This Week in the New Normal #7
This week we see the NBA as a source of inspiration, find a new kind of fear takes the frontpage, and read the worst article I have ever read.

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1.The Worst article I’ve ever read.
The demonisation campaign against those who decline to partake in the untested gene therapy is pervasive and seemingly limitless. Article’s pop up claiming unvaxxed people should be banned from flying, banned from healthcare, banned from state benefits, and even fired from their jobs.
But this article in The Mirror is the worst of the worst. Quite honestly the worst, most hate-filled and insidious article I have ever read, and it is literally my job to search out and read hate-filled and insidious articles.
It’s titled:
Anti-vaxxers want to kill your babies, stage a coup and cause another lockdown!”
…and you don’t really need any more information than that. Read at your own risk.
2. The return of Lab-grown meat
…well, not “the return” exactly, because it never went away. I guess “resurgence” is the better word. There’s certainly a sudden bump in the coverage.
The Guardian “asks the expert” if lab-grown meat will replace the real thing. The “expert” in question makes and sells lab-grown meat and, rather unsurprisingly, they say “yes!”.
And then the Times, with a tone of reluctant surrender, tells us we “must embrace lab-grown meat” whether “we like it or not”.
At the same time, Sky hosts a “climate debate” on lab-grown meat. One of those fake “debates” which serves a pre-determined agenda by basing a staged disagreement on fundamental assumptions which neither side questions.
In this case, it’s just assumed that LGM is good for the planet, and that actual meat is bad for it. Neither of those things are proven to be true.
But good news everyone! Your genetically synthesised meat-like protein paste is one step closer…whether you like it not.
3. “Treat violence against women as seriously as terrorism”
The result of the Sarah Everard trial in the UK has kicked off a wave of fear-based propaganda concerning just how much violence against women goes on, and what we need to do about it. Over and over again a list of very predictable names in very predictable publications talk up the idea that women are “still not safe”, or never “feel safe” (which is not the same thing).
Clearly, any murder is a tragedy for the victim and their family, but to present our country, or society, as inherently violent or dangerous is completely disengenuous.
Let’s just check the stats, for the sake of reality.
In the UK, and most of the Western world, violent crime has been generally on the decline for decades. In 2019, EU statistics found a 32% drop in homicides since 2008. In 2020, the UK suffered ~750 murders in a population of 68 million people, meaning a crude murder rate of 0.001% (or 1 per 100,000). Less than one-third of those killed were women, and only 20% of them were attacked on the street.
Our society is not perfect, but violent crime (against either gender) has literally never been less of a danger in the history of the country. In terms of violent crime, the streets are as safe for women as they have ever been. If they don’t feel safe, well that’s probably because the media keep telling them how much “danger” they’re in.
But why? Why the massive exaggeration of the danger? And why the clarion calls for “action” on violence against women?
Well, the same exact reasons behind the “pandemic” narrative. Because hysteria is always useful. Because the people in charge need us to be afraid all the time. Because they want to make sure different genders, races and orientations are constantly mistrustful of one another. And, obviously, because it can be manipulated into increased powers for the state.
Social media companies are already being pressured to “do more to protect women”. After Everard’s murder first in the news in March, people were suggesting male-only curfews so women feel safe on the streets. If Covid has taught us anything, it’s that well-stoked public panic can be parlayed into exactly that kind of insane policy.
The title of this section is taken from a tweet by British Labour MP David Lammy:
Enough is enough. We need to treat violence against women and girls as seriously as terrorism.
— David Lammy (@DavidLammy) October 1, 2021
It’s not clear what (if anything) David means by this. It’s entirely possible he’s just an idiot playing to the gallery, but anyone familiar with the real purpose, and disastrous societal fallout, of the “War on Terror” should probably be concerned about just how far those in charge could go to (allegedly) “make women feel safe.”
BONUS: The totally-not-a-cult of the week
Just want to point out that the vaccine-pushers of the New Normal are totally not in a cult.
Whether it’s dressing up dancers like syringes to prance around with glassy-eyed soul-dead TV hosts:
Wow, I honestly didn’t think it was possible, but I’m even more resistant to the vax then before
— The Sheep Hate This Account😌 (@skye_daddy) September 29, 2021
Or literally citing God as the source of the vaccine:
NY Governor Hochul proclaims, "The vaccine comes from God" and asks those present in the megachurch congregation, "I need you to be my apostles."#VaccineMandate #NewYork #VaccinesfromGod#Apostles#ReligiousExemptions#ProfitPfizer
— The Solari Report (@solari_the) September 28, 2021
This is all very normal behaviour, and if you perceive it as creepy or cultlike, it’s only because you are a heretic…sorry, I mean a science denier.
BONUS II: Projection of the week
For those of you who don’t know who Keith Olbermann is, well I envy you..and apologise for introducing you to his existence. He’s a petty, ill-informed, opinionated loudmouth who takes up irrational and bigoted positions on pretty much everything, and trumpets those views loudly to anyone who’ll listen.
And yesterday, he tweeted this…
NEW VIDEO: They aren't Anti-Vax. They aren't Waiting For More Information. They aren't Exercising Personal Choice.
They are AFRAID.
The Americans who won't get the vaccine are morons, snowflakes, and they are AFRAID and we need to start calling them that, and calling them out.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 2, 2021
It takes a serious lack of self-awareness to get your third untested vaccination against a disease you have a 99.5% chance of surviving, and then lambast everyone not worried about the disease for being scaredy cats.
It’s not all bad…
The world of sport, especially American sports, is somewhat of a hotbed of “vaccine hesitancy”. This is down to several factors, most probably to do with many US athletes coming from working-class demographics with longstanding (and entirely justified) suspicions of both the media and big pharma.
By way of contrast with Olbermann’s spittle-spraying diatribe, we present the calm and rational position of NBA star Jonathan Isaac, speaking at a press conference on September 27th:
The NBA has already said they will dock the pay of unvaxxed players who refuse to comply with local mandates. And both the NBA and NFL have put in place massive restrictions on unvaccinated players to pressure them into getting the shot. The media, likewise, is piling on the pressure to conform.
All the players resisting in the face of such a powerful campaign deserve respect. And they serve as a reminder that Covid sceptics, or even just those people who want nothing to do with the vaccine, are not anything like the tiny minority the media tries to pretend we are. And our arguments are rational and informed, not based on the insults and mindless frothing outrage of those trying to pressure us into conforming.
Also, for anyone who wants a chuckle this Sunday afternoon…
— meleis_0ne (@meleis_one) October 3, 2021
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the “mysterious rise in heart attacks” or the UK’s entirely manufactured “fuel crisis”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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YOU are the disease, their covaids death squirt the cure
Dr. Judy Mikovits warns Fauci may release MORE deadly bioweapons on the world
Dr Mercola interviews Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
Corona Unmasked By Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
Reiner Fuellmich…update on “legal” situation
Dr Robert Malone inventor of mRNA lays it out and warns on Jimmy Dore, Youlube
Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed
Why, thank you, Keith; if I was vaccine ‘hesitant’ before, I’m absolutely iron girder-resolute now. And although (to borrow from Groucho Marx) I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have someone like me as a member, I also wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have someone like Mr Olbermann as a member, and he most certainly is a colossal member.
Review Analysis: Stanford students are more likely to wear masks on bicycles than helmets
A new normal meaning of “smart”.
Where Stanford is at:
Yes-the ‘fuel crisis’ has been engineered to derail progress at COP 26 at Glasgow. Youtube is full of fossil fuel shills denouncing renewables, ‘wind-mills’, Greenies (of course) etc, and demanding more coal, oil (the Atlantic is ‘full of it’ according to one corporate feminazi) etc. If it was not already far too late to avoid Near Term Human Extinction, you’d be annoyed by the sheer deranged wickedness of it all.
Is this comment for real? I guess it is, the stupid never fail to outdo themselves.
The Fecesbook shutdown was merely Polly Cyber Gone foreplay for the morons that feed on that shit. Now just in time for Dark Winter the entire system will be crashed by the reptilian demons and their political minions, vertical pigs and presstitutes’ lies all because of those evil ones in the herd that refuse to inject the covaids death squirt.
As one Greta Thunfisch, queen of the retards says, How dare you!
You are the disease, their covaids death squirt the cure.
No mention about ”The Kraken” Google deleting RT Germany’s Youtube accounts???
And that it was based on the accusation of having “published medical misinformation” when all RT did was to publish articles about dissenting views on the experimental vaccines of Pfizer, BioNtech et al. ?
No mention that the corporate media cheered it? And this in a country where politicians and media bosses keep claiming moral superiority and how they have freedom and speech and a free press, while spreading their own lies and misinformation about other countries on Deutsche Welle?
Kraken? Like it!
(Or how about Mighty Cthulhu in his undersea mansion dead but dreaming and now risen to wade across the world?)
When I saw the tentacled hydras in Carrie Madej’s slides, Cthulhu was the first guy I thought of.
Who said he had to be big when he came back?
Discussion about a book that sounds a useful aid to grasping part of how this oligarchy operates (especially shell companies):
De0tails range from the number of shell companies in Delaware to the government of Equatorial Guinea to Pinochet being an even bigger bastard than one knew.
“Scum-skimming wasn’t hard to learn. You got up at dawn. You gulped a breakfast sliced not long ago from Chicken Little and washed it down with Coffiest. You put on your coveralls and took the cargo net up to your tier. In blazing noon from sunrise to sunset you walked your acres of shallow tanks crusted with algae. If you walked slowly, every thirty seconds or so you spotted a patch at maturity, bursting with yummy carbohydrates. You skimmed the patch with your skimmer and slung it down the well, where it would be baled, or processed into glucose to feed Chicken Little, who would be sliced and packed to feed people from Baffinland to Little America”
.From The Space Merchants, by Frederik Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth).
Published by St. Martin’s Press in 1952
Bon apetit!
I had another one of those strange media moments there.
ITN News was giving is the latest viral tragedy – this time one Jorja Halliday “a 15-year-old girl from Portsmouth who died after testing positive for Covid-19” who died “the day she was due to have her own jab”. And she didn’t have the jab “because she’d been isolating having tested positive for the virus four days earlier”.
It appears that “preliminary results from the hospital’s medical examiner indicated Jorja had Covid myocarditis, heart inflammation caused by the virus”.
A visit to New Scientist tells me that,
“Myocarditis is more common after covid-19 infection than vaccination”
Which suggests that here is a link between the vax and myocarditis. And indeed the next bit says,
“HEART inflammation triggered by some covid-19 vaccines has been a concern, especially in younger people, but a preliminary study suggests that in those most affected, it is six times more likely to occur after a coronavirus infection than after vaccination.”
All of which suggest that the vax would not have been much use anyway.
Cue the Left: “Unless of course she had had it much much earlier which should have happened if the government had not been so criminally negligent!” etc.
But I digress. My media moment came just after that when the newsreader read out about so many thousand new cases covid and then quoted a death figure of … umm … 43. As if embarrassed, the newsreader went on very quickly to remind us that the death rate had been as high as so many hindered a day etc. I thought I’d check up on all this on the net … and I cannot find that last bit. Hmm – this has happened before. A newsreader says something questionable but it’s not on the net i.e. it’s not on a site where it can be captured and scrutinised!
Incidentally, the newsreader intriguingly said that the vax figures were not currently available. I wonder why?
That’s just an attempt to get ahead of the narrative, which states that myocarditis is a frequent side-effect of vaccination with the mRNA vaccines, particularly in teenage boys. Can’t have gossip circulating that bad things happen to those who get the jab. So now it is the virus which causes myocarditis, not the vaccine, which – alas! – sometimes comes too late to save the patient from his/her own foolishness.
They lie about everything.
In the first 2 weeks of jabbing teenagers in Australia 1 dead, 2 in ICU in a coma, a rise of 480 cases of myocarditis between 12 and 26 September – heart inflammation has never in history occurred with any respiratory disease apart from deadly double bacterial pneumonia.
I keep coming across references to myocarditis also being caused by Covid — in this case, the claim of 6 times more likely than with the vax. What they overlook is that most young people do not get Covid at all, or become seriously infected if they do contract it. But if you vaccinate ALL these young people as governments are seeking to do — you will definitely get way more cases from the vax.
Actually the worse problem is that you can potentially get myocarditis from the jab and still contract covid, and get it again. Since the jab doesn’t prevent the disease it will generally always be worse.
Nobody gets convid. It doesn’t exist.
Myocarditis and pericarditis may be linked to ‘inadvertent intravenous injection’ of the gene therapy substance. Not drawing back after needle insertion, to be sure that no sign of blood indicates that the needle is in a vein, rather than the muscle, is apparently OK by the WHO,oddly enough. So the coding for the cytotoxic spike protein is circulating throughout the body, rather than residing, ‘safely’ in the deltoid muscle.It could even end up in your central cerebral venous sinus-who knows?
Not surprisingly the WSW have pounced on the Jorja story. You can almost smell their orgasmic excitement. They are also appalled to tell us:
Clearly the Aussie and Zealie governments have been far too lenient!
On a similar note the Guardian reports a Hollywood luvvie dead of Covid despite being double jabbed. A sobbing “friend” urges everyone to get double jabbed.
People who receive flu shots emit 6.3 times more flu virus particles into the air compared to others.
The vaccines shed spike proteins. -Luigi Warren (President & CEO of ‘Cellular Reprogramming’, who helped to develop mRNA tools) on Twitter
There is something being passed from people who have been shot with this poison to others who have not got the jab. The people who had it should be quarantined and have a badge on their arm. -Dr Larry Palevsky MD 2021-04
Discussion on why non-injected people in the population are being infected by those who got the shots and what can be done. -by Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt.
The vaccines themselves amplify variants of the pathogen. The delta variant is going to run through the population despite vaccination, masks and lockdowns. The focus must be shift to proven treatment. -Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA) in video as quoted by PC Roberts, 2021-08-16
Vaccinated people endanger others with the Delta variant. They carry 251 times the load of covid viruses in their nostrils compared to others. The health workers studied had been fully vaccinated 2 months earlier using AstraZeneca. Though confined to a hospital (not allowed to leave for 2 weeks, they acquired the delta variant. They appear to have spread it to unvaccinated colleagues and patients. -research by Chau Oxford U. Clinical Research Group et al. in Ho Chi Minh City, preprint in Lancet 2021-08-10
Vaccinated people spread Delta variant to others. -CDC 2021-08-05
Vaccinating the 30 million people in USA who have recovered from covid confers only risk without benefit. While half the US population was being vaccinated, cases, hospitalizations and deaths have increased. Long-term effects may include autoimmune disorders, antibody-enhanced disease, cancer, infertility and birth defects. -Assoc. of American Physicians & Surgeons 2021-07
Glancing in on the output of a covid swallowing Left site (i.e. a Left site) I felt I was looking in on a peculiar alternate universe of fretting over such matters as differential covid case rates between red and blue states, the quoting of statistics, analysis of same and much heated bickering over the relevance of “republican” vs “democrat” attitudes etc etc etc
There is another dimensions beyond my grasp where these comrades are carefully dredging through the interminable paraphernalia of covid related output. They are musing on such matters as the outer limits of “Long Covid”, the effect of covid on the intelligence and the senses, the declining this and the exponential rise of that etc.
And it’s like listening in on some furious argument from some scholastic debate from the middle ages. These great minds have been sucked into this psychosis and have been swimming through this sewage system for the past 18 months.
And they are gone!
I am not so optimistic at the moment as May Igan – but he made a good video:
“Slowly But Surely Their Covid Ship is Sinking” –
If there are any fellow Canadians, please tell me that this aberration of a human being is a rare exception, that the rest of Canadians are staring at this veritable fucking bitch in disbelief.
Watch this bitch
I couldn’t do it. I tried, I really did.
She is an actual murderer. Alberta health authorities banned doctors from using invermectin and prevented patients from taking vitamins and using inhalers given to them by a doctor who was removed.
Lord, she looks like the cat that just ate the mouse..that self satisfied smile.
It doesn’t help that, to me, she resembles the odious Bill Gates.
I can’t remember if Gates has siblings, but she could be his sister.
I’ll see your bitch, and raise you Dr. Bonnie “be calm, be kind, be safe’ Henry, provincial health officer for British Columbia. Here’s her announcement of compulsory masking in schools, from just a couple of days ago, for schoolkids from kindergarten to grade 12. Yes, kindergarten. Unbelievable.
Especially in light of her previous announcement that there was no evidence supporting the necessity of masks in school.
There was also a nice composite clip, starting with her statement, “I have never said don’t wear a mask, I have always said, wear them where it’s appropriate”, and following with various outtakes of her saying masks are counterproductive, they make you touch your face, they don’t provide the real protection people think they do, on and on. But YouTube has helpfully taken it down, in a further example of its yeoman service to the global coercion cabal.
The psychological effects of the masking, no play, and coming gene therapy injections on the very young, will be horrendous, and enduring for decades. All for an ailment that has less chance of harming them than does ball lightning.
Creepy thing
I personally know a healthy, fit, athletic, worldly, sixty-year old german restaurateur who conciously believes the official narrative (imagine Merkel doing this to her people? Never!), would wear a mask publicly, welcome you at his restaurant and chat next to you without wearing one, and yet rub his hands with that stuff every 5 minutes.
I believe his case, and surely millions of others’ is a case of permanent internal cognitive dissonance where at a basic level they understand the farce is farce and yet their rooted trust in the system and in leaders like Merkel will not allow their basic understanding to take hold of them. The result: a serious case of outward nervous ticks and neurotical expressions.
At one point, some of these people will snap.
I think that woman show an appalling lack of responsibilty. For one thing, she’s only wearing one mask. Everyone knows the minimum safety requirement is fourteen. And she then takes her mask off! Isn’t she aware that even a single second of breathing outside the mask contaminates the area around her for a square mile? And hand sanitizers have been proven to be deadly carriers of the new bilateral Morphic Variant which can be spread just by looking at it. Speaking of which, why aren’t her eyes totally covered? Indeed why is she still alive at all? The Science has conclusively proven that shooting people is the only way to ensure their continued health!
I think she is actually mocking the whole mask thing as she knows NONE of us do the sanitizing hands before and after thing-taking it off-and she was advocating for no restrictions and re opening.Her smirk is a knowing one.
“still not safe”, or never “feel safe”
Definitely NOT the same thing. In fact, safety is not a thing at all. It does not exist. You may insure your “safety” from this, but not that. There is always something that might injure or kill you. Safety is a feeling. Nothing more. Both my ex-wives claimed they felt safe with me. But if three or four middle linebacker types decided to drag one of them off and rape them, the only thing I could do about it was get the snot beat out of me or be beaten to death. They were no more safe than ANYONE else. That was many years ago. Now I keep myself armed. Which is STILL not safe, as your opponent may be as well.
On his website, Moneycircus has an interesting tale on the gradual implosion of the Labour Party which I see as both a sad decline and also a parallel movement whereby the true inner nature of the party gradually shed its skin and revealed itself as what it was always meant to be – i.e. what all mainstream political parties are meant to be – another representative of the ruling class. It was naturally the ruling class’s most “glamorous” representative in that it represented what was supposedly at the furthest remove from the rulers.
The farce of the last election with Corbyn’s Labour Party insidiously crafted by the media as nothing less than the Nazis Phase 2 was one indication both that there was precious little diversity to be permitted and also that the old 70s model of Labour would never be allowed to return.
But it was covid that brutally made clear the underlying unified structure that was there all along – and not only in the Labour Party. And that points up the most “interesting” (in the Chinese curse sense) matter of the present moment. The appearance of diversity is shrinking fast or, to be more accurate, it vanished completely last spring. It is becoming increasingly embarrassing to see the ostensible Left trumpet exactly what the mainstream trumpets whilst still trying to look dissident.
And one upshot of this, going by my own reaction, has been a vast demoralisation regarding this “opposition”. Actually it’s even worse than that: there has been a creeping apathy. It’s as if I am one of those Walking Dead characters who wasn’t fast enough and got bitten and who starts to feel the zombie plague spreading through his body. And I hardly think I am alone here. There has been an immense slump of activity throughout that part of the net that considered itself oppositional. Some of them make attempts to engage in the old “scripts” (and it’s a sign of my cynicism that I am thinking of scripts here!): Skripal, imperialism, Assange etc. But it’s all so deadened now. Some are even launching desperate essays congratulating themselves on their continuing “irksomeness” – which is almost as sad as the aforementioned Left cry of rebellion whilst echoing in every way the directives of the mainstream.
Thus this opposition are now effectively the walking dead. And the “interest” of the situation lies now in how long this artificial dissension can last.
I think it’s the slow, sinking sense of normalisation of this New Normal that’s creeping over people. It’s like the initial bomb blast has taken place, and it took out lots of people at first, but now those of us that are left survey this new horrible landscape, and though we barely recognise it and swear at its horrors and ugliness, we have become accustomed to it, and are learning to live with it. Not happily, but it’s like learning to limp effectively or something.
Alas that is true. I have seen people now wear masks outside. I have seen them automatically wash their hands with the sanitizers on the entrance to shops. I have attended staff meetings where, even with the distancing and no-on insisting on masks, some still wear masks. I wonder what is going through their heads and then I feel that nothing is. They do what they do compulsively through habit alone.
And at this point I have to try to comprehend what has been happening in the minds of those who have never viewed the news with any doubt. And I must include here even those writing on Left sites who have been spouting off on articles about e.g. relative case figures and what they are supposed to say about the voting demographic and how it comports to efficacy in the fight against covid or they might waft on with the bio-gobbledegook over this vax against that etc. And then it comes to me with a shock: They have been taking this seriously all this time! And I wonder if someone appearing on the TV with a white sheet over them and going “Boo!” might convince this section of the public that ghosts really exist.
With regard to your last few words in your above post. In actual fact, what you refer to as ‘ghosts’ DO actually exist. Yes, really…
Let me explain. Firstly, I’m most definitely NOT any sort of a ‘christian’ [nor any other religion], but I most definitely AM factually spiritually-enlightened. And have been so since 1994 (I’m a 62-year-old Englishwoman).
In 1994, in my then local library, I came across a book, the contents of which intrigued me. And so I decided to initiate an extensive, in-depth, scholarly programme of research into whether it MIGHT be possible for our consciousness to survive the death of our physical body.
I (like countless millions of other PROPERLY-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world also have done) carried out a huge amount of scholarly research into this vital subject. That research includes the fact that I’ve read more than 1500 [fifteen hundred+] high-quality, scholarly books on this subject (see in a second).
It happens to be a fact that countless millions of properly-informed people, worldwide, are totally genned-up on the PROVEN fact that we do all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the immensely illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’.
The foregoing is a fact because our consciousness is NOT (as materialistically-thinking ‘scientists’ wrongly assume) ‘merely a by-product of the physical brain’, but is completely separate from the brain; the mind/consciousness operates/manifests THROUGH the physical brain, yes, but is NOT created BY the physical brain.
The real us is our immortal spirit body form; ie, our consciousness. It is that spirit body form which literally animates our physical body ‘coat’, during each of our eternal soul’s many different lifetimes (for yes, reincarnation, too, is a proven spiritual truth of existence).
The hugely-misinterpreted event that’s been incorrectly termed ‘death’ takes place at the point when our immortal spirit body form [the REAL us] literally emerges from our physical body ‘coat’, and returns to the very real, proven to exist Spirit dimension of this in fact MULTI-dimensional cosmos.
There are many, many people worldwide who are lucky enough to possess the spiritual gift of what’s termed CLAIRVOYANT vision. And such people, when they are in the presence of someone who is about to do what’s very incorrectly termed ‘die’, are able to literally SEE [with their clairvoyant sight] that ‘dying’ person’s immortal spirit body form literally emerge from the physical body ‘coat’, and it, the person’s spirit body (ie, the REAL, immortal them), returns to the Spirit dimension.
Some doctors and nurses around the world possess clairvoyant vision, and so, when they are in the presence of someone about to [do what’s wrongly termed] ‘die’, are able to see that person’s spirit body form literally depart from the physical body. And thus, those doctors and nurses are fully aware that the ACTUAL nature of the event termed ‘death’ is very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its very illusory, face-value mere appearance.
Included in the countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people, worldwide, are many PROPERLY-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc. There have been many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books published [over the last 100+ years] which relate the very real facts re. how and why we DO all survive (I repeat: in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the immensely illusory event that’s wrongly termed ‘death’, and which also provide a veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences from around the world which PROVE that we do indeed survive that very illusory event. And the fact is that a large percentage of those many thousands of high-quality books which relate the facts as to what ‘death’ ACTUALLY is, have been written BY the many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc, etc, worldwide.
To conclude: it is also the truth that a large percentage of the countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people worldwide who are fully aware that ‘death’ is most definitely NOT what it merely appears to be, possess PERSONAL PROOFS that their [wrongly termed] ‘dead’/’deceased’ loved ones have indeed survived [in their immortal soul/spirit body form] the immensely illusory event that’s so very incorrectly termed ‘death’. And I, too, am one of the many millions of spiritually-enlightened people worldwide who possess many personal proofs that my [wrongly-termed] ‘dead’/’deceased’ loved-ones have indeed survived [in their immortal spirit body form] the death of their physical body ‘coat’.
There exist, in fact, more than 20 (twenty+) different CATEGORIES of the multi-faceted evidences which PROVE that the actual nature of ‘death’ is very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its face-value mere appearance.
I am perfectly open to the possibilty that ghosts exist. All I’m saying is that it would take more than someone appearing on the TV with a white sheet over them and going “Boo!” to decide the matter!
Yes, only a rather dim person would ‘believe’ that ‘ghosts’ exist simply on the basis of seeing someone on TV with a white sheet over them, etc!! As I related, in detail, in the post yesterday, above, there DOES exist absolute proof for the existence of what are incorrectly termed ‘ghosts’. The correct term being ‘spirits’. We ARE all, each and every one of us, an eternal soul/spirit being. As I summarised, in my post yesterday.
Anyone who ‘doesn’t believe’ that will discover (in a way in which it will be impossible for them to deny!), on the eventual day on which they do what’s incorrectly termed ‘die’, that us spiritually-enlightened people on the planet were stating the very real facts! That we truly do survive that immensely-illusory event. That existence, life, is not what it merely seems to be. That it’s far, far more.
And just for the record, I’m on the right side of what’s taking place, globally. Ie, I’m perfectly aware that this is the most evil scam of all time. I’ve not worn a mask, ever, and have no intention of doing so, and am the only person in my immediate and extended family (and all but one of my friends) who’s refused to be injected.
I’ve been providing my family members and friends with the actual facts re. what’s really going on, right from the start of all this (I’m in the UK), including re. the immense danger of these injections. However, very sadly, they all (apart from, as I say, one equally wised-up friend) chose to ‘believe’ what they heard from their beloved TVs and newspapers, and so have all submitted to the injections…
More fool them…
The new Catholic normal: Pope Francis has ordered all priest to get vaccinated or leave to their office.
“BREAKING: Abp. Viganò asks Catholics to take cancelled priests into their own homes” –
sorry: “… leave their office”
St. Malachy was right…
Churches are the new vaccine centres and testing centres. You see the end of a service worshipping the almighty and they file out in their gimp masks. The church used to be the state, then it used to stand up to the state. Now it’s the state’s bitch.
The Catholic Church (beyond the antidoctrinal corruption inherent to any powerful institution) has been taken by forces that are not catholic at all. In fact, forces that are at their core anti-catholic.
Its doctrines are being destroyed from the inside to alienate it even further from catholics around the world.
Its profound reformation or its total destruction are inminent.
The enemy seeks the latter, for our sake, we should hope for the former.
No need to mince words: those forces are satanic, and have always been. Once Vatican 2 was allowed to prevail, the course to hell was set. I am afraid rebirth will only follow destruction. After decades of decline, a fall is inevitable. Reformation seems moot at this point.
Where’s THEIR faith in THEIR god gone?
I seriously doubt we will have the ovaries/balls to say this was a mistake, let alone a crime. People have been defanged.
Still, provoke and anger people. It is the only hope. Postmodern genital-fondling will get us nowhere.
isn’t that the new course at Oxford to replace Greek literature?
I’m not sure “genital-fondling” is the appropriate description.
As I’ve mentioned ad nauseam in recent weeks, I’ve been desultorily half-watching “The X-Files” episodes since a local TV station resurrected it this summer.
One episode, “Humbug”, takes place in a Florida town built and populated by circus and sideshow performers; the cast included actual circus performers.
Reportedly, contortionist Jim Rose entertained the cast and crew during breaks with his skills in Organ Origami, i.e. twisting his genitalia into odd shapes.
If Rose is still around, he might well be a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Oxford or some other seat of higher learning.
Isn’t postmodern genital-fondling a tautology?
“NY Governor Hochul proclaims, “The vaccine comes from God” and asks those present in the megachurch congregation, “I need you to be my apostles.”
When they set Cuomo up for ejection from the governorship with a sex scandal (without the least bit of evidence offered) I was suspicious. The ruling class has historically used sex scandals to “settle accounts” amongst themselves and their political underlings.
However I am now hypothesizing that Cuomo was not fanatical enough towards the COVID agenda so consequently they wanted this little-known monster (with a nearly unpronounceable surname) in office to more forcefully push forward the Vaccine Crusade against the infidels including the firing of unvaxxed 70 K-plus healthcare workers in New York State.
She and her framing of rhetoric scares me more than anything this event has brought so far.
Supposedly we are supposed to have division of religion and state. The number of publicly elected officials starting to invoke ‘god’ makes me queasy.
“If you think that’s frightening just wait to you hear her speaking in tongues and channeling simultaneously Dr. Zauis, Meghan from the Exorcist and Jim Jones.”

always the same, fire one and then hire a new person to do exactly the same agenda,
I think you may have hit on something with this theory!
Serious questions:
Zucka’s Network down.
The promised cyber attack going early or just a warning?
What is the prospect for online banking?
Anyway to protect your cash?
Is the banking guarantee (Uk and EU) worth the pixels it’s written on?
Transfer it to where?
Instagram is down too, maybe some of the people they have cheated and silenced have shut down Zuck
Shut him down, then lock him up.
some think it’s down because of this:
Gagged Australian Nurses Form Whistleblower Group to Expose What is Really Happening in Hospitals with COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries ( Hey Aussies, I just found this site.
And now all zuckberg apps are down… pretty weird isn’t
The dumb are mute.
Savor every moment of it!
Convid predictive programming for the masses at Olympics 2012 opening “ceremony”
Madonna. Future
(260) Hazel O’Connor – Eighth Day (ReMastered) (1980/ 2013) (HD) – YouTube I think Hazel had it sussed 41 years ago, this is my favourite song and film clip
Did I just see the corona virus flying in with Mary Poppins truly bizarre there was something quite dark and sinister about that last section were we being primed for something nah just a coincidence nothing to worry about
That performance should make us all stop and really reflect on what it signifies.
We will then start to understand the true nature of these people.
Rand Paul delivers
Mr Olberman is visibly afraid
Olbermann succumbed to The Fear when he was overcome with acute Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) in 2016.
In the US, TDS was the pathological antecedent, or primer, for COVID Scamdemic Derangement Syndrome.
That’s why the conventional lizard-brained binary thinkers are convinced that it’s the Democratic “progressives” who sensibly accept the official Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative, whereas Trump-worshipping Republican denizens of the Basket of Deplorables are the despicable, reprehensible “COVID deniers” and “anti-vaxxers”.
The Daily Mirror was one of the few UK Newspapers who had an editorial policy in 2002 and early 2003, against The UK’s involvement in a war in Iraq. The editor at the time was bizzarely enough Piers Morgan. Maybe he was still upset about the Assassination of Princess Diana – but look at the state of him now.
Almost all of them in the media including the politicians give me the distinct impression, they have all been brainwashed into a kind of hive mind, where they all think the same evil gibberish nonsense, which they speak repetetively like a needle stuck on the same track.
Occasionally you get one who stands out from the crowd of glums, and tries to do her job, now on substack I see. You can still read her contributions for free. I would most definitely recommend her book “State of Fear”
“Winter is coming, and so are the nudges.The UK government’s Winter Plan is rife with nudges.”
No. There is a time to be and not to be.
If I had not had children in my late 40s, I would choose not to be.
Why would we live to perpetuate stupid. Is it dying on a hill to protest against brain blotting mass ignorance? Or should we hand out trophies to all in a culture of repetition to the negative power of squat? Of exponential stupidity.
It was common when I was in 1990s Russia to joke how they had killed all the intelligent Russians. Yes, police, that was a joke from the locals themselves. Yawn.
Some think they are eliminating the stupid who are accepting the shot. History shows they will not stop there.
If you welcome computah game as surrogate brain — if you imagine it’s somehow empowering you — then you sold out.
You are boss of the electrical box, not the other way around. Don’t lame-splain, complain defame generation Boomer! He created your box but he didn’t make you use it.
What’s in the kill shot?
Critically Thinking (Sep 30, 2021) with:
Dr Larry Palevsky
Dr Carrie Madej
Dr Christiane Northrup
Really not trusting the push the cure crowd much more than the push the vax crowd. The tests don’t work and the virus isn’t isolated. It all drives to big Pharm solutions – go look up the actual history of Ivermectin in Africa – eye opening
Theoretically I wonder what would happen if our demented and/or opportunist classes, succeeded in their cherished (albeit insane) objective of vaccinating everyone in the world with their magic potion?
Would we all able to enter a new Shangri La, where everyone is rich, beautiful and super-intelligent, and we all live together happily ever after? I somehow would doubt it. For God’s sake I hope not! More likely, and judging by what’s on offer, would these ‘leaders’ of the much touted new social order which will emerge be up to the job. Do Gates, Schwab Tusk, Bezos strike you as brilliant, far-sighted, intellectual and moral prophets?
Errm!? No way Jose!
More likely this Brave New World would very quickly collapse, disintegrate and sink without trace into a new ice-age. Then the next social and historical drama would emerge. Yawn, how very tedious!
After all, how many times in history has this happened? It’s the norm not the exception.
Catte tweeted this:
Bylinetimes headline:
First off, I doubt if the scare quotes around “influencing” mean anything. They clearly don’t mean that this network doesn’t really have influence. They might mean that this network doesn’t have to influence either the government or the panel. You know – because the government and the panel are so anti-vax anyway!
In any case, the implication is that there are nefarious forces working at the governmental level to stop the vaccination.
And only by such a blatant contradiction of the screamingly obvious determination of the government to vax vax vax can this “Left” site maintain an image of dissidence.
The governments are doing exactly what this Left want them to do while the Left deny this.
Like the vile WSW telling us that lockdown protests receive “blanket media coverage”. No, they do not.
The ruling class media scream “Covid is killing us all unless we get vaccinated!”
The “Left” media scream, “Covid is killing us all unless we get vaccinated and the ruling class media are trying to stop this!”
If you are informed of whats happening in Brazil you will see that it is exactly what you said but worse.. its so damn disgusting.
HI, we are forming a Radicalised Anti-Vaxxer Network (RAVN) !
Please join us after midnight in a dark basement for serious conspiracies but make sure you are fully masked – to preserve anonymity!
“Poor People have been voting for Democrats for the last 50 years,
….. and they are still poor.”
– Sir Charles Barkley –
Sir Charles has his ups and downs:
“Obama, Shaq and Barkley record PSA encouraging Americans to get vaccine”
I will never get over obama on this video. Referring to Tuskeegee “It wasnt that they made them sick, they just didnt give them the medicine they needed…”
Deer in the headlights jaw dropping astonishing WTF moment
Which I’m fairly certain went sailing over the heads of most wAtching.
Obama is a sociopath I believe. If not a full blown psychopath. “They just didn’t give them the medicine they needed” AFTER they shot them full of syphilis. Did “they” not mean to shoot them up with syphilis Barack? Was it just some random accident and then some accidental negligence for not giving them the medicine to cure it? Dirty fucker. My friend’s father was part of that little experiment. The man is still living at 91 years old, probably out of pure stubbornness, and no thanks to those “doctors” who just didn’t give him what he needed…. My God what an asshole Obama is.
I assume Obama came up with that charming rationale on his own, i.e. he wasn’t adhering to a suggested script or talking point.
Either way, it’s appalling and reprehensible. It’s as if Obama and/or the producers of the PSA thought, hmm, the “message” here is directed to Persons of Color Sitting in Darkness who are mulishly backing off the aggressively proffered “COVID vaccines”.
We want to inculcate the pragmatic belief that if medicine is available, the obviously proper and preferred course of action is to take it.
But an equally important objective is to counter one presumed strong influence contributing to the POC bad attitude toward government-hawked vaccines: the history of the government and Establishment inflicting heinous medical malpractice upon blacks.
So, how ’bout we cleverly “deal with” the widely-known Tuskegee atrocity by having Obama, a highly-regarded Influencer of Color, use Tuskegee as a springboard to “clarifying” the true or deeper significance, or moral, of the racial crime: denying medicine bad; providing medicine good!
Thus, in one fell swoop, Obama ostensibly “confronts” and diminishes the distasteful Tuskegee sticking point in a way that drives home the “common-sense” wisdom of getting the jab.
Talk about too clever by half! And remember, Obama’s the one who said, “See, I was trying to explain to someone the ‘okey-doke.’ Y’all know the okey-doke? It’s when someone’s trying to bamboozle you, when they’re trying to hoodwink you.”
Okey-doke, Barry!
So disappointing.
I wonder if anyone even noticed what should be televised on the upcoming “Covid Bloopers”
So disappointing. I actually voted for the Hope and Change in 2008. I think it’s the last time I voted.
Oh Admin – I’ve another “pending” one. I had one such yesterday which has now seemingly vapourised. Please help with this latest one.
Bit of a problem for the “wonderful Cuban medical system” narrative beloved by some on the left –
And a corrective to some of the over-romanticising of Sweden’s response to covid –
So not pushing it against parental wishes or threatening restrictions if they refuse?
Are you sure Reuters isn’t a little too radical for you?
“Even the ancients knew.”

“The Republicrats. The corporate fascist political racket so criminal and corrupt it needs two aliases.”
It’s been over a hundred years since Mr Debs alerted the American people to the true nature of their political system. And still they have not gotten the message.
It is delusional to imagine they ever will.
I often think the message that people have got is, “You can’t do anything about it.”, while the true nature of our western political systems may be obvious to more people than the media would have us think.
I still remember many of my parents’ generation rolling their eyes up to the ceiling when practically any prominent politician spoke on TV.
They knew…
They might not have been aware of any of the details, but even Winston Churchill making a speech would produce, along with an apparently approving head-nod, a slightly sarcastic smile, as if to say, “Yeah, but…” …
After all, reading between the lines isn’t a new art.
Americans have withdrawn from giving their consent by voting in larger numbers than any other Western country. They also have refused the vaccine in larger numbers.
In terms of “getting it”, Western Europeans are the most far gone, along with the countries of the ‘white Commonwealth’. They are also some of the people most prone to sneering down at Americans.
Do you mean NOT voting in larger numbers? Voting abstention is quite high in the US generally speaking.
Keith Olbermann gave us Rachel Madcow as his replacement on MSNBC when the Bush regime insisted he be removed. He then joined the Billary circus as part of a 3 stooges act with Bill Maher and Mike Moore during the 2016 election . But he and the other 2 stooges got front row seats on the lefty section of the covid express bandwagon , completing his journey as a moral capitalist to the center right of American political spectrum.
“One can see it now, down back at old Auschwitz-Birkenau; Olberman, Maddow, Rivera, Moore and the rest of the corporate fascist propaganda toady stooge hacks in the guard towers reading out selections from the latest editions of Der Stürmer, Der Angriff and Völkischer Beobachter as machine gun fire rains down upon the untermenschen-useless eater prisoners below.”

PfiZer macht frei
Same as it ever waZ
“Our society is not perfect, but violent crime (against either gender) has literally never been less of a danger in the history of the country. In terms of violent crime, the streets are as safe for women as they have ever been. If they don’t feel safe, well that’s probably because the media keep telling them how much “danger” they’re in.”
It is absolutely a case of the lunatics taking over the asylum.
Everything is a disaster – the sunshine’s “Britain to be scorched by heatwave”; traditional UK wind and rain? “Storm Benjamin to BATTER UK”; temperature drops a little “Frozen ice winds incoming…”
Nothing is normal anymore; everything is hyped up as an existential threat to the species.
We are constantly told that Everybody is a potential rapist stalking the streets, everyone has been a victim of rape, every person has been racially abused, everyone is having or had some kind of mental breakdown and needs our help, your kids will be snatched by random strangers if you take your eye off them for even a second.
The government refuses to put minds at ease, to tell us “don’t worry it’s ok” and do what they need to do to fix whatever the issue might be. Our Government would rather terrorise us and then blame us for starving kids, NHS collapsing, people dying etc etc..
Even Covidiots must see that we are not being led by leaders but coerced and terrorised by psychopathic insecure delinquents!
we had to kill the
to save the civil
we have lost the means
run out of
the capacity
to kill the pigs
and yet the pigs must be killed
in a civilized manner.
some have suggested
the pigs can be sent to westminster
and dolphin square or sent out on ted heaths boat
for mi5 video david cameron pig spit roast party
eye alas could not possibly comment
on the final solution for the pig issue
here hare here
here here
Any particular reason why Cameron’s coming in for some stick today?
he made love to many pigs
yes actual pigs
video and images exist of it
i suppose your position is better a pig than a child
that maybe so
but how about neither
hey orthus leave them pigs alone
oink oink
When I was a child, I remember being jokingly threatened with initiation upon joining several childhood organizations like girl scouts and whatnot. ‘Riding the Greased Pig’ the adults would say in that mock threatening way and then the induction was totally benign and the ‘hazing’ symbolic.
But that phrase. It sounds now not so much an adult joke as a reference to something far darker.
Cameron had roots in banking and the opium trade.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-10-01. J&J: children don’t need jab. Jab Spike Protein Hurts Heart. Liberty before safety, now and always
Meanwhile in the world of Adidas and Kanye West, you can these same cheap and ugly sandals for anywhere from 50$ to 300$ to 1200$. Just google these.
new yeezy slides
If this is not a test to determine how dummed down vaxxed people are, I don’t know what is. Not a joke.
£235 – more insanity or has the pound collapsed?
That seems to be the average price… look at all the images. There are really some at 50$, 250, 300, 600 and one at 1200$
Ugly shite.
Why do they have to make footwear so aggressively ugly?
To get people used to humiliation
There’s everyday violence, and there’s spectacular violence.
If there is a legal definition of violence, then like any legal definition of terrorism, it will be defined in a way that it cant be applied to anything The State – which defines it – does.
Thus, using rubber bullets, & billy clubs, pepperspraying people in the face – to encourage people to obey a law – isnt violence. Any TV news reader who calls their use such will be quickly re-education camp. Four beefy, armored & armed, men forcing a person to the ground, then heavily dropping onto that person, are not using excessive force..
For the past 16+ months every Official ‘covid-related’ Statistic has incurred challenge. The only stats spared scrutiny > official violent crime statistics…
Two evenings ago i began re-reading Peter Gelderloos ‘How Nonviolence Protects The State.’ A bare few pages read and already was confronted with “who defines ‘violence’ ?” “Is it used too loosely, as a blanket term ?” “How can there be violence against property ?”
Domestic violence. When my mother laid into me with a thick leather strap, it was called disciplining me. When my Christian Brother teacher gave me “Six” – with a barely concealed sadistic smirk – for not getting some pointless questions right, that too was called discipline. So you see, my childhood was rather relatively violence free.
Do the right thing because your gubermint knows best!
Gotta get the last of the sheeple jabbed before the mass die off in the fast approaching Dark Winter. Then even the mutton will figure it out and the stampede will be unstoppable without mass gubermint violence against the revolting already covaids squirted herd itself.
By refusing their covaids death squirt and staying unjected you win. That simple!
According to the EUSSR’S so-called Adverse Reactions website ( EUDRA VIGILANCE) more than 26,000 sheeple have been slaughtered by the covaids death squirt since this cull began. More than 2 million have injuries of which more than 1 million are serious. Even mutton smells death the closer it gets to the slaughterhouse. Will the herd finally stampede this coming Dark Winter? Can you say ma ba ba ma?
Updates at the Aletho news website put the cull in perspective so that even the most challenged woolly faced mutt can grasp it.
YOU are the disease, their covaids death squirt the cure.
26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database
The “vaccine” death report
Life doesn’t give a rat’ a$$ who lives it and the gubermint psychopaths even less.
The great thing about the activist pro-vaxxers is that they have nothing … so they resort to name calling using insults like “moron” … he needs to go on a self assessment program.
Yeah I too have noticed this…Even in the face of compelling evidence.
Ah well they will deny the damage until the very end I suppose
Talking of the entirely manufactured fuel crisis, add to that the logistics crisis, the CO2 for pigs crisis (not that they will be complaining) and, strangely the Chinese energy crisis – how can China run out of coal with Russia next door?
It all looks very coordinated, all crises caused by fairy dust.
“how can China run out of coal with Russia next door?”
You don’t run out of coal, you run out of cheap coal. If you think that can’t happen you should think again.
The pigs will still be killed.
Its weird isn’t it.
We don’t have enough co2 to kill the pigs. So we are going to kill all the pigs that we couldn’t kill using co2.
One thing that never gets mentioned when the topic of violence against women is the the majority of victims of domestic violence are men.
“the majority of victims of domestic violence are men.”
Yeah? Please expand.
I can offer an explanation. Most men have now been feminised and most women now masculinised so….yeah.
*runs for door*
Plenty of women are quite aggressive to the point of ridiculousness in Australia. From what I have seen. Manifested in all kinds of ways.
Back when I was a teen a group of drunk kids started chatting crap to me and a mate who were walking past them, I was also drunk (though stopped now), when I told one of the girls to move she started getting aggressive and pointed at my face calling me names so I pushed her out of the way in an aggressive manner.
My mate said you shouldn’t have done that and the group started swearing etc. but we then left without any further escalation. Next day, thanks to that mate some people started saying oh Azy hits girls etc, my ans was F U, I don’t give a shit who you are if you give me shit you will get shit back. Problem is rumours will exacerbate and make situation worse than it actually was. Yes I won’t overdo it but that doesn’t mean I have to cower and cave in to someone cos they are female. I came across her again when we were both sober and we both acknowledged we were in the wrong.
Thus it has ever been. But it takes a mighty woman to shatter a jaw that a mediocre man can put to flinders in a moment.
To pretend that men and women are physically equal is to buy into all that bullwash that the genderists have built up (IMO as a trial balloon for this insanity).
Anti-vaxxers want to kill your babies, stage a coup and cause another lockdown!”
That was supposed to be a quote, followef by a comment, but I’m using a Linux Pinephone, still a few bugs, better every day!
lol, they’re told by gp/hospital that their feelings of ” omg, i am dying/hoping to die it’s so bad ” have nothing to do with any shot and take some painpills and shut up. at least that’s how it is for my friend.
and i’ve had more/worse pain since too. sheding? idk, i’ve fibro and it’s always up and down, but this is quite remarkable.
and yes, it looks like he’s got autoimmune issues now.
There is no “shedding” just as there is no “viral transmission”. The only way that shit can get to you from the outside is with an injection.
“Auto-immune ” refers to certain diseases that “science” has little understanding of . Conventional
vaccinesfrankenstein injections are supposed to make you ” immune ” but mRNA vaccines are only supposed to reduce the severity of “covid”.More basic question: Has any of the 10s of millions of scientific experts published an analysis of any of the jabs? Or at least the inorganic substances in them? This a part of the mess that patents got us into.
Translation: Firstly it’s an injection not a tablet. More importantly this is Plan B. If we can’t get you with the mandatory death shots we will get you with mandatory testing and compulsory “treatment”. So be prepared to go walkabout. This so called life saving bullshit is yet another DNA altering jab. DO NOT GET TESTED.
But we all know, because we’ve told, that there are no natural antibodies protective against Covid-1984. I can’t believe we’ve been lied to.
Greg Hunt, Australian federal Minister of Health, is the real power behind the throne. No wonder he is pushing more covid treatments. His Wikipedia profile shows that he was a director of strategy at the WEF, a very useful qualification for the post he holds now. So, although the PM and states’ premiers are rightly in the firing line, they are small fry compared with G reg.
That must be a straight forward job.
“Greg, can you outline your your strategy?”
“Sure, slide 1: Kill them”
“Greg, that’s a bit general, can you go into more detail?”
“slide 2: Kill them all.”
“Ok everyone I think that about wraps up Greg’s strategy presentation”
I think the Sarah Everard murder does say something about the nature of the police, the powers they have, not exactly reduced in time of Covid. They also attacked a protest gathering about the murder, citing Covid concerns.
Craig Kelly MP @CraigKellyMP
Oct 4, 2021
NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro resigns just days after Gladys resigns
They’re all deserting sinking ship
Gladys gone
Barilaro gone
Time for a great reset of #auspol
New leaders, New ideas, New approach
NSW Deputy Premier announces resignation days after Gladys Berejiklian’s exit
Oct 4, 2021
They went overboard with Covid “precautions” – is hubris giving way to nemesis?
He probably figured out what was really going on and decided in a rare moment of political conscience that his soul was more important.
You need the /s
Gladys has taken a sabbatical to get the Hitler moustache hair implants, she’ll be back!
They all have to go on training for the next phase, like Boris did when he was locked up in hospital – supposedly having Covid ha ha – for two weeks then magically came out with a 180 degree policy u-turn.
Doesn’t the dropping of the PCR test as a valid procedure come into effect as of some time in December? No wonder the Australian government have had such a massive hard on for hawking as many injections as they can. The vaccination centre I ride my bike past nearly every day has been slammed daily for weeks now. Slammed. They are STREAMING in thick and fast. That’s Brisbane. Where three 120yos and a cat have died from “covid” in 2 years. Yet they STREAM in to get injected.
Those pollies who have left are the rats who can see the ship is sinking, and they are hoping that their standing down will absolve them of responsibility for the death, injury and economic destruction they have caused while in office. The problem Australia faces is that their successors are going to be from the same white feather brigade – those elected parliamentarians who said nothing and did nothing throughout this crisis, while those psychos ran rampant. And, as Australia has been conditioned over decades to accept only the major political parties (who have stitched up the system so that there can be no real challenge), there is unlikely to be any change for the better. All those who altruistically seek public office soon become corrupt or are sidelined. Whither Australia?
It resonates even more today.
From Harold Pinter’s Nobel Prize speech:
I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory.
They “.. want to kill your babies, stage a coup and cause another lockdown!”
This is what Israel has been doing for years to Palestinians in Gaza, and the same media calls Israel a ‘Beacon of Democracy’!!!!!!!!
Shouldn’t anti-vaxers now get billions of dollars in annual aid from the the US State and Defense departments??
This is what the psychopaths running the show are doing and what they want to continue to do.
We will soon be buying lab steak from Bill Gates the pedo, it will probably be pre-fucked – for an extra 2 GBP per pound – by his arse nibbler Dave Cameron.
And you just know the vaccinated will be queued up to pay that 2 GBP premium.
Somebody said recently the powers-that-be will likely ban unvaxxed high-level athletes and sportsmen from competing because direct comparisons can be made between the performances of the vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Or they’ll introduce affirmative refereeing!
Liverpool vs Man City (Oct 3, 2021)
Somebody also said recently that the Australians were being fucked because they don’t have guns. Given all the people that have been murdered by vaccination in the USA, why haven’t the revenge killings started? Someone kills your wife, you put your gun back in your tank and watch TV? There must be something in the water.
Makes you wonder whether anybody is dying or whether the deaths are all part of the brain fuck provided by our Bernays sausages.
Bernays tells us that propaganda has a bad name because it can be used for good. What he fails to mention is that the people with the money for propaganda don’t give a fuck about doing good, in fact they hate the idea, they want you as their slave. Bernays wrote a book to help his mates.
The pandemic elites are controlling both sides … with money. I am not accusing OG – whom I believe are genuine – but the elites are providing VAERS to issue threads of bad news and the like in order to control the resistance. It amazes me how the resistance always uses the enemy’s numbers.
Re: “The pandemic elites are controlling both sides”
No, it’s an existential war.
Vigano: Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order
(LifeSiteNews) – Editor’s Note: the following is a speech delivered by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on August 28, 2021.
For more than a year and a half we have been helplessly witnessing the succession of incongruent events to which most of us are unable to give a plausible justification. The pandemic emergency has made particularly evident the contradictions and illogicalities of measures nominally intended to limit contagion – lockdowns, curfews, closures of commercial activities, limitations of public services and classes, suspension of citizens’ rights – but which are disavowed daily by conflicting voices, by clear evidence of ineffectiveness, by contradictions on the part of the same health authorities. . . .
Once it is understood that the present events have been intended in order to obtain certain results – and consequently to pursue certain interests on behalf of a minority part of humanity, with incalculable harm for the majority – we must also have the honesty to recognize the criminal mens [mind] of the authors of this plan. . . .
Now, in the face of a criminal plan it would be at least logical to denounce it and make it known, in order to then be able to avert it and try those who are guilty. The list of traitors should start with the heads of government, with cabinet members and elected officials, and then continue with the virologists and corrupt doctors, the complicit officials, the leaders of the armed forces incapable of opposing the violation of the Constitution, the sold-out journalists, the cowardly judges and the obsequious unions. In that long list that will perhaps be drawn up one day, the leaders of the Catholic Church should also be listed, starting with Bergoglio and not a few of the Bishops, who have become zealous executors of the will of the prince against the mandate received from Christ. And certainly, in that list, one would know the extent of the conspiracy and the number of the conspirators, confirming the crisis of authority and the perversion of civil and religious power. In short, it would be understood that the corrupt part of the civil authority – the deep state – and the corrupt part of ecclesiastical authority – the deep church – are two sides of the same coin, both instrumental to the establishment of the New World Order.