Inalienable Rights: A Suggested Solution To The Covid Coup
Iain Davis
Inalienable rights, founded upon the principles of Natural Law and natural justice, offer us a potential solution to the COVID coup d’état, or pseudopandemic as I call it.
Exercising our inalienable rights, in observance of Natural Law, and collectively acting in peace to undermine the objectives of the conspirators, is the best way to resist it.
The objective of the global public–private–partnership of stakeholder capitalists, and their government agents, is to establish centralised global control. If our intention is to resist the imposition of this new world order the solution will not be found in any other form of centralised control. We must construct a society based upon decentralised freedom.
I have challenged the official COVID narrative. However, as many have pointed out to me, quite forcefully on occasion, it is easy to criticise. So here I offer a suggested remedy.
This is my opinion, I am sure there are many alternative ways to peaceably resist and we should use any and all. However, as yet, I haven’t heard any political theory that makes more sense to me than the one I am about to suggest. I do not claim any great insight or knowledge. I claim nothing other than my inalienable right to speak freely.
Freedom is the unrestricted freedom to exercise our inalienable rights. It is the freedom to do all that is right whenever or wherever we choose. No one on this Earth has the authority to deny, remove or redefine any of our inalienable rights. They are immutable and ours from birth.
Freedom is not the freedom to cause harm or loss to another human being. Freedom, based upon inalienable rights, places a duty upon each an every one of us to act responsibly. Inalienable rights not only demand that we respect the rights of others but that we defend them without hesitation.
Stop Voting For Our Enslavement
If we want to live free of the technocratic, neofeudal dictatorship that is being erected around us it is a fools errand to appeal to our so called political leaders. They are the bought and paid for lackeys of the tyrants.
Nor can we realistically expect systemic reform. So called representative democracies are so corrupt, so utterly subservient to the will of the stakeholder capitalists that they are beyond salvation.
We need true democracy, and that will only come when randomly selected peoples’ juries have the supreme power to annul any and all legislation. The current party political sham, masquerading as government of the people, while serving nothing and no one but the malevolent agenda of its corporate paymasters, is irretrievable.
A parliament of party members ensures a legislature loyal to political parties and the stakeholder capitalists who bankroll them, not the people who “elect” their representatives.
A better model would be a constitutional Parliament of independent, elected parliamentarians with no party affiliation. This may increase the likelihood that they would represent the interests of their constituents at least.
However, while this makes political corruption marginally more difficult it does little to stop it. We would still face the prospect of electing our own criminal aristocracy. Fortunately, there are, in my view, better options. These require a radical rethink of the way we order our society and operate democracy.
Such a radical transformation is already underway. It is not led by and does not serve the people. It is a technocracy managed and manipulated by stakeholder capitalists, globalist thinks tanks, inappropriately named non governmental organisations and philanthropic foundations.
The facade of democracy is maintained by “elected” governments. Their primary role is to foster the illusion of democratic accountability while forcing the policies of stakeholders upon us.
This is the system we periodically vote for. In this alleged democracy an election is the ceremonial anointment of the next batch of corporate stooges. Every time we cast our vote we legitimise it, nominally empowering the stakeholder capitalists to enforce the policies that benefit them, not us.
Petitioning the judiciary, which is permitted to exist in this system, is equally futile. Court justice has become an archaic tradition, no longer practiced. There are undoubtedly some honourable benches remaining, but any just decision they make in favour of the people will be overturned by the venal higher courts.
The solution will neither emanate from or ever reside within the current representative democratic structure. Any time or energy expended on trying to salvage it is wasted.
We perpetuate our own subjugation with our votes. The first thing we should do is stop voting for our enslavement. This may be a token gesture, but at the very least we should let the stakeholder capitalists know that we do not consent to their mendacious system.
Don’t Play Their Game
Nor can we indulge in the revolutionary fantasies of wannabee hard-nuts and ideologically driven insurrectionists. They merely seek to stamp their authority on the system and to lead us into their half-baked vision of a new realpolitik, cobbled together from all the previously failed, and occasionally lethal, political project disasters of the past.
The notion of violent revolution is folly of the most absurd kind. Not only would it lead to the totally unnecessary deaths of thousands, possibly millions, the system we currently tolerate is built upon claimed right to exercise force. The stakeholder capitalists have all the military and policy weapons they need to meet any violence with an overwhelming response.
If we ever initiate the use of force ourselves we would give away the moral ground we currently hold. We would provide the stakeholder capitalists their casus belli and lose any possible tactical or political advantage. They have used false flag attacks throughout history to justify their violence. We must be very watchful for the next.
We should note that Swiss intelligence agencies are already warning of attacks on vaccine distribution infrastructure. Reporting how devastating they will be, despite admitting they have “no tangible indications of planned attacks.”
How incredibly convenient for the authoritarians who seek to criminalise anyone who questions their COVID vaccine program. Any such “attacks” should be treated with immense scepticism and the evidence pointing to the alleged perpetrators scrupulously examined by everyone.
Violence truly is the language of the oppressor. We are under attack and we have the right to defend ourselves but that doesn’t justify unbridled stupidity. Initiation of the violent use of force is both morally indefensible and counterproductive.
We cannot look to the authority of any leader and expect anything but oppression in return. That is the nature of non existent, claimed right of authority.
Any brief reprieve the from despotism would be welcome, but there are no political leaders anywhere who can alter the course we are on. Desperately hoping for a saviour or believing we can vote our way out of this, is monumentally naive. Acceptance of the authority of leaders has brought us to this point. As it has repeatedly throughout human history.
The Solution No One Wants To Hear
We must build something better. That is the only true solution. It is just that it is not the solution most people want to hear.
People expect authority to tell them what to do, what to say, where to go and what to think. They have been conditioned to accept this and learned helplessness is the result.
People live apathetic lives, labouring under the illusion that they cannot “change anything.” They actually believe that they need to devolve their individual responsibility to trusted authorities. They do so in the unavailing hope they some benevolent State parent will care for them while they get on with their normal, everyday lives, imagining themselves to be free.
We can and we must take responsibility for everything ourselves. If anyone imagines that they can give away their individual autonomy and their own agency to some unimpeachable custodian who will nurture them, in exchange for their electoral devotion, they are deluding themselves.
We can no longer afford these illusions. We have to face facts. We are not children.
The State (governments in partnership with stakeholders) is intent upon farming us. It demands that we give it our authority so its henchmen and women can do as they wilt. The State has now established multiple control systems which are coalescing to enslave us. These are going operational right now.
No one is going to rescue us. There aren’t any allied forces amassing on any borders ready to liberate us from the yoke of totalitarianism. If we want to defend ourselves and our families, we have to do it.
We must take full responsibility for ourselves and each other. We must build new decentralised systems of communication, exchange and commerce. We will need a new justice system, a new healthcare system, social care and more.
It is undoubtedly a daunting proposition, perhaps it sounds like an infeasible daydream. If there is a better solution that would be fantastic, but what is it? Time is running out.
The State Hasn’t Won Yet
The State, with its new surveillance and control mechanisms, will fiercely oppose any attempt to break away from its clutches. However, if we remain lawful and peaceable, if we build and don’t destroy, if we maximise the use of what dwindling freedoms and resources we have left, then the only recourse we leave our oppressors is naked, raw violence. It doesn’t mean they won’t resort to it but “everyone” will see it.
Those of us who oppose the COVID coup d’état are in the minority. The State has invested billions in propaganda. Public opinion still matters to them.
They are not yet at the stage where they can simply beat law abiding, peaceful people to a pulp en masse and expect their project to succeed. Equally we cannot embark on the construction of a better society without acknowledging that painful sacrifices will have to be made.
We have another advantage. The tools we need to set about building something better already exist. Here in the UK, while it remains unknown to most people, we have a codified, written constitution. It offers us a path towards lawful remedy and we should use it.
We also have Natural Law and our inalienable rights. We should not ask for them to be respected, we should unequivocally demand that they are.
Inalienable Rights Not Human Rights
Inalienable rights are not “human rights.” We live in a global political system that has persistently attempted to define our rights in terms of these alleged human rights. We must reject this fraud.
These are declared in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human rights (UNDHR.) It lists a number of venerable humanitarian principles such as Article 1: Innate Freedom and Equality:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights..”
We are constantly told by our political leaders that they act with respect to our human rights and that they “protect” them. This means that they assume the authority to completely ignore all of our so called rights whenever they choose. Article 29 of the UNHDR states:
In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law… and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society…”
Legislation (a form of law) is set by the State. It can limit our freedoms and will judge what it deems to be moral. The State will decree what constitutes “public order” and it will determine which of our human rights need to be ignored for the “general welfare” of society: A “society” which it defines.
The UNDHR is the United Nations (UN) attempt formalise a system of behavioural permits, but member state governments would never have agreed to them were they not free to ignore human rights on an individual, national basis. Hence Article 29.
However, in the preamble to the UNDHR, the UN briefly acknowledges the entirely different concept of inalienable rights:
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..”
Recognition that inalienable rights are the “foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world” is as far as the UN go. That recognition is also something we can and should use.
The UN then created the UNDHR to exclude the concept entirely from the “law” of their member states. Inalienable rights aren’t even mentioned in the declaration itself but they are acknowledged, at a global political level.
The US Declaration of Independence also recognises inalienable (or unalienable) rights:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness… That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it.”
It is clear that the State acknowledges that inalienable rights are “self evident.” Yet, when the government authorities formulate their laws and declarations of principle they seemingly go to great lengths to avoid any further acknowledgement of inalienable rights. They have replaced the “foundation of freedom in the world” with meaningless human rights.
Just like the UNHDR, there is no mention of “unalienable” rights in the US Bill of Rights (constitutional amendments) nor the written Constitution. For example, the 4th Amendment announces:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause…”
In other words, the State claims a “right” to judge what it considers to be “reasonable.” Based upon its opinion, it can break into our homes, seize us and our goods, simply because it asserts that it has “probable cause.” This is the inevitable consequence of a system of government that hides from inalienable rights and instead bases its rules (legislation – law) upon its deceptive construct of human rights.
Observance of human rights guarantees that the State can force us to do whatever it likes. Adherence to the principle of inalienable rights rules out that possibility.
The “legal” definition of inalienable rights reads:
The term given to the fundamental rights accorded to all people.”
Inalienable rights, from a legal perspective, are the equal rights of ALL human beings. There are no exceptions.
No one has more inalienable rights than anyone else. High office, or a government issued badge, doesn’t afford any additional inalienable rights.
None of us have the inalienable right to order anyone else to do as we command. The State claims that it derives its authority from us. Yet we never had this right in the first place. How can we possibly devolve our authority to the State if it never existed?
The State alleges it has this additional right, to license our behaviour, and calls this its authority. In doing so it rejects inalienable rights and, by its own admission and “legal” system, the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. It can only achieve this confidence trick through deception and our ignorance.
The State is pathologically allergic to inalienable rights precisely because they are universal, immutable and absolute. We are sold fraudulent human rights because they allow the State to peddle its myth of authority. What’s worse, State authority only works in practice because we have been convinced to believe in this fiction.
State authority is nothing more than our faith in a lie. The moment we stop believing in it, it vanishes. All the State has left after that is brute force. In truth, that is all it ever had.
We should not give any credence to claims of imaginary rights. We should use reason and robustly reject the State’s preposterous assertions.
Equally, we need to rid ourselves of our own delusions. We cannot both maintain the belief that we elect governments which serve us while simultaneously acquiescing to every demand they make for fear of punishment if we don’t. This is a nonsensical position.
Therefore it is crucial that we fully understand what inalienable rights are. Especially if they are the hill we are going to die on.
There is No Law Above Natural Law
In 1882 Lysander Spooner wrote Natural Law; or The Science of Natural Justice. In it he explained why there is only one Universal Law that governs our relationships. Natural Law stands above all others.
Natural Law was not created by men and women and it cannot be altered, denied or evaded by any human being, claimed authority or State. It defines the nature of our interactions and even how we judge our own character.
As Natural Law is a phenomena that exists in nature it can be studied like any other. Understanding Natural Law is, as Spooner wrote, the science of natural justice.
How do we live in peace? What rules determine how we maintain peace between each other? It is “self evident” that we can and do live peacefully but do we only do so because some higher “authority” will punish us if we don’t. Or do we all innately understand the unwritten Law that binds us within our corner of society?
Is there a common set of principles which we all understand, regardless of the jurisdiction we live in? Is there a Universal Law which establishes the boundaries of our behaviour, enabling us to live in peace and harmony?
Of course there is, if there were not humanity would not have survived. This is Natural Law and Spooner described it:
Each man shall do, towards every other, all that justice requires him to do; as, for example, that he shall pay his debts, that he shall return borrowed or stolen property to its owner, and that he shall make reparation for any injury he may have done to the person or property of another.. each man shall abstain from doing to another, anything which justice forbids him to do; as, for example, that he shall abstain from committing theft, robbery, arson, murder, or any other crime against the person or property of another.. So long as these conditions are fulfilled, men are at peace, and ought to remain at peace, with each other. But when either of these conditions is violated, men are at war. And they must necessarily remain at war until justice is re-established.”
Natural Law is our foundational morality and natural justice are the ethics that emerge from it. It is in our nature to know this because it is discernible through reason, which is the defining character of our nature.
There are many attributes which we deem to be “good” or “bad.” The selfless and compassionate are considered to be “good,” the selfish and callous “bad.” Yet regardless of the value judgments we place on the actions of others, if they act in accordance with Natural Law we can still live in peace alongside them.
It is not a matter of being good or bad, it is a matter of doing either that which is right or wrong, as determined by Natural Law.
If we harm or cause loss to another, or act dishonestly in contracts, then we have committed a wrong. Others around us will recognise that we had “no right” to perpetrate that act. However, whatever we do that is not wrong is a right. We may not like what someone said or did but, if they caused neither harm nor loss to anyone else, they had every “right” to act or speak freely.
This sense of natural justice, of understanding and differentiating between what is right and what is wrong, operates in every play ground. Children must grasp Natural Law quickly or they will fail to build the relationships they need in order to thrive. Children come to understand this Law even before they have the words to express themselves.
If children can live in peace, without any comprehension of man made law or legislation, adults certainly can. Yet we have seemingly forgotten this.
Instead we imagine that justice is handed down to us by governments or the judiciary. We wrongly assume that without their rules we would have no Law and would be incapable of peaceful coexistence.
Natural Law governs our relationships, it is the Law that enables us to cohabit, work together, achieve common goals and find value in each other. It exists regardless of the lesser laws prescribed by men and women.
We did not create Natural Law and have no ability to amend it. It endures in nature. It is a principle of nature which defines us as a species.
All living creatures are subject to Natural Law. It is the universal rules based system. It determines the conduct required for social complexity to function. Just as termites use Natural Law to cooperate to build their remarkable structures, so we use Natural Law to live peacefully in communities.
As we did not create Natural Law it leads many to call it God’s Law. Theological arguments aside, there is no reason to think that the processes which formed Natural Law differ from those which formed, for example, the planets or gravity.
Some will say that these could not exist without an interventionist god or some other supernatural guidance. The legal definition of Natural Law makes this claim. Others will point toward probability in an infinite universe of interacting forces.
This is a matter for debate, but it does not alter the nature of the subject in question. Planets and a force we call gravity exist in reality, as does Natural Law.
Justice is real. We all know what it is and have even invented a word to describe it. It is the restoration of right when a wrong has been committed. The concepts of right and wrong also exist in reality. If they did not then the words we use to describe them would be meaningless.
Words like “mine” and “yours” or “fair” and “unfair” would have no context. You cannot possess something unless you have the right to claim it as your own, no act can be principled if there is no concept of justice or injustice by which to appraise it. In fact, none of the laws created by men and women, or positive law, could ever have been formed unless they were preceded by Natural Law.
How could theft ever have been considered a “wrongdoing” if natural justice didn’t already exist? If natural justice didn’t predate the laws of men and women then taking something that does not belong to you could never have been identified by anyone as either just or unjust.
We would have been incapable of perceiving an act like theft without innately understanding natural justice. We certainly wouldn’t have written positive laws to seek recourse from thieves. Without Natural Law “theft” would merely be the movement of something in a chaotic void of immaterial behaviours.
Natural Law is the universal law of everything and, just like anything that occurs in nature, we can study it, understand it and, because we are human beings with the ability to reason, formalise it into a compendium of determining principles. Those who transgress against Natural Law can be judged against it and, as Spooner noted, we have a duty to do so.
A society founded in Natural Law would be built around the maxim “to live honestly, to hurt no one, to give to everyone his due.” In order to “live honestly” no one can pretend that they are disinterested in dishonesty, especially where it causes harm or loss. A disregard for wrongdoing would be negligent, effectively condoning harmful behaviour.
As Natural Law is universal, absolute and immutable, and all are afforded equal rights and responsibilities under it, to fail to lawfully prosecute wrongdoing would be to disregard Natural Law. This negligence is, in and of itself, a harmful act. The duty, to bring wrongdoers to natural justice, should best be discharged through jury led trials.
True Democracy (demos – kratos)
Inalienable rights stem from Natural Law. Whatever we do or say, that is not wrong under Natural Law, is our inalienable right. The only limit on exercising our inalienable rights is that we live honestly and cause no harm or loss to anyone else.
As inalienable rights are derived from Natural law they too predate man made law and are universal, absolute and immutable.
No one, no organisation, no authority or the State can force us to do anything against our will while we remain “honest.” If we are not causing any harm or loss to anyone else then there is not a single “authority” on Earth that can “lawfully” initiate the use of force or otherwise compel us to do anything.
A society constructed upon inalienable rights must, by definition, be a voluntary society.
As no one, or no body claiming authority which doesn’t exist, can lawfully coerce, compel, deceive or otherwise force either our agreement or action, all our interactions can only be entered into freely and we can withdraw our consent whenever we choose.
That is the power of our inalienable rights. We cannot possibly be ruled by diktat if we insist our inalienable rights are observed. Those who refuse to observe our inalienable rights must concede that they reject the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
It is worth noting what a real jury led trial is, because they are not part of the current judicial system. If we want to build a world based upon our inalienable rights, then natural justice, ruled upon and administered solely by a jury of our peers, not judges, is essential.
Following the 1670 case of The King v Penn and Mead the foreman of the jury Edward Bushel, after a brief imprisonment for declining to find the defendants guilty, subsequently refused to pay the imposed court fine and presented his appeal case to the Court of Common Pleas. In his eventual ruling, upholding Bushel’s appeal, Chief Justice John Vaughan stated:
The jury must be independently and indisputably responsible for its verdict free from any threats from the court.”
In a court of Natural Law the judge will merely be the convener. Their only role to guide the jury on the technical aspect of the law. They will not instruct, coerce or in any other way influence or interfere with either the deliberation or judgement of the jury.
The jury will be entirely antonymous and they must agree unanimously both upon a verdict and the appropriate punishment. They will then instruct the judge (or convener) to pass the sentence they have agreed.
Natural Law is easy to understand and simple to administer. The only question, in fact the only crime, is the direct causation of genuine harm or loss or dishonourable conduct in a contract (dishonesty.)
As beings imbued with reason it is a straightforward task for us to decide if harm or loss was caused. Within the system of jury led trials we can be more confident, not less, that natural justice will be delivered.
The jury must be satisfied that real injury or loss resulted directly from the actions or speech of the person accused. Merely offending someone does not cause real harm. Expressing disagreeable opinions or refusing to comply with an unreasonable order does not cause legitimate harm or loss.
The 19th century English philosopher John Stuart Mill drew a clear distinction between legitimate and illegitimate harm. Mill was particularly concerned with freedom of speech and, in his work On Liberty, he illustrated where “free speech” could cause of legitimate harm:
Opinions lose their immunity when the circumstances in which they are expressed are such as to constitute their expression a positive instigation to some mischievous act. An opinion that corn-dealers are starvers of the poor, or that private property is robbery, ought to be unmolested when simply circulated through the press, but may justly incur punishment when delivered orally to an excited mob assembled before the house of a corndealer, or when handed about among the same mob in the form of a placard”
The real-world impact of our actions would be the context within which all jury led rulings would be made. That stands in stark contrast to the pernicious corporate-owned, corrupt judicial system we are presently forced to endure.
The cases of people like David Noakes & Lyn Thyer, Ross Ulbricht, Julian Assange and Craig Murray are just some, among countless thousands around the world, where court justice is notable only for it complete absence. Too often, what we incomprehensibly refer to as the justice system acts as a weapon wielded by stakeholder capitalists, and the governments which serve them, to enforce their malevolent, impossible claim of authority upon us.
During David Noakes’ UK trial Judge Nicholas Loraine Smith advised the jury that the court was not a court of morality but rather a court of law. Law without morality is not justice, it is oppression.
In a jury led court of Natural Law the only consideration would be the harm or loss caused, without which there could be no possible crime. The opinion of the judge (convenor) and the technical demands of legislation would be irrelevant.
In refusing to find the defendant guilty, regardless of legislative edicts, the jury would find the positive law to be an ass. As it so obviously is in every legal disgrace inflicted upon us.
In this better world of Natural Law and natural justice, legislation which is found to cause harm would be annulled by a jury of the people. Any legislation, such as the 1939 Cancer Act, which effectively exists purely to protect the monopoly of pharmaceutical corporations in their cancer market, would be found to cause harm and be annulled by a jury.
This is true demos – kratos (people – rule) where the people, randomly selected (by lot), form the supreme rule of law. Standing above all as the final arbiters of natural justice.
In such a system bribing useful authoritarian idiots would be a waste of time. Any legislation they passed to protect and promote the interests of their stakeholder capitalist controllers, or any malign force seeking to impose its will, would be overruled by the people wherever it was judged to cause harm or loss, in contravention of natural justice.
Get Real
In 1982 Murray Rothbard published The Ethics of Liberty. He deduced that the positive law of any society can emerge from just three sources. It can be founded upon custom and tradition, State diktat or be based upon reason and Natural Law.
We are hurtling towards a State dictatorship. The solution is for us to refuse to accept anything less than absolute observance of our inalienable rights.
We must insist that Natural Law is the only foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world; we must affirm that natural justice is the inalienable right of all people, equally, without exception; we must demand that no positive law can remain unless it is judged reasonable, not by the State or any other body that claims the non existent right of authority, but by the people, either through trial by jury or, wherever harm is apparent, through a grand jury convened; we won’t accept any jury selection, save by random lot drawn from all people with capacity, and we proclaim that a jury of the people is the highest court in the land and the supreme arbiter of Natural Law which is the whole of the law.
We must be relentless in pursuit of this objective and accept nothing short of our inalienable right to live in peace and freedom. Freedom will be defined as the freedom to exercise our inalienable rights and no attempt to deny our freedom or rights will be tolerated.
Any and all who use force, coercion, deception, bribery or any other means in an attempt to falsely assert that they possess the mythical right of authority will be held accountable for their dishonesty, and any harm or loss they have caused, by a free jury of their peers.
We must build this better society ourselves. We must live in peace as if we are free, in accordance with Natural Law, observing natural justice and exercising our inalienable rights, until we truly are free. As Rothbard observed:
Natural law is, in essence, a profoundly ‘radical’ ethic, for it holds the existing status quo, which might grossly violate natural law, up to the unsparing and unyielding light of reason. In the realm of politics or State action, the natural law presents man with a set of norms which may well be radically critical of existing positive law imposed by the State. At this point, we need only stress that the very existence of a natural law discoverable by reason is a potentially powerful threat to the status quo and a standing reproach to the reign of blindly traditional custom or the arbitrary will of the State apparatus.”
The State has invested everything in the technocracy it is stamping into existence. It will not sit idle while we embark on a course that poses a potentially powerful threat to the status quo. We can anticipate that the State will use all the means at its disposal to stop us from creating freedom, justice and peace. Constructing a better world will be arduous and dangerous.
The “do nothing” alternative will condemn us and future generation to the abject, totalitarian tyranny of a global technate. Those who go along with the new world order, hoping all will be fine, will suffer nonetheless.
There is nothing humanitarian about this project. Quite the opposite. Those of us who oppose it ultimately have nothing to lose and literally everything to gain.
We must strive for something better and we must act now to begin that effort. However, we need to act wisely, with guile, as we work towards our objective of peace and freedom. There is nothing so pointless or disheartening as a symbolic sacrifice, soon forgotten.
We must get real. We should avoid falling into the trap of the all or nothing mindset. We aren’t going win a decisive victory any time soon. This will almost certainly be a generational struggle.
Our aim should never be to topple the State, it is a completely impractical proposition. Our aim should be to encourage the evolution of society through the example we set. It is hopelessly unrealistic to think we can muster a single political assault that will both overcome the entire apparatus of the State and simultaneously win over the hearts and minds of the brainwashed masses.
Creating a peaceful, free society will have to occur in the margins initially. We need to form a parallel society of free people and the decentralised systems we build will need to respond and adapt as they come under attack from the State.
First and foremost we have to survive. There is absolutely no chance of us building anything better if we aren’t around to do it. While we support each other to maximise our noncompliance with the “unlawful” demands of the State, there will be occasions where we have to comply.
If your elderly parents lives abroad, becomes seriously ill and need you, what are you going to do? Stand on your principles, refuse the test and leave them to struggle alone? There are many situation one might envisage where some degree of compliance will, unfortunately, be unavoidable. However if our mindful intention is to keep this to an absolute minimum we will be on the right track.
Our purpose should be to show as many people as possible that a society based upon inalienable rights and natural justice is preferable to the one they are trapped in. The centralised authority of the State won’t suddenly disappear. However, if our numbers grow, it will slowly evaporate.
We should use every possible peaceable means to achieve this by encouraging as many as possible to join us. Wherever the State punish and marginalise people we will support and embrace them. If they deny peoples inalienable rights we will fight for them. When they abandon people we will offer them comradeship.
We will have to adapt to the tyranny of the State as it unfolds. For example, when the UK State enacts its Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act (currently at the Bill stage) and lawful protest is effectively outlawed, we will have to be creative and seek new ways to protest. Similarly when they deploy their imminent Online Safety Act (also a current Bill) and attempt to remove freedom of speech online, we will outwit them and create alternative means of communication.
It won’t always be possible to stay within the “legal” limits of the State’s dictatorship. Which makes it even more important to act “lawfully,” in accord with Natural Law and our inalienable rights, prior to the inevitable arrests and subsequent trials.
State tyranny means we are forced to live in an unjust system. By scrupulously maintaining our ethical commitment to natural justice the unlawful nature of the State can be exposed, especially if we use all available legal means to attempt to secure a trial by jury.
Non-compliance doesn’t just mean refusing the State’s test, jabs or its apps. We must stop using as much of the State system as possible and start using our own.
The State relies on propaganda so stop buying it. We should refuse to pay for its TV license or buy anything produced by its mainstream media propaganda machine. Instead, support independent media and promote it wherever we can.
The global public-private–partnership of stakeholder capitalists is essentially corporate and the COVID coup d’état has created a corporate-led technocracy. Therefore we need to choose carefully how we spend our money. While practically impossible to avoid entirely, we should keep our transactions with global corporations to an absolute minimum.
The coup has also attacked local and small to medium-size businesses. Therefore we should buy what we need from them as far as possible.
We must abandon our obsession with convenience. Instead of popping to the supermarket, we should make the effort to buy our food from local, independent farmers markets or other small businesses. Let’s reinvigorate the high street.
One of the primary drivers for the coup d’état was the creation of a new international monetary and financial system. The intention is to force us all to use Central Bank Digital Currency.
This “programmable money” will give central banks complete control over every aspect of our lives. Able to control every CBDC transaction, the central bank’s algorithms will dictate what we can or cannot buy.
We must comprehensively reject CBDC and start using our own, decentralised forms of currency and exchange. This doesn’t just mean crypto-currency, although that could be part of a decentralised solution. We need to think much bigger than that. We need to be, as a community, as antonymous as possible.
We should construct local freedom cells focused upon maximising our independence from the State system. We need to understand and engage in widespread counter economics.
We must grow our own food wherever possible, freely exchange goods and services among ourselves, cutting out the corporations wherever we can. We must relearn forgotten skills and crafts, we’ll need them. We should buy second hand where we can and, where we can’t, use cash.
In short, we must re-prioritise. The things we do every day truly matter. The entire State technocracy is predicated upon exploiting us for the benefit of stakeholder capitalists. The COVID coup d’état was designed to enslave us to that exploitative system. The purpose of the propaganda we have been deluged under is to force us to live in fear and accept the State technocracy as the only solution.
It is obvious, from the actions of the State, that it needs us far more than we need it. We can build a global society without the State. We do not need to fight it or change it. We need to ignore it and build something better. We need to engage in evolution not revolution.
A world based upon Natural Law, natural justice and the freedom to exercise our inalienable rights will enable that evolution. We must steel ourselves to the task of creating freedom, justice and peace in the world.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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This is a poor strategy with little chances for success. The collective human power (individual as well, but we’re concerned with the group here – the “our” group), correlates directly with the sophistication level of technology it possess, and the sophistication of technology comes from centralization and specialization which bring cost optimization and higher efficiency, of both the production process as well as of the produced objects, opening new levels of advancement and closing the positive-feedback loop of exponential industrialization process. Outside of the digital realm in which “production” of technological entities is trivial (just copy it, lol), the decentralization necessarily strips you of power. So by saying this If our intention is to resist the imposition of this new world order the solution will not be found in any other form of centralized control. We must construct a society based upon decentralized freedom.Non-compliance doesn’t just mean refusing the State’s test, jabs or its apps. We must stop using as much of the State system as possible and start using our own. you opt for the strategy placing you and your “freedom cells” on the losing position from the very beginning, their relative power mercilessly dropping with time, and condemning the whole movement to a drift into irrelevancy, ultimately leaving it at the complete mercy of the globalists. It is a survival-type strategy which indeed may work, but only when coupled with the hope of the global System imploding at some point due to some external forces at no moment in time depending on you. Think of early mammals hiding in holes from the dinosaurs and surviving the Armageddon 65M years ago thanks to their homeothermy, seizing the planet afterwards. Except your proposition doesn’t even involve proper hiding, but the opposite. You want to out yourself and glow in their… Read more »
I am sorry but this article which undermines existing human rights is completely wrong and this should be rectified. Legally, Governments are using derogations in Human Rights law on the basis of a Public Health Emergency but it can now be proven that this Public Health Emergency is based on numerous false premises. All of the Human Rights were drafted following the second world war II and the atrocities conducted by Nazis and others were specifally the reason why checks and balances were inserted. The abuse of human rights is occuring because these rights are being ignored and it is our public duty to defend them in the face of corruption and ulterior motives. Evidence is presentlu being ignored to pursue a political agenda. Documented T-cell immunity protects around 99% of the population against life- threatening SARS-CoV-2 infections although you would not know this if you were an avid television watcher. People who were already likely to die died and the rest recovering is not a pandemic until the WHO changed the definition of a pandemic which Governments round the world accepted without any democratic vote causing lockdowns, testing, vaccines to be unleashed not soon after. A vaccine for which Governments have given immunity to the pharmaceuticals and is not authorised for anything other than emergency use but is now being offered to pregnant women and children. It is now clear from the evidence that the vaccine does not reduce RRR transmission and if anyone reads the side effects they would go nowhere near this. This is not a definition for a vaccine. For the first time in medical history persons presenting no clinical symptoms are being accused of becoming an asymptomatic spreaders without proper evidence in the Kafkaesque world. A symposium of German scientists have shown the vaccine contents… Read more »
What a great well written piece well done Offg never fail to disappoint , here at FALL we support your work a great deal and we have been documenting peoples comments at London Marches from the start and the voice of the people are starting to do and say what your article is describing , see the URL to our POD from Septembers London March which you will hear a lot of these ideas been discussed , along with some funny and a little crazy music we picked up during the March , enjoy and leave a comment if you have enjoyed .
FALL – Social Science POD documenting the current state of the world through the words of the people , it might be serious , Noone is really sure , it is much like our times .
September London Marches
Very well put. I’ll be keeping this to share and re-read.
In a democracy, freedom of speech means a tyranny of the speech of mediocrity, the mediocre (of which the level is near to imbecility) will simply over-shout all intelligence by means of parroting the same popular unthoughtful stuff. Government by the people means mob rule. The reason why an oligarchy will assume control during a democracy is that actual real intelligence has an ‘inalienable right’ to assume itself over mob imbecility, either by fair or foul means.
A blueprint for alternative community already exists within groups such as the Amish-the Amish cluster round the nucleus of religion like moths round a lightbulb.
Find your lightbulb and you have your solution.
“They are not yet at the stage where they can simply beat law abiding, peaceful people to a pulp en masse and expect their project to succeed”
Try telling that to the Australians.
This was, what I read of it as it was very lengthy, a fairly good article with one very notable exception as well as some minor ones. First and foremost, America never was and never has been, a democracy. Each and every one of the founders, at some point, spoke vehemently about the failings of democracy and democratic government. This is why they established the federal government as a republic. A constitutional, natural law republic. No, not a Republic, as in the name of many communist nations, A republic as it says in the constitution itself. That document that most Americans have apparently never read even once much less often enough to understand it and how the government We the People established was to operate and under what limitations. There were safeguards built in, one of the greatest being the common law Grand Jury, which as you noted, could nullify any legislation as well as indict & remove any official (office holder) but that has been eroded and perverted by the crime syndicate known as the BAR Association. Unfortunately this has been allowed to happen over time by a populace less & less educated and more & more ignorant and complacent. We’ve become a people unable and worse, unwilling to enforce our own rights. “The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man, is eternal vigilance” – John Philpot Curran, July 10, 1790 To surrender your right to self determination to another man is dereliction of liberty, an offense against God and a crime against your progeny who depend on you to secure it for them as it was secured for you. We live now as a population of fools, imbeciles and idiots, who believe policies created by agencies, are law that We the People are subject to. No… Read more »
Wonder how threatened individual cops will feel when their fellow citizens start turning up at their homes in their hundreds to ask them if they took part in protests and took part in attacks on the public?
Hope their NWO masters have walled camps prepared for these Cops, their families and possessions…
This could get ugly.
Agree Ociana, brilliant article. We were warned by the late Lord Hailsham.
“It is the Parliamentary majority which has the potential for tyranny . The thing the Courts cannot protect you against is Parliament (the traditional protector of our liberty) but Parliament is constantly making mistakes and could in theory become the most oppressive instrument in the world” (Sunday Times19 July 1970).
We did not listen, The Party system has corrupted the Natural Law system.
We (the people) and only we can change it to how it should be. Natural Law is God given and is always superior to any other law. The Parliamentary King was created Law by corporation or statutory law system, but we need it to be relegated to where it belongs below the Natural Law of humankind, i.e. the living Wo/man.
The way to start this revolution is not to use their system to fight them as it is corrupted and will be enforced by them (Elite Corporates and Elite bankers and their Powerful Corporate Families.) They will pay and bribe the corrupted “Bar” club.
Do not vote as this is used by them argue “we have consent by the majority”. If you want to vote spoil the paper. They cannot Govern without consent.
Brilliant article. Absolutely holds the key to the undoing of the whole corrupt system. If people understood the importance and inherent nature of Natural Law and it’s consequences they would no longer follow orders they know to be wrong and they would be forced to take responsibility for their own actions regardless of what ‘authority’ is telling them to do something.
We are the system. It’s not the ruling class who DO the evil it’s the people.
People build, design and pay for weapons, fight and kill in wars, people spray toxic chemicals on our food and in our skies. Their minds are polluted and deluded by the liars and deceivers of the ruling class, like all of us have been to one degree or another. Until people start start taking full responsibility for their actions and acting with morality, things won’t change. This includes all of us who engage with, work for, vote for, pay for the corporate system that enslaves us and which now seeks to kill most of us off with a temporary reprieve for those volunteering for hell in merging with AI in a transhumanist nightmare. If this is science fiction and conspiracy theory it comes from the published documents of the ruling class and their quangos, not from so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’.
Not really sure how we mobilise such a movement though. Some good ideas, but how to get other people on board?. How will it be possible to get any real momentum going?
Natural Law and Inalienable Rights are two more concepts that look good on paper but tend to break apart when shoved up against reality.
They are at root Human Concepts. The universe and reality might well take a page from Ronald Reagan’s playbook and say “There you go again!”
Yes, we ARE humans; so it’s fitting that these, the best concepts humans have ever come up with, should be the basis of our social existence.
But if we lose sight of the inescapable and inarguable truth that we humans are merely transients in a vast cosmos, we doom ourselves to endlessly repeating the past, with all its mistakes.
We’re in a different part of the universe now, as I round this little homily down, than when it began. Not an insignificant point.
So I can’t travel to The USA unless I wear a Mask, and Have Been DOUBLE JABBED Since These American lunatics Assumed Control in The Year 2000 I had no Fear before and wanted to go to the USA My wife and I sent our 12 year old kid in the Year 2000 He came back and said I don’t to go to The USA Again..They are all Marching with Flags, when there is No War. My Lad Told me – local English Scout Group.. The Americans are Preperaing for War There was No War No one was attacking the USA He was there for 2 weeks, and was not impressed So since then, I have never wanted to go to the USA, and was worried, when we booked a holiday to Cuba about the same time. I made it quite clear to The Travel Company I want to go Straight There with My Wife and Kids to CUBA I do not want any Stop overs in The usa My son had told me what they were like My Family went to Cuba We still don’t want to go to The USA We like it here in England. Us British Don’t like your COVID Passports, Your Jabs, Your Masks, Your Wars, except you do have some really good Musicians and Writers Anyone from Cuba or Peru is Welcome to The UK They welcomed us into their homes, and we reciprocated… We welcomed them into our homes, even though we didn’t Speak Spanish hardly at all My wife and I and our friends spoke a weird dialect of English We knew hardly any Spanish, but it didn’t make any difference.. We invited everyone to our Parties, including a Few Americans No one abused anything. They showed massive respect to our home… Read more »
May I ask why some of my comments are being buried in the moderation bin?
I haven’t posted many comments at all, probably less than 10, certainly less than 15 in the whole site and at least 2, that I recall, have been censored for no reason that I am aware of.
I have shared my ideas in a very respectful manner and the ratio of likes/dislikes on some of them, I believe show that they are valuable perspectives to this community.
Please Admin, allow my posts to be published and in time. I would also appreciate if someone can point me to the commenting guidelines to see if I have unwittingly trespassed any rules and regulations, laws or mandates.
Some comments get diverted there and get missed in SPAM. It happens and nothing personal. I will keep a closer eye on the SPAM bin as more than usual seem to be diverting there. This may be sue to a recent update or just one of those things. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. A2
Thanks Sam! Much appreciated.
It’s happened a lot to me this week, although several of my comments showed up today – a few days late.
None of them had up- or down-votes, which is unprecedented. Something’s up.
Thanks for looking into it.
So what are you trying to sell? Death Destruction or 60+ year old tarts, at the Iron Maiden Gig, before you get jabbed to death???
Keep Fit – The Girls Do. I like to Dance Too..
I think The New Iron Maiden Song is Really Good and Completely New and on Topic..I just reall lkie the bass licks
Apologies, for getting old, and still looking good.
“Iron Maiden – The Writing On The Wall (Official Video)”
I have got to go the train on Saturday to go to a gig on Saturday
I used to do that al the time, but haven’t done it for 2 years.
My wife will help me, with my walking stick – and tell me I will be fine
It’s not my fault, I got old, and still want to go to a gig, and my fear of the train is real, but will disappear once I have done it.
Do one train, then you can to the lot.
It’s about conquering Fear
That’s a good tune to pull out after so long together, man.
Thanks for sharing.
Guys, if you still think this is ‘the state’ engineering things, you still haven’t discerned that governments are just paid puppets obeying a script given to them by a small ruling elite well above their heads. Look around the world, what do you see?
You see governments of al political colours all following the same script; a few variations here and there, but the script is the same for all.
Some call them the ‘globalists’, others a ‘hidden hand’, Woodrow Wilson called it an ‘invisible government’… so there are quite a few names for it. What do I call it?
I call it ‘international jewry’, which is comprised of jewish family bankers and their luciferian cabalist minions; it’s them who own all ‘national’ and international banks and with this power, as Theodore Herlz once said, they ‘make governments dance’!
Their goal is to establish a global dictatorship which they call an “Universal Republic”; they are the only people on earth having a “Great Plan” to form that Pax Judaica…
So quit blaming ‘the state’, cos ‘the state’ is only “following orders”!!!
But like so many others, you miss the real power in the world: the people. No “ruling elite” could exist ten nano-seconds if the people say “Screw you!” and turn their backs.
Yes, we know this won’t happen. But the point is, the ultimate power resides with the people, not with bankers or kings or any other self-styled gods.
The “rulers” are just the crust that covers the seething inferno below. If that inferno should blow, all the bankers and fancy-ass families and other potentates would be dust in a nano-second.
That’s a theory that comforts many people, but in practice doesn’t work… and this entire C19 agenda is proving it.
Without knowing, you did touch the exact root problem: man thinking he can resolve things on his own without God!!!
It won’t happen and in some point in the near future you will understand what I mean
If you fall into the trap of blaming “the Jews”…you’ve been had. Sorry. You’ve just been had.
I think the term ‘the Jews’ is a derogative term for those that profit from the masses’ misfortune. I don’t think it is a semitic thing. When I was younger to ‘Jew’ on someone was to be cheated by somebody. I think Shakespeare has a lot to answer for!
We’ll, maybe! Although I think we’re best avoiding using the word Jew in any sort of derogatory sense. Thanks. A2
Iain Davis explains this in ‘pseudopandemic’
Zionists actually. Not all jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are jews,many Goy call themselves Zionists; Creepy Joe for example (when his head is not in a young girl’s hair sniffing like a truffle hunting hound dog).
I so agree with all of this. Voting is a tool to manufacture the ILLUSION of consent, period. The “right” wing and the “left” wing have always been from the SAME bird.
You have to wonder how, after all this time how so many people can still believe there is a pandemic and a virus and the vaccine will save them. Beam me up Scotty. There is no intelligent life down here. I never fully appreciated the term Sheeple until now…
The “vaccine” is basically a hoola hoop, nothing more. Only a people so lacking in internal cohesion could possibly fall for the nonsense.
There was a skit on the Carol Burnett Show in which The Queen (Carol) met with and decorated a soldier (Tim Conway) who had swallowed a bomb and was Hollow Inside.
It was funny on the Carol Burnett Show. It’s not so funny in real life. Bruce, you and other Aussies will remember for kids not thrown, the SIEVX and the Cormoro and those sheep.
The following video with Dr. Tom Cowan and Michelle Ford begins the discussion on breaking your contract with the corporate state. Poster gordon, in few words, here, has said a lot along these lines. M. Ford goes a bit into detail and gives resources to help you end contract with the corporate state of the USA. The process to begin is as simple as recording a marriage in the US. I think the discussion in the video ties in well with what is said in the above article.
Here’s a thought:
I wonder if the bourgeoisie, the nouveaux riches, the lottery winners, the millionnaires etc. realise that they are still untermenschen ?
I reckon they don’t.
I think they believe that their money will protect them.
Well, let me tell you Mr. Chelsea Mullins plumber et al., you are all scum and will follow the rules like the other serfs.
Did you have a golden ticket from Davos?
You thought a few million would cut it?
You’re having a fucking laugh, son!
Better think again
Exactly ….. who really has the Golden Tickets????
To say that the system is “beyond salvation” is a cop-out. There needs to be government until such time as there doesn’t need to be government, and that time will be when mankind no longer engages in trade, commerce — whatever you call it — a form of behavior that goes against natural law in that it overrides the universal compulsion to respond by enacting conditions upon it.
The Constitution of the U.S. was probably the first modern attempt to create a framework for democracy. It’s quite good in that appears to be the work of learned men who strove in utmost earnestness to create a foundational system that could be a template for the rest of the world. It’s now terribly out of date, but it’s not beyond repair, or, if necessary, replacement, but some sort of State would have to be maintained.
You can’t abandon the State just yet until there’s a universal clear understanding of just how people will be able to function effectively without it. Until then such calls are demoralizing because they create a sense of hopelessness in yearning for something that is so far away and so nebulous.
By “natural law” I mean the way things happen in the absence of any corrupting or deflecting influence. There needs to be better vocabulary to express it.
Hello Reachable Spike: The first ten Amendments of the US Constitution contain the Bill of Rights, and the Bill of Rights is the only legitimate part of the Constitution.
All subsequent amendments are complete bullshit. Particularly amendments submitted after the “disappearance” of the Original 13th Amendment.
The missing Thirteenth Amendment – TONA Research Committee – The Thirteenth Article of Amendment
TONA Research Committee – The Thirteenth Article of Amendment (
What about the intent. What was/is the intent? Intent should rule all. You and I know that the intent was to form a better union. How is the word union being used? what is the everyday meaning of union. What is the context? what is the Legalese definition? How easy would it be to confuse a conversation using these definitions? Blacks Law Dictionaries gives the Legalese definitions. That intent should rule all is self evident. No matter what the invented rules say. It is the intent of all law to be dealt with fairly. But is this the case? In any dispute in a case have both parties been treated fairly? Being fair means letting your conscience rule the facts. This can only happen on full disclosure under law. gods law and the peoples law can be established in the room called a court by accepting the oaths of office. This action creates the authority for the adjudicator to sit on the case. It is your agreement to the terms and conditions of the oath that creates your consent to your peoples authority being used. As long as the adjudicator abides by the terms and conditions then the case proceeds. But once the oath is broken by not abiding by the terms and conditions, the adjudicators authority is rescinded and Recusal is demanded. The peoples law, under god, is sometime called natural law or the law of the land. This is to confuse you. In Magna Carta common law is not mentioned but other types of law are and these laws are for the people. Common Law is Judge made Law for citizens. This is the Common Law, As a “man of the people” your standing is under god and the peoples law. so if you claim common law you… Read more »
The frame work for democracy is and always has been the oaths of office.
I overheard an advert for a TV docu on the Blair and Brown years and how they managed to “make Labour electable again” and it struck me how brazen that statement was in revealing the whole con of the election system. If all the prattle about “democracy” was true, then it wouldn’t make sense to talk about how “electable” a party is. All the parties who appear in an election campaign would be “electable”. And of course the ones to decide who actually gets elected would be the electorate themselves. And so, when you hear this babble about who is “electable” it’s an indication of who has been chosen in advance – and not by the electorate. There is no true election involved. There is simply the public presentation of what the rulers have already decided.
Can I just say that although this piece had some good points it was a tad long.
And I am all for inalienable rights but natural law can only ever concern human nature, right?!
I am convinced the MIDAZOLAM story is true, you can read all about it on NICE “National Institute for Health Care and Excellence”
It’s probably quite a nice way die…
But what if there is nowt much wrong with you, except you are old and caught a bit of a cold?
And what if you don’t want to die?
You Want To Live.
I fulfilled all the criteria myself 9 months ago.
It was actually Cellulitis which can quickly lead to Sepsis a far more Dangerous Condition. I am convinced I got ill, cos I had not been getting enough sunshine and exercise because of Lock Down, and my Vitamin D and My immune system was Low, and vulnerable to infection.
Thank God (well A&E and my wife), they just shot me through with antibiotics on a drip for 2 hours and told me to go home with 2 packets of different antibiotics. They didn’t give me any pain killers. They thought I was numb, and my wife would look after me. (She was brill)
I was in so much pain at home for 6 weeks, if they had given me any MIDAZOLAM, I would have taken it.
But I’m all right now.
I’m on Vitamin Tablets and Cod Liver Oil now.
Hope to go to a Gig on Saturday, if its not cancelled, cos the Musicians have been jabbed and are not feeling too well.
Today in my town Ontario the government is beginning it’s covid card system which you will need to basically participate in society – of course it’s all for our own good the solemn suits say. (puke) Thank heavens the ‘progressives’ rallied and were able to save the day by anointing our boy king Justine for another election cycle which is what Hilary Clinton’s email to him on the eve of the recent federal election called them. (puke, puke) The obedient stalwart will be rewarded with being able to attend fine restaurants and venues again such as the upcoming cinefest cinema held annually in the Fall where they can view avant- guard films about injustice and sip wine at intermission discussing it. (puke, puke, puke) Afterwards they can go catch a band at a pub, a band that has taken the jab to get the gig. (quadruple puke and a barf) Of course they will not see the tent city of the homeless growing in the park nearby or the beggars standing on concrete islands in most major intersections of the city – no, they will catch that at the the next cinefest. I would like to think that even if i had taken the jab, the least i could do to indicate that i wasn’t a mindless zombie would be to boycott any venue that required it. That if i was in a band i would not play my music at any pubs that required it and if i was a movie producer would pull my movie from cinefest for contributing to segregated communities. I am thinking i should do to them what they have been doing to me most of my life – shame them – shame them for their hypocrisy – shame them for enabling the exclusion from… Read more »
This might help. Citizen group successfully defying the order using the law. They have a packet you can print out detailing the relevant laws. Sorry for the Instagram link I haven’t seen it elsewhere.
“Planets and a force we call gravity exist in reality, as does Natural Law.” I have to say more about this, it’s been rankling all day. This sort of statement couldn’t be made if there wasn’t such a chasm between academic science and what might be called popular or public science. This chasm is a dim reflection on both the educational system and the media. People keep pronouncing statements of popular science as if they are agreed “facts” when academic science is not in agreement about them at all. Gravity has been called a force, not a force and not a force but we can think of it like one. Most scientists probably still agree that something called gravity exists but there are plenty with impressive credentials that don’t and plenty more who see major problems with the current model. Gravity so ill fits the current mainstream cosmology that 95% of the universe has to be invented dark matter and dark energy to make their sums add up. That sounds a lot like a faulty paradigm to me. What is gravity? The public think it’s mass attracting mass. Science hasn’t argued this for some time – resulting from the simple problem that it’s never been proven to happen. Instead, gravity is now a curve in space-time. This claim is so preposterous it’s accompanied by a classic bamboozle – people don’t understand it and are convinced it must be very clever when really they can’t understand it because it’s garbage. Everyone’s told to worship Isaac Newton. Does this not set people’s whiskers twitching by now? Newton’s apple fell in 1666. Well, isn’t that a coincidence (and boy, are there a lot of 666s in mainstream cosmology)!? Is there another famous story with an apple? Probably just another crazy coincidence…. . The darker side of… Read more »
Yes,… gravity; electricity; magnetism; evolution; the origins of the universe; the origin of life, how to make toffee ice-cream etc. These are the intriguing questions but maybe for another time…
What is gravity? Half the population of the West think it’s a bloody nuisance.
the early concept of ether, was a far more intelligent (less imbecilic) theory of celestial mechanics for those with ‘understanding’… of the Divine engine…
or one could call it charge.. or a charge field… the glue being what the credentialed imbecile would term ‘magnetic attraction’… mis-apprehended as gravity (now the realms of fake particles with ridiculous names plugging holes in their ‘theories’)… somewhat-like ‘light’ being observed as both particles and waves (by the credentialed imbecile)… ergo.. in a charge field it would would it not because you are observing both phenomona ( + your own interaction thus affecting ‘outcomes’)…
in this article I must confess I chuckled as davies cunningly managed to avoid (at all costs) the obvious origin of his arguments… God.. because of course what he refers to are god given rights (man by his very nature must always appeal to higher Authority, but davies adopts a humanist position because he is a good man), hence the statist regime and its hunched adherents need to remove god from the menu… thus placing themselves at the top of the pyramid..
just as they have done…
an unfortunate side effect being the soul-less automata littered about the place…
NB: I should clarify I in no way endorse organised so called religions…. bureaucracy is not at at all advisable..
Indeed. It is very telling that we seldomly find anti-technocracy and anti-trans-humanism alternative media making the connection that the aim for the undermining of religion by the secularists is really the undermining and ultimate rejection of the human soul.
When religion is undermined, the moral authority is undermined and if there is no God, then there is no soul. In this wrong understanding, people are primed and ready to become automata.
The ultimate proof there is no God is the existence of the universe. Were there an all powerful super conductor, it would have utterly destroyed the universe long ago.
Power is the ultimate evil; it cannot ever be used for good. Thus an all powerful entity would be incapable of not destroying everything.
Interesting perspective, Howard. Taken at face value, it could be argued that such perspective assumes much about the nature of God and its creative-destructive relation with the Universe, which presents one with a paradox, namely, how can one know the nature of God, if God does not exist?
Can you elaborate more on this as well as on the nature of power as only evil (when you have a chance), or link to such elaboration?
Thanks, brother.
unfortunately power is what drives the universe, and also ‘howards’ electric tooth brush…
according to science the universe should have a collapsed at the ‘big bang’ it shouldn’t exist ( I know, an absurdity to the materialist/nominals that they whole-heartedly concur with), it is an ‘impossiblity’… like the flight of a bee or hummingbird or Gigantic dragonflies in the Cambrian Epoch.. but we all know by now that science is merely a substitute religion..
perhaps you are a reluctant Gnostic… to offer you a descriptor, a word hehe…
you see, it is all a matter of perspective and of course orientation, when dealing with imbecile-kind..
all your points could of course provide proof of the Creator God but that would of course make him at best amoral.. an uncomfortable position for many ‘moderns’ who prefer to tread the route of atheism than suffer such discomfort..(easier to mock the ‘concept’ of a good deity from the safety of your te-live-sion)..
that would, after all, have you worshiping the same creator that our evil overlords worship..
desert volcano demon or bringer of light … you choose.. (I choose not to)..
strange eh….?
Everything is matter; and everything is living.
Gravity waves prove(?) that gravity is a matter stream, not a “force.” Time also is matter.
Evolution – life springing from non-living matter – is only a puzzlement if you accept that there is a clear separation between “living” and “non-living” matter. To disprove evolution, you must first prove conclusively that a rock is not alive. Good luck.
Again.. you jump to assumptions… gravity waves…time..evolution… concepts, theories, little boxes in which to place ones ignorance..
which credentialed imbeciles are you following with such notions ?..
you see, you ‘choose’ to believe such things, it’s no different than some deluded christian-zionist ‘evangelical’ bleating on about the ‘rapture’… which isn’t even in his jewish book..
the Ineffible defies imbecile-kinds contradictory pabulum..
all of it conjured out of very very thin air.. and given to change at a ‘moments’ hehe.. notice..
I am a big fan of Iain Davis. I discovered him here on Off-G over a year ago, and I bought his book “Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy” It is very different to most books I buy, because it is like an Encyclopedia. It is extremely well documented and well written. You open the book and read the Contents Page, of all the Chapters of which there are many. Which chapter would you like to read?I hope he is correct with what he is writing here now, cos I rarely have much of a problem with The British Police, some of who’m live in my road. I certainly don’t want to get into battle with them, and be dragged out of my fron’t door and jabbed in my front garden.I also like the comment that our (Jenga) Dutch Epidemiologist Willem, made, but I do intend to go to the party – even though I am no longer employed, and most of the people I associated with have been jabbed. I have got to try and reconnect with a few friends. Surprisingly enough, I also like a new book I have started reading by a mainstream journalist “A State of Fear” by Laura Dodsworth I wasn’t expect such a journalist to write that. Again this has been extremely well researched, especially regards with the psychological aspects off eg the Nudge Unit, but she also gives her own personal point of view of being terrified, not just by being isolated, but also getting off her arse, and going to the Protests with her Press Badge and her Camera, and watching the police arrest the stragglers at the protest like sharks eating the ends of the shoal, and then it’s Her turn to be given a hard time, by The Police. She’s quite a… Read more »
I also have Iain Davis’s book. Excellent. Aaronovich’s comment is ignorant. I get very annoyed when people dismiss things with a reference to “conspiracy theories.” A conspiracy throry comes about when people suspect something nefarious being done, but they do not have all the details ( in part, because many details are deliberately kept hidden.) Conspiracies exist! We know this from history.
Just to back you up with a link:
Absolutely. We need to bring all power and authority down from hierarchy to us human beings. Public-private-partnership republics have rendered government agitprop instead of serving the social needs of humanity. Only the people can do this for ourselves. Natural Law and Direct Democracy of some form is required. Discussions like this are essential and folks must realize study, research and working together in detail is required. The ruling elite has done this for centuries and is entering a period where we the people are just about locked in a cage. Enough. A parallel world that defunds and disempowers the elite forever is in the works.
Linked here is my attempt to draw up a plan to directly vote policy & budget and remove the haole middlemen from all authority. Cheers!!!
I am amazed to not have seen discussed anywhere at all how blockchain technologies could be the answer to unbelievably direct democracy.
I believe, in fact, part of this current desperate move by the criminals in charge, is that little by little people would start to understand this. And If I am correct, then it follows that the tyrants will get evermore tyrannical.
Having said that, my understanding of this technology is very limited, so I welcome anyone more knowledge-able to cool off my amazement.
To be honest that’s not going to be passive when we are being attacked .These people do not care wether you live or die they are attacking us with injections and lockdowns and people dying from these evil measures they killed our elderly they are killing our people and now they are trying to kill our children Christ Christ how much more do you want?And for the people conformity to this fuck you you retards
Mr Iain’s perspective on Natural Law and parallel structures are very much needed.
I wished he realized, however, that by leaving “physical force” out of the equation, he is leaving out not only an extremely important component of any society, namely, physical self-defense, but he is also leaving out all the people and their great skills that have devoted their lives to learn and apply physical self-defense.
I find his rejection of revolution to be a mite short sighted. Revolutions NEVER change anything – that’s well know. But they do one thing beautifully: they buy time. Yes, they merely kick the can down the road. But given the alternative, that ain’t half bad.
Now, what the hell is this crap …?
As a Luddite forgive me if I’m way behind with these things but I just discovered something called “#faketradies” on twitter. This appears to be a meme promoted to establish the notion that the protests in Australia against the lockdowns and the vax are being spearheaded by fake tradespeople who are Right Wing stooges if not outright Nazis – in short it’s the WSW smear campaign.
Nope, John Setka started it the fucking scum
This bit is murky:
“It’s worth mentioning here that construction in NSW is resuming next week with all construction workers required to be fully vaccinated. And, remember this bit because it’ll be important for later: no one seems to be organising a large-scale riot or protesting against the Berejiklian government for the decision.”
The complaint seems to be that no-one is organising a protest against the resumption of construction with full vaccinations in NSW. But that bit about full vaccination is contradicted by the link the article itself provides and which tells us:
“Construction restrictions to lift in NSW, unvaccinated workers permitted to return to work”
The rest of the article is determined to paint the protesters as violent lawbreakers. Before it inevitably veers into questioning their status as “tradies”. And then the usual stuff about “Right Wingers”, “Nazis” and, even worse, “Trump supporters”!
Now a nod towards clarification of the NSW reference:
“Now, remember when I said that we aren’t seeing the same level of protest against the Liberal Gladys Berejiklian government? The Daniel Andrews government is a Labor one and Andrews has a strong union background. So, the fact that we’re seeing a large response like this towards his government when NSW has proposed the same thing, is, to me, mighty suspicious.”
So it’s the phony prole card yet again.
New South Wales hasn’t been locked down and treated so appallingly as Victoria….at this point none in qld, either…Anna comes and goes….big surprise she didn’t pull one for the school holidays as she usually does….maybe part of the keep them guessing trick….
a lot of this has the divide trick involved I suspect….along with empty Victoria out….we are now harbouring a heap of victorians in qld…I suspect only a few will go back….so either he just wants to have his lockdown lovers with him or there is a bigger aust wide agenda in play here….they are busy building super highways in nth qld for some reason….decision could have been to move many out ease congestion on road….who knows….certainly none of it is actually about a common cold…
There’s still masks…forced breathing restrictions in SEQLD. And that’s just not good enough.
Hi Piggie, I just spent 24 hrs in B’bane and was disgusted to observe the weak, cowardly locals walking around, some driving, and even exercising, with face nappies on – even though there is no order/mandate to do so outside. At least 80 %, maybe 90% I stayed in Toowong but rode my bicycle in to the city along the river and “baaa baaad” at every one. But in the end there were too many so I saved my ridicule for a select few. All that I ridiculed looked away in shame. Pussies! I went in to a cafe maskless to get lunch and did not QR code in. No one asked or cared. Then did a lap of the shopping mall and was the only one without a face nappie. No one gave me any undue attention. In the evening we went in to the city for dinner and attempted to buy a drink at the Queen St mall bar and a zealout fat barman accepted my mask “exemption” excuse but then became shirty when I advised him that QR codes are illegal. Told him to EAD & give up the donuts and we left. The r’rant where we had dinner didn’t give a shit about the mask bullshit. The Regatta Hotel staff asked to wear one (even though those seated metres away were maskless) and I claimed an exemption. Easy. So from this I learned that it is so easy to be maskless, but these sheep have been socially conditioned to the point of surrender and are too scared/complacent/brainwashed to even try and stand up. It was surreal and bizarre and very disheartening, and I was glad to leave as I was becoming seriously triggered by the zombies and becoming increasingly nasty in my comments to them (to… Read more »
The pigs will get placebos.
Aaargh, you have just ruined my dream.
aye, but the enforcement may turn a few? I am trying to remain positive : )
Yep, that’s pretty much Brisbane. You’re streets ahead of me in terms of getting out and about in cafes and bars etc. Those places lost my business when they kowtowed to the party line. But I suppose you were down here from up north, so why not go have a look.
I was accosted for the first time last week for committing the sin of not abiding by the current breathing restrictions. I was in a bottle shop unmasked and 2 female staff were oh so polite and upstanding as to offer me a mask. I was swooped on in about 3 seconds flat.
I was like…ok, you have assumptions to make here – if we pare it down to 2 assumptions…1) he is medically exempt, that’s why he’s come in here with no mask 2) he’s a dangerous criminal biohazard potential super spreader.
They chose assumption 2 and proceeded to treat my as a second class citizen/ leper.
I drove a km down the road to the next bottle shop, walked in with no mask, was greeted by the gentleman on staff, assisted by the gentleman on staff, treated with dignity and respect and went on my way.
Yeah was visiting our daughter on her birthday. I treated it as an experiment to see how much resistance one can put up.
Proved we can resist but the majority won’t!
Sydney has been locked down more brutally than than any other city in the world since June. Permits to leave your suburb. Lethal injections to leave your suburb. The media gloated that there haven’t been protests because Telegram has been monitored and organisers arrested.
I’m ashamed to be an Australian. Whatever that even means.
Every single government on the planet is founded on the assumption of its authority to kill you if you don’t go along. Resistance pursued to its final solution finds you dead on the ground, over a parking ticket. I will not lend credence to any of it by voting. By voting, you are approving the outcome. Fraudulent or not. I have long thought that we would be better served by an abundance of civil courts rather than an abundance of goons with guns. No ubiquitous omnipotent central government required.
I live now in a rural northeast (U.S.) county in which only 45% of those over 18 voted in the 2016 presidential election. But in the urban county next to us not voting, like vaccination, is considered to be ‘oh my god’ verboten.
courts those things spread around the world by the british bar
civil as in rome
men have the power to set up own common law courts
civil is justianian rome vatican,district of columbia and the city of london temple
temple bar pirates
Governments, on behalf of their handlers, nullified the concept of inalienable rights by baking into the covid narrative that EVERYONE is a biohazard because of “asymptomatic spread”. Therefore, it’s an impossibility to claim inalienable rights and live peacefully without causing harm…because you’re a potential walking talking oblivious bucket of harm by default.
If vaccine mandates were taco’s
I’ve said this before (many times) so forgive the ad nauseum. I believe the BIGGEST single first step humanity can take in (re)claiming its freedom from oppression…
…is a Terms of Service and Usage. Every single “provider” on the planet has its very own Terms of Service which you must agree to.
Isn’t it high time for we the users – the ones who make it all work – to have OUR Terms of Service which the “provider” must agree to?
How does that work?
Terms of service are only what is legally enforceable. That requires money (a lot) and court alignment.
Secondly, it only works if you can either compel people to interact with you on those terms (the govt) or you have a service that they want from you. Your labour, custom etc.
As they want you and your family dead I am not sure what this gets you?
I can see its an interesting idea in some ways, but it strikes me that we are trying to recreate a common law balance as legislative bias has become so one sided against the individual its not funny.
In reality common law (rather than legislative acts) is essentially a terms of societal contract between parties where beneficial terms of interaction have been discovered over many hundreds of years through case testing and the courts are the arbiter of the essential loss or harm tests.
As I am sure you are aware common law has been obliterated using legislative acts in the last 100 years of expansive interference.
Hayek, while being a bit of shill in many ways, makes a very good argument around the fact of natural discovery of law through testing rather than design of laws in his constitution of liberty:'s%20Constitution%20of%20Liberty.pdf
As I see it the problem with even well structured existing law really comes down to the ability to use force to apply it.
If you have a big enough gang you can set your own terms of interaction.
Inalienable Rights? Magna Carta Libertatum (Medieval Latin for “Great Charter of Freedoms“) Ha, ha… Just kidding. How about “Bill” of Rights? Where’s the bill?
People keep barfing up the same old bullshit phrases.
Try considering Inalienable Responsibilities.
If you believe you are human, take responsibility for it…
Direct Democracy is not just a concept…
To bring up some ancient news (i.e. yesterday), I was wondering how the off-g investigation regarding The Crowhouse video release of funeral director’s (Mr. O’Looney) testimony regarding his experience with the kill shot was going. As Sophie commented, off-g wanted to know if it was a honey trap to embarrass and discredit freedom blogs. I listened to it last night as an mp3. On the negative side, I do not give The Crow House high credibility. Also, within the last minute of the interview, it was mentioned as a follow-up that a Russian news agency offered Mr. O’Looney 85,000 pounds to shut his pie hole. Once might conjecture that this would be RT. Why RT would do this would strain one’s credulity and smacks of the British deep state’s narrative war against Russia. On the positive side, everything that O’Looney stated conforms with the evidence of my own research, though I found it somewhat surprising that he would be so well informed regarding material beyond his direct interactive experience. So once again, Sophie, was it a honey trap?
I am convinced that Mr O’Looney is genuine. I found his interview compelling. I had seen an earlier one a few months ago. The evidence that he is a real undertaker in Milton Keynes is overwhelming. Everything he said, complied very closely to what I have perceived as the course of COVID events over that past 18 months. What possible reason could he have to lie? I believe that he has put himself under tremendous risk, and has had the courage to speak out about what is actually happening, with regards to the varying death rates, which he knows first hand, because he collects the bodies. He struck me as a very caring and genuine man. Unfortunately I have had to deal with people such as him, and is most certainly not a job that I would want to do. I also noted the criticisms of him, and found most of them completely ridiculous. He is explaining the position he has been in, and he is expressing real emotion, which you can also see in his face, as well in his hands geticulating. It is natural for people to use their hands to project their point of view. If you watch very closely you can see his hands form a pattern which has been used by various people considered elite from people of all different religions (including the Pope, George Bush, and Freemasons), but numerous other people including Heavy rock musicians and audiences. Ronny James Dio started it off, when he joined Black Sabbath to replace Ozzie, who used a different Peace sign. I have never used it myself, cos my fingers don’t tend to work like that. You are more likely to get a Peace V Sign from Me, which means Fuck Off if done the other way round.… Read more »
The “Russian news agency” bribe was without a doubt MI5 or 6 posing as Russians.
Maybe they pulled Sergei Skripal from deep cover for this mission!
Looney shill was launched on a full moon.
it will get to the point even if they have a someone called gitta jab you lot wouldn’t even notice,
shamen, “gitta jab”
Do you mean “Gizza job: How Boys from the Blackstuff dramatised unemployment in the Thatcher years”
That was a TV Series from 40 years ago, but it is true, I was one of them. I was unemplyed for 9 months in Manchester. I had to move to London to get a job.
Just curious. A shill is “a person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest.” Exactly what is O’Looney’s profit motive in promoting the release of this information? I would think that it would pose nothing but headaches for him as to his business and personal life.
There are two ways of looking at this:
1) either O’Looney is a shill/honeytrap, in which case we are living under criminal murderous governments who would go to such abysmal lengths to deceive the public.
2) O’Looney is telling the truth, in which case we are living under criminal murderous governments.
QED Don’ mention the constitution in Australia, this is what happens
This makes my heart bleed, and don’t know what to say…
Yep, all this and 100% of Australians are literally unaffected by any fucking virus
“When one doesn’t even need the glasses anymore.”
haha, love it
I love the Obey/obey one. Yes – they don’t even hide it now i.e. now that they have a “justification” from “The Science”. And when you think about it, how else could they have done it? Your health – nay, your very life is in danger! Nay – the lives of everyone else (subtext: But not yours). To paraphrase David Bowie:
We are the goon squad and we’re coming to town
…no, hang on, we’re already here!
We were here all along!
Only now we don’t have to pretend anymore!
Roddy Piper (aka Roderick Toombs) was a wrestler, one of the most fake parts of their fakery. He was Canadian and his father was a cop. Anyone else getting a whiff of Freemasonry here? People should watch some of his other films. ‘Hell comes to Frogtown’, for example, is about male infertility and a future matriarchy.
Fo is wrong, Western power systems love satire. Look how free we are, we can even laugh at the powerful! Funny how many comedians turn out to be Freemasons e.g. Peter Sellers, Harpo Marx, Richard Pryor, George Carlin. Politicial satire is an important part of the matrix because it reinforces the reality of their political carny show. Show me a satirist who questions the reality of MSM events or who satirises central bankers or intelligence agencies. That BoJo though – ho ho ho!
Paul Craig Roberts just posted this link.
‘Here is a doctor and chief RN in a US Department of Health & Human Services Hospital reporting that the official protocol is NOT to report adverse reactions to the vaccine, NOT to treat Covid patients with safe and effective Ivermectin, indeed, it is impermissible to do so and you are fired if you save lives with Ivermectin, and NOT to permit staff to refuse inoculation based on informed consent from seeing the deadly effects of the vaccine on patients.
‘In this video you can witness the doctor and nurses speaking about the evil of the Health & Human Services federal hospital intentionally killing people and preventing doctors and nurses from saving the lives of patients. This is not happening from incompetence and lack of knowledge. People are being systematically murdered, and Covid is being blamed. All adverse vaccine reactions are blamed on Covid, not on the vaccine, and this lie is used to justify not reporting the adverse event.’
There is no health emergency hence we don’t need ivermectin or any other drug.
There is no pandemic, but there are individuals who experience a health emergency.
Detox season (aka cold/flu season) usually hits America in October, and there’s going to be a hell of lot to detox from this year.
Is there such a thing as contagious detox? Because I’m sure I’ve caught exactly the same detox off friends and relatives; and sometimes given them my detox.
Actually…probably. Perhaps in the same way that vomiting is “contagious” for some.
There “isn’t a definitive answer to this curious occurrence” and only hypotheses are available because this is a relatively unfunded area of science. You can also look into research on mirror neurons and their perceived role in contagious yawning. And then there is the placebo/nocebo effect, which has shown to be powerful enough to treat depression and be as effective as knee surgery.
Is it really so difficult to believe that a majority of the population who eat garbage, drink poisons, don’t get enough sleep, are constantly stressed, and live within one big low level radiation cloud wouldn’t need to detox occasionally? And if it were going to happen, wouldn’t it be expected when people begin drastically reducing their exposure to sunlight and vitamin D levels plummet (not to mention upcoming holiday stress and school stress for both kids and parents)?
It’s not like the first thing people think upon seeing someone else sick is “stay away from me, I don’t want to get sick.” It seems like there are both conscious and subconscious drivers that could explain a “contagious detox” phenomenon. They just don’t mesh very well with the materialist view that only physical matter produces health outcomes (a view which ignores the well-documented placebo effect entirely).
Re: “There isn’t a definitive answer to this curious occurrence”
For a moment, there, I thought you had it all worked out!
You realize I put that in quotes because I was quoting the linked article, right?
I don’t know shit. But neither do you, and neither does traditional “science” which makes their gold standard of medical research a placebo-controlled clinical trial, while simultaneously (and admittedly) not even understanding how the placebo effect works. It’s rather hypocritical to recognize that thoughts create material outcomes in the body, yet assume that only germs could be the cause of the symptoms of an apparent disease. Unless you’re denying the existence of the placebo effect, and then I don’t know what to say.
I was just describing an apparent phenomena.
You caught every psyop going. how Q doing…
Devolution. Look it up!
yep, ye get a horrible, evil wee dyke in charge, backed by 10 legions of perverts, doctors, lawyers et al . . . as we hurtle toward Hell ; ) lol
Try again!
we need to lose the D
I presume “Shamen” knows what it means, but for anyone else, it’s explained here:
March 18, 2020
Above-Top Secret contingency plans already exist for what the military is supposed to do if all the Constitutional successors are incapacitated. Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans, not just to protect Washington but also to prepare for the possibility of some form of martial law. According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans – codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, “devolution” could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.
In my experience most of my respiratory symptoms come from molds and fungi. Just the other day after our geoengineered early couple of freezes, I pruned a mold, late blight, off my greenhoused tomato plants. It took a couple days of full work to do all the pruning as I have lots of plants. At the end of each day my nose was fully running as I was detoxing from the mold spores I was breathing in. I have been outdoors consistently for months so my vitamin D levels probably very good. And my body was detoxing well. If you have ever been into mushroom picking, you may have discovered, as I have, that a species will pop up everywhere overnight. Toxic molds and fungi grow under specific conditions and everyone around shares in breathing the same spores that disperse wildly and widely through the air. Many homes will have molds growing in them at certain times of the year especially when humidity and cold set in, low levels of vitamin D because of cloudy skies or short days. We share in the breathing of these same molds with those in our homes. On a related note. One of my mushroom picking friends, who has excellent knowledge and experience in the preservation and culinary preparation of mushrooms fed my wife some raw mushrooms that are poisonous uncooked. My wife ended up getting very sick and puking half the night. Why did my friend do this? To me she just hasn’t seemed completely cognizant since she got double jabbed. She is normally very witty and sharp. And now it is like at times her brain just stops and doesn’t function. But maybe I am seeing to much of my own projections onto her. Maybe its just that she has become a… Read more »
Interesting! There are so many variables in health (and the lack thereof). And sorry to hear that your friends are trying to poison your wife with mushrooms!
My first wife died after eating poison mushrooms.
My second wife died from a crushed skull. Cause? She wouldn’t eat the mushrooms!
aye probably (r.e. moulds and fuists). I’ve worked outdoors mostly always, ye are correct it is usually some shroom-type that cause my reactions (watery beak, bouts of sneezes). Imagine I didn’t get all that vitD sunshine too???
Of course the scamdemic is a hoax but my research leaves me little doubt that ivermectin helps keep the symptoms mild which are falsely claimed to be caused to this fantasy virus if used near the unset. Thus keeping people out of the abattoirs conventionally referred to as hospitals. There are two main theories as to why. For those that believe that some RNA virus can cause serious respiratory disease, they claim that ivermectin and HCQ open the ionic pathways in the cell membrane allowing the zinc ions to enter and deactivate the RNA viruses. For those who believe that viruses do not exist as pathogens, as represented by Andy Kaufman, they claim that the symptoms are caused by parasites which these drugs eliminate temporarily. Take your pick depending on your predilection.
But if ivermectin was a viable treatment all along, and the vaccine was only allowed emergency authorization because there were no alternatives…
The point is, if you watched the video, that vaccine injured people are being given entirely the wrong treatments, and these injuries are not being reported. So there is a health emergency, but it is one being created by the vaccines.
For sure, there is that health emergency brand new for 2021, with a new list of toxins put into millions of bodies. I’m predicting it will exacerbate the health emergency that occurs each and every fall/winter, and that even unvaccinated, seemingly healthy (primarily older) people will be expecting treatment in hospitals. Just like they were last year, when they were all diagnosed with a brand new respiratory disease which magically wiped out all other respiratory diseases.
Our churches might of abandoned us but we don’t need churches for worship.Jesus never preached in a synagogue he preached everywhere all is not lost there is hope you just have to believe.
Jesus was a crazy dude that died for his beliefs. Wanna die like Jesus?
what is satan a cool dude
There is no evidence for any of this.
Increasing the love frequency is literally the only thing that will change this world. How much love do you feel per day? We need to emit as much love that we can generate. We are power stations of energy, we need to be more aware of what we’re contributing to.
“Please love yourself. I am so very tired of this traveling ancestral shame show. So many of us wandering around not happy with who we are, not comfortable in our own skin, swearing we will finally celebrate our lives when we finally do that one next thing. When does it end? It ends when we end it. It ends when we clear the emotional debris and try a self-celebratory way of being on for size. Not when someone’s love for us hands us back our self-worth, but when we embrace our worth on our own terms. Many of us go through our whole loves not loving ourselves for one minute. This has to stop. Let’s stop it. Let’s practice self- love. A little more everyday. Please love yourself. You are so fucking divine.” – Jeff Brown, Hearticulations
And hold on to CASH. Digital currency is the end game.
Yes, in a state of equilibrium the innate physical and mental powers of each individual are, on average, equal. Justice is thus represented by the scales to restore equity in the event an individual has violated their equality with others. These innate powers (to live, to exclude others from their possessions or the places they inhabit, to apprehend the truth of their senses of their environment, to do anything that does not impair this or the preceding powers of others) are, in the presumption of equality, termed rights, despite the corresponding actual powers varying between individuals.
These rights are inalienable because they are intrinsic, innate.
However, that Thomas Paine’s masonic lodge persuaded him to write the preamble to the declaration of independence doesn’t mean his non sequitur holds any water. Governments are not instituted among men to secure their natural rights, but to govern and expolit them.
The instituted government paying lip service to natural/human rights is a trivial concession.
So, what you are left with is the realisation that TPTB have contrived everything.
There is a natural right of the species to which the rights of the individual are subsidiary.
It’s not academic. It’s a fait accompli.
TPTB want you to understand that your only option is to understand how and why this situation has arisen, and to adapt and survive accordingly.
At my work they will organize this party where you can only enter when you are tested or vaxxed. They do as if it is no big deal. Lucky them might consider it also as no big deal. How blessed are the ignorant eh?
Me, well, I know I can’t come to their party. I do have a request song to make though. It’s been running through my head for quite some time and it gives me stomach pain. Yet it’s good
Manic Street Preachers: If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.
It’s like that nobody notices, nobody cares…
I wonder though what their dreams are and what they really think. Time will tell…
That’s been in my head too since the beginning and it’s coming true.
been in ma heid for years!!! recently, not so sure about those manics tho’, …… top of the charts again as the world darkens…..?
There is a link above, and would be interested to hear your thoughts Willem
I don’t have FOMO with regard to this party
You’re right, and thanks for saying it.
In terms of the link above. Haven’t watched it yet.
I am out of hospital, and don’t know how crazy the shit is there now. I suspect it’s worse than before I left.
I do know that the infectiologists and epidemiologists tarnished ivermectin and HCQ. Because… Well, there is no reason.
They love remdesivir though, even though it was shown in a lancet trial (last year) that it does not prevent early death in ‘severe Covid’. Still tgey do give remdesivir because… there is no reason.
What I’ve seen is that the high ups have been parroting the news from the beginning. They may have believed all of it at first. But by now it’s a lack of guts, fear, and blind opportunism that keeps them going.
I left hospital, as I have seen that it has become a mad house. Deliberate killing, well… I think that is a step too far although they love to coerce people in doing the wrong thing: makes them feel powerful. Completely insane… or deranged, a Bowie song btw that I played time and again in the hospital before I finally left.
Willem, this is quite a coincidence. A work colleague told me over lunch today that last weekend she attended a Manic Street Preachers concert in Cardiff.
It was for NHS workers and it was free. You needed either proof of vaccination or a (self reported) lateral flow test within 24 hours to get in.
I will ask her, when I see her next, if they played the song you mention.
BLM vs Branch Covidians
When the Head of a BLM Chapter Makes More Sense Than Fauci
Sep 21, 2021
“Cancel Carmines” Protest in UWS Following Viral Video
Sep 21, 2021
FNTV – FreedomNewsTV
September 20 2021 Manhattan, New York – Hawk Newsome and BLM Protesters held a press conference and then confronted the restaurant following a viral video which was described as three black women from Texas assaulting a hostes over vaccine cards.
BLM Is disputing that statement, Newsome said the women were accused of having fake vaccine cards and were later let in, at which time the hostess reportedly called them an N word, after which the fight began.
At this time restaurant is refusing to release full video of the incident.
They are shouting at the wrong people.
It’s all messed up. My view is that they are shouting at some of the people who need to be shouted at, but that the reasoning is not necessarily right. Anyone who supports vaccine passports is a collaborator in a fascistic, war against humanity. They are not an innocent party.
Please explain the purpose.
Very faux, vogue bogus or whatever you want to call for click saps,
Custom circa: late ’60’s bullhorn type cast London Brit. Demos infiltrated by pro military Americans.
BLM are inverted Racists rarely shout correct spelling ‘coloured’, which would include Everyone of course, bleat on and on about ‘Freedom’, circumvent real concerns of Black People on Race, and if you say anything on-line get attacked as a quote Racist unquote.
The author of this article said “Word”, Yes, no Kidding, thank God most of people who only have Hate, only use words.
Thank You
It seems to be the usual and predictable phenomenon of the revolution eating its own. It’s possible that it’s faked, but I don’t see what the objective would be.
This is DeAnna Lorraine and Stew Peters discussing BLM and Nicki Minaj.
BLM Joins Anti-Vaxx Mandate Movement, Cites Racism
The vaccine mandates are racist, according to Black Lives Matter. DeAnna Lorraine joined Stew Peters to explain.
Stew Peters Show
Sep 22, 2021
Nicki Minaj Doubles Down, Fights off Communist Attacks
Nicki Minaj might not be the woman you expected her to be, but she’s proving that she’s an American that believes in freedom and recognizes the threat of communism in the United States!
Stew Peters Show
Sep 16, 2021
As much as I want this to end by being passive will not stop this being aggressive will not stop this,They are a minority of thinkers this is what the parasites want for their world they keep telling us technology eugenics.Bare with me why don’t we start saying what we want for our world?Think about we are all connected one consciousness they are telling us what they want but we are not saying what we want.How do we do this we consciously not verbally be in unison I know it sounds hippy but believe me mind over matter works.Do not be afraid said the lord let tomorrow look after itself.Annie.
All I’m trying to say is they are spouting their shit on media what they want.We don’t have that luxury but we do have signposts neighbours in the real world step step up this way to a beautiful peaceful loving life whose path would they follow??you are mightier than you think you are.
Mr Spooner must not have much experience with children , and he must have not have read Thomas Hobbes who defined what Spooner calls natural law as life which is nasty, brutish, and short short circa 1650. An accurate assessment that has not changed . Genetic and environmental imperatives that drive humans are not universal laws , as Skinner pointed out in the 20th century, most human behavior is preprogrammed.
Skinner was a sadistic bastard that did not account for human (or animal, for that matter) imagination. He and his burned rat’s feet with electrical shocks and gave baby primates chicken wire to embrace, just to find out shit that was already pretty evident if you actually could be bothered to take notice of things outside your head. Traumatizing animals/humans and subjecting them to physical and mental pain is going to get data for just that, not the real life experience and decision making inherent in that creature.
The inverted pentagram symbolizes exactly what he stood for. The spiritual/mental subservient to the physical. Mechanism Uber Alles.
But anyone who has had an animal friend knows that they, while limited by species wide behaviors, can think and reason and come up with novel solutions. They are not ‘mechanistic’ in the way my Skinnerarian psych profs would have liked to simplify them to.
The only thing that research did was contribute to the knowledge of those who bedevil us now. The ones who know how most people will react to shortages, how many will stay home after rubber bullets and beatdowns become a thing… Even how far they can count on the minor opressors staying in the game,etc. Who count on those mechanics triggered by stress and survival to do their dirty work for them.
If you’re relying on the Legislature, Executive or Judiciary for protection from what these bastards are planning for us, then you are on very thin ice.
On the underside looking up through it.
EU signs contract for the supply of a monoclonal antibody treatment
The press release says that this will be part of the arsenal.
I don’t see how emergency use jabs can still be authorised if there are therapeutics.
Large Crowd Protesting Outside Rothschild Castle In Switzerland
Sep 21, 2021
USA Journalist
no prisoners
no prisoners
t e cried
charge the castle keep
that is the spirit
direct to the heart of the matter
a spell
spelling on
cast casting of
for eye say this
for when did they not give quarter
when did they show clemency
i say never
frankfurt rome paris london or the districy of columbia
That looks like the Swiss Parliament.
It’s definitely not Rothschild Castle.
Rothschild Castle is surrounded by gardens and doesn’t have a plaza.
Yes, I think you’re right.
Yes, it’s the Bundesplatz in Bern. Alas.