Covid-19: Fear, Anxiety and Voodoo Death
Ryan Matters

Death counters, case counters, faulty tests to inflate death numbers, footage of patients on ventilators, apparent corpses on the streets in Wuhan, and highly transmissible “variants”.
What do all these things have in common? They cause fear and anxiety. They are devices used to not only weave a narrative but to instill a belief in people’s minds of a new and dangerous disease.
As will become evident, this incessant fear-porn can be likened to a form of “black magic”, causing suffering and death in its own right, which, as well shall see, is a curious yet well-documented and very “real” phenomenon.
The concept of “voodoo death” or “psychic death” has been observed for hundreds of years. It is a phenomenon whereby a person (often a member of a tribe or primitive community) is brought to death by means of a “spell”, or the use of “black magic”. This phenomenon has been observed by anthropologists, doctors and explorers all over the world, in areas such as Australia, New Zealand, Africa, South America and Haiti.
We will now review some of the testimonies recorded by Cannon (1942), starting with that of Dr. D. M. Lambert, a member of the Western Pacific Health Service of the Rockefeller Foundation, who claimed to have observed several cases of men dying from fear. Dr. Lambert recounts a specific incident that happened in Queensland, Australia, involving one Dr. Clarke. Note that “Kanakas”, a rather offensive term, refers to Pacific Islanders employed by British colonies during the 19th and 20th centuries.
[Dr. Lambert] wrote to me concerning the experience of Dr PS Clarke with Kanakas working on the sugar plantations of North Queensland. One day a Kanaka came to his hospital and told him he would die in a few days because a spell had been put upon him and nothing could be done to counteract it. The man had been known by Dr. Clarke for some time. He was given a very thorough examination, including an examination of the stool and the urine. All was found normal, but as he lay in bed he gradually grew weaker. Dr. Clarke called upon the foreman of the Kanakas to come to the hospital to give the man assurance, but on reaching the foot of the bed, the foreman leaned over, looked at the patient, and then turned to Dr. Clarke saying, “Yes, doctor, close up him he die” (i.e., he is nearly dead). The next day, at 11 o’clock in the morning, he ceased to live. A postmortem examination revealed nothing that could in any way account for the fatal outcome.”
In the Australian aboriginal culture, the concept of “sorcery” is a prominent one, and each member of the tribe has recourse to its use by which he may harm an enemy. The medicine man (the healer) is the only one capable of countering such dark influences and is thus deemed the most important member of the community. In aborigine culture, “bone pointing” is the most powerful form of black magic employed, said to have brought death to many a man. Indeed, there are numerous cases of “death by bone pointing” in the literature.
Dr. J. B. Cleland, Professor of Pathology at the University of Adelaide, has written to me that he has no doubt that from time to time the natives of the Australian bush do die as a result of a bone being pointed at them, and that such death may not be associated with any of the ordinary lethal injuries.”
Cannon also relays a testimony given by Leonard (1906), in connection with his observations of tribes of the Lower Niger region:
I have seen more than one hardened old Haussa soldier dying steadily and by inches because he believed himself to be bewitched; no nourishment or medicines that were given to him had the slightest effect either to check the mischief or to improve his condition in any way, and nothing was able to divert him from a fate which he considered inevitable. In the same way, and under very similar conditions, I have seen Kru-men and others die in spite of every effort that was made to save them, simply because they had made up their minds, not (as we thought at the time) to die, but that being in the clutch of malignant demons they were bound to die.”
Cannon then reviews the work of Warner (1941) who worked among primitive aborigines in Northern Australia. Warner identified two distinctive movements of the social group that occurred during the process when black magic sorcery became effective on the victim.
The first was a contraction whereby the people around the victim withdrew their support. In other words, the “bewitched” person’s social structure collapsed, his friends and family no longer remained by his side, and he was left isolated and alone.
The “bewitched” individual being isolated from the rest of the community, left alone to endure their fate which has been all but decided? Does this not conjure up images of the elderly in care homes, isolated and alone, told they are being threatened by a ‘deadly’ virus, and nobody is allowed to see them? I would argue it’s the same mechanism at work here. Cannon goes on to consider the general features of reported “voodoo deaths”.
There is the elemental fact that the phenomenon is characteristically noted among aborigines-among human beings SO primitive, so superstitious, so ignorant that they are bewildered strangers in a hostile world. Instead of knowledge they have a fertile and unrestricted imagination which fills their environment with all manner of evil spirits capable of affecting their lives disastrously. […] Associated with these circumstances is the fixed assurance that because of certain conditions, such as being subject to bone pointing or other magic, or failing to observe sacred tribal regulations, death is sure to supervene.”
Cannon emphasizes the primitiveness and ignorance of such individuals who have succumbed to “voodoo death” and implies that humanity has evolved to be immune from such influences. But is that really true? It could be argued that our modern society is no different from the primitive tribesman, except that we have substituted “evil spirits” for another invisible enemy.
The covid-19 phenomenon has seen the development of a “covidian cult”, with its members obeying senseless “tribal regulations” such as mask-wearing, “social distancing”, mRNA vaccination and the obsessive use of sanitizers.
Seen in this context, the modern-day covidian cult member is no different from the primitive tribesman. He is just as ignorant and just as suggestible. And therefore, he is entirely at the mercy of the sorcerer and his black magic, bone pointing ritual (think positive PCR test).
Dr SD Porteus, studied primitive life extensively in the Pacific Islands and Africa and found that social interaction was of key importance for primitive peoples in rendering themselves resistant to all manner of mysterious and malicious influences. Of course, man’s need for social interaction is well-known, a need (as well as a right) which for many people has been left unfulfilled. Cannon ends off by discussing the power of fear and how it affects one’s physiology.
Fear, as is well known, is one of the most deeply rooted and dominant of the emotions. Often, only with difficulty can it be eradicated. Associated with it are profound physiological disturbances, widespread throughout the organism. There is evidence that some of these disturbances, if they are lasting, can work harmfully.”
He then delves into an explanation of how emotions can impact the sympathico-adrenal system, which, as a consequence of prolonged activation, can cause a major drop in blood pressure, something observed frequently among soldiers during World War One.
The physiological effects of prolonged stress, anxiety and fear are well-known to be destructive and yet this has been downplayed during the last 18 months. Finally, Cannon ends his exploration of “voodoo death” with the pronouncement of its legitimacy.
The suggestion which I offer, therefore, is that “voodoo death” may be real, and that it may be explained as due to shocking emotional stress-to obvious or repressed terror.”
Seen in this context, excess deaths in communities subjected to the covid terror campaign (i.e. with increased access to the internet, TVs, radios, etc) may be considered inevitable, or at the very least, explainable, without the need for a pathogenic agent.
Lester (1972) noted cases in which members of a community were “hexed” and subsequently refused to take in food or water, leading to their eventual demise. He argued that this represented a type of “death by suggestion” – a psychological program so persuasive as to affect the individual’s behavior to the point of irrationality. He also argued that “voodoo death” occurred not only in primitive, superstitious and ignorant “savages” but also in more “advanced” societies.
Needless to say, irrational behavior has been one of the hallmarks of the covid scam. Think about restaurants where people enter wearing a mask only to take it off when they sit down at the table. Think of the sanitizers outside shops and malls, the cheap temperature guns from China, the cloth masks with gaping holes in them.
None of it makes logical sense and it’s not meant to. All of these things serve a purpose, which is to establish rituals and “tribal regulations”, that when broken instill fear and anxiety. ‘I forgot to put my mask on when I went outside, what if the virus made its way into my mouth? Oh God, will I get sick? Am I going to die?’
Finally, Lester also notes the work of Engel (1968) who explored the question of why people fall ill when they do and what kind of psychological state induces disease symptoms in the body. Engel discovered a consistent pattern of responses which he named the “giving up-given up complex” and found that a person responding to stress with such a complex was more likely to fall ill and even die.
Lester then uses this model as a way to conceptualize “voodoo death” and its mechanism of occurrence, maintaining that the cause was localized in the psychological state of the individual.
In modern times doctors use the terms “placebo effect” and “nocebo effect” to refer to the phenomenon that occurs when a patient’s beliefs cause his illness to either improve or worsen. According to research, the “placebo effect” accounts for most (if not all) of the benefits of antidepressants – a staggering conclusion considering that millions of people around the world are prescribed these dangerous drugs every year.
One then has to wonder why doctors feel it is OK to risk brain fog, suicide, vomiting, insomnia and the myriad other “side effects” that can be caused by these drugs when a similar benefit can be achieved by the use of sugar pills.
The power of the mind and its ability to affect miraculous healings represents one of the most incredible breakthroughs ever made in the history of medicine and yet it has been grossly ignored by the mainstream establishment. Why? Because it doesn’t fit into the belief box of materialist science, nor does it suit the profit-driven pharmaceutical establishment.
The power of the subconscious mind in influencing health has been detailed extensively by psychiatrist and spiritual teacher, Dr. David Hawkins, PhD. In his book, Healing and Recovery, he writes that:
Often a certain illness gets notoriety on television because a celebrity shares their experience of it. That is followed by an epidemic of that illness because of suggestion. The mind buys into the program, the belief system and the specificity of a certain disease.”
In expanding on the power of the mind, Hawkins maintained that when we buy into a belief, we give it the power of the collective energy of that belief. He thought that this was a powerful factor involved in ‘epidemic’ scenarios where large numbers of people fall ill with similar symptoms.
Using AIDS as an example, Hawkins constructed a framework whereby fear-laden media triggers the release of unconscious guilt from the psyche, which, driven by negative emotions manifests in the body as disease.
Indeed, Hawkins’ views regarding illness were rather interesting, maintaining that unconscious guilt, negative emotions and belief in the specificity of disease were the three main factors involved in the onset of illness. He said of the AIDS phenomenon:
What better disease to bring up all of man’s feelings of sinfulness and guilt, especially about one’s sexuality, which is so common in all cultures, not just ours? [..] What better area to create an epidemic to ensure the belief in it? There is the unconscious guilt, not to mention the conscious guilt about one’s sexuality, the sadness about it, the grief over it, and the fear about the disease itself. All this contributes to setting the stage for a mental belief system…”
The so-called “placebo effect” represents the power of one’s intention in influencing and shaping reality. Though materialist science implies that the world is random and without meaning, that is far from the truth. In actuality, each one of us, as conscious beings, plays an active role in the evolution of the primordial “beingness” from which we all stem. We all have a purpose and a part to play.
Though I am no scientist, I have read enough about modern physics to understand that, at its core, our reality is probabilistic. In other words, the future is never certain. And most empowering of all is the realization that we have the power to influence those probabilities by focusing our intention.
By allowing ourselves to buy into the fear, we become like the naive tribesman who, unaware of his personal power and at the mercy of his own beliefs, sets his intention to die. Unknowingly, he has directly altered the set of probabilities that will determine his future and all that is left to do is wait for the wave function to collapse.
What kind of reality will you create?
Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.
Cannon WB. “Voodoo” death. American Anthropologist, 1942;44(new series):169-181. Am J Public Health. 2002 Oct;92(10):1593-6; discussion 1594-5.
Lester, D. (1972). Voodoo Death: Some New Thoughts on an Old Phenomenon. American Anthropologist,74(3), new series, 386-390. Retrieved August 22, 2021.
Garrity TF. Psychic Death: Behavioral Types and Physiological Parallels. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying. 1974;5(3):207-215.
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Excellent. Power of mind is everything.
I tried to post a photo but it disappeared.
I tried to submit a story to your submissions e-mail address but it bounced back 😪
An excellent article, which reminds me, as a resident of Bulgaria, the poorest EU nation, with one of the lowest wages and pension payments, the amount of people who I see attending the pharmacy and spending probably a good amount of their income on drugs they probably don’t need.
I had occasion to visit a specialist for a consultation about a long term pain problem in my knee. After examination and pocketing the consultation fee, without providing a receipt, the consultant wrote out a prescription for seven, yes seven, drugs he said I should take.
Being very skeptical about putting pharmaceuticals in my body for no reason, and especially, a bucket full, I chose not to buy the recommended drugs and chose to use an over the counter and cheap anti-inflammatory treatment. My knee is a lot better now and I am reducing my reliance on the drug.
Heaven knows what this consultant wanted me to put in my body, and who knows how much money he lost with his loss of ‘backhanders’ when I didn’t!
This is an excellent article…I have often thought of the “nocebo” affect creating a medical panic, and have been curious as to why no one has commented on the power of this psychosomatic disorder. This article covers it. It is interesting how throughout history fear of disease has actually been the cause of disease, and even death, amongst those most susceptible to fear. And in this case it is a conscious and controlled fear, designed to create just what Matters discusses here.
Another one for the s p am bin!
The BEST and FUNNIEST “placebo effect” of these drugs is the “drug induced suicide”! It’s not great in terms of medium/long term profit but the bonus part of suicide, sure covers the losses!
Surprise… this one passed!
stop your crying, boy. it is most unbecoming.
Ah… the good and old AIDS fraud being mentioned again!
But not worry fellow sheeple…
So just KEEP CALM that in no time another MIRACLE mRNA JAB will be mandated… Fingers crossed! They might even do a combo MIRACLE JAB “COVAIDS+”.
Two in one shoot… Or pill… You’re FREE to choose!
baa baa
I’ve posted reference to 18 U.S. Code § 3332 and 18 U.S. Code § 4 (Misprision of felony) the past. I’ve also posted information regarding the powers of Grand Jury investigations. Nothing but crickets chirping… At last — some senators are making the call.
Breaking: OR Senators Filed Grand Jury Petition into CDC’s Willful Misconduct to Hyperinflate COVID-19 Data
“The formal request for a Grand Jury Investigation was brought forth on behalf of more than 62,200 Americans who signed a public petition gathered by Stand for Health Freedom.”
OR Senators File Grand Jury Petition For CDC Investigation (
The article includes excellent supporting documentation and a link to the petition.
This is a great article, thanks.
I recommend reading Thomas Troward & Neville Goddard.And there’s a great book about the quantum zero point field, “The Field” by Lynn McTaggart. Very accessible to a non quantum physicist. The many worlds theory is worth a gander too.
My own view is that we don’t so much create our own reality, as navigate through an infinite ocean of possibilities which all exist in their own realities, so it pretty much comes to the same thing. Every possible variation exists in it’s own reality and we are attracted to them based on our feelings and expectations.
So many people are literally sleepwalking into a totalitarian nightmare, but we all have the power to change our reality. It’s just a question of how to do it in practice!
Really good analysis Ryan, and voodoo is about right. All the measures around the scamdemic are deliberately ritualistic.
And about psychologically conditioning people. About normalising the absurd. That was something I observed while selling the mag. I would stand near busy cafes and note people get out of their cars, walk 100 mtrs or so to the cafe fully masked, then sit at a table, take their masks off, talk and eat, then when they stood up to leave, put their masks back on and walk back to their cars.
Sometimes, in a fit of utter incredulity at what I was seeing, I would call out: “oh, did covid take a holiday while you were sitting at that table for the last hour? Every time, they looked quite embarrassed. It was like they knew it was bullshit but they were just “keeping up appearances”. Going along to get along. There’s a lot of that here in Australia.
Going along to get along. Making things more difficult for the rest of us. Collaborating with the enemy.
So many people were complaining about suddenly having to wear a mask in shops last July (UK), but now that they don’t have to they are still doing it.
I smile at people without masks, and ignore the zombies where possible. They don’t want to come close enough to eat my brains!
That’s what I do now James… I just emotionally detach from them. Their meek complicity has bought us to this point… Yes, masks are still mandatory outside here, but jesus wept… Grow a bloody pair! They’re scared of confrontations with other people and they’re scared of getting caught by the cops, tho given the psychopathic Gestapo goons wearing police uniforms here, that is understandable. I suppose.
We’ve just been out to dinner with my family and most of the restaurant was unmasked, but there was a table of 3 with the dad wearing a mask. When he removed it, his wife wore hers. The son was unmasked the whole time, but the other two kept raising and lowering theirs.
Who knows what goes on in their heads? I certainly can’t fathom it!
They are victims of state abuse, that’s what was going through their minds.
This afternoon I cancelled an order for a new JP Australia windsurfing board worth over 20000 HKD – well known boards that I have been buying since about 15 years ago. I am cancelling it because they are Australian.
Fuck, who wants to buy a board from communists? Like buying a radio from the USSR back in the ’70s. Sorry but Australia gets none of my business – meat, peanuts, fruit, wine, beer etc – until they come to their senses: they have joined Israel in the sin bin. But think about it, how long until their quality turns into USSR quality? Who wants to be stuck in the ocean with a broken board?
Windsurfers don’t support communists, windsurfing is freedom!!
Sorry Gezzah, but your lot have gone mental.
It’s the fault of our pathetic politicians, none of whom have a backbone.
Yes, a lot here in Australia; at the RSL Bribie Island, wear a mask if you are standing, but take it off if you are sitting! At a take away pie shop at Woodford, No mask, No service.
I walked past a bakery in the next suburb couple of days ago, and at the entrance it had a very noticeable sign No Mask No Entry, so I walked straight in. The staff looked utterly bored, as if they’d hardly had any customers all day. I bought a few things (custard puffs, lemon sponge and banana bread – all excellent btw) and you know what? They didn’t say a word. Nothing.
I find its usually the small family run businesses that look the other way about people not scanning the QR code and not wearing masks. Yes, even here in The Gulag, aka Melbourne.
The level of abject meek compliance here is why we’re in the situation we’re in. Have a good day up there Frances.
If anti-virus masks are effective in trapping viruses, why aren’t used ones collected as hazardous medical waste and burned?
Presumably the Scientists and Public-Health Professionals have advised the politicians that it’s best to leave the burgeoning number of randomly discarded masks on sidewalks, gutters, and pretty much every other public space in order to allow the masks to continue their useful, life-saving work of trapping the ambient Megadeath Virus(es) of Doom.
There may be thousands of phobias but to all of them only one physiological response.
Learn how to manipulate and stroke that fear response and you can rule the world !
Though if you believe Lao Tzu: ‘there is no illusion greater than fear.’
To which a Mr Shakespeare would probably offer: if you prick me, do i not bleed ?
Also, Sun Tzu said ‘do not interfere with the enemy destroying itself’.
Fascinating comparison and spot on. The mind IS powerful and our suppressors cannot win if we literally put our minds to it. The preventative and antidote to fear is laughter – reject the insanity.
On communist rule and the police hand of brutality
Proverbs 28:16
A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, But he who hates covetousness will prolong his days.
Isaiah 49:26
I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, And they shall be drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine. All flesh shall know That I, the LORD, am your Savior, And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”
Ecclesiastes 4:1
Then I returned and considered all the oppression that is done under the sun: And look! The tears of the oppressed, But they have no comforter— On the side of their oppressors there is power, But they have no comforter.
Australian Police Bash and Pepper spray 70-year old woman?
70 year old woman thrown to the ground by police and pepper sprayed with 2 canisters as she attempts to cover her eyes
Funeral Director John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid
“I’m dealing with murder victims”
“Delta variant is a vaccine injury”
“I know my days are numbered for daring to speak the truth”
Unfortunate name though.
Excellent and compelling interview from another undertaker. Needs to be shared far and wide.
Unfortunately his licence to operate his business has been suspended or ceased.
7 minutes of crisp factual testimony. Christina Parks 7 min testimony,_trades,_and_talent/meetings/2021-08-12-1/documents/testimony/Dr.%20Christina%20Parks,%20Ph.D..pdf supporting resources to Christina’s testimony
This ‘article’ contains a number of disturbing racist assertions:
we become like the naive tribesman
“voodoo death” occurred not only in primitive, superstitious and ignorant “savages”
he modern-day covidian cult member is no different from the primitive tribesman. He is just as ignorant
Dr SD Porteus, studied primitive life extensively in the Pacific Islands and Africa and found that social interaction was of key importance for primitive
the primitive tribesman
Cannon then reviews the work of Warner (1941) who worked among primitive aborigines in Northern Australia.
often a member of a tribe or primitive community
white fellah slave trash talk!!! bah!!!!
So the word “primitive” is ‘tut tut’ ?
Who is U? Captain Bligh?
That’s what you took away from this article, huh?
The problem lies with the colonial mindset of “First World” nations. And “First World” languages.
To state it bluntly, there is no nice word in the colonial lexicon to speak of either the conquered peoples of the “Third World” or those we are seeking to conquer.
They have the resources; we (the colonials) have the might – and, as we know, to the colonials “might makes right.”
We call them concocted “Third World” names to indicate that it’s okay if we conquer them, kill them, take their resources and go home, leaving them “civilized” in our wake.
The only halfway decent term is “indigenous.” But even that term is loaded with negative connotations.
So if we’re to speak of these peoples at all, we have no choice but to employ derogatory terms.
One final word on your comment. There is a mindset among the “Alt-Right” which is, for want of a better term, primitive.
Colonialism is something of a sacred cow – far more so in Great Britain than in the US. To attack it is to incite anger.
It’s all well and good to be enlightened about COVID and about 911; but there are other problems in the world.
The vaccinated should be quarantined:
Meanwhile down under cops take a beating
Video of collapsing people in Wuhan, Hart Island mass burials in New York, body bags and morgue freezer trucks lined up outside hospitals really set the hook deep. Traumatise then control. Pretty simple cons really. But they worked fantastically.
I also wondered about the initial run on toilet rolls. And the massive publicity that got. It was so obvious from the beginning that the tagline “Be afraid! Be very afraid” was the recurring refrain – which was an abandonment of the old stated aim of not panicking anyone.
I also believe that that toilet roll emergency was a planned event for reasons I explained on this platform at the time. The ‘shit run’ which I’m sure had D. Cummings hands all over it; both cheeks, tongue and other human appendages secreting there bodily fluids like a dog. Which predictably got out of hand. It even freaked me out. Almost every product was emptied from the shelves for quite some time.
I ‘m still of the belief that we could see the food supply chain collapse at which point the government may lose the ability to keep order. Especially if we see the lecci turned off at times this winter. In fact they have been attempting the same strategy ever since that happened, particularly now with the CO2 crisis, haulage driver shortage and other engineered problems. It could even be the cry wolf analogy, at which point boom, it happens for real
The shit run was all over The Daily Hate and other ‘shit roll’ publications to generated the panic. What would it have taken? Handful of crisis actors, hit a small town with one or two retail stores and empty them of those products; handful of photos, followed up by people in queues panic buying locally; then national press ‘doing its job’ publicising the crisis (not fanning the flames of course) and bingo, ‘clickerty click’ with added ‘half a dozen’ you’ve got the full house. Damien in charge of Thorn Industries. Seemed to me how it played out.
This was followed by other crisis actors begging for it to stop, just like that stupid bint crying crocodile tears down her Iphone calling everyone idiots for not trusting those responsible for providing a secure, settled system and food supply chain. For a woman that seemed publicity hungry thinking she was Adele or someone, was remarkably shy when the main news stations were using her video to encourage calm, we never heard from it again. You’d expected her to at least have to be on Loose Woman or Lorriane; but no. Gone, never to be heard from again.
This seemed, at least to me, to suggest the government’s nudge team had played with the matches to eagerly and almost burned the building down like a small child without supervision.
At the time it seemed an odd article to pick, toilet paper. But there were two more, at least here in Germany: noodles/pasta and yeast. Yeast for baking. They were only selling bakers’ quantity yeast bricks, 400 g a piece, for horrendous prices. I wondered back then and I’m still wondering now. Yeast is probably the most unlikely product to vanish from the market. It is extremely cheap to make and nowadays hardly anyone knows what to do with it. Who among the woke population could actually make their own pizza instead of having a frozen one brought up to their doorstep by a cycling slave?
The noodle shortage turned out to be a price war between a big Italian producer and the German retail chains. Locally produced noodles were available in huge quantities.
So toilet paper. It carried more than a hint of being the result of Puritan obsessions. You couldn’t sell this hype in Asia, e.g. So it had to be designed for a Western, middle class population.
I carries a warning, though. Everything that is being produced on an industrial scale AND distributed likewise, i.e. through enormous wholesale/retail chains can easily be rationed. A rationing campaign will fall flat, however, if people still have access to local producers and sellers.
In America, rice flew out the window and a whole slew of posts appeared on all kinds of boards asking, ‘how exactly do you cook this?’.
The thing this hides is the things you can’t find anymore or in smaller more expensive packages.
You can’t find asian ginger here anymore, only peruvian at 2-3 times the cost.
Coriander has nearly disappeared too aside from some ground stuff that looks as old as Adam. Silly little cheap ass thing but you can’t make curry, or indeed many dishes from other cuisines, without it.
I’m sure there’s more. One of our groceries just moved into a bigger space…and had even less stuff, if that is possible.
And don’t forget it was an idiot journo from the fucking ABC who first peddled this crap.
Shawn Gallaway & Dr. Jane Ruby – Just Wait! [music video]
Interesting seeing my home state mentioned here with the death via voodoo….I actually watched this happen to an indig person many a long long year ago….we were sharing the same very over crowded hospital ward for months….and she did die.,,everyone in the ward knew that….a very gentle soul….I never did discover what she had done to deserve such a cruel fate….it sort of takes a long time to die like that in a hospital setting….
humans really are pretty crazy bastards..
Thank you Ryan – what you say is spot on.
Who here hasn’t caught (what we used to call) the “sniffles” or the “lurgy” when going through a particular stressful time either at work or home.
I remember reading (maybe an article or a BTL comment here) that the first thing responders try to do for a victim of an accident or illness is bring them round “stay awake” “don’t fall under” “stay with me” “listen to my voice” “talk to me”.
The contradicting messages from the media keep people unbalanced and confused.
The fear porn keeps people scared.
The constant movement of goal posts – 18 months into two weeks to flatten the curve – ensures broken spirits and hopelessness.
Combine fear, stress and hopelessness and a little nudge from the fake tests – voila!!
Why else would you have a nudge unit of depraved psychologists in a “pandemic” response team?
You’ve tested positive for the Morona, you’re alone in a hospital with no family around to comfort you, you’re confronted with hazmat suit wearing medical people who daren’t come near you and are panicking themselves at the sight of you…. Of course your mind and body will give up!
It’s nuts!!
Oh my God, Morona virus is brilliant!
I’m gonna use that!
Today’s hospitals and care homes are a misanthropic paradise. As bad as it may sound, that is the key to surviving if you find yourself caught up in such a public facility. We may all have to become misanthropes before this is over; some of us already have a headstart.
especially when they put you on the ventilator
I’m not plugged into the 24 hour “news” cycle, so often times it’s days before i hear of some item that had gotten the chattering classes all excited. One such story was that one about someone claiming the experimental injection caused the ENLARGEMENT of some guys balls. If true, i could imagine how such a “side effect” would cause untold hesitancy to the experimental injections, by both males and females.
So to find out the details, as i’m somewhat prurient, i checked my PC and discover every billy gates-funded and other “news” outlet had given the story the seriousness it deserved (ie. they all debunked it).
But what got me is that in This Day & Age reporters still feel the need to replace letters with asterisks in the names of certain body parts. Prudishness, or what ?
My mum always puzzled me. When i was young she always used “ruddy” for that Great Australian adjective “Bloody”. (she eventually would use the correct word. I think it was a ‘class thing’ with her.) She always threatened to wash our mouths out with soap & water whenever she heard us use “fuck”. She would never use THAT word. Instead she used ‘frig”. Given it meant the same friggin’ thing, magical thinking must have been involved somehow.
I wonder why no reporter who used asterisks when mentioning the unspellable didnt think to use ‘avacados’ as a euphemism for ‘b**ls’, given it’s said to be the Aztec word for testicles.
Ours are not the same colour though
correction: i meant that billy gates etc gave the story the seriousness “they thought” it deserved, they all dismissed it.
Aligator Pear was too scary so they went with Avacado as it sounded cool and safe. They did not like the other alternative native term “Testicle Tree Fruit”. Somehow I think they made the correct choice.
It is worth remembering that talking of Aboriginal culture is incorrect in that the term culture always was and remains, plural. Like any primitive tribal society, superstition was high and when the British arrived in 1788 the levels of superstition were extremely high, but no different to any other human culture at the same level of development – stone-age, hunter-gatherer tribal. In other words, such superstitions and beliefs have been a part of all human cultures at certain times.
Today in Australia the vast majority of the roughly 600,000 who register Aboriginal ancestry are more Anglo-European in ancestry than anything else and whatever beliefs have filtered down from Aboriginal ancestors have been mixed in with the rest. From 350 plus tribal groups in 1788, without a common language, generally at war, there are now thousands of variations on the theme of Aboriginal culture and most are hybrids of long-gone tribal cultures and the Western world. Which is of course the case for every single cultural group on planet Earth.
In a tiny minority of Australians with Aboriginal ancestry, particularly in remote communities, the old tribal beliefs hold greater sway and this no doubt is why the levels of dysfunction are so high in these cultures.
The important point is the beliefs discussed in the above article have been a part of human culture, every single human culture, for millennia and we all carry a cellular memory of such beliefs and fears. And, as modern genomic study reveals, every single human alive on the planet today is descended from the same relatively small group of ancient ancestors – we are all one and we share all as one.
From Mark Crispin Millers substack:
The New York Times blacked out the Holocaust—and it’s now happening again
Having terrorized the world last year with millions of imaginary COVID deaths, “our free press” is now blacking out the “vaccine” genocide unfolding all around us, every day
Link to full article which contains some testimonies from family members of the victims
(Apologies my link embedding techniques are not the best)
What i find incredible is that among Australia’s elected politicians there’s negligible dissent – 99.99% appear to believe “The Science”.
Now it’s often said that voters are stupid, but it’s rare for it to be demonstrated that politicians are so gullible. They are proving to be every Snake-oil charlatans and used-car salesman’s wet-dream.
I find them to be plain evil. If they are ignorant of some things, because of bias, then they are still plenty smart enough. And they don’t look terrified to me. They look like they are faking terror. That can only be the case when you look at the hypocrisy of people like Justin Trudeau and Jason Kenney (Canada) doing incredible 180s on the subject of vaccine passports. I’m not a fan of Rebel News (which doesn’t rebel against Rockefeller health care dogma), but, as it’s Canadian and other news sources are completely pro covid 1984, I find it to be a good source of information about what’s going on in Canada. (It’s all online. I don’t own a tv set.) They recently did a report on Jason Kenney (who, incredibly, Rebel’s boss, Ezra Levant, supports, which Ronnie at Canuck wrote), showing clips of him simply taking contradictory positions on the vaccine passports. He’s been adamant that Alberta would have nothing to do with them – until he decided, recently, that Alberta absolutely will have them.
I am of the belief that they have all been told something which is keeping them silent and doing the lock step….my personal representative started out all gung ho was going to fight them etc…he is of similiar ilk to Clive and Craig….so that is what we expected….
so what did he do….complete U turn and made a public spectacle of getting vax etc etc….despite having had a heart attack and a stroke….so not a good candidate….makes me wonder of it was placebo…..,and naturally no explanation to his constituents and I for one will not be voting for him if we ever get another election….which I am seriously beginning to wonder if we will…
there is nothing scientific about smashing the nsw and vic economies….that is deliberate and there will be little aust economy left soon….we won’t even be able to repay the obvious big bank loans we have….will we be forced to hand over the reef and other public assets to UN or what? It is surreal that most of the population seems oblivious
You’re quite right about the Clive & Craig show…
As much as Craig is to be praised for Speaking Truth To Power, he’s still cut from the same cloth as the mob currently running the show…
As for Clive, who can forget the $40+ million he spent on adverts last national election to keep the other mob from winning…
Of the populist Independents in the Australian senate, they okayed electoral legislation recently that severely restricts small parties and true independents being elected. And, not forgetting that not only do most of the current crop of populist independents usually vote in favour of the current mobs legislation, some, directly or indirectly owe their seats to Clive’s expensive campaigns
At the moment, given Australia’s proportional voting system, a vote against the governing mob flows back to it from the populists.. Win-Win for the mob in office.
NSW and Victoria: a perfect example of the Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee political party system that dominates in Australia. Different label, same destructive, ant-freedom policies…
Just like in the days of ancient Egypt you wouldn’t question the almighty Ra, today you dare not question the almighty god of science.
Then you realise…wait a minute…these are the same cons down through the ages. Simple shyster tricks. Simple huckster ruses. Shysters, hucksters, conmen, grifters, charlatans. Cowards.
Meanwhile down under cops take a beating
For clarity’s sake: descriptively there’s only “violent demonstrations” and “demonstrator violence”. It would be politically incorrect for any “news” report/reporter to use “police violence”.
It is guaranteed that if any ‘violence’ occurs that ‘violence’ dominates all “news” reports – because it’s well understood Everyone Hates Violence. So regardless of the merits of what the protest is about – No One sympathises with ‘violence’., doesnt matter who started it.
Les Online said
‘What i find incredible is that among Australia’s elected politicians there’s negligible dissent – 99.99% appear to believe “The Science”.’
This thing about how some people “believe in science” got me thinking about how too many people apparently do only that, or even worse, disbelieve in science. Science is not something you believe, it is something you apply. You can sit and believe in a hammer all day long, but you won’t get your carpentry done until you actually apply your hammer. Same with science: Believe in it all you want, but that belief won’t help you find out the truth about anything. To find truth you need to apply the science.
Don’t you believe it. If it were advantageous to them tomorrow they would convince themselves that they never believed it or supported it. The truth really is not in them.
I can often tell which political party the person i’m chatting with votes for. It’s getting so i’m twigging if the person i’m chatting to has submitted to The Injection(s).
You have to ask them directly, as they seem to want to avoid mentioning it.
I sense they feel some guilt. Is it because they feel they’ve betrayed themselves ?
If I watch the news on TV or read the newspaper(I try not to do) and then meet any of my friends, I can predict what they are going to be talking about, they simply just parrot almost exactly what they have heard or read in mainstream media. Current topics, are Covid, Global warming and Afghanistan.
90% of humans are automatons repeating the latest programming they have been given.
I am not sure they could pass a real turing test.
Deep State psychopaths wear masks behind masks to conceal their lack of empathy.
It is fitting that the word for “mask” in Latin is ”larva” or “ghost”.
The masks worn in Japanese Nō theatre and Basel carnivals for example, are referred to as “larva.” Death masks are also called “larvae.” In Roman mythology , the “larvae” were the evil ghost spirits of death, those who parasitize the living, as opposed to the benevolent “lares.”
“a blanket or a false face, with which the face is disguised”
Richard Weihe: The paradox of the mask: history of a form
The word “larva” also denotes the disguise of a person who wants to hide his evil plans.
“Larva”, a term coined by Linnaeus himself, is also a stage of development in insects as we have seen.
Masks are often used in ritual to ward away evil spirits. Sometimes the masks are worn to transform the identity to that of the being represented by the mask. Other times the masks themselves represent the diseases that cause the sickness.
What do Covid masks represent?
People are being tricked on mass to wear masks that they are led to believe will ward away an evil spirit. In fact, they are having their identity assimilated into that of an institution that has itself been corrupted and co-opted by a nefarious entity.
These masks also represent the real plague that has caused and will cause the deaths and disruption to society, the fear and the relinquishing of free will on an unprecedented scale.
Once the Covid zombies are in thrall, the witch doctors then bring out their bad medicine – the gene-altering drugs, themselves guised as vaccines, that will transform the zombies into the very entity that they are trying to ward off so that their protective spirits, their immune systems, will be confused and attack their own wards and create a pathway for the virus.
Like an entire hive of parisitoid wasp larvae eating their way out of zombie caterpillars, deep state groups have now emerged from their hollowed out and compromised corporations and institutions, eating their way out of the societal-field of humanity – in a desperate attempt to accelerate control.
Several parasitoid larvae remain behind in the still living caterpillar, controlling its behaviour by means of mRNA secreted into its bloodstream which reconfigure its identity all the way down to the genetic level. The zombie caterpillar still alive but neither moving nor eating, stands guard over the parasitoid cocoons as they transform into mature wasps.
The analogues to the parasitoids – deep state operatives infiltrated into key positions, subvert the chain of command and standard operational procedures of the institution in question by means of the analogues to mRNA – malign morphic memes that disable its ability to resist and render it subservient to programming.
“Larva”, a term coined by Linnaeus himself, is also a stage of development in insects
A Caterpillar is a larva, this stage masks the butterfly “plan” nested within it.
A Parasitoid wasp larva masks the wasp “plan” nested within it.
The Parasitoid wasp masks the hyper-parasitic virus “plan” nested within it.
Masks behind masks, false faces behind false faces. This is how the Syndicate operates.
Bakerstreetrising looks very interesting, I must see more.
Just a thought bubble. There are a few cases seeking injunction against mandatory vaccines for health workers including Doctors. (see UAP and John Larter) Which as expanded upon in previous posts is blatantly unconstitutional and illegal. We need to be prepared ourselves and support these people by all possible means. This is a slippery slope and no quotation illuminates that better than this one:
Martin Niemoller
In reality “First they came for the intellectuals who opposed them”. They get rid on any serious challenges to their ideas then mop up the rabble. That is why they silence and destroy any doctor or researcher who dares to challenge the convid narrative of “everyone must take the holy sacramental injection”.
This replaced the Hippocratic Oath in Australia in 2006. It is very similar:
Declaration of Geneva (WMA, 2006)
At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:
I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;
I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due;
I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity;
The health of my patient will be my first consideration;
I will respect the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died;
I will maintain, by all the means in my power, the honour and the noble traditions of the medical profession;
My colleagues will be my sisters and brothers;
I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;
I will maintain the utmost respect for human life;
I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;
I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.
Seems to me that a lot of Doctors are breaking their oath
they should cut the woke crap and the HR language.
The original is better. See they cut out the bit about not do harm or administer a poison. Maybe they should revisit the original:
“I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.”
I agree but that’s hardly the point is it.
Oh it is a point worth mentioning
Absolutely. Demands attention! Demands action.
Yep… long gone this one
‘I will respect the secrets confided in me, even after the patient has died’
WTF………if you have something to hide then it must be bad!!
Spam check, spam check not another bloody spam check……….
And the head of the AMA is driving the human rights abuses and demanding everyone get jabbed.
Back in December 2017 I was on an overnight 7 hour ferry crossing from Caen to Portsmouth.
It was the first time I’d been back to the UK in ten years.
I’m probably one of the world’s biggest travel bores (I’ve lived and worked in many different places). One thing I’ve always enjoyed about traveling is that you get to meet and interact with many different people.
I was quite shocked on that ferry crossing in December 2017, in that just about everyone was hypnotised by the gadgets in their hand (be it smart phones, or whatever). Even couples sitting across the table from each other did not converse, and instead just stared at their gadgets.
Dipping briefly into travel bore land, in the late 1990s I spent 22 hours on a train traveling across a large part of Canada; this during the winter, with heavy snow on the landscape.
Back then North Americans were just starting to use what they call ‘cell phones’ (mobile phones). I had one myself, and they were very primitive. A large group of us on that mega train journey ensconced into the restaurant car, where, watching the snowy landscape go by, we had a 22 hour long party.
Once I finally got to Montreal it took me two days to recover from the hangover.
Oh, as an addendum to this (which is all about reminding people about the life they are now surrendering), back in the day VIA Rail banned smoking on their trains, except in the restaurant car, at the discretion of the conductor. In our case, on this particular train, it was a conductress, and if I remember her name was Karine, and she didn’t mind people smoking.
So there we all are, piled in the restaurant car, on the piss for the best part of two days.
One of the people in there was a cliche mad hippy who called himself ‘John’. John had long hair, long beard, Howard Hughes fingernails and appeared like he hadn’t had a bath in two months. For some reason John attached himself to me. He would often close his eyes and laugh loudly at some inner joke.
Most of the restaurant crowd were wary of John, although they could see he wasn’t a threat.
Anyhows, so we then get to the province of Ontario, where there were a number of 15 minute station stops, where we’d stagger out on to the snowy platform for a smoke (Ontario is the size of planet Jupiter). We finally started coming into the city of Toronto. At this point our previously benign conductress, Karine, came amongst us and shouted:
“Who the fuck’s going to pay for all this!”
You see, back in the day it was all done on the tab; you didn’t pay for drinks as you bought them. A large number of us had been on the piss in that restaurant car for the best part of two days, all on the tab. Poor Karine was about to end her shift shortly in Toronto and had to balance the books.
To everyone’s amazement, mad hippy John pulled out a gold credit card and picked-up the entire tab. I would guess this was a very large sum of Canadian dollars.
I do miss the way travel used to be…
Although hard to believe, I want to commend you on that wonderful story. Cheers
Yes. Wonderful.
Great anecdote! Back in 1973 I traveled from Zurich to Thessaloniki by train and spent a good part of the trip in the corridor for lack of space. Arriving in Saloniki in the early morning, totally exhausted, I found a bench near the waterfront, fell sound asleep, and woke up a few hours later, sweating in the morning sun with three-wheeled BMW motorcycle pickups whizzing past. Stopped at the first café for some breakfast and asked if they knew where I could wash up. Out back they had a shower. Heaven. They even let me stow my duffel bag behind the bar while I looked around for a place to stay which turned out to be a youth hostel whose director let me stay for a week or so while I looked for a teaching job which I eventually found up north, in Kavalla where I was advised to leave shortly after the student uprising in Athens, having been twice interrogated as to my presence there. Fortunately, I had an invitation for Christmas in Bordeaux, then found myself teaching in Marseille which lead to another series of adventures.
Have to agree that travel, and the world, has changed a lot.
Steve, the trains down to Greece always used to be the worst. We got a train once from Belgrade, in former Yugoslavia, heading south. Despite it being one ‘clock in the morning the train was absolutely packed. I hadn’t had any proper sleep for a few days, and it’s the only time I can recall when I actually fell asleep while standing upright. All the compartments on the train were absolutely rammed. So I was standing in the corridor, which was also absolutely rammed. The press of bodies kept me upright while I slept.
After six hours or so, and a number of stops, the train began to empty out. The toilet at the end of the carriage was overflowing and the corridor was sticky with urine. Despite this I unrolled my sleeping bag, laid it down in the corridor and went into a very deep sleep.
Ah, the Thessaloniki waterfront.
In Greece, I spend most of my time in Athens, although I prefer Thessaloniki. Mainly because the climate is (slightly) cooler.
In ’69 I spent three weeks on the island of Ios about which I had heard from a couple of Brits who had just returned from there. They were reluctant to reveal the name of the island, but eventually relented when I promised not to pass it on. Which I never did. Left Madrid that very day, driving non-stop to Bari, Italy where we stored the car and hopped on a ferry to Piraeus, then another to Ios. It was perfect. We had to anchor out in the bay due to draft concerns, so a relatively large rowboat came out to the ferry to transfer the few people and animals getting off. Must have been a family reunion since there were a couple of musicians playing traditional songs and a bottle of ouzo was passed around. What an arrival! The one small hotel was booked by Greek vacationers, so we asked at Chez Tassos (we became regulars) where we might find a place to sleep. He directed us to a farmer a bit up the hill from the port who was in the process of building a few tourists rooms. He had a couple of beds which we hauled down a couple of terraces to place them under a pear tree where we lived for the entire time. Absolute paradise. He even had an outdoor shower. One old Chevrolet station wagon was the only car on the island which had no paved roads. When other Greek families arrived, I helped Tassos out in the kitchen doing whatever then joined them for a late night dinner and music. Totally cool. Very fond memory. Ios is too well known now, so I’ll probably never go back. Glad I went when I could.
I just love trains. I used to go on with a six pack and a couple of bottles of wine with a little picnic of decently stable stuff…french bread, crackers, salami, and brie cheese, etc..
It used to be the best way to travel, but I’m sure it’s been ruined by now.
Anyone remember the magic bus, London to Afghanistan?
Grace, I was never brave enough for the magic bus.
And that’s why I am so grateful I grew up in the 70s – because back then there was so much less of everything. I always thought that the first real problem sign was when breakfast TV took off. Up till then watching TV was something you did after work or school. There seemed to be something obscene about getting up and turning the TV on. And now – everyone is hooked on those screens 24/7.
George, recalling my train journey across Canada in 1999 has really brought it home to me at just how radically society has changed.
A few years after that train journey, 9/11 happened, and 20 years later we now have the covid stuff. It’s like two bookends,
The last time I stepped on an air plane was in December 1999, a flight from Montreal to Paris. I had to sell my boots, my mobile phone and various other things to scrape the money together for the ticket. It was the pre-Christmas lull and the airline was trying to fill empty seats. That one-way ticket, Montreal to Paris, cost just 70 Canadian dollars.
There’s another long, boring story about what happened when I arrived in Paris, but I’ll save that for another time.
It seems I remember you having a blog or a web site. Why not put some of your adventures up on that? Or am I confusing you with someone else? I started a blog back in 2016 or so out of frustration with correspondents back in the States who considered me too cynical, too elitist (? Christ, we’re Covid refugees living in a barn!). In any case, here’s the link if you’re interested: While I’m still kicking, I’m thinking about dropping commentary about current events (too sick-making) and instead relate anecdotes as they come to mind. Your train ride sounds a lot like mine. Can relate.
I am just about old enough to remember British TV basically closing down at or around midnight. Coming back on the next morning.
I know this comment is a little off topic, but after the Jabs have been given I am noticing many, many people with constant and very harse coughs. I believe this coughing is as a direct result of the “COVID VACCINES”. Has anyone else noticed this?, also people I know ,trust and love, who have had the vaccines are a little strange, like distance. And have noticed people who have had the vaccines have red bloody blotches on there arms and legs, and or whites patched on there skin. The corona vaccines have “BLACK” triangles to prove they are experimental. WTF is going on?
Totally agree. Colleagues are turning grey (lack of blood to the face?!?!). And they are distant. Sales girl who used to be peppy is now shy and barely
audible… I had to get closer to hear, which I couldn’t do of course… My God is she white and lethargic now. That can’t be good for business.
The few people I have seen after the jabs turned grey
A friend of mine who died recently had a severe heart condition for several years. He was grey. Very grey.
Of course, they ignored his medical history and said he died of covid.
But my point is that the greyness may be to do with the vascular system, just like the vaccine side effects and deaths. Blood clots, strokes, heart attacks.
one of the finance types getting somewhat excited about poor governance including some comments on our nutters….
the off wall of all this is somehow or another the idiots in Canberra think that we have to get nuclear subs to defend ourselves….now tell me with what is going on just who would want to invade our country? And why would we want to go patrolling South China Sea when China is about only place left still propping us up buying some minerals?
madness has taken over.
This was a fantastic article!
Here’s a fascinating NPR podcast+transcript on the surprising results of placebo surgeries on arthritic knees.
I feel like it’s important to speak to the self-appointed intellectual elite crowd with their own preferred news sources (NPR, BBC, etc.) to at least introduce (somehow) controversial concepts such as the brain being powerful enough to heal or create disease.
Remember, as a recent study showed about vaccine hesistancy:
Draw your own conclusions from that, but I interpret this with the help of a bit of stereotyping as the following:
It seems reasonable to conclude that if the least vaccine hesitant are university-taught and thus likely liberally-leaning “progressives,” then any time you can plant a seed of doubt in them by using their most common media sources for your argument, that’s a good strategy. Lot of assumptions in this reasoning, I’ll admit 😉
I can’t read an article like this without thinking of the silent classic “Battleship Potemkin.”
There is a wonderful scene on board, during the uprising of the sailors, where a Russian Orthodox priest comes on deck carrying a cross – and a sailor yells at him “Sorcerer!” I couldn’t have said it better myself, atheist that I am.
(148) Australian Police Bash and Pepper spray 70-year old woman? – YouTube fucking Melbourne cops egged on by vicious Dan
Soon there will be more deaths from police brutality than any cold and flu.
You could be on to something there.
The slogan hammered into people’s minds 24/7 by the MSM all year is “Stop The Spread. Get Vaccinated.” which translates as “non-vaxxed = disease spreader.”
Both the New South Wales and Victorian premiers have made it strikingly clear that the
non-vaxxed can expect a rough, very rough time economically, and socially.
Governments and businesses can rough you about economically, it’s friends, neighbours, work colleagues, and strangers, emboldened by the premiers remarks, who’ll rough you up socially.
The State enforcers violence is informed by the premiers remarks, emboldened. To them you are ‘disease spreaders’. To the Obedient Ones, you get no sympathy.
Antisemitism was endemic to Europe, as was individual violence against individual Jews. Only by lumping together Reds, Gays, Gypsies, and Jews as disease spreaders were the Germany NAZI able to isolate them, and encourage Society to become indifferent to the State Violence against The Excluded.
The state premiers will protest their innocence, but Upright Citizens will respond to the disease spreaders beyond merely shunning them.
The premiers are yelling “Stranger Danger !”. They are “sending a message” to all who feel threatened by the disease spreaders… It could lead to violence against “the diseased”.
Yes. I experienced my first “walking biohazard/ second class citizen/ leper” treatment yesterday in a bottle shop. I walk in with no mask…in 5 seconds one of the two female staff…”Hi sir, how are you? Do you have a mask? Would you like me to provide one for you?” (what a wonderfully helpful and thoughtful human being you are for offering to cover my face with a paper mask…a real decent person. She wins in that little offer right there…signalling her towering virtues)
Passive aggression…faux pleasantry…fear based judgement disguised as “help”. The subtext…you’re a super spreader. You’re endangering us. These bitches assumed, instantly, that I had either accidentally ‘forgotten my mask’ or that I deliberately ‘forgot’ my mask and that I was a threat.
They did not assume, as a first point of consideration, that I had a medical exemption. Now, if you’re dumb enough to make assumptions, please note that you have at least 2 assumptions to choose from here. They went with the hysterical assumption.
I walked out and went to a different bottle shop down the road. Walked in with no mask…was greeted by the gentleman on staff, who helped me find what I was after. And that was that. He made the correct decision in terms of customer service. But even beyond that…he chose to treat me as a human being. Not as a disgusting biohazard.
The 2 hysterical bitches at the other shop ought to be ashamed of themselves. But as I have said before…they wont be ashamed. They’ll be full of condemnation at me…full of self righteousness. Full of pure unadulterated shit is what they are. And they’ll never learn.
I have been asked just once in SA after some scab complained about me not wearing a face nappy in a town where 0 people have tested ‘positive” in the last 18 months – last night another person walked in sans mask. Then I walk home from the supermarket past people jammed into restaurants and as soon as they sit down they take of the nappies.
I have never seen anything so fucking ridiculous.
Here in the U.K. I have refused to wear the face nappy from the word go. I been challenged in supermarkets, shops, pubs and once in a hospital when a pretentious little pip squeak of a nurse demanded that I display the lanyard ( it works like the Yellow Star) which I refused quoting the law rewarding asking and displaying them.
However, I stood my ground as I have on many previous occasions and they backed down.
Refusal to comply is one the most powerful forms of resistance as Macron and other puppets controlled by the rats pack of Satanists are discovering! regarding..
Having recently discovered I have a pretty awesome don’t fuck with me stare I just do that.
I had a similar experience the other day. I assisted a friend with a catering that was understaffed. As we walked into the serving area a supervisor ran up with a box of masks nearly the same spiel Mr. Swill relates above (maybe proving it is a script). My friend fought back a bit, but had to give in as it is her bread and butter and this is a major job.The man passed out masks from his box. I took one, then put my own ‘fig leaf’ cloth one on and threw his out.
Almost OT myself, but I’m noticing at this point that people have given up on ‘cute’ masks and wearing the paper ones pretty much anymore. The ones that might or might not be contaminated with graphene and nano weirdness.
To quote the musical Hair: Breathe Deep while you sleep, breathe deep!
I’m sure I’ve seen many masks like this and simply forgotten about them, but the other day I noticed a woman in the supermarket wearing a mask entirely covered in metallic magenta spangles; she lifted her head after bending over a frozen food case and the brilliant flash caught my eye.
Being male, to use a quaint and obsolescent term, I’ve never worn a spangled garment– unless I did during an early Halloween outing and have forgotten about that too.
It struck me that the layered spangles resembled chain mail, and I wondered how they affected the mask experience; it looked like it would be exceptionally hot and stifling. If so, she didn’t seem to mind.
While the premiers outbursts can be construed as incitements to violence against the disease spreading non-vaxxed , the timing of their warnings of future punishments within days of each other is not to be ignored. Nor is the tenor.
For them to issue such warnings suggests all may not be going as well as the timescale lays down: the masses are not stampeding to the experimental injection centres – they need reminding of what to expect if they dont ‘hurry it along’.
(Is it possible the recipients of the economic havoc government policies has created are starting to turn against their Saviours ?)
Make sure you don’t go near any comments sections where Branch Covidians post. They’re cheering the brave and hard done by police who are…just trying to do their job…and how hard is it to ‘just stay home’?
I read some of them, but there are always those sorts of facists around.
The pigs are sick evil cowards.
You see when you get to 60 years of age here in the UK the cash strapped NHS send you a packet to your house so you can fill them with your SH e ite. Nice little packets to seal and send back your mess, WHY? So they want to know if you have “BOWEL CANCER”.. I am no expert but I carefully research stuff, and we “ALL” have some cancer cells running around our body, we also have our own defence systems in our bodies. So I did not return those packets but believe a test would most likely show some cancer cells. So you get a letter asking you to attend tests, then get told you need strange cures suck as kemotherapy or other such things like radiotheropy. So what happens is you get treated with deadly medicines and told you are going to die. If you are fooled you can readily fall into a finale depression as you accept you are going to die. When if you had never had the test, or took the treatment or sank into a depressing you would have continued with your life as “NORMAL”. The Covid issue and the lies of this are just the same. We are being scared stiff into taking a strange and deadly vaccine, to protect us, when we never needed it as we were not in danger from the virus, but in very much danger from the “DEADLY” nano bot vaccine. The whole Covid Hoax is “NOT about saving us, Its about the NWO depopulation agenda, to kill off the masses, for Prince Charles reset agenda. Sorry for bad spelling.
We have had the bowel cancer tests for years in aust. I have done it a few times now with no cancer result…I have known a couple who did get a positive return. And appeared grateful to get early warning. One still has choice of treatment or not. Though these days I suspect one has to have vax to get it…which of course makes no sense at all
Two key points:
“It could be argued that our modern society is no different from the primitive tribesman, except that we have substituted “evil spirits” for another invisible enemy.“
“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.” – George Orwell

Unfortunate legacy….I would say planned legacy
Maybe it should’ve said: “An unfortunate planned legacy.”
Well, I’ve been out all day and no sign anyone is scared, everything fully open, and not a mask in sight. I take it that means the elites have failed? Even with 9-11 most people believed it for a few years – the covid scam is all but dead in 18 months.
Have to wonder where you live. I think we’d all like to move there. Because the covid thing is alive and well and still dictating government actions in most parts of the world. If anything, it’s becoming even more entrenched as it continues.
Antarctica? The far-flung Islets of Langerhans?
Somehow I must have been prophetic way back in 1978 when I thought for a brief moment that phones where we could see who we were talking to would be a good idea.
When they did come out I swore I would never have one and I never have.
via Robin Monotti:
Digital ID. The commodification of freedom of movement.
From the roll-out of vaccine credentials/certifications, to obtain health passes (under ID2020 Good Health Pass framework) in order to access services – experimental jabs are the portal to achieving a digital identification global infrastructure (utilizing biometrics) – an imperative for a seamless functioning of “ecosystems” (digital finance/wallets, data economy, smart cities, etc.) within the fourth industrial revolution digital architecture. Via framing, marketing, and the branding of bourgeois access, what was formerly recognized as freedom of movement, “the most indelible of rights” (Steppling), is now being repacked as an entitlement in exchange for compliance, within an unfolding fourth industrial revolution economic caste system.
“By 2030, our goal is to enable access to digital identity for every person on the planet.” — ID2020 2017 Summit
Over 2k comments in 20 mins. They’ve poked the hornet’s nest!
18 Sep, 2021
Thousands of anti-vaxxers march through London calling on the government to scrap plans to give Covid jab to children
– Protesters held signs reading ‘stay away from our kids’ and a boy held a card with ‘I’m a child, I can’t consent’
– Gov recommendation is for healthy children aged 12 to 15 in the UK to be vaccinated against Covid this winter
The Daily Mail are fucking about with the comments. The oldest comment is 3 hours, but they’re currently displaying only 8 comments out of 2.5k!
Just checked. All comments deleted.
Just checked on another browser. All comments deleted.
Nothing to see here. Move on.
It may be relevant that the Mail online and the Mail on Sunday have different editors.
We are Saturday night so maybe change-over.
Mail on Sunday are much more lockstep.
Just saying…………….
Comments (Heavily washed) Back online
Rinse and repeat!
“Non Compliant/Refusenik untermeschen useless eater lab rats would offer a far more accurate description for the situation.”
Several of the popular comments (if DM ever restores them) state that they’re are not “anti-vaxxers”. But the reason they’re not anti-vaxxers is because they probably haven’t yet looked into the vaccination industry. The Scamdemic jab may be an experimental technology, but it still follows the same principle of injecting toxic agents in order to destroy natural immunity. The purpose is to make you perpetually sick and thereby dependent on Big Medicine. This was clearly spelled out by Dr. Heidi Larson at the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit (Dec 3, 2019). She states:
We’re in a unique position in human history where we’ve shifted the human population to dependency on vaccine induced immunity. And that’s on the great assumption that populations would cooperate. And for many years, people lined up. The six vaccines; people were there. They saw the reason. We’re in a very fragile state now. We have developed a world that is dependent on vaccination.
(Quote @2:37)
It’s easy to remember.
Vaccinus: “of or from a cow”
Cash cow, in business jargon, is a venture that generates a steady return of profits that far exceed the outlay of cash required to acquire or start it. . . . The term cash cow is a metaphor for a “dairy cow” used on farms to produce milk, offering a steady stream of income with little maintenance.
To be “vaccinated” means being turned into a cash cow for Big Medicine!
The above is an example of the “not a vaccine”, covid jab. The following include lots of examples of conventional vaccines.
Vaxxed – From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
Vaxxed II – The People’s Truth
This includes a number of personal accounts of very serious injuries from the HPV jab.
in this clip she told a lie that we as human civilization, are entering stage of inevitable dependency on vaccines.
It is a matter of pro vaxx policy imposed by power elites benefiting elites alone in order to maintain control of new incoming full digital, old neo-feudal social system without any organizational, structural changes to society like individual sovereignty, complete local self governance, self determination, abolition of classes and hence abolition extreme inequality, inequity and iniquity financial and power elitism of oligarchy.
Mass Jabs are not any kind of objective scientific necessity in fact they are inherently counterproductive and dangerous. Vaxxes are vital part of the new world order brutally imposed on humanity and designed for more profits and more oligarchic control while all other, however deadly, human extinction-like event considerations rescinded. It is all about imposition full networked technocratic society of control Deleuze wrote in his lPostscript on Societies of Control” in 1990. Those who refuse to integrate into news society of control, according to Reset plan will be one way or another culled. This is not ideological war between right and left we are fighting anymore, it is a extermination war waged by oligarchic elites.
There are a number of overlapping agenda. In addition to that of neo-feudalism, there are also the satanic, medical materialist and transhumanist ideologies; and they all use vaccination as a core strategy.
What I call proper choice of words:
And also:

Were the cops there instructed to sport beards in order to be more tough-looking I wonder?
They look like they’ve all come out of the same test-tube!
Good call!
Except for the one in the back left– looking slighly older, so probably a stuporvisor (not misspelled)– they might be clones.
No we did not march through Leicester Square, we marched from Camden Town down Hampstead Road, straight down Tottenham Crt Road and then took a right down Oxford St to Oxford Circus and then took a left down Regents St to Piccadilly Circus, Haymarket, Trafalger Sq and finally Downing St snarling up the traffic on the whole route FYI Daily Fail…….but at least you reported it.
Now there are zero comments below this news story.
DM has put them back again now. Top comment:
CheshireGem – 20 hours ago
Hello – I’m vaxxed. So is my wife. You think I’m allowing my 12 year old son to be jabbed you have another thing coming!! Stay off my child.
Up: 2326
Down: 261
The votes would be a lot higher than that if they hadn’t been messing about with the comments.
I just checked out that article, and the comments are just plain evil. And they think they’re good people! Utter scumbags.
I presume you’re referring to the fanatical pro- and mandatory vaxxers?
Yes indeed. They care so very much about everyone else and at the same time wish them dead.
COVID-19 vaccines | AusVaxSafety Look at the scale of injuries from the jabs in Australia compared to the almost no one who got sick with the so called virus
One of my relatives is in Melbourne having a nightmare.
Daren’t even tell her neighbours that she is immune intact.
If you haven’t seen it yet:
Marilyn, though i’ll do a proper read of your post later, at the moment, just a question:
mention is of comirnaty as well as the AstraZeneca doses .Why comirnaty, not Pfizer ?
i think because the Pfizer brand was not approved by the CDC for use so they gave it a new name. But when we consider that just 1100 mainly old people died from the ”virus” and the ”infection rate” is .3% over 18 months it’s appalling to think that 56% of people have bad reactions to the jabs in 7 months and they keep giving. And we are talking 56% of 10 million people, 5.6 million compared to 85k false positive tests.
Ryan is a self confessed non scientist and it shows. It is interesting how this sort of writing has now become the norm in OG scraping the barrel and repeating mantras invented for the purpose of countering the “covidian cult” with a “covid denial cult”. This later cult assumes that despite ignorance you can contradict the majority of world scientists who are actually much more knowledgable and know what they are talking about, just by repeating certain erroneous ‘facts’ about viruses, vaccines, medical conditions, diagnoses, cause of death snd so on that take years to be trained in. Those who have discovered the ‘truth’ then condescendingly pity those others who have not seen the light. Meanwhile other serious political events are not being commented on because of this overpowering mission to prove that 99% of scientists are actually trying to deceive us all because they have been told to do so by their governments, which include even countries with serious major geopolitically conflicting interests.
Here’s a suggestion: next time read the article before submitting your comment. That way, it will not be so obvious you’re shilling for someone else. You cannot be so up on the science of viruses etc without being aware of the array of world class scientists who have critiqued the entire pandemic scenario.
In a globalist economy, all geopolitical conflicting interests tend to fade into a hunt for money. In such an economy, no single country has a monopoly on printing money.
Orange is peddling bandwagon fallacy, if he read history he would have learned that 99% of top scientists can be utterly wrong, Copernicus and Einstein comes to mind, as both were ridiculed by “top” scientific brains of their era despite the fact that they simply offered alternative interpretations of existing data and proved predictive power of their theories. Covid skeptics similarly offer alternative to scientifically baseless Covid pandemic models and official narratives’ interpretation of the same data and show predictive power of their Covid related assertions and as in the past are being ridiculed and ad hominem attacked.
historically failed, stagnated, seeking relevancy science create cults and Orange seems to have joined cult covidians.
When 99% of the ‘scientists’ agree on a subject, it raises my interest how come that 1% doesn’t. I still remember 4 out of 5 doctors recommending Camels.
I remember that joke. ‘ you were supposed to ride it to the whorehouse in town’
”This later cult assumes that despite ignorance you can contradict the majority of world scientists who are actually much more knowledgable and know what they are talking about, just by repeating certain erroneous ‘facts’ about viruses, vaccines, medical conditions, diagnoses, cause of death and so on that take years to be trained in.”
I think you will find that the juries are out on this issue, and that medical opinion is sharply divided. Only a fool would take one side of the argument but not test the counter-argument. But if you want a test case I suggest you take a look how the market leader in this respect – Israel, the market leader with an 85% vaccinated – is faring in this time. Sad to say things are not looking too good in the land of milk and honey; they have more double vaccinated cases being treated for covid 19 than the unvaccinated. Israel is now in its third wave in spite of the ‘magic’ vaccines being pumped into their system.
‘majority of world scientists’
The ‘majority of world scientists’ are either shitting their pants because they’re too frightened to tell the truth because their gwant (sic) will be cut off or shitting their pants because they might be caught out taking the pharma dollar.
There is a minority of world scientists that are shitting their pants about being killed for telling the truth.
99% of your comment is unsupported. The remaining 1% one percent is supercilious drivel with a dose of bad grammar.
I’m quite looking forward to the day when you and your other identities get triple jabbed.
Here’s an ‘n’. Get eaten.
They settle science by polling scientists? Wow, that’s new, thanks for letting us know.
Yes!! Exactly so. Thanks for writing just what needs to be read and understood, in some cases deeply understood. .
The so called science is of the same substance as the malevolence sometimes employed in supposedly primitive societies. At core the so called pandemic is black magic, the same as one’s African neighbor who is a reputed sangoma, threatening you or your yard with a curse.
So much for the enlightenment.
Do you trust any of these people?
Personally, I think they are trying to both jab us and freeze us to death…
This winter may be really cold. The wind hasn’t blown for 6 weeks…
If we get a repeat of this – like in 1963, we will be in big trouble.
It will be incredibly cold.
Prepare Now
I’ve just ordered 13 bags of smokeless coal, and tested my camping gear to cook food.
We still have a fireplace and a chimney.
If the electricity goes off, the gas central heating won’t work either.
These Green lunatics in Power, will kill us all.
They haven’t got a clue, unless that is what they intend to do.
Brainwashed by the “Elite”?
“Though materialist science implies that the world is random and without meaning” Then you have not studied quantum mechanics – probability rules but it’s far from the randomness you imply, Ryan.
How convinced are you of your belief?
I have a suggestion:
I watched John O’Looney on Bitchube as many of us probably have.
As I was watching it my thoughts were ‘if only everyone could see this.
How about we all commit to sending this video link, or another by popular vote to EVERYONE on our email lists,
We will all lose friends.
But, if we are serious about this,
Protests will be ignored, Here in France, they started 10 weeks ago but nothing has happened
Politicians and the press have been bought.
Violent response will be met by martial law (Which increasingly looks to be what they want)
The internet is our one and only hope.
So.The question is:
Who is prepared to join me.
I am not a mathematician but if we all have 300 contacts and they all have 300 contacts it should take about 6 minutes to cover the whole of the internet. (Sources needed)
I’m with you mate
LOL (Dark British Gallows Humour)
“Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services
John O’Looney’…”
I have only been to Milton Keynes once to see Genesis
And it Pissed Down with Rain Continuosly
new town isn’t it – a bit like Basingstoke and Skelmersdale
Not suggesting that the people who live there, haven’t got any soul, cos I know them, and they have…
But why in the 1960’s did we build all these shitholes, on prime farmland?
At the end of the day, you have got to grow food to eat.
Local is Best, and when they shut down all these transport links, that is all you are going to get.
We should be O.K., cos I got a Country Girl, and she knows how to forage, and she makes me laugh a lot.
We are both a little bit mad.
It’s the only way to stay sane and healthy.
She says you stupid bastard – The Gig is Next Week, and the one last night was cancelled.
At least someone in our house, has a clue what’s going on, and it ain’t me.
You don’t live in the UK. And since you believe people living in Southern England prep for winter by getting their skis and sled out of the attic, you likely have never even set foot here.
It’s not like America. They don’t really do winter here.
You also don’t have a wife who wears hippy dresses and does yoga, or an ex (in Australia or anywhere else), or grandkids playing in that f*****g paddling pool you keep going on and on about, you don’t have a local pub or go sailing or do anything (I’m betting) beside go on the internet and post about your invented life for the benefit of people who just want you to shut up.
I think you’re just playing hard to get with Tony.
Come on, admit it.
So What if all isn’t real. Fiction can contain truths about reality and i kind a liked some of it. Reminded me of more gentle times – a pastoral landscape of words that are harmless and not taking away from the conversation. And he is right that it will be a long cold winter for many and we should prepare. It is not ok to shame someone who means no harm. We all bring what we have even if it is fantasy art.
What an odd thing to say. If the guy isn’t trolling he needs to be confronted and stopped before his delusions become dangerous. He has already stalked me privately. His obsession with naked kids in paddling pools is not good. Why would this be a healthy fantasy for a lonely guy inventing his life?
It’s a bit like the UK Government policy announcements, taking both contradicting positions at the same, give or take a week or two.
Tony Operation Mockery/Mockingbird just above this one has posted a reasonable opinion about UK energy price and what’s ahead this winter, supported by several readers, yet here as you describe, descends into this weird fantasy world of nothingness that has lived 10 lives over a 150 year period. It’s been evident since it/they/us/them/shim, not he, began posting at about the same time this covid attack on our freedoms began those 2 years ago, give or take. There are other contributors like this one but more direct and clear in their intention to deceive.
I think where it fails here is this platform appears to have a dedicated readership that don’t necessarily have a gold fish memory hole and it gets called out. Surprised at OFFG publishes it as many other postings never appear. I’ve fell victim to the spam checker. Particularly on the Top Of The Pops guy and is hobbies linked to our masters in big gold palaces.
We publish about a tenth of ‘Tony’s’ output. Literally all he must do all day is find different forums to ramble about his fantasy life. For his sake I hope he is a paid troll, the alternative is too painful.
I must point out. Not sure why the moniker is Perceptual (rather arrogant and certainly wrong) as opposed to this one, also being different to Peter, which I went by for several years until a whole host of different Peters appeared around 4-6 months ago. Weird. I guess it’s the cost of OffG gaining popularity and greater reach. Maybe it’s the new Spartacus? Or, maybe I should go by PeterMKUltra so they can all join in? Facetiously rhetorical with a little nod to Tony. I’ll stay where I am once the mistakes are ironed out.
Yes OK, completely off topic but thanks for uploading the comment, I was beginning to froth at the mouth with a need to clean the computer screen from all the frustration.
What a sad, sad world we live in where people like “Tony” really have nothing better to do – paid or otherwise!
What the f are you talking about?
MK was built in the 70’s
Everything else you spew makes perfect sense.
Oh dear.
Only Tony thinks my idea is sound.
I hope this is just because nobody else has read it.
Anyone suggest a better solution?
You imagine “we all have 300 contacts”? If might possibly have as many as 10, but that’s it.
10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Four degrees of separation from 10,000
Even a person as unpopular as you can make a difference.
You may be surprised.
Some of your contacts may have lots of friends that they haven’t told you about.
Ten plus votes but nobody (apart from Tony) prepared to join me?
We really are fucked