This Week in the New Normal #2
Freedom gets screwed, prisoners face vaccine blackmail, you can be worse than dead and an old enemy returns.

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. “Jab or jail”
In the US, judges have started making getting vaccinated a condition of bail.
Brandon Rutherford, a 21-year-old from Cincinnatti, was given a suspended sentence for possession of fentanyl, but the sentence came with a rider – he must get “vaccinated” against Covid19 in the next 60 days, or he will be sent to prison for eighteen months.
This is not the first time this has happened.
Last month another judge in Ohio made a similar ruling, offering a convicted defendant a choice between five years probation, or one year and a vaccine. Whilst in Louisiana, judges are offering to cut community service sentences in exchange for people getting the vaccines.
A reminder that inducing the use of an experimental medical procedure, through either intimidation or coercion, is a breach of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation.
2. The Return of the Taliban
This is today’s big breaking story – Afghanistan is falling to the Taliban. Kabul will likely be theirs by the end of the day. The US and UK are closing their embassies down. It’s a disaster!
Biden has ordered 5000 troops to Kabul to aid the drawdown. Then a few hours later he ordered 1000 more.
Biden’s desertion of Afghanistan will be his Vietnam – a self-inflicted wound of disastrous proportions. Incredible, and utterly shameful, that the most ‘woke’ US President in history has left millions of women to the merciless murderous clutches of the world’s worst misogynists.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) August 15, 2021
In the UK, Boris Johnson is being accused of “abandoning Afghanistan to its fate”
The old lines about “mistakes” and “miscalculation” are being trotted out all over the place. Ignoring the reality – that Afghanistan was not a mistake:
The only people who think Afghanistan was a failure are people who don’t own stocks in Halliburton, Raytheon and Boeing.
Afghanistan was a blistering success for them.
— Richard Medhurst 🇸🇾🇵🇸 (@richimedhurst) August 15, 2021
No one is talking about the US’s “Over the Horizon” plan to launch drone strikes on Afghanistan from bases in UAE et al. No one is talking about the thousands and thousands of “private security contractors” likely to remain in Afghanistan after the US army “officially departs”.
And, of course, no one is talking about the fact the Taliban’s advance is being done with American weapons and vehicles which were “abandoned” at Bagram airbase, and “accidentally” fell into the hands of the “enemy” when they “accidentally” liberated 5000 Taliban “prisoners”.
3. “Screw your freedom”
The Governator is back. Arnie was never noted for his subtlety, and his interview this week was no exception, railing against people who don’t wear masks as “schmucks” and adding:
There is a virus here — it kills people, and the only way we prevent it is get vaccinated, get masks, do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just to think about ‘Well, my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom.”
Clearly, “screw your freedom” has been the prevailing attitude of almost every government in the world for most of the last twenty months, but they’ve generally been reticent to be quite so direct.
Indeed, one questions the wisdom of putting “Screw you freedom” in a headline in America, where you’re likely to alienate a LOT of people by talking that way. Austrian politicians arguing against personal freedom usually doesn’t end well.
BONUS: Bizarre take of the week
A man died “from Covid”, despite being fully vaccinated, but “it could have been worse” if he had been unvaccinated. At least, according to The Hill.
So this guy COULD HAVE been WORSE (than dead) if he hadn’t been vaccinated… What is worse than dead? How does that work?
— Irrelevant old bloke! (@MartinKoss) August 14, 2021
It really is cult-like at this point. Where the vaccine has become some religious rite. Dying while vaccinated is better than dying unvaccinated, like dying having confessed and been absolved of your sins, or being buried on consecrated ground. Total insanity.
It’s not all bad…
This weeks analgesic dose of good news comes from Europe.
From France, where anti Covid pass protest swept the nation for the fifth straight weekend:
Beaucoup de monde à #Bordeaux #manifestation14aout #PasseSanitaire
— Laurent pour AB7 Média (@laurentbigfr) August 14, 2021
And from Spain, where the Andalusian High Court has ruled “Covid passes” illegal, finding that:
the measure requiring patrons to show proof of being free from the virus affected the right to privacy and the principle of non-discrimination
Legal challenges to the insane rules, coupled with mass non-compliance. That’s the way forward.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention putting unvaccinated people on the no-fly list, or the pivot to climate.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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“Ground-breaking autopsy report shows the vaccinated had toxic spike proteins all over the body”
“According to the report, researchers found that the patient’s entire body had become overrun with high viral
RNA loads, also known as vaccine-induced spike proteins. This has been
reported by many investigators and even further research on what really
is in the vaccine. [Read Covid vaccines not as effective as you think to learn more].
This indicates two things.
1. The mRNA from the vaccine is not localized to the injection site where it’s supposed to be but spread on other organs. [Read New evidence explains how mRNA vaccines cause organ damage to see the evidence.]
2. We know the decedent was exposed to Covid-19. The virus was in every organ in his body. Based on what we
know about coronavirus vaccines in the past, this could be seen as a
signal of antibody-dependent enhancement [Read What is pathogenic priming? And Briefing document on Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine shows evidence of pathogenic priming among older adults]
This means that the vaccine cannot stop the virus from spreading [in Pfizer’s briefing document to the Food and
Drug Administration, they already intimated about this…”
These are toxins as you know.
No, this means that the theory that the vaccine will stop the virus from spreading is wrong, which does not preclude the very high probability that the virus does not in fact “spread” from person to person at all or the very high probability that the entire story of the pandemic and the danger of “sars-cov2” is at best theory (at worse malicious lies) and not fact.
I would add we are observing the mechanism of new variants appearing (if so) and details concerning how S protien toxicity might work. No Covid required in fact, it’s how the vaccines work.
Sign of the times!
How about this from a health minister from NSW (Australia), throwing tantrums so that he doesn’t have to answer, nor allowing his partner in crime to answer questions relating to their roles in the management of the COVID pandemic. And yes NSW is currently in lockdown and no end date in sight.
Looking at this you can see it’s so obvious that they have much to hide, unbelievable behaviour from people who are literally locking millions of people in their homes for weeks, months on end & having the military to patrol the streets at the moment.
And the woman next to him? NSW health official, Dr. Kerry Chant tells Australians to refrain from TALKING to people to blunt spread of Covid-19
Australia puts in self on the Liverpool Pathway.
Let’s have a BBQ instead.
Sign of the times?
How about this, coming from the premier of Victoria (Australia) “……there will be no removal of masks to consume alcohol outdoor….”.
Take a look at him in action in case you think I am fibbing it
This during Victoria (Australia) 7th lockdown.
In the not to distant future terrorist attacks in China will be a regular occurrence
All of that ‘war on terror’ machinery and expertise needing a new target and we’ve just been told who the new terrorists are, white Christian conservatives.
Just being alive is now a sin. Now go and get your Covid death shots.
Well said (unfortunately).
WE are told The uncivilized Taliban make their wives and children where burka
masksand take away their freedoms.Not long ago the burka was a sign of terrorist now the sign of surgical masks
burkais the sign of western covid liberation !the irony………
I saw a banner news headline yesterday on GBNews along the lines of “UN’s Antonio Guterres concerned at chilling [sic] evidence of threat to people’s human rights in Afghanistan”. You couldn’t make it up!
The folks there seem to have more rights so far. No human experimentation is occurring there.
People….we know Covid is a scam. Vaccination is just a “smoke screen” to distract and direct our attention away from the REAL scam which is Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This is being implemented undercover and this is absolute control (Totalitarianism) over ALL of humanity.
Any idea what this garbage might mean?
august 2021, australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne said:
“[australia is] committed for many years to helping Afghanistan build its future ..
They all want a piece of this:
IE All those war crimes they committed? Good luck with that.
isn’t it interesting how our leaders are so intensely worried about Afghan women and girls while continually ignoring the domestic violence in which, in the example of australia, one woman is murdered every week.
Never mind Nato bombs that often targeted Afghan civilians including Women and Children!
The more these so-called leaders open their mouth, the more disgusting they become.
And they never mention the pederasty of Afghan male society.
The US military ignored it (as the warlords were “allies”), and went so far as to punish a special forces soldier that severely bashed a warlord for chaining his pet 12 year old boy to a bed.
u talkin bout cardeenal pellee??
Excellent post. It’s falling apart. My gauge is the total disinterest of family members who would not let me in the house because I would not mask during Covid 1.0 and none of them caring about it anymore. No one here cares about ‘Delta’ except the die hard MSNBC devotees. And, most do NOT want a booster, the most common overheard comment -‘what’s the point?’ They are now starting to smear their core supporters who are questioning (finally) this total nonsense, so demonization now includes many who went along initially.
Physicians are pushing back. In Germany, 40% are NOT administering the vaccine, so much for lockstep worship of Covid-19 vaccinations by the health establishment. Major physicians speaking out – more here
I feel like it’s falling apart too. Where I live my wife’s parents and their 70-something friends have been die-hard Covid faithful since the beginning, despite the fact that none of them had any first-hand experience of the so-called pandemic………. Until they all got vaccinated, now they’re all catching and getting quite sick with it, there’s aquifer a bit of cognitive dissonance for them to get over but the consensus seems to be that they’re much more sceptical of the vaxx and not so enthusiastic about the boosters. You can’t tell the public on one hand that the vaccines do not prevent transmission whilst also trying to tell them they need to prove their covid status whenever they go into a shop.. I still become ridiculous, everyone can see it!
Does anyone still believe in “al-Qaida”?
mask wearer vexinoids
It never existed which is why when Robin Cook spoke out about it he was found dead 2 weeks later.
The tragedy in Afghanistan.
The CIA will have to find some other illegal activity to replace its opium operations to fund its black ops.
The Military Industrial Complex will have to find different people to kill for profit.
After the Taliban disposes of al Quade, the US will have to rely on terrorist organizations it has created elsewhere.,
I read that Arnie article wonder how much he got paid.
How come the vaccinated do not know they are transmitting the virus? Yes, media will not help, but a lot more should be published on the fact they are not immune and can also transmit. They will be the superspreaders because they feel safe.
Because they’re vaccinated, the corona they spread is a “kinder gentler” virus. See?
It is much more pleasant to die this way. Super duper awesome.
The decades of doom mongering provide a rich mine for the Graud:
“At the end of the 60s sci-fi classic, The Day the Earth Caught Fire, the camera pans across the Daily Express case room to a front page proof hanging on a wall. “Earth Saved”, screams the headline. The camera pans. “Earth Doomed”, announces the proof beside it. The head printer looks baffled. Which page will he be told to select?”
This segues effortlessly into our dreadful predicament:
“It’s now or never: Scientists warn time of reckoning has come for the planet
The IPCC is unequivocal: we must take urgent action to curb global heating and prevent catastrophe. Will our policymakers and the Cop26 conference be up to the task?”
And so “our” policymakers have been instructed by … The Management!
That blurb about the IPCC: was it on the Comics page? Because, by refusing to admit the existence of geoengineering, the IPCC is a big joke.
Graphika have links to some heavy hitters in US state
WSW complaining about some French rivals. In reality it is a sign that there is increasing anger at Covid measures, and if only opportunistically some of the left are starting to home in on it.
It also reflects the fact that nobody can hate a Trotskyist as much as another Trotskyist can.
I’m speechless. This writer is either seriously stupid or completely delusional. With friends like these, working people do not need enemies.
These are the people who read “The Wizard of Oz”, and thought the little old guy behind the curtain – humiliation and all -was a great role model…
Most children have more maturity than that.
What would you do to let steam off after a humiliating defeat in Afghanistan?
Find a bunch of poor unarmed brown skin people and terrorise them with hovering helicopters!
Where do you find such a bunch of disadvantaged groups?
– In Western Sydney!
.. and pretend it is for Health reasons.
Helicopters overhead here in the western suburbs of Melbourne as well. Often late at night, and usually with no lights on.
People here are also reporting an increase in drones. All part of the pysops to keep people fearful and jittery.
Do You remember the Spielberg movie “Close Encounter of the Third Kind”?
They show helicopters that are fumigating people at night. I always wondered how much this stuff has been predictive programming all along.
Yes, I saw Close Encounters years and years ago. I’ve seen a lot of clips in the last year that were from TV shows and movies in the last 20 years or longer that predicted all this to a tee.
Black Mirror, the X Files and The Simpsons are just 3 examples. And then you have Rik Mayall’s last film One By One from 2013. Watch the depopulation scene from it.
I definitely believe there’s been predictive programming for a long time. And I would also say that Spielberg has certain “connections” shall we say.
These are all apparitions of the satanic end times – that it had to come to this is due to the godlessness of most people. This earthly world can no longer be saved and there will be a great tribel, an “unliveable” world, as shown in the Bible.
However, as long as there is still time of grace, the individual souls can be saved – but this time of grace will soon be over. And Satan and his minions are in a hurry, for he knows he has very little time left. Make your peace with God, alone in the “quiet chamber”, sincerely confess your sins before Christ, put your sins before his cross, no longer sin.
He is the way, the truth and the life – there is only this one (1) way.
Without God, nothing works – who has not yet done so, repent.
“there’s a man, goin’ round, takin’ names, and he decides….”
…*Loves Me* some Johnny, I does… 🙂
Kaufi, mate, there i was enjoying my muffin (hash brown and egg as it goes) and i read your little offering, well intentioned as it is, im sure.
However and with the greatest respect, please keep your doom mongering to yourself.
The self perpetuating, self fulfilling babylonian “prophecy” inserted, authorless into your favourite book is exactly that, a self perpetuating, negative, self fulfilling narrative instruction, which you and so many like you are carrying out to the letter.
I ask, what better way to prevent the awakening of a species held in captivity, than tell them “sit back, because someone will do it for you”
They tried it with Donald, they a re trying it with Dr Reinner, but hey, lets read the prophecies and await good old JC who will do it all for you?
YOU are the AWOKEN, Jc was a metaphor for what lies within you and everyone, you are here, NOW for a reason, please do not let the reason slip you by becuase it doesnt fit the pattern, after all you made it this far??
God Bless You!
I no longer have the link, but I remember reading a few weeks ago that fifteen out of the nineteen people who had died in Israel the day before “of” covid were fully vaccinated and hence suffered from a milder form of the disease. So that must have been a great comfort.
So Afghanistan is the next designated urgent news item. And Biden has received his instructions:
“The lightning advance of the Taliban in retaking the country has led Afghan Americans, former generals and leading statesmen to blame President Joe Biden for a hasty US withdrawal. But he appears to have the public on his side – for now.”
Two things to note:
First, that “lightning advance” which supposedly took the most advanced military power in the world by surprise – because they just don’t have the surveillance technology!
Second, that ominous “for now”! We should all know by this time that “the public” and “Afghan Americans” are code terms for “The Management”.
What a great distraction. Considering the first invasion of Afghanistan was based purely on lies, then this one is based on even bigger lies.
It’s not very difficult to connect the dots.
Three days ago, the Pentagon estimated the fall of Kabul in 90 days. Not even a week passed, we are hearing about an imminent Kabul fall.
Is this the accuracy of a triilions-dollar intelligence apparatus?
Apparently so.
Trillions of dollars to be three months out in their predictions.
The American Mafia appeared to think Cuba was a good place to move into shortly before Batista fled, if Godfather II has any basis in fact. But they did not have the US state apparatus to keep them right on what might happen.
In Rambo III the Americans help Afghanis fight the Russians but not many years later the Americans bomb Afghanistan, what happened?
Well spotted!
Wasn’t Stallone always fighting Russian stereotypes? IE his Rockie movie?
US has been ordered to make way for China in Afghanistan. China will have sole access and control of the rare earth i.e. lithium which Afghanistan has the biggest reserve of. China has been given the task to lead the “4th industrial revolution”. So is the will of the globalist cabal. The idea of nation state does not apply here. They nearly control every country on planet earth and have decided Pax Americana has cone to an end
What on earth are you on about? Afghanistan was invaded to serve two purposes.
The first was the destabilization of the ME and the second being the pivot between Iran and China.
To think for a second that the Yanks and Nato, after twenty years of occupation, rode of into the sunset is simply daft.
Pax Americana was never in the interest of American citizens. Pax Americana was a BS cover for invading other countries that were not our enemies and then exploiting them.
The US doesn’t need the rest of the world we can get by without them.
Yes it means that Americans are going to experience a dramatic drop in their standard of living. But that was going to happen no matter what in light of allowing their government to borrow trillions of dollars at the drop of a hat.
Nationalism will win in the end.
The UK media aimed at the Compatible Left is in full liberal interventionism overdrive this morning.Won’t somebody please think of those Afghan women? They’re trying to manufacture the image of a clamour to go back into Afghanistan. Abu Ghraib killed liberal interventionism but they keep on trying to re-boot it regardless and are probably enjoying the additional mockery that liberal countries no longer enjoy the rights they are supposedly spreading to others.
The narco-empire dimension to Afghanistan gets ignored as always. Most people in these circles know about Afghanistan and heroin but fewer know about Iran. John Coleman writes, “James Earl Carter toppled the Shah of Iran. Why was the Shah deposed and then murdered by the United States’ government? In a word, because of DRUGS. The Shah had clamped down and virtually put an end to the immensely lucrative opium trade being conducted out of Iran by the British” [Conspirators’ Hierarchy p.148]. Khomeini had been turned by British intelligence while in exile and when he returned to power the number of opium addicts in Iran doubled (hang on, wasn’t he some ultra-ascetic Islamist?…. ). The hostage crisis was a staged event – intelligence operatives were forewarned to get out and it’s dotted with occult numerology (it lasted 444 days, the initial number of hostages was 66 etc).
Like any major elite event, the Iranian Revolution served several purposes. For example, Iran just has to announce anything about its nuclear programme and the price of oil shoots up. Isn’t that convenient?
Elites are pragmatic and try to make the best of unexpected developments.
The rapidity of the collapse was perhaps unexpected but I believe the decision to leave Afghanistan to the Taliban was taken some time ago.
save are afghan girls
bring are woman home
to uk.canada france and germany
only in those cuntries can are girls be free
They will be free to be treated like garbage and be bottom end wage slaves. Awesome.
I wouldn’t mind another “surge” to Afganistan if they draft only feminists of both “genders”. Just promote Meghan Rapinoe as General Brigadier to lead them and the Talibans will drop like flies.
Nonsense. Our leaders in the west representing the big corporate money, only want to bring freedom and democracy to the oppressed. Well, unless there’s a pandemic, then freedom and democracy don’t apply anymore.
But again, Boris, Gates, Biden, Shwab at all, only care for saving women, babies and the elderly, by either shooting substances into their veins or shooting them down with drones from the sky.
interesting. I always hoped those Iranians were some sort of good guys, i am enlightened! Just another member. a couple of Aussie lawyers talking with Fuellmich ….sort of suggests some hope…..well at least a couple of lawyers are trying to do something
Drum up like-minded friends to crowd fund a Class Action suite against your local functionaries.
Small Hope. Read what happened in Melbourne due to a corrupt judge and legal licensing body.
From your Link:
“[Lawyer] Ms Teffaha says irrespective of the corruption in the judiciary AdvocateMe will use legal processes as merely one tool in a toolbox. “But we are looking at establishing cooperatives to pool our resources, skills and abilities together to create better systems.
“We are asking for pledges meaning that you will not transfer any money to us until we incur costs appropriately and proper invoicing has occurred. We don’t agree with ad hoc raising of money and ad hoc legal strategies destined to fail.
“Other parties asking you to pay in go fund me accounts and trust accounts that can be pilfered by governments is not a strategy we recommend or share. So please join our Class Action and be wary of those that ask you for money without delivering any service.”
Yes, correct. She is still fighting however the court system has shown it’s corrupt face and the class action funds are still frozen by the banking scum.
hopium Q mixed with fairy tales tribunals mass arrests, huge indictments -nuremberg trials usual nonsense !!
their will be no huge trails just ‘energy zapped’ donate now.
Fuellmich and co are the new Q, they give the non conformists a glimmer of hope and reassurance that ‘someone is doing something to bring the corrupt down’.
Let’s see by the end of the year how far Fuell and friends have taken things.
The solution is in each in of us, not some guy on the internet we’ve never met from somewhere we don’t know.
Fuellmich has tried in major cases however, like the VW emissions scandal and the Deutsche Bank. He cannot set a date for himself to appear in court. In the meantime, he collects information to help his case and educates people. And he is not a political representative, although his case would have political outcomes for you and me, without us having to pay him.
I&P I think my reply went to Geo Mart above ; )
I suspect that PANDA was setup for the same purpose.
maybe, but I think a million people blockading politicians and their apparatchiks into their homes/workplaces and demanding surrender – everywhere- would do a lot more than waiting on Reiner. We cannot look to a legal system up to it’s knees in pedo-gore and whatever else, to be our saviour. There will have to be new codes, less lawyers and more wise honest people. we can dream.
“You’ll only make it worse for yourself…”
“Worse? How could it be worse? Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!
Interesting to see how Ivermectin has been, to use the current cliche, rolled out in India with startling success. Of course it has always been the case that it is the vaccine not the virus which is the problem. But you won’t get a peep out of the medical establishment, big pharma and the MSM about this. They have all taken the vow of Omerta, blanket silence is being imposed upon a hapless population. How long do they think that they can keep this up I wonder when the ship has been holed under the waterline. All those self-righteous prats walking about with their masks on are beginning to a tad silly.
The bigger success if ivermectin is across Africa, where it is in regular routine usage to ward off other diseasess.
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 63 studies
Covid Analysis
Aug 12, 2021, Version 109
Fluvoxamine data for COVID-19 Treatment
Early research suggests that fluvoxamine, an FDA approved medication for depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, can be an effective early treatment for COVID-19. Fluvoxamine, created 37 years ago, is an inexpensive and widely available generic drug. It’s in a class of drugs called Selective Serotonin-Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs appear to activate a central nervous system protein that plays a role in regulating inflammatory responses. Small clinical and observational studies show that repurposing fluvoxamine to treat coronavirus prevents some of the most serious complications related to inflammation, and keeps people from hospitalization.
Au contraire, Afghanistan goes to the deep state’s plan. Cause problems for Russia and China, with IS resurgence, and Uighur terrorists.
Quite brilliant.
Yes, ‘quite brilliant’ seeing those Americans fleeing from Kabul with their tails between their legs. A rather strange notion about a ‘quite brilliant’ plan,
The first withdrawal from Iraq was also at night.
Do you think deep state give a flying f**k how it looks now?
Saigon didn’t stop future, futlie adventures
What the deep state thinks may be hard to know, but the US state (and states in general) like to look powerful and that is not what we see here.
At the time the Americans got out as Saigon fell in 1975, Philip Caputo (then a journalist but formerly a US Marine lieutenant in Vietnam) cited a US serviceman stating (quoting from memory) that “that’s one country we don’t have to give billions of dollars to any more.” Afghanistan was a drain on US resources but it is a blow to US and to a lesser extent British prestige.
How can one even begin to believe that the Americans and their arse-wipe allies are ‘fleeing’ … Over the past 20 years they have secured the control of the lithium and the drug-trades for the mega-corps, at the expense of the innocent, Americans and Afghanis.
Once again; the corporate elites have achieved their desired purpose and are leaving the mugs to debate the efficacy of their withdrawal. One can only guess at the mega-profits the oligarchs have accrued. WHY do people still fall for this murderous looting of countries sovereign wealth by the usual suspects? The rape of Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. etc. When will they be stopped?
China Preparing to Recognize Taliban if Kabul Falls: Sources
The move comes at the expense of the U.S., which has held up the Taliban’s international legitimacy as its remaining source of leverage while the militant group storms across Afghanistan.
By Paul D. Shinkman
Aug. 12, 2021
Looks to me like Biden is doing this for China: this gives China the opportunity to have pipeline access to oil. No bigger win than access to oil, in this case provided by Iran.
Press reports of the Australian workplace watchdog granting employers the right to mandate all employees submit to risky injections employed the words ‘vaccine’ and ‘vaccinated’. This use was clearly deliberate. and is in line with governments use of the words – to deliberately deceive Australians.
Australians should be asking ‘if they are vaccines why doesnt the government mandate vaccinating everyone ?’ ‘ Why are politicians using such extraordinary methods to coerce businesses to compel employees to be ‘vaccinated’ ?’
If the government hasnt the power to mandate these ‘vaccinations’, then it cant give a mandate to employers to insist employees get ‘vaccinated’. this is a summary that just leaves one with the understanding that this is a huge scam as we have always known…. and possibly explains why our Aust govts are just bending over…..
That’s pretty much how the legal position is likely to look in the UK, although it’s not 100% clear or really been tested yet. But employers, as well as other criteria, will be unlikely to mandate if the government hasn’t done so. Employers could face constructive dismissal cases, or possibly actions relating to the Nuremberg Code. Governments are likely passing the buck to escape liabity when it becomes clearer
huge numbers of people are suffering serious side effects.
Employers should check their insurance policies to ensure they cant be sued.
Employees should check their insurance policies to see if they’re covered for injuries, or death, from experimental injections.
Because of the use of “vaccines’ to deliberately deceive, the governments expectation is that employees will stampede to the experimental injection sites to “take the shot” in order to keep their jobs.
Employees should also find out that if by signing a piece of paper confirming they’re been fully informed of the experimental injections possible “side-effects’, they wont be able to sue anyone if they “take the shot” to keep their jobs.
Somewhat off-topic, but has any major alt-news done an analysis of the outcomes of the WEF sponsored cyber-polygon event? If event 201 is anything to judge by, it’s obviously the next one on their list and one to prepare for…
Not from the G, from the Independent the other day. Seems like the ridiculous has some competition, this really did make I laugh.
It’s just blatant mockery, isn’t it? They do love their Plato’s cave references.
The Independent has become worse than the G – but the ipaper is worse than both of them.
News just in… speaking of freedom being screwed and the Orwellian new normal continuing, as the psychopaths fully intend it to, the lockdown in Melbourne has been extended by another 2 weeks until Sept 2nd, and further to that, a night time curfew has been reimposed.
Because, you know, “cases”. Said it before and I’ll say it again, Australia was probably the main testing ground for the scamdemic.
I often wonder why the population of Australia as a whole are not fighting for their freedom. However I read an article the other day that suggested many may not want freedom, they are happy to trade it for a promise of safety and security. Freedom means responsibility and many don’t want to face this fact.
I tend to agree, however this promised of safety and security is not what it appears to be and I’m unsure the masses have thought it through with any logic.
I think ‘freedom’ means acting and thinking like adults with the rights and responsibilities which this entails. But it appears that there are those who wish to be treated like children with no responsibilities and no rights.
The powers-that-be appear to be trying to make children of all of us. It’s like Klaus Schwab said, ‘we will own nothing and be happy.’
There is something in everybody’s water that makes them docile. This doesn’t apply to France because they only drink bottled Evian.
There is an under current of anger and it’s growing. Get on telegram. Fuckbook and Twatter are for the covidiots.
Maybe, just maybe, this is not about “safety and security” – if not for the safety of continued consumerism under the dictate of planned obsolescence and the security to be safe in the streets in the night while one watches MSNBC at home.
Welcome to the Sydney Strategy. Lock ’em down ’til they all submit to the toxic jab. And next year it’ll be the same to get everyone submit to a second jab (85 million doses on order for next year). Bugger The Economy ! We’ve a Prison to run !
NSW is beginning to see some light at the end of the Lockdowns. If Pubs agree to all employees and patrons being injected, they’ll be allowed to re-open for business soon.
Which can only mean “positive” cases will suddenly drop – just as they suddenly burst out all over the place. I,m not saying there’s something “fishy” going on. but i reckon it’s not likely the pubs will be allowed to re-open if there’s “positive” cases cropping up all over the place. And we know the risky injections wont protect the employees and patrons.
And I see in my excitement over ivermectin I didn’t note that was dated 2020…since established it hasn’t been banned but made very vague and of course no one in public has been advised much in the whole 12 months since…that would spoil the lockdowns and total destruction of aust small business…
we have established that at least one dr here In Nth qld will prescribe ivermectin as per that announcement…soothers must be doing so if asked…this gives a real indication of how criminal aust state govt have become…and their obvious connection to running this scam…
I hear you Edith but will ivermectin save you from having to have a ‘Vax Pass’ so you can get around, socialise ? While the 5 km restrictions, and $5000 fines go into effect in Sydney from today (Monday), in time for the weekend Freedom Rallies, they are also government preparations for the backlash against imposed ‘Vax Passes”. Governments are very mindful of the reaction of the French People to such “passes”.
They can only enforce the restrictions, social ostracism, on those without “Vax passes’ if people comply. Take heart from the Parisian cafes that refuse to act as government enforcers, the Moscovites that refuse to comply, and the Israelis who have made their Green Passes largely unworkable.
When the Mighty Soviet Union lost it’s moral authority over the people, people’s numerous acts of non-compliance, and refusal, brought the Soviet Empire crashing down.
Let’s respond to The Great Reset with The Great Refusal.
If voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us do it.
No ivermectin won’t by itself stop passports…but given it was available long before needle was, perhaps a couple may wake up that they are being lied too…I saw a small clip of nsw health person going on about how terrible with x in hospital in very serious condition…I can bet they are not being treated with invermectin or when they first arrived…so these people would apparently rather see people die than treat them with something helpful…
with behaviour like that I doubt they will stop at passports…they are into total control passport or not I suspect…
…They cannot control that which cannot *Be* controlled, Edith… – Jubal is *Absolutely Right* on this point…
…- Say it: – *I*. *DO*. *NOT*. *COMPLY*!!…
…- Then act *As Such*… – Encourage others in your community to *Do Likewise*…
Well they say it started as prison. We are not free and never were in this world.
There’s the old expression, apocryphally attributed to Andrew Carnegie, “Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.”
I can’t be bothered calculating the correct number of generations, but the expression “Penal colony to penal colony in three generations” comes to mind.
Every promise they have made has been provisional, if one submits to this one it will only be superseded by the next mandate.
The biggest mistake the people made was to give them “3 weeks to flatten the curve”. We gave them the inch for them to take the mile.
In other words, we went along with the ideology that healthy people without symptoms are sick and we could die if we did not stay indoors. They then realised how stupid the people really are and what we would tolerate.
…”Just the *Tip*… – *I Promise*!…”
😂 exactly!
There’s been something very fishy going on for the last 16 months Jubal. I also saw that about pubs in Sydney being able to open only if employees get jabbed.
Its become some sort of surreal nightmare now.
Yeah, it’s really about health and safety isn’t it. Sigh. How can anyone with even a partly functioning brain not see all this isn’t about a “virus” or a “pandemic”.
No, wait, that was a dumb question.
Have so much food in my cupboards, can hardly fit anymore in, and a large supply of tobacco and coffee at home so will just hunker down and ride it out as best as I can. Good luck to you in Sydney J… You guys are getting it a bit tougher at the moment.
Good move with the tobacco – heard one of the doctors say smokers don’t get cold virus because of high levels of niacinamide.
The third injection well under way in Israel:
If people don’t quickly realise that there is no end to this, we’re done for.
The verb ‘to offer’ is beginning to sound increasingly ominous.
They will be awfully surprised when they discover that vaxxed people are spreading the virus to each other!
How would you feel if you are the picture of healthy, however, you have still had two injections, maintain your safe distance from others and wear a pretend mask … and despite all the genuflection, you’re still ‘locked-down’ by dodgy politicians using a shonky PCR test to secure ‘cases’ of a phantom virus?? Funny enough though, no journalists have questioned the veracity of the evidence being used to secure the lock-downs, despite the WHO and CDC admitting that the PCR tests are flawed and the results should not be used for testing. I wonder why?
I guess it might be pissing the bastards off that the “vaccine” rollout is going so slowly here, as I dare say this lessens Australia’s value as a testing ground. Mind you, I’m not tempted to ascribe the slowness to Australians waking up to the scam, at least not if the comments to articles in the Age are anything to go by.
Literally all my mag customers are fully brainwashed and just loving the covid measures (they are mostly comfortably off middle class types) and quite a lot of them support the vaccine passports.
Are you on Facebook Cliff? I know things are tough, but there are people here who know its all bullshit and there are a few resistance groups here. Getting in touch with them may help ease the sense of isolation.
Just a thought.
*Save Our Rights Australia
*99% Victoria
*Guardians of Freedom
*Join The Resistance
“they are mostly comfortably off middle class types”
The Great Washed, the most sanctimoniously articulate pro-Con class. Their motto: I’m comfortably off, Jack.
A funny quote from I don’t know who (paraphrased so not exact) :
Yep, the stuff-you-I’m-alright-Jack arseholes.
Yeah, I’m on Facebook (under a different name) but I don’t log in very often as my loathing for Fuckerberg tends to make me feel sort of dirty whenever I do. Will check out those groups some time, though.
Thanks for your concern, Gezzah.
Get on telegram Gezzah. Use an internet temporary phone number for verification and fake name of course.
I’ve already got Telegram Grrr… Been receiving videos from Offguardian as well. Don’t you need peoples addresses to find them? There’s no timeline on Telegram? I have thought about ditching FB tho…
Just type in their name; IE Craig Kelly, Donald Trump. And from their follow links to others.
Adams Economics is good.
Mate, I just cut my finger, deep, so up to the G.P. for bandage & a tetanus shot…but was it a tetanus shot? I’m so paranoid with the coordinated msm etc, IS there a protocol for those opposing mRNA jabs??? What about E.Rs? Prisons? Military bases? Seriously who can trust Scummo?
I saw that the CDC are planning “safe zones” for those “at risk of Covid”. Sounds like detention camps for the unvaccinated to me. It was said that the Germans believed the Jews were dirty and spreading diseases……
It is not the The Great Unwashed that are a threat to the Washed. The latter are a danger to themselves for their insistent cleanliness (thus Close to God) that destroys their symbiotic bacteria that help to maintain their health.
We were ‘poor’ when i was young: my health didnt suffer from eating lollies picked up off the dirty footpath, or from recycling the chewy that could always be found stuck to the bottom of the church pews.
I’ve always had a sneaky fondness for The Guardian guy, George Monbiot, because of the articles he wrote about the thrill city kids experienced when taken on county outings, and the kids grubbing around in the dirt. Shame that he allowed himself to be seduced by The Dark Side.
In the ghettos, especially in Poland they were known for not washing. Recently an orthodox family were removed from a United flight due to complaints about their odour.
In occupied Poland they issued posters associating them with typhus.
See what says about the rollout of the tetanus jab in the developing world, especially Africa. The toll was about 150 million women and girls sterilised or suffering miscarriages.
I have always questioned those tetanus shots. In my life I have hiked a lot. I have walked into barbed wire fences, I have had thorns stuck in various parts of my skin, I have scraped my bare arms and legs on various items and received cuts and grazes. I have never had a tetanus shot. I would have been driving to the hospital on a regular basis if I had taken any notice of what I was supposed to do. I have never had lockjaw or any other symptoms apart from mild pain at the site of injury at the time.
I have never heard of anyone else suffering from tetanus, or does everyone else run off to hospital for their jab? Or do our immune systems deal with that pesky bacteria?
Tetanus; timely example of a real and really nasty disease that really does seem to have been checked by a real vaccine. I am sure there are others eg, polio; I am old enough to remember when leg irons and iron lungs were commonplace.
“Tetanus. Case fatality rate ranges from 10-80%.
PS Since both these germs are found in faecal matter, increased standards of hygiene would likewise have helped to check both diseases.
“Good drains are worth the entire pharmacopaeia” — Prof.Peter Medaware
I think the problem is once they have vaccinated all the idiots the rest would always be a lot harder to convince. Quite frankly the Government is now acting like a used car salesman. And what happens when a used car salesman pushes to hard. Alarm bells go off! I don’t think they ever going to convince the remainder now. Watch out for Plan B though. Release H5N1 into certain areas and blame covid.
I thought Plan B was going to be a cyber pandemic. Or maybe a fake alien invasion. Nothing would surprise me anymore.
Oh Wow, what I wrote on Craig Murray’s Blog eventually appeared.
I might disagree with him about a lot of things, but this man should not be in jail. He has not broken any laws. He has however been extremely verbally offensive to both The British State and The British Justice System, but only through observation, analysis, and writing his own words. He might have shouted at Jack Straw, and told him what he thought of him, and had the courage to put himself up for election against him in Blackburn, but there is nothing illegal about any of that or being a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, cos I am too….dunno about Alex Salmond though. Craig Murray is in jail for supporting this man. What thanks or help did he get from him? The slimy fish, recently reported dining in London’s Poshest – is a Disgrace. Has he tried to get Craig Murray out of Jail, or even say a word in his defence?
If I was Craig Murray, once I finally got out of a Scottish Jail, I would go home to Mum’s house in Norfolk, and Declare Myself English Again.
The Scottish Justice System, and its Farce of a “Government” are Even More Corrupt Than Westminster. He exposed that too.
They still banged him up in jail, and he has got a lovely wife and kid.
That seems a bit harsh to me. Can’t they let him out with an anklet bracelet, and let him go home. He is not going to run far. He just wants to cuddle his wife and family. He is harmless, except his words cut through you evil people.
According to today’s Age, the lockdown is set to be extended here in Melbourne past this Thursday, and it’s a virtual certainty that a curfew will be imposed because, well, “cases” and “clusters” and “exposure sites”. Not supposed covid “deaths”, mind you, but “cases”, none of the former having been reported since November last year.
It appears to me that Andrews, Sutton, et al., realised earlier this year that they no longer needed to concoct “death” numbers but merely an increase in “case” numbers in order to panic the brainwashed masses into rushing off to get their “vaccine” injections.
Certainly virtually everyone I know has been sucked in by the propaganda. It’s getting very lonely around here.
Hi Cliff… I just posted about that, didn’t realise you already had. Lockdown here extended by 2 weeks. Everyone I know in person has been sucked in as well, and a lot of them are getting jabbed, tho when I’m out selling the mag, I was meeting covid sceptics almost every day, sometimes up to 8 sceptics a day, which helped mentally. There are others out there who know the truth.
Might I suggest this has something to do with the ivermectin etc being approved….this they have to use fear to get as many vax and off load the stocks…otherwise they are hell bent on the climate change agenda of crash everything….hard to figure any more and most I speak with know they are all lying…
My opinion is slightly different Edith in that they were always going to have lockdowns regardless to fearmonger as many people as possible into getting jabbed. I reckon a big part of this agenda was to get a majority jabbed so they could Then bring in the vaccine passports, whether ivermectin was approved or not. And I still believe this is a depopulation agenda as well. Hope your weekend up in North Queensland was good…
I just wrote a bit above…yes it is obvious now to know that they simply don’t care…they are doing the lockdowns and more importantly the destruction of aust business…more and more I feel this has to do with the mad use of climate change etc to do whatever they need for new financial paradigm….we all have to be made to not go far so they can keep track of every bit we spend and where….mad bastards…
we have established that various drs will prescribe ivermectin…this is being covered up and people let die to continue the fever pitch get that needle into bodies…as it is unhealthy to have it, one can only surmise as you have.,.and what I know from astrology…there will be a lot of death in about 3 yrs…it is hard to stop people for filling agendas…
So far in multiple countries, doctors and professors who speak up for ivermectin or HCQ have suffered raids or de-registration.
“First they came for those who speak out. But I never speak out so I did nothing….”
Hi Edith, do you mind sharing your astrological insights re: deaths in 3 years??? I find astrology extremely helpful but tend to only hear from the bright side now. Any info is most welcome.
A population cull is certainly part of their agenda. However, the rest of the vaxxed survivors are supposed to become controllable cyborgs.
Agree that this looks like a huge push for vaccine passports which, if succesful, will give government almost limitless powers over individuals: house arrest, travel restrictions, all sorts of punishments for not having the latest injection, euthanasia included, closing down internet sites, mental prescriptions such as “no internet until …”. It will be hell and a lot harder to fight back.
And all the covidiots in Australia are completely oblivious to this. In fact I’ve had customers say to my face “I support vaccine passports because it’s for the greater good” or “it’s to keep us safe”. And they have zero sympathy for those who won’t get jabbed and are locked out of restaurants, cinemas and even shops. They agree with that.
Not even the remotest concern that other human beings will be greatly affected by this tyranny. This is how fucked many in Australia have become.
They would have been the perfect dutiful Germans in Nazi Germany. That’s their mindset.
The covidiots used to trigger me. Now they don’t.
I know you have tried “unconditional love” Gezzah, however that don’t work for me.
I practice schadenfreude and am very content in the knowledge that all of those smug holier than thou poison stabbed covdiots are soon to dead or so completely fucked up their smug faces will be twisted in pain. In fact I can now smile at them knowing this.
I have zero empathy for them. None, nada, zilch. Accept the poison stab and die from a blood clot to the pea brain you smug brain dead sheep. Baaa Baaaa.
Gezzah your later post was most welcome as mine was going to need an update anyway. I like how we coincided with the “cases” thing.
So Queensland Australia are setting the bar to a new low. Any “essential worker” traveling interstate from NSW to QLD from this Friday must participate in the MRNA clinical trail.
I’ve only read news articles and not read any legislation, so I’m unsure how this can be. Does a state premier have authority to walk out on a podium and make such statements?
Further, the wording in the ruling is very loose, the word “essential worker” is used rather than “all persons”. I’m guessing this is another shell game to get the weak to roll up their sleeve. Perhaps someone more versed in legislation could pass their comments.
That is pure unadulterated vicious….so what happens next…one cannot go 5 klms without a needle of useless junk? It is a very worrying turn of events..
It’s a lot worse than useless.
I dunno about Australia, but here ‘ essential worker’ generally means ‘Anyone who still has a job.’ Rather chilling really.
The page must have been taken down….
Everyone has stopped publishing VAERS data. Health Impact News, Mercola, CHD, the Covid Blog, Icke, Makow, etc. Likewise the UK and EU figures. Does anyone have updates ?
openvaers dot com republishes vaers data in simple format. Click drop down menu, select cv19.
Since March I’ve watched death rise from 3k to 12k, and miscarriage rise from 300 to 1200. The site has had DDOS attacks, but returns.
There is no update since the end of July.
Another brainless tweet from the ever clueless Piers Morgan. I wonder how many women and children in Afghanistan have been slaughtered by America and NATO over the last 20 years? Hopefully, after he takes a couple more covid1984 booster shots, we won’t be subjected to any more banality from this twit.
as they promoted and supported a corrupt and polluted government that was viler than the “enemy”… build Peace ?…. that, I doubt
There’s certainly no shortage of inexplicably popular celebrity empty-suit “stars” in the US showbiz/infotainment industry, but every glimpse I get from over the water of this Piers Morgan ass makes me wonder why anyone pays any attention to him.
Denmark abolishes all Corona measures
Aug 9, 2021
Danish parliament recently decided in Copenhagen that all Corona measures should be ended from October 1. There will therefore no longer be a mask requirement and the test regime will be abolished. The Danes will then no longer have to provide evidence of whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated, or whether they have tested positive or negative.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency said it no longer relied on vaccination to achieve herd immunity in the country. Tyra Grove Krause, the SSI’s acting academic director, said a new wave of infections were expected after people return to work and school at the end of this summer, but it should not be cause for alarm. “It will be more reminiscent of the flu,” Krause said.
Very interesting and confirms a theory of mine. Once they hit their vaccination quota all of a sudden everything is okay. Denmark has a 70% vaccination rate which is quite high. Ignore the second jab nonsense. It’s a con. Once you have been jabbed that’s it. Game over. This is depop not extinction so once they hit 70% the song and dance act ceases. When they start dying they will say it’s some other corona variant or the flu blah blah.
Sounds too good to be true.
Meanwhile Sydney remains a ghost town.
In NL they set the date on 1 November
Don’t know what to make of it
Option a
October/November is the usual start of a new flu season, so this news could be a 🥕 in front of a 🐴
Option b
But it may also be real, as in the CDC are changing ‘the test’ requirements as in that less false positives will be scored, and therefore covid peters out and we return to some sort of normal
Option c
Or it could be that we gonna see death from October onwards based on Yeadon’s prediction.
If I could bet, I would put my money on option a or b. But I can’t bet, so have to wait and see.
At first glance it looks like a return to sanity by Denmark and the NL!! However, both Denmark and Holland have form (in Syria, Ukraine and in attempts to block North Stream). So I bet on option b: Call an end to Con-19 to make way for Con-Bcubed.
Wow!! Sanity Rules, OK?!!
“Danish parliament recently decided in Copenhagen that all Corona measures should be ended from October 1.”
Norway is doing the same in the middle of September (incl no diff between vaccinated and thinking people).
They killed millions of mink because kovid. Norway locked its citizens up for a year. Trauma and shame will linger for decades.
“Norway locked its citizens up for a year.”
No they didn’t, compared to many our restrictions have been quite light.
“It will be more reminiscent of the flu”
Because it is the flu (*) god damned it!
*) Throw in a handfull of cold for good measure.
A lot of crap can go down the pipe in 45 days, especially in the new normal. I regard that like the other “Freedom Days,” it will be revoked after taking a little steam out of the anti-fascist, anti death jab movement.
I’d like to ask that slimy bastard to his face:
“OK, Arnold, then get serious. What do you want to do to me? I’m a U.S. veteran of the Vietnam War era, career and retired federal employee, descendant of Oregon Trail pioneers, father, and grandfather. Me and my family will not take your fake vaccine. Ever. It doesn’t matter what you or anyone else says, we have done our research. Try to understand that. So decide now, how far do you want to take it? Exactly what do you want to do to us? Tell me to my face you gutless asshole.”
I’m pretty sure I would not like the answer. That’s where we’re at. Their bluff is going to be called, we’ll see what kind of evil emerges and how long they agree to it.
Don’t blame me, I voted for Gary Coleman.
That man is an actor like all politicians. Paid to play a part.
Yes he is (a test to see if this comment posts. A number of my others have not).
This is for the majority of the population of the planet ( a large percentage of which, including most of the people in the USA) have never seen the sea. They have never walked on a beach. They live hundreds of miles from the sea. They might have seen pictures of it, or moving images on The TV, in their local townsquare hundred of miles from anywhere….
But they haven’t swum in the sea, and of those that have…its too cold, and they go back to the beach…
And now we have the kids on paddle boards, and you are just off the coast in a sailing boat, and you stay alert.
You do not call Mayday, but you take your Radio, as you jump into your boat’s dinghy, and go zooming after them, as they nearly disappear, by the tide and the wind.
Most of the kids get back to the beach, and are OK, and don’t tell their Mums and Dads
Some don’t.
It’s different at sea.
You take responsibilty.
And no My son is not a member of the RNLI, so far as I know, and rarely calls the coastguard, but always can.
The sea, may look calm and inviting, but the wind and the current can change very quickly, and you think “oh shit”, can I get back to the beach?
That’s how it was for me.
That’s an image from Why don’t you take any pics of your own? You say you’re a photographer. Why not take some fun pics from your day sailing or your next festival venture? Or your garden?
Just one pic?
scroll, scroll, scroll
We know the reasons that governments, on behalf of their sponsors, give for their actions are window dressing; so why is the western department of the Corporation officially getting out of Bactria? Has the International Urban Renewal Department demolition crew merely made way for the builders? Has Dope Inc. made a deal with the Taliban to secure business as usual? Has the eastern department been assigned the considerable mineral rights? Maybe they want a bit of stability to allow the local medical departments to iñject the population, which makes me wonder how the covi covi is doing in that neck of the woods; haven’t heard much about that over there. They’ve probably been more worried about being blown to pieces than catching a cold. We’ll never be told anyway.
I would think that Ford’s in his flivver and all’s well with the world.
The ops put in place in the eighties can go it on their own now.
“Legal challenges to the insane rules, coupled with mass non-compliance. That’s the way forward.”
I’ve been wondering… where are all those legal challenges. Why is there no update on Fuellmich’s legal challenge to the validity of the PCR test pandemic on which this whole show is based?
Supposedly Fuellmich and his team are going to court in November.
Hsuan is correct. When they filed their papers maybe earlier this year or late last year they were given November 2021 as the date for the trial. The case is Wolfgang Wodarg vs Some Fact-Checking Outfit (Volksverpetzer?). The latter accused Wodarg of lying about PCR tests not being able to detect infection.
The class-action suit seems to have withered on the vine, though there is preliminary action on that front in Canada via a lawyer called John(?) Swinwood, a colourful character – though obviously intelligent – who is taking a large swathe of institutional big hitters, including The Queen of England, to court on a large number of charges.
My sense is that the legal front is so bogged down by stalling tactics that nothing significant will happen here – excepting the few cases that governments simply ignore – until mass non-compliance topples this thing. If mass non-compliance actually happens at large enough scale in a large number of Western nations. I think it’s gonna be people power triumphs, or a period of global totalitarianism that will cause horrible damage before it implodes on its own insanity.
From what I gather it is very difficult to get judges to accept cases…they ran into that quickly in Germany…some cases here in aust but the bastards obviously put a great deal of thought into exactly what they are doing it….therefore it isn’t all that easy to get cases up and running….
my understanding there have been a few wins here and there but somehow that doesn’t matter to other judges…there is a large degree of corruption in courts…there is a recent very long interview between fuellmier and various lawyers from different countries…all are pretty frustrated…a lass from France seemed to win a bit for teachers…we never hear any of this…this encourages us to believe nothing can be done etc..,
There were a couple of trials in New Zealand where the government were shown to have acted illegally, but in both cases the government just simply changed the laws they had broken the very next day. So if anything, the result just served to allow the government to show the public who sets the rules and who is boss.
…Hmm… – Let’s see:…
…- Imperium military occupation of Afghanistan ends in ignoble withdrawal?… – *Check*.
…- Imperium’s ‘Economy’ teetering on the brink of outright collapse, with decrepit infrastructure and unravelling, corruption-saturated distribution networks?… – *Check*.
…- *Thoroughly Corrupt* and *Idealogically Bankrupt, ‘Naked Emperor’ Imperial Central Authority?… – *Check*.
…- Said ‘Naked Emperor’ Central Authority issuing increasingly *Schizophrenic* and *Full-On Totalitarian* diktats *Outright Criminalizing* the *Entire Populace* and seeking to *Lock ‘Em All Down*?… – *Check*.
…- Said populace in certain Imperial satellite vassal States, in *At Least* one instance galvanised by a long-running *Popular Working People’s* movement, now in open, full-blown *Revolt* against said schizoid Imperium diktats, and taking to the streets by the *Millions*?… – *Check*.
…Y’know peeps, alla this seems *Eerily Familiar* to me… – Now *Where*, in *Fairly Recent* history, have we seen *All This* before?…
In America and Canada Judges are appointed , not elected by those in power for services rendered not competence . It is certainly obvious after reading this article why that is problematic ?
I encourage OFFG to respond to Saker rant about Covid skeptics and why they are being censored by him. It is very telling and entertaining as he insults all Covid Skeptics as liars and morons including holders of PhDs who seem to prominently opposed experimental jabs as polls showed.
It is really entertaining to read how self-conflicted self-contradictory even illogical Saker first acknowledged critical issues with official Covid narrative and then reduced himself to mindless Covid cult follower by accusing Covid skeptics of refusing to believe with no rational or any argument or proof, simply on faith, that this time usual suspects (Big Pharma, government and MSM and those who kowtow it) founded on lies, corruption and and mass manipulation this time are telling the truth.
Saker summarizes his understanding of Covid Skeptics position as wholesale as anti Vaxxers position as follows:
..all the governments.. truly do have a long record of lying about anything and everything. Second, western BigPharma also has a massive record of lies and truly inhuman policies. As for the western “free and independent media” [does he mean MSM]– it is the worst collection of presstitutes in history and they lie way, waaaaay more, than the Soviet or Nazi media ever would have dared. So the immense mistrust from millions to those three (gov, BigPharma, MSM)”singing the exact same song”
..some very smart folks [Covid Skeptics] out there who managed to make millions off this distrust of Big Pharma by peddling all sorts of “alternative medicines”, some of which is superb, and but of it (95%+ in my personal experience, which is extensive since I have zero trust in modern pill-pushers who call themselves “Doctors”) is simply snake oil.
And then he preaches conversion of faith among skeptics combined with insults to people’s intelligence including smearing thousands of world renown experts in virology, epidemiology, immunology and medical sciences who, to varying degree, dare to question officials COVID narratives including vaccination program.
What is really schizophrenic about insulting experts as unintelligent is that Saker who is non-expert in any of those fields himself rejects, attacks and authoritatively condemns selected conflicting with official narrative experts’ opinions while he is utterly disqualified to judge them on merits and definitely has no rational scientific basis to promote one and condemn the other as such conflicting opinions in any case mean that science is not sufficiently settled and hence cannot be a foundation of any informed effective policy.
Then Saker self acclaimed specialist of detecting and dismantling propaganda forgot basics that there are three types of propaganda used together: white propaganda of omission and exaggeration, gray propaganda of mixing lies and truth that suit official narratives and black propaganda of complete fabrication of facts and opinions. Covid psychological warfare operation involved all three of them if suited but occasional few truths does not make resulting propaganda product any less deceitful but in fact it makes propaganda much more deceitful.
Then Saker throws away his ownmlegacy and continued as sorry apologist for evil institutions he once condemned as irredeemable:
Not being trained in, or even used to, logical thought, these folks [Covid skeptics] totally failed to realize that sometimes even liars sometimes speak the truth (for whatever reason). That can include even governments, BigPharma or even ..propaganda machine. In fact, if these three only and always lied, nobody would listen to them or take them seriously. [those who listen are in Saker’s Covid own camp] So to lie well, you need to carefully mix falsehoods with true facts. Ergo: liars to use the truth, even when lying!
And in the end Saker seems to admit truth about himself that even exposure to logical thinking and intelligence cannot defeat fear and opportunism, as it applies to MoA and Unz as well.
Sadly, in our days, the vast majority of those who speak the out the loudest have zero exposure to, or training in, logical thinking.
I think that OFFG, many times accused of Covid heresy by such characters like Saker who sold out their souls and their used to be respected blogging legacy may want to respond meritoriously to entire rant.
But I don’t know why even bother as those are not uninformed morons but intelligent people who just need to snap out from their torpor induced by Covid terror and psychological torture of fear and bandwagon opportunism and acknowledge their own lifetime worth empirical facts based on not naïveté or Pollyannish worldview but on hard experience of reality of brutality enforced institutional control, they built their now deprecated respect and career upon.
Heh, heh… > The Saker Smart tool >
Saker Contour Gauge Profile Tool is made of high-quality ABS plastic, high strength, rustproof and durable, no rust plastic conforms to shape and holds pattern.
Made of tough ABS plastic…
…Not much analysis required, Kalen… – Controlled Oppo’ Honeypot agent ‘Saker’ experienced a memory cache overflow from attempting to hold two mutually contradictory and *Cognitively Dissonant* ontologies in it’s CPU registers, *Simultaneously*, causing an innescapable, non-halting Godel loop state to be entered… – Hence, agent ‘Saker’ *Promptly* suffered unrecoverable system crash resulting in publicly visible BSOD…
…- *Move On*…
Yes, but without dot org behind it.
Great response ! LOL . Wish you had worked in ” reset wind up” a form of analog symptom similar to the digital ones you employ here.
Chill, no point arguing amongst ourselves over idealogical issues.
It’s their sites and they can do as they please.
I don’t bother with moa anymore, I think all my posts that made it past the first censor got deleted by another. I’m pretty sure that many of the regular posters are actually “staff”.
That I don’t mind so much.
Saker is even worse: your post can be *edited* to mean the opposite of what you said! Not cool.
He’s still a good source for Russian-related topics, but shot himself in the foot by disingenuously distancing himself from southfront
Both the above did claim no epidemiological knowledge, so their stance on corona is the globohomo line.. Despite them opposed to globalisation on every other aspect!
Unz doesn’t edit which is great. It seems to attract a *lot* of shills, which is a sign that they are reaching beyond the choir.
A nice feature (that I wish we had here) is that you can block out viewing the comments of whoever you don’t want to hear.
Ron Unz stands by the bioweapon-fear story, but keeps debate open.
I see no problem there.
To paraphrase Ron Unz, there’s diamonds to be found amongst the muck!
I will not let them go, they must be accountable for results of propaganda they spew as thousands like these agents of official Covid narrative including nominal left and fake opposition contributed to millions of injuries and deaths worldwide as they proliferated fear and totalitarian, draconian it most of all counterproductive or useless measures and turned viciously against voices of calm, deliberation, moderation and scientific reason.
It is always worth to point out logical absurd of those people’s arguments and included quotes show their subjective reasoning, twisted logic and opportunism as they face collapsing Covid narratives and encroaching totalitarianism aimed to enforce them. Out of any arguments of reason they succumbed to desperate as hominem insults of hate.
The Collabo will be held to account when the war ends and woe unto them, if what happened in France near the end of WW2 and afterwards is an indication.
…Buzz-cuts, at least, will be making an impromptu comeback, then…
Saker awarded Ron Unz (and others) “Man” of the Year in 2018, which makes his views on COVID even harder to fathom.
If he doesn’t change his view on COVID soon, it will be very sad. It’s helpful to have people with great intelligence and knowledge on our side. On a positive note, it was good to see that most of his audience were against his position and saw gaping holes in his logic and insight.
A U-turn and a show of humility by Andrei would make a lot of us very happy.
Screw The Saker and screw Moon of Alabama. I gave both of them the flick last year when they became full on covid cult frothers. In my opinion, they have sided with the enemies of humanity on this one. As have a whole list of other sites that purported to be “anti establishment”.
I won’t go back to either of them again Kalen. Call it living by my principles. There are still sites like South Front tho for geopolitical analysis from the Middle East.
I’ve stopped reading the Saker too. He’s usually wrong about everything regarding Russia anyway. He also panics easily and thinks the sky is falling.
Does anyone have a list of other compromised sites like Saker and MOA?
Also, I would love to see a list of musicians who have sold out to the covidian cult. I already know some: Bruce Springsteen, Erykah Badu, Questlove from the Roots, Green Day, Mick Jagger, Dave Grohl, John Legend, Patti Smith, Radiohead, Paul McCartney.
Correct me if I’m wrong about the above names.
What the hell happened to Bruce Springsteen?
He got promoted.
They all do. Just like bolshie shop stewards did back in the day.
Promoted on Friday and they’d come in on Monday morning a company man.
Principles have a price, it seems…
Patti Smith? 😭
They blackmailed her with the wellbeing of her great-granddaughter.
She’s playing injected only concerts.
Also, Santana, Paul Simon, Journey, Barry Manilow, Earth Wind & Fire (leader Maurice White passed away a few years ago though), Wyclef Jean, LL Cool J, Jennifer Hudson, the Killers and the New York Philharmonic. All playing injected only concerts.
I fear you’ve just listed the lineup for an All-Star COVID Vax Festival, with an international lineup and sponsored by Big Pharma, GAVI, and the WEF.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a likely choice for emcee, but given the pro-scamdemic/vax Hollywood glitterati, there will be a fierce behind-the-scenes competition for the honor.
Another way of looking at it is that Saker & whichever agency is running MoA are overtly pro-russia, yet have overwhelmingly western readership.
RT & sputnik are also heavily pro-vax, and resembling western media more & more…
What should Russia care if the west submit its entire population to experimentations?
Would Eurasia care if Oceania eviscerated itself with lockdowns, or Eastasia converted all its subjects into GMOs?
Sorry, this comment is probably too much conspiracy within conspiracy, but the world is looking more Orwellian day by day…
…Detractors always like to bang on about RT/Sputnik being Russian State-owned… – What they never ask is *Who* owns the Russian State?…
(…Go back and repeat your ‘Globalism 101’ course for the last academic year if you said “Putin” or “FSB”… – Hint: *This Round* is for *ALL* the marbles…)
How could I forget Bono!
Sometimes one’s mind mercifully obliviates items that are simply too traumatizing and painful to recall. 😉
Molyneux and Chris Martenson come to mind, covid shills.
Actually the comments section of MoA increasingly shows a more sane perspective on covid. Old b might be holding out but I still go there for the gold in the comments by the good folk staying in there, fighting the good fight.
I hear you Sub, and yes, I’m not begrudging people still going to those sites if they want to, but for me personally, no. Since the scamdemic began, have discovered other sites I never knew existed like Winter Oak, Wrench In The Gears and John Ward The Slog to name a few.
That’s actually funny. But it was with Syria that I realized that something was severely dissonant at both sites (and the usual others). Before the whole insanity started, I alleged that both the saker and moa are controlled ‘analysis’.
There was a large number of downvotes and responses in favor of moa and saker. Always tastes delicious the vindication, but I wish people would be capable on their own to spot the deception. To be able to decipher the empty promises and blatant lies of the latest charge of presidents the globe over.
How about a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds for an Off-Guardian library/searchable archive?
That in itself would separate the chaff from the wheat. Because one can see who wrote/predicted what and when.
Especially moa appeared at the time I left to be like a virtual sticky fly tape for characters that are into all things military and war. I’d like to call them “Non-Reality-Bound Conspiracy Theories” – the kind that is supposed to keep You thinking in a loop forever. Moa and all the others will keep those people glued to – until the last slow thinker figured it out.
I can be a bit slow at times Not, but right now sticking to the sites who have sided with humanity against the 0.01% psychopathic ghouls regards the scamdemic and just taking things one day at a time without complying.
And also putting my faith in the Universal spirit, because like I said a couple of days ago, I believe this is not only a war against humanity, but a war against our human spirit; its also a spiritual war. Others may scoff at that, but that’s what I believe anyway.
I have donated to Offguardian a few times, but interesting that the last time I tried to, PayPal intercepted my donation and wanted verification of my email and password even tho they already had my saved details from the previous times I’d donated.
Hope you are well, and coping with things fairly okay in Uruguay. Take care🙏
Saker’s right about that fear porn goes in both directions, and yes some alt media (with their experts) should be viewed with caution. Vandenbossche, Yeadon, those are experts that I take with boat loads of salt…
In fact, any ‘expert’ in any situation should be viewed with caution, is my take: they usually follow some conventional wisdom, which is more often than not conventional foolishness.
And not trusting experts in covid is pertinent as in covid (a new ‘disease’) there can be no experts (everything is new).
But to equate all Covid skeptics with alt media fear porn is a straw man.
I am sure saker is able to see what a straw man is. That he uses it in his argument tells you that he is either mad or a plant. Either way: better ignore him.
We just have to write off Andrei – and b at MoA, and Ron Unz – on the subject of covid, as having swallowed the hypnotic-induction propa-lies hook, line and sinker.
It happens. Nothing at all to do with previous demonstrations of savvy insight. Hypnotic suggestibility doesn’t correlate at all with intelligence or high level expertise in other subjects. The brightest, best-informed people can still be floored into idiotic self-ridiculing if they happen to be highly suggestible. These three unlucky guys offer perfect examples of that truth.
I usually skip over anything in Andrei’s blog to do with religion, since there again he seems a bit dotty. I go regularly to his blog for the stuff in which he’s both adequately informed, and also still on his rationality trolley; mainly geopolitics. On that, he’s pretty good; as are the other two.
Everyone – without any exceptions that I’ve ever discovered – has their blind-spots/hot-buttons. Never be so unrealistic as to imagine that we’re going to be rational when one of those is the issue. We’re ALL Curate’s Eggs when it comes to blind-spots/hot-buttons. The trick is to be able to spot and pick out the good bits. Andrei, bernhard and Ron all have really very good good bits.
Agree, except that Ron Unz’s stance is certainly not pro-establishment. Neither does he silence opponents/alternatives.
If one takes position on Wuhan lab leak that is uniformly adopted by MSM and government it is supporting for establishment narrative not opposing it and definite RU has no ground or purpose to proliferate such position. Instead “I don’t know” position is much more appropriate for independent blogger.
May be he does not silence people yet but insults and threatens Covid skeptics to do so and calling them by MSM jargon zealous anti-vaxxers.
RU quote
Well, this thread is rapidly approaching 1,000 comments and 150,000 words, and glancing over it, seems to be 90-95% filled with zealous anti-vaxxers, just as I’d originally predicted to Mike Whitney.
I assume that the reason so many of you congregate here is that our discussions are very lightly moderated, and most of you have been banned everywhere else, as indeed I think a couple of you may have mentioned. If that’s correct, you really might want to be a little more polite, since if I were to lose my temper and get rid of all of you, you might not have anywhere else to go.
ignorance, arrogance and sense of superiority all b, Raul and Sake share. What they need is more doubt and humility about who they are are responsibility for what they blatantly promote and attack.