The End of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere
Ed Curtin

Photo by Bradley Ziffer on Unsplash
There was a time when time was time and space and speed had some human meaning, for people lived within the limits of the natural world of which they were a part.
As Albert Camus said, “In our madness, we push back the eternal limits, and at once dark Furies swoop down upon us to destroy.”
The destruction is now upon us.
In former days you could cross over to other people’s lives and come back with a different perspective, knowing what was obvious was true and that to exist meant to be composed of flesh and blood like all the others in different places and to be bound by the natural cycles of life and death, spring and fall, summer and winter.
There were limits then, on the land, water, and even in the sky, where space too had dimensions and the stars and planets weren’t imaginary landing strips for mad scientists and their partners in celluloid fantasies.
In that rapidly disappearing world where people felt situated in space and time, life was not yet a holographic spectacle of repetitive images and words, a pseudo-world of shadowy figures engaging in pseudo-debates on electronic screens with people traveling from one place to another only to find that they never left home.
When the mind is homeless and the grey magic of digital propaganda is its element, life becomes a vast circinate wandering to nowhere. The experience of traveling thousands of miles only to see the same chain of stores lining the same roads in the same towns across a country where the same people live with their same machines and same thoughts in their same lives in their same clothes.
A mass society of mass minds in the hive created by cell phones and measured in nanoseconds where the choices are the freedom to choose what is always the same within a cage of categories meant to render all reality a “mediated reality.”
Without roots we are like Sisyphus pushing his rock not up the hill but in circles, only to reach what we think is the end is the beginning again. Runners in the circle game.
People’s roots were what once gave them distinction, a place to stand against the liquid flow of modernity and its disillusionments. These roots were cultural and geographic, material and spiritual. They went deep.
Such rootedness was not a panacea, simply a place to take a stand. It gave a bit of stability, the sense of real existing individuals with identities, histories, ground under their feet.
It was possible to meet others as different but equally human despite their different roots, and to grasp our common reality. It was the antithesis of globalization, of sameness. It was diversity before there was fake diversity.
The idea of roots has become even more complicated since Simone Weil wrote her well-known book, The Need for Roots, in 1943. Even then she admitted this:
To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul. It is one of the hardest to define.
So I will not try to do so. Like so much in life, it’s reality involves both a yes and a no, like our relationship to time.
For we have always been time-bound creatures, caught in its mystery, and we always will be. This was true before the invention of clocks, although the clock ushered in a technological revolution from which we’ve never looked back. Most people are now on speed going nowhere.
I recently looked back at a series of photographs that my parents had taken of me when I was about two years old. They were shot at our home by a professional photographer and got me thinking about three themes that have always fascinated me and which lie at the center of our world today: cameras, clocks, and mirrors. Each plays a significant part in what Guy Debord called The Society of the Spectacle:
In societies dominated by modern conditions of production, life is presented as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has receded into a representation…The more he identifies with the dominant images of need, the less he understands his own life and his own desires. The spectacle’s estrangement from the acting subject is expressed by the fact that the individual’s gestures are no longer his own; they are the gestures of someone else who represents them to him.
I, the only boy with seven sisters, was dressed for the occasion in shorts and a polo shirt with suspenders. Like a little model. An actor on a stage, a player in the spectacle before the spectacle became all-consuming. Some of the photos were of me standing on a couch in front of a large mirror, double images, some with me looking away and others looking into the mirror. Two boys in a mirror world. Images.
A few captured me winding up a metal mechanical toy soldier so he could march across the floor to war. Others were of me looking up at a grandfather clock, focused on the time I couldn’t have understood; seeing the hands of time I couldn’t tell.
Those photographs froze me in time as they were meant to do. They lie before me now as afterimages of my earliest memories and my later concerns. Time will decompose the paper they are printed on, just as my memories will disappear with my final journey.
I write these words from the third floor of the old Rogues Harbor Inn to anchor my sojourner’s passage through the mists of time. The old clocks throughout this ancient hotel are all stopped. It is and is not comforting. Yet these words move as I write them but stop when I’m done. They too are a double-edged sword.
We want to stop time’s passage but to live as well, and you can’t have both simultaneously. Maybe words are edible, and once they are written they must be eaten. Then they are gone.
After fifty years I have returned to Ithaca, New York for three days and nights. Everything has changed, changed utterly. When I first arrived here half a century ago, I came to spend a few days with Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. on my exit from the Marines Corps and my jettisoning of the mechanical soldier’s life. I had to move out of the photographs.
The boats are still anchored in the sea-like Cayuga Lake along whose west side lies the towns of Ovid and Ulysses through which we passed to taste the wine pressed from the vines whose roots sink deep into this earth. To imbibe the fruit of these vines on a beautiful day is to feel happy. The names evoke the traditions of classical Greece and Rome, but when you study history, you realize that the soil then and now is soaked deep with the blood of innocents.
Walking through the ancient deep gorge that leads to the beautiful Taughannock Falls, the tallest free-falling waterfall east of the Mississippi River at 66 meters, beauty dominates your mind. But when you grasp the history of how the native Iroquois tribes were massacred right here by the European settlers who drove them from their roots in this land, the natural beauty turns a darker shade of red. Your mind flips.
Is there is any place on this blood-soaked earth where a semi-conscious person can rest easy? For beauty is the beginning of terror, is it not, the terrible realization that, as Rilke said, “every angel is terrible”? And we are the terrible angels, exulting in beauty and often loving life so much that it brings us to tears, for we know it will end, and so we kill others to extend our lives, thinking it will bring us peace, even as we falsely cry peace, peace, when there is no peace.
If we think radically and go to the roots (Latin, radix) of human existence, we uncover, our double-consciousness, the tragicomic state of laughter and despair, suffering and happiness that has no end. There is no escape for mortals, even though history is replete with so many failed efforts to transcend the limits of the possible.
The modern project to achieve perfection and total control is a technological Faustian effort to transcend our humanity, now with artificial intelligence, digital dementia, and the marriage of the human to the machine. This mad quest goes by many names (Lewis Mumford presciently called it The Myth of the Machine), but it is always directed by ruling elites to gather more power to themselves.
Today it is called the Great Reset, using medical technology and “vaccines” as the leading edge of its spear to disembowel our humanity. It may succeed because so many people have lost a rootedness in the lived spiritual experience of a sacred vision of an escape from our enigma. With this loss, they have lost the utopian vision that inspires hope when there is no hope.
The much-maligned English writer, D. H. Lawrence, grasped this in the years after the mass insanity of World War I when he wrote:
We are all spectres….spectres to one another….abstracted reality….Shadow you are even to yourself…abstracted reality….We are not solid. We don’t live in the flesh. Our instincts and intuitions are dead, we live wound round with the winding-sheet of abstraction. And the touch of anything solid hurts us. For our instincts and intuitions which are our feelers of touch and knowing through touch, they are dead, amputated. We walk and talk and eat and copulate and evacuate wrapped in our winding-sheets, all the time wrapped in our winding-sheets.
There’s a man I know very well, who, when his brother-in-law died, was given one of his watches. The brother-in-law had been an accountant who saved everything that passed through his hands, from ticket stubs to scraps of notes and old pens and jewelry that his mother had worn eighty years before, including many of her watches. Everything.
His passion to save was countered by his speed at getting to the finish line. He was a champion runner, who had grown up in the Depression and his parents were immigrants who worked hard to survive. The watch had never been used. It was a beautiful wind-up watch the man had won as part of a collegiate four-man two-mile relay track team that had set a world record at a major track meet.
The man had, through grit and perseverance, won a track scholarship to this prestigious university where he had excelled at running very fast. The back of the watch was inscribed from the Meet Committee with the date, place, and record time.
My friend used the watch regularly, winding it every morning. It ran a few minutes slow every day, insulting the fleet feet of his brother-in-law, who of course was Greek. One day, while winding the watch, the man dropped it and it stopped. The jeweler said it would be very expensive to repair, so the man decided to set it at 12:00 and leave it at that stop-time.
He kept wearing it and when anyone asked him for the time, he’d show it to them, saying it was high noon or midnight at the oasis, or, if they preferred, NOW. Naturally this was received with quizzical looks.
This always made him cry before he laughed.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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…- Ford Prefect
…Guerilla Ontology 101:…
…- Do you remember your birth?…
…- If not then why not, do you suppose?…
…Also, if you happen to feel that time is passing you by too fast and you want to live a longer life, the solution is simple: – Just go and live on a mountaintop…
…And finally:… – What Is clocks?…
…- Philomena Cunk investigates:…
Perhaps let us see the opportunity in what is happening. We have been acting in way which touches the macrocosm but subsequently want to stay sheltered. These actions are rebounding and awakening us to the consequence of action. It is a catalyst and not a catastrophe. Humanity has no where left to run so its time we face how we each individually manifest into the collective. We have externalized power which can not hold power as it is withdrawn. We are pointing fingers and blaming and lamenting what is wrong instead of individually looking to see what we can each heal in our own sphere. We outsource our power, we outsource our responsibility to victimization, and we still are looking outside to make it better. The external solutions are closing and it is a blessing. The hand ringing and drams is getting old, I know I am beyond bored with it in myself.
Yea Ed, digital World sucks, some clown stubs their big toe in Kathmandu and the whole digital world stops.
Big Nose needs a “jab” every year in case it dribbles and Big Gob Fauci needs a Big Burger stuffed in his Pie Hole, to shut the cunt up., accordingly to some Americans.
But it could be worse:
No bonfire night Week.
No poppy Day Week.
No Christmas Day Month.
No New Years Eve Traditional Midnight clock strikes out back door in Front Door with hand shakes kisses and hugs, wishing everyone “All the Best” “Happy New Year Luv”
No Anything Nothing to see but Digital Lord ABOVE Head Shoulder Fruitcakes contemplating if Christmas will be allowed in the year 2021.
UK (sic) US BBC East may enjoy a Ham and pull a Chinese Cracker or two.
Maybe, in the Digital Computerised World 2021.
In the meantime both Americans and Brits. In the Real World will, as allways…make do.
Digital doesn’t exist look, switch off!
One of the best lines I’ve read in decades:
<<Without roots we are like Sisyphus pushing his rock not up the hill but in circles, only to reach what we think is the end is the beginning again. Runners in the circle game.>>
what time is it?
autumn, early winter around here.
not worn a watch for 11 odd year now, that totem of slavery.
time and place are the healthy parameters of human existence, alongside community. we do not need watches or clocks to record the heavens, seasons or hungry bellies, human cycles…blah
unless we want controlled.
how cornered we have been for so long.
i have firmly rooted myself since I was about seven, i only wish i had emigrated !
anthrax – got the time? I won’t try to post it…
Thank you so much. The older I get, as I learn more about history than ever I learned earlier in school, the fewer fond memories I have of travel, of contemporary people. And the more fondness I have now for people long gone (too soon) before I ever matured.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-10-01. J&J: children don’t need jab. Jab Spike Protein Hurts Heart. Liberty before safety, now and always
Seven sisters = pleiades (open star cluster)
What is the esoteric message in Ed Curtins pieces?
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar… [S. Freud]
not according to bill,Clinton
Like most here I enjoy reading the articles on offg, having pulled the plug on the satanic bbc many months ago i now fill that breakfast desire to
something with these often fascinating and illuminating articles..But is it me??? or do we find ourselves being slowly led by the nose down the road of
, you know the outcome where we eventually concede that “we are truly fucked”?We all know that something
is happening, we marvel at the sheer organisational scale of what we have been served up, for some like myself what we now witness appears to have been planned for millenia…… do your homework if you cant fathom that.To be
means that YOU have made your choice, you have chosen (on variable levels) to NOT CONSENT,In the coming time you need to consider where you are physically, as consent, implied or forced will vary according to where you are.
We all know things are about to get even more interesting than we even thought possible over the past 18 months, fucked though we are not,
time is yet to come.we do not consent or concede to defeat, no matter how pretty the wording?
Of course not, not an option
We will be the ones doing the fucking and no mistake
Just get used to it. A lot of people (you know the type) are trying to steal from us, but they probably always have and always will….from the girl behind the bar, who actually knows how to run the till…and I hold out my hand..and look at the change from £20 for half a cider and black…She runs away to the other side of the bar, and I have still got my hand stuck out…I had witnesses..”Yes he did give you a £20 note not a £5 note”…”oh sorry made a mistake”…and that is just some of the bar staff, before they get fired for taking the piss.
Then there is the Government, and any Company, who you give access to for example, renew your insurance, automatically. They might have sent you an email – but who reads emails?
Even if you are careful, its like they can dip into your well, and steal what they want.
They always want more money.
I don’t know why, cos it never makes them happy
“Pink Floyd – Money (Official Music Video)”
At least, I can no longer have a good argument with a Jehovars Witness now about blood…yeh know, covid, jabbed/unjabbed etc – where has that blood come from? They didn’t want mine even before Covid -would rather drop dead. I found that a bit insuting, but I agree now.
Apologies for my poor sense of humour, but I know they are going to try and rob me again, and probably try and jab me too.
So the Agoraphobia – “scared to go out” wears off, and you walk in the pub, and ask for a pint of Speckled Hen and a packet of crisps – Salt & Vinegar?
You offer him a £20 note, and he says sorry mate, we don’t take money – only cards.
Can I still have my pint of beer – mate. I just saw you pour it out. I ain’t got any cards.
I am not going to be jabbed, tested, wear a mask, or have a covid passport. Assert your rights. Ask for your money back.
“Dead Can Dance
Monday, 11 Apr 2022 at 7:00 PM | Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith, London
1x Transaction Fee (what’s this?) £1.50
Total £126.00
“Before I booked the tickets 7 days ago, The Government announced that the COVID Pass was not going to be introduced. I booked the tickets in good faith. I now find that Eventim Apollo insists on a COVID Pass as a condition of Entry. I will not therefore be allowed to attend.
Please can you cancel and refund the price of the tickets.
I believe you are legally obliged to do this, under
“Right to cancel”
“You must tell the customer they can cancel their order up to 14 days after their order is delivered. They do not need to give a reason for cancelling.”
We’re writing to let you know that we’ve refunded the face value of your
order for DEAD CAN DANCE
at Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith, London on 11/04/2022.
The refund has been credited to the card the tickets were purchased with*.
“Dead Can Dance – The Carnival Is Over (Official Video)”`
There are changes because change is inevitable, even if its not necessarily desirable. I do feel that what you refer to as “the great reset” is a process that’s been going on for many decades now but like most change its not something that occurs in a flash. Its uneven and its even possible for us as individuals to not notice it (or pretend it doesn’t exist — same difference). It is inevitable, like the rise and fall of the tide, so one morning you wake up and (finally) notice that the world you think existed no longer exists. This can be unsettling for many, it leads to a nostalgia for a before time, a time that we remember (so a time that really may not have existed in reality, only in how we imagined it). IT also leads to a search for a singular event, a point cause. It also can assume that change is maybe caused by an individual or cabal. There is no particular reason why this can’t be the case, I just don’t think its likely that this is the one and only cause (and even if it was, what are we going to do about it?).
(BTW — The reason why wind-up clocks may not be kept working is that a mechanical clock is both a thing of beauty and a rather labor intensive inaccurate timekeeper. The function of the town clock who’s bells could be heard for a mile or more, or the time signal heard across a telegraph and then the radio, has change to an all pervading synchronicity where all the timepieces we use are coordinated to a level of accuracy that could be measured in thousandths of a second or better. We’ve been doing this for so long that we now take it for granted,This is why you can have someone saying authoritatively “this watch loses three seconds a day” — we don’t have to think about the notion of “relative to what standard”.)
One cant read about The French Revolution without thinking it was The Great Reset of the times. The Russian Revolution too might have been a Great Reset had it not been brought to heel by the Bolshevik Abomination.
We are all influenced by The Seasons in The UK. Not only that, we are also influenced by the Weather Every Day
SAD is a very real thing in my own personal experience of how I feel, and everyone else feels that I see and care about
Seasonal affective disorder?
No this happens every day in The UK
SAD means the Sun ain’t shining…
When its nice and sunny, everyone – even the miserable, can put a smile on their face, if you smile at them. They might even say Hello.
But we love it, when we can actually feel the electricity in the air in violent thunderstorms and torrential rain and see and witness it live especially when camping at a festival
Are we all going to get swept away in the mud in the middle of the night -Oh Shit..
When times are a bit tough – we help each other when we get stuck in the mud.
I do pity the poor buggers, where the sun shines too much and us kids in Lancashire where it rarely shone at all. We weren’t getting much Vitamin D, except during our 2 weeks wakes holiday at Blackpool on a Steam Train. It’s Grim Up North, but might have improved, since we left.
“Rickets is a condition that results in weak or soft bones in children.[2] Symptoms include bowed legs, stunted growth, bone pain, large forehead, and trouble sleeping.[2][3] Complications may include bone fractures, muscle spasms, or an abnormally curved spine.[2][3]
The most common cause of rickets is a vitamin D deficiency.[2] This can result from eating a diet without enough vitamin D”
Like this, but in a tent
You might as well have a good time. You have probably only got one life, so you might as well go for it. Just do it.
The modern project to achieve perfection and total control is a technological Faustian effort to transcend our humanity, now with artificial intelligence, digital dementia, and the marriage of the human to the machine. This mad quest goes by many names (Lewis Mumford presciently called it The Myth of the Machine), but it is always directed by ruling elites to gather more power to themselves.
Reliance on the ruling elites, nothing new about that marriage of distraction, neglecting the power of self for comfort in numbers, a collective, underpinned on generations of enervating antecedents who passed down this slow upward descent into the dimness that distances illumination – welcoming the dark and embracing their enslavement.
Poem “Song of the Mystic” by Rev. Abram J. Ryan
Song of the Mystic
I walk down the Valley of Silence-
Down the dim, voiceless valley – alone!
And I hear not the fall of a footstep
Around me, save God’s and my own;
And the hush of my heart is as holy
As hovers where angels have flown!
Long ago was I weary of voices
Whose music my heart could not win;
Long ago was I weary of noises
That fretted my soul with their din;
Long ago was I weary of places
Where I met but the human- and sin.
I walked in the world with the worldly;
I craved what the world never gave;
And I said: “In the world each Ideal,
That shines like a star on life’s wave,
Is wrecked on the shores of the Real,
And sleeps like a dream in a grave.”
And still did I pine for the Perfect,
And still found the False with the True;
I sought ‘mid the Human for Heaven,
But caught a mere glimpse of its Blue:
And I wept when the clouds of the Mortal
Veiled even that glimpse from my view.
And I toiled on, heart-tired of the Human,
And I moaned ‘mid the mazes of men,
Till I knelt, long ago, at an altar
And I heard a voice call me. Since then
I walk down the Valley of Silence
That lies far beyond mortal ken.
Do you ask what I found in the Valley?
‘Tis my Trysting Place with the Divine.
And I fell at the feet of the Holy,
And above me a voice said: “Be Mine.”
And there arose from the depths of my spirit
An echo- “My heart shall be Thine.”
Do you ask how I live in the Valley?
I weep- and I dream- and I pray.
But my tears are as sweet as the dew-drops
That fall on the roses in May;
And my prayer, like a perfume from censers,
Ascendeth to God night and day.
In the hush of the Valley of Silence
I dream all the songs that I sing;
And the music floats down the dim Valley,
Till each finds a word for a wing,
That to hearts, like the dove of the Deluge,
A message of Peace they may bring.
But far on the deep there are billows
That never shall break on the beach;
And I have heard songs in the Silence
That never shall float into speech;
And I have had dreams in the Valley
Too lofty for language to reach.
And I have seen Thoughts in the Valley-
Ah me! How my spirit was stirred!
And they wear holy veils on their faces,
Their footsteps can scarcely be heard;
They pass through the Valley like Virgins,
Too pure for the touch of a word!
Do you ask me the place of the Valley,
Ye hearts that are harrowed by Care?
It lieth afar between mountains,
And God and His angels are there:
And one is the dark mount of Sorrow,
and one the bright mountain of Prayer.
Sad, a life defined by clocks, mirrors, and photographs – perception is everything – look up…………….
Eternal Life: Believe To Be Alive – Free Grace International
Template for covid in 1956 Biderman Report 1956?
Great chart!
Another philosophical take on the connection between wokeism and transhumanism, very clear essay by Woods here:
Thanks, for in these times, the spectacle seems to hold all space, and then it does not, the simulation and the lived. But, the rubber has hit the road, who “spiked my reality”.
Beautiful article. Thanks for writing this!
the crops failed
the crops where burnt
or ploughed back in
the eggs where smashed
the milk poured down the drains
the lights went out on dutch plastic tunnel farms
with food meant for shitty little foreign owned engerlund
the satanick britishffuck fake governments
from freak tory blair to turkic khazar boris piffel
just love
culling and burning the animals
for molech
the hills will soon be alive with the burnt offerings of death
“Running Out Of Space” – UK Farmers To Cull 120,000 Pigs Amid Labor Shortages At Slaughterhouses
We are within a couple of weeks of having to consider a mass cull of animals in this country. We think our backlog is in the region of 100,000 to 120,000 as we stand today. And it is growing by around 12,000 a week. This is happening on pig farms all over the country; they are backed up and running out of space to keep animals.”
Funny in the USA they were having to kill pigs due to shortage of co2. These shortages for animal protein just keep cropping up all over.
Totally not connected.
We also have a shortage of CO2.
Let them run free,
why not, what’s the worse than this
Did you see the white stag shot dead in the streets of lancashire? The men in black enforcing the law, keeping the streets safe from magic life. He certainly got a mandatory injection.
Bad omen.
Very bad for those responsible and those who stand with them
A sad but perfect example of centralized mass production failing because it is centralized mass production. Decentralized local production meets local demand and would succeed in all but a few places because they serve locally at point of need. This is how decentralized, localized economies are far superior to serving human need. Centralized economies, neoliberal economies serve on the profit objectives of the 1%. In so many ways we need to slow down and go back to regional self-sufficiency. But to do that the 99% need control of policy and budget and limit the wealth and power of the 1% to distort systems to conform to their greed.
Bang on the money
The volume of testimony for Nuremberg 2.0 will be overwhelming.
Erica.. nurse of 11 years is speaking out..
How many times have I been at a social gathering, and been imposed upon to have my picture taken? As if recording my presence was far more important than me being there. They had no time for me, just for my image. Each of us are so unique, and posses such a valuable presence, and yet are reduced to images that demonstrate nothing of the kind.
Maybe those native Americans were on to something.
If you have an evil “smart” phone nesting like a viper in your pocket or tightly grasped in your simian fist as if it were some kind of accidentally, extirpated pulsating body appendage or brain abortion as the case may be, then you are part of the problem and will NEVER contribute anything of worth to stop the real zombie virus that is leading the herd of mutton over the cliff. Slouching naked apes thumb jabbing their hand held thingies and drooling over their idiot gizmos are no longer human rather mindless mutton-headed interfaces with nobody home as they spend their pathetic half-lives peering down the black hole of their tacky, third rate NWO virtual “reality”. It’s like listening to Germans that were surveilled by STASI psychopaths 24/7 before the Wall was moved…explaining how free they were (at least until 2 years back) even as they exhibit the same nauseating “smart” phone ticks and addictions as their thoroughly brainwashed cousins in the West.
Though they should have known better, they too have already been swallowed and consumed whole by trans humanist BS so the logical next step is to pump the graphene and nano dust directly to their dim brains and put them under complete remote control where monkey man must never again miss a Twatter outburst or a Goggle message or Fecesbook fart whatever the fuck these gits do with these blinking, prosthetic, vital organs when they deep dive into their amoled glass swamp. By all means download the updates in your monthly “booster” to become a truly fulfilled silicon meat puppet like the rest of the protoplasm squirming around you.
Kill your “smart” phone or shut up already. If you can’t do something that simple yourself as one who claims to “get it” then why should you expect the herd not to poison itself considering that they are no longer in control of anything in their miserable existences other than shoving stuff in their facial orifice or pushing stuff out their sphincter end as the case may be.
Pfizer macht frei….permanently
But “smart” phone macht dumb
Great comment, thank you for it. The smart phone is non-living proof that it isn’t just drugs that are addictive. There is something electronically addicting smart phone users – something other than the teeny tiny thrill they get texting and playing games and talking to the same people all day long.
I would try an experiment except I have no illusion that I’m so much neater than everyone else that I could test the smart phone addiction phenomenon without ever becoming addicted myself. It would be like testing how long it takes arsenic to kill you – not the best idea.
I am a recovering drug/alcohol addict and I had a smartphone. I kicked the alcohol and other drugs a good while ago and I saw how the smartphone/social media were affecting me in largely the same way (although less physically destructive), so I utilised my hard earned knowledge on changing bad habits and overcoming addiction to kick the smartphone and social media into touch as well, and my life is much better for it. It’s quite frustrating to see people who I care about wrecking themselves with alcohol, drugs, diet and technology, but so be it. You can’t make somebody quit their addictions if they don’t want to, that change has to come from within. I do hope that I set an example for my son though. He’s the one person other than myself that I can change. So far, he gets it. He sees the vast difference in the amount of quality time he spends with me compared with his smartphone addicted mother.
To me they look very similar in function to the Sumerian Hand Idols.
They were designed to be carried in the hand and the eyes were the focus of re-iteration of the hallucinated commanding voice that directed the proto-concous human to keep them at their daily tasks.
That is horrific. All seeing eyes are not looking down from the sky, but are there in the palm of your hand.
Let them look, I say.
Is Big Brother a peeping-Tom…?
I live out in the corn fields in a tiny town in Mexico which never had telephone lines. I do have an “ancient” iPhone 4S, my first, which I bought for a pittance a few years ago. I keep it on airplane mode over 98% of the time. I like some of the apps such as the mp3 player, the clock and timer, the calculator, the calendar, etc. I have a pretty good microwave meter and check it occasionally to make sure that it is neither transmitting or receiving in airplane mode, and so far I have seen no indication of it. I wired my house with ethernet to all the rooms and make my phone calls with Skype, which keeps the house microwaves to a bare minimum. I get my internet from a tiny transmitter in the town 2 miles away to a 20 foot pole and little receiver on my roof.
This appears to be a bridge too far for even the most ardent scamdemic opponents. It’s difficult to even start a discussion or debate about the smart phone because “they’ve” got people so addicted, and seemingly dependent on them. But clearly, a primary goal is a “digital” (at least prior to an actual implant) medical/social credit system using the smart phone as the primary method. That should be a key area of attack against the globalists, i.e., don’t use them. Make them work a little harder than that.
“they too have already been swallowed and consumed whole by trans humanist BS”
The wearable, the fitbit, is going to be the easiest sell to these people. I’ve seen something called ‘Whoop’ being advertised already and many joggers seem to be wearing some sort of monitor.
It helps that these things could be beneficial, the evil intent and uses behind their promotion is harder to see than for some other parts of the agenda. I’ll continue to rely on symptoms to tell me when I’m ill, thanks….
I shouldn’t laugh in the circumstances, but I enjoyed that rant.
On a slightly related topic, I’ve also heard it said that “Kartoffel machen dumm”…
The staple diet of so many of us…
The rather mystical idea here is that the part of the potato plant which we eat has grown underground and therefore never seen the sunlight. It has therefore only been subject to subterranean forces during its growth.
Above ground = Light, Awareness.
Underground = Darkness, Sleep…
I’d find it hard to give up my chips, but perhaps if one mixes in plenty of the good stuff as well…?
Here’s hoping…
I shall carry a potato around in my hand and stare as my fingers silently dance on it.
Encouraging resistant starch, in a sense, reverses the essence of food matter, in this case the common spud.
Very well put,hidden in plain sight them there cellular things.
Actually what people really need to do is kill their TV. We did in nearly 15 years ago.
We have sponsored two kids from a village in Asia to attend school — have lived with us for 8+ years — they have not had TV for all that time. They read instead. They are very mature and do not attempt to imitate Kim Kardashian or any of the other imbeciles who they would see if they had a TV.
Most people are unwilling to dump their TV. I do not know a single person who has done this
I was once congratulated by a member of my co op because not only did I have a “Kill Your Television” sticker on my car, I was the only one of such he knew that did not actually own a TV.
Someone asked me what time it was – and I, told him it was now
He asked me just what that might mean, but time would not allow
So I gave away my watch to a passing businessman
Well I hope he understands it now – cause I’ve done the best I can
It was getting early, so I rushed away from there
With that ancient earth beneath my feet
And new dust in my hair
I can see what the author is getting at but I must say that my experience on earth right now is not entirely the same as that described by the author.
Of course, if you do what everybody else does and go the same shops on the same high streets and visit the same (probably Amazon) websites to buy things as everyone else does, you will not learn anything new.
If, however, you take the road less travelled, to quote those more reverent than me, you can still find new things to do and learn:
My advice to all worried about sameness is to step off the treadmill of sameness and learn that the earth is still the way it always was. Blackberries still grow in hedgerows: Greta Thunberg hasn’t managed to stop that yet. Due to the very cool late spring in much of Europe, the ‘June drop’ of apples happened in early July this year. Nature listens to the sun, the moon, the clouds: it tends to ignore Michael Mann.
If you think exposure to the MSM and the ICT devices is damaging to your soul: just step back and retreat for a while. they’ll probably still be there if you decide to come back again.
Brilliant post. Thank you
“Blackberries still grow in hedgerows”
Yes, but almost no one knows that
Almost everyone, thinks that peas come out of a tin.
Never cared much about roots. My French aunt says “Jews don’t have roots, they have feet.” Sound right. They say that there are two kinds of people, those who call home the place where they grew up and those who are at home wherever they hang their hat. I guess I’m the latter kind.
When I look at the situation the world is in, I’m imagining that a similar atmosphere must have existed during the imposition of Christianity. Even though that must have taken place in a different way, given the absence of today’s super fast, omnipresent communication doodads.
The Christian reality, which was or has been and perhaps still is to an extent the operating system of the Occidental society and beyond for thousands of years, is not the real reality. It’s a construct. It has been grossly abused, used as a pretext for wholesale destruction, murder, genocide, you name it. Peddled as compassionate, humane, loving, but being anything but.
The image of a bearded guy behind the nearest cloud who’s watching and overseeing everything has worn off, and the few motherfuckers who aspire to control the rest of the world need something else. Likewise, people no longer fear lightning and stuff like that; they need to be fed something else.
Faith in technology has been instilled in people since ever, in fact it goes hand in hand and stems from the Christian indoctrination, where man is instructed to fuck up the world to suit his image. So, the soil is more than fertile for planting into people’s head a cute little virus and to propel them on the path of transhumanism or whatever the fucking plan is.
And where have those jewish feet carried them? All the way back to jerusalem!
The Covid plan is to place our balls in the vice (install the control mechanism). The real fun will begin in the next phase when they start turning the handle.
And I don’t think my pubic hair will have had a chance to grow back
I think that will be the least of your worries, pancake nuts!
Oh yeah, that’s a thing?
Sorry to be a bit off topic. Did anyone watch the pre game Australian NRL grand final show and see the set design looking exactly like the covid circle with spikes?
No I was fortunate enough not to see that
From the Graun: “Jürgen Klopp has launched an attack on people who refuse coronavirus vaccinations by comparing them to drink-drivers and saying they are to blame if others catch Covid from them.”
What gives this football manager the right to lecture us? He surely knows less about the “vaccine” than those who visit or comment on this forum. Send him a mail at [email protected]
Continuing the grand tradition of the past.
Who can forget Brian Clough and Bill Shankley’s joint paper on the discovery of the DNA helix.
Its a game of two halves said Bill..
Email sent. As an aside I asked him how a German, of all people, can support health fascism and if by chance he was related to Josef Mengele.
Germans generally love discipline and following rules. They tend not to be in favour of questioning authority.*
This will be their downfall one day. Oh wait…
*Reiner Fuellmich of the German Corona Investigative Committee has suggested the German government was massively lobbied, more so than any other country, by the chief protagonists of this so-called corona pandemic, Mr. Drosten, virologist at charity hospital in Berlin; Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI; and Mr. Tedros, Head of the World Health Organization or WHO; because Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and successful adherence to the corona measures.
And, yet, double vaccination rates in Israel, Iceland and the UK are higher than in Germany. Go figure.
Let’s hope beKloppt has had his multiple death squirts and has his appointment for the kill shot booster….the squirt to end all squirting.
Onward to the covaids boneyard with all these losers and it is said that even in Ouch Witz they played football.
Pfizer macht frei
Thank you!
This is going on my shop window.
I get occasional “masked marvels” that drop by to vent their disappointment at my lack of CoVid1984 compliance.
Last week, a fellow asserted that I should be put in a quarantine camp; to which I replied, “Are you planning to make lampshades and soap out of me, if I don’tl?”
He put his hands to his masked face in visible horror… and ran.
Pfizer macht $$$$$?
Exactly. What, indeed, gives him the right?
This was mentioned in Iceland’s state news today:
“Scott Kirby, chairman of United Airlines in the US, says it is completely justifiable to fire staff who refuse to be covid-vaccinated. Over seven weeks, almost all staff have been vaccinated”
So, the morally compromised chairman of a mere airline allows himself to state what is ‘justifiable’, even though his country’s sacred Constitution and Bill of Rights expressly forbid coercion…
Who is he?
By all rights, he is a traitor.
And why does Icelandic news decide to report on this?
Well, it’s either to stir up our outrage and make us think, “Crazy Americans again”,
or, it’s to prepare us for the same happening here.
Guess which…
Has Biden said something about companies being fined $700,000 per unvaccinated employee?
Get a load of this insanity (if you haven’t already seen it).
Forced Vaccinations Get Worse – Louisiana Health System Now Requires Spouses of Employees to Get Vaccinated, or Pay a Non-Compliance Penalty for Vaxx Violations Every Pay Period – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Sick joke here in the US, they might have well been married just so the partner could get bennies.
Oh, if only that were the lower limit of coercion.
But it’s not.
Oschner, the largest state healthcare system in Louisiana, has announced that after 2021 it will charge its employees an additional $100.00 per pay period as an ‘insurance surcharge’ if their spouse or domestic partner is unvaccinated, and is listed as a dependent on their company plan.
So in just a couple of months we have gone from states offering $100.00 ‘gift cards’ to get vaccinated to a $100.00-a-month punishment for not taking it.
It is fairly clear, or should be, that world leaders and those who are pushing their buttons will brook no dissent, and mean to vaccinate – by whatever means necessary – every man, woman and child on the planet. My question is what the plan is when that has been achieved, and COVID is still with us. Are we just going to have endless waves of ‘new variants’, each of which will necessitate another ‘vaccination’? Are the big Pharma companies going to become the new American engines of economic dominance, supplanting Exxon-Mobil and Chevron-Texaco?
It says a lot about the last 2 years that I read your post and hardly felt any indignation at all. I mean, that news is absolutely abhorrent. It’s stone cold chilling. But it all is. It’s just all so insane.
Payperiod actually means twice a month, usually, so $200.00 theft each month.
They also plan to get mafia heads based on vaxx evasion
Guessing all three. What’d I win?
More about the former newspaper:-
Off-G comes in for praise BTL
Your question stops short of raking in the real villains. So let me pose a more inclusive question:
What give sports fans the right to take the word of a sports figure in matters of personal health?
I assume Mr Klopp’s statement only made the paper because they thought it would influence sports fans everywhere.
Molinos knows. He’s feigning ignorance of propaganda tactics.
Obviously there’s a program of propaganda ongoing by multiple public figures in the media who are promoting a narrative contrary to all observable and known reality.
Reality being, no isolated virus, no novel illness, no pandemic, no contagion, a fake test and no “vaccine”, isolation, tests, or quarantines, screenings, or social distancing necessary. At all.
So he and others continue to prop up the narrative by failing to point out the obvious contradictions to the oft repeated lies.
I just want direct action. Who am I to say what you might say to Klopp? You know as much as I do.
My point was only these figures within the media are part of an organized agenda that deliberately avoids the important questions at the heart of the propaganda. That action alone, makes them dishonest and disingenuous.
My tactic in dealing with liars and frauds is to call them out on what they’re not addressing, rather than what they’re addressing. Because if we buy into their narratives, we are falling into their web of lies and playing a game of defense.
I think it’s great that you supplied his email. Direct Action is the answer. I will be dropping him a line or two.
And i’m sure I am to blame for my vaxxed colleague with pneumonia, even if he tested negative for covid
“One might argue, despite the sign, one doubts the person below honestly is pro choice or believes in ones body ones choice. If she were she would be all out against the FORCED Billy Eugenics toxic viral cull juice Euthanasia death shot gene experiment (that has culled and injured so many).”

Some might call her a hypocrite, even perhaps a jackbooted crocodile teared corporate fascist eugenicist brown shirt charlatan fraudster phony baloney.

“Human rights, the Nuremberg Code and Civil Liberties shall be respected.”
“Child Abuse!”

Normal. Really?
Not related to the topic… BUT some hope maybe?
Maybe Savid should take a look
Great stuff. Thanks for posting.
I guess popcorn futures are up in Aus atm 🙂
The Decision states:
[139] Critically, there is another alternative to vaccines to assist employers in meeting their WHS obligations, that being testing. Given there is no doubt that those who are fully vaccinated can catch and transmit the virus, testing (whether rapid antigen or otherwise) will provide employers with a level of comfort that a worker does not have COVID and therefore will not transmit COVID to others (that being the risk that is to be managed) in the workplace.
[140] Testing is now widely used around the world as a risk control for the spread of COVID. There is absolutely no reason why it cannot be widely used in Australia.
[141] Testing is arguably a better control measure compared to vaccines in meeting health and safety obligations.
Although it’s good that the ruling has gone against mandatory vaccination, the notion of wholesale testing for a phantom risk is still a massive expansion of “public health” fascism. The whole claim that there is an exceptional, public health crisis needs to be tested in court; with scientists and officials cross-examined under oath.
Fortunately, although there seems to be a large segment of the population who like public health fascism, I think the whole stinking pile of BS will collapse as more people start getting concerned over what they’ve been injected with.
I almost broke out in laughter when I came to your suggestion that the public health “crisis” needs to have “scientists and officials cross-examined under oath” in court.
Under oath? That’s a good one. A scientist’s and public official’s “oath” plus two bucks will buy you a cup of coffee.
I realized decades ago that the whole notion of giving evidence ‘under oath’ was a 100% successful escape hatch for anyone guilty of a crime or of being morally compromised.
The sort of honest people who would take such an oath seriously are not the sort of people who would commit crimes in the first place.
And so, in many cases, we are expecting people who are fundamentally dishonest, faithless and immoral to feel compelled by what they would regard as a bit of idiotic play-acting to tell the truth…?
Hello, Justice System…? Is anybody home…?
“Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? So help you Pfizer.“

Bringing this to the attention of others here.
I am somewhat mystified at the denial of people (even here) as to the system they continue to support without rhyme or reason.
Some have realized covid is a scam yet they are in denial of their own governments as a much more problematic, obvious and insidious scam. Because we have illegitimate governments then all their actions become unlawful. Therefore, criminal. Therefore any order following by the populace, becomes collusion with criminality and indeed the number one problem. Because it’s mass support of the system that allows its continuing, escalating criminality.
Thereby those who support “the state”, are directly supporting criminality, theft, eugenics, fraud, depopulation and racketeering. And even their own demise and their antecedents.
I just cannot fathom their thought process.
Trying to figure out how to detach from the state as much as possible as we speak. I know zero people, my knowledge of law is limited and underfed.
I’m thinking about this sort of thing.
Stanley Plotkin under oath (Jan 2018):
“people start getting concerned over what they’ve been injected with“
Or tested with on the swabs.
I think the whole stinking pile of BS will collapse as more people start getting concerned over what they’ve been injected with.
The public to start clamouring to be unvaccinated, yes that might well happen for a while at least, but probably far too late to be of much use in overturning the evil that we all face. The damage will have been done already for the injected and for most of them a pain relieving death will be their main hope.
The scamdemic is stalling for several reasons, but it won’t collapse until a large number of previously compliant people start digging; and that will happen mostly because of vaccine deaths and injuries. I still think it likely that there’s been a big variation in the contents of the jabs; with placebos, different doses, and testing of experimental technologies. Although there’s been a lot of deaths when compared to traditional vaccines, the main culling was to be implemented via the booster programme.
Max Igan is the man that just might save what’s left of dying Oz….
Oh, hero worship is so… so… laughable.
So there is an alternative to getting vaccinated?
And that alternative is a PCR ‘test’…???
Don’t get me wrong. I am very happy to hear a clear statement that what our covinazi ‘authorities’ are trying to get away with is criminally insane.
But, trust me, I will never tire of reminding everybody that PCR is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT a test.
Kary Mullis, who invented the PCR technique said himself that it is utterly wrong to use his amplification process as a test, because it can’t tell you anything useful about the biological nature of what it has amplified.
It can’t tell you whether you are sick, whether you are infectious, or whether what it has amplified is dangerous, active or alive.
His own words go something like this:
“You take a teeny-weeny bit of stuff, and PCR amplifies it until you have a whole bunch of stuff. If used as a test – especially if run at a rate of cycles which is too high (that is exactly what has been done), it can find anything in anybody. End of story.”
This is NOT good news, because it mixes welcome truth with an old lie.
The only alternative to getting ‘vaccinated’ is NOT getting ‘vaccinated’.
But of course there are ways of coping with ‘flu if you get it.
My ‘vaccinated’ wife did get ‘flu, and I didn’t.
Nothing to see here. Move on, please.
I think the question that should be asked is:
If you are of a ‘Vaccinated‘ status and let’s say you are working in a care home. What protection does your status actually mean? You can still contract and spread the virus and indeed kill grandma. Where does the liability rest?
Agreed. That is a question that should be asked.
But I am also very concerned about the constant misuse of the word, ‘test’ in connection with Mullis’s invention.
It undermines his excellent work, and promotes a falsehood.
I’m very concerned about every single last facet of this embarrassingly transparent economic and social engineering operation. All of it.
Yep. Me too.
Noon or midday is periastron, when you are closest to The Sun (in a 24 hour period).
Midnight is apoastron, when you are furthest from The Sun.
That these moments are both at 12 O’Clock has esoteric significance. It’s the same reason the great year is divided into two periods of 12 millennia (yin & yang).
The Doomsday clock is similarly significant, and is hence inexorably ticking down: 2010=6 mins to midnight, and 2020=1½ mins.
Another word for Doomsday is eschaton.
As 9/11 signified, it is immanent.
The time is now.
As for Sisyphus, this figurative character symbolises mankind’s struggle – and the rock is almost at the top of the hill. Compare with Saṃsāra.
Mr. Curtin just happens to have seven sistes? Uh-huh…
Some people don’t stop until they pop out a boy. And all the kids, male and female wind up with some variation of dad’s name. It’s been known to happen in the midwest, I’m sure other folk do it too.
Excellent piece. Ed Curtin nails it again like few others are able to.
‘Cameras, clocks and mirrors’
The Devil’s triumvirate ?
The first only offers a Lifeless, two dimensional image of the past.
The second has no existence at all, except in our minds.
The third only offers a static two dimensional back to front image.
Life, on the other hand, that immutable, intangible energy that pervades the Universe, can only be felt and experienced in our immediate awareness.
Cameras, clocks and mirrors are dead to Life.
Who smashed the roots of all the western cultures simultaneously?
Since post war all organised political/academic/media energies on both sides have been turned to one overarching goal that has been unwavering no matter what notional govt has been in office and that is the eradication of European roots and culture. How did this happen? No one seemingly asked for this. How did we get here?
Now people notice it, but the nihlistic self-hating conditioning for the last 70 years still leads people to deny the reality of what has been done.
Its not tricky, essentially if any of your views overlap with the globalist agenda and policies, no matter how you think you arrived at them, they have been conditioned into your mind without you knowing how.
Its a black sucking squid on the face that people have been raised with from birth to ignore, even applauded as they vomit up the opinions the squid has injected into their brain.
It’s like the Twilight Zone out there because nobody sees this. It’s a real nightmare if you’re one of the ones Mr Squid missed. I really feel like I need to get away but there’s nowhere to run.
Unfortunately, the madness of the masses is not only part of reality but its ultimate expression for today’s humans. If people stopped being mad reality would crash into a trillion pieces.
Wanting to run from it – as any sane person would want – is nothing more than looking for a mirror to hide in. To hide from the madness is to exist in a pretend world where there are no humans – only make believe humans, who are not mad.
Would you prefer to live in an insane asylum? Or if you had an alternative you wouldn’t choose it? Really?
Yeah I get that point of view. I live in a state nearly as big as Texas. So running away is an option. I mean it’s quite literally doable. There’s mirrors to hide in and there’s metropolitan cities. I’ll take the mirror far from the metropolitan cities.
How do you make a successful people fail: dilute them with outsiders then teach their weak of mind to be ashamed of their group’s past greatness. White priviledge my ass, the whites worked hard and fought for everything they got, they also improved the standard of living of very nearly every living person on the planet. Sure, they killed lots in the process – India and some of Africa being the classic examples – but they also didn’t kill lots in many places – NZ, Australia.
Europeans have been successful for a thousand years, but are now being told to not be successful: there is more money in 7 billion average slaves than in 1 billion successful slaves.
Subsequent to imbibing the words and wisdom inherent in such an article such as this, my mind cannot but manifest the many writers of yesteryear who must have been in touch – either directly, tangentially or telepathically – with the writer whilst composing such an artful, entertaining and illuminating piece of work: Virilio; Bauman; Debord; Vaneigem; Weil; Mumford; McLuhan; Lawrence; Proust; Gasset; Marcuse; etc. – each and every one permeating and, in essence, penning the poesy prose to effect the arousing aura of intrigue, inviolability and intimacy to all who are willing recipients of delights such as this; and, whereof, few – if any – writers of the day could pull off! Kudos to you, Sir, for this wonderful work of mystery and mystique; which, sadly, is in short supply these days! RGB-Y1 out!!!
The Frankfurt School’s very own Herbert Marcuse? Such a radical leftist he worked for the OSS?
Indeed. Amazing how so many promoted so-called anti-establishment figures of the last 150 years are heavily connected to the myriad tentacles of the international IA complex.
Nothing to think about there at all.
Danny Cohn Bendit has been on Langley’s payroll for years ….
Another pedophile.
Some OSS recruits were lefties during WW2. Hitler and Mussolini being on the other side, you see.
Dear Edwige
Yes, i’m familiar with the fact Marcuse had a shady past as you have intimated above. However, some of his works – including the book, ‘One Dimensional Man’ – have a treasure trove of ideas and insights to what ails the modern man in today’s highly technological society. That is all! RGB-Y1 out!!
Well it is left…..and right…. and which way to Frankfurt?
When they relocated to the US the Frankfurters gradually expunged all trace of Marx from their writing and retreated to The Grand Hotel Abyss:
Sneer at the grubby proles who didn’t supply you with the revolution which you have no intention of working for yourselves!
“Another beaujolais, old chap?”
“Don’t mind if I do!”
I have always been a “time keeper.” Time frightens me. Always has. I hate it.
Only in death do we stop creating time. It’s our creation, along with the creation of every other living being in the universe. The older we get the less time we create – which is why time speeds up the closer we come to the end.
I have no source for this piece of data because it’s my own hypothesis. Time, like everything else is existence, is material. Ironically, it is refreshing not to have to quote or source somebody else for something I say. I think if more people followed suit the world would be a much better place to live.
If people thought about things and just decided to come up with new ideas, they would have far less time or space for official narratives on everything.
I’m with you there, to a certain extent. Time slows down thought (not cogitation) and it coagulates into matter or physical being and as it’s time, its finite, so that state must come to an end.
‘The idea of roots’
Indeed important. I live in a small country, yet far away from the place where I grew up. They said it was the thing to do: follow your career and all. That was a mistake. I am fine with my environment, yet constantly feel out of place. A psychologist may say: that is why you visit this place (which is also out of place if you ask ‘them’).
I don’t mind the Odyssey. It makes a person wise. At the same time my parents are getting weaker by the day and need their son for home visits. Which I can hardly do, too far away from where I live now.
I understand this is even more difficult when you moved to another country and with the pass and all..
You only leave your home when it’s no longer yours. That is, when everything you grew up with is gone; and it becomes another place from the one you knew. When you become “a stranger in strange land” without having budged, then it’s time to move on.
Great observation and have to agree, Howard. I left the US the first time in ’66 on a lark (kind of) and came back a changed person. I continued to leave over the years, working here and there, but always returned. Until 2000, when it got to be too much and I packed up and left for good. Not the easiest of decisions, but well worth it. For the most part.
A situation created artificially by economic means conjured up it’s hitler to do what the money wizards wanted. Is that what you mean?