WATCH: Perspectives on the Pandemic #18

“One of the things that Covid rollout has done, is create a whole new category of forbidden speech…if you’re not completely credulous then you’re somehow “putting people at risk”.

The Interviewee: Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University. His research interests include modern propaganda, history and tactics of advertising, American film, and media ownership. He is the author of Boxed In: The Culture of TV; Seeing Through Movies; Mad Scientists: The Secret History of Modern Propaganda; Spectacle: Operation Desert Storm and the Triumph of Illusion; and The Bush Dyslexicon.

The Interviewer: John Kirby is the director of FOUR DIED TRYING, a feature documentary and series on the major assassinations of the 1960’s and their calamitous impact on the country. To join the struggle for justice for Dr. King, Malcolm X, and John and Robert Kennedy.

Follow Journeyman Pictures on youtube or visit their website for more of their award-winning factual content.

This is Part 2 of Professor Miller’s interview titled “Divide and Conquer”. You can watch Part 1 here. For some reason the second half is much harder to find than the first, so we would recommend downloading a copy if you want to help preserve it on the web.


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Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Aug 25, 2021 1:32 PM

This is a compelling interview, and I find it interesting that Journeyman pictures can at the same time produce such transparent propaganda as this:

It was hard to find the ‘Perspectives on the Pandemic’ series on their pages.

Aug 24, 2021 5:37 PM

Resetting ‘reality’ is the attack on truth set at such intensity, that a new Lie is taken as the basis from which to ‘build’ a mindset that can ‘SEE’ the Emperor’s New Robes. The narrative dogma maps out the permitted conception and perception. In the older, there is either a forced compliance or exclusion and die-off. But the younger will know nothing else, apart from intuitions that cannot find articulation – just as has been true throughout ‘history’ as seems continuous with the ongoing denial of truth. Dissociation from Reality is dissociation from God+Creation that are Not Two. Not a manufactured ‘god’ of belief, but Current Relational Awareness which is obscured and locally usurped by the masking, distancing lockdown to ‘Separation as Salvation’ – or conflict as the basis for a dissociative sense of private authoritative control. This ‘split mind’ is what Jesus referred to as a house divided against itself, or those who know not what they do BECAUSE they are operating under mind-control and blind to anything that is not within the frame of mind-control or ‘judgement’. But the revealing of the devices by which awareness is discarded for an identity set in conflict serves the recognition of unmasked or un-manufactured perspective as an abidance that grows consciousness within the mind as the repurposing of conditioned ‘meanings and associated abilities’. Suffice to say that the purpose we hold determines the meanings we give and receive, such that the alignment in healing or reintegrative awareness re-interprets to serve purpose. Not by manipulation or force but by re-cognising the basis from which the habit reaction occurs instead of reinforcing by reacting as if that purpose still has authority in our being. I use the ‘we’ here as applying to each in freedom, not as a collective. And yet the very… Read more »

Aug 25, 2021 3:24 AM
Reply to  Binra

Could you package this into a pithy, ten-second sound byte to run on CNN or NPR?

Aug 25, 2021 8:17 AM
Reply to  DimlyGlimpsed

Do you mean run as a programming meme for a robotic refusal to accept life in place of a lie?

Aug 23, 2021 7:45 AM

Here in Brasil Bolsonaro is playing similar role. While the left is completely lost, trying to impeach him for not implementing lockdowns, promote choroquine, for not buying “vaccines” sooner. Most are even demanding mass vaccination, some even asked for total quarantine.
And around here the same preemptive debate on election security, with Bolsonaro playing Trump and pushing the left to reverse historical position in favor of having electronic but also a printed vote, now a demonized proposal aimed at delegitimizing the election.
It is a quarantine of reason.

Aug 23, 2021 8:04 PM
Reply to  Samuel

Man.. this warm my heart knowing there’s other brazilians out there that know what this bullshit is. As you said the left is completely lost even PCO party that seems to be the lesser evil is part of the script demanding vaccine for workers instead of the end of lockdowns (among other shitty leftist agendas) and the right believing in the virus lie and even getting vaccinated. What about Bolsonaro? Complete controlled op. buying vaccines approving feminist laws etc..
Also fuck the STF.

Aug 22, 2021 11:05 PM

Switch the tv off. It’s the least you can do. Oh and if you think you are forbidding speech then your not going to know what hit you babes. whoo.

Aug 23, 2021 2:20 AM
Reply to  Alixia

Ariana the no talent, donut licker and Illuminati shill who participated in the Manchester bombing hoax.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 22, 2021 2:36 PM

The genius of all this is that in a democracy no one is accountable in a situation like this.
The politicians ‘in charge’ simply allege they are following the ADVICE given by medical experts, scientists and doctors; in turn these experts are following ‘the science’ abstraction. Who is to blame, the science?
Could we imagine a prime minister or president in front of a camera saying to the population ‘well, the experts, scientists and doctors are advising this, however I’ve made a decision not to follow that advice and continue as normal’?
To be honest the majority of the population would be outraged by those words.

So, the problem is a cultural one. We in this modern civilisation put blind trust in these experts. In an analogy, the very few ones who might go to a doctor and think twice before blindly following what the doctor recommends and seek for other alternatives, are the ones who have had a lot of trouble believing in the whole end of the world pandemic we have been presented with.

Aug 22, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Yeah, although on that last paragraph I don’t see that. I have a good friend, at least for now she’s still a friend but we’re already on thin ice there, who had a stroke at 40. Spent almost 3 months in the hospital, has recurring gastrointestinal issues probably due to that stroke and the treatment of it, and uses a naturopath for a lot of her care. She’s had issues with the medical industry, and is very skeptical of all the meds they’ve tried repeatedly to push on her. She uses diet to control most of her symptoms and it’s been pretty successful for most of them. Also rejects GMO foods and is very careful about finding “organic” produce, meat, etc. Fully vaxxed. Still somewhat tolerant of those of us who refuse, but does indeed get rather defensive when confronted with the FACT it has never guaranteed immunity and that has never been claimed even by the “brilliant scientists” who invented and marketed it. We don’t talk as much anymore, and she still thinks anyone who questions “the science” is from far out loony land and believes in “fake news.” I hold out little hope she’ll pull her head out of her ass anytime soon, and I would not doubt at all that she too will fully go along with passports, etc once they’re fully implemented. I guess the lesson there is those who in the past were skeptical of our medical industrial complex have lost all ability to be skeptical about the Megadeath Virus of Doom, and they also are now fully on board with the idea that anyone who is skeptical is their enemy. How long before my “friend” decides to turn me in for the heretic I am? Who knows, but I feel it coming.

Aug 22, 2021 8:25 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

has recurring gastrointestinal issues… I hold out little hope she’ll pull her head out of her ass anytime soon

I’m no doctor or qualified healthcare professional, but I think you’ve put your finger on the cause of her recurring gastrointestinal issues: craniorectal inversion. 😉

I think I’ve shared my story about my friend M. with you before, so I won’t burden the bandwidth with a full recap. M.’s the one who very reluctantly got the Megadeath Virus of Doom pseudo-vaccine after “peer” pressure from her spouse and family, especially in-laws; her husband is in a care facility with advanced MS, and M. claimed that she had to give in and get jabbed in order to visit him after over a year of quarantine-mandated separation.

M. originally claimed to be “on the fence” about the legitimacy of the scamdemic, but was willing to discuss it with me. After she got the “vaccination”, she informed me with studied casualness that she didn’t want to discuss the scamdemic any more; she’d “heard so much on both sides” that she’d concluded that everyone has an opinion, but “no one” really knows the truth of the matter.

It’s obvious to me that her retreat to the “safe zone” of false equivalence is evidence of cognitive dissonance. Once one gets the MVD injection, there’s a powerful psychological inclination to obscure or deny inconvenient truths and consequences. 🙁

Aug 22, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Ort

You know, I think you may be right about head up ass and gastro issues!

I totally agree that those who’ve succumbed now have even more of a reason to hate those of us who will not – an “oh shit” moment for them might just happen if they listen to one word we say and they’re then forced to realize just what they’ve had shot into their body that they can never remove. And if that moment comes, then that head shoots right on out of that proverbial ass and then what? Well, they might just see how blinded they’ve been by inserting said head into said ass, and we can’t have that! How dare we point out where that head has been the entire time!

Aug 23, 2021 4:28 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Unvaxed are being targeted as scape goats. It is a very well- entrenched phenomenon in human history. When people are fearful, they look for someone to blame. I belong to a group thst has just issued its formal policy for in- perdon get- togethers. ” Un-vaccinated are a threat to themselves and OTHERS!!! A complete lie. There is no evidence that unvaxed are a threat to others. I am disgusted.

Aug 24, 2021 6:39 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

There is no evidence that unvaxed are a threat to others.”

Not a threat to others but to the intention of establishing a biotech mind & body control system as a contraction of the patterns that were largely invisible as the old normal.
The global stakeholders protect their investment by the ‘too big to fail argument’ – ie – their systems or protections are all that stands between us and a ‘Chaos’ onto which we project our deepest fears so as to NOT allow. (IE Orwell’s room 101).
Bailing out the Bankers is part of a pattern that ‘saves the Model or System by mass sacrifice induced as a social credit or ‘virtue’ as limiting and mitigating fear of total overwhelm or loss of self. Corrupted power always equates its role as the ‘protector of the Soul of the Nation, or the Protector and redeemer of the species etc. And justifies by seeing every other possibility as an evil from which their imperfect results are the lesser of evils presented as the surviving ‘good’. This is how we redefine pain as joy or slavery as freedom, for true joy and freedom are ‘Dead’ like God or broken and lost to Grievance that now defines all that remains.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Aug 24, 2021 10:25 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

RE: When people are fearful, they look for someone to blame.

Fear is stoked by those in power and then scapegoats manufactured to channel that fear into politically opportunistic directions. It rarely occurs passively, it must be actively created.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 23, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Good example, yes, there’s that angle as well. The contradictions that the system itself generates in people such as all those tree huggers ‘eco warriors’ that have been absolutely silent about the pharma industry highly contaminating products like these injections, masks, etc.
Or the vegans who up until yesterday were against allopatic medicine and now most of them fully vaxxed; not surprising given that they stand horrified at people eating eggs as they call it ‘cows period’ and yet are in full support for abortion.

Finally the contradiciton that no one sees is the fact that all of the big vaxx pushers have been peddling for decades that the problems of the world lay at our feet for being too many, are now peddling this product to ‘save all our lives’ so we continue to be this many. Unbelievable.

Aug 25, 2021 3:43 AM
Reply to  Geo Martin

This is a straw man argument.

I’m vegan, love tree-hugging and I care about the environment. Most of the people in the community I know do not trust Big Pharma, are not silent, have not been vaxxed, and many do not support abortion.

It would be interesting to compare examples of hypocrisy among vegans, tree huggers, anti-abortionists. meat eaters and “vaxx pushers”. Where do you stand on abortion?

I’d venture there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around. The attempt to sow division and single out vegans and environmentalism in regard to Covid seems rather unproductive, not to mention defensive. Not an effective way to win friends and influence people.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 22, 2021 9:23 AM

Propaganda works in layers i.e. there are various levels which are permitted – including “radical” levels i.e. theories which appear radical but only serve to reinforce the basic fraud.

And thus I was surprised to find my covid believing wife watching a video of Russell Brand on covid. I thought our Russell might be raising a few interesting questions. But on sampling a bit of this video, I hear noises about “Where did this virus really come from …” etc.

Again 9/11 déjà vu i.e. all opposition to the official account accepts the same parameters of the official account. You may believe 9/11 was allowed to happen because of a stand-down order but you must still believe that it was an attack by external forces! Likewise with covid, you can mistrust the govt as much as you want but you must still believe there is a deadly virus!

These pseudo radical positions are less than useless. For as long as you accept that covid 19 really is deadly you are stuck with these sentiments:

“Oh my God! We are all in danger!”

“Oh my God! We must protect ourselves, have lockdowns, wear masks, have vaccines, socially distance!” etc.

Aug 22, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well said.
I suggest 911 is where they showed their hand. It is an obvious false flag attack designed to do all it did; New NKVD agency the Dept of Homeland Security and an endless war on Terrorism. Just to name a few.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 22, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

9/11 was a psyop, not a false-flag attack. A p-s-y-o-p. Generally, I think it’s best to think of events as psyops rather than false flags which can be a misleading term.

The best one hour you can spend on 9/11 is watching this video by a Russian couple who have the website, Earthly Fireflies. Below the video is a transcript with a bookmarked Table of Contents.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Aug 22, 2021 7:40 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

False flag in only the perps scapegoated others.
Mossad and CIA joint affair.

Aug 22, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Took the words out of my mouth.
Christopher Bollyn has excellent videos on the subject of 911 and points fingers at those who have had knowledge beforehand. .

Do I agree with everything he says? I haven’t heard everything he’s said. From what I’ve seen his reasoning and evidence are powerful.

I keep saying get those behind 911 and you’ll get those behind this covid fraud. If we let them slide they’er going to do it again.

Oops I forgot for a moment they’re doing it to us right now with this covid fraud.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 23, 2021 1:14 AM
Reply to  2fat2surf

He’s controlled opposition. Please watch the video from Olga Klimova. 9/11 was NOT a false-flag attack, OK? It was a psyop. “False-flag attack (with or without massive involvement by Mossad)” is second-level propaganda pushed by people such as Bollyn.

Sure, Mossad was involved but thousands were in on it. It was no coincidence that Little Johnny Howard, Australia’s PM, was in Washington on the fateful day.

The film shows alleged 9/11 survivor, Marlene Cruz, in Bellevue Hospital, a hospital for patients with mental illness and yet on the day all the hospitals for treating patients with physical injuries had empty stretchers waiting to be filled. Notice how Marlene has her head lifted from the pillow and how much the media person interviewing her refers to Bellevue (the hospital name is placed behind her head). Why would they put her in a hospital for mental patients and why would they advertise it? It’s all hidden in plain sight and both the media guy and the alleged patient are acting in this psyop, NOT a false-flag attack. Note the media guy’s smirk and how he touches his nose at the end of his interview – a deliberate sign of lying.

Aug 25, 2021 3:59 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

It should be obvious to all by now that the official 9/11 narrative is a pack of lies from beginning to end. What is the usefulness in distinguishing 9/11 as a psyop rather than a false flag?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 25, 2021 4:22 AM
Reply to  DimlyGlimpsed

I have to say I find it quite incredible that you’re asking that question, I really do. My epiphanous awakening to the massive propaganda campaign directed at truthers to make us believe in real death and injury after four years of serious study was like a total bombshell to me, a total bombshell and when people ask what’s the difference between them killing the people for real and not killing them I just don’t know what to say. If that isn’t significant to you I just do not know what to say. But the thing is if they’ve invested millions in their truther-targeted propaganda campaign to make us truthers believe in real death and injury whether you personally can see its importance or not we know it must be important otherwise they wouldn’t have implemented it, their propaganda strategy would have been different. What I do trust the power elite to do is know which is the most effective propaganda strategy to implement, I trust them on that. I believe it’s all wrapped up in the tabooness of it and the unbelievability that the US government would kill their own citizens in such a callous way. It simply won’t fly. And, of course, it’s worked a treat hasn’t it? Their story is ludicrous in the extreme but most people believe it nevertheless. From Gerard Holmgren, pioneering Australian 9/11 analyst who sadly died from a brain tumour in 2010. Although Gerard knew some death was staged (the planes) he didn’t fully awaken to all death and injury as far as I can tell. ​”The official story required either that one descended into total intellectual senility in order to still believe it – perhaps deliberately made ridiculous for that very purpose – or else that one keep one’s intellect alive but destroy… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 25, 2021 5:32 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Do you recall a little while ago suddenly backtracking and saying a)you weren’t claiming no one died that day, just not 3,000 people and b)that the number of deaths wasn’t the most important thing anyway?

So, why are you again saying no one died and it’s the the only thing that matters?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 25, 2021 5:58 AM

Can we make a deal, Sophie? What I always mean to say is that death and injury were staged and that there is not a single skerrick of evidence of death or injury that is remotely convincing while there is ample evidence of staging of death and injury.

This is my claim – if I say “no one died” it’s a slip. I cannot see the use of the term “no one” above so I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to but this is my claim and please understand that that is always what I mean. Of course, I cannot say no one died, can I? Someone could have died accidentally or whatever.

What I’m curious to know is what you believe, Sophie, and why? What do you believe about death and injury on 9/11?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 26, 2021 8:50 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I don’t have many fixed beliefs about anything. I try to keep an open mind. I used to live and go to school in NYC. I was a little kid living in the East Village when 9/11 happened but my family were in Connecticut at the time so we missed the live show. Later I lived in SoHo and near Battery Park, so I know the area as a real live place. Seems unlikely to me, knowing the financial district, they could bring down two buildings that size on a Tuesday morning between 8 and 10 and avoid killing people unless they evacuated the whole of Lower Manhattan. At very least they’d have needed to evacuate the whole WTC complex. And that would be thousands of people in the offices, restaurants, stores, bars and apartments who all knew they’d been evacuated and would have told thousands of other people about it. Impossible to keep an evacuation on that scale quiet imo. I can see how they might have dialed back the numbers of people actually in the twin towers on the day by closing certain businesses for the day etc, and I think there’s evidence for that. But I highly doubt they could literally shut down both buildings without – again – some personal experiences of that leaking out. Where are the ordinary office workers saying “weird my boss told me to stay home that day”? The idea no firefighters died I think is a bit nuts. That would mean no firefighters were in the buildings trying to put out the fires, which would mean someone ordered the entire NY fire dept to stand down, and again not one single ordinary firefighter came forward to say this happened. Firefighters are brave conscientious people. If they were aware of mass stand… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 26, 2021 1:37 PM

I’d like to clarify being certain about something and openmindedness. They’re not mutually exclusive. I’m certain that death and injury were staged on 9/11, I have no doubt. That is an absolute fact. Whether anyone died at all is another matter but certainly death and injury were staged. The evidence is overwhelming from a number of angles. To be certain doesn’t mean having a fixed mind. I think I have a pretty agile mind in fact and I’m prepared to make an about-face on my beliefs when evidence or good reason is presented to me to change my mind. You say you don’t have a fixed mind, Sophie, but you’re showing signs. We’ve been the evacuation of the WTC route before but you seem very hung up on the impossibility of it. Apparently, it was done. 50 drills were conducted and somehow they evacuated enough of Lower Manhattan to avoid death and injury. Where are the ordinary office workers saying “weird my boss told me to stay home that day”? Where is everyone asking the obvious questions, Sophie? Why were no questions asked in Congress? Are you kidding me? Why aren’t journalists asking the right questions? Hardly a soul’s asking questions but you think office workers should be? Let’s Roll Forums had some great stuff on the firefighters but unfortunately their site went down and it isn’t back up again yet. They told us 3,000 people were killed and 6,000 were injured, Sophie. That’s what they told us. However, there isn’t a single skerrick of evidence that supports any single person being killed or injured while there’s ample evidence of faked injury and some of faked death not to mention of course the 265 alleged passengers. I’m not sure what you need for proof of staged death and injury. Perhaps… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 26, 2021 2:39 PM

Just to add:

Evidence has primacy.

Your argument that “they would have had to evacuate Lower Manhattan – implied they couldn’t have” is speculation. We don’t know exactly what they did or how they did it but what we do know, what the evidence indicates in absolute abundance from every single possible angle is that death and injury were staged.

The impossible evacuation is like the specious argument that the explosives couldn’t have been laid in the buildings. Of course they could and even if we haven’t a clue how they did it we know the buildings came down by controlled demolition.

The evidence tells us controlled demolition regardless of difficulty of laying explosives.

Similarly, the evidence tells us staged death and injury regardless of difficulty of evacuating Lower Manhattan.

Aug 25, 2021 8:35 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Marlene described hearing a bomb go off, which reminded her of the previous bombing. She sounds credible.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 23, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

Hello 2fat2surf: Yes. Christopher Bollyn is one of thousands of persons who accurately researched and documented the events of 9/11/2001. His sequential study of the event was one of the first studies pointing to collusion of the US air defense secretary. Also, one of the first to question what happened to building 6.

The sheep stare at their cell phones, and whine like lost puppies…

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 25, 2021 3:16 AM

Paul, Christopher Bollyn is controlled opposition like most prominent truthers. “9/11 Truth” is an absolutely massive propaganda campaign that took effect even before 9/11 in which genuine prominent truthers are few and far between.

Please watch this extremely illuminating one-hour film by Russian, Olga Klimova.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 26, 2021 9:01 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Why do you feel justified to make these sweeping claims about people you don’t know based on little to no evidence?

There’s good reason to describe Judy Wood as a potential controlled op because her narrative is poorly sourced, she took up with the con artist Hutchinson and did her best to create divisions by attacking other people in the 9/11 movement.

But she’s one person.

What about leaders such as Kevin Ryan, Richard Gage, Steven Jones, Graeme McQueen, Niels Harrit, David Griffin?

Are you claiming these guys are controlled op? Based on what?

Why are they suspicious to you but guys on YouTube claiming the towers were hollow aluminum tubes full of fake dust are, in your opinion, solid gold?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 26, 2021 9:48 AM

Sweeping claims? No they’re not sweeping claims, Sophie, they’re claims based on the clear evidence of a propaganda campaign targeted at the anticipated disbelievers of the official story. One stream of this propaganda is the anti-Zionist/anti-Israel stream that has those inclined to that ideology to blame 9/11 on Israel. Geez, Sophie, you’re a hard person to get through to. I’ve talked about this quite a few times. I remember when I saw the video of the “Dancing Israelis” and the story about those in the video being caught in a road block in a white van containing explosives dust. Totally swallowing it, I thought to myself, “Oh I see they used outsiders to do the dastardly deed of killing all those poor people in the buildings. They didn’t use US citizens, they used Israelis. Absurd, of course. As if the demolition guys were leaving town with explosives dust in their van. Absurd in the extreme but I swallowed it as have seemingly thousands of others. But even when I believed it I still thought all the anti-Zionist/Israel propaganda strange because I thought, “Well, regardless of how involved Israel was, it was done under the auspices of the US government and it’s they who are responsible in the first instance.” But lots of people think it was Israel who were responsible. Their propaganda has worked an absolute treat. Focusing people on WHO did it is a way of keeping them away from what 9/11 really was and that is a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as a real event just like this Full-Scale Pandemic Exercise where a significant difference is that death and injury are really happening in quite frightening numbers in the pandemic exercise while they were staged in 9/11. Anyone who believes that death and injury were real… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 28, 2021 9:52 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Ok so you took SEVEN paras to say “I think they’re phony because they don’t agree with me”.

So, you have absolutely no evidence they’re paid disinfo at all. You are just so hubristic and naive you can’t grasp the idea some qualified scientists or professional journalists might honestly see the situation differently from the way you do. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 29, 2021 1:52 AM

Oh dear, Sophie, oh dear. You’re very free with the ad homs, aren’t you? I’m not hubristic, Sophie, I simply have absolute respect for the evidence and the evidence tells all. You, on the other hand, do not have absolute respect for the evidence, you put more store in your speculations and beliefs, such as people must have been killed because in order not to kill them a complete evacuation of Lower Manhattan would have had to be conducted and you don’t believe that happened. You don’t know what happened down in Lower Manhattan on 9/11, Sophie, before the buildings came down, you haven’t a clue and I don’t either although I certainly read that they conducted a large number of drills including subway drills. I don’t know what happened to ensure that people weren’t in the buildings but I do know that there isn’t a skerrick of evidence that shows any of the 9,000 people alleged to have been killed and injured were. Not a single skerrick and when the evidence shows that I claim that they did the necessary to evacuate the buildings or – and probably very likely – ensured there were very few in the buildings to start off with. I’m not saying no one died because I certainly cannot make that claim with confidence but the claim I can make with confidence is that death and injury were staged. Now the question is, why after so long do so many people who recognise the lies of the buildings and the planes, why is that so few of those people recognise that death and injury were staged, including, it seems even though I’ve said it so many times in so many ways, you. It has to be propaganda doesn’t it? Because the visual evidence is very… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 30, 2021 7:06 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

You have absolute respect for “the evidence” because by “the evidence” you mean your opinion about the evidence! You select what to believe and call ‘evidence’ and what to ignore and call ‘disinfo’ based entirely on how you feel about it. 🤣

Why don’t you EVER answer questions succinctly and directly rather than rambling on for ten paras about stuff I didn’t ask.

I specifically asked to to tell me why you believe a specific list of prominent truthers are controlled op. You, as usual, ignore the question because you can’t answer it, and talk about Christopher Bollyn!

Ok, he talks BS about Israelis. NOT what I asked you about though is it? 🤦‍♀️

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 30, 2021 8:17 AM

My apologies, Sophie. The first criticism you made of me was of Bollyn so as he was a person I could easily respond on I responded on him. I’m not going to respond on the others because it would require too much digging back – just to say as I already said, I feel very certain MacQueen and Griffin are not while I think all the others are – one clue is always what people say about the planes – if they don’t come out and say all four were faked then they’re very dubious but then some controlled opposition may also claim fakery for all four planes and some genuine people may believe in the planes so it’s not as simple as that.

You have absolute respect for “the evidence” because by “the evidence” you mean your opinion about the evidence! 

This is patently untrue. There isn’t a single skerrick of evidence that favours “real” death and injury over “staged” for 9/11. If you have any please give it to me and if you don’t please tell me how my thinking is not evidence-based.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 31, 2021 9:27 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

As I said in a previous comment, Sophie, it is rather you who puts more store in your speculations and beliefs than I do. Instinctively, I distinguish between my opinion (which when it comes to fact-based matters I know counts for nought) and fact. When I consulted the audio between the astronauts and mission control I thought, “No way could this be faked,” but others think that it could. It’s my opinion vs theirs which doesn’t go anywhere does it? However, if we use Occam’s Razor we can consult the incontrovertible facts and say: — No one’s identified any fakery in the audio — They did hours and hours of it which wouldn’t have been necessary for fakery purposes and each extra hour would surely create more scope for detection of fakery So the purported evidence of the audio favours real over fake. Incontrovertible 9/11 facts: — All purported evidence for death and injury is either obviously fake or doesn’t favour real over fake. — A propaganda campaign was targeted at the anticipated disbelievers of the terrorist story to maintain their belief in death and injury Speculation: They would have had to evacuate Lower Manhattan to avoid death and injury and they wouldn’t have been able to do that, office workers would be puzzled, etc I have no doubt office workers were puzzled as were many, many other people but the perps don’t worry about puzzling people, they’re perfectly happy to puzzle people, they’re easier to control that way. Evidence has primacy, Sophie. Speculation and so on has its place but if the evidence clearly says one thing don’t bring idle speculation about what should, would, could have happened into your thinking. Let the evidence guide you – there’s an overwhelming amount of it, no need to indulge in speculation.… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 23, 2021 1:16 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

No, Ernest! Not a false-flag “in only” anything. It was a psyop through and through. Pls see my comment below to 2fat2surf.

Aug 23, 2021 5:34 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Well, Petra, Miss Olga did make an error.

She questioned the existence of Fr. Michael Judge.

I know for a fact that there was a Fr. Michael Judge. I know where he lived in New York City. I am friends with a very good friend of his.

I don’t believe one word of the official story of 9/11. Beyond that I have no firmly held beliefs of how it happened.

Olga has some interesting theories, and some of the clips are precious. Bellevue Hospital being one.

But she’s wrong about Judge.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 24, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Judith

That’s interesting, Judith. According to the transcript she says:

“Another figure made into a top choice for a fleshy being on the victims list – Father Mychal Judge – who may not have actually existed.”

So seemingly she doesn’t say he didn’t exist only that he may not have existed which is not quite the same and not what I’d call an error, just a speculation.

So I wonder what happened to Father Michael.

Apart from speculations about whether people actually existed or not I find what she says pretty evidence-based so I wonder what you’d consider more in the area of “theory”.

Aug 24, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani


I really don’t care what anyone’s theories are. To each his/her own. Could have been planes, maybe not. Could have been directed energy, maybe not. I’m not invested in one theory or another. I just don’t believe in the official government version.

But “may or may not exist” is not mere innocent speculation in this case. Not in the context.

She’s free to say anything she likes. I am just pointing out the truth of the matter. He DID exist.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 25, 2021 3:04 AM
Reply to  Judith

Judith, It was two years into my study of psyops before I learnt that they always tell us the truth underneath the propaganda, known as, “hidden in plain sight” and “revelation of the method”. I’m quite sure that the reason I’m drawn to psyops is that we don’t have to “theorise” much at all about stuff because the basic psyop narrative is so obviously flawed … and then where it isn’t they TELL us anyway. I’m very much an armchair analyst and what appeals is that all you have to do to work out most things is simply look at the complete BS they present to you and work out the BSedness of it. Of 9,000 people who allegedly died or were injured on 9/11 they didn’t show us a SINGLE – not a SINGLE convincing image of anyone injured or dead … and what’s more they made most of their images very very obviously fake such as Marlene Cruz with her ludicrously awkwardly raised head in her mental hospital bed. They overegg the omelet something extraordinary. There is no THEORY about the planes, they obviously faked them. Newton’s Laws of Motion apply equally horizontally as vertically. There is no THEORY that the buildings came down by controlled demolition, it’s beyond obvious. There is no THEORY that death and injury were staged because there isn’t a single skerrick of evidence that they weren’t staged and there’s masses saying they were. Yes, there is theory about who was actually real and who wasn’t although perhaps if we knew psyop MO better we’d be able to tell who was who but it doesn’t matter who was faked and who was real – we know death was staged. Obviously, Barbara Olson was real … but we know she didn’t die in a plane… Read more »

Aug 25, 2021 4:17 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

9/11 Truthers arguing and attempting to discredit each other’s theories has been fodder for mass media and “debunkers” to attack and discredit the Truther movement. That you say no one died is merely your opinion. If your conclusion that no one died were tested and found to be false, that would not falsify the greater conclusion that 9/11 was an event orchestrated and implemented by key people within U.S. agencies, foreign governments, NGOs, and corporations. Insisting on particular interpretations and details isn’t the goal. Our job is to build broad public support for a new, independent, and competent investigation of 9/11 which will adjudge fact and refer criminal charges against the people responsible.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 25, 2021 5:34 AM
Reply to  DimlyGlimpsed

9/11 Truthers arguing and attempting to discredit each other’s theories has been fodder for mass media and “debunkers” to attack and discredit the Truther movement.

Certainly won’t argue with you there.

That you say no one died is merely your opinion.

No it is NOT my opinion, I have no interest in arguing my opinion in this kind of situation. It is a claim based 100% on evidence. To believe that death and injury weren’t staged you need a single skerrick of evidence they weren’t. If you cannot provide that single skerrick – and I’ve asked numerous people who dispute my claim for one who haven’t been able to provide it – then there is zero validity in the claim that death and injury were real and there’s 100% validity in saying they were staged as a ton of evidence of this claim is provided.

Just watch the video, OK, it’s very illuminating.

Aug 24, 2021 7:17 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Fair enough but falsely assigned is any cover story serving as diversion from a true account. Fear is then falsely assigned to externals that may not exist or are narratives of obfuscation such as virus theory.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 22, 2021 2:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Where did the virus come from – yeah, drives you mad, doesn’t it? I knew in advance there’d be all the different streams to confuse, mislead and fragment.

There’s more levels to 9/11. The duplicity is very multi-layered, George.

Please watch this one-hour video by a Russian couple. It tells you everything you need to know.

Aug 24, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

If we invest in (or react to) the narrative as a sense of personal identification, then we have skin it its game and are in that sense struggling within its framing.

Taking this all the way, if you invest and identify in narrative identity, you are directed by self image in your own version of ‘My Story’ as your current experience within the framework provided – most of which runs invisible.
That which identifies truly is reflected in the two Commandments associated with Jesus – or even the Golden Rule.

The lie and the father of it are the wish truth be different than it is. How then can you know who you are if that set you/us in struggle of illusions set against feared truth – which is not Reality so much as reality seen through a glass darkly.

Arguing/struggling with lies or deceit is pursued in a belief it must accept its lack of substance. It cannot see or hear anything – being set as the mind of dissociation and substitution for a real relationship.

Instead of presuming a virus, look where the idea came from and the various iterations of its mutation, and you look both back in time and within the framing of the mind we think to see with.

Aug 22, 2021 11:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Just don’t go near the allopaths and their potions.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 23, 2021 1:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, that’s why the ‘lab’ theory is another version of the same story given by the system itself. In my opinion, everything that is revealed and/or ‘leaked’ via the establishment’s channel and that includes a lot of the alternative media is there to confuse and obfuscate.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 22, 2021 9:17 AM

Anyone vilified whenever you make comparisons with the Third Reich?

Show ’em this … from a Holocaust survivor herself who says – if you can believe it – “This is more insidious.”


Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 22, 2021 12:12 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I don’t have facebook. Can’t watch it. What does she say?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 23, 2021 3:23 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Don’t need to be registered to tiktok to view.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Aug 22, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Please provide a transcript of some of the meaty bits.
I don’t facecrack.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 23, 2021 3:22 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

This is the tiktok link. You don’t need to be registered to view it. It’s only 3 minutes but in it she says:

At the time they didn’t tell them “it was for our own good, we knew what was happening.”
The mask is like the star of David.
We must disobey.

Aug 22, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

not even close. these lot have killed way more than the 3rd reich. it must be billions with their “vaccines” and fake health care system over the last hudreds of years.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 23, 2021 12:58 AM
Reply to  Alixia

Good point, Alixia.

Aug 22, 2021 9:02 AM

Do you want to know what reunions of the French resistance consist of?! Sitting in a circle in an orchard, with each telling their little story, how mummy got vaccinated, or my child got vaccinated, or Im about to lose my job, and then the person bursts into tears. And all others repeat: its ok, dont worry, now you’re with friends. Hold on to higher vibrations. Peace be on earth. And it moves on to the next person. And incessant smiles, everyone smiles, and incessant repetitions, we are now friends, be kind. Im expecting them to say next lets all hold hands and kiss one other.

Reminds anyone of anything? It feels like a sect, and frankly were I the French authorities, Id simply apply the laws against sects, and take everyone to the police station. 48 out of the 50 would be so frightened, there would only be about 2 left for actually any constructive action, or possibly none, since those capable are keeping away from joining in anything as they know this is no real resistance.
And the messages on the network page: “coucou, fellow conspi”, “where are you”, “daddy says I cant go to his birthday unless im vaxxed”.

Im not parodying or making this up. I dont even have the imagination for it.

Oh, and Im told (have written evidence) you have to pay to protest in Paris now, oh yes you have to pay the organizers, or at least you’re supposed to, guess it cant be enforced, or will they have entrance gates put it, where you have to give your contribution?

Aug 22, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  Annette

Oh dear, it looks like the new dawn you announced some time ago is not coming yet.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 22, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  Annette

Hello Annette: I don’t get the down votes. Your description of the French covid reunion sounds like an old fashioned Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. The !2 steps lead to abject helplessness…

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 23, 2021 1:32 PM

That’s true. You become a ‘recovering alcoholic’ for the rest of your years. I knew someone who used to say ‘I’m a recovering alcoholic of 40 years’, when on earth are you going to be recovered then?

Aug 25, 2021 4:25 AM
Reply to  Annette

Agree with Paul. Gratuitous downvotes.

Aug 22, 2021 8:58 AM

Massive popular opposition to the ‘vaccine’ in Martinique and Guadeloupe. Vax clinics have been burned down, according to TeleSur. In response, the French government has confiscated all Ivermectin stocks, in order to force compliance with mandatory jab:


Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 22, 2021 12:13 PM
Reply to  Maiasta

France…the home of liberty, equality and freedom

Aug 22, 2021 4:58 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Once upon a time.

At least they’re not alone in their loss of liberty.

Aug 22, 2021 8:52 AM

Aug 22, 2021 9:24 AM
Reply to  jimbo

“The absurdly meteoric rise of Buffalo Springfield. On April 11 1966, just five days after the quartet had supposedly first met and just two days after they had added a drummer and acquired instruments, the band played its first club date at one of Hollywood’s most prestigious venues, the Troubadour. Four days later, on April 15, they played the first of six dates around the southland opening for the Byrds, the hottest band on the Strip. That mini-tour was followed almost immediately by a six-week stand at the hottest club in town, the Whiskey-a-Go-Go… A month later, on July 25, the band landed the opening slot on the most anticipated concert of the year – the Rolling Stones show at the Hollywood Bowl”… “Buffalo Springfield had signed with Atlantic Records, which had been founded in 1947 by Ahmet Ertegub and dentist/investor Herb Abramson. Born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1923, the year the Turk Republic was founded, Ahmet was both the son and grandson of career diplomatical servants. His father had been named the first Turkish representative to the League of Nations in 1925 and thereafter served as the Turk Republic’s ambassador to Switzerland, France and England . In 1935, he was named the first Turkish ambassador to the United States and he promptly re-located the family to Washington D.C. From the age of twelve, Ahmet grew up along D.C.’s Embassy Row, attending elite private schools with the sons and daughters of senators, congressmen and intelligence operatives”…. “Einarson describes William Stills [Stephen’s father] as ‘Somewhat of a soldier of fortune, an engineer, builder, and dreamer who frequently uprooted the family to follow his dreams and schemes’. That is, I suppose, as good a defintion as any for what he actually appears to have been: a military intelligence operative…. Stephen’s childhood was… Read more »

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 22, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Similar thing with the Doors who were completely unready musicians except for the keyboard player and rose to stardom overnight. Jim Morrison also has an interesting background, his dad Admiral Morrison was in charge of the fleet that kickstarted Vietnam after the concocted Bay of Tonkin incident.

Aug 22, 2021 8:12 AM

“Freedom of choice is the essence of all accountability.” Fredrick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom Today we face the BIOtech PharmaCom Cowhip Pharma Slave needle. Designed to lacerate our Sacred bodies with the whips of Overseer Pharmacom POISON needles. More slaves are whipped for oversleeping than for any other fault. Neither age nor sex finds any favor. The overseer stands at the quarter door, armed with stick and cowskin, ready to whip any who may be a few minutes behind time. When the horn is blown, there is a rush for the door, and the hindermost one is sure to get a blow from the overseer. Young mothers who worked in the field, were allowed an hour, about ten o’clock in the morning, to go home to nurse their children. Sometimes they were compelled to take their children with them, and to leave them in the corner of the fences, to prevent loss of time in nursing them. The overseer generally rides about the field on horseback. A cowskin and a hickory stick are his constant companions. The[80] cowskin is a kind of whip seldom seen in the northern states. It is made entirely of untanned, but dried, ox hide, and is about as hard as a piece of well-seasoned live oak. It is made of various sizes, but the usual length is about three feet. The part held in the hand is nearly an inch in thickness; and, from the extreme end of the butt or handle, the cowskin tapers its whole length to a point. This makes it quite elastic and springy. A blow with it, on the hardest back, will gash the flesh, and make the blood start. Cowskins are painted red, blue and green, and are the favorite slave whip. I think this whip worse than… Read more »

Aug 22, 2021 7:27 AM

Just returning more calmly to the problems we are facing because of our own inabilities to unite. Unless we can analyse ourselves and manage to unite in a honest, upright, serious movement, I doubt we will go far. 1) as you see the world alliance is bankrupt. Its webpage at some point (havent looked at it recently) said they “held” the science: no one possesses science, so what difference with the official discourse. And they are promoting the virus lie, so in what way are they scientific? Hence the organization pretending to be the umbrella international organization is dishonest. 2) If you go through the link, https://dannyboylimerick.wordpress.com/2021/05/28/professor-dolores-cahill-friend-foe-ally-adversary-or-something-else-entirely/ then you will see its even less upright than what those of us who had suspicions thought. 3) Most in the French resistance, at least here in the Paris region, are playing at resistance. Its like seeing a movie of the 1940s with unprofessional actors. Is it the same elsewhere? No, its different in India in the farmers’ movement. That is a truly a constructive movement. https://t.me/CivilianaireMagazine/408 Possibly also in some other countries there are such movements. All this to say, we must take note of our failure to unite. Also there is no way we will return to anything we have known as many of you have realised. Basically for me its an impossibility. In logic, an implication means, if A holds, then B (will necessarily hold). You cannot have B not holding, and yet A holding. And here A=what we had all our lives, a society based on the maximization of profit. B=destruction of humankind. That process of profit maximization invariably leads to destruction because it requires constant growth. Constant growth is impossible in a finite world. Hence the move to the virtual world of the internet and a level of… Read more »

Aug 25, 2021 4:33 AM
Reply to  Annette

 we must unite and become truly constructive together. NOW.

Agreed. Do you have any specific suggestions or resistance groups to recommend?

Dennis Brown
Dennis Brown
Aug 22, 2021 2:39 AM

Dear Friends, With all the talk these days about “following ‘the’ science”, I took the opportunity to re-read Carl Sagan’s masterful defence of the scientific method, in his book titled The Demon Haunted World. In one chapter Sagan discusses “The Fine Art of Baloney Detection”. It’s a delightful and accessible read. In it Sagan reviews the classic Aristotelean concept of the logical fallacy—where a faulty premise , or insufficient evidence, might lead to erroneous conclusions. This seems highly relevant in the context of today’s emotional debate about Covid-19 in general and Covid vaccines in particular. ( Disclaimer: I have absolutely no desire to influence anyone’s voluntary decision to be vaccinated.My sole concern is in questioning whether it is ethical for the State to use it’s power to force people to be vaccinated without informed consent.) Some examples of Logical Fallacies: A.) Formal Logical Fallacy . (Syllogism). (Where two formally true premises implies a third unconfirmed premise): 1. ) Vaccines have protected against, and eliminated,viruses like Smallpox. 2. ) The new NRA messenger technology for SARs COV2 is a “vaccine”. 3. ) Therefore the new NRA messenger technology will protect against, or eliminate SARs COv2. B.) Probability Fallacy: 1.) So far the new vaccines have been given to billions of people. 2.) So far very few people have died or have had harmful effects. 3.) Therefore in all probability I will be better off being vaccinated. C. ) Informal Fallacy: 1. ) I’ve been vaccinated with the new mNRA vaccines. 2. ) So far I am fine. 3. ) I trust the Government, therefore I am sure I will be fine in future and I’m happy to take booster shots. But, I insist others do so as well. D. ) Fallacy of Sufficiency. (Drawing conclusions from limited data): 1. ) Scientists… Read more »

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 22, 2021 3:14 AM
Reply to  Dennis Brown

The fallacy of faith…science is funded by honest, good natured super tycoons who mandate avenues of research which influence outcomes which are then communicated to beaurocrats who pass the details on to politicians who use their impartial good buddies in media to convey the ‘down low’ to “the people” who believe it owing to a lifetime indoctrination of full spectrum behaviour modification, newly imposed, heavy monetary fines, a constantly advertised police threat, loss of income, loss of job, of social standing in group think circles and fear of true engagement with the self…

It’s the “because we said so” modern day priesthood, witch doctor, voodoo, trusted tribal shaman fallacy.

You can’t not believe it…because the shadows on the wall are all so believable.

Because we said so that’s why.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 22, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

The problem with modern science is it has no fundation for truth, as without a supernatural source i.e God there is no objective truth. We all know that we humans interpret things in different ways, we have biases, preconceptions, interests, emotional attachments, etc. and to assign scientists some sort of insulation from all these human traits is a big mistake. Groups are also human and are also susceptible to all of the conditions discribed above.

So, in short without a supernatural source of truth it is down to what we say, and the ones who have more power have more say than the ones who don’t.
It’s as simple as that, they hold the power therefore they decide what science adn truth is, and that is subject to changes day to day.

Aug 22, 2021 4:07 AM
Reply to  Dennis Brown

Thanks. People need to see this.
But you missed one that is being rammed down our throats every day.
It is the appeal to authority fallacy.
Every time I turn on NPR I hear some PHD quack saying anyone who disagrees with him is either misinformed or a liar. And never addresses the counter argument.

Aug 22, 2021 7:34 AM
Reply to  2fat2surf

‘ A.) Formal Logical Fallacy . (Syllogism). (Where two formally true premises implies a third unconfirmed premise):

1. ) Vaccines have protected against, and eliminated,viruses like Smallpox.
2. ) The new NRA messenger technology for SARs COV2 is a “vaccine”.
3. ) Therefore the new MNRA messenger technology will protect against, or eliminate SARs COv2.’

Reminds me of Bill Clinton’s formal logical fallacy: ‘ I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky’

(similar to the usual meaning of ‘vaccine’, that suddenly has another definition when you talk about the jabs, Bill used another definition of ‘sex’ when he talked about his relationship with Miss Lewinsky).

Dennis Brown
Dennis Brown
Aug 22, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

Totally Agree!

Aug 22, 2021 8:49 AM
Reply to  Dennis Brown

True, traditional Science, has been usurped and weaponized as propaganda. To do this they reinveted “science” by deonting the new paradigm as “Post-Normal Science”.


An example of this would be using relative efficacy instead of absolute efficacy to report on the vaccine trials efficacy.

TLDR: Post Normal Science is propaganda dressed up as Science.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 22, 2021 2:01 PM
Reply to  Dennis Brown

Make no mistake that if Carl Sagan was alive today he’d be a keen campaigner for the injections and all things covid. He was a top member of “The Science”, only for a different era when people needed a litlle more than a tacky made for TV pandemic to be mesmerised.

Aug 22, 2021 8:06 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

It’s certainly possible, but since Sagan isn’t alive today speculation about his probable position is in the eye of the beholder.

OTOH, we definitely know the stance of Sagan’s successor to the Ostensible Brilliant Scientist and Media Darling Chair, Neil deGrasse Tyson:


Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 23, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  Ort

Absolutely all mainstream science names are in favour of the covid narrative including the jabbies. So, it’s safe to assume Sagan would have been in the same boat, he was no pariah in the science tribe.
Let’s take former ‘voice of reason’ Noam Chomsky for instance. Where is he at now?
Let’s try to name a few of those main science names who oppose the current narrative openly. I’ll tell you now you won’t find many….

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 21, 2021 11:07 PM

The whole masked war suggests nothing so much as a variation on a theme of Nazi blame-gaming, such as the infamous quote of Goering:

“…Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Now, instead of shadowy human enemies attacking us, we have shadowy (i.e. unproven, un-verified) viral bugs with spikes that are a threat to go “nuclear” at any moment if we don’t maximize our defenses on all fronts. Reminds me of “1942” by Stephen Spielberg, when all of L.A. was shut down and we went into combat mode here because our coastlines were exposed to Japanese attacks. Which never materialized.

But it was a great organizing principle, especially to vaporize any pacifist responses.

But the whole shtick that we are exposing people to sudden death and explosive contagion, Bubonic 2.0, is so redolent of the same tactics used to get everyone marching in unison pending the blitzkriegs of 1940s.

In many ways, I’m sure it occurs to some, that this gambit is more effective than arming against invaders with legs. They can be seen and (somewhat) proven –absent false flags, that is– but you can manipulate the stats about “viruses” and micro-manage the reporting, in any number of countless ways….

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2021 12:43 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

The invisible enemy John… with a full on psychological war waged by the media, bought politicians and so called health organisations (funded by?) that has so many people, irrational with fear, and literally in a state of psychosis about a supposed deadly virus and a supposed raging pandemic that they have only seen the supposed evidence for on their TV’s and in their newspapers.
And when people are in this state of mind, who knows what they are capable of doing. And the morally bankrupt media keeps pushing the divide and conquer tactics, like this article trying to blame protesters yesterday for a rise in cases here today, when they are using already reported numbers from yesterday! “Cases” using the fraudulent PCR tests of course.
And regards the psychological aspect of the scamdemic, this short video is pretty spot on how they got everyone conditioned to the new normal rituals…

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 22, 2021 2:02 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

The mask thing is beyond the pale. Nobody is responsible for any of this. But everyone has become a criminal at the click of the fingers. Overnight, totally innocent people are now criminals. Now I know historically, human beings act pretty damn insane during black deaths or alleged cataclysmic viruses. But with what we know in this day and age and with the stats of the “virus”, this mask thing just beggars belief. It keeps you on edge, it signals horror and threat around every corner.

And the real kicker is that the creeps behind all this have orchestrated it perfectly so that innocent people are now the threat. They are the hunted, the hated and the potential criminal. When reversals like this are forced on society you know you’re dealing with satanic minds, with pure evil.

And most people have no idea.

Aug 22, 2021 3:48 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

And to illuminate the bogus narrative we only need to look at NSW 2017; 8,500 hospitalisations, 24,000 actual cases, and many deaths.
These are the flu statistics from then. No lockdown, no muppet masks,etc. Why? Because the flu was a medical phenomena, and in no way political.
Sound medical tactics were utilised as they had been done since forever.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2021 6:24 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

P… Get in enough food to last at least 2 weeks. Reports coming in that the truckies have had enough and they’re taking action. Looks like they will be staging blockades.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 22, 2021 6:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gez. Where’d you hear this?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2021 8:02 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

If I’m wrong about this I will publically apologise. I’ve seen several posts on Facebook this arvo, including from a couple of trustworthy sources, that the truckies were going to stage blockades around the country. In the last 10 minutes or so, have seen 2 more posts saying this will supposedly happen on Tuesday August 31st. Possibly for only one day. I may have jumped the gun on this…

Aug 22, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

We had exactly the same rumours in France about truckers blocking the country, supposed to take place mid August, nothing has happened.

Aug 22, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  Natty

I can’t say it’s bad advice though. There’s a slow emptying of shelves where I’m at and a lot of complaints about how there’s a shortage of drivers. I keep wondering if the ‘shortage’ is due to drivers quitting rather than being jabbed. We didn’t even have such a supply problem (other than TP, heh heh) at the height of teh crazy last year. Don’t even get me started on this totally suss ‘coin shortage’ that only seems to affect chain stores like Starbucks who now seem to bend over backwards to not take cash anymore.

YMMV, but fresh garlic and ginger disappeared here last year for awhile. We got garlic back, but ginger is harder to find than it used to be. Both can be preserved. Stock up on the herbs etc you use to make food palatable or make healthy teas from because if the supply lines stop for any reason, you’ll probably miss those things even more than the TP.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Aug 22, 2021 2:48 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

The latest from our prick of a PM:

Lockdowns will be highly unlikely and targeted towards unvaccinated populations when the vaccinated proportion of the community reaches the 70 and 80 per cent targets, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says.

Speaking on the ABC’s Insiders program, the PM said that at 80 per cent coronavirus could be treated like other infectious diseases with basic precautions in place but at 70 per cent there needs to be testing, isolation and quarantine.

“That’s what living with the virus looks like,” Mr Morrison said, adding returning Australians would eventually be able to quarantine at home.

While he acknowledged there were challenges with the vaccine roll out early on, he said there were now more than 300,000 vaccinations a day.

“We have a clear plan to living with the virus. We are making great progress against that plan,” he said.

He said the plans to vaccinate children by the end of the terms before end of the year holiday periods are being worked through at the moment.


Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 22, 2021 3:21 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

It’s all so very sad. Very satanic and evil. Just an avalanche of bullshit that’s so out of control there’s no stopping it. All this nightmarish shit they want, they’ll get it. So, so many horses in this narrative have bolted, never too be questioned again. Just one lie on top of another. One lie to forget the last lie and another lie on top of that, then more lies. Never stopping for propper deliberation. Swift lies, fast lies just snowballing out of control.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2021 6:26 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

Cliff… Get in as much food as possible. Enough for at least 2 weeks. It looks like the truckies have had enough and they’re taking action. It looks like they will be staging blockades.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Aug 22, 2021 10:19 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Just returned from a large local supermarket. No mask, no check-in, no worries. And bought no friggin’ SPC products. Gonna miss their baked beans though.

Regardless of whether or not the truckies do their thing, and I sort of doubt that they will, doesn’t hurt to have the cupboards and freezer chockers anyway.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2021 10:35 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

I may have jumped the gun Cliff… Have since seen updated posts that it will be a nationwide protest of truckies on Tuesday, August 31st. And not in the next few days as some alluded to earlier today. Yep, no compliance and no enabling this evil agenda. If only another 30% or more followed our example!

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Aug 24, 2021 2:32 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah I can’t help hoping that the low ‘vaccination’ numbers here point to there being a fair-sized minority who don’t really believe the bullshit but are staying pretty quiet about it.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 22, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

What’s up with SPC?

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Aug 23, 2021 12:55 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

The arseholes have made vaccination mandatory for their employees.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 23, 2021 8:59 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

My reply to you for this has been sitting in the spam filter for 21 hours. I’m actually serious. The Truckies are intending to go on strike on Tuesday, August 31st and stage blockades. Mainly over the mandatory jab when they cross state borders, but also coz of Govt actions with the covid measures.

Dr Rogue
Dr Rogue
Aug 21, 2021 10:17 PM

The entities pushing the “new normal” display reptilian and insectoid traits, and are likely more intelligent, cunning and devious than you.
I suggest this: do not waste your energy with arguments on “the science”. That hocus pocus is their domain and you will always lose the argument. “Koch’s postulates do not apply to viruses”, etc etc)

We have solid, tangible data in the form of patent applications. THIS IS CONSPIRACY FACT, NOT THEORY.


(R. Fuellmich interviews D. Martin , patent underwriter and expert on biotech patents)
Pfizer et. al. patented tests and vaccines YEARS BEFORE WUHAN.

Richard Rothschild himself filed a patent application for COVID-19 testing at the Dutch patent registry office IN 2015. Why is nobody talking about this?

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 22, 2021 3:55 AM
Reply to  Dr Rogue

Brighteon.com Excellent thank you.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 22, 2021 4:08 AM
Reply to  Dr Rogue

Everyone should watch that Brighteon video.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 22, 2021 4:46 AM
Reply to  Dr Rogue
Aug 21, 2021 7:50 PM

Leaked Document From Public Health England
Selling the Vaccine

Very interesting video from Tim at fairplaynow.net



Dr Rogue
Dr Rogue
Aug 21, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

The video is low resolution and we cannot read the doc ourselves.

Aug 22, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  Dr Rogue

Yeah it’s not that good

I’ve got a copy of the doc and TBH I’m finding the video to maybe be a little misleading.

for example when the commentator (voice-over) starts mentioning the WEF assholes the document is actually referring to herd immunity. this seems to be basis and purpose of the document.

Not saying there isn’t an element of coercion about it I mean in a similar vain take a look at the link below.

  • https://www.local.gov.uk/publications/applying-behavioural-insights-improve-covid-vaccination-uptake-guide-councils
  • Karry
    Aug 21, 2021 6:00 PM

    Massive, massive protests in France today, in more than 250 different towns and cities. People from every walk of life out on the streets. Official figures are saying 200,000, but there were around 100,000 in Bordeaux alone (who were fired upon with teargas grenades, about an hour ago, along with Toulouse).

    One of the corteges in Paris put the police into disarray and surrounded that monstrous glass pyramid at the Louvre. I don’t know what’s happening now.

    If you have the tweety blue birdie, you can see what’s happening at #manifestation21aout

    If you don’t have it and you have (like me) had your wings clipped for not signing up, you can do a search for people like, < Anonyme Citoyen > or < Marcel >, then you are allowed in – but not to read any of the comments or click on any of the links.

    I’ve also seen lots of videos (on that, above mentioned, hash-tag) showing the true extent of the protests in Australia. As in France, they are much bigger than they’d like us to know. Same with Italy.

    I want to think that the wheels are falling off this charabanc – but, even if they aren’t, there are far, far more of us than they’d like us to believe.

    Aug 21, 2021 6:17 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    Great to hear about freedom loving people standing up against the fear-mongering tyrants.

    Aug 21, 2021 7:26 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    For those who are unfamiliar with France, this is still the month of August, when literally nothing happens in the country.

    Karry, my past statement about home schooling was not quite right, and the move to tighten the rules has succeeded. However, it should still be possible in the coming school year.

    Aug 21, 2021 8:17 PM
    Reply to  October

    I didn’t read your past statement about home schooling, October.

    I have been under the impression that it has been outlawed…although, what happens to the likes of the, Cambridge International Schools?

    Aug 21, 2021 8:27 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    It is not (yet) entirely outlawed, but has been made more difficult (and that was recently approved by the infamous conseil constitutionnel).

    If I’m not mistaken, nothing has changed for institutionalised teaching.

    John Ervin
    John Ervin
    Aug 21, 2021 10:57 PM
    Reply to  October

    Le Mi-Creux D’Aout! I remember my years in Paris, and the middle of August was always deader than a Thanksgiving turkey, a door-nail, just stone dead. Amazingly quiet and empty. Everyone is on vacation near the shores, if possible.

    Aug 21, 2021 10:27 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    Vive La France!!!

    Aug 22, 2021 3:04 AM
    Reply to  Karry

    Some 217 demonstrations across the country the previous weekend. So it looks like it can only continue to grow. Lots & lots of vaxxed individuals joining these marches too.

    France’s answer to the medical dictatorship

    Geo Martin
    Geo Martin
    Aug 22, 2021 3:14 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    Maybe what protesters could do for the next march is to announce a march against climate change, pro abortion, pro LGBT or BLM (take your pick of corporate sponsored cause); so the police won’t be anywhere near and the media will send all their minions to report the success and high attendance of the event.
    Once in place, drop the rainbow scarf and hoist the anti injections/lockdowns placards.

    Aug 21, 2021 5:39 PM
    Aug 22, 2021 2:46 AM
    Reply to  Grafter

    Thank you! Those French riot cops look like they just hopped off a space ship.

    Aug 22, 2021 7:53 PM
    Reply to  John

    Imperial Stormtroopers from the Death Star, perhaps?

    comment image

    Aug 21, 2021 5:17 PM

    This may be off topic. But I wanted to let you know please be careful if you are joining any movements or even forming local groups. You must be able to trust those around you.
    This is something some of us had suspected long ago. That there is some sort of infiltration, everywhere, at every level. Its also the case here in France.

    Aug 21, 2021 6:24 PM
    Reply to  Annette

    This is to be expected. Anyone who is a potential leader will be attacked. That is why a mass movement is necessary.

    John Ervin
    John Ervin
    Aug 21, 2021 11:13 PM
    Reply to  2fat2surf

    Like BLM LOL! Expect any mass movement to be 95% suspect, they can cook up mass movements at Langley like lasagna.

    Aug 21, 2021 11:46 PM
    Reply to  John Ervin

    I keep forgetting resistance is useless.

    Aug 21, 2021 6:49 PM
    Reply to  Annette

    If you listen to and read the above link, it gives you the desire to vomit. Already the international movements against all this are now guess what associated to private bank accounts in Panama (they might not have opened them in the end, dont know, but just that they even discussed it) to restore someone’s private castle, to the use of private jets, and they cdr themselves as the new United Nations???? I did think they were controlled opposition and that there was financial foul play, but to this extent, its more than ugly. So as you see the movements are bankrupt at the very start of the war: why? Because little egos have taken the lead and are into self-promotion. There is no charismatic intelligent leader as in prior times. Because of this, some of the very honest and intelligent people are refusing to join the movements though they have some of the best analysis of whats going on. I think there is a fundamental pb, and we wont get anywhere unless we do take the full measure of what is going on. And I can tell you that you shouldnt count on the French resistance: its mainly a whole lot of naive people who are playing at resistance. Its not just my reading, its that of anyone I respect. We have discussed this. At the first turn when things get worse, when actually people begin to be harassed by the authorities, and possibly arrested, they’ll all disappear. In fact the local leader told me so: he had no intention of suffering for the sake of any humanity, he didnt care whether it was saved or not, he only cared about saving his skin. Im not joking, he told me that in writing so I have proof. And with… Read more »

    Aug 21, 2021 8:48 PM
    Reply to  Annette

    Uh oh!

    Resistance (is futile)…sects…Oxford…global vision…egotists.

    All in one comment!!

    He/she/it, randomly, played a race card about two weeks ago, when challenged on facts.

    If anyone here, still believes that, ‘Anette’, is an honest-to-goodness human being…then, I’ve got a magnificent bridge for sale. It’s at the bottom of my garden.

    Aug 21, 2021 9:54 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    You nailed it my friend!

    Aug 21, 2021 10:33 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    She might be Borg Watch out out

    John Ervin
    John Ervin
    Aug 21, 2021 11:19 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    “Resistance is futile, Earthlings! That was the cry from the alien mother ships in 1950s Sci-Fi B movies, and really we have, whatever, wherever, the provenance some serious “alien” technologies that cover almost ‘all the bases’. Only the goodness and mercy of God can protect us.

    That is my constant reminder, these months, years. For those who are allergic to such concept, maybe it’s time to accommodate some such theology more broadly, more invitingly. I’m certain God will welcome it, since it all belongs to Heaven.

    For those who stumble with the ancient nomenclature, W. H. Auden suggested in his “Christmas Oratorio” the phrase, “…the Voice of Conscience, which is God…”

    Same difference.

    Aug 21, 2021 11:58 PM
    Reply to  Karry

    Annette has said farewell to this forum at least twice already. Maybe it’s a tag team (like in wrestling).

    Aug 22, 2021 9:23 AM
    Reply to  Karry

    Yes I work for MI5 how did you guess?! Im actually an AI machine! Sorry I had thought people here were more intelligent than what Im seeing in France.
    Its really sad.. Truly sad. Leave you to it all! Ill tell those scientists who are truly trying to bring out the truth what you think of me, might make them laugh or tell me to stop communicating with all and sundry as they have. But you see Karry, unlike them, who keep a vertical relation with you all, I had truly thought that it is worth going beyond science, and try to discuss on rebuilding on an equal basis with all.
    You dont know how much the very people “on our side” are being disappointing at least here in Europe. Its different in some other places, where discussion levels are of a far higher serious level. So possibly there is still hope, but that hope is coming from beyond Europe.

    Aug 21, 2021 10:33 PM
    Reply to  Annette

    Your comment is very defeatist, underestimates the power of the human spirit and you missing the point. Achieving the goal is irrelevant! What is relevant is the doing. Your actions. Fighting for a just cause whether you live or die. Life here is but one step on a road to eternity.

    The Coming Revolution
    The Coming Revolution
    Aug 21, 2021 11:45 PM
    Reply to  Annette

    Annette, we will go the first stretch of the way with that. Things get ripe in due time, and kids don’t become adults overnight; some rough years have to go by first. If you wanted to go from A to Z, you will have to go through all the letters in-between. Perhaps it will take adults messaging each other like children; or arresting, jailing, or even torturing the recalcitrant ones; perhaps it will take the prospect of starvation by those who are now denied access to large supermarkets as it is happening in some places; perhaps it will take the bankruptcy of a substantial number of restaurants; perhaps it will take the tearing of familial bonds, people going homeless, lose everything, even deaths; who knows what it takes to effect a radical change? Leaders have little to do with the march of history; and a movement of protest doesn’t reduce to “leaders” unless one has a vanguard outlook on things. Perhaps you’re right; perhaps the streets of Paris will be deserted at the first “coup de force” from the thugs we refer to as “police”; if so, then so be it, and it would have taken that much, but it wouldn’t, ever, be as if nothing has happened prior to that. Past events have left, and current ones are leaving, an indelible imprint on everyone of us and no one can wipe that off us, and that imprint will prepare the next step. No one can stop the march of history and whatever happens in what remains of 2021, the year 2022 will be another step in the march of history, not a stagnation. Who has ever heard of “terrasse sauvage” before? How did it come into existence, if not by the necessary determination of prior events? What did it… Read more »

    Aug 22, 2021 10:41 AM

    I appreciate what you wrote. Possibly if you read my next piece in the Light (their Sep. issue, Ill leave you to guess which one it is, I always sign my real writings under my own name), you will understand what I mean, and if you read a short story that will appear in a Canadian magazine in their Sep. issue if I can finish it by the 25th, but doubt it, so in their Oct. one, then you will possibly understand my vision. As for my study: Someone in my position is rare, totally involved with the base or grassroot of the French resistance, yet also looking at it from a distance, that of an academic and a scientist as well as non-European. Im sure Im not the best to be in such a privileged situation, seeing history being made from the inside, yet also from an observer’s perspective. Its like going in and out of a theatre play. And they know I am writing about them. Do you think Id be so dishonest as not to tell them? They’ve all come in small groups to my place for meals, and we have talked deeply about what motivates them, their lives, their childhoods, their past, what they hope for, all these ordinary, yet extraordinary, men and women. They know and approve of my writing, in fact appear to they appreciate it, as they have read some of it, and as long as I dont give sensitive information, its perfectly all right for them, and they well appreciate my motivation and those of some colleagues who are the ones who actually made me realise I had to keep the role of outsider. Otherwise I would have left France for calmer horizons or safer ones anyhow. They convinced me that someone… Read more »

    Veri Tas
    Veri Tas
    Aug 22, 2021 12:17 AM
    Reply to  Annette

    The real Annette isn’t as articulate as this one…. Be careful about believing this Annette.

    Aug 22, 2021 9:34 AM
    Reply to  Veri Tas

    If you knew who I really am… Anyhow better you dont. I had hesitated long whether I should truly make it known. Glad I have not given you either my website, nor access to my published writings. At least the few who know are reading and Im glad appreciating, and in return Im glad they are providing their own very appreciable ideas. Glad Ive met them, even here in France, the very few that really make it worth sacrificing our lives for.
    All Ill say is my next piece will appear in the Light, one of the places where some of my writings have already appeared. But then I write so badly, possibly you could also go and tell my editor Routledge, tell them to stop publishing my books. Im sorry but I already have a contract with them for my next one. I have carte blanche on the topic and content.
    Would you like their contact details so they cancel the contract?
    Im sure they would like to know your opinions that they publish rubbish.

    Aug 22, 2021 9:51 AM
    Reply to  Veri Tas

    I suggest you all write a collective letter to my publishers, Routledge and Springer, that you also write to the Light, so they stop publishing inarticulate rubbish. Also possibly you could write to the various groups round the world, as well to some of the honest scientists and philosophers, who appear to have wrongly thought it was worth discussing with me: I can provide you their details, should I give you a list? At least they should know they’re wasting their time and effort.

    Yes they had all told me, including my readers, to stop communicating with all and sundry, that there is no point. Or that I should be prepared to be incessantly insulted and attacked. Yes, except that for me I give credit to each one of you, I give you credit, and until my last breadth I will dedicate my life to bringing back humanity, even if Humanity insults me for it, or even kills me for having tried.

    Dr Rogue
    Dr Rogue
    Aug 21, 2021 7:00 PM
    Reply to  Annette

    More blinkered christians equating the indigenous spirituality of Europe, aka “paganism” with “satanism” which is the inevitable flip side of Judeochristianity…. disposable garbage.

    Aug 21, 2021 9:58 PM
    Reply to  Dr Rogue

    I’ll take paganism over Judeo-Christianity any day.
    The notion that the meek will inherit the earth is,to say the least, wishful thinking.

    Dr Rogue
    Dr Rogue
    Aug 21, 2021 10:45 PM
    Reply to  2fat2surf

    After they have turned the other cheek, of course.

    Aug 22, 2021 4:21 AM
    Reply to  Dr Rogue

    You can’t be meek without turning the other cheek. Or, If you don’t turn the cheek you’re not meek. Or something like that.

    Geo Martin
    Geo Martin
    Aug 24, 2021 1:44 PM
    Reply to  2fat2surf

    Which is it then, the atheists decrying against the cruel God of the bible or the so called neo pagans complaining how soft the christian message is?
    Well, it shows many commonards say things only to impress the ‘cool cats’. Before making snarky comments about something it might be useful to get a clue of what it’s about.

    Aug 21, 2021 11:54 PM
    Reply to  2fat2surf

    It’s probably said ironically: the fighters will all kill each other off, and only the meek will be left.

    Aug 21, 2021 10:35 PM
    Reply to  Dr Rogue

    Chaldean fairy tales that have done nothing but supress the true divine spiritual nature of man for 2000 years.

    Geo Martin
    Geo Martin
    Aug 24, 2021 1:36 PM
    Reply to  Dr Rogue

    Your wishes will be granted as we enter a post Christian system. A neo pagan system where human sacrifice is back, we’ve had it for a while in the form of abortion as a child sacrifice to the god Mammon.

    Most likely you’ve lived a very comfortable life in a system based on Christian principles of putting the sacretness of human life at the top of the list. Now that is being swept from under your feet. From now on slowly but steadily life is not going to be so comfortable as priorities change and the rights of a regular human (not a member of the self appointed elite, like in pagan and godless systems) are surpassed by those and animals and ‘mother nature’.

    Remember, you are hurting mother earth, not the chosen elites, you are a burden to the planet, the animals, the climate, the god of the pagans. So, get ready, maybe depending on how old you are you will not see this completely in place, but your children and grandchildren will certainly do.
    Cheers and happy ‘earth day’.

    John Ervin
    John Ervin
    Aug 21, 2021 11:11 PM
    Reply to  Annette

    Infiltration has been super-saturating in the USA Inc for 70 years, at least. “SOME infiltration?” They have so many ways to uber-surveill everyone and everything, through technology. It’s been around quite awhile, but it explains why so many movements go bust. Their membership is usually about 95% phony.

    Well, not to post a discouraging word, but it always helps to assume the worst until you feel very comfortable in disproving it. Field agents are everywhere. Now, though, we have a new and unique global situation, where the common cause is humanity itself.

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 21, 2021 4:48 PM

    Another of my erstwhile heroes, Michael Rosen, is outraged and feels compelled to launch a letter to the Graud complaining about the Tories’ … (deep breath and pop a couple of opioids to counteract effects of suicidal boredom) … “murderous herd immunity approach” which “might hamper trade”. Hang on now – I’ll need to pop a couple of amphetamines to whip up the rage: “Fucking Tory bastards!” But it gets worse! Boris had the fucking audacity to suggest it was OK to shake hands with patients who had covid (thus causing corpse battalions to sky rocket beyond the furthest reaches of the stratosphere!) These capitalist mothers ignored the absolutory indisputable scientific science given by scientifical scientifiction! We all know the fallout: the greatest devastation perpetrated on this country since Stalin dropped that atom bomb on Scarborough back in ’89! Or was that a dream I had? Oh what the fuck! As long as we get the right on fabby Lefto pandemic wankathon in gear, eh? Rosen you wild BLM MeToo raddy guy! 

    Lost in a dark wood
    Lost in a dark wood
    Aug 21, 2021 4:30 PM

    To coincide with the booster programme, they’re about to roll out this dual-purposed, biodegradable hospital bed.

    Aug 21, 2021 3:56 PM

    One interesting thing about the covid fraud is how it will divide family’s. And this could be a problem for the fear mongers. What’s a mother to do when her own son or daughter call BS on this fraud? Disown them? Maybe.

    Aug 21, 2021 2:43 PM

    Can you spare 8mins?
    Max Igan at the Brisbane Freedom Rally…
    You won’t regret it.
    Max Igan Brisbane Freedom Rally – August 21st 2021 (brandnewtube.com)

    Aug 21, 2021 3:13 PM
    Reply to  richard

    Endorsement in spades, mate.


    A brilliant, rallying speech…

    Dr Rogue
    Dr Rogue
    Aug 21, 2021 7:03 PM
    Reply to  richard


    Aug 21, 2021 1:51 PM

    These are the latest adverse events from Australia. 448 dead…higher than covid for the period since the vaxxine rollout was started. . It’s easy to get to this page with a tabulated layout but you can get the gist from this.. https://apps.tga.gov.au/PROD/DAEN/daen-report.aspxDatabase of Adverse Event Notifications – medicines Search resultsThe results are shown in two tabs. Number of reports (cases): 46463 Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 45802 Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 448 More information on the search results Medicine summary List of reports Medicine summaryThe medicine summary groups reported adverse events together. Patients may have reported multiple adverse events. Further information about the medicine summary Information on printing search results Sort by: MedDRA system organ class A-Z  MedDRA reaction term A-Z  Number of cases – highest first  Number of cases – lowest first  Number of cases with a single suspected medicine – highest first  Number of cases with a single suspected medicine – lowest first  Number of cases where death was a reported outcome – highest first  Number of cases where death was a reported outcome – lowest first  MedDRA system organ class MedDRA reaction termClick on a term below to search the MedlinePlus medical dictionary. Number of cases Number of cases with a single suspected medicine Number of cases where death was a reported outcome Nervous system disorders Headache 16344 16170 15 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders Myalgia 11077 10994 4 General disorders and administration site conditions Pyrexia 9468 9373 10 General disorders and administration site conditions Injection site reaction 7084 7027 3 Gastrointestinal disorders Nausea 6879 6817 8 General disorders and administration site conditions Chills 6796 6753 2 Nervous system disorders Lethargy 6672 6639 9 General disorders and administration site conditions Fatigue 6592 6505 12 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders Arthralgia 6424 6361 4 Nervous system disorders Dizziness 4638 4589 3 Gastrointestinal disorders Vomiting… Read more »

    Aug 21, 2021 5:54 PM
    Reply to  toranon

    What is the name of the medicine you submitted for the search?

    Cliff Edwards
    Cliff Edwards
    Aug 22, 2021 10:29 AM
    Reply to  toranon

    Of course covid true believers would be extremely likely to pooh-pooh all this while at the same time being perfectly willing to take seriously all those lists of supposed ‘Long Covid’ symptoms.

    Aug 21, 2021 1:22 PM

    If this had all happened in the mid-eighties: https://youtu.be/2oPEnISgg3c

    Aug 21, 2021 1:12 PM

    I really enjoyed this presentation , WWE is really like the English pantomime , exaggerated good and bad characters , an audience baying for involvement ; “Hes behind you they shout “. I totally agree with the staging of the current situation we find ourselves in , however in some ways ‘was ‘nt it always like this’? Since the 2nd World War I believe history shows that mass control of society has been the goal , and when the war finished consumerism has been the next great control through the promotion of lifestyle. I think there is a danger that in our opposition that we are not being played to the interchangable roles of heroes and villians , just like the WWE characters who can be crowd pleasing or fiendish. In exposing these truths we have to think about stepping into the future with a different directive , this may be so difficult when in truth the world is ruled by money and greed . I guess though on this journey of truth we can hope to free ourselves from the confines of the ‘stage ‘ and maintain personal congruity and freedom , To live well and accept death well seems to me to be the only simple formula. Somehow there has to be a better way to live life

    Aug 21, 2021 11:48 AM

    Florence Nightingale gets hospitals named after her. was the first ‘woke’ heroine and appears on banknotes. What did she believe about disease though? “Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases, as we do now, as separate entities, which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and clean condition, and just as much under our own control; or rather, as the reactions of kindly Nature against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves? I was brought up by scientific men and ignorant women distinctly to believe that smallpox was a thing of which there was once a specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself in a perpetual chain of descent… Since then I have seen with my own eyes and smelt with my nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in close rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not possibly have been ‘caught’, but must have begun. Nay, more, I have seen diseases begin, grow up and pass into one another. Now dogs do not pass into cats. I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up, and with a little more, typhoid fever, and with a little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut. For diseases, as all experiece shows, are adjectives not noun substantives”. Or more succinctly: “The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease-conditions”. Sorry, Flo, you may be a national icon but you are clearly in breach of community guidelines and your account has been terminated. Your track record of utterances will now be trawled to find anything… Read more »

    Aug 21, 2021 12:18 PM
    Reply to  Edwige

    weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession

    You are ascribing the mania of domination and greed down to ignorance.

    Aug 21, 2021 1:14 PM
    Reply to  mgeo

    ignorance maketh the man

    a germ theory lies deceit deception

    20 trillion dollar indusry
    farma cull

    Aug 21, 2021 3:10 PM
    Reply to  Edwige

    Wow. That’s interesting. She was a real thinker.

    Aug 21, 2021 11:45 AM

    They promise equity and justice. True justice, being moral and ethical, comes from within, from our own desire to pay equal attention to nutritional, housing and health needs. Equity is authoritarian, imposed from above. Such redistribution must be made by a person in power who effects a decision and allocates resources. That is social engineering and it is hierarchical. It cannot be otherwise.  Granular Event Covid is not about the details of a fraudulent pandemic; nor even essentially about the genetic experiment on the population under false pretenses and in clear defiance of the Nuremberg Code.  It is essentially a psychological operation in which the state is stampeding the people to accept the seizure and reassignment of property, the ruination of society and culture, the revocation of rights, up to and including physical annihilation — and all without our say-so. There is sufficient evidence of orchestrated, psychological abuse by governments to meet the definition of torture. There is enough evidence that legislatures have been bypassed to constitute tyranny. You don’t need a führer in a pencil moustache to make a dictatorship. Yet the vaunted human rights watchdogs and world courts sit, silent, on their hands. The usual suspects are only following orders, once again: psychologists, health workers, doctors, teachers, journalists, police and the military, perfunctory politicians, all dancing to the tune of criminal corporate combines. The objectives are not similar — they’re near identical: the urgency to inject the children, the victims with learning difficulties of Do Not Resuscitate orders, the euthanasia, the experimental therapies, wall-to-wall propaganda and censorship. Master Thus we left the world of non-negotiable, absolute, universal human rights and arrived on a planet of engineered and hierarchically-determined values which are relative, and exist only on a slide rule. They begin with the best of intentions and end with… Read more »

    Tim Drayton
    Tim Drayton
    Aug 21, 2021 5:47 PM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    Good to see in Australia where the oppression has been so brutal.

    Aug 22, 2021 4:33 AM
    Reply to  Tim Drayton
    Bruce Tonka
    Bruce Tonka
    Aug 22, 2021 6:36 AM
    Reply to  Maiasta

    Well now it’s clear.

    Aug 22, 2021 9:17 AM
    Reply to  Bruce Tonka

    Yes, it is. Has been for some time.
    Here is what the walking excrement (called police spokesman) said to the press:

    “…the majority of those who attended came with violence in mind…”

    I noticed some Oz news channels quickly edit-out this statement from their coverage. But it stands here:


    Of course, there’s nothing ‘violent’ about total lockdown and mandatory vaccination. Nothing violent about mass herding kids into stadiums without their parents, so they can be jabbed.

    How the f*ck this can be happening is beyond me.

    Aug 22, 2021 7:49 PM
    Reply to  Maiasta

    “…the majority of those who attended came with violence in mind…

    Perhaps by “those who attended”, the spokesman was referring to the police.

    Aug 23, 2021 1:47 AM
    Reply to  Ort

    lol. Yes. But i don’t think they have that much insight. 🙂

    Tim Drayton
    Tim Drayton
    Aug 22, 2021 1:57 PM
    Reply to  Maiasta

    Yes, I made that comment while still watching the video and the police intervention comes at the end.

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 21, 2021 11:31 AM

    The Trump manoeuvre stands as a basic blueprint for the partisan political branding of covid. Trump says the things that anyone with a brain would say. But since he is “the new fascist far right Hitlerian dictator” etc., these patently reasonable dismissals of the covid shit are tainted by political association.

    And the other side naturally springs into action with the covid whoring abasement now presented as “progressive”, “Left” etc. – an embarrassingly stupid position that would have failed dismally without the Trumpian Satan Show.

    And that is why we have such Right figures as Toby Young and James Delingpole etc. standing by the calling out of the covid claptrap. “Oh you don’t want to be linked with these authoritarian fascistic reactionaries!” etc. 

    Aug 21, 2021 3:25 PM
    Reply to  George Mc

    I suggest that it can be looked at as a conflict between internationalists and nationalists.
    Internationalists are the looters who scurry of to another host once that country has been destroyed. Nationalists want to see their own country prosper. It truly is that simple.

    Dr Rogue
    Dr Rogue
    Aug 21, 2021 3:53 PM
    Reply to  George Mc

    I am curious as to what things Trump said about the scamdemic “that anyone with a brain would say” .
    I believe Trump is/was supported by a section of the US population largely because of his stance on immigration. I have seen no evidence that he cut funding to the WHO over convid.

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 21, 2021 4:57 PM
    Reply to  Dr Rogue

    Watch the film. It’s time to drop the pantomime Left/Right act. He and every other politician serves the covid agenda.

    Dr Rogue
    Dr Rogue
    Aug 21, 2021 11:09 PM
    Reply to  George Mc

    OK, I watched it. As i generally ignore all US president talk I had not caught those common sense comments that he made on convid, and I was never impressed by anyone recommending either HCQ or Ivermectin.

    But of course he didn’t do anything to nip the problem in the bud – I guess he never really had the support of the military top dogs.

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 22, 2021 8:29 AM
    Reply to  Dr Rogue

    He didn’t do anything to nip the problem because that wasn’t his job. His job was to provide the sensible arguments which, coming from a designated Hitler like him, were therby discredited. Meanwhile the utter shit gets spouted, and therefore blessed, by the “right on Left”.

    Build Back Botter
    Build Back Botter
    Aug 21, 2021 11:22 AM

    Sadly, we’ve been lied to for over a century regarding medical science.

    “Viruses have been traveling globally, above the atmospheric boundary layer, for millions of years, long before machines for air travel were invented. Their genetic codes have been blanketing the earth for eons, creating biodiversity and allowing for adaptation throughout the ecosystem. By adaptation, I mean that viruses are always seeking to adapt their genetic codes for the purpose of creating resilient health in all of the planet’s life forms. It is ridiculous to suggest that, in order to travel from one region of the globe to another, a virus must hop on an aircraft, as RAND’s National Security Research Division would have us believe. 

    Furthermore, viruses—including coronaviruses—do not come in waves and then disappear without a trace, only to miraculously reappear later in the same spot or a different one. Instead, viruses never leave, never expire. They inhabit every element in the environment around us. In short, they are omnipresent and ever-present.

    Our relationship with particular viruses can change as a consequence of our harmful actions toward nature. Whenever humans poison and pollute the air, soil, and water, they create an imbalance between humanity and the virome—an imbalance that can cause us to come into disequilibrium with a particular virus.

    Unfortunately, the allopathic medicine regime, which plutocrats John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie forced on most of the world with their 1910 Flexner Report, still has a large segment of the scientific community believing that bacteria, fungi, and viruses are our enemy.”


    Dr Rogue
    Dr Rogue
    Aug 21, 2021 11:27 PM

    Viruses have been traveling globally, above the atmospheric boundary layer, for millions of years

    Like much science on “viruses”, this is hypothetical.

    There is less evidence of dust carrying viruses [38], although they appear to be effectively aerosolized from the sea surface, and are largely associated with organic matrices of transparent exopolymeric particles [11, 37]. These exopolymeric particles strongly absorb ultraviolet wavelengths [39] and likely prevent complete dehydration; hence, these particles may assist in the persistence and viability of viruses and bacteria in the upper atmosphere during long-distance transport.

    “May assist”… it is hard to see how any virus can remain “viable” anywhere outside living bodies for any significant length of time. The cited source for the “exopolymeric particles” talks about UV-B but UV-C radiation is better at destroying exposed DNA/RNA material, and the source study is not concerned with viruses at all.

    Virology is modern day hocus pocus!

    Veri Tas
    Veri Tas
    Aug 22, 2021 12:36 AM

    Viruses that “invade” the body / are “transmitted” through the air do not exist Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf.

    Aug 22, 2021 2:48 AM

    and they killed off the most important human rediscovery of all time. Mesmerism.

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 21, 2021 11:19 AM

    Admin I just put in a post that has been eaten by the spam folder. Can you please rescue it before it’s too old for anyone to care?

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 21, 2021 11:32 AM
    Reply to  George Mc

    And another one too. What is it with this fucking spam folder?

    Aug 21, 2021 4:13 PM
    Reply to  George Mc

    it does just seem random! only happened to my inanities twice, maybe thrice… two were utter random, one was reply to you, other was rather critical of the perv-gender lobby and Ardern-thing…???

    Aug 21, 2021 4:14 PM
    Reply to  rubberheid

    the latter never appeared…..

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 21, 2021 11:16 AM

    I stand abashed. There was me assuming that the Trump election came as a surprise and the rulers went into a panic etc. But as Miller says here, the initial Trump triumph was just another notch in the plan. Trump had to get in to present the clearly reasonable case against the covid crap purely in order to then associate that reasonable case with Right Wing extremist lunacy etc. And in the figure of Trump, you had the entire “wing branding” manoeuvre so essential to the covid con. Miller also notes how previously “Left” and “liberal” channels were very astute at critiquing on media manipulation but have now succumbed to this game. Dr Peter McCullough trashes the hydroxychloroquine angle with statements that are actually true but reversed i.e. that there is indeed a massive fraud spanning both political wings and parts of the scientific community but he misattributes it to Trump’s apparent recommendation. The pantomime of the Capitol riot blown up to the status of a coup – Chomsky as part of this charade (and did anyone notice how Chomsky himself is starting to resemble one of Tolkien’s Ringwraith’s?) Interesting to see what a real coup looks like – Chile’s ascent of Pinochet (one of those “lonely restorationists” according to that awfully civilised Roger Scruton). And the close delivers the Bob Dylan’s “Let Me Die In My Footsteps” as an accompaniment to the protests around the world. On the odysee.com site, this video is given the date August 5th. The accusation of paedophile assault re: Dylan was made eight days later. The effect: now, should this video attain a mass audience, the MSM can claim that the closing song is from a paedophile and that the sceptical anti-vax movement is now linked to paedophilia. Yes – ludicrous but it’s all about… Read more »

    Aug 21, 2021 3:48 PM
    Reply to  George Mc

    With regards to Trump. Trump was always a shill. He did as he was told and will always do as he is told. He was created as a necessary sop to the people care about their own country. But he was always a traitor.
    For Gods sake he came out of NYC. One of the most corrupt places in the world. Like Obama came out of Chicago.
    Who’s pulling the strings? I always go back to 911. Get the ones behind 911 and you get the ones behind this covid fraud.

    Aug 21, 2021 11:01 AM

    “putting people at risk”

    my chemist said, those who don’t wear a mask are potential murderers.

    Aug 21, 2021 11:29 AM
    Reply to  strange

    Yup the vaxxed and about to be vaxxed are very weird people. Like they have been chosen or something and nothing you do or say will change their mind. Hypnotised? Subliminal? I don’t watch public TV.

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 21, 2021 11:34 AM
    Reply to  strange

    Hey don’t mock. I was wearing a mask the other day and when I tentatively let down a corner just to snatch a breath, I could hear crashes behind me. When I turned round there was a line of corpses.

    Aug 21, 2021 12:36 PM
    Reply to  George Mc

    Why is it that all the people collecting the trash, including the deadly masks, are not dropping dead?

    S Cooper
    S Cooper
    Aug 21, 2021 11:46 AM
    Reply to  strange

    “Maybe it is time for a change of chemists/pharmacies. A person that stupid may also be stupid and incompetent enough to poison you. Run for your life.”

    Geo Martin
    Geo Martin
    Aug 21, 2021 1:04 PM
    Reply to  strange

    A case of the pot calling the kettle black as a chemist is a potential murderer.
    Anyway, there’s a different reality perseption in the ones who follow the religion of death that is dominant now. You can’t get through to them, we may share the same space and time at the moment but exist in different dimensions.

    Pig Swill
    Pig Swill
    Aug 21, 2021 2:34 PM
    Reply to  strange

    Fucking chemists? Those sly bastards have a license to print money in this day and age. Every man and his dog has some frigging ailment they think a bottle of some crap will solve. Fuck the chemist.

    Veri Tas
    Veri Tas
    Aug 22, 2021 12:37 AM
    Reply to  strange

    He’s swallowed too many pills.

    Petra Liverani
    Petra Liverani
    Aug 21, 2021 9:36 AM

    comment image

    Aug 21, 2021 9:32 AM

    Jimmy Dore/Forbidden Speach.

    This is one of Jimmy Dores latest:

    Whilst Jimmy goes on about the video being classified as ‘Hate or Harrasement’, it definetly falls under the category of ‘Disparagement’, which is defined as:

    These verbs mean to minimize the value or importance of someone or something. Disparage implies a critical or dismissive attitude often accompanied by disrespect: “Leaders who wouldn’t be caught dead making religious or ethnic slurs don’t hesitate to disparage the ‘godless’ among us” (Daniel C. Dennett).
    Denigrate often adds a note of contempt: “elitist music critics who denigrated jazz by portraying it as inferior to the classical tradition” (Tyler Stovall).
    Belittle means to reduce someone or something to a lowly status, often in an arrogant or hurtful manner: “those who would mock and belittle others simply on the basis of their physical appearance” (Tyler Dilts).
    Depreciate implies the assignment of a low estimation of value or worth, though the judgment it expresses is generally less disdainful than in the previous terms: “[19th-century American] literature was still mainly subservient to English models and depreciated as secondhand and second rate” (Chronology of American Literature).

    So, there we have it……..disrepecting AOC is worthy of Twitter wrath….TRULY EXCEPTIONAL!

    Ilya G Poimandres
    Ilya G Poimandres
    Aug 21, 2021 10:05 AM
    Reply to  TFS

    They’ll cancel him soon enough!

    Aug 21, 2021 10:14 AM

    he has never said f*ckl all anywhere it just entertainment for the deluded dummiess who believe in polytricks.!

    Hugh O’NEILL
    Hugh O’NEILL
    Aug 21, 2021 9:18 AM

    Superb interview and film footage shows how evil are the global elites. The inspirational message is that the elites have overplayed their hand, and their house of cards is teetering on the edge of collapse. Though they may try to pit the Vaccinated against the Unvaccinated, we have to reach out to our fellow citizens, including the police and army, and show them who is the real enemy of Mankind. National strikes and targeted boycotts are just a small part of our intellectual arsenal. Non violence will ultimately be more successful than the violence the elites are trying very hard to provoke. Venceremos

    Geo Martin
    Geo Martin
    Aug 21, 2021 1:22 PM
    Reply to  Hugh O’NEILL

    Man it’s always the same. I’ve been hearing this jive all my life, the revolution that never comes. The police and the army are going to turn against their own commanders? The global elites have not overplayed their hand, look around you, talk to the people, we are clueless like sheep without a shepherd.
    Besides you can’t overthrow a system without a new system to replace it. Or what is the proposal, to get rid of this batch of politicians and bring up the next? Or are the sargeants and captains somehow less susceptible to being corrupted than the generals?
    Sorry for the black pill but to be expecting some saviour from this world is self defeating and just making another deal with evil.

    Aug 21, 2021 9:12 AM

    “category of forbidden speech”….
    They blocked “Penny”, the Canadian blogger, critical to lock-down and vaccination : Her site http://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/  is blocked by the blog-provider “BLOGGER”.

    Aug 21, 2021 11:41 AM
    Reply to  Joerg

    “Blogger”, one of Google’s services.
    Total Information Awareness and Full Spectrum Dominance?
    Looks like it.

    I very much admire and miss her views on geo-politics.

    Aug 21, 2021 2:18 PM
    Reply to  Mishko

    Thanks Mishko 🙂

    Work in progress, but, I’ll get there!

    Aug 21, 2021 2:17 PM
    Reply to  Joerg

    yes, my blog was made inaccessible because it violated community standards?
    I did ask for a response from blogger and so far nothing.
    I’m unsure what “community standards” are being violated?
    Not ever believing that following the crowd, conformity and non thinking were community standards to strive for or desire?
    find me at
    It’s a work in progress

    Aug 21, 2021 7:58 AM

    Well it’s the big vax rally in Central Park today. No surprise that Bruce Springsteen will be there, shilling for the deep state as he has for decades but disappointed in Paul Simon. Still that last chorus of The Boxer should be a treat with thousands of the vaxxed-only singing along – a fitting epitaph for the covid scam hopefully – will Paul dare?:

    ‘Lie la lie, lie la lie la lie la lie
    Lie la lie, lie la lie la lie la lie, la la lie la lie
    Lie la lie, lie la lie la lie la lie
    Lie la lie, lie la lie la lie la lie, la la lie la lie
    Lie la lie, lie la lie la lie la lie
    Lie la lie, lie la lie la lie la lie, la la lie la lie’

    George Mc
    George Mc
    Aug 21, 2021 8:53 AM
    Reply to  Thom

    God protect us from “well meaning” celebs eager to show off their saintliness. I reckon it’s time for an outoing of the following songs:

    Liar – Queen
    Liar – Camila Cabello (paired with its other side: Shameless)
    I Can See A Liar – Oasis

    And how about this verse from Neil Young?:

    I never knew a man could tell so many lies

    He had a different story for every set of eyes

    How can he remember who he’s talking to?

    ‘Cause I know it ain’t me, and hope it isn’t you

    Aug 21, 2021 1:19 PM
    Reply to  George Mc

    There’s a guiding principle in there somewhere – and I think I found it: don’t throw out the artist with the celebrity.

    I’ve never been – and hopefully will never sink so low as to be – a “fan” of anyone. If a particular artist creates a work of art I’m grateful for, I will thank him or her or them for it. But I will never grant its creator the honor (or dishonor) of subordinating myself to him or her or them.

    Even the greatest artist suffers from the same malady as the rest of us: being human. Which means living in mortal fear of the siren song societies continually play in the background to lure its members into the whirlpool of public acclaim whether as captain or crew of the doomed vessel.

    Acclaim is a disease far worse than anything in the allopathic lexicon, for it slowly, insidiously corrupts the soul, until the day comes when the artist is completely subsumed within the celebrity.

    On the day when the artist says “It’s all about me” instead of “It’s about my work,” that artist forfeits all claim to the designation of artist.

    Paul Vonharnish
    Paul Vonharnish
    Aug 21, 2021 2:54 PM
    Reply to  Howard

    Isn’t That What Friends Are For? – Bruce Cockburn

    “Everyone gets a chance to be nothing.”

    Geo Martin
    Geo Martin
    Aug 21, 2021 1:25 PM
    Reply to  Thom

    It doesn’t matter, they can sign that to the top of their lungs that they wouldn’t see a contradiciton if their lives depended on it, literally.

    Aug 22, 2021 3:26 AM
    Reply to  Thom

    Selfish Boomers.

    Aug 21, 2021 7:28 AM
    Aug 21, 2021 8:03 AM
    Reply to  October

    Will just be a rubber stamp that hasn’t allowed enough time or investigation to determine the long-term health effects of the mRNA/DNA vaccines.

    Aug 21, 2021 8:51 AM
    Reply to  October

    This was only ever a formality – the costs of denying approval would be astronomical.

    Create a vested interest and then wait for vested interests to act like vested interests do.

    Bruce Tonka
    Bruce Tonka
    Aug 21, 2021 9:00 AM
    Reply to  October

    Is this a big surprise?

    Aug 21, 2021 9:16 AM
    Reply to  Bruce Tonka

    Well, not really, but it does make mandates a whole lot easier.

    Bruce Tonka
    Bruce Tonka
    Aug 21, 2021 7:10 AM

    I’m not a Christian, my religion is truth. I believe in an infinite divine spirit (God) that is part of all of us. When this scamdemic nonsense started all my alarm bells went off. Nothing about it makes any sense. 18 months later I still firmly believe there is a depopulation agenda afoot and yet there is something else beyond that. Especially now that the agenda looks like 100% vaccination. The next warning flare went off when I noticed a crucial clue. The vaccine is not mandatory. Why? They could easily do it. I have read the Bible a few times. (there are fragments of truth everywhere, too complicated to explain here) I know full well what is in Revelation and it is clearly implied in Revelation that the mark will be voluntary. You see if they literally force you it doesn’t count. They can coerce, even use extreme coercion but they will never force you. (As a side note the origin of the Revelation of St John the Divine as a book which forms part of the Bible compilation is an interesting topic in it’s own right.) The next flare or warning bell that went off is this. They not actually lying. They massaging the truth. Right from the start they said it was an mRNA vaccine. Messenger RNA i.e. it will modify your God given genes. The CDC and others are actually publishing the true death rates which are non existent. The point is they actually telling you the facts they just changing the tone of the delivery.  Why? Why don’t they just blatantly lie. eg. Millions are dying from covid blah blah and show pictures of a cholera outbreak and manipulate the death rate figures. They control the media, so why don’t they do it… Because I believe it’s a rule namely; You must be aware of all the facts. You must use the… Read more »

    Petra Liverani
    Petra Liverani
    Aug 21, 2021 10:55 AM
    Reply to  Bruce Tonka

    Your post reminds me of 1986 when I flew to Cairns in Far North Queensland from Sydney to meet up with friends who’d been travelling around Australia. They’d asked me to bring them some dope and while on the plane I felt relieved I hadn’t bothered to try as it occurred to me I was going to land in Joh Bjelke-Petersen territory and things worked differently in Queensland. The tropical climate so different from Sydney made me feel as if I was in a different country and then when I hopped into my friends’ army landrover to start my three-week holiday I noticed an Amplified Bible on the dashboard which gave me pause. Until that moment my friends and I had never discussed Christianity and they had never given a hint of being interested in the subject. It turned out that friends of theirs had been influencing the guy (not so much the girl) and all he could talk about was Barry Smith, an evangelical Christian who authored eight books with the theme of end times prophecy. It all seemed a bit nuts to me although rather amazingly I didn’t totally reject it. Turns out he wasn’t so wrong at all! https://www.omegatimes.com/2010/03/end-times-visionaries-barry-smith/ Smith was particularly concerned about One World Government and the Mark of the Beast, which he believed would be achieved through some form of modern technology such as barcode tattoos, or a subcutaneous chip used to replace money, such as those currently being sold by VeriChip. He repeatedly stated that he was not a prophet (more precisely that he had no supernatural prescient knowledge of further events) but that his analysis of global situations coupled with his understanding of biblical end-times prophesy led him to make predictions concerning near-future global events. Although many of his predictions were wrong in their timing, many are… Read more »

    Aug 21, 2021 11:48 AM
    Reply to  Bruce Tonka

    Messenger: in the bible god’s angels are his messengers.
    Moderna: Modified RNA

    Aug 21, 2021 10:37 PM
    Reply to  Mishko

    Actually mRNA means Messenger RiboNucleic Acid. i.e. Viral RNA

    Aug 21, 2021 6:30 AM

    comment image?width=700&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=3b232ad4d603c3d5414bfecd3cdf3caf

    Aug 21, 2021 5:48 AM

    I short crash course on politics in a child like format, so you can send it to your idiot friends who belive they are going to vote themselves out of this.

    Don’t be like Samuel, just leave the plantation and call their bluff.

    Aug 21, 2021 8:47 AM


    The plantation keeps running because the plantation owners keep the working people stupid as in how the plantation is run.

    And what is it what keeps the people working?

    To make thinking things through for yourself (and therefore reject stupidity) look like sin.

    Works like a charm…

    Aug 21, 2021 11:53 AM

    The notion of standing armies should be factored in, otherwise too superficial.
    Ludlow Massacre 1914 (!): https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/ludlow-massacre/

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 21, 2021 5:47 AM

    Rubber bullets and pepper spray were used against Freedom Day protesters today in Melbourne. Several people required medical attention and according to a State MP, David Limbrick, he personally spoke to 2 men who were pepper sprayed outside the Victorian Parliament and needed attention. One man told him he was sprayed in the mouth. I can’t share his video. That’s all.

    Lost in a dark wood
    Lost in a dark wood
    Aug 21, 2021 5:49 AM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts
    Pig Swill
    Pig Swill
    Aug 21, 2021 6:14 AM

    The TV watchers are calling any Melbourne protestors “cockroaches” just like in Hong Kong.

    Aug 21, 2021 6:59 AM
    Reply to  Pig Swill

    It will come to all in time. The double jabbed will be outcast by the booster jabbed. Then when the climate rules come in, you will be cockroach if you eat fast food, travel, drive your car, eat meat, drink alcohol, or just for being a fat slob with a BMI over 23. It’s coming to a post code near you and they will play us against each other at every step.

    Some think they will be unaffected, including the Police Officer I chatted to in the coffee shop this morning. He seemed to think his job was safe, especially with all this going on.

    I warned him if this system of control comes into being. The track and trace, the facial recognition, the finger prints scanning, the social credit, the digital currency and the 5g to run it all. The State will not require him anymore to give out tickets. By then it will all be automated and the State will see him as another source of untapped revenue.

    Gave him something to think about over his coffee. Oh, and I did not have a mask on, although we did discus the stupid fines about mask wearing.

    Aug 22, 2021 9:07 AM
    Reply to  Pig Swill

    Pretty much everything in the MSM is a lie. I don’t say that lightly.

    Peter Abraham
    Peter Abraham
    Aug 21, 2021 6:55 AM

    Filthy comments by the shills.

    Aug 22, 2021 9:08 AM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    The MSM. It’s an imaginary world of lies.

    Marilyn Shepherd
    Marilyn Shepherd
    Aug 21, 2021 11:44 AM

    Julian Burnside says they should be denied medical care if they ”get covid” so I asked him if they should be denied health care after the injuries from jabs

    Lost in a dark wood
    Lost in a dark wood
    Aug 21, 2021 12:11 PM

    Things are developing quickly, so I’m not sure if this doctrine yet has a name, but any post-jab injury or illness, including death, would have been much worse if it hadn’t been for the jab.

    Loverat 8
    Loverat 8
    Aug 21, 2021 6:22 AM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts


    Australia and NZ is a freak show. It’s being used as a blueprint for the rest imo.

    The statements and aggression from politicians lately are not from this planet and I think they might be trying to stir up civil unrest as an excuse to clamp down full Nazi. The politicians driving this are petrified in my view that their house of cards is collapsing.

    Funny the other day, in my mum’s garden tending to my cucumber plants, I remembered my mum saying when I was about 5, if go down to the bottom of the garden and dig, I will get down to Australia. I’m tempted to try it, and rescue you. As long as you don’t mind a bit of gardening labour and don’t bring that boring rag you sell, you would be most welcome to stay.

    By the way, does anyone want a free cucumber? I have two varieties- smooth and large, the other prickly and thinner. Both taste the same.

    Loverat 8
    Loverat 8
    Aug 21, 2021 6:43 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    This is a good tip folks. Check out Ice Age Farmer (I think an article here before linked to him) He knows all the stuff about possible food chain issues and suggests we all grow our own, obviously subject to space etc.

    His quote is become a producer, not consumer.

    In my garden , I’ve grown zillions of vegetables and salads. It’s great for mental health too. The other message is form local communities where ultimately in bad times you can trade stuff. For example I’ve been given away my cucumbers and tomatoes, and in return my neighbours are giving me their or Egytian potatoes from their convenience stores. In short, build up relations with neighbours, help and show goodwill to them now, they will help you in the bad times coming. That’s the key thing, prepare for the worst but if that doesn’t happen you will have made friends.

    Loverat 8
    Loverat 8
    Aug 21, 2021 7:49 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    Sorry, missed this out. Another tip, Buy loads of vegetable seeds. Many like carrots, spring onions, lettuce and micro salads can still be grown. In UK you can grow other stuff in beds. Wilkos sell cheap seeds. And Sutton Seeds were offering Lady Di Runner beans for £1 reduced from £4.

    A few months ago I put 10 seeds in a pot, staggered in timing and now have 30 developing/ fully grown cucumbers. Not wanting to the risk of sounding like Tony and his imaginary wife, seeing something grow from a tiny seed to out of control is amazing. And useful maybe. Get your gardening gloves out folks.

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 21, 2021 8:32 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    My earlier reply to you went straight to the spam filter. As seems to be a regular occurrence lately.

    Aug 21, 2021 1:01 PM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    Making sure they are non GMO?

    Sgt Oddball
    Sgt Oddball
    Aug 21, 2021 8:12 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    …- There is *No Sounder Advice* than this, folks… – Thankyou, Loverat…

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 21, 2021 6:46 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    Right now I’m just trying to keep my sanity intact and stay calm without succumbing to fear Loverat.
    Because that’s what they want.
    A number of us have said numerous times that Australia, and yes, New Zealand, were the main testing ground for this crap. Australia now is literally a fascist police state in my view.
    Appreciate your offer, and yes, was told by the mag management on Thursday that they were obliged to abide by Govt health measures and they expected all vendors to adhere to all Govt health directives as well. They are fully brainwashed by the covid narrative.
    So my days may be numbered at that boring mag anyway.

    Aug 21, 2021 9:17 AM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts

    they still seem to be desperate for people to pick things in Qld so if there is any possibility of managing to get here the jobs outside with veg and fruit may be far more mentally rewarding……

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 21, 2021 9:34 AM
    Reply to  EDITH

    I hear you Edith, and I do appreciate your suggestions. However, my bottom lines are thus: no mask, no tests, no contact tracing, no jab. I don’t know how I would get on a plane otherwise.

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 22, 2021 6:17 AM
    Reply to  EDITH

    Edith… Get in as much food as you can now. Enough for about 2 weeks. Just received several messages. Blockades are going to be happening. The truckies have had enough and are taking action.

    Loverat 8
    Loverat 8
    Aug 21, 2021 9:38 AM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts


    Keep well. I read a post where you said you had saved or stocked up. I think we will come out of this after some hardships. If you want some relief from the madness, look up Dr Carrie Madje. She inspires positivity. Reiner Fuellmich too. Both talking about difficult issues but they are inspiring. That and comedy keeps me sane for now.

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 21, 2021 9:51 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    Thanks Loverat, you too🙏

    Marilyn Shepherd
    Marilyn Shepherd
    Aug 21, 2021 11:45 AM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts

    It’s so bad the head of the taliban called on Australia to stop being a brutal police state

    Aug 21, 2021 12:00 PM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts

    My mind keeps going back to the announcement of the War On Cancer
    in 1970 and what has become of that.
    (and found out that the War On Drugs became a policy in 1971,
    the year I was born)

    Aug 22, 2021 9:10 AM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts

    Gezzah at least we not going to die of boredom, I think many of us new this day would come. It had to come. Not sure in what format but now we know.

    Sgt Oddball
    Sgt Oddball
    Aug 21, 2021 7:20 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    …”Oh my God, they’ve found Tom!…

    …- Open up Harry:… We dig… – *Round The Clock*…”

    Aug 21, 2021 8:07 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    I used to think of Australia and NZ as free thinking, live and let live places that I could see myself possibly moving to when I choose to escape the USA. But not any longer! So sad. Where to now?

    Bruce Tonka
    Bruce Tonka
    Aug 21, 2021 8:19 AM
    Reply to  Jojo


    Rhisiart Gwilym
    Rhisiart Gwilym
    Aug 21, 2021 9:25 AM
    Reply to  Bruce Tonka

    aka the Bardo state; and then… rebirth. (just a slightly different interpretation 🙂 )

    Aug 21, 2021 4:31 PM

    Agreed, I hope to be a tree, but would settle as a c-beam near the Tanhauser gate : )

    Loverat 8
    Loverat 8
    Aug 21, 2021 8:23 AM
    Reply to  Jojo

    Well, if I cant rescue Australians by digging at the end of my garden, three things.

    1. Set up an escape committee, (see above clip of Steve McQueen on his bike))

    2. Have faith and stand your ground. You are right.

    3. Think clever and stragically

    Aug 21, 2021 9:18 AM
    Reply to  Jojo

    i used to feel the same for most of 7 decades of my life……has come as a deep shock that none of it was true……

    Aug 21, 2021 1:14 PM
    Reply to  Jojo

    I think the same thing and they ARE free thinking. Lots of research and denunciations of dodgy industrial practices… they still are. Their present situation is an example of the deep state showing off it’s control and terrorizing all free thinking citizens everywhere… Like in the US actually. I believe your discuss with the “US” is representative of US citizens… You guys were always known to ‘take no shit’… MSM and “woke” social media actors are actors actually…

    Aug 21, 2021 9:03 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    I don’t think Australia is a “blueprint” as much as one extreme end of a variety of ways they’re trialling vaccine implementation. They’ll be assessing their effectiveness and using whatever works. That’s all they care about. That was also Blair’s slogan it may be remembered.

    On the subject of gardening, it’s one of the few ways humans come into contact with the earth without a layer of rubber obstructing. We are electrical creatures and it gives us an electric charge which is why we feel so good afterwards.

    Aug 21, 2021 12:09 PM
    Reply to  Edwige

    Grounding. There are lectures and articles on it’s health benefits
    and possible complications in case of a lack of grounding.

    Aug 21, 2021 12:54 PM
    Reply to  Edwige

    You need to take off your shoes and forget the fear of germs. It supposedly helps to reduce pain , clotting, insomnia and inflamation, apart from stress. Besides electricity, the effect may be akin to reflexology.

    Aug 21, 2021 4:38 PM
    Reply to  Edwige

    trees, soil, plants, plants, sweat; muck, blood, rock and humus; all my life. with the wind, birds and beasties as the radio. Amen to that. Otherwise i’d be in Carstairs ; )

    Aug 21, 2021 9:52 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    Are NZ/Australia the designated bolt holes for the eejuts directing this theatre hence the police state, with the side product of severing the ties of those countries with China?

    Marilyn Shepherd
    Marilyn Shepherd
    Aug 21, 2021 11:47 AM
    Reply to  TFS

    As we are at the arse end of nowhere we look over the horizon and imagine what we see then think it into reality

    Aug 21, 2021 12:25 PM
    Reply to  TFS

    There is a bit of dutch history connected to Australia and Canada.
    In 1950 the then government announced that the Netherlands were
    full and close to overpopulation. The count was 10 million.
    Emigration was promoted and stimulated as a policy.

    In 1973 this was repeated and the then PM Den Uyl stated that
    “population politics”would be instated, in combination with
    “family planning”.

    In 1979 our then queen Juliana stated in her Throneroom Speech
    that the Netherlands were full, filled to overflowing.

    Since then immigration into the Netherlands has come to be defined
    as cultural enrichment.

    ( source: https://gerard1945.wordpress.com/2015/10/02/nederland-was-te-vol-met-10-miljoen-inwoners/ )

    So… If anyone asks me:”What exactly does your white privilege consist of?”
    My answer will be:”Cultural enrichment. My white privilege consists of cultural enrichment.”

    Aug 21, 2021 9:53 AM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts

    What I don’t understand is this. What is this big hard-on they have for Australia? One of the biggest least densely populated countries in the world. Or are our illustrious leaders just doing some exceptional kowtowing and ingratiation to their real bosses? It’s weird!
    By their own facts, covid does not qualify as a pandemic and it certainly doesn’t warrant an experimental vaccine.

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 21, 2021 12:28 PM
    Reply to  John

    I don’t know except to say Australia is part of the Five Eyes security alliance, plus 38 or so years of Neoliberalism has done a real number on people’s psyches here, and as well as the attendant PC culture, has made them as soft as putty. Men, by and large, have been emasculated, and to repeat again what Shin said, which I fully agree with: “Australians sold their souls for the good life a long time ago”.
    And we definitely don’t have the history here that say Europe or South America does. There also seem to be very powerful forces here behind the curtain pulling the strings so to speak.
    And politicians here… I mean, look at them: Andrews, Hazzard, Palasczuk, Berejiklian. Martin Foley the Victorian Health Minister is a complete dunce and barely knows what day it is. They are a mix of psychopaths and not very intelligent chinless yes men.

    Aug 21, 2021 4:41 PM
    Reply to  John

    sino-lebensraum, there are debts to be paid.

    Aug 21, 2021 4:51 PM
    Reply to  rubberheid

    nations of fat arsed, greedy, over-valued (context!), entitled, consuming, hypochondriac, wailing, weak fuckwits have become too expensive and utterly useless. Their experiments will continue, but consumerism has failed as anything but a profit maker- they want a reset of the most advanced, post-industrial societies into hives. Cull required, the old chaps require a digitized weak citizen, not a sturdy peasant.
    Dissent will not be tolerated.

    Aug 21, 2021 10:28 AM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts

    Maybe learn about psyop
    A high percentage of video’s are fear porn and staged and lies about the demonstration.

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 21, 2021 10:40 AM
    Reply to  shamen

    I know about pysops. It was a live feed being played in real time by an independent journalist called Real Rukshan. I was actually watching it when the cops started firing the rubber bullets and using pepper spray.

    Pig Swill
    Pig Swill
    Aug 21, 2021 2:39 PM
    Reply to  Gezzah Potts

    Exactly the same stuff went down in Hong Kong. I was there all through the HK protests. I had tear gas down my street. Huge battles on the corner of my street. Right from the earliest days cops were firing tear gas and shooting people with rubber bullets. Cops all around the world are kitted out for all this and have been ready for what’s coming for years. But nobody gets it. They WANT riots. They WANT chaos. The INSANE things Gov characters have said for months and months and months now make that embarrassingly, transparent and obvious. Just goading…needling people into a fight. Which they will not win. And it will be spun 1000 ways from next Sunday in favour of the passive aggressive cowards who run the show.

    Gezzah Potts
    Gezzah Potts
    Aug 22, 2021 4:07 AM
    Reply to  Pig Swill

    Agree with you P. The started militarising the cops a long time ago. And in various protests (not counting controlled opposition ones) Agent Provacateurs are obviously there to stir up trouble, all with the TV camera’s by pure coincidence (🤷‍♂️) right on the spot ready to start filming. So then the “media” can start screeching about “violent anti vaxxers” or whatever.
    The really disturbing thing for me is the hatred being stoked up against anyone not going along with this agenda and who refuses the jab. Similar parallels to Germany 1937-38? You’ve said it yourself “cockroaches”.
    How this country has fallen so quickly and succumbed to this fraud tells you about the already existing state of society and prevailing mindset of many in this country prior to 2020.

    Aug 21, 2021 12:26 PM
    Reply to  shamen

    An even higher percentage are regular porn. …wait, what? =)

    Peter Abraham
    Peter Abraham
    Aug 21, 2021 5:26 AM

    Tremendous Pressure

    The personnel manager in my company indicated that I wouldn’t be allowed into the office without being injected after the end of the month. Didn’t sleep much last night. I will attempt to buy time. I can’t work from home for more than a couple of weeks. I may have to retire.

    I am also under pressure from immediate family and friends. So I face the possibility of death, “vaccine” injury or the luck of a placebo. Didn’t think it would come to this so soon.

    Lost in a dark wood
    Lost in a dark wood
    Aug 21, 2021 6:51 AM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    Re: “indicated”

    Have they put it in writing?

    Peter Abraham
    Peter Abraham
    Aug 21, 2021 6:59 AM

    No , it was verbal. Next week will be crucial. We were horrified when we read 1984 not realising we were destines to live through much worse.

    Loverat 8
    Loverat 8
    Aug 21, 2021 7:15 AM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham


    Do you live in the UK? If so, I have alot of experience and hardship dealing with workplace bullies, peer pressure. Let me know, and I might be able to offer some perspectives.

    The other thing I would say, bullies nearly always back off when challenged ( politely but firmly) When I stood up to them, this happened and that was the defining moment in my life. I’ve never looked back. My advice, you need to make a stand, but be clever and strategic when doing so.

    Aug 21, 2021 10:02 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    Admin (I forget which individual) on this site gave out what I thought was excellent advice on a similar thread not that long ago. Another contributor was faced with the same predicament and, to paraphrase, the advice given was to tell the employer you are not against vaccinations in general but you are waiting for the results of the evaluations currently being undertaken by the drug companies so that you can make an informed choice. It may stave off any precipitous action by your employer. Bon Chance.

    Aug 21, 2021 10:08 AM
    Reply to  Shardlake

    Sorry Loverat, this was meant for Peter Abraham.

    Loverat 8
    Loverat 8
    Aug 21, 2021 11:01 AM
    Reply to  Shardlake

    The secret of problem solving many matters is present the evidence then ask questions they cant answer and reassurances they can’t give given the evidence. They usually back off. Also ensuring you cover all angles so they can’t come back with a generic response.

    Aug 21, 2021 12:29 PM
    Reply to  Shardlake

    Coupled with the uncertainty of health insurances providing any cover
    in case of vaccine injury.

    Peter Abraham
    Peter Abraham
    Aug 21, 2021 11:43 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    I live in Australia. Thanks for the advice.

    Loverat 8
    Loverat 8
    Aug 21, 2021 7:25 AM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham


    This is a short article I wrote on the matter for another site. I think its a fair pre-legal approach. Your employer is acting illegally in my view, but for now best look at practical solutions, remaining calm but steadfast, even with family, friends.

    The current consensus is employers can’t mandate anything when the government haven’t issued a mandate.


    Peter Abraham
    Peter Abraham
    Aug 21, 2021 11:42 AM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    Thanks. In this case the state government has barred people from certain LGA’s to commute to work in another LGA unless they have been injected.

    Aug 21, 2021 1:00 PM
    Reply to  Loverat 8

    Even a government mandate without evidence (completed trials with adequate results) is criminal.

    Aug 21, 2021 7:45 AM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    Chancellor Brandt, what is your greatest regret from before the War?

    That we Social Democrats were too gentlemanly to fight the Nazis in the streets.

    Bruce Tonka
    Bruce Tonka
    Aug 21, 2021 8:20 AM
    Reply to  NickM

    I’m beginning to think the Nazis were right. Seriously do we think the lies and bullshit only started 18 months ago.

    Aug 21, 2021 9:14 AM
    Reply to  NickM

    Brandt was no unwitting stooge but a direct member of the top of the pyramid according to John Coleman.

    We also names Felipe Gonzalez, Denis Healey, Tony Benn and Bettino Craxi as being in that category. In case anyone thinks Coleman is a disinfo agent just sowing discord among the Left he names plenty of right-wing politicians as well (like Kissinger, Haig, Schulz, Howe, Carrington) and there were plenty higher up at the time he was writing he could have named but didn’t.

    Bruce Tonka
    Bruce Tonka
    Aug 21, 2021 9:13 AM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    Let me put it this way. Death would be preferable to vaccination.

    Peter Abraham
    Peter Abraham
    Aug 21, 2021 10:37 AM
    Reply to  Bruce Tonka

    There is as much as a one in a thousand chance I get both. Worse would be any of the many serious injuries. However if I decide to quit I could be forced with the choice later between eating and the poison prick. This really is the beginning of the end of the world. Something worse than our worst nightmares.

    Aug 21, 2021 9:28 AM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    just heard an US lawyer saying that religious belief is one way out……not a church based one but your own personal belief…..no doubt you will have to supply a letter……there is probably templates circulating on the web…….
    i am just telling friends who are worrying make them sack you if whatever things they want to do don’t suit….. depending where you are you may get more money that way if you lose the job, plus there is likely to be class actions about all this in the future and unfair and illegal dismissal may well be a strong point to join actions…… just leaving won’t get you that……

    others are saying write out a form asking for the employers signature that they will cover all health costs for the rest of your life post vax…… a young lass from melbourne is advising people on that…… they have had employers back off with that as their insurance wont cover it…..

    there are solicitors/lawyers trying to help but media is keeping very quiet about them…… go for a search around the web for the country you live in….. aged care workers are banding together here and will all walk out on the day they have been threatened….. if people hold their nerve it will be impossible…..

    The truckies threatened our premier with strikes and blockades last week because she put the wood on them being vax…. she backed down….people are winning, you just have to find like minded or other industry based folk and communicate……their game in all this has been to prevent us communicating……

    Peter Abraham
    Peter Abraham
    Aug 21, 2021 10:41 AM
    Reply to  EDITH

    Thanks for the suggestions. I should also mention that the comments of the personnel manager was in response to government directives that forbade people leaving some local government areas to work in another without the injection.

    Aug 21, 2021 1:08 PM
    Reply to  EDITH

    AFAIK, no insurance anywhere covers injuries from the jab. Such injuries may occur much later, e.g., due to changes in DNA.

    Aug 21, 2021 1:21 PM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    OMG!!!!! I feel for you… I was tempted to change jobs for a 20% wage increase… went to the interview… was terrorized not knowing if that would come with a jab… Had a terrible week…. didn’t get the job… was the easiest rejection I ever felt. Good luck… And let us know please… keep in contact

    Aug 21, 2021 8:02 AM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    Makes a good point: these RNA injections are adding to the load of toxic agents like glyphosate and hydrocarbon hormone analogues that we human beings now carry in our bodies; he suggests this toxic load is responsible for the present rise in autism, and this additional load of viral RNA will induce additional developmental defects in the human body.

    Aug 21, 2021 12:32 PM
    Reply to  NickM

    Yes we human organisms consistently seem to be under regimes that stunt growth and development.
    (check also diets too reliant on grains)

    Randle McVandle
    Randle McVandle
    Aug 21, 2021 12:29 PM
    Reply to  Peter Abraham

    What about stating that your doctor has advised you from taking the shot? You will not even be lying, since many doctors HAVE advised against it? If they still insist, tell them that you need the demand in writing with the signature of the manager. Time to get lawyered up.

    les online
    les online
    Aug 21, 2021 4:52 AM

    The online “socialist” sites all have forgotten that ‘Socialism was the name of a movement to ensure social security for all by suppressing the destructive effects of capitalism on society.’ They.ve joined the Catastrophists’ Chorus spreading visions of DOOM
    They remind me of what Bob Brubaker said of the anarchist in The Fifth Estate, Fall 1990:
    “My overall impression is that the anarchist movement has degenerated into a sort of clearing house for the various protest groups, peace movement, (the) anti-work movement, AIDS action groups, and so on. Most anarchists, it would seem, have completely forsaken the desire to articulate and communicate a radical utopian vision of the future; perhaps they have none to offer. What they do have amounts to no more than a promise of “endless struggle” (The title of one anarchist publication.)
    One searches in vain through the majority of anarchist newspapers and zines for anything more substantial than cheerleading accounts of the latest protest or riot.”

    S Cooper
    S Cooper
    Aug 21, 2021 5:56 AM
    Reply to  les online

    “One got the impression that it was a social life for some, inexpensive entertainment for others and a way to call attention to themselves and say they were special for still others. A very small number were in it to learn something and an even smaller number were there for the betterment of society.”

    les online
    les online
    Aug 21, 2021 7:31 AM
    Reply to  S Cooper

    Back there when Revolution Was In The Air, Henri Lefebre wrote:

    “The revolutions of the past were, indeed, festivals – cruel, yes, but is there not always something cruel, wild and violent in festivals ? The Revolution of the future will put an end to the quotidian, it will usher in prodigality and lavishness, and break our fetters, violently or peacefully. as the case may be. This revolution will not be restricted to the sphere of the economy, politics and ideology; its specific object will be to annihilate everyday life, and the period of transition will also take on a new meaning, oppose everyday life and re-organise it until it is as good as new; its spurious rationality and authority unmasked and the antithesis between the quotidian and the festival, whether of labour or of leisure, will no longer be the basis of society.” (Everyday Life in the Modern World. cc1975)

    Aug 21, 2021 12:43 PM
    Reply to  les online

    The festivals of today are multiple day events with drugs and loud repetitive rythms. The so-called Summer Of Love was a purely organic coming
    together of the minds ofcourse.
    Culture creation can not have been at the root of this. Ofcourse not.

    “Everybody knows that”.
    (Those whom the gods would destroy they first drive mad)

    Sensation Festival (Trance):
    Awakenings Festival (Techno): https://www.youtube.com/user/awakeningsevent

    Ernest Judd
    Ernest Judd
    Aug 22, 2021 10:25 PM
    Reply to  les online

    However, in the Basque Region of Spain the Mondragon Co-operative is based on “Anarcho-Syndliclism”.

    Pig Swill
    Pig Swill
    Aug 21, 2021 4:42 AM

    There’s still far too many people totally on board with the lies. It astounds me that the narrative mouthpieces have been able to keep them on board this long. *Clicks fingers ** jiggles car keys….”stay with me now……stay with me….”

    And they have…and do!

    Aug 21, 2021 7:19 AM
    Reply to  Pig Swill

    When one is initiated into the cult through injection, they then switch off to any reason. No matter what you say or show them after will change their mind.

    I belive this is the reason why they pushed hard and fast for the injections. In Australia up until a month ago the uptake was 5%, they were very much behind with plan and many were already awake. This is why they are now being heavy handed since they have no other cards to play. They played slow, others played it fast, it was all trial and error, but be sure it will be noted for future roll outs.

    Pig Swill
    Pig Swill
    Aug 22, 2021 2:06 AM

    Yep. I know people who have caved in and capitulated to the injection over the past few weeks here in Australia. The fear campaign is probably working pretty well.