort of study would put them high in the adverse reaction collection…..but we won’t bother with that….cannot stop the onward March of getting everyone injected with an ACE inhibitor….which is what they are effectively doing…
so why do they want this happening? All this area matches nicely with uranus reaching where the most deaths occurred in WW2…this I do know…
statins foe everybody!
Great article Colin and excellent news about Monsanto. I saw ‘The future of Food’ some years back which showed this evil company for what it was.
We mustn’t forget that WE and THEY live in very different worlds.
The sanctimonious smugness of the brainless believers is enough to make a misanthrope of a reasonable man. It only confirmes me in my long-standing stance that I do not wish to argue with them, teach them, or god forbid save them. I’ll let them have their stabs, their masks, their paranoia, and I’ll gladly let them be trampled all over by their newfound lords. They enjoy it, they demand it, and ultimately they deserve it.
Hell, I’d even let them have their passes if at the same time we could have our own establishments where THEY would be the lepers. Imagine being able to be among like-minded people rather than being surrounded and harassed by the usual throngs of brain-dead zombies!
We mustn’t forget that our values, as well as our worlds are irreconcilable. We value our freedom, our sanity, our individuality. They value conformity, obedience and a sicknening brand of hypochondria that passes for security. Ultimately their craving for security shall be their demise, as we well know, but that’s their business. Let them have it just the way they like it. They’d rather die under multiple stabs than ever admit to being deceived by the authorities. So be it.
The real trouble for me begins when my open attitude towards the other camp isn’t met with an equally open attitude from them. Their contempt for freedom and independence of mind prevents them from doing so. In their worldview EVERYONE, without exception, must submit to the one and only voice of truth. Their mind does not contemplate questioning of any sort, and what is worse does not tolerate it either. It is well known that shared misery is a lot easier to bear, which explains why heretic free thinkers won’t be tolerated. Hence the war on the minority of sane men and women.
Therefore my openness won’t be met by openness, my tolerance won’t be met by tolerance. I won’t be allowed to live the way I want to live. They won’t allow the possibility that someone different could actually be better off. That is inconceivable. I’ll be scapegoated, I’ll be ostracized, I’ll be ejected from society.
Drop the illusion that we need to fight to regain people’s freedom: most don’t want such freedom, they hate it and rather want to be slaves. If they had valued their freedom at all they would not have relinquished so easily in the first place. The creepy authoritarian new lords know their victims well, and they are giving them exactly what they want.
Good comment!
I have no time nor the effort for people that can think for themselves.
I do have empathy for the ones that can’t think for themselves though.
If that makes sense.
When I commented on GMO’s, my brother in law would quip hmm enjoy the corn your eating its genetically modified
He seemed unable to discern the difference between ” Generically Modified Organism and say cross breeding a sweet corn bantam type with a long eared type, which is a form of gene manipulation but nothing like Frankencorn from Monsanto
Check out Epicyte,corn that sterilises both males and females.
The crop that keeps on giving
Cotton seed oil, promoted outside the West, sterilises males.
Most people were given a deliberately badly taught science ” education ” and they will get injected when they have no idea what a “virus” is supposed to be and how it differs from bacteria or amoeba, how it jumps from person to person and supposedly causes disease…At the same time they were encouraged to be confident in their conformity and to simply memorise and recite the info in the books to pass their exam.
The creepy authoritarian new lords know their victims well, and they are giving them exactly what they want.
I rather think that they will be getting an early death, so not all bad then.
Many of the unaware (as I call them) are terrified of freedom and independence. Its a part of their denial armour.
And I agree, the unaware are not yet ready to become aware. Wish them well and let them sleep, and get on with your own life as best you can, with like-minded others. I will make an effort to inform someone who is beginning to ask questions – ie, sitting on the fence – but will not waste my time and energy on the cult members – many of whom were, sadly, old friends and family members.
The perfect summing up. Thank you!
Aaaand….it’s very hard for those duped to accept they have been duped….how could they have fallen so easily for the rhetoric?
Excellent article Colin, thanks. Those of us with our eyes open can see quite clearly where this evil agenda is going.
Here in Australia, we now have politicians starting to push the idea of vaccine passports, and once they have enough people jabbed, that is what they intend – bring in these passports, because this was never about health. It was always about control. And the vaccine passports are the precursor to the fascist Great Reset.
Perhaps you should have named and shamed these alleged “alternative media” sites; like this truly odious outfit, who are not only pushing for children to be jabbed, but wanting them masked as well.
Amy Goodman even asks if Govenor Abbott of Texas is threatening the health of children by not having them masked.
My former “socialist” (read liberal) friend used to lap up what this lot said like a cat lapping up cream. He also supported the covid measures “for our safety”.
And then you have excellent sites like this one calling The Great Reset out for what it really is, and the dire consequences for humanity if it comes to pass.
Yep, totally with you in your disappointment with our former ‘leftist’ friends, many of whom have turned out to be the best enablers of this agenda. Even now, after so many ‘conspiracy theories’ have been found to be accurate predictions of what was coming, they are just as shrill in their claims to be ‘progressive’.
As always, one wonders if they are clueless or dishonest. While their leaders probably are the latter, the foot soldiers are just plain deluded, and it’s going to become increasingly difficult for them to recognise their mistakes, as the horrendous consequences become apparent.
So you have this ‘independent’ newspaper in France (its called Mediapart, since they must be named), which has censored a post that analysed the official adverse effect data. While the editors know what they are doing (it’s a pro-Empire outlet anyway), many of their readers continue to see themselves as anti-fascist heroes. It’s pathetic.
One of my customers, who sees herself as “left wing” recently wrote a book about the German occupation of Paris during WW2 and the books heroine being involved in the anti fascist resistance.
Yet my customer has already had her first jab, readily supports all the fascist covid measures and believes that there is a deadly pandemic that “killed millions and millions of people”.
I had other customers who claimed to be “left wing” who told me to my face they fully support vaccine passports because “it’s for the common good” and its to “keep us safe”. Incredible isn’t it O. They are so blind and brainwashed and quivering in fear.
And they’ve all forgotten history.
I only discovered Winter Oak after they published their Klaus Schwab and his Great Fascist Reset article here last year. There’s still a few really good sites out there…
I actually don’t think a lot of them will wake up now. They are almost psychotic it seems, and in hypnosis.
I agree.
In terms of the Plandemic, the Right has become the Left and the Left has now become the Right. Not everyone but alot more now than in the past.
The world is going around in circles. The only way to get a real hold on what is the Truth is to stop, slow down, turn off the TV, and Listen.
Listen to the fears in people’s voices, especially to those who believe in the jabs. They are the frighten ones. They are so afraid and unsettled that they seem to be falling apart.
Those of us who see through the lies are angry. At least I am. I am angry at the greed of the Global 1 percent. I also angry at those who have taken sides with the Global 1 percent. Some should know better but their lives are too comfortable now and that is what they are protecting. They are protecting their
Class position. They won’t admit that, but that is what they are doing.
We have to continue to be Centered in Silence. That is where our strength lies and also where Truth lives. I am not referring to not speaking up. I am referring to speaking out of our Centerness.
This may be a lonely position to be in. But the choices are not that many. We should know by now that we can not and will not agree and side with the Global one percent.
I feel alone every day over this position that I have taken. However, I am at peace with myself. The one thing that I know is that I will not be at peace with myself if I take the position of supporting that which is contrary to choosing the Highest Good. Peace to Everyone.
Really appreciate your comment my friend. My eyes are open, and I am guided by my principles and my conscience now, and I will not comply with any of the measures.
This is for me, as part of my own journey, because we are all different; but I put my faith in the Universal spirit, as I believe this is not only a war against humanity, but a spiritual war, and a war being waged against our human spirit.
I’ll repeat again a comment Shin made here last year which touches on what you said: “Australians sold their souls for the good life a long time ago”.
I know it’s a lonely journey Denny, however, I am in touch with like minded people all around the world, even in places like Costa Rica, Portugal, South Africa, and Iran.
And, yes, I don’t watch TV or read newspapers, and if I link a story here, it’s in the context of what they are doing. Peace to you also🙏
I am angry too…angry over just how easily people obeyed,never questioned..and yet,way back at the very start of this,I knew,I just knew it was utter lies.So people wear their mask to protect me? Blatant in yer face lies,like the G7 summit where the people waiting on wore masks but the big knobs didn’t?
Yip,for the 2020’s,it’s history repeating the 1920’s. Viruses,mask wearing,economic crash that only the rich gain from
Same trick, different century.
marge piercy wrote 2 dystopian novels, and 1 about the resistance/ww2, and yet seems to completely believe this, took the shot, and so on 🙁
My customer who wrote the book was married to a Frenchman, and her son is currently in France. When I mentioned about the massive protests in France, even in small towns, and said I hoped they dragged Macron out of the Elysee Palace, she didn’t even blink, and had absolutely nothing to say about them.
Got the strong feeling she didn’t want to know, period.
These lefty liberal types have been such a big disappointment Sabelmouse.
Shouldn’t have been surprised.
And the zionist owned indie media in Australia is full on with the crap. What sort of fucking nation uses 28 million fake tests to find 38,000 false positives and then jabs 15 million healthy people with poison
I know Marilyn… the only two Australian sites I look at are The Crowhouse with Max Igan; and he’s bang on about what is going on in Australia, and I also look at Tott News.
I think there’s something called the Cairns Post also? Everything else in Oz is fully on board with the bullshit.
There are various sites and individuals with large social media followings that my comments could apply to. I’m sure you know them. But I take particular aim at two outlets. Although not an ‘alternative’ media outlet, the (self-proclaimed) ‘socialist’ Morning Star newspaper in the UK failed to respond to three different emails from me asking why they have not – to my knowledge – published just one piece questioning the official narrative. They have printed dozens of my pieces over the years. All three emails ignored and the final email was sent to three different editors at that newspaper. Their silence speaks volumes. Then there is CounterPunch (of course).
CounterPunch editorially was and probably still is a true believer in the official 9/11 fairy tale. I couldn’t begin to take it seriously once I discovered that little nugget.
It’s sort of some consolation given the all out attack on humanity that has taken place in the last 16 months, that at least all these so called “anti establishment” or “radical” sites have revealed their true colours, and revealed themselves to be almost certainly controlled opposition.
Its a sad irony that many on the so called left are now helping bring about a fascist technocracy.
Some of them, even right here in Australia, who, during incredible harsh lockdowns, especially here in Melbourne, and with Gestapo like police brutality, kept silent and ignored what was happening. Then there’s others like Louis Proyect or Moon of Alabama.
Keep up the good work Colin, appreciate your work and your efforts…
Gezzah, I read about the plans to fingerprint all newly born babies so they would all have a digital I.D. for the rest of their lives. Sorry – lost the link.
I recall seeing something about that Kika. I think Demented Dan was the one talking about it? I see all of NSW is in lockdown now, not just Sydney, but the whole State…
The word ‘vaccine’ in this doesn’t tally with recent Refuse all Fear article.
Age-old battle – money versus ethics – autopilot for self (selfish) versus thought for others (altruistic) battle inside everyone. Science can only be done by thought, development automatically. Epidemiology is development, not scientific research.
Few now in ‘research’ posts can research – few discoveries made in 20 years. Recent ‘discoveries’ are re-discovered previously discovered wheels.
They aim to either prove themselves right or others wrong – preconceived, not unknown. Those aims are ‘comfort blankets’ and risk ‘barking up wrong tree’.
Real research aims to find out – into unknown without any ‘comfort-blanket’.
No evidence and no problem are separate issues. No evidence doesn’t mean safe but as most assume it does, ‘no evidence’ trick routinely used.
Theory, including genetic, predicts where danger likely but danger bad for profit so money avoids looking there. Ethics lost battle within Pharma, chemical, industry some years ago. Those for ethics walked away from their careers.
Some ‘carers’ and NHS claim to oppose employers’ unethical practices but stay in their job, others stay silent for ‘fear of losing job’ – fear is always for self.
Actions speak louder than words. Their work supports unethical practices.
Science is based on observation.
or its null; indeed as it should be; an approach, never a religion.
Those that stab arms with the Covid poisons are guilty of crimes against humanity. Ignorance is of course no excuse.
Politics is fascinating at the moment. If you look at any major country, Russia and China included, there is one dominant political force, a single party of government.
Yet the partisan rhetoric has never been stronger and the media tells us the population is divided into two or more camps of antagonists. They may not be equal in mass. They may be recidivists or crazies but the divide is visceral.
The United States is our poster child, though the same can be observed in countries that don’t even claim to be democratic or multi-party systems. In Washington they still talk of Trump, though he’s been far from the capital for the best part of a year. The January 6th incursion into the Capitol building is held up as evidence of palpable terror. The talk is of white supremacists as it has been since 2016.
Yet look at the real political divide on the Hill: there barely is any. The majority of Republican Congressmen repeat the Jan 6th narrative, even though the FBI can’t hide the fact that the protagonists included its own provocateurs. The Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump refuse to hear his challenge to the election results and this week failed to stand up for young students against syringe-toting deans.
Most of the colleges and universities that plan to require students to submit to an mRNA/adenoviral DNA shot are in Democratic states, about 730 campuses according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.
As Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs notes:
Only a fraction of that $1 trillion-plus bill goes to anything conventionally regarded as infrastructure. Democrats may be driving this but they hardly face stirring opposition at federal level.
At state level will the Republican governors hold out, as thousands of self-identified patriots sell their homes and move to Texas and Florida, or will the Constitutionalists ultimately be disappointed?
If the partisan divide is exaggerated how did that come to be?
The term dog whistle was invented to suggest you can identify a non-person by their signals and markers, even before they say anything of substance.
This serves two roles: it protects the perpetrators by making people scared to challenge them, or to be seen as members of the outside group. Secondly, it creates the illusion of political pluralism, that there is an opposition to this plan to reduce us to biometric slaves living shriveled lives.
Let’s remind ourselves what we are fighting, distilled to its essence:
• this is a project by the ultra-rich to make social divisions permanent
• it is not about a quick buck but rather it is centuries in the planning
• it is an ideology, pursued through corporate and political power. Its root is social
• these people hate the mass of men and women in equal measure
• their eugenics stems from their own genetic faults. Psychopathy is genetic
• their hatred stems from emotional and physical abuse. Damage runs in families
• the rich in-breed to preserve their wealth and that amplifies these traits
• they gravitate to banking as finance crystalizes wealth and power
• banking is, therefore, the basis of their plan for ID2020 and enslavement
The Great Reset, or Going Direct — the seizure of wealth and replacement of cash by a new form of exchange controlled by those who have hijacked the economy — is being coordinated globally, with the collaboration of politicians, journalists, academics and teachers, social workers and psychologists, corporate managers, bureaucrats, doctors and functionaries of every kind.
In a starring role at the snowy summit, pointing like heroic mountaineers in a propaganda poster, loudly proclaiming they have seen through the clouds, beyond the peaks, our path to the promised land are the bankers and financiers.
Look at the language they use: Green Horizons! BlackRock being the team that proposed to the Federal Reserve the policy of printing trillions and giving it direct to corporations (wealthy investors) to buy up assets while they crushed small business and main street with Covid lockdowns. Read the urgings of the Anglo-Canadian central banker Mark Carney. Figure out for yourself to whom he answers.
The monetary revolution benefits the bankers, has been planned by bankers and is, openly, being coordinated by bankers.
Is there someone behind this: does a bear do the proverbial in the woods? How could it not be coordinated, every which way! Bonus payments, threats, promotions and firings, censorship and blackmail up to and including murder of scientists, political leaders and vocal campaigners.
If I am wrong about corruption and blackmail, then my first argument surely grows stronger. If not carrots and sticks, then loyalty, ethnic and family and ideological ties. It must be one or the other, for the only other possibility is that Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Lawgiver has appeared among us, or some interplanetary wisdom descended in our midst.
In the Social Contract, Rousseau was looking for the solution to unify the will of the people. Or rather their wills, for he identified three: selfish will and the general will, to which the individual submits in order to benefit the collective. The third will is the individual identifying within a corporate group as a subset of the populace.
What, though, if individuals are deplorable, not virtuous enough and refuse to accept restrictions on their conduct agreed by the whole, and what if society clots into factions?
Rousseau’s solution is the Lawgiver who engages in psychological manipulation. As in his treatise on education, Emile, the tutor may create the illusion of free choice while the pupil or citizen is nudged to the desired decision.
Who, then, are we confronting? It is clearly more than a corporate gang. Is it a network of families who deploy their power through control of wealth and society? What is this ideology of theirs?
Do they claim to speak for the general will, Friedrich Nietzsche’s Übermensch, representing the ideal goal for humanity itself? Or has Rousseau’s single Lawgiver revealed the universal elixir of health, no questions needed, because he already knows all possible viruses and all the best vaccines?
Neither is a pleasant prospect. Is it any surprise that there seems to be only one political party?
Excerpt: Übermensch or Lawgiver: Who Rules Among Us? (full access for paid subscribers on this one).
Hello Moneycircus: You ask: “Who, then, are we confronting? It is clearly more than a corporate gang. Is it a network of families who deploy their power through control of wealth and society? What is this ideology of theirs?”
The financial extortion and ponzi game was initiated by royal families (and associates of royal families) centuries ago. Royal families are not the whitewashed constructs of Vatican and media propaganda.
It would be more appropriate to call these associated families Royal Mafia because that’s exactly what they are. Their “thing” (La Cosa Nostra) is pervasive across most of Europe, and these families are not limited to just the Sicilian branches of the organization.
They control nearly all international trade through the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the Bank for International Settlements… The rest is a smoke screen. Both governments and civil populations are dumber than a fence post…
Good comment M… And of course this has been preplanned for a long time. And you’re right, so many have been paid off, or blackmailed. With the usual suspects who belong to incredibly wealthy banking and oil families behind it all I dare say.
Would it be too simplistic to say their ideology is fascism with a solid dose of eugenics thrown in?
I just visited the vile Democracy Now site to get a link about their take on the jab (no prizes for guessing) and noted several articles pushing the climate catastrophe spiel – we must act immediately stuff. No I couldn’t bring myself to look at them, the headlines told me everything I needed to know. But I believe that will be the next card they’ll play, and others have pointed out the likelihood of ‘climate lockdowns’ as well. I haven’t read your latest (linked) article yet, will do so in the morning as its after 11.30 pm down here…
Not simplistic at all to say fascism. They dress it up in different styles, quite literally!
The symbolism and dressage are almost more important to them than the politics which at root is basically state corporatism. It also has to be flexible enough to embrace their different alliances — which is why Hitler’s ethnic aspect was self-defeating, especially as many of the home team fell foul of their own race laws. I’m taking a closer look at that in the followup.
Okay, understood… sorta like the masks are a symbol and a constant reminder of a “deadly pandemic”.
Really good site to check out is Neoliberalism Softpanorama which has the tagline “Neoliberalism, a New, More Dangerous Form of Corporatism” looks at every aspect of this cancer, the origins right through to the role of the neocons, Deep State, media, elite theory, even religion. Huge site tho! You could spend a couple of days on it and barely scratch the surface…
The propaganda wing seizes feverishly on anything that feels guaranteed to work simply because it capitalises on a meme that has sunk enough roots into the public psyche. The biggest such meme for the last 70 years has been Hitler and the Nazis and the Holocaust. If you can tune into that vibe then you’re on a winner. Or, at least, that’s been the way of it for most of the time. But I think the old “Allies against the Nazis” epic is starting to wind down as those “glorious years” retreat further and further.
The sheer paucity of effective propagandist material explains the practically autistic repetition of the same dreary accusations: What Gore Vidal called the “Hitler of the month” club.
Trump and Corbyn, despite, respectively, the nominal Right and Left connections, both got that Hitler treatment. Though in the case of the latter, it had to be done in a subtle roundabout way through the anti-Semitism rap. Trump is now loaded with a transparently fraudulent fascist attack. We can expect the media to do what it always does i.e. that autistic repetition thing, no matter how stupid it sounds to anyone not comatose.
But there are other memes too: Reagan’s dotty but dear avuncular presidency. And Obama’s totally faceless PC aura. The latter didn’t need any “personality”. His very ethnicity (though clearly hugely diluted) was enough to guarantee a free ride.
So what now? The covid epic as a sudden upsurge of revolutionary posturing. And the Right now paraded as hate figures. Note the negativity of this i.e. we have the ones to shout at but where are the ones we are supposed to cheer? Even the media desperados have to agree that little Greta insults the public mind a bit too much! Are the “Right on but definitely not Right” celebs able to lead the cavalry? Stewart Lee with his smart arse mickey taking aimed at shoring up the covid crap?
That raises an interesting question. What do these designated rebels do when they are no longer called to represent the opposition but to represent the mainstream? The media didn’t have to worry because they can shovel out any shit they want. But what happens when a single entertainer goes out amongst actual people – some of whom may actually be awake?
If I’ve followed you correctly, for years regular entertainers gradually withdrew from colleges and even clubs in the face of PC censorship. Now the PC comedians themselves may start bumping up against reality
I’ve wondered how much of modern party politics is a virtual creation of the media. With near total control you could simply tell the people everyone supports party Y. Fraudulent political polls are no problem at all. Don’t even mention the Biden campaign rallies followed by the election result.
If my hunch is right, then you could create a 1933 figure and his/her rallies and statuesque imagery — and it wouldn’t even have to be real. With people reaching out to social media to validate their world among their bot friends and influencers, it would be easy to convince them that the world is full of people like them — and that broad support existed for a total confection.
Imagine if everyone were an atomized unit in front of their screen, each being told “This Is The Real World.” You could make that world uniform or tailor it to the psychology of each individual and they’d all think they’re part of a mass movement.
The leaked BBC briefing on how to report climate change kind of did this… reporting/propaganda is to be tailored for different psychological profiles based on axes of solidarity and fear.
That is the society in which the World Economic Forum assures us we’ll be able to ‘finally’ think our own thoughts (it’s a great interview clip Polly plays a lot but I’ve never been able to find separately).
Comedy, like everything else, goes through fashions. I don’t know how much of that is steered by nefarious forces. Don’t forget that the ruling class doesn’t really care what the plebs watch or think – except insofar as it challenges their rule.
For whatever reason, the 80s saw an upsurge in something called “alternative comedy” which would now be called “woke”. I recently watched the first episode of the Comic Strip from the early 80s – “Five Go Mad in Dorset” which seemed fun at the time – or at least to a twenty year old. But it’s a sledgehammer parody of Enid Blyton that’s nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is. It mocked the old “lashings of ginger beer” stuff and possibly initiated that veering of comedy from the farce/music hall/working folks stuff to the smart arse student sneer.
Once again, I find myself referring to the Daily Mail in a favourable way (something I would previously never have considered) but I read from them an obituary of Windsor Davies which mourned the passing of that unselfconscious scattershot humour that had a go at everything . It Ain’t Half Hot Mum mocked all the concerned parties. In fact the Indian characters (one played, “unforgivably” from the woke point of view, by a blacked up whitie) usually got the upper hand over the stiff upper lip Brits.
Also, I have an affection for Benny Hill because he seemed to be saying, “Look, this is TV! Of course it’s crap! What did you expect?” And even as a randy schoolboy, I never found his tarty beauties titillating.
But the times changed, the smart David Baddiel set got the upper hand and I suppose that yes indeed, the “regular entertainers gradually withdrew from colleges and even clubs in the face of PC censorship”. But then again you still had the old ones – Bernard Manning etc.
The point I’m making is that none of this was necessarily planned by forces higher up. But as usual, they keep their eyes open for trends they can use.
I did find Stewart Lee funny. His views on Harry Potter were most welcome. But, like the rest of the “Left field” set, he fell for covid. But then again, that was to be expected. He had long hobnobbed on talk shows with the likes of Andrew Neil. And he wrote for the Graud. This absorption into the establishment of what was once (apparently) radical is a story as old as the hills. But that parenthetical bit should be taken seriously i.e. all this subversion is indeed apparent. In the end there is a zeitgeist and the ones who rise are the ones who jump on the bandwagon.
I now consider all of politics to be a media creation. As Ellen Meiksins Wood once said, we now have unprecedented political freedom – but only because power no longer lies in politics. It lies in economics, in money. (cf. Twain, “If voting mattered, they wouldn’t let you do it!”)
The bottom line is that the media tell you what the elite are doing, what the money people have decided for us. The rest is just a side show.
Further to the comment I made which seems to be floating in spam at the moment, I add this bit on the role of entertainment:
It’s a huge relief to read the truth after having compromised with bullshit which you try to convince yourself is real. And so I felt relief from a comment made by the music critic Ian MacDonald in his book Revolution in the Head (about the Beatles). MacDonald noted that, in the late 70s, most of the British public viewed the punks with the same sense of bemused indifference they felt ten years earlier towards the hippies.
Similarly, the fabled “Swinging Sixties” really amounted to little more than affluent shenanigans going on in a small triangular patch of real estate in London. Outside of that it was just more of the 50s. And I know because I was in my earliest years back then.
Thus does the media magnify the quirks and trends of the time. The Left were eager to seize on any sign of life as heralding the revolution but this proved to be, as MacDonald noted, really “in the head”. And the later increasing lapse of this Left into postmodernist blather over the alleged radicalism of various cultural products (i.e. transient pop items) merely emphasised the illusory nature of the whole thing. The Right helped with pseudo-fretting over “Cultural Marxism” which, naturally, the Left felt flattered by. So the storm in a teacup went on.
Of course there are propagandist memes that subliminally appear in these very cultural products so that e.g. a zombie holocaust series may instil a greater propensity to swallow horror narratives. But the true show goes on in the putative news programmes.
Those willing to carry out their orders are much worse IMO.
Next phase from Em-high-5 is blackmail.
They’ve already stated they will soon have a spy system on par with the NSA which will come into effect within the next two years or so.
They say they will be able to go though your internet viewing records [courtesy of your ISP] and AKA the snoopers charter to see what we’ve all being viewing. Although mild in it’s tone, this is a direct threat to anyone who read that statement.
And for those distracted by Covid we have the digital monetary slavery system to come when they finally drop the curtain on FIAT currency. Not that they care about those who will suffer, you will conform or you will be an outcast is the clear message we are seeing. You will own nothing but you will be very happy will be the opposite. If you refuse to comply you will have nothing at all. No food, no water, no nothing. You will be our slaves, but only this time you will do everything you are told or you will pay dearly.
I don’t think the devil himself is as evil as those pulling the strings.
Welcome to the reintroduction of the Truck system,polished and refined for the 21st century
We are all slaves on the digital plantation now
What do you make of Hobbes’ Leviathan and Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees in terms of social contract?
These doctors are not pushing the vaccine rollout?
Most of them are warning people of the dangers from these shots?
Who are you listening to?
It mostly went unnoticed that Mrs. Alena M. Buyx, chairwomen of the Nation Ethics Council of Germany (Nationaler Ethikrat) is now also a member of the WHO Ethics Council on Genome Editing,
In Germany Mrs. Buyx is known for an uncritical position towards lockdowns and vaccinations. She has also no problem with the segregation of unvaccinated people. Her uncritical acceptance of pharma propaganda merits a seat in the highest ethics councils of this planet.
Oversight? What oversight?
It seems to me the purpose of these national Ethics councils is to give their blessing to all the unethical practices they have in store for us.
Do you think any of these people are getting jabs themselves?
It’s called regulatory capture. Basically, today all of the regulatory institutions who were chartered to protect the public interest are overseen by people who come from the corporate sectors to be regulated – foxes guarding the hen house. This has been going on for a long time – decades – it’s only become more pervasive. What is intersting to me, to tie into conversations in the comments above, is that “independent” media who in the past would have seen it as their job to alert people to the endemic conflict of interests demonstrated by regulatory capture, have in recent years (especially since Covid) treated those same regulatory institutions (still under regulatory capture by Big Business) as unassailable.
I’ve seen a lot of ordinary crap over the last eighteen months. Yet the most profound was a blind bloke, walking along with his cane out stretched, wearing a mask that was sideways to his face.
Is there anything more this bloke needs to put up with in his life?
I have a Facebook friend who lives at Rosebud who was walking on the beach there today. He saw an old man and his wife walking on the beach, both in masks, and the man stumbled and looked like he could hardly breath. My friend went to assist him, and asked if he could help in anyway. The old man yelled at my friend: “you can’t help me, you’re not wearing a mask”. People are literally psychotic here now. They’re so far gone.
Nothing surprises me any more Gezzah! We live in a world of hate for all the wrong reasons.
But since the old man was wearing one he should have been safe, right?
That’s how illogical and psychotic they’ve become. I’ve even had customers come up to me fully masked and go “where’s your mask, why aren’t you wearing one, you should have one on”. Fucken nuts.
Yes…tragic,yet at the same time…don’t you just want to shake some sense into them? (From a safe 2metres,obviously..!)
It’s like when you see old men or old women stooping awkwardly to press the traffic cross button with their elbow. It’s a real mission for them, but their behaviour modification and social cohesion is so well set that’s how they do it.
Yeah, i’m getting to that age when body parts don’t do as you’d want. After all we are built to break down. It’s reality. But at least I’ve been fortunate to not go through the daily trauma, from childhood, to not be able to make my own decisions in life, like wiping your nose or your arse.
I always think, put yourself in their shoes before judgement.
Alone? The bloke probably does know he’s an icon of the times., yet he is a champion, no sticker, no label, no sign no tag other than He’s Mr Two Tone.
I just see several billion ppl. with Daddy Issues. “Daddy” in the form of Government, The Priest, The Boss, The Doctor, The BBC, The Labour Party, Noam Chomsky etc. Most folks seem to need a daddy figure in their life.
But no one anywhere can work out that Daddy would want to cull all the little children.
And Daddy always tells the truth.
If ppl. can’t trust Daddy then many are heading towards an existential crisis ie. not knowing who they are, which of course can be the start of discovering who you really are or long-term care in an asylum. By the late 60s, the numbers said to me collapse around 2010, so I had my existential crisis over 50 years ago when I took refuge in my knowledge of O level Physics.
It really is ok to think for yourself you know, you really don’t need a daddy to tell you what to think.
Try and remember that none of this is personal, if the almost free energy from fossil fuels had lasted another 20 years then Daddy would have allowed the party to continue for another 20 years but as it is the party looks like it is coming to an end. I’m reminded of Jesse Pinkman’s party in Breaking Bad. What a mess to clear up and our party has been going on for over 70 years!
The devil is in the detail
Even that is not a fait accompli, they seem to have moved on a pace with fusion research, and even if that doesn’t come off in time, they’ve been developing mini nuke reactors (small town/industrial estate size) tho the funding streams seem to be being used to slow down the roll-out atm.
The “Daddy” analogy tends to break down when Daddy does something the children don’t like – such as raising taxes. And it seems to be the case with most people that losing their freedom is of no great moment; but losing the few extra dollars they were saving up for their vacation – now that’s a big deal.
Big Daddy can place so many restrictions on how, where and when they spend their vacation that it’s just like a day stuck in traffic – and that’s okay. But let Big Daddy’s tax man be caught with his fingers in their pants pocket and there will be hell to pay!
The Pinkerton reference seems astute. I recall that as being a joyless affair like Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Or the old Hollywood stars raving it up on the verge of the Great Depression.
Just as GMO produce isn’t real food, GMO vaccines aren’t real medicine.
“Anna de Buisseret is a senior UK lawyer and a retired Army Officer with nuclear, biological warfare training. “That’s why I’m standing up and speaking out. I’m upholding my Oath to We the People to ‘Protect and Serve’,” she says. She has previously also worked as a management consultant at Pfizer.
For the past year she’s been working with a team of lawyers, both in the UK and internationally, to drill down into the evidence and the legal analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic. They are also working with various campaign groups including: HART; Covid19Assembly; World Doctors Alliance; UK Freedom Alliance; and, Us for Them.
During an interview with Tony Gosling de Buisseret explained what led her to believe Covid-19 was biowarfare. Because of her previous nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training and knowing that bioweapons had been in the making for a long time, she was “on high alert for bioweapons being released”.
During the interview she was asked about her “encounter with the police” where, outside a vaccination centre, police officers prohibited her serving notices of liability to the those injecting the public, “the vaccinators”. “It’s not legal,” de Buisseret said, “because it’s not being authorised and regulated under the correct [legal] framework.” She goes on to explain, “This is not a human medicine.
These, specifically the mRNA injections, cannot be legally defined either as a vaccine or as a human medicine, which is how they’ve been regulated – under the human medicines regulations.
According to expert teams, the mRNA synthetic genetic code, which is nanotechnology encased in a lipid particle casing, fits the definition of a medical device rather than a human medicine. As such, it should be regulated under the medical device regulations.”
Interview in full
Retired army/ secret services people are the least credible and trustworthy sources. She is deceitful in two ways here:
-There are no effective “biowarfare” substances
–The Nuremberg Code is not law and no authority is required to enforce it or gives a shit about it. Stop invoking it – all it does is give people a false comfort that the criminals will be tried (in some modern version of the kangaroo courts they held after ww2 after assimilating the most useful psychopaths).
Having visited a few hostelries with friends yesterday it was astounding to observe the behaviour of the sheep who cling to their cloth covered faces and behave as if they will be struck down dead if “rules” are not followed. Even when “rules” have been relaxed here and one is allowed to stand at the bar without a mask, they still comply as one is not allowed to move freely on the premises without wearing your “protective” covering. The insanity on display was worthy of a lunatic asylum. A corrupt MSM has done enormous mental damage to those who have unquestionably succumbed to the owned and controlled “news” outlets. Organised resistance will now be required to turn the tide on this global crime and return democracy to its rightful place in our lives.
Which begs the question ,whose form of democracy ?
If its anything like the old form of democracy you can ram it and if its a new form of democracy you can ram that as well
Forget the old political structures ,forget the left right paradigm
They are what led to this shitshow in the first place
The awake need their own order ab chao
One thing that’s really started pissing me off as of late is the constant iteration of “trust the science”, even by us in acknowledging the statement.
“Scientific Method” is defined as a posed hypothesis that is then presented to be challenged internally by the proponents of such hypothesis, and, far more importantly, by peers (Peer Reviewed).
The supposed “science” isn’t science because it has not been debated or challenged. The opposing arguments have not been heard, given a voice; and are even actively suppressed and censored. That is not science; that is an untested hypothesis; and more poignantly propaganda.
I can accept them saying “trust our hypothesis”, “trust our opinion”, or “trust our perception of truth”, but I refuse to acknowledge the “trust the science” moniker. I can even acknowledge that there is a minuscule chance there are some truths in the narrative that I don’t see (because I believe I am not always right and I can critically review my own assumptions), but it not science until it has been challenged (and there are thousands of extraordinarily qualified people who would be prepared do so).
If a hypothesis has not been fairly and duly challenged, it is by definition not science! Period!
Can we all agree as Covid narrative refusers to stop giving credence to the word “science” as the other side apply it? It is by it’s very definition, NOT science. Let’s not even write it up or acknowledge it as such.
NOTHING about the Covid narrative, from beginning to end is scientific or has gone through the steps to qualify it as such.
Bag loads of under the table cash can buy excellent scientific facts.
Scientism is replacing 3000 year old monotheism from the middle east. It seems to be the dawn of a new Dark Ages. The air we breathe is apparently carrying invisible deadly spirits, plagues. People believe in things they don’t understand (a.k.a. superstitions).
The elites and their chieftains are surely worshipping statues of the “virus” by now.
A virus that hasn’t been isolated.
A test for a virus that hasn’t been isolated.
A vaccine for a virus that hasn’t been isolated.
Yeah, I get it.
You omitted some additional absurdities:
A virus that hasn’t been isolated.
A test that isn’t a test.
A test that isn’t a test for a virus that hasn’t been isolated.
A vaccine that isn’t a vaccine.
A vaccine that isn’t a vaccine for a virus that hasn’t been isolated.
In line with its role (like every other media channel’s role) in promoting the viral fear, the Graud has an article entitled, “Common myths about Covid – debunked” in which every myth debunked is geared to boost the hysteria: symptomless people may still be spreaders, the vaccinated ditto, children are in danger like everyone else etc.
Also – and I may be jumping the gun here – the Plymouth shooting is acting as an opportunity to introduce the concept of “incel” (involuntary celibacy) to the UK public. And no time is being wasted in drawing a connection between this and Right Wing extremism. I have no idea if the killer left a Breivik style manifesto but I have a feeling that it won’t be long before there is an implied link to “conspiracy nuts”, “anti-vaxxers” etc.
The only thing that surprises me so far is that we haven’t yet had a “antivaxxer” false flag shooting at a vaccine center or something. That’s the psyop I would roll out if I were them: it would demonstrate that antivaxxers are raving mad gun nuts that need to be locked away, and the victims would be the good, vaxxed innocent believers so it would further the divide and rule agenda. Obviously the perp would need to be a white male with “right wing” leanings. It would be a propaganda masterpiece!
ffs – why you giving them more ideas?
As if they don’t already have those ideas? As if they haven’t pretty much already used those ideas? I get you on thinking that, but these people are psychopaths, they are not stupid. They will and are already using every tool in the playbook. And the truly frustrating thing is when one points that out even to the believers, they KNOW this in their gut, but will not admit it about the Megadeath Virus of Doom. One can point this out to them and they might even nod along, but the minute they walk away they still believe it. It really is like faith in that way, cult like behavior. Faith in a pharmaceutical industry that have been proven to be liars, faith in government officials who are proven liars, blind faith in something called a vaccine which is in reality NO SUCH THING. Ooops, I’m starting to rant again, and it’s not directed at you!
“And let this guy wear a grizzly bear costume as opposed to the buffalo one we used last time!”
I have been following this story with much interest as from the minute i heard about it I realised that the powers that shouldn’t be would use it to further disarm the populace of the UK using their favourite maxim of ”never let a good crisis go to waste’
For some context in 2019 38 people died as a result of firearms in England and Wales,thats right THIRTY EIGHT,more people died falling off ladders,in the same period in the US 40,000+ died as a result of firearms
Keir the boneless is already calling for a review of the licensing laws
In less than 12 months the vaccines that aint have killed over 1500 people in the UK (vastly under reported as well as its from the mhra dataset) perhaps syringes need banning or even stricter licensing ?
Having delved into large reams of articles on covid from the mighty Hydra that is our “free press”, I no longer have the strength or inclination to do any more. Instead, I scan the titles given from my little ministry of truth feed. And these today include:
The latter (which I admittedly peeked at) is all about how Dr Seuss “warned” us about global warming 50 years ago. And I have no doubt that the entire accumulation of our treasured culture will continue to be mined and recast to fit the covid/woke/climate agenda which now forms the latest and most belligerent surging wave of Western propaganda.
I read “The Lorax” to my son. If anything, it’s actually a warning about capitalism and consumerism, how greed fucks the environment, how it fucks everything that lives in that environment, including the capitalists who are the ones selfishly and greedily doing the fucking. It doesn’t mention the climate, it is all about environmental degradation, which is palpably, and obviously very real to anybody who is in any way in tune with the World around them. Compared to most of the utter drivel that is aimed at kids and is predicated upon inculcating them into a lifetime of avarice that is essential for them to be a “good consumer”, it is a great book and it certainly rang bells for my son, and reinforced the message that I already give him: That the Universe is beautiful thing that we are part of and that we ought to respect as we respect ourselves and our loved ones. And that most of the shit that you are told that you need, you are much better off without.
Following that earlier MIT Report and showing “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” (Pope):
Some info on Mellon: the Mellon dynasty was founded by Andrew Mellon, one of the least known robber barons (because he was a banker). Mellon was US Treasury Secretary 1920-32 and more powerful than the Presidents of that period (Harding-Coolidge-Hoover). The Mellon family provided almost all the most senior officers in the OSS during WW2. the Grateful Dead spent a year living on the Mellon estate, just like all good hippies would.
It’s a good article, but tbh it’s got nothing new in it I didn’t know in March/April 2020 so I find it a bit demoralising. I dunno, some days it just feels like pissing in the wind.
I was thinking about media strategy, the MSM all follow the same stories at the same time, no doubt sponsored, or strategized by SAGE or some such nudge dept to “drive home the message” in “lockstep”.
Alt media need to network. I guess there’s a problem in that there’s so few trustworthy .alt media sites, but those who are know each other, would 1 complimentry article per week be possible?
The “safe & efective” trope has been done to death, yet anyone with an internet connection, some curiosity, and half a brain, can work out none of the jabs are either safe or effective. If a bunch of alt media types all postsed their own piece debunking “safe & effective” in a co-ordinated blitz I think it would have more punch.
Maybe a competition? “best video exploring the “safe & effective” claim, best essay, best meme, best song, poem, etc.?
By now, the global experiment using the uncertified jabs would have produced ample data for the following, by (a) each brand (b) 1, 2 or even “boosters” shots:
:- % hospitalised
:- % sent to ICU
:- % injured seriously
:- % killed.
That this is still a secret tells us a lot about democracy or the free world.
This could have been the most collaboratively explored science experiment in the history of the world, IF they collected the data.
However, they don’t collect the data, on purpose. We can’t have indisputable facts that easily demolish the narrative can we.
Proving this was never about health.
In the UK at least, “they” almost certainly are collecting the data. They know exactly who has had which shot and when. From there it can’t be hard to marry up details of hospitalisations, deaths etc.
Why else would the MHRA have been advertising last autumn for a sophisticated AI system to deal with the expected high number of adverse effects? The information on the MHRA yellow card database available to the public certainly does not amount to a sophisticated AI system and would not be comprehensive in any case as yellow card reporting is voluntary and incomplete.
There is another system which must be linked in to the various NHS reporting systems. There is substantial data by now, but whatever it is showing is not being discussed in public.
When I asked NSW Health questions about the fate of cases ,I received prepared screeds on their COVID response but no data on the cases.
I tried calling QLD health but there were too many dead bodies to step over and I couldn’t get to my phone.
Dustmen won’t touch em.
Yeah, and what the hell has happened to the once-proud “Bring out your dead!” occupation?
But, mgeo, how could you be so cynical? It’s obvious there is no secret being hidden. Didn’t you know that the answer is 0%? At least according to the likes of the BBC’s Jeremy Vine it is.
The Union of Concerned Scientists Report in 2009 found the alleged benefits of GMO food were myths.
They increase yields?
“”We conclude that GE has done little to increase overall crop yields”.
They decrease the use of pesticides and herbicides?
“Herbicide-resistant crops have been developed by agrochemical firms specifically to depend upon agrochemicals and have extended the market for those chemicals.”
Other lies:
:- hardier varieties
:- safety of the crops, produce and agro-chemicals for humans, other agriculture and biomes
:- economic viability.
I thought “Union of Concerned Scientists” had to be a joke. But I see it really exists. And its history is interesting. It was apparently “founded in 1969 by faculty and students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology”. (From wiki as is the other stuff below.)
And ah MIT again – now that’s curious!
Anyway, the UCS initially critiqued the arms race back in the 70s … at which point there is a gap until the 90s and … environmental concerns.
Now see here:
Now let’s go back to that MIT connection and recall that it was this institution that led the covid charge with uncanny powers of predestination back in spring 2020.
And now we know precisely what it is that “concerns” these Concerned Scientists!
If I have to believe this article it is (top) science vs covid. That is a very distorted view of what is really going on.
It is similar to the ‘ 97% of climate scientists agree with climate change’ quote that is the problem. Cannot really blame the stenographic media that they consider that Covid science is settled when you have 97% (or more) of scientists saying that Covid is the real deal. They just write what they’re told, that is the business of reporting. One should just not read it as it’s all bullocks.
Question to me is: why do 97% of scientists agree that Covid is the real deal? If you know an answer to that, then you also know an answer to why scientists believe in climate change, etc.
And the answer to that question seems pretty simple to me: because the belief in such realities brings in money and fame. Is actually the only way that can lead to money and fame for scientists. All other options are closed.
There is a reason why the ‘top scientists’ that the author quotes are retired. They no longer need the money and fame to keep their business running, as opposed to 97% of the other scientists. Actually some have a little business running themselves, which makes me skeptical to their wisdoms as well.
So this thing is not a problem of science in itself, or a problem of scientists, it’s a problem of funding and funneling answers to a direction that are profitable for those who fund research.
What will stop this, is that even with all the money in the world, you cannot control a system that is based on nothing. Covid is a card house, an air castle that they try to keep afloat by all means and which will fail as the alternative (not give a damn about covid) is way much easier than to follow the increasing madness of that what needs to keep the air castle afloat.
Our town is officially locked down again for the second time since this scam started. I called it in advance last week, but not that I needed a crystal ball. The script now plays out like a scooby doo cartoon.
The funny thing is, they now have nowhere else to go. They have long removed most of our privileges and we have gotten to a point where everyone is used to staying local anyway.
The lock down rules are exactly the same rules already in place give or take, but for the fact the kids can’t go to school. The “lock down”. statement is now being exposed as just another overused buzzword that they have flogged to death. People don’t really care anymore, we’ve adapted. The new language they invented for the new normal is well worn out.
They are struggling to meet their numbers required participate in the clinical trail and their desperation is clear.
Absolutely, they are yet again playing the sewage card because they have nothing else left. Andrews even admitted that the sewage scare was bullshit, yet the media runs the story regardless.
People who actually give a shit about their own health and wellbeing are at the forefront of current Government initiative and media propaganda.
It’s all so blatantly obvious to anyone with even half a peanut of logic.
If they study sewage, they will find all sort of microbes. Flushing the toilet, coughing or vomiting in a restaurant, etc. spreads microbes. But whether that causes disease in healthy persons is another matter.
Exactly, hence my use of the word bullshit.
According to the official definition, viruses are not microbes.
Sewage sludge contains significant quantities of bleach and drain cleaners which instantly break down / degrade genetic material on contact, making it impossible to identify specific viruses.
The sewage testing is one of the most blatant lies they keep using and its continued use exposes how uneducated most people really are. No doubt because science education is deliberately bad until you start paying for it.
This will die with a whimper not a bang.
Hah hah! Sorry but couldn’t resist….anyone remember when we were told we couldn’t have a bang?!
They can’t ask for much more than that if the people have adapted to their restricted movement. Isn’t that what they want?
Perhaps its time for a new, even deadlier (perception of a) variant/scariant?
Or shall we switch our fear porn to good old climate change?
Or something else – a really big false flag event?
The PR/propaganda teams and crisis actors must be getting a bit weary too.
True, but they got ahead of themselves. They were supposed to get everyone jabbed and use the restrictions as a threat to get what they wanted. However they played the restiction card too often and too early. Not they have limited jabbed and nothing left to take.
It is…but they have to keep the fear element going because then people are more apt to comply…hence the “new variants”
Why doesn’t the author mention who the anti-establishment platforms,outlets and journalist are?
prurient puerile gaslighter bot pharmacom troll BS
I’m serious-i don’t know who the author refers to.
I think the issues that take a bit to get heads around are…there never was a deadly virus and there isn’t a vaccine….well how could there be when we don’t really have a virus…so how on earth could we actually make any sort of vax…they just made a psyop to fit the story of being saviours…
both are tools to implement agenda 30 and potentially save the monetary system for the elite..,end of story….
I have just had had some terrified person blabbering on to me about how they were on their way up to the hospital to get their Pfizer …so they can be free …one only has one or two encounters with the switched off brain to remind one there really isn’t much hope that any journo is going to penetrate these brains regardless of what they may write or say on TV….the govt psycho operation has worked so well most of these people will not wake up until they are starving in a gutter somewhere…or the influence of the eclipses and neptune wear off….
Moderna’s clinical trial “designed to assess the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a delayed vaccine boost” has an estimated primary completion date of May 28, 2023, and study completion date of 2025.
The financial stakes are high for Pfizer, which announced in July it expects to pull in $33.5 billion in COVID vaccine revenue this year.
According to Reuters, Pfizer, along with German partner BioNTech, and Moderna have together locked up COVID vaccine supply agreements worth more than $60 billion in sales, just in 2021 and 2022. The agreements include supply of the initial two doses of their vaccines as well as billions of dollars in potential boosters for wealthy nations.
Analysts forecasted revenue of more than $6.6 billion for Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and $7.6 billion for Moderna in 2023, mostly from booster sales. They eventually see the annual market settling at around $5 billion or higher, with additional drugmakers competing for those sales.
Meanwhile, Pfizer recently said if a third dose couldn’t combat the Delta or other variants, the drugmaker is prepared to come up with a “tailor-made” vaccine within 100 days, KHN reported.
100 days and the new concoction would be 70 days out of date.
Well said Edith.
Hey Edith, what do you think about Jupiter coming soon to expand Neptunian illusions? Around mid-April, 2022, and close to another juicy eclipse right beside Uranus.
I believe intelligent astrology is far better than modern ‘science’. The former is the result of many thousands of years of human observation and should not be discounted. The stuff in popular magazines, etc. is rubbish.
For those who are not in denial about intelligent astrology (long de-bunked by ‘science’), I recommend this site which describes current transits and the great reset.
The author asks the question at the beginning of “why are numerous ‘independent alternative’ media outlets and writers not questioning the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.” It has been interesting to see the “true colors” come out at a lot of sites and from a lot of people. It made me think about my time visiting the Daily Kos, a democratic party blog in the U.S., and democrats and liberals/progressives in general, going from antiwar when Bush was president, to full on imperialists when Obama took over. Of course, the answer is, they were never antiwar in the first place, they were simply humans trained to oppose whatever the other side was about. The same thing is happening now with alot of republican leaning people rejecting the official narrative and the so called vaccine, and the democrats/liberals/progressives supporting (generally). I have to believe if the tables turn again, i.e., the republicans gain control in 2022, they will continue the Global Reset agenda, just like both parties continue the imperialist and other plutarchy agendas, causing the partisan pawns to temporarily change their tunes, again. They use the political systems to play us like a fiddle.
Which brings the question, how many of us now opposing this thing are the real deal?
Real deal here Big al!
And here!
Or.Why don’t we Revolt rather than vote for the same villains on both sides-that have no interest in the supporting the health and well being of society or the public.
Exactly, why don’t we?
Anyone like to add to this interesting list of “alternate” sites and bloggers who are full-on COVID groupies.
Bernhard Whathisname: MoonOfAlabama
The Saker bloke: Vinyard of the Saker
Ron Unz: The Unz Review
World Socialist Web Site
The entire UK ‘left’ press
The Wonky Soggy Wonkies. According to them, the MSM has been ignoring Covid since its inception. The sort of disconnection from reality only to be found in the most damaged of cults…
Unz himself, but some of the articles and much of the commentariat are sceptic.
Bernhard Whathisname is also a committed ‘Climate Change’ devotee.
I asked a good liberal friend a few weeks ago to do a little thought experiment. If Obama had run on draining the swamp, ending the wars, discussing the Deep State and how it thwarts every “progressive” thing he tried to implement, would they believe all that? OF COURSE they would. If Obama had said “vaccines” aren’t necessary, that they are all about profit, that they are not truly vaccines, they’d believe all that and fight to the death anyone who said otherwise. She agreed but asked me what point I was trying to make with that. Well, I came very close to saying that if the point of that little screed isn’t glaringly obvious, then we have nothing more to say to each other about it. I didn’t, but basically re-iterated, once again, that this partisan crap is merely divide and conquer. It isn’t about truth, it isn’t about “elections” which are nothing of the kind in reality, it is about the game our owners have been playing on us damned near since this country’s founding. Did she get it? I’m not at all sure, and really, in many ways I no longer even care, although like an idiot I do still keep on trying.
As for former blogs that have fully gone over to the dark side, I recognize your name from one I finally left for good not long ago. You’ll be familiar with that one, there is no need for me to mention it here, and you seem to have left it long ago. Now I see why. Glad to see you here.
I know it’s gratuitous, but I can’t resist mentioning my good-hearted, well-meaning friend, no intellectual, who clings to a kind of shopworn “progressive” perspective, i.e. she’s nominally anti-authoritarian and skeptical, but still believes that Democratic Party politicians are “good guys” if ineffectual, and Republicans are predatory bastards.
She’s told me more than once that Obama “stopped an Ebola pandemic in its tracks” and personally gave Trump a comprehensive document or manual explaining how it was done. She goes on to say that “there’s video” of Trump taking Obama’s Ebola-stopping Bible and throwing it into the Oval Office wastebasket.
I humor her, and simply reply, “Oh, is that right? I didn’t even know there was a potential ‘Ebola epidemic’!”
The problem with this article is that it “accepts” the entire Covid narrative. It is asserting that there is a virus which requires a global “safe” vaccine rollout because this supposed virus is so deadly it DOES NOT kill 99.7% of the population.
Truth is, there is no need for any vaccines unless you are very old, have underlying health conditions via decades of poor nutrition/lifestyle and now in your old age wish to defy “mother nature” and continue to live forever like you have taken utmost care of your health your entire life and death is something one can escape via vaccine.
So you’re saying there is a need for a vaccine for Covid-19 if you’re very old or with underlying health conditions, and don’t really want to die right now?
The funny thing is, all the very old people I know got through all of 2020 and early 2021 without needing any vaccine when this thing was supposed to be ravaging the population….there are lots of old people where I live, and none of them died, or got ill enough to notice. So it’s a crock. If not for masks, and fear propos from The Ministry of Fear and its Ad Agencies, I would not have realised there was a deadly virus at all. Because there wasn’t, isn’t, and won’t be outside peoples minds.
How can vaccines that have such poor track records help the very old with underlying conditions – referred to as “the most vulnerable”? How is an experimental jab any better for them?
“Hey all you elderly untermenschen-useless eaters”

“Buy our Billy Eugenics toxic viral cull juice euthanasia death shot today.“
“Gov Death swears by them!”
“No one lives forever.”
“So does Nazi Fun Boy Arnold and the rest of the corporate fascist propaganda prostitute poodles.”
“Turns out Fun Boy didn’t fall far from that tree, did he.”
He will be back for your freedom no surprise his reaction second rate muscle headed moron
Sure doesn’t what a complete twat
The stage was set the costumes worn and another empire of destruction born. Evil posturing clowns.
You always have a choice. If your affinity is to the finite earthly plane then the choice is simple. If not then you must be prepared for the ultimate decision you can make in this world.
We’re not anti-science, just slightly misanthropic in the sense that we think people will lie about anything, including science, when there’s money to be made, which is very often.
“Chief pathologist insists on more autopsies of vaccinated people”
“Stuttgart / Heidelberg (dpa / lsw) – The chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, is pushing for many more autopsies of vaccinated people. In addition to corona deaths, the corpses of people who die in connection with a vaccination would also have to be examined more frequently, said Schirmacher of the German Press Agency in Stuttgart.
The director of the Pathological Institute in Heidelberg even warns of a high number of unreported cases of vaccination deaths and complains: The pathologists do not notice anything about most of the patients who die after and possibly from a vaccination. However, other scientists disagree with him on this point, as do the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) and the Paul Ehrlich Institute.
For a year now, coronavirus deaths have been autopsied at the university clinics in the southwest in order to better understand the disease. The state supports the Covid-19 autopsy research of the university pathologies with around 1.8 million euros. Schirmacher heads the autopsy project. The findings of more than 200 autopsies so far have led, among other things, to better treatment and ventilation of Covid sufferers, he says. “The knowledge gained here therefore helps to be able to treat sick people better and more successfully and to save lives,” says Science Minister Theresia Bauer (Greens). Schirmacher, a member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina since 2012, hopes that the funding will continue next year.
The doctor now wants to get to the bottom of rare, serious side effects of vaccination – such as cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases. The problem from his point of view: Vaccinated people usually do not die under clinical observation. “The doctor examining the corpse does not establish a context with the vaccination and certifies a natural death and the patient is buried,” reports Schirmacher. “Or he certifies an unclear type of death and the public prosecutor sees no third-party fault and releases the corpse for burial.”
In Baden-Württemberg, the pathologists therefore worked with public prosecutors, the police and resident doctors, reports Schirmacher. More than 40 people have already been autopsied who died within two weeks of being vaccinated. Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated – a politically explosive statement in times when the vaccination campaign is losing momentum, the delta variant is spreading rapidly and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are being discussed.
Schirmacher received a clear contradiction from other scientists. The statements that there is currently too little knowledge about side effects and the dangers of vaccination are underestimated are incomprehensible, said the Paul Ehrlich Institute.
In particular for serious reactions, which also include when a person dies after a vaccination, there is a reporting obligation under the Infection Protection Act. “I do not know of any data that would allow a reasonable statement to be made here and I do not start from an unreported number,” said the head of the Standing Vaccination Commission, Thomas Mertens.
There is no reason to assume a high number of unreported vaccination complications or even deaths, emphasized the immunologist Christian Bogdan from the Erlangen University Hospital. “There can also be no question of neglecting the possible dangers of COVID-19 vaccines.” The last few weeks and months in particular have shown that the surveillance system is working well. In Germany, for example, the rare occurrence of cerebral vein thrombosis after vaccination with Astrazeneca (1-2 cases per 100,000 vaccinations) was recognized as a complication, says Bogdan.
Schirmacher insists on his opinion. “Your colleagues are definitely wrong because they are not able to assess this specific question competently,” he responded. He doesn’t want to spread panic and is by no means opposed to vaccinations, says the professor, who says he himself had himself vaccinated against corona. Vaccination is an essential part of the fight against the virus, he clarifies. But you have to weigh up the medical reasons for vaccination individually. From his point of view, the “individual protection consideration” is overlaid by the idea of a quick vaccination of society.
The Federal Association of German Pathologists is also urging more autopsies of vaccinated people. This is the only way to exclude or prove connections between deaths and vaccinations, says Johannes Friemann, head of the autopsy working group in the association. However, from his point of view, too little autopsies are carried out to speak of an unreported number. “You don’t know anything yet.” General practitioners and health authorities should be made aware of this. The federal states would have to instruct the health authorities to order autopsies on site. The Federal Association of Pathologists requested this in a letter to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) in March. It went unanswered, says Friemann.”
© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210801-99-647273 / 3″
I don’t know… How many times do you have to be ‘taught valuable lessons’ about the covid19 farce before you just stop listening?
We’ve done the course, bought the T-shirt, listened to it on Spotify and watched it on Netflix.
We have gawped in awe at its sickening majesty, and we have filled out hearts with disgust.
Somebody needs to put a stop to it.
It’s precisely this weariness with the whole bloody con that will bury it, as people vote with their feet in unstoppable numbers to get some sort of normal back into their lives, and bugger all the Reset rubbish.
The criminals behind the Reset push will go on pushing as far as they can, even so, as Catherine Austin Fitts’ analysis of the geopolitics makes clear.
I suspect that the covid scam will deliver a sort of messy draw between public and con artists, when it’s all slid into recent history.
The con-artists will have gained some of their aims, though. And they’ll remain in the field to make more gains, as future circumstances allow. Eternal vigilance is still required. As Catherine says repeatedly, the ‘vaccines’ have nothing whatever to do with public health, and everything to do with achieving a global surveillance-and-control unified data-base for all of us; with Central Bank Digitised Currency, natch.
Bloody-minded resistance is still essential, until the Long Descent finally sweeps away all the technocrat class of would-be world-dominators, along with all their insane technosphere poison-toys.
Yes, I see signs of lockdown/covid fatigue all around. People fed up/bored with lockdowns, masks, check-in codes, pcr tests, and the non-stop, increasingly desperate propaganda and threats from mainstream media. Even as they unwillingly comply, many are just sick of it all.
Fear porn has, I believe, reached ‘over-kill’ (perhaps a pun there?), and becomes increasingly redundant even as its intensity increases. Something about “thou dost protest too much”?
I’m all for a Debt Jubilee. I want the huge debt the government ran up, to buy us off while it destroyed The Economy, cancelled. I think calls for Debt Cancellation should be demanded by everyone affected by government decisions.
“and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”, as we once used to pray..
In a World Economy burdened by huge, unpayable debt, The Great Reset should be Debt Cancellation – to reset the world economy.
“Better yet, to make the world a better place, return all the resources (assets) that the Forbes 10000 corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychos have stolen from WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).
Cooper, is that Prince Phillip by any chance?
You on the right track. A lot has been hidden from us. Deliberately. We replaced the Popes of the Church with the Popes of Science.
You write as if The Fourth/Great/Reich/Reset might be redeemed if it included such a debt jubilee (and as though such a debt forgiveness may not, in fact, be an essential feature of it).
Did you miss this ¿leaked? info (supposedly by a member the Liberal Party of
Canada’s Strategic Planning committee) from October of last year?:
Along with that provided road map the Strategic Planning
committee was asked to design an effective way of
transitioning Canadians to meet a unprecedented
economic endeavor. One that would change the face of
Canada and forever alter the lives of Canadians. What
we were told was that in order to offset what was
essentially an economic collapse on a international
scale, that the federal government was going to offer
Canadians a total debt relief. This is how it works: the
federal government will offer to eliminate all personal
debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all
funding will be provided
to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as
the World Debt Reset program. In exchange for
acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual
would forfeit ownership of any and all property and
assets forever. The individual would also have to agree
to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination
schedule, which would provide the individual with
unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a
full lock down (through the use of photo identification
referred to as Canada’s HealthPass) .
Committee members asked who would become the
owner of the forfeited property and assets in that
scenario and what would happen to lenders or financial
institutions, we were simply told “the World Debt Reset
program will handle all of the details”. Several committee
members also questioned what would happen to
individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt
Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination
schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling.
Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we
came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen.
We were told it was in the individuals best interest to
participate. When several committee members pushed
relentlessly to get an answer we were told that those
who refused would first live under the lock down
restrictions indefinitely. And that over a short period of
time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt
forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate
would be deemed a public safety risk and would be
relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities
they would be given two options, participate in the debt
forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely
in the isolation facility under the classification of a
serious public health risk and have all their assets
While it’s possible this may not have been an authentic leak, it’s certainly possible that it is, and is certainly compatible with the WEF’s assertion that in 2030 you will own nothing and be happy.
I wasnt thinking of a trade-off, just outright cancellation of the debt the national & state governments have run up because of their economically destructive decisions.
The Debt has to be paid, but there’s no way Australia can pay it from monies raised by taxations – even though Age Pensions and all Social Security payments (to the elite’s “useless eaters” and Economically Disposable people) will be massively reduced to bare existence levels, as an excuse to “pay off the debt.”
The Pfizer contracts are secret. Why ? We learn that some governments were told to sign over Public Infrastructure as collateral for the genetic manipulation technology.
With so many jobs and businesses destroyed by government decisions, thus decreasing the taxation base (and with no possibility that Big Tech etc will pay when they can avoid it), it’s most likely Australia’s infrastructure (Hospitals, major roads, Water supply, etc) have been offered as collateral.
A Debt Jubilee – or Australia will own nothing.
I lament the fact that the debate has shifted towards vaccines. It’s not about vaccines and it never was. We’re being hoodwinked. Here in Sydney they’re digging up the streets just like they were in our first lockdown. No one is noticing it cause all the talk is about vaccines and wearing a mask. Meantime “construction” has resumed. If you want to know what this is all about then look no further than QR codes. We may lose the masks and social distancing but those QR codes are here to stay. QR codes are the seeds to AI. We’ll be tagged and tracked before they send us back out into the wild. Vaccines are a distraction.
People better start thinking about their future and cell/smart phones. I’ve never had one, a couple short stints with pay as you go flip phones while on trips is all. I will never get one. You’re right, all the talk about not wanting something jabbed into their bodies, and yet almost everyone seemingly can’t envision life any longer without a smart phone (not to mention twitter, facebook, and all social media). That is trouble.
Hi Big al. I’ve never owned a smart phone either, just like you I use a basic ‘Flip Phone’. I’ve been amused at the look I get when I go into a restaurant or pub and get shown the contact tracing QR code to scan. I simply show them my flip phone and say “Good Luck with that”, they then ask me to sign a contact book which I duly do as Mr Matt Hancock and give them my local Indian Takeaways phone number, as I leave I always pay with cash so they don’t know my real name. I wish more people would ditch their smart phones, the damned things are helping to build the prison walls around us.
Ageed. Mobile phones are mobile prisons. Tracked, traced and trapped wherever you go. No wonder the americans call them “cell” phones.
If you have a mobile phone, at least turn off wi fi and blue tooth. You’ll still get calls and can send texts. Most of the time, my phone is turned off. For extra protection, put it into a couple of clean, empty foil bags (e.g. coffee grounds bags) to prevent signal getting in or out. Or wrap it in a screening material – this also prevents 5gee pollution for your body.
Screening Fabric with up to 50dB Damping — Aaronia AG
Well they’d better start envisioning it soon, al, because the teenagers alive now may well live to see the time when hitech ‘civilisation’ has degraded to the point where satellite-based communications systems are simply no longer physically viable, and the understanding has dawned that we’re never going to be able to get them back up either: By then, too much vital-commodity stuff has just run out, or too far down, to be practically viable any longer; this being especially true of the master-resource that drives everything else: oodles of cheapo energy always instantly available at the touch of a switch.
Kiss that life goodbye! The Limits To Growth are not mocked.
….until they mandate micro chip ID -in the name of “science” they will align it to our health ergo medical records.
Can I ask what do you mean “digging up the streets”….is this to limit how far you can travel? Or put in things to watch? I see the creeping in travel stuff starting to appear in backwater qld but have wondered what is going on elsewhere…
these posts have appeared here that record ones speed at that particular point…5 mtrs past it who gives a shit…which like everything else is a farce but I wonder if they will be replaced by cameras to constantly monitor who is coming and going into our little town…
I have not and will not comply to any of the bullshit, the problem in Australia is the people are basically stupider than the sheep
Vaccines are central to the sinister agenda. They are being pushed like nothing else. They are hazardous in the extreme. I don’t understand the logic of this post or why readers rated so sympathetically.
The malevolent agenda is so vast and integrated that it is counterproductive to try to arrange its components in order of importance. One common theme to all of it; the scamdemic, the global warming hoax, chemtrails, GMO foods, transgender bullshit, and emf toxicity, is inducing death, illness both physical and of the soul, the inability to reproduce, and the inability to think clearly. The cv-1984 BS leads to the GMO fake vaccines, leading to both the cell phone vax QR as well as sterility and severe autoimmune illnesses, which will lead to the Gates “quantum tattoo” (ie the Mark of the Beast). I imagine it will not be permitted to get it on the left hand 🙂
Australia’s parliament houses appear to be the safest places in the country from attacks by that Little Bugger, Covey. Maybe their saline injections are protecting the politicians ? If so, why dont they mandate the saline injections for everyone else ?
GMO wil feed world hunger! that what they siad in dolly the sheep era.
Nothing wrong with GMO it the seed that keep on giving (it doesn’t but you get what i mean).
Eminem’s child Stevie, 19, comes out as genderfluid.