With a “left press” like this, who needs fascist media?

How our “progressive” stars and outlets manage not to say a word about the gravest crisis in the history of humanity

Mark Crispin Miller

It pains me to say it, but Caitlin Johnstone—whose work I used to champion ardently, defending her against the crypto-Stalinists at Counterpunch—is one of many “leftists” who keep partying like it’s 2019.

Same with the interminable Noam Chomsky, The Nation, Consortium News, MoveOn, Popular Resistance, Nation of Change, Covert Action Bulletin, Naomi Klein, Tom Engelhardt and others that I used to champion, and (in some cases) see as friends, as well as outlets that I used to write for.

So Caitlin loves her boomer Dad for his irrepressible outrage over the bombing of Afghanistan, and loves ALL boomers for their fiery dissidence—on issues that don’t matter much at this apocalyptic moment.

From her, and all those other “progressive” voices/outlets, you’d never know that World War III has been raging (openly) since January 2020—a global war against humanity itself.

Someone should tell Caitlin—an Australian!—that those feisty boomers, with some very few exceptions, have turned rigidly authoritarian, and often downright hateful toward the bravest and most necessary dissidents today, standing firm against the bio-fascist mandates of the New World Order, and the looming portents of the Great Reset: dangers that those “leftist” sages never even mention, much less question or confront.

While Caitlin, resident of Melbourne, riffs indignantly about the bombing of Afghanistan back in 19 B.C. (Before COVID), the staunchest dissidents Down Under are the truck drivers threatening to shut that country down, if its cops don’t take their boots off everybody’s necks.

In the midst of this vast slo-mo Holocaust, conducted in the name of “public health” (much as the last one was), we find no reference to it, nor any reference to the unprecedented global wave of censorship on which that Holocaust depends, or to the naked violence of the police throughout the “democratic” West, or to the financial purposes of this whole global nightmare, in any of the “leftist” outlets named above.

Instead, we get “Ban Killer Drones,” “Why US Policy in Nicaragua Isn’t Working,” “America’s Merchants of Death Then and Now” (with no mention of Big Pharma), “Hidden costs of militarism: Climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss,” and (my personal favorite) “Is a Cold War Still Possible in an Overheating World?”

My point is not that such well-worn concerns don’t matter anymore (though some of them were overblown before the COVID crisis), but that they’re now being used by our “left” press to give the misimpression that they’re really on the left — working for peace, freedom, civil rights and economic fairness, always in the interests of the people over all — instead of blinding us to this unprecedented global drive to make those things impossible, and snuff the people out.

Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and the author of several books, including Boxed In: The Culture of TV; Seeing Through Movies; Mad Scientists: The Secret History of Modern Propaganda; Spectacle: Operation Desert Storm and the Triumph of Illusion; and The Bush Dyslexicon. You can read more of his work through his newsletter, News from the Underground


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Sep 10, 2021 1:23 AM

Please, anyone who actually outs truth is run off the internet and prevented from uploading videos at all except on alternative platforms (and people will be blocked from finding them). There is NO money in truth and it is dangerous. But, it’s both sides. The vast majority of all ‘alternative’ media are pushing the core lies around Covid, fighting over Ivermectin and masks instead of revealing the core deception, no isolation, bogus fraud tests.

No, its take insecticide by Merck with neurotoxic properties versus inject yourself with a proprietary poison…..omg. Its painful.

The truth is coming from millions of people independently sharing truth and changing the dialogue. The consolidation of media needs to end, its great what is happening. This type of dialogue can’t be controlled. Very cool.

Sep 3, 2021 9:14 PM

As history would predict, I haven’t seen many if any liberals speak out against, “the suspension of constitutional rights, governments ruling by decree, official propaganda, public loyalty rituals, the outlawing of political opposition, censorship, social segregation, goon squads…” (From C.J. Hopkins article)

Sep 1, 2021 8:24 AM

The article above, except for a few names thrown in does not define the Left. Secondly and more importantly it makes a false assumption, and that is the ‘Covid’ issue is the most important issue of our time. The Covid scam, as some people call it, is in fact a form of oppression, that is, a phenomenon of the type of society we live in; this society is known as Capitalism. Secondly the world economy was already beginning to move toward a downturn. Ergo, the gross exaggerations of viral deadliness is being used to divert attention from Capitalist failings whilst also adding to the economic difficulties.

That is, the ‘Covid’ issue is a symptom, not the illness, which is essentially the socio-economic of today. Socialism, that is democratic workers control of society is the only known solution, (unless someone can come up with something better, then please tell us).

Terie Lynn
Terie Lynn
Sep 1, 2021 5:58 AM

Ryan Christian, at “The Last American Vagabond” (.com) , reports on viral lies and misinformation non stop.Of course he’s banned from YouTube but you can watch TLAV videos on Rokfin &SuperU.

Aug 31, 2021 10:15 AM

The Left has always betrayed the people. All various guises of Bolshevik. Russia, France, Spain, China and pretty much everywhere else. The Left is the operator of the wage slave management system, always subordinate to the Right and feeding off the scraps thrown at them by their oligarch masters while aspiring to join them. George Orwell wrote about how they betrayed Spain in his little book A Tribute to Catalonia…

Fuck The Left and the Right, they’re all vultures and can never be anything else, because that’s all they know.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 1, 2021 10:40 AM
Reply to  anti-vacsist

Well for starters it was A Homage to Catalonia, not A Tribute to Catalonia. Orwell himself was at that time had become a member of the Independent Labour Party (ILP) 1938 which along with the SAP in Germany – Socialist Workers Party – as well as the Spanish POUM (Workers Party of Marxist Unity) were members of what was called the The and a Half International. A Marxist-Trotskyist organized political grouping which abjured both Social-Democracy, the Second International and the Stalinist Comintern the Third International. Orwell joined the military wing of POUM during the Spanish Civil War and saw Action on the Aragon front where he was wounded through a bullet in the neck courtesy of some unknown fascist sniper.

I notice from some of the comments – see above – that some of the contributors are part of the Simon-pure variety of ultra-left anarcho-syndicalists (or whatever) who seem to regard anyone to the right of them as a sell-out, and bourgeois-appeasing, an enemy-within? But alas for them politics is the art of the possible, not the art of lunacy. According to their logic everyone is a class traitor who has sold out to the capitalist class from whom they take their stipends. What can we call this idiocy? An over-ripe windbaggery from the ‘revolution now’ faction.

Given all the Dave and Deidre Spart hot air, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they turned out to be working for the other side. In Jack London’s futuristic novel The Iron Heel agents provocateurs worked on both sides of the fence.

Aug 31, 2021 9:11 AM

Very interesting to see cryptic anti-vax sentiment in what is the first time in a few years since I last checked in on this website. I wonder, in your rants against “Big Pharma”, did you stop to think who makes those unproven, untested, bogus alternatives to the Covid vaccines? Because ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are not produced by some working class underdogs operating outside the pharamaceutical industry, not that they’d be fit for purpose even if they were. And if you object to the idea that this is the implication of your comments on vaccination, then your objections are entirely mystified and it is impossible to make sense of them.

I’m also curious as to how you, by implication, do not believe the discussion of the role of militarism in driving man-made climate change is a subject worth taking seriously when you say. Why is that the case? Are the left only allowed to discuss pressing issues in any way other than how you desire them to be discussed? Because that’s what it sounds like.

Sep 2, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  Alex

You are extremely misinformed. Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine are both off patent drugs available at well less than 1/10 of a % of alternatives like remdisivir or the jabs. Their efficacy has been proven in almost 100 scientific papers & their safety record stands on their decades of use in Africa. Their suppression is key to the war being waged on us.
mark is spot on & you need to get far informed. Please stop spreading misinfo at such a critical time.

Sep 2, 2021 7:32 AM
Reply to  Daisy

Their efficacy is well-kown, in treating things other than the coronavirus. The claim that they are are Covid cures is the real misinformation.

Sep 10, 2021 1:29 AM
Reply to  Daisy

Ivermectin is an insecticide which induced neurological complications in Africa when it was given for River Blindness and known for causing ocular issues. It is a flat out lie that this is just some safe drug like taking candy.

The current research for use of Ivermectin therapy for Covid-19 treatment focuses on ‘delivery’ of Ivermectin through nanoparticle technology specifically designed to cross the blood barrier, a contraindication for the drug as the neurotoxicity can poison the brain.

The misinfo you speak is pushing alternative therapies for a disease never scientifically validated to exist diagnosed with tests which are non specific to the virus and set at CT levels which pick up nothing but dead material by the default of the setting. Its just another fake opposition narrative to keep people under the central controlling lie and aligning under the same controlled opposition set ups as always.

Documentation here:


Carrie Lavender
Carrie Lavender
Aug 31, 2021 8:31 AM

Joe Lauria blocked a whole bunch of us on one of his posts—including ppl who simply liked comments that he didn’t like—talk about petty. If I recall correctly, the topic was covid vaccines, which he was defending. Since I got blocked, I cannot look it up, but he was way bowing to anti-science, and way against the spirit of free press. Pretty disturbing. After that, I stopped visiting CN altogether.

Aug 30, 2021 9:40 PM

I was delighted to see this writer exercising his right of freedom of speech and using holocaust to mean something other than the persecution of the Jews by Nazi Germany. Isn’t it incredible to think that Jackie Walker got slung out of the Labour party for doing that? Isn’t it incredible that Ken Loach is being smeared as a Holocaust denier? Is it also not strange that Holocaust denial is considered to be anti semitic? ( as if all Jews are born knowing that the holocaust happened). I do actually believe that the Jews were persucuted by the Nazis ( along with a lot of other people but they were the main target, or amongst the main targets)…but to actually say that people must accept as an incontrovertible truth the findings of the Nuremberg judges ..is surely bizarre. I thought we were supposed to live in a rational society where if you do not actually see and witness something yourself , all you can do ,is have a belief as to whether or not it happened.I mean I am Irish. I don’t actually know for a fact that the Irish famine happened or who was responsible. Neither do I know for a fact what happened on Bloody Sunday. Does that make me anti- Irish? I don’t think so. Besides was the Nuremberg trial not fundamentally flawed in that representatives of Russia were amongs the judges ( and Stalinist Russia was alleged to have starved an even greater number to death than the numbers who died in the holocaust and the massacre at Katyn was surely a war crime). Whatever you think about Jackie Walker, I do think she made a really good point about how the holocaust should be commemorated. It should be commemorated in the context of race discrimination… Read more »

Aug 30, 2021 5:57 PM

I like Crispin Miller a lot. I don’t even debate this shit anymore, even in my own head. The “classical” left is done for me. I used to love Chomsky and Parenti, etc. But their progeny are stuck in 1980. And unlike the “right wing” or “conservatives” whom they ceaselessly excoriate, the left are not open at all to any dialogue with their opponents. If you go to Gab, yes you’ll find some weirdness and craziness, but most people there are patriots and do NOT cling to some “ideology” as do the Johnstones and Chomskys. The site leans to the conservative but the main focus is free speech–and Freedom in general.

JC Perez
JC Perez
Aug 31, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  Mick

I concur about Gab – and all your points, really. I was friendly with Caity Johnstone from 2016-2019 – but started critiquing much of what she was missing in 2020 and 2021 – about China, about the deliberate unleashing of the bioweapon – but she is really, really in a bubble – can’t see beyond Julian Assange and Venezuela – and at this point – she’s WILLFULLY not seeing.

Luis A. Melendez Albizu
Luis A. Melendez Albizu
Aug 30, 2021 4:05 AM

This criticism of Caitlin Johnston is completely unwarranted. Her essays critical of imperialism and crony capitalism are exceptional. Not everyone has to talk about COVID-19 topics. Her work on anti-imperialism and the effects of crony capitalism on humanity are and remains extremely important.

Aug 30, 2021 8:26 PM

I’m sure Caitlin cherishes her dwindling number of fans.

Aug 31, 2021 5:31 AM

My problem – expressed to CJ while she had an in-site commenting system – was that she wasn’t targeting the right villains; she kept hammering at the Washington-resident theater company that stages the demockracy show instead of the monsters in the shadows that really own and run the empyre.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 31, 2021 9:07 AM
Reply to  Alex

Does she not allow comments any more?

Aug 31, 2021 10:36 AM

That’s right, too many anti Semitic trolls she claims.

Aug 31, 2021 11:00 AM

Sure, her own home country is under martial law, why should she talk about that?

Aug 30, 2021 2:24 AM

I think that messages from the likes of Chomsky & Johnston need not be completely discarded.
“adopt what is of value to you & discard the rest”

One of her most helpful articles, especially for those just waking up
Ofc this is before 2019

I also enjoy the one about billionaires, which is short enough for me to paraphrase:

no-one ever becomes a billionaire through their own effort.

One must be permitted , appointed (eg via monopolies), since this level of influence allows one to buy & collect entire governments.

The price is one’s soul.
So every billionaire is by definition a psychopath

Anyhow, Caitlin’s shtick seems to be climate change & bad USA & some touchy-feely stuff. Her articles on manipulation and power are still relevant.

Other bloggers (lookin at you, MoA / Saker) make a living peddling WW3porn.
Not gonna happen, was never gonna happen.
The safeguards have been in place all this time, all the posturing is for home consumption.

For example, all the hype about hypersonics.
It’s “safe” for Russia & China to have them, since they have 2nd strike policies. But not the USA. That’s why they constantly “fail” to develop them.
DPRK can attract Ukie rocket scientists but Uncle Sam can’t? gimme a break.
Imagine if they succeeded, then any launch from say Poland or Turkey or SK means that someone at, say, colonel rank in Russia / China has only a couple hundred seconds to decide whether this is The Big One.
Post that on MoA and it will never get past the first censor.

Aug 29, 2021 9:28 PM

It’s called controlled opposition.. simple as

Aug 29, 2021 4:42 PM

I so agree with everything Mark Crispin Miller said above.
There were loads of so called left journalists/pundits that I followed and admired before the new scamdemic war, that have not directly question the Covid psyop. Many were mentioned above. There are many other notables to add to list like: Aaron Maté, Abby Martin, Matt Taibi, Chris Hedges, Jimmy Dore. I could go on, but won’t.
However, Caitlin was one of the biggest disappointments for me. I naively thought she was some sort of “gold standard” in left media. I even made monthly payments in support to her for a couple of years.
But found it strange that when the events of early 2020 rolled out, and just got worse as time went on, Catlin was silent on the subject
So I decided to confront her on FaceBook by making a comment of one of her posts asking why she does not talk about the Covid scamdemic. She replied with a totally toxic rant, insulting me, then saying that she could not be bothered with the “mask debate” and had better things to do with her time. I never once mentioned masks in my original post. She just kept pounding away at me when I made additional replies. At that moment, I realized that I was having an exchange with a mad woman.

So I blocked her and deleted the conversation in disgust.

To be honest, I was wondering if she is not some sort of controlled opposition. If someone told me today that she was a CIA troll, I would believe it. The others listed make me wonder too…

Its all so strange how the left has gone bonkers in since 2020. No logic at all.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 30, 2021 7:12 AM
Reply to  JAMES

The same thing happened to me as well when I called her out about her deafening silence last year on her Facebook page. She said I was a “self entitled arse” and to “get writing lazyboy” and accused me of dishonesty after I also called CJ out on her referring to an anti lockdown activist as a “rightist wingnut”. She blocked me and quite a few others. I note Aaron Mate has literally come out as the cheer squad for the jabs as well. So many sell outs, and yes, controlled opposition everywhere.
Bijan Tayari (@BijTayari) Tweeted:
Western Supremacist ideology is born out of arrogant ignorance. The same arrogance @aaronjmate shows when he see’s the imperialist #Syria propaganda, yet is blind to same actors manufacturing the #COVID19 propaganda. This kind of self-righteous elitist mentality feeds imperialism https://t.co/SbjW9eiRmk https://twitter.com/BijTayari/status/1430510606365466625?s=20

Aug 30, 2021 9:11 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yeah, my calling out of Caitlin @caitoz, that I spoke of previously, was last year too. Right after her home state of Victoria, with a population of over 6 million, went into their insane lock down after only 7 deaths…and 5 of those were elderly in senior homes. Not that 7 deaths would not be horrible to their families and loved ones. Just that it did not indicate signs of a viral out break. I just could not understand how someone in her position could not even mention it. Instead, at that time, she was just ranting on about US imperialism or something.

She must have been getting lots of flack during that period. Which probably explains why she got so nasty with peeps like us. Actually, she was always nasty. I just thought it was sincere and for a good cause. Ha! Ha!

As for @aaronjmate…and his pro-vax stance. I have to wonder if he didn’t have a total lobotomy. He has just tuned into a total shill. I can’t listen to him anymore without getting sick

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 30, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  JAMES

As I’ve said below, the very fact she is right here in Melbourne makes it even worse given the immense amount of suffering and despair these measures have caused. We are hearing of teenagers committing suicide because of what is going on here. Not a peep from the “bogan socialist”.
Interesting also how she seems to get on very well with people like Aaron Mate. What a fraud he’s turned out to be. Meantime lockdown carries on in Melbourne, coz “cases”.
I’ve had my rant several times about these flakes, time to move on.

Aug 30, 2021 10:35 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Its just insane whats happening in Oz right now. I live in western France but have many Australian friends…and NONE of them are questioning ANY of this. IT. JUST. BLOWS. MY. MIND. Lets hope that this trucker strike will bring on a wave of change. As many of us know that VIC is the globalist testing ground for, uh, well, the rest of the globe. Keep on fighting!

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 1, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  JAMES

”There are many other notables to add to list like: Aaron Maté, Abby Martin, Matt Taibi, Chris Hedges, Jimmy Dore. I could go on, but won’t.”

”I see, not left-wing or radical enough for you”! Followed by

”To be honest, I was wondering if she is not some sort of controlled opposition. If someone told me today that she was a CIA troll, I would believe it.”

Yeah and to be honest you sound like an MI6 Troll! And who exactly do you trust – anybody?

Sep 1, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Oh grow up. You’re the one sounding like a M!6/CIA troll to me. I see that your’ve been attaching others below too. Get lost!

Jan 10, 2022 7:29 AM
Reply to  JAMES

Jimmy Dore has come around in a pretty big way. Matt Taibbi has had some good stuff too. And Max Blumenthal.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Aug 29, 2021 4:37 PM

Sad (but not disheartened, not at all my beautiful humans) to say that Michael Moore also is sold to the narrative. Onwards.

Aug 30, 2021 9:18 AM

Michael Moore sold out sometime around the 2016 presidential campaign when he refused to endorse Bernie. Instead he just went along with the establishment DEM line and gave his support to Killery.

Aug 30, 2021 4:14 PM
Reply to  JAMES

Kind of a pity. He said many truths about the USA. But he is ultimately a shill of the Democrats.

Aug 30, 2021 8:24 PM
Reply to  JAMES

FWIW, long before 2016 Moore disclosed that he has a personal infatuation with Hillary.

In his 1996 book, Downsize This, he wrote about his “forbidden love for Hillary Clinton”, affecting a lighthearted or facetious tone writers use when they don’t want to come off as too obviously creepy. Moore also called Clinton “one hot sh**kickin’ feminist babe.”

Mr Y
Mr Y
Aug 30, 2021 10:47 AM

The fat f… is just afraid of death. Loose some a lot of weight Michael and you’ll be fine.

Aug 29, 2021 3:41 PM

But if we really want to believe this covid conspiracy, then we have to believe that the CCP, Putin, Iran Ayatollahs, are all conspiring against thier own interest and that of their people to follow the script of this ‘world government’. Alas we are now told that also 90% of the left commenters, once respected are also part of the conspiracy. This is getting very confusing. Is it just possible that there might be a tiny smidgen of truth about SARS-cov2?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 29, 2021 5:32 PM
Reply to  Orage

Why would it be against the interests of the Chinese, Russian, Iranian elites to be party to the Great Reset? They have as much to gain as any other elite.

And no one says the Left commentators are part of a ‘conspiracy’. They are just being paid to go along with a narrative or duped into doing so, the way people are every day.

It’s so laughable how you guys need to pretend you just don’t know anything about power dynamics and human nature in order to express incredulity about totally non-incredible things

Aug 29, 2021 6:40 PM

This is the crux of the matter. The once respected leftists commenters are now ‘duped’ and or ‘being paid’. And the CCP and Russia are also playing the same game despite the fact that the Chinese implemented a different set of rules and more successfully than the West. But hey who cares about the truth anymore?

Sophie it is not laughable that ‘we guys’ being patronized with such words pretend what you assume we know about power structures, but that your website becomes the go to place for some of the most bizarre comments anywhere about the pandemic. Sad rather than laughable.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 29, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  Orage

They were always being paid and always capable of being duped. It just wasn’t obvious. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it, remember. Covid has made clear who is on a leash and who is genuinely independent.

By describing us as ‘bizarre’ you only betray your own desperate cog diss. We skeptics are not bizarre. We have not changed. We still hold to the same views about social justice, healthcare and epidemiology we did two years ago. You now see this normality as ‘bizarre’ because in March 2020 you began holding a new set of insane, extreme, irrational beliefs about these things which even you can’t defend without contortions of logic.

Aug 30, 2021 1:41 AM
Reply to  Orage

The key is to stop thinking East-v-West.
L v R.
Muslims v Christians v Jews.

It’s been Top-v-Down all the time.

Oceania is indistinguishable from Eurasia & Eastasia, in their power structures.

Sure there are little incompatible differences at ground level, such as rainbow rights, role of religion, filial piety, and so on..

But their Elites, and their ventriloquists, are all the same.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 1, 2021 11:11 AM

Please tell who in your judgement would be acceptable as an opponent of the PTB. You seem to have a very demanding criteria for your own version of political correctness, and, be it noted that ”’ No one says the Left commentators are part of a ‘conspiracy’. But that this is exactly what you and many of your commentary do say, or at least infer.

It is also laughable how you guys seem oblvious to the dirty tricks that the CIA and MI6 infiltrators have up their sleeves, posing as they do as leftist-ultras and hitching a ride on the back of the more naive members. As has always been the case the secret police are tuned in to the silly romanticism of the leftist ultras and have been very good of turning that to good account.

Aug 29, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  Orage

I would be ready to accept that there was some truth in the story. But can you explain the absurdity of what is has become? Assuming there was a deadly disease, what are these novel vaccines that don’t stop you getting or transmitting it, need to be taken at short intervals and yet are on their way to being forced on everyone? What truth are they a sign of?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  Orage

Is it just possible that there might be a tiny smidgen of truth about SARS-cov2?


Aug 31, 2021 11:05 AM
Reply to  Orage


Aug 29, 2021 3:39 PM

After reading (yet another) comment about how “unequal access to vaccines” is the main problem we’re facing, it is at all possible that having realised they’re siding with the wrong people, these people are clinging to the only ‘virtuous’ argument left?

I’m probably wrong, since the first time I came across this appalling position was back in March (https://mondediplo.com/2021/03/13vaccines), before the coercive nature of the rollout became apparent.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  October

I reckon that these cardboard “dissent” positions are well crafted in advance. The rulers have the scam figured out, know that there will be resistance and therefore know they have to direct that resistance into harmless channels. In order to minimise the risk of people seeing through the covid con, they supply the “outrage over unequal access” thing.

Aug 29, 2021 4:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I would still like to believe some of them are sincere (this excludes the more arrogant types like CJ).

In some areas, the ordinary people on the left (in the European sense) can be sold anything if it is packaged properly, and healthcare is one of those.

More prosaically, maybe they’re just hypochondriacs 🙂

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 6:49 PM
Reply to  October

I’m sure many of them are sincere. So what? Dupes are dupes.

Aug 29, 2021 7:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You’re right.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Aug 29, 2021 12:37 PM

Whilst the spam check goes through, watch this as a decent contextual explanation of our current situation:

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Aug 29, 2021 11:54 AM

Reading this by Miller (whom I admire greatly) and many of the comments below, I am struck by those who see the fraudulence of the contemporary ‘Left’, but who have no substantive reasoning to explain how things have degraded into such a state of affairs. There is no attempt at a broader or deeper analysis which can make sense of the fact that those nowadays most supportive of tyrannical rule by corporate oligarchy are also those identifying with the ‘Left’. (Covid is but the largest example in this degredation). It is like watching people caught in a spiraling vortex. Any consideration of politics outside of class or economics is off the table, as that would also be ‘not the true Left’, leaving the awakened ones of the former Left floundering without any acceptable reference points. To me, the contemporary Left’s endorsement of Covid (or for that matter identity politics) fits perfectly their core mentality, and is a wholly understandable continuity. When considered deeply, the world today is a fitting and entirely predictable end point to the Liberal project, of which Socialism and Neoliberal capitalism are but two aspects. To label our vile media as ‘fascist’ is just absurd. Covid is Liberalism going all in, it is its end run. Loathe it as much as we might, and for all its controversies, Fascism stood opposed to Liberal ideals. People here want their cake and to eat it. The world is increasingly clear in offering a choice of two options : a Liberal establishment led, technocratic, cosmopolitan, atomised, globalised system founded upon scientism, materialism and a mechanistic view of life; or, an organic view of society and human beings, community, nationhood and culture, a degree of return to agrarianism, localism and community, all driven by a revival or re-discovery of nature based… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

I would say that it is not a case of asking “How have things degraded into such a state of affairs?” but of the events of the last 17 months pointing up the true nature of the world we have been living in all along. I have already noted certain memes that were circulating round the Left – and which I had no idea about until the covid attack struck: most prominently this expectation of a deadly world annihilating virus supposedly caused by the reckless irresponsibility of capitalism. So there was the prophecy – and so it came to pass. The virus fit the premonition. And that curious happenstance was taken for granted. No further explication necessary – so it seemed. Indeed one Leftist I was in touch with even went so far as to say that even if covid isn’t the “Big Event That Will End It All”, such an event is on the cards. Which is handy. After covid, schmovid and blovid etc. Then there was the demonization of all who doubted by calling them Right Wingers, Fascists etc. And these two lines of rhetoric snapped into place so neatly that I suspected that this wasn’t a matter of some kind of “natural development of the liberal/socialist mentality” but very much a planned piece of mind management. The opposition between “a Liberal establishment led, technocratic, cosmopolitan, atomised, globalised system founded upon scientism, materialism and a mechanistic view of life; or, an organic view of society and human beings, community, nationhood and culture, a degree of return to agrarianism, localism and community” etc. seems to me to be, to say the least, reductive. To use some perfectly valid Marxist terminology, this is pure idealism i.e. suggests we can simply return to an older (and romanticised) way of life just by willing… Read more »

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Aug 29, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

On the ‘pure idealism’ point, I agree that the latter of the two paths cannot be ‘willed into existence’ as some kind of general antidote to our current woes. However, in the manner of all things organic in nature, it is precisely these sentiments which are growing, are in the ascendant – and these before Covid came along.
The massive renewal in growing food, the interest in local food in general (NB now farmers markets are being designated ‘far right’ by Leftist zealots), the interest in environmentalism beyond the technocratic showreel version, the swing in political thought away from Liberal consensus and toward ‘populism’, the interest in personal ancestry, the exhaustion of globalised and homogenised cultural production, attempts at reviving local artisan traditions, etc. these things have been growing consistently for well over a decade.
I think that the techno machine is doomed due to its own contradictions, no matter how important it is to resist its destruction today. It is not a matter of deranged Marxian ideas of ‘workers’ revolution’, just time ticking its course. It is arguably ‘revolution’ which is idealist and contrary to human nature, just as the Great Reset is.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 7:06 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Re: “human nature”, well I’ll grant that there is indeed an “inherent conservatism” if you must but that’s because everyone has to survive in the society into which they are born and which they accept as “natural”. And some kind of stability is vital. However, everything changes all the time. Especially under capitalism which is a constant revolution demanding constantly updated technology. (And that’s why technology keeps changing.)

And right now this system we are working under is heading towards crisis and the covid con is a strategy whereby the entire framework of our society is undergoing a transformation applied from above.

The upshot is that, although nobody wants to initiate a revolution, they may be driven to when they realise that standing still is not an option.

Aug 29, 2021 2:02 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Where is Your reasoning for the utter failure of the “left” – or is there still such a ‘thing’? Mine is simple: US = Oligarchy since before its inception. Fascism is inherent in Pale Face country. It is so ingrained after the genocide on the indigenous population, that patriotism was given more room than reason. Leading to the McCarthy era. Where the left was too impotent to drag that fascist asshole McCarthy out of his House of American Fascism and beat him to death and hang him out on a lamp post until nature took the flesh away. The fact that the fascist faction of the ‘democratic party’ ousted their only real left voice that had already won the nomination – Vice President Henry A. Wallace – Because Henry A. Wallace would have ripped McCarthy a few more assholes to match his mental degeneration. Wallace wrote a scathing Op-Ed about the American Fascists and how to prevent them from taking over the United States and with it the entire Western world. It has become extremely disturbing that people don’t know about this track laid to our present insanity. Forgiven if they are too young – not forgiven if any superfluous entertainment shit is more important, than to investigate why one has to endure all this by miscreants created nightmare. Unless it isn’t a nightmare to ‘you’, but a blessing when 7+ Billion humans are scheduled for extermination. And yes, most of whatever calling itself nowadays “left”, or “progressive” is a fucking disgrace for humanity and not interested in “…changing society towards more freedom, liberty and justice for absolute all.” It’s all an epic shit show of humanity’s own doing. Couldn’t be bothered to execute the war criminals in chief since 1945. On a brighter note, relax, there was nothing that… Read more »

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Aug 29, 2021 11:39 AM

That behemoth of the 20th century, Noam, slammed into the 21st century with the force of GodLanguage itself. Good ol’ Noam and the Bible, those two pillars or poles of supreme reference.

Aug 29, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Jeff Carmack

Next step:

“God is with the vaccinated.”

“Jesus got vaccinated.”

“God will punish the Anti-Injectionists.”

“God hates Commies and Anti-Semites.”

No wonder sarcasm is in such high demand now.

anthony murphy
anthony murphy
Aug 29, 2021 10:05 AM

Good read: ‘Decoding Chomsky’ by Chris Knight….

Aug 30, 2021 1:05 PM
Reply to  anthony murphy

Available online?

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Aug 29, 2021 9:44 AM

Fuck Chomsky.
The best criminals WILL understand their opponents to subsume them.
What do we think shapeshifter really means at bottom?
This strategy needs to become general understanding in the zeitgeist.
Unless we live our lives by BEING, the ANALYTIC will always crush.

Aug 29, 2021 9:40 AM

Oh well, it’s my “GUESS” that this pseudo leftie loves the mainstream venue and money that such RT has offered her! (Yeah I know her articles are free to repost!!! I did pick some for my Blog! Go figure) The LEFT has been completely corrupted and on board wholeheartedly with Covid crime against humanity! They have sold out every single human right values and liberty principles…The LEFT is total statist to begin with anyway! I have no surprise at all!
BTW, I am Melbournian! Been there done that and still doing it right now alongside the “right wing anti-vax conspiracists bla bla bla” …very proud of it!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 29, 2021 5:23 AM

Yep, the left are completely deluded. I don’t know if I read it on a comment on this article or elsewhere but the left are concerned about equality of distribution of the god-knows-whats-in-it-killing-and-maiming-people-as-we-speak vaccine. Yep, that’s what they’re concerned about. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (Aust equiv of FDA) has now blocked reports on adverse events from the vaccine. A friend downloaded a report a couple of weeks ago so if anyone wants a copy here it is: https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/8/7/2487397/tga-vaccineadverseevents-upto-07-08-21.pdf For Australians I believe this is the most dynamite information to be presented. It accepts the virus illness as real (sort of) but even accepting it as real the statistics taken from the government’s own websites make a complete mockery of a killer virus out there on the loose. It’s brilliant! https://www.bitchute.com/video/WChWxp2TiVLd Caitlin Johnstone revealed herself to be a phony quite awhile before COVID. In a private exchange she told me in quite nasty tones that she was going to get me off her web page although my comments are only ever perfectly evidence-backed and civil. Soon after she blocked me from commenting without providing a reason. It seems her only reason was her objection to the fact that I promote the evidence-backed hypothesis that 9/11 was not a terrorist attack but nor was it an “inside job” per se but rather a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Attack pushed out as a real event where the only major reality was the destruction of buildings, some on the day and some later. Anyone who censors others without a good reason has zero credibility in my book. Today when I went to put the garbage out I started chatting to a guy who didn’t live in my apartment block but was perusing the always-massive pile of castouts. He was wearing a mask pushed below his mouth… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 31, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

9/11 was not a terrorist attack but nor was it an “inside job” per se but rather a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Attack pushed out as a real event where the only major reality was the destruction of buildings, some on the day and some later

what the hell is a “full scale anti-terrorist attack”? This is new, you never said that before.

I hate to say this but it’s starting to look as if your intention is to slowly take the argument full circle so you end up actually promoting the official story minus some unimportant differences.

You began saying it was an inside job. Then you questioned how many died. Then you decided no one died (though you backtrack on that sometimes). Then you decided the PTB actively didn’t want to kill their own citizens. And now you are saying this ‘exercise’ was actually about preventing terrorism?

Meanwhile you also routinely denounce as fake any person who has actually produced hard evidence the official 9/11 story is a lie.

Always gave you the benefit of the doubt until now. But I think you just went too far. 😒

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 31, 2021 11:47 AM

I’m afraid you haven’t been paying proper attention, Sophie, because since the moment I realised that death and injury were staged I’ve called it a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise. Of course, just like this pandemic is a live “pandemic” exercise and what I called it from Day One before Pompeo said it himself. https://youtu.be/3Qscuw_3aUk Sophie, I don’t think the exercise was about preventing terrorism, of course not. I don’t think it and nor do the perps think it, of course, but it was the PRETEXT, geddit? We’re doing an anti-terrorist exercise where we don’t manage to foil the terrorists one little bit but nevertheless it’s an exercise. The Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprised many smaller exercises and drills, a number of which they told us about but a crucial few they didn’t such as those producing the images of the injured. Remember the NORAD anti-hijacking exercise – well it was a smaller exercise forming part of the massive Full-Scale Exercise – no doubt they didn’t call it a Full-Scale Exercise, they probably called it something else but that’s the general term for very large exercises. Many psyops are often essentially drills pushed out as real, Sophie, eg, Sandy Hook, Manchester Bombing, Westminster and London Bridge, so very many. What rock have you been hiding under? I first heard the term Full-Scale Exercise I believe from Kevin Barrett I think but it’s just a fancy term for a big drill. Will you please stop accusing me of backtracking on people dying. I believe it’s perfectly possible that no one died but, of course, I cannot say that no one died, Sophie, you can understand that, can’t you. They say 3,000 people died, I cannot say no one did. It was a very big operation and someone may have died accidentally or a couple… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2021 4:45 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Jim Hogue, who has often been a guest speaker at the 9/11 Truth Conference yearly in NYC, invited me on his show at WGDR.org (“The House at Pooh Corner”) quite out of the blue in 2004, and then hosted my tell-all about a year later on 7/7 in the London Tube bombings, a long hour+ interview in which, among many factoids, I laid out documented evidence that many of the surrounding Tube stations were closed for “repairs” or emergencies, and so forth, theearly morning hours before the bombings. I found as well something that I haven’t seen ever posted elsewhere that an A. Riley (first name escapes me at the moment, “Arthur”?) was a top CIA officer who was head of the NYC Port Authority Security during 9/11 months, then later transferred to GB and became head of London Transport, or whatever it’s called, a brief seasonal stint during the crisis. For what it’s worth, I spent a lot of hours of “due diligence” on both of these fraud-fraught events, and churned out many many pages of commentary, articles, radio interviews, and I would have to agree that, whatever else 9/11 and 7/7 were, they were at least anti-terrorist “double-track drills” or training exercises that, summing up from years of many others digging up evidence, would seem to have “suddenly” (on cue) gone rogue and live. There has been a lot of testimony, all around, before U.S. Congress and elsewhere, that many of the deaths cannot really be substantiated, including but not limited to several of the terrorists, who appeared off our shores in later times protesting that they were alive. I can’t claim expertise, at this date, on these subjects, 15 + year old notes abound in the recesses of my files, but it seems at least that several… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 2, 2021 6:03 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Yes, where applicable, they’re always exercises, John, which, strangely enough, doesn’t always mean no one dies. There’s no evidence for a single person dying or being injured on 9/11, however, this alleged pandemic is also an exercise as Pompeo told us in March 2020 and I knew from Day One https://youtu.be/3Qscuw_3aUk but people are certainly dying in various ways: aggressive drug trials, changes to hospital scheduling, increased suicide, vaccines, etc. It boggles my mind how they’re just outright killing people with no qualms whatsoever and people are not catching on – talking about vaccines being a matter of choice or not, OMG!

This is a really great 7-minute video I just came across from Conspiracy Theorista. She makes some very interesting connections using the Newsweek edition of April 3, 1967 (cover Rockefeller) – 9/11 was all planned from at least then but we know from Christopher Wren presenting plans for the rebuilding of London on September 11, 1666, that September 11 is always going to be coming up again – of course there was the Allende assassination on 9/11/73 too.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 2, 2021 7:30 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

If you “don’t think the exercise is about preventing terrorism” then don’t call it an “anti-terrorist exercise“. It’s really not that complicated. I don’t know why you have such a problem with it.

Z Monkey
Z Monkey
Aug 29, 2021 3:59 AM

Add Ali Abunimah and Aaron Mate to that list.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 29, 2021 1:04 AM

O Holy God: I just found out at my gym an hour ago that Sirhan Sirhan was granted parole yesterday! At the 16th parole hearing, after 53 years in stir (including having his throat slashed, non-fatally, two years ago, almost to the day). You could have knocked me over with a feather. It may seem off-topic to many, but nothing could be more on-topic, across the board. You name it, pick a subject, any subject, it’s relevant. The total Sirhan saga gives a bird’s-eye view into what ails us globally, like nothing else. The entire Matrix is revealed in all its sordid shame, with a review of Sirhan’s journey. Both Bobby Kennedy, fils, and Douglas Kennedy, close family, have been campaigning for Sirhan’s release, despite a near-blackout at CIA’s Google and all affiliates, world-wide (web). Even 6 of the 9 siblings of RFK Jr. were “shocked” (or so MSM reports!) that he was granted parole, which shows that even those closest to this are still often in the dark about the preponderance of facts that shout Sirhan’s innocence, his decades as a political prisoner, as a convenient distraction, a diversion, a “smoke bomb” if you will, designed to divert everyone present from the real killer, who stood behind RFK Sr. and fired at point blank range behind his right ear. Coroner Noguchi’s book “Coroner” (in the UK, aka “Coroner to the Stars”) corroborates that much of the forensics. I surely have a dog in this (half-century) hunt, since, as I have posted here quite a few times since 2018, and elsewhere, my father, John W.. Ervin, and founder of the first corporate law firm in Beverly Hills (ecjlaw.com) was attorney to the man who, besides being one of the world’s most prominent hypnotists, was seeing Sirhan at the PRS storied,… Read more »

Aug 29, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

It’s pathetic that so many of our fellow citizens believe the official nonsense about so many of the major issues of our times: the killings of RFK, JFK, 9-11, WMD and now Covid and the latest Afghanistan “terror” story. Etc.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 29, 2021 2:29 AM
Reply to  Blessthebeasts

Yep. Incredible, really. Too many just don’t want to know.

But as the title of Schotz masterpiece tells us “History Will Not Absolve Us”.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 29, 2021 1:55 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

As Gore Vidal was wont to say, “more laughing gas from the New York Times”, here is the heavily handled, managed, controlled reportage on the Sirhan parole hearing yesterday, which would result in his release, if Gavin Newsom does not overturn it, by no means a given. Newsom has said that Bobby Kennedy, pere, was his hero (as he is mine) and he has denied several paroles before. Also, many of RFK Jr. and his brother Douglas’ siblings, 6 of 9, spoke very emotionally about intending to do all they can to block the parole. That seems very un-Kennedy-esque. As much a champion of social justice as was Bobby, Sr., I am convinced that he would be in agreement with Sirhan’s release, as he above perhaps all others, knew many of the buried secrets about our national pastime of assassinating progressive heros. Hell, Paul Schrade, labor leader, was shot in the head next to Bobby, but survived, and he said at the 2016 parole hearing, just as he did at yesterday’s, that he should have come forward sooner to defend Sirhan and to underscore by his witness that he believes Sirhan was innocent. His words. People, including a quorum of RFK’s 9 children, don’t realize how manipulated Sirhan was by Mengele-developed, Nazified, death-camp bastardized, mind-control techniques. That is what MKULTRA has been all about, and it didn’t go anywhere. If anything, it’s been progressively enhanced by technology. But Sirhan was something of an old-school patsy, a poster-boy at 24 for mind control. A visit to “The Real Manchurian Candidate” should convince any of that. The only reason many of the Kennedy’s don’t grasp that, I’m sure, is they have been life-long traumatized and terrorized by the murder on live TV of their father. I have long held that that is… Read more »

Aug 29, 2021 8:25 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

A thousand thanks, John. Your testimony is priceless. Did you know that the highly esteemed John Pilger witnessed RFKs assassination? He was interviewed by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now on the 40th Anniversary. He heard about 13 gun shots! Amy quickly changed the topic onto what Pilger thought about RFK. Pilger, to his credit, did testify to the police at the time, but was ignored. I don’t know if Pilger ever followed up on what should have been the biggest story of his career, but probably feared for his own life ever since.

Aug 29, 2021 12:52 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to share.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 29, 2021 1:59 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Even were Sirhan guilty (and he clearly isn’t), the US “justice” system is incredibly cruel and vindictive.

He’s 77 and has been jail since he was 24. No love, no sex, no vocation, no work, no house, no wife, no kids, no grandkids, no friends, no freedom, no travel, no voice, no life. They’ve subjected him to 53 years of living death and now they send him out into a vacuum..

Is his MK-Ultra programming still functional? If so, I can see him being used to solve The Biden Problem. (I wish I were joking.)

Aug 30, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Leonard Peltier was mentioned in a Pravda article I read in 1984, an attack on the US justice system, and he is still in jail now.

Aug 29, 2021 2:30 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

I did not know this John. I will check out the JFK Education Forum. I bet they’ve got a thread about it. I’m very surprised, myself. But think it’s a good thing. I think he was a patsy.

Aug 28, 2021 11:22 PM

She doesn’t allow comments on her website anymore. I guess the truth about her hypocrisy was too much to bear. Her articles were just a repetition of what we already knew about imperialism. The comments (outside of the small group that worships her) were the only thing worth reading. There’s not even a way to unsubscribe!

Aug 28, 2021 8:09 PM

One relatively well-known left-wing voice that has recently come out of the anti-New Normal closet is Max Blumenthal. He published this well-written article by Marcie Smith Parenti on the Grayzone about censorship of experimental injection side effects: https://thegrayzone.com/2021/08/13/cdc-fda-women-covid-19-vaccines-menstrual-disruption/

I’ve seen him talking about Event 201, totalitarianism in australia and the vax passport as the foundation of a global social credit system in recent interviews as well.

Aug 29, 2021 2:36 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

Good to see, thank for posting.

Aug 28, 2021 2:14 PM

Johnstone is your typical Aussie, feminist, man-hater. Who gives a shit what she thinks? Like all of the left, she uses hate to show how much she “cares”, like the woke “care” for trannies and the rest of the zoo.

Aug 28, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Get out of the wrong side of your cage this morning Asp?

Aug 29, 2021 12:12 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Well here is another take on your precious authoritarian left. Show me one left wing website that has stood up for peoples’ rights during the lockdowns. The left are the poison that we need to eradicate from society and hopefully the Covid scam will be just the start of that project … https://whistleblowerphilosopher.blogspot.com/2021/08/the-unions-and-u-turns.html?m=1

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 28, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Left baiting is as irrelevant as the Left itself.

Aug 29, 2021 12:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Baiting? You have Klaus Schwab talking “Great Reset” where WEF takes everything away from everybody and we all become slaves and guess who is supporting that plan, the left wing fucking supports this plan. They too want exactly the same thing, so we have the socialists and the billionaires fighting for the world to turn into China. It is not baiting, it should be extermination.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

You were blathering about “feminist, man-hater” etc. the usual trope against “the Left” – in this case the identity politics Left i.e. the pseudo-Left.

As for Schwab etc. – yes there is a move towards a new totalitarianism and the “Left” (this time the spook infested wing of the capitalist state) are all on board.

Aug 29, 2021 11:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

How is feminism the “usual trope” against the left. The “usual trope” against the left is that they are all NIMBYs, all too willing to cause a fuss about something happening in Africa, but not willing to have poor black people living in their residential area. They are seen as hypocrites by the rest of us, not as feminists.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

The “usual trope” against the Left aims at the identity politics crap i.e. it takes a straw man image of the Left which has been deliberately created by the media as one of their phony demographics.

The essential point is that the world we are living in has always been capitalist and what was branded “Leftist” were simply concessions made to shore up that capitalist system whilst creating the aforementioned bogey man as another example of divide-and rule.

It really is the dreariest shit to blast off about the “fight against covid” as some kind of communist takeover when it is the powers that be themselves who are pushing this covid crap.

Aug 29, 2021 11:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The logical conclusion from what you say is that all socialists are fools who have been conned by the capitalist system. I don’t buy that, people have their own beliefs, regardless of whom or what is in power. Maybe you are saying that the socialists of the past – let’s call them the fools – have somehow magically disappeared. Maybe the rest of us dreamed up these fools, fools like Johnstone.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 30, 2021 3:07 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

The logical conclusion from what I say is that most socialists have apparently been conned by the covid crap.

As for capitalism, the socialists, taking their cue from Marx, had it well sussed.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 29, 2021 2:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hoe can you even bait the Left if you can’t even find it? It’s been curiously Left out.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 29, 2021 2:41 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

A Gore Vidal was also wont to say, “There’s never been a left in America.”

So the show’s host and his friend Susan Sarandon asked him, “What is there, then?”

“Up and Down?”

In my 70 years, almost always the directional arrow has been frozen stuck on the latter.


George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 7:56 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Vidal described America as a bird with two right wings!

Aug 29, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Vidal was born into wealth and political influence gained from the capitalist system then, like all spoilt brats, complained about it while enjoying the spoils of his heritage. The left are hypocrites, all of them are hypocrites and you will not persuade a conservative of anything by quoting Democrat little emperors.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 3:57 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

To change a system you have to start by talking about it from within – since there is no outside. If these dissidents were as “pure” as you want them to be, there could never be any change.

Aug 30, 2021 1:18 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I don’t think there has been a genuine left in the USA since the post WW2 Red Scare. Prior to that, it existed, although more prominent among recent immigrants from Europe or their children, or among Blacks.

Aug 28, 2021 1:28 PM

Only applicable to thoses’s who our heavily under the mind control called poliytricks.

Aug 28, 2021 12:37 PM

Rule and Divide.
It’s been a successful tactic of the Hubristic class since the year dot.

Let’s not be sucked in Folks.

Good writers/Truthtellers like Caitlin Johnstone, Chris Hedges, John Pilger et al should not be pilloried and mocked because they are running with the hounds.

Covid is not the only deadly GAME in town.

WW 3 is imminent.
Weather records are being broken every week.
The oceans are a cesspool of plastic, heavy metals, PCBs and radiation.
Corporate corruption has become a fashion statement.
Greed is a fashion statement among the middle class.
Alternative energy sources will never meet the demands of the middle class.

If we focus on one thing we fall into the chasm of Rule and Divide.
When enough sleepers wake the fur will fly.

Aug 28, 2021 9:35 PM
Reply to  Johnny

One small objection. Every single one of those ‘other dangers’ you mention are FAKE.

WW3 is not fucking imminent. It was back in 2014-16, but it must be obvious by now to all but the terminally dumb that, some time around Trump’s selection over Hillary, a major change in geopolitics happened. Enough of the elites realized that WW3 would actually kill them as well as us and some other method of resetting the economy was needed. Which is why direct superpower conflict was secretly taken off the table, Russia and China came on side and the Great Reset was planned.

Today WW3 is a relic idea of a bygone age rolled out to give paid hacks like Caitlin something to pretend to care about so they can appear to be radical, switched on and relevant. It’s no longer real or relevant because we now have ‘war without war’ aka the New Normal.

Weather records are not being broken every week. Stop getting your ‘science’ from Guardian headlines. Look at some real data. Too hard for you? Then shut up.

Masks are a major source of plastic pollution right now. But whoopsie, who knew, that kind of pollution is suddenly ok with the fake Greenie incense and harem pants crowd. Because actually they just don’t give a rat’s ass.

Corporate corruption? Wow, rad. And exactly how is allowing a corporate sponsored Green New Deal/Great Reset going to challenge that?

Middle class greed? We are still discussing problems you think are more important than the fascist takeover of the world, right?

Alternative Energy… now you’re just taking the piss.

Caitlin is well paid phony. Nuff said.

Aug 29, 2021 1:56 AM
Reply to  MLS

Is it cosy in your cocoon MLS ?
You’re gonna have to come out sometime.

WW3 won’t be planned.

It will arrive via paranoia, panic and fear. Probably from the Middle East or the sub continent.

When homes 400 years old were washed away, were you asleep?
When rainforests caught fire were you asleep?
When it rained on top of a two mile high mountain in Greenland we’re you asleep?

Either we go nuclear or we go extinct.

BTW, the people of Iraq and Afghanistan have been in a FUCKING WAR ZONE for twenty years.
Makes our lockdowns seem like child’s play.

Aug 29, 2021 7:31 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Play another record ..

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 12:08 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Caitlin Johnstone, Chris Hedges, John Pilger et al should not be pilloried and mocked because they are running with the hounds.

That is precisely why they should be mocked.

Covid is not the only deadly GAME in town.

WW 3 is imminent.

Covid is the only game in town because covid is WW3.

Aug 29, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

No land mines in my part of the world yet George.
No radioactive fallout.
No drones loaded with bombs.
No depleted uranium weapons.

With more than 10,000 nuclear weapons around the planet and chaos thick on the ground, it’s only a matter of time.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 3:58 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Terror takes many forms. And who needs nuclear weapons – especially when they would threaten the ruling class as much as anyone else.

Aug 28, 2021 12:09 PM

I agree. I’ve written to many sites – including off-guardian – asking them to publicise the existence of the highly toxic graphene oxide in the vaccines. As if spiked proteins and genetic manipulation were not enough! And NONE of them have. UK Column, another one. Sott.net another, Dr. Tom Cowan. None of them want to know. Why is that???

Aug 28, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Granma

Whitney Webb did an interview with Ryan Christian/The Last American Vagabond where she analyzes the evidence for graphene oxide and she concluded that it was unproven, and that the paper was “intentionally” misrepresenting its findings. She is easily among the best and most consistent investigative journalists reporting on the experimental injection campaign so her opinion holds a lot of weight for me personally.


Aug 28, 2021 11:22 AM

Caitlin Johnstone is the SHENGMU variety of BAIZUO. If you don’t know either word, look them up. Gave me a laugh : )

Aug 28, 2021 10:31 AM

Since the inquest of the BBC person dying from post-vaccination blood clots, I start to see headlines saying covid more likely to give clots!!!
First I’ve see in18months…?

Aug 28, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  DaveMass

While they have been pretty well dismissed until now, once the injections get past a certain percentage I could see the reporting of the serious adverse effects becoming more common. You think they would have done some autopsies early on after the initial adverse reactions given the experimental nature of the stuff- no?

One has to consider the purpose of such reports as future messaging, and not see them as just news reporting.

“Why this why now?” is not a bad heuristic to ask after reading every news piece.

What could be more learned helplessness inducing than 80% of the population now living with the TV pushing the fear of large scale unknown problems for themselves and their children. They will forget who promoted it to them in the first place.

All they will say is please govt do something to help us!

Queue the next round of fear management.

Aug 28, 2021 1:23 PM
Reply to  DaveMass

noticed that same type of news story.
No matter how questionable the media runs with it to deflect from fact.

Aug 28, 2021 2:00 PM
Reply to  DaveMass

noticed the same phenomena!

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 28, 2021 9:00 AM

Another forgotten episode: when the covid attack came in spring 2020 and the “centre press” were making noises already about a “new normal”, some on the Left were adding to this with a variation: “Going back to the old normal is the worst thing that could happen!” There is substance in such a statement in the sense that the system itself was veering towards a collapse. But this ignores the most obvious thing about the whole process: The “new normal” was being initiated and rammed down everyone’s throat by the same jokers who were in charge of the “old normal” – or, in Leftist terms, post-capitalism was being organised by the very forces of capitalism. Well you can rummage around in that bag of dialectical trickery as much as you want but what we saw fundamentally contradicted Marx’s outlook. Old Karl was adamant that the system had to be changed from below. The idea that those Big Knobs above would suddenly develop a conscience and start bestowing a just and fair and open society on the minions below would have drawn guffaws from him. The Left either failed to see this or failed to acknowledge it. Some of the more inventive of them even said that it wasn’t the rulers who were shutting everything down. The fight against covid had to be forced on them. The WSW tooted about “wildcat strikes” forcing governments to close down their entire economies. Gosh! Bylinetimes even gave us a theology to ground this hogshit in: decades of protest from movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion and MeToo eventually caused a sea change, a moment of mass repentance when the entire bourgeoisie leapt to their feet and exclaimed, “A merry Christmas to everybody! A happy New Year to all the world. Hallo here! Whoop! Hallo!” Thus… Read more »

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 28, 2021 11:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ego über Alles. For some people, especially men, having to admit a mistake is a fate worse than death. Tough titty, you might say. But what if their brittle egos rule the planet? Rather than admit a mistake, the same neurotics will happily see millions of other people die. Q.E.D.

Aug 30, 2021 4:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The old normal – 2019 feels like paradise compared to now…
As to the WSW – yes, very spooky. Not so much for the Covid hysteria as for their constant ranting about the alleged coup attempt in Washington back in January. They even managed to dismiss the death of the woman on that occasion as that of a “rioter” which is what you would expect of a thorough system organisation. Their main worry seemed to be she might become a martyr, which is the sort of attitude that might be found on any political police blotter. In some places it leads to disappearances as the cops kill somebody and then hide or destroy the body.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Aug 31, 2021 5:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The WSWS may or may not be a spook outlet but many independent socialists and anarchists like John Zerzan were just as bad. Zerzan might even be worse. His own ego as Patrick L. emphasizes in his post seems to be at fault. He’s not a spook, he’s just a solipsist as far as I can tell.

Sep 1, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

And then there are the Louis Proyects. The man himself is deceased. Let us take a moment of silence to urinate…

Tim Glover
Tim Glover
Aug 28, 2021 8:40 AM

Cricising someone because they don’t dedicate their personal blog to your pet hate is childish egotism and does you no credit. Caitlin Johnstone is outstanding in her coverage of things that matter to her. You need to be supporting left wingers not attacking them.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 28, 2021 10:15 AM
Reply to  Tim Glover

Are you serious? Do you actually have any understanding at all of what’s been going on the last 16 months? Have you heard of the word ‘Fascism’ or how about ‘Medical Apartheid’ or ‘Police Brutality’ or ‘Vaccine Passports’.
Do you have even an inkling of how much suffering and despair these draconian measures have caused to many hundreds of millions of people, but especially the poor and vulnerable.
You know, Working Class people. Oops, did I just swear then Tim? ‘Working Class’ – the sort of people that many of those who frequent Caitlin Johnstone’s blog would find all icky and yucky. You know, the “Riff Raff”. You know that’s true.
Apparently these people are “Trumptards” and “Qanon’s” and “Rightist Wingnuts” and other names I’ve seen them called on her Twitter feeds. Unchallenged.
We are rapidly heading into a technocratic dystopia that will make 1984 look like a picnic, and so called “left wingers” like Caitlin Johnstone and her ilk look the other way and pretend nothing is happening.
Have you heard of the Chinese social credit system? That’s just the entrée of what is intended for all of us.
“Pet Hate”? Your cognitive dissonance and wilful ignorance is mind boggling. Wake up, look outside your window at what is really going on.

Aug 28, 2021 1:12 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

‘so called “left wingers” like Caitlin Johnstone and her ilk’

Dividing us into black and white sides simply won’t work. That’s precisely the state the sociopathic monsters are goading us all into.

Nearly all the people I know personally have shades of gray on current politics (and most everything else), and I can believe those people I disagree with are nertheless acting in good faith. And you?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 28, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  Norm

Not dividing anyone into black and white, mate. They’ve done that all by themselves by either their deafening silence or else cheering on the draconian covid fascism; like, for example, the deranged loons at the WSWS.
Silence is both consent and complicity in my book. And worse, she even lives here in Melbourne, which has seen scenes of such police brutality here that even the Stasi would have been proud of.
These people have clearly sided with the Establishment in what is “the greatest crime ever perpetrated on humanity” (to quote Reiner Fuellmich) that, to repeat yet again, has caused a massive amount of suffering and despair for many hundreds of millions of people.
We are now hearing of teenagers committing suicide and self harming because of what is being done here. And you ask me if I’m acting in good faith? Norman Pilon is it by any chance?
Have a good day.

Aug 28, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

We shall never forget how many people are actually peddling for the darn dark side. Very concerning however is, when the most popular artists and musicians in Germany tell their fans to “Vaccinate now!”. (on the new blogspot apolet.net)
Here in Uruguay, resentment is broadcast about the “unvaccinated” and they are the super spreaders of the “Delta Variant”.
The logical reason for that has got to be that everybody has to get injected before the already injected masses start to croak in large numbers and would prevent the extermination of the whole lot, because of scepticism and rejection to the injection growing. The hyper rich have on their psychopathic minds nothing less than a selfmade ELE. Who needs an asteroid, when You can make Your own species go extinct?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 29, 2021 1:33 AM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

I will never forget their betrayal either. As someone who has always been on the very left of the political spectrum, all the names that Mark mentioned, and the lengthy list of others who have sided with this massive crime, has been like a real hard slap in the face for me.
It’s also been a wake up call about the Left/Right paradigm. There’s quite a few others here who feel the same way, like our George Mc, for example. And don’t get me started on the musicians that have come out in support of this… Patti Smith and Nick Cave just two examples. Who would have thought?
And, yes, the psychopaths are really pushing the jab as hard as possible now, because they are running out of time before large numbers of people start dying. And I’ll repeat again: I believe a big part of this is a depopulation agenda.

Aug 28, 2021 4:45 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Well said, Gezzah.

Apparently in your neck of the woods it’s all going to kick off sometime soon.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 29, 2021 12:53 AM
Reply to  RobG

I doubt very much that anything will kick off in OZ the old penal colony mentality has hardened there recently and they harshly regulative gun ownership .

Aug 28, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  Tim Glover

We need both to criticize what should be criticized, applaud what must be applauded, and recognize that every person is both complex and inscrutable. As the political saying goes, “Support policies, not personalities.”

Aug 29, 2021 7:49 AM
Reply to  Norm

I’m sorry Norm , that’s tosh .

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 28, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  Tim Glover


“The trivial fact that the theatre’s on fire gives you no right to criticise those who are still enjoying the show.”

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 28, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Tim Glover

You need to be supporting left wingers not attacking them.”

Is that an order? It’s certainly the spook-iest comment I’ve ever read here. Straight outta Langley.

Aug 30, 2021 1:28 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

How? Does the CIA love the left? Many of its members did not survive the love in Santiago, Chile, in 1973.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 30, 2021 11:33 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Oh please. The term”The Left” in the USA not does include actual socialists in Latin America or anywhere else. It designates the inch-wide spectrum between Hillary Clinton and the other millionaires at Saturday Night Live, along with the few thousand ambitious clerks who service their interests by simulating resistance at The Nation and Democravy Now! and god knows how many other. timewasting astroturf websites.

Aug 31, 2021 10:20 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I took it to have a broader meaning. For example, I am in Greece and the left there, or some of them, have healthier instincts than in say, the UK.
But yes, the US left is by all accounts dreadful and the British left, of which I have more personal knowledge, is little better.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 29, 2021 12:44 AM
Reply to  Tim Glover

I followed Ms Johnstone’s blog briefly , like many these days she makes a , fatal to her philosophy , logical error in regarding idealism through the lens of materialism creating a GIGO situation on her blog .

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Tim Glover

Covid a “pet hate”? Love it!

Aug 28, 2021 7:30 AM

She blocked me ages ago RadicalPerceptionist
Replying to
Agree. Alt Space journalists should be exposing the inconvenient truths about powerful people taking away our civil liberties of free movement, association, speech, apparel and right to refuse injections. But you are silent.

Aug 28, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  B L

I’ve noticed that she’s incredibly rude to anyone who disagrees with her or points out her (many) inconsistencies. To me at least that’s always a red flag; a sign of someone too self-important to listen to any kind of criticism or constructive feedback.

Aug 30, 2021 1:30 PM
Reply to  Liverian

True of a lot of people on discussion sites. Sociopaths who do not need to worry about being beaten up by their targets because of the distance and anonymity conferred by the Web…

Sep 17, 2021 10:25 AM
Reply to  B L

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian exposed.

She knows what happens when you disarm a people, intrude on their property, issue decrees affecting life and home, restrain them in camps, brutalize them in the street and, in the worst case, condemn them to death. It happened to her own great-grandparents.

Why is she playing with those same measures, in a wholly disproportionate response to a low-fatality coronavirus?

Berejiklian was, she admits, the secret partner for over five years of Liberal NSW politician Daryl Maguire who is linked to the Chinese Communist Party.


Aug 28, 2021 6:18 AM

Have thought for a while something off about Caitlin Johnstone. Anyone who looks at her Twitter account has reason to doubt the foul mouthed ignoramus who tweets on it is the same person responsible for the articles published under her name.

I remember years ago marveling at the extent of her output. A new article every day. Often lengthy, full of linked sources, usually entertaining and often thoughtful. I used to be impressed at her work ethic.

Then I heard rumors that her husband actually wrote ‘her’ more analytical pieces, and that made more sense.

Now I see her as a brand name. I think several of these fake Lefty entities are actually created, like teen idol pop icons. A face, a name, a social media presence, bought followers to enhance immediate image of popularity, and content produced by others and marketed as theirs.

I think these manufactured brand names play a vital role in subtly shaping the expectations of the dissident crowds who read them. I think they are sheep dogs more than gatekeepers.

They were well disguised as the real deal until they were detailed to promote the covid scam. This blew their cover for all but the determinedly deluded.

Let’s add Rania Khalek, Aaron Maté and Mintpress News to that list. Any others?

Aug 28, 2021 7:25 AM
Reply to  MLS

James Corbett

He can put 170 hrs of work in 24 hrs. Amazing guy.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 28, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  Willem

He has a video editor.

Aug 28, 2021 11:25 AM
Reply to  Willem

Corbett has done an enormous amount of work since the beginning of this nightmare.

And actually before.

No, I think you’re incorrect on this one, Willem.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 28, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Willem

Consider the possibility that he may have learned and understood more than most people, and more quickly and more fully. Some people can put a lifetime of learning & understanding into fluent writing and speech. Examples are legion.

The few hours of Corbett I’ve heard have impressed me and I’ve learned from them. He supports his assertions conscientiously with filmed evidence and numerous links. What are you objecting to, concretely, in what he has written and said?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 30, 2021 8:00 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

For some reason only known to themselves, which baffles me actually, there seems to be a small group of commenters here who have a real beef with James Corbett and make out he’s controlled opposition, or a CIA shill or just … dodgy.
Yet they never provide any substantive evidence of their accusations apart from one person saying “his videos are on YouTube”. I’m surprised that Willem seems another one of them as well. It’s very simple tho – if you don’t like him, or think he’s a shill… Don’t watch his videos! You have an off button.

Aug 31, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Willem

when i came across james corbett’s video on chomsky, made my day b/c noam was part of my mkultra history.  however, i wasnt keen on the spinning earth imagery, which as i watched more videos (most i thought quite good) like a signature, trademark … raised an eyebrow b/c when i was a child, for world traveller programme, a world globe was spun ~ spin trance.

Aug 28, 2021 8:36 AM
Reply to  MLS

Everyone promoted or who has visibility in media platforms (official or alternative) – even this one, must be considered along the same lines. Be circumspect in internalising others views.

The manufactured music group brand analogy is a good reference point. Its just a more intellectual focussed marketing segment business with associated merchandising (books/movies/newspapers) that are no different than T-shirts/posters/tracks etc aimed at teens. They just appear independent because NGOs/academia/media appear different, but are surface facades for the same forces.

Funny many people on the dissident right (for want of a better term) also have been asking the same questions about their own promoted names over this. Seems like a repeated pattern?

The scam just makes it obvious. But its been going on for your whole life on many issues. Reflecting on ones own views that have been shaped using these platforms prior to this and you will see the same patterns, with similar characters.

Its painful to shake it off, but to realise that most movements (even so called anti-establishment) have been co-opted or created to play a hegelian role almost from the start is the only way to start trying to analyse the information presented as to its intended effect.

Aug 28, 2021 9:21 AM
Reply to  someone

Anyone telling the truth about covid gets an automatic pass from me – for now at least. If they also tell the truth about 9/11 and climate change, that’s as good as it gets until further notice.

Aug 28, 2021 10:30 AM
Reply to  MLS

I agree to some extent. The problem is discerning the truth from underlying message management as a reference point I suppose.

Promotion and or rapid exposure seems a reliable indicator of something not right.

For instance Robert Malone seems to have a limited truthful position, but not so much in other things. The positioning of him as a personality counter to Faucci (yet again A vs B choice), the promotion of repeated testing, embedding the coof narrative as a real pandemic and societally dangerous etc seem suspect.

His rapid exposure also seems dodgy to me, especially starting off in the Dark horse obvious spook production.

Time will tell where that goes. For now I need more info to see where his motivations lie.

Aug 28, 2021 12:54 PM
Reply to  someone

i wrote something similar but actually named names the comment disappeared.

Aug 28, 2021 2:27 PM
Reply to  shamen

If its admin modded. Maybe we could ask them who can and can’t be named?

Aug 28, 2021 1:18 PM
Reply to  MLS

I think it’s nuts to divide the world’s people on the basis of beliefs about COVID.

If there’s any hard dividing line that’s useful to make and stick to, it’s about pro-social vs sociopathic attitudes, the latter being the only realistic indicator of what we call “evil”. And, of course, having enough evidence to make that determination in the first place.

Aug 28, 2021 1:20 PM
Reply to  Norm

A lot of us are swimming around in a lagoon here, and need to get out more.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 29, 2021 4:30 PM
Reply to  Norm

Please do.

Aug 31, 2021 10:23 AM
Reply to  Norm

If it’s The Blue Lagoon with Brook Shields, who would complain?

Aug 28, 2021 5:56 AM

I used to be an ardent supporter of Caitlin, bought her books and was a regular commentator there. Then she went through a phase of gross misandric rhetoric and I pulled my financial support.
A few months later, lockdown came to Melbourne and she just shrugged, and I was out of there for good.
Essentially she just writes one of the same three or four articles over and over and over again for marginally different circumstances.
It looks to me like a simple case of “it’s difficult to get a man (or woman) to see anything their paycheck depends on them not seeing”

karen elliot
karen elliot
Aug 28, 2021 5:10 AM

I recall reading that the injected “spike protein” attacks females ovaries rendering females permanently infertile. That’s why i think it’s right that the young were the real target of the mass vaxine campaign. I suspect young males are also neutered by the injections.

Aug 28, 2021 8:31 AM
Reply to  karen elliot

the film “children of men” merits viewing

pablo diablo
pablo diablo
Aug 28, 2021 3:43 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

Personally I think the drive is to get this kind of injection approved as a vaccine and normalized as a regular event in people’s lives. Once the ‘hardware’ is approved, the ‘software’ can be rewritten without the need for lengthy trials.

The rush could be explained as having to strike while the propaganda iron is still hot, not necessarily that these particular injections are the, ahem, final solution. It’s quite clear that some of the people and NGOs involved in advising our governments by the nose rings are generational eugenicists and so this would create the ultimate playground for them.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Aug 31, 2021 4:38 AM
Reply to  pablo diablo

The only reason for ‘vax passports’ is because you’ll be required to have (6 monthly) ‘booster shots’. Why else has Australia ordered over 80 million doses for next year (enough to jab every Australian three times, plus change), more doses for 2023; and why has Biden government ordered a billion doses > long term planning , but certainly not for ‘a virus’ or ‘variants”.

The injections coerce a persons body to defend itself – from what has been injected. Such CHRONIC STRESS on the body has consequences. We are already noticing that the reactions to the injections are blamed on ‘covid’, not on the injected stuff…

How many assaults before you/your body succumbs ? With each dose a fair number will die, and ‘covid’ will be blamed.. But that doesnt rule out that the young wont be able to have kids. (assisted fertility clinics have been touting their services on local TV lately. Getting established before Bill Gates moves into the biz ?)

Aug 28, 2021 4:12 AM

I suggest one try the following websites that are neither left or right but are about the truth.
The Italian website
https://www.lantidiplomatico.it/ This is run by the old guiard of the Berlinguerian Italian Communist Party
Run by the one and only the enigmatic Joaquin Flores known Gramscian leftisrt and was mentored by the late great Andre Vlitchek May he rest in peace Pace e bene
Vast majority of the journos are new age Gramscian in thread
There is also an Italian version but the french one is where its at full blown gillet juane
Freedom ican smell it Christmass is going to come and it will be good I can smell it in the air the whole thing is coming undone even if the wasp countries minus USA are zombified.
Ron Unz is great he will let anyone on and the majority of writers are libertarian and conservative but a few old school lefties are there as well.
POST SCRIPTUM Caitlin Johnstone yes use to be good pre Covidian but hell hypoxai from wearing a g string on ur face does call cerebral damage

Aug 28, 2021 10:10 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

Unz also has a few old school Nazis, sometimes writing articles, more often found among its commentariat. The site has to be commended for the wide range of opinions published.

Aug 28, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  falcemartello

I checked out UNZ hoping to find some genuine journalism, but instead I just found racist stereotyping in the first two articles I read. I’ll check out the other sites and hope for better.

Aug 29, 2021 7:51 AM
Reply to  Liverian

Gilad Atzman,Kevin Barret,Jonathan Cook,Pepe Escobar,Tom Englehardt,Norman Finklestein,C.J Hopkins,James Petras and Israel Shamir are all listed @ UNZ Its an open forum Ron Unz is a known libertarian. Its known as freedom of speech Giraldi, Buchanon and Paul Craig Roberts are also there as well the controversial Erik Striker. Open minds and open debate less dogma more intellectual honesty and finding common ground for their is more common ground between the so called left rite paradigm and everything in between . We have come beyond political dogma we are experiencing a coup d’etat and it is not stopping if anything it has just gone into turbocharge in three of the five eyes nations (Canada,Australia,and New Zealand). Tempist fugit notwithstanding the whole narrative is literally falling apart as we speak and has been since March 13th 2020. Punto Uno: There has been many landmark cases against Covidian in district courts around the Natocentric countries but still we are in a medical emergency setting PCR test the whole shebang holy serum back door mandates in getting the holy serum. Isolation lock downs social distancing and quarantines Punto Due:Existence to live is dependent on medical ID and proof of not killing anyone with whatever they say.Variants of the Greek alfabet. Punto Tre: More and more empirical scientific data virtually unraveling the drug dealers narrative of be all end all 93 percent efficacy B.S. Further more the adverse effects of the holly serums has shown to be @ historical highs hence FDA standards pre Covidian would have taken the holy serums of the shelf but no we insist in injectimg. Punto Quattro: The window of opportunity to reverse technocratic fascistic nitemare is getting smaller. Post Scriptum : Reason and Logic Docius in Fondo: Hold on cause Pax -Americana is about to go through one hell… Read more »

Aug 30, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  Liverian

I have been reading it for years despite finding some views repulsive. Perhaps as much because the MSM is so lousy as because of Unz’s virtues.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 28, 2021 2:35 AM

Space, though.

Aug 28, 2021 1:43 AM

There are many people who are refusing to acknowledge the tyranny. Friends and family members who trusted the narrative and have taken the jab still are holding back on admitting their error. I understand that and feel sorry for what is coming for them. We will be experiencing personal loss of these people over the next few years as the effects of the jab take effect.
But what really is unforgivable is the ‘celebrities’ currently pushing the narrative encouraging people to get the jab. Paul McCartney, Michael Caine, Elton John, Lenny Henry etc….I am not surprised by them- they were always establishment whores- but when it comes to the ‘radical’ non-mainstream performers like Stewart Lee and Nick Cave pushing for people to be jabbed in order to get into their gigs, it makes you realise how you cannot rely on anyone. It is time to re-evaluate our perceptions of who are the really genuine good people in this world and who we can trust to stand with us to fight this tyranny. Fortunately there are still plenty of people with balls, backbone, ethics, compassion and moral fibre to stand up and fight these compliant quislings and the nazis they bow down to. We will win, stand firm good people, we are on the right side of history.

Aug 28, 2021 3:26 AM
Reply to  Martin

I always say ‘you don’t know until you know’.

Aug 28, 2021 3:51 AM
Reply to  Martin

I am pretty sure that the “stars” pushing people to get jabbed are being paid to do so. They are offered money. Many have not really looked at the issue and think it is a good cause, so why not. Same with global warming. Those pushing these anti- human agendas have a lot of money.

Aug 28, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

They also need to prove their anti- Trump bonafides, IMHO. That old divide and conquer thing is part of their own personal paradigm as well, so in order to prove they’re on the “right side” of the Science, they go out and shill. And I think you’re right on the money to think they’ve been paid to do it. Maybe they haven’t received a direct bribe, but their own fame and position depends on them doing the right thing. Also I do agree that most probably know less than nothing about what this really is, and they do not want to know either. Just like those of us who have friends in real life who once saw all the corruption but now refuse to acknowledge it could EVER be a part of this.

Aug 28, 2021 5:56 AM
Reply to  Martin

That doesn’t surprise me about Nick Cave having read ‘And the Ass saw the Angel’.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 28, 2021 9:29 AM
Reply to  Martin

These celebs have been swimming around a glamorous little bowl of plenty for most of their adult lives. I don’t doubt their talent or even, in some cases, genius. I also don’t doubt their hard work. But it is their societal status that is the main issue here i.e. the layer they occupy and the function they are called on to perform.

As part of the entertainment sector they can play an incalculable role as spreaders of propaganda and the rulers are well aware of that. It is therefore vital to get the celebs with the most “street cred” on board. Should these lights in the firmament play along, there are huge benefits. They will get maximum exposure and praised to the skies throughout the press. On the other hand, if they don’t play along – the opposite.

And here comes the biggest incentive: the “Left” veneer. They just can’t resist it. Covid was crafted as a “right-on revolutionary” platform from the start whereas the sceptical contingent – as far as they could be seen at all – were ridiculed as “Right Wing reactionaries”.

Now the elder ones – Caine, McCartney etc. have been floating in a vaguely liberal tank since the 60s and are now drifting into their dotage. They have been undertaking vague demonstrations of charity most of their lives and are probably on automatic pilot now. The likes of Cave and Lee will be snared by the aforementioned glam rad bit.

I daresay the bitchy news hounds will say that Right Said Fred’s Richard Fairbrass is a has-been who is anxious courting publicity with his rejection of the covid crap. (As if being sceptical would be likely to gain publicity!) But God bless RF! And God bless Van the Man! 

Aug 28, 2021 10:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Let’s not forget the blackmail potential of some of the big celebs (remember Epstein?). They’ll do whatever they’re told to do so long as the gravy and fame train keeps running, and their secrets stay safe.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 28, 2021 11:43 AM
Reply to  Helenf

Amazing Polly
Not So Trusted Voices
April 1st, 2020

See vid at 35:40 for discussion of the bizarre, lockdown-pushing statement by Conor McGregor. See also:

Oct. 19, 2019
Conor McGregor, one of the biggest stars of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, is being investigated over a sexual assault allegation, the second such case in less than 12 months, according to people familiar with the matter.

Aug 28, 2021 6:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

yep, tools used to mind control the masses… especially targeting children, sadly ironic given its not uncommon for “stars” to be child abuse victims, & in turn become abusers in service to their masters. 

the media & entertrainment industry loaded with trauma/torture based mind controlled slaves ~ tip of the iceberg … Mk Ultra Glitches

various celebs incl mccartney, dylan & zappa ~ 666 sign

Aug 28, 2021 1:24 AM

I knew what I wanted, but was almost completely useless. could hardly speak – lets face it, I knew I stood absolutely no chance

She is still going to Rock Chick Keep Fit Dance and Yoga Classes, 40 Years Later.

And Festivals with me.

comment image


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Aug 28, 2021 1:07 AM

Most if not all of the left superstars listed in the beginning also parroted the official account of 9/11. Over 3 years after the fact. Chomsky was telling people that the physical phenomena evidenced at the WTC which seemed to defy the laws of physics was simply a real life example of “chaos theory,” as if it applies to anything bigger than quantum particles. David Ray Griffin wrote a great article addressed to these people, asking them, “Left Wing despisers of 9/11 truth,” if they “believe in miracles.”

Joseph Noballs
Joseph Noballs
Aug 28, 2021 1:03 AM

If you ever wondered what you would have done in Nazi Germany in the 1930s well you know now.

Aug 28, 2021 3:33 AM
Reply to  Joseph Noballs

Funny that you should say that. It’s a meme I just now touched up for a new poster. The meme is actually a real poster from a protest somewhere. The statement is excellent and poignant.
comment image

Aug 27, 2021 11:54 PM

What is the point in going to a family funeral, if EVERYONE is Compelled To WEAR MASKS

We are not Going.

I have already been told off.

But I will not Compromise On This.

I don’t have a Mask.

The only time I have, was for 4 hours in A&E, when I thought, going there was the best chance I had of Staying Alive. I was not well.

But because I not going to the Funeral, cos I will not wear a Mask, I have bought a New Camping Table.

All The Camping Gear is in our hall, I guess she didn’t really want to go to a (my) family funeral either, but we had both prepared to go…bought clothes, shoes and stuff

But We Will Not Wear MASKS

I will Grieve for My Lovely Sister at Home

I know she wouldn’t want me to turn up at her funeral with my wife wearing masks.

She wouldn’t be able to see our facial expressions full of smiles, warmth and love


Tee ell
Tee ell
Aug 28, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Are you in the UK? If so, you can go without wearing a mask.

Aug 27, 2021 11:13 PM

As a general point, the ‘elephant in the room’ is precisely what marks out a certain ‘left’ liberal – the term is merely a cloak, remember, it doesn’t mean a great deal. Any really critical thinking ‘left’ author will either not get work or be demonised.

It is too obvious to point out, but how is it that there is an ability for the largest and most powerful ‘capitalist’ corporations (Microsoft, Pfizer, bio-security, etc) to be so miraculously exempt from scrutiny? Well, they like them – they always have. I suggest people do not idealise Liberals (even as you criticise them) – very large numbers of them are left liberal because it gives them cover to support secular authoritarian attitudes, clever dick, childish condemnations and an easily acquired moral standpoint with absolutely no work to be done on themselves to acquire it.

Take a look at how well rounded on Giorgio Agamben has been. He questions the whole of modernity, the whole liberal project (quite rightly) and the responses have been instructive: these people do not believe in God; they believe man is superior (to the God they don’t believe exists) and they believe we are as clay and can be turned into anything – they are insane. It is as if the entirety of the classical and Biblical past can be swept aside along with all its mythology (misunderstanding mythology as they sweep). Jung warned of this as he saw it rising rapidly in his lifetime. Those who can see it will be the remnant. Start looking for each other.

Aug 28, 2021 3:40 AM
Reply to  Phil

I wasn’t clear on what you were saying, but it seems interesting. I’m not keen on philosophy, which isn’t to say that I don’t like thinkers and conversation that goes where it goes. Giorgio Agamben introduced us to the concept of ‘biosecurity State’, which, apparently, he got from Patrick Zylberman, who I know even less about. This happens. John Perkins doesn’t even know whether he coined the term ‘corporatocracy’ or it was rattling around in his brain and popped out. Nevertheless, he made it famous. But I have no use for John Perkins. (Read his sequel to “Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man.” It’s awful and very revealing, although the section in it on Rafael Correa was very informative.) I’m not a fan of John, but I know nothing about Giorgio Agamben other than that he is a philosopher. I started to read something he wrote and my eyes glazed over and I had to leave it. What can I say?

Aug 28, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  Arby

Thanks for replying, philosophy is not for everyone, Arby. My post could have been better written, you are correct. I am putting the case that there is a problem (to say the least) with the atheist ‘progressive’ ideological world we live in and the overwhelming body of past Classical, Biblical, spiritual and poetic literature is chock-full with warnings against this direction. Some writers in our time, though difficult to read, have pointed this out (Agamben, Baudrillard, Jacques Ellul, Jung, to name a few). The problem we have is the Truth, and faith in the Truth. It’s not yours, mine or a critics to create and when we do manage to apprehend it, we have to be at least a little humble, fear it and accept it – which means changing something in ourselves – this is not easy and I struggle with it, but know it to be the correct course of things, so persist and advocate it – I have, I hope, some faith. Agamben is difficult to read, he is from within the ‘academy’ and writes in the language of a particular theoretical field – don’t imagine I haven’t struggled to understand – understanding his book ‘Homo Sacer’ took me 20 years – it can be just the same with a poem. I chew over Yeats’ Tom O’Roughley every day. I sent my reply just after reading Nic Cohen’s Guardian article ‘It is only a matter of time before we turn on the unvaccinated’, so that was the kind of thing on my mind. An astonishing piece of writing by somebody who has found his time and can swish his cloak and stoke fires – he and his cohort ascended a long time back. I’ve observed them for years, met them, avoided them. They are dismissive, Godless, condescending,… Read more »

Aug 28, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Phil

Thanks. That was clear and now that I get it, more interesting. Do you read Italian or was Agamben’s book translated into English? There is only one truth, whether we get it or not. But I do believe that if we are basically good people, we will gravitate toward it. Reality is big. So is the truth. Therefore when we gravitate toward it, we tiny humans (who are limited even in perfection, which we lost but we will regain), see pieces of the truth as we move into it. Because we are imperfect, we will not see every piece of truth even as it comes into view. That’s okay as long as we don’t self-modify. That kills the connection that we have with God and causes us to veer off into into the direction of The Lie. As a Bible writer said, God is looking for those who are looking for him. That also means that he isn’t looking for those who aren’t looking for him. It’s a free universe. We don’t have to find God or side with him. But it’s not a universe where consequences can be avoided. God happens to be the Creator and Source of life. He’s the Cause and Master of nature that predators – self-modified monsters – like Klaus Schwab are attacking right now. They can’t lay their hands on God, but they can trample his standards, shout at him and attack his creation and any of his intelligent creatures who are loyal to him. Much is false, including the spirituality of Christians within Christendom. Then again, just as I was born into a world in which the dominate medical system is the Rockefeller medical system which is fraudulent, dangerous and disconnected from reality (and connected to germ theory), so that that’s all I… Read more »

Aug 28, 2021 8:39 AM
Reply to  Phil

interesting comment, are you reffering to the “god” who made all, or the “Lord” responsible for this fake construct we are tied to?
Its a subject i have some interest in, IMHO we live in a self perpetuating, cyclic con, many organised religions understand this to a degree, very few promote the methods of escaping it. in the main the system is perpetuated by said organised religions.
Every cycle comes with a fresh “wipe” of memories, though the old trinity 6 carcass we heft about in has developed a few glitches of the millenia and the memories are leaking out, like an over re-recorded vhs tape…. hence push for hu-man 2.0

Aug 28, 2021 10:14 AM
Reply to  duckman

Thanks for the response: God (Jehovah) is all that is self-existing and eternal (some might say Spinoza’s ‘substance’ or some ‘Nature’) and built upon this are man made things. It is a very simple and a previously obvious truth. Something has to come from something. Our belief system today is built on everything coming from nothing.

Newton didn’t call the Bible divine philosophy for nothing.

I think the ‘cycles’ are probably the nature of the franchise (shared lies to some particular end). They are often kicked off by big events, the 1600s seemed to be such a time – those who make schemes to sell things have to disrupt stability. The most valuable commodity is a concept.

The problem with tackling this with esoteric language, is that we can wrapped up in the lie and marvel at the schemes under the cloak of opposing it.

The Bible lays all this out, but as you rightly point out, many organised religions have been very effective at increasing confusion (and the Bible warns of this happening on page after page). The Bible is not the source of Truth, it is man’s best poetic distillation of it, because of what inspired it. There is a reason it has become anthema.

The foundation we build upon is the important thing. What, at core, at heart, do you believe: Truth or Lies? Are you able to discern between the two? We are not perfect, but we have a choice to build upon our answer. The other choice is to spend eternity vainly trying to correct all the lies – that is called a faith in politics – in old money: devil’s work.

all the best to you…

Aug 28, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Phil

truth is just the compliment we pay to ideas we like a lot (rorty). once we get hung up on grasping Truth we feel entitled to start reshaping the world, and directing everyone to follow us. from this comes demonic plans to create false pandemics, inject everyone with poison, and cull the population to save the world.

Aug 28, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Phil

You have grasped something of what i say and likewise i grasp some of what you said, however IMHO “jehovah” is not the Prime eternal creator, he/she/it is the deceiver that conned us into this “lesser realm” and revelation/western bible is but a script that perpetuates this prison
The truths are simple if grasped, we are not home and never will be until we grasp the foundation issue of which version of creation we currently dwell in. The land of MEAT and honey may assist you in this, Also N A Fiorenzas "2020 societal reset and the 2020-2030 great transformation", the former is readily available, the latter sadly seems to have "upset" those who control the information highway, suffice to say what he wrote appears to have sealed his death warrant, you may find it.
fyi, i became aware of the falsity of JW some time ago, but i respect other
s beliefs
best wishes

Aug 28, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  duckman

Well, I’ll just re-iterate that there is an ongoing self-existing something (the ‘supreme being’ which is a verb, not a noun) that pre-exists man made things (re-creation) and that there is a system of thought and language that gives this meaning (including a word like ‘Jehovah’).

I am the very last person to doubt that there are many convoluted, mysterious and enticing fictions that one can waste a whole lifetime with the labour of unveiling, but I am also pretty clear that existence exists, so the ‘falsity of JW’, when this is understood, is a contradiction in terms.

But, with all sincerity, the very best of luck on your path. I can only point you in this particular direction – it’s a choice, after all.

Aug 29, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Phil

You nailed it, but didnt intend to, not re creation but “re-creation”, the one you, i and the rest of us dwell in is a poor sepia tone imitation of the original creation, once you grasp that the path is laid out in front of you, no more guessing, no choice, its simple fact, indeed basic quantum theory, the reincarnation that perpetually recycles you in this fake construct serves none but those that subject you to it,
So once aware that you are in “earth 2.0” you need to ask, who created it, why and who wrote the original, where is it and how do i get back there.
The mission, if thats the right word is to break the cycle.
That said there sems to be antagonism in the air on many posts and replies and i hear what you say but dont agree, but FFS dont use words like jehovah, that ruse is done.
Have a good week, i think we all deserve one, we may yet get it.

All the best

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 28, 2021 11:57 PM
Reply to  Phil

Scientism is the religion that filled the gap left by Christianity. If there’s nothing Smarter than humans, what can you do but worship the Smartest humans?


Is the word for death similar in all Slavic languages? (Smyert/Smrt/etc.)?


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 29, 2021 1:09 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Look up the Oxford English dictionaries definition of Science it is not a religion or anyway synonymous with religion . Scientism is not a word but rather politically useful gobblygook.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 29, 2021 4:44 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

QUICK REFERENCEThe belief that scientific methods can be applied to all problems, with the consequent application of inappropriate scientific methods in unsuitable circumstances.

From:  scientism in  A Dictionary of Public Health »


Aug 29, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Yes, deffinitely some antagonism in the air this weekend, wheres Tom and Nicolle when you need em??
Fucking infants most probably :/

Aug 30, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  Phil

Giorgio Agamben also called out the scamdemic back in March or April last year wrote an editorial on the Manifesto which used to be a decent Italian Communist news agency in the 80;s then joined up forces with the likes of the Levy inspired Diplomatique. hence controlled opposition .

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 27, 2021 10:56 PM

More than anything else, it’s the silence that gets me. I get it (I can hardly avoid it) that the WSW are thoroughly spooked. Their covidmania has managed to “outpsycho” all other contenders. A cursory glance at the titles on their main page would put you off trying to parody the viral fearmongering. How could you tell the difference between a piss take and our Trotskyites? Now if I were to attempt an extreme – practically self-lobotomised – effort at considering the North faction to be sincere, then I would have to believe that they were the most frothing brainless biters since the extras in 28 Days Later. Nah, they’ve got to be controlled!

But what of the rest? As I said, they are almost entirely silent on covid. So what is that? Is there an element of unease there? Are there indications of a guilt so deep it borders on panic? From what I’ve seen, the silence is echoed by … silence. There are very few comments under the skeletal covid entries – which themselves consist of perfunctory links to the likes of our dear Caitlin and Richard Murphy i.e. the Tax Man, identifiable for his bright coloured tights and cape and for doing nothing much apart from snottily dismissing the unfaithful from his blog.

The message we should give to these Great Leftist students of the cosmic dialectic is: “Say nothing to us and we will say nothing to you.” And for once we can sincerely remark, “Move along now. There’s nothing to see here!”

Denny KirkQ
Denny KirkQ
Aug 28, 2021 12:19 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I may be wrong but I feel that most of those left voices may feel that they may lose a substantial number of followers if they spoke against the whole Plandemic. After all, a lot of the people who listen, read or who tune in to those left voices have gotten the jab.

We have to look elsewhere for courage. Maybe we should start looking in the mirror. Perhaps that is where we were supposed to find courage from the very beginning. Peace.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 29, 2021 1:23 AM
Reply to  Denny KirkQ

I certainly agree that courage or any real changes in the status quo are impossible to find on the Internet . Moderators exist on these comment sites to a make sure the masses don’t offend the overlords and thereby cause the site to be shut down.

Aug 28, 2021 1:06 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George, there are many of us who speak out.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 29, 2021 1:28 AM
Reply to  RobG

Speak as much as you like but if it has any kind of effect and you are identified as a potential dissident leader ala Assange , Manning , or Snowden etal, you will be sanctioned .

Aug 28, 2021 7:11 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t know what CJ thinks about it, but the Tax Man is fully on board with the green new deal or whatever. So he might have recognised Covid as a little rehearsal.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 28, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  October

I only infrequently ever visited the Tax Man. In one of his rare posts mentioning covid he actually warned off naysayers from filling up his comment section. Another Leftist author warmly praised Murphy for “not suffering fools gladly”. He didn’t “suffer” them at all. He just blocked them out – and in advance!

Aug 28, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hi George,

I think it could be much worse than that. I would suggest considering that they believe in it. They believe in the principles behind authoritarian control and bio-politics – it is very compatible to their foundational belief in the malleability of mankind. I don’t think ‘they’ are panicking and certainly not feeling guilty (they believe they are ‘good’), they are ignorant as to there being any problem with their belief system.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 29, 2021 1:17 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s the easiest thing in the world to understand. The Owen Joneses, the Richard Seymours, the George Galloways? They are cowards and careerists.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair. (I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked, 1935).

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 27, 2021 10:44 PM

I don’t know where you got the impression that Caitlin Johnstone was a radical left winger. I’ve read some of her material and it reminds me of my days as a student. There is a Global War going on at the moment, its been going on for a long time, but its neither radical nor new. Its merely the fight that the status quo — ‘the system’, ‘global capital’ or whatever you want to call it — has against anything that might threaten it. This battle has been ongoing for generations with the occasional ebb and flow from the default “winner takes all” position caused by circumstances or expediency but its become a bit more visible in recent years because ‘global capital’ is fundamentally unsustainable, it needs continual expansion to avoid collapse but we’ve run out of room to expand. (This is one of the reasons why it artfully invents notions like FinTech — we’ve run out of productive activities so we’re making product out of thin air.) Much of the current global crises are caused by societies not wanting to play. The usual reaction to this is to crush them using economic, covert or even open warfare and internal bribery to ensure the success of leaders that can be counted on to play to the ‘rules based order’. Covid only fits into this because of our need to fit a response based on science and technology into our cultural and economic framework. In theory it should be straightforward to educate people about the problem, to come up with contagion prevention strategies and then a vaccine strategy — logistically difficult, but eminently doable. In practice the demands of our economic system (“keep the ball rolling at all costs, keep making those payments”) and our political need for Us versus Them… Read more »

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 27, 2021 10:42 PM

Update France: Locations and times for this Saturday’s protests, marches, terrasses sauvages (Telegram channel):

France Anti Pass Protests 28/08/2021

There have been “rumors” that, in view that the protests are not withering off and on the contrary are increasing in strength and number, the “authorities” may be contemplating provocation or violence to justify the banning of the protests.

So be careful please.

Aug 27, 2021 11:33 PM

Hi! Lovely name you’ve got. Haven’t seen you here before.

Which department are you warning about?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 28, 2021 3:10 AM
Reply to  Karry

Hello Karry, as a matter of fact I’m not in France but most of my family lives in Paris so I’m following what’s going on in France with interest (and concern) and try to contribute with this information about the protests.

There have been posts in “la vérité censurée”, or “anonyme citoyen” Telegram channels (don’t remember which now) some time ago that the government might try something to ban protests towards the end of August, alleging surge in cases and so on, or try to reinstall lockdowns. So, I posted the above so that people take care just in case. Obviously, the protests are not going anywhere and gaining in strength and that maybe worrying Le Macaron and his handlers.

BTW, I started posting here right at the beginning of this nightmare but I’m not what you might call a prolific poster. English not being my native language (never learned it in school or took lessons, just by reading and watching/listening old movies), posting in English is a feat and a headache for me, and takes me a lot of time writing down what I want to say; I have to translate from other languages – French, Spanish – in my head. Plus, stuck in South America and not being in the “know” of many of the topics (politics, economy,…) raised on here that concern English speaking countries or even Europe, I can’t contribute much. But I read with interest a lot of other posters contributions and I’m glad I found this place of sanity in the middle of this insanity.

Thanks for asking; I wanted to say this for a long time; you’ve given me the opportunity.

Aug 28, 2021 3:43 AM

Hang in there. Well done. Thanks for caring.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 28, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Arby

You’re welcome. You know, some of the commenters in French fora are thanking Macron – yes, thanking Macron – for doing such a good job in uniting the French people. I remember that several months ago, here and elsewhere, there was a lot of complaining about the cowardice of the French and how they were taking it without a blink of an eye. Today, that has changed completely. We often focus on the intended effects of the scientific dictatorship that has descended upon the earth, but every action has unintended effects as well – the strengthening of the sentiment of unity and evolvement among large groups of the population otherwise atomised and disconnected – and even if the unintended effects may be foreseen, I’m not sure the ways to deal with them can be anticipated, if we exclude brute force and war-like actions of course. The consequences in the distant future may be different, even opposed, to the consequences in the near future, as it’s expressed in the popular Chinese story: Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate.” The farmer said, “Maybe.” The next day the horse came back bringing seven wild horses with it, and in the evening everybody came back and said, “Oh, isn’t that lucky. What a great turn of events. You now have eight horses!” The farmer again said, “Maybe.” The following day his son tried to break one of the horses, and while riding it, he was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors then said, “Oh dear, that’s too bad,” and the farmer responded, “Maybe.” The next day the conscription officers… Read more »

Aug 28, 2021 7:31 PM

Very good.