This Week in the New Normal #6

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
There was no TWitNN last week, because of the 9/11 anniversary, so this edition is technically, “The last two weeks in the new normal”.
1. Is the UK heading for a winter black-out?
This week it was reported that a fire at a power relay station has damaged a cable running electricity from France to the UK. The cable apparently can’t be fixed until March (although I have yet to see any explanation as to why), which means electricity prices are set to jump up this winter.
Real fire or no, you can be sure the power companies don’t mind the bump in revenue. But is there more to it?
We’re already seeing warnings of potential “blackouts” this winter, as the electrical supply fails to keep up with demand. Power shortages during cold weather could easily cause a heavy spike in the number of elderly or vulnerable people dying over the winter.
Those deaths, as pretty much all deaths are these days, could then be attributed to “Covid”, and used to enforce booster shots or another lockdown…or anything else they want.
Further, it’s conceivable that, just as lockdowns were sold as being good for the environment,any blackouts could be accompanied by news stories talking up the idea of living with less electricity.
Can’t you just picture the Guardian’s opinion section? “In the future rolling blackouts will be the new normal. And that’s a good thing.” or “temporary electricity outages are a small price to pay for healing the earth” and even “Back to nature: How the blackouts forced us outside to reconnect with our planet and our neighbours.”
It’s also possible, of course, that there was no fire, and there will be no blackouts, and that they’re just freaking people out to make them worry and stop them complaining when their electricity prices are hiked for no reason.
2. Doctors should “give priority” to vaccinated patients
Ruth Marcus, a deputy editor at the Washington Post, has had enough of people pussy-footing around this issue and is going “come right out and say it” – unvaccinated people deserve healthcare less than vaccinated people.
She at least admits this “conflicts radically with accepted medical ethics”, which is completely true but for some reason that doesn’t seem to change her mind:
under ordinary circumstances, I agree with those rules. The lung cancer patient who’s been smoking two packs a day for decades is entitled to the same treatment as the one who never took a puff. The drunk driver who kills a family gets a team doing its utmost to save him
To be clear then – Ruth considers the unvaccinated as morally inferior to a drunk driver who ran over some kids. Which says a lot more about her, than the unvaccinated.
This is one of this feeler pieces. An antennae article, gently feeling the ground to see if can bear the weight of the agenda coming behind it. It’s setting up the conversation. Because once we’ve established “anti-vaxxers” don’t deserve healthcare, those other people she’s so careful to mention – smokers and drunk drivers – they’re next. Along with the obese, or the clumsy, or the religious, or the politically inconvenient.
If you don’t believe me, just check the comments under the article. The WaPo has one of the most scripted comments sections on the internet, whose usual job is to play the “bad cop” to the author’s “good cop”. And, sure enough, BTL is full of hundreds of supposedly real humans saying the author doesn’t go far enough, and we should ration all kinds of healthcare based on personal choices.
This particular talking point is already being aired on CNN and by late-night talkshow hosts too. Expect it to spread quickly, especially when the flu season starts.
3. The campaign to de-fund independent media continues
A Guardian article from today is warning that big companies might be “funding misinformation” through internet advertising. There’s a lot of words there, but you don’t need to read most of them, the agenda is clear from the headline:
Nike and Amazon among brands advertising on Covid conspiracy sites
The article is based on a report from the Bureau of Independent Journalism, which claims to be an “independent” non-profit, but which is funded by an entirely predictable list of billionaires. Seriously, check their “about us” page and play NGO Bingo with their donor list.
According to this “independent” report, internet advertising is too “opaque” and we need to increase the “transparency” of the system so that major companies don’t unintentionally back “misinformation” and only give money to “benign” websites.
This is a continuation of an ongoing campaign to make it harder for any independent content creators to exist. We’ve already seen PayPal team up with the ADL to “Fight Extremism and Protect Marginalized Communities”. You don’t need me to tell you what that means.
It’s not just political either, YouTube demonetises basically everyone for basically anything these days, turning their formerly public platform into a corporate desert devoid of individuality or creativity.
There’s a reason OffG has always resisted putting ads on the site, over the years that decision has cost us a lot of money, but we have our independence and don’t live under threat. For any independent media out there who do rely on advertising income, now might be a good time to develop a plan B.
BONUS: Double-think of the week
We present, without comment, this tweet from the American Civil Liberties Union:
Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable, people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease.
— ACLU (@ACLU) September 2, 2021
(Yes, technically, this is from a couple of weeks ago, but it’s too awful not to share.)
It’s not all bad…
In Australia, unvaccinated construction workers, forbidden from eating inside, ate their lunch in the street in protest. Other protest across Australian cities turned violent. Hopefully signs that Australia is finally waking up to what it’s become.
We also have the now-routine massive protests in France, returning for their tenth week:
10th week in a row of vaccine passport protests in Paris.
A warning to any Government: making vaccination a condition for everyday life will create further distrust and resentment.
— Bella Wallersteiner (@BellaWallerstei) September 18, 2021
And I’d like to direct everyone to the Twitter account of Wayne the Covid Marshall. He’s a very real person doing entirely serious work to keep us all safe. Bless you Wayne!
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the landlords evicting the unvaccinated, the reddit mods flagging accounts as “potentially unvaccinated” or the return of mad cow disease.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Hilarious about shutting the power down.
If that happens annual flus will return to being associated witg solar maximums and minimums.
Before the invention of telegraph, all influenzas occured around every 22 years.
I suggest all here read a free pdf of
The Invisible Rainbow.
This is a link, it is so shocking.
Oh dear, the poor anti-vaxxers are upset with the Kaiser Chiefs (
Not so shocking that it comes from Microsoft News.
Good news from France!
Link to item outlining possible lifting of the pass of shame:
Use translate tool if you wish.
In essence it says pass may be lifted from departments with less than 50 ‘cases’ per 100,000.
A small step but I think it heralds the shift from covid to climate.
Melbourne resistance. Listen to the overpaid government cretin parroting parroting same old ‘saving lives’ bullshit.
(1) Melbourne: Arbeitsverbot, Impfpflicht und Lockdown – Protest gegen Maßnahmen der Regierung – YouTube
The pollies rant and lie on a daily basis claiming the black death is roaming the earth and we are all disease laden beasts who should be demonised and abused if we just want to live our lives.
The media rant and lie and peddle poison like the worst kind of drug dealers without ever stating that the drug companies have all be fined multiple times for peddling deadly drugs like opioids, lyrica, vioxx, pandremix and useless things like Tamiflu as if they are getting funds from big pharma.
The scientists rant and lie and peddle ”models” and poison jabs and we know they are funded by big pharma, Doherty alone has a $3.9 million grant from Pfizer which is obviously buying Pfizer plenty of peddling time. Last week Pfizer had all their anti smoking goods stopped because they cause cancer yet our media and pollies treat them like gods.
The cops in their little blue face nappies fire rubber bullets, pepper spray and tear gas at workers who just want to work and the human rights lawyers are all snivelling and cowering in their bunkers while old women are being thrown to the ground and pepper sprayed.
Shame on the damn lot of you gutlless fools. – I have sent this to all the media in Australia, I bet not one will publish it.
88,710 Coronavirus Cases in Australia and its States and Territories – COVID Live No matter how you cut this up the Australia government are conning the public, they claim 88,728 people are ”cases”, but there are only 19,478 so called active cases which brings us down to 69,250 ”cases’, but there are only 27,673 ”recovered’ and 1178 deaths which leaves 40,000 non existent ”cases’
But the actual number of cases is and always has been ZERO – because Covid does not exist.
The whole thing is a lie from start to finish.
Yeah I know, the linguistics they use are astounding, hundreds more ”cases” disappeared over night again, the are ”diagnosing” people who die at home from the jabs after death, without an autopsy of any kind, just a fake PCR or RAT used. 3 of the 5 deaths in NSW today had been jabbed.
If they are still using the utterly useless and flawed (rhymes with fraud, BTW) PCR test, then the real cases are quite possible around zero.
The President of Croatia doesn’t seem to have received the Covid-Zero memo:
Amazing. He’s the only one as far as I know. Hope he takes care of himself.
It’s starting
Expect a “suicide” attempt any time soon.
A carrot is worth two sticks.
In France, the executive is concocting a new little marvel of fiddling.
1. Yesterday the Prime Minister announced that the health pass would be extended beyond 15 November: a discretionary project if ever there was one, since not only is the situation to date, including in view of the “positive cases” which are known to be artistically vague, but moreover no one knows anything about mid-November. Arbitrary measure therefore: stick.
2. Today, it has been announced that the pass could be modulated or withdrawn in a certain number of departments, still based on “positive cases”, a relief that is all the more insane because it would be based on the well-known DDO (occasional departmental division). Insane measure but: carrot.
3. Tomorrow, this random soup will go through the discreet vegetable mill of the opaque Defence Council, which we know has only served to lock us up without recourse for the past 18 months, so: stick.
Basically, we are wrong to underestimate the words of our “sovereign” who had warned us well: the pass is in the pocket! His own, of course!
So you are worried about food shortages , you stock up the freezer and get a power cut … B*stards
Covid was always the training ground for the next phase of control. They keep telling people climate control is the prize behind the curtain. Most folk aren’t ready to connect.
It’s gonna be brutal and your NOT gonna be happy. Is collective unhappiness enough to unite the masses in defiance ?
By and large the kulaks never saw it coming.
We at least can sense the creep.
BTW Wayne is a keeper.
The recipe is tried and true.
The satire bypasses the neurological conditioning (mostly using neurolinguistic labeling) that tintillates the amygdala to produce rewarding biochems. It’s those rewarding biochems that literally block the frontal lobe from processing counter narrative info and so it is the satire that sneaks thru the door.
Many a mind that survived totalitarianism did so by maintaining a circle of fellow dissidents who used the very strategy that Wayne is using.
The Vaccine Contains Your Barcode – Are the Jabbed Connected to Bluetooth?
Here a smartphone screenshot taken in front of a supermarket in Germany:
a short demo video:
Quote unknown author: Imagine a vax so safe you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.
Thought for the day, though someone may have already said something similar in another post.
All of this ‘power cut fear porn’ and electricity price panic might be a not so gentle nudge towards smart meters.
The people awaken. Praise the Lord.
today, more protests in Melbourne. Wonder when Sydney plans to wake up?
They were chanting F&ck the jab. Big smiley here
It is mildly heartening that the ABC is actually running these stories.
Yeah but I just heard some little sniveller on the ABC claiming asymptomatic children are spreading the virus.
the penal australya brainwashing cult ABC
no way Jose!!!
they is a gang of fearmongering pharmacom lie spewing covidian branch cultists!!!
The gov’t said it was all far right and nazi infiltrators and no actual construction workers were present. Lol. Sure.
We in California are used to prices for fuel ramping up along with lame excuses, we get it with gasoline (petrol) all the time. We use a special low emissions fomulation — fine, all in a good cause — but its only produced by a handful of refineries. After a decade or two they start recycling excuses why prices have ramped up. It really boils down to “because a handful of PR people are cheaper than infrastructure (and we’re making gangbusters profits anyway)”.
We’re also no stranger to the electricity and water scams that seem to be a fact of British life. Although people keep on thinking that California is some kind of socialist paradise that’s just not true, in fact we’ve had several of our markets ‘deregulated’ just like they were in the UK after privatization. The result is the same kinds of financial fun ‘n games with consumers paying excess for the privelege of sipping ever smaller amounts of product from the system. It would be no surprise to discover the same actors at play — for example, we’re (indirectly) a Thames Water customer (or who/whatever its called these days) so its no surprise that our not very old infrastructure has all sorts of problems with leaky pipes. (Back when Thames first took over our local retail market our price for water was far lower than people in London paid for it (despite our sources being hundreds of miles and a couple of mountain ranges away) but this was quickly dealt with — its a process, though, because our PUC has teeth. We also got the electricity generation/transmission/retail trick pulled on us which thanks to manipulation of the supposedly free market led to rolling blackouts in the 2000s. These days the blackouts are due to turning off power to overhead transmission lines that present a fire danger (a legitimate short term solution) and, of course, hefty surcharges to ‘harden’ the infrastructure (because decades of profit sucking neglect don’t fix themselves).
I am very much in favor of resource conservation but its marketed to the public as some kind of sackcloth and ashes self-flagellation — you’re supposed to enjoy sitting sweltering the dark while your landscaping withers and dies because “its good for the planet” (in fact its mostly good for the local developers — the more resources we can be persuaded to do without the more they can devote to new developments…..which all include “affordable” housing, “for a given value of affordable”.
Insane petrol price jumps here in Brisbane Australia too. In general, the cost of living here is a joke. Every prick picks your pocket. It’s the land of the shake down.
This is a good read. An open letter to the President of the University of Guelph in Canada. It points to the absurdity of the vaccine mandates. Dr. Brian Biddle understands immunology.
Problem is the only thing called so called sars 2 resides in the CDC patents office as a chimeric – all these scientists are using the RNA from the tests and the tests are 100% fakes
I am amazed that France has not banned all US and UK vaccines over the USA’s realignment with Australia. But it looks like the French government will do their usual: shout loudly while retreating. It’s votes that count.
At least we now know one of the reasons why Australia has gone full Nazi: they were planning on dumping NATO, override the Aussie peoples’ will and existing treaties regarding their “nuclear free zone” and turn Australia in to a nuclear missile silo for the USA. And they get an extra benefit, they turn Australia into an easy target for China’s missile systems: Australia gets nuked while the USA is preserved. Why? The USA provides China with food, but they don’t need Australia: such a cool strategy.
All these non-Covid changes being enacted against the peoples’ will, all because China won’t sell its people to Soros, Bezos, Anal Schwab, Pedo Gates and the rest of the slime as slaves: this is slave owner wars. Just a shame that the Aussies didn’t have the nuts to break with NATO and work with China in the first place. Now it is the sucker in the sandwich and totally dispensable.
Interesting aspnaz. I’m not up on any of this. But it doesn’t surprise me. In my view, and in absolute layman’s terms…the ‘one world order’ has been in effect for a long time. The world is basically comprised of regional corporations or enterprises that work for the one big Company. There’s Australia Corp, US Corp, Zionist Corp, North Korea Corp (yes, even N.Korea is licensed), South Africa Corp, Israel Inc, Chicom Corp etc etc…these are all licensed corporate Company colonies. And they are all expected to pull their weight or play certain roles in terms of revenue generation and strategic manoeuvre over time. The world is a business, as they say. If a few eggs have to break, that’s only business. The mode of control can revolve around and morph and change in different regions endlessly depending on their role at any given time.
My God you live in such an interesting video game world!…. Meanwhile in reality…
Yes, I think we about to become the 51st State.
Well I suspect that has been planned for some time….with all this nuclear sub nonsense, suddenly all the carryon somo was doing about the Chinese in the pacific Is makes sense.,..ground was being prepared….
we are also doing some build job up in the Torres st…my best guess this is where the “rented” subs will live along with their US navy crew….thus yes we are setting up a US base with little knowledge of the rest of aust…..
we have also increased the size of a big army reserve in central qld…this is where the joint exercises happen and again this will not be readily known by most Australians,,,,and again will be a pseudo US base and I half suspect that big quarantine complex near Darwin will be used for troop rotation….
The USMilitary complex has to keep the game going..and it looks like we have been told we are again going all the way with LBJ…I suspect the French deal was never more than a re election stunt by the Morrison govt…so once elected it was scrapped..,who cares about the fall out to people’s lives who believed any of it.,,
Two or three years ago Australia had decided to allow Chinese ships to carry coal (think it was coal) across the GBR. A big risk to the GBR, but the people making the decisions had kind of stopped caring about the nature shite and were more interested in the Chinese money thing: they were even building (or just had built) another port to facilitate those exports.
Then, suddenly, after Covid started, Australia decided to show everyone how big its dick was and how it was on the side of truth and rightousness and started demanded an investigation into the Wuhan virus leak. Meanwhile it was putting its citizens under house arrest for the crime of existing.
Of course, looking back, you can see that this rapid about turn was obviously all part of the same scam that encompasses Covid as a sub-scam.
Covid is all about big money and big time business, no doubt.
Is “mandation” a word? It apparently has some rare usage going back to the 1800s. But its appropriate meaning would seem to be:
Mandation = Mandatory Vaccination
One NHS boss said:
“If you are going to go down this route of mandation for NHS staff, you will get into a direct confrontation with a group of staff who you’re forcing to do this at a time when you’re denying them a decent pay rise but also saying how much you love them. The government hasn’t thought through the consequences of this. Hospital trusts could end up having to suspend or even dismiss members of staff who continue to refuse to be vaccinated against Covid in defiance of a policy requiring them to get jabbed.”
Gates is really earning his drug pushing from the rancid Guardian
Linh Dinh, who is probably the nicest, well travelled, most intelligent man from Vietnam you could ever wish to meet, has RESIGNED…
“Notable writer, poet, and photo-essayist Linh Dinh, left America years ago. Now he says he is leaving REDACTED and will henceforth publish only at In both cases, the stupidity and vulgarity of (some) Americans hastened his departure.”
If you want to catch up with him now, read his own blog, and buy his book. It’s Brilliant (get it in hardback) then you get his full colour photography too.
“My prediction is in winter it’s [coronahoax] over.”
Dr Stefan Lanka about the expected consequence of publishing the results of his ongoing research on the fallacies of virology.
[Timestamped link to Odysee]
So am I reading this as the Unions are finally doing what they paid to do or am I being optimistic?
I was being optimistic. Clearly the unions have been taken over by the Kabal. They have mandated vaccines for construction industry workers in Victoria. (very bad sign btw) and big surprise. Those disgusting parasites at the CFMEU are doing nothing!!! A Holes!!
Time for a big sick out. Everyone in the industry book off sick or claim on the job injuries and get workers comp. Do not get vaccinated.
Yeah but the members are doing something, the unions in Australia have been some of the biggest snivellers for the past 18 months, right along the gutless human rights coward scum.
It’s pretty clear that what they want in Australia is chaos, destabilization, ruin, hysteria, madness and an atmosphere of constant unsettlement. That’s the goal.
I love this on the Google search page
“Have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? Get the Facts”
Where does one begin…
That shit is EVERYWHERE…all manner of things have Ministry of Information banners directing you away from thought crime and towards proper State sanctioned group think. Great, hey?
Vigano: Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order
(LifeSiteNews) – Editor’s Note: the following is a speech delivered by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on August 28, 2021.
For more than a year and a half we have been helplessly witnessing the succession of incongruent events to which most of us are unable to give a plausible justification. The pandemic emergency has made particularly evident the contradictions and illogicalities of measures nominally intended to limit contagion – lockdowns, curfews, closures of commercial activities, limitations of public services and classes, suspension of citizens’ rights – but which are disavowed daily by conflicting voices, by clear evidence of ineffectiveness, by contradictions on the part of the same health authorities. . . .
Once it is understood that the present events have been intended in order to obtain certain results – and consequently to pursue certain interests on behalf of a minority part of humanity, with incalculable harm for the majority – we must also have the honesty to recognize the criminal mens [mind] of the authors of this plan. . . .
Now, in the face of a criminal plan it would be at least logical to denounce it and make it known, in order to then be able to avert it and try those who are guilty. The list of traitors should start with the heads of government, with cabinet members and elected officials, and then continue with the virologists and corrupt doctors, the complicit officials, the leaders of the armed forces incapable of opposing the violation of the Constitution, the sold-out journalists, the cowardly judges and the obsequious unions. In that long list that will perhaps be drawn up one day, the leaders of the Catholic Church should also be listed, starting with Bergoglio and not a few of the Bishops, who have become zealous executors of the will of the prince against the mandate received from Christ. And certainly, in that list, one would know the extent of the conspiracy and the number of the conspirators, confirming the crisis of authority and the perversion of civil and religious power. In short, it would be understood that the corrupt part of the civil authority – the deep state – and the corrupt part of ecclesiastical authority – the deep church – are two sides of the same coin, both instrumental to the establishment of the New World Order.
Ignorance can indeed be bliss. Have you heard of ZDOGGMD? Well he’s a real funky dude! One Zubin Damania, “an American physician, assistant professor, comedian, internet personality, and musician. He also has been writing and performing comedic raps as ZDoggMD, an internet celebrity known for his music videos, parodies, and comedy sketches about medical issues, as well as systemic issues with healthcare.” (Wiki)
In short, an all-singing, all-dancing chuckle-meister now grinding out the covid-o-rama. And I found out about him through Mark Crispin Miller. Here’s out wacky organ grinding guy giving his take on Nurse Erin’s whistleblowing video:
He advises the viewer to go through his checklist which would appear to correspond exactly with the tired tropes of The Séance Overlords. (Hey but he’s just giving us his view, right?)
So here’s a hint of the checklist:
But note the response:
Up votes: 2.8K
Down votes: 6.3K
And now Nurse Erin:
And note the response:
Up votes: 39K
Down votes: 2.4K
Solar and wind power, can work pretty well for maybe 9 months of the year in England, if your home is small and you are living off-grid on eg a canal boat on The Rochdale Canal.
But when the wind doesn’t blow (like now for the last 6 weeks), you are going to be in a bit of trouble, if you have no other source of fuel, for 3 months of the year, when it gets very cold, and the reality is that most people who live on canal boats, would be highly unlikely to have enough money to buy a wind turbine, which tend to self destruct, when it gets very windy.
Solar Panels, are far more cost effective, if you can work out how to cable them up, and secure them to your boat, so they don’t blow off – but they are almost completely useless for 3 months of the year, when its cold, and the sun don’t shine.
Yes, if you are living on your boat, and have got anything to eat, your body warmth will help to keep your home warm, espcecially if you have a nice friend to share the duvet with.
If not, it will get really cold, and your boat is floating on the water, and despite being cold, the humidity will get very high, especially if you have little or no ventilation.
The problem with high humidity, lack of airflow, and cold temperature, is that Mold grows and replicates,quickly and is Everywhere.
Mold is a Massive Killer. Far more Dangerous than smoking.
Mold can kill you very quickly, even if you don’t freeze to death.
“The heath effects associated with mold vary depending on the type of mold and the person exposed. Immuno-altered and immuno-compromised individuals (i.e. infants, elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions) are at a much higher risk of suffering health effects. Exposure to mold, via skin contact, ingestion, or inhalation, can result in allergic reactions, infections, or toxic (poisonous) effects. The associated symptoms range from a rash and cold and flu-like effects to neurological damage and even death.
Molds are found almost everywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. In buildings, molds grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture remains undiscovered or unaddressed. It is impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment. Indoor mold growth is manageable, however, by controlling moisture.”
It’s important to eat well, get loads of exercise, and keep your home well ventilated, and warm, when it gets very cold.
And Don’t get Jabbed. That won’t do you any good at all.
Yeh, I thought about the loss of the inter-connector supply to England with Electricty from Nuclear and Hydro Powered Stations from France, and it will take until next March to fix it.
I came to the conclusion that the story, was probably complete bollocks. there might be some truth in it, but not much. Its far more likely that the people who have been trying to kill us with jabs, are also doing their best to starve and freeze us to death.
“The impossibility of Windmills”
How much is it to live on a canal boat, Tony, have you been watching P. Blinders? lol!
I take your point on ventilation, the old windows with the small upper ajar at night in the bedroom.
Look at all modern homes None are Fresh Air Vented imo.
Hotel Rooms in A House, no wonder folks get sick, shite Architecture partically in the USA,
That’s one reason older homes are loved so much, several of my friends reside in homes going back to the US Civil War.
Oh please help Admin. Everything I type in is spammed spammed spammed ….
It seems everything goes to spam folder even one word comments. It is hard to have active dialog when speed of communicating is equal to that of calling planet Mars.
Orthus below noted that levity is not only being avoided by the media but it is being suppressed. Comments not sufficiently “respectful” (i.e. boring) are being “disappeared”. And this is the great Achilles’ heel of the powerful when they present their own wretched phony stage as “the popular voice”. Their stage is a humourless monastery of dour self-regard. The only ones among the populace favoured by the rulers are the brain dead criminally impressionable toilet roll masturbating morons.
And that is a serious problem for them. I recall that Stephen King referred to Blatty’s Exorcist as a “humourless thudding tract” – a description which perfectly sums up what the rulers dish out interminably. And there is a great wealth of natural human wit and wisdom out there that knows or at least feels that it’s all shit! It’s especially hopeful when the MSM itself grinds out stuff that is unintentionally hilarious. Though the toilet frothers are always a pain and indeed a liability. Mock them with hyperbolic parody as much as you want. They will always take it seriously!
Many regulars on this site are Australian and they paint a grim picture of
their homeland. However, I have never seen anyone mention the following
statistics re Australia:
This means that Traffic deaths are running at roughly double the rate of
Covid deaths even accepting the questionable official figures.
Am I the only one to find these figures staggering ?
No I have been saying that all along, in SA for example and our so called pandemic is 898 PCR positives, a few dozen in hospital and 4 deaths in April last year. that means in SA 40 times more people died on the roads.
I think Impobs link below is one of the most important things posted here since this nightmare began. I think Willem is right. Hold on. Don’t become collateral damage, try your damnedest to prevent your loved ones and friends from becoming collateral damage in the fallout from this stealth attack on the world by the forces of darkness. Trust in the insidious organisations and individuals responsible for this is crumbling, hence their desperate striking out, as they look over their shoulders in panic. It will end. Have faith. We will live as free or perhaps even more freely than before this all began. Maybe we had to get to this point to see things change for the better, gutting as it is to experience – they did their worst, you passed the acid test, you didn’t cave in, and held true to yourself. You didn’t join in. Whatever comes, be proud of yourself.
I agree with you, but I think the tipping point was the intervention of “Wayne The Covid Marshal”
If you haven’t read Wayne, you should.
F-ing hilarious! And the idiots think it’s for real. I see Dr Fauci downvoted you again.
Thanks for your words of courage, mate! He who holds out to the end, wins. Don’t ever get the jab, whatever they try to do to you.
The powerful hate levity. Charlie Chaplin’s Great Dictator was hated in Hollywood not because Chaplin was “poking fun at a tragedy unfolding” but because he was encouraging the public to see Hitler himself as a clown. He was deflating the propaganda. And any hint of mockery of covid is unthinkable in the media. The public must forcibly be made to understand that this virus is no laughing matter, and can never become such. “You will not laugh!” is the great bellowing roar of wrath at all times. “You will be serious! You will act responsibly!” (Underneath, this means, “You will act like zombies when we call!”)
When it was announced that the AZ jab was chimpanzee based some wag in the Dear Old Graun posted to the effect that one of the side effects was a lifelong fondness for bananas. It was deleted; I knew then they deadly serious.
Ironically, the Covidians can never resist a mention of horse worms or bat soup.
Well of course. We can’t have jokes about bananas when we’re all in it together and putting people before profits and building back butter etc. (And as you can see from that last one, I just can’t do it. Even when being sarcastic, I can’t submit to their zombie boredom!)
(failed attempt to embed video) 🙄
use the full URL, not the short form:
https: // www . youtube . com / watch?v=Ae7h2p1pY5Q
Forget persuasion. As a matter of fact, a laugh in their face is the best response to any dead serious covidians.
Hell is paved with good intentions.
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Do you seriously think they have good intentions? Mind boggling.
They claim good intentions as ignorant and tyrants always do.
None of them is ignorant… we have to stop saying that
And fiscal heavens are paved with… well you know
Maybe this has been covered before on here so apologies if I am going over old ground.
I heard about the therapeutics trials in Uk a while ago and then nothing since.
I wasn’t aware of the EU trials until a relative contacted me from Australia with a link to the EU site (In English).
In essence, the EU have stated that they want numerous therapeutics available by October.
The implications seem to be clear: If any one therapeutic is approved in EU, then surely that would negate the emergency use authority for the jabs?
I know the therapeutics were discredited and banned before the onset of Jabberdabberdotime, maybe the same will happen again and this is all just window dressing.
OR, Could it be that the successes in India will force them into a corner?
Brexit wasn’t in the plan and Cameron messed up his copy book big time.
Would love some input on this.
Re: “Brexit wasn’t in the plan and Cameron messed up his copy book big time.”
The intention was that after the 5% win for Remain, Bolshevik Boris could play the Euro-sceptic while replacing his Bullingdon bro. But they misjudged throwing the fight because somebody had messed with the poll numbers.
Off topic – but excuse my disintegrating mind for working in increasingly obscure ways. I was musing on the curious case of Carlos Castaneda, writer on shamanism, who I never read although my mum had a high opinion of him. She said she read a book about him and was dismayed to find it totally negative about him. And I heard that he was branded a fraud. Anyway, out of curiosity, I did a bit of research and stumbled on this Salon piece:
“The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda” (Scarifying title!)
Note this bit:
“Over the next decade, several researchers, most prominently Richard de Mille, son of the legendary director, worked tirelessly to demonstrate that Castaneda’s work was a hoax.”
That struck me as odd. Why would several researchers work tirelessly to debunk Castaneda? And note too that this article actually seems to take a pride in admitting to this vendetta.
And note that link between this Richard and Cecil B.
At this point I smelled a familiar odour: co-ordinated hatchet job to smear someone under the façade of … once again, “The Science”.
And look here:
After a post copy/pasting in the salon article, this response:
“You’ve been very busy.
So, what do we actually learn from this overly-long and confusing article which relies for most of it’s second-hand testimony on a bunch of people with more than dubious credentials? We learn once more that a freelance journalist called Richard de Mille doubted the authenticity of Castaneda’s books. And we learn that two female companions of Castaneda’s went missing.
I suppose that’s that then?”
I suppose that that is indeed that. Case closed. (Which just happens to be the title of a conspiracy denying book on JFK.)
Looks like Trudeau is toast…I wonder why? Job done, like Hancock, move in another prick to carry on the good work.
Meanwhile the media continue to LIE (big shock to OG readers LOL). The CBC said “thousands” attended a protest in Calgary against vaxports. CTV said “450”.
Too funny.
Best & Less, a nationwide budget clothing chain in Australia, has announced that not only will all staff face mandatory jabs, but that all customers must show proof of vaccination on entry. Simple. Just boycott these picks.
Do not give them your money, or any business that goes along with this massive crime against humanity.
Further to the construction workers protest outside the CFMEU offices today in Melbourne, the disgusting Union officials, who are very buddy buddy with Daniel Andrews by the way, issued a statement tonight claiming that: “the crowd was heavily infiltrated by Neo Nazi’s and other right wing extremist groups and it is clear that only a small minority were actual union members”…
The sort of crap that Daniel Andrews or the Victorian Police Commissioner, Shane Patton would come out with. Things are developing here in Australia…
We’re all thinking of you there Gezzah, stay strong but I know you will fellah.
Thanks C. I’m very stubborn and very determined. Huge protests again today in Melbourne by construction workers and others, and yet again for the second day in a row, the Gestapo thugs used rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray. Cops were even seen with grenade launchers. No, that’s not a typo.
An independent journalist here called Real Rukshan received scores of death threats today for merely covering the protests yesterday and today.
If you have Telegram, you can watch videos on the linked channel below or check out Real Rukshan page. He’s also on Twitter.
The covid cult loons are in a state of hysteria calling for the protesters to be rounded up and hunted down, and obviously made death threats because Twitter deleted quite a few tweets.
“Society” is irreparably divided here now. So much hatred has been whipped up against “anti vaxxers” and people not complying.
All of which is fucking illegal under the constitution of Australia, these morons are all just having a fucking lend.
Illegal under Commonwealth Acts.
Just tell the morons you have Ebola but there is no vaccine for it.
Sometimes I dream about a real pandemic. H1N1 on steroids. See how your dumb ass masks and social distancing works dealing with that. Idiots.
And only targeting wealthy people for some reason… genetic code found in Cabal blood lines, etc…
…and then gift them the extended special edition of ‘Outbreak’ with special emphasis on Cuba Gooding Jnr’s death scene, to watch as they shudder at home with sellotape on the windows
This might cheer you up. The word on the financial grape vine is Best & Less are going under anyway. They have already shut down a few regional stores. When you do a false flag attack on a ship you choose one that is ready for decommissioning anyway…
Just so people know this kind of game is only played from the very top. It also contravenes at least 2 Commonwealth Acts.
I feel so sorry for the workers in these places. Like the baristas in the shack down the street, they are mostly young and female and doing this work while going to school or otherwise embarking on their lives. To be forced into an injection that has no benefit for them, in fact many risks, seems almost unthinkable, but here we are. And they are doing it to keep minimum wage relatively temporary work.
Formaldehyde soaked cotton anyway… “you must get poisoned in order to purchase our poison, sorry that’s the rule”
Fuck – that only leaves Lowes.
That’s what they always say when they have no good arguments to counter the protesters’ charges – it’s just a handful of bad apples who specialize in this kind of thuggery, gettin’ innocent well-meaning folk all stirred up. When you start seeing attempts to counter growing unrest with the same old template they use to force regime change on other countries, they’ve got nothing else. Still, I expect it to escalate to serious violence before there’s any backing off, and getting back to the world we knew in 2018 looks impossible from here. There’s such irreconcilable division between people now that the Covidians are literally demanding even stricter restrictions than the government is employing so that we can all ‘be safe’.
Yep, and the covid cult members here, and especially the large number of hipsters, liberal, progressive types here in Melbourne will lap up the Neo Nazi – right wing extremist crap like a cat lapping up cream.
Because they’ve lapped everything else up they’ve been told about the “deadly mutating virus” and also because they actually despise working class people, a real contempt for us and anyone who isn’t drowning in political correctness and identity politics and who didn’t go to University or Polytech at least.
Things seem to be escalating here today, and don’t get me wrong, because I’ve been on plenty of protests in my life, however given that these psychopaths are going for the whole pot of gold, and given they want a technocracy installed come hell or high water, I think its past the point where passively marching from A to B, and then listening to speeches will derail this agenda. Look at the millions who have marched in Germany, France, the UK and elsewhere for months now, and it hasn’t changed anything. I also believe they will still bring in vaccine passports in the UK. Buckle up Mark.
My question about the mandatory jabs for various workers and all clients. This will lose these shops a lot of business, as it has done in France. Have the psychopaths realized this? Or is it all just part of the plan to crash the economy and “Build Back Bitter” (typo intentional)
Oops, forgot to add the link in the above post;
Just for the heck of it here’s an attack on “anti-vaxxers” in a Greek English langauge newspaper.
If you read this and didn’t know what was happening you might think those anti-vaxxers were crazy bad people.
This is what the Bolshie’s did to prepare the way for the mass killing of the Kulaks.
Slides from an online meeting of people advising the FDA (US Government’s Food and Drug Administration) meeting on Sept 17, 2021.
this one is particularly instructive…

OK after some digging, it seems these slides were taken from the open public hearing session of the “Vaccine & Related Biological Products Advisory Commitee” that advises the FDA, meeting on Sept 17, 2021.
The full metting is 8+ hrs long, public hearing session starts at about 4.03.00 full video here:
Thanks for link impobs. The presentation from 4.20.00 in is devastating. It has to stop now.
Did you watch the Q&A after the public sessions? I’m still watching, got about 2hrs left
I can’t believe how myopic most of them appear to be, the woman from the CDC flat out lies about T cell immunity.
I noted one speaker also mentioning they are supposed to concentrate on the sponsors data (FDA) complaining about their study only had 300 in it, then stating they should be looking at the Israel data, response was all a bit arm-wavey for me.
No, but will wade through it all today and tomorrow. No surprises from the CDC given their record to date. But the Steve Kirsch presentation at 4.20.00 is simply devastating – the very concept of excess deaths to save COVID lives is insane. Thanks again for linking to this ImpObs
It’s not going to change anything.
Two recent high profile resignations from the FDA come to mind. Could they be less inclined than other bodies to suffer outside pressure?
I guess they’re managed in a similar method to any gov enquiry, e.g. by limiting the scope of the question under discussion, as this session was “do you think the FDA trial provides enough evidence to recomend boosters” so they limited discussion to the FDA trial that only had 300 people, and only monitored for 2 weeks after the jab.
e.g. Some wanted to widen the scope to discuss how many boosters, every 6 months, once or multiple times, how long etc. but this was sidelined as “we’re not here to discuss that at this time, only the merits of the question in front of us”
Half of them wanted to discuss the fact there is no corrolate for immunity, yet the last word by the CDC woman was bullshit talking about the vax providing T cell immunity, which is a flat out lie.
Every day children like this are being SYSTEMATICALLY ABUSED at schools and daycare centers.
How fucking monstrous
That women is a fucking idiot…
The Western world lives devoid of emotion. Unless of course it hits home. Then all anyone gets and hears are bells and whistles.
Untold death and destruction against people that don’t deserve it are mere figments of something happening somewhere else.
It will never end unless enough understand and appreciate others for who they are.
It will never end as long as the “First World” continues its consumer/restaurant/entertainment romp on the backs of the rest of the world.
“Let’s see now: I can choose between getting a new SUV or letting an indigenous farmer keep his little piece of land. That’s a no-brainer: I choose the former!”
And thereby hangs a species.
Well said Howard, i can’t argue with that.
Take away the toys and comforts and we are left with nothing more than a desperate race.
Yeah.. and the Cabal wants to irradiate it, that goes for you too… happy now?
That was “eradicate”.. sorry… although…
You understand that the power to be finds you quite cute right now… not me
Bring on the powercuts! People forgot the 1970’s.
Nothing like a good powercut to hit home the ramifications of a cashless society.
Ah yes the power cuts which, according to Simon Jenkins, meant the 70s “have a reputation in twentieth century British history second in gloom only to The Great Depression”.
Hitler and the Nazis threatening us? Pah! That was nothing! The war years with the bombings and food shortages? Pah! That was a holiday! Nay – ’twas the 70s with … (shock horror!) power cuts that meant the end of civilization!
You sent me down memory lane there lol
I was only a kid so the 70’s were great! I remember what seemed like the whole estate crammed into our neighbours house so we could watch our dads on TV (hardly anyone had a TV then) they were on the news leading a Trade Union march with a huge bannor my mum had ironed on the floor taking up the whole living room the day before.
Powercuts were fun, family boardgames by candle light, dripping butties for tea, times were hard but you don’t notice as a kid, going to the market was a James Bond mission to get as much free discarded veg from under/behind the market stalls, I can remember dragging an onion sack full of bruised veg ‘treasure’ bigger than I was, I felt like I won the world cup when my mums face lit up 🙂
Stand pipes and council water bowsers in the street when the water was cut off, it was the kids job to fetch the water, made us all feel like grownups having an important job, 76 mite have been the longest summer, but I remember some bloody harsh winters before it, shivering in bed cold, ice on the inside of the windows and all the pipes frozen cold, the gritters went on strike that winter too.
Them were the days 🙂
My brother and I built an igloo in our back garden in 1963 with a block of ice for a window. The coalman delivered the coal with a horse and cart. When the power cuts came in 1972, my other brother built this electrical converter, which converted the power from a car battery to AC/DC, so we could still have a few lights on in the house.
50 years later, we are back to square one, and I have ordered 13 bags of smokeless coal.
I agree it was fun, but I still don’t want to freeze to death.
Oh I had fun too. It was even worth missing an episode of The Persuaders for! But then you don’t understand that Simon was postively terrified that his butler was getting a bit uppity!
So I am now required to re-do some “absolutely essential covid courses” (oxymoron alert!)
I had forgotten how much fun they were. Actually I had forgotten them entirely. Videos on how to wash hands, don and doff the requisite protective yadda etc. Indispensable advice on how long Evil Covid lasts on various materials (a couple of millennia according to the latest impeccable research from Gates’s bathroom)
The good old British Medical Journal giving us inarguable updates on the deadly Andromedan Variant which you can catch by just thinking about it.
Interesting info: impeccable research that conclusively proves that cloth masks are lethal and only disposable ones should be used. This no doubt coming to you from the manufacturers of the latter. Any cynicism about ulterior motives will be treated with the contempt it deserves. We have no time for conspiracy nuts here.
Also interesting: advice on screening for covid cases on admission to hospital. One requirement is that numbers in waiting rooms are inevitably reduced due to social distancing rules. Thus people suffering from trivialities like severed limbs will not only be turned away but charged with endangering further spread of covid.
Also it is astonishing how many organisations have sprung up to deal with this terrifying plague. One to correctly assess the incoming physiognomy of attendants, another to assess the assessment, a third to assess the quality of reporting on reporting etc.
I make my own masks, from organic cotton so thin and meshy I can spit a mosquito through it at 2m… I guess that’s what they mean hun…
This reminds me of courses that Personnel types get from cronies and enforce across the enterprise, such as Ethics, Communication, Confidentiality, etc. Anything except what is relevant to the job – unless it is completely proprietary. This may fulfill a regulatory requirement for “training”.
He flew around Africa on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane with Kevin Spacey for AIDS relief:
as you say, funny timing…good call as always Edwige
AIDS is fake. A disease with a thousand symptoms. No isolated cause. An endless re-run of fear based ‘scientific’ enquiry. It’s all one big joke to these banshee’s.
How does Kevin Spacey relieve aids?
Scr*wing a virgin like everyone else in africa does, natch.
Inquiry Launched Into Secret Talks Between Pfizer And EU Commission Chief For Sale Of Vaccines
So now we have this massive push from the media that the this winter: there WILL be gas and electric shortages. Apparently due to “soaring wholesale” prices.
The only explanation offered is some nonsense about the “economy rebounding” or “office workers all switching their kettles on at once”.
The Government have already released statements (within hours) that the taxpayer will have to foot the bill because the larger energy firms have to take on customers from the smaller ones that WILL collapse.
So more centralisation therefore easier to control.
The parasite class are mobilising the next stage of their “Great Reset” but the above developments and the fact that they haven’t even got full control of their Covid narrative (protests and resistance worldwide) means they are beginning to rush (some might say panic) and as per usual are going to end up with egg on their face.
There will be a point (if general society are not already there) when “Because Covid…..” just won’t wash. And when people are freezing and starving I think the lie that Jonny Polar Bear needs saving won’t wash either.
Concentrate on investigation and reporting of the deaths of adversely affected Vaccinated Children in the UK. This is where you must put your efforts.
To Off-Guardian
Anyone interested in digging out the 1970s’ ecological scare from the very deep memory hole in which it’s been buried might watch ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’ (1978) which is available for free viewing/download on-line.
The film appears to be an Evangelical Christian film about the imminent End Times. However its thesis sounds a lot like NSC-200 and it’s well known how much the Evangelicals were penetrated by the deep state. The Evangelical emphasis on personal charisma over tradition and hierarchy happens to make that extremely easy.
The film features any number of “Nobel prize winning scientists” willing to support an end of the world thesis. Paul Ehrlich is one. The narrator is Orson Welles. Welles of course made his name with the Stanford ‘War of the Worlds’ experiment and there are many other odd things about him (like his claim to have met Hitler as a child). He just happened to call his group the Mercury Theatre.
Two comments, straight after the other, one here, and a reply to Shin, both containing video footage of the big construction workers protest here in Melbourne this afternoon… Both straight to spam. Thanks for that.
The fucking unions in Australia have been hysterical useless nutters. I am shocked to see them ranting about jabs on building sites, what a bunch of snivellers
Marilyn… Union officials are exactly the same as Human Rights lawyers.
They are complete sell outs and traitorous rats. Unions right throughout the West were defanged, declawed, and muzzled a long time ago. They are ultimately gate keepers and a safety valve for the system. Look how many “Union officials” here have gone onto have very cushy Corporate jobs. Why would that be?
To keep power you must control all the sides. One side they can’t control and threatens their dystopia the most is, you having a large family, growing your own food and trading with a community.
The only real sustainable future and one that comes with a complete liberty.
I worked for the union movement back in the early 1990 when they had some fucking morals
Exactly, Gezzah, and here’s an article written by a prime example of those arseholes, Luke Hilakari, Secretary of Victorian Trades Hall Council:
Melbourne CFMEU protest: Unions support vaccination to keep workers safe
They all come from the same sewerage pond Cliff… there is something very very rotten in this city. I suppose 38 years of Neoliberalism played a big part, but these creatures all seem to have connections, shall we say.
I don’t see the construction workers backing down, and I think things will escalate now.
The independent journalist Real Rukshan has extended coverage of the protests here today, but he’s on Facebook and Twitter, which from memory I don’t think you’re on. He actually received death threats today merely for covering the protests unfiltered and uncensored, unlike the filth in the MSM.
I made a comment on the new story, a reply to Working Class Hero, but it went straight to spam.
Things are escalating here in Melbourne this afternoon with construction workers protesting against mandatory jabs to keep their jobs. Unconfirmed reports that “projectiles have been used against them” by the Gestapo thugs. It appears the CFMEU Union may have sold them down the river hence the workers rage.
Here’s some videos from this afternoon in Melbourne outside the CFMEU offices.
Can’t view apparently.
Sorry… they’re on Telegram. I think you need a Telegram account to view it, I forgot that when I posted them.
Both Real Rukshan and Rebel News covered the protests here today.
Rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray were again used this afternoon in Melbourne against unarmed people.
If any moron still thinks this is about a “virus” and a “pandemic” my god, you could not get any more braindead.
Yea try not to use telegram. Stupid 2 factor auth they use doesn’t work on a lot of phones.
It’s being reported that tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets have been used against the construction workers protesting in Melbourne. Just seen more footage where the sound of shooting was heard in the background as the reporter spoke to the camera.
I noticed yesterday that the Age seems to have decided to obscure the fact that the robocops were firing rubber bullets at unarmed protestors by calling them “rubber pellets“.
They’re using Melbourne as a demoralisation campaign, over broadcasting it wide on media, and its carefully planned video releases on ‘social’ media. Why cause such propagandised tyranny on such a small place? Simple, project despair i.e.demoralisation.
It’s a war, demoralisation is the most powerful weapon they have. How to combat it? Build a family, garden, community, connections. You combat an enemy at their weakest point. Life is short and the world is spiritual trail. Building inspires more than fighting.
Thanks for the clip S👍 Yes, I’m aware that Melbourne is literally ground zero for this agenda, and if you look at the connections of creatures like Brett Sutton; whose sister in law is Jane Halton (Event 201) The Peter Doherty Institute, the Burnet Foundation, Duncan Maskell, Vice Chancellor at Melbourne Uni (Imperial College London + sold a company to AstraZeneca) and the large progressive liberal milieu here (who fully side with the covid narrative) plus Melbourne signed up for the Rockefellers Smart Cities dystopia, and the outright moral bankruptcy of politicians here, its not hard at all to see why Melbourne was chosen. I’m aware of the psychological aspects of what they’re doing here, and have tried to prepare as best I can.
And RMIT fact checkers are funded by big pharma through the MEdean crowd in the USA, that ghastly bitch Raina Macintrye works at the Kirby Institute in Sydney which is sponsored by NIH and Fauci’s mob.