A Lesson in Being Human: 9 tips for new homeschoolers

Young people & home education can teach us all a thing or two.

Lucy Davies

Home education is a hugely emotive subject at the best of times with its very presence capable of causing untold offence, so I want to preface this blog by saying that its purpose is absolutely not to judge or attempt to persuade.

I realise that it’s not easy or even possible for some parents to just pull their kids out of school & crack on, & that many either don’t want to or their kids aren’t up for it. There are many factors to consider & each family has individual needs.

That said, as is often the case with ‘a different way of doing things’, people are quick to criticise & condemn. Not just others, but themselves, & with this comes massive self-doubt, a feeling of needing to justify their actions, & for the outcome to be some kind of perfection, even when the conventional way of doing things is hugely flawed.

So as ever, the minority viewpoint deserves a voice as well as some reassurance & empowerment, & that’s where I’m coming from with this.

This is for anyone who is considering, just deciding to, just started doing, has a relative or friend that’s doing it etc, & has doubts or questions.

I have to be honest, writing this is bringing back some slightly bitter memories, when in the beginning I took on some kind of misplaced guilt at doing something that, despite clearly helping my kids thrive, was for whatever reason making many people feel uncomfortable.

Whilst at the same time the world & his uncle seemed to find it perfectly acceptable to grill us to within an inch of our lives with endless ‘but what about…’ or ‘but have you considered…’ questions, taking on an equally misplaced responsibility for the educational & social welfare of my children now that they were no longer in the government’s ‘safe’ hands.

I’ll let that go now.

I’m writing this now, for no doubt obvious reasons. There has been a steady deregistering of children from the school system since the expectation to wear masks, sanitise, anti-social distance & generally behave like plague-carrying little parasites came in.

Guilt, fear & perceived responsibility about potentially killing the elderly has been dumped on our children’s shoulders & as predicted by many, there’s no sign of let up despite the heroic vaccine having been administered to pretty much anyone who wanted it.

It’s clear where this is headed; they want to jab the kids… And understandably, especially considering Gillick competence & the NHS’s ‘behaviour modification programme’ now targeting the young, the steady trickle of deregistration is set to become a tidal wave. Basically in many parents’ eyes it’s already gone too far & they are now choosing for their kids to learn at home.

When home education comes up in conversation with people who are considering it, there are things I often hear, & things I want to say but rarely do – probably for fear of sounding like a naive hippy, a smugarse know-it-all or anything in-between. (I come from a family consisting of 2 teachers & a Cambridge graduate, so my transition to home education was ‘well-questioned’ shall we say.)

I’m over that now though, & I’ve actually found that generally, when I drop the people pleasing bs & tell it like it is, people tend to deflate with relief… When I came clean with one friend about our lack of curriculum based maths she actually fell to a heap on the floor & yelled ‘THANK YOU!’ before rising with renewed vigor to focus on things her kids were actually interested in.

So, for anyone interested in home education, here are the things I’d like to say about it, & I hope they offer some level of reassurance.

These are the things I often hear:

  • ‘I don’t know enough.’
  • ‘I couldn’t keep up with the curriculum.’
  • ‘They wouldn’t listen to me.’
  • ‘They’d drive me insane & I’d end up locking them in a cupboard.’
  • ‘I couldn’t work.’
  • ‘I’d never get a break.’
  • ‘They’d stay in bed all day.’
  • ‘I’d stay in bed all day.’
  • ‘My relatives would give me gip’.
  • ‘They’d become socially isolated & stop washing.’
  • ‘I’d drink too much gin’.

These are my responses:

1 – Own your decision.

Whose kids are they? Who makes the decisions? Who knows what’s best? Who’s juggling a million things in their & their family’s lives to try & do what’s best for everyone?


Whose business is it other than yours?

No one’s.

Yes you’ll see a lot more raised eyebrows than usual but they’ll get over it. Let’s be honest, it’s 2021; there are stranger things to look at than children ‘out & about’ between the hours of 9 & 3.


2 – Let go of the urge to over-explain.

My partner Graham has a tendency to say to anyone asking questions, ‘they teach themselves.’

I used to cringe & jump in to explain how ‘we facilitate rather than teach, & just last week they learnt all about…’ but now I just watch their response as they process what he’s said & either light up with interest or start short-circuiting.

When it comes to people asking questions, it quickly becomes very obvious who wants to know more in a genuinely interested way & who just wants to be a pain in the arse.
Trust your gut, it’ll be right.

I’ve lost count of the number of times my kids have been presented with the loaded & expectant ‘not in school?’ question from nosy people in shops. The best response I’ve heard to this was a 12-year-old girl who, having had a gutsful, nonchalantly answered “No, I burnt it down.”

It shuts down the ‘conversation’ with the same vigour of the equivalent loaded question of today;

“No mask?”

“No. No knickers either.”


3 – The ‘rules’.

You don’t have to ask permission of anyone to home educate, you tell them. You just have to write to the council to deregister.

You don’t have to accept the offer of support when the nice people from the council tell you they’re coming to visit you. A brief & polite communication to reassure them will suffice (but of course the offer’s there if you want it – some do find the support helpful).

You don’t have to follow the curriculum.

You don’t have to have a timetable.

They don’t have to sit exams.

They won’t spontaneously combust if they turn 16 without having sat GCSE’s. They can be done at any age if desired or required, spaced out to suit needs & chosen to follow interests & career direction.


4 – “Don’t know enough?”

Firstly, enough for what? To fill your child’s head with facts that they’re unlikely to remember by the end of the day, let alone when they’re 45?

Secondly, if you went through the school system yourself & feel inadequate to teach a 10-year-old geography, what does that say about the school system?

You can take this as the most reassuring reason to home educate & throw it in the face of anyone giving you earache over your decision.


5 – What about the curriculum?

What about it? Seriously.

Who decides what our children should be learning in order to get on in life? What human being has the position of authority to make this decision?

No doubt he/she is highly educated (which I can’t write without pointing out is an entirely different thing to being highly intelligent), but the epiphany I had with the school system was exactly this – if I was to meet these people face to face, would I trust them? These government advisors?

Would I admire & respect them & know without a shadow of a doubt that they had my child’s absolute best interests at heart?

Would I happily hand over my children’s innocent, pliable & curious minds to what these people had on offer to fill them with?

Would I truly believe that they knew better than me & better than my child as to what they needed in order to grow & thrive into a healthy, open-minded, happy, capable, kind, curious, resourceful adult?

Would I f*ck.

Out they came.


6 – ‘They wouldn’t listen to me’

I have a quote on my wall that says:

Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If they’re not interested it’s like throwing marshmallows at their head & calling it eating.”

So no, if you’re banging on about fractions when they want to make a robot, they probably won’t listen to you…& good for them, they’ll learn a hell of a lot more about fractions from building robots than from listening to you droning on about sharing imaginary pieces of cake.

If you facilitated the robot building & gave them actual cake however, different story!

It’s my firm belief & experience that children don’t need to be taught, they just need some guidance, help & resources to learn what interests them. They don’t need a curriculum any more than you or I.

They don’t need to ‘keep up’, they don’t need to be told what to think, & the world doesn’t need chopping up into different subjects in order for them to learn.

Children show us as babies & toddlers how much they love learning. They crawl towards something, point to it & look at us with curious excitement. We take that as our cue to help them explore what they’re interested in, & like the most unlaboured magic, they learn – & not only that, they enjoy it.

As adults our life experiences, inspiration & conversations lead us to read books, do courses, join clubs & research things if we want to learn.

Why do we believe that between toddlerhood & adulthood we need to completely turn these natural ways of learning on their heads, & force-feed them facts & obedience instead?

Is it because we truly think it’s necessary, or is it because the government told us to?


7 – ‘I won’t cope’

When they’re allowed to follow their interests, you will get a break because they don’t need to be & won’t want to be with you all the time.

Life becomes more fluid & flexible because you’re no longer pigeonholed into trying to cherish time with your tired & grouchy child between the hours of 4 & 8pm when all they’re interested in is carbohydrates.

This isn’t their personality, it’s their post-school personality, & it can extend to weekends & holidays too.

At home, if they’re tired they can stay in bed. If you’re tired or need to do some work they will adapt.

I’m not saying it’s easy, I’m saying it’s doable, & this is coming from someone who likes a tidy(ish) house, runs their own business, doesn’t have family nearby, doesn’t have loads of money & doesn’t cope well with overwhelm.

It’s a learning curve, it feels like a leap of faith & especially in the beginning there were days when it was all too much & Graham would come home to find us all sulking in different rooms &/or crying, but it’s worth it a million times over…

If for any reason it didn’t work however, school will still be there if they needed to return. Nothing has to be forever.

There is loads of support, plenty of resources online & I’d highly recommend the book Home education – a notebook, by Ros Mountney for down to earth sanity.


8 – The ‘S’ word

Socialisation is to home education what polio is to vaccination; the ‘trump card’ thrown at you by people who want to tell you you’re wrong.

Home educated kids socialise. There are loads of them. We meet up for entire days & kids of all ages charge around together, teach each other things & learn skills from willing adults.

They have friends who go to school, who they see in the evenings. They write to each other, we go on holiday during term time, they make new friends & have plenty of healthy communication with adults who treat them as equals.

Imagine how much socialising could happen if everyone who ‘only sends their kids to school to socialise’, didn’t send them to school to socialise.


9 – ‘But kids need to be prepared for the real world’

I couldn’t agree more, but if a child needs to spend 6 hours a day in a compound, being fed information from the government & made to comply against their will, what kind of world are we preparing them for?

Given how far we currently have to look to answer that, I’d argue that what the world needs now is a wave of innovative, creative, free-thinkers with intact right-brain hemispheres, who aren’t afraid to buck the trend; not another generation of authority-phobic, obedient conformists.


Basically my message is this:

  • Kids are incredible.
  • They are hilarious.
  • They are innovative.
  • They see through shit.
  • They are honest.
  • They have endless creativity.
  • Their imaginations are an absolute inspiration & they have the ability to teach us more than we could ever teach them.

I know most of us have been somewhat preoccupied during the last year, but as cheesy as it is to say, children are the future & it drives me insane how they’ve been treated throughout this craziness.

I hope the focus will now be on them.

They need encouragement & acceptance to be themselves. They deserve respect, love, consideration, empathy, to have their individual needs met & to spend time in healthy environments.

I’d invite anyone with kids to just be open to the idea that they might not have come here just to be indoctrinated for 16+ years by a sinking government now on its knees in an increasingly exposed pool of corruption, but to teach us a thing or two about what it means to be human…A lesson that, in my opinion, we are currently in desperate need of.

If your gut is telling you to give it a go, trust your instincts, dive in & cut yourself some slack.

We might mess up now & again but let’s be honest; the government is setting the bar pretty low at the moment – it won’t be too hard to feel like Mary Poppins by comparison.

Lucy is a naturopathic nutritionist with a love of writing, cooking, fermenting, energy & sound healing, & cutting through the crap. You get in touch with her through her website, or read more of her thoughts on her blog.


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The Jackal
The Jackal
Sep 4, 2022 7:54 PM

ALL very well said.
Excellent article!

Aug 30, 2021 5:13 PM

Absolutely loved this article! Thank you!! My kids are going to school online right now for the 2nd year in a row, and I’d love to fully homeschool them eventually. I get a lot of grief for just the online school, as everyone assumes it’s homeschooling (which is fine by me!). I can’t stand the local schools and I don’t plan on ever sending my kids back to a public/local school again in-person unless we absolutely have to do so. I found this article to be therapeutic, and very timely. Thank you for sharing with us! You are awesome!!

Aug 30, 2021 6:17 AM

A must read for anyone interested in homeschooling or that don’t like this school system is Ivan Illich book Deschooling Society

Aug 29, 2021 2:59 PM

Hopefully your experience will inspire others, for it is a step in the right direction.
ALL institutions have failed us; perhaps it was inevitable but it should now be quite obvious. As raising a child properly- to be prepared as a citizen in this world of lies and deception, taking them out of the brainwashing, dulling atmosphere of schools is to me, to be applauded.
Your kids will thank you for it forever. I know I am.

A. Maestas
A. Maestas
Aug 27, 2021 8:22 PM

Awesome article!! My wife and I pulled our youngest son (sophomore) out of the public high school this year. Since we both work, he will be doing at home online school. From what we have seen so far, everything you said in the article is spot on. I couldn’t be happier.

Aug 27, 2021 4:30 PM

Great article. Wish I had known this info when my son was younger and we were thinking about pulling him out of school. Got a load of guff from the council and local education authority (England) about the curriculum, how expensive it would be for educational materials and getting inspected etc. Still we managed to bring him up independent minded whilst still attending mainstream school. I put my work life always a second to his, best decisions I ever made. F**K the job, my son’s more important.
A poem on the theme of the article.

Welcome to school.
We’re here to make you a fool.
A lacky of the state,
it’s the only way to participate.
How dare you be an ungrate,
Don’t even think about walking out that gate,
Imagine, what will be your fate?
Your bound to be too late.
How can you join in?
When you’re full of uneducated sin,
My god, you won’t even be fit to pull out the bin.
Is that the sort of life you want to wander in.

BruthaB is my poetic alter ego, muse or whatever you want to think.
You can read more of my poetry at https://rowanbircumshaw.substack.com or https://www.patreon.com/user?u=59393303&fan_landing=true, it is free and will remain free. Just give BruthaB a credit if you decide to share

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 27, 2021 12:24 PM

I can’t imagine how anybody still has any sort of favourable opinion about Bojo, but maybe this will be the final straw. Perhaps the appropriate meme would be Bojo as Myra Hindley!

27 Aug 2021
– Senior Government source said the PM Boris ‘wants to crack on’ with programme
– Ministers are becoming frustrated with the caution of the JCVI
– The body is yet to give the green light to inoculating secondary school pupils
– NHS Trusts were told Thursday to prepare to jab 12 to 15-year-olds in two weeks
– Britain’s medical regulator says Pfizer and Moderna jabs can be used in group

Sep 1, 2021 5:38 PM

Govt sterilisation plan

Aug 27, 2021 2:48 AM

Wonderful article, Lucy. Wish I’d had a teacher like you!

Aug 26, 2021 11:29 PM

Great article. I “co-schooled” mine. Math is just too important and made sure a page a day was done. That took 20-30 minutes. Summer and holidays too. By time they get to the third grade they are a year ahead and everything is review.

I highly recommend “The Complete Math Smart” series of textbooks.

Sep 1, 2021 5:38 PM
Reply to  TRM

Kumon maths also helps here. They go way ahead of their peers

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 26, 2021 8:08 PM

Perhaps I am being utopian, but I honestly think I would have benefitted immensely from never having gone to secondary school.

Primary school taught me what I undeniably needed to know and offered me a wonderful opportunity to get to know a small group of friends intimately and I have a rosy eyed notion that if we had stuck together and grown together, it would have been a much more beneficial experience for all of us.

I am aware that this is a rather quaint and naïve vision that may even seem to be attached to a nostalgic view of a small village type setting. But, to expand on that, to have followed the path of a family work pattern in which I would know where I stood in relation to the community and to know what my work was worth and to have it appreciated by others who could directly benefit from it would seem ideal.

Contrast that with what happened: Confronted with the much trumpeted freedom of our wonderful technologically advanced culture, I went dutifully to the career’s library and sifted apathetically though a few items with no great enthusiasm for any of the glorious visions presented and, once I’d satisfied my curricular conscience, I’d fuck off to bitch about how shitty everything was to my pals.

Without work experience how the fuck can anyone tell what they want to do? What’s next? Asking kids to decide on their gender before they reach puberty?

Aug 26, 2021 5:54 PM

comment image

Aug 26, 2021 11:04 PM
Reply to  shamen

Brilliant!! 😂😂😂

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 26, 2021 5:29 PM

It’s about dehumanizing and commodifying everything on the planet. The Green New Deal, Build Back Better, The Great Reset it’s all the same–an imperialist project directed toward the powerless.

If you have time listen to this insightful discussion:

Helen Kingman
Helen Kingman
Aug 26, 2021 4:36 PM

Hi, I home schooled my daughter and she is amazing. An avid reader, an artist, articulate and challenges ideas and my perspectives. We used Oxford Homeschooling and during her GCSE years had a few tutors to prepare her for exams. She has had time to develop in the areas that interest her. My son choose to go to a small private school. Children are individuals. Ask them what they prefer and try to accommodate them if you can. I wouldn’t have missed learning with my daughter. Such a blessing.

Aug 26, 2021 3:52 PM

A beautiful article.

Were my wife and I able to go back in time, we would without hesitation go the homeschooling route.

When our son was young the option of homeschooling just never occurred to us.

For us, it is one of those, ‘if only’ moments.

We hope that anyone who reads your article is inspired to go this route – for the sake of their child.

Aug 26, 2021 3:47 PM

This is what I’ve heard I’m not claiming but people can order a pcr test rub it into a lemon and it will comeback positive,Youngsters are doing it to skive school or some workers to skive work.

Aug 26, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  Annie

That’s how fraudulent the pcr tests are.

Aug 26, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  Annie

Annie, join my Discord https://discord.gg/MCCKFGWQ7f

Aug 26, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  Annie

I am smartphoneless, but I heard stories of naughty kids copying QR codes and gaining entry to dance events etc. ! How dare they! 🙂

Aug 27, 2021 10:18 AM
Reply to  Annie

John Magafuli of Tanzania proved that a few substances can be “positive”. As this displeased the schemers, he died of “heart disease” soon after. Even an unused swab or or a person who left the testing site before taking the test can be “positive”.

Sep 1, 2021 5:40 PM
Reply to  mgeo

along with 4 other dissident African leaders!

Aug 26, 2021 2:54 PM

We never finish learning. I keep asking myself why are we being told what to think. At some point society, deep within key institutions, government and military, the academy and media, decided that doubt is a security threat. Especially when we question policies that have been sanctified. Trusted sources are proffered, which we should take as lore. These are the flagship corporate information brands owned by the investors whose foundations make government policy. The news platforms quote the top academics and the universities advertise in return. Lest the reader draw wrong conclusions, thought leaders show up to guide us. They are suggested by the search engines of the social media corporations that are controlled by the investors who own the foundations who endow academia and advise the governments who appoint the regulators of trusted sources. To make you pay attention there’s a test, just like at school. They score our compliance with online check marks that reward us with access to that most precious of commodities for anyone seeking social status: followers. Britain’s Chief of the Defence Staff, Gen Sir Nick Carter: “There is a growing academic consensus that that the idea of ‘political warfare’ has returned.” The BBC presenter and political correspondent Andrew Marr wrote this month: “Public understanding of science has become a security issue. Without it, there will be no public support for the hard decisions on transport, heating and land use.” It’s not just the state broadcasters and the military. Bookshelves are full of titles for doubt deniers! You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life The Doubting Disease: Help for Scrupulosity and Religious Compulsions Stop Doubting Yourself: Stop Overthinking and Start Living. Through the Walls: Without Any Doubting or Quiddit A Practical Guide to Stop Doubting Yourself… Read more »

Aug 26, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I follow your blog, please join me on the Discord https://discord.gg/MCCKFGWQ7f

Sep 8, 2021 9:46 AM
Reply to  Ankie
Jan 20, 2022 5:07 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hi Moneycircus. I just subscribed to your substack, could you please extend an invite to me on discord? thanks, martin

Aug 27, 2021 3:07 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I have come to believe that this situation is ‘spirituality vs securalism’. It is in evidence when one looks at the discussions about the innate immune system: the scientists (some) and Big Pharma want to interfere and manipulate our immune systems for their own power, profits and glory, while other scientists and doctors respect the body’s ability to heal, given the right tools to assist. The secularists want the ‘certainty’ of the one vs the spiritualists who are willing to accept uncertainty and work with that.

Aug 27, 2021 8:32 AM
Reply to  Glenda

That’s a really good observation, Glenda. It’s also surprising how many secularists are suddenly discovering their spiritual side and “jumping ship”. Perhaps facing your own mortality has that effect.

Aug 27, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I have approximate answers, possible beliefs, and different degrees of certainty about different things. Yet, I am not absolutely sure of anything. I do not feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without having any purpose. Most of your actions are based on incomplete knowledge. -Prof Richard Feynman, 1999

Aug 27, 2021 8:40 PM
Reply to  mgeo

great quote…

Aug 26, 2021 11:57 AM

I’m sure there are more young folks such as this wise lad…


Andrew in DK
Andrew in DK
Aug 26, 2021 2:01 PM
Reply to  Claret

Thank you for that! It gives me hope that this young person has such clarity. He has escaped the brain washing, hoorah!

Aug 26, 2021 10:41 PM
Reply to  Andrew in DK

You’re very welcome. Maybe he was ‘homeschooled’ in certain matters.

Aug 26, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Claret

how wonderful – and his clear thinking, courage, and moral certainty shames so many so called ‘grown ups’ I know, including many who are very close to me.

Aug 26, 2021 10:47 PM
Reply to  Corarden

That’s what I thought too. He tells it like it is within 2 minutes.Get him and his mates on Newsnight. 🙂

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Aug 26, 2021 11:56 AM

That’s exactly what theyw ant, to pull your kids out if school and to have them learn from home. The new social pardigm that has you working from home needs a new education equivalent, just as public schooling was necessary when industrialisation was the peak of capitalist production, to familiarise the young proletars with being punctual, being under the surveillance of an authority figure (teacher-foreman), obeying that authority figure and repeat tasks and chores,as well as teaching them to read and write because no state power exists without some form of writing.

Aug 26, 2021 9:24 AM

In the make believe world of Covid-19:

The Delta variant is ravaging the world, dodging vaccines, turning countries into de-facto dictatorships or apartheids, forcing nations to go ape-shit on their own citizens (looking at you Australia) – basically taking the world back to year zero (in terms of the covid malarkey).

The delta variant formerly known as the Indian variant because it originated in India, remember?

(Drum roll for the punch line)

Today you have UK government taking India off the red list!! Travel freely between UK and India young pleb whilst we kick crap out of our citizens because of a variant that came out of India.

Surely covidians must wonder:
The Wuhan virus literally packed it’s bags and took ALL of its family and belongings out of Wuhan to destroy the world…

The Indian variant did the same…

I mean WTF!!

Aug 27, 2021 3:00 AM
Reply to  Trewpol

Interesting when you look at the World meter deaths in India v deaths in Israel. Israel vaccinated, deaths and infections sky-rocketing, India low vaccination rates and using Ivermectin, virtually straight line at the bottom of the chart. ABC news calls it “Deadly Delta variant”. Words as weapons.

Aug 26, 2021 9:15 AM

A brilliant article – thanks Lucy and well done OG for reproducing it.

A piece that is the antithesis to the state brainwashing campaign that stunts and renders children as useless and marginilised if they happen to see the bs of teachers going through the motions.

The kind of teachers and kind of school where asking questions is verboten. This is where childrens minds start to close because their natural inquisitiveness and to ask questions and learn never gets off the ground. It can be challenging but should be managed and channeled. That is the key and its clear that the author embraces that and is the foundation of their learning experience.

The best thing I’ve read here for a long time.

Aug 26, 2021 8:24 AM

I am all for home schooling, but don’t forget that at least part of that is educating yourself through your self thinking abilities. Why don’t people do it? Answer: because it seems easier not to. Let others think for you, saves you the painful act of thinking for yourself. It’s also considered sin (how dare you to think you know something better than the teacher), so there are multiple locks inserted there. So thinking for yourself is painful. When you do it and come to a conclusion that is not in vogue, you will, in some way or other, be excommunicated from people that you may like (from ‘Oh, it is just Willem’ to ‘You bloody conspiracy theorist.’). This is lock number 1. You may also lose your job (being ‘unprofessional’). That is a second lock. And a third lock is the painful part which is related to the question: what am I doing vs what should I be doing? All the bullshit I have learned through my education, the time it took to learn it and to adhere to it, to believe it, has cost me very precious time. And then the idea that whilst adhering to bullshit I demanded that also others had to go through the same bullshit thereby also wasting their time… that is a painful acknowledgement, yet it is true. Well, as Aimee Mann sang in the film Magnolia, it only stops when you wise-up. I have been out of academia for a couple of months now. It feels like as if I have escaped Kafka’s Castle. By the way, Kafka escaped his castle too because his illness prevented him to return to work and therefore he could finally write and think for himself (while being ill). But coming to the conclusion that you have… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 26, 2021 8:01 AM

I had a nightmare last night where I seemed to be watching a horror movie in which everyone was living in glass compartments and they were about to be slaughtered by alien monsters. The inhabitants had some kind of plan to avert this but it didn’t work at all and proved to be completely irrelevant. And then I realised that the only way to get through the movie was to think of it not as a horror movie but as some bizarre comedy.

Brian of Nazareth.
Brian of Nazareth.
Aug 26, 2021 7:06 AM

I was home educated for a few years in the 70’s. For years I tried to understand what my parents and their friends were attempting to do…in later life I have come to understand it. We were not allowed to watch TV and I struggled with this, but now I see why. Children live partly in the world of imagination and this is their gift to us. Mainstream education tends to remove the imaginative qualities and replace them with mechanical thinking. I believe the ability to imagine a better world is where such a thing starts, which is what John Lennon was pointing to in the famous song…

Aug 26, 2021 7:05 AM

If it helps, I home educated both my children until they were 11. Both passed the selective test (11 plus) to attend a grammar school (UK), so academically we can’t have gone too far wrong.

We didn’t do huge amounts of “formal learning”. We read widely, spent many happy hours with other home-educating families, travelled, visited many places of interest and generally enjoyed life.

Moving on a few years, one child is currently studying for ‘A’ levels, the other is studying for GCSEs and iGCSEs at home. Home education does work!

Aug 26, 2021 8:42 AM
Reply to  Gem

Glad to hear it, because I was doubtful about later qualifications such as A-Level and GCSE.

les online
les online
Aug 26, 2021 4:52 AM

The “Education” section in newspapers often contain articles about maintaining discipline being the main concern of teachers, not the students education.
The concern reflects on the abilities of the teachers. With the reductions of class sizes, the surveillance abilities of the teacher has greatly increased.
Decades ago many millionaires were school drop-outs. Schooling doesnt teach you how to become millionaires. It teaches how to work for millionaires.

Aug 26, 2021 8:48 AM
Reply to  les online

Well said. The two millionaires in our family are among the least qualified academically.

Aug 26, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  les online

Schooling doesnt teach you how to become millionaires. It teaches how to work for millionaires.

Neither of these two dynamics is the proper purpose of education. But either of them would bring education to a standstill. Thinking and learning should be the purpose of education.

Vocational training stunts growth because it focuses education on preparing children for when they grow up rather than when they’re still children and their eagerness to learn is at its peak.

If a child grows up to think for him or herself, does it really matter what job they hold?

Aug 26, 2021 4:21 AM

So, government is all about control. It wants to control trade and health and education and food and just abut anything else you could name, including us. And when governments get infiltrated and corrupted by corporate interests, well, you have a real problem on your hands.

On a more positive note, check out this video about what’s happening. At least, for 10 minutes it lifted me out of what has become my normal state of doldrums.


Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 26, 2021 4:49 AM
Reply to  Hsuan

Licensed liberty isn’t liberty at all.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 26, 2021 4:06 AM

No matter how you cut it. Now matter how you look at it, this “vaccine” is designed to shorten your normal life expectancy drastically. This MD and pathologist explains exactly what this so called vaccine does to you. He’s actually seeing it happen everyday. It starts getting really scary at around 15 minutes when he talks about other viruses reactivating and the sudden dramatic increase in cancers.


There is only one plausible explanation that explains this insanity. Depopulation. I have not seen a single thing to change my mind in 18 months. The hospitals are actually starting to fill up now with really sick people. They saying it’s the variant. Logic would dictate that as the first vaccinated start getting sick they were always going to say it was a variant. What they not saying is all these sick people have been vaccinated.

Aug 26, 2021 4:57 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

What I am finding totally shameful is ivermectin etc would be stopping this and on top of the disgraceful pushing needles they have banned ivermectin use…now that tells me the govt is at war with us the people. No other way to look at it.

Aug 26, 2021 5:25 AM
Reply to  Edith

Stopping what? The common cold? This ivermectin nonsense is another way of buying into the inter governmental hoax that there actually is a pandemic. When by their own data. There isn’t! Unless you consider a virus with a 99% survival rate warrants shutting down the whole planet and vaccinating people with viral DNA

Aug 26, 2021 5:34 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

Link medic makes a good point: 10,000 dead after needle rape but only one autopsy. Cover up by the Con-19 regime. Like the Con-WMD regime “suicided” Dr.David Kelly, forbade autopsy, cremated the body and shut the case for 70 years. These are the conmen and conwomen we are up against.

Aug 26, 2021 11:10 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

My thoughts exactly about why people are getting sick. I do not buy “variant” or “delta” at all. I cannot believe people, on both sides of the issue, are calling all the sicknesses “covid”. I’m going to make a t-shirt that says “It’s the shot, stupid”.

Aug 26, 2021 8:22 PM
Reply to  Judith

Me three! The blithe acceptance of the latest buzz-lie in the ever-mutating Megadeath Virus of Doom Big Lies, the “variant” bugaboo, is aggravating the hell out of me. The irreconcilable dispute over whether it’s appropriate to flog the fundamental truth that “SARS-CoV-2 virus” has never been scientifically proven to exist bubbles, if not rages, on. I’m not going to expand this comment into chapter-length to rehearse that debate. I will say that I recognize, and to a certain extent grudgingly concur with, the objection that the “there is no virus” truism is so unpalatable to complacent, terrorized, Normals that it would be rhetorically counter-productive to insist upon it in common discourse; freaked-out Normals think that position is only taken by tinfoil-hatted loons. OTOH, as long as the foundational Big Lie of the existence of the Famous Original SARS-CoV-2 virus is left unchallenged for pragmatic reasons, it serves as a foundation or pretext for follow-on Big Lies like the deadly Phantom Menace “variants”. As you may remember, I (still) like Del Bigtree and support/watch “The Highwire”. If you’ve been watching it at all lately, perhaps you are also exasperated at Del’s unfortunate penchant for lapsing into what amounts to scamdemic orthodoxy.  I’m just using Del and The Highwire as an example. But it drives me crazy when he and his favorite doctor guests rattle on about the “Delta variant”, and even routinely cite stories based on the fraudulent statistics of new “cases”. Even the estimable Jeffery Jaxen gets caught up in this doublethink when Del gives him a chance to talk. I often think of a scene from a James Thurber children’s story, reconstructed from my fuzzy memory, that applies to this circumstance: ____________________________________ The hero prince and his sidekick are on a mission to rescue a princess being held captive by an evil duke; they… Read more »

Aug 27, 2021 3:17 AM
Reply to  Ort

Oh my gosh, Ort – just finished watching this weeks Highwire. It was a good one. I don’t like it when Del yells a lot and he didn’t this week. I really enjoy his segments with Jeff J. Jeff seems to have a rather calming effect on Del.

I appreciate that Highwire, Children’s Health Defense, Corbett and several others are at least speaking out and writing constantly about this nightmare. And that they are the some of the only sites reporting the VAERS reports listing all the deaths and injuries.

But, come on, what happened to the FRAUDULENT PCR TESTS???? How can they (Del, CHD, et al) be taking all these “breakthrough cases” seriously if the PCR tests are as fraudulent as they were all screaming about just 2 months ago!

If PCR tests are fraudulent there are no break-through cases. There is “vaccine” injury. There is mRNA spike protein havoc.

Or am I just a tin-foil hatted loon?

Aug 26, 2021 3:47 AM

We know where it is. The Church, The Burial Site, and Where The Reception is For My Sister’s Funeral.

My Wife and I do not have to be Jabbed Nor Take any Tests.

However My Sister’s Only Child, and all her Family live near Manchester in New England, USA, not near Manchester, England in Derbyshire

She has got a big American Family – about 5 kids….

Can they get the jabs visas and all the bureaucratic shit, when both the American and UK Government keep changing the rules at a moment’s notice.

I am not looking forward to the funeral, but my wife and I will be there, for my Sister, even if her American Family are not allowed to visit.

For How Long are We Going To Put Up With This Atrocity???


Aug 26, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Sorry to hear about your sister.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Aug 26, 2021 3:31 AM

Personally, i’d like to see all the kids rounded up and taken to the country, and set free.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 26, 2021 2:43 AM

Apologies for going off topic. I’ve just had a phone call from the Victorian Department of Health. They gave my real name and said a testing site was set up nearby and someone will visit you shortly to get you tested for covid. What fecken madness is this? What lunacy has Melbourne, and Australia in general, sunk to when they phone up people at random telling them someone will visit them shortly to get tested.
I told her: “I will Never get tested with a fake fraudulent PCR test to give you a false positive for a fake pandemic” and hung up on her. I’m bloody angry right now.
And yes, my front and back gates are locked. They won’t be coming on my property.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 26, 2021 3:04 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Well stuck it to them Gezzah!! I think you might be mistaken about who called you though. They’ve changed their name to the Gestapo. Keep those gates locked.

Aug 26, 2021 6:51 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Remember what Solzhenytsin wrote: Why did I not make a fuss when they came for me? Why did people not kick and scream and cry out when they were taken? Why were we so meek that body snatchers could kiss their wives and set out for work in the morning assured of an easy day and a safe return?

One answer, again from Russia, a different generation but the same question: how to act when the body snatchers arrive. Auslander on August 25, 2021  · at 2:55 pm EST/EDT
“February we were already arming up and preparing, and some had been preparing since the coup in Kiev started. Our hundreds of babushki and dedushki who blockaded the orcs in their lagers and on their ships, backed up in the shadows of surrounding buildings across the streets and next door by armed and ready to fight men. Hence the orcs stayed locked up, knowing what would happen to them if one hair on our grandparent’s heads was harmed.So, in reply, my friend, we were determined. Failure was not an option and we knew it.”

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 26, 2021 3:16 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Good on you, and solidarity with the suffering people of Australia.

Keep us posted if they do turn up despite your unambiguous refusal. Here in Germany, things are also looking distinctly 1933.

Berlin, August 2021: Images of public ads posted by CJ Hopkins. The first one really shocked me, and I am not easily shockable. (“sind hier unerwüscht” = “not wanted here”) These fascists know exactly what they’re doing when they employ that phrase. It is a deliberate and conscious echo of the 1930s:


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 29, 2021 1:02 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Those fascist bastards at Twitler have deleted CJ Hopkins’s tweet, and the undeniable photographic evidence he supplied with it.

They are now openly at war with us and at war with the truth.

Stand up for your children now, before it’s too late.

May Hem
May Hem
Aug 26, 2021 4:14 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah. This is very frustrating and worrying. But they may be calling everyone in your area, not just you.

Here is a suggestion on how to treat any unwanted cult visitors: (link below):

” All you need say to any police officer, employer, public authority is:
“I don’t consent to having a vaccination/test. You touch me with that & I’ll have you charged with assault. You’re threatening me, stop it or you’re offenses of breach of my peace, threats with menace & assault will be reported by me to your superiors, as now is my duty by reason your threats invoked the office of the Commonwealth Public Official. I need your name & indemnity insurance #. Give me the details or backoff!”. Believe me the offender always elects to back off!

I hope this helps. If you subscribe (free) you’ll get occasional emails from Mark Pytellek of Solutions Empowerment. https://www.solutionsempowerment.com/

May Hem
May Hem
Aug 26, 2021 4:17 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Forgot to add, don’t open your door to them as this implies consent to a “contract”. If possible, speak through a window. Locking the gates with notices on them also a good idea.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 26, 2021 4:37 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Thanks for this May. Someone sent me a link to the Biosecurity Act 2015 and another person sent me a link to the Know Your Rights Group.
Both my gates will stay locked and if anyone shows up they will not be allowed on my property. And, yes, I need to remember to stay polite but firm.
I suspect they may be contacting everyone in the area where they’ve set up a mobile testing station apparently.
I’ll check out the Solutions Empowerment site further. 80 supposed “cases” here in Melbourne, so this current lockdown won’t be ending any time soon.

Aug 26, 2021 5:01 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I have been wondering how the hell you were coping down there….it seems to have reached demonic stage….weirdly it is like nothing has happened here…obviously covid knows where he is and isnt welcome for the moment….but I am truly horrified for you all…

take care, it will end …hopefully not with you being any sort of casualty.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 26, 2021 5:28 AM
Reply to  Edith

I’ll be okay Edith. May Hem and a couple of others have given me really good info including the Biosecurity Act and the Know Your Rights Group and I’m just putting my faith in the Universal spirit at the moment.
They’ve certainly gone mass psychotic gah gah here. There’s a few of us here in Melbourne at OffG… Shin, Cliff Edwards, LoL, and probably quite a few others who don’t comment on the threads.

Aug 26, 2021 8:35 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Keep us posted Gezzah, can’t believe what you are having to contend with down there – sending you positive vibes and thoughts and support.

Aug 26, 2021 5:33 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

No, you need to pretend to be away. Eventually it will blow over but you need to survive the next few weeks. Welcome to the Stalinist regime.
I have noticed that Aussies have a very strong tendency to do everything by the rule book. Don’t. Screw the rules. Screw the law. This is survival jungle style.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 26, 2021 5:12 AM
Reply to  May Hem

One thing about sites and organisations like that one you link is that a) they are a business which means the No.1 goal is to make money and b) a wave of this kind of thing swept America some years ago where gurus were promising ‘get out of mortgage’ cures and sovereign citizen ‘get out of jail/ get out of fines/ debt’ cures….and many of them were slim on actual law and heavy of promise. The only people I’ve heard about who actually did successfully go in to bat for people getting evicted etc were people who accepted no hand out, fee or donation for their assistance. I’m not saying anything about the people in your link as such. But I am saying that this kind of thing did the rounds in America. And a lot of people got screwed. Beware of anyone promising to “get you off” this or that charge or fine or debt. Especially if they are asking for payment.

Aug 26, 2021 5:38 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Can this be used word for word in the uk?

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 26, 2021 5:01 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Stay calm Gezzah. A phone call like that would have sent the chills through me too. But I would do the same as you. No thanks. Did they say that they are wanting to test you because they say you were in some kind of hot spot bullshit? Or is it just like a random spot test thing that’s going around the area or what?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 26, 2021 9:39 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

It seems they were calling people in the area as they had set up a mobile testing station nearby. I don’t think they were specifically targeting me. They are really desperate to get the numbers up, and get as many jabbed as possible. That’s what this is really about. The Coles I went to a couple days ago was listed as an exposure site on Sunday the 22nd.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 26, 2021 10:35 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Right. How disgusting. On a side note…masks supposed to end here tomorrow (Brisbane) so I might be able to go back to work. But…I’m betting there’ll be an extension. Taking this mask insanity into God only knows how many weeks in a row now.

Aug 26, 2021 12:24 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I seem to recall that WHO recommends “testing” at about 10 times the prevalant number of “positives” or “cases”. Anyway, the high numbers in some countries are just unbelievable. They would require a vast, factory-like operation by an army of testers.

Aug 26, 2021 5:32 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

If you live in major cities and have a landline phone make sure you call screen and have an answering machine. Don’t answer if you don’t know who is calling. If you only have a mobile/cell phone. Change your number and preferably use a dumb phone. Then only answer people you know. My dumb phone has the sim (I call it my smart phone). My iphone is only for at home use on wifi. The machine doesn’t like things in the too hard basket. If you become hard too get a hold of they just go away. If someone knocks on the door have a way of checking who it is before you answer. If you don’t know, don’t answer.

Aug 26, 2021 8:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Good onya mate. You’re a light in the dark old sun.

Aug 26, 2021 1:51 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Good for you.Are they actually doing that in Australia right now home testing? I’m lost for words.

Aug 27, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It’s punishment for the crime of being racist against non-westerners before Covid19. Remember how Australia sent Afghan boat refugees away from its shores around twenty years ago with full support from its population.

Aug 28, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah, pls get in touch. Its about your country, etc. Trust me, you can trust me fully, and get in touch. Once you’ve replied here, Ill give you a method to contact me.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 26, 2021 2:07 AM

OT: The BBC reaches a new low with this vicious attack on Dr Anne McCloskey by a hack radio presenter (one William Crawley) and two government-paid pseudoscientists (Dr Gabriel Scally and some other pig-ignorant academic mercenary whose name I forget). It’s not easy listening, but it is does tell you a lot about the current state of the mass media and the thing known as TheScience.


This brave, eloquent and knowledgeable woman has just lost her license to practise because she spoke out for her patients and the truth. If you can’t get through that disgraceful 43-minute pseudo-interview, do listen to the short video she made just a few days ago, the one that got her suspended by the medical council, banned from YouTube, and shat on by the BBC:


Aug 26, 2021 5:53 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I love Dr McCloskey. The more MSM liars try and discredit her the stronger she gets. Lies can never beat truth.

Aug 26, 2021 5:56 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

She is still a Doctor whether she is licensed or not. She can practice under any number of guises. She was retired anyway so fuck em. Disgusting pricks.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 26, 2021 6:13 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Losing her license doesn’t mean she is not a Doctor. I hope she really lets them have it now. She is a fantastic woman. She should team with up with Dr Tenpenny and others.
Getting shat on by the BBC is the biggest accolade and endorsement anyone can receive.

Aug 26, 2021 7:50 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Hugo had it up yesterday, listening is an exercise in anger management, my wife walked into my office half way through, and blew a gasket within 30 seconds. Disgusting.

There’s no hope for anyone listening to that who doesn’t immediately realise it was an ambush.

Sounded like 3 narcissistic siblings gaslighting the only empath in the room.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 26, 2021 1:48 AM

So long as schooling refers to education at the elementary or middle school level then you’re probably OK homeschooling. Once things get into high school, especially with subjects like math and science, then things get a bit tricky. There’s a chronic shortage of subject qualified teachers in these areas in US schools and one way that administrators have coped is by dumbing down the curriculum, not offering courses that they can’t find teachers for. This can give the impression that these subjects are either not important or don’t need to be taught to teenagers. This seems to have two negative effects — one is that curricula get logjammed in college, the other being that we end up with a lot of highly educated people who know little to nothing about science and its associated methodology. This may not seem important in a post-industrial society — but that’s also a society in decline. (AP Physics and Calculus may seem a bit esoteric but its actually the baseline to do anything useful in engineering.)

(The problem with a lot of modern schooling is that it seems to be largely busywork. Facts are not education.)

Aug 26, 2021 3:02 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I have six sons, all homeschooled. The oldest four have graduated from highschool and have gone on to the university. They study Calculus, physics, chemistry, Latin, etc; in fact they are better educated and more well read than I was when I graduated from highschool–although, admittedly, the bar was not overy high as I had the average American middleclass education.

Homeschool can be be rigorous and thoughtful, even through highschool.

Sep 1, 2021 5:50 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

if people understood science and the scientific method they would soon realise the vaccines are a scam

Aug 26, 2021 1:27 AM

I used to do Facebook, and I used to do Youtube. I haven’t even looked for over a year…Cos 75% of My Friends just completely Pissed Me off, when almost overnight they all went completely Paranoid on The UK Government Massive Pyschological Attack from All Media Sources.

I was alone. But I was alone after 9/11. No one would believe me..but they are coming round.

I am not alone now.

I do not know, if anything I have ever written or said had any effect on anyone elses point of view…

And why should this matter to me?

Cos I might have had a slightly positive effect…

Even if its just to try and put a smile on your face, shake your hand and give you a hug.

I have been trying to find out from The Funeral Directors, if they have noticed any increase in business, whilst I am going to my sister’s funeral next week.

I posted this before they all got jabbed.

Don’t blame me.

“Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Bring Out Your Dead”


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 26, 2021 12:52 AM

The home-schooling option is fine for people who have the intellectual and emotional means to do it properly. And let’s not forget: the financial means. It’s much easier for kids who grow up in a nice big house with a nice big garden in a nice rural place among adults who do interesting things for decent pay, as opposed to (say) a tiny flat in a tower-block with few books, a telly within easy reach, and parents who are exhausted and demoralised by low-paid, high-stress, de-skilled jobs.

Home-schooling is also far more likely to work well if you have two or more kids who can talk to each other, and if they can meet other home-schooled children independently, i.e., within easy walking-distance.

So it cannot possibly become a viable option for the majority unless and until we have (dare I say it) a revolution.

And God knows we need one. I don’t know how any self-respecting parents who have an alternative can endure sending their children for 6-7 hours a day to a place where they are force-masked, antisocially-distanced, ordered to disinfect themselves x times a day, terrorised by propaganda, taught to fear other humans and the very air they breathe, and trained into unthinking conformity with pseudoscience.

The “response” to this wholly-invented pseudopandemic has already damaged untold millions of defenceless children, some of them irrevocably. It is a crime against humanity, just one among many, but surely the worst. It won’t end until we stop it.

Aug 25, 2021 11:38 PM

Dare I say it, but perhaps the whole trend of the last fifty years that pushed feminism as meaning women in the work force, ‘equal’ with men, has been too make a financially decent life impossible without both parents working, thus removing the child further from home and family and more vulnerable to be influenced by a ‘socialisation’ that is not always in the child’s best interests. Feminism is a far more complex and integral concept than what it is in this scenario, but I think it has masked a different agenda and a huge confidence trick has been played on both women and men who now find their work and home duties impossible. Most parents now find it difficult for one or the other to be there for their children, a huge loss to all.

Aug 25, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  Redbull

My thoughts too destabilisation of the whole dynamics of what makes females female and males male, All an agenda.

May Hem
May Hem
Aug 26, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  Redbull

Feminism has been corrupted by the usual suspects – large corporations and the big (mostly male) billionaires making life more and more difficult for non-elites. As usual – blame women, who only wanted equality of opportunity – before the corruption and distortion was put into action.

Aug 26, 2021 4:11 AM
Reply to  May Hem

“Feminism” has always been driven by the banksters.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 26, 2021 10:37 AM
Reply to  Redbull

Well, exactly. This is all part of it. It’s all part of the destabilization of the family, of society and of culture itself. There’s a thousand points of light attacking and that’s just one of them. The demonization of the male is up there too.

Aug 25, 2021 11:28 PM

Wanna share this:
The Scientific Benefit of Masking Kids at School Remains Unprovable

That a masking requirement of students failed to show independent benefit is a finding of consequence and great interest,” says Vinay Prasad, an associate professor in University of California, San Francisco’s Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. “It should have been included in the summary.”

This should not turn into an excuse to vaccinate children. It’s time to let children be children. Grow and develop normally. As it should be.

Aug 26, 2021 12:31 PM
Reply to  Penny

The scientific benefits of all medical masking is unproven. To put that in another way, multiple major studies up to 2019 show no benefit.

Aug 25, 2021 11:17 PM

The drive to destroy this medical fraud begins like this.

Freedom Protests Target ITN, Google, Facebook and LBC in London – YouTube

Aug 26, 2021 12:47 AM
Reply to  Grafter

not with them lot they are exactly what isn’t needed.they are the shills.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Aug 26, 2021 8:09 AM
Reply to  shamen

This is over three weeks old, regardless he is a government shill.

Aug 26, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

A regular guest on U>K codswallop. who are having time of at the moment same as Dick Allen and also U>K politicians . The dot connection is to deep for some this mind control is heavy.

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Aug 25, 2021 10:41 PM

Moderator – apparently my last comment failed the spam filter – so Is DaLimbraw Library SPAM? You decide!
Google it and read it and THEN decide – please! AFTER READING it – it’s your call.

Aug 26, 2021 7:30 AM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

for moderators here, read “censors”, the banal ravings are allowed, pertinent direction to viable source/s are often deleted tout suite.
But i looked and can confirm that what you point towards and the method of finding it are as valid in this context as a strawberry milkshake flavoured brick,

Aug 25, 2021 10:28 PM

Why would anyone say 7,200 years and not 7,000 years or about 7,000 years? They can date things that accurately over such a vast period of time, can they?


It’s just a coincidence that 72 is [6+6+6] + [6+6+6] + [6+6+6] + {6+6+6]?

Aug 26, 2021 7:44 AM
Reply to  Edwige

your comment only caught my eye as i was drawn to comment on the one above.
the relationship of numbers as coded, ritualistic, frequency are deeply embeded in the shit show before us, as they are relevant in the building blocks of our physical constructs, our “dna”.
It is by the transmutation of our dna that they intend to facilitate a “paradigm” shift into an altered existence,
Most of us are aware on some level that as the numbers of those “jabbed” increase the entire fabric of what we deem “reality” is shifting with it? The “status quo” of common collective consciousness, aka “the vibe”.
What many of us commonly share could be construed as an intuitive “concern” (i wont say fe*r) that we are approaching a precipice in terms not previously encountered, not in the “developed world” memory anyway.
I believe those against us would call it “critical mass”
At some level it is increasingly important that this time we have chosen to be present in represents the summit of a struggle that has been playing out for “all time”
Where this goes, WE decide, we decide to cede… or not to cede, for those fortunate (?) to have young children during this time i applaud your decision to remove them from the machine
wheres the censor when you need them?? oh there they are ;0) peek a boo

Aug 26, 2021 2:54 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I look at it this way Edwige we are all encoded by numbers DNA We all have instructions either to be human or animal,To be white black to be nice or horrible.They use these numbers as a form of control,Control the numbers control the people what is money?Numbers written on paper or metal.Once one understands the numeracy one will understand their game.I’m not good at maths so I can’t pinpoint exactly I always look to Tesla’s 3 6 9.

Aug 25, 2021 10:23 PM

Home School…. School, at home with the multitude, rudimentary conditioning to generate the cycle . So how about another term, far away from that fuzzy word of indoctrination, like, home – doing things in your own time and that genuinely mean something to you

this comment may also be consigned to the belly of the spam monster, if so, may the barf be on you.

Aug 25, 2021 10:15 PM

For those in the U.K.


May Hem
May Hem
Aug 25, 2021 10:07 PM

Yes and Yes again. Love your articles and writing style Lucy.

When I was a kid, I belonged to a neighbourhood gang. What adventures we had! And what fun! We knew when and where local fruit and nuts were in season (we were natural hunter-gatherers), befriended and learned from local goats, horses, snakes and assorted wildlife, built cubbies, explored the local creek, climbed trees, found coins buried in a bushy corner of the park, never wore shoes on our adventures, played and played, laughed and laughed. An elderly neighbour taught me cooking and I mowed her lawn in return, with a push mower. Just a few examples of my childhood learning experiences.

How lucky was I? School was a mostly unpleasant duty in between our enlightened learning adventures.

Humans learn through play and curiosity.

Aug 25, 2021 9:16 PM

This is the most Ridiculous Thing The “Woke” Lunatics have come up with yet (and I couldn’t give a xxxx if they are gxx)

My Mum had a Full Poster Size Photo at The Bottom of Her Stairs of Her 18month old Grandson running out of sea in Mid Wales, completely Naked, with a big smile on his face.

Both My Wife and I Love Nrivana, but this is Really Taking The Piss.

This is just a symbol of how our society has degraded since this photograph was taken,

Then Everyone thought it was innocent, Just a baby swimming in the pool.

We took our babies swimming naked in the pools and the sea at the same time.

All parents did. It was completely normal.

You can’t swim in your nappy, and every baby knows they have got to shit before.

What is wrong with people now?

Our kids never embarrased anyone.

comment image

I feel the world has gone really sad. All human joy and innocence is being stripped out, as if by aliens from another planet.


Aug 25, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Gotta agree with you on the joy and innocence part being stripped. It’s like if a child has some shame they get knocked for being shy. Don’t they have a right to have some shame anymore? Such insidious and devious fcukers running the show that gets fed into the publics subconscious because they have so much faith in authority.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 26, 2021 12:52 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I agree about happiness. I’m not buying into the enforced misery. I have decided every day to look up to the light and the sun not down to the abyss of vicious vitriolic malice daily pumped out by the MSM. I look for the positive every day and find it in small things. I feel peaceful and calm not being part of the misery fest. I go for a walk every day and nature is a truly beautiful and wonderful thing. There is a lot of joy in the simple life. I’m here to live laugh drink with my friends and enjoy life how I can. I’m doing great. Misery is for the brain washed. I’ve got a better life to live and getting on with it. Anyway if anyone’s going to the March in London on Saturday we might meet up

Aug 26, 2021 12:38 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Well done Jo.
awesome comment

Aug 26, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

My children used to strip off all the time either in garden beach parks,All it’s doing is slowly but surely taking our rights away.

Aug 26, 2021 11:14 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Yeah right ‘Tony Op’. And the baby in the photograph is now 30 years old and has made fckin tons of money and ‘fame’ from this image, and is now complaining about it to try and get even more.
Kurt Cobain is/was a creep – same as Dave Grohl.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 25, 2021 8:06 PM

Mind you – there is a suspicion in this idea of home schooling. Is it not yet another meme to shift labour into the unpaid sector? I’ve lost count of the times I’ve waited in a chemist queue because the counter staff are listening to long medical complaints made by the customers and then giving diagnoses i.e. these staff are doing the jobs of doctors.

So is that not the plan? Eliminate the public sector. Push health, care, education and as much as possible off into the private sector for those who can afford it and DIY at home for those who can’t.

“Educate your own kids, carry out your own operations, look after your own sick, elderly and disabled – hell perhaps even police your own areas. We ain’t payin’ for it – even though we’re still taxing you!”

Aug 25, 2021 8:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Regarding your first two paragraphs, George, yes – that is exactly the plan.

Eviscerate everything. They don’t need any labour anymore. They don’t need us down their mines or in their factories. We, all of us, are surplus to their requirements.

Your final paragraph doesn’t sound all that bad to me.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 25, 2021 10:02 PM
Reply to  Karry

Your final paragraph doesn’t sound all that bad to me.

Really? Carry out your own operations with some gardening tools? Look after your own sick, elderly and disabled? I have a son with cerebral palsy in his 20s and we simply couldn’t manage it now.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Aug 25, 2021 9:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You have got to be kidding. The last thing .gov wants to do is give up the coerced indoctrination and behaviorism conditioning of the next generation. When .gov privatizes, it is not to individuals such as parenting but to multinational corporations like Microsoft and Blackwater. Perhaps when public school enrollment drops by 50%, people will take back their coerced tax money and spend it on something they need.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 25, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Coerced indoctrination and behaviorism comes from the media. And the first thing the govt wants to do is withdraw all funds to “luxuries” like public education, health etc.

Aug 25, 2021 9:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We don’t need their crap allopathic poisoning system, their crap indoctrination system, their crap corrupt legalese courts, their crap Freemason cops, their bullshit broadcasting crap, their crap anything.

We do need to abolish their fake taxes though. You got that tiny part correct.

Aug 26, 2021 12:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The plan hasn’t changed at all. Eliminate 80% of the world population. There will obviously be huge bumps in the road.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Aug 26, 2021 8:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Without services, how can the state ask for taxes?

Big al
Big al
Aug 25, 2021 8:02 PM

Thinking about opening up, “Grandpa’s Anti-Establishment Home School for At Risk Scamdemic Children”. I actually had a taste of home schooling starting last January because my son’s oldest (8 yrs old – 2nd grade) needed more help. It was basically just facilitating the public school curriculum at home but it oriented to me what it would take, which is a lot of work, particularly when you’re talking about the younger kids. He actually moved in with me and I did it for 5 months.

That said, I’m very concerned about my grandkids, ages 4, 5, and 8, and what they’re going to have to put up with in these public schools from here on out. Two of my others, 8 and 10, are already home schooled so I don’t have to worry about them. So I am serious about the Grandpa Home School. I don’t particularly want to have to do it, but we have some tough choices with all this don’t we.

My 17 yr old granddaughter is now worried they are going to mandate her to take the jab because of this fake FDA approval thing for 16 and up. She doesn’t want it and now worries she will miss her senior year if she doesn’t take it.

The punks running the show and the lemmings buying it are one and the same in my book.

Aug 25, 2021 9:42 PM
Reply to  Big al

Quite! My daughter hasn’t had children yet but I’m planting the seed now to unschool her kids. State schools are dangerous places for children now they are full of fascist ideology we have to make tough and bold choices.

Try unschooling it seems easier and more fun than trying to follow the school curriculum.

lucy davies
lucy davies
Aug 25, 2021 10:35 PM
Reply to  Big al

Please set it up, it sounds wonderful & the title says it all!

Big al
Big al
Aug 26, 2021 1:17 AM
Reply to  lucy davies

Thanks lucy, and thanks for the important essay.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Aug 25, 2021 10:58 PM
Reply to  Big al

Maybe if she learned that there is evidence that the clot shot may sterilize her for life, it might make an impression.

With the colleges now for the most part approaching the worst aspects of 18th century “asylums,” my wife and I were conjecturing today what decisions we would make for the coming several years if we were 18 years old instead of 75.

Big al
Big al
Aug 26, 2021 1:15 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

That’s a good pointer el G. I’ve told her the facts for the most part, but haven’t really discussed the infertility issue. Thanks.

Aug 26, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Big al

I would be very surprised if it’s mandated but it really boils down to live or die. Home school? It’s not that hard if you motivated.

Big al
Big al
Aug 26, 2021 4:36 AM
Reply to  John

Ya, you don’t know my three grandsons. 🙂

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 26, 2021 6:10 AM
Reply to  Big al

My son just finished high school. Can’t say he learnt very much. I taught him to read. Maths wasn’t too bad. The rest of it. What a waste of time. Used to be you turned out people with a good all round education. You could talk about Rome or the French Revolution and even your dimmest classmates knew what you were talking about. Now OMG!

Aug 26, 2021 7:53 AM
Reply to  John

Here in aust the push seems to tie being vax to sitting for exams….so they are telling the kids they should be vax before they sit their finals…I don’t think it is mandated…especially after the 3 kids died in nsw in their fungi ho campaign…

if I were a parent of a teen I would be finding out right now what my child can do to avoid needing to be at the place where they hold the finals etc…what other arrangements are made etc…rather than letting the various govts decree this shit.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 26, 2021 9:16 AM
Reply to  Edith

What does it say about the parents Edith? Allowing, even pushing their children to undergo gene modification.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 25, 2021 7:53 PM

Absolutely splendid piece, Lucy; and with a gratefully-received sprinkling of outright belly-laughs! 🙂 Be assured that you are in the same – majority – camp as most of the world’s humans; now, and ever since before we were first human. Children learn by being around with their family clan, watching what the elders do as they get their livings, and copying as and when they feel like it, with elders gently showing and telling as the child asks. It is indeed an organic and instinctive process that needs scarcely any curriculum imposition at all. Steiner and Montessori understood how to do it. THIS sort of learning is actually deeply useful, deeply right, and deeply satisfying for the child. Do a you-tube search for the Arctic reindeer-herding teepee-dwelling nomads still living the tundra life in Siberia to see how well such an educational approach suits the children; even though quite a few of them are now coptered away regularly to learn ‘standard’ education as well. The best of their life-preparation still comes when they’re coptered home again, though, from their home-schooling – on how to tie the quick knots, how to throw the lassoes, how to put up the teepee after a move, and so on through a hundred painlessly-acquired skills and insights. By their early teens, they’re whole, rounded young adults who already know how to live. And fit as fiddles. Without ‘benefit’ of the BPh criminals’ commercial poisons, for the most part. Consider also that such a form of education is what most Pashtuns get, through their traditional how-to-live code of Pashtunwali – the Pashtun Way. And it was this system of socialising and including into their society their young which produced the formidable peasant soldiers who have destroyed every empire which has tried to subdue them, including the… Read more »

Aug 26, 2021 12:51 PM

Capitalism finds it difficult to exploit independent or remote peoples who depend on traditional skills, knowlege and values. The values include cooperation.