Don’t black lives matter if those “vaccines” take them?
How propaganda hides the genocidal impact of the COVID-19 “vaccination” program
Mark Crispin Miller

A “coincidental” death in India
What happens when a propaganda blitz goes wrong, and proves (or seems to prove) the very truth it was devised to blow away? Let’s see.
On Thursday, April 15, Vivek, the beloved Indian actor and comedian, was declared a “health ambassador” by Tamil Nadu’s Health Secretary, J. Radhakrishan, who enlisted Vivek’s “star power” (as The Hindu reported) to encourage “differently abled persons, athletes, shopkeepers and persons who have undergone organ transplantation” to get their COVID-19 “vaccinations.” Vivek dramatized the “safety” of those jabs by getting one himself:
Tragically, that propaganda missile, launched on Thursday, crashed and burned on Friday, when Vivek suffered cardiac arrest, “fell unconscious at his house in Chennai,” and was hospitalized in critical condition. He died, at 59, on Saturday (a passing largely unreported in the Western press).
Vivek’s hospitalization prompted a barrage of articles denying that his COVID jab had anything to do with it. “Actor Vivekh’s heart attack severe, not related to COVID-19 vaccination: Hospital” (New Indian Express). “Actor Vivek’s cardiac arrest not linked with COVID-19 vaccine, says TV Health Sec’y” (News Minute and Yahoo! News).
Saturday’s obituaries kept it up, although more quietly, the exculpation buried in their later paragraphs—as at the end of this report from MSN:
On Thursday, Vivek received his first dose of Covid-19 vaccination at Omandurar government hospital,” reports said.
However, the hospital as well as Tami Nadu’s health secretary J Radhakrishnan told a press conference that the Covid-19 vaccine was unlikely to be the cause of the cardiac arrest.
10 more “coincidental” deaths in the United States
Now, it may be true that Vivek’s fatal heart attack was unrelated to his COVID-19 jab the day before. The team who tried to save him said, reportedly, that they discovered a 100% blockage in his LAD (left anterior descending artery), and performed an emergency angioplasty. So the timing of his public jab and sudden death could well have been just horribly coincidental — or maybe not, since Vivek’s post-jab death is not the only one that’s made some news (or not).
1. Drene Keyes
On January 30, Drene Keyes, a 58-year-old minister at the Church of Abraham in Gloucester, Virginia, and a grandmother of six, got her first Pfizer shot, in hopes it would protect her from COVID-19: “Keyes had diabetes, sleep apnea, and was obese,” reported WKTR-TV in Norfolk. “Her job made her eligible for the first dose.”
Keyes felt ill right after the injection: “Something is not right. Something’s not right,” she said as she left the clinic, then started vomiting, unable to breathe. Soon after, she was rushed to VCU Tappahanock Hospital, where they tried to purge the fluid from her lungs, due (the doctors told her daughter) to a flash pulmonary edema, caused by anaphylaxis — which, within just a few hours of her injection, killed her.
The TV station’s coverage of Keyes’ death included some poignant comments by her daughter, Lisa Jones:
“My mom was wanting to protect herself, but it did not turn out that way.”
Jones believes more research needs to be done, especially for those with underlying health issues.
“Why are we allowing people with underlying conditions to be guinea pigs for a vaccine that is still in clinical trials and emergency use?” Jones questioned.
She is hoping this serves as a warning for people to see their doctors and be pre-screened prior to being vaccinated.
“The pain my family feels from this unexpected loss should not be repeated for others,” said Jones.
That local story, with its tacit focus on the welfare of its viewers, was notably unlike the rendering by NBC News—boilerplate so Pharma-friendly that Pfizer could have written it (and maybe did): “Virginia woman dies shortly after Covid vaccination, though no link has been found,” claimed the headline, followed by this repetitious lede:
A Virginia minister died shortly after she received a coronavirus vaccination, authorities said Friday, though there was no indication the vaccine was at fault.
After identifying the departed, and noting where she had been given the shot that did not kill her, shortly after which she died, NBC’s reporters tell us once again that, according to “officials,” that shot had not killed her:
Officials said they did not know the cause of death, or any underlying conditions Keyes might have had that could have contributed to her death, and said there was no evidence it was tied to the vaccination.
After a paragraph reporting that Keyes was rushed to the hospital, we’re told yet again that that injection, just a few hours after which she died, bore no relation to her death:
While an official cause of death was not immediately determined, Keyes did not die from any allergic reaction connected to the vaccine, according to state Health Commissioner M. Norman Oliver. “We can confirm that the death occurred within hours of having received the vaccine, but that is not evidence of it being related. We are currently investigating and do not yet know the cause of death.”
NBC then bolstered that assurance of a state investigation with a statement from the CDC, which, having offered its condolences (“Our thoughts are with the family during this heartbreaking time”), noted its shared interest in determining what killed Drene Keyes: “CDC continues to closely monitor the safety of all vaccines, and we are actively working with Virginia officials to fully investigate the situation.”
But there was no investigation, with or without the CDC, despite the family’s insistence on an autopsy; nor would officials say why they refused to do one.
“The state eventually [somehow] determined Keyes, a minister, died of complications from COVID-19—Oliver wasn’t sure if Keyes knew she had it — and hypertensive cardiovascular disease,” reported the Virginia Mercury on March 12, noting also that, according to a private autopsy ordered by Keyes’ family, Keyes did not have COVID-19.
2. Karen Hudson-Samuels
Ten days after Keyes’ sudden death, on February 9, Karen Hudson-Samuels, a media historian, and former anchor, producer and news director at WGPR-TV, the nation’s first black-owned and -operated TV station, was found dead, by her husband, in their home, one day after her first COVID-19 “vaccination.”
Unlike Vivek, Hudson-Samuels had not publicized her jab; but the “Detroit media icon” was so famous and beloved in that city, and her death, at 68, so unexpected, and so soon after her jab, that it made many headlines starkly contradicting the official line that those “vaccines” are completely “safe.”
The story was reported all throughout the Detroit media, and, elsewhere, on Fox News, and by the New York Post and Daily Mail. (The news was not reported by the New York Times, or any other major liberal outlet.)
3. Kimberly Credit
The day after Hudson-Samuels died, Dr. Kimberly Credit, the first female pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church, in Boonton, New Jersey (and founder of a podcast called The Preaching Lab), publicly received her first injection of the Moderna “vaccine,” as a way to tell the rest of her community, “Go thou and do likewise.”
“As a leader,” she wrote on Facebook, “I want to lead by example[,] especially for Pastors and the African American community.”
Got my first vaccine dose today. Thank you to Pastor Joe Carter for his leadership in pulling Black Clergy together and for allowing me to pray live for our news outlets. Thank you New York Times and Channel 2 News for interviewing me. #DoTheResearch #BeInformed #OurTrustInGod #WeNeedEveryoneVaccinatedToEndThis
Though she made no public mention of it, Dr. Credit was presumably injected for the second time 28 days later, on March 10. Throughout the interim, and afterward, she posted nothing about feeling ill, not even after surgery. On Easter Sunday morning, April 4, at her church pulpit, she told the congregation, passingly, that she was short of breath. Afterward she posted the details of her next day’s podcast (on “Preaching in a Pandemic”), with this prefatory sentence: “Listen…let me say this before I get a good and needed nap in.”
Then, on April 5, minutes before that podcast: “Suddenly, without warning, Rev. Dr. Kimberly Credit entered eternal rest,” as her obituary puts it. Her death, at 44, went unreported, except here and there online, where admirers shared their shock at her untimely passing. (“It’s hard for me to believe this,” wrote Ann Brock on her blog, The Old Black Church. “This was one anointed woman of God.”)
The only outlets that took note of Dr. Credit’s evidently fatal “vaccinations” were COVID-dissident sites like Daily Exposé, in the UK: “Young Pastor DIES After Taking, and Promoting, Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.”
(Although, in her Facebook post on Feb. 10, she thanks the New York Times and CBS affiliate WLNY-TV for covering her first injection, there seems to be no mention of it in their archives.)
So, if Vivek’s post-jab death was a “coincidence,” are his and those three others just “coincidental,” too?
If so, the gods of Chance have certainly been working overtime in 2021, since those three aren’t the only such fatalities; though noting them requires that we step back and take a longer view of just how “safe” those “vaccines” really are.
4. Midwin Charles
On March 1, Midwin Charles, the dazzling Brooklyn defense attorney who often popped up as a legal analyst on CNN and MSNBC, told her multitude of Twitter followers that she’d just got the first of her two Pfizer jabs (“qualified because of my asthma”) “at a FEMA center,” where the “[p]rocess was organized, efficient, and everyone is kind and in a good mood. Let’s do this!”
Charles also urged the jab on her own mother, who finally gave in after “weeks of convincing,” according to another of the lawyer’s many online posts, which hint that the effects of the “vaccine” were not as pleasant as her visit to that well-run FEMA center.
There was, at first, “a little soreness at vaccine injection site,” and then, a few days later, “mild fatigue” and some “shortness of breath.” Thereafter, Charles posted nothing on her health, until March 19: “HEY GUYS!” she wrote on Instagram. “HAPPY HOUR TONIGHT IS CANCELED. I’M NOT FEELING WELL. SEE YOU NEXT FRIDAY.”
A few weeks later, on April 7, Charles died, at 47. Her family did not disclose the cause of death, nor has any media outlet reported it.
While there were, strangely, few obituaries in the corporate press (the New York Times did not report it), online there was an outpouring of grief from Charles’ friends and colleagues:
“Midwin, you were a brilliant spirit and beautiful soul. You were such a blessing,” posted MSNBC’s Joy Reid. “I’m just stunned, and have been since I learned of this today.” The likely cause of Charles’ death went tactfully unmentioned then, nor has it come up since, not there or anywhere throughout the media, whether corporate or left/liberal.
The Sun and Daily Mail each ran a big obituary piece playing up the seeming mystery of Charles’ death. The likelihood that she was killed by her “efficient” Pfizer “vaccination” was noted only by LifeSite News, a Catholic website, on April 9, with a headline as pitiless as it is accurate:
TV personality who boasted of being vaccinated, pressuring her mom to do the same, dies after receiving jabs.”
5. Joshimar Henry
One of the first Chicagoans to get Dose #1 of Pfizer’s COVID-19 “vaccine” on December 15—an event covered live, and breathlessly reported, on MSNBC—was Dr. Joshimar Henry, who marked his second shot, on Jan. 6, on Facebook, where, like Vivek and Midwin Charles, he used his own experience to counter what he called “the hesitancy of many” to get jabbed:
Initially I was also hesitant but was reassured with some research and clarifying my doubt through reading.”
He’d just had the shot, and, “like many of his colleagues” at Norwegian American Hospital, was just fine; so everybody else should do it, too: “I do believe that the benefits of this vaccine certainly outweigh the risks given its low side effect profile.”
That assurance was as premature as it was dangerous. The very fit and handsome Dr. Henry died, at 27, not quite three months later, on April 3, his obituary mentioning no cause of death.
6. Gerren Taylor
On the day that Dr. Henry died, Gerren Taylor (née Ashley Taylor Gerren) got the Johnson & Johnson jab on April 3, in Los Angeles, with no public to-do about it, though she was a celebrity, like Midwin Charles.
Hired by LA Models, at the tender age of 12, to strut the runways as their youngest-ever property, then dumped at 14, because, the agency told her, her body had grown “too big” — a shock that pushed her into a depression, and an eating disorder — Taylor rebounded with a starring role in “Baldwin Hills,” the BET reality TV show that aired from 2007 to 2009, showcasing the love lives of the teen-aged kids of Baldwin Hills’ rich-and-famous black residents.
Taylor’s stardom enabled her to speak out from her bruising experience of rejection by the agency, urging girls not to strive, impossibly, to emulate the “body image” rampantly projected by the media. She went on to great success as an entrepreneur, with Myoko’s Closet, a children’s clothing company named after her daughter.
On April 12, eight days after her injection, Taylor, 30, died in her sleep — “from unknown causes,” reported Essence.
“Her cause of death is as yet unknown,” the New York Post reported. “However, Essence reported that it may have been related to the reality TV show star’s battle with the autoimmune disease lupus as she was reportedly on dialysis at the time of her death.” The same story ran in The Sun and Daily Mail (the Post’s British counterparts), also attributed to Essence — which now makes no mention of dialysis.
That Taylor’s death “may [well] have been related to” her recent jab went unreported by the media, while it was noted by her friends, on “social media”: “I told you not to get that vxxxxxe ash f***,” one wrote bitterly on Instagram. “She said she took the mRNA jab; that’s either Pfizer or Moderna,” wrote another friend, Natasha James, on Facebook. (Taylor is survived by Myoko, her 7-year-old daughter.)
7. NaTalia Johnson
Two weeks after Taylor’s death, on April 24, NaTalia Johnson, a former prima ballerina living now in Sacramento, updated her Facebook profile to tell her online friends that she had been injected (without noting which “vaccine” was used), and, as the upbeat text around her photo indicates, to urge others to get “vaccinated,” too:
The native Texan (born in Lubbock) had retired to Sacramento in 2013, to serve as artistic director of the Natalia Johnson Conservatory of Ballet. Her story is remarkable. Having beat scoliosis (by wearing a back brace 23 hours a day, her one free hour devoted to ballet), then graduating from Lubbock High School with honors, Johnson set off for New York, with a scholarship to study dance at Juilliard, but through a chance encounter ended up at the Dance Theater of Harlem, starting an illustrious career that had her performing with the Urban Ballet Theater, Ballet Noir, Renaissance Ballet, Collage Dance Collective, and, in her hometown, Ballet Lubbock.
Twice honored as an International Ballet All-Star, Johnson studied at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, taught master classes at schools and theaters nationwide, and also taught and choreographed New York City’s public schools.
Upon retiring from the stage, Johnson moved to Sacramento, opening her own conservatory there, while teaching in an elementary school, and also helping her sister, Candida, to graduate over 800 young women from the Girls Self-Esteem Program Academy, by mentoring them in “poise, grace, dignity and self-respect.”
On May 7, 13 days after her injection, Johnson came home from work at 9:30 p.m., telling Candida that she felt horribly “tired” — she was crying because of it — and sick enough to see the doctor, but decided she would go next day.
The sisters put on a movie starring Michael B. Jordan, and had fun watching it together, NaTalia lying on the bed; then, suddenly, “she sat up with a shocked look on her face, and held out her arms to me,” recalled Candida, who felt her sister’s body “tightening up,” then going limp.
She and a neighbor struggled to revive her, using CPR, until the EMTs arrived, and also tried for half an hour, to no avail: Natalia Johnson was gone, at 37—due either to “a stroke, brain aneurysm or a heart attack,” surmised Candida (who didn’t mention the injection, nor did any of the press coverage of NaTalia’s death).
8. Simone Scott
On May 1, a week before NaTalia Johnson’s death in Sacramento, Simone Scott, a freshman at Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois (just north of Chicago), received her second dose of the Moderna serum, hoping it would not affect her as the first one did.
That shot, on April 3, had laid her low for several days of what felt like a bad flu, followed by a lingering fatigue; so it was a relief for her, her mother and stepfather back in Mason, Ohio, and her dad in Washington, DC, that her second shot had no immediate side effects.
Now “fully vaccinated,” Simone headed into her last month of spring semester classes with the same acuity, determination and strict discipline that she had shown in all her efforts since fifth grade, when she decided to become a journalist, with an expertise in law. To that end, she was double-majoring in broadcast journalism and political science/pre-law, working toward two bachelor’s degrees, with her sights set on Harvard Law School for her J.D.
The feeling of relief after her second shot did not last long. On May 9, when she came home on a surprise visit for Mother’s Day, Simone seemed tired, and told her mother, Valerie Kraimer, that she’d been having nosebleeds. Back in Evanston on May 12, she made an appointment for a virtual check-up with a doctor who told her she was suffering from allergies.
On May 13, she woke up with a low fever, and went to the student infirmary, where she tested negative for COVID-19, flu and other viruses; and though her heartbeat was irregular, they let her go, telling her to go to the ER if things got worse. On May 14, she came back with a sore throat, and was given a prescription for an anti-viral drug.
On Sunday, May 16, Simone could not get up, or eat. “Dad, I feel so dizzy,” she texted Kevin Scott. “I cannot get out of bed.” Her mother packed a bag, and started the long drive to Evanston; Kevin Scott called the Northwestern campus police, asking them to check up on his daughter at her dorm. (He had to talk them into it.) When they finally did, they found she couldn’t walk, and called an ambulance.
On the way to North Shore Hospital, Simone went into cardiac arrest, requiring CPR, which barely saved her, as her heart was no longer functioning; so they rushed her into surgery, to insert a balloon pump in the failing organ. It didn’t work, so, next day, they placed her on a heart-lung bypass called an ECMO. That didn’t work either.
The doctors diagnosed it as a case of severe myocarditis—inflammation of the heart, thinking that some virus had attacked it. By May 20, they decided that a heart transplant might be the only way for Simone to survive, so she was moved to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where, on May 23, doctors carried out the transplant.
Although the new heart soon began to beat as hoped, so it seemed that she might make it, her lungs had been badly damaged, and infected by the immunosuppressive drugs she needed for the transplant to succeed. She hung on, intubated, for a little over three weeks, and died at 11:19 a.m. on June 11, at the age of 19.
9. Ayesha K. Faines
Throughout the weeks that Gerren Taylor, NaTalia Johnson and Simone Scott lived after their injections, Ayesha K. Faines regaled her online followers with proud updates on her status as a “fully vaccinated” African-American, having got her second Pfizer jab at some point in mid-March.
A former TV journalist in Jacksonville and New York City, the Yale-educated Faines was now nationally famous as a panelist on “The Grapevine,” a YouTube-based talk show featuring up to a dozen black millennials, hashing over topics such as Critical Race Theory, black/Latino relations, (white) racism as a mental illness, Bruno Mars as cultural appropriator and “the colonization of black beauty.”
On that last subject Faines was an especially compelling speaker, not just on “The Grapevine” but in all of her endeavors both online and (pre-COVID) as a public speaker. “A brave new voice for feminine power,” as her LinkedIn profile describes her, the dauntingly articulate (and visually arresting) Faines was the founder of Women Love Power, a company devised “to help women develop their authentic power,” and, as a columnist for Zora Magazine, “routinely explore[d] the intersection of love and power.”
“Sought after for her expertise in mythology, race, and gender politics,” Faines was also a prolific poster on Instagram and (especially) Twitter, where she not only exulted in her own injections, but also voiced contempt for black Americans who were refusing to get jabbed.
While that majority regard the COVID-19 “vaccination” drive as yet another oblique white attempt to kill them off (about which more below), Faines saw the shots not as inimical, in any way, to African-Americans, but as wholly reconcilable with blackness: “Just know that I’m melanated and vaccinated,” she tweeted playfully on March 30.
Focused, as she was, on “feminine power,” Faines must have especially disliked the captivity of lockdown, and felt especially liberated by her second shot in early April, which meant she now was free to do her exercises (she was a competitive salsa dancer) outside home: “I’ve been practicing at home during quarantine [sic], but praise God I’m vaccinated and going back to the studio in the beginning of may!” she tweeted on April 10.
Unlike the majority of African-Americans, Faines saw the “vaccines” not as some covert poison used by whites to lower black numbers — a view she candidly disdained, in this tweet on March 5:
‘The percentage of [Blacks] who don’t want to take the vaccine right now are reluctant because of misinformation or no information’ and not necessarily because of concerns of [sic] historical racial bias in medicine
Thus Faines quoted Cornell Belcher, a pollster whose new study of black “vaccine-hesitancy,” conducted for the National Urban League, now showed (he said) that black people distrusted the injection program not because of their long history of grotesque abuse by the American medical establishment (Tuskegee is the least of it), but because they’re either “misinformed” or ignorant — and, therefore, in urgent need of being properly “informed” ASAP, presumably by, say, the National Urban League, with generous funding by, say, Pfizer, and/or the Gates Foundation (both of them, as it happens, generous donors to the National Urban League), so that all those uninjected will now finally see the light, and get the jab.
Having tweeted Belcher’s claim as if it were a valid observation, Faines charged that all too many African-Americans were “vaccine-hesitant” not because of the atrocious history of black suffering at the (white) hands of US doctors, but because they had been duped by Donald Trump and other white Republicans:
Not to mention the same cadre that downplayed COVID, like TRUMP and Desantis, were among the FIRST to get the vaccine. That’s the game. — Sow seeds of doubt. Discourage marginalized groups from being vaccinated so that wealthy whites have an abundant supply.
I wish it were appropriate to disentangle the illogic of that tweet, to demonstrate how much more dangerous it is to hold that view of those “vaccines” than to be healthily suspicious of them. I wish it were appropriate, because it would be if Ayesha Faines herself did not soon inadvertently, and tragically, disprove what she and Belcher wrote about the ignorance and/or delusion of that black majority.
Having been knocked flat by her first jab in mid-March (“The first Pfizer shot had me down for the count,” she tweeted on April 3), Faines bounced right back to her packed schedule, keeping at it right through April, May and most of June. On June 28, she posted 25 tweets, and her last Facebook post at 10:45 pm that night. Those comprised her final words online. She died four days later, at 35, on July 2.
Faines’ sudden death received much online coverage, with no cause given. A few days later, her family released a statement, reported first by Zora, the magazine that ran Faines’ columns, and then by News4Jax, the Jacksonville news outlet for which she’d worked as traffic anchor, as well as BET and a few other sites online:
Ayesha K. Faines was born with asthma and multiple severe food allergies. On June 29, 2021, Ayesha suffered a fatal anaphylactic reaction from an unknown allergen.”
There was no mention of Faines’ “vaccination” in the coverage of her death, nor, with some very few exceptions, did any of her multitude of online mourners mention it. Only the COVID Blog and Sandra Rose — both COVID-dissident websites — noted her injections as the likely cause of death.
If she did die of anaphylactic shock, it was more likely due to Faines’ two Pfizer shots than to anything she ate, since such fatal food allergies are now far more unusual than such severe allergic reactions among those jabbed with the mRNA “vaccines” — a side effect that, back in January, the CDC assured us was extremely rare, which we may take as meaning that it isn’t all that rare; and more recent data from Japan and Israel suggest that it is not so uncommon after all.
10. Maurice Shepperson
Five days after Ayesha Faines died in New Jersey, Maurice Reginald Shepperson (who went by “Reggie”) drove himself to the ER of Henderson Hospital in Las Vegas, wracked with pain all over, unable to breathe or focus—in such bad shape that he skidded off the hospital parking lot onto the sidewalk.
The 36-year-old flight attendant (a Southwest Airlines employee) had fallen ill soon after returning from a trip to Hawaii, with his mother, Dawn. Both had tested negative for COVID-19, several times. Shepperson quarantined as soon as he felt sick (Dawn left his meals outside his door), then tested positive, and just kept getting worse.
They had him in the ICU for over four weeks, much of the time on a ventilator. Every day, Dawn talked to him on FaceTime, praying with him every hour, on the hour. (“He would talk when he could,” she said. “He would give me a thumbs-up when he could.”) On Tuesday, Aug. 10, the hospital called Dawn to let her know that Reggie had passed on.
Although we don’t know exactly when he was injected, the fact that Shepperson was “fully vaccinated” led the news in dozens of pieces published nation – and world-wide, many of them with the exact same headline:
Fully vaccinated Southwest flight attendant dies of COVID-19.”
The implication of that headline, and many others near-identical, is (of course) that this was “news” because it was an oddity, like “Man Bites Dog” — a point spelled out in several of the articles: “Severe infections of COVID-19 among those who are vaccinated are extremely rare,” declared the New York Post, “even as the highly contagious Delta variant has spread across the United States.”
The latest figures posted on the CDC’s website showed that just 8,054 — or 0.005 percent — of the 166 million Americans who’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 had suffered serious breakthrough infections causing hospitalization or death as of Aug. 9.
Thus the “fully vaccinated” Reggie Shepperson’s untimely death was misreported, as (a) “extremely rare” (which it most certainly was not), and, therefore, (b) as an untimely death not caused by his “vaccination” — which, as we have seen, is how those other nine untimely deaths of black Americans were also variously misreported; and they are not the only ones, as we shall see.
We will begin Part 2 of this essay by revisiting the question that I posed at the beginning: “What happens when a propaganda blitz misfires, and proves (or seems to prove) the very truth it was devised to blow away?” We will start to answer that key question by reviewing all the ways in which “our free press” ensured that We the People not see the significance of those ten deaths — i.e., what those “vaccines” are obviously doing to us all, and by design.
You can read Part 2 of this article here.
Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and the author of several books, including Boxed In: The Culture of TV; Seeing Through Movies; Mad Scientists: The Secret History of Modern Propaganda; Spectacle: Operation Desert Storm and the Triumph of Illusion; and The Bush Dyslexicon. You can read more of his work through his newsletter, News from the Underground
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If only Derek Chauvin had been told that a needle was allowed where a knee was not.
This is a victory in the US in link below. An ACLU lawyer defends a professor against forced vaccination. He already had virus and has natural immunity. We must work togther from all sides to defeat these repressive policies. End forced masking of children an young people, happening in publci institutions all over. We pay for them with our taxes. This is unlawful and unconstitutional. It harms children and young people. The CDC does not have the power to make laws.
One can subscribe to Mark Crispin Miller’s newsletter for free. News form the Underground. Follow and support Naomi Wolf as well.
The author of this article has more to say, but hides behind a paywall. Get out from behind the paywall and come into the open. Hiding behind such walls takes away credibility for me.
Black Jabs Matter
We can add Hank Aaron and Marvin Hagler to this list.Oops, I see they were already added below.
Miller spot-on, as usual, though I was a little irritated to be asked to pay to read the second part of the essay. Isn’t Miller a fully tenured prof at NYU? Or has he been sacked for being too truthful? (NB: you can be sacked, even with tenure. Just ask Joel Kovel, Jewish anti-Zionist and former tenured professor of history at Bard College, who got the boot for being a decent human being and denouncing Israel’s crimes.)
Miller did neglect, however, to mention two very prominent African-Americans, both male, who died after getting the jab earlier this year. The first was Henry Aaron, age 86 but in good health and one of the truly greatest baseball players in the history of the game, who took the jab to “set an example” for Black Americans. A few weeks later he was dead. The lying court stenographers, after a long delay, said it was from “natural causes.”
The second was “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler, former superstar middleweight pugilist, age 66 and in excellent health, who keeled over just a few days after getting the “jab,” having felt ill from the moment he received it. According to friend and former opponent Thomas Hearns, his illness and death were caused by the “vaccine.” Hagler’s family, clearly gaslit by the authorities, say they did not know the cause and that it wasn’t the vaccine, which allowed the lying court stenographers then to say that he, too, died of “natural causes.”
In the early days of the “vaccine rollout” (note how they use anodyne terms like “rollout” for their sinister plans), a retirement home near Syracuse, New York, lost fully one-third of its seniors after they were jabbed. The story made the local news but not national or international. Not having followed up on it, I don’t what kind of excuse, if any, the “officials” gave for that debacle.
Miller spot-on, as usual, though I was a little irritated to be asked to pay to read the second part of the essay. Isn’t Miller a fully tenured prof at NYU? Or has he been sacked for being too truthful? (NB: you can be sacked, even with tenure. Just ask Joel Kovel, Jewish anti-Zionist and former tenured professor of history at Bard College, who got the boot for being a decent human being and denouncing Israel’s crimes.)
Miller did neglect, however, to mention two very prominent African-Americans, both male, who died after getting the jab earlier this year. The first was Henry Aaron, age 86 but in good health and one of the truly greatest baseball players in the history of the game, who took the jab to “set an example” for Black Americans. A few weeks later he was dead. The lying court stenographers, after a long delay, said it was from “natural causes.”
The second was “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler, former superstar middleweight pugilist, age 66 and in excellent health, who keeled over just a few days after getting the “jab,” having felt ill from the moment he received it. According to friend and former opponent Thomas Hearns, his illness and death were caused by the “vaccine.” Hagler’s family, clearly gaslit by the authorities, say they did not know the cause and that it wasn’t the vaccine, which allowed the lying court stenographers then to say that he, too, died of “natural causes.”
In the early days of the “vaccine rollout” (note how they use anodyne terms like “rollout” for their sinister plans), a retirement home near Syracuse, New York, lost fully one-third of its seniors after they were jabbed. The story made the local news but not national or international. Not having followed up on it, I don’t what kind of excuse, if any, the “officials” gave for that debacle.
Graphene Oxide was confirmed in the vaccines by Dr. Robert Young. A Pfizer whistleblower also says its in the Pfizer vaccine. At this point, I consider GO to be a fact! It’s not a “conspiracy theory” anymore!
My first unkind thought is that the phrase “The benefits outweighed the risks” ought to be the epigraph emblazoned on all of their headstones.
More constructively, someone should make a meme consisting of all those smiley and steely ‘let’s do this!’ faces, pre-vaccine, accompanied by the fact of each death a short time later. There’s nothing like cumulative evidence to banish these cognitively dissident notions of coincidence held on to by the majority.
Then again, maybe let the gullible fuckers weed themselves out of the gene pool. No skin off my arse.
Of course we’ve been here before. History seems to be repeating itself. See below
In decaying contemporary society all human relationships are poisoned by a fierce life-and-death struggle for the maintenance of power and wealth. Solidarity with one’s fellow men – or at least with members of one’s own class – has been replaced by a cynical detached attitude; other individual were looked upon as ‘objects’ to be used and manipulated, or were ruthlessly destroyed if it suited one’s own end. The individual was absorbed with a passionate, egocentricity, an insatiable greed for power and wealth. As a result of all this the successful individual’s relation to himself, his sense of security and confidence were poisoned too. His own self became as much an object of manipulation to him as other persons had become. We have reason to doubt whether the powerful masters of Renaissance capitalism were as happy and secure as they are often portrayed. It seems that the new ‘freedom’ brought new things to them: an increased feeling of isolation, doubt and scepticism, and -resulting from all these and above all – anxiety. It is the same contradiction that we find in the philosophical writings of the humanists. Side by side with their emphasis on human dignity, individuality and strength, they exhibited
insecurity, and despair in their own philosophy.
(Erich Fromm – The Fear of Freedom – 1942)
Thus was secured the social and political basis of fascism. As has been pointed out.
‘’Fascist mentality is the mentality of the ‘’little man.’’ Who is enslaved and craves authority and at the same time is rebellious. It is no coincidence that all fascist dictators stem from the reactionary milieu of the little man. The industrial magnate and the feudal militarist exploit this social fact for their own purposes, and it has evolved within the framework in the general suppression of life-impulses. In the form of fascism, mechanistic, authoritarian, militarism, reaps from the supressed little man only what it has sown in the masses of subjugated human beings in the way of mysticism, militarism, automatism, over the centuries. The little man has studied the big man’s behaviour all too well and he reproduces it in a distorted and grotesque fashion. The fascist is the drill-sergeant in the colossal army of our deeply sick highly industrialised civilization. It is not with impunity that the hullabaloo of high politics is made a show of in front of the little man. The little sergeant has surpassed the imperial general in everything: in martial music; in goose-stepping; in commanding and obeying; in cowering before ideas; in diplomacy, strategy, and tactics; in dressing and parading; in decorating and honorating. A Kaiser Wilhelm was a miserable duffer compared with the famished civil servant’s son, Hitler. When a proletarian general pins his chest full of medals, he gives a demonstration of the little man who will not be ’‘outclassed’ by the ‘’genuine’’ big general.’’
(Wilhelm Reich – The Mass Psychology of Fascism – 1946)
BTW The above is of course the dreaded ‘Cultural Marxism’ Just being sarcastic.
You need to pay to read part 2. Balls to that
Freedom isn’t free
Not really the time to put paywalls behind articles.
Most of these commie dolts won’t eat genetically modified crops but they’ll let greedy big pharma genetically modify their own bodies. What happened to them hating big pharma and declaring “my body my choice”???
How deep are we in Alice’s rabbit hole anyway?
Everyone I don’t like is a commie. By the way what’s communism? Trust me I’ll be able to tell if you google it
Poland. 34-year-old Kalina Mróz has died. The ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’ journalist was suddenly admitted to hospital. Her life could not be saved. She died on the 24th of May
On May 16, the 34-year-old was “suddenly and unexpectedly” hospitalized. The cause of death was not officially stated.
On April 28, she expressed joy that she was able to register for the coronavirus vaccination.
On May 8, which was eight days before she “suddenly and unexpectedly” ended up in the hospital, Mroz wrote that she had immune reactions after the vaccination. “Many of you are getting vaccinated now (I hope!) and probably like me some are going through a severely enthusiastic immune reaction to the vaccine,” the journalist wrote.,nie-zyje-kalina-mroz_-dziennikarka-_gazety-wyborczej_
Many more to come. The Great Purge is on.
Of course, this is not the only case in Poland of the death of a well-known person who was “vaccinated”. As in other countries, there is no mention of the dose being taken in the official messages. But the web is insightful… Among the people who died shortly after being vaccinated are Pawel Szwed – a well-known book publisher, recently editor-in-chief of the publishing house Wielka Litera (he was 54 years old – vaccinated, but officially “defeated by covid”), Jacek Kramek – an athlete, fitness trainer of many Polish actors and celebrities (he was 32 years old – diagnosed with stroke). The victim is also Michał Piróg, dancer, choreographer (he is 42 years old), in whom the “vaccine” caused “only” paresis of a part of his body…
Plotting and Clotting
Dr. Charles Hoffe has been practicing medicine for 28 years in British Columbia. He’s given about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA vaccine to his patients.
Hoffe has seen microscopic clots in his vaccinated patients.
“Blood clots are occurring at a capillary level. This has never before been seen. This is not a rare disease. This is a new phenomenon.”
Most importantly, these micro-clots are too small to show up on CT scans, MRI, and other conventional tests, such as angiograms, and can only be detected using the D-dimer blood test. Using the latter, he found that 62% of his patients injected with an mRNA shot are positive for clotting.
The spike proteins in the vaccine become part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium.
Cells which line your blood vessels and are supposed to be smooth so blood can flow easily now have little spikey bits sticking out. when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel.
Hoffe makes an important distinction:
The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which cause immediate strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots Hoffe is citing are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can only be detected using the D-dimer test.
What’s most tragic is that parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs cannot regenerate after tissues are damaged by blood clots– they’re permanently damaged.
Clotting causes blood vessels in the lungs to become blocked up. This causes the heart to work harder keeping up against a much greater resistance getting the blood through to the lungs. This is called pulmonary artery hypertension – high blood pressure in the lungs occur if the blood simply cannot get through effectively. People with this condition usually die of heart failure within a few short years.
All this medical data has been suppressed by mainstream media news.
It must be emphasised, the people who died were not sick or being treated for some devastating disease.
“These were previously healthy people, who were offered an experimental therapy with unknown long-term side-effects to protect them against an illness which has the same mortality rate as the flu.”
The concept of micro blood clots has also been cited by Dr. Peter McCullough:
“This is a different type of blood clotting then what we see with major blood clots in arteries and veins triggering a stroke or heart attack.”
In Italy, autopsies found micro blood clots in the lungs of those who died shortly after being vaccinated. The reason their lungs failed was not because the virus was present. It’s because of micro blood clots. When People can’t breathe, the problem is micro-blood clotting in the lungs. The spicule on the ball of the virus itself damages blood vessels causing blood clotting.
McCullough believes none of the COVID vaccines are safe for most people who are at “little risk” of contracting a serious illness from COVID.
Spike proteins are the cause of micro blood clots in COVID. The virus in its most
lethal form manifests as a vascular disease. Consequently, this explains why the same blood clotting appears in vaccinated people who are now impregnated with spike proteins.
Can you link to that please? Thanks, A2
There is certainly a spike protein, as known from Day 1, but there may or may nor be a virus.
Here’s some things to consider:
There’s more than 200 cold viruses. In addition, every season there’s a different flu strain and usually the flu shot is only 30% effective, since flu shots often target the wrong strain.
What is interesting, is an old DARPA research study ( I think it was dated 2018) which seems to suggest those who’ve taken flu shots were more susceptible to contracting COVID. Most older adults in the US take flu shots, especially if they’re in nursing homes.
“COVID terror” started in nursing facilities with a population possessing multiple comorbidities. The average life expectancy of those entering a nursing home is 18 months. Many elderly die from pneumonia caused by the flu. However, the “primary cause” of death in a nursing home is neglect and physical abuse.
In the US during a typical flu season 7,000 children are hospitalized, but around 700,000 adults and children seek some type of medical care for the flu. There’s so many cases of influenza the CDC has given up calculating the statistics. Yet, the flu is no longer cited or discussed. It has magically disappeared.
Let me conclude by saying, 10,000 children died each day from “poverty induced lockdowns.” More children die from dysentery than COVID and probably millions of elderly die regularly from
poverty and loneliness.
All continued care “retirement” facilities vaccinate at will, all their residents yearly (at least once) during normal conditions. They line them up like cattle in an attempt to keep them safe.
This has been going on for a long time.
Their immune systems , compromised or not, become slower and slower with each vaccine so when something like this spike protein shows up, well we see the results.
As soon as the room is free, another customer shows up, they can’t build them fast enough.
The purge may or may have been purposefully planned but nevertheless its happened. This story has been buried in misdirection.
The uninformed on both sides will suffer. Some who have had the protein infect them will suffer damage while others who inject themselves with it will no doubt suffer as well.
The reality will be in 3 too 4 years when the populations of countries diminish by thirds. I assume Australia and NewZealand will be left with a few here and there.
The bet is on. Which currency do you want to be holding when the US dollar devalues 25%?
There is a lot more to come.
“Their immune systems , compromised or not, become slower and slower with each vaccine so when something like this spike protein shows up, well we see the results.”
This would appear to be the case, especially for those with comorbidities. It’s sort of like “mowing the lawn” or culling the “medically unfit” first, while slowing working on the rest of the population. In any event, it must be stopped now before we become a “walking QR Code” where every aspect of our lives are attached to a barcode like a cataloged piece of merchandise. The ruling class plans to interconnect all financial data to medical records as well all other activities. You’d literally be tracked like an animal in an “open air prison.”
I’ve observed that the political and corporate powers that love these vaccines so very much will act quickly and mercilessly to shut down anyone who strays from the approved narrative. A little of this would be understandable, but it’s over the top. Methinks they doth protest too much.
And it’s not hard to figure out why. There are ginormous amounts of money to be made with these vaccines but that can’t happen unless they get everyone on board. And that means they have to have everyone in fear. And it also means suppressing or ignoring certain inconvenient facts.
First among them is that COVID is not dangerous for most people. That’s a factual statement. Millions get it, get over it and are fine. But you never hear Dr. Fauci or the media or the president talking about this.
Second, precisely because of point number one above, there are millions of people who now have natural immunity. Evidently that doesn’t count because the vaccine cheerleaders don’t care about that and therefor don’t talk about it. And yet some scientists estimate that as much as a third of the nation has already been exposed with now harm, many without even knowing it. Again, there is no money to be made from these people if they were to someone be made aware of things.
Thirdly, there are many doctors in the U.S. and around the world who have treated COVID very successfully. This is the source of all the many debates and discussions about drugs such as hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, Ivermectin, etc. I don’t know which of these things work or don’t work. What I do know is that as soon as anyone starts to claim that one of these, or some other regimen works, they are slapped down hard by the establishment. Again, it threatens the profits of the vaccine industrial complex if doctors are somehow able to make people feel less fearful of COVID, thanks to the success stories of individual practitioners, and success stories reduce fear.
And finally, the establishment does not want anyone talking about the risks from the vaccines. Which is weird. As a sales tactic alone, it builds credibility when you freely admit the negatives. They don’t do this, obviously because they don’t want people thinking about the negatives. And, listen, it may be the case that the upside really does outweigh the downside here. But don’t you think it a bit strange that we really don’t know how many have died or suffered serious harm from taking the vaccine? Even if that number is relatively small. They don’t want anyone talking about that, at all. If you doubt this just do a google search for news stories about a thing called “VAERS.” It leads one to believe they really don’t want anyone talking about risk, even in a very reasonable and factual way. And this is suspicious in itself.
So this is where we are today. Millions of Americans having living in fear and believing the only hope of salvation lies in the vaccines, which, coincidentally promise to make billions upon billions of dollars for drug companies, which companies can therefore afford to spend millions on lobbying and PR efforts to boost this narrative.
This means it’s working!
Get your boosters!
because the demon party says you Have to take this poison…. you take it…
Soooooo….. how many deaths does it take for forced mandates to be seen as human sacrifice? I’m really asking for the number. These perfectly healthy people might as well have been picked in a lottery to jump into a steaming volcano to appease some god and serve “the greater good”. It’s EXACTLY the same thing.
How many deaths will it take till we know
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
Wow…just wow…. and just like the election of the Potato and the way everything that he touches turns to shit, with MSM taking no responsibility for the installation of this Junta, they’re actively promoting mass genocide!
“The jab had nothing to do with Vivek’s heart failure”
Any way to read part 2? Is it even written yet? His substack is paywalled
I want to SCREAM out to everyone– STOP calling them “vaccines”, they are EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPIES–FACT!!
Or at least call them jabs.
You forgot Hank Aaron.
Marvelous Marvin Hagler from Brockton ,Ma.
Thanks for this article, Offg and Prof. Miller. Very, very sad. I had not read about any of these people.
There’s a valuable reminder on Whitney Webb’s latest talk with Nick Bryant that Biden played a crucial role during the Clarence Thomas’ hearings.
Thomas was nominated for the Supreme Court and accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. It was Biden who shut down a corroborating witness. Thomas was an ultra-conservative so why would Biden have helped him if the left-right paradigm is real?
It’s further evidence that the elite’s liberal pose and concern for ‘woke’ rights is nothing but a front.
Haha! That’s hilarious!
I was wondering who he was and what he looked like. Originally sourced here on Off-Guardian. Whilst this is incredible, its well worth reading. He was merely teaching an academic course on propaganda, and one of his students used it against him, trying her best to get him fired. He must be a brilliant teacher then. He certainly empowed one of his students.
Just watched a video on “Brand New Tube” by Hugo Talks … he brought up a very valid point – when you see someone that “died after a short illness” – you can bet your bottom dollar; that he died of the jabs.
I am a daily obit reader. Have been for years.
Amazing how many “died after a brief illness” in the past few months. All ages.
Or young adults dying with no explanation. Suicides and drug overdoses are usually listed in very respectful, compassionate ways.
But no one is going to list “vaccine injured”.
Not only that, but since the jabs started, the number of obituaries have a least doubled!
Let’s just call these cases premeditated murder. How many facts will it take for the legal classes to awake from their stupor?
Excerpted from: Vicarious liability – Wikipedia
“Vicarious liability is a form of a strict, secondary liability that arises under the common law doctrine of agency, respondeat superior, the responsibility of the superior for the acts of their subordinate or, in a broader sense, the responsibility of any third party that had the “right, ability or duty to control” the activities of a violator.
It can be distinguished from contributory liability, another form of secondary liability, which is rooted in the tort theory of enterprise liability because, unlike contributory infringement, knowledge is not an element of vicarious liability.
The law has developed the view that some relationships by their nature require the person who engages others to accept responsibility for the wrongdoing of those others. The most important such relationship for practical purposes is that of employer and employee.” [End quote]
Complete text:
Excerpted from: Proximate cause – Wikipedia
“In the law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause.
Cause-in-fact is determined by the “but for” test: But for the action, the result would not have happened. For example, but for running the red light, the collision would not have occurred. The action is a necessary condition, but may not be a sufficient condition, for the resulting injury. For an act to cause a harm, both tests must be met; proximate cause is a legal limitation on cause-in-fact.
The formal Latin term for “but for” (cause-in-fact) causation, is sine qua non causation.” [End quote]
Complete text:
Nice. Just tried to read part two. Fuck you.
I sent a link to this excellent article to my Congressional reps. Thank you.
Why was “Hammerin Hank” Henry Aaron omitted?
I put BLM in the subject line which gives assurance my email will be opened and read.
I was just getting ready to do a similar article this morning. Here is the full story on Drene Keyes with all the source links – this one was a real slap in the face because they had EXTENSIVE evidence to show anaphylactic reaction to show Drene Keyes died from reaction to Pfizer vaccine and they STILL deemed it ‘Covid-19’ without even the pretense of a worthless positive test result. THANK YOU
As they stand with medical apartheid and cover up deaths of minority citizens (and everyone else) they now have stepped into full spotlight.
And, they just did this with a black teenager who died very close to Pfizer vaccine, gave him no tests, did not admit him, and then when he dies at home – they call it Covid
This is criminal and the media aid and abet.
This is one of the ONLY sites on the internet that actually calls out the isolation fraud as well, so well done Off Guardian
Con-19, 2021: “But there was no investigation, with or without the CDC, despite the family’s insistence on an autopsy; nor would officials say why they refused to do one.”
Con-WMD, 2003: Dr.David Kelly found dead in mysterious circumstances, autopsy forbidden, case closed, body exhumed and cremated. British Prime Minister cleared of issuing Dodgy Dossier and promoted Director in House of Rothschild.
Con-911, 2001: Three thousand people blown up in New York City, evidence removed by mayor of New York, official investigation refuses to answer questions because of “national security”.
And they call us Conspiracy Theorists!
You may wish to reflect upon these words of Sam, Admin2:
“I sometimes think we look at this too mechanistically, and assume there has to be an evil dude with one evil hand on the purse strings and the other on an ominous-looking lever.
Perhaps it’s above all our pay grades to ever truly get to the bottom of this.”
“the media, whether corporate or left/liberal” What an odd phrase. There’s no corporate self-identified ‘left/liberal’ media? No. If there was no fake Left and if there were no fakers who self-identified as liberal while betraying the neutral philosophy of Liberalism, then that statement would makes sense.
They are not identified as “corporate/left liberal” because we all know that EVERY SINGLE FORM OF MEDIA, social or otherwise has the same demons running it. I’ll just leave it at that.
The Center for Disease Control is telling black and brown people that it is “racial justice” and an extra special advantage for them, even though Africa in particular has seen markedly lower rates of death from coronavirus.
The document, Interim Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution in the United States, from the Center for Health Security, uses the word justice 16 times. The formulations include:
As Dr Simone Gold argues, the data does not show race to be an independent risk factor in coronavirus. “The risks are diabetes, obesity and pre-existing illnesses and living and in cramped quarters. That is not about Black people — it is about those conditions.”
Simone Gold mixes lies with truth. That’s all you can do when you’re a willing or unwilling captive of the dominant, fraudulent medical establishment.
Yes, this article almost trivialises a major danger that concerns everyone. How many affluent Blacks in the West have succumbed? The people of Africa are generally doing fine, and their jab centres are hardly used. I suppose the imperial drone bases – located in a string right across the widest part of Africa in an East-West direction – are trying their best to promote the Globocap agenda.
I suspect these covid testing centres around NSW are actually giving people SARS or a bad case of flu. More testing centres. More sick people. Forgive me for being cynical.
You’d have to be a special kind of dumb to drive up to a test centre and have a strangers stick 6 inches of plastic down your nose.
Coercion is probably what drives people to subject themselves to this pointless indignity. The “testing” centres which I pass every day are now overflowing after being empty for months. People from certain suburbs are forced to submit to this in order to leave their suburbs to work.
I actually had a group of testers show up at my property yesterday. All wearing facemasks with a full face visor over their faces and a blue plastic surgical gown over their clothes. They looked like they were from the set of The X Files or something.
Both my front and back gates were locked so they couldn’t get to my front door.
I was watching through my back (glass) door and they were walking round in circles in the car park calling out to people in the other cabins.
No one opened their doors. On the bus on the way home about 30 minutes earlier, spotted another group of them about 1.5 kms away going door to door also. They seem to be targeting the more working class western suburbs now, and I saw something yesterday that the western suburbs, where I am were causing “a lot of concern”.
They are really ramping up the testing and contact tracing here now.
I have a strong feeling they are not getting anywhere near their target levels they want, hence ramping up the propaganda and even using crisis actors begging people to get vaccinated.
That is terrifying Gezza.
You should do what we do here in the States on Halloween when no one will be home to give out the candy.
Put a big bowl of Candy outside your gate with a sign that says “To all the Ghouls – Help Yourself! Boo!”
(I don’t mean to make light of this. Jesus)
They’re really ramping things up here Judith… they obviously have a target and a deadline to meet with getting so many jabbed (another commenter here said it was 70% of Australians) that they are phoning people up at random or sending messages claiming they were a Tier 1 contact and to get tested immediately.
I received two text messages earlier this week saying that, then they listed an address where this alleged contact occurred. Except I’ve never been there! On Thursday had a person from the Victorian Dept of Health phone me in person, tell me there was a mobile testing station nearby, and someone would be around soon to get me tested. It’s getting quite creepy here!
Hope you are okay, and your neighbours are behaving themselves and minding their own business!
That is extraordinary, Gezzah. I can’t begin to imagine. Well, no, I guess I can. Good for you in standing your ground. Needless to say, I hope you can navigate your way through this intact – no testing, no mask, no inoculation. I’m trying for that myself.
One of the local TV stations that run “retro” programming– probably because the price is right– picked up “The X-Files” this summer.
I didn’t get into it at all during its original run, but over the years I watched it halfheartedly in syndicated reruns. It’s one of those series that I will watch if nothing better is on; it’s preposterous adolescent woo-woo melodrama, but it has its watchable moments.
Anyway, since I’ve been fitfully watching it again, I am creeped out by how many scamdemic-related scenes in real life (for lack of a better term) look exactly like “X-Files” scenes. Your description of the Megadeath Virus of Doom Squad descending on your neighborhood could easily be lifted from an “X-Files” episode. 🙁
Jesus F. Christ is there nothing those mongrels Andrews, Sutton, et al., won’t stoop to in order to keep their “case” epidemic going? Nope. I look forward to their goon squads being shat on by flying pigs as they roam around Toorak.
They seem to be targeting the western suburbs now Cliff. I saw a headline a couple of days ago, I think it was the vile ABC that “Melbourne’s Western Suburbs Are Causing Concern” or similar to that. There were 2 separate groups that I spotted on Friday, one down near the local hospital and the other group that showed up on my property. Obviously there would have been more walking around with the mobile testing stations close by.
Crowding at test centres, jab centres, large commercial centres and public transport – all with central air con. – is OK. Extreme restrictions apply to small business outlets where there are only a handful of customers. There is a pattern here.
The most amazing thing of all in Australia. This is how f%ck&ng dumb they think we are! They using a test that even the CDC has stated is essentially useless. The PCR test. And that was a few weeks ago. Wow gee golly gosh. How nice. They can just generate any bullshit numbers they want. Hey presto massive outbreak in NSW 150,000 have covid. BULLSHIT
“They using a test…”
There you go again, John.
In other news
Louis Proyect died. What he died of, is unknown. There is also no family statement available. Maybe there is no family, who knows…
“Darn! Just when one opened ones heart. Alas, poor Crispy. I knew them well. 27 fellows of infinite jest. Gone off to the cyberspace Russian troll farm in the sky.”

“Insideeko is a rather retarded site would one not say?”
“And now from Billy Eugenics Enterprises the Bells Palsy Jab. Guaranteed results. You will get your facial droop or you will get your money back. Trust us!”

“Cuomo-ize (Euthanize) the World! Corporate Fascism forever.”
Apparently,”Lou died two days ago after a courageous struggle with cancer.”
I couldn’t stand the guy…
When I found out about his death, the first thing I thought was when did he get jabbed prior to dying? He was fully on board with the covid tyranny and cheering on the draconian measures like so many of the phony Left.
Regardless of the immense suffering these measures were causing; that so many have lost their homes, their jobs, and people are in such despair they have committed suicide.
But to frauds like Mr Proyect, Caitlin Johnstone and all the rest, none of that matters.
Given that TPTB will bend over backwards to avoid impugning the jab as cause of death, it is well within the realm of possibility that the jab is what tipped him over the edge.
“The more Nazis that join him the better.”
This is similar to one of my favorite Mark Twain quotes, which I paraphrase from memory (probably imperfectly).
Referring to some despised party, Twain remarked, “When the occasion of his funeral arises, I will gladly postpone other recreations to attend it.“
The latest from the Govt propaganda channel in Australia
“NSW records 1,035 new local COVID-19 cases and two deaths as 150,000 jabs administered”
They don’t see people anymore. They see a problem.
Isn’t it ironic. All the countries we were brainwashed into despising, Cuba, Venezuela etc, now look the most inviting. Big surprise.
Maybe you have, but I’ve never despised them.
Belarus anyone!?
Moderna, Fauci, Gates and ignorance is not bliss.
It’s pretty (not) simple:
Terrorisms for profit
Drones for profit
Facial spying for profit
Bombs for profit
Prisons for profit
Police goons for profit
Guns for profit
GMO for profit
Coal for profit
Fracking for profit
Glyphosphate for profit
Cancer for profit
Diabetes for profit
Obesity for profit
Poverty for profit
And now . . . .
Compulsory endless poison Injections for PROFIT!!!!
The Gates Corporate PharmaCom Hell.
BLM for profit
I think it is a bit off that when I went to read part 2 of the article, I was unable to do that without becoming a paying subscriber. That is just not the way to get support, in my opinion. I am a paying subscriber to Off-Guardian because I have been reading it since it started and like it. But I could still read articles without subscribing but I choose to do it anyway.
Part 2 will be on OffG also
Don’t forget Hank Aaron, yo
And DMX!! And Biz Markie! And MF Doom. Though his wife is reluctant to confirm.
I don’t believe in coincidences. William Thompson at the CDC has already shown us that African American males are exponentially more susceptible to Vax injuries than the general pop. Black females, even with the protective padding of estrogen (please Google this, it’s the reason behind the male/female autism(vaccine injury) disparity) , are also at greater risk.
Make no mistake. Black people are aware of this. Unfortunately, and this is tongue in cheek ofc, they are a minority.
good memory sejomje MF Doom.used to wear the mask
i recall that convenient
sacrificedeath.Watch this. Treatment protocols in the rare case someone actually has covid are designed to kill. Thank you Carnegie and Rockerfeller.
Who is Ian Watson?
British Science Fiction writer.
Not that I knew that, Arby. I had the same thought and searched it.
American Studies, Arts, Culture & Media
Ian Watson is a professor and RU-N Coordinator of the Rutgers/NJIT Theatre Arts Program.
Okay. Thanks. Is he also a sci fi writer?
I think they are not the same – the name is not uncommon.
The portrait (& I assume the quote) is of the American academic Igor linked above,
whereas the writer is on the other side of the Atlantic
Seems he worked on a book about “medical terrorism”, so both Ian Watsons sound good in my book!
(of course it is possible that the quote is misattibuted to the wrong Watson)
For sure Igor got it right. A book on medical terrorism eh? I don’t read fiction. If I did, that does sound interesting.
Beware when assigned special treatment as a ‘vulnerable’ population by our covid caretakers, or undertakers.
It’s the coincidence and not conspiracy theorists you have to watch out for. Listen to their pathological lying, and you’ll end up where the system of psychopathy wants us.
A neighbor’s wife died yesterday. At the start of this madness, she had been denied medical treatment for a precancerous condition. Like everything else nowadays, it was due to covid. The ‘overcrowding’ of hospitals due to covid (rather than the deliberate cessation of services), the ‘overwhelming’ of hospital staff due to covid (rather than their layoffs)…the blah, blah, blah lies made sure she developed full-blown cancer. Of course, she was helped along to her destination by having the clot shot. And when she passed, it was due to covid.
Another soul lost to the dark night of history into which we have entered.
Well the objective is depopulation. I think people really need to let this sink in. They are trying to kill you. That is the goal. At every step in this equation there is an attempt to kill you. Whatever you do, do not get tested. Their foot soldier plonkers have no idea what is going on. They just following orders like the drones that they are.
They planned this so perfectly. Even to the point that when the jab killed or injured it would still be called “covid”. Brilliant.
If people can swallow the spin that the “most vulnerable” people need the jab more, they will swallow anything. I am not implying that is is any safer for healthy people; it defiinitely is not.
There’s a pattern here, which says way too much about human nature: listening to others regarding one’s own health choices.
Who has a right to “advise” others whether or not to get jabbed? Let me pull a “Greta” here and say “How dare you!”
“How dare you!” presume to tell others what they should or shouldn’t do.
Or am I putting the cart before the horse? Should it be, instead, “How dare you!” base your decision on someone else’s “advise?”
Well that’s the whole thing isn’t it? Individuals give up some of their rights so that a governing body can “look after things” so that the greatest majority wins. And that can come in all shapes and sizes. Right now it’s a case of government in bed with the corporate world in bed with “science” (nothing new there) saying hey…we’re all gonna die unless you allow us to inject you with this goop we came up with.” At that point the individual is supposed to say…”well, um, sure, ok, I guess, if it’s gonna, you know, benefit us all and it means I won’t die.” It all works out in theory because the government wouldn’t lie to you because…well because they’re the government and their good friends in the corporate world and science are fine upstanding people. Good people. Just like you. And so then it’s not a case of how dare you but how dare you NOT allow yourself to be injected with our unknown goop? Somewhere along the way however, some real life people, like maybe the black community say…”wait a minute…”
And here we are.
Yes I’m still trying to figure out when and how Governments obtained the level of power they currently have! Show me the paper I signed that said you can do whatever you want. I think for the first time in history we are heading for global civil war. As for democracy. What a joke. A cloaking device used by capitalists.
Exactly. And I’m going to be contacting my local “authorities” to ask them to explain to me the social contract. It’s a simple question I think…by what exact instrument or document…or whatever…have you acquired my consent to offer me your protection in an ‘offer I don’t refuse’, issue me with fines and direct such things as a) what I put into my body and b) how I breathe the air?
Now that even mainstream medicine acknowledge these ‘vaccines’ do not prevent disease or transmission the only thing these jabs claim to do is reduce symptoms which is impossible to accurately measure as this cannot be proven and claims of efficacy are reliant on wild hypothesis, supposition, computer models and fatally flawed PCR testing.
The only things we are certain about is that these things cause side effects & death.
The power of tyrants is equal to the power you have given to them. Keep your power.
Yes they keep this myth going …oh well they prevent one getting really really sick….well how do they know that? Yet more bullshit made up by the people who lined up and then have to justify their actions when they see the needle isn’t stopping people from getting whatever…
I hear whatever is ripping through the vax in California?
If anyone ever makes that claim to me I’ll just ask them how they know it wasn’t their natural immune system that prevented them “getting really really sick”.