Australia is going full Fascist …but resistance is growing
The Australian government has been leading the pack on Covid-based tyranny from the beginning, but are they pushing their citizens to breaking point?
Kit Knightly

Covid19 has been used as an excuse to increase government control of pretty much everything, pretty much everywhere.
It is, without question, the greatest campaign to seize power, and greatest assault on personal freedom, of my lifetime. With countries seemingly in a contest to outdo each other’s clampdowns, lockdowns, quarantines and surveillance programs.
From the beginning of the “pandemic” three countries, in particular, have set the pace on this – Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Since last spring these three have been one-upping each other in a race to the fascist finish line. And right now, Australia is putting a sprint in to pull away from the pack.
Cities are going into full lockdown for just one positive test. Some Australian cities and states aren’t just under total lockdowns, but also ever-extending curfews. The details of which read like a dystopian novel.
People are not permitted to leave the state, let alone the country. They’re not even permitted more than 5km (~3 miles) from their home. They’re not allowed out at all after 9pm or before 5am. Masks are mandatory everywhere for everyone. Outdoors and in. No religious services. No weddings. Shoot stray dogs, just in case.
Police barge into “unapproved” shops and fine business owners, or go house-to-house making sure no one has gone out. People who test positive are taken from homes for “indefinite stays” at “quarantine hotels”.
They are herding thousands upon thousands of children in stadiums, without their parents, to perform (allegedly) voluntary mass vaccinations, despite the possible dangers. The army has been deployed to check papers and vaccine status at road checkpoints.
The homes of those “self-isolating” are having government notices nailed to the doors. “Unauthorised protests” are banned, and if organize one you get 8 months in prison.
The unvaccinated are told they mustn’t leave their homes:
“Don’t want to get jabbed, Stay home!” Australia are desperate 👀
— Chrissy 🌸 🌸🇬🇧 🇺🇸 (@Chrissy_2697) August 23, 2021
And the nation’s billionaire-owned propaganda channels pump out this hysterical fear-mongering:
How the “free press” in Australia covers the utter insanity, societal implosion, and resulting police state… with utter applause.
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) August 23, 2021
Increasingly their rules and limitations are becoming not just tyrannical but literally insane. It seems, just about every day, one or another Australian politician or health “expert” is on the news saying something crazy.
Don’t take your masks off to drink. Don’t be friendly. Don’t watch the sunset. Tape your balcony shut. Don’t go out to shop, and don’t order online either:
Welcome to Australia. A place where the authoritarianism is now so bad that they even advise against online shopping.#auspol #covidnsw #COVID19nsw #australialockdown
— James Melville 🌸 (@JamesMelville) August 20, 2021
This is Australia’s “New Normal. This is just it, now. They’ve said they’re not going back. Even if they have “zero cases”, and over 80% are fully “vaccinated”, you’ll “still have to respect some rules regarding masking, social distancing”:
We will always need to live with a measure of restrictions.”
It gets worse.
Having decided that the “quarantine hotels” were inefficient, Australian states are now building coronavirus camps. Sorry, not camps, “national resilience centres”.
There’s already one in the Northern Territories, another being built in Melbourne and a third was just approved for construction in Brisbane. To underline that these rules aren’t temporary, these camps won’t even be operational until 2022.
For now these “resilience centres” are reserved for “returning travellers” to undertake “mandatory supervised quarantine”. But it’s not hard to see them becoming near-permanent installations to house the unvaccinated. Based on the current speed of deterioration, I can see it happening by the end of the week.
It also gets better.
The good news is that the people of Australia seem to be reaching a hard limit with just how much they can take. We already saw huge numbers at protests on Global Freedom Day (July 24th), and this past weekend saw even bigger protests in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney:
Come on Australia!!! Stand and fight. We stand with you.
Hold. Your. Line.#together #COVID19Vic #NoVaccinePassport— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) August 22, 2021
These kinds of protests are the key to winning this battle.
Noncompliance works. Simple refusal to do what you’re told, en masse, cannot be beaten. It also shows other people, who may be complying out of fear and isolation, that they’re not alone.
If you doubt the power of mass movements like these, simply look at the effort put into discrediting them.
The mainstream media has come out in force, decrying the “disgraceful violence”. The crowds of people are accused of being just “angry men” out there “looking for a fight”. Or branded lunatics and antisemites.
The press lies about the numbers, turning what was easily 10,000 people into “4000” or just “hundreds” (that’s an old trick).
They list the number of police officers injured, and make no reference to any protesters being hurt at all. But then go into the number of arrests in detail, but keeping them anonymous so no dissenter gets accidentally humanised.
Footage like this never makes it on the news:
This never used to be #Australia! I am shocked that the Police are against the people, how is this justified?
— Sana Ayesha (@sanaayesha__) August 21, 2021
While the commissioners go on TV crying crocodile tears over the violence, the truth is that police wanted the protests to turn violent.
Violence gives them further excuse to crackdown, whilst discrediting the message of the protest. The police response was designed to instigate that violence.
Generally speaking, the Australian police have taken to their role as fascist enforcers with remarkable ease in the past year. They’ve been sending threatening letters to independent journalists, hitting protesters with their cars, stamping on their heads, pepper-spraying teenaged girls and performing dangerous chokeholds with genuine enthusiasm.
In the run-up to the planned protest, the police made it clear they would be taking a confrontational stance:
AUSTRALIA – Police make it clear the right to protest is no longer a human right
Outdoor protests in the UK didn’t increase the spread of Covid, even during the peak of waves. And they know that.
This is about control of people not COVID #COVID19Vic
— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) August 20, 2021
In Melbourne, 1500 officers took to the streets, in full riot gear, manning street-wide barricades in their faceless storm-trooper helmets. They fired rubber bullets into the crowd. They pepper-sprayed teenaged girls (again).
It was clear they were instigating a confrontation. It was no surprise when people eventually rushed the barricades and broke through.
It’s another tactic, as old as the hills, to put some undercover officers among the crowds whose job is to start getting violent, heat up the crowds, throw the first punch. It happens. All. The. Time.
Regardless of the rhetoric from the state and their tools in the press, more protests are planned for the future. Australian truck drivers, hard-hit by the lockdowns, are planning an industrial action to shut the country down, and there are several legal challenges in the works.
Australia’s government may be setting the standard for Orwellian control, but Australia’s people are showcasing the simple solution: Resist. They only win if we let them.
To paraphrase A Bug’s Life, we’re a lot stronger than they say we are, and they know it. Or, to quote one iconic protester on a white horse, “cross over, they cannot arrest all of us.”
Modern day Paul revere’s in Australia
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) August 22, 2021
This morning Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews took to the television screen to send a message. He condemned the “Terrible scenes. Ugly scenes.” and the “disgusting violence”, and tried to spin the line that this was a protest over Covid, rather than spectacularly cruel government overreach:
Today’s Monday and the virus is still here…because protests, however agitated, however appalling, however willing, don’t work on this.”
But what we all know, and every day more and more people are realising, is that this isn’t about a virus. It was never about a virus. It is about tyranny.
And protests work on that all the time.
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Something has to be done: NOW!
“Damn Mask”
Agreed. But what?
I fear gathering like minded people and starting a small community in the bush may be the safest option, at least for now.
Australia is still just a British colony and som are New Zeeland and Canada, whatever the politicians say. So the ones that are behind of this massive is the British royalty. The police in Britain have not gone to the extremes, that occuring in the colonies, but that is just a matter of time.The english speaking countries are all going fascist,
I’d like to take this time to remind everyone what happens when you subscribe to things like a government-sponsored gun buyback program. This is the result. It’s why EVERY fascist dictatorship in history disarmed their populace before running roughshod over their faces. The proof is there, but everyone wants to ignore it. An armed populace is a populace that governments fear. And they SHOULD fear their constituents. That’s the entire point.
I’m so sorry the people of Australia are having to endure this. Unfortunately, it really began when Australians gave up their guns. Stand strong and don’t comply. The normal people of America are with you. It’s coming here soon.
– Good iron is not used to make nails. Good men or women do not become police officers.
Old Chinese saying
I’m from the United States. We are watching what is happening in Australia and Canada and seeing the same things taking hold here. We were handed and born into the greatest experiment in self government in human history. Founded on principles inherited from our European ancestry. Principles of individual liberty, personal freedom and natural rights. While not perfected initially these principles expanded and grew over the centuries since our founding. The freedom of our societies have unleashed human beings to create, invent, and advance in ways never before seen in human history. With the majority of citizens living in comfort and abundance. We are watching this evaporate before our very eyes at the hands of a relative few power hungry ruling class elites and politically connected technocrats that want to put every person on the planet under their thumb. What they offer, mankind has encountered many times and its misery for most of us. We need to resist and assert the birthright of all freedom and liberty loving people on the planet. If we fail we are all doomed. We need to unite across borders and across nations to resist this. Not as citizens of a particular country but as human beings on this planet that enjoy and are entitled to the rights granted by nature. By the fact we exist. Every person on the planet can assert these rights and no other person has the legitimate authority restrict them. There has got to be some way we can organize globally to resist this authoritarian push to subjugate the free people of this planet. We need to unite and organize. Alone we are powerless, together we are too massive to be stopped.
To be fair Australia is further down the road than Canada. Canada is catching up to what UK and some of Europe already have in place. Canada is just a bit ahead of the US in this respect.
Canada, Aus. and US are all WELL ahead of the UK on the path to tyranny. UK has vaccine mandates only for some healthcare workers (unlike US). There’s no health pass in England (unlike Canada) and it only launched in Scotland three days ago (and its use is highly restricted). You can attend church without a vaccine (unlike Switz.). Protests legal (unlike Aus.). No police pepper-spraying protestors, unlike Aus. (has never been legal in UK), no use of rubber bullets in UK. No mask use in UK at present; no restaurants requiring passes as in some parts of US; no outlandish threatening statements from central (federal) government as in the US. Use of track & trace app in UK isn’t being enforced (unlike Aus.). Canadian authorities’ clampdown on religious services hasn’t been replicated in UK. No separate lines at airport arrivals according to vaccine status in UK (unlike Canada).
When you say European ancestry.
Well that’s the problem dude.
It’s European style of government that increases taxes and give more power to the state dude.
Why do you think Americans found against the British.
Name me one style of European government.
That is better than American government if done correctly?
The European government is the problem.
And more European citizens are rising up against this none sense.
When you say European government is based on Freedom??
How so??
When most European countries tax the hell out of their people and take their money.
Also most European countries don’t like the idea of having guns for the people.
I worked for an Australian company for a little while in Philippines. So thankful to have escaped. Both countries disgust me. Honestly, I would much rather be dead than to even do something like putting a mask on my face.
I don’t know if anyone is reading this today but, at 2.15pm on Radio 4 this afternoon is the first part of an 8 part series dramatisation of the Nerenberg Trials with the script using actual trial evidence in person, written statements, cross examination etc. I’ll be listening to it as i think it’s so relevant to what is happening now.
Sans firearms, Fascism prevails unfettered.
Australia was not the leader. Australia banned air traffic with China reasonably quickly, as if that was the only danger.
Then NZ closed all international air traffic and only then did Morrison have the courage to close the borders wich was at a time when nobody yet understood what the heck was really going on. Banning flight from their beloved US, oh dear! Much of our measures look like facilitating the next big war (against China) but I may have been influenced by my elders during my childhood in West Berlin who had gone through the war.
All that flight vector stuff is bullshit. If it was real all the densely populated locations on the planet, Hong Kong, Korea, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China etc would have been giant morgues by Christmas of 2020. They weren’t.
Welcome to the world where corporations take full control. This article from 2016 reflects the distorted way they think:
The New World Order Is Ruled By Global Corporations And Megacities—Not Countries”
As cities and companies gain in influence and the power of nation-states decreases, the world is undergoing a seismic transformation.”
Prof. Stephanie Kelton’s book, The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy, is a worldwide bestseller. This is why they are in overdrive to deploy their plan to dissolve nation-states. MMT reclaims the State’s power to issue its own currency to invest in public purpose again, something that’s been diminishing during these past 40 years of neoliberalism.
“The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”
~ Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970
Yes, British Isles 1968 The City in London. I remember the time frame 1970’s infiltration of our communities disrupting men/women’s unions, forcing Private Industrial to sell off to financial Corporates linked to Multinationals some good judged by it gave & took away jobs., some in the North called them mini & big bubbles.
Documented in ’80’s we had the worse in 50 years.
I believed it we had massive unemployment in the North & Scotland.
Thank You
My father just rang me and said when are you going to go back to work? I said not until the insanity of forced masks disappears. He says well it looks like masks will be here for the rest of our lives. He’s a smart guy. One of the smartest guys I know. But he’s a very, very big TV watcher. Is this how QLD TV/ Australian TV is framing this mask thing? As never going away? And people are internalizing it and going with it and capitulating to it. Otherwise smart people being convinced there is nothing they can do about it? Madness. What the utter fuck are the MSM telling people? The rest of our lives?
The politicians are only authorizing treason. But the police are COMMITTING the treason. The problem is with their enfarcers who if they did not commit the treason on you would make the treasonous poltician look like what he always was – a FOOL.
We are watching from the UK with disgust for your government, respect, sympathy and hope for you. Keep strong.
Has the estimable John Pilger been vocal on the tyranny down under?
No , he has embraced the fake plague as useful in his fight to free Mr Assange !
Simple question, when are the MP’s up for Election again? Plan now and put in anti-establishment candidates to confront them at the ballot box.
Just one ant-establishment candidate only, so as not to split their vote. The simple aim is to sack ALL AND EVERYONE OF AUSTRALIA’S SITTING COMPLIANT MP’S.
Once you have gotten rid of your current oppressors, then and only then can you rebuild a new Democracy of the people. KISS = Keep It So Simple.
The next Australian federal election will be held in or before 2022 to elect members of the 47th Parliament of Australia. All 151 seats in the lower house, the House of Representatives, and 40 or 76 of the 76 seats in the upper house, the Senate, will be up for election
Remember it is now August 2021, so not long to wait to vote your MP’s out of office. But whatever you do, don’t give the system a chance to use violence against the people.
I don’t think they bother to count the votes. The banksters are in charge.
And remember to make sure you vote Australia. Coz if you don’t that’s ILLEGAL and you could be required to hand over money that your sweat went out and earned by way of fines to a State that will get said money for free…for doing nothing other than creating fines out of thin air. Sound fair?
Do not vote Australia. Vote for an anti-establishment candidate. One per voting area only.
Voting Australia may satisfy the legal law for voting, but will not unseat a sitting MP
When was last time you saw an MP or representative rally against their rulers regarding covid, as in challenging the whole narrative? There are no representatives on the side of the people and there won’t be any allowed in, it’s the rulers game and they’re not going to just give it up. Think outside that system.
It’s pretty much impossible to contact your local MP. They don’t respond. They have lackeys and secretaries respond. The MP’s are FAR too busy for the peasants.
Simple question, when are the MP’s up for Election again? Plan now and put in anti-establishment candidates to confront them at the ballot box.
Just one ant-establishment candidate only, so as not to split their vote. The simple aim is to sack ALL AND EVERYONE OF AUSRALIAS SITTING COMPLIANT MP’S.
Once you have gotten rid of your current oppressors, then and only then can you rebuild a new Democracy of the people. KISS = Keep It So Simple.
Yes good one Peter. The anti lockdown alliance is needed. Too many disparate micro parties are emerging. We need to bring them into a loose but focused coalition. I am on it. Read me at Politicom and the freedoms project.
How true; one anti lockdown candidate to attract as many votes as possible is the only way to unseat the sitting MP’s.
Do not vote for any mainstream party as they are simply different sides of the same coin
Watch out for the Dominion voting machines.
Imagine someone setting up a Crowd Funded appeal to help fund a one way ticket, awarded to people in Blighty who are Pro-Maskers, Pro-Lockdowns, Pro-Covid Vaccines to fully embrace their fear porn?
We could call the appeal ‘The G’day Experience’.
Anyone remember back in the day, when Ron Paul spoke these words. How quickly people forget.
or this
In an earlier comment I posted an image of a letter sent by a principal to parents at a northern suburbs Sydney school advising of the tragic death by cardiac arrest of a 17 yo student. The letter was circulated beyond the parents obviously because there were concerns that the student had been vaccinated and that vaccination was the cause of the tragic death.
The media is now coming out and reviling the “anti-vaxxers” for theorising about vaccination and a second letter from the principal has stated that the student wasn’t vaccinated and wouldn’t have even been eligible for vaccination in any case for age reasons. Apparently, only people his age (16-39) living in certain Local Government Areas were eligible for the vaccine at the time of the student’s death.
People aged 16-39 years who live in the following 12 LGAs are eligible to make a booking: Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Campbelltown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Liverpool, Parramatta, Penrith and Strathfield.17 Aug 2021
I don’t know where the student lived but his school wasn’t in any of the nominated LGAs, however, as it was a private school he may have lived out of area in one of those LGAs but somehow I don’t think he did. If he didn’t and if only children living in those LGAs were vaccinated then obviously he wasn’t vaccinated. The thing is though, I don’t trust the truth to be told because if he did die from the vaccination I can easily imagine a cover-up, however, I don’t know. People have said they’ve heard it on good authority he was vaccinated but people who don’t know things act as though they do and people, most horribly, simply spread rumours.
This November 2020 story though about a 15 yo NZ boy who allegedly died of cardiac arrest I think is clearly propaganda whose purpose may well be two-fold:
1. To educate people in how to respond when someone collapses (the overt pretext)
2. To familiarise people with the idea that children die from cardiac arrest (the subtle pretext in anticipation of possible problems with the vaccination)
The signs of a psyop:
1. Use of colloquial word “mum” for mother in a serious story.
2. Says “Alex and his friends were dropped off” but then indicates his mother was of the party and went off to a cafe within the area.
3. The mother says she got a call after her son collapsed and then took 5 minutes to find them as paramedics were arriving, however, later it says that he was left for 10 minutes without oxygen. Presumably, the friends called her immediately their son collapsed so the most Alex would have been left without oxgyen would be 5 minutes surely.
4. The mother says, “He was due to start his first NCEA exams this month,” but if Alex were only 15 that’s very young to be doing matriculation exams.
5. It says he suffered from what is known as sudden cardiac death when what is meant is sudden cardiac arrest.
6. We are told:
“When he fell down his friends and the adults around him thought that he had fainted, so they put him into the recovery position and waited for paramedics.”
There’s no indication of how paramedics were notified and presumably if they were notified they would have talked through what to do with the notifier. People just standing around waiting for paramedics doesn’t gel and I’d imagine that cardiac arrest does not have the same signs as fainting.
7. A photo shows Alex making the OK sign … that is also a Masonic sign.
The situation elsewhere is also very grim – India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines. I don’t have reports from the rest of the world.
Australia is going full Communist
Is the author just another knightly gate-keeper?
It’s going full conman. That’s about all you need to know. Communism was invented by conmen to, you know…con people.
Communism is the most common and so far the most formidable form of totalitarianism. The new totalitarianism is worse because the end objective is depopulation.
It can’t be even nominally communist since there wasn’t a revolution. Whatever Australia has become is a mutation of capitalism.
We’ve been in a middle of an ongoing cultural and socioeconomic revolution for decades in the West. Only that up until about a decade ago it was more fun, as in the 60s through to the 80s. Obviously most people believe it was all spontaneous and organic that their core values can make a 180 degree tumble in only a matter of a few short years.
And we are witnessing exactly that now, only in steroids, where people are modifying their core behaviours in a short period of time. That is a true revolution, the previous ones were too messy as people don’t like to feel they are being forced to do something but rather it’s their choice and for their own good and covenience. Through many years of psycological studies and testing, these techniques have been perfected to the tee.
It is not communist, not fascist, it is post human. Forget what the politicians say, it’s google that runs the show. Pay attention to what the tech honchos are saying and believe to understand the endgame of this revolution.
Being honest both terms are wrong.. it’s just a decoy, the old left-right dichotomy… anyone ever heard about national bolshevism?? Or about syndicalism, the ideologies and people that paved the way to fascism, Maurras, Jose Antonio, and plenty of others? They all had a inspiration from socialism, and i’m not implying here that fascism and socialism are all the same and are evil like an average “trumpist”, “rightist”.. wathever .. It’s not all black and white.
It looks as if we were both writing about Australia at the same time with very similar titles. Mine mentions the Truckers. The fightback is on.
Will be interested to see what happens there. I’m sceptical.
The trucker’s strike idea is a gift to the psychopaths in charge. It’s likely being organized by the state, same as would happen here in the US. Then the truckers can be blamed for all the economic devastation that the psychopaths in charge have caused intentionally.
If you’ve watched the videos you will know the truckers are not psychopaths, just worried that they will need to be vaccinated with toxic brews to go in and out and around Australia.
Apparently they’ve been ok with having someone stick shit up their nose for testing for some time now. At least I’m sure I heard a truckie say they have to get bi-weekly or weekly tests. Fuck the injection. I would have lost my shit at that point!
And, there’s been evidence for more than a year now that some of the test swabs administer the same toxins as the ‘vaccine’, explaining why they’re sticking the swab so deep. The dopes agreeing to the testing don’t see that they’re being ‘vaccinated’ anyway.
Yes test swabs are full of the hydrogel graphene oxide as are the jabs. The intention has been to get this into as many as possible.
I agree, once you allow any given moron in a space surgeon suit poke you with a long stick of who knows what right up your nose you’re ripe for the taking.
If you read my post you will know that I didn’t say the truckers are psychopaths. If you had any clue what’s happening in the world you’d know exactly to whom I’m referring.
We’ll see who called it correctly when it’s done.
I agree. What a perfect but Machiavellian plan. We know they want to manufacture famine. Why not blame it on the truckers? Plausible deniability. An inside job. False flag, of sorts.
Time to put the pearls away and get out there and stop this becoming a reality in your location
If you don’t you will,at some point in a not to distant future,be forcibly dragged from your home and either interned ,forcibly jabbed or both
Don’t start with your secund ah mend munt either,the silence of the gunfire from the USA is deafening whilst the totalitarian tiptoe is as silent as ever
So we Americans are supposed to just whip out our guns and give these assholes reason to. fuck us up.
There is vigilance and target practice right now. Despite the stereotype most gun owners here are smart, circumspect and well trained to not just blaze away. Sorry if you were looking for the Wild Bunch or something. Most places outside of SF, LA and NYC are not experiencing lockdowns and most of us don’t live in those places and for good reasons long before the latest chapter.
We will weigh in when we’re ready and if it comes to guns, I pity the fool.
People need to start by going to the supermarket without a mask on. Each time. Every time. But they can’t even get that right. It’s compliance everywhere you look in my community. (Australia)
We ought to realise it’s not the masters we’re facing but the servants who dastardly obey. It’s not Bill Gates and Karl schwab at every supermarket, it’s a moronic security goon and an effeminate store manager making people submit. It’s pathetic.
Exactly. Many here are unmasked despite the governor trying to get us to do so again. The local sherrifs won’t enforce it.
I know people elsewhere see reports mainly on the big cities and have watched a lot of Hollywood film, but most of America is not like that. Next week I will be attending an anti passport rally in a small town nearby. There are parents doing protests about masking kids. We are not complacent, we are working within the system to resolve this for now.
I would daresay guns are the reason they haven’t tried to pull the same mass lockdown moves they did in the commonwealth countries. You don’t always have to use them if you’re opponent knows you have ’em.
The ‘paths in charge are indisputable masters at cornering people into a double-bind. While inflicting a death toll may be satisfying, expedient, and well deserved, it would also be falling into a trap. The only option is a BDS campaign. Refuse, ignore, and disobey. If the cashier won’t ring you up without a mask, then go without. Not many people are prepared to do that.
Former Australian Soldier’s Message to Public Officers & the Public
Audio and Video adjusted by SixthSense (Aug 22, 2021)
Original on youtube
International Law v Directives, political media tyranny. 03 March 2021
Mar 6, 2021
Alter of Illumination Lucas
Watch and share, the directives are nothing in comparison to the war crimes committed in their name. Attention public officers be warned, be careful, be moral, respect others rights, uphold the fight for what is right. Nuremberg code, human rights, police powers, etc.
Hello Lost in a dark wood: Excellent video!!! This gentleman hits on every point of what Australian Law specifies. Solders who follow bogus covid “directives” are acting under color of law. He is right to call it treason. So good on him!
I’ve been posting various Laws that are being broken in the United States. Many of these points are valid in nearly every jurisdiction on the planet. Thanks for posting.
This man has really done his homework. Excellent presentation.
ever seen wild life doc where predators chase a herd of wildebeast, creating confusion, and then strike?
Once they get what they want they loose all their fear and hold on till death
This is what is happening these days, under the guise of C and morphing into the envirement stashing their own coffers digital money killing small business , free speech all inl hunger for power by all means; and no one to stop them since they have the controle of lucrative deals for countries
We have let that happen in plain sight!!!
Just say it Kit: There is no Sars CoV 2.
My fear of catching Covid as an unvaxed on a scale 1-10? Hum, I’d say zero. My fear of being chased down by an angry zombi mob roused by the government? Probably close to 11.
Very disheartening to see this. Here in America, too many think “this would never happen here.” To them I say: “Oh really? Then why is the U.S. Army advertising for people to work in internment camps?”
And here in Canada. I just emailed my sister a link to this article. I pointed out that while the roll-out of police State measures meant to bring about the global biosecurity police State is uneven, is continuing and will come to Canada. You just have to look at tool Trudeau, on the hustings, ranting, red-faced, at the unvaccinated, to know it.
You know, football, soccer, hockey, boxing, contact sports generally, are gobbled up by fans.
Interestingly, riot police show a marked tendency to relish their intense encounters. There’s something in the human DNA that gets a rush from being liberated from the constraints of law. They must objectify the citizens so as to make them rabid animals, as who can beat an unarmed other gratuitously with a weapon?
Citizens are of the same DNA as riot police, and they have their threshold for release, too. The same dynamics which enthrall sports crowds happen to be those of the collision of two bodies of angry masses.
Prediction is that this will end only after physical altercations remove and/or demoralize the law enforcement arm of the totalitarian establishment. The virus isn’t going away anytime within the short term, so lockdowns and assorted punitive measures will outlast the ability of the citizens to endure them. Ergo, revolt appears to be the closing chapter, followed by an epilogue of vengeance.
There is no virus, other than seasonal flu. People should know this by now.
It’s good that lots of people are learning that there is no virus, and hopefully learning some details about the ‘virus isolation’ fraud, and the ‘in-silico’ genetic sequence fraud, and the PCR-testing fraud.
But what has yet to penetrate the mass delusion is the fact that every last ‘virus’ owes it’s imagined existence to the same fraud. Not one virus, ever, has been taken directly from a patient sample, isolated, and sequenced. Virology is a century-long con; part of the Rockefeller/Gates takeover and monopolization of medicine, already well advanced by 1920. What’s happening now is only a surprise because people are clueless about real history.
So no, there isn’t any seasonal flu virus. But doctors and patients alike will continue to imagine it, because it would be far too scary for all to simply admit that they have no idea why people get sick, and therefore have no idea how to treat it, or even whether or not looking for a ‘cure’ is a rational approach.
Yes spot on, there is no scientific evidence for a virus contagion that jumps between people through the air and spreads around the world killing millions what a joke. Doesn’t stop them from creating a multi billion dollar industry based around that lie, there are plenty of willing participants, (a bit like the space industry, Globe spinning ball heliocentric cosmology, Dinosaurs, evolution, climate change, cancer, AIDS industries etc). If you can undo one lie, then you have the tools and the power to undo all of them.
Nearly everything in this world is an inversion of the truth Isaiah 5:20
The power is in the really really big lie as humans are so easily tricked and trapped by it. The problem always comes back to people don’t want to believe that the world is fundamentally evil, because they being part of the world it makes them a part of the evil. I hear so many people say “I believe in humanity”, “I don’t want to give up my faith in humanity”. What they are really saying is they believe in Man’s ability to exist in his own right and have a future without reconciling with his Holy Eternal Creator God. So they look for the so called “good option” or the not so bad option but in the end they are just sugar coating the same evil and Satan/Lucifer is all to willing to accommodate their fantasy.
Satan is the god of this world and he is a liar and a murderer and very very successful at being the devil.
I cop a lot of flack for teaching my children about Hell and the Devil, My response is not teaching them about the devil and all his dirty tricks is like the daddy rabbit not teaching the baby rabbits about the Fox. Man has a predator and he and all his stupid nuffy followers will stop at nothing to torture and kill every last human being.
I often think PTSD is a reaction to having gone from a state in which the gloves were off and you could just machine-gun people to bloody rags – as was done routinely in Iraq – to a state in which you have to control your behavior and cannot simply indulge homicidal whims.
Some useful context on hidden corners of Australian history post-WW2:
“With a handful of further ‘terrorist threats’, ‘incidents’ and ‘sieges’ successfully completed, and the herd now appropriately fearful, the then Abbott government introduced a raft of outrageous ‘national security’ laws – each a mortal assault on the limited range of ‘freedoms’ Australians already ‘enjoyed’. Perhaps the most onerous of the morbid bunch was a series of laws known as the ‘mandatory data retention laws’. These provisions stealthily legalised and normalised mass surveillance of the entire (and entirely) clueless Australian population. Not one officially sanctioned pundit bothered to mention that the laws are possibly in breach of at least three articles of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights and commit Australia to being an official Police State.”
A fantastic article. thanks for the link.
From Greek website – I have machine-translated it and then edited the results in places.
New measures: extortion, threats and… notches * for those who have not been vaccinated
From their pocket will pay the rapid tests the unbiased employees, travelers and students. Free tests by EODY will do only the vaccinated
In an almost complete exclusion of the unvaccinated citizens, which has a large part of its activities, the government sees its widely advertised vaccination program collapse and the new wave of the pandemic is just around the corner.
As announced by Vassilis Kikilias, the measures for vaccination will be valid from September 13, 2021 until March 31, 2022 and are as follows:
– Unvaccinated citizens are excluded from all enclosed dining and entertainment areas, including cafes and bars, as well as open and closed stadiums.
– The only places that will be able to enter provided that they have a negative rapid test of 48 hours, are theaters, cinemas and museums. These spaces will be able to choose whether they will be pure or mixed spaces in order to increase their capacity.
– The unvaccinated will no longer be able to do diagnostic tests in public structures, they will have to go to the private sector and pay.
Obligation for rapid test
– Until the end of March 2022, unvaccinated employees in private & public sector will have to do 2 laboratory rapid tests / week for 10 euros each
– The unvaccinated students have an obligation for 2 laboratory rapid tests per week, at their own cost 10 euros each
– The unvaccinated students: they have an obligation for 2 self tests per week, which will be granted to them free of charge by the state
*The Greek word χαράτσι literally means “notch” – dictionaries do not clarify it further – it possibly means a black mark on your record, or a fine.
Notice the wording, “pure or mixed spaces”. In some countries this used to be “pure or mixed races”. Also, free tests for students “will be granted to them”. Talking down to the inferior ones.
Same old division and witch hunt tactics.
I hate the New Democracy government. Not quite the 1967-74 junta but they’re getting there. Incidentally they are unabashedly right-wing, so people ranting that this is all “Communism” have no applicability, certainly not in Greece. The site I lifted this from is left-wing but critical of Covid crackdowns, though perhaps because it is New Democracy doing it.
Admin I just resubmitted my post which spam ate. It’s in spam again. Any hope this time?
Dear Mr Mc.
From experience if it goes in spam /awaiting approval what ever it called and then IF you try to repost, It gets classed as a duplicate comment. (guess what happen to it then.?)
Most forum sites that have this type of software tek is what happens 95% times of the time.
The admin have said in previous posts they will always check the spam bucket daily.
Perhaps they are on holiday and needing a good deserved rest,.(tony maca is a full time job)
dont take it personality. your left rants are loved by many. (not me )
Maybe admin have taken tony macaroni up on his festival ticket in a submarine ride adventures in the lake district abseiling with gorillas with his wife girlfriend her girlfriend sister and family and nurse mother and chemist cousin
Offers like that are hard to resist.
Sure we all be brief about it later via istockphoto and all.
My “left” rants? I no longer know what that means!
Obviously not.
Victor Dominello (NSW Customer Service Minister, whatever that means) has evidently been jabbed, not with saline but toxcine:
I wonder how many other Australian pols have been poisoned likewise, and how far up the pyramid that goes. Presumably a ‘Customer Service Minister’ is a relatively humble creature.
What’s the story here? He developed bells palsy?
Leunig’s the single person in the MSM telling the truth. It’s a very sad state of affairs.

They can only want people to rebel with insane crap like that. I’ve always said, The Right likes a fight – when it believes that it’s got an overwhelmingly superior force and can easily win. There’s nothing we can do about self-modified creatures (no longer human) who simply desire violence and the opportunity to show that they are strong by destroying those who they attack and force to defend themselves.
Wonderful Leunig. The only voice/image of sanity in our woeful MSM.
From government. Adverse effects from vaccine. Very significant including significant number of deaths. We can be sure these figures are on the conservative side.
Number of reports (cases): 46,438
(Multiple adverse events have been reported for some patients)
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 45,778
(The TGA thinks there is a possibility that the medicine caused the adverse event)
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 448
(These reports of death may or may not have been a result of taking a medicine)
It’s just a matter of time before Biden’s handlers (Obama) have him go all in on their totalitarian wet dream.
Obomber has his handlers as well.
Those adventure lovers who take every chance to zig-zag the world at every opportunities (and bring the virus back home) are treated with respect and enjoy quiet leafy neighbourhoods and enjoy more tax cuts as well!
Those who work 6 days a week to make ends meet, can’t afford a trip or don’t have the means to get to places of interest, and don’t conform to the standards of Western beauty, get yelled at from helicopters to stay inside their home (not in the backyard, but inside, out of sight).
What effing virus ?
There are appropriate actions that too few Australians are aware of. >
From: Australia – on the brink of total fascism
August 24, 2021
“Is it any wonder that the lorry-drivers have decided to do the job idle politicians, frightened medics and lawyers choose to ignore? On 31 August the truck drivers will bring Australia to a standstill until the government caves in. Clearly they do not want to be the victims of untested, unsafe vaccines. It is not just the lorry drivers. Militia groups are beginning to form ready to back up the lorry drivers. This blog has heard of two such groups on the ground in Australia.
And there are whispers of not just private militia organisations from veteran Australians but groups ready to support them from around the world. Their battle is everyone’s battle. Their war is our war. Join them. Give them your support.”
Spread the word. >
The 4 photos at top are they all taken in the laid-back country?
Anybody knows which city and when they were taken? especially the two top ones.
The gear in photo 1 is impressive. Are these a kind of Elite soldiers?
They’re just riot police with full body shielding and padding.
I would say Melbourne, Saturday just gone, as the Sydney protest was headed off at the pass…
To be a journalist this day and age you don’t even have to check the authenticity of the video or poster.
nope that to hard.
it impact porn.
it nice to see the video’s coming from oz if you believe that are the same as the ones coming from the U.K.
and they been proven to be as fake as rabbies media being independent.
Stew Peters Show
Aug 23, 2021
Australian Parliament Member Begs America to FIGHT, New World Order Imminent
Craig Kelly is a member of the Australian government, one of only a couple standing up against tyranny, the prototype for the New World Order that has gripped the continent down under. Kelly joins Stew Peters for a realistic look at what the rest of the world will see if we don’t rise and fight back now!
I’ve been thinking for some time that it might come down to the U.S., not just because of the guns, but because of the manufactured history of liberty and freedom. The geography will impact it also because there will be large pockets of resistance, particularly outside the urban settings. Regardless how it was manufactured, it can’t be distinguished now, too many will live and die by it.
Great stuff, thanks for that. A couple of small things: it is called the Northern territory, singular. Also, the “National resilience Centers”/ Quarantine Camps are nowhere near the size to host the unvaccinated, who will number – if the federal Government meets it;s 80% goal,-5 million plus people. But they could possibly be used to house dissidents and agitators.
As someone who lives here, I believe that a threshold has been crossed and the governments at state and federal level have lost the confidence of a significant minority of the people, between a quarter and a third. Millions of Australians now view the government as being completely illegitimate. It is all but over for the government, the challenge is to manage the downfall of the state in a manner that avoids a descent into chaos and barbarism.
I hope you’re right.
Don’t sit in hope. Grab your cricket bat on the way out the door to the next protest..
As someone who lives here, I agree.
Their hubris has pushed them too far and the backlash will sting like fuck.
Sadly, many unaware aussies may need a dose of chaos and barbarism to wake them up! We have been far too comfortable and passive for far too long, allowing our government and the big corporations to call all the shots.
Not a nice way to wake up.
“…if the federal Government meets it;s 80% goal,-5 million plus people.”
I don’t think they will get near 80%. They will lie and claim they did. The final true number of non poison stabbed may be over 10 million.
I hope that you are right and it does seem like many governments have lied about injection numbers but it is hard to pin down.
“Hard to pin down“. Ha Ha – good pun (or should I say “pin”?)
Good points James, but I’m wondering if there will not be the need to build new accommodation for the many unjabbed. As govt lockdowns and mounting vax deaths occur, many buildings/homes in the big “smart” cities will continue to become vacant.
These could be used as jails for those who refuse to be jabbed – especially the large office buildings with no opening windows and electronically-controlled doors. They already look like prisons.
Prepping the next chapter… or at least keeping the option open:
Just a coincidence that they’ve skipped from 19 to 22 – both highly occulted numbers – and missed out 20 and 21 which don’t have any great Occult significance. 22 is of course one of the Freemasonic master numbers.
Thanks Edwige. Had a look at that link,
Their ‘expert’ says …..“Professor Doctor Sai Reddy of the federal technology institute ETH Zurich, an immunologist, believes that combination of existing strains could result in a new and more dangerous phase of the pandemic.”
Well, if Professor So Ready says so, it must be true!
Every time these days I hear the words ‘expert’, ‘scientist’, ‘adviser’, ‘virologist’, ‘immunologist’ I chuckle in anticipation of the next stream of incoherent babble they’ll try to foist on us.
They’re not even trying to sound slightly legit anymore, it’s all descended into an intellectual drunken mosh pit.
That would appear about needing those super spreader….children ….vax.
Fascism at it’s worst
The Difference Between Love and Rape is Consent (
Love Max Igan, the guy oozes a down to earth human quality and gives a damn about more things about life that would take me 10 lifetimes to fully realise.
One theory of an esoteric marker hidden in the scam by Occultists:
The majority of doctors oppose the mRNA experimental jab …
Fraud – YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED: Laboratory admits there is no test for COVID variants….
Delta case numbers completely fabricated.…..html
Rumble — Visual Display of What the mRNA Vaccine Does To Your Body’s Cells…….html
Similar audio recording in Australia.
This is brilliant:
But is any of it true?
The investment part is verifiable….bats and wet markets are a little dicey. They never needed to create any virus…always plenty of them around at any given time…they only needed to create the fear of one….and the Chinese did a very good job of that…though it had been primed for years by Hollywood…then have a dodgy test but promote total belief in same…ban any treatment for any cold, flu that happened along…insist on life threatening treatment or as in UK aged care facilities apparently help many on their way…pop up with a miracle vax and the rest is history…or should I say our future…
Bats and wet markets are as good as the official story gets on ‘the virus’. There’s never been any serious pause or discussion on the origin. If there was, there’d be far too many home truths immerging. So that’s why the bats and wet market bullshit lingers.
Title of the article should be :
Austrralia is going full vacsist (or vaxcist).
Vaxicim is organised and on the march.
Welcome to the Jabattoir.
Vaccines macht Frei
ere’s the list of “covid fatalities”
They’re sacrificing the children to allow 2% of geriatrics another month in the old folks homes.
.There were three deaths linked to the hospital cluster announced on Saturday, including Bossley Park grandfather Kat Ditthavong, 80, whose son said he died in a manner that “lacked the warmth of the life he lived”.
Kat Ditthavong died at Liverpool Hospital on Saturday morning after catching COVID-19 in his ward.
Kat Ditthavong died at Liverpool Hospital on Saturday morning after catching COVID-19 in his ward.Credit:Sitthixay Ditthavong
The two other deaths were reported in a woman in her 80s and a man in his 90s. Another man in his 80s and a woman in her 60s died earlier this week after catching the virus in the hospital.The latest deaths were a woman in her 80s, a man in his 80s and a man in his 90s.
A woman in her 80s, who had been a resident at the Wyoming Residential Aged Care Facility in Summer Hill in Sydney’s inner west, died at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
A woman in here 90s who was not vaccinated has died from COVID-19. 9/6/21
There were three new deaths in local COVID-19 patients: a woman in her 80s, a man in his 80s and a man in his 70s. 10 8 21
The Premier confirmed a man in his 90s and a man in his 30s died after contracting COVID-19.
Ms Berejiklian said the man in his 30s had other underlying health conditions and the man in his 90s was not vaccinated. 11 8 21
Two men in their 90s with COVID have died. One of them had been fully vaccinated, the other had had one jab. 12 9 21
These two deaths were a woman in her 40s in south-western Sydney who died at home, and a man in his late 90s in the Hunter area who was also in palliative care. 13 8 21
Woman in her 40s (in palliative care) who was not vaccinated
Man in his 70s who was vaccinated but had pre-exisiting conditions
Man in his 80s and a female in her 70s 14 8 21
A female in her 50s, not vaccinated.
A female in her 70s who was recently given her first dose.
A male in his 80s, not vaccinated.
A female in her 80s who was vaccinated but had underlying health conditions. 15 8 21
478 cases and seven deaths with Premier Gladys Berejiklian saying the numbers are “disturbingly high”.
Six of the deaths were aged in their 70s and 80s and one was in their 40s in what was the highest number of daily fatalities NSW has recorded since the pandemic began.
Many of these cases had “underlying conditions” This was reported in the press confereance but ommitted in the press release…why? They’re massaging the stats. 16 8 21
here were 152,000 tests conducted yesterday.
The death was a woman in her late 70s who was not vaccinated. 17 8 21
There were three deaths since yesterday’s update: a man in his 60s at Liverpool Hospital who acquired his infection within the hospital’s geriatric ward and two men in their 70s who were being treated at Nepean Hospital. 18 8 21
The state recorded its 61st death of the Delta outbreak after a man in his 80s who had underlying health conditions died at St George Hospital. 19 8 21
The four people who died were aged in their 70s and 80s, and some of them had one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
A woman in her 80s from the Wyoming Nursing Home in Summer Hill died at Royal North Shore Hospital, and is the fourth death linked to an outbreak at that centre.
A man in his 80s died after contracting COVID-19 at Nepean Hospital and is the second death linked to that outbreak.
A man in his 70s died at St George Hospital after becoming infected there, and a woman in her 80s died at Campbelltown Hospital. 20 8 21
A woman in her 90s from south-west Sydney became the 10th death linked to an outbreak at Liverpool Hospital, where she was a patient in the geriatric ward.
The other two deaths were men in their 90s and 80s from northern Sydney, who were residents of the Greenwood Aged Care in Normanhurst.
All three had underlaying conditions 21 8 21
Sadly, very sadly, there were three more deaths, a gentleman in his 60s who died at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, a gentleman in his 80s, and there was a lady in her 80s who died at Wollongong Hospital. 22 8 21
Three COVID-19 patients in their 80s, who all had underlying health conditions, have died. 23 8 21
No deaths today from the virulent virus…24 8 21 Strange. What sort of pandemic is this?
And all of those deaths reported no doubt died of pneumonia….and I will place bets would have died of same with out without covid…pneumonia takes many an old folk away…and so often they are bed ridden and really not doing too well when it arrives to stop their suffering…caused of course by their underlying health problems….not a covid or any other virus.
I don’t get why the fuck they are jabbing people in palliative care and then calling it covid,t the fact is 7 people die every hour in NSW
“Around 78% of people who were hospitalized, needed a ventilator or died as a result of COVID-19 were overweight or obsess, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”
Almost 80% were obese???????
But but stay inside and don’t move.
The Australian government is not fascist, it is full on COMMUNIST.
Don’t make a fool of yourself, go and read up on the difference.
Different sides of the same coin FFS.
Fascism, communism, socialism, democracy. Whatever. They are all words used by the…CON MEN…wherever and whenever it is useful to do so. Russia didn’t have communism. They had con men. Liars, cheats, fraudsters, embezzlers, blackmailers, tricksters, sophists, shysters, scumbags, the cunning, the cold, the soulless.
I’ve been sceptical about all this from the beginning, but living in a small Southern European countryside village I didn’t have any real contact with all of this nonsense
This has changed recently since my son got a positive test. Mind he’s breastfed and his mother tested negative. The “health” authority sent an automated message that we should isolate him in a separate room. He’s 3 months old. I don’t believe there is such a thing as “covid” any longer.
How come you had your son tested? Just curious, I have not been ‘tested’ and feel like resisting it almost as much as vaccination.
He went to have a Tetanus vaccine with his mother
The medical establishment’s devious tentacles are spread worldwide (and which need to be cut wherever possible).
The tetanus vaccine, in my view, is also a scientifically-unproven preventive treatment for tetanus. The causes of tetanus have been expanded to include contact with metal or any other similar object, and this would not be backed by sound, independent science.
So, the chemicals and nanometals, both toxic, are harmful to anyone who takes the tetanus injection.
If the doctor advises more doses of tetanus vaccines, then please do extensive research before getting the baby and her mother taken these potentially harmful injections.
“Dispatches from the War: the pharmaceutical/medical troops occupy planet Earth” by Jon Rappoport
Oh boy, try to keep away from ALL this medical mumbo jumbo. Little kids or actually anyone should not be taking ANY vaccines at all imo
That’s my position as well. See “Regarding Covid Tests: Letting Them Test You Is Tantamount To Aiding And Abetting Criminals.”
My feelings since pretty much the start of this. Especially when the MSM stopped talking about deaths and started talking hysterically about cases. Can you imagine how dumb or how scared you’d have to be to voluntarily go in and allow someone to test you like that? There’s no fucking doctor’s opinion in any of these “tests”. It’s just the pure, lazy gall of psychopaths sitting back in their arm chairs coming up with a way to generate mass numbers. I was forced (in hindsight and if I had my time again, I would refuse and not comply) into a 2 week quarantine and never once was I seen or looked at or appraised by a Dr. But these fat arrogant female nurses came to me door wanting to jab plastic down my nose. So the whole thing…the whole generation of cases is this remote thing that happens behind closed doors. In and of itself it is ABSOLUTE bullshit.
Too many ‘people’ seem to be down to one or less brain cells to rub together or they’d see through the hoax which is impossible to not see through, unless, again, you don’t have two brain cells to rub together.
There is no threat from any ‘virus’, ‘corona’ or otherwise. The tests are fake and scientifically meaningless (
Please don’t isolate your 3-month old baby for this fraud thing. Hold him, hug him dearly.
I do hug him very dearly thanks
“The Human Heart, Not Vaccines” by Jon Rapport (Jon Rappoport’s Blog)
Why would you get your 3 month old tested?
I suppose in the few weeks following childbirth, the medical establishment says the tetanus vaccine must be given to both–mother and child (no surprise here, as in the last 40 years, every thing is connected to ‘take this vaccine’ or ‘take that vaccine’).
The doctor would have followed some fraud ‘covid’ protocols and got both the mother and baby ‘PCR-tested’. And we know what transpires from these ‘tests’.
how’s that gun melting workin’ out for you now Jim?
Dim Jim is Netflix comedy: not funny.