OffG is taking a short break…

After almost two years of “pandemic”, during which any time off has been almost impossible to come by, we at Off-Guardian are taking a short (and much needed) break.
What does this mean, exactly? It means, barring some massive and unforeseen breaking news, the site will go into quiet mode for nine days, starting this Saturday and ending on Monday the 18th.
Don’t worry, you’ll still have access to all of our past content, but the comments will be temporarily closed. And while we won’t be publishing anything brand new, we will be regularly featuring our new Best of OffG category, sharing some of our pre-Covid content with our post-Covid audience.
The older articles were handpicked by the team on a variety of criteria. Maybe they were fundamental to the site’s growth, it might be their message is important or they have been given new meaning in a post-Covid world. They might just be funny. We hope you enjoy them.
We’ll be back on the 18th, having caught up with real-world responsibilities, had a nap, maybe managed to go outside and – most importantly – not even looked at the Guardian for ten whole days.
There’s good news too: Soon after we return we hope to be unveiling some exciting new features!
Until then, enjoy the rest of our content this week, we’ll be back soon. And, as always, many thanks to our readers and supporters.
The OffGuardian Team
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Have a good holiday. I’m going to book one soon. If I get time.
Thank you 🙂 I hope you enjoy yours. Back soon! A2
Is OffG going somewhere nice for their holiday? Just kidding!
Yeah, the Quarantine hotel…
tony abbott, in Taiwan, THREATENS China with:
“incalculable consequences”
tony abbott is a right wing christian fundamentalist (as conservative as a sardine tin) who sees himself as a Western Civilization guardian and defender.
Oh God! One more day to go! Oh well – to contemplate in the meantime:
it looks no one from NSW australia will (soon) have any more time to read or contribute to online discussions.
The new right wing conservative the premier of NSW has VOWED to keep EVERYONE working.
The Fuhrer made it sound as he has a mandate from GOD to keep everyone with nothing else but work.
Enjoy the break. You have more than deserved it.
Birth defects are real, they have been occurring in our world, and the warning issued by the Turkish leader and doctors is therefore to be taken very serious.
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO from Facebook, said to his staff – during an internal meeting – that covid vaccines indeed change the human DNA and can cause mutations.
The video below includes the documentary The Battle for Humanity with Dr. Carrie Madej, in which she also warns for devastating genetic disorders resulting from the vaccines.
Before you take your well-earned, and totally deserved break, I’d be incredibly grateful if you would let let us know when the third part of your interview with the excellent Mark Crispin Miller in the series “Perspectives on the pandemic” will be uploaded.
Thank you, the forever grateful Agus.
Journeyman Pictures makes the Perspectives on the Pandemic series, not Off-Guardian. You can find them on Youtube
No joy with Youtube, but I found it on Bitchute.
Steve Kirsch, health philanthropist, feels validated, according to his Sept 26th post on Gab. Steve moved to Gab from Twitter feeling he could no longer tweet without risking account deletion. In Gab he posted, “Here’s the BOMBSHELL paper showing vaccines kill more people than they save… This paper validated my research.”
The paper:
• Explains why the C_V_D-19 inoculations are operationally a “treatment” and not a vaccine.
• Shows why the clinical trials did not predict either the seriousness of adverse events that have occurred as of mid-June (as reported in VAERS) or the potential extent of the underlying pre-symptomatic damage that has occurred as a result of the inoculations.
• Summarizes the adverse events that have occurred as of mid-June (through reporting in VAERS) from the mass inoculation.
• Presents biological evidence to support the potential occurrence of many more adverse effects from these inoculations in the mid- and long-term.
• Examines why the normalized post-inoculation deaths are small, but not negligible, in children.
• Provides a detailed analysis of the major clinical trials that were used to justify Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the inoculants presently being administered in the USA.
• Presents a novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis of the C_V_D-19 inoculations that have been administered in the USA.
The science concludes:
• People in the 65+ demographic are five times as likely to die from the inoculation as from COVID-19 under the most favorable assumptions!
• The long-term cost-benefit ratio under the best-case scenario could well be on the order of 10/1, 20/1, or more for all the demographics, increasing with decreasing age.
Pfizer asks FDA to authorize vaccine for children aged 5-11
Have a well earned break and thank you for for keeping me sane and not feel isolated.
I am sympathetic with it, one needs some time off from the same old crowd of obsessed commenters here, especially those whining about freedom of speech when their mental farts don’t appear quickly enough in the comment section. And aside of that in general from societal obsessions and mass fear psychosis, pro or con, even when in opposition it means to be victim of it.
I took a break long time ago.My recommendation: next time, do it earlier, in spring time and during the whole summer, enjoy the weather, nature and the sun, it’s very healthy. Cheers and enjoy life! there is still plenty of it.
I wish you the best – but nine days without new OffG articles and the comments? How will I cope? So looking forward to Mon 18th and the return of the only media worth following!
I read an article in about efforts by “scientists” to find a means of putting “vaccines” in food, such as lettuce and spinach.
“Hold on there slick,” I trust you’re thinking (as did I): stomach acid will take care of that in short order.
Not so fast! What is it that’s become our new sugar pill (other than statins)? Say it with me: antacids. They have become ubiquitous in Western societies.
Why, you can suppress your stomach acid for up to 24 hours a day! You won’t ever have to worry about heartburn or acid reflux again. And you’ll provide a safe passage for leafy “vaccines” through your system.
Aren’t scientists clever?
Published: May 1990
Lithium in drinking water and the incidences of crimes, suicides, and arrests related to drug addictions
Gerhard N. Schrauzer1 &
Krishna P. Shrestha2
Biological Trace Element Research volume 25, pages 105–113 (1990)Cite this article
Using data for 27 Texas counties from 1978–1987, it is shown that the incidence rates of suicide, homicide, and rape are significantly higher in counties whose drinking water supplies contain little or no lithium than in counties with water lithium levels ranging from 70–170 µg/L; the differences remain statistically significant (p<0.01) after corrections for population density. The corresponding associations with the incidence rates of robbery, burglary, and theft were statistically significant withp<0.05. These results suggest that lithium has moderating effects on suicidal and violent criminal behavior at levels that may be encountered in municipal water supplies. Comparisons of drinking water lithium levels, in the respective Texas counties, with the incidences of arrests for possession of opium, cocaine, and their derivatives (morphine, heroin, and codeine) from 1981–1986 also produced statistically significant inverse associations, whereas no significant or consistent associations were observed with the reported arrest rates for possession of marijuana, driving under the influence of alcohol, and drunkenness. These results suggest that lithium at low dosage levels has a generally beneficial effect on human behavior, which may be associated with the functions of lithium as a nutritionally-essential trace element. Subject to confirmation by controlled experiments with high-risk populations, increasing the human lithium intakes by supplementation, or the lithiation of drinking water is suggested as a possible means of crime, suicide, and drug-dependency reduction at the individual and community level.
You deserve a break. You provide content every day and you are so on top of it all!!! I am sooooo thankful for you guys. Please take your well deserved break. Thank you for all you do.
HOW DARE YOU! (the scraypes foundation is at pains to assure readers that the statement by our glorious leader was made with the irony factor turned up to 11)
Still people don’t understand you Mr. President
Regretfully, I must concur with you, Mr. Prime Minister. The yoke of office is not a light one.
Over easy Mr. President, over easy.
For those that haven’t seen this, it is fascinating (but deep) reading!
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
Stephanie Seneff 1 and Greg Nigh 2
1-Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge MA, 02139, USA, Email: [email protected]
2-Naturopathic Oncology, Immersion Health, Portland, OR 97214, USA
Operation Warp Speed brought to market in the United States two mRNA vaccines, produced by Pfizer and Moderna. Interim data suggested high efficacy for both of these vaccines, which helped legitimize Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA. However, the exceptionally rapid movement of these vaccines through controlled trials and into mass deployment raises multiple safety concerns. In this review we first describe the technology underlying these vaccines in detail. We then review both components of and the intended biological response to these vaccines, including production of the spike protein itself, and their potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases. Among these potential induced pathologies, we discuss the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences within the spike protein. We also present a brief review of studies supporting the potential for spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the latter. We finish by addressing a common point of debate, namely, whether or not these vaccines could modify the DNA of those receiving the vaccination. While there are no studies demonstrating definitively that this is happening, we provide a plausible scenario, supported by previously established pathways for transformation and transport of genetic material, whereby injected mRNA could ultimately be incorporated into germ cell DNA for transgenerational transmission. We conclude with our recommendations regarding surveillance that will help to clarify the long-term effects of these experimental drugs and allow us to better assess the true risk/benefit ratio of these novel technologies.
Thank you for that, just what I needed… no I don’t understand it all… But I kept it
Good to hear that you are looking after yourself. You have been doing amazing work and I look forward to you coming back on the 18th. Enjoy the break.
u take a break
they never stop
think bout that
ain’t no time for takin breaks against the PharmaKoma Death Machine!!!
Gandhi never took breaks against the Imperial British Death Machine!!!
Strength and Honour
PS: And nor did Ho Chi Minh.
Nor did Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
U rest Corporate Pharma grows stronger and stronger!
Were any of the above journalists?
Back when i worked nights and weekends making breads my time was always defined by its relation to Work. Annual Leave was never annual holidays, it was leave FROM work. Any time-off was time-off FROM work. Free time was something like day-release; it was time free From work…Time away from work was never called ‘well-earned’ or ‘well deserved’ – but it was well understood it was for rest and recuperation so i could continue Working For The Man.
My time was never my own. No matter how tired i felt i had to get out of bed, get ready to go to work – the before-work part of my day also belonged to The Man – unpaid labour. I was born into The Lucky Generations. I inherited the 8 hour day / 40 hour week others had struggled for and won. But i was never happy with work, so when i came across John Zerzan and others mid-1970s writings on The Revolt against Work i cheered up. Of course i was not then aware of The Mans plan to ship jobs and factories to greener pastures off-shore putting many out of Work…
Seems every time there’s an attempt to take our lives back into our own hands The Man has a plan for otherwise. The alt-globalisation movement stopped in its tracks by 9/11.
Widespread, uncontrolled reactions to a 2020 global recession stopped before they could start by that little bugger ‘covid’, Covid Rools to stop demonstrations before they start ! No hassles if you’re on your way to work (or to get an experimental medical treatment) . Otherwise you’re very much restricted to staying at home…
The revolt against work was not presaging the developments that todays youth must endure: barely livable wage levels, fewer hours available, casualised work, zero-work contracts and so on – no matter how much they’re promoted as options, choices, giving youths more freedoms.. (I sometimes think history is the story of failed revolts, that History is far too strong..)
Great comment. And, of course, the Work-a-Day system (which, ironically, The Man is about to smash to smithereens) only worked because way too many people wanted “a better life” either for themselves or for their kids.
Of course, also, no one actually sat down and tried to figure out what this “better life” consisted of; or why having a bigger and fancier this or that was “better.”
“Whatever it takes to amount to something!” became the working class mantra.
Hmm, come to think of it, that would make a nice epitaph, wouldn’t it?
Rest up gang. You all deserve it. Can’t wait to see what will unfold after the 18th!
all the best from jimbo down in the intractable biotech stralya med apartheid prison concentration dystopia!!
Du Wirst Starksein!!
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Please, please don’t pretend that you weren’t told years ago of what they had planned for us all.
Yesterday Jon Rappaport at NoMoreFakeNews asked where was Biden’s Executive Order (EO) mandating that companies with 100 employees or more require all employees be vaxxed… Today Jon reveals that Biden has used a devious route to achieve the same response…
Biden has instructed the governments national health and safety organization to draw up regulations requiring companies to comply with Bidens wish that 100% of Americans be vaxxed…
Jon suggests Biden has chosen not to claim a mandate to compel everyone get vaxxed as such could be directly legally challenged – whereas it will be harder to legally challenge the regulations of the health and safety mob…
Australia’s ‘workplace regulator’ seems to have been chosen by the Australian government for the same reason – which suggests, not only are both governments being advised by the same mob, receiving the same advice, but considerable thought and advance planning went into how to conduct this War Against Freedom…
.It’s evident both governments were advised a direct legal challenge to being able to mandate everyone submit to an experimental medical treatment would win…
The Never Ending War Against Our Freedom Never Takes A Break…
Seems that the (one world) government implemented the same in America and Australia.
Not so much as being ‘advised’ by the same mob – they are no longer sovereign separate entities.
…and Canada too.
Hope you Off-G staff have a thoroughly refreshing and much-deserved break!
When the USA takes over Australia, we are going to make everyone start dring on the “right” side of the road!
In Australia we drive on the left. Custom developed after the introduction of The Motor Car that pedestrian traffic stick to the left of pavements. During WW2, with so many Yanks Over Here, lines were drawn middle of pavements in the cities so the bloody Yanks kept to local customs, didnt -unintentionally – rub us locals the wrong way..
After Australia dropped our White Australia Policy, allowed in Asian migrants, as they were unused to our custom, and no white lines were drawn, elbows would become sore if you didnt want to zig-zag through the crowds when going about your business.
And anyway, Australia is a USA Protectorate. Were administered indirectly from overseas by The USA FDA, USA CDC, WHO, and occasionally via some order from The UN…
Are you just waking up to how much planning has been done to prevent objections winning….it is really like a nightmare of corridors where any escape route is blocked….which has always made me wonder just what has to be in that needle that they so desperately want it in every arm….or is it the passport?
it has been intricately planned to last detail law wise and laws and systems put in place….these people are not fooling around being accidental fools ….and the dumb idiots out there still think it is about a virus.
The planning mob have systematically for years now bought up big employment industries…..those places now mandatory……think about that for a moment….this wasn’t an instant thing.
That is one fewer slingshot for the defence as the combined forces of the world government roll over us. Bad news I suppose.
Have a good snooze and please do come back with news.
Much thanks to Kit and company at Off-G guess I’ll learn how to meditate for 9 days…
I will miss you while you are gone. It’s become a morning routine to wake up to a cup of bulletproof coffee and thou.
Maybe I’ll actually get something done for once…
Well done. Rest, relax, and recharge.
Thank you 😊 We shall!
I’ve been reading the online entries for Patrick Zylberman. He doesnt sound like a bad guy. He’s no Adolf Eichmann. Seems to be genuinely concerned about pandemics, and how governments can respond to them – without causing too much economic damage, or personal hardships. But innocent as he may be, the state has weaponised his research on how to react to a pandemic.
Reading him called to mind something that surprised me, mentioned in the anthropologist
Clyde Kluckhohn’s book “Mirror for Man”, a second hand copy which i bought and read decades ago .Clyde had worked for the US Army during WW2. The Army had problems: humans come in various sizes, there’s no standard size, no One size fits all. Clyde’s job was to work out averages, and percentages of averages, so that uniforms could be made that fit those averages. (soldiers dont fight too well if their pants are too tight, or sleeve lengths too short/long – though in the movies every soldiers uniform looks made to fit, and the Big Guns uniforms look tailor made.) My surprise was due to not realising anthropologists tools could be put to uses other than finding out what people without mod-cons & teevees did with Their Time…
Knowledge aint power, but it can be used to obtain Power. All knowlege seems to have the potential to be weaponised. I thought, in my youth, that the psychologies were part of the healing professions. But, well i wasnt really shocked to learn some leading US psychologists helped devise torture programs for use in US Detention centre at Guantanamo ,Cuba (Git-mo = tortured language/torturer-speak)
David Price has produced; Weaponizing Anthropology. Social Science in the Service of the Militarized State. Sounds intriguing. It’s published by one of those must-hate “left”
online groups = could be suspect… But, Amazon dont carry it = could be worth a read then ?
Anyway, it appears to be a rare ‘Off-Topic’ day on Offg, a chance to share some Off-Topic thoughts.. AND: If Everything can be weaponised in our intraspecies war, what about love ? On Offg’s return, how many of us will have learned to Love Big Brothers injection ?)
They’ve already weaponised love. Police snoops mingling incognito among what they see as potentially destabilising groups do court and mate and breed children with susceptible members. And then, after they’ve had enough, they leave with intelligence gathered on the group, including their abandoned erstwhile mates and their own flesh and blood. Weaponising anthropology has also been here awhile. Before moving into and taking over the Malay States as colonised lands, the Brits sent in academic Walter Skeats to understand the life and ways of the natives. He didn’t stay to marry and breed though. He came back to Oxford to write and teach.
Thank you for all your hard work. Do come back refreshed, and even more productive. Didn’t you all start as disgruntled letter writers to the Grauniad?
Thank you for the hard work. Here is a suggestion: you could schedule the publication of articles, can’t you?
As an experiment, how about scheduling the publication of one article every 2 or 3 days?
Commenting is taken care of by the program, isn’t it?
As to inappropriate comments that need culling, why bother about something you are not looking at anyway (you are on holiday, right?). So, you can’t be offended by something you don’t know if it exists 😉 :-p
Give it a try, my friends!!
Thanks for the work, have a fun recharge break.
Why does “unveiling” always bring to mind “deflowering” ?
Why are unveilings always “exciting” and “new” ?
Why is there always an “exciting” “new” store “opening soon”, and “near you” ?
Or an “exciting” “new’ shopping centre, about to “open here Soon” ?
Why are there only “Proud Sponsors” ?
Could The Veiled Imam be female ?
Those who have the time to study Such Things reckon The Average Persons Vocabulary contains around 600 words (minimum programming)…
Have They ever researched how many Basic Expressions The Average Person uses
to “string together” what it is they’re “going on about” ?
If we all stopped using “exciting” would the world be a duller place ?
(According to Scientist the world is Dimming, anyway)….
I was taking a short break from here as well and trying to recharge my batteries so to speak. Thank you OffG for helping keep so many of us sane and up to speed with the machinations of the 0.01% – those who are really behind the scamdemic.
Enjoy your well deserved break away from the madness of Event Covid.
Meantime, here in Melbourne, covid cult members seem to be becoming more aggressive towards those of us still not wearing masks or complying with this bullshit. One of my friends was reduced to tears the other day by the aggressive actions of a fully functioning cult member.
Some may find this article from Technocracy News very relevant regards where this is heading.
Hope this comes to Cyprus soon so I can join you in the park.
This does not “come”.
You create it!
Find a park or something suitable near you and publish it via
That’s all.
Thank you for keeping me sane (sort of) I hope you enjoy your well earned rest!
At the heart of the ‘pandemic’ last March and April this site was the eye in the storm. Pivotal to remaining objective and focused in the heat of the propaganda campaign. That set the tone for the alternative narrative that has allowed many of us to maintain a semblance of sanity particularly over the last year and a half.
Its important for all us to pull back and remember the things that are important or ‘real’ during everything because everyday life is the anchor that holds everything together. Lose that and you can lose everything. Enjoy your break and many thanks for the great articles produced through all this. At least now I can start to catch up on the ones I’ve missed.
Such a thoughtful and resonant comment, Seansaighdeor.
It was Off-G and its commenters that validated my gut feelings at the start of this situation, and have since been a priceless support.
My gratitude to you all!
Thank you for your hard work all. Have a great break.
Yes, enjoy your well-deserved break.
Especially the overworked, frazzled spam filter! A nice rest is sure to calm it down, and reduce its unfortunate propensity for “acting out” with passive-aggressive collateral damage, which is clearly a cry for help.
Thanks OFFG. Take it easy.
Nice one. Enjoy the break. Yiu f***ing well deserve it!
I found Off Guardian after turning to my other half about a week into ‘Lockdown’ and saying this is bullshit…I realised the coordination in the commercials hitting me on Spotify and elsewhere were way too coordinated to have been created in the time that this thing had supposedly appeared and then hit our country. I felt strongly that the adverts were scaremongering and pure propaganda. I found several commenters ( you know who you are) as savvy and insightful as the articles themselves and have been coming back ever since, and learnt a great deal. Many thanks Team OG, and thanks to all my friends here, and I really do consider you friends who have kept me sane, informed, linked me to things that both angered me and cheered me up…it’s been such a strange rollercoaster of an 18 months, but we’re still in the game, which is cheering. There is so much more awareness, and as the vaccine rollout continues so does resistance to the insanity.
I love this song, I love to hear children singing in chorus. It truly is beautiful. It is surely for them that we do what we do.
Night night and have a good and well deserved break one and all.
Our mum didnt say “Night, night”, she said “Nightie night.” She didnt mean there were nights when no one wore nighties in bed, nights we could sleep naked in bed.(delight nights)… She meant “Night night !” (Trans: goodnight)..
Who knew?
China PCR test orders soared before first confirmed COVID case
Report on government contracts show surges in Wuhan-area purchases from May 2019
MASAYA KATO, Nikkei staff writer
October 5, 2021 04:00 JST
TOKYO — Purchases of PCR tests in China’s Hubei Province surged months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus case there, according to a report by Australia-based cybersecurity company Internet 2.0.
About 67.4 million yuan ($10.5 million at current rates) was spent on PCR tests in Hubei during 2019, nearly double the 2018 total, with the upswing starting in May, according to the report.
Internet 2.0 collected and analyzed data from a website that aggregates information on public procurement bids in China. The analysis team consists of former officials from intelligence agencies in the U.S., the U.K., Australia, and other countries.
The report casts further doubt on China’s official line about the origins of the virus, a topic that has fueled tensions between Beijing and Washington. China’s foreign ministry has disputed the report’s findings.
Why assume there’s a direct connection between the origins of the virus’ and the nearly doubling of money spent purchasing PCR tests. (Presuming the cost didnt nearly double)
Wasnt there a major TB epidemic in China pre-covid ? and so on…
Stats, and their misuse, distortions, etc, are the lynchpin holding the covid ‘pandemic’ together.(Does Our Planet exist anymore other than as a statistical model – comprised solely of statistical ‘facts’ ? Do we subject our young to 12 – 14 years schooling so they’ll only be able to see the world as a Maze Of Statistics ?)
Amanda M’Charak: The factness of facts depends on their ability to disconnect themselves from the practices that helped produce them.(Making Kin Not Population. 2018 .p14)
Ps: The War Against freedom aint gonna be put on “Hold” while the Good Folk at Offg take A Much Needed Break… It aint called The Forever War for nothin’.
People assume when they don’t have direct evidence. In the case of China, I doubt anyone actually believes anything that comes out of the country that was issued by government news, so assumption is all we got.
Many want to believe that China released the Covid virus that they enhanced through experimentation. But there are a whole other group of people who believe that Covid was a USA bio-attack on China that went wrong. See:
btw: If you’re looking for free-for-all commenting while OG is on hiatus, try
I long ago lost track of the number of times i read or heard “no one believes anything said by the Chinese government…
During the early 1980s all one learned of the developments in the Soviet Union from the corporate mass propaganda media was prism’d via the US CIAs suspicions.. The US spooks didnt believe, said we couldnt believe anything the Soviets said. The CIA introduced into popular usage, claimed all news out of the USSR , was dis-information (Meant to confuse the Spooks)…
The USSR was undergoing perestroika (political reformation), and glasnost (openess & transparency). The spooks were confused, suspicious that the facts were being used as cover for more Sovietsky deviousness.. The spooks were dis-informed by the facts…
Whose interests does it serve for Western ‘News” consumers to dismiss
everything coming out of China as unreliable, suspicious,,,
China has had remarkable success using traditional medicines, even mega-doses of vitamin C, in the treatments of “covid” symptoms…Whose interests are served for such successes to be dismissed as ‘suspicious’ etc ?
I read that Wuhan was one of the first cities in the world to go full-5G, I have no doubt 5G affects breathing. Chinese health officials, unaware of the effects of 5G on some people would assume – given how we all assume viruses are pathogenic – a virus, and may have assumed face-masks may provide protection / stop the spread…
I have never accepted any lab-made, lab-leak Origin Story Everything i hear / read about what’s going on in China is second-hand. And i certainly dont believe Australia’s politicians-in-government.
I know it’s just a break, a much deserved break, but it will feel like forever. This site is valuable in so many ways. Enjoy the outdoors & no t.v.!
Enjoy your well earned rest and relaxation. Why don’t put up one “Open Thread” with no story but open comments just for everyone to rant and spew (justifiably) about this world?
Because someone would need to moderate it.
Everyone of us here has a light shining inside. For those who have a moral center and are fully in sync with it, you are a beacon of hope. Spiritual strength is something the other side doesn’t have. When I look at all the films and events that showcase the human spirit, that present people who at their darkest moments of hopelessness and despair, reach inside and find the strength to forge ahead, they are truly touching the devine. When you see injustice or another human in pain and care not what they look like but only that you’ve decided to make a difference, you are in touch with your humanity. Do not lose hope, do not be afraid. People are standing up. Until the world ends we will act as though it intends to spin on.
Enjoy the well deserved break. I am merely echoing what all your devoted followers are saying. You guys have been a Godsend in keeping us all sane and able to see the that the emperor was stark naked and very ugly. Cometh the hour, cometh the Offguardian. It can get pretty wearisome staring into the abyss, so enjoy the time away from the emotional rack and intellectual wreckage of the present dystopia. We eagerly await your return…
anti-empire brought me to OG
OG brought me to anti empire
Zerohedge was my “on ramp” to Off-Guardian
James Corbett brought me here. A random African lady on YouTube talking about vaccines in Kenya – on autoplay brought me to JCs Bill Gates doc.
Thank you random lady.
so, before OG goes quiet for a tad, can i have a notion of who thinks what is gonnae happen bewteen now and Xmas+?
i do not want to know yer plans A to K, but what do we really think is coming soon?
in my crumbling pastry heid moments, I honestly think most of us all, are fukt. This has all got too well embedded in the 40 % by now, never mind panic response psychology. Then we have the 20% zealots. with the state sponsoring them.
new normal is the norm where I am. fukt.
feral automaton complicit jobsworth wages in the bank empty vessel social media hero…. 50 % of all employment in the State of Sturgeon. Jesus wept.
Where I am IS probably 70% vexed adults, with skews awry within cohort/class/job certainly, but not looking good regardless.
In my happier oatcake heid moments, I think the entire thing is groaning with hyperbole and extension that even the regular covidians despair of…?
but nothing really changes, the shite rolls on.
So, who sees themselves dead or interned between now and Xmas 202? ?
all the tube shite aside, where do we really think we wil be Easter 2022?
i hope the October Doom talk is just more shite : )
; )
Short prediction…insane places like Australia ease in insanity…the covid carnival moves to the northern hemisphere…but different crises start to head ‘the news’. But, yeah, I really don’t know.
Sadly my friend I think the Covid shit is about to come to an end with the environmental shit only just starting for Jan 2022. I get the feeling they are a bit bored now. Everything isn’t wall to wall Covid bollocks anymore but this will just be replaced.
I think some countries are fairing worse in the UK. Scotland like Wales is nuts deep in this. England seems pretty much back to normal so it was a shock when I went over the border and was shouted at in a shop. Best wishes my friend.x
It’s all going to get increasingly challenging.
Only TPTB know how many challenges they’ll squeeze in before xmas, but they are likely to include a few of the following:
If you survive that lot (jabless), then you’ll have The Great Reset to look forward to.