The IPCC Report & the Pivot from Covid to Climate
The New Normal brigade are prepping us for a change of direction.
Kit Knightly

The latest IPCC report on climate change was released last week, and has signalled a sea-change in the ongoing “big issue”. The Pandemic was fun while it lasted, but it’s time it faded back and we got on with the next stage.
That’s not just my interpretation either, they are quite literally saying it themselves.
Usually, when there’s a big narrative shift looming, you can find one key article that tells you everything you need to know about the plan. For the IPCC report, it’s this iNews article by Andrew Marr. Where he literally uses the phrase “hinge to climate from Covid” several times:
There is a great turn coming, a change in the terms of political debate, a period of hinge. We are swinging from the many months of coronavirus obsession into an autumn which will be dominated, rightly, by the climate emergency. But much of what we have learned from Covid-19 – about the state, authority, journalism and civil society – is directly applicable to what’s coming next.”
The media have, naturally, been full of headlines on the IPCC report, with varying degrees of alarmism and insanity.
“It’s now or never!” screams the Guardian as a “climate reckoning” is upon us. The Sun calls it a “full fledged arson attack on the planet!”
But none of them outline just what the next few months have in store for us better than Marr. The goblinoid face of the establishment, who nauseatingly cheered on Blair in Iraq, can always be relied upon to keep on message. He’s always right there saying the right thing at the right time. And this piece is no exception.
He headlines “Treat people like grown-ups and they will fight climate change like Covid-19”, adding [our emphasis]:
Education works. We are following the science and as we continue to do so, we will successfully tackle climate-change issues in the same way we faced down the coronavirus.”
He never outright states what this “same way” is, exactly, but it’s not really hard to imagine what he means. His article isn’t about the future, anyway, it’s all about the past.
It’s tracking the tools deployed during the “pandemic”, and how effective they were. A performance review for the politicians and “journalists” who have successfully parlayed a “virus” that poses almost zero danger to the general public into a full-fledged remodelling of society.
He points out how politicians under-estimated how willingly people would leverage their freedoms:
To begin with [Western leaders] worried that voters would not accept restrictions on their liberties for the greater good. By and large, they were wrong. […] This shaped how Germans, Americans, the French and British – and many more – responded, and allowed societies to change direction faster than anyone would have predicted.”
How easily the media were able to spread misinformation that controlled public opinion:
The media, so often blamed for almost everything, found new ways to explain complex scientific arguments in ways that most people understood.”
And how these lessons can be applied to messaging on climate change going forward:
This is a core lesson that needs to be learned, as we hinge from Covid to climate. Public understanding of science has become a security issue. Without it, there will be no public support for the hard decisions on transport, heating and land use.”
The whole thing reads that way, like a cross between a press release and a progress report. Appearing a blithe opinion piece to the uninitiated, but having a clear second layer of meaning to those who know how to read it.
There are throwaway lines propping up globalism (“how little nature notices national borders”), and brief praise for China’s authoritarian government vs the West’s “slapdash” approach and “tardy lockdowns”, but those are B plots.
The story here is “hey guys, this all worked much better than we thought it would, we could do the same thing for climate change”.
Does this mean that the pandemic is over?
Not “over”, but certainly on the decline. It’s obvious that the press are prepping the groundwork to leave Covid behind, and turn their focus to the next stage of the Great Reset.
But, all that said, it will be a difficult sell. Harder than Covid, in some ways, because people are so much more used to climate alarm calls. For want of a better word, they have become somewhat immune to it.
What’s more, the establishment clearly knows this, because they’re keeping the pandemic warm on the backburner. Ready to bring it back to the boil should the need arise.
We’re being told the disease will be endemic, but that “Delta has changed the endgame” and that “herd immunity is impossible”
The pandemic is becoming a new forever war, akin to the war on terror. We won’t ever win it, but it will disappear from headlines until they need to shock or distract people.
Marr, for example, doesn’t declare the pandemic over, instead he says:
The pandemic is not, of course, yet over. It will end raggedly and slowly; and politicians who proclaim victory will quickly sound foolish[…]it will probably feel as if we have beaten this thing.
Before adding the ubiquitous riders that will keep the “threat” of the Covid alive in the public imagination:
The Delta variant may be the most contagious virus ever [and] can reinfect the double-vaccinated […] Britain is going to face a period of “bumpiness” in transmission rates and uncertainty about the near future […] the winter may be tough […] Booster jabs will become routine.”
There’s clearly a plan in place. He practically spells it out, claiming Covid19 will be pushed off the front pages…
Though not every day…this will be bumpy. There will be sudden scares about the emergence of a possible new variant somewhere unexpected; and urgent questions about biosecurity at Heathrow. There will be stories about outbreaks in care homes, or a sudden spike in infections in particular age or ethnic groups.
Do you see what he’s saying yet?
The pandemic isn’t over, it will just “feel” like it is, while they fill the front pages with big red numbers about climate change.
If people don’t respond to those big red numbers the way they should…well, there just might be another variant. Maybe a racist one.
The pandemic has served its purpose, but they won’t end it yet. Not until they’re sure everyone is good and scared of something else.
So what comes next?
It’s not hard to see exactly where this all leads. Mostly because they’re telling us.
Establishment voices have already talked about “climate lockdowns”, and the UK’s Science Advisor Patrick Vallance wrote, last week, about how:
nothing short of transforming society will avert catastrophe”
This isn’t new. This has been bubbling along in the background for months (I have already written two articles about it), but the message is being refined into a simple three-step process:
- Point out all the ways Covid and climate change are similar.
- Emphasise that Climate Change is much more of a threat than Covid. Use the word “existential. A lot.
- Argue that since we were willing to change to fight Covid, we should do the same for climate.[optional]
You can see it in Marr’s article.
The comparison:
The interesting thing is that so much of the world’s experience during the pandemic relates quite closely to the climate crisis – our human interrelatedness, the importance of effective governance, the centrality of science and its communication.
Followed by the “covid is worse” [my emphasis]:
Of course, the two challenges are different. So far, a little over 4.3 million people have died from Covid. Australian and Chinese academics estimate that around five million people are dying each year from the effects of climate change […] Suffice it to say that even if the Delta variant is the most infectious disease mankind has so far faced, the climate emergency is at another level – a reshaper of geography, highly unpredictable and, in short, existential for the planet and its inhabitants.
Patrick Vallance does the same in his article in the Guardian, and then again in The Times. There are several others along the same lines, such as this one from the Hill, or this one from the International Monetary Fund.
It’s also apparent that the same tactics of demonising any opposition and attempting to turn it into an opportunity to virtue-signal will be used. There are lots of articles comparing “covid denial” and “climate denial”, or otherwise attempting to politicise the issue.
So, the way they’re going to talk about (or should we say say “market”?) climate change action is fairly clear. But what are these hypothetical actions going to be?
Are we seeing any hints as to what this “transformation of society” might entail? Or what these “tough decisions” could be?
Well, there were whispers of climate lockdowns, but they have died away since the outraged reaction. There’s always talk of other schemes, like limiting flights, outlawing beef and “personal carbon allowances”, but these are hardly new.
Andrew Marr’s article contains a couple of hints. But the only specific policy he mentions is forcing households to replace their boilers (“at a high cost to millions of families”), and this somewhat creepy allusion to the importance of the Deep State:
A final lesson is that Westminster and the state are two very different things. The state includes the NHS, national science labs, networks of experts […] I now feel we should spend less time on the distracting national puppet show and more time thinking about what I might delicately call the deeper sources of authority.”
(Attacking democracy for hampering “drastic efforts” is a concerning trend, one to watch out for)
Mostly, though, the mainstream voices are being very quiet on specifics. I suspect partly to stop the spread of what Marr calls “an outbreak of conspiracy theories in new media”, but mostly because they’re not sure exactly what they want to do yet, and they don’t believe the majority mentally prepared enough.
The COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow, this November, will be something to keep an eye on. Expect a lot of scary stories in the weeks leading up to it, and then a lot of “policy recommendations” in its wake.
We’re pivoting to climate change guys. Great Reset Phase II is upon us.
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The same people are behind both lies.
The purpose of these lies is to push through their “Great reset”
A transhumanistic feudal dystopia.
Their dream is our nightmare.
Methinks it’s rather that we’re due for some ‘regime change’ of our own. These demagogues, need to learn to just bugger off and do it fast.
I would say we are pivoting back to climate change, as it was being catastrophised and rammed down our throats long before the “pandemic” came along. But I suspect plan A wasn’t working nearly as well as TPTB wanted it to, not enough people were frightened enough about it, and fear=control and compliance. So enter Covid and the deadly pandemic narrative, complete with dodgy pcr tests, unsubstantiated tales of asymptomatic transmission, the need for unevidenced restrictions and experimental never-before-used “vaccines” (it’s about protecting you, not me!), propaganda telling us many millions more are at risk of dying across the world and health services being overwhelmed unless we do what we’re old, so we’re told. Now they’ve discovered what they can “get away with”, and the populace are even more dumbed down following the propaganda and vaccine drives, even more compliant because of all the threats and coercion (especially the vaccine passport), now they can pivot back to the climate change narrative and impose even more sweeping changes (and control over us). I saw this coming nearly 18 months ago, as I’m sure most people here did. Given what has been done to the population since, nothing would surprise me any more. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re developing a “vaccine” to lower human carbon emissions. I’m sure there’s space for it on the vaccine passports.
I agree with you. I’d like to add “terrorism” into the mix as a key ingredient in the war on us.
The new IPCC ARS / SARS Scare Story scientifically undercut at Stephen McIntyre’s blog Climate Audit (since 2005).
“Do as they do, not as they speak”: buy beach front property…
The reality is : mass production of energy, food and other goods leads to mass destruction and mass extinction.
Resources WILL run out, and the tech we have today will not be viable. this means it will STOP WORKING.
No matter how we arrive there, whether by dictatorship or directly into catastrophe, de-growth , de-centralisation and small scale local production is an inevitability.
Mass insanity is almost guaranteed when the “smart” devices and the internet are gone. They will then remember panic buying toilet paper! and will not even then know that using water to wash your ass is better in every way- because they will not have the water to waste.
To add to that: the military & petrochemical cartels are the primary culprits for the destruction of the environment. Trump was hated by many because he was clearly in bed with big oil and opposed all environmental legislation that would have affected their profits. This also applies to many paid shills on the internet who are apparently addicted to the smell of gasoline. They must have cheap gas even if it means the clearcutting of rainforests.
Fossil fuels and petrochenical products are heavy pollutants and their extraction and production process much more so. The only way the infinite growth paradigm that the capitalist parasites are madly following can continue is with nuclear energy, and we know how wrong that can go.
In other words, if everyone does not reduce consumption and waste, extinction through environmental catastrophe is inevitable sooner or later. Every time you buy some cheap shit from China you are contributing to this. The elites make money by mass producing shit for their customer slaves.
De-growth, and much reduced consumption is the only way we can stop destroying our only home.
Space is for the likes of Gates to go waste away in.
Thanks, Kit, for this story. It is very important.
The BBC’s role in the fast-deepening State was also revealed by the psychological manipulation behind its climate messaging as revealed by The Spectator (see below).
Both documents show that Covid and Climate are two sides of the same coin. They are pretexts for what Marr calls the “security issue” leading to a fundamental restructuring of society and “hard decisions on transport, heating and land use.”
Attention is being switched from Covid. Few people know anyone, outside the nursing homes, who died from the first wave. If the VAERS/Yellow Card figures are fractionally true, trouble is brewing and many will soon know someone who “died from the Delta.”
Someone who lost face — or the use of it — after getting the vaccine will make their voice heard. As will anyone who mourns a pregnancy or a friend. No wonder they want us to stop talking about Covid.
The timing and subtext of Marr’s article speaks of doubt. He has been given the task of rallying the functionaries because governments know they are overextended and they are on the brink of a new ploy or, if I had to put my money on it, several new distractions.
Assume for a moment that Marr is simply calling for us to defer to “the state [that] includes the NHS, national science labs, networks of experts.”
During the pandemic, governments obstructed preventive treatment by first-line physicians. They instructed people suffering from coronavirus symptoms to stay at home until and unless they had breathing difficulties, and then to go to hospital. Early treatment was banned in many countries, along with drugs like Ivermectin.
Fact Cheka: Yes, we know this was supposedly to “flatten the curve” and save the NHS but the hospitals were hardly full and the Nightingale hangars practically never used.
During the vaccination period, governments have stressed that side effects are either to be expected, or rare, and most doctors have complied by blaming adverse reactions on anything but vaccines: neurological problems, mental illness, imagination…
Fact Cheka: First-hand accounts can be found all over social media, despite efforts to delete them. Indeed, the Centers for Disease Control has added new side effects.
Reiner Fuellmich, the German-American lawyer, points out that the PCR test that was used to create 97% false positives to maximize “Covid deaths” has now been adjusted (fewer cycles) to eliminate such labeling of deaths after the “vaccine”.
The effort has begun to cut the link with Covid and pivot/hinge to Climate. Anything to ignore the growing number of deaths following the “vaccine”. Both are used to justify the same policies and Marr’s article shows how the segue will happen.
Marr begins: BBC calling, BBC calling: Grown ups, think no more!. You know enough. Face down doubt. Face down the coronavirus.
The article is heavy going and dense with slogans. It is Newspeak for the outer party, the roughly 10% of society that comprises the second-layer functionaries, as Orwell described them.
Nature ignores borders, we are interdependent, effective governance, the centrality of science.
The right is often accused of using ‘dog whistles’ to call to each other beyond the normal range of hearing. I have seen no clearer example of a dog whistle than Marr’s article, which is a barely disguised appeal to supplant the parliamentary system.
“Westminster and the State are two very different things… we should spend less time on the distracting national puppet show and more time thinking about what I might delicately call the deeper sources of authority.”
He is speaking sotto voce in unmistakable allusion to the deep state, which was rehabilitated by Joe Biden’s installation in the White House through what Time magazine called, “The Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.”
This man got a first in English at Trinity, Cambridge. He knows the difference between precision and elision.
He was also a Maoist, according to his Wikipedia bio, and so he understands the importance of disguising one’s intent in order to build support among the population — the vanguard only revealing its tendency at the moment of seizing power.
Andrew Marr uses doublespeak in the form of euphemism. Is he just saying listen to the experts? Who are these deeper sources of authority counterpoised to Westminster’s “puppet show”. To whom does he appeal that he should “call delicately”?
He assures his readers: “voters… accept[ed] restrictions on their liberties for the greater good.”
Then prepares them for what comes next: “There will be stories about outbreaks in care homes, or a sudden spike in infections in particular age or ethnic groups.”
“Public exhaustion — and for many, weary irritation — with the same story, the same graphs and the same instructions, will, I think, push Covid-19 away from the tops of websites and broadcasts.”
“Booster jabs will become routine.”
So do they work or not? Marr says he came down with Covid after being vaccinated. He probes no further.
What’s certain is there will be a new narrative, fresh distractions. As The Spectator showed last week, the BBC is less and less a journalistic organization. Revealed: the BBC Guide for Covering Climate Change. From its internal discussions of how to persuade the public on climate change, the BBC is increasingly a mouthpiece for the interests that Andrew Marr refuses to reveal.
The corporation segments the public seven ways, having decided what you think. It then explores how best to influence you and whom to censor/interview (BBC approval scores 5-8).
“Journalists are instructed to ‘build trust’ with ‘disengaged battlers’ by showing how ‘the benefits’ of climate action will help ‘people like them.’
This is not journalism. It is not news. This is managed outcomes. This is the technique of cybernetics or “the science of control and communication in humans and animals.”
Nothing is more clear than the BBC’s disdain for electoral government and its embrace of “the deeper sources of authority.”
If you doubt what that means, read on: “Public understanding of science has become a security issue. Without it, there will be no public support for the hard decisions on transport, heating and land use.”
In full at:
Very drôle 🙂
Italian Doctor basically saying run to the hills and hide.
Can someone in any Western Government explain this to me.
The official Covid survival rates per the CDC are as follows:
0-19yrs 99.997%
20-49yrs 99.98%
50-69yrs 99.5%
70+ 94.6%
So why is there a pandemic and why are we vaccinating at all?
Death rates from the normal seasonal flu are higher than this !!!!!!!
There can be only one answer. It has nothing to do with some imaginary virus and everything to do with the “vaccine”.
It also has a tremendous amount to do with the hitherto unsuspected gullibility of our species…
I am currently rethinking what I ‘learned’ at school…
Question everything … as we all should … 😉
As OffG have been implying from early 2020 …
Fascinating and eye opening article.
I have relatives in Europe asking me why Australia is trying to vaccinate all it’s children.
Good question!!!
Australia, unfortunately … is the whore of the UK and America. Pardon the bluntness but one cannot varnish the facts. The PM’s and Premiers are toadies of note.
In the Asia-Pacific region, if you want a good car – you buy a Mercedes. If you want a good watch – you buy an Omega. If you want to play politics – you buy nothing but the best, Australian.
I really enjoy Kit’s articles, and this one totally nails it, spot on.
When he doesn’t allude to the ‘virus’, I find his material to be very good. When he alludes to the virus that has a high survival rate, yada, yada, I stop reading. There is NO virus.
It is true that change is required to avert catastrophe, namely, the eradication of behavioral scientists from public institutions, and introduction of capital punishment for willfully dishonest journalists.
Pivots often appear to have more propaganda value than substance, mystifying how rulers are in substance pursuing numerous goals simultaneously. They serve perception management by reinforcing either/or polarities rather than both/and multiple connections to larger agenda. 3-D chess is where the “masters of mankind” (Adam Smith) play their games of misdirection upon us. Keep ’em compartmentalized in the issues du jour. The idea is to set up false choices where all lead to the same destination, the final solution.
There is an ideological eco-unity to the great mythological scourges of plague and climate change, even if the eco-logic of zoonotic origins for the bat virus may no longer direct much attention. The progressive police state of Big Brother, the nanny state of the AI Panopticon…it’s all about techno-totalitarian care of the earth and all its colonized creatures, not least of all the laboring animal known as the human species. But basic strategy remains to roll out agenda items in seeming separation, as with the US Green New Deal infrastructure bill, heavily earmarked for even more pandemic preparedness, establishing more means like 5G control grids, converting more transportation industry to Tesla and driverless vehicles…each element drawing the trap tighter while the increasingly convergent purpose to all is kept hidden in plain sight.
The ruling psychopathy of power is too materially invested in crucial objectives of the Great Reset via the non-vaccine means of genetically and digitally altering our species’ being to casually abandon these elements of the transhumanist, post-human nightmare being prepared for us, permanently laying class struggle to rest in an all too real end of history. If ‘vaccine hesitancy’ may entail some redirection of attention to climate crisis control for continued shock doctrine disaster capitalism, that will buy time to prepare the ground for the ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ to become properly demonized, as already taking place across the world with lockdowns and medical martial law getting ramped up again. If covid deniers and science deniers and other domestic terrorists present more delays, then some further implementation of eco-fascist-friendly objectives from smart cities to social credit scores may still advance agenda until such time as the ‘next pandemic’ may really get our attention, as Doktor Gates has said, perhaps coming as early as next false flag flu season covering up for the pandemic of the vaccinated who have been properly pathogenically primed.
One must see through to the end, as Milton Meyer said in his memorable recollections of the rise of Nazism, They Thought They Were Free. Across the many divide-and-rule strategies constantly relied on by coordinated ruling class interests, we must build a larger humanity equally united in diversity of resistance, a movement of movements to definitively defeat our common enemy.
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you –
Ye are many – they are few.
-Shelley’s Masque of Anarchy
Covid simplified the news to an unprecedented degree. It’s now easy for any news outlet to shove out rows of scary charts and that instantly creates an entire news article. Indeed, it creates several. And then they can go off on any angle they want. Can dogs catch covid? Is there a new Dilithium Crystal variant? How long is “long covid”? Is there such a thing as “Super long covid”? Does the English language spread the virus faster? (And all of this is before you even get to the vaxxes.)
It’s never been easier to be a news reporter or journalist.
Now with the Taliban and the Incel memes, there is a vague movement towards an appearance of diversity but even then, exactly the same little set of memes appears on every single news channel. It really is a hydra. So many heads, the same body.
And I forgot the global warming feature. And the women being harrassed feature. Gosh it really is so varied! (I suppose five heads is a record!)
The society has been living under a great curse this past eighteen months, the curse that has been created by the SAGE sociopathic psychologists and assisted by all the criminal scientists, the lying corporate media and the parasitic politicians worldwide.
We have been living under a truly evil conspiracy.
The industrial pharmaceutical management of the human population. Using an injectable spike protein toxin.
People have not been allowed to be healthy, intelligent and free, because healthy, intelligent and free people are too dangerous to the globalist agenda.
Murder for profit eugenics?
But who is really ill here?
How can politicians decide and define people’s illness, a nation’s illness, using an RT-PCR test set at a fraudulent 45 cycle threshold?
How can politicians coerce, threaten, lie and lock-down people based on this fraudulent RT-PCR test, to then trick citizens to take an untested, experimental lethal toxin?
A Trojan horse so-called vaccine.
Their criminal behavior is insane and destructive.
Recorded crimes against humanity!
Do politicians even know what wellness is?
Politicians have not allowed human beings freedom, dignity and truth.
They have reduced humanity to a very unconscious phenomenon.
It has become clear that all SAGE psychologists are mentally ill people, yet they are deciding and re-defining the fate of humanity.
That is going beyond their limits.
This is global genocide.
Unless psychology becomes rooted in the people who are whole, who are healthy, alert, aware, who have transcended all kinds of identifications, divisions, propaganda and beliefs.
It will always remain ‘The Blind Leading The Blind’.
Psychology has to become the psychology of the whole.
Only then will it be true, authentic.
You can go to a doctor and you can ask, “What is the definition of health?” and you will be surprised that no doctor can answer it.
At the most he can say, “When a person has no illnesses they are healthy.”
But what kind of definition is this?
Health is a positive phenomenon and you are defining it negatively.
Illness they can define.
But a single phenomenon, health, remains indefinable, it has not been studied at all.
The person who is perfectly well should be the criterion, they should be the decisive factor.
The word ‘health’ is beautiful.
It comes from the same root as the word ‘whole’.
Health, healing, whole, holy, they all come from the same root.
Remember, the mind cannot be healthy because it can never be whole.
Mind is always divided, division is its base.
And politicians and behavioral psychologists are exploiting this division, pitting people against people.
If mind cannot be whole, how can it be healthy?
And if it cannot be healthy, how can it be holy?
All minds are profane.
There is nothing like a holy mind.
A holy person lives without the mind because they live without division.
It is oneness.
So why is the mind divided?
Why can’t you be one?
You would like, you wish to be one, but you go on choosing the divisions, listening to the propaganda, blinded by beliefs, choosing to like and dislike according to your programmed bias.
Politicians have created this whole mess around you, that is why you are in such misery.
Nobody else has created it, they have locked you in your mind using division, creating the disease of preference, of choosing.
Don’t choose.
Stop listening to the politicians, stop listening to the propaganda.
Accept life as it is in its totality.
You must look at the total.
Life and death together, love and hate together, happiness and unhappiness together, agony and ecstasy together.
If you look at them together, then what is there to choose?
Enjoy your life, here-now, every moment free from the politicians imposed interference.
Your educational system exists not to help people to become intelligent, but to hinder people from becoming intelligent by imposing divisions, propaganda and nonsense beliefs.
It exists there so that everybody can be reduced to a mediocre being.
People are not allowed to be intelligent, because intelligent people are dangerous to the ruling elites.
Remember, belief is a conditioning imposed upon you by others.
It is a slavery.
Belief will make you more disintegrated than you are.
Belief will keep you a slave.
Belief will help you, certainly, to become part of a herd, of a crowd.
Unquestioning, compliant, obedient.
It will be a kind of security, it is comfortable, convenient.
But the believer remains asleep.
Belief is a strategy to repress doubt.
Belief always represses doubt.
That’s why believers become fanatics.
Look at all the mask and vax fanatics!
What is a fanatic?
A person who has such strong doubt inside themselves that unless they are a fanatic they will not be able to repress it.
They are afraid of their doubt, they are so much afraid of their own doubt that they will never look within.
They have to create such fanaticism around themselves, such smoke of fanaticism, that the doubt gets completely lost.
And the fanatic cannot communicate, they are afraid, you may say something to them that will bring their doubt again to the surface.
They cannot listen to the other side.
Only hard learned experiences from reality will ever change a fanatic, but most can never accept that their imposed beliefs are ever divisive, damaging or mis-informed.
Nobody is here to fulfill your dream.
Everybody is here to fulfill their own destiny, their own reality.
One should simply exist spontaneously.
Live in the moment.
Be alert.
And out of that alertness, whatsoever happens, enjoy it.
Don’t fight for a belief.
Don’t fight for a prejudice.
But if the moment brings injustice, fight, fight, and fight totally, intensely.
Be victorious over those who are still barbarians, the psychopaths who still enjoy violence and domination over other people.
Unite together as a fearless, deafening lions roar!
The curse you speak of is decades old, a profound deconstruction of the institutions of our society and a weakening of the walls that protected them. Institutions aren’t just buildings, they are a set of relationships that positively support society, without them you have no society. societas ~ latin; to join or bring together.
A marriage between two people, a learning from ones elders, a mothers love for her child, a respect for police and respect for the public in kind, a duty to take advice from the learned, a duty of leadership and a profound connection with yourself to God or inner spirit, emotions and all. i.e. the ability to grieve.
Name one relationship Or institution of the above that hasn’t been put under so much pressure, stress and distortion that it isn’t cracking or lost completely?
We have to be realistic here, it’s all we’ve got.
The psychopathic elites will use the tried and true tactic of fear mongering to create hysteria and panic in the masses but first they have to get their propaganda and lies straight; is it global warming or climate change? Of course the bought and paid for puppets like Biden, Macron, Johnson, Trudeau and others will mouth the talking points like they did with COVID ” follow (or trust) the science” “build back better” etc. Ironically this is being rolled out some would say revived at a time when the US empire is being exposed as a paper tiger. Nevertheless it is coming, don’t fall for the flim-flam or go for their okey-doke.
A very helpful book in understanding that the IPCC is not a scientific, but a political, organization is “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert” (2011) by Donna Laframboise. She does an excellent job in this very well-written exposé.
I see it as more of a full court press. They just keep piling on until everyone begs for mercy.
As you note, though, it’s not really a “pivot”; they’re just opening war on a second front.
Some very old people may vaguely remember the deadly threat of “Islamic terrorism”.
If the plebs ever dare start getting uppity about “Covid” or “Carbon”, we can expect some serious domestic Terror to remind them who’s boss.
Why should the ruling class let the 20th anniversary of 9/11 go to waste? It hasn’t yet outlived its usefulness.
Exactly. ‘Good day to bury bad news!’ springs to mind.
Heaven help us.
Imo the above article measurable factor belonging to Pa’ramadar
Technical [noun] mathematics
Earlier by Donald (Paradigm shifts), had me thinking ‘shift’ parameters once more: this explains the continual use of the word under ‘Science’..Technical Mathematics. Easily explainable as quoted:
Numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation.
A quantity whose value is selected for the particular circumstances and in relation to which other variable quantities may be so expressed.
A numerical characteristic of a population as distinct from a statistic or a sample.
The cLIEmate change hoax on steriods.
The IPCC climate models are junk science (being kind here) or more like a deliberately flawed justification to cull the useless eaters. When so called climate models don’t factor in solar irradiance, solar forcing and our star “the sun’s” other forms of direct and in direct effects on our weather, volcanic and seismic activity you know that the the fix is in. The cLIEmate change hoax is solely been designed to blame humans for what is predominately a short & long cycle effect of our star.
The real crisis we face as humans that is of our own making (besides allowing the oligarchs to carry on with the cLIEmate deception etc. etc) comes from the various forms of toxicity we (humans) have created, propagated, supported and polluted since the days of our first industrial revolution going only back just a few hundred years.
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
― George Carlin
Great Article. Maybe the Covid Vaccines are actually vaccinating humanity against climate change……………by drastically reducing populations?
It is beyond the wit of man to change the climate. One would have to be an idiot to believe that this were possible. What is known as geoengineering, is an attempt to control the weather, change the direction of a hurricaine or a fire – or temporarily poison the air (as the CIA did in San Francisco in nineteen hundred-and-fifty, undoubtedly experimenting with the idea of: ‘biochemical warfare’), for political ends – but the very idea of man’s changing the climate of the earth – which is more than four-and-a-half billion years old, and has undergone countless cycles of heating and cooling – is at once absurd and ridiculous! An old woman, who was never more than a tenth-rate actress, shrieks about: ‘global warming’, and thereby hopes to get her name in the news again, but no-one of any intelligence will listen. A Marxist politician, who looks like a depraved elf, suggests taxing motorists for every mile they drive, and believes they will accept it. The covid fraud and the climate fraud are nothing more than a prelude to what a small group of people hope will be worldwide totalitarian government.
It may not be as hard as you might imagine to turn the climate against us – and that’s the thing: of course humans can’t undo billions of years of planetary evolution; but we can affect the climate enough to make it extremely difficult to eke out a living.
What may be “beyond the wit of man” may not be beyond man’s malice. Where there’s a will to effect a Full Spectrum Dominance, there’s a way.
I always note the downvoting of an intelligent statement in the way i note the often “bizarre” censorship that so often occurs here.
Speaking as a small scale self sufficent farmer attempting to produce as near as i can 90% of what i consume for some 25 years.
I can add to your comment, that indeed “where there is a will there is a way” and yes they are trying very hard to make it difficult to “eke out a living”, subtle changes in seasonal/sensitive points that relate little to equinoxes,solstices etc, more pointed toward, blossom, fertilisation and other such “sensitive points” are being sabotaged to an uncanny degree.
But as we all noted the sun shone brightly on the G7
The last 20 months have shown many of us that suspending disbelief is mandatory to making the giant leaps of understanding that are honing our mutual perception and negating many of the petty differences that once fueled our discussions.
As we begin to truly grasp that all is NOT as it seems and that “the science” just like pharmakoa is exactly as it translates: SORCERY
Thanks for the mention of full spectrum dominance, somethaing id not encountered
If they really want to get a significant reduction of human activity on the planet to show some meaningful results, we would have to cease all human activity for around 40 years.
Most of the conditioned mass sheeple herds don’t realise that the colossal developments in infrastructure and systems to produce a net zero “greenhouse” emissions world or anything near it, would consume and emit another 50 years worth of “greenhouse gases” in the processes, resource consumption and activities required.
All we need to do is for all of us to try to reduce our consumptions by 20%.
Trimming the US military by a modest amount would accomplish the same, seeing how it’s the largest energy consumer in the world by far. That is not going to happen. The idea is for you, the peons, to curb your consumption. Or, rather, for your ability to consume to be curbed. It’s pointless to argue the existence of anthropogenic global climate change, because the environment is only being used as a pretext to limit your options. Never does the green plan talk about pollution, scaling back wasteful consumer goods, or building them to last longer. The same companies who manufacture the junk pour billions into green lobbying. Make sense of that. They have the power to change, and are spending the money, yet they do not reduce waste. So, they must have ulterior motives. The wealthy elite view life as a zero-sum game. They’ve gained as much wealth and luxury as they could possibly use a million times over, now the goal is to deprive everyone else of the same.
I agree.
It requires no wit, nor even a rudimentary brain, to change the climate. The composition of the earth’s atmosphere was altered by bacteria and then by plants, long before animals crept onto the land to breathe the oxygen and eventually (within the last few hundred years) build a heavily-polluting global industrialised superculture with a gigantically increased human population.
We’re ruled by liars, yes; liars, warmongers, misanthropists, aggrandizers, killers and despoilers, and now by an unprecedentedly powerful and ruthless ruling class supported by millions of skilled & obedient technocrats & bureaucrats. Our rulers will lie about anything, even and especially TheScience™, including the effects of solar activity, and there is much that they and we are completely ignorant of. Ejecting them from power (somehow) is a matter of life and death. None of this implies that humankind is either incapable of changing the climate or has not already done so.
We have to beware of false dichotomies.
“…mainstream voices are being very quiet on specifics.”
Hah! What a laugh! The “deep state”, the entirety of the 1%’s existing capitalist authoritarian profit system, has had over 50 years to vocalize solutions. THE ONLY SOLUTION is to regulate industrial toxics into harmlessness, like Cradle-to-Cradle manufacturing. Post WW2 the System’s executive management surely had/has futurist consultants forecasting the world we exist in now as problematic. The Club of Rome’s report did this in the 70’s and now it is badly misunderstood as part of DS conspiracy, when actually it was just the System predicting a now confirmably accurate depiction of the future for itself. And everyone else to see.
The REAL PROBLEM for Management was how to avoid profit strangling regulation. They have postponed and rolled it back for over 70 years. They are standing at the apex of the deregulation calamity they created and hoping that a high-tech, AI/now6G/AV/drone-bot/chip-implant/remote control corporate state totalitarian monoculture can save their wealth hording asses from neutering regulation. Control humanity, not themselves. Right in all our faces for 70 years and still not done. Hah!
They are ludicrous idiots and they are going to pay the price, finally. But only with our vigilant nudging them into their cages.
GloboCap is still trying to work out how to present the desire to monopolise everything as being somehow beneficial to all.
The test run slogan “You will own nothing and you will be happy” didn’t go down too well. It’s taking a bit longer to come up with something more subtle perhaps?
Zero-CO2 Macht Frei?
My biggest beef with the IPCC et al is their attempt to turn the greenhouse gas CO2 into a red herring. Leave it green and gaseous.
Of course, we are rapidly losing our CO2 sink as first trees then whole forests slowly disappear. And the UVC is trying its best to get stomata to shut down, thus inhibiting the intake of CO2, the release of oxygen.
But it’ll all turn out okay in the end – just as long as we refuse to take it seriously.
Maybe someone made a spelling error and they meant “you will OWE nothing and you will be happy”?
(just kidding!).
How about this?
“A Mississippi eighth-grader died Saturday of COVID-19 her school reported on social media”
This is from the Daily Mail and the article clearly sets up the State Governor Tate Reeves as the villain of the piece.
“Mississippi eighth grader dies of COVID a day after testing positive for the virus: State’s governor says disease is no worse than ‘the sniffles’ for most infected children … Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves called himself ‘a numbers guy’ then struggled to recall how many children have died in the state since the start of COVID-19”
We are also told:
“The death came weeks after the school’s former band director and his wife also died of COVID-19”
And then an attack on the low rate of child vaccinations:
“Statewide, only 12% of children ages 12-15 are vaccinated. Children younger than 12 are not currently eligible for any of the currently available vaccines.”
We hear that the child, one Mkayla Robinson, “attended classes at Raleigh Junior High School most of last week, including on Wednesday, before reportedly testing positive for COVID-19 on Friday, according to multiple sources. A social media post indicated her health started to quickly decline after she started having trouble breathing Saturday morning and died on the way to the hospital, but this could not be verified.”
After the breathless certainty that the girl definitely died of covid we seem to have some unexpectedly modest backtracking!
And the fog starts to build:
“Mkayla’s vaccination status is yet to be known, and it also remains unclear if she has any underlying health conditions which could have worsened her COVID infection.”
Predictably, the WSW has no doubts whatsoever.
There is no hesitation and no caution: the girl died of covid and that’s that! What is most interesting here is the way our brave Trotskyites spend very little time on the Robinson case, although they launch into the demonization of the state governor with relish. No, they are soon launching off into yet another apocalyptic end times scenario with surging statistics and lots of scary words.
Just scary words. That’s it. We have all experienced this pandemic personally, and that personal experience cannot be over-ridden or undone by corporate written propaganda. Just let it go, and trust yourselves.
Senses are there for a reason, nonsense means not listening to them.
OT: Twitler has just made it impossible for any non-member to
Try it and see.
This coincides with their recent & nasty design-change; the ominous “black bar” now demands that you create an account if you want to read unhindered.
In fact I had loined Twitler, on April 1st 2020, out of sheer disgust and incredulity at the Covid Scam — and they “suspended” (i.e. banned) me on April 13th 2021, permanently, without warning and with no reason given. Countless other scam-critical accounts have suffered the same fate.
I joined again a week later under a different name, and they banned me again within days after demanding my phone number, which proved I was the same person they’d just zapped. I can’t join a third time without borrowing someone else’s contact details, which I’m more reluctant than ever to do.
The so-called “social” media are cracking down hard on all dissent.
Giff-Gaff (real non-expiring) PAYG SIMS FTW
Buy them while you can. Vodafone’s equivalent have been pulled from major stores.
Thanks for the tip, but I’m not in the UK and doubt if I can acquire anything similar here.
I’ve also refused offers from helpful friends to let me use their own email address or phone number, because I don’t want them to be held responsible for anything I might post, most of which is “subversive” by definition because it actually adduces evidence and thereby casts doubt on TheScience™.
Just look at the kind of subterfuges we’re already reduced to, only 18 months into this brutal technofascist coup! And we ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
The period formerly know as the flu season is fast approaching. Americans call it The Fall. Fwiw, it already feels like October here in central Europe. Gruesome stormy weather. Honi soit qui mal y pense.
The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction:”Owning the Weather” for Military Useby Michel Chossudovsky, 27 September 2004
For verification there are temporary phone numbers that can be used on the internet, just choose the number, enter it on the platform requiring it, then the verification message will appear in the text (it’s used by anyone and you will see messages for others too). Enter it and you’re “verified”.
Maybe you kept changing toothpaste lol!
I don’t really use Twitter, which I don’t even fully understand, but I’m on. There’s no way that they could like my tweets and responses to other tweets. Maybe I’m just too tiny to bother with. Either way, I don’t give a damn.
Climatic variation is normal. The evidence of global fluctuations in heat, rainfall and concomitant effects on vegetation over millennia are proven by scientific data. The climate changers present the case as abnormal. As with the Covid virus we are presented with the hubristic conceit that nature aka Gaia needs a helping hand, a balm, a salve to heal human inflicted «wounds».
These purveyors of doom, journalists and self styled exports mostly, are given to quoting «the science» as if science were a monolith of solid certainty. No scientist would dare to do so. Before the evident complexities of «nature» some humility is called for.
How long before tectonic, seismic and volcanic activity is attributed to malign human activity?
How long before «being human» is against nature?
Misanthropy Rules!
Meanwhile in La La Land Jacinda Ardern has put NZ in a 3 day lockdown cos of 1 case of the “highly troubling Delta variant”.
Funny how the troublesome delta variant that is rampant in UK and most of Europe is causing us to do the opposite of lockdown but Jacinda knows best I guess.
The Taliban must be looking enviously at the tactics of the NZ and Aus regimes….
I hear the Taliban regard forcing children to mask up is a crime against humanity.
Hey but don’t you know the true horror of the NZ situation?
This from the covid wanking WSW, who are also still shovelling out the “lockdown as proletarian triumph” meme:
You see, the govt and ruling class don’t want the lockdown! “We the people” are forcing them into it!
While trying to keep afloat on the new surging spiking tsunami that is the sudden monomaniacal fixation on Afghanistan, I stumbled on a Beeb item titled, “Biden’s speech on Afghanistan fact-checked” (gosh, wonder what that’s about?) and noted that it was attributed to something called “Reality Check team”. The Graud gave some invaluable guidance here:
This is from early January 2017 and it’s one of those articles like the Biden hit piece which doesn’t require reading. The title says it all. So the tacky paraphernalia of the MSM’s war on social media is now being marshalled around the obviously imminent re-invasion of Afghanistan.
Thus the onslaught of women’s rights/ evil Taliban and the vital matter of getting various clearly facetious celebs to knuckle down to the latest mutation in the Forever War propaganda:
And Boris has been enlisted in one of the most tired and tedious tropes of phony dissident mongering: “the politician who takes a break at the wrong time”:
(Frankly I’d love it if they all just fucked off on a permanent holiday to leave the true shapers to face the public.)
And, having just watched the TV news, I must say I’ve never seen so many women crying for the camera. Bravo!
I hear the Defence Minister took a leaf right out of Hancocks book and shed tears on TV.
My heart breaks how much these people from across the spectrum who have nothing but the well being of the poor poor afghans on their minds are rushing out in support* of that country yet being ignored. I mean lest we forget Afghanistan has been a place of such calm since 2001.
*more bombing of the country and it’s citizens to free them from evil that plagued them.
It’s all about bringing freedom and democracy to the target country.
Freedom for globalist corporations to loot said country’s resurces and democracy for the ‘consumer’ to allow them to complain about it to government officials put in place by the very same globalist corporations.
They’ll complain and wring their hands at how terrible it all is but they’ll still want all the latest shiny trinkets and baubles made possible and brought to you by globocap inc, i.e. the fruits of their forever wars.
Tears on telly are an instant disqualifier from credibility. Even if the tears are genuine, the deliberate showing of the tears signifies, “We are pushing you to accept this. Don’t think, just feel!”
Yes, exactly.
The television screens ability to bypasses the discerning qualities of the mind and primarily affect the emotional nervous system and also because those editing the tv program know this, and so influential programs are made to initially affect emotion, to then supply false information and ultimately instill the false belief.
It is a carefully constructed program, interpretation or story designed to deceive for a selfish purpose, it is a spell and it is constructed using sorcery. sorcer Anglo-Norman literally means; to deceive.
If you do not understand the workings of your mind, it will be used by those who do, even truthers are blinded by emotion!!!
If you are interested in the environment, you might investigate the role of the natural decline of soil fertility (the ability of sol to produce protein) with respect to the extinction of species.
* breaking news *
Apparently the Taliban of Afghanistan have opened their borders to Australians desperate to flee from the cruel authoritarian regime now in control of their country.
How’s it looking for UK refugees? Re-open the Hippie Trail??
Oh, that’s a good one sir.
But will they even be allowed to leave?
That was too good not too steal, feel free to share.
Never liked Marr. Would not wish any harm to him though. He seems quite unfortunate in that respect without anyone trying to hurt him. His shitstory books are less than pleasant read. Very quick to label people ‘terrorists’. Establishment ringpiece.
I don’t wish suffering. If that’s what ‘harm’ means then I too don’t wish anyone harm. Otherwise, predators and parasites can all drop dead this instance and I will only celebrate. There will be much to celebrate, including the freeing of the children (of those predators and parasites and other children).
One of those big container ships, burning bunker fuel, churns out more CO2 than 20,000 cars.
Even a moderate volcanic eruption will churn out more CO2 than 20 million cars.
To quote dear demonic Greta: “you have stolen my future”, but her future doesn’t seem to take into account world trade, or volcanic eruptions; or indeed the US military machine, which is by far the biggest polluter on the planet.
Such selectivity gives a high indication that it’s all a scam.
I hope Greta survives long enough to develop a sense of humour about her past.
If she doesn’t, she’s probably sunk.
While I don’t say it is a scam, has IPCC finally got around to commenting on the following?
:- methane
:- water vapour and clouds
:- the magnetosphere; by weakening. it indirectly reduces cloud cover and increases solar radiation
:- direct heat impact of marine volcanoes, the planetary mantle and the planetary core.
All you need to know.
More on the climate change hoax and the implementation of Agenda 21.
Since the climate propaganda onslaught began, some 50 years ago, NOT ONE alarmist prediction has come true, from the disappearance of the Maldives’ under rising sea levels to Prince Charles’s claim ‘we only have 10 years to save the planet’, made in 2008 and Al Gore’s ‘the icecaps will be melted by 2013’.
CLIMATE and COVID emanate from the same wellspring of EVIL INTENT. Surely people can see this?
How could Humanity possibly alter the ecological balance and dynamics of Planet Earth over 50 years – a system that has existed through the hottest and coldest cycles for 4.5 billion years?
The world’s population could fit, shoulder to shoulder, in an area the size of Pembrokeshire. Pembrokeshire constitutes a pinprick on a world atlas.
The human population may be able to fit in an area the size of Pembrokeshire, but it’s the technological and industrial apparatus created by and for the benefit of relatively few people that is fucking the the ecology of the planet up, not through climate change necessarily, but certainly through environmental degradation, and that technological and industrial apparatus takes up a far larger percentage of the land mass than all people combined.
I certainly agree that these things exist through evil intent, greed, mainly. The laughable thing to me is the idea that we are going to be saved by technology, when the only way that we could actually save ourselves is to reject most technology.
It’s not fossil fuels causing a problem. It’s running out of fossil fuels that’s the problem! Enter covid…
Resource mismanagement due to profit motive is at the source of any imbalance the planet is facing. This video will blow your mind when you see the obscene waste in the name of capitalism:
Just like COVID, “climate changed” is based upon an enormous quantity of lies. Climate has been changing ever since there was one, sometimes radically, or rapidly, or both. The very notion that humans have any control over such a powerful, dynamic, chaotic engine is outright hubris. Especially since there are likely highly influential factors that we know absolutely nothing about.
Yes precisely, maybe the trails of aluminum,barium and strontium raining down on us? Offing every living thing on earth……..
Maurice Strong (Founder of the UN Environment Programme) admitted climate was a hoax in a speech to the Club of Rome in 1968.
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that the threat of global warming would fit the bill, the real enemy then is humanity itself. We believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary to realise a One World Government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a REAL one or one INVENTED for the purpose.”
Maurice, I consider, beat the quisling Andrew to the gun.
Humanity seems to always need motivation according to the ghouls, like the motivation to buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have. Our sin is that we, as a species, are too boring if left alone: like our ancestors, we really don’t need much to live, are naturally content with and enjoy what we have at present without worrying much about a tomorrow that doesn’t exist, and we love peace.
But, alas, that’s not a choice in the criminals book.
Fun read. And they’re being nice:
That’s an important quote. James Corbett did a show on Maurice Strong. He was very evil and influential and slipped under the radar.
And yet from the information we have, there is no rise in all-cause mortality.
Are many of these tests anything more than a mixture of psychotherapy and a secular version of seeing the priest? It wouldn’t matter, except… a) The number of CT scans went up 7x in the last decade b) Some people are getting very rich off this (Cardinal Health who make most of the machines have revenues of $81bn and are one of the world’s 20 richest companies) c) a CT scan of a child’s stomach is equivalent to 600 chest X-rays and one of the head equivalent to several thousand d) That’s if the scan is performed correctly – an alarming number are performed by people who lack proper qualifications e) a 2002 survey in ‘Pediatric Radiology’ concluded that 1 in 3 scans of children were inappropriate f) a 2007 Yale survey found 700 people die each year in the US from cancers associated with head CTS and 1,800 from radiation-induced cancers from abdominal examinations when they were infants g) As long ago as 1956 ‘The Lancet’ published a report that a single diagnostic X-ray during early pregnancy doubled the child’s risk of leukemia.h) The amount of radiation the US population receives has increase fivefold every year for the past 25 years i) Even if radiation isn’t fatal, it can have other serious effects. Nobody will be astonished to hear the main one is reduced brain function.
If they admit the disruption to testing has made no difference, they’re admitting these tests do no overall good; if they admit it’s killed people, they’re admitting lockdown was a disaster for that reason alone. The usual response to such dilemmas is to ignore them mixed with obfuscation and distraction – but here they’ve got so many people convinced “tests” are a good thing, an end in themselves, that they may not even have to do that.
Check out Jamie McIntyre’s bracing rant:
“They intend locking down every major city in Australia and the world to 2025 – enough time for the bs 19 vaxx, to kill most .
Comply and you will die- conform and you’ll realise to late ,you were wrong – the nutcase Globalists ,have taken over the world.
And if you keep believing the conspiracy theories,pushed on the idiot box,by idiot box presenters, and idiot Health Ministers, then you will lose so many family,and friends,to vaxx deaths,and possibly your own life.
Every day we thousands are dying from the bs 19 jab, tens of thousands injured ( half seriously injured) yet only more false claims of a 90 year old dying person allegedly died of Covid ( of course not from them being sick and dying already )”
Dear Admin
On the ‘I refuse’ article I noticed another commenting with the same name as myself. Why does Off-guardian let that happen?
To try to resolve the muddle, I used an alternate name but off-guardian changed it. I object to that change. Why did they do it?
Because Jane, they are acting like freakbook,gizzard and tubesteak. They are always giving me a check for spam crap. Time to leave this cite perhaps for me.
Climate change is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity.
(This is a test.)
Covid is a bigger one…
Just look at all the bodies piled up in the streets…
Two truths we deny at our peril:
I don’t think that our Overlords can put the scamdemic on the back burner because they have lit a fuse they cannot now put out. The fuse of course is the death shot. The death shot kills in two different ways.
1) Blood clots and inflammation. The ones which get reported are massive causing immediate critical organ damage to the brain and heart. However, much damage is done via micro clots common to all of the vaxxed which are not detected by radiography which have a cumulative damaging effect.
2) ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) with cytokine storms. The vaxxed will be dying like flies in the upcoming flu season in the northern hemisphere. The unvaxxed are in effect a control group. At this point in the USA, they are still a majority of the population despite the phony .gov figures. Just how are our Overlords going to dupe most of the people into believing that the soon to be astronomical mortality and morbidity figures among the vaxxed are the fault of the filthy unvaxxed? Not only will this require an as yet unprecedented media tornado, but a level of stupidity among the population which would even surprise H.L. Mencken. Of course they were aware that this mortality storm was coming early in their planning designing the injectable goo, but were they aware that such a high percentage of the population would reject the death shot. Bribes with donuts just didn’t do the job. Will the draconian “passports” do the job? Not for me for one. It is the hill I will die on if necessary.
Not sure where to find figures showing nowhere near as many vaxxed as are being reported. So all I can do is go by anecdotal data. I know for certain of one other person in my immediate community of some 500 who has refused the jab. So let’s see, 2 out of 500=.oo4% unvaxxed. Doubtless there are more than just 2 of us; but even the ones I know for certain who have gotten the jab outnumber us 8 to 2.
(Certainty is such a drag, ain’t it?)
“(Certainty is such a drag, ain’t it?)” – and a delusion.
All you say is correct but I still believe the death-jab is more deflection from the global take-over that is happening. It so insidious it keeps you focused on yourself and you miss the big picture. The fear of a mass surveillance state is ridiculous, you already live in one. They don’t need Passports Or anything else. Even if they set a system up, the black market would go on overdrive. And technical problems would make the system untenable. I know its hard to believe but its all nonsense.
12 years ago I saw a car charger at a motorways services. Went there last week, same 1 charger. Most cctv cameras are literally falling apart in my town, covered in crap. It’s all a joke. The new normal is just a poverty stricken communist dictatorship.
I wish btls here would check the dictionary before they proclaim their illiteracy by using ‘communist’ and ‘socialist’ in this Illiterate-USAmerican English fashion. These words just don’t mean what your Permanent Bullshit Blizzard (the lamestream media + bought-pols) have lead you to believe.
Sorry Xi-lover. It seems this newspaper has acquired a strong support for the modus operandi. You have to learn one simple thing; the capitalist Lords in control of your country worship Communism more than their god, satan or who-ever. You’re welcome. (Intel agents are everywhere)
Yes not to mention how much energy is required to build solar panels and the hundreds of pounds of rare earth metals per windmill! And they will have you believe we will all be riding around in battery cars. Ha ha really. Lithium etc are also FINITE!! Wait till you get the bill to replace the batteries in your battery car in 3 years time. EVERYTHING is a lie. Yes they building a sustainable world. But there is a catch. They not building it for 8 Billion people. Enter covid stage left…
The quantity of worn-out giant windmill blades is growing, and will reach tens of thousands of tonnes in the next few years.
They can be repaired, however, and the wind is still free.
Have you seen the documentary titled “Planet Of The Humans”? I highly recommend it. Windmills don’t look so good in that doc. Can they be made better? A lot of environmentalism is phony because the enviros are fakers, so it’s hard to know what green solutions are actually solutions. (It’s hard, without a specialist’s knowledge, for people like myself to know. I’d love to know what Jeff Gibbs thinks is the solution to irresponsible development that causes environmental destruction. I absolutely believe that we don’t need more development. We need simplicity and people who care. I’ve always believe that solutions – all solutions – flow from caring. That’s where you start.)
I hope you’re right that it’s all a joke that will fall apart in due course, but for the time being I believe they DO need passports, because the system they are planning for all of us is much worse than people currently suspect.
You’re also right that we already live in a mass surveillance state, but we are not yet being forced literally to give up our identity, own nothing and be ‘happy’…
Schwab wasn’t joking…
“The vaxxed will be dying like flies in the upcoming flu season in the northern hemisphere. The unvaxxed are in effect a control group.“
The extreme lengths the Parasite Class are going to coerce, bribe and bully us into getting the Jab does make this statement very credible.
I would say it’s not only credible. It’s a certainty.
It is “balls to the wall” fanaticism that “everyone must take the holy sacremental injection” isn’t it. It passed “cult like” a while back and is a full blown CULT now.
Hence the unvaxxed (perspicacious) are being removed from healthcare services, as they would otherwise cause a ruckus.
Obviously, ultimately the healthcare services will consequently self-destruct, but then only the unhealthy would have required them.
All that will be left will be the healthy, unvaxxed…
A perfectly rational suggestion, sadly.
“but a level of stupidity among the population which would even surprise H.L. Mencken.”
That is a common mistake. It isn’t stupidity but an inability to question authority. I know lots of people smarter (IQ, education, etc) than me but unable to even question a simple fact.
I always ask them “If I’ve already got natural immunity why should I take the shot?” and they go blank and usually reply with some inane talking point “because it will help” to which I answer “How?” and they are deer in the headlights.
I’ve arrived at ‘percipient’ for those who realise something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and ‘perspicacious’ for those who consequently investigate and research.
I would call the mind controlled “functionally stupid,” or just stupid for short. Their S-B IQ score is completely irrelevant.
Yes it’s weird. I’ve noticed this amongst the vaxxed. It’s like invasion of the body snatchers. Like they have been chosen and have no choice. Hard to explain. Mass psychosis?
Also, random changes to DNA.
Manufacturing outrage…
They’re not taking ‘Covid tests’. Why would they, they know full well none of this is even remotely real.
Substitute “environmental change” for the vague and massaged term “climate change” and the focus will fall away from IPCC manipulated data. The IPCC has limited it’s entire scope to measurement misinformation. Perhaps readers will consider this recent post by Michel Chossudovsky.
None of these facts are “new” information. >
Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare
‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change.
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 12, 2021
Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Oh, for HAARP sakes!
Tyler Durden (a collective) recently had an article looking at an apparent application of HAARP tech to cook sections of the western seaboard in North America. Or maybe it was Joseph Farrell. One might have riffed off of the other. I forget.
It’s all part of the secession of power over to China. There is no new-normal, no transition to battery cars, no smart cities, the 5g roll out is half hearted at best. The electric future was a lie, to get you softened up to let go of all your luxuries.
All they are preparing you for is the one thing that comes with all Communist Dictatorships, and that is Scarcity. British life will now be overshadowed with scarcity from every direction forever or until this global power collapses. The lockdowns were preparation, the 1km daily walk, food shortages, airlines shutting down, amber-red countries, pubs-cafes shut it’s all to, getting rid of petrol it’s a scarcity based future. An artificial desperate poverty stricken reality that comes with all Communism.
By the looks of the downvotes, I am well over the target. These oligarchs are more cunning than most people realise.
I think what you wrote is very interesting. Hadn’t thought about it that way, myself.
The downvotes were for your ludicrous last sentence. Do you seriously think BlackRock & Vanguard, Zuckerberg & Schwab, Gates & The Guardian, Macron & Moderna, Bojo & Biden, the billionaires & the bankers are communists?
No wonder they’re laughing. You are well past the target and dropping dud bombs on a misidentified enemy.
Downvoted by Sa6re! O, I am slain!
I believe their ultimate aim was, yes. A ruling class and everybody else on universal basic income or in sensible words, poverty.
P.s. in a communist world Mark Zuckerberg will not be in the ghetto.
Why do you think the Nazis attacked the Soviet Union?
You missed Hiroyuki’s article from last week. Also, in your head, communism is a synonym for totalitarianism. Take a wild guess whether this has to do with the society in which you were brought up.
In a warped and twisted way they are. They get to live high on the hog and everyone else lines up for everything like in the old Soviet Union. Party bosses had it good.
In reality they are no more communist than they are capitalist. Totalitarian power & wealth accumulators.
No, it just means people don’t like the ignorant regurgitation of USAmerican lie-memes.
It’s striking how many people in the United States of Amnesia are incapable of using the f-word. “Fascism” just is not part of their active vocabulary.
I used that word until I realised I meant oligarchy, tyranny or totalitarianism.
Tell me about it. If I had $20 from every post I’ve seen this year (usually from Americans) that this is a “communist takeover” or about “radical Marxists” blah blah blah, I wouldn’t need to work for quite a long time.
I see quite a few similar posts from Aussies, some who have thousands of followers and are viewed by many as “leaders of the resistance”. That, in itself makes me go Hmmm. These people never seem to critique the capitalist system itself.
I pointed out years ago that fascism and nazism were being rehabilitated. Long before Obama installed a nazi regime in Ukraine. I’d use the word fascist, because that’s what Corporatocracy – the merger of the political class with the capitalist class – is and people would say to me “I wouldn’t go that far.” A lot of people now go that far without prodding, so I wouldn’t say that people are having a hard time saying the word, exactly. But there’s a great effort made (seemingly, strangely, by the propagandized themselves!) to simply substitute ‘communism’ for ‘fascism’, even though that’s like calling black ‘white’. But was there ever genuine communism? Not really. But, as Chomsky (when he was useful) pointed out, it was the idea of communism that set off the powers that shouldn’t be. The contest between the Soviets and American ruling class was due to the political power (appeal to the masses) of a system that wasn’t dog eat dog, but rather, was one where everyone has everyone’s back.
I don’t do votes, but ranting about communism doesn’t impress me.
The downvoter probably din’t pay attention when Schwab said “You will own nothing by 2030”
You really have no idea what ‘communism’ means, have you? Pathetic! Note: I’m not a supporter of communism, just of basic literacy.
Communists have no idea what communism means. And they never did. That was always the problem.
What do you think the Covid vaccine is about? Lose 6 Billion people. Problem solved.
To promote the vaccine for the H1N1 swine flu, UN WHO claimed that the disease threatened up to 2 billion people, overriding science and safety.