WATCH: COVID19/11 – Eva Bartlett
Episode Fourteen of Narratives Intertwined
COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.
The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.
Episode Fourteen of Narratives Intertwined features Eva Bartlett, activist and independent journalist.
Eva has reported from all around the world, including Palestine, Venezuela, Crimea, the Donbass, and Syria. She has been instrumental in combatting the US/NATO propaganda war against the Syrian government, including exposing the deception of the Western-backed “White Helmets”. Her work has appeared on Mint Press News,, OffGuardian, Dissident Voice and many others.
In her interview Eva discusses how her work covering Western-backed crimes in the Middle East made her revisit 9/11, the anti-science which lead her to question the Covid19 narrative, and the importance of maintaining skepticism in the face of all pronouncements from authority.
You can follow Eva on twitter here and read her work here.
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Bertrand Russell, Earl of the Realm
“The Impact of Science on Society”,
“Scientific technique in an oligarchy”
Berty was a fun guy!
As I keep saying, now we are all Palestinians.
Easily the best of the interviews.
Eva’s commitment to humanity is uncommparable
A heart so warm.
A mind so strong.
A soul so pure.
Thank you Eva for everything you do to support those who suffer in the world and for everything you do to educate those who don’t .
Instead of burn the books burn the phone’s.
Everything I write on here is from the heart.This pandemic is a scam,They are trying to to destroy humanity build back better is to destroy the soul.
I know some people will scoff in society and go what you on about no such thing believe the science?This is real and it’s happening look around you.
Fuel prices leapt 5-10p a litre overnight now much more and wont go down either,.
Plenty of drivers for non critical distribution such as IKEA & Amazon around u.k on shit pay. Driver shortage fuck offffff with lies and excuses.
2 cities in China cut down on lighting for National Day celebrations, according to a news agency there. Supposedly, this is due to a squeeze in electricity. Not that I support waste, but this is another sign of coordinated international propaganda.
Trying to explain to my wife that we can’t travel to UK from our home in France because her children won’t let their nanna visit her grandchildren.
And they won’t come here because we’re not vaxxed.
Six year old grandson is now eight.
Girls are becoming young ladies.
Pre-teenagers are now young men.
Nanna’s missed the last two vital years.
She is sad.
What can I say?
So sorry.But say it’s the global oligarchs elites phycho maniacs stopping you seeing your beloved.
It isn’t though is it. They only dictate what you can and can’t do if you let them.
Try crossing a border in Australia, for example between NSW and Qld. See what you’re allowed to do or not. In some cases try and drive your car into a shopping centre car park to buy some lettuce and see how far you get if you don’t comply for your stop and search. But yes, people have allowed this because they have complied at every step. They have complied with everything asked of them. Now they wonder why they can’t move.
And as long as you have the funds to pay for fines, sanctions, and lawyers …
Less family influence facilitates greater government influence. The alternative and historical views of the aged represent a threat to propaganda.
Pourquoi BioNTech et Moderna ne livrent pas de « vaccins » actualisés?
Good question. The premise behind the genetic agents peddled as vaccines is that they can be rapidly amended to target an alleged mutation of the alleged virus. The spike protein they allegedly target is specific to the specific alleged virus.
Now, there are shitloads of variants, triple, quadruple, multiple mutants.
But the shots stay the same. They’re only giving people boosters, whatever that’s supposed to mean since places like Israel are now at the fourth booster within a few months. Quite remarkable considering that boosters for other vaccines are given after decades.
Anyway, that doesn’t answer the question why new modifications of the shot targeting the latest mutant variant are not rolled out in an ongoing fashion. How come nobody is noticing? Especially the fucking covidiots? Wouldn’t it make sense that they should be lining up in front of vaccination centers with their arm stretched out, demanding to be jabbed for the latest variant?
All blinded to reality….and I am watching that some of them that have been needled are not doing well on the critical thinking exam these days….a change has come over them…not all of them but many I have contact with….so maybe they are not capable of working out these things now….
if noons has really isolated what the covid virus spike is how the hell are they going to do much more anyway.,,may as well just keep injecting them and hope they get lucky one day…
The first RNA injection did not work. So the “health autorities” give a second dose. The second dose did not work — anywhere in the world. So the “health authorities” in Israel recommend a fourth dose.
“Insanity: continuing to repeat the same experiment and expecting a different result.” — Einstein (attr.)
Media exists to sell narratives, not tell the truth.
Mass Mind Control Theory <=requires that propaganda be both information assertive and information defensive. First requirement to assert “false and misleading or narrative control information” to a target audience and second to deny and block any competing narrative or any fact or any expression made by a prominent or authoritative source which exposes to the minds of the target audience any challenge of any type.
After engineered information is asserted to the minds of a target audience, it becomes important to the success of the mind control objective, that no assertion, not even one that is a theory, no actual fact, no prominent or highly qualified person statement be allowed to reach the target audience, if such post assertion information contravenes the false or misleading component or challenges control over the original asserted narrative.
No information contravening the original assertion is to be allowed to appear in any information source whatsoever because the mind becomes confused if it encounters
two views on the same issue. .
Plan B. So benign. B. A rounded letter. Cuddly. Like 8. With some tinkering, like infinity.
There is no doubt that B will be. A is a false start. Transient and forgotten. B is as certain as B follows A or 2 comes after 1.
B with help us build back better. B will be the new A. It is the real start. Beta be ready.
Sirvix Stammer is ready. Playing the Blair card about an inefficient Tory party that has had too long in power. Citing death statistics and making Britain look like the Covid case of Europe, huffing and puffing, gasping away.
This Covid circus is like watching a tower fall every day. False flags for war and the security state . False flus for structural transformation and the bio security state.
i am sensing next week their Winter Plan A &.B.may begin.
Here we go again.
I’ve just received this from HM government ( although I honestly don’t know what that means anymore), as I previously petitioned against the passport proposal.
Government launches consultation on mandatory covid-19 certification.
Here is a link to the proposal…their Plan B scenario. We all know the script by now don’t we.
You can also share your views on this link. Which I will be doing in no uncertain terms.
They’ve also got a plan for Autumn and winter. Get this.
Wake up, if you’re new to OG, as this clearly never had, does not have, and never will have anything to do with protecting us from a virus and keeping us nice and safe. But we know that already looking at what is happening in Melbourne.
But smashing old women to the ground and pepper spraying her in the face was to save her you know
I’m not a gambler, but I would bet everything I own on the odds that more people have visited hospital with injuries sustained by police brutality (sorry, keeping people safe), than with the virus they are proclaiming to protect you from. Australia, what have you become?
Australian Hospitals Over Capacity With People Beaten By Police For Not Wearing Masks | The Babylon Bee
Well our lying PM says we are going to be let to travel overseas soon….will this be like everything else out of its mouth,
I’ve got that consultation too because I petitioned against the passport the first time round, and I’ll be petitioning against it this time too. And you are absolutely right it has absolutely nothing to do with public health and everything to do with power, money, centralising control and getting every human digitised and linked via nano-technology and telecommunication systems to AI. That way they can track and control everything we do, everywhere we go and every transaction we make. And of course, as with all animal herds (which is how the global elites see us ordinary folk), a regular cull would be required to sustain the planet.
I reckon Greta has somehow managed to mass reproduce herself (perhaps by constantly splitting ameoba like) and now the TV news programmes are full of Gretas blathering on passionately about climate change. Fervent teens everwhere blasting off wrathfully about saving the planet alternate with large sombre rooms full of suited masked politicians “getting their comeuppance”.
I keep expecting them all to lapse into a silence, their faces struggling and then succumbing to helpless guffaws.
The attempt to save the planet proceeds, of course, from the same insufferable hubris as the attempt to find ways to use up all of the planet’s resources. Humans have self-elected as owners in perpetuity of planet Earth.
One day they’re trying to destroy it; the next day they’re trying to save it.
Hint: the planet will be here long after humanity has faded into cosmic dust. Yet humans, who cannot even save a roll of toilet paper, would presume to “save” it.
The most encouraging thing about Greta and her followers is the way they have recognized that militarism is the greatest reason for the gases they so fear and how outspokenly anti-war they are.
The whole climate change thing is just another colossal hoax to scare the ignorant masses into accepting the unacceptable. Climate change has been happening on earth for the last 4.6billion years. Of course we need to look after planet earth with more care and not use up so much resources, but I fear that radical plans are afoot to push ordinary hard working people into poverty and force us all into electric cars which will do little to reduce resource and energy consumption.
I mean do you really believe Muslims are throwing homosexuals off rooftops or be heading foreigners?Do you believe romanys steal your children?Its all lies and when everyone pulls back the curtain they will see the pathetic old man.
I treat all the stories coming out of Afghanistan as projection. It is what civil servant perverts would like us to suffer – have our goats drop dead from the evil eye while they stare at us and drive us nuts.
It is schoolyard psychology. Just wake up and realise it.
American officialdom has shown itself to be self-destructive. I don’t know if they are satanic, inbred, drugged or stupefied. Or just random.
But Taliban are not. Nor are Libyans or Syrians or Turks, Lebanese or Israelis. Life is hard enough for them. What in America you call a Black Swan event is an every day fuck-up. They are not living the luxury life of Washington and dreaming devilry for everyone else. They don’t give a shit what the CIA struggles to comprehend: see ay aye, yippie, yippe ay aye.
Everything you are told is an easy, blatant, foolish lie.
I know it’s a lie it always has been a lie they want us to hate every creed and colour I have never excepted this narrative and it is a story like the big bad wolf.
I had the best of both worlds growing up from poverty to just a little bit above now.I appreciate every scrap of food any penny I find,I’m still what westerners would call poverty but I’m happy.
I met many muslims fresh out of our refugee prisons here in Aus., gentle kind souls in the main, I met one who scared the wits out of me among hundreds. My only problem with them is if I spent too much time in their homes I would weight 300 pounds by now.
I love everyone I don’t know how my comment came across maybe differently to most.All I was trying to say is the evil or demons or whoever they are are and will try and sometimes succeed in making us fight amongst ourselves.Do you ever hear about rothchilds fighting or rockerfellas?No they have manipulated decent human beings into fighting one another oh how must they laugh at what they created in war and hate.
I love everyone honest,Elites don’t put bread on my table real people do.
This will either make you or break you.Never before in our history have we faced something so demonic so soul destroying so wrong.
OFF-G done froze. Cold as ice. LIke slow brain thinkin’.
Nobody get the vote. Not up nor down. Noah gonna ride he boat alone.
Someone unleash algo-riddim.
Mebe my fren’ Jay-trig.
I found that refreshing the page a couple of times helped, but something’s up…
Ok English being my second language, smoke is coming out of my ears in this one, but I get the drift… Everything fast on this side of my connection BTW…
Slowdown interference, distruption can be targeted at one person to demorialize them while no-one else sees it. Look up Intercept JTRIG.
Copy that
I know a little I know a lot,The people that are perpetrating this story are psychopaths we all agree.But I believe They actively seek out other psychopaths to high positions be in Governments,Company’s,Television personalities news readers,I really do believe there are talent scouts for psychopaths.
Definitely. They recognise eachother immediately. Constantly alert, studying people to make sure they are acting the part, they sense anyone doing the same and fall into master and servant roles, it’s innate. Secret societies are their natural milieu with their rigid hierarchy, having no core character they obey orders or give them in the name of the cult that gives them standing in a world of no values. They are liars because the truth is not in them, they act only out of expedience. Utterly lost, they are expert in pretending they know where they are, fake masters of any situation.
Well said my friend.
Stuck in spam. Much appreciate.
The NIH knew by 1960 that the polio vaccine transmitted monkey cancer (SV40, coming from the kidney cells they used to breed the polio vaccine). By that time they had given 200 million doses.
Italian researchers found that the cancer affected soft tissue — breast and prostate — and that it was sexually transmitted.
My wild guess. Was the HIV story an attempt to cover up rhesus SV40 cancer from the polio vaccine? Satisfying the eugenicist obsessions by blaming it on homosexuals and monkeys and Black people.
Not that HIV was real. How could it be if its job was to cover for another.
Just daydreamin’
When I awake my mouth is a jabberin’: Rockefellah. see ay aye, yippie, yippe ay aye.
Lol! HIV wasn’t and isn’t real, you bloody idiot.
Excellent video.
Courageous person.
Reminds me of Rachael Corrie
Well said. Nobody in authority in the US had a word to say regarding her cold blooded murder, or Tom Hurndall’s from our overseers here in the UK. Poor Tom was trying to help children and paid the ultimate price and was in a coma for 9 months after being shot in the head by an Israeli military sniper. The signs and signals that nobody in government cares one jot about real human rights, and that political expediency and protecting your career and fat MP’s wage packet will always come before speaking out about anything important, including something as godawful as these two murders..sound familiar? The writing of what they really think of us was on the wall for a long time wasn’t it?
Being psychopaths, they don’t even know what human is, let alone rights.
The plot thickens. I tried to find out more about this mysterious payment I am making to Wikimedia and it seems to have started in July last year and it would appear to be linked to a place in San Francisco. Now on checking, I see that I was making donations to OffG through Patreon and Patreon has a San Francisco address in the email. Has Wikimedia been leeching off OffG donations?
WSWS lot? that you love and bore us with.
All along you was giving them guilt money.
I never mentioned the WSWS. Thanks for contributing nothing.
well that makes a nice change.
lol you mention them every f*cking day George
BTW it was a joke and your starting to turn into tony with your posts! not a joke.
I never mentioned them in the comment you’re “responding” to.
Admiring your patience
Tony never interacts w anyone, he’s a sociopath. What’s eating you anyway…
Let’s remind ourselves;
Tony OpMoc; George Mc.
Is the joke on us, are we being mocked?
If a website or group that you have been following and contributing to suddenly goes in the opposite direction to all you had expected when some supposed crisis occurs, then it’s a shock. I had the same on MOA when b. called us Covidiots. And in a bad mood I just go there and rant a bit. This is, personally for us of course, bigger than 9/11 because it is us; it is us who are on the line.
George is great because he keeps the comments going. I am the opposite (I don’t comment very often) but I very much appreciate what George does and get where he is coming from.
Thanks Molinos. A big part of my fixation with the … group I hope I never mention again is that I can’t believe how those bastards conned me all those years. It’s like having lots of apparent support from a dad you never meet and then when you do, he turns out to be Jimmy Savile!
I for one enjoy your commentary on the insanity at WSWS. Don’t get my fix of that from anybody else
I do hope that what Willem said about easily finding OG in internet searches isn’t true, but this actually stinks a bit George, and I’d be gutted, but not surprised.
Don’t want to hijack your post but funny business abounds.
Gmail hides newsletters under the Promotions tab where nobody looks because it’s all advertising. LA Times — Newsletters were supposed to be the Wild West. Enter Sheriff Google.
My signups increase but the rate of opening emails upon receipt is going down — which may suggest fewer people are seeing the email when it arrives. The same thing affects many other writers so… always keep an eye on what goes out and comes in.
If you are locked into Gmail create filters so that all your subscriptions go into one tab.
I found that the address given for Wikimedia is CA 94104 and that for Patreon is CA 94103. And I started to have flashbacks to that famous bit about Lee Harvey Oswald and the activities of both pro and anti communist organisations in the same building!
by adjacent doors on 2 intersecting streets if I remember.
Would not surprise me. Bureaucrats do only one thing well/habitually. Organize and leave a trail, compromising themselves. (Also they fire creatives 😉 so they keep running the same script).
Talking about coincident addresses — exposing Lee Harvey Oswald’s connection to the invention of vaccines — if anyone has not read ‘Dr Mary’s Monkey’ by Edward Haslam it is ESSENTIAL.
Thanks for GG Preparata by the way. Reading it now.
Ed Haslam interviewed by George Noory in 2010 during the HPV vaccine.
The NIH knew by 1960 that the polio vaccine transmitted cancer. By that time they had given 200 million doses.
Italian researchers found that the cancer affected soft tissue — breast and prostate — and that it was sexually transmitted.
My wild guess. Was the HIV story an attempt to cover up rhesus SV-40 cancer from the polio vaccine?
Sounds very plausible to me. Round we go on the pharma merry-go-round, injections to prevent disease causing disease so more injections re required to “prevent” the disease caused by the previous injections.
I think it very likely that most autoimmune, behavioural, neurological disorders are caused by the slew of toxic junk pumped into kids before their immune systems barely have a chance to get started in development.
And the sheep are totally oblivious, drinking their lattés, listening to celebs, watching garbage on TV. They have no idea what’s coming up.
They have no idea what’s coming up, and the worst part is they will all blindly accept it as the norm and necessary for virtue signalling.
From my archives, my Patreon payments started in May last year whereas the mysterious Wikimedia ones started two months later.
I had a lovely letter from one Katherine Maher. Get ready for some hilarity:
“Dear George,
I feel so lucky to get to be the person to thank you for your £ 1.75 monthly gift, on behalf of a world of people seeking free knowledge.
Your donation keeps Wikipedia independent, and your monthly support is essential for long-term planning, helping us see what Wikipedia can achieve in the years ahead. Once a month, a donation of £ 1.75 will be debited by the Wikimedia Foundation until you notify us to stop. We will send you a summary each January of your contributions for the previous year. If for whatever reason you wish to cancel your donation, follow these easy cancellation instructions.”
My “monthly support” is essential? They send their reporters on all-paid trips to review rick concerts! Still – they’ve given me a get-out-clause. I’d still like to know how I got roped into this. Did I click too quickly on pop up windows?
Yes it could have been any link seeking approval. But that’s separate from sending money.
What’s worrying is the underlying payment mechanism. How did your click deduct money from your card?
Beats me. I’ll keep trying to figure it out. I clicked on payments to you and to Mark Crispin Miller and I didn’t need to type in bank card details. So presumably our Kate must have found a way to “piggy back” onto me.
I’ve just sent them an email telling them to fuck off – tactfully of course. Oh what the hell – I may as well paste it in here:
If you like GGP, check out this too:
It has a scintillatingly vitriolic attack on the academic establishment.
I don’t think this branch of JFK research is genuine. Also AIDS was a dress rehearsal for the scamdemic.
Israeli “art students were living close to – and going to the same bars as – 9/11 “terrorists”.
I am as de-grrugre as much as I can. No real gmail, no use documents, canvs, etc….It is enough to be watching the damm microhard for their computerized legal virus
Brain invaders.
Coming to a head near you:
Since accuracy is not a prerequisite.. I don’t see why not
It would be much cheaper to let my cat do the diagnosing.
It’s a bright cat.
you would put the dogs out of work
They say that monkeys with darts could predict the weather more accurately than meteorologists, by just throwing them on a board plastered with images of clouds, suns and tornados…. Sorry for highjacking your thread
Happy to share in the fun 🙂
My never-forgotten basset hound had a sharp nose but her droopy eyes were just as keen.
It took me a while to discover that she was suspicious of two things: people with two heads or three legs:
Hats and walking sticks. Could have trained her to detect anything.
Woo, woo, woo!
Well don’t get him jabbed
vibing haha : )
I say we take the batteries out.
That’s an Eddie Izzard shot about cats… the Pavlov experiment with cats… hilarious
I found it. He knows cats well…
Apologies for veering way off-topic. Just a bit of light relief.
Thanks! (good times)
Just watched it after a decade or so.. lol
Let’s beat this to death then… here’s his analysis of the difference between cats and dogs
Well have we not been getting trained for this for years….look up dr Google if you feel unwell, have a sore knee etc….I realised this was part of the game a few months back…they are after every thing that has a service element…and if you look around this has been getting worked on as part of the push…now you are locked down why not use your computer for this….many were forced to do online with their gp during the lockdown phases anyway…will be the cry….
there are various bits of technology, aps etc being developed…many drs proved themselves quite happy to go along with this scam so they may get a surprise…
Telemedicine is another thing the WEF just adores.
You got a test and text message that tells you you been infected or been near a infected zombie
so A.I on this one is late to the party.
A glimpse at the headlines of the BBC main page:
Sarah Everard’s murderer … Furlough ends with almost 1 million left in limbo … call for support as it closes. … ‘predatory’ murder of teacher …positive Covid tests up 18% in England ….. they do not have enough staff. …Families ‘broken’ by deaths of woman and children …Child mental health not improved … fuel-shortage info …Filling station shortages … HGV driver shortage? …Key workers struggling to travel amid fuel crisis …Is the petrol shortage improving? …Man pulls knife in petrol station dispute …People queue for fuel a…Fuel crisis starting to ease, Johnson says … cafe gutted by fire …Shock as teens reveal they’re behind hit Covid site …. the cost of cancelled physio sessions … China’s crackdowns are impacting business …What happens when furlough ends? …How do I find a new job …Is ‘the worst cold ever’ going around? … felt ‘victim-shamed’ after rape…”
Overall impact: despair, futility, THE END IS NIGH!
I remember seeing this years ago. The show was a hoot. Lots of bat shit crazy conspiracy theories
By “bat shit crazy” do you mean “stunningly accurate”?
I guess satire sometimes falls flat without full qualification of its use in a post. Apologies, I will put (satirical) at the end next time.
more crazy than locking a billion people in their homes for 18 months due to the cold?
I was being satirical, as everything she said has happened.
duh. apologies I should have watched. Jesse Ventura put me off.
Amazing. But in the present global psyop leaving the country (if you can) won’t do you much good.
More heroic teens taking on the covid challenge!
You see, the media are just not covering covid enough! The media isn’t taking it seriously enough! It’s up to these plucky teens!
I think my head is going to explode with the vacuous lies being spewed like a firehose. The most insulting thing is they don’t even give a shit about the credibility of the narrative.
The whole world has become run, spot run.
Next they’ll sell their app to Google for $3.3 billion and their mum will turn out to be a lawyer working for the WHO.
The weird thing is if you watch the video and look at the still image used with their masks on, it looks like the masks were added to the photo for some reason.
There is definite photoshopping around the mask edges and under the eyes on the outside boys. and it look likely at least one was added to the shot.
They just never stop.
Nah, they’ll turn in their parents for not getting the 74th booster.
As Eva says the MSM is just about selling narratives. The link from 9/11 to Covid 19 is the terrorism bio terrorism and bio terror. The MSM have been instrumental in selling these lies.
All these are summed up simply as 9/11 terror attack leads to the fiction of Saddam Husain’s bio weapon threat as the reason to invade Iran. On to Syria and continued fiction of Bashar el-Assad barrel bombing his people with chemical weapons. Then Salisbury and the Skripal affair which was another attempt by the British state to raise the Bio Terror narrative. Only it didn’t take hold. Then the Bio leak story out of Wuhan China and on into the unseen Bio terror of a virus scenario which is another fiction. The real bio terror being supressed by western governments and their paid for media are the effects of the vaccines. The virus has not been isolated so we can assume it is not really dangerous, but the vaccines their side effects and mortalities that’s a different matter and certainly are real.
As Eve finishes off with our so called leaders and their acolytes/ advisors clearly do not believe the nonsense they are using to persecute their public for.
Would love to hear Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley analyze the “COVID-19” response in nations like Syria. One of the most befuddling aspects of the COVID psyop is the way it seems to transcend/ignore ideological and geopolitical divisions. One would think that a country like Syria (as well as Iran, Cuba and, to a lesser extent, China and Russia) would have little interest in participating in this plot perpetrated by the globalists who have long been actively waging war against and seeking to destroy these nations. China and Russia I can accept (though somewhat hesitantly) that much of their anti-globalist rhetoric and activities may somehow be merely posturing and theatre. But with nations like Syria and Iran it seems harder to understand. I suppose it’s possible that their leadership has simply been duped by the WHO, although I struggle to understand how any government could lack the intelligence resources to know that the WHO and similar organizations’ claims are falsehoods serving an ulterior agenda.
I can understand the compliance of most nations who don’t stand to benefit from globalist domination as a means of self-preservation. After all, last I checked, 4 out of the 5 world leaders who rejected the COVID agenda outright have “mysteriously died” or been assassinated, and the sole surviving one (President of Belarus) had an attempted color revolution waged against him. However, someone like Bashar Al-Assad, for example, seems to be someone who the globalists have been determinedly attempting to kill and whose nation they have been relentlessly attacking with airstrikes and proxy terrorist armies for over a decade, with little to show for it, so I don’t see what he has to gain by complying with this COVID psyop. Assad is also a doctor who graduated from medical school and is extremely familiar with the extent of the lies perpetuated by the NATO and Five Eyes nations, who appear to be at the core of the “COVID” operation, so it seems hard to accept that he has simply been duped by WHO propaganda.
Little info seems to even be known about how Syria is responding to COVID. Are they implementing lockdowns? Mandating masks? Administering experimental injections? I never hear them listed among the nations who are non-compliant, so I’d assume they are doing all of the above.
I think an in-depth exploration of this subject would help bring light to how the COVID operation manages to operate above nations and consequently give us all a deeper understanding of the truth behind global geopolitcs and how the COVID operation is being perpetrated, which would be a great contribution for broadening our understanding of what is unfolding right now in the world.
putin just came out of covid
assad has been wearing the eyes wide shut mask for over a year
assads wife has been using the rockefella pill poison,burn and cut cancer protocol
nearly all masonic borged
breath in
now let it out
deep psy
Its a wordwide hit among governments because the “pandemic” scam is the best ever trick to establish and maintain dictatorships with the minimum effort!
Your post echoes some of the more perplexing questions I have to this as well. Why is Russia and China aboard being chief among them. I know that western oligarchy and superstructure is pervasive in and affects and essentially controls all western countries. This is nothing new. But the thought that the same oligarchy actually has power over nations like Russia and China as well scares me. It would be easy enough for these nations to tell, through their state media: COVID is a hoax. But they are not doing that, they are embracing the narrative. What are their true agendas? Is the enmity between the US and China/Russia mere posturing and theatre? do they have the same “reporting lines” behind the scenes to global finance and hidden powerstructures?
China is of course deeply involved with this being the supposed country of origin, and the Wuhan biosecurity lab, the “gain of function” research that was demonstrably being done there etc. Yet I like to think that the Chinese oligarchy is not intertwined with the western one. Russia I don’t get. Putin seems to have stood up to western power in places like Syria. Is this also just a theatre for us plebs? why is he so keen to embrace this narrative? Is it just a good and convenient excuse for further repression at home?
Does it ultimately matter for us plebs? I only wish to understand the true power-structures of the world. They are well hidden for sure, but we can certainly see the evidence of their interactions and collusions and conspiracies. It may be that the world is essentially like Orwell described: A number of big oligarchies in geographical areas whose real goal and aim is repression at home, and they will take any excuse to do it, “war”, “plague”, “terrorism” will all do just fine. The enmity between the oligarchic power blocks may ultimately be just posturing, the elite know between them that their interests are more closely aligned across nations and power-blocks, than interests are aligned with us, the common plebs, that they rule over in each of their “jurisdictions”.
The central banking cartel rules the world. Mao and Lenin were bankster operatives. Modi is Israel’s greatest ally outside the USA. The bankster led world government constantly liquidates leaders that stray from their dictates – the Kennedy family, the Gandhi family, Olof Palme, Magufuli, and so many others.
Iran has been part of the bankster led world government since Khomeini while pretending to be against Israel and the West. Both these entities armed Iran through the the bloody war with Iraq.
Thank you Eva for your work, and what you do in exposing the lies of the 0.01% and their pet journalists. There are those of us who do not accept the new normal and who refuse to blindly accept the totalitarianism now upon us, especially in countries like Australia, which seems to be at the forefront of this planned operation.
Today, I had a phone call from The Big Issue manager. I already knew this was coming, and at least now I know officially.
She informed me that when the magazine starts up again, only vendors who are double jabbed will be allowed to begin work and I will not be allowed to start as I refuse to get jabbed.
She said the organisation has to adhere to all Govt covid directives. She did say I will be allowed to return to work when the unvaccinated are allowed to begin working again. So, that’s that then. A lot of people are going to be in the same boat with these draconian, Orwellian measures.
Legally I’m a subcontractor, and not directly employed by the magazine.
And this directive is fucking illegal
Gezz, I’ve not worked in 2 months…and that’s just over masks. My funds will not last forever. I’m a teacher. That’s all I know. Only the fully compliant will keep working. And that will be the overwhelming majority. Which means that people like you and me will be bang out of luck. I can’t contact my State and tell them that mask wearing makes me feel degraded or that I refuse to be treated like an animal. Because the answer will be that the majority accept that the small imposition of masks is saving lives. As for the injection? Shit, that’s not even on my radar. I downed tools at masks, let alone the injection. The injection is never going to happen. Masks are never going to happen. The future is uncertain. These cowards are just tap dancing merrily along. The last thing they’ll ever do is sit down and listen to the only people in the land with any sense left. That’s not what they are about. They are in a dangerous echo chamber of yes men. The disgusting ‘premier’ of QLD announced the other day 4 new “cases”. Oh my God. And so restrictions have tightened again. Just as the new school term is about to start and there may have been a chance of no masks.
I’m sorry for your situation as my friend as well as all the others who are now going to be in the same boat.
This doesn’t mean to sound trite, but at least you’re standing by your conscience and principles and refusing to go along with this evil crap. Unlike so many others. Thank you.
I know the fully compliant will keep working, and it really guts me that by their meek, cowardly complicity, they are helping to usher in a Technocratic dystopia that will make 1984 look quaint by comparison.
I’ve probably got a good 2 months left of having a roof over my head, tho I was advised today to apply for Red Cross Emergency Relief for non citizens ($800 payment) and I do have a fair bit in a Super Fund, tho that is a nightmare trying to access that via MyGov. I tried last year and it was like continuously headbutting a brick wall.
I hope your weekend goes okay P. Am Just taking it one day at a time down here and remembering to breath.
Take care…
Hey, isn’t the BI supposed to be edgy, radical, streetwise? I love it how all the big “rebels” have folded.
That’s outrageous coercion! the “vaccine” does not prevent transmission, so the argument is completely illogical and null and void. I’m sorry to hear that. Can you appeal to discriminatory law?
In my country, the employer cannot enquire about health issues of an employee unless it directly impacts work – i.e they could ask a nurse for vaccine status but not an office worker as it’s private medical information (It’s still illogical that they could ask the nurse since the vaccine does not prevent transmission, but whatever). Here you can claim religious and life-outlook (creed?) reasons for not doing particular things like taking a vaccine, saying “my life outlook prevents me from doing that” is sufficient here. Firing someone who has a life outlook that prevents them from taking the vaccine would essentially be safeguarded by both employment law and discrimination law. Firing you over your health and medical status or religious/life outlook views is de-facto discrimination – it’s like firing someone who does a great job just because they are fat or have diabetes or black skin, and has the same legal protection.
This may be completely irrelevant for you, but I could be that such laws exist also in the fascist dicatorship formerly known as Australia. Seems you have little to lose.
Legally I’m actually a subcontractor. I’m not directly employed by the organisation, so that makes things more tricky. One of the managers at The Big Issue stated to me weeks ago that they would abide by all Govt covid directives without question.
Its the Victorian Govt that has decreed that when lockdown ends (??) and when people are allowed back to work, only the double jabbed will be allowed to start work, and the unvaccinated will not be allowed. Who knows for how long Jan? Daniel Andrews is literally insane, issuing decrees and making things up as he goes.
Today Andrews announced that all essential workers must be jabbed by Oct 15th. There may be a glimmer of hope with a ruling by the NSW Fair Work Commission on coercion and mandatory vaccination as a requirement for work, however to repeat again, I’m a subcontractor.
I’ve been a bit numb since yesterday to be honest, even though I knew this was going to happen.
Have a good day Jan.
I would not give up the legal angle. If you are a sub-contractor, the organization you are sub-contracting for can probably make certain demands on the person or organization doing the work, but I’m not sure if they can demand to know private medical information like vaccine status? You could say some bullshit that you provide service in line with the guidelines specified or something like that.
In many countries (Norway included) I know that the substance of a contract matter more than the legal formalities – if someone doing a job like you do here and had a contract stating they were a sub-contractor, the courts would rule that de-facto, you’re an employee due to the realities of the arrangement and you would have the same protection as an employee. Of course, I realize that the law is different everywhere and we’re probably quite fortunate with the degree of protection workers receive here in Scandinavia.
I’m just thinking there are many angles you might play here. Not sure if you could get free legal help? It’s about your income after all, don’t give up without a fight!
Step one in selling a lunacy – make it seem “courageous” to talk about it and make it seem like the powerful are blocking debate:
It’s sponsored by the Open Philanthropy Project which traces back to one of the co-founders of Facebook and is based in Silicon Valley. Just like all genuinely ‘oppositional’ journalism….
It’s such a familiar technique:
“The case for cutting meat consumption is so compelling that you would think politicians would be less shy about making it. Yet while campaigners warn with increasing urgency that global livestock production is accelerating climate breakdown and causing devastating damage to nature and human health, governments remain reluctant to tackle meat-eating.”
Next up:
“The case for getting fucked up the arse is so compelling that you would think politicians would be less shy about making it. Yet while campaigners warn with increasing urgency that happy well fed people are accelerating climate breakdown and causing devastating damage to nature and human health, governments remain reluctant to tackle resistence to getting arse fucked.”
Cue callow youth: “I’m sick of you staid traditionalists and Right Wing fascists! I’m campagining for getting my anus expanded! YES! No-one is talking about this vital issue! Only the rebel press – which have heroically managed to conquer everywhere!”
Outstanding!! 😂
Disconnects thrill, chill me, fulfill me…sorry, I watched “Rocky Horror Picture Show” recently.
But this is a whopper as far as disconnects go. We’re okay criticizing Big Ag with its pesticides and Roundups and driving Indian farmers to suicide; but back off buster when you start criticizing Big Ag with its animal farms and serving animals other animals in with their grain and its regimen of animal torture and brutality.
Cause, you see: we be the crown of creation. Don’t like the way we treat you, animals? What you gonna do about it, huh? Huh? What you gonna do? WE call the shots around here, and if you don’t like it animals go find your own planet. THIS PLANET IS OURS!!!!
Here’s a thought: it’s not about eating animals, it’s about regarding all other species as resources for our pleasure.
I can’t help wondering what humans would be like with a little humility.
Our masters are doing to us now what we have been doing to the other domestic animals for millennia.
The person parroting the views of the media/globalist complex can’t even see their conditioning comes from the usual suspects that was just placed in their mind years before. They are just activating this bit of the roll out now to start to bring the strands together.
Gods people are such automata that have their mind space farmed for them and they can’t even see it.
AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine safety data – adolescent participants | AusVaxSafety And in Australia where no kids have so called had ”covid” the injury rate for jabs is 67% – 500 in a week with heart conditions and still they won’t stop them.
AUSTRALIAN KIDS UNDER 20 YEARS OLD – official stats as at 30 September 2021
Recorded cases = 27,179.
Recorded deaths = 1 which is bullshit because the 15 year old boy tested positive for Covid (not at all deadly for kids) but died of Meningococcal disease (very deadly for kids) but the psychopaths in charge just couldn’t resist marking it up to Covid just to help with brainwashing.
Actual deaths = 0
Case fatality rate = 0
Deaths from vaccine = God only knows because they refuse to tell us and from anecdotal evidence doctors are not reporting them. All deaths are a coincidence – yeah right.
Vaccinating adults under 50 years old is totally unnecessary (even healthy 80 years olds are pretty safe) but if people are stupid enough to have it so be it – vaccinating children is psychopathy. The poor little buggers simply have not got a clue and soon they will be vaccinating babies – insanity. Parent who do that should never be allowed to be parents.
From the Australian Immunisation Handbook
For consent to be legally valid, the following elements must be present:12,14
1. It must be given by a person with legal capacity, and of sufficient intellectual capacity to understand the implications of receiving a vaccine.
2. It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.
3. It must cover the specific procedure that is to be performed.
4. It can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person.
I smell class action law suits coming our way sometime down the track.
Mysteriously once they started jabbing kids there are now nearly 1,000 young people with heart inflamation, the TGA are a fucking disgrace, they list 565 deaths and say they are just a coninkydink
Having read the TGA’s RARMP (risk assessment risk manage plan) for these vaccines two terms came to mind: wilful ignorance and criminal negligence.
Some months ago earlier in the rollout I downloaded the TGA file for adverse events re the Pfizer vaccine – and added up the individual deaths. These far exceeded what the TGA reported in their weekly numbers.
Yes well they have now approved remdisivir and would you believe HCQ as a prophalactic,
Buying the jabs may have required the government to indemnify the manufacturer. By now, the government may have laws indemnifying all its agents. Ultimately, legislators are responsible for this situation.
Fortunately (for them), the legislators have cannily foreclosed the possibility of being held responsible by indemnifying themselves too!
I might as well repeat the joke I made the last time this gruesome photo was posted:
Thank God she still has one good arm to give for the booster shot!
That’s grotesque, but morbidly funny. I liked it.
Off topic but a bit odd. I’m checking through my bank transactions and my payments to OffG via Patreon seem to be sporadic. I assumed they were coming off every month. But even odder – I seem to be paying a monthly fee to Wikimedia. How the hell did that happen? I have no recollection of setting that up.
Lol… oh God… You must feel dirty… take a shower
Some juicy snippets:
“It’s that time of year again. As the Christmas lights go up, Wikipedia’s donation drive kicks off. Wikipedia claims that the donations are needed to keep the site online. Guilt-tripped journalists including Heather Brooke and Toby Young have contributed to Wikipedia in the belief that donations help fund operating costs. Students, who are already heavily in debt, are urged to donate in case Wikipedia “disappears”.
But what Wikipedia doesn’t tell us is that it is awash with cash – and raises far more money each year than it needs to keep operating.
The Wikimedia Foundation hired a convicted felon as its chief operating officer to look after its books while on she was on parole. The executive’s convictions included cheque fraud and unlawfully wounding her boyfriend with a gunshot to the chest.
Some other funding is highly questionable. Wikimedia Germany approved a €18,000 allocation called “Festivalsommer 2013” to send Wikimedians to pop concerts in Germany as “accredited photographers”. Nice work if you can get it. The budget includes travel to and from the gigs for the budding snappers.
A larger allocation of €81,000 will go to Wikimedians to photograph politicians. A grant of €81,720 will pay a researcher to study… editing. It’s all a stark contrast to the unpaid volunteer ethos.”
Ah, a case of the good old Jekyll and Hyde …
New headline from the BBC (and you can almost smell the sadistic relish!)
So the economy (which isn’t as important as people’s lives – even though they depend on it for a living!) has been crashed and everyone’s immune system has been effectively negated by the “counter-productive” anti-covid measures?
End of Act 1!
my guess is the furlough will be back if and or when there are more lockdowns, or they can try not paying people to not work and see how that turns out
Here’s a sobering thought: In GG Preparata’s Conjuring Hitler he suggests that the whole Hitler thing was the outcome of a managed economic/societal breakdown through which the Western rulers achieved their aims. Perhaps covid is the first step in another such strategic move? Every society is three meals away from barbarism. So – engineer barbarism and you’ve got everyone where you want them.
I think you’re right George, been thinking the same thing myself.
Only after dumming them down though, we don’t want too strong a barbarism
“dumming them down”
There are numerous articles out there which seriously postulate this scenario.
After all, I think most of us here realize that 911 and covid were planned and prepared over many decades.
When looking for ancient historic precedents, I find that Belshazzar does it for me.
The only difference is that our modern version of the king is in hiding.
We really should find him.
And my minders are back in action after a two-day break…
Engineer barbarism, George, and you have crowds of starving people with ropes and pitchforks, looking for toffs to lynch. Not quite having everyone where you want them, if you’re one of the toffs, is it?
The optics of counter-terrorism or firearms police at the Labour Party conference is telling.
It is as if the people’s tribune is cowering from some enemy such as the noxious smog of Hugh Howey’s Wool — not surprisingly I reach for the invisible threat in these times — and yet they think it’s us. We are the enemy.
Certain MPs — or certain types of a certain type — are hurried down the street by police. Who is the threat? Starmer’s Troopers tell us it’s them: the anti-splenetics, while he rounds up the splenetics.
Baseball caps, pepper spray and concealed firearms in the conference hall. You can not be serious!
They tell themselves they’re pretending — bending to the current delapidated regime.
I’ll play by the rules until I win power, then I’m going to start fighting back.
If you start out by lying and you make a habit of it you won’t escape those lies as easy as you think.
Sometimes the persona takes over the person but it’s worse than that. It shuts down the aura, from which we draw psychological and intellectual energy that informs our metaphysical self. It all shuts down.
The smell of brown leather, it blended in with the weather
It filled my eyes, ears, nose and mouth
It blocked all my senses, couldn’t see, hear, speak any longer.
At what point does the pretence of paranoia become your reality and deform your inner self. It’s said that as a regime gains power, so it lives and dies.
I remember when it was only the Tories who flirted with policing in this way — but I am talking even before the Brighton bombing and that was 1984 — as has been noted repeatedly in these Covid19-11 discussions, there are two generations who have since grown up with this omnipresent, mind-bending presentation of threat.
It’s just to keep you safe.
No! It is not that simple. It comes with a price. The perception of fear around every corner becomes how you see the world: undermines your confidence, your humanity, replaces the desire to love with the survival-driven instinct of suspicion. You can no longer say you know what faith is and what it’s worth.
As I write on Substack, this is not the Labour movement; it could not breathe this air; it would suffocate. This is something else.
The people will raise their voice elsewhere.
The Labour Party, has been a centre-left outfit since its inception, along with those other social-democratic parties across Europe: The SPD (Germany) Communist Parties in France and Italy, and other social-democratic parties in Scandinavia. This is no longer the case, however.
What were once reforming political and economic agendas are no more with these political parties being sucked into the vortex of the centre-right politics of globalization, neo-liberalism and the woke ideology. Compulsory membership of NATO/EU and the more general American occupation of Europe has engineered a new political dispensation along with repulsive features such as centrist politics with rank opportunists in the shape of Blair and Clinton at the helm.
What has been happening since 1980 is the complete political and economic expropriation of the traditional working class and its organizations by the counter-revolutionary movement pushed forward by the Thatcher-Regan juggernaut. The new order is now pretty much hegemonic.
I last voted in 1997 for Labour under Tony Blair, I haven’t done so since, for the obvious reason that it doesn’t make any difference and the policies do not change whoever forms the national government.
So where do we turn this around? Any suggestions would be welcome.
1997 — my last vote for them, too.
I also haven’t voted since 1997.
As for the bullying and violence inflicted on party members at political party events; who can forget the Labour Party conference in 2005 roughing up 82 year old Walter Wolfgang?
Ban political parties
Ban secret societies
Ban the secret vote
Direct election of each representative
Direct election of each member of the executive
Term of office 12 months.
No pension
No perks
This is a public service (think of jury duty). Not a fuckin’ career for bludgers who wouldn’t work in an iron lung!
Since before the Corbyn hatchet job, the “labour” party has not been worth the effort of reading about.
Party politics is defunct.
Our species is down to a battle between the decent and the obscene.
The more traditional oriented like to use based vs debased.
I’m done with euphemisms.
Evil isn’t quite the same thing as children being naughty.
In public, I do, however, try to use language which is appropriately refined to the occasion.
Sometimes, I find, it turns out that very unrefined is the most appropriate…
evil works just as well.
Agreed, although I do like to keep a flexible palette… 🙂
it’s now an occupied party, just like the one on the other side of the house – they’re not even pretending any more
The use of the word “optics ” to mean “appearance” comes from US gov/ military spin doctors as far as I can tell. Americans love to creatively alter the English language and doubly so when profit and power are involved.
“Optics” correctly refers to the branch of physics that deals with light and vision….
Don’t forget that “optics” has a fraternal buzzword twin from the same parents:
Eva hits the nail on the head with her comment that our politicians don’t believe their own Corona fear-porn propaganda.
As you may know, a few days ago Germans went to the polls to elect a post-Merkel government. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) won narrowly and is now in a position to form a government.
The incriminating photo will not be seen for too long in the german media landscape, where you can see the class politique brazenly breaking its own rules.
The incriminating photo will not be seen for long in the German media landscape, where thev class politique brazenly breaks its own rules.
A pandemic, a killer virus anybody?
The photo is a fantastic hidden muzzle-puzzle
If you can spot the one party member wearing his pp2 mask in the crowd, as is required by corona rules, you have very good eyes.
Incidentally, the mask wearer is a doctor himself and has already administered gene therapy to his 14-year-old daughter, among others.
Incidentally, the mask wearer,Karl Lauterbach, is a doctor himself and has already injected among other children his 14-year-old daughter with gene therapy.
He´s s a backbencher and has already put himself forward as Germany’s future health minister.—und-karl-lauterbach-sorgt-fuer-reaktionen-30786394.html
But weren’t restrictions lifted, or lightened somewhat, very recently?
I’m not sure what the exact statistics were, so perhaps somebody can clarify?
Verehrter Herr Doktor Lauterbach,
Thank you for your request to be considered as Germany’s future Health Minister when the time comes for the SPD to form a government.
We have also received the photograph of yourself as the only masked attendee at a recent SPD presentation.
After careful deliberation, we have decided that we cannot use a barking mad covid fanatic in a position of such great responsibility, and so we are returning your photograph, along with our sincere best wishes in your search for the help you need.
The Selection Committee for a Future SDP Government in Germany
All about petrol… the carbon concentrated. Life on earth concentrated. 9/11 was about petrol, covid is about petrol (stay home, stay on the ground)… and vaxx is about petrol (stay home, stay on the ground or we’ll poison you mofo…)…. Poisonned vaxx is about saving petrol (less of you mofos)… Petrol is responsable for 6b lives on this planet, technically it could be argued that a “The Club” is responsible (they would think own) some 85% of our asses… biomass alone would have get this population to about 1b… Petrol IS life concentrated… can’t escape it, can’t renew it. It is now everywhere in our way of life. 6 gal. of petrol to make one tire, fertilizers medication, comfort, high tech materials. Don’t make any mistake, it is ALL about petrol. THEY want to survive with 500m people using it. The rest gotta go. We were not suppose to be there in the first place (ooops)… Remember the expression Agenda 21?… Not Agenda 19… nothing happened in 2019…. Perhaps a version of the flue… But it’s happening now. 2021. The vaxx. We’re going down now… they are just getting ready before peak petrol production around 2050… that’s their deadline… fuck sake the FDA and CDC are revealing that the vaxx kills… they want you to stay on the ground and stay home now. If you’re stupid enough to board that plane anyway, they make sure it’s gonna be one of your last trips. “Roll up your sleeve sir”
Source: McEvedy and Jones (1978)
Figure 5 shows the world’s population from 800 to 1850. The blue line represents the world population – when biomass was the predominant source of energy. The orange line is a fitted line representing exponential growth. Extrapolating the exponential trend line to the year 2000 gives a value of 1.09 billion people. This may be a rough indication of how many people the planet could now be supporting if coal, oil and gas were never commercialised, assuming there were still frontiers to expand into. Hypothetically then, a world based solely on biomass may feasibly support a magnitude of one billion people.
And they knew they were fattening the herd. They know they spent 150 years abusing the planet and using it as their own private piggy bank. The masters of war and business knew what they were doing.
And now it’s your fault. The little man. The peasant.
And you’re going to pay, while the cowards slip between the rain drops.
Oh they all made their money. Saw the way they were pushing those cars for the past decades?… Insane. If you don’t hav this one, well you don’t even have a personality do you. Now don’t follow the money anymore, they print it. Can’t print petrol though.
The steady increase in the size of cars over the last few decades is insane.
aim for the dryones
The cowards aren’t slipping anywhere.
We have their names.
Yes, Everything is about oil. Been saying it for years. I knew straight away what covid was all about. Depopulation. No question. No debate. Life boils down to a competition for scarce energy resources. I suspect we running out of oil and gas a lot faster than they let on. Trust me. That is scarier than black death combined with Spanish flu on steroids.
Few people realise that 7 Billion people only exist because of oil… think about it.
That is, of course, only one way of looking at it…
Mostly, those people exist because human beings had sex.
Many would make the argument that without Nitrogen-based fertilizers (based on natural gas and the oil industry, coal can also be used) you would not be here today. I don’t know enough about organic farming to comment on it, but it seems unrealistic that farming (and thus feeding) on the scale we do today could be done “organically” without modern fertilizers (again, happy to be proven wrong here).
Still pushing ‘peak oil’ and linking National Geographic for anything other than to laugh at its nonsense? Good grief.
Meanwhile the UK enters Day Five of “the petrol crisis”. Crisis = moderate difficult getting some petrol around here. What’s it all about?
1) Populism = chaos. Technocracy would be so much better.
2) Shortages and queues are part of everyday life now.
3) Immigrant labour is essential.
Those are the head punches, but there are the softening-up body punches as well for the longer-term agendas. Luckily they think the public are too stupid to work these out for themselves so they usually spell them out for the hard of thinking:
“The romance of trains”? The sort of guff that can only be written by lifestyle columnists who never do what they preach (certainly not on a day-to-day basis). By an amazing coincidence, however, it happens to be exactly the vision of the future in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Mostly we sit at home in our smart cities with everything we need (our needs having been greatly reduced and homogenised) within 15 minutes so we can get it by walking or cycling. When the social credit score allows we can take a train to another smart city – where everything’s exactly the same. More exotic forms of transport like airships are either always just around the corner or require a social credit score nobdy except the inner party can access them.
I don’t agree with Corbett on everything – but he’s right on his latest Podcast that it’s the paradigm shift into the Fourth Industrial Revolution that’s the really big thing going on right now, everything else either feeds into that or is a smokescreen for it.
I would add No. 4 – desensitising the populace to the sight of the Army on the streets; the govt is talking about using it to deliver fuel.
Still pushing ‘peak oil’ and linking National Geographic for anything other than to laugh at its nonsense? Good grief.”
Still thinking cheap fossil fuels are forever? Good grief.
The cheap bit stopped some time ago, and will never be coming back, except as one of those momentary downward plunges in price that have been happening with increasing frequency, as the global oil trade shakes itself to pieces.
I won’t even dignify that with an insult
In the late 60s for each unit of work, I did in the office I needed 10,000,000 units of work from the society I lived in, almost all from fossil fuels. For over 50 years now I have said I have not done a day’s work in my life! 2050? It is looking to nerds like me that the most we will ever pump happened back in Nov. 2018.
Inside information hun?… They surely seem in a hell of a hurry cos’ things are happening fast and with quite a bit of hysteria. I use to be a rep on the road for a few years. It always bugged the shit out of me to be roaming around, alone, in a ton of some luxury sedan. Now I take a bus for 3hrs commute a day and I sleep better… Gonna move closer to work next year, and occasionally ride an ebike or somethin’, provided my finding don’t show that that battery is not going to fry my balls from electromagnetics
Never mind e-assist. Stick with plain pedal drive. Been car-free and (pedal) cycling for years. Enormously better way to go.
I used to be a cyclist, but my joints are shrinking in terror at your story… Cheers 🙂
The problem with ebikes (apart from the ludicrous price) is servicing. The motors, especially centre-drive systems like Bosch’s, are complicated and if they go wrong out of warranty can cost a lot to fix. The bikes tend also to be so heavy that the oft-quoted idea of being able to use them without assistance is, let us be kind, misleading. And replacement batteries can cost £400 or even more. The whole ebike market is awash with hype and hopium.
A pedal driven bike has no battery to degrade: you are the battery, powered by your breakfast. A single speed has no derailleurs or hub-gears to faff about with, but fixed-gear is the best of all: not even a freewheel to worry about and it’s 100% addictive and fun!
Keep polishing your delusions, Ed. But whether you believe in it or not, peak energy is still coming to get you, supremely indifferent to the half-baked belief systems of human wilful delusionals.
I’d light up a bit of abiotic oil to keep you warm, if I were you. Or you could try diving deep below the bed of the South Atlantic, to get at the [never going to be raised] oil there, if you can conjure up a magical technology that makes it possible. See how well that works. The Vulcans will help you; ask Mr, Spock… LOL!
Quite well put
Not only that but last time, at least where I lived 2007-2008 when the gas prices skyrocketed, as well as housing and food prices doubling. What was the
responsenext ongoing step—crash the economy, loot them before you do.I think this is the COVID19/11 video I will feel most comfortable sharing with “the woke”. Thanks, Eva and offG!
I see the Australian government are doing well with the old “keeping everyone safe” routine….
Oh wait, they done f*cked up. 🤡
Watch the spin doctors make stats like these go away. Spin doctors, shameless company cucks and liars. They’re all cowards. Australia is full of gutless, spineless mask wearing milksops.
The last time I saw a clip which reported statistics like that there was a “correction” statement at the end of the briefing which inverted everything. They probably do it deliberately!
Anyone thinking of holidaying here in Australia just don’t. This place is fucked up. It use to be a nice place to come and visit but the pricks we got in charge messed it all up. I doubt it’ll ever be the same again. No longer the “lucky country” it’s now very much the “yucky country”. A real shame. The people here have changed. They’re not fun to be around anymore.
“No joking !” ?
Meanwhile, Hollywood, Netflix, Amazon, You Tube etc etc, keep spewing out mind numbing, jingoistic, xenophobic SHIT.
What a disgusting sewer of brainless banality it is.
Those actors, directors, producers and writers are traitors to humanity.
Yep, only a deranged deluded brainless dangerously self satisfied arsehole could possibly enjoy the execrable shit they are producing – ‘Hunters’ would come close to the top of the list for me, and I’ve only seen the trailer.
beast marked employees
“Media exists to sell narratives, not to tell the truth.”
Says it all.
Covid-19 is completely fraudulent, just as with the swine flu in 1976 or 2009. Not the first, but the greatest iatrogenic pandemic of propaganda in history.
Propaganda can only take hold in shallow, uncritical, compliant minds that are immersed in puddles of acquiescence, careerist ambitions and laced with hypochondria. This describes the majority of modern academia and the liberal laptop class who drive this fraudulent narrative.
The fact that the virus has never been isolated means one thing: It was never used, could not be used, and was NOT used to develop the PCR test “for it.” The PCR test is a complete fraud, plain and simple.
We are currently getting a real time lesson from the Ministry of Truth.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth.”
I’d just be in favour of being more scrupulous and accurate when describing the PCR process.
It is NOT a test, and its Nobel-Prize winning inventor said so in no uncertain terms.
Calling PCR “a complete fraud” tends to imply an intent to deceive on his part, as well as tacitly accepting that it is a test.
I’m sure you realize that, but I am generally concerned that the casual use of ‘test’ and ‘fraud’ in this context unjustly maligns the reputation of a damn good scientist, who is no longer alive to point out the rampant abuse of his invention.
Good and accurate point. Sloppy wording on my part.
99% great writing otherwise, Maxwell. Really well said. 🙂
I’m guilty of it to, but perhaps we should all make a point to never use the words “PCR” and “test” together, since the polymerase chain reaction technique was never intended to be used as a diagnostic by Dr. Mullis.
“PCR” = groundbreaking discovery. “PCR test” = witch hunt device.
Others have come to the same conclusion. I stopped calling the PCR a test. I think it gets people’s attention. Does it motivate them? Are people cattle? (hint: most are)
Cattle are smarter than most people. At least cattle are not willfully dumb. Sorry, feeling bitchy today. Bitchiness not directed at you, of course.
Thanks for that gracious reply, Maxwell.
By the way, I always value your comments.
good one Arby
Yeah I don’t care for that chicken either
Don’t kid yourself, Max, propaganda affects everybody, particularly the suckers who’re sure they’re too superior to the baaaing crowd to fall for it. Why do you think the crooks keep spewing it out at such great expense? Because it doesn’t work?
iatrogenic : Had to look that one up. Great word!