AUDIO: Afghanistan unpacked – the “new” Taliban, ISIS imports and the Chaos strategy

Vanessa Beeley in conversation with Kit Knightly

OffG’s own Kit Knightly sits down with the brilliant Vanessa Beeley to talk about his article 6 questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan.

They discuss everything from the timing of the Afghanistan scene-stealer and the pivot to the rebranded “country boy” Taliban away from the ten-year regime change war waged against Syria by the Vulture class led by the US and UK.

Is the transnational corporatocracy deliberately creating chaos in Afghanistan and if so, why? Why did the US not use the lucrative Opium supplies to subsidise global morphine and related drugs markets in developing countries?

While they cannot come to any conclusions during such an evolutionary period in Afghanistan’s history, they do raise questions that people should be asking themselves in the knowledge that colonial media will lie and lie again to obfuscate the real reasons behind what is being orchestrated in this war-ravaged nation.

BREAKING NEWS: As this interview was being uploaded, two alleged suicide bombs reportedly exploded outside Kabul airport. There’s no specific number of fatalities reported, but it’s said to be at least thirteen, including “multiple US soldiers”.

Early indications are that an “ISIS offshoot” will be blamed for the alleged attack, but no one has yet come forward to claim responsibility.

It’s hard to see who could gain from such an attack at this time. Just like Afghanistan in general, it’s an evolving situation that bears careful watching.


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Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 27, 2021 7:39 AM

Hi all. We have a gazillion threads for discussing all aspects of the covid scam, please keep comments on this article on topic. Thanks.

Sep 3, 2021 3:04 PM

Does anyone follow Malang (@MalangKhostay) in twitter? LOL he post “extreme right” memes

Aug 31, 2021 5:10 PM

I don’t meet a lot of comedy that makes me laugh but thanks to commenters below.

Narratives are a key factor in setting ‘realities’ that operate as captured and managed identities.

The resort to narrative leverage regardless of any pretence of coherence is part of the breakdown of a masking of reality by which the ‘world or life as we know it’ is mapped modelled and organised.
The disparity between our ‘self and world’ – and reality itself – has become so unworkable as to fail in its function AS a narrative continuity, while forcing the hubris/desperation of global and even biological and neural ‘control’ as a means to limit down to a reset OF control under further substitution of systems for relational exchange.

For those who are willing to release their story and ‘their world’ to an underlying willingness for truth that heals an otherwise mad ‘mind-trap’ – the whole thing starts to reveal itself as a script that now serves awakening – because this desire has replaced intent and attempt of masking, dissociative private and socially reinforcing sense of self specialness – which could be summarised as “I WANT IT THUS!”. We don’t meet this in ourselves perhaps until our experience so deeply disappoints and undermines our sense of our own self, life and world and to break the mask in terror, grief or disillusion and despair.

But merely shifting illusions is not really resolving or releasing to a true and grounded presence of appreciation for being. Many here think the mind is a navel gazing diversion UNLESS weaponised for impact and activating the desired change of others and world.
But every definition, associated meaning and conditioned or learned response is of mind – even if ‘hardwired’ to the subconscious and effectively running as autonomous reactions of a seemingly self evident ‘reality’.

As the rate of change accelerates our practical needs will need grounding in connected presence rather than any strategy of our own thinking, and so what I understand by the word spiritual responsibility and freedom, comes to the fore as self-honesty and trust in our own life as a basis to relate to our world and relationships. I’d say that this IS the real reset, or realigning of mind to the heart that recognises wholeness as a resonance rather than what All the king’s horses and all the king’s men re-assemble from mutating fragments of a fractured mind.
The forms it takes grow by living new choices, that over time replace the old habit-mind.
In the world it can seem overwhelmingly stacked against Life, but this is the territory of revisiting the old separation trauma that set us in masks of survival at cost of our felt quality of connection and presence.

As for what is actually going on regarding Afghanistan, any ‘news’ is most likely lies of manipulative diversion – especially when targeted at emotional response.

The lie and the father of it set us in conflict, lack, fear and the attempt to overcome or resolve externally. The lie demands further lies to protect it from disclosure and the multiplying of lies generates increasing burden as sacrifice of truth. What started out as a special sense of luck or favour as a wish come true becomes a nightmare that refuels the masking intent UNLESS calling the invested identity/worldview into question – as for example joyless, dispiriting and meaningless and thereby painful.

the complexity of psychic attributions and redistribution of paying in pain of loss is the driver of narrative control. No one in their right mind would choose/accept this, and so right-mindedness is undermined and subverted to any and every kind of diversion and division – not only to groom others into WANTING to eat the sins of others, but of maintaining the masking over what already runs as a sacrifice of Soul in exchange for world that then seems to dictate and determine what you are and can or cannot be. Ideas about the Soul are not what I mean here. The qualities of Intimacy and Infinity are temporarily discarded for a focus and adaptation in our human experience.

Aug 29, 2021 2:33 AM
Aug 28, 2021 10:53 PM

US began withdrawing troops today 28 August. This fact in and of itself exposes this as a psyop

Aug 28, 2021 9:57 PM

US only began withdrawing troops today 28 August which proves its all a hoax.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 28, 2021 4:43 PM

A bit more: > How the Taliban Surge Exposed Pentagon’s Lies

Western politicians and media colluded in duping their public’s into believing Afghanistan was a ‘winnable war’
by Jonathan Cook / August 19th, 2021
How the Taliban Surge Exposed Pentagon’s Lies | Dissident Voice

Bob -Enough now
Bob -Enough now
Aug 28, 2021 4:23 PM

It is all bllx – it is to divert our attention from the vaxxed deaths – watch how the MSM prioritises this stuff. Also the plane you may have seen where people were falling off was FAKE = a blow up, a float. There are videos gallore proving it.

Aug 28, 2021 3:24 PM

If this elephant of mind is bound on all sides by the cord of mindfulness,
All fear disappears and complete happiness comes.
All enemies: all the tigers, lions, elephants, bears, serpents (of our emotions);
And all the keepers of hell; the demons and the horrors,
All of these are bound by the mastery of your mind,
And by the taming of that one mind, all are subdued,
Because from the mind are derived all fears and immeasurable sorrows.

Terje M
Terje M
Aug 28, 2021 2:54 PM

One thing I have been wondering is how exactly this alleged retreat plays into the COVID/vaccine campaign, since one gets a feeling a surprising number of things are connected to it.

Afghanistan, an occupied country with a 2 decades long counterinsurgency campaign, must have been the testing ground for all sorts of futuristic weapons, so why not biological experiments. The only possible whistleblowers would have been the collaboration government and some useless international NGOs.

There are hints that this might have happened, like the revelation in 2007, where the CIA under medical cover – more specifically a vaccine campaign – collected DNA from the population in Pakistan. One of the goals with the collection was allegedly to find bin Laden, but what else did the CIA do in that vaccination effort?

And remember how Trump in 2019 as part of the negotiations with the Taliban, said he could easily kill 10 million Afghans in 10 days, without using nuclear weapons – a claim that is intriguing, to say the least.

Aug 28, 2021 1:27 PM

Clip from Saker BTL:

“Matt on August 26, 2021  · at 5:47 pm EST/EDT
Yup, the moment the BBC & Guardian started reporting imminent threat of terrorist attack I thought here it comes you Dirty, Dirty Bastards.”

Aug 28, 2021 10:56 AM

Change in Afghanistan is being driven by consistent and powerful interests. While you are told to prepare for a Great Reset, the world acts in Lockstep on Covid. The same forces — fundamental and human — are driving geographic and economic adjustments.

Banks and Afghanistan are strangely alike. The more governments bail out the banks, the more the crooks gamble. The more talk about saving the economy, the more bubble.

Likewise, Afghanistan. The war on drugs saw a boom. The war on terror saw lots of booms. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Why could that be?

Like a squid’s tentacles it’s hard to follow. And we’ve all just been blasted with a jet of squid’s ink. As the ink cloud clears, we see a bunch of new figures.

ISIS-K makes its entrance stage left, to further link Taliban with Al Qaeda in the public mind. Google Trends suggests it’s a completely new invention. You may recall that ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) appeared overnight in June 2014 as President Barack Obama wrestled with Congress for authorization to carry out punitive strikes against the Syrian government.

U.S. intelligence will blame blowback — unforeseen consequences of the genus, “who could have imagined people would fly planes into buildings?”

Strategy will be determined by regional powerplays — and economic realities. Economically, Afghanistan finds itself in Russia and China’s emerging trade zone. Pakistan serves as sherpa to Taliban and perhaps a model for its regional integration. Playing Afghanistan is nothing new for Pakistan. Playing alongside Russia and China is.

“There are no interests that require Washington to have a long-term policy on the region,” writes Temur Umarov for Carnegie. How things change.

This sudden willingness to question the Brzezinski doctrine on Central Asia is accompanied by an apparent crisis of confidence, a yawning gap opening under the feet of once-cocksure America, that has led to comparisons with Vietnam.

Is it the falling of dominoes — the cliché that so many reach for? Remember that the Domino Theory was wrong but a handy way of bouncing the administration into ever-expanding military budgets and interventions abroad. The relentless, irresistible force turned out to be not communist Russia but the Military Industrial Complex.

Today the MIC has become MIC-surveillance-media-pharma. It is integrated into the licit-illicit drugs business and human trafficking — and it controls the media like never before. The domino matrix is far more networked and hidden.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

If banking is criminal, as we discussed at the open, then an empire founded on banking is a criminal enterprise. No wonder it gravitates to parts of the world where resources can be seized, people trafficked, drugs harvested and money laundered. No wonder the agencies best placed to control that business end up in control of the government.

That is the world as was. Proposals for a new monetary system lie behind Event Covid and The Great Reset. The media barely reflects these discussions because they do not happen at the legislative or political level but they are nonetheless real for that.

The big money is in every country. It knows no borders. Throughout Event Covid the politicians and state-corporatist media have flip-flopped on masks, quarantines and treatments but they have been remarkably consistent on governance.

Interdependence, interrelatedness, stakeholders… and how the authoritarian governments did everything right. You may filter out the jargon but it’s trying to tell you something. The wealth extracted from the governing system is being transferred into new mechanisms of control. The push for renewable energy does not eliminate the power based on hydrocarbons. If anything it protects and preserves that wealth.

By ending the petrodollar economy, the resource wars do not disappear they just move to new geographies and new minerals.

The world’s biggest industries and sources of wealth — define as you may the timeless and most powerful means of control — are drugs, slavery, war and energy. They are becoming more important, not less and their impact will be felt not just in the badlands and back roads of mountain territories but coming to a town near you.

In full at: https://moneycircus.substack.com/p/afghan-squid-eurasian-notes-7

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 28, 2021 1:47 AM

Stepping aside from Afghanistan for a moment have a look at this:-


Kamela Harris, our VP, has been vitisting South East Asia and this story is about her meeting with Vietnam’s leaders. Its worth reading because its an outstanding example of hubris, especially in the light of what is going on in Afghanistan. Put simply, the US would like to enroll Vietnam in some kind of anti-China coalition (while trotting out all the usual nonsense about human rights and democracy that’s fooder for the rubes back home). Vietnam and China have historically had a sort of arm’s length relationship but once thing that China has never done to Vietnam is flatten the place, leaving a trail of death and destruction. The Vietnamese have been very nice about what they call “the American war”, its over, they got their country unified and are willing to write the effort off as a historical blunder but now they’re seeing us doing the same thing and, furthermore, trying to enroll them in yet another of our foreign adventures. This must have resulted in some interesting diplomatic discussions — Vietnam obviously doesn’t want to annoy anyone but China’s next door, its obviously an important trading partner while all the US can contribute is a bunch of aging veterans touring sites where they fought battles in their youth.

I quite like Ms Harris, she’s been effective in our state, so I hope theis is going to be a useful lesson in diplomacy for here. Especially in how to manage the hawks at home; they’ve caused us so much trouble, cost us so much and yet they still need to be called out before they get us mired in somewhere else.

Aug 28, 2021 8:03 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Perhaps the likeable Ms.Harris oversold her anti-China message in order “to manage the hawks at home”? According to Alexander Mercouris on Youtube, she alarmed the Vietnamese enough for them to reassure the Chinese that Vietnam would never join the U$A in its war against China.

Aug 28, 2021 9:24 PM
Reply to  NickM

In the “I’m not making this up” department: I assume that the Vietnamese were sufficiently alarmed by the official slogan or catchphrase for Harris’s (aborted) SE Asia tour: America Is Back!

I can’t vouch for the reported claim that Harris herself chose this slogan; it’s plausible, because the phrase is entirely devoid of even a scintilla of self-reflection, much less irony.

One way or another, the White House staff of public-relations mavens and spin doctors must all have been off that day– in every sense of the word.

Aug 28, 2021 9:31 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

It probably has more to do with Singapore, the ‘Davos’ meeting was supposed to be in Singers but it’s been delayed until August.

Singapore is the WEF example golden child ‘smart city’

Singers has also been increasing it’s sovereign gold holding for over 7+ yrs now, comming in 4th in Asia behind China, HK, and Korea.

The WEF sent all the singers “old family money” on “great reset courses” a year ago.

Harris just did some “climate” deal with Singers.

Something wicked this way comes.

I quite like Ms Harris

*slaps Martin Usher round the head with a freshly smoked salmon while shouting wake up man!

Aug 28, 2021 11:52 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“Harris pressed Vietnam on human right”


The US offers an exemplary role in working relentlessly to improve Human Rights. Two examples should never escape people’s attention:

1) Soaking entire towns with Systemic Herbicides and Pesticides

2) A trillion dollar budget was spent to send Afghan girls to school (and capture bin laden of course)

The world is in safe hands, dare you say not?

Aug 27, 2021 10:15 PM

When you look at the disappointment in Biden displayed by the MSM, you’d think they were expecting him to Make America Great Again 🙂

Aug 27, 2021 3:30 PM

11 09 was the number on the inflata bull plane above

down on the ground the young horny men where running
wanting to hitch a ride on the gladio daddio
big pharma bouncy distraction castle

11 09
9 and 11
13 and 33
all kabballa balls 2 me

if it was real the emirates doha would be on fire now
as these taliban
have been chillax in for years

with regular holidays to see rita katz site intel group barnera lerner spector
shimon elliot baggdaddy of the and epstein in tel aviver baby

Big Vern
Big Vern
Aug 27, 2021 3:44 PM
Reply to  gordan

Not an inflatable plane, didn’t look like a real one either.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 28, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  Big Vern

The C-17 is very real. Its a very capable specialized military transport. The number on the nose is just that, an identifying number. No need to go all numerology about it.

Aug 28, 2021 2:44 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The one shown in the pictures wasn’t. Had no windows and no engines. I’ve also seen other videos of happy Afghans bouncing up and down on it like they’re on a trampoline…

Aug 29, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The Afghans that were running alongside it are smiling and happy. There is no desperation whatsoever. They are being paid to film an event (they probably think they are extras in a movie) and it couldn’t be more obvious. The plane wasn’t real. It’s a decoy. There’s no nose cone on that decoy.

Videos of it taking off and people falling are all CGI.

And no pilot would taxi or take off without a clear runway. And anyone near a running engine would be dead.

Every “story” in the news is fake and a lie. Like your comments.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 27, 2021 3:15 PM

Sirhan Sirhan a Palestinian terrorist “credited” with assassinating RFK is due to be released from prison next week?

Aug 27, 2021 2:40 PM

An alleged bombing with no audio, no video to back up the claims. Just the government’s statements and some lame crisis actor “witnesses”. It’s not believable. Some smoke in the distance. One person on a stretcher. One ambulance. Isis claiming responsibility for the hoax. 

Curiously, I did read over the last two days numerous articles predicting a security issue at the Kabul airport. So more predictive programming to sell the fake story.

It’s obvious that nothing in the msm is true. They’re narratives. Not facts. During this entire covid scam I haven’t seen one single mainstream media story report any facts either on the alleged pandemic, the fraudulent test, the alleged illness or alleged virus. And nothing but lies on the masks, social distancing and lockdowns. They actually contradict facts and instead, concoct stories. The same goes for their entire climate change scam. 

So why would I believe them about what’s been occurring in Afghanistan? It’s more than likely all the leaders have been colluding since the very beginning. The Taliban-Mujahideen (who were all funded and trained by the CIA), The Karzai brothers, The Pakistan Army, the US and its allies and also, its supposed adversaries, like Russia. 

Maybe Russia was in Afghanistan for that period to harden the country up, create fighters and plant the seed for the fictional al Qaeda. Preparing the country for the planned war all these years later. There was actually no real reason for Russia or the US to invade. 

Curious how America and Russia colluded behind the scenes, right throughout the 20thC. Not Frenemies but Fake Enemies.  With the fake space race. With Russia providing all the millimeter wave and scalar wave research straight to the CIA. The Cold War too, was an obvious scam, a psy-op to build up opposing military forces, scare the world with the “nuclear threat” and racketeer. So clearly, the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was just part of a multi-decade plan. Culminating in the covid scam and the global tyranny. 

They don’t really need the heroin trade as much now, since China has been sending fentanyl into North America to slaughter the addicts, they hooked on Oxy courtesy of the allopathic drug cartel. With the coming digital currency, there’s no need to launder the drug money. They can run all the drug dollars straight through the central banks without the need to produce Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) that they always ignore, anyway. 

Meanwhile, the Fed prints money hand over fist, runs drugs and guns through the Afghanistan region and the world, and somebody over there (whether it’s contractors or corrupt officials or both) receive wheelbarrows full of cash. Millions. Even Billions. So what’s really going on? 

The Taliban didn’t just decide to stop growing opium in 2000. Because 9-11 was planned for many years. So that’s also a fake “narrative”. 

These wars evolve in the regions where there’s drug trafficking involved, so they are part money laundering schemes, part destabilizing schemes, part racketeering, mostly instituting fake, spying, tracking and destructive laws at home and abroad while they send young men to die. Furthering the narrative of “it’s a dangerous world“. Furthering the East vs West psy-op. Playing the Islam vs. Christianity card to further divide, conquer and con. Generating faux patriotism. Directing the hatred and frustration people feel at the hierarchical and corrupt global system, toward fake, orchestrated conflicts. 

Killing the young men in the country and confiscating their guns. Moving people off their land and growing opium crops in the regions that have been abandoned. Mining rare earth minerals in the years to come. Buying up the land cheap for the Crown’s Crime Cartel of Corporations, managed by Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. Those same four corporations who own and control all the media. And all the spying tech. And all the PhRMA. 

It’s fairly clear at this point in history, that with the covid1984 narrative falling apart and more people around the world waking up to the fact that there’s no viruses, no contagion and germ theory is nonsense, that this military posturing in the Middle East is as much of a psy-op as anything else, and that it’s used mostly for debate and distraction, to further divide and confuse the populace and keep the red/blue voting illusion intact and the big bad empire illusion alive. 

What would people do if they knew all their governments were secretly working against them in a myriad of ways, and the opposing political parties always collude behind the scenes against the populace? 

I’m not buying the alt media’s explanations on Afghanistan or Iraq. We know for a fact that the Taliban and OBL had nothing to do with 9-11 and it was planned for many years. The 1993 WTC bombing was an FBI plot. After 9-11 was “manufactured” the spying, tracking and data gathering was the real objective. That’s why they pulled the anthrax hoax. To include bio weapons and “pandemics”. Then passed numerous vaccine laws. Only two years later, the fake SARS pandemic was manufactured.

And Washington DC and their crime partners, the Vatican and the City of London Corp, can bribe any leader anywhere, or take them out just as easily, and even take over entire countries in a matter of days, if necessary. They have so many advanced technologies. 

So why the protracted fake twenty year war? It’s a racket. And it’s not real. Yes. Real people die: Civilians and soldiers. But there is no actual reason they went to war except to racketeer. Just like covid. No reason to invent a pandemic except to kill using a costly vaccine where the debt is born by the public. These are all racketeering-kill scams, to move money from the populace, facilitated by governments, into the hands of the most venal and corrupt people on earth: Those who orchestrate the wars fund and control all sides and profit, no matter who wins. It’s a game of killing that pays. Just like the vaccine racket. 

Aug 27, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Here’s some more stagecraft to prove the point. That C-17 is definitely not taking off or taxiing. It’s being pulled.

Here’s a CGI simulation.

Here’s a real take off and landing.

Aug 28, 2021 4:11 AM
Reply to  Researcher

The plane did not rotate and climb. It looked like a flyover

Aug 28, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  Ddave

The first one is the plane supposedly leaving Kabul. Which was a staged event. It never happened.

Aug 27, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Its like character creation when writing a novel. The main antagonist in this script is an ISIS affiliated group in Afghanistan called ISIS-K. In case you dont know who ISIS are, they are a group of around 150,000 men who run around in black ninja suits in a region that sits at the centre of the most heavily droned air space in the world surrounded by 50 US military bases. They dont have an air force, they dont have a navy, but they have a fleet of Toyotas that ride in a snake like convoy all over this particular area with impunity. Said Si hop

Aug 27, 2021 7:52 PM
Reply to  shamen

And Isis is just another Masonic god. They even have a lodge called Isis in Queensland.

Isis is funded with black budget and drug money that the banksters control. Trained in Jordan. Weapons and supplies going through Turkey. Multiple countries are involved in this orchestrated scam: Pawns on a chessboard. Same thing with Syria. Completely orchestrated.

Aug 28, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  Researcher
Aug 28, 2021 9:49 PM
Reply to  axosofoil

A Freemason ex-BBC producer. Up to 3,000 bodies? Come on. They are using Gematria within the first few sentences.

Aug 27, 2021 1:41 PM

To say it’s difficult to see what the purpose was in setting off two suicide bombs and killing at least 13 soldiers is absurd!! It seems bloody apparent to me if not to the author!

Aug 27, 2021 1:55 PM
Reply to  alecto

Ok …. Who and why is a good place for you to start .

Aug 27, 2021 10:30 PM
Reply to  alecto

they died of covid actually

Aug 27, 2021 1:28 PM

Couple of points I think mite have provided some depth to the conversation if they’d been explored.

The Taliban just repoened the banks, including the central banks, and OK’d continuing work on the TAPI pipeline. (still no word confirming weather China is joining TAPI)

The World Bank, acting under US pressure, has suspended its aid program to the country in response (to central banks opening with new governor).

The US holds Afghanistan’s Sovereign Gold Deposits and has refused to release them.


All the other involved countries seem to want stability so they can do deals on natural reserves (hydrocarbon & mineral) and a “moderate” Taliban look a better choice than all out civil war.

With reportedly 18k private contractors in the field, it’s difficult to say exactly what the US et al plan is, it all looks to be playing the part of the original Trump deal on the surface, was the deal much more detailed than we’re led to believe? And are they so trusting of this “deal” that they can hand details of all the locals who worked for the US straight to the Taliban?


If a deal was done, are they holding the gold hostage as a guarantee, or just leverage?

Nobody seems to know much about the new central bank governor.

My guess is the Global Bankster Parasite class won’t be happy until they have their man in the central bank chair, and they will squeeze the country with economic warfare until they do, weather further “destablization” on the ground is part of that strategy remains to be seen, tho considering the recent “suicide bombers” somebody thinks further destabilization is useful.

Another point to consider, was the deal done prior (by Trump), and the US puppet masters just planned to use it to transition from Biden to Harris?

Aug 27, 2021 3:35 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

the gold of ukrainia of iraqii libya sovereign wealth funds
all gone just gone
we may never nose whar happened to it all

as for afghan gold
listen just forget about it
forget about it

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 27, 2021 4:45 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Hello ImpObs: Your’s is one of the most useful posts I’ve seen in days. With over 18,000 private military operatives left in Afghanistan, I’m sure the poker cards are being played at a furious pace. Trump never played with a full deck…

Everyone wants a box of chocolates. Especially the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements…

Aug 27, 2021 11:17 AM

it’s a bit serious in here.!

At the moment I cant make a decision about this whole scenario U>k codswallop and dick allen our both away on holiday.
when they get back their really honest pro Zionist middle east correspondence who is situation in tela viv (whiteha;ll) will give a full update on the situation .
Until then Their my only truths. I no nothing until then.
( i kept it within topic as admin asked) ;0)

Aug 27, 2021 11:14 AM

Afghanistan is a silly story. It’s a dead parrot and it doesn’t make it better by adding more sillyness to it.

As another commenter said here, don’t propagate propaganda by repeating the propaganda line.

Since we’re not allowed to go off topic here, I will be silent and wait for a new topic.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Aug 27, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  Willem

If the discussion between Knightly and Beeley offers perspectives which support the view on the way the world is run, which is also connected to Covid etc, it was worth it. I’ve seen and heard some amazing clips, Yeadon, Ivor Cummins, and many more.

In my honest view, while good, this discussion didn’t quite do it for me. It lacked a professional edge. I was very impressed with an interview of Knightly some months back. Maybe here it’s a chemistry thing between interviewer and interviewee or just communicating through a medium not as experienced with.

Keep going though.

Aug 27, 2021 4:46 PM
Reply to  Loverat 8

This is a tricky situation for those of us who want to follow the reality of world events.
Frankly, there is nothing at all in today’s mainstream media which is not downright silly, and I just can’t watch, or listen to it any more, but of course there has to be a starting point for us somewhere.
It is now decades since even the msm were admitting that Afghanistan was a death trap, and nobody, including the Soviets, had managed to bring the country under their control.
What the current situation truly is will hardly be ascertained from the thousands of ‘refugees’ which everybody is very suddenly welcoming with open arms.

Nobody is learning anything any more.
Anybody who really wants to know about the reality in Afghanistan will have to go there.

Aug 27, 2021 11:06 AM


Aug 27, 2021 10:57 AM

it is understable the americans call their crominal soldiers ‘heroes’. but why the rest of. world’s media become so preoccupied with 13 soldiers who died at the end of a lengthy period of committing a litany of the most barbaric aggressions.

in this same airport attack, those who defended and liberated their country, their victims barely get a mention in the media around the world. this is despite losing more than double of those 13 anericans. the Taliban lost 28 people.

the criminal invaders must not be glamorised.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 27, 2021 1:50 PM
Reply to  strange

“Suppose the term hero is a more uplifting one than cannon fodder, war criminal, prole victim or chump.

“War is a Racket. To Hell with It! The Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psychopaths need to go.

Aug 27, 2021 4:51 PM
Reply to  strange

It’s simply US foreign policy:

You invade a country, and any of your guys who suffer the consequences are automatically ‘heroes’.
Your allies are instructed – on pain of sanctions or other retribution – to call them heroes too.

The world is sick, but the US is really something else.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 28, 2021 1:34 AM
Reply to  strange

We may have lost 12 or 13 servicemen in that bombing but the Afghanis lost about 150 in that attack. The fact that they’re Afghani doesn’t mean they don’t have names, life stories, relatives who lov them and so on.

As for “Who, what and why?” I’d guess the answer is “Because we can”. There is no unified civil authority in Afghanistan at the moment, the collapse of the government, puppet or not, has left a void where all sorts of chancers and bad actors can step in and create mayhem.

Aug 27, 2021 10:24 AM

It was the climate change wot done it!


That manages to not even be the worst part of the segment which is its hilarious re-writing of Afghan drug production.

CBS = see b.s. topped off with a nice all-seeing eye logo.

Aug 27, 2021 9:48 AM

Crisis? What crisis? Russian air liner ready to take all the Russian-paid “translators and aid workers” fleeing Afghanistan.


Arfur Mo
Arfur Mo
Aug 27, 2021 9:07 PM
Reply to  NickM

New passenger guidance signs on the USUK airport facility:
comment image

Aug 27, 2021 9:09 AM

This is depressingly like Iraq. The minute a country asks and/or gets the US to leave it alone, they have a terrorist attack that makes a withdrawal impossible. What a bummer!

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  October

Well it’s a great little feint for America…a little shimmy, a little inconsequential bullshit, sucker them in, lull them, distract them…then BAM covi’s back. Winter’s coming, Northern Hemisphere. Let’s see what kind of insane shit drives Afghanistan into the back seat when covi covi comes to fuck with you.

Aug 27, 2021 8:17 AM

Why is the only outfit that knows anything about “ISIS-K” and which seems to be the direct PR agency for any of the ISIS variants, the SITE INTELLIGENCE group located just across the river from the CIA. Why on earth would ISIS-K communicate with Western media through SITE Intelligence? The founder and director is Rita Katz. 

Aug 27, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  rraa

Why on earth would ISIS-K communicate with Western media through SITE Intelligence? The founder and director is Rita Katz.


any inaccuracies in this ?

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Aug 27, 2021 1:51 PM
Reply to  eman

If Biden predicted this ‘terror attack’ down to the group ISIS-K, it makes me leery it really happened.

If I’m wrong apologies but my spidey senses were triggered along with the first ‘bombs.’

Aug 27, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

ISIS-K = 9 – 19 – 9 – 19 – 11. The #’s ‘game’ is everywhere.

Aug 27, 2021 6:41 PM
Reply to  dtoc

Well spotted.

Aug 27, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

If I remember correctly, someone else posted something similar to your spidery senses: “As soon as the BBC and the Guardian began to predict terrorist acts I had a sick feeling.”

Like the Beeb telling us the WTC tower was falling down while it was still standing up. Then 20 minutes later …

Aug 27, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  eman

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Wasn’t he best buddies with U$ state terrorist John Mac Cain, who helped kill 3Million Vietnamese, and ran for president? I think I saw a picture of the two hugging at the start of the war against Syria by NATZO and their ISIS headchopper proxies. Mac Cain’s theme song was “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran”.

Aug 27, 2021 6:30 PM
Reply to  rraa

You’ve nailed it. ISIS talks to Rita Katz “just across the river” because:

ISIS = ISIL = AlQaida = CIA = MI6 = HMG = AZC

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 27, 2021 8:16 AM

Something very weird going on here. I posted this comment reply to Admin via a reply to S Cooper 9.26pm
“How do you know what the truth is? The further back I go and the more I dig all I see are lies piled upon lies.”
During the course of the morning I received around 24 up votes. Later on that afternoon in about 20 minutes myself and other commenters Titian, 2fat2surf and John all received around 22 down votes at the same time and all comment replies have been disabled.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 27, 2021 12:27 PM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

You were upvoted/downvoted by trolls using VPNs. Revisionist defenses of the Nazis uniquely attract that kind of thing. It always happens.

The thread has been closed for being OT.

PS – we do know when people use multiple accounts. 😉. You might wanna pass that on to ‘Titian’.

Aug 27, 2021 1:53 PM

So hang on a moment. You promote the view that one should shield their ID from the establishment. However if one uses VPN (like most do these days) you will be Blocked/Filtered by OffG for not reveling your ID?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 2:19 PM

No, that’s not what she said at all. Maybe punch out for the day, you’re getting into quite a state over this 😉

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 27, 2021 8:10 AM

I wanted to respond to Martin Usher re: his statement about eyewitness testimony but for some reason the “reply” facility isn’t there. The topic was about the Brownshirts during WW2 – which I’m not contesting. It’s just that re: covid, I have already heard extraordinary claims being made by people who I think are totally sincere but are embellishing their experience e.g. they knew someone how had a bad cough – but that turns into, “They had covid and they were at death’s door!” etc.

Aug 27, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, I had two such totally sincere reports of a family friend and a family member. Both of them young; said they had had Covid-19 and never felt so sick in their life. That was early in 2020. Firstly, they could not have known it was Covid-19 because they were not tested. Secondly, the virus for Covid-19 was unlikely to have spread throughout Britain so early. I concluded it was just youngsters wanting to be in the swing.

Aug 27, 2021 8:07 AM

The dust is now beginning to settle. The switch is being made in labelling the bad guys. It is now ISIS where the focus is being made and not so much the Taliban. The Taliban will eventually be seen as the good guys or the not so bad guys because it is they the US will have to deal with if American interests have to deal with in the event of future lucrative mining contracts. President Biden has vowed to hunt down those responsible for the airport atrocities, well he need look no further than his own Oval Office.

Aug 27, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  Shardlake

Because the US now wants to go after Iran. The Military-Industrial Complex needs a conflict,

Aug 27, 2021 7:28 AM

What I find baffling is that US troops have not left yet to create a power vacuum (if one believes that the Taliban is a US foe) and the US had said on 22 August that it will send an extra 1,000 troops to help with the “evacuation”. Its not the job of the US to evacuate indigenous populations, is it? I am sure the only people they would evacuate are contractors and other covert operatives.

Aug 27, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  Curtis

Correct. That is why that SpezNaz guarding the Russian air liner is so relaxed. Russia has far fewer “translators and aid workers” there than we have.

Aug 27, 2021 6:48 AM

look at the windows- no front wheel. Man waving, other man on phone. It’s a blow up plane being pulled with cr ISIS actors. Psy op central.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 27, 2021 9:55 AM
Reply to  Angryangry

I’d say it’s a real plane but it’s being towed by a vehicle underneath the nose. Lost in a dark wood suggested that it might be decommissioned and used for training. The windows look the same as C-17s elsewhere. But whatever’s really going on we know it’s staged.

Aug 27, 2021 5:51 PM
Reply to  Angryangry

absolutely no detail on aircraft, turbine absent too.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 28, 2021 6:24 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Yes, but can that just be a function of the ludicrously poor quality? Is there any specific detail you think is missing that isn’t just a function of the poor quality? If the engines aren’t whirring would you necessarily see them?

Aug 27, 2021 6:25 AM

Good discussion linking different threads of the globalist’s game. Watch out for the Corporate Empire’s next move to fool the population. Remember that the sales pitch is what you need to to protect you from the fear of suffering this has always been the angle. As for Afghanistan in the scheme of things it seems like an attempt to thwart the BRI by NATO/US pull out and fund instead a dirty war to frustrate a Russian/ Chinese sweetheart deal with the emerging ruling class there. They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again.

Aug 27, 2021 10:14 AM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

Right on the button: Afghanistan is on a crossroads that leads from West Eurasia to Russia, China, Iran and India. We are seeing the re-opening of an ancient route for interchange of goods and ideas across the entire EurAsian continent.

“The merchant adventurer carried a sack of books among his wares” — MacGillivray, The Shape of Ancient Thought.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 10:50 AM
Reply to  NickM

Almost like some kind of belt and road project

Aug 27, 2021 6:11 AM

Already in January an assessment from West Point Military Academy that NATZO’s mercenary army-in-office would lose against Afghan popular resistance — and that the speed of collapse would be “nonlinear” ie, increase exponentially:


Aug 27, 2021 6:10 AM

Truly a nightmare
Who’s riding the horse
the army had years to prepare.
What was it doing
No time to fly
or wing it by chariot

Not enough war
I told you before
we need moar
when talk fails
a diplomatic incident
a failure of intelligence
show C’ya the door

Strategy in tatters
Look again
ISIS teeters on the totter
toe to toe.
One, two boom
shoe on the floor
symbol of whom?

Magician spins wheel
Where does it stop
Where the arrow points
Which new variant
turbaned scariant
grand distraction

White dust of Buran
blows through the House
while you danced in Kabul
hauling the gems
by slow road to China
to sate
the new Mountain King

The analysis bubbles nicely. Adding spices.

Aug 27, 2021 10:34 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The “adults in the room” are hemming and hawing on the television. That is why my reaction is a staccato series of stock phrases:

Truly a nightmare… the army had time to prepare… failure of intelligence… strategy in tatters.

None of this media reaction is necessarily wrong, nor is it illuminating. It tells us nothing. Much of it is filler or talking points that are intended to shift blame for the needless slaughter of marines and Afghans in bombings at Kabul airport.

What’s more telling are the unvoiced responses:

Who’s riding the horse… Not enough war we need moar.. ISIS teeter-totters toe to toe with U.S. intelligence… Shoe on the floor – whose visiting card?.. the creation of a new variant, ISIS-K… and the centuries-long trade in drugs and minerals.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Common threads are reemerging. The lumping together of Taliban and ISIS, the needless and deliberate rush for the airport, creating the perfect target for an anonymous bombing. The blasts that came one day after the CIA issued a warning and even the chaotic exit from Afghanistan itself — all serve to paint Taliban into a corner where they serve as bogeyman and target.

Taliban are demonized though one gets the feeling that no truly-indigenous authority would willingly be allowed to manage the country in the interest of its inhabitants.

This is not opinion. No commentary is necessary. The testimony of Iran sits on the western border.

I haven’t listened to Vanessa yet as I am writing my own piece. Will have a listen later.

Aug 27, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

One case where the exponential increase claim was justified, unlike with Covid. Once the Taliban started to win it was like a rolling pin going downstairs and knocking over all in its path.

Aug 27, 2021 5:37 AM

What a treat to hear Vanessa’s jolly voice and listen to her spontaneous common sense expressed in plain English, a child could understand.

“For ye are the salt of the earth”.

Aug 27, 2021 4:49 AM

A bit of schadenfreude from today’s Afghanistan essay by the Saker:

“People who learn from the mistakes of others are called “smart”; people who learn from their own mistakes are called “dumb”; and people who do not learn from their own mistakes are called “Yanks”.

Aug 27, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  NickM

I disagree: people who learn from their own mistakes are called wised-up. No reason to name and shame and call such people dumb. Calling people dumb is one reason why people who made mistakes are afraid to ever learn.

Speaking of dumb, has the saker already acknowledged that he was completely in the wrong when he was (is?) analyzing the covid?

Aug 27, 2021 12:46 PM
Reply to  Willem

Oh no. The Saker knows he is right 🙂

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Aug 27, 2021 4:11 AM

The first rule of a major deep state operation is tht it always has many objectives, some semi-independent. Let’s take 9/11 for example. Here are just a few off the top of my head.

1) Set the table for the multiple invasions of ME countries including but not limited to Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.
2) Destroy the US Constitution / the Bill of Rights setting the stage for the global scamdemic.
3) Terrorize the US population and give them a collective case of PTSD.
4) Biggest gold heist in the history of the world.
5) Let Larry Silverstein convert 20 million into 4 billion in less than a year.
6) Get rid of the WTC billion dollar asbestos problem by spreading it all over lower Manhattan. Build Back Better.
7) Develop a national hate object like Emmanuel Goldstein of 1984, namely Tim Osman. Sorry, that was his CIA name. I meant Osama bin Laden.
8) Destroy the incriminating confidential case files in Building 7.
9) A popularity boom for the Shrub and Giuliani.
10) Massively enrich the military industrial complex.
11) Set the ground for the bringing the Stasi state to the USA, from taking off shoes at the airport to militarized police and swat teams shooting dogs in your back yard. The Department of Fatherland Security.
12) Put the Yinon Plan on steroids and give some Mossad operatives in New Jersey a chance to show their best dance moves.

I could go on. But the point is the many objectives of a major psy-ops. It’s really too early to get a handle on the Afghanistan op. One thing to be sure of is that it has many and that the CIA and DoD are not such complete morons that they blundered into it. One which I find likely is to get Biden out and the Kamal in. Why the Deep State wants her as POTUS beats me. I would think that Rubber Stamp Biden would do nicely. She was so unpopular that she had to drop out of the race before the first primary/caucus. So they had to slip her in through the back door. Willie Davis could probably give more details on that. But for whatever reason they want her in and this is how they are going to do it.

Another objective appears to be to set up a conflict between the CIA originated ISIS and the CIA originated Taliban. Interesting since they are both fundamentalist Sunni. We will just have to see how that one develops.

Aug 27, 2021 4:34 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

all very well mr no it all but what about the puppies kittens and pet goats trapped at kabull bull airport?

bring are goats home

and what about are inflatable transport plane we cannot leave it for the isis special k to reverse engineer it
can we

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 27, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  gordan

There are thousands of abandoned functional American aircraft laying about in Afghanistan using inflatables is really unnecessary ? Americas perpetual war economy since 1950 is based on stockpiling large caches of taxpayer paid for weapons in every shithole we have invaded and then leaving them once we are driven out.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 27, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Even more interesting is that a majority of both Iraq and Iran’s masses are Shia ? A somewhat democrat or republican or neo-liberal to neo-conservative style comparison

dr death
dr death
Aug 27, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

indeed… also the two trillion dollars (probably much much more baby) that went missing under israeli rabbi and head honcho at the pentagon (what?) dov zakheim…

the beans spilt a few days before they launched the PNAC by dropping the twin columns in masonic tradition… and then dropped building
7 to hide the fact..
a little blip in their plan was timing… they thought it had gone down too… ask the BBc they were running cover..

Aug 27, 2021 3:42 AM

A bit off-topic – premier of queen’s land recent photo. Is this a masonic hand signal? If so, anyone know what it means?

Aug 27, 2021 3:59 AM
Reply to  Kika
Aug 27, 2021 4:37 AM
Reply to  Researcher

another dude just like the guy running new zealand
baphomet has a dicklet so this makes sense

Aug 27, 2021 4:43 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks Researcher. Doesn’t surprise me.

This Qld premier’s father, who was also a senator in the queensland state govt, is the head of a Gene Technology Alliance Foundation, a gene-manipulation, data mining company, which must be making much money from the covid scam.

Am expecting ‘cases’ and lockdowns etc. to increase soon in the state of qld. They are presently building a quarantine (concentration) camp near Toowoomba, in the s.e. of the state.

Currently, mainstream media report about one third of Aussies have had two injections. I suspect the real figure is lower than this and the government is responding to pressure from its owners. Timing is crucial to the success of the great reset, and the perceived passivity of Aussies may be a wise move. Propaganda about having the jab is reaching hysterical levels here!

Fun and games ahead!

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 5:19 AM
Reply to  Kika

The QLD “premier” also hasn’t held a real job in her life. She got a law degree I believe but never practised. Her life has been one big silver spoon. Now she’s on multiple thousands of dollars a week and telling millions of people to wear a little face mask everywhere and to carry one at all times.

Aug 27, 2021 7:16 AM
Reply to  Kika

Is this the same inbred Masonic horror who is now building Quarantine concentration camp facilities? And getting a fake jab at the six minute mark.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 9:45 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes. The same woman who’s never worked a real job in her life and is now paid thousands a week to dictate to millions how they should breathe the air.

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Aug 27, 2021 3:44 PM
Reply to  Kika

When you word this the way you do

the government is responding to pressure from its owners

the seemingly desperate otherwise inexplicable tyranny makes sense.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 27, 2021 9:00 AM
Reply to  Researcher

No, it’s 16: the latest age-group to go to the sports stadium for their mass poison-stabs – without parental interference.

Aug 27, 2021 4:09 AM
Reply to  Kika

She’s complaining about her husband.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 28, 2021 6:51 AM
Reply to  Kika

And this is Morrison’s wife Jenny doing the same one … and they’re blatantly calling it out in the media suggesting White Supremacist although even if it’s that, when she’s doing it, it’s Masonic! They TELL us at every opportunity but still people swallow the BS.

Just like they called it out with Brandon Tarrant, alleged Christchurch shooter.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 27, 2021 2:43 AM

Space, ever been ?

Aug 27, 2021 2:45 AM

Beam me up Scotty! I’m ready

Aug 27, 2021 1:58 AM

ABC News
“Australia’s expert vaccine panel, ATAGI, has approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children between 12 and 15 and recommended that they be added to the vaccination program over time.
It will be up to states and territories to decide when mass vaccine hubs start vaccinating children.”

I live in the Twilight Zone!!!

Expert panel… Ha ha ha ha ha haa lol ha ha ha ha haaa hee hee he lmfao

Aug 27, 2021 2:24 AM
Reply to  John

John, that’s horrible!

Aug 27, 2021 2:44 AM
Reply to  Titian

Yup you can’t make this shit up. It is the Twilight Zone.

Jubal Hershaw
Jubal Hershaw
Aug 27, 2021 8:38 AM
Reply to  John

The young were always the main target, all the injuries and deaths of the elderly and others merely collateral damage. A MASSIVE industry has been built up on the ‘health issues’ caused by the injections of children from the 1980s onwards. The ‘covid’ shots are laying the groundwork for future, massive profits.

The local GPs knowledge of the “side-effects” of vaccines is rudimentary. During a visit to one, the doctor would not even think your problem could be vax-related .Their only knowledge of any drugs “side-effects'” is gleaned from the material the drug companies supply. They basically work for the drug companies.

Drug companies are conducting numerous trials of old unsuccessful drugs on ‘covid’ patients, hoping they can be re-purposed to show a profit. Human guinea-pigs, most who’ll not survive the tests. The drug companies dont let morality come between themselves and making profits.

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Aug 27, 2021 3:52 PM
Reply to  Jubal Hershaw

And this is largely why the US’ VAERS reporting system is so under-utilized.

A young woman who is a friend of my daughter came down with shingles after the vaccine. The young woman’s dermatologist told her the shingles on her injection arm is stress related not ‘vaccine’ related. But he acknowledged he is suddenly seeing large numbers of young people show up with shingles.
Hmmm 🤔?

I guess allopathic medical schools tamp down students’ natural curiosity. Maybe why tv’s ‘House’ is such an outlier.

Aug 27, 2021 1:50 AM

Sorry – Off-Topic for Afghanistan.

At the moment I am focused on the totalitarian takeover of Australia.

Has anyone here done any in-depth digging into the Doherty Institute – the creeps involved with this – who is behind them – money and influence?

At the moment, it seems that the people pulling the strings of this group are the effective rulers of Australia.

We got to start somewhere – and these creeps in the Doherty Institute are the ones being used as a battering ram to destroy this country.

What they are spewing is errant nonsense, no point debating them point-by-point via the media, but I am looking for chinks in their armor.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Aug 27, 2021 2:29 AM
Reply to  DM:

Well Peter Doherty is certainly a lying prick. In a newspaper article late last year he claimed that Australians had only two choices: inoculation or infection.

Aug 27, 2021 2:45 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

What a dickwad

Aug 27, 2021 3:28 AM
Reply to  DM:

The DI is just a front for decisions that have been made decades ago and rebranded as Covid19 : The Great Reset.

Look at who the governance board is connected to: NIH, Red Cross, Wellcome Trust, NHMRC, AIDS research etc. And of course, WHO, GAVI, PATH, Sanger and the Gates Foundation. The usual suspects.

Every person connected to this Doherty Institute is a fraud of the highest magnitude. They push the myth of contagion and infectious disease in order to legally poison, maim and kill with vaccines and toxic medication.

Australia is not a sovereign nation. It’s under the control of the Crown Corporation Crime Cartel – City of London Corp, Vatican and Washington DC Corp.

These front orgs like Doherty Institute, or Johns Hopkins in the US or Imperial College in the UK, peddle false facts and fake stats, that are no more real than viruses.

les online
les online
Aug 27, 2021 1:40 AM

By thinking the USA attack on Afghanistan A Mistake, by thinking it’s ‘chaotic withdrawal’ evidence of defeat, you miss seeing The Gains.

Once upon a time, when the local union had some sway, it would lodge an AMBIT CLAIM, a claim that included lots of things it knew it would not obtain without the total capitulation of The Bosses.
It went for them anyway, and always gained some of what it sought.

In Vietnam the USA helped the State Capitalist class triumph over the genuinely revolutionary
liberation forces. Vietnam is now a low-ranking Happily capitalist country integrated into the USA dominated World Economy. The Vietnam War was not due to A Mistake by USAs leaders.

les online
les online
Aug 27, 2021 2:32 AM
Reply to  les online

It’s been said The Taliban today is not the Taliban of 20 years ago. The politicians now dominate. They even have a National leader / spokesman. Politicians get where they are, and get what they want, by compromise. There’s a FORTUNE in Afghani lithium up for grabs. There’s private fortunes to be made. Some of the money from its sale might Trickle down.

Aug 27, 2021 8:11 AM
Reply to  les online

Ho Chi Minh’s early life is highly suggestive of an asset.

Aug 27, 2021 12:24 PM
Reply to  Edwige

You seem to see them everywhere. Or else conspiracies. I still remember you muttering significantly about the lack of evidence Shakespeare’s son could read and write. Since he died at 11 or thereabouts, the mystery is cleared up.
Ho Chi Minh pushed Vietnamese claims for nationhood and self-determination at Versailles after WW1. Ignored, he found a welcome at the Communist International.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 27, 2021 3:40 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Asset to whom ? Ho saw first hand and experienced Americas version of Apartheid while working his way around the US almost a century ago.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 27, 2021 1:32 AM

Another true hero. Dr Charles Hoffe, Lytton BC


(The following month the whole town of Lytton burned to the ground in a very bizarre heat wave.) WTF!!

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 27, 2021 5:29 PM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

Lytton a small native village at the confluence of the Thompson and Fraser rivers was a prime salmon fishing spot for centuries . The salmon are now long gone. Seasonally the hottest spot in canada since records have been kept as well . Grass/brush fires along the railbed set by seized up rail car wheels have been a constant concern since the railway was built . In better times crews used to cut brush along the railbed in the late spring to limit said fires . That is no longer done in our profit driven foreign owned industries.

Aug 27, 2021 1:30 AM

a monumental failure ? – or calculated ploy ( it’s classified) which invigorated the Taliban, allowing them to regain power…The evidence (imo) points to the latter.
comment image

Aug 27, 2021 12:41 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

Calculated ploy indeed.

Aug 28, 2021 12:28 AM
Reply to  Thirty3

tis so, tirtytree…just as my edited and disappeared comments – the enemy, where we least expect it ?

Big al
Big al
Aug 27, 2021 12:13 AM

I guess the top question should be how to stop them. We know the entire Afghanistan war/occupation is based on the 9/11 lies. Considering the overall impact of the false flag on 9/11, the death and destruction and loss of liberty and freedom resulting from the war OF terror far outshadows the impact of the Scamdemic, so far. The same media was and still is used, it’s all the same type of propaganda, obfuscation, and outright lying. And yet we can’t bring the real perpetraitors to justice.

I wrote a blog article years ago, 2011, don’t have it anymore, but it was a report on a new protest being formed to take place in Washington D.C. at Freedom Plaza. It was around April 2011 and the advertisement, started on Popular Resistance I believe, was that a continuing protest would be held at Freedom Plaza and it would not end until the Afghanistan war was ended. The goal was to end the Afghanistan war.

Somehow between then and September when Occupy started in NY, it had changed to Occupy Wall Street and the protest mission turned into some kind of social and economic justice movement with many different focuses. I never figured out why that happened, but I strongly suspect it was hijacked at some point and turned into something that fell into a ball of confusion.

I say that to show how ten years have passed, just like that, and still we’re talking about Afghanistan, and still we’re nowhere close to ending global imperialism and war, and now we have this Great Reset upon us. What are we going to be talking about in ten years? And can we ever stop the psychopaths who rule over us? We can ask all the questions we want but until we find a way to change the world, they’re just going to be the same ones over and over.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSYFJB7o9ZQ&w=560&h=315%5D

Aug 27, 2021 6:17 AM
Reply to  Big al

It is an honour to come across someone who wanted to withdraw the U$ Army from Afghanistan ten years ago. If only the POTU$ had listened!

Aug 27, 2021 12:45 PM
Reply to  Big al

Whistle-blowing and hacktivism + independant media, Free Assange!!

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 27, 2021 3:46 PM
Reply to  Big al

A 1971 perspective of the hopelessness of modern human hierarchies “Tax the rich feed the poor til there are no rich no more !” As prescient today as it was then?

Aug 26, 2021 11:25 PM

Meme to help cope with the agony
comment image

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 1:51 AM
Reply to  hele

That’s fine. But here in Australia the talk is of masks indefinitely. Indefinitely. To make money to live, I will have to capitulate. And I’ve already made it clear to my employer I can’t wear masks. The memes don’t work.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 2:25 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Maybe get a bit more charming, that might help? Being an asshole definitely won’t. We’re all dealing with this in our own way, and we’ve all got heaps to deal with! Let’s not start shaming each other or comparing dicks about who’s country is more fascist. I think that might just be the fucking pits. LOL A2

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

How am I being an asshole?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 3:52 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

By shutting people down unnecessarily. And please stop despair trolling. I really am sorry that things are bad in Australia, but the pod people are here in UK too. And everywhere. I don’t see what is gained by coming onto this site and endlessly telling everyone this isn’t going away any time soon. In fact I think it raises anxiety and plays into the fear narrative. Fear is the killer. Try to resist it. Let’s try to buoy each other up, and nudge each other in the right direction, not put each other down and paint everything black. Very toxic. Thanks for understanding. A2

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 5:30 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

How have I ‘shut down’ anyone? I have no power to stop what anyone says. I stated “that’s fine” did I not? Fine, post your memes. I don’t get what you gain by singling me out and advising me on my ability to ‘charm’ people such as yourself. The specific ‘meme’ in question as been posted on this site a thousand times, including in your ‘memes’ to get you through the week posts. I don’t see how it adds anything to post the same one yet again. We can all stick our fingers in our ears and look at old memes until the cows come home. You do that if it makes you feel better.

I post my actual experiences here…not to have people like you address me about my levels of ‘charm’, but to hear actual responses back from actual people.

Or should we just giggle at memes and pretend that what’s happening isn’t happening?

I haven’t heard many other people from any walk of life here state that they’ve made a personal stand and protest against work place forced mask wearing.

I have. There’s nothing charming, I can assure you, about dropping income overnight to…zero, or about being wrapped on the knuckles by you because you don’t like the way I talk.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

That meme hasn’t been published on our site. A2

Aug 27, 2021 4:25 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Well said. Reading sobering accounts such as yours helps to prepare and strengthen my resolve. Keep it real.

And yes, I’ve seen that meme in these threads numerous times.

Aug 27, 2021 6:43 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Maybe it’s time to be just that–to your employer.

Ever try to give a cat a bath? Some things are often just not worth the hassle.

When your employer loses employees, he loses business. When he loses enough, he can’t continue. When businesses fold, where to go, what to do? It doesn’t end well.

Businesses need to know in advance that they are in for a downturn if they compel their employees into duress. Employees need to present a united front that convinces the employer to abandon top-down compliance. If enough businesses do the same, it becomes a rallying force that breathes bravery into the lesser souls.

The truckers have the right idea. Shut it down for the duration. Employees need to follow suit.

The alternative is perpetual misery by permission. Not an easy decision, but it is a decision.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 27, 2021 4:05 PM
Reply to  greenbadger

What so called ” local business owners” have failed to recognize is that part of the global reset is shutting down local businesses and incorporating them into the global monopolies . Trucking has been generally exempted from regulation where deemed essential . If you have a truck and an internet connection “work” is available , however low wages and no benefits are the caveat.

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Aug 27, 2021 4:36 PM
Reply to  greenbadger

Same for college students in the US. If they en masses began protesting like they did for the ginned up BLM then perhaps we would be closer to ending this charade.

Do they not see they are surrendering their futures by ring up their sleeves and donning masks?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 27, 2021 3:01 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

“To each there own.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 27, 2021 3:02 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Oops their

Aug 27, 2021 4:48 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

You need to figure out a way to stay working and be mask free.

Just say you have a medical condition and that’s why you can’t wear one. You do not have to be specific. You do not want your employer to know your political views, your medical views, your medical history or your covid views. They are just an employer. They contract with you to perform a task. That’s it. You owe them no explanation. No histrionics. No grand standing. And no martyrdom.

Other people probably wear a mask and pull it down under their nose most of the day. Yes, the masks aren’t going away. Nothing that is happening is ending until enough people get up the courage to challenge the status quo.

Here’s a pro forma mask waiver. And another you can easily modify for an employer.

Conditional acceptance would be the way to go in your case. Seek out the specific laws and exemptions in your state and make a plan, armed with knowledge.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 5:34 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks indeed. I’ll see what transpires.

Aug 27, 2021 5:04 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Here’s a route that someone went in claiming a conscientious exemption for their son at school. They did their homework.

Aug 27, 2021 7:07 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Move to country Australia mate. I wore a mask once for 3 minutes because some dickhead brain dead oinker insisted but that was during our one and only lockdown since this crap started. Plenty of jobs if you can handle the heat. I mean that literally.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 8:41 AM
Reply to  John

I’m already looking into it mate. I don’t mind the heat at all.

Aug 26, 2021 10:02 PM

Dear Off-Guardian. I love your web site but I really do not understand the point behind articles on the Afghanistan distraction at this stage. The world is at war. Humanity is under attack. The Covid scamdemic is the only game in town.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 26, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  John

Thank you for your perspective. It helps make Off-g a rich and varied place. A2

Aug 26, 2021 11:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I can’t speak for all, but I personally don’t come here for the wisdom and so called “rich articles” etc. I already know whats going on, we are being stiffed left and right.

All we need to discuss is PCR, how its being misused to fabricate cases and how it can’t be used to ID different strains of a so called virus that’s not been isolated using Koch’s Postulates or Rivers Postulates. That’s all. This where all the bullshit stems from. We need only attack this over and over until we get answers.

I now only visit here to gauge opinion and to encourage others to take action.

The readers have spoken. I’m sure people here don’t wish harm on anyone in any county, but we have are own problems to deal we right now. So do us a favour and stop trying to spread us thin with this “war on terror” bullshit that seems to have come back online after having the last 2 years off.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 1:33 AM

People are very outspoken here and usually don’t require a ringleader or an interpreter. So please try not to speak on behalf of others. Offg will be covering the 20th Anniversary of the genesis of the War on Terror, as well as other essential perspectives. Understanding how we arrived at this point is as important as anything else. Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it, etc. Thank you for your opinion. A2

Aug 27, 2021 1:49 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Excellent response. The enemies of truth are legion and this is a war with many fronts. Big Picture thinking helps clarify every battle.

Aug 27, 2021 2:01 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Agreed. 9/11/2001 threw the whole plan into a higher gear. It’s all connected.

Aug 27, 2021 7:12 AM

The War of Terror con-spiracy started with Con-911 and has never stopped (see my answer to John). Con-19 is merely the latest AZC con. Watch out for Con-B3, coming soon to a bank near you.

The War of Terror against Afghanistan was, as you say, “BS”. A distraction, one of many; the latest distraction being Con-19. Watch out for Con-B3, coming soon to a bank near you.

You exposed the main “BS” of Con-19 in your post above. But beware the motto of the AZC:

“BS Baffles Brains”.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 27, 2021 7:28 AM

“The readers have spoken”.

My goodness the grandiosity. We get tens of thousands of visitors a day. 26 of them bothered to vote on this comment and 10 of those didn’t agree! 🤣

Dave c
Dave c
Aug 27, 2021 8:48 AM

And that’s your standard bell curve distribution.. only the extreme negitive or extreme praises will be motivated enough to post the vast majority will happly just read the articals. Keep up the good work here

Aug 26, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I read that response with Jen Psaki’s voice in my head !

Aug 26, 2021 11:49 PM
Reply to  Stump

I agree with Sam. Afghanistan is really important because it was a disaster for the Empire. The Empire is no more. Just as we wonder how we can stop these bastards with nothing, the Taliban stopped the most modern array of advanced weapons with only one thing: belief. They would say faith. That is not to endorse the Taliban. It is only to say that if we believe in what we are doing we can defeat them too. 

Aug 27, 2021 4:14 AM
Reply to  Molinos


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 1:46 AM
Reply to  Stump

I think you missed the intended irony. I apologise, it’s a British thing XD

Aug 27, 2021 8:02 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No, I got it. I’m originally from Bedford, a town with a long and rich history of irony.
I wasn’t having a pop either – your response made me laugh.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Aug 27, 2021 12:11 AM
Reply to  John

What use is another article debunking the covid scam? You know covid is a scam, I know it’s a scam, 99% of the readership of this site know it’s a scam. Unless there’s genuinely new information or even better – solutions, then I don’t see why you’re all twisted up about including some articles on a different media circus.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Aug 27, 2021 12:56 AM
Reply to  Geoff S

But surely you realise that the evil geniuses behind the “pandemic” are going to put the final phase of their plan into action once Off-Guardian lets their guard down?

Big al
Big al
Aug 27, 2021 12:24 AM
Reply to  John

The Afghan war is part of the war against the world and attack on humanity. It’s not a distraction, it’s directly connected to the scamdemic. Same people, same media, same ruling class, same bat channel, same bat place. If the goal is to stop them, it all needs to be tied together.

Aug 27, 2021 7:53 AM
Reply to  Big al

They use it just like a distraction. By pretending it’s real. Just like they pretend there’s a real virus. You want to know how to tie it all together? How can you not the see pattern?

The Afghan war (and all the wars) was as fake as the pandemic. The only real part was the money spent and (some of) the dead bodies. Exactly the same scam as this non-pandemic.

Invent a fake crisis, by staging a televised disaster, follow with a fake reaction that kills many people, then spend a monumental of taxpayer dollars diverted straight into the evildoers pockets while the killing ensues.

There. I just explained the whole world to you, its organization and all its history.

All the world’s a stage. And you’re stuck in a Globalist production called Planet of Masonic Scams.

Big al
Big al
Aug 27, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Oh I appreciate your education, I bow down to your knowledge level. Talk about missing the point.

Aug 27, 2021 5:49 PM
Reply to  Big al
Big al
Big al
Aug 27, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Is that like the politically correct left only different?

Aug 27, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  Big al

There is no left or right. Deflection gives you away as just another member of the troll army.

Big al
Big al
Aug 27, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You’re relentless aren’t you. What does saying that indicate? Peace out, man.

Big al
Big al
Aug 27, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

OK, I’ll be direct, that’s a bunch of bullshit. You send me some gibberish that at the end says “jesus is preciious!” Like I said, just like the liberals who want to ban every thing under the son because it’s not politically correct, people like you can make up shit and read anything into anything. Like the peace sign is satanic, man. Right. There, I didn’t deflect.

Aug 29, 2021 2:45 PM
Reply to  Big al

It’s Masonic and Satanic.

Also there are no nukes. So no reason whatsoever, to create a Death symbol pushed as a faux peace symbol.

It is interesting that Bertrand Russell was involved in the design since he was a eugenicist. It always goes back to eugenics.

“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men.” – Manly P Hall
”Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.“ – Confucius

Aug 27, 2021 12:39 AM
Reply to  John

John, they’re all part of it.

Do you really think a web site like this would be allowed unless it was totally controlled?

Welcome to North Korea.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 27, 2021 12:50 PM
Reply to  RobG

If we weren’t ‘controlled’ what, in your opinion, would we be saying that we are not saying?

Your comments aren’t moderated. You could data dump all the juicy stuff we are trying to hide and really mess things up for the PTB. Hundreds of people will read it before we can take it down…

Please do post the real tea right here. You owe it to humanity…

Aug 27, 2021 6:29 AM
Reply to  John

Con-19 is only the latest $cam from the “mighty handful” of Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Con-spirators who currently own the Western world, and aim to own the rest. Con-19 was preceded by Con-911, which gave rise to The War of Terror which gave rise to Con-Afghanistan, Con-WMD, Con-Viagra, Con-Sarin, and Con-MH17. Con-19 is already being phased out (eg, in Denmark and Holland) to make way for Con-B3; coming to a bank near you.

Con-19 is not the only game in town. The only game in town is the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Con-spiracy against the rest of the human race.

dr death
dr death
Aug 27, 2021 7:24 PM
Reply to  NickM

you could take it back to the napoleonic wars there ‘nick’…

the boer war being another particularly nasty little example… and the diamonds and resources a nice little earner…. from here to the russo japanese wars, then the federal reserve act..

WW1.. the ahem ‘russian’ revolution and of course the jewel in the crown WW2…. the japan/chinese war was already simmering and lots of fifth columnist and early technocratic nonsense was already percolating through europe..

todays problems were yesterdays plans..

a giant game of noughts and crosses to these inter-generational reprobates…

always the same MO.. always the same feces (faces)..

Aug 27, 2021 8:24 AM
Reply to  John

The two are related. The invasion of Afghanistan, built on obvious lies, was to start a continuous war and as Assange said: wash money out of the US and European tax bases into the hands of the transnational security elite. It took two decades but the public finally got tired of infinite war. So now it’s a war on NATO citizens washing money from the tax base to the pandemic industry. And if they can destabilize Central Asia on the way out, why not?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 26, 2021 9:48 PM

Now is the time for all those who honestly believe in and support human rights, civil rights, civil liberties, our bodies our choice, adherence to the Nuremberg Codes and are opposed to discrimination, segregation, Jim Crow and Apartheid to join in the fight against the war racketeer corporate fascist Nazis.
comment image

The Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ was the signal for all the jack booted crocodile teared corporate fascist eugenicist brown shirt charlatan fraudsters to come out full Third Reich.”      
comment image

“WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) will not be lab ratted, culled, enslaved or owned.”

Aug 26, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Who wrote that History books on the Nazis? Do you think it was the truth?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 26, 2021 10:23 PM
Reply to  John

Ahh, so you’re implying that Jews and other minorities were treated fine in WWII, and weren’t fanatically segregated by brainwashed populations drunk on propaganda, and weren’t forced into ghettos and then on to ‘work’ camps and made to endure the sorts of traumatic suffering the like of which you can’t really conceive? Starving to death, naked and cold…. children forced onto trains, suffocating… plundered, and their watches and personal effects shipped back to Berlin? The sorts of things that’d make you shit your pants if it even came close to happening to you? Actually, I’m certain you’re not implying this. Just as with Allied atrocities, they were quite real. Let’s move on. A2

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Aug 26, 2021 10:27 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

How do you know what the truth is? The further back I go and the more I dig all I see are lies piled upon lies.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 26, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

“The Nazis were bad. But as bad as they were, consider them a mere trial run compared to the nightmare the psychos have planned for humanity.”

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 27, 2021 1:36 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

There are plenty of eyewitnesses who wrote up their experiences. If you were a bit older then you will have come across people who were witnesses themselves (for example, I had a Polish landlady way back when who once mentioned to me about witnessing forced laborers as a schoolgirl). (Then, more recently, was one of my wife’s bridge partners who was both Jewish and German; she witnessed the Brownshirts and is alive to tell the tale because her father was smart enough to line up visas and the like that allowed them to leave once they’d received a phone call telling them to get out.)

If you’re particularly interested in day-to-day Nazis then I can recommend William Shirer’s “Berlin Dairy”. This journalist worked for CBS as its Centeral European correspondent starting in the 1930s up to the end of 1940.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 1:54 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

Have you thought about enrolling in a philosophy degree? And wow, i see the VPN upvoters are here again. Why does such an innocuous comment receive 17 upvotes? It’s a fine comment, but 17 upvotes? Come on guys. You have to make it look convincing, less of the blanket upvoting, it’s really obvious. Every time the WWII revisionists roll up lol

Forgive me, Bruce, for talking past you, this is not aimed at you. A2

Aug 26, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

A2, get a grip, you’re losing it!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 1:56 AM
Reply to  Titian

Titian, no, I’m just very used to the revisionist crowd and how they operate nowadays. I love how you got 11 upvotes. It’s just so realistic. XD

Aug 27, 2021 2:21 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

A2, perhaps you should re-read Bruce’s comment again, and think about why it was upvoted before you spout off about the “revisionist crowd”. History is an ongoing project that always requires more research.

And, btw, shouting “revisionist crowd” is equally stupid as shouting “conspiracy theorist”.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  Titian

I already know why it was aggressively upvoted. And you should already know in what context I refer to ‘revisionism’ and why I refer to it slightly obliquely. You have revealed that you are by no means as dim as you come across in your other comments, so drop the act. You’re simply attempting to fuck with the moderators and I’ve had far better lays 😉 Go in peace. Bye bye now. A2

Aug 27, 2021 3:49 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Nothing the mainstream media says about WW 2 can believed.
Isn’t it curious the Germans fought to the death against the Bolshies. And then as soon as the allies had smashed Germany they immediately went to war with the Bolshies.
Nothing about WW 2 we know from Hollywood or the MSM can be believe. Needs to be said twice.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 3:55 AM
Reply to  2fat2surf

I don’t dispute that nor did I say that. Irving doesn’t dispute any of the things I related above, therefore I don’t see why we should here, based on wishy washy epistemological hand waving. Let’s move on. Thanks. A2

les online
les online
Aug 27, 2021 12:53 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Whenever Fascism is trotted out in NAZI uniform you INFORM NOBODY.

Fascism is the ultimate expression of conformism. (Conformism cant exist without exclusions). It doesnt need the incineration of The Excluded But The Included will invent a reason to punish the excluded because the latter remind them of their cowardice.

A mean and viscious cowardice.

Fascism arises from FEAR, from INSECURITY.
It’s motto: “There’s Safety in Numbers.”
If the UNVAXXED are perceived as a threat.
If the UNVAXXED are believed to spread disease.
The END solution is always the same.

Fascisms uniform today is The Facemask.
But saying so does nothing to ease the FEAR
or the Insecurity.

Aug 26, 2021 9:42 PM

Interesting points about:

  • Using the cover of refugees to move fighters around
  • Legitimate vs Illegitimate trade of opium derived products
  • The forthcoming 20th anniversary of 9/11
Aug 26, 2021 9:38 PM

Everything happening at the moment is straight out of a comic book. The problem is, the majority still believe it all.

Aug 26, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  RobG

Correct! I’m asking myself why OffG (particularly Kit Knightly) has gone “all in” on the Afghanistan sideshow. There is only one game in town. Don’t get distracted!

Aug 26, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  Titian


Aug 26, 2021 10:34 PM
Reply to  Titian

Sorry, but can’t agree with you on this. Non Covid related lies, corruption, and propaganda haven’t stopped existing just because of this fake pandemic.

Besides, I need to think of other things besides Covid from time to time, if only for the sake of my own sanity. And how much good is going to come out of only focusing on one issue? Burnout is best avoided, and to avoid burnout, a little variety is the spice of life.

I’ve spent this afternoon watching the first few episodes of ‘Narcos’. I’ve been meaning to get around to it for a while, and am finding it an entertaining and interesting watch. Plus it’s helping me with my Spanish.

Aug 27, 2021 12:03 AM
Reply to  ity

Then you don’t completely understand what is going on. They pulling out of Afghanistan (thankfully) for many reasons. The main one being that very soon it won’t really matter. The “Pandemic” is going to change the world you live in,in very dramatic ways. The vaccine genocide is the only issue. Worrying about Afghanistan now is like deciding how to arrange deckchairs on the Titanic after it hit the Iceberg. It’s ALL propaganda.

Aug 27, 2021 8:15 AM
Reply to  John

Then you don’t completely understand what is going on.

The implication here is that you believe yourself to have complete understanding of what is going on. Hmmm. Forgive me for being wary of such certainty.

Aug 27, 2021 1:00 AM
Reply to  ity

ity, I could have accepted one article on the Afghanistan sideshow, but not FOUR! The single calm article could have pointed out that the USA had no right to be in Afghanistan at all, and mentioned that their presence there was for the opium trade and to justify the billions of dollars that disappear in the military’s black budget every year. Remember, too, that in the official version of 9/11, it was Saudia Arabia who attacked the USA, not Afghanistan (or Iraq)!

If you need to think about other things, why go to the OffG to read about the MSM’s latest psyops? Or why watch some crime TV bs that just further thrashes your mind? Get out of the house, walk, run, hike, go kayaking, start a band, whatever…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 2:04 AM
Reply to  Titian

We also receive plenty of criticisms for covering covid too much. You just can’t please everyone, can you?! Thank you for your feedback, it helps make Offg a rich and colourful, if somewhat conflicted and confusing, place! lol Meanwhile, continue enjoying this free service and by all means make a donation. Or don’t. I’m not telling you what to do. Have a nice day. Or don’t. A2

Aug 27, 2021 2:35 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

A2, you need a break. You’re just getting into a silly fit now.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 27, 2021 3:29 AM
Reply to  Titian

You need a break. Your trolling is flat and ineffectual. A2

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 27, 2021 9:54 AM
Reply to  Titian

Er – ‘micro-aggression’, shurely…?

Aug 27, 2021 8:18 AM
Reply to  Titian

“their presence there was for the opium trade”

The British Connection. Goes back a long, long way. Which explains the hissy fit in Westminster when The Man from Uncle pulled out of The Great Game, leaving Tommy Atkins to play alone. Shades of Rudyard Kipling:

“It’s Thank You, Mr.Atkins, when the band begins to play,
When the band begins to play, My Lads,
When the band begins to play ….

When you’re wounded and lying on Afghanistan’s plains
And the women come out to cut off what remains”

As I never weary of reminding people, NATZO’s occupation of Afghanistan was not the U$A alone; it was a Con-spiracy of Anglo Zionazi Capitalists directed from The City of London. Uncle $cam decided to pull out of the game because he could no longer finance wars on credit alone. POTU$ Trump warned the U$ sheeple to choose between the luxury of endless war abroad or the luxury of a working infrastructure in their own country. POTU$ “Biden” merely confirmed Trump’s assessment: TINA.

I doubt whether The Man from the City will allow much credit to The Man from the Ministry if the Westminster regime decides to go it alone in Afghanistan — for the fourth time after 3 failed attempts.

“Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result” — Albert Einstein.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 27, 2021 10:06 AM
Reply to  NickM

“…if the Westminster regime decides to go it alone in Afghanistan…

LOL! To repurpose a Billy Connolly quip: “Oh, d’ye think ye could?” Perhaps they could send those ludicrous, brand-spanking-new, obsolete before they were launched aircraft carriers: the Mrs. Windsor Senior and the Mr. Charles Windsor… Brits going-it-alone in Afghanistan, FFS! Roflmao! :O)

Aug 27, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  NickM

“Doing the same thing and expecting a different result” is actually a reasonable thing to do because circumstances – the conditions that may affect the result of the action – change, and they change all the time, without us being aware of it. When scientists try to replicate studies they may well expect a different result, and that doesn’t make them insane. That is so even in physics, as there are controversies whether the physical constants and laws vary… (1)

So, why did Einstein say that? Well, he didn’t. The quote cannot be traced back to Einstein. (2)

The very act of attribution represents an appeal to authority. And supposedly what you’re up against is authoritarianism. (3)

But Einstein did actually say “A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.” (New York Times, 25 May 1946), and that we may heartily agree with. Cheers

Aug 27, 2021 7:16 PM
Reply to  Dors

I am glad someone has finally questioned that well-worn quotation. You are right to do so, and I shall never use it again. Firstly, because my wife long ago quoted me its Latin opposite from Plautus: “Quod duo faciunt idem non est idem” (What two people do the same is not the same”). Which applies to most human activities, not only science.

Secondly, since you mention scientific experimentation, I believe that Einstein could have made that remark but he must have made it in the context of lifelong opposition to the theory of Quantum Indeterminacy. According to this theory one could repeat the same experiment ad infinitum yet never be able to predict the next result; in fact, by continually repeating the same experiment one could be generating an infinite number of Parallel Universes, all different. That, I think, was the real context for Einstein’s famous definition of insanity.

Aug 27, 2021 8:24 AM
Reply to  Titian

There are plenty of articles and threads on Covid, so why are you so upset about a few articles on other issues? Can’t you just ignore them if they irritate you so much? Why deny others a reading opportunity?

If you need to think about other things, why go to the OffG to read about the MSM’s latest psyops?

But what if the MSM’s latest psyops is another thing that I wish to think about?

Or why watch some crime TV bs that just further thrashes your mind?

Are you actually berating me for taking a few hours out to watch some TV?

Get out of the house, walk, run, hike, go kayaking, start a band, whatever…

I’ll admit that I haven’t been kayaking recently, but I regularly walk, run, and play musical instruments. On Saturaday I’m off to London, and then off for a few days walking with a rucksack on my back. I hope this meets your criteria for legitimate activity.

Aug 27, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  ity

“I hope this meets your criteria for legitimate activity.”

That was just as I like it, the Retort Courteous:

“The first, the Retort Courteous; the second, the Quip Modest; the third, the Reply Churlish; the fourth, the Reproof Valiant; the fifth, the Counter Check Quarrelsome; the sixth, the Lie with Circumstance; the seventh, the Lie Direct. All these you may avoid but the Lie Direct; and you may avoid that, too, with an if. Your if is your only peacemaker.” — As You Like It, Act 5, Scene 4.

Aug 27, 2021 2:28 AM
Reply to  Titian

No, the terrorism narrative is still valid. Still active.
Next month we will see what we will see.
If a false flag is what is called for then that is what will be presented.
The Agenda pulls the strings of sentiment (As it was in the days of Noah).

susan mullen
susan mullen
Aug 27, 2021 3:01 AM
Reply to  Titian

I also believe there’s only one game in town and it’s Davos. I’m in the US. Davos knows Americans have no real government to protect them, which is why for example a giddy Davos group Masks4All thought it would be fun to run a high pressure campaign targeting each of 50 governors to order Masks4All so Davos could see that they reached into and controlled every American home. Since it’s clear that Americans have been hung out to dry, US taxpayer funded Afghan events are by no means a side show. Two facts in the “side show:” One, US has no leadership, and Two, no matter who the US president is or what they say, they have no power. These aren’t new facts, but have been made clearer by the “side show.” The person or entity running the US–whoever that may be–has had enough power to convince two elected presidents, Trump and Biden, to overthrow the government by decreeing a “health emergency” with no end date, which also enabled most of 50 states to also decree a “health emergency” monarchy with no end date, during which time the states would be flooded with billions of free tax dollars. Guidelines for spending the cash have been relaxed, so much of it is spent as each state’s monarch sees fit. On top of all this, the Afghan “side show” means our already strapped towns, cities, and schools, will be flooded with hundreds of thousands of Afghan “refugees.”

Aug 27, 2021 7:32 AM
Reply to  Titian

“There is only one game in town”.

And that game is the Con-spiracy of a tight minority of Anglo Zionazi Capitalists to conduct a War of Terror against the rest of the human race. They officially kicked off with Con-911, which led to the NATZO occupation of Afghanistan, and are currently conducting Con-19 as their latest $cam against the general public. Both Con-Afghanistan and Con-19 are being wound down. The 20th anniversary of Con-911 will be celebrated by the Official Launch of Con-B3. Coming soon, to a bank near you.

Aug 27, 2021 4:51 PM
Reply to  NickM

Nick, I’d say it’s the Freemasons & Jesuits.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 26, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  RobG

My father told me last night that it looks like we could be wearing masks for the rest of our lives. He was serious. Chilled me to the bone hearing him say that. What the hell has the MSM here in Australia been telling people. And he said it from a point of view of resignation and acceptance. Comic book alright. A very, very creepy comic book.

Aug 26, 2021 10:47 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

He was only repeating what the guy on the news said, the guy on the news was reading a script. Now you are repeating what he said. This is how propaganda and fear is spread. If you don’t give it you time and attention is goes away.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 27, 2021 3:46 AM

Yes, you’re exactly right. The most frightening thing was how afraid my father sounded.

Aug 27, 2021 8:22 AM

See “Duck Speak” in ‘1984’.

Aug 27, 2021 12:03 AM