The Banners of the King of Hell Advance

Edward Curtin

“Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni”
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: The Inferno

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Try to look ahead and see if you can see what’s been coming for decades.  Try to climb higher and see the beautiful things that Heaven bears, where we came forth, and once more see the stars and raise a banner of resistance to the King of Hell and all his henchmen. For they are here, and working hard as usual, and indifference will only strengthen their resolve.

Don’t be deceived by these digital demons. They want to make you think they don’t exist. They wish to get you to suspend your disbelief and get lost in the endless looping movie they have created to conceal their real machinations.

For we are living in a world of endless propaganda and simulacra where vast numbers of people are hypnotized and can’t determine the difference between the real world of nature, the body, etc. and digital imagery. 

Reality has disappeared into screens. Simulation has swallowed the distinction between the real world and its representations. Meaning has migrated to the margins of consciousness. This process is not yet complete but getting there.

This may at first seem hyperbolic, but it is not.

I wish to explain this as simply as I can, which is not easy, but I will try. I will attempt to be rational, while knowing rationality and the logic of facts can barely penetrate the logic of digital simulacra within which we presently exist to such a large extent.

Welcome to the New World Order and artificial intelligence which, if we do not soon wake up to their encroaching calamitous consequences, will result in a world where “we will never know” because our brains will have been reduced to mashed potatoes and nothing will make sense.

The British documentary filmmaker, Adam Curtis, has said in his recent film, Can’t Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World, that it’s already “pointless to try to understand the meaning of why things happen” and we will never know, but this is a nihilistic claim that leads to resigned hopelessness.

We must get such sentiments “out of our heads.”

We do not, of course, live in the middle ages like Dante.  Hell, purgatory, and heaven seem to be beyond our ken.  Our imaginations have withered together with our grasp on reality.  Up/down, good/evil, war/peace – opposites have melded into symbiotic marriages.

Most people are ashamed, as the poet Czeslaw Milosz has said, to ask themselves certain questions that the seething infinity of modern relativity has bequeathed us. Space and time have lost all dimensions; the experience of the collapse of hierarchical space and time is widespread.

For those who still call themselves religious believers like Dante, “when they fold their hands and lift up their eyes, ‘up’ no longer exists,” Milosz rightly says. 

The map and the territory are one as all metaphysics are almost lost. And with its loss go our ability to see the advancing banner of the king of hell, to grasp the nature of the battle for the soul of the world that is now underway.  Or if you prefer, the struggle for political control.

One thing is certain: This war for control must be fought on both the spiritual and political levels. The centuries’ long rise of technology and capitalism has resulted in the degradation of the human spirit and its lived sense of the sacred.

This must be reversed, as it has fundamentally led to the mechanistic embrace of determinism and the disbelief in freedom.

Logical thought is necessary, but not mechanistic thought with the deification of reason. Scientific insight is essential, but within its limitation.

The spiritual and artistic imagination that transcends materialist, machine thinking is needed now more than ever. We emphatically need to realize that the subject precedes the object and consciousness the scientific method. 

Only by realizing this will we be able to break free from the trap that is propaganda and digital simulacra, whose modi operandi are to dissolve the differences between truth and falsity, the imaginary and the real, facts and fiction, good and evil. To play satanic circle games, create double-binds, whose intent and result is to imprison and confuse.

It is akin to asking what is the antonym to the word contronym, which is a word having two meanings that contradict each other, such as “cleave,” which means to cut in half or to stick together. There are many such words.

“What is the opposite of a contronym?”  I asked my thirteen-year-old granddaughter, a great reader and writer raised far away from the madding crowd of flickering and looping electronic images. To which, after thinking a few minutes, she correctly replied, “The antonym to a contronym is itself, because it has two opposite meanings. It contradicts itself.”

Or as Tweedledee told Alice:

“Contrariwise, if it were so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t.  That’s logic.”

And that’s the logic used to trap a sleeping public in a collective hallucination of media and machines. A grand movie in which all “opposites” are integrated to tranquilize all anxieties and amuse all boredom so that the audience doesn’t realize there is a world outside the Wonderland theater.

A Place to Start

Let me begin with a little history, some fortieth anniversaries that are occurring this year. In themselves, and even in their temporal juxtapositions, they mean little, but they give us a place to anchor our reflections.

A sense of time and the progression of developments that have led to widespread digital cognitive warfare and twisted simulations.  Widespread unreality rooted in materialist brain research financed by intelligence agencies. Spectacles of spectacles.

As Guy Debord puts it in The Society of the Spectacle:

Where the real world changes into simple images, the simple images become real beings and effective motivations of hypnotic behavior.

In 1981, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the US President. He was a bad actor, of course, which meant he was a good actor (or the reverse of the reverse of the reverse…) in a society that was becoming increasingly theatrical, image based, and dominated by what Daniel Boorstin in his classic book, The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America, had earlier termed “pseudo-events.” 

Reagan was the personification of a pseudo-event, a walking illusion, a “benign” Orwellian persona presented to the public to conceal an evil agenda. 

He was a masked man, one created by Deep-State forces to convince the public it was “morning in America again,” even as the banner of an avuncular good guy concealed, right from the start with the treacherous “October Surprise” involving the Iranian hostage crisis, an evil opening act to start the charade.

Reagan received overwhelming popular support and served two terms as the acting president.  The audience was enthralled. In crucial ways, his election marked the beginning of our descent into hell.

Halfway through his two terms, Gary Wills, In Reagan’s America: Innocents at Home, introduced Reagan as follows:

The geriatric ‘juvenile lead’ even as President, Ronald Reagan is old and young – an actor, but with only one role. Because he acts himself, we know he is authentic. A professional, he is always the amateur. He is the great American synecdoche, not only a part of our past but a large part of our multiple pasts. This is what makes many of the questions asked about him so pointless. Is he bright, shallow, complex, simple, instinctively shrewd, plain dumb? He is all these things and more. Synecdoche, just the Greek word for ‘sampling,’ and we all take a rich store of associations that have accumulated around the Reagan career and persona. He is just as simple, and just as mysterious, as our collective dreams and memories.

A few weeks after Reagan was sworn in, his newly named CIA Director William Casey (see Robert Parry’s book, Trick or Treason: The 1980 October Surprise Mystery), made a revealing comment at a meeting of the new cabinet appointees. Casey said, as overheard and recorded by Barbara Honegger who was present:

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Thirdly, in August of 1981, the French sociologist Jean Baudrillard published his seminal book, Simulacra and Simulation, in which he set out his theory of simulation where he claimed that a “hyperreal” simulated world was replacing the real world that once could be represented but not replaced. 

He argued that this simulated world was generated by models of a real world that never existed and so people were living in “hyperreality,” or a totally fabricated reality.  This was a radical notion, and his claim at the time that this was already total was no doubt an exaggeration.  But that was then, not now.  Forty years have allowed his nightmarish theory to take on reality.  I will return to this subject later.

Technology and the Trap of the Machine Mass Mind

In his classic work, Propaganda, Jacques Ellul writes that:

An analysis of propaganda therefore shows that it succeeds primarily because it corresponds exactly to a need of the masses…just two aspects of this: the need for explanation and the need for values, which both spring largely, but not entirely, from the promulgation of news.”

He wrote that in 1962 when news and world events were rapidly speeding up but were nowhere near as technologically frenzied as they are today.

Then there were radio, many newspapers, and a handful of television stations. And yet, even in those days, as the sociologist C. Wright Mills said, the general public was confused and disoriented, liable to panic, and that information overwhelmed their capacity to assimilate it.

In The Sociological Imagination he wrote:

The very shaping of history now outpaces the ability of people to orient themselves in accordance with cherished values. And which values? Even when they do not panic, people often sense that older ways of feeling and thinking have collapsed and that newer beginnings are ambiguous to the point of moral stasis. Is it any wonder that ordinary people feel they cannot cope with the larger worlds with which they are so suddenly confronted? That they cannot understand the meaning of their epoch for their own lives? That – in defense of selfhood – they become morally insensible, trying to remain altogether private individuals? Is it any wonder that they come to be possessed by a sense of the trap?

This trap has been progressively closing ever since. To say this is false nostalgia for the good old days is intellectual claptrap. The evidence is overwhelming, and honest minds can see it clearly and a bit of self-reflection would reveal the inner wounds this development has caused.

There are various reasons for this: many intentional, others not: political machinations by the power elites, technological, cultural, religious developments, etc., all rooted in a similar way of thinking.  Whereas the wealthy elites have always controlled society, over the recent decades the growth in technological propaganda has increased exponentially.

But the machines have been built upon a technical way of thinking that Ellul describes as ‘the totality of methods rationally arrived at and having absolute efficiency in every field of human activity.” This way of thinking is the opposite of the organic, the human.

It is all about means without ends, self-generating means whose sole goal is efficiency.  Everything is now subordinated to technique, especially people.  He says:

From another point of view, however, the machine is deeply symptomatic: it represents the ideal toward which techniques strives.The machine is solely, exclusively technique; it is pure technique, one might say. For, wherever a technical factor exists, it results, almost inevitably, in mechanization: technique transforms everything it touches into a machine.

If only cell phones shocked the hands that touched them!

I think it is beyond dispute that this sense of entrapment and confusion with its concomitant widespread depression has increased dramatically over the decades and we have come to a dark, dark place. Lost in a dark wood would be an understatement. In the inferno would perhaps be more appropriate.

Who will be our Virgil to guide us through this hell we are creating and to show us where it is leading?

The massive use of psychotropic drugs for living problems is well known.  The sense of meaninglessness is widespread. The shredding of social bonds with the journey into a vast digital dementia has resulted in panic and anxiety on a vast scale. 

The fear of death and disease permeates the air as religious faith wanes.  People have been turned against each other as an hallucinatory cloak of propaganda has replaced reality with the black magic of digital incantations.

I remember how, in 1975, when I was teaching at a Massachusetts university and, sensing a vast unmet need in my students, I proposed a course called “The Sociology of Life, Death, and Meaning.”  My colleagues balked at the idea and I had to convince them it was worthwhile.  I sensed that the fear of death and a growing loss of meaning was increasing among young people (and the population at large) and it was my responsibility to try to address it. 

My colleagues considered the subject not scientific enough, having been seduced by the positivist movement in sociology. When the enrollment for the course reached 220 plus, my point was made. The need was great.  But it was a small window of opportunity for such deep reflections, for by 1980 the Cowboy in the white hat had ridden into Washington and a rock star was enthroned in the Vatican and all was once again well with the world.  Delusory orthodoxy reigned again.  Until….

For the last forty-one years there has been a progressive dissolution of reality into a theatrical electronic spectacle, beginning with the push for computer-generated globalization and continuing up to the latest cell phones.

Science, neuroscience, and technology have been deified. Cognitive warfare has been waged against the public mind. The intelligence agencies, war departments, and their accomplices throughout the corporations, media, Hollywood, medicine, and the universities have united to effect this end.  Neuroscience and medicine have been weaponized.

The objective being to convince the public that they are machines, their brains are computers, and that their only hope is embrace that “reality.”

After the actor Reagan rode off into the sunset, his Vice-President and former Director of the CIA (therefore a supreme actor), George H. W. Bush, took the reins and declared the decade of the 1990s the decade of brain research, to be heavily financed by the federal government.

In 1992, boy wonder William Clinton, straight out of the fetid fields of Arkansas politics, was elected to carry on this work, not just the brain research but the continuous bombing of Iraq and the slaughters around the world, but also the work of dismantling welfare and repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, reuniting commercial and investment banking and opening the door for the rich to get super-rich and normal people to get screwed. 

So Clinton fulfilled the duties of the good Republican President that he was, and the right-wing played the game of ripping him for being a leftist.  It’s funny except that so many believed this game in which all the players operated within the same frame (and of course still do), the play within the play whose real authors are always invisible to the fixated audience.

What is the antonym to a contronym?

When George W. Bush took over, he continued the brain research project with massive federal monies by declaring 2000-10 as the Decade of the Behavior Project.

Then under Obama, whose role model was the actor Reagan, and under Trump, whose role model was the guy he played on reality television and whose official role was playing the bad guy to Obama’s good guy, the money for the mapping of the brain and artificial intelligence continued flowing from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Office of Science and Technology Project (OSTP).

Three decades of joint military, intelligence, and neuroscience work on how to understand brains so as to control them through mind control and computer technology might suggest something untoward was afoot, wouldn’t you say?

Create the Problem and Then the “Solution”

If you are still on this twisted path with me, you may feel an increased level of anxiety.  Not that it is new, for you have probably felt it for a long time.

We both know that free-floating anxiety, like depression and fear, has been a stable of life in the good old USA for decades. We didn’t create it, and, as C. Wright Mills has said, “Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.” 

For our biographies, including anxiety and meaninglessness, take place within social history and social structures, and so we must ask what are the connections.  And are there solutions?

There are drugs, of course, and the caring folks at the pharmaceutical companies who want to see us with Smiley Faces, perky in mind and body, are always glad to provide them for an exorbitant price, one often well hidden in the ledgers of their insurance company partners-in-crime.  But still, there is so much to fear: terrorists, viruses, bad weather, bad breath, my bad, your bad, bad death, etc.

Is there a place upon which to pin this anxiety that floats?

Professor Mattias Desmet, a clinical psychology professor at the University of Ghent in Belgium, has some interesting thoughts about it, but they don’t necessarily lead to happy conclusions. 

I think he is correct in saying that for decades there has been a situation brewing that is the perfect soil for mass formation with a hypnotized public embracing a new totalitarianism, one that has now been made real through COVID 19 with the lockdowns and loss of liberties as we descend with Dante to the lowest depths of the Inferno.

These background developments are the breakdown of social bonds, the loss of meaning-making, its accompanying free-floating anxiety, and the absence of ways to relieve that anxiety short of aggression.  You can listen to him here.

These conditions didn’t just “happen” but were created by multiple power elite actors with long range plans.  If that sounds conspiratorial, that’s because it is.  That’s what the powerful do.  They conspire to achieve their goals.

The average person, without the awareness, will, inclination, or ability to do investigative sociological research, often falls prey to their designs, and through today’s electronic digital media is mesmerized into feeling that the media offer solutions to their anxieties.  They provide answers, even when they are propaganda.

As Ellul says, “Propaganda is the true remedy for loneliness.”  It draws all lost souls to its benevolent siren song. 

CNN’s smiling Sanjay Gupta sedates many a mind and The New York Times and CBS soothe untold numbers of Mr. and Mrs. Lonelyhearts with sweet nothings straight from the messaging centers of the World Economic Forum and Langley, Virginia.

They draw on the need to obey and believe, and provide fables that give people a sense of value and belonging to the group, even though the group is unreal. 

These media can quite easily, but usually subtly, turn their audiences’ frenetic, agitated passivity into active aggression towards dissidents, especially when those dissidents have been blamed for endangering the lives of the “good” people.

As has occurred, censorship of dissent is necessary, and this must be done for the common good, even when it is carried out in allegedly democratic societies. In the name of freedom, freedom must be denied.  Thus Biden’s declaration of war against domestic dissent.

Mattias Desmet got it right; we are far down the road to totalitarianism.

Simulation and Simulacra

When I was a boy, I did certain boy things that were popular in my generation.  For a short period I constructed model ships and planes from kits.  It was something to do when I was constrained to the house because of bad weather. 

These kits were replicas of famous battleships or planes and came with decals you could paste on them when you were done. The decals identified these historical vehicles, which were very real or had been. 

I knew I was making a miniature double of real objects, just as I knew a map of New York City streets corresponded to the real Bronx streets I roamed. The map and my models were simulacra, but not the real thing.  The real things were outside somewhere. And I knew not to walk on the map for my wanderings.

When Baudrillard wrote Simulacra and Simulation, he was telling us that something fundamental had changed and would change far more in the future. He wrote:

Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of the territory, a referential being, or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal. The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it. It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory – precession of simulacra – that engenders the territory….

Translated into plain English (French intellectuals can be difficult to understand), he is saying that in much of modern life, reality has disappeared into its signs or models.

And within these signs, these self-enclosed systems, distinctions can’t be made because these simulacra contain, like contronyms, both their positive and negative poles, so they cancel each other out while holding the believer imprisoned in amber. 

Once you are in them, you are trapped because there are no outside references, the simulated system of thought or machine is your universe, the only reality.  There is no dialectical tension because the system has swallowed it.

There is no critical negativity, no place to stand outside to rebel because the simulacrum encompasses the positive and negative in a circulatory process that makes everything equivalent but the “positivity” of the simulacrum itself. You are inside the whale: “The virtual space of the global is the space of the screen and the network, of immanence and the digital, of a dimensionless space-time.”

So if that plain English (Ha!) doesn’t do it for you, here’s Baudrillard again [my emphases]:

It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real, that is to say of an operation of deterring every real process via its operational double, a programmatic, metastable, perfectly descriptive machine that offers all the signs of the real and short-circuits all its vicissitudes. Never again will the real have a chance to produce itself – such is the vital function of the model in a system of death, or rather of anticipated resurrection, that no longer gives the event of death a chance.

In the case of my model airplanes, there were real planes that my replicas were based on.  I knew that.  Baudrillard was announcing that the world was changing and children in the future would have a difficult time distinguishing between the real and its simulacra.  Not just children but all of us have arrived at that point, thanks to digital technology, where to distinguish between the real and the imaginary is very hard.

Thus the purpose of video games: To scramble brains. Thus the purpose of all the brain research funded by the Pentagon: To control brains via the interface of people with machines.

This is a fundamental reason why the ruling elites, under the cover of Covid-19, have been pushing for an online digitized world through which they can amass even greater control over people’s sense of reality.

Are we watching a video of the real world or a video of a model of the real world?  How to tell the difference?

The weather report says that there is a 31% chance of rain tomorrow at 2 P.M., and people take that seriously, even though only a genuine blockhead would not realize that this is not based on reality but on a computer model of reality and a reality that is unreal a second degree over since it has yet to occur.

Yet that everyday example is normal today. It’s a form of hypnosis. The map precedes the territory.

But it gets even weirder as a regular perusal of the news confirms. A very strange warped sense of reality unconnected to digital technology is widespread.

There recently was a news report about the sale of a Mohammed Ali drawing that sold for $425,000.  The drawing could have been done by a child with a marker.  It depicts a stick figure Ali in a boxing ring standing with arms raised in victory over a fallen opponent.  From the fallen boxer’s head a speech bubble rises with these words: “Ref, he did float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.” 

It is factually true that Ali knocked many opponents on their asses and raised his arms in victory.  So when he drew his stick drawing he was probably remembering that.  Therefore his drawing, a representation of his memory of reality and imagination, is two degrees removed from the real.  For no opponent uttered those words from his back on a canvas.

They are Ali’s signature words, how he liked to present himself on the world’s stage, part of his act, for he was a quintessential performer, albeit an unusual one with courage and a social conscience. 

Obviously his drawing is not art but a crude little sketch.  Whoever spent nearly half a million dollars for it, did so either for an investment (which raises one question concerning reality and illusion) or as a form of magical appropriation, similar to getting a famous person’s signature to “capture” a bit of their immortality (the second question). 

Either way it’s more than weird, even though not uncommon.  It is its commonness that makes it emblematic of this present era of copies and simulacra, the mumbo jumbo magic that disappears the real into simulated images.

Take the recent case of the TV actor William Shatner, who played a space ship captain named Captain Kirk on a very popular television series, Star Trek, a show filled with kitsch wisdom loved by hordes of desperadoes. All unreal but taken close to the fanatics’ hearts.  

He’s been in the news recently for taking a ride into earth’s sub orbit on a spacecraft owned and operated by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos. Bezos gave the ninety-year-old actor a comp ride up and away supposedly because he was a big Star Trek fan.

In keeping with the pseudo-spiritual theme of this business venture and PR stunt, the spacecraft was called the New Shepard, presumably to distinguish it from the Old Shepard, whom we must assume is dead as Nietzsche said a few years ago. Sometimes these billionaires are so busy making money that they forget to tune in to the latest news. Bezos was announcing his new religion, a blending of PT Barnum and technology.

Anyway, pearls of “spiritual” wisdom, like those uttered on the old TV series, greeted the public following Shatner’s trip. Ten minutes up and down isn’t three days and nights, but he was up to the task. A guy playing an actor playing a space ship pilot playing a TV personage on a public relations business stunt flight.  “Unbelievable,” as he said.  Who is copying whom?  Tune in.

Baudrillard offers the example of The Iconoclasts from centuries past:

…whose millennial quarrel is still with us today. This is precisely because they predicted the omnipotence of simulacra, the faculty the simulacra have of effacing God from the conscience of man, and the destructive annihilating truth that they allow to appear – that deep down God never existed, even that God himself was never anything but his own simulacrum – from this came their urge to destroy the images.

We are now awash in epiphanies of representation, as Daniel Boorstin noted in The Image in the 1960s and which everyone can notice as those little rectangular boxes are constantly raised everywhere to capture what their operators might unconsciously think of as a world they no longer think is real, so they better capture it before it fully evaporates. Such acquisitive image taking bespeaks an unspoken nihilism, secret simulations that signify the death sentence of their referents.

So let’s just say simulacra are traps wherein the real is no longer real but a hyperreal that seems realer than real, while concealing its unreality.

This goes much further than the use of digital technology.  It involves the entire spectrum of techniques of mind control and propaganda.  It includes politics, medicine, economics, Covid-19, the lockdowns and vaccines, etc. Everything.

Let me end with one small example.  A trifle, you’ll agree.  I began by noting the election of the actor Ronald Reagan in 1980.  Then the quote from the CIA Director Casey: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Then came the CIA actor George H. W. Bush, the two-faced Bill Clinton, George W. Bush the son of the CIA man, Obama, Trump, and Biden.  Rather shady characters all, depending usually on your political affiliations. 

Suppose, however, that these seven men are an acting troupe in the same play, which is a highly sophisticated simulacrum that plays in loops, and that the object of its architects is to keep the audience engaged in the show and rooting for their favorite character.

Suppose this self-generating spectacle has a name: The Contronym

And suppose that at the very heart of its ongoing run, one of the lead characters, who had been reared from birth to play a revolutionary role, one that demanded many masks and contradictory faces that could be used to reconcile the personae of the other six actors and perhaps reconcile the Rashomon-like story, suppose that character was Barack Obama, and suppose he was reared in a CIA family and later just “happened” to become President where he became known as “the intelligence president” because of his intimate relationship with the CIA.

And suppose he gave the CIA everything it wanted.

Would you think you were living in a simulacrum?

Or would you say Jeremy Kuzmarov’s report, “A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA” was a simulation of the most scurrilous kind?

Or would you feel lost in the wood in the middle of your life with Dante?  Heading down to hell?

“’I was thinking,’ said Alice very politely, ‘which is the best way out of this wood.  It’s getting so dark.  Would you tell me, please?’

But the fat little men [Tweedledee and Tweedledum] only looked at each other and grinned.”

Yet it is no laughing matter.

If we want to get through this hell we are traversing, we had better clearly recognize those who are carrying the Banner of the King of Hell.  Identify them and stop their advance.  It is a real spiritual war we are engaged in, and we either fight for God or the devil.


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Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 27, 2021 7:45 PM

There is now an audio version of the above piece, available at the head of the article. A2

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Jan 18, 2023 5:54 PM

Stunning article, something to savour and follow your links on cold nights, many thanks.

Oct 29, 2021 2:55 PM

I have repeatedly noted this author and others disparage capitalism from the perspective of Karl Marx, who coined the term not to represent voluntary interactions including financial but to represent the crony rent-seeking which has been endemic since time immemorial regardless of political or monetary system. I agree completely that we are conditioned to be cells, data streams, feeds, in a centralized network infrastructure, or some such nonsense. I have waxed theoretical with my husband for long hours about what Klaus Schwab masturbates to. But you and others lose me every time you pretend the media’s Left/Right Democrat/Republican Blue/Red paradigm is any more real than their digital MetaVerse or whatever they’re calling the Matrix these days. This originates in the early 20th century [American corporate] propaganda presenting the public with two and only two choices between the communism and fascism rising in Europe because (they were self-deluded to believe they could provoke Japan to war while continuing to arm and fund both sides in Europe) fascism presented them with a more stable business environment – which is true for the bit of shuffling at “the top” but everyone else ends up bickering over which boot should be stomping on their neck forever. Aha! But there is the heart of the matter: The problem is choice, as in do you have one? There are alternatives to two variations of the most bloodthirsty ideology in history masquerading as opposing forces. It’s still the Guelfs and Ghibellines, except they long ago united (for the most part) against everyone else. What we have been doing for the past 200 or so years is not capitalism, as in free market voluntary exchanges, and I challenge anyone reading this to propose an alternative under three conditions: 1) You must have a commonly-accepted medium of exchange; 2)… Read more »

Oct 28, 2021 9:09 PM

The 737-MAX ‘MCAS’ system intended to simulate the 737-NG flight controls atop the reality of a rather differently-balanced aerodynamic load. The choice to do this was driven, it seems, by the contractual promise that pilots would not require different training. That actual engineers and product designers in such a highly skilled industry would fall back on this ‘virtualization’ concept just floors me. Yet this is how infectious magical thought has become.

Oct 26, 2021 6:51 PM

Such a good read. Has not escaped me, the first official visit by President Donald Trump following inauguration ceremony, was to CIA headquarters in Langley. You are so right.

Oct 26, 2021 11:52 AM

Good. There is no escape from the traps of the “kings of hell” – or Archons as they were called a long time ago- by attempting to escape through the mind. We cannot think our way out of this or collectively outwit the Archons. The only way out is by activating and cultivating the suppressed psychic faculties that lie within at least some of us. How to do this is something that each has to find out, as different methods are appropriate for different people, and most of the prescribed routes are delusional escapism. This doesn’t seem to happen on any collective level ( this leads to cults) but is an individual’s journey. In my expereince only the writings in the Tao Te Ching and the books of Krishnamurti have offered any genuinue insight on the truth, but books and words alone will not do much. In my experience one must withdraw from the noise of society to practice what they need to practice and find any truth. What they are trying (in vein) to do is simulate the evolution of consciousness with machinery that they can control to gain more power. The internet is a simulation of telepathy that removes the potential for actual telepathy and replaces it with hardware that belongs to the controllers. This is why your own computer will try to not allow you to alter certain things in the operating system. Television is a simulation of imagination and dreaming that removes/ suppresses these from the human experience and replaces them with garbage. The solution is for each of us to actually expand their consciousness for real, instead of falling for the simulations of tech. All religions and mysticisms in the world will lead back to a trap of delusion- one must cut a path for… Read more »

vlad alexander
vlad alexander
Oct 25, 2021 4:53 PM

A delightful, refreshing literary smorgasbord of delicacies mixed through the solid substantive meat and potatoes. What an exciting post to consume and digest. Cheers!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 25, 2021 3:58 PM

Believe Christ & his Apostles that there is a Class of Men whose whole delight is in Destroying. – William Blake (Milton Preface) https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Milton_(excerpts)/Preface — Over the last 18 months, Archbishop Viganò has provided what is probably the most important account of the combined spiritual, political and cultural warfare. The following is the Appeal from May 2020. — https://web.archive.org/web/20200509165002/https://veritasliberabitvos.info/appeal Appeal – May 7, 2020 Appeal For The Church And The World to Catholics and all people of good will In this time of great crisis, we Pastors of the Catholic Church, by virtue of our mandate, consider it our sacred duty to make an Appeal to our Brothers in the Episcopate, to the Clergy, to Religious, to the holy People of God and to all men and women of good will. This Appeal has also been undersigned by intellectuals, doctors, lawyers, journalists and professionals who agree with its content, and may be undersigned by those who wish to make it their own. The facts have shown that, under the pretext of the Covid-19 epidemic, the inalienable rights of citizens have in many cases been violated and their fundamental freedoms, including the exercise of freedom of worship, expression and movement, have been disproportionately and unjustifiably restricted. Public health must not, and cannot, become an alibi for infringing on the rights of millions of people around the world, let alone for depriving the civil authority of its duty to act wisely for the common good. This is particularly true as growing doubts emerge from several quarters about the actual contagiousness, danger and resistance of the virus. Many authoritative voices in the world of science and medicine confirm that the media’s alarmism about Covid-19 appears to be absolutely unjustified. We have reason to believe, on the basis of official data on the incidence… Read more »

Oct 25, 2021 5:13 PM

“The facts have shown that, under the pretext of the Covid-19 epidemic, the inalienable rights of citizens have in many cases been violated and their fundamental freedoms,”

This is Tragi-Comedy stuff. The Religionus/Clergy/Church is resorting to LOGIC and COMMON DECENCY!!!

How come? Surely, this must be because they have lost their monopoly on spreading fear. A monopoly they enjoyed for a million years where every thought no matter how natural or innocent it might be, is firmly associated with commiting a sin. Sins that often were punished by death!!

Religion (or the Church) can teach the Covid brigades ten thousands things about implanting fears in people’s mind.

Today, STILL, a kiss carries the fear of sinning. This runs against the basic foundations of nature/humanity.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 25, 2021 5:42 PM
Reply to  Mario

You’ll notice that, since it’s much closer to my personal alignment, I quote Blake first. I know very little about Vigano and had not heard of him prior to reading the above appeal back in May 2020. As I’ve said, he has provided what is probably the most important account of the combined spiritual, political and cultural warfare. If you can provide anything which adds to that account, I’d be happy to hear it.

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Jan 18, 2023 5:52 PM

I see your e-pan name is; “lost i a dark wood”. I recently re-read “Through the Looking Glass”, and that expression pops up when Alice has to enter a dark wood, with a little deer, they have both forgotten who, or what they are, even their names, but comforting each other pass through the dark wood, whereupon the little deer bounds into the daylight outside the dark wood, shouting “I know who I am now” and Alice replies; “so do I”. I’ve never found out why this was included in the book, any thoughts on this, ta.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 25, 2021 8:40 PM
Reply to  Mario

This is Tragi-Comedy stuff. The Religionus/Clergy/Church is resorting to LOGIC and COMMON DECENCY!!!

Instead of disparaging someone’s enlightenment on the CoVid1984, champion it by illustrating the behavioural parallels between the Global Borg and Vatican Borg. Otherwise, the pastor’s is still eloquent and to the point.

The revelation that the pastor experienced WILL filter into his religious teachings, where he will find the contradictions of his faith.

Oct 25, 2021 2:46 PM

No Green Pass – Opposing Digital Surveillance   Political empires have disappeared from the world not because of your freedom struggles, but because globalists have found an easier way of keeping everyone enslaved, while giving you a superficial idea that you are a sovereign, independent, free person living in a true democracy. For thousands of years human beings had been auctioned in the marketplace as slaves. Although now that kind of slavery does not exist, if you look a little deeper it has only changed its form. Now we are all digital slaves, living under full surveillance and for a lot less expense. Yet tyranny is simply tyranny, it is murderous, it is criminal. No tyranny has ever been able to remain forever, its days are limited. Nobody can destroy people’s will. They can harm people, they can kill them, but one day tyrants find that their very effort to keep their empire, and keep people enslaved, has turned the people against them. How did such small groups of tyrants come to rule over your country, and the whole world. Certainly there must have been a slave in everybody’s being. So the real question is not to fight the people who have become your rulers. The real question is to find within you the one who has become a slave. Otherwise this seems to be an absolute impossibility. Right ends can be achieved only through right means. Through violence you cannot achieve a peaceful, silent, loving humanity. The violence will be in the roots, it will poison your whole superstructure. The priority should be your attainment of spiritual freedom, because political tyrannies will come and go. And everybody down the ages who had the idea that “We will be free,” has been disappointed. You cannot be absolutely sure that when… Read more »

Thomas Fremont
Thomas Fremont
Oct 26, 2021 8:59 PM
Reply to  @lienChrist

Superb! This shows insight which, while rare is steadily and irreversibly increasing. Our task is to spread such awakening.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2021 2:33 PM

The link to the Jeremy Kuzmarov’s report about Obama’s deep ties to the CIA (published in Covert Action Magazine) was worth the whole article.

Robert Hughes
Robert Hughes
Oct 25, 2021 9:52 AM

Absolutely brilliant essay . Thanks

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Oct 25, 2021 7:39 AM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 25, 2021 3:56 PM

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Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Near the end the Curtin’s article he links to a Covert Action piece detailing Obama’s deep ties to the CIA. Regarding the Debs’ quote. it makes me think that the real purpose of the “birther” controversy was to distract people from the very real and troubling history (for the rank and file of both Parties, as well any other non-ruling class American), that Obama was Deep State Manchurian Candidate. In other words, it was coordinated between the duopoly. Hope and Change and I’d say even the Nobel Peace Prize were all about marketing someone who in a truly representative government should never be allowed to get close to the reigns of power.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 25, 2021 8:44 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I’d say even the Nobel Peace Prize were all about marketing someone who in a truly representative government should never be allowed to get close to the reigns of power.

When Obama “won” the No-Bell I immediately realized that the Prize IS “The Selling Job”.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 25, 2021 10:32 PM

The Innsmouth look…

Oct 25, 2021 7:36 AM

They are the masters of the incentives, and so hold in financial subjection each lower level of the pyramid. WE must consciously and explicitly promulgate reinstating to the people, the producers of wealth, all that has been stolen from them.

There is no other way. So long as a tiny part of 1% possess 99% of the wealth they will control all. Begin to speak of this solution– or it cannot occur. Try to imagine how we can win while TPTB continue to control media and govts and the food supply and the doctors and most employees thru their paychecks. They’ve only a tiny bit further to go to control the police and even more of the military.

They’re already paying many farmers to plow under their crops and even the many doctors who know better are afraid to speak out. While loyal militaries are weakened, global private military is being strengthened.

The only way to change the incentives is to advance a platform that explicitly dispossesses Vanguard and Blackrock and State Street. We cannot be free or even survive unless we do.

Oct 27, 2021 11:33 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The ranks of the honest communicators who have been intimidated include teachers, activists, scientists, regulators, enforcers and politicians.

The Fleecer
The Fleecer
Oct 25, 2021 3:33 AM

The road to hell is paved with intentions, both good and bad.

lles online
lles online
Oct 25, 2021 2:57 AM

A. Virus has appeared in many movies – and doesnt get paid, or mentioned either as a co-star or in the Credits…A. Virus’s role is to seek out and lodge itself in the “free Floating Anxiety”, (mentioned by Ed.) and make all the other actors look good as they try to dislodge it.
Movies A. Virus appears in may be entertainment, certainly are The Science-fiction movies, but without our “free floating anxiety’ they wouldnt be Scary Movies…

lles online
lles online
Oct 25, 2021 2:22 AM

Edward mentions Guy Debord, and Jacques Ellul as sources of his inspired thinking… They knew each other…Ellul: “…in 1964 i was attracted by a movement very close to anarchism, that is. situationism. I had very friendly contacts with Guy Debord and one day i asked him bluntly whether i could join his movement and work with him. He said that he would ask his comrades. Their answer was frank. Since i was a Christian i could not belong to their movement…”(p3)
(p16).”For the enemy today is not the central state but the omnipotent and omnipresence of administration. It is essential that we lodge objections to everything, and especially to the police and the deregulation of the judicial process. We must unmask the ideological falsehoods of the many powers, and especially must show that the famous theory of the rule of law which lulls the democracies is a lie from beginning to end, The state does not respect its own rules. We must distrust all its offerings. We must always remember that when it pays, it calls the tune.” (Anarchy & Christianity.1991.)

Oct 26, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  lles online

Abrahamic religion is entirely incompatible with, and the total antithesis of, Anarchy. Early christians were not peace loving hippies, but the equivalent of today’s Taliban. The destruction of the great library in Alexandria and the murder of Hypatia are the most famous examples in a massive orgy of destruction and murder enabled by the Roman Empire. Some orthodox christian “saints” are even today praised for their activism in destroying “idols” with hammers.

This is why most ancient (pre-christian) monuments around the middle east and Europe that contain statues, carvings or images of gods and the like are defaced.

Oct 25, 2021 12:10 AM

Brilliant, brilliant article. Thank you.

Oct 24, 2021 11:19 PM

Another feast of thoughts that will take me several re-readings to digest.

“Contranym” reminds me of a recent article on “the Contrarion”

and Reaganism has also reared its head lately.

The common thread being he whose name is hazardous to utter

For this particular devil is notorious for bankrupting the publication that outed him, & its editor.

Wherever there’s a major shift in the American landscape, one can usually find Silicon Valley’s iconoclastic investor.

He has his tentacles in almost every technological pie, from everyday apps to Deep-State instruments such as Palantir.

What I find most disturbing, is that he has famously stipulated that he be cryogenically frozen on death, only to be woken when the technology for resurrection from whatever he ailed from has been developed.
This creature seriously believes that his wealth will purchase immortality.

It would not be surprising if he is deeply involved in the worldwide genetic experimentations, and accompanying surveillances.

Oct 24, 2021 10:24 PM

The Collins’ brothers make a convincing case that technocracy has its roots in Gnosticism (the heretical Christian doctrine than can sound superficially attractive but becomes a recipe for disaster when one probes its implications. To grossly oversimplify, it’s the idea that one moves closer to God through the gaining of gnosis or knowledge).

Both Gnostics and technocrats glorify knowledge as the supreme virtue; both Gnostics and technocrats see the natural world as something hostile to be overcome; both Gnostics and technocrats only value what can be quantified.

Gnosticism values knowledge but where is good and evil? No wonder Gnosticism appeals to some people who are, or imagine themselves to be, very clever but are also utterly evil. Writing morality out of the script can only lead to a very dark place.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 25, 2021 4:33 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I thought Gnosticism was the belief that the entire material world was evil. The world belongs to the devil. That kind of thing. Currently it makes sense!

Oct 26, 2021 1:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This is another misconception. What some “gnostics” taught was that the chief Archon aka “the devil” is identical to Yahweh, (they called it Yaldabaoth) the god of the Js and christians (later renamed Allah by Islam). For this “heresy” they were murdered.

The Archons are psychic parasites masquerading as “god” and his “archangels”, and create delusions, virtual realities that can entrap human minds.
So what some “gnostics” actually said was that most people live in a delusional world created by the devil.

The biggest delusion created by these parasites of course is the story of original sin and metaphysical judgment after death by a Big Daddy all-knowing insane “god” who likes to”test” his subjects and punishes or rewards according to obedience to his commandments. This exacerbates the fear of death and became the foundation of human slavery in the “free world”.

see my comment above for some more on “gnostics”. They didn’t pull this stuff out of their behind, it was knowledge acquired by inner vision ( which the christians have worked VERY hard to suppress).

Oct 25, 2021 2:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

This is off the mark quite a bit – especially the part about good and evil. No surprise, because gnosticism has been heavily censored. I look at it as sort of a “third rail”. And technocratic knowledge is not of the same type as gnosis – not at all. Gnosis is more intuitive than cerebral. You’re right on target, though, about the heretical nature of it, on that there is no doubt.

You can read a book on gnosticism, and might get hooked, as I did. Amazon has many for, strangely enough, there’s a bit of a renaissance. Alternatively, you might start with 11th ed. Britannica (can be acquired on disc really cheaply). You might think buying the whole Britannica just to read an entry on gnosticism is overkill, but one thing would lead to another and you’d be hopping around the encyclopaedia for quite a while. Plus the 11th ed. is the one to cherish, just in general.

It concerns early Christianity (2nd century – 5th primarily) but harkens back into antiquity, and rolls forward at least until Montsegur (1200s). Plus, it’s really important. Well worth your time, I assure you.

Oct 26, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Pelican

At least some of those “gnostics ” (eg the Sethians) were not Christian at all, but were the people behind the various initiation mystery rites of the European pagan world, demonised by the christians.

Oct 28, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  Gotcha

Pleased that there are five of us on this thread. Comports with my feeling that there is a small gnosticism renaissance afoot.

Two things stand out for me from your comments: the “receive the insurrection” quote, for which I’d appreciate the source; and your highlighting of the Sethians, a group I managed to gloss over a little in my readings, having probably been prejudiced by that word as I encountered it in other contexts.

I’ll need to revisit the Sethians because I have been fascinated by the diversity of opinion about the extent to which gnosticism is purely a Christian phenomenon. I don’t think it is, as I demonstrated in my comment, having found (to my satisfaction at least) antecedents in Persian religion, as well as in Pythagoras and Plato, both of whom were influenced by the great Egyptians. I also suspect that the Jewish Alexandrian school might come to bear, but I need more info. I do concede, however, that, at least for all practical purposes, it is primarily wedded to (heretical) Christianity.

My main point, though, finally getting around to it in this last paragraph, is that there are significant differences between Petrine and Pauline Christianity, between Judeo and non-Judeo Christianity, and I have come to believe that if Jesus’ teaching were somewhat consistent with some historical antecedents, that might be a good thing. Marcionites and even many of the heretical sects of the middle ages might well concur on this point, though I imagine they’d view the point as quite academic.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 25, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I’ve read many comments regarding your views about Gnosticism. Like many other former ideologies, the intellectual values and their applications to the cultures that they existed in, were kindly erased by Judaeo-Christian social exorcism…

The burning and sacking of libraries at Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and many other ancient cities, continued the exorcism of all ancient culture from the modern world. The resulting “dark ages” is (and was) an interesting term…

Perhaps you would do well to read the remnant codices of the Nag Hammadi Library, or Willis Barnstone’s excellent work “The Other Bible”. There are of course, other texts.

Rational belief is the kindling wood of all current fire…

Oct 26, 2021 12:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

This is all rather wrong. The term “gnostics” was coined by Christian apologists as a pejorative cath-all term for various mystery cults active around the Mediterranean at the beggining of the first millenium (the Eleusinian mysteries in Greece being the most well known) that had (rightly) rejected the Abrahamic creed, and others that were proposing alternative stories on Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit etc ( ie “heresies”). “Gnostic” is Greek for “know-it-all” and that’s because christian priests require ignorance of their flocks. Blind faith is what they demand. Hence anyone who questioned the nonsense in the Bible with robust philosophical arguments was a “know-it -all”. People who are defending a lie cannot argue so they have to resort to insults. These mystics were persecuted and murdered and most of wha they had to sayhas been lost.. The writings discovered in Egypt called the Nag Hammadi texts contain just some fragments of their teachings. The gaining of “knowledge” was not about reading books or listening to priests but about mystical experiences through initiation. In other words unmendiated and profound religious experience, which was the light of the pagan world in Europe before the advent of the monotheistic death cults of the Jish patriarchs. Here’s an example: “Those who do not receive the insurrection while still alive, will receive nothing when they die”. Similar practices and rituals exist(ed) in shamanic cultures around the globe. Christians, Js and Muslims are terrified of all such things because their creed is all about submission to a false god in the sky and the demonisation of earth-based (“pagan”) spirituality and any other religion. This is why many christians today think that pagans are baby eating satanists. This is what they have been told. The elites are not “pagans”– they follow Masonic or Jesuit orders, both of… Read more »

Oct 26, 2021 1:12 PM
Reply to  Gotcha

*typo: unmediated religious expereince.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Oct 24, 2021 9:45 PM

See: https://www.headsupster.com/

85% Infection Rate and 12 Deaths at Fully vaccinated Canadian nursing home

How the Covid Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome

Lithuania vaccinated ~75% of its adults and instituted a very strict vaccine pass program…

Virus gonna virus

The Race Is on to Get Experimental COVID Shots Into Little Kids — Why?

A Trip to Vienna During the Times of CovIDIOCY

Double-Masked, Double-Injected – Still Contracts Covid

CDC Director: “We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’”

‘Fully vaccinated’ were the majority of COVID deaths in Sweden, UK in September

NBA player says COVID vaccine caused blood clots – team officials told him to ‘keep quiet’

What is the Purpose of Forcing Healthy People to be Vaccinated?

What is Immune Exhaustion?

Why are Countries Re-Opening When Vaccines do Not Stop the Spread of Covid and Efficacy Against Severe Disease Drops Off Rapidly?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Oct 24, 2021 7:56 PM

Reagan was actually not at all a discontinuity. His policies were not a sharp divergence from those of Carter, who was a member of the Trilateral Commission, with a Trilateralist VP and the Commission’s executive director Brzezinski (later on Obama’s mentor at Columbia U) as his national security adviser, and Trilateralists in every important cabinet position. Carter’s people designed the confrontation with the air traffic controllers, Carter initiated the “defense” build up in 1980, including his declaration of the Carter Doctrine, that the Persian Gulf was a vital US military/strategic interest, and his creation of the Rapid Deployment Force. Carter appointed Paul Volcker to head the Fed Reserve, that’s who enacted the tight money policies which created mass unemployment and a crunch which initiated the austerity.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Oct 24, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl


Denny KirkQ
Denny KirkQ
Oct 24, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  susan mullen


susan mullen
susan mullen
Oct 25, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I think we’ve had enough of so-called “outsiders.” I recall Jimmy Carter campaigning as “an outsider,” a simple peanut farmer in a cardigan. Today a GOP candidate for Virginia governor, Youngkin, campaigns as “an outsider,” but it turns out he’s been a Carlyle Group exec for 25 years. We have “outsider” JD Vance campaigning for a GOP seat in Ohio but it turns out he’s employed and backed by globalist Peter Thiel who also likes to sell himself as an outsider though he’s a graduate of Davos Young Global Leaders group and attends Bilderberg. The greatest fake “outsider” in history was Donald Trump whose daughter Ivanka, his #1 interest, is a graduate of Davos Young Leaders. Ivanka’s husband Jared’s business accepted a $250 million credit line from George Soros in 2015. That automatically made open borders globalist George Soros a top “special interest” of both Trump and De Facto Pres. Jared. Trump has idolized Soros for many years, even before Soros gave him $160 million loan in 2004 to build his Chicago hotel. I think US should have a law that no one can run for office in the US if they’ve ever attended Davos, Bilderberg, are a Rhodes Scholar, or have ever worked at Goldman Sachs.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 25, 2021 12:38 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

“Murphy-Virus (in NJ) is a Goldman Sachs viral pathogen.”



Oct 24, 2021 7:56 PM

If you want to understand why things happen, then understanding what ‘The New World Order’ means, will go a long way to such understanding.

Clue 1: It hasn’t yet arrived.
Clue 2: It’s due to arrive very soon.
Clue 3: It’s not global government (global roll-out of Covid revealed it’s long been with us).

Oct 24, 2021 7:33 PM

excellent work!! – Debord & Baudrillard tried to warn us but…

Oct 24, 2021 7:32 PM

“sick of this life,
not that you’d care,
ah’m not the only one
with whom these feelings
are shared.

nobody quite understands, quite
why we’re here
searching for answers, that never appear…”

indeed, life has been stale too long, we need to nudge momentum in the loving direction, Get fkn busy folks, we have to act not blether.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Oct 24, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  rubberheid


Oct 24, 2021 7:13 PM

The sheeple have accepted being kept in distanced, closed pens, while feeding on the spectacle of the cricket world cup.
comment image?output-quality=80&downsize=1278:*

Oct 24, 2021 9:01 PM
Reply to  fame

This is going to be one surreal world cup. Fingers crossed that Wales make it. Cymru am byth.

Oct 24, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  fame

Not to undermine the sentiment of the song, but I suppose in fairness it must be observed that there is a deplorable absence of masks and social distancing in this assembly.

No wonder Roy Rogers and Trigger are dead!

Oct 24, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Ort

And I always thought that when my dog wouldn’t eat anything it was because he had eaten something nasty and made his stomach sick. But it must have been (after watching the recent WHOre explanation of what makes convid19 unique), that he lost his sense of smell and taste because of doggy covid. Luckily the opening of a can of sardines always seemed to cure him.

Oct 24, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Ort

And please fence in that thing (from George’s post to twitter below).

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Oct 25, 2021 5:03 PM
Reply to  Ort

That was nutty. Came awful close to stepping on the toes of the bystanders. I was cringing the whole time.

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Oct 24, 2021 5:56 PM

If only this could all be reduced to a paragraph that everybody could fully understand.

Oct 25, 2021 1:49 AM
Reply to  Lone Wolf

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”

Oct 30, 2021 1:52 AM
Reply to  Justin


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 24, 2021 5:06 PM

The author fails to recognize that all singular events are hopelessly outnumbered by other events. There are an infinite number of other potentials. Like all other events, intellectual “evil” is self cancelling and grandly entropic.

Like all sentient forms, the “elite” will ultimately tumble into the great gaping maw of infinity. The king of hell is a hopeless idiot – afraid of the inevitable and not worthy of sentience. Get over it…

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Oct 24, 2021 4:51 PM

A high school Freshmen English classmate of mine was asked by the teacher where his writing paper was for the upcoming in class writing assignment. His response, “I ain’t got none”. She gasped and said, “What did you say?”. He then replied, “Oops, I meant I ain’t not got none”. A great comic relief to dispel the tension before the writing test. She knew she had been had and did not say another word accept to encourage someone to loan him some paper. Maybe we need to loan some common sense out to these idiots who have fallen for the pandemic narrative. Only an idiot can’t see through the bullshit.

Oct 30, 2021 1:55 AM

hold it. i thought they were idiots. i’m the idiot? ok. seems realish to me.

Oct 24, 2021 4:26 PM

A ggod book to read is ‘God’s Philosophers’ by James Hannam.

It’s a mainstream book but it shows how the paradigm we’ve been given about science and religion (or physics and metaphysics if you prefer) is a total pup – and what a surprise that two of the first names in selling that pup are Voltaire and Huxley!

The Middle Ages (i.e. 1066-1500 approx) were not some wasteland of scientific ignorance because of the deadweight of the Church (and I’m no Catholic). European civilisation both made new discoveries and incorporated discoveries from other cultures (notably Islam) and made some improvements on them in the process. When Newton said he was “standing on the shoulders of giants” who exactly do we think he meant – or are we too busy bowing down to worship the great Newton to think at all? It turns out Newton’s quotation wasn’t even original and he’d pinched it from three centuries earlier. The Church always distinguished between theology (where what it said went) and science (or natural philosophy) where scientific, rational inquiry was never verboten but seen as a way to uncover God’s glories.

What I think Hannam gets wrong is the reason why this false history was created. He claims a mixture of nationalism (mostly the French, the English somewhat) and Protestantism. I’d look more at the concealed Gnosticism and Luciferianism in elite bloodline families. Part of the image of Medieval backwardsness is that they believed that things like magic, alchemy and astrology were ‘scientific’ – but it becomes clearer by the day that these elites have believed in them all along.

Oct 24, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Thanks for the book recommendation, Edwige. I was wondering what the problem with gnosticism was. I ask as someone who has been told that gnosticism was a force for good, or at least a challenge to inflated authority.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 24, 2021 3:55 PM

Anyone still think these now science fictional measures are about halting a virus?


Isn’t that how one of the Black Mirror episodes started?

Oct 24, 2021 7:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Good god! Tie a leash on that thing!

My heart goes out to the wonderful people of Hawaii.

Oct 25, 2021 11:41 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks for the link. There were some great tweets.

And wonderful photo of protest in Italy.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2021 2:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Robot dog? We are just a few years from a Terminator then.
The vaccine passes = Skynet!

Oct 25, 2021 8:00 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Ort

Bananas. I liked that movie.Problem is we need to abduct and de-program billions of people!

Oct 25, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Actually, it’s from “Sleeper”, which presciently features a dystopian society with an authoritarian Leader in questionable health.

But “Bananas” is good too.

Oct 24, 2021 3:22 PM

Science, neuroscience, and technology have been deified.

This, I believe, is the essence of Mr Curtin’s essay (which itself seems to demonstrate rhetorically the very point he’s making by continually looping back upon itself). Reading the essay, I kept seeing the smug image of Sam Harris, who I believe was the very neuroscientist managing to prove that the imagination had no place to exist within the brain. (Though I should go easy on Sam I Am since I’ve concluded God has no place within the universe to exist.)

Anyway, he who would keep his feet well grounded in reality had better get a dog – a real dog, not an artificial dog meticulously groomed, well trained and fully vaccinated. For a dog shall lead the way to reality, unerringly, every time. In a very real sense, a dog has a nose for the news.

Although dogs, too, can be tricksters in their own way. (My chihuahua, who loves to get beneath a heavy blanket and wrap himself in it, had managed to turn it wrong side up – and I, dupe that I am, failed to notice it till this morning.) Dogs, I believe, are living contranyms.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 24, 2021 3:09 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 24, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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“For some reason Mengele Jr seems not to like Beagles.”

Oct 24, 2021 5:03 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Beagles have the quintessential misfortune of being the most like numero uno peoples in their physiology. They have always been used by “Science” as human substitutes.

Trust The Science

Oct 24, 2021 5:35 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

BLM: Beagles’ Lives Matter

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 25, 2021 12:55 AM
Reply to  Steve

“To all the Snoopy torturers and murderers out there, WE ARE COMING FOR YOU!”



Beagles’ Lives Matter.”

Oct 25, 2021 11:48 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

We should all put Beagles Lives Matter signs in our front yards.

People might become so interested they will search it on internet.

Eventually they will do a cute clip on msm.

I would say that this would finally get the attention of many masked, injected c-vid pet owners. Far worse than masked, injected children.

(no disrespect to pet owners. I’m one myself)

Oct 25, 2021 7:52 PM
Reply to  Judith

I think that arguably the most famous beagle of all time– except perhaps for LBJ’s beagle, Him, who LBJ notoriously lifted by its ears during a photo-op– should lend his image to this campaign.

I’d like to think that the late Charles M. “Sparky” Schulz would have happily greenlighted this, but I also assume that whoever now controls his commercial oeuvre might not.

comment image

Oct 25, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  Ort

Yes, Could even parody The Bloody Red Baron song.

God knows, there are enough candidates.

Oct 24, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Interestingly (or not surprisingly) the puppy torture seems to have escaped the attention of the msm this weekend (from what little passive exposure I get of it), or indeed, PETA.

You’d think they’d be all over it, had it involved anyone but the latest messiah.

It did feature in Babylon Bee, so that is something.

Keep them coming, S Cooper, these memes really strike a chord!

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Oct 24, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  antitermite

Yeah they’re too busy deciding milk is racist and other such nonsense.

Oct 24, 2021 5:44 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

where’s dem godforsaken up vote buttons!

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  rubberheid


Oct 24, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Oct 24, 2021 3:03 PM

But sometimes there’s a glimmer of hope.
Like when the police doesn’t want to be part of it:

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2021 2:44 PM
Reply to  Jean

I wonder if the vaccine mandates placed on police is a way to purge the police of those who will not abdicate their oath?

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Oct 24, 2021 2:41 PM

Herewith some political economy. Levels of market capitalization for Big Pharma, then and now. Hey someone’s doing okay, and it ain’t us.

Pfizer = A low point of $119.4 billion in 2005 up to $241 billion in 2021

Astrazeneca = a low point of $47 billion in 2017 to a present $191.4 billion  in 2021

Johnson and Johnson = a low of $109 billion in 2009 to a present $550 billion in 2021

Moderna = a low of $5.2 billion in 2017 to $131.8 billion in 2021.

I leave readers to draw their own conclusions

Oct 24, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I conclude Moderna to be the 8th wonder of the world. Even their low figure is amazing considering they’ve never introduced a single product until their “vaccine.”

Oct 24, 2021 2:19 PM

Indeed, we see the human-digital interface at its worst in computer game competitions.

Although I think there is something to the idea that elderly people who include computer games in their daily routine are doing something which can help keep their wits in good form, the young people who take part in those competitions are clearly well on the way to becoming useless digital entities themselves.
Their body language, their actual language and the constricted scope of their sense of reality are, frankly, symptoms of something absolutely terrifying.

I found this interesting document in Iceland. It concerns ethics in education, but I can’t say how widely accessible it is in other countries.
At all events, the gulf between what ought to be done and what actually is done regarding the hellish current situation is quite clear.

The first few paragraphs really say it all.


Oct 24, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Even more terrifying than the sense of reality these games induce in the young is the absolute focus of concentration it induces. They will be good – hell: perfect – for single task “jobs” when they “grow up” (and how sad that the term grow up must be qualified by quotation marks).

As to helping the elder better concentrate, that would be a trade off because the focus would, I believe, further weaken their eyesight. The computer is already committing a slow hari-kari on human eyes without limiting their focusing capacity.

Oct 24, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

yep fecks ma een up big time, especially when you go back to paper in between, destroying all the detail and finesse of yon image of a given soul, he typed

Oct 24, 2021 6:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes. That absolute focus of concentration is the terrifying thing.
The periphery just doesn’t exist for them.

In my comment I was really thinking more of oldies on the verge of dementia or Alzheimer’s.
Otherwise I would expect even 80-year-olds – given good health – to have better things to do with their time than get into computer games…

Oct 25, 2021 6:57 PM
Reply to  wardropper

actually, maybe, some of these games are just prepping young uns very well for peripheral, wide gaze, detailed, killer drone operators??

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 24, 2021 2:12 PM

Really thought provoking and sobering peice Edward. And yes, our entrapment has been planned for a very long time.
I also very much believe that this is a spiritual war, that its a war being waged for our very human essence. That which makes us who we are. And what is the end game here for those who are still left after the poison jab has taken its toll?
“Transhumanism is a class of philosophies that seek to guide us towards a post human condition” according to Wikipedia.
Post human. And what is in the “vaccines” to help that grotesque and truly diabolical process to take place?
Here in Victoria, the pyscho Daniel Andrews is now pushing for 90% double jabbed, and he has already spoken about 2nd and 3rd booster shots. He knows exactly what this is all about. As does Scott Morrison and other senior politicians.
I actually have the interview of Mattias Desmet on my FB page, which is one of the best explanations I’ve seen on the psychological aspects of the scamdemic.
In the meantime, an excellent article from Patrick Wood on the twin evils of Technocracy and Transhumanism.

Oct 24, 2021 5:36 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Correct, Gezzah. It’s not just about preserving basic liberties from these Nazis, but also about what it means to be human.

Oct 24, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

i’m starting to think we’re reading too much into all of this…. (despite my ancient mistrust of all)
then I realise their shite is working on that slow-burn. I am unhinging.
the screw ever tightens- my work are demanding a PCR from me now… then they’ll turn it into and un-vexed spreader event when I test pos….ffs.
I am soo fkn sick of this endless insanity.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 24, 2021 9:34 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Sorry to hear that Rubberheid. Believe me, there are a lot of us really fed up with this mass delusional insanity. Is there any way you can work from home? And, as you allude to, it won’t just end at the PCR test either.

Oct 25, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

an evil web, indeed. :/

Oct 24, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Use a povoiodine nasal spray before your test. Any virus wiped out. https://freecovidhelp.org/early-prevention/

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 25, 2021 5:07 PM
Reply to  Justin

That might work if the test actually tested for an actual virus.

Oct 25, 2021 3:11 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Here in Victoria, the pyscho Daniel Andrews is now pushing for 90% double jabbed, and he has already spoken about 2nd and 3rd booster shots. He knows exactly what this is all about. As does Scott Morrison and other senior politicians. Here in Qld. with open borders coming, we are about to undergo Vic. and NSW lockdown experiences. Please explain what politicians know that the populace doesn’t.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 25, 2021 3:55 AM
Reply to  Frances

This entire thing was never about “covid” or our health or anything else the politicians have been babbling about the last 18 months Frances.
The supposed pandemic is being used as a Trojan Horse, a smokescreen, to usher in a totalitarian Technocracy, also referred to as The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is a global agenda, everywhere, especially once 5G is up and fully operational.
Daniel Andrews, Scott Morrison, et al, know that this is the real agenda, that’s what I meant. Read the article I linked above by Patrick Wood.
Also read some of the linked articles below from Winter Oak.
They explain it much more eloquently than what I could. Think of what they want as a digitalised 1984 with no freedoms at all, including having a global digital currency.

Oct 25, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks. I’m familiar with K Schwab, WEF, etc. and I see how Trudeau in Canada and Morrison here, Macron in France, all read from the same script. I’ll bet their net worth $ has increased considerably. They really admire the social credit system of China.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 25, 2021 12:27 PM
Reply to  Frances

Exactly, they want to have the Chinese style social credit system everywhere. Apparently the Rockefellers are big fans of it from what I’ve heard. Have a good day wherever you are F.

Oct 24, 2021 1:53 PM

Also my local radio station are running an advert asking parents to get their teens vaccinated with this injection because they might get seriously ill from covid?!!Also at the very end they say “Don’t let them miss out”.Miss out from what?Death or adverse reactions?This is from the uk.

red lester
red lester
Oct 24, 2021 6:56 PM
Reply to  Annie

Where does this rubbish come from? Meet Daves mates:


Oct 25, 2021 11:56 AM
Reply to  red lester


Oct 24, 2021 1:23 PM

This is such lazy appropriation of another’s talent only to fall into the same trap the article exhorts us not to. Using arresting poetic imagery of a literary genius in the attempt to hitch the wagon of a rather shallow article to something far grander and more inspiring. We know Obama is CIA. We know Trump is a reality TV show persona playing a role. We know we are being trained to interact with the screen as though it were real. It’s easy enough to throw out your smartphone and limit your computer time to the necessary. Any discerning person can tell the ‘news’ is bread and circuses. You can’t tell people we are engaged in a spiritual war when you haven’t even attempted to frame the real scope of it.

Bill Francis
Bill Francis
Oct 24, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  Helen

As Edward states, this is a spiritual battle, but because mankind has been conditioned to believe in humanism for the last 150 years (since Darwin), there is little or no understanding of a physical and a spiritual world. The education system promotes belief in God and Satan as ‘unscientific’ and foolishness, despite the fact that, the theories that are taught as ‘truth’, are even more unscientific and unproveable. Logic will tell you that the ‘big bang’ and evolution are fantasy. And where does life come from? All theories of origins have holes big enough to drive a bus through. And don’t talk about ‘climate’. Although nobody believes in Satan, he is the de facto ruler of the Earth (Luke 4:4-6). His desire is to eliminate all human beings. His one and only weapon is deception (Revelation 12:9). He uses the rich and ambitious to further his aims by deceiving them into believing they can change and rule the world, and gain even more power, wealth and control. And to this end, they have planned and plotted over decades, employing a ‘medical emergency’ instead of the age old method of military conquest. Even I have to admit this is something of a master stroke, because it has never been done, let alone thought of, before. But, Satan is not going to win. When you are a created being, you don’t really stand much of a chance against your Creator. However, this scamdemic has had the positive effect of revealing who the evil people in this world really are – something that was not obvious before 2020. How long this ‘crisis’ will last, I could not say, but the scamdemic criminals have had their identities revealed and are becoming more and more desperate to push ‘vaccines’ and maintain the scamdemic. The rising… Read more »

Oct 24, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  Bill Francis


Oct 24, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  Bill Francis

Will said !

Oct 24, 2021 9:57 PM
Reply to  Bill Francis

thanks for the hopeful picture, i think our enemies are atheists

Oct 25, 2021 3:27 PM
Reply to  Bill Francis


Oct 25, 2021 12:09 AM
Reply to  Helen

It’s only shallow if you miss the point.
Obama, Trump etc are not punchlines that the author thinks you might have missed. He is saying that everything and every aspect of our culture has acquired in its purposes and hidden character the ability to displace the real for the purposes of serving (for want of a better word) Satan. True Light has been almost completely replaced by False Light:

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  Helen

I agree. I would have simply given you a thumbs up before…

Oct 25, 2021 7:01 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen


Oct 25, 2021 7:42 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

comment image

Oct 24, 2021 1:20 PM

I know evil has infiltrated governments and organisations,But surely good must also have infiltrated these such organisations because like night and day ying and yang it has to counter balance.for every dark force there’s a light force it’s balance.From chaos comes calm.Maybe wishful thinking I know but I’ll never give up hope.

Oct 24, 2021 12:30 PM

The WSWS is looking more and more like a fantasy comic book.
They are claiming 15 MILLION deaths worldwide from the ‘virus’
The highest figure I’ve seen anywhere else is 4.5 million.
What kind of mind game are they playing?

Oct 24, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s as if they had read Mr Curtin’s article and are playing it out in real time (the article appeared a couple weeks ago on Global Research).

Figures exist not merely to be manipulated but to be created from thin air (like US dollars).

And that’s the point: digital reality means literally “Anything Goes.”

Oct 25, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  Howard


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 25, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s par for the course with the WSW. The covid fear mongering is thundered out without the slightest hesitation: “…the global pandemic of a lethal virus, which has killed more than four million people, according to official figures (in reality, far more than 10 million), mass vaccination is an elementary requirement of public health and the self-defense of the working class.” Note the “trumping” of the official figures – through what sources of information? The WSW remains silent. The breathless certainty instantly abolishes all talk of “personal liberty”. After which we have a barrage – nay a surge – of false equivalencies: “The safeguarding of public health in a mass society depends on a whole host of regulations…” These are: the wearing of seatbelts and speed limits, proscriptions against drunk driving and smoking in public places, maximum occupancies for buildings, rules for handicapped parking and many other measures vaccinations to protect against tuberculosis and malaria shots against MMR and polio and other illnesses. None of which have anything to do with covid! “Once a version of the COVID-19 vaccine is developed that is effective and safe for children, which hopefully is only months away, ….” Well it’s amazing how fast these new miracle juices can be knocked up and tested for safety! “…that should become a compulsory requirement for school attendance as well.” But this may be the most vile part: There is nothing in the least progressive about the campaign against “vaccine mandates.” Those scare quotes speak volumes. The mandates aren’t really mandates! Thus the WSW delivering something even more impressive than the voice of God. They are simply explaining “reality itself”. Covid has acted like a lightning bolt illuminating the surroundings. And what do we see? These “Left” organisations are all fascist cheerleaders forcing poison on the bewildered… Read more »

Oct 24, 2021 11:22 AM

Hillary ordering that the slaves be jabbed or fired forthwith…Andrew Marr, with serious journo face ( what a joke) …loving every second of it


Oct 25, 2021 12:00 PM
Reply to  Corarden

“We came, we jabbed, they died”

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
Oct 24, 2021 11:19 AM

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Then everything those running the disinformation program believe will be false since their beliefs cannot be sepreate from their cultural context.

Oct 24, 2021 3:41 PM

That’s true. Mr Casey could just as easily have said “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes mirrors what we believe.”

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 24, 2021 11:15 AM

Thought-provoking hypothesis. I don’t know about French philosophers being difficult to understand. I’m still trying to come to terms with your granddaughter’s meme: “The antonym to a contronym is itself, because it has two opposite meanings. It contradicts itself.” I have to say it was the M. Gustav Dore illustration that initially drew me in. His engravings are something to behold – otherworldly. Once sucked in I reached the bottom relatively unscathed and generally pleased with an agreeable journey. Like Dante’s allegory I find John’s Revelation much more convincing today than as a child when I thought it was written by someone on an LSD trip. Today I find myself going back to it time and again, especially to chapter 13. The second beast “exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast whose mortal wound was healed.” We learn earlier that one of the heads of the first beast had a mortal wound which “was healed and the whole earth followed the beast with wonder.” This beast, “wounded by the sword” I see as the collective Fascist dictatorship of Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito et al, which was apparently defeated, but not really, and after which an image of the beast (television) “should even speak, and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.” Then you get the bit about the marks of the beast on forehead and hand “so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark.” In chapter 9 it talks about the locusts (allegory in my mind for plague) “on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold [coronas]; their faces were like human faces. . .” and “the torture was like the… Read more »

Oct 24, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  John Goss


Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Oct 24, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Thank you for your interpretations.

I confess I know much less about the Bible than I should. But it seems the focus by so many mega-churches and powerful pastors on a pre-tribulation rapture only serves to anesthetize countless Christians who should be prepared/preparing for battle.

‘Oh, we will be gone before anything really bad happens.’

Oct 24, 2021 5:42 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

Cyndee, unfortunately Christianity has failed with the China Flu. Most christians – with honorable exceptions – have folded and taken the jab. Most churches have rolled over too. I don’t think official Christianity will survive this.

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 24, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  Steve

I agree. I left the following comment on The Conservative Woman a couple of days back.


Fight on!

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 25, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Steve

So, not all bad then.

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 24, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

I agree. There is a war in progress. The result is inevitable and many good people will die in the fight. It is not a war like previous wars. I call it the Needle War.

Oct 24, 2021 11:08 AM

Kinda paradoxical that the author should begin by invoking Hell and Heavens and then go on to say that the creation of simulacra has been going on for decades. It would appear that it’s more like millennia.

There probably have been philosophers who pondered the question how we perceive reality, which I sadly don’know who because I’ve been too busy studying other things. The fact remains that what we consider reality is seen through the prism of what we’ve been conditioned with since day one.

Some of us have had more horseshit implanted in our heads than others and some of us have been better able to see through it and perceive things more the way they actually are. Not exactly easy because even though the cage within which we process things, the thinking patterns constituting our mental system, has the door wide open, most people don’t, dare not, and couldn’t give a flying fuck about walking out of it. It’s comfy to be just as myopic as the next idiot, and more often than not, people get a nasty reaction for refusing to howl with the wolves. Or saying that the emperor has no clothes (the fairy tale is fiction, the kid was probably promptly stoned to death or immolated at the emperor’s earliest convenience).

Anyway, good food for though.

Oct 24, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I sincerely believe the first inkling of the crap being fed children comes with the realization that the childhood games sought out and relished by most children are not satisfying. I speak primarily of sporting type games kids way back when I was young played. I hated such games; they made no sense.

And this established a lifelong pattern of being an “outsider” – which is the easiest way to observe things more objectively. Although there’s always the danger that what appears “objective” is actually “skewed.” Not at all the same thing.

Oct 24, 2021 5:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

Hi five.

I remember staring perplexed in disbelief at other kids dressing up for a costume party. Why the fuck are they wearing this shit, the little me was thinking, they look like idiots. Once at a costume party, where I arrive, as usual, in normal clothes, the teacher tried to pull a rooster mask on my head. Ensued must have one of my more memorable fits. They never tried that again!

You’re right about objective. Not exactly easy. I was originally trained as an ethnomusicologist. Unlike what one might think, ethnomusicology is about studying ethnic music. Well, it’s about that too. But it’s about methodology. It’s about studying other musics, cultures, objectively, for what they intrinsically are, as opposed to examining them from the viewpoint of your own culture. There are techniques to do that – to free yourself from the bounds of your cultural conditioning, Fascinating stuff.

Oct 25, 2021 7:12 PM
Reply to  Jacques

yeah man, i’m ecological trained, forestry baked, my real interest was just landscape, life and time space shit – place names, archeology, those before, those elsewhere, and how we came to be what we are…blah blah : )

many paths to a more open mind indeed, good comment.

Oct 24, 2021 11:03 AM

Siren voices will always be there to promote the Soma way out:


Funny how these people are admitting they’ve done something illegal but never seem to end up in jail. It’s just another re-tread of the Timothy Leary playbook who of course we now know was (in no particular order) working for the CIA, involved in MK Ultra and a devotee of Crowley.

Oct 24, 2021 11:26 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I saw him clapping away at one of John and Yoko’s shindigs in a documentary recenty, then I noticed my artschool copy of Hesse’s ‘Demian’…he’s there too saying how great the book is…he really got around this dude…it really is quite amazing how we can see what they were aiming for so clearly now…and it ain’t pretty.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Oct 24, 2021 10:58 AM

Two points, definitely worth looking at Desmet, the Belgian pyschologist. And yes, it’s a spiritual war we are in.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Oct 24, 2021 10:50 AM

Check out Jason Reza Jorjani re: models.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Oct 24, 2021 10:40 AM

At the outset of 2020, as Warp Speed was being prepped for release, Sonic was playing in the cinemas.

Oct 24, 2021 10:25 AM

Very interesting. We should include the ‘currency’ in this discussion because what we think is money is really promises (look at the wording on your £20 notes) or digital representations (your bank accounts) both of which will eventually become worthless when the system collapses.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Oct 24, 2021 10:11 AM

Over time you can get people to believe anything. 82% of Egyptian Muslims believe you should be stoned to death for adultery. 2/11/2011, “Pew Global Attitudes Project.” I agree with Mr. Curtin that today’s problem is quite serious. I believe the only solution is that the US, the root of all evil, must be broken up into 3 or 4 parts. Many in California might wish to merge with Mexico. Davos Man will never let go of us, so we must separate ourselves from him.

New Nane
New Nane
Oct 24, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Polls are usually rigged. It was the root religion that passed down the stoning method of execution.

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Oct 24, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  New Nane

But the people went along with it. As people today cheer on the increased ostracizing of the un-modified.

Oct 24, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

All executions are perverted way to preserve the status quo. Though not certain, I suspect it’s only the female part of the “adultery” dynamic they wish to stone. So the obvious wish to force women to always be true to their male partners comes on like gangbusters.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 24, 2021 10:39 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

We dont want those CA tossers in Mexico – in fact we dont want any yanks, the ones already here are bad enough. And why would they want to be here when they’ve spent so much $$ and angst on keeping Mexico apart? Hypocrisy.

Oct 24, 2021 9:49 AM

Now it’s illegal to be a christian in the uk:


But hey, as long as all the poofs are happy…

Oct 24, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  notyetgod

dude, christ had no problem with trannies, nor gays, or eunuchs.

Oct 25, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  notyetgod

From a more time-loose perspective the troubling part is that whatever changes are manifest in this wave of transsexual adorations, that this is the impossible line:

The Rowes believe Christian parents – and any parents who disagree with trans ideology – have been placed in an impossible situation

As if it never occured to anyone before that in submitting ones children to mass government schooling there would be limits to the arrangement.