WATCH: COVID19/11 – Ed Curtin
Episode Fifteen of Narratives Intertwined
COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.
The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.
The fifteenth and final part of Narratives Intertwined features Edward Curtin, author and former professor of sociology and theology.
Ed has written extensively on modern American history, religion, culture, propaganda and more. His work has appeared on platforms all around the web, including Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Salon, Global Research and OffGuardian. In 2020 he published his first collection of essays Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
In his interview, Ed discusses his deep ties to New York City, his gut reaction to the official 9/11 narrative and subsequent research, the links between the “9/11 Commission” and the “Covid19 Commission” which should throw up red flags for all of us, and how independent media is vital in allowing people to educate themselves and do their own research.
You can read more of Ed’s work at his blog and follow him on Twitter here
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t’s just occurred to me that an effective way of approaching any big lie told to us is to look at the very start of the event and show how it doesn’t add up at all – that you’re clearly starting with a lie.
It’s just occurred to me that an effective way of approaching any big lie told to us is to look at the very start of the event and show how it doesn’t add up at all – that you’re clearly starting with a lie. In the case of 9/11 the start of the event was the hijacking of airliners followed by the ploughing of those airliners into buildings and finally the buildings either coming down or in the case of the Pentagon being damaged.
In the case of covid they told us that a new virus was suspected on the basis of a cluster of 44 cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan. 44 cases does not a cluster make in a highly polluted city such as Wuhan and the cause of pneumonia is often not known as there are many causes. Moreover if these 44 cases were significant as being the sign of a new virus why is there no connection between pneumonia and this virus now?How is it that there’s zero connection between pneumonia and this virus? Then of course there’s the highly unscientific determination that a new virus has emerged from taking bronchoalveolar samples from only a single patient of those 44 cases. And the lack of science continues as we go along.
Cynthia McKinney. former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate for the Green party, 2008 has never received an answer to the pertinent (especially to US taxpayers), question she asked in Congress: “How did a multi-trillion dollar military and intelligence complex fail four times on one day?”
Another question McKinney asked, “Did the four war games happening on the morning of 9/11 impair the military’s ability to respond to the attacks?” was responded to by General Richard Myers, Acting Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11, as follows:
“The answer to the question is no, it did not impair our response, in fact General Eberhart who was in the command of the North American Aerospace Defense Command as he testified in front of the 9/11 Commission I believe … I believe he told them that it enhanced our ability to respond, given that NORAD didn’t have the overall responsibility for responding to the attacks that day, that was an FAA responsibility. But there were two CPXs [Command Post Exercises]; there was one Department of Justice exercise that didn’t have anything to do with the other three and there was an actual operation ongoing because there was some Russian bomber activity up near Alaska.”
Seemingly, not impairing response and complete failure of response are one and the same thing.
We speak of the tyranny of “science” although when we speak of it we generally mean that it’s science that’s put forward that is in fact unscientific, however, I also think that even when the science is correct we shouldn’t place science higher than other things which are also very important. There are no laws of physics broken in the failure of the US military in stopping those planes however it’s a completely inexplicable failure that no one has ever even attempted to explain with any kind of credibility and I believe that the airliners and the impossible failure of defence is really a better focus than the controlled demolition of the buildings. In fact science is involved in the impossible ploughing of the airliners into the buildings in the first place and fakery of airliners automatically means controlled demolition anyway but secondly there is an impossible failure of defence … and of course we have the automatic fact of faked passengers if the airliners are faked which automatically makes a lie of the 3000 dead figure.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is going gangbusters while Pilots for 9/11 Truth is dead as a dodo. There was no necessity for wtc7 to come down on 9/11, it could have been brought down later after a reasonable time to lay explosives.
There are dots to be joined.
My compliments to Ed Curtin for another snapshot of how Osama bin Laden was framed by the corporate government and media… The Bin Laden “story” was truly one of the most outlandish conspiracy theories in history.
Mr Curtin suggests that people educate themselves. Yes, indeed. Civilians need to study the application of Law…
His English is difficult to follow sometimes but it well worth the effort to listen to every word this Doctor utters.
This is a very very deep rabbit hole.
Another excellent video from Dr Lee Merritt
She talks about the rather bizarre phenomena of intelligent people armed with all the facts, who still get vaccinated! WTF It’s like their brains cannot compute that this is the end game. Mass depopulation. So what do they do…ignore it, it can’t be real. Clearly some of us are not smarter than ostriches.
It’s like a fashion statement, why on earth anyone wants to poisoned over a non existent ”virus” is beyond me.
The only fact that counts in a sporting contest is Who Won. Humanity has been turned into one gigantic Team Player.
Choosing which side to be on is NOT a conscious decision – it’s a subconscious decision based on the never ending desire to be on the winning side.
And so far Team COVID is winning – and that’s all most people need to know to make their choice. Live or die is irrelevant. Winning is everything.
I salute Ed Curtin.
The Crowhouse is an older Melbourne-based blogger who talks about Funeral Director O’Looney in this episode. I seem to have a hunch for the genuine.
Dave Callan is an extremely astute Irish observer of the Covid operation. He goes under the name Computing Forever.
Looking him up on bitchute produced an interview with Dolores Cahill but check him out on bitchute for his latest stuff.
I had been expecting another, bigger crash of the US economy since about 2012 but every year the FED just pumped money in to keep things afloat. As most trade between nations is done in the US dollar the inflation is absorbed, but things are now spiraling out of control. Expect a crash in the not distant future. Equities (share prices) are over 200% of GDP which has never happened.
Finally to the best economist on the planet – Michael Hudson.
FYI, it’s Dave Cullen.
He is good. Personally, though, I could do without his “signature” cartoon illustrations. I don’t know why they are such a persistent element of his “brand”.
I became convinced that COVID was all about mass depopulation 15 months ago, and think these plans will probably work to murder and sterilse most of us. The brainwashing is at unbelievable levels now, and the vast majority are on-board like Turkeys voting for Christmas.
This is all based on a myth, that oil is going to run out, because it is a fossil fuel. But even Rockefeller knew it wasn’t a fossil fuel, but misnamed it as such so he could charge any price he liked. I have seen this proved by the physics, but this guy gives an explanation, that almost anyone can understand, though no one wants to learn anything now, that conflicts with their long held beliefs.
“This is not an Accidental Thing.There’s a Dollar Sign Behind Almost Everything”
“Fletcher Prouty Explains Invention and Use of Term “Fossil Fuels”
That pitiful excuse for a human, Daniel Andrews might have made his first mistake. He’s included all judges and lawyers on his mandate list. This should be interesting.
They are deranged beyond all measure
Saline will solve that problem.
This was an excellent series. Delighted to see Mr. Curtain top it off.
Woke James Bond pulls a rad — eats fried eggs once a week. Not avocado toast?
Please shoot me.
So when is the Graud coming to my house to interview me? I can “loom” and “laugh roguishly” with “a merry twinkle in the eye”. I can stick in a few non-PC but not too non-PC comments to tickle their bourgeois readers. I can also stick in a few “in jokes” about the virus and a risqué but not too risqué remark about e.g. our designated saint Bono and end with a tribute to whatever heroes fighting against whatever disasters they’ve dredged up this week.
Someone recently here posted about a project to supply Electricity from Darwin in Australia to Singapore. I didn’t think it could work too well because the distance was over 2,000 miles, and the building, maintenance and transmission losses would be too great, for it to be feasible.
I now see that the UK and Norway are doing much the same thing, and it went live today. It’s still quite a long way. I hope it works well. I particularly like the idea, cos it is supplied by hydro power, and it probably rains a lot in Norway.
“Record-breaking subsea power link sees Norway’s fjords power UK homes”
Who said the revolution will not be televised?
That was before the New Media — the revolution is being televised. Del Bigtree reveals his revenues… (well that’s 1000x my survival rate) but listen to him, among others.
Freemason or not, deep state CYA or not… listen to the broadcast from 01:45:00.
I feel for what Bigtree is saying, it’s not about income, nor even his loyalties, it’s about the acknowledgement of support. It’s knowing people are behind you.
Maybe Bigtree will be arrested as the pantomime media demands 02:40:00 — more likely it will be the dissident exiles from the mass media with a lower profile first (yours truly)
Someone has to carry the immunity.
Freemasonry, Greek societies, business clubs training organizations – all have been infriltrated. That’s how it works. Of course the opposition is controlled. Why would it not be?
Do not trust trusted voiced.
Ooh we can’t trust Bigtree! Look at what Wiki says!
“Del Matthew Bigtree is an American television and film producer as well as CEO of the anti-vaccination group Informed Consent Action Network. He produced the film Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, based on the discredited views of Andrew Wakefield and alleges an unsubstantiated connection between vaccines and autism.
Bigtree’s appeal as a public speaker and a recent influx of funding has made Bigtree – who has no medical training – one of the most prominent voices in the anti-vaccination movement.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bigtree propagated conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus, and urged his audience to ignore the advice of health authorities.”
(Health authorities like … Neil Ferguson?)
Well that’s us groovy Left mothers reassured by the proper vetting process!
Yet again they tell us who our enemy shoud be. But who they?
Epoch Times has a piece on the co-founder of Wikepedia. Misdirection but worth a read
Well “Leftist propaganda” will be the proverbial red rag. (See what I did there?) The effect on “the Left” – by which I mean how the partisan psy-op is constructed – is to make the Left think, “Left my arse!” although I’m sure they will agree with Wiki’s Bigtree assessment. And indeed with the general covid thundering tract as delivered by Wiki and … well, let’s face it, everyone else.
Which brings us to the central embarrassment: The Left are now being represented by the mainstream. Which makes it tricky to still keep up a veneer of radicalism.
I love Del. Watch him every Thursday. What other show sends the studies they cite during the broadcast? I want a tee shirt that says his cheer “I want to catch that cold”.
What does he make? (No time to watch the whole thing)
He mumbled a bit, which is why I didn’t quote the number but he twice seemed to suggest it was close to $200,000 a month.
Whaaaaat??? Who in the world funds him?
Looking at his production, he’s got a broadcasting setup that would cost, say, $500,000-plus annually on a tight budget without taxes, travel, reporters etc (Texas costs, not New York). If he can attract funding, he won’t be watching costs so closely.
Dear Sophia honestly did you think a set up like that appeared all over the web in every different you tube feed twitter feed was organic.?
he is 100% controlled and says fuck all and the obvious.
p./s remember to donate now to his 101 different legal action, causes products etc or to him,.
I sincerely doubt that $200k is his personal income. His overhead seems high, with lots of production and travel expenses. Do we have any idea of the monthly income/expenses for, e.g. a local TV affiliate?
It’s worth watching the video from the start, but the tweet extract begins at 8:15.
Covid-1984 @NeverSleever
Oct 1, 2021
Two Weeks Ago An Australian Politician Made Some Serious Allegations Against The Gov…
Today… The Accused (High Level Politician) Resigned…
You Should Watch This…
Clive Palmer Press conference – Freedom of choice – Important information for all Australians
Sep 14, 2021
United Australia Party
Clive Palmer Press conference – Press conference talking about Craig Kelly, the TGA and the threats of legal action for sharing their own report on Vaccine deaths and Vaccine adverse reactions.
Also important information about the right to choose what you put in your body, free from coercion or compulsion.
Who is the lobbyist he speaks of? The vaccine merchants?
It doesn’t name the lobbyist, but there’s a bit of background here:
Cairns News…one of the reporters is saying the lid on Pandora’s box is only just starting to come off…plenty more to come. We’ll see.
Always good to hear a guy who knows what he is talking about.
This is good.
Of course the ‘authorities’ will attempt to do a Jeremy Corbyn on him – they’ll find ‘an anti-semitic statement’ he made when he was six, or a statement by an unsuccessful job applicant that he once smiled at a more attractive colleague…
It often amazes me that such prominent people with real responsibility don’t have a few advisors who could prepare them for such inevitable assaults, and provide them with effective counter-measures.
They need people around them who can think like the enemy (the media) and who can play ‘devil’s advocate’ when it comes to what the next likely assault will be.
Think, “What would Macchiavelli advise Big Brother to do in our current mess?”, because that’s exactly what he WILL do.
I assume Palmer will follow the Trump formula and is capable of toughing it out. The party slogan is “Make Australia Great”:
I get your point.
He looks like somebody who will survive, whatever happens, and of course anyone crazy enough to want a political career these days is going to have to have some sort of slogan as his ID…
He may just be hedging his bets and getting ready to cover his arse retroactively, but he does at any rate seem quite clear on the utterly corrupt system of Big-Pharm lobbying, bribing and threatening, which is currently making rational, critical thought a thing to be feared, instead of aspired to.
Palmer is basically a fucking arsehole
Well, to be frank, I’ve heard this as well. I’ll wait a bit to see how all this lobbyist stuff pans out before celebrating Clive as any hero. I have zero doubt that all politicians in leadership are well and truly lobbied and controlled to the gills. So Clive or anyone else could make such statements any old time of the week about any of them. Let’s see if this mystery lobbyist comes out and see how much shit hits how many fans. Or not.
he is a billionaire.
he didnt get their being helpful toward you lot.
only last year he donated loads of covid medical poisons to the poorer lot for votes and sympathy.
now he is some truther fuck of
Its a PR stunt aimed fools during the OZ s/elections period.
If we ever survive this avalanche of bullshit I will remember that the only party that stood up against this insanity was the UAP. Thank you .
Isn’t it a little curious that here you have two nominally powerful politicians Como and Berejiklian resign and disappear due to malfeasance. Maybe they played their part and their usefulness is over. Now for an un-elected puppet to step in and really fuck things up.
Nothing can be taken at face value in these times.
I highly recommend this interview with Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology (and statistician) at Ghent University in Belgium, where he puts forward how his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have fallen under a kind of spell known as “mass formation” which I guess is similar to what others describe as mass psychosis.
This is a written translation of another interview.
This is horrifying.
It is horrifying, but it’s the best analysis, of the psychological aspects of this crisis, I have yet seen or read. The brainwashed, cannot be blamed. They had no resistance to it. They exploited and amplified all their fears, as we were all terrified. The Psychologists (Nudge Unit etc) employed by The British Government and The British Government are knowingly committing Mass Genocide. They Know what they are doing. They are trying to kill us all.
Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology. is completely Brilliant at explaining in simple language what is going on. I don’t know who the bloke is interviewing him is, but he is asking all the right questions and is as bright as a button.
Petra, This is Brilliant. Thanks for posting it.
I would query the assumption that the majority have bought into the covid crap. The media has always worked on two levels: first, to push out the shit story and second, to give the impression that everyone believes it. This was most amusingly demonstrated to me about ten years ago when the media was full of tales of an economic crash that was going to kill everyone – I’m exaggerating slightly but not too much.
The media coverage was like this:
Every talking head in the media: “A crash is coming and it’s the end of civilization!”
(This repeated endlessly for about two weeks!)
Then – short interview with people on street:
Interviewer: “Well what do you think will happen?”
Man on street: “A crash is coming and it’s the end of civilization!”
Woman on street: “A crash is coming and it’s the end of civilization!”
Child on street: “A crash is coming and it’s the end of civilization!”
After another week, there was another comment from the talking heads:
“A crash is coming and it’s the end of civilization! But not enough are taking it seriously!”
Now that was a rare indication that some people out there weren’t falling for this shite.
Now this next bit didn’t happen – but it would now:
Talking heads: “A crash is coming and it’s the end of civilization! Not enough are taking it seriously! These are crazy conspiracy theorists! In a special report tonight we will be examining this disturbing rise in radicalism whereby some people don’t believe the media!”
Interesting, George, but Mattias doesn’t say the majority have bought it exactly.
Desmet further explains:
“Usually it is only about 30% [of a population that gets] grasped in a mass phenomenon or hypnosis. An additional 35-45% usually does not want to raise a dissonant voice in the public space because they are scared of the consequences. So, usually about 70% who shut up – 30% because they are convinced by the mainstream narrative and 40% because they don’t dare to speak out. And then there is an additional 20-25-30% who does not go along with the narrative and says it in certain situations.”
The Shock Doctrine.
He makes a lot of very important points.
Not all of it is unfamiliar territory – after all, ‘mass hypnosis’ is nothing new – but he relates his thoughts very specifically to what is going on right now.
Isn’t it appalling to think that so many of us suffer from ‘anxiety’ to the point where any old object – however disconnected – will do to focus it…?
If I had any influence in government, I would be wanting to know, as Desmet does, where all this anxiety comes from…
But of course that’s not going to happen.
Our chronic anxiety is much too useful to our corporate owners, and it currently suits them extremely well to do everything they can to increase it.
I think I’m fortunate in not suffering too much from anxiety (except anxiety now about turning into a totalitarian global state) but even though I believed 9/11 was the work of terrorists for 13 years, from Day One I sensed manipulation going on and that’s what I’m very sensitive to – people, whether individuals or groups, trying to manipulate. I have a very strong resistance to manipulation and I don’t know why that doesn’t similarly override whatever other vulnerabilities in other people. Why don’t they have that sense of being manipulated? In fact, people often talk about others trying to manipulate and not liking it so I’m not sure why that dislike of being manipulated isn’t more prevalent in this situation. Also, the resistance to being ordered about. I’m actually OK with orders that make sense but some people simply don’t like being ordered about whether the orders are reasonable or not – I don’t see a huge amount of resistance to being ordered about going on.
The techniques used are called war propaganda and it is extremely effective.
Some quotes from M.K., concerning (war) propaganda:
“But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points, and repeat them over and over.”
“The nationalization of the broad masses can never be achieved by half-measures, by weakly emphasizing a so-called objective standpoint, but only by a ruthless and fanatically one-sided orientation toward the goal to be achieved.”
“This broadness of outline [of propaganda techniques] from which we must never depart, in combination with steady, consistent emphasis, allows our final success to mature. And then, to our amazement, we shall see what tremendous results such perseverance leads to – to results that are almost beyond our understanding.”
“In this they proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposeful evil, and that, therefore, in view of the simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true. Therefore something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick – a fact which all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs in this world know only too well and also make the most treacherous use of.”
They spell it all out in detail how they control our minds … and yet STILL people believe the lies.
This interview was fascinating, Petra. Thank you.
Wow, can tell this Mattias Desmet is more clued up with reality than most. The guy broke it down in a calm, clear and concise way like a Doctor operating complex surgery but keeping his cool. Not that I trust doctors anymore. Phuck em this guys the real doctor.
From – oh who cares?:
“How Consumerism, Climate Crisis and Colonialism Are Linked
Author and sustainability consultant (?!) Aja Barber talks through her book, Consumed: The need for collective change; colonialism, climate change & consumerism”
Since the old con of “noble philanthropism” has now moved centre stage and all these superrich saints are bestowing their divine presence on us lesser beings, don’t you long for the days when rock stars and film stars didn’t espouse planet saving causes?
Wouldn’t it be such a relief for just one of them to turn round and say, “I don’t give a fuck! I just want dosh!”
This is more than just a little perplexing to me – oh for the joys of absolute certainty!
Logically, I should be in your camp vis-a-vis the climate – since it is the very ones pushing the crisis scenario who I wouldn’t trust to take out the garbage.
Yet my “go to” reference for climatic matters – – presents a great deal of hard data to back up the claim of climate crisis. Plus, this site freely and fully admits that TPTB are 1) totally insane; 2) making it up as they go about COVID and 911; and 3) lying through their teeth about the climate – since the lot of them, including the well established Environmentalists, refuse to admit the ongoing climate engineering activities which even a six year old can look up and verify.
There is much evidence to support the contention that the climate is indeed in a crisis – along with the biosphere itself (wildfires throughout the world, diminishing ozone layer, greatly increasing methane release, and so on).
On the other hand, there is but one piece of evidence to contradict the climate and biosphere crisis: the word of the ruling class and its army of stooges.
Oh, who to believe: facts or logic?
I have been agnostic on the climate issue i.e. yes I can understand the disastrous effect of human activity on the atmosphere etc. but the climate problem as it is presented incessantly on the news (like everything presented incessantly on the news) is something I automatically mistrust. I would say that when you have an obviously well financed “doom show” then I wonder what it is leading to. The rulers always look to line their pockets and don’t give a shit about anything else. So whatever “solution” they are leading towards (and they’re always leading towards a solution) you can bet it benefits them and shafts everyone else.
Hello Howard: Yes. The refutation of climate catastrophe continues. Even when direct observation should horrify the observer… They won’t sober up until the food supply disintegrates…
Over 70% of Earth’s species have been in significant decline these last 40 years, yet the tele-idiots don’t notice it on their screens. They continue blithely on their way and deny direct evidence of catastrophe.
Geoengineering watch is only one of hundreds of sites that provide direct documentation of the obvious. Thank you again for your efforts.
Your ‘go-to’ reference needs to be
Refutations and ‘hard data’ evidence to the contrary that hasn’t been messaged and cherry-picked a thousand times to produce intended results to garner more grant money. There are mountains of evidence to support the contention that the climate is NOT in crisis.
Has the Con-vid farce not opened your eyes enough to realize that anything pushed by the MSM is 100% false and has been for greater than 20 years?
They’re playing with you like a cat plays with a mouse before biting its head off, and you are falling for it, hook, line, and hockey stick.
How many times must the so-called ‘scientists’ be caught blatantly lying with their hand in the cookie jar before you wake the fuck up and realize you’ve been a sucker? Once should be enough to have you questioning the entire narrative, and diving deeper will only reveal just how much they consistently lie about to convince the unwashed masses that there is a dire need for more control and more money to solve a fake problem.
Actually… its been about since circa 1987 is when the media in anglo-countries became a total lie machine and it’s become exponential worse in magnitude as the years past by. When Thatcher won the third term and with Gorbachev in the Kremlin that certain “people” knew they had a loose reign…
Not sure about the climate but the weather as you know is being changed everyday. I lived outside for over 25 years. Worked, cooked, ate and slept outside. I saw a lot. I lived near the coast in Northern California. The early flowering willows and plums never change their date of the beginning of the first blossoms. Always the last weeks of January, didn’t really matter what the weather was like and suggested to me that the climate at least where I lived did not change much.
What was interesting is how long the willows and plums would flower, as well as the early asian and european pears. The peach blossoms failed to show much in later years only fruit and though there was always a lot of fruit that needed to be thinned, only the younger or more shaded trees set fruit like they had in earlier years. I saw willow blossoms from the trees blooming in February continue blooming into May. Wild radish was another plant that bloomed, seemingly, forever, some plants blooming straight for over four months.
There are many studies involving flowering cycles of plants in relationship to increase stresses in UVB. The sun intensity affected the way every single plant on my farm flowered, even the weeds. Being outside for all those years, the sun intensity and solar radiation management, a form of geoengineering, are the changes I noticed the most, as well as a startling drastic decline of amphibians, birds, animals and insects, even some very common insect species completely disappearing. The day time temperatures never really varied over the years, the nights were noticeably colder throughout anytime of the year. Being in the intense sun and then moving to wash veggies up was like night and day, going from being intensely hot, to goosebumps and numbed hands. The weather forecast and recordings full of lies and disinformation.
As Dane says you can’t begin to talk about climate change without beginning first talking about the massive amounts of geoengineering going on.
If John Lennon hadn’t been murdered I be willing to bet he’d be calling BS on this covid thing as well as 911. Isn’t it convenient that he’s not around to stir up trouble for the scum that are behind covid.
Kary Mullis also.
I have no trust in a guy who has Aleister Crowley on his album cover and whose partner Yoko Ono is a self described witch.
While Bezos and Branson fly off into space (supposedly):
Nothing to do with docility, of course. Social credit points for being “ever so ‘umble”!….
This assaulted me on my net feed:
“What happens when billionaires jump on the biodiversity bandwagon
The ultrarich want to change the paradigm of conservation. It won’t be easy. Amazon founder and former CEO Jeff Bezos pledged $1 billion for conservation this week. Can billionaires like him halt the biodiversity crisis?”
What the fuck does this even mean?
There’s a little side panel labelled:
“The biodiversity crisis, explained”
What fucking biodiversity crisis?
And this:
“Welcome to the age of billionaire biodiversity conservation. As climate change scorches the planet and a global extinction crisis escalates, the ultrarich have started funneling bits of their wealth into protecting nature. This week, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and the wealthiest man on Earth, pledged $1 billion to protect land and water as part of his $10 billion Earth Fund.”
So – suddenly over the past – umm 18 months perhaps? – the earth has exploded into new plagues and catastrophes and crises and extinctions? And in leap the superrich to the rescue? Suddenly they want to save the species and preserve the living habits of the indigenous people they never gave a shit about at any previous time?
What a fucking con! It’s the latest manufactured deprivation which they can now come in and “fix” by, of course, destroying it all!
Simple. Using our money and man power to fix the planet for them, and enjoy it to the fullest when we all gone. For now it’s important they look like benefactors of course. Makes more sense?
Hello George MC: I’ve read your many posts in which you blur the lines between what are known issues, and issues that you personally refuse to acknowledge.
If you don’t believe the Earth’s lands and resources are in need of protection, you are seriously misinformed and negligent.
I do not subscribe to IPCC balderdash, which inaccurately defines current global temperature reporting. Atmospheric average mean temperature has exceeded 2.3 degrees Celsius of rise for over 18 years. In other words, the IPCC target of less than 1.5 degrees Celsius is dangerously out of touch with reality.
This is an four year old video attempting to describe the dangers of climate ignorance…
Scientists’ Warning to Humanity & Business as Un-usual – YouTube
Published on December 27, 2018
“On the first day of COP-24, the annual UN climate negotiations, Stuart Scott and Victoria Hurth teamed up to discuss the World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity ( and then the part that business can and must play to reverse disastrous current ecological and climate trends that threaten life on Earth.”
Please watch (and widely distribute) this very sober discussion:
Are you not even slightly concerned that ‘climate catastrophe’ is being brought to you by the very same people behind the scamdemic? Same methodology too. Pump out the fear, promote ‘the science’ as if it was a monolith, while silencing and discrediting all dissident voices.
Hi Sophie, my reply to you never went into spam check and has disappeared. Never had this happen before. Refreshed the browser at least five times. Here is my previous comment to you in a nutshell. Paul brings up the issue of geoengineering regularly here and I appreciate him very much for that. You seem to be like “the very same people behind the scamdemic.” Does geoengineering not exist? OffG has never, besides the comment section, posted anything in regards to geoengineering that I have seen. Look up! Away from you control screen, to the sky.
Geo-engineering is a separate question. The point is there’s a wealth of science that shows the C02 hypothesis of global warming is weak, but that science is suppressed and reviled by the same interest groups promoting the scamdemic.
I agree that the CO2 hypothesis is weak. The question is not about geoengineering its happening, and it is being suppressed by the “same interest groups promoting the scamdemic.”. I would love to see articles about weather modification here The question is is the planet warming. And why all the extreme weather events. And why are the birds dropping out of the sky. Why are the trees dying so rapidly. Why are the sea stars dying and the whales beaching themselves. I think Paul’s point “If you don’t believe the Earth’s lands and resources are in need of protection, you are seriously misinformed and negligent” is of utmost importance. Paul also describes the IPCC as balderdash, don’t know what he thinks about the CO2. He just writes that the planet is warming. Well is it?
I am very wary about what are “known issues”. The one thing I do know is when I am being pushed in a certain direction e.g. when the MSM ran relentless fearmongering from last spring onwards. I was only too ready to personally refuse to acknowledge all that shit. I know when I’m being played. And when these media vipers turn so slickly from “Covid will kill us all!” to “Global warming will kill us all!” then you’ll pardon me if I don’t go screaming round the room.
But if there’s been a discussion on the World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity leading to “the part that business can and must play to reverse disastrous current ecological and climate trends that threaten life on Earth” then I guess it’s just as well all those suddenly caring businesses and millionaires are rushing in to save us.
Umm … I don’t suppose the World Scientists have any connection to those businesses?
Of course not! Silly me!
Bigtree’s latest Highwire edition, cheering and moving in equal parts.
Interview with the owner of the diner (at halfway mark) shows the agenda behind Event Covid is to destroy. Full stop.
Don’t miss 01:45:00 explanation of Geert Vanden Bossche and Robert Malone’s latest take on the ‘vaccine’ tactics — ‘there is no strategy’ (beyond depopulation, presumably).
Devastating but insightful.
I am starting to feel like the injections are an elaborate distraction to hide massive financial manoeuvres way behind the scenes that get zero light of day. Not saying there aren’t multiple tactics going on.
00;02;30 The unvaccinated carry the torch for humanity.
Vanden Bossche: the unvaccinated are the buffer and thus the only protection against human-induced destructive pseudo vaccines.
The unjustifiable discrimination between vaccinated/ unvaccinated, or 9/14 days since vaccination has no scientific basis.
Malone: the policies are irrational. They are like three year-olds showing that by acting they are doing something.
On one level this may just appear to be another turgid whinge about social media from the self-righteous MSM:
Of course there’s more prepping for on-line “regulation” going on here. However the more insidious thing is this line about self-regulation. It’s all part of this ESG, stakeholder capitalism agenda. These mega-corporations must present their evil (like censorship here) as some sort of “we really care” sanctimony.
I’m almost nostalgic for the days of Gerald Ratner….
I see the “fuel crisis” is “stabilising” then “getting worse” suddenly “it will be ok in a few days as deliveries become more regular” then the Petrol Retailers Association tells us “1 in 4 of our forecourts have run dry” ministers are saying “you can’t blame anyone for this” LBC wonders why the “public are not being held partially responsible for the chaos” celebrities “struggling for fuel to get to hospital” for a medical check up “can’t believe how selfish people are” care workers are “unable to get to their vulnerable patients” but don’t worry the “governments reserve tanker fleet will be mobilised any moment now” wait hold on “the Territorials are going to need at least 5 days training before they can drive” relax don’t know why you’re so worried we’ll get “ex prisoners to drive the lorries” but hold on “can we trust them and do they have the right qualifications?”.
Boris enters the scene on 01/10 “I will review the situation if it deteriorates”
Phew that’s a relief I thought it was getting a bit out of control there.
A friend of mine works for an NHS contractor – diagnostics, MRI and scans etc… they overheard a senior manager speaking with one of the radiographers about the price point they should charge for a “head scan which is now in demand due to the unexplained headaches over a significant period of time people are getting post Covid vaccination”
My friend is a lowly admin worker on a zero hour contract so doesn’t know anymore but will keep me posted.
There seems to be a volcanic theme in the lead up to the videos. The smoke/ash and then what looks like a spray of lava. Reminds me of my 2012 visit to the Mt Yasur volcano in Vanuatu with it’s constant Strombolian eruptions. The lava bombs are white hot and can reach heights of several hundred feet above the crater edge accompanied by thunderous reports. The most awesome spectacle I have experienced in seven decades of existence and all seven continents visited.
The vax in the clinical trials were hand made in small batches. They are not the same as those being distributed in massive numbers to the public.
…and that causes MANY quality control issues!
Looking at all the rhetoric out there about those who question the narratives, the right wing accusation stands out. No one is a pinko or a commie if they question. You are not even a anachist. No, you are a Nazi. Oh, that is a tad passé. So you are extreme right. Or alt-right. Hang on, wasn’t there an orange moron that encapsulated a range of populist nonsense (nonecense in the case of Q-anon). Convenient that.
Putting this out there, but was the Trump presidency laying the table for CV-19? It mobilised a left of sorts. It rekindled a right wing menace. It provided more words and terms and we all know how potent they are today.
This is absolutely essential to the operation in the US (and somehow globally? makes no sense). Trump—lifelong Intelligence asset, pal of Epstein, both of them mentored by Roy Cohn, also friend of baal gatez. What amazes me here in the US is that it worked on people that came of age protesting WTO, IMF, the military industrial complex in Iraq war, occupy Wall Street FFS etc . I’ve never voted in my adult life, like 60% of the US population, both parties equally irrelevant and corrupted, but now no matter what angle you are coming from you are Qanon Trumper Tucker Carlson acolyte (also intelligence asset) if you criticize coronacircus. Amongst the ‘educated’ that is! Quite a different story on the street amongst ppl that work for a living like myself.
On government sponsored ‘honey traps’
Sorry link didn’t go:
Many people who followed fake conspiracy theorists and doghsit alt media outlets became voters, which shows they was indoctrinated by who they listened to.
Covid has been sold as a “Left wing cause” from the start. When the pandemic panto started up I heard my boss say “People before profits” – another of these three word buzzers that was clearly hatched up in the reptile room. And Left sites were abuzz about “The Big One”. I asked, “The Big What?” and was told that we groovy Lefties had apparently been waiting for some viral doom show to bring about the end of capitalism. I’ve been a Leftie all my life but that was news to me. (I reckon it would have been news to old Karl himself!)
And then the smear campaign started. If you doubted covid you were a capitalist apologist and therefore a Right Winger! And don’t you know that the rulers don’t want to know about covid? That must be why you never hear about it on the media! … Oh hang on a minute! The media never shut up about it! So I guess the Bolshevik revolution must have already happened! (Presumably it was late one night when we were all asleep?) So the now heroic Left wing media trumpet covid and force Boris into lockdown. (“Umm didn’t Boris arrange for a lockdown publicity campaign well in advance?” “Shut up you Fascist bastard!” etc.)
As for Trump, well he’s the latest new Hitler – after Corbyn’s Labour Party were forced to take down their secretly installed gas chambers! Trump denies covid! (“But does he?” “Shut up you Fascist bastard!” etc.)
“Covid has been sold as a “Left wing cause” from the start.”
In 2003 Fox News was the vector for propaganda. The propaganda worked on the right wing and worked them into a frenzy of war. At the time, it was reported that 70% of Fox viewers believed Sadam Hussein was behind the trade center bombings.
These viewers were right wingers and vulnerable to the propaganda of manipulation of “hate”, which became the mantra for the invasion of Southwestern Asia. The crazy muslims hate us and are coming to kill us. Mushroom clouds! We have been at war for 40 years. It is all one war, and we have attacked many nations on many fronts.
In the last few years, the propaganda vector was changed to NPR and CNN, and the propaganda was aimed at the left wing, who are generally smart, caring and compassionate people, not haters. These people were not manipulatd with “hate”, but they have been maniulated with “fear” and concern for Grandma, and they were easily herded into the mental prison by the “We are all in this together” mantra.
Note the manipulation for both groups was emotional, not rational. Both the right (by Fox) and the left (by NPR, CNN) were conditioned just like Pavlov’s dogs. They hear the bell (muslims are coming to get us because they hate our freedom, and there is magic virus of covid coming to kill us and we must personally attack every person who does not believe this) and they begin their ***emotional*** slobbering of hate, fear, anger and personal attacks, just like the emotional slobbering of Pavlov’s dogs anticipating food.
The left is so brainwashed by the covid propaganda because this time they were the targets of the propaganda campaign. But they are not stupid, dumb, etc; they have been brainwashed; they are victims.
Victims turned perpetrators.
The price of electricity here just increased threefold over night. Reminds me of 2007-2008. Raise the fuel prices, food prices, housing prices. All the essentials prices. Jack the people for as much money as you can get. Then collapse the economy.
They don’t really care about the money.
They have more money than God already. At that level fiat money is just a tool, and can be brought into being when required.
Money as a restricted asset only has meaning in a hard currency environment. That ceased to be real shortly after the war.
Its about bleeding off your resources so you have less choice of action. They couldn’t care less where it ends up.
Well someone, my replies (3) have been in spam for well over twelve hours but I seem to be getting through spam now. Although my message was very short, it wasn’t quite this short: I agree.
Come on, nobody want to collapse the economy, especially not the super rich – and they don’t have that kind of power anyhow.
you forgot the sarc tag, some people will think you’re being serious LOL
Inside China’s ‘Camp Covid’: Incredible pictures show country’s sprawling quarantine centre that was built in THREE MONTHS
– Images have shown the incredible state-of-the art $360million Covid quarantine facility in China’s south
– The 5,000-room Guangzhou International Health Station is only days away from welcoming first guests
– Returned travellers will check in and out of the site remotely and have all their meals delivered by robots
– Comes ahead of the planned opening of bespoke 1,000-bed quarantine sites in Queensland and Victoria
1 Oct 2021
The tone of the article is of the ‘glorious tractor production’ variety that chills me to the bone.
‘only days away from welcoming first guests’
Notice the anger of WA Premier Mark McGowan berating the Australian Gov for not having the same thing ready in Australia.
I mentioned FEMA camps a couple of years ago. Everybody laughed.
Their purpose is now clear and only goes to prove that the worldwide complicity has been going on for a long time.
especially the Q supporters. Trust the plan
Well what’s on the big Orwellian telly today?
The usual chummy avuncular condescension from The Atlantic:
“Six Rules That Will Define Our Second Pandemic Winter
The pandemic keeps changing, but these principles can guide your thinking through the seasons to come.”
“Seasons”? How many are there? Only kidding! We know this show is here to stay!
The first paragraph hammers on about what “we know”. Anyone not comatose knows that when they say “we know” they mean, “Here’s the shit we want you to believe”.
The laughs continue:
“Still, this virus has the capacity to surprise us, especially if we’re not paying attention.”
Oh the ironies pile up! If you are truly paying attention then you will know that the above sentence means:
“Now listen up you lot! Keep on your toes! Things are going to get much worse!”
“The pandemic’s endgame shifted.”
No it didn’t. The endgame has always been the same. You know it and we know it. But hey – everybody hates spoilers!
After that, the medico-gobbledegook. Percentages, “surges”, blah de blah … and this is the point where I can almost hear the writer say to the secretary, “Oh you fill in this next bit. You know what to do. Besides – nobody will read it. They’ll just catch the scary words and get wound up again. Which of course is the whole point.”
CBS News takes a more defensive role to head off the ones stirring from slumber:
“How Conspiracy Theories “Infiltrated” The Wellness Community”
Well you could probably writer the article yourself. But let’s have a peek:
Yup – rope in the “vulnerable” member of the public:
“Susanna Barkataki, a yoga teacher in Los Angeles, saw it unfold on her social media feed starting last year.”
Blah blah QAnon blah blah conspiracy theory blah blah started as a fringe movement blah blah supporters of former President Trump.
“”I was shocked”… friends, colleagues …people who I know and who I respect. Why…”
And so on and on. We drift into “rabbit holes” etc. But this story has a truly uplifting end. In a trope that is becoming increasingly common, our vulnerable member of the public decides she ain’t gonna take this shit anymore, decides to get on her white horse and leads the charge like Gandalf riding down to Helm’s Deep. Sue has joined forces with her yoga buddies to defeat the Dark Lord and his QAnon minions.
Etcetera etcetera etcetera ….
Your clever perception is exceeded only by your wicked sense of humour George.
If we stop laughing we’ll be fucked.
“Seasons” looks like one of their beloved double-meanings:
On the one hand, it means expect to be locked-down every winter That much has been obvious since the whole shit-show kicked off. On another level, long-running TV shows have seasons (which seems to have supplanted “series”). Season 3 coming this autumn! New plot-lines and new characters! Some old favourites may have departed but new ones will be written in and expect new twists! A familiar cycle starts of falling ratings, more desperate ploys to win them back and finally the whole thing is wound-up amidst talk of “jumping the shark”. Re-runs, spin-offs and re-boots are always possible though….
I like your approach Edwige. Indeed the minutiae of TV probably says more than most take in. And I can hear them: “Oh don’t be a paranoid conspiracy nut!” But I’m sick of this flaccid naivete deliberately incubated to create stupidity. “Seasons” have indeed taken over from “series”. Thus the TV moves increasingly into actual lives and natural surroundings.
How many dead before the woke get tired of the series is the question. Then there’s always communism… sorry technocracy.
That little weasel Fauci is talking up MONSTER variants. Hang on to your hats
Great stuff – Thanks George
You might have missed a particularly cartoonish feature in the Old Torygraph
“Variant Hunters: Meet the team that follows Covids every move”
These heroic superheroes have been stalking the virus since April 2020 it seems and have been able to capture the little critters before they wreak havoc in the metropolis!!
They must have been on a lunch break when Delta snuck in through the alleyway….
As MCM and Ed have repeatedly stated there is a massive disconnect between the reality on the ground and the narrative being pushed.
So much for scepticism even on “the Right”!
Despite an altogether ‘softer’ approach to our antipodean cousins, vaccine passports are close here in NZ. It is truly amazing how trusting the majority of people are of our beloved Jacinda and Ashley:
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
Stephanie Seneff 1 and Greg Nigh 2
1-Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge MA, 02139, USA
2-Naturopathic Oncology, Immersion Health, Portland, OR 97214, USA
Operation Warp Speed brought to market in the United States two mRNA vaccines, produced by Pfizer and Moderna. Interim data suggested high efficacy for both of these vaccines, which helped legitimize Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA. However, the exceptionally rapid movement of these vaccines through controlled trials and into mass deployment raises multiple safety concerns. In this review we first describe the technology underlying these vaccines in detail. We then review both components of and the intended biological response to these vaccines, including production of the spike protein itself, and their potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases. Among these potential induced pathologies, we discuss the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences within the spike protein. We also present a brief review of studies supporting the potential for spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the latter. We finish by addressing a common point of debate, namely, whether or not these vaccines could modify the DNA of those receiving the vaccination. While there are no studies demonstrating definitively that this is happening, we provide a plausible scenario,
supported by previously established pathways for transformation and transport of genetic material, whereby injected mRNA could ultimately be incorporated into germ cell DNA for transgenerational transmission. We conclude with our recommendations regarding surveillance that will help to clarify the long-term effects of these experimental drugs and allow us to better assess the true risk/benefit ratio of these novel technologies.
Experimental mRNA vaccines have been heralded as having the potential for great benefits, but they also harbor the possibility of potentially tragic and even catastrophic unforeseen consequences. The mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been implemented with great fanfare, but there are many aspects of their widespread utilization that merit concern. We have reviewed some, but not all, of those concerns here, and we want to emphasize that these concerns are potentially serious and might not be evident for years or even transgenerationally. In order to adequately rule out the adverse potentialities described in this paper, we recommend, at a minimum, that the following research and surveillance practices be adopted:
Warning: The vaccines have been known to cause a number of different coincidences. If you’ve experienced any one of these coincidences, the vaccine may not be right for you.
Just out of Israel, in the Science magazine. “Israelis who had an infection were more protected against the Delta coronavirus variant than those who had a Covid-19 vaccine”.
Why are we insisting jabbing everyone? Why are we not allowing people to wait for the safer Novavax, that not mRNA based, and provides are much broader protection than Pfizer?
There is no virus. We are at the start of a depopulation program and the mRNA poison is central to that program.
why do you think? is it not obvious by now?
“Safer Novavax…Broader Potection” ?
All I can suggest is that you stop listening to where ever you got that from, and start to understand basic immunological biology, this education will answer your questions.
Although u come from a good place, I sit w Nane on this one
Playing Devil’s Advocate …
Does anybody else have the feeling that this is a crock of shit? I’m aware of just about everything surrounding the alleged virus and the alleged vaccine and then some. I totally agree that all of it is a scam. I can see how this take on “vaccination” can be used to control the physical aspects of people’s existence. I consider the worst-case scenario that the perpetrators intend to reduce population, manipulate people’s ability to reproduce, to fuck with their lives, their physical existence in any imaginable way.
However, my gut feeling is that this video, and some others, and this Dr. Madej is a piece of crap. What does she mean that one doesn’t have to have scientific background? How would one be able to tell what those fucking things from the vial are? I wouldn’t have the first clue! It could be something completely natural for all I know.
This is sensationalist, possibly malevolent. Akin to covid scaremongering.
People need to beware of confirmation bias and only consider reliable sources.
My thermometer is the overall death rate that is reported by the national statistics agencies. That is the only unbiased (unless you believe they lie about their numbers) estimate you can get as to whether the vaccinations lead to excess mortality. In NL there is excess mortality since the introduction of the vaccines, like 10% higher than usual. It’s only a little bit above the range of normal, and in total numbers it’s like 400 per week more than the normal average of 3000 (in August).
Not sure about the exactness of these numbers (I haven’t checked the data).
Our national statistics department publishes these numbers monthly. So I go that place and look. September is coming up. I’ll put the August publication (in Dutch) below this post so one can check these numbers and perhaps do something similar with the data that is applicable to the country you live in
I agree it is too early to cry wolve, and these horrific stories of the vaccine may all be true (or false), but are potentially all biased, so I don’t give them too much thought.
Hope that this comment helps…
200 more per week (average 2900 per week in August).
My memory is biased too🙂 but you can trust these numbers
I agree with you on that 100%. A dead man is a dead man. Unless, as you say, the statistics are skewed, in which cases nothing matters anymore.
Looking at the stats, however, I can’t see anything extraordinary right now. No excess mortality to speak of. There was a spike in the winter as well as last year, but that is all explicable. Right now, all is quiet.
All I was saying above is that one must examine all information carefully, including, and perhaps especially, the stuff that resonates with his leanings …
What I think she was saying was that what she was observing, she believed, were not meant to be there and anyone from a non scientific background would be concerned.
If she says she and collegues haven’t seen anything like it before, and with all the other lies and deceit, its enough for anyone to question. Personally I’m curious to know why an substance, image similar to Batman is moving around the vial.
We should be looking at sources which are questioning and not so far been discredited. The ‘vaccine’ is guilty until proven innocent and after 1 year I have heard no strong arguments in favour – therefore revert to unsafe, unnecessary and largely useless until proven otherwise. And that means considering concerns, even seemingly outlandish, which suggest evil intent is at play.
This is a press conference from Germany where images were shown of mysterious objects found in Pfizer and AZ ‘vaccines’ when analysed by scientists in Germany and Austria. The images (still and moving) begin at about 1 hour 27 minutes. There is an English translation accompanying the video.
I’ve seen excerpts of this. I don’t have time to watch the video now. Did they analyze and conclude what those things are? Or is it just that they’ve discovered some crap in the vaccines/injected people?
I didn’t have time to watch to the end but watched until just after two hours of the 2 hr 38 minute discussion. I can only say that in the segment I saw they were unable to hazard a confident guess about what they were seeing. None of it looked familiar to the experts present in the context of traditional ‘vaccines’.
With regard to the ‘moving objects’ that they filmed, it was agreed that it needed to be investigated whether the movement might have been triggered by something like external radio waves i.e.whether the movement had an innocent explanation.
If one trails through the the interview with the german lawyer team I think it may become a little clearer….there are contaminants in the vax…at least the one that dr is talking about….and the lipo stuff is apparently able to colour….
when I ploughed through it I felt this was probably what the examiners of the vax bottles were finding and getting upset about.,,still isn’t great…but a less spooky explanation.
I’d tend to agree with you, but when I hear shit like “when I looked at it I started to cry” or “people don’t need scientific background”, I smell a rat.
There is nothing substatiated in the clip, nothing to use as a basis for any opinion whatsoever. Why didn’t they dissect the thing, analyze it with whatever analytical equipment there is out there? Let’s do that, determine what it is, and then draw conclusions.
Do we even see the ‘tentacled being’ move? All I saw was a blurry still photo
Without watching the discussion again I can’t say for sure, but I think Carrie Madej does acknowledge at one point that all she has are still pictures but she will aim to present video footage at some point.
Maybe and as a rule agree. But I don’t think her testimony, if genuine was meant to be some definitive statement of what the thing was. Perhaps given the limited remit she shouldn’t have gone into this on the show. But she did say early stage and others in science are analysing these possible anomalies.
I’ve watched alot of her stuff stretching back a fair while. Yes, she can be emotive but there can be many reasons for that in support or against which cancel out (who in her field right now doesn’t have emotion or would not use it as a genuine tool if they could?)
The place I worked at last, we used to make decisions weighing up evidence from two parties in a dispute. The number of times I watched colleagues judge a case at the outset using age, employment status, religious conviction, emotional presentation by one party to the case – and get the outcome decision wrong, I lost track of.
Anyway, her main points up to now have been about transhumanism where she says this is one of the agendas. She explains the way it could be facilitated. Outlandish when I heard but she has expertise. What was interesting was her testimony about business owner meetings, 2014 she had, where this agenda was openly discussed as going ahead at some point.
In most cases I’d look at a whistle blower, scientist and try to form a view if they are either right, mistaken or lying. So given her testimony of the meetings, I thought, well there are likely only two scenarios – either substantially right – or lying.
Given the journey most of us have been on and what we know compared to 20 months ago, I’m not ruling her credibility out. Interesting discussion anyway. If someone can discredit her or her findings, post away and I can spend my research time more usefully.
I think we should take it as a given that when “Dr Someone Previously Unheard of” comes forward to say she saw a tiny tentacled being in the vaxx that appeared to be “self aware” and knew it was being watched we need to treat the situation as a potential bid to make skeptics look crazy.
if those tentacled beings eventually turn out to be real – well, all bets are off of course.🦑
the other clue is it’s on Stew Peters. Strike 1: the original Graphine BS, Strike 2 the Alberta no isolation = won court case BS, and now this nonsense.
If the extreme hyperbole isn’t enough, 3 strikes should be.
When I see something that looks a batmobile, or a submarine in a vial under an electron microscope, I think the most likely explanation is that it is not real, but a photographic artifact. It may well deceive the people examining it, and it probably is not artificially faked
Artifacts are extremely common in all kinds of photography. No instrument is perfect, and itself is open to contamination.
Definition “A phenomenon or feature not originally present or expected and caused by an interfering external agent, action, or process, as an unwanted feature in a microscopic specimen after fixation, in a digitally reproduced image, or in a digital audio recording.”
Sophie, how many German pathologists and microscopists do you know? Seriously, a great many people were “previously unheard of” before this ‘pandemic’ bullshit took off. I’d never heard of Wolfgang Wodarg or Sucharit Bhakdi or Reiner Fuellmich – all great professionals in their respective fields. So “i’ve never heard of them” is not a good objection.
Secondly, “a tiny tentacled being in the vaxx”. I don’t even remember anyone saying this. But since you ask, have a look at GO reacting to a cell phone:
And GO reacting to a magnet:
So you were so eager to ‘put me in my place’ with this pompous pointless reprimand that you didn’t even bother to watch the darn video I was discussing.
Congratulations. You wasted your time, my time and a few bytes of our server space.
Sophie, if we’re talking about the press conference linked by JudyJ above, i posted the video here last week when it first live-streamed. There was no English translation at the time, but i put the link because – from a summary appearing on Lifesite News – i could see the contents were important. Important enough for You Tube to pull it whilst it was livestreaming.
Sorry you think i was being pompous, but i’m getting frustrated at the number of people who seem to reactively dismiss the swelling body of evidence that these “vaccines” have highly anomalous ingredients. The unprecedented lethality of these shots (dwarfing deaths by all previous vaccine combined, over several decades) should surely warrant a closer look at what they actually contain. I honestly don’t understand why the automatic assumption is “crackpot” whenever findings are revealed that are unexpected. I don’t remember the “tentacles” comment because the video i watched was over 1 hour qnd 23 minutes long. There was an awful lot of content, and some mention of a “tentacle” was hardly the crux of the issue. The images (stills) from the video are not blurry at all, but quite distinct and highly anomalous. Mark payne put a good summary of the preliminary findings on his site (i reblogged here). I don’t claim to know what these things are, and neither do the pathologists make any definite claims as to what they are. The point is that we need to find out, and the “trade secrets” that these companies are hiding behind must be overruled, with a full investigation ensuing.
Please don’t just dismiss it. Both teams of scientists (the Austrian team too) were interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich. He is hardly likely to be taken in by crackpots or disinformation agents.
You seem confused. I was responding to Jacques’ link to the interview with the alleged doctor who claims she saw a tentacled creature in the vaxx solution that moved, seemed ‘self-aware’ and knew it was being watched.
Just to spell it out for you. We oppose the indiscriminate use of the new and untested mRNA protocol. We consider it entirely unnecessary, and, given the political nature of the ‘pandemic’, potentially highly dangerous in many ways. We think analysis of the contents of these ‘vaccines’ is very important research. How you have failed to get that from reading our body of work is hard to understand.
I appreciate your concerns, BUT I strongly suggest that claims of sentient mini-squid in the Moderna vax should, at minimum, be treated with a great deal of caution.
Then i apologise. I thought you were discussing the German press conference at Reutlingen, since that is whaat appeared to start this sub-thread. I don’t remember anything about ‘tentacles’ in that (long) presentation, but i do know that graphene oxide has played a part in in various explorations into ‘synthetic biology’, and i do remember that some of the components identified by the German pathologists were also moving. I realise your time is stretched, but it is really worth watching the presentation. (Here it is in full).
I’m saying this also for certain regulars on Off-G comments section who snorted at the idea of magnetised arms. Mike Yeadon did too. And then he realised that he was wrong and said so. This came following a controlled study carried out in Luxembourg (which can be found on Mark Playne’s Not the Beeb). Here is Yeadon in his own words:
“I’m afraid I at first disregarded the reports of people becoming magnetic on the grounds that it seemed impossible. I’m wrong. I lack an explanation & an understanding.
A systemic survey was just undertaken in Luxembourg. 30 vaccinated & 30 unvaccinated agreed to be surveyed & in no cases did a small magnet stick to them.
But most vaccinated it did stick.
Read the brief report yourself. People were horrified as am I. It’s inconceivable. I can’t explain it. Obviously, they have been injected with something that leaves living humans paramagnetic, contrary to all experience.”
The paramagnetic effect is perfectly consistent with the way that reduced graphene oxide behaves inside the body. This is yet another topic that way too many in the anti-lockdown community have brushed aside in kneejerk fashion. I think it’s time to stop doing this and really look at what’s in these things.
Finally, i fully understand Off-G’s position on the experimental “vaccines”. If you held a different position, i would not be a regular commenter here. And you and Sam both do an excellent job at regulating this excellent comments section. So, thanks for that.
When you have eliminated . . . etc
Gee, What Could It Be? UK Newspaper Reports, “MYSTERY Rise in Heart Attacks from Blocked Arteries”
Sep 30th 2021
The Times of London reported Thursday doctors in Scotland are baffled by a “mysterious” rise in heart attacks stemming from blocked arteries.
From The Times:
Health experts have been left baffled by a big rise in a common and potentially fatal type of heart attack in the west of Scotland. During the summer there was a 25 per cent rise in the number of people rushed to the Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Clydebank with partially blocked arteries cutting blood supply to the heart.
The Salty Cracker
Oct 1, 2021
Just a coincidence they started rolling out the new wonder drug to prevent clots for free.
Totally not related.
Health experts baffled by the sun coming up despite a giant 860,000 mile wide flaming ball being pointed out to them in space.
In Australia in one week 500 kids came down with heart disease from the jabs, in fact 2 in 3 have been harmed in the first 2 weeks. Have our media reported it you might ask, well no.
Hopefully they will do autopsies on the dead and look carefully at their arteries.
Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous province has nearly wiped out covid with an ivermectin-based free home kit. So El Salvador, Guatemala & Bolivia are all following suit. The kits contain:
Paracetamol and aspirin (anti-inflammatory); Loratadine (antihistamine); Ivermectin; Azithromycin (antibiotic); Vitamin C (500mg); Vitamin D (2000 IU); Zinc (50mg); Electrolytes (minerals)
They’re also offering the vax, boosters to whoever wants them.
Mercola’s reporting a study out of Brazil’s U of Sao Paolo that they can deprive ALL RESPIRATORY VIRUSES from early replication (even the common cold) with a simple, genius treatment:
All such viruses enter via nose & throat before getting to the lungs. Viruses use the energy of the host’s cellular ATP to replicate.
Get this: The treatment is to use a hypersaline solution of 1.5% saline as a spray in nose and throat. The increased sodium forces the cell to use its ATP energy to correct the resultant sodium-potassium balance– thus denying its use by the virus.
If treatment isn’t begun til the infection reaches the lungs, one uses a nebulizer (a vaporizer hooked to an inhalation mask). (I’m pretty sure this concentration NaCl solution is avail in pharmacies in case the math is intimidating.)
Study is here
TPTB have announced a massive censoring of surviving truthful youtube stuff.
Copy it quick if you want it.
Well no they didn’t wipe out covid, there is no such thing, but they do have a lot of parasites in the water.
Exactly. People confuse the general, positive effects of Ivermectin with some imaginary effect against the equally imaginary Sars CoV-2. I suppose it’s not surprising, given that ‘Covid’ can be anything and everything, depending on the particular list of symptoms being touted on any given week.
Glady’s “crack whore” Berejiklian resigns. Meanwhile Dan the Dictator has implored Victorians to be vaxxed or lose your job.
So the healthy are let to rot.
This is how the Daily Mail sees it:
Outpouring of grief for Gladys Berejiklian after leader’s shock resignation as stunned supporters burst into tears and leave bouquets of flowers at her house – as she unleashes against corruption watchdog in farewell parting shot
– Emotional Gladys Berejiklian stepped down as premier on Friday afternoon
– State’s corruption watchdog is investigating her secret relationship with MP
– Ms Berejiklian denied all wrongdoing but said she had no option to resign
– There will now be an NSW Liberal leadership battle to determine next premier
– Distraught Liberal voters left flowers and balloons at Ms Berejiklian’s house
It’s amazing what 0.00001% of a conscience can still do to creeps like that witch. The rest of them, particularly the ghoul running Qld should do a whole lot more than just resign. If you get my drift.
On the one hand we have Soviet style dystopia (and much worse) for the proles. On the other hand we let these criminals go. Why not Cheka style arrests, show trials and bullets into the back of the heads of these monsters ?
I think you will find the Cheka coming soon, just not for them.
I listened to 30 seconds of her self serving poor widdle Gladys rant and switched her off, she should have resigned over her corruption 2 years ago. But I do laugh when the morons claim it’s the worst time in NSW history, I reckon the Indigenous owners of the land would disagree – again today in NSW nearly half the ”deaths from covid” had been jabbed and again she claims 1 was diagnosed after her death, without an autopsy.
You might find this more bearable. It has a little bit of editing and it’s only 97 seconds.
glimmer of light from the FAIR WORK COMMISSION (Australia)
~ ~ ~
Fair Work Act 2009
s.604 – Appeal of decisions
Jennifer Kimber
Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd
Decision 27 September 2021
… … …
[129] Freely given consent to any medical treatment, particularly in the context of a clinical trial, is not optional. Coercion is completely incompatible with consent, and denying a person the ability to work and participate in society if the person does not have a COVID vaccine will unquestionably breach this fundamental and internationally recognised human right.
Can COVID vaccinations be mandated by employers on health and safety grounds?
[130] The short answer to this question, in almost every case, is no.
So interesting about Ed’s connection to responder personnel in NY and it’s interesting that he didn’t believe the story from Day One. No doubt, more people than I’m aware of didn’t believe from Day One. However, while many people were clued in from the start where I was completely and utterly clueless I think those of us coming to question the narrative late in the piece (2014 in my case) are actually at an advantage – we have so much more information and awareness at our disposal to peruse before becoming entrenched in a belief, for example, other well-recognised psyops such as the completely staged Sandy Hook. Ed says to question the mainstream narrative BUT I know from learning so much about controlled opposition that we must question ALL narratives and ensure they reflect reality. It’s a minefield out there – mainstream or alternative.
As any regular reader knows I support the hypothesis that 9/11 was a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as a real event where the only reality of the day was damage to and destruction of buildings and where the airliners and death and injury were faked (CAVEAT: I do not claim no one died or was injured because I certainly cannot know that but I do claim that there is no clear evidence of death and injury while there is much evidence of fakery).
My other hypothesis is that the propaganda strategy targeted to the anticipated disbelievers of the mainstream narrative was to arm us with an important incriminating truth (controlled demolition) but an equally important lie (real death and injury) in order to stagnate the whole truth because those two pieces of the 9/11 puzzle simply do not fit together well – they repel each other like two positive magnets. The believers of the terrorist narrative will simply find it to difficult to come at such an indicting notion.
What I ask fellow disbelievers of the narrative to consider is: do you think it is easier to persuade current believers of the mainstream narrative of the truth of 9/11 if it really was an Anti-Terrorist Exercise as opposed to an “inside job” where the US government callously and cold-bloodedly let those poor people die in the buildings? I’m prompted to ask this question because I posted the following comment on two FB pages where generally the people completely support the mainstream narrative and I didn’t get a single argument in response.
Post on FB that didn’t get a single response attempting to contradict
OK, so here’s a whopping conspiracy to consider. If anyone has even the tiniest skerrick of evidence that favours another hypothesis please let me know – I absolutely do not want to be a spreader of misinformation although managing to “spread” any information of any kind would be a fine thing.
Aug – Tampa affair [alleged refugee boat where refugees were rescued by Norwegian freighter outside Australian waters and was forbidden to proceed into Australian waters]
Sep – 9/11 (on which day, John Howard was oh-so-coincidentally paying a surprise visit to Washington)
Oct – Children Overboard affair [alleged refugee boat where govt first said that refugees had been throwing their children overboard and then said there was a mixup in communication and that wasn’t true]
Nov – Australian Federal election
Oct 2002 – Bali bombings (won’t discuss but just putting them in – although they’re certainly worthy of discussion)
Mar 2003 – Australia supported US in invading Iraq
My claims:
— Both the Tampa affair and the Children Overboard affair were completely made up/staged – there were no refugee boats let alone any children thrown overboard or any rescues.
— 9/11 was not a terrorist attack but nor was it an “inside job” per se. 9/11 was, in reality, a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise (comprising numerous exercises and drills they told us about plus a few others they didn’t, eg, the drills to produce images of the “injured”) pushed out as a real event where the only reality of the day was destruction of and damage to buildings – the planes were faked and death and injury were staged. The jumpers were faked and the alleged dead comprised a combination of made-up names, people who died some other way and people who were given new identities and shipped off elsewhere. The alleged loved ones of those who died are actors. I cannot say no one died or was injured but definitely generally speaking all the evidence supports staging of death and injury.
Newton’s Laws of Motion:
– 500,000-ton steel frame skyscrapers do not crumble in a matter of seconds from fire or plane impact
– 200-ton airliners do not melt into those skyscrapers and the idea of any plane penetrating Defence HQ is simply preposterous in the extreme – as is, in fact, any airliner doing what any of the four allegedly did. Any plane going off course in the best-defended airspace in the world would immediately be intercepted and no explanation has been given for the massive failure of interception … not to mention the many, many other anomalies which simply make the story fall over at every single turn. What needs to be recognised is that they don’t try the least little bit in making their story credible. For their “terror” story they only really needed the planes into the twin towers but – no – they over-egged the omelette with a plane into the Pentagon. An airliner into Defence HQ in the most militarised country on earth … piloted by little Hani Hanjour whose alleged flight instructor told us that little Hani cried when asked to attempt steep turns and stalls. Think about it. You see how shameless they are?
— The staging of the boats was all about maintaining Howard’s prime ministership. As said by NZ analyst, Stephen Mills, in the very revealing film, Leaky Boat, made by Screen Australia/Screen West:
“It was as close as you can get to a khaki election, that’s an election that’s held during a war where incumbents are usually massively favoured and fear, anxiety, hatred, anger tend to rule voting choices.”
— Kim Beazley was completely in on the staging of the boats and 9/11 as was John Howard and Beazley was complicit in maintaining Howard’s prime ministership because he recognised the US wanted Howard in charge to go to war – for whatever reasons.
This is what Kim had to say in relation to “border control” – what a complete joke:
“And in these circumstances this country and this parliament doesn’t need a carping opposition.”
My other claim is that they always TELL us underneath the propaganda. I’m not really a researcher, I’m pretty lazy, but that’s the thing, not a whole lot of research is required – all you do is look for the truth underneath the propaganda and you’ll find it.
I highly recommend watching Leaky Boat and looking for the truth underneath the propaganda. Note what defence personnel say and how it doesn’t seem what you’d expect them to say, pay close attention to what the alleged refugees on the boats say as well as the politicians. Where’s the credibility?
in die hard movie the exact scene of some one jumping from the skyscaper as 911.
This video shows, convincingly to my mind, that the death toll was exaggerated by using some identities twice:
In my opinion this was so they could come up with a final toll that encoded their numerology. 2,996 is a thinly-concealed 11/9 (2+9=11; 9 and 6 being reversible). Coincidence? Well, the same happens to be true of the number of victims with identitifed remains which stands at 1,646 (1+6+4=11; reversible 6).
I agree that probably nobody was on the planes, that Sandy Hook was a complete hoax and that at least one of the alleged films of the second plane disappearing into the building looks faked (watch the left wing). This is not to agree that “nobody died on 9/11”. All I would conclude is that the death toll is somewhat less than the official figure.
Edwige, but why conclude there was a death toll at all?
This image of The Falling Man that famously appeared on the cover of TIME magazine clearly shows him in the Hanged Man position and the photo was allegedly taken by Richard Drew who just happened to be behind Robert F Kennedy when he was assassinated to capture photos of that historic event – amazing coincidence, no? See article, The Falling Man, in Esquire.
If the TIME jumper is faked would we really expect there to be any other real jumpers – and as Shamen mentions one image looks exactly like Die Hard jumper?
So no plane passengers, no jumpers, why not completely evacuated twin towers just like all the other WTC buildings presumably were evacuated – they were all supposedly damaged, WTC-6 massively seemingly, but presumably all were evacuated as we don’t hear of any deaths in them so why not the towers too?
The thing is it’s important to establish whether death and injury were staged or not because in trying to propagate the truth it will be easier if it was all staged. It’s less confronting. OK, there’s difficulties with staged death and injury too but why not try to establish whether it was staged or not? I see ZERO evidence myself of real death and injury.

There were no planes. I think there must have been a fair number of casualties. They started with 8,000 and eventually concluded 3000 died. Who knows. Nothing the media says can be trusted.
I met some survivors of SIEVX and helped expose the fact that the Australian government murdered them to win votes. They were staged but not the way you mean. David Marr told me in 2002 that the pilots flew over the Palapa for 2 days discussing whether or not to call in the Mayday, it was only when Tampa inconveniently appeared that they did so. The people were the trial run for the mass murder that became the SIEVX and Abu Quessay was an Egyptian criminals hired by the AFP and one of his side kicks Waleed Sultani was given $250,000 and Australian citizenship for his role in the murders.
So yes they were set up, but the opposite way to what you think.
Oh my goodness, Marilyn, I just looked up Abed Ahmad Shah, the refugee I was in communication with for quite a few years and I can see that someone else who was also in communication with him ended up writing a book about him.
I remember him telling me that he had a housemate who went up the street at 2am to make a phone call taking Ahmad’s house key/car key with him during which time he was mugged. The muggers took Ahmad’s car which contained expensive tools in the boot and set it on fire. There were other things Ahmad told me about this housemate and I said to him that I thought he was bad news. I don’t know if this housemate was the person who eventually murdered him but I’d say it was. So very, very tragic. Just when his life was picking up and he was engaged to be married.
I was friends with the Bahktiyari family and we tried so hard to keep them here, Vanstone deported them by force illegally to the wrong country on false papers and then The Man Who Jumped was made and everyone knew the truth. I just read Escape from Manus and could hardly bare it.
What an awful person Vanstone. So sad for that family. Escape from Manus looks very interesting if an horrific read.
Howard’s hero and role model was the bloke responsible for millions of deaths in India: Winston Churchill.
Is psychopathy 101 compulsory in politics?
“So Doctor, exactly what are the side effects of this vaccine?”
“Is that so? Well, I heard, from the CDC website VAERS which I’m sure you’re aware of, that one of the many side effects is death. For what urgency to my health do you want me to take an experimental procedure that could cause my immediate or delayed death?”
Just preparing.
That’s a very good question Big Al and I would be only too happy to give you my expert advice. The vaccines are extremely safe and effective, so much so that many millions of people are falling over themselves to get a third and fourth shot. We expect these vaccines will be so popular people will be demanding them every few months for the rest of their lives.
You claim that death is a side effect but as we all know death is the most important part of life – you can’t have one without the other. So keep a stiff upper lip, because indeed you will get one, and just keep calm and carry on son. The same goes for sickness, everyone gets sick, so for all intents and purposes these vaccines are doing an excellent job – the sicker you get the better they work.
However, there is just one and only one somewhat minor psychological side effect that these vaccines have been identified to cause: VaxHoleitus, the sufferers of same are commonly known as VaxHoles. The symptoms of this side effect are easily identified:
Big Al – this is all you need to know – trust me – so I am sure you will agree that having this wonderful therapy is a no brainer, if not we will make your life a living hell until you do.
Yours ever so sincereliest
Dr Joseph Strangelove-Mengele
SPECIAL OFFER – When vaccinated you will be eligible to purchase one of our award winning premium life insurance policies along with our gold star health insurance plan – no need to read the fine print as you will most probably be blind before you know it. If you pay 25 years premium in advance you get a free doughnut, a bottle of Bud and a big fat joint.
“general obedience disorder”
Near the end they’re chanting, “F….Joe Biden and DeBlasio [NYC Mayor].” Of the marchers who are also voters in NYC, it’s 95% likely they voted for both Biden and DeBlasio. Not that there was anyone else worth voting for. I noticed in the comments on You Tube that people have been waiting for New Yorkers to show some presence on the street re Covid mandates. NYC streets were violently overtaken by the Black Lives Matter riots for a long period of time last year. All over the city were miles of boarded up windows. Windows that weren’t boarded up were smashed. There were curfews. Everyone gave these violent riots glowing reviews, said they were very understandable. Even business owners whose windows were smashed gushed with praise for the rioters. In my opinion, this is why it has taken awhile for Covid protestors to take to the streets.
Soros knows what he is doing.
“Soros is just another Cocaine Importers of America (CIA) Langley-Land shill.”
“I am not conspiracy theorist, I am a conspiracy analyst.”

“Of the marchers who are also voters in NYC, it’s 95% likely they voted for both Biden and DeBlasio.”
… or the deep state voted for them.
I am offering a reward of $10 to any Health Minister, who can show me evidence or proof that this sars-cov-2 virus has been isolated, in a live tissue sample and that their sample can be identified and conform with the standard according to Koch’s postulate, etc. Anyone is welcome to equal or better my reward.
Human beings are host at any time to hundreds if not 1000s of virus and bacteria. None of these owe their existence to human efforts to identify and/or isolate them. Indeed bacteria existed for millennia before the microscope.
It’s taking longer to vaxx-poison the population. Politicians are shrill and desperate. Backs against the wall, they know if they can’t kill and maim us soon they’re going to hang.
They did not anticipate the growing reach, channeling defiant resistance, of the New Media. How the people on the streets in one country empower another.
I’ll tell you why: they only watch the old media. They own it, control it, appear on it, watch it… Why not? Its theirs.
Who they? One degree of connection from Gates and Schwab. Less powerful, more cornered than you think.
They also bought control of social media and built a complete censorship apparatus, putting politicians and military on the boards of Facebook and Twitter.
But they didn’t think we’d go elsewhere. They’re terrified of Gab and Telegram. Look how fast they moved against Parler and Bitchute.
They underestimated the reach of New Media because they don’t use it. They are insulated like an adult unable to work their children’s apps andd games
We’re playing with their minds.
So they told the public relations companies to go out and sell the vaccine, pump out fact checks to defeat the “fake news”. but they don’t realize the old media is dead.
The state-corporatist media’s identical, wall-to-wall propaganda is its weakness not power, niche not reach.
Its advertising has collapsed. So it eagerly laps up government and pharma money — that’s a sign of irrelevance not authority!
The Internet ‘kill switch’ is their last desperate act. It’s popping up in discussion on semi-controlled sites like ZH.
And the kill switch is their answer to bitcoin…
Kill the internet, kill the global economy. Kill the economy, watch millions pour off their couches and into the streets, looking for food – and for someone to lynch… Awkward choice.
And with the planned supply line disruption it won’t be long before they do have to leave their couches and go look for food…then the game gets real interesting….
Excellent observation Moneycircus. Thanks.
I must be in the “semi”-half, because I never got to keep a comment over on ZH. They won’t let you question the virus in any way. Vaccines are fine, covid policy is fine, say whatever you want.
Somewhere around 2000 or so, i got to hear Robert Anton Wilson speak about pretty much this thing. He was in poor health by then and the speech was short, but it was in part about the (then relatively new) internet and the worry that as it became more centralized censorship would creep in. His thought on that was that it would always keep evolving out of the reach of the censors, that necessity would be the mother of invention and constant creation of the new would keep the revolution one step ahead of the cyber posse. I was skeptical at the time but now think we are perhaps seeing some of that today in the creation of the alternative media that you have listed above such as gab,etc.
If they just crash the web, it’s game over, but I don’t think that they will intentionally do that as they would find that disruptive to their side as well.
A shortish vid-podcast from TFD website re: Karen Kingston and her insider-perspectives: LINK:
Great link hotrod31! Tremendous ammunition given by TPTB themselves. Entirely persuasive even to authority-worshippers– if you can get them to watch the video interview.
More threats were made this week by NSW government about the Hell the non-vaxxed can expect during the coming months…
With every such threat i wonder “just how widespread is ‘vax hesitancy’ really, for the government to have to keep making threats ?”
Can it be that there are many people who havent been taken in by the TV adverts that show Partying, Bright-faced, Cheerful, vaxxed people lapping-up their New Normal Freedom – with not a hint of illness or sickness affecting any of The Saved.
I suspect that it should be a matter of deep concern for ALL in The Land Downunder that the Fed and State governments have become so ‘shrill’ in their desperation to have XYZ% of the population injected. Why indeed? After all, it is unprecedented that State and Fed leaders and respective ministers of ‘Health’ should be so blatantly haranguing/propagandising/coercing a population into getting injected. The absolutely relentless 24/7 should be enough to scare the veritable crap out of everyone. One’s radar intuition should be scaring them into heightened suspicion that something doesn’t quite add-up. Realistically, any forking moron knows that you have to have rocks in your head to lockdown 99.997+- of a healthy population, for the sake of the few who have been desnse enough to have themselves tested on a suspect PCR test which is not designed for purpose. Moreover, the question to ponder is – why would anyone inject themselves with a concoction which the manufacturers themselves will not validate or guarantee?
It’s the weirdest thing I have seen but can be explained by the over the horizon mentality. Refugees who come by sea, as is their right, don’t ever come in large numbers but they look at Germany or the USA and say that is here if we don’t murder or torture the few who come here.
Same with so called Covid, nothing has happened at all, in most states no one has ”died with covid” since April last year, 95% of others died of old age and the other 5% from untreated normal pneumonia.
But what they see here is what happened in the USA and UK, nothing remotely insane about that.
I went and checked WHO directives about the % they were recommending by end of this year and it appears to be 40% ….high left me with a major question….why are all levels of my govt here in aust so very keen on what appears to be 100% or bust…at this point they appear to have gone off on their own tangent….who is paying them? Certainly not doing it in behalf of 100% taxpayer support base.
Well they tell the media every day that about half the deaths are jabbed but the media don’t bother to report it.
i meant “…not a hint of illness or injury…”
Pandemic babies have built-in TikTok.
Speculative but watch from 00:19:30
Fauci still murdering babies and kids for HIV drug research
Moneycircus, Thanks for this. I found the graphene part fascinating & am reminded of Peter Koenig’s writing that it forms a neural net around the brain.
About the babies, we can only be skeptical until we see more. The parts where you see them go thru the motions of walking while being supported are normal: All babes do that for their first few months– it’s a normal reflex. has 134 articles that come up when you search onsite for “graphene.” I’m trying to read them, but have very little time right now.
Graphene is sposed to be able to pierce the cell and to travel at speed of light, and while not magnetic, to form magnetic complexes w metallic nanoparticles. Of course the brain is highly electrical, and 5G is being implemented. I hear quite a few rockets going up from Vandenberg Airforce Base & I always wonder whether they are carrying 5G satellites.
Arrggh– please don’t let loose of the graphene topic & its use to possibly manipulate people. I’ve a real bad feeling that the vaxx could be their first version of the controlling chip– that it’s not to be just for ID purposes. I’ve been watching them since ’63, and one gets a sense of how they work, how they think. There is a very strong belief that they avoid any bad karma by harming others if they first warn them. Then, you see, the victim has “chosen” his fate by not heeding the warning. A la the black goo in your link.
If we can substantiate it at all– the graphene/metallic nanoparticle plan or potential to control people we can stop it. I’m trying to personally confirm the magnetic attraction of injections sites just now.
On the subject of magnets there’s a massive one in the South of France, I wonder how this will affect us all and if it will have more effect on those who’ve been injected and have graphene or metallic nanoparticles in their body?
‘At its core, it will reach a magnetic field strength of 13 Tesla, about 280,000 times stronger than the earth’s magnetic field.’
Thanks. I’d completely forgotten about the giant magnet in France. Mark Payne (Not on the Beeb) strongly advises against any of the jabbed getting MRI scans precisely for the reason of GO’s electromagnetic properties, and he has produced this flyer warning people in this respect:
Thanks Maiasta. Dear Lord. I didn’t think about the perils of MRI for the magnetic. Interesting that one of the videos in your link asks doctors to check for magnetism on the bridge of the patient’s nose.
Not sure what the significance is specifically. Do GO nanoparticles have more affinity with certain parts of the body? I’ve noticed on lots of the magnet videos, that objects seem to stick more in the head and neck area.
Anyway, since you’re following up this subject, i might as well leave you with my own overview of the subject. It’s not fully comprehensive (i don’t mention The Scientist Club’s report, which had just come out) but it’s my best attempt at making sense of it all:
Graphene Oxide & the Experimental mRNA Injections
Maiasta, thanks for the reply. I’ve printed out the link, but no time to read it till later. Significance of the head is the affinity of electrical charge and metal particles, and the way graphene is affected by the two. The first part of Moneycircus’ s link gives some clues.
The brain of course exhibits the most electrical charge, followed by the heart. So, Peter Koenig’s writing that the graphene plus the metallic nanoparticles form a neural net around the brain. . . .
What wd be most valuable at this mo is the animal studies showing remote control of animal’s heart/ emotions w/o an implant. I’ve seen them WITH an implant; that’s nothing.
The fear is that the chip is not for surveillance but for control. Eg, they can make a mouse feel fear with an implant, or speed up its heart fatally.
In the presence of 5G cd a graphene + metallic nanoparticles BE a control “chip”?
Thanks Dandelion, I didn’t know about this. You know the Hadron Collider sits on the Franco-Swiss border. If anyone can make any sense of any of this, do let us know.
A group of NY City school teachers has petitioned Supreme Court to stop vaccine mandate ahead of Friday, Oct. 1 deadline. 10,000 teachers remain unvaccinated.
9/30/21, “Teachers petition Supreme Court to stop NYC from enforcing COVID-19 vaccine mandate,” NY1, Faraz Toor, NY City
“A group of New York City teachers has asked the U.S. Supreme Court for an injunction to stop the city from enforcing its COVID-19 vaccine mandate, court records show. The emergency injunction request was filed Thursday, a day before Department of Education employees must receive at least their first COVID-19 shot to continue working.”
I wonder how many of the vaccine cards shown are actually fakes?
As many as possible, I hope. Good way for enterprising shysters to make money. Good way for enterprising anti-poison-stab awake people to help screw up the mad system. The more fake passes the better. Get to it, counterfeiters!
They are so fucking stupid these ”leaders”, don’t they get that serial rapists, pedophile, mass murderers and other career criminals will have free rein while healthy non criminals without the fake jabs will be locked in. And people could have and spread any other ”virus” and be fine if they have the fake jabs. They are delusional and deranged.
Another good video from Academy of Ideas.
The problem I see is that so few people recognize the lies we’ve been fed and are continuing to be fed.
The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World
The majority down through history 99% of the time go along and do as they are told.
I don’t think so, historically there were plenty uprisings, everywhere – usually portrayed to us as ethnic/tribal/improvement/empire issues – but really people saying no to over-demanding, punitive control. Back then we all had spears, clubs, strong communities, swords and guns, and our own local culture.
They fixed that, the old “rebel” or “primitive” pish back in the day.
I’d say since radio and TV and the avalanche of remote control since, most people have switched off real life. Not everyone is a moron, but relentless shite will wear people down, homogenise.
I leave it at that before I start on the moron legions.
: )
Avarice makes for psychopathic bedfellows.
psycopaths make avaricious bedfellows
Its also possible that external events that were not originated (or at least directly planned) but “the usual suspects” could hijack them for their purposes. This follows the “Shock Doctrine” methodology, the use of crises — real, generated or imagined — to create a feeling of panic and insecurity which opens the window for social change that would never survive a sober analysis.
Although there are many Covid skeptics on off-G the virus and its effects is very real. This situation, a situation that should be just a public health issue (and really more of a nuisance than an ‘end of world’ scenario), has been politicized, originally with the sole intent of securing Trump’s re-election. (If you think of Trump not as a political force per se but an enabler of some very sinister forces then this makes sense. He is in a sense an ideal candidate in that he’s easy to manipulate — he’s not interested in policy miuntiae, just looking good in a “Its good to be the King” sense.) What we politely refer to as “Globalization” is really “US Hegemony” so the outcome of US elections has an outsize influence on literally the rest of the world. As games go the stakes can be no higher so no expense is spared to produce an appropriate result. The international fallout from this has been a climate of skepticism in areas of the world dominated by US culture. In the US itself it has led to a rather peculiar phenomenon where infection and hospital rates closely track political leanings (whether by state or by county). This is probably the first time in history infection and even death rates have tracked political leanings. This politics is effectively killing off its supporters but, as with the ‘cannon fodder’ of years ago, there’s plenty more where they come from.
If you step back from the politics then things get a bit clearer. Right now the focus in the US is on 2022 and 2024 so there’s a lot emphasis put on seeding as much dissent and chaos as possible. This is, though, a purely domestic issue for the US. There’s absolutely no need for the UK and the US (for example) to be involved except that their rather opportunistic leadership sees clinging to us as a way of being relevant in the world, of basking in long past Imperial glories. Right now everyone needs to focus on ending Covid and rebuilding a more user friendly society. As for theories about 9/11 and Covid — they’re just the result of not being told the whole story.
The by now long familiar “hijacking” thesis is a pseudo-radical approach which appears to challenge the mainstream view but only reinforces it e.g. the “stand down” thesis re: 9/11 leaves intact the idea that America has powerful external forces that need to be “dealt with”.
And that Covid and its effects are “very real” is just the mainstream view even if you add on the “daring” suggestion that governments are using the virus for their own ends. And to say that this “appropriation” of the virus was for the intention of securing Trump’s re-election (even with the proviso “originally”) seems inexpressibly naïve (assuming that you are being sincere here).
Trump as “an enabler of some very sinister forces”? I would say that these forces enable him. And he’s “an ideal candidate in that he’s easy to manipulate”? And Biden isn’t? And I see we’re back to “US Hegemony” and “long past Imperial glories”.
I’m getting flashes of the Waterboys again:
“Right now everyone needs to focus on ending Covid and rebuilding a more user friendly society.”
Well that’s just the mainstream talking.
Admin I’m now “pending” at 1:53 PM. Whatever that means?
Ed Curtain definitely deserving, but i am disappointed that Michel Chossudovsky was not recognized, given his immense work on both 9/11 and Operation “Pandemic.”
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-09-29. COVID-free Uttar Pradesh 241m w- IVM. ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’. Sacrifice by jab. 100k HGV wanted
The Real Virus is Great Depression II
“Covid-19 did not create the lockdown. The economic crisis created the lockdown. Covid-19 was a pretext to declare martial law and divert attention from the economic crisis and the financial institutions that created it; i.e. the bankers.
Economists knew for a long time the economy was going to crash. The average household debt is over $200,000. A debt that can never be repaid due to low wages and high living expenses. Since September of 2019, the Federal government was in one way or other trying to stop the inevitable, which finally happened on March 12, 2020 dubbed Black Thursday. On that day the stock market began sinking. By March 15, 2020 dubbed Bloody Monday, the stock market dropped by 3,000 points!
The last time the economy crashed in the same way was in 1929, which ushered in the Great Depression (GD1). Over 25% of the population lost their jobs during this great worldwide depression! So far 48 million Americans have lost their jobs since March 2020. Jobs that are never going to come back. It is estimated that over 1/2 the population will be unemployed in the upcoming next few years. Economists are calling this financial collapse Great Depression II (GD2).
It is no a coincidence that the proposal to institute a nationwide curfew took place on Black Thursday, March 12th and that shortly later a “soft-version” of martial law was instituted i.e. lockdown and social distancing.
In fact, this is not the first time the US government ever tried to call a lockdown for a fake pandemic. It did so during the 1893 Financial Panic. While the US government claimed it declared martial law in the major cities supposedly to contain a non-existent smallpox pandemic, the real reason was to stop hungry, unemployed Americans from organizing and PROTESTING! In fact, social distancing, contact tracing, and forced vaccinations were all instituted in 1893 for the first time in this country. Yes, smallpox did exist, but it’s incredibly low fatality rate at that time (0.01%), same as the flu today, was not the reason behind the lockdown. This was especially so as smallpox was caused by vitamin A deficiency & thus easily curable through supplementation. The purpose of instituting forced vaccines was to continue the lockdowns by tricking people into believing there really was a first wave and then a second wave. As working class people got sick from the vaccine, the government blamed the deaths on smallpox instead. Fortunately, the lockdowns & forced vaccines ended in less than a year as working class people put a stop to it. Sadly thousands died. According to William Tebb of the Anti-Vaccination League of NY, “80% of children vaccinated were murdered.”
In fact, anyone remember the 2009 Great Recession, and the Swine Flu that just happened to pop-up at the same time? The US government was going to call a lockdown, but Occupy popped-up demanding jobs, 99 weeks of unemployment, and an end to the foreclosure crisis. So instead the government was forced to retreat from their earlier plans to call a lockdown.
Whether Covid-19 exists or not is up for debate. Some claim a virus does exit. Others that Covid is really the flu; citing the disappearance of the flu in 2020. Others that it is radiation poisoning caused by the 4& 5g towers amplifying the barium in the Chemtrails sprayed in the Geoengineering (aka Star Wars) program. What we do know is that there is no epidemic as death rates remained unchanged so far from 2019. It is now well-documented that death rates of “Covid-19” have been deliberately overinflated. Not just in the US, but in other countries. For example, an independent audit forced the Italian government to admit 96.3% of all deaths attributed to Covid-19 had actually died of natural causes; whether cancer, congestive heart failure, and/or other ailments common to elderly people. In other words the Italian government admitted to falsifying the death records of over 25,000 people!
In the US, it is well-documented hospitals denied care to patients listed as covid except for intubation. Intubation is not considered healthcare; especially considering its 90% death rate. Hospitals in fact were granted $13,000 for every person listed as having covid by Medicare and given an additional $39,000 if they were intubated. Currently there are numerous lawsuit suits such as in Washington State over fraudulent death records. If this were a true epidemic, records would not need to be falsified. Second, the so-called pathogen would have been isolated. No pathogen has been isolated. The PCR test therefore is fraudulent, which is why the Appeals Court of Portugal made its use for testing Covid-19 illegal . In other words those who were reported as dying of covid-19 could have died from many different causes; ranging from diabetic shock and cancer to lung failure from air pollution causing respiratory distress.
Given the longstanding evidence, one must question the official narrative. If for no other reason — than for the blatant inconsistencies involved. For example, never in history has a quarantine involved isolating healthy people! It has always been about isolating the sick! Of interest neither quarantines, face masks, or “social distancing” (i.e forced isolation) have ever been proven to work. The assumption that bandanas and even surgical masks help fight the spread of disease is not grounded on any scientific evidence. Surgical masks allow dust and pollen less than .03 microns to infiltrate: viruses are supposedly smaller than dust or pollen.
Wearing face covers are actually unhealthy. It is self-evident that wearing a mask to enter grocery stores, places of business, and even hospitals is to train people to accept the forced vaccines and COVID-19 which doesn’t stand for coronavirus disease, but actually (Certificate of Vaccination ID- Artificial Intelligence). Just like the mask, you won’t be able to enter grocery stores, places of business, or hospitals without being able to show you COVID, which maybe a passport at first, but later will be a microchip containing your digital currency as a means to further control the population.
The main purpose of Covid-19 is to divert attention from the worldwide Depression; i,e, Great Depression II and the Banking Institutions responsible. The lockdown has a three-fold purpose: 1) With more people under or unemployed, Big Corporations want to ensure profits by bankrupting farms and small businesses. By enforcing lockdown measures such as masks measures, limited capacity entry, or COVIDS on small businesses; while exempting large businesses, it ensures the demise of these farms and small businesses. 2) It allows Big Corporations the power to control the population through controlling the world’s food supply and lastly 3) It prevents the working class from organizing and protesting, as economic conditions worsen. A fake pandemic allows the Elites to institute martial law, lower the number of the surplus unemployed, and get the remaining population to surrender their human rights in a way naked force could not.
There is an expression: “All Depression lead to Starvation and War.” Why? Because every revolution that began started as a food riot; i.e. English, French, Russian Revolution. To prevent revolution, the Ruling Elite first use starvation. If it fails they go to war to reduce the surplus unemployed. The 1907 Financial Panic led to millions starving and World War One along with the genocidal flu vaccine. Nearly 25% about 78 million people in Europe died from starvation, war, and the genocidal vaccines. The 1929 Great Depression I led to millions starving and World War Two that killed over 80 million people…”
Thanks for the post. The first thing I noticed about the lockdown and social distancing policies is that they prevented people from organizing. I mentioned this dangerous development at the time (in March of 2020) to a SEP (WSWS) neighbor, and he complained that “we” needed get contact tracing up and running asap. As you know it’s been a precipitous downward slide ever since.
I thought something was going down when, at the local supermarket, the loo paper shelves were empty but not the boxed tissue paper on the shelves beside the loo paper.
A flu outburst and people bought only loo paper but not nasal tissues ? Not Natural !