A Message to the EU: Address the Real Public Health Crisis by Banning Glyphosate
Colin Todhunter & Rosemary Mason
The herbicide glyphosate – the most widely used herbicide on the planet – is authorised for use in the EU until December 2022. The EU is currently assessing whether its licence should be renewed.
Environmentalist and campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason has just written an open letter to the head of the Pesticides Unit at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Jose Tarazona.
Mason wrote to Tarazona because the Rapporteur Member States (France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden) tasked with risk assessing glyphosate and appointed by the European Commission in 2019, said on 21 June 2021 that there was no problem with glyphosate-based herbicides.
A tireless campaigner against glyphosate, Mason has produced dozens of lengthy reports over the last decade documenting how her former nature reserve in South Wales was destroyed by glyphosate used on adjoining areas and how that substance is a major contributory factor in spiralling rates of disease – a ‘silent’ public health crisis; silent only because the media and officials fail to acknowledge or report on it.
Indeed, to explain away the huge increases in various cancers and neurological disorders, officials cite ‘lifestyle behaviour’, poor diets or lack of exercise to divert attention from the elephant in the room and government collusion with the agrochemical sector.
Drawing on hundreds of peer-reviewed papers and official reports over the years, Mason has described in detail the devastating health and environmental impacts of glyphosate as well as the malfeasance and corruption that has led to this state of affairs.
Mason informs Tarazona that the European Commission has colluded with the US Environmental Protection Agency to allow Bayer to keep glyphosate on the market.
To support her claims, she enclosed a 5,900-word report with her letter informing Tarazona of the environmental devastation and severe public health crisis. Her report brings together recent research and analyses into the toxicity of glyphosate and industry dominance over regulatory processes.
What appears below is the first part of a two-part article based on Mason’s report. This first part briefly highlights aspects of the public health crisis resulting from the use of glyphosate-based herbicides. The second part will argue that glyphosate remains in use due to industry influence over regulatory processes.
Toxic Legacy
Dr Stephanie Seneff, a US scientist who works at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has just published the book Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying Our Health and the Environment. She has written an article on her family background and why she wrote the book.
Seneff says:
This organic chemical compound, C3H8NO5P, is much more toxic to life forms than we have been led to believe. Glyphosate’s mechanism of toxicity is unique and diabolical. It is a slow killer, slowly robbing you of your good health over time, until you finally succumb to incapacitating or life-threatening disease.”
Dr Don Huber, emeritus professor of plant pathophysiology at Purdue University, who has been studying glyphosate for 40 years and genetically modified (GM) Roundup-ready crops for 25 years, said some years ago:
Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticide we did or didn’t apply, but how willing we are to sacrifice our children and future generations for this massive genetic engineering experiment that is based on flawed science and failed promises just to benefit the bottom line of commercial enterprise.”
When UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was elected in 2019, he stood outside Downing Street and committed himself to:
…liberate the UK’s extraordinary bioscience sector from anti-genetic modification rules.”
Mason notes that the Department for Envionment & Rural Affairs authorises farmers to use all forms of Roundup (Monsanto’s – now Bayer – proprietary glyphosate-based herbicide) on crops in the UK. Many farmers in the UK claim they cannot do without it and are keen to start using GM Roundup-ready crops post-Brexit.
There is strong pressure on the European Commission from the Glyphosate Renewal Group, a group of manufacturers of glyphosate, who have asked for the licence for glyphosate to be renewed for 15 years from December 2022.
In June 2021, the Rapporteur Member States from France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden apparently gave the green light. They see no signs that glyphosate can cause cancer or any other issue. But evidence is emerging that they used flawed industry science (to be described in part two of this article).
Devastating health impacts
In August 2018, samples of four oat-based UK cereals were sent to the Health Research Institute Laboratories in the US following a newspaper report about US children eating weedkiller in their oat-based cereals. The following are the results of the analysis on the four oat-based cereals sent to the laboratory.
Dr John Fagan, the director of the lab, said:
These results are consistently concerning. The levels consumed in a single daily helping of any one of these cereals, even the one with the lowest level of contamination, is sufficient to put the person’s glyphosate levels above the levels that cause fatty liver disease in rats (and likely in people).”
Washington State University (WSU) researchers have found a variety of diseases and other health problems in the second- and third-generation offspring of rats exposed to glyphosate. In the first study of its kind, the researchers saw descendants of exposed rats developing prostate, kidney and ovarian diseases, obesity and birth abnormalities.
Michael Skinner, a WSU professor of biological sciences, and his colleagues exposed pregnant rats to the herbicide between their eighth and 14th days of gestation. The dose – half the amount expected to show no adverse effect – produced no apparent ill effects on either the parents or the first generation of offspring.
But, writing in the journal Scientific Reports, the researchers say they saw “dramatic increases” in several pathologies affecting the second and third generations. The second generation had ‘significant increases’ in testis, ovary and mammary gland diseases as well as obesity. In third-generation males, the researchers saw a 30% increase in prostate disease – three times that of a control population. The third generation of females had a 40% increase in kidney disease or four times that of the controls.
More than one-third of the second-generation mothers had unsuccessful pregnancies, with most of those affected dying. Two out of five males and females in the third generation were obese.
Skinner and his colleagues call this phenomenon generational toxicology and they have seen it over the years in fungicides, pesticides, jet fuel, the plastics compound bisphenol A, the insect repellent DEET and the herbicide atrazine. At work are epigenetic changes that turn genes on and off, often because of environmental influences.
Roundup kills bumble bees
Although Mason mainly discusses the health impacts of glyphosate in her report to Tarazona, she did mention at least one disturbing environmental impact. In April 2021, the Journal of Applied Ecology published an article ‘Roundup causes high levels of mortality following contact exposure in bumble bees.’
The article’s abstract stated that pollinators underpin global food production but are suffering significant declines across the world.
It went on to say:
Pesticides are thought to be important drivers of these declines. Herbicides are the most widely applied type of pesticides and are broadly considered ‘bee safe’ by regulatory bodies who explicitly allow their application directly onto foraging bees. We aimed to test the mortality effects of spraying the world’s most popular herbicide brand (Roundup) directly onto bumblebees (Bombus terrestris audax).”
The authors argue that Roundup products pose a significant hazard to bees, in both agricultural and urban systems and exposure of bees to them should be limited. They added that surfactants, or other co‐formulants, in herbicides and other pesticides may contribute to global bee declines.
They called for pesticide companies to release the full list of ingredients for each pesticide formulation, as lack of access to this information hampers research to determine safe exposure levels for beneficial insects in agro‐ecosystems.
Bayer’s multi-million-dollar headache
Mason asks Tarazona whether he has been following the trials against Monsanto in the US for concealing that its herbicide Roundup caused non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
She explains to him that three cases have been won against Monsanto/Bayer (Bayer bought Monsanto in 2018) and in 2021 there are thousands more awaiting to have their cases heard in court.
Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr said in 2018 that Bayer needs more than an aspirin to cure its Monsanto-sized headache.
Kennedy has been involved with some of these cases and has read enough of the scientific literature on glyphosate to conclude that there is cascading scientific evidence linking glyphosate to a constellation of other injuries that have become prevalent since its introduction, including obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, kidney and inflammatory bowel disease, brain, breast and prostate cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and declining sperm counts.
He added that strong science suggests glyphosate is the culprit in the exploding epidemics of celiac disease, colitis, gluten sensitivities, diabetes and non-alcoholic liver cancer which, for the first time, is attacking children as young as 10.
As if that is not worrying enough, Kennedy noted that researchers peg glyphosate as a potent endocrine disruptor, which interferes with sexual development in children. It is also a chelator that removes important minerals from the body and disrupts the microbiome, destroying beneficial bacteria in the human gut and triggering brain inflammation and other ill effects.
Although a Monsanto scientist claimed that glyphosate is excreted unchanged from the body, Mason cites a study by Ridley & Mirly (1988) which found bioaccumulation of glyphosate in bone, marrow, blood and glands (including thyroid, testes and ovaries) and major organs (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen and stomach). The paper was commissioned by Monsanto but was not published.
In a 1990 study conducted by Monsanto between 1987 and 1989 (again unpublished), glyphosate was found to induce a statistically-significant cataractous formation in the eyes of rats. Over the course of the study, cataract lens changes were seen in the low-, mid- and high dose groups in both male and female rats. The pathologist concluded that there was a glyphosate-treated related response for lens changes to the eyes.
Mason notes that the Assessment by the Rapporteur Member States tasked with risk assessing glyphosate have concluded that, based on the available ecotoxicological information glyphosate the current classification “Toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects” should be retained and the current classification as “causes serious eye damage” (H318) should be retained.
She therefore asks: how can a chemical like glyphosate still be on the market?
Mason notes that, according to the UN’s Global Chemicals Outlook II, glyphosate was at the top of the top ten products used on major crops in the United States, by volume, in 2016. Clothianidin (also manufactured by Bayer) is number ten.
She notes:
No wonder Bayer doesn’t want to lose its licence for glyphosate or for clothianidin, a long-acting neonicotinoid insecticide that is very persistent in the soil. Both chemicals are on the market illegally thanks to the corrupt EU and US regulatory authorities.”
And that is an issue which Mason draws Tarazona’s attention to and will be touched on in the second part of this article.
Readers can access Rosemary Mason’s new report, with all relevant references, here. Recommended reading for Jose Tarazona and readers who want to dig deeper into the issues: all of Rosemary Mason’s previous reports can be accessed here.
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The following article was just being finished as i came across the above on Off-Guardian.
The explanatory link is fairly strong:
Brazil: 22 thousand dead after 1st vaccine dose (an alternate hypothesis)
“Future historians may well look back upon our time and write about how willing we were to sacrifice our children and future generations for this massive genetic engineering experiment based on flawed science and failed promises.”
Sounds like Con-19. See Willem at 7.07 am below.
How to end hunger and the most diseases and how to finance a worldwide unconditional basic income:
By far, the most common cause for disease is underfeeding (aka too less food) and malnutrition (aka the wrong food, especially too less fruits/vitamins and too less proteins). There are 800 Million humans, who are undernourished. With the Covid-subvention-monies or with a fraction of the money, the Western countries have spent for their wars, we could have build for everybody of these humans a little wooden house in Middle-Afrika or in Brazil, so they can grew their food (vegetables and fruits). And water for themselves and for their plants they can get on every little hill with the help of plastic-half-pipes, which they have to lay queer to the flank to collect rainwater. By doing this, we could have ended the world-hunger and the most diseases and the cause for hunger-forced mass-immigration. If the states would give such farmers 100 Euro extra per month, they would have almost an unconditional basic income. In other words: By doing this we could achieve to finance for 2 billion poor people a suboptimal unconditional basic income as a first step to make the poor people more rich.Plus: As such farmers these would not have to work 8 hours a day for their basic needs.
“.. massive genetic engineering experiment that is based on flawed science and failed promises just to benefit the bottom line of commercial enterprise.”
If no laws were broken then it is the lawmakers that need to be dealt with.
It would seem likely that the increase in transgenderism and similar disorders (if I am permitted to use the term disorders) could well be strongly linked to the chemicals cited as oppossed to being a purely social phenomenon.
Nah, it’s because Bill and Mel and their friends fund LGBT NGOs and have huge amounts invested in pharma. It’s another prong of attack and the first bold attack testing our language and psyches. It also is a convienent way to weed gays and autistics out of the gene pool.
When you can get people genuinely confused about something so fucking fundamental as male and female, you can sell them anything. Brainwashing 101.
Tim truely if we are to remain evidence based I do’nt think you can classify transgenderism a disorder. It is more a choice of an evolving society where we are not so influenced by labels . Transgenderism as a choice has great advantages for the identity also of those using the definition of male or female as identities .
I agree with Tim and Juno. It is a disorder brought about by brainwashing.
“If you’re vaccinated, you are going to be able to participate in the economy, you’re going to be able to go to a pub, the cinema, to a sporting event, you’re going to be able to do all sorts of things that an unvaccinated person is not going to be able to do,” he said on Friday.
“Far from being locked into your house, you will have freedoms that others won’t have – they will be locked out of a whole range of venues because they could be vaccinated, and they’ve chosen not to.”
May he find himself in a situation where his freedom is deteriorated.
Pubs, cinemas and sporting events?
Who gives a shit.
All corporatised or monetised to SUCK $$$$$$$$$$$ from the Sheeple, distract and brainwash.
What do politicians lust after more than anything, more than authority or money?
They love to bask in the adulation, awe, respect, of their adherents.
Deluded Dan desires all these things.
He is too busy self aggrandising to glance over towards the Truth.
To think, I once thought he was one of the less tainted.
I was wrong.
Contrary to the received wisdom on the issue of population, the population levels – at least in the Northern Hemisphere – are falling, not rising. The fertility rate* necessary for reproduction ought to be approx 2.1, in fact no European state, East or West comes near to that figure. Population growth is either declining or static. Russia is a case in point, the Russian population has been frozen since the 1980s at around 146 million. The rest of Europe, particularly Eastern Europe is no better, in fact it is even more alarming. The same goes for Western Europe who augment their populations through mass immigration as does the United States (with all the political and social problems this gives rise to). See Further Fertility Rates are Dropping Around the World by Kate Raines Published May 31, 2021 | Medicine, Women Despite ongoing concerns about overpopulation, birth rates are falling worldwide, and in many countries populations are projected to drop by half by the end of this century. · Decreasing birth rates have been attributed to such social changes as increasing access to higher education for women, modern methods of contraception and economic considerations leading to fewer or no children by choice. · A more ominous trend is represented by biologic indicators such as drastically decreased sperm counts in most developed nations, as well as increasing incidents of reproductive anomalies such as early puberty in girls and genital abnormalities in boys. Warnings about a global population explosion and what that will mean to the future of the planet have been in the public consciousness for the past century, so it may be a bit confusing that recent reports show fertility rates are actually falling dramatically worldwide. Declining birth rates have been documented in developed countries since 1969 have often been attributed to better access to… Read more »
The current GLOBAL population-overshoot begins its scheduled, spontaneous, self-inflicted downturn (pretty well dead on time, according to the extraordinarily accurate ‘Limits To Growth’ projections) in the Northern hemisphere first, and you find that ‘alarming’ Donald? I find it a heartfelt relief. Scarcely matters where it starts, as it will be global eventually.
The population bomb has been ticking steadily during all my long lifetime, and has wrought havoc on the Earth all that time. I regard the slowing down towards its tipping point of this ghastly ramp-up as some of the best news of recent time.
TLTG reckons that much of the current overshoot will have been corrected, even despite hom-sap’s utter irresponsibility about it, by the end of this century.
Rejoice at that news!
Though we couldn’t be arsed to do anything humane and effective about it, it will be corrected eventually precisely by our irresponsibility: another two of the curves on TLTG’s famous graph are food production (going down over this century) and pollution – glyphosate, for example – (still going up for now, but also down shortly afterwards). Those changes will be taking care of the numbers-reduction process for Mam Gaia.
By next century, the situation on our planet may well be considerably improved, precisely because of less humans, producing less disruption. Simply not able to produce as much disruption, in fact, as another of the curves – resources – also comes down this century; permanently! These processes may even take care of the worst possibilities of climate shift – which is also real, and partly human generated, whatever any of the doctrinaire fanatics may bloviate. Looks as if we have a chance of getting out of the messes we’ve created by sheer dumb luck! 🙂
OK, let the dogma-fanatics’ downvotes roll! LOL! :O)
“A more ominous trend is represented by biologic indicators such as drastically decreased sperm counts in most developed nations, as well as increasing incidents of reproductive anomalies such as early puberty in girls and genital abnormalities in boys.”
This ties in with the article BTL.
The jabs are poisonous. It is just unclear how poisonous they are. Same is with GMO food, contaminated water, etc.
Me thinks that the knowledge that something is poisonous is reason enough to stay away from it.
But of course if you produce something poisonous you have to do some cost benefit analysis. And if in such an analysis the profit can be made, while the poison is for someone else, the conclusion is simple.
It’s nothing personal. It’s business.
Other people’s business is to make mountains of molehills as in saying that something that might be poisoning is killing us all, unless we start paying attention and pay other people’s business.
In this way the poison industry and those who fight it have a swell time.
This is how I see large corporations and ‘grass roots’ NGOs.
What do the plebs eat?
Junk food, food they can afford and cheap booze.
What do the vain, hubristic, psychos eat?
Organic food, organic wines and champagne.
Funny that
Oh Johnny, you’re so superior! Thrilling!! 🙂
It took thousands of generations of my hanky-panky loving forebears to produce me ( or maybe they just loved fornicating and i was a result of a long line of “accidents”.)- and it takes just a couple of jabs in my arm to end the party !!
If not by the Jabs, then by slowly-poisoning-me ‘foods’.
Drink your milk Freddie.
It’s good for you.
Mexico Pres. Obrador had decreed glyphosate ban, US may bully him to change his mind…2/21/2021, Mexican Pres. Obrador keeps campaign promise to phase out use of glyphosate and imports modified by it: “Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador quietly rocked the agribusiness world with his New Year’s Eve decree to phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate and the cultivation of genetically modified corn. His administration sent an even stronger aftershock two weeks later, clarifying that the government would also phase out GM corn imports in three years and the ban would include not just corn for human consumption but yellow corn destined primarily for livestock. Under NAFTA, [now USMCA] the United States has seen a 400% increase in corn exports to Mexico, the vast majority genetically modified yellow dent corn.”…http://www.ipsnews.net/2021/02/mexico-ban-glyphosate-gm-corn-presidential-decree-comes-despite-intense-pressure-industry-u-s-authorities/
A brave man.
Let us hope the CIA or similar outfit are unable to kill him.
How about we address the fact that QE2 owns one third of the land mass of this, entire, world that we live on. How about we address the fact that she, also, seems to own the sea-bed as well.
How about we address the fact that her ‘dead’ husband, another European aristocrat, thinks that its okay to go out and shoot 2 tigers and 800 birds in one day…and then preach that we are are a danger to nature…as far as him wanting to come back as a virus.
How about we look at their son, Charles, who is is fronting the WEF, ‘You will own nothing and you will be happy’.
How about we look at the WWF that Philip set up with Maurice Strong which owns strategic lands in Africa where they train mercenaries…whilst shooting rhinos and lions and whatever takes their fancy.
Why don’t we look at how all of the alphabet agencies, either side of the Atlantic, serve the same master
QE2 was worth £60 billion (visible) in 2018. The countries she owns cannot be valued.
She is the richest woman on this earth…
…and she has only poked her head up once…
…to tell us, ‘unvaccinated’, that we are, ‘being rather selfish’..
Lets stop the imminent murder and/or sterilisation of children first we can deal with glyphosphates and the lizard queen later
If we don’t there wont be anyone left to deal wth anything.
Thanks Karry. Civilians have no clue regarding the amount of land the “royal” class owns.and controls. I’ve posted documentation for years regarding the fact that the “royal classes never went away. They may have exchanged given names over the years, but land holdings and legal ownership of birth rights haven’t changed since the early 1300’s.
How on earth can this insane, cloud-cuckoo-land, utterly reality-detached rant by Karry get so many upvotes and none down! Some really weird delusionals frequenting Off-G btl!
Elizabeth Windsor and her son Charles Windsor are minor nuisances on the face of the Earth, not the mistress and master of much of it. Ridiculous joke! Their power is limited, their real, actually-musterable wealth is less than Bezos’s, Gates’s and quite a few others. Those parasites are the real, urgent targets for elimination. The Windsor parasites can wait.
The banksters own and control the planet.
Including the Royals.
Great story! Thank you off-g.
Covid Bits:
Top FDA Vaccine Officials Resign, Raising Questions About Pressure From White House to Approve Boosters
Military Service Members With Natural Immunity File Lawsuit Against DOD, FDA, HHS Over COVID Vaccine Mandate The “vaccine” has proven to be even more dangerous to those who’ve already had covid.
90 School bus drivers quit over vax mandate.
According to AP, a poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research in July found that 45% of adults who had not yet received a vaccine said they definitely would not get it, and 35% probably would not.
— https://childrenshealthdefense.salsalabs.org/9-1-21defender2?wvpId=cbd938ca-482d-4ca7-817b-416211597a1e
There’s a reason people like me go around saying we’re in the End Times. The entire world has reached a point where there is NOTHING but corruption. Without corruption nothing can happen, nothing can get done, nothing can be decided or legislated or opinioned in Court.
And yet, corruption is massively unsustainable. If it were only glyphosate that’s killing us; but of course it isn’t. It’s everything.
There’s nothing you can see or hear or smell or taste that has not been so thoroughly seeped in toxicity that life cannot possibly continue indefinitely.
Science and industry have managed to turn a once thriving planet into a toxic cesspool. It isn’t glyphosate we need to ban – it’s science and industry. If we wish to live much longer, that is.
Thanks Howard. I couldn’t have stated it more succinctly. As Bob Dylan one noted: “Everything is Broken.”
Broken lines, broken strings,
Broken threads, broken springs,
Broken idols, broken heads,
People sleeping in broken beds
Ain’t no use jiving
Ain’t no use joking
Everything is broken
Broken bottles, broken plates,
Broken switches, broken gates,
Broken dishes, broken parts,
Streets are filled with broken hearts
Broken words never meant to be spoken,
Everything is broken
Seem like every time you stop and turn around
Something else just hit the ground
Broken cutters, broken saws,
Broken buckles, broken laws,
Broken bodies, broken bones,
Broken voices on broken phones
Take a deep breath, feel like you’re chokin’,
Everything is broken
Every time you leave and go off someplace
Things fall to pieces in my face
Broken hands on broken ploughs,
Broken treaties, broken vows,
Broken pipes, broken tools,
People bending broken rules
Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking,
Everything is broken
I’ve now changed my mind: I think it was Professor Plumb, in the Drawing Room, with the lead pipe…
My post appears to have been edited (not by me). Let’s try again, with one of the most brilliant tracks ever made…
If this gets edited out I’m going to move to Afghanistan or North Korea, where personal freedoms are much higher (it’s laughable how they manage to keep up this pretense in the western world).
I agree that it’s laughable – I live in China, which almost seems to be a bastion of liberty compared to Australia and most western countries during the scamdemic.
Apparently Clare Torrey got those vocals at the first take. Sublime !!
More than that, apparently she entirely improvised that section. In fact, according to her, she was warming up and didn’t know that she was being recorded when she did it.
And what, pray tell, purpose does lead pipe serve in the drawing room?
And does the highly educated Professor now have lead poisoning?
Reminder that the EU has changed regulations pertaining to GMOs, as certain aspects of the mRNA platforms fall under that category, to catalyse the rollout. What they used to not allow to happen to lettuce, they are fine with allowing it to happen to our bodies.
Ok – whose up for an invasion? Isle of Wight. A few of us could launch a few rowing boats, overcome the IOW council and we could move in with David Icke if he would have us.
Our region of France was spraying Glygho like crazy 20 years ago – “Golden Sunshine” as it was called, used to ripen wheat. In Autumn the fields used to be orange. It is however changing albeit slowly.
They have banned it for use in the garden but not the farmers fields it would seem.
Poisoning children for money is the lowest of the low. Even in the middle ages child murderers were considered freaks of nature.
These chemical companies are so greedy that they are prepared to descimate the worlds bee population for their want. They are irresponsible and out of control along with the EU and the clown show currently running Blighty.
Big Ag, big tech, big med, big bis, big prob.
Technologically mentioning children is like an am birth pm adulthood. At best a National appeal at worst a daily past tense mainstream digital fantasy narrative.
Its a question of degree — spraying a little Roundup on a persistent weed in your yard is just not the same as throwing around tons of the stuff in agricultural operations. Unfortunately, like everything else, the spreadsheet dictates that for optimal profit monoculture is the only way so all the collateral damage to biodiversity — plants, insects and wildlife — is not part of the equation.
We’ve been through this before innumerable times. Industrial level livestock management benefits from widespread antibiotic use, for example. Never mind that intensive livestock farming is neither kind to animals nor safe, its an biological accident waiting to happen, and that widespread antibiotic use promotes antibiotic resistance. The spreadsheet tells us what to do and our only imperative is making those payment to the bank so we fumble and fudge, rationalize and generally blow clouds of smoke to delay the inevitable just long enough that it becomes someone else’s problem.
This starts with the mindset. A little poison on our home-grown lawns and vegies is ok but not when BigAg sprays it onto wheat fields to dessicate the wheat just before harvest….
I’ll go with organic, thanks.
I cut out my weeds with a knife. Persistent or not, none can resist the blade. Using poisons in one’s own yard is silly. As goes the saying my dad told me, “Don’t shit where you eat.” Rings especially true today.
I stopped calling my wild-volunteer green-life-form kindred ‘weeds’ years ago, and began growing my food plants amongst them cooperatively. Everything thrives, including my harvests. And like Ruth Stout, I work a lot less at it, and my back’s very comfortable, thank you! 🙂
No reason for the production of this shit in the first place.
It always comes back to people wanting to pay as less as possible for food. And the middle man organising it so they get their profits while the farmer is forced to mine his land and use chemicals galore…we had this conversation a year ago. Nothing changes
And so the people they mix. Vaxed, unvaxed,certain,unsure. Festivals, parties and get togethers. The disease still shows up in all persuasions. People are perplexed. How is this so? I am double jabbed. It is not real. What is going on? How did this happen? What did I do? Who was I with? Are they? Could they have passed their bugs to me? The quest for reason. The quest for a rational truth? Families,friends,associates,lovers.
Who do you think is right?
Well, I don’t know…but, the official figures for how many people were out on the streets, in France, last week, was something like 161,825…or 6 (don’t quote me on that – I may have gotten the small numbers wrong)
I’m not sure how they even got it down to the last hundreds, let alone an individual..
The real numbers are closer to 5 million…cheek by jowl, maskless (shock! horror!) for the last six weeks….and we are all still here…nobody is ill.
Ca va?
Oui, Ca va. Et toi?
Merci mon ami. My family and I have been to a festival or 2 and now find ourselves with fever and tired ness. Which we have experienced before. Though the grape vine we hear we are not alone. People are asking the questions, as above.
Where will it end we wonder.
There is no SARS-CoV-2 virus:
(FDA July 12/21)
During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens were not readily available to developers of IVDs to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.
From February through the middle of May, the FDA issued a total of 59 EUAs for IVDs for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 based on validation data using contrived specimens derived from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. As the pandemic progressed and more patient specimens became available, on May 11, 2020, the FDA recommended in the Policy for Coronavirus Disease-2019 Tests that developers obtain and use patient specimens to validate their tests.
The RT PCR test cannot diagnose the presence of ANY virus, only the presence or absence of an RNA marker(s);
The Vexxes are the $64000 question. Do they exist to SPREAD modified contagion, or are they placebos, or WHAT?
Major purpose of existence is to 1. Make some very wealthy or even more wealthy 2. Bring in passports to assist with getting in world digital currency
i agree.. yet a bug is going round more frequently than before. Have we been to sanitised or is something else now a factor. hmmmm
Regular seeding of new waves of bio-weapons, as the scam progresses, and the scammers continue to try to keep it running, perhaps? How would anyone know which sniffles are related to which bug? Put out by whom? China, USAmerica? Both, in an unadmitted bio-weapon war? We really have no clear picture of WTF is happening in this peculiar time, except that there’s a huge criminal swindle going on.
They are nice little earners, all that matters to Predatory Capitalism.
How could shooting oneself up with a bit of synthetic protein solve any problem…been better if they had shot up with something that gave them a happy time while out mingling
OT but I just heard from the news that the Taliban have gone too far. They are stopping women from taking gender studies!
Shocking in that terrible terrible land they make women children wear burka it isnt compulsory. they have terrible human rights children dont even get their childhood inoculations.
Glyphosate? It’s the NAZIs. They’re not going to ban themselves.
They’re just merging Exxon and Chevron… Monsanto just got into bed with Bayer. At least we now see the world for what it is. They’re reconstituting J.D. Rockefeller’s I.G. Farben—Standard Oil.
On The Threshold Of A Dream by The Moody Blues (1969)
[Establishment computer:]
I’ve miles and miles of files…
You’re magnetic ink.
I’m more than that, I know I am.
[Inner voice:]
There you go man, keep as cool as you can.
It riles them to believe
That you perceive
The web they weave
And keep on thinking free.
First track: In The Beginning
This video has a typo: It’s not “who ordered that?” but “I’m more than that.
On The Threshold Of A Dream inspires my latest newsletter:
My Gawd, are your missives HELPING me THINK, MULTI-DIMENSION-ALLY!
And it is true: when one knows, do they have to say anything?!
Open all your ‘collective’ crowns.
This only one mass consciousness.
of course one could say this is all about the ‘profits’ (and it is certainly a component of how they dupe the hireling imbeciles)…
but really this all about full spectrum dominance… no one will be allowed to exist outside of the ‘beast’ system…
an old quote from the seventies, but of course that’s when they tweaked the plans you are now seeing being rolled out.. the reset, new-abnormal etc etc..
also this….
how prophetic….
The survival of the human race must be predicated on the extermination of the global elites. Agree or disagree.
indeed mr ‘duck’… it seems the only sensible plan of action, because of course they have a plan to exterminate most of ‘us’ …
and they are well on with it.. so it only seems fair we meet them at least halfway..
im preparing. waiting for the call
i am prepairing, waiting for the call
‘the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.’
people forget the part of 1984 where winston reveals the lengths he is willing to go to overthrow the party. i believe this is orwell demonstrating the truth of the above quote.
‘You are prepared to commit murder?’
‘To commit acts of sabotage which may cause the death of hundreds of innocent people?’
‘To betray your country to foreign powers?’
‘You are prepared to cheat, to forge, to blackmail, to corrupt the minds of children, to distribute habit-forming drugs, to encourage prostitution, to disseminate venereal diseases — to do anything which is likely to cause demoralization and weaken the power of the Party?’
‘If, for example, it would somehow serve our interests to throw sulphuric acid in a child’s face — are you prepared to do that?’
‘You are prepared to lose your identity and live out the rest of your life as a waiter or a dock-worker?’
‘You are prepared to commit suicide, if and when we order you to do so?’
Sounds like the interview to become a Tory/Labour MP.
A peek into Orwell’s sick imagination.
2 mood elevating idle daydreams…
Many vaccines, including the famous Salk vaccine for polio (a “disease” which was really caused by neurotoxins like DDT – and earlier by unsanitary conditions), were in fact in the end covering up illnesses caused by pesticides. TPT{shouldn’t]B have never given a damn about our well being, they care about profit. They make poisons to make profits and make vaccines to “cure” you of the illnesses the poisons create – except that vaccines are just more poisons that also make profits. They got us coming and going. The last thing they care about is public health.
You may be right. Is there any evidence of polio before DDT?
For me at least, and at least for now, I think that this is maybe best left for another fight on another day.
A bit difficult. It seems polio was a new name given to a number of debilitating illnesses.
All major epidemics of modern times, including polio, Spanish flu and aids are traceable to some kind of poisoning, though the official line will never admit that. Instead, in each instance, some microbe or other will be found to take the blame and conceal the fact that the bottom line of a bunch of unscrupulous profiteers has been killing us all along, besides making them even more money from their phoney war on the microbe.
Oh, yes. A decade ago, I and like minded folks from the Big Island came up with petitions to ban glyphosate in the state of Hawai’i – but first and foremost on Hawai’i Island that still had the greatest variety of idigenous animal and plant life. Had. No more. We knew what the dousing of roadsides on the entire island (allegedly not, where house owners had put up signs that read: “No Spraying!” would do to the environment – Hello? It’s all Islands and everything doused on the roadside goes to the stormdrain, guess where? Massive amounts of glyphosate end up in the ocean, destroying fragile ecosystems like corals and their microcosmos. When snorkeling, one could notice years ago the dying of the sensitive coral around the Big Island. But since Hawai’i has never been anything but “Democrat Party Property”, nothing changed. The petitions were rejected on the base of being “…a threat to the livelihood of the Hawai’ian Farmers” (=Pharmers). Just to make sure what I mean by “dousing”: Does 1500 gallon per mile sound good? It’s a 20 mile drive from Pahoa to Hilo. Two two-lane highways with two roadsides = 80 miles times how much? Monsatan/Buyer must be nationalized, its assets confiscated and returned to public coffers – those corrupt politicians like in Hawai’i belong into jail for treason and environmental destruction. Farmers aside, it is still the fucking single family home owners in Hawai’i that use the largest amounts of this most toxic poison. Because yard in Tropical Rainforest must look like yard in Beverly Shills, or Face Palm Springs. But right now, with the deadliest of the deadliest variants “Out There”, one cannot put American and European Pharmers out of business by banning glyphorfucksate. On the side: rich Uruguayans get their glyphosate treatment just like… Read more »
We have a similar story here with the Great Barrier Reef and cities beside it….all damage blamed on climate change or the farmers….meanwhile umpteen tons of detergent and other shit is used annually by households in and out of the house, various things on lawns. Car pollutants, road works etc….the sept of environment regularly sets fire to the mountains around in name of sustainable environment as the indig did it….and now there will be masks down all the drains and plenty of whatever that shit is they are all washing their hands, floors and counter tops with,,,now the reef doesn’t matter an iota….well other than putting in for a grant to study the impact of climate change on it…
They did, sort of, ban glyphosate…but only the strongest stuff and only piece-meal. My neighbour, at the time, used to go to Spain to get it, after the ‘ban’. ‘The proper stuff’, he called it.
Then Bayer bought it from Monsanto…and the year before last, it was reintroduced on account of ‘problems’ with the sugar-beet crop in France.
Then, last year, they (the regime) removed the Mayor of the Commune’s legislative power to regulate how close to habitation that the, full-strength glyphosate, is allowed to be sprayed.
So if the mRNA vaccines, or chimpanzee adeno-based covid poisons don’t get us, they’ll make sure glypho will!
with the 5G array to microwave cook what’s left of our immune systems as gordan mentioned below – anybody who doesn’t see this an idiot – not a sheep, because I see sheep every day and they have a much more pronounced sense of identity, self reliance and preservation than most of the human idiots I know. Try standing on a freezing cold English hill throughout the night in winter, brush it off and have a grass snack first thing – sheep can do it with no problem at all.
indeed …. the sheep (ovis aries for you astrologists) is a much nobler animal and orders of magnitude more intelligent than the common imbecile…
some would say some of my friends/acquaintances* are sheep but that would be insulting to the local ruminants..
*enemies waiting to happen…
Glyphosate corrupts an important protein in our cells called glycine and what with EMF toxicity 5G and the rest, increasing since the introduction of A.C. current and the structure of water collapsing in our cells because of EMF toxicity, can cause blood coagulation problems and death. Funny enough has the same symptoms of this so called ‘virus’ ie microwave sickness, 2p.
The above pdf is excellent IMHO having read it a few times getting the info for the above comment, very feasible theory.
Yes and some of the actors behind both scams are the same.
The point is probably that we’ll never know exeactly what it was that got us out of this toxic soup we’re surrounded by.
The Limits To Growth, along with the Long Descent will do it. But our descendants will probably be the ones to see the improvement, next century.
What happened to all the ladybirds I used to see when I was a young boy?
Sadly, there are far, far fewer…but, if it helps, they winter and breed in my, (ancient) window recesses.
We are all, everything, being poisoned;
Do these f***kers not realise that they’ll die too?
They know they won’t. They are ready to “underground”. But not into some coal miners’ cave. No, there are underground cities now with underground transportation. A small nuclear power plant will provide the electricity for an artificial world – a Truman’s Show for the rich. “Outside” does no longer exist. Liokdown trained individuals will forget that they live underground quickly. If You never go outside…
Artificial sunlight is basically all You need. They got that now.
We would not even know when they retreat to the caves…
Can you give us a photoshoot of all this, N? You know, something like actual persuasive evidence, beyond the hysteria of a fevered, over-heated imagination? (Or the piss-take of a 77er.)
Persuasive evidence my ass. The most persuasive evidence of the last 21 years did shit to people like you. Sad, sad, sad. Because you will pay with your health and life for it.
How about some persuasive evidence that an atom bomb is deadly? “Persuasive evidence” is the game played by the controllers. It works like a charm with 911, bail-outs, wars – everything goes. Despite people having persuasive evidence to the contrary.
Maybe paying a visit to Julian Assange in illegal, indefinite detention will educate the remaining deck of your cards?
Persuasive evidence – for the never persuaded.
On the lus side, my southern England garden has seen not shartage of bees this summer.
Stop right there.
They want to reduce the population of the planet.
So why wouldn’t they support the endless use of glyphosate – and a lot of other poisonous stuff too…?
The evidence for the harm it does is quite irrelevant in this context.
Probably the more harm, the better, as far as our current batch of psychopaths is concerned.
Just edit the “Probably” out and replace it with “Logically”. Fir these psychopathic cretins, more harm including death = mo better.
Yes you are on target. The harm is intentional and so long as you don’t drop down dead straight after your bowl of Oatibix, then there will always be enough wriggle room for plausible deniability. And all the more especially so when you have the corrupted regulators in your very deep pockets.
They could feed the Oatibix to lab rats, the unfortunate rats grow 2 heads and 15 tumours and it still wouldn’t be banned because lab tests on animals aren’t considered enough proof for what a substance does to humans.
Conversely, if there seemed to be a benefit, the regulators would hasten to approve the product for people.
‘They’ want to reduce the population of the planet. Okay, apart from whomever ‘they’ may be, the great cull won’t be solely imposed upon the deplorables or the great unwashed, it will insinuate its way into the hidey holes of the protected ones who for some bizarre reasons they imagine that they are going to rise above the chaos like Gods. It’s a bit like the moneyed idiots buying fall out shelters to make themselves ‘safe’ from the nuclear catastrophe. Little thought I would imagine that Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Warren Buffet, the Rockefellers et. al have given this very real prospect, but then of course they are complete loonies.
In the words of the Scottish poet Robbie Burns, ‘The best laid schemes of mouse and men, ofte gan aglay.’ At least we can, if some of us are still around, contemplate post facto the demise our ‘betters’ with a very large degree of schadenfreude
Yes. That’s an accurate description of the rampant megalomania.
It is, after all, a mania.
Why we haven’t found a way of importing as many straitjackets as ‘vaccines’, I really can’t imagine…
The Rockefellers, the Kissingers, the Windsors live into their 90s so whatever are the main dangers they know and avoid them.
Regular doses of adrenochrome also help.
You call that living…? 🙂
Right, so they have another 10 years of senility, big deal. I think I’d rather go when I still have some marbles left, not linger on like some brainless dummy who wears senile diapers.
Of course the advantage of total senility is that you don’t know most of what’s going on around you…
This reminds me of a tasteless-but-funny joke that circulated when “Alzheimer’s Disease” became the popular universal catch-all term for all forms of senility and dementia:
The nice thing about Alzheimer’s is that you keep meeting new people!
Preach. The power establishment has been implementing mass health harms per policy dictate for decades, and now they are deliberately imploding the health care system with forced vaccines and mandates. Great testimony from a health care worker warning about the coming deaths from government mandate policies in this blog (first video, lead story)
Everything that is being done…wearing masks, socially distancing, not mixing with many, ordered inside etc before we even get to shooting up a bit of synthetic protein brew, all seem to be designed to disable the human basic defence systems..,add this on top of poor eating habits, resorting to alcohol to deal with the government propaganda machine it really is a gruesome story…how anyone can think any of this has anything to do with being healthy and/or supporting the health of the community is well beyond my mind to grasp…
it has also occurred to me if you force people to be unhealthy it will be the quickest way to relieve them of any assets they have…..something I would not put passed these characters to think was a good idea to achieve their aims of doing just that…I.e.you will own nothing etc…
what about 5g
Interactive map of global 5G installations, updated weekly
They’ve been very busy whilst everybody has been distracted.
BreXXit 19 Ovid merger the gift that keeps on giving. Alt media and their merry band of oligarch endorsers.
Double speak madness at it’s best.
Britain to grow cancer-cutting wheat for making healthier bread
Sarah Raffan, a member of the research team, with the genome-edited wheat. It contains less asparagine, a naturally occurring amino acid that is converted into acrylamide, a suspected carcinogen, when wheat is used to make bread
British scientists will grow a new strain of wheat using a revolutionary form of genetic editing as part of an effort to make healthier toast.
The trials will be the first in Europe for a wheat that has been genetically edited using a tool known as Crispr.
It comes as the government consults on whether to use post-Brexit freedoms to break with European Union rules that have limited the use of the technology in agriculture.
That’s right, we’ll genetically modify wheat in order to change the amino acid profile so that it doesn’t produce a natural substance that might change into a carcinogenic one when you cook it, but we won’t ban the dozens of man made chemicals that definitely do cause cancer and definitely are in your food by design.
Seems straightforward enough to me. Better profit through chemistry.
And they will spray that wheat with glyphosate just before harvest, as they also do for oats, barley, peas, canola, beans, peas, lentils and sugar cane.
BreXXit 19 Ovid merger the gift that keeps on giving. Alt media and their merry band of oligarch endorsers.
Double speak madness it best
Britain to grow cancer-cutting wheat for making healthier bread
Sarah Raffan, a member of the research team, with the genome-edited wheat. It contains less asparagine, a naturally occurring amino acid that is converted into acrylamide, a suspected carcinogen, when wheat is used to make bread
British scientists will grow a new strain of wheat using a revolutionary form of genetic editing as part of an effort to make healthier toast.
The trials will be the first in Europe for a wheat that has been genetically edited using a tool known as Crispr.
It comes as the government consults on whether to use post-Brexit freedoms to break with European Union rules that have limited the use of the technology in agriculture.
BreXXit 19 Ovid makes Crispr toast.
Can we not all get together and buy an island somewhere…very far north or very far south.
Antarctica it is, then.
Still quite cheap – if you hurry…