This Week in the New Normal #9

Audio Version New Feature!
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. The Death of a War Criminal
2021 sure has been hard on blood-soaked warmongers behind the 2003 invasion of Iraq. First we lost Donald Rumsfeld, and now the world has bid goodbye to Colin Powell.
That’s right, a man who took an active part in at least four American wars has passed on. Leaving behind only a legacy of burned Vietnamese villages, irradiated Iraqi towns, a few million civilian casualties, and a photo of him holding a test tube full of Sweet-n-Low he felt the need to wave around on the floor of the UN.
It’s a terrible loss, not because the world is worse place without him – far from it – but because he lived out his life without ever seeing the inside of the dock at the Hague, or passing one moment in a jail cell.
Yet another surplus nail in the well-sealed coffins of Lady Justice.
However, if you really want get the old rage-fire burning, just read the mainstream media obituaries of the man.
John Major called him “one of the finest Americans never to be president”, presumably only just behind Martin Luther King, Jonas Salk and the hundreds of millions of people who weren’t complicit in crimes against humanity.
The media went out of their way to excuse him on Iraq, and lying to the UN.
The Guardian refers to his “reporting mistaken intelligence”. The Associated Press refer to “faulty information” that made Iraq a “stain” on his record.
The Wall Street Journal calls him a “reluctant advocate for the Iraq war”, adding:
He initially opposed the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and came to deeply regret his role building a case for it at the United Nations Security Council. “There can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability to rapidly produce more, many more,” he told the Security Council. The intelligence he cited turned out to be wrong.
It is all weasel-worded myth-making of the worst kind. Entirely predictable, but not less repulsive for that.
2. Pfizer accidentally invents the elixir of life
A study done by a US research center has found vaccinated people are less likely to die from any cause, than unvaccinated people.
The researchers from the Kaiser Permanente Center for Research & Evaluation wrote in the CDC’s weekly report:
Recipients of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Janssen vaccines had lower non–COVID-19 mortality risk than did the unvaccinated comparison groups […] people vaccinated for COVID-19 had lower death rates than those who were not vaccinated, even when COVID deaths were excluded.
While some might conclude this could be an odd coincidence, that the study’s methodology was flawed, or even that it reflects a bias in sample gathering, the authors of the study have a different theory.
Namely that the vaccines aren’t just safe, they are super safe and just make you generally more healthy.
COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States have shown again and again to be safe. This study also confirms their safety […] The lower mortality risk after COVID-19 vaccination suggests substantial healthy vaccinee effects (i.e., vaccinated persons tend to be healthier than unvaccinated persons)
…which I guess makes sense to them.
3. The endless war on social media
We covered, earlier this week, how the David Amess attack was being used as an excuse to attack social media and introduce new regulations for the internet.
It’s not just David Amess though….this week alone we’ve seen stories detailing how social media is dangerous for elections, emboldens stalkers, creating eating disorders, and being used by Iranian hackers.
Not to mention the ever-present threat of “covid misinformation”, detailed by the Daily Mail.
Given how dangerous the internet can be, it’s no wonder MPs have decided they shouldn’t be allowed to police themselves, and that they should face financial “hammer blows” for allowing “dangerous content”.
I’m sure that could never lead to increased levels of censorship. It’s just about protecting people.
BONUS: Worst interview of the week
Generally speaking nothing good comes from watching Channel 5 in the UK, it’s ITV’s less-intellectual little brother. And the Jeremy Vine show is the worst of the worst – bleating out hot takes that would make the editor of the Sun think “Oof, that’s a little low-brow isn’t it?”
This week it played host to Lucy Beresford, a psychologist, former Agony Aunt and founder of something called the Kindness Club…
She doesn’t even know what fire she’s playing with, the poor foggy headed
— Laurence Fox ⚪️ (@LozzaFox) October 23, 2021
Lucy thinks the state should treat the unvaccinated as if they were disobedient children, and force them to conform via removal of their human rights.
…presumably “the kindness club” is named ironically.
It’s not all bad…
As much as Italy is responsible for setting many of the worst pandemic trends in March 2020, it’s become the model for civic resistance to state overreach as well. Whether it’s MPs denouncing lockdowns in parliament, or mass protests every week.
ITALY – Now facing at over 16% of the workforce being unemployed and banned from working unless they comply. Determined now to hold their line.
I stand with Italy. Just say no.#NoGreenPass #NoVaccinePassports #Covid_19
— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) October 23, 2021
For regular updates on the situation in Italy, follow Robin Monotti’s telegram channel.
Switzerland had huge protests of their own this week too, below are the streets of Bern on Saturday…
Massive protest against the health pass (vaccine pass) in Bern, Switzerland.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) October 23, 2021
In other good news, a groups Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) held a press conference on Friday called “Defending fundamental rights by opposing the misuse of Digital Green Certificate”. The MEPs expressed concern over the EU “green pass” program. Maybe some political resistance is growing.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention how new age healing is secretly riddled with neo-nazi conspiracies or how some US states are legalizing child-labour to fill gaps in the job market.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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I was stopping, taken aback, in front window of one of those sports halls where lost souls were sweating in concert.
And I thought to myself that the hamsters, imbued with a gnawing dignity, had the modesty, them, not to dress up masks and fluorescent clothes to gallop on the spot.
Three days to COP26 and the Fraud website has promoted “the climate crisis” above “coronavirus” on its webpage. It’s even got one of those oh-so-reliable data bars in the same format.
Funny how, whatever the data, certain numbers keep recurring. A couple of days ago the Fraud like much of the MSM was headlining a “catastrophic” 2.7 degree rise in temperatures. The last coronavirus deaths in the UK happen to be 207. For those who’ve not investigated gematria, nothing but the numerals 1-9 are counted so zeroes and decimal points disappear to make these both 27. Not only is 27 6+6+6 inverted but it’s also three cubed so it’s another way of writing 33.
Anyway, like Schwab said, late 2021 will see a switch from coroavirus to climate….
Not a fan of lucifer but I hope he chucked a bit more coal onto the raging fire used to torch up Rumsfeld and powell
Colin Powell, rot in hell!
Another example of the Occult being mainstreamed:
A world crypto-government is bad enough but it turns out to be a radical theocracy to boot.
way to go for censoring jimbo gee whiz u work for dannee andrews down in the penal colony??
g maybee u haven’t
crazy. patsy cline
whadda world
and so it goes
down undah in the vax zombee vax nazee vax apartheid coal penal pharmaKoma prison colonee we have this:
In a month’s time, Victorians who have received two doses of a COVID vaccine can expect to face few restrictions, bar having to wear a mask in select indoor locations such as on public transport, in hospital and aged care. But it’s a vastly different story for the unvaccinated.
On Sunday, Premier Adolph Daniel Andrews said those who hadn’t received the jab could visit other people’s homes and shop for the basics, but they would be barred from the vast majority of other venues.
“Whether it’s a bookshop, a shoe shop, a pub, cafe, a restaurant, the MCG, the list goes on and on. You will not be able to participate like a fully vaccinated person because you’re not a fully vaccinated person,” he said.
Epidemiologist Tony Blakely described the road map as a finely balanced see-saw that would need to be fine-tuned depending on case numbers.
But he warned that once 90 per cent of eligible Australians were double-dosed – and if infections had reduced significantly – “it would be unethical at that point to keep the people who are unvaccinated out of society.
DICK-tator BIG BROTHER D. ADOLPH andrews FAUCI’S squeeze boy. . . .
Like most of these Covid-Coup functionaries, Dan Andrews looks profoundly ill.
new report from Open Democracy: Last year was the worst on record for government secrecy, new research
by openDemocracy has revealed.
In response …..
The Chomsky creature and his sadly representative effusions underline the entire propaganda angle of the media – the shameless misrepresentation of the covid issue as deadly plague versus selfish bastards who only care about their (trivially presented) liberties.
Old reliable. Standards so elevated he refuses to consider such trifles as 9/11.
I could suggest that might be on account of Mossad involvement with 9/11,
but I wont bother because with chumpsky there is no point.
Facebook whistleblower warned the UK Parliament, the platform has been used for stoking unrest in various parts of the world!!!
What would be the UK parliamentarians’ reaction but admiration for the fine work of dividing societies and countries, and turning the populations into hate-zombies?
Perhaps some uk officials will brag about the uk intelligence services being able to achieve a lot more (like inciting the Indonesians to massacre their fellow citizens) without the help of facebook.
It’s been a while since the Fraud’s last attack on ‘Conspiracy theories’ (trying the ignore them and they’ll go away approach?) but here we go again:
It’s always instructive to see what strategies they’re trying. This time it’s mainly technophilia (AI says it – it must be true!) and the use of graphics. This use of graphics is interesting to me because I see it on the WEF all the time. They seem convinced these flow-charts are persuasive. “Some people learn better this way” is the usual take – it’s more that they’re trying to make people incapable of reading a few paragraphs of text imo.
Such arguments as the article contains are mostly the usual – a link to witch-hunting, a hint of anti-semitism (“blood libel”), guilt by association with a bonkers’ celebrity (which was why Nicki Minaj was set up to say that garbage about swollen testicles. Look up about what Minaj has said about her alter personality if you don’t know what she’s about).
Mostly though the article is cover for Bill Gates. The Fraud has form on this doing the same for Elon Musk not long ago. If the Fraud is what it says it is, why does it see covering for billionaires as its role? The only billionaire the Fraud sees and doesn’t like is Zuckerberg because of their prepping for social media censorship. Now, I’m unusual perhaps in thinking too much has been read into what Gates said about vaccines in that TED Talk. However it doesn’t even seem remotely odd to the Fraud that a computer nerd suddenly shifted into medicine? His parents, his unconvincing origins’ story and his fondness for books about lying with statistics aren’t even worth a slight mention? The 2020 Microsoft advert featuring Marina Abramovic is just to be flushed down the memory hole?
More specifically, the problem according to them is Gates’ lack of accountability. Does the WEF happen to have a ready-made solution to this? Oh, colour me surprised but it does – the ESG agenda. This is a massive part of the unfolding Great Reset that isn’t getting enough attention, it’s how businesses will be forced to comply or die.
You do know that Gates funds the Guardian?
Sterilisation. A vaccine which does not prevent infection or transmission but which encourages the development of mutation is a non-sterilising vaccine. They are not used in pandemics or even serious outbreaks. Even HMG knows this. I imagine the swollen bollocks and other similar stories are propaganda to sow confusion create a straw man to ridicule.
5G got a mention, of course. From techie sites I gather that it is dangerous if only from the fact that engineers have taken steps to minimise the risks (MIMO?). The intention is that 5G will not only replace 4G but internet delivered by cable, leading to a big increase in use.
BTW which is worse for the Graun: using or using an adblocker?
This is an autistically repeated manoeuvre: the media cannot embark on a genuine debate re: covid because it cannot answer the real criticisms. And that is why it has to belligerently misrepresent the opposition. Thus the recourse to obsessions with Bill Gates personally, 5G, and … “Danish witchcraft folklore”? Well that’s a new (and surely desperate) twist.
To allow the real opposition a voice is lethal because the establishment wouldn’t last a second and the covid house of cards wouldn’t so much as collapse as vaporise. Hence the chronic pseudo-issues. And of course the inevitable anti-Semitism charge.
Also note the “extraction” (?) of “key people, things and relationships” using “an artificial intelligence tool”(?!) Well I suppose such devices save you the trouble of using something as mundane as actual human intelligence. And for all I know, it was software that wrote this doggerel. Why not? All it needs is repetition.
Here is the writer’s profile.
‘Jonas Salk and the hundreds of millions of people who weren’t complicit in crimes against humanity.’
Jonas Salk developed and helped develop substances that maimed and killed who knows how many millions to this day. In fact there wouldn’t be a covid vaccine without him.
Only his polio vaccine injured thousands of children in Africa for example when it was launched there and later was involved with the HIV hoax that continued to hurt people in that continent.
An eugenecist by trade, author of a book called ‘The suvival of the wisest’ says it all.
A despicable dark character of our history that should be named and shamed for what he was, a criminal.
Salk apparently admitted as much in his dying days.
Isn’t that nice? This inspires so much confidence!
Kind of reminds me of the Doctor Who schtick about the Slitheens.
I know that it’s deplorably lookist to say so, but it is remarkable that every face in this image looks as if its owners, in infancy, were not only beaten by, but positively teethed on the Ugly Stick.
It looks like they hit every branch when they fell out of the ugly tree
Ha! Oh, the laugh I just had. Thank you both for that best of medicines. A rarity these days.
A real motley bunch of freaks they look like the are at the peak of fitness what a joke but then the lunatics have taken over the asylum
Inversion plus mockery. And a bit of gaslighting and cognitive dissonance.
How’s the Vaccine Working Out for the UK?
Will door-to-door vaccination be next?
Singapore – Most Vaccinated Country’s Covid Disaster!!!
The Gates to Hell Swing Open : California to mandate COVID-19 vaccine for school kids
Australian Cartoonist Sacked after Linking Mandatory Vaccination to Tiananmen Square
Serious adverse reaction risks behind those child jab invitations
Three Ohio judges “die unexpectedly” in nine-day span after vaxx mandate in Cuyahoga County
Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19
FDA Buries Data on Seriously Injured Child in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Clinical Trial
Boris Admits the Vaccine “Doesn’t Protect You Against Catching the Disease, and It Doesn’t Protect You Against Passing it On”
CDC scientists find similar or higher viral load of Covid virus among the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated
Indiana – 531 Fully Vaccinated Residents Dead – 52,000 Breakthrough COVID Cases
Celebrity stooge (designated “national treasure” gives that away almost as much as an honour) acting as an outrider for the elite agenda:
Just before COP26 of course….
BTW I’m not expecting this meeting to agree anything that drastic. My guess is it’ll be declared a big disappointment and to have not gone anywhere near far enough. They’re still laying the groundwork and the big one is likely still to come (27 is one of their significant numbers).
BTW2 Lumley has made a programme with “Human Swan” in the title. Swans are symbolically significant animals (e.g. “sweet swan of Avon”). It’s probably a reference to Cygnus.
According to here
The almost dead lumley has a net worth of $20 million.
Just the sort of person to be suggesting the paupers go on rations, what?
At one point I was a fan because of her outrageous performance in AbFab, but then
I became annoyed with the nihilist deconstructive multi-culti BS.
But she is a professional and speaks with “her master’s voice” like so many.
This from Chomsky (sorry if posted already, but not to be missed):
But… But… wait… Noam Chomsky is an “Anarchist” or is it “Libertarian Socialist” or what fucken ever. What a decrepit, disgusting old twat. Literally calling for those who choose not to be jabbed to be starved to death. Wow.
As bad as the equally disgusting Amy Goodman, who not only called for children to be masked, but jabbed as well.
Earning their keep from their sponsors no doubt. As truly vile as this group from right here in police state Melbourne.
I couldn’t bring myself to read the article 🙁
Chomsky really gave himself away there. He’s clever enough to know that his traffic light comparison is absolute rubbish (though it works on his sillier followers, if you read the comments), and he really let down his guard when he spoke of people in jail.
This from the man who asked people to vote for Clinton and not Trump, because Trump would make bad stuff acceptable. Well, Chomsky can do that on his own, with no help from Trump.
Yes👍 So much controlled opposition O.
When the push comes to shove Chomsky and Goodman will stick to the diktats of their people. Chomsky was never intellectually honest or impartial because he cannot be, from 911 he started to waver and adapt his rhetoric to the establishment that consolidated themselves in the 90s via the neocons who were previously trostkytes, that says it all.
He’s not a traitor because he was never on our side. The unvaxxed are the new goyim the unchosen ones.
I’m very aware that we are the “unchosen ones” the unpeople, the dirty unclean, or whatever term you want to use, especially in places now like Victoria.
The vilest thing about Chomsky – who here stands in as a perfect representative of the media – is his shameless misrepresentation of the issue. We are not talking about people who ignore red traffic lights, nor are we discussing smallpox. The assertion of covid as deadly virus is VASTLY questionable and that’s putting it mildly. But here is where the slimy manouevre of the media comes in: they pontificate about giving people choice but the options put to them are shamelessly skewered in such a way that there is no choice.
And then the “debate” is reported with an opposition presented as toothless because they have been censored.
Thousands of NYC Workers March Across Brooklyn Bridge Protesting Vaccine Mandates
12000 Municipal Workers March across Brooklyn Bridge To Protest Mandates
Oct 25, 2021
FNTV – FreedomNewsTV
October 25 2021 – MANHATTAN, New York:12000 Municipal Workers and Protesters including FDNY, NYPD, EMS and SDNY marched across Brooklyn Bridge to protest vaccination mandates that require them to be vaccinated against COVID19 by October 29th.
Group gathered in Brooklyn around 11am and marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to City Hall.
Video by Oliya Scootercaster (
John Wilson, Former President Trades Hall Canberra
John updates AustraliaOne (Riccardo Bosi) on rumblings in the Australian Union movement
October 21st, 2021
AustraliaOne Party
Quick question, are patriots still in control? legalman
In control of what?
I think it was Phil Greaves who said that the Left have become everything the Right claimed them to be: aggressively totalitarian and utterly contemptuous towards the masses they supposedly speak for.
Indeed, Chomsky displays a visceral loathing for these “lower orders”. Even the now barking WSW haven’t gone so far, still hiding behind the claim of Right Wing forces distorting the views of the proles.
But it has become ever clearer that Chomsky has been an undercover intelligence operative from at least as far back as JFK.
And Event Covid has revealed with inescapable brutality that the WSW are also an intelligence outfit though no doubt staffed with uncomprehending genuine Marxists who have no idea they are being used to lend a spurious credibility to a spook operation.
But this lot have reached a crucial juncture: the point at which imprisoning people, splitting them up and working to deprive them of their livelihoods is no longer enough and they are now to be coerced into having their bodies violated by a dangerous untested vax. This plastic Left are now called on to act as the intellectual goon squad to corral the recalcitrant. And the one plus in this matter is that this slimy phony opposition will be increasingly forced to reveal their true function.
Marx would be in complete agreement with Chomsky. It’s not that they don’t have anything in common besides their rhetoric, they are utopians, man saves himself and the earth.
They want the opposite to Christian civilisation. The only reason why socialism had been on the side of the working people until a few decades ago was because the west was based on Christian tenets. Now with Christianity finally out of the way for them thanks to their incessant and ruthless cultural war, their real utopia begins. Only consensus between a higher group determines what truth is.
This is their utopia, where communism ends the state and corporations take over, run by men of their ilk. The pharma and tech industries are one and the same for this purpose.
Marx has nothing to do with “utopianism” whatever that means. He aimed to end an exploitative system.
Marx aimed to be the ruler of an exploitative system.
Chomsky’s ending his life as a fascist.
He’s really past his use-by date, including for his bosses – he can no longer dissemble so well.
He might be deployed to teach a course at the “Anti-Vaxxer Isolation” camps on the JFK assassination and how LH Oswald was the lone assassin, another trope he has put forth for decades.
It would be a very short course, and not only to accommodate his severely diminished capacity.
I mean, how long does it take to sum matters up with “Nothing to see here, move along!” 😉
Jonas Salk as an example alongside MLK? Dude was a mad scientist, responsible for immense suffering, hardly an example of goodness to behold.
I much prefer the voting system. There are already plenty of gender neutral sites on the internet,
Eastern Australia is hysterically reporting “asthma thunderstorms” and asthma rain coming. QLD, NSW and VIC all touted to be in for asthma storms due to excess pollen don’t you know. See kids, $cience has recently been discovering such phenomena along with things like teenage heart attack and other things of that nature that you’ve NEVER KNOWN YOU’RE ENTIRE LIFE.
In other news, a council truck drove slowly down my street the other day spraying or releasing something weird smelling. Haven’t seen that before. I’m sure it’s for our protection though.
And dark helicopters fly almost daily from out west somewhere across my place to the airport over east. Sirens blare every day for short or long bursts, then stop close by. For what, who knows.
I’m sure it’s all routine.
Oh and it’s 3 months now the muppets in Brisbane have been forced masked. And the health minister abomination recently declared that the borders would open and…grinning…covid would cross the border to infect everyone. 100% certain on that because computers modelled it probably. But even if computers didn’t model it, they just KNOW for sure that people will get covid in Qld. That’s a lock.
Even with the masks?? But I thought the masks were saving our…
Oh never mind.
Ah yes the confusion of qld messages….the indig of yarrabar are not keen on white mans medicine and are holding out…so the powers that be are threatening to lock them down until they comply….for their own good you understand,.,any other time the racial discrimination mob would be outraged..,but as they are no doubt pro vax they will be cheering the govt on…
and those planes and helicopters. I thought it was just me…suddenly they are flying over often…last Friday about a dozen times …I could only figure it was a crop duster but couldn’t work out where the hell the crop was….even a double jabbed was fretting about whether they were spraying people….the helicopters I think are checking power lines…but who knows…they have been very active too….and I live a long distance from the main airport…
I am also having problems with my Internet…gone too slow to access many docos..being a touch paranoid I start to wonder….smile. All seems to be getting increasingly nuts.
I am in the Barossa and have never heard so many fucking helicopters
The siren’s sound align them selves perfectly to the body clock. the helicopter sounds near me worked perfectly with sleeping clock so wasn’t that surprised they named the Variants t delta alp[ha etc (Police helicopters out at – 2am 5am etc.
Just before they the polyrickons do TV announcement in conjunction with pre newspaper announcements of cases death doom.
The bell which is today’s sirens blue and red flashing lights becomes heavy.
Act like you got it and they have said they will act very well. which means lights camera action tv film scenes the whole 9 yards to make it look and seem we are in a deadly pandemic .
No expense spared.
cameowon a Emmy for his COVID-19 Briefings performance.I live almost under the flight path into Tullamarine Airport (from the south) and the amount of planes coming in, especially late at night or even after midnight during the lockdown last year and this year in Melbourne has been quite an eye opener. People were tracking them on Flight Radar here, and a lot of them were coming from Guangzhou in China.
Helicopters out every night, very late at night as well, and they always seem to be heading towards the Airport, and often, directly over my cabin. Sigh.
Lots of weird things happening here in Melbourne, obviously Pig. And yes, It’s pretty obvious, even to Blind Freddy that Queensland is next on the chopping block. Good luck.
Yeah Gez, and shamen and Marilyn, helicopters at night here too. Always coming and going from North West to South East in the direction of the airport and back again. It appears the convid carnival will be going right through summer on the Australian East coast. We will see. No warm weather respite as we saw in England. Forced masks have been in place in Brisbane for 3 months now. I know Hong Kong is going on 15 months straight of forced masks. Australia, cucked by China to the extent that it is I guess it feels right to force masks here like they do in HK.
This is what it feels like in a global take down. A revolutionn of the mega wealthy elite to stampede the herd into a new business model of control and domination. All under the guise of what should be to everyone now, an embarrassingly transparent health con. But still they believe.
Uncharted territory. Very creepy. This is what the build up in nazi Germany might have been like for people who understood what was transpiring. We have no history in Australia. We got used in a few wars. But here in this land we’ve had no predator. We do now. And people are generally utterly defenseless. Nobody can take a stand. Nobody will stand for others. It’s an atomised, ill informed mess. Not many of us see what’s going on.
And so many have got jabbed with that stuff. Just talking to a guy in Spain who also believes this is a mass depopulation agenda via the “vaccines” coupled with the transformation of the entire system into a totalitarian technocracy.
You yourself said a while back that Australians have been ripe for the picking for quite a long while.
And now here we are. Yes, for me, I feel like it’s about the equivalent of Germany 1938. Or being in it. Or being in Chile during the Pinochet dictatorship. Same type of feeling, a foreboding, of seeing what’s happening but feeling almost powerless.
Anyway I’m going to put on some soothing instrumental music and crash…
Not in AU, but lots of helicopters here in middle of the night. Got woken up by a low flyer thumping the trailer a few nights ago.
Twinkle, twinkle little bat
How I wonder what you’re at…
Stayed in Southbank on the weekend; I estimate 50% muppet masked as opposed to 90% last month.
Is this due to apathy or are they waking up? I dunno.
In Caloundra we drove past a high school that had a poison stab centre set uop in the car park; there were at least two hundred people there. From sports fields to Killing Fields.
50% masked…you mean on the street and that or in shops etc? True enough…around my northern suburb there are few tragics wearing them on the street…but there are still more than you’d like. But in shops, as far as I can tell…all masked.
Caloundra hey? Spent plenty of time there. It is extraordinary seeing the hysteria to have children injected. And people going along with it. The narrative just leads people wherever it wants. And they go.
Piggy, yeah 50% outside where there is no mandate/rule/illegal order to do so.
As I previously noted that’s down from the 90-95% last month.
In shops, etc 99%. My daughter now uses the exemption excuse now that she has seen how easy it is to do so.
So my take is that the muppet mask wearers are either true believers (imbeciles) or craven pussies. I mean how fucken hard is it to assert “I have an exemption”?
When the trucks start arriving in the town square loaded up with pods, and the people rush to collect them, you’ll know it’s almost over.
Mind, in the original film, it was only happening in a small town in the Mid_Nowhere, and there was hope of salvation from outside. This time around, the “aliens” have been cleverer, and the whole world is “infected”.
I just had strange conversations with at least 2 people this week about the unprecedented thunderstorms we had here a year or 2 back. When I moved to this region in the ’80’s I noted the lack of thunderstorms for the most part. A summer not so long ago, we were having them back to back, one night in particular, they lasted for 5 hours and there was no direction, the lightning came from every corner of the sky.
I think there are a lot more people discussing HAARP these days.
We’ve had freezing weather here for much of Spring, and it’s supposedly late spring now. Two days ago even had a brief hail storm. I believe its HAARP as well. Oh, I missed your twinkle twinkle little bat comment which is why I’m about a month late in replying🤷♂️
Sweden is the fourth nation to ban Moderna. Brick by brick, the globalist fear-mongering campaign is being dismantled and recognized for what it is. Propaganda and experimental injections at the expense of lives is unacceptable, and the Technocrats who control the narrative should be removed from all public policy.
Finland, Iceland and Denmark have taken similar steps. Norway is encouraging men under 30 not to get the Moderna shot, but is not mandating it.
For months, the Moderna vaccine has been under scrutiny because of data that shows young men who receive it are at increased risk for myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac around the heart.
I’m sure there’s multiple genius companies who managed to roll out a magic vaccine in 2 seconds flat so that some of them can be rolled under the bus to make things look like there are checks and balances.
Cheques and Vallances?
Might be a bit late. Moderna may get the blame (but no liability) but the principle of knocking together dodgy substances and injecting them into a docile population as an experiment has been established. Maybe, even, Moderna is the fall guy? I believe that all the “vaccines” are the same, differing only in the method of delivery.
And to think that in the olden days the drug companies used to be obliged to conduct fake safety trials at the least.
if this madness ever recedes, they will save face claiming “contaminants due to emergency orders” or some shite, it was all a well meaning error and lessons will be learned ….
You should mention that Collin Powell died of covid after being fully vaccinated for covid. An example of vaccines efficiency.
„General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from Covid 19. He was fully vaccinated. We want to thank the medical staff at Walter Reed National Medical Center for their caring treatment. We have lost a remarkable and loving husband, father, grandfather and a great American.
The Powell Family”
WEll he died of blood cancer
complications indeed…
by the way, well done for removing the comment voting thing!
I don’t think people are likely to agree on this. I miss the ability to agree/ disagree with a comment very much. I do not understand those who oppose this small opportunity to acknowledge a comment in an otherwise impersonal environment.
Voting was never meant to be an agree / disagree thing as that creates echo chambers. It was meant to be about approving comments that are on-topic/informative/helpful and disapprove of comments that are off-topic, misinformation, against site rules, personal attacks etc.
Those who disagree or mistrust an on-topic comment should either scroll past or make the effort to offer a counter-argument or prove that the comment was wrong/misinformation etc.
Those who agree should make the effort to say so, in an otherwise impersonal environment 🙂
It illustrates the illberal attitudes of some. They don’t have to use it but they want to ban it for everyone else.
Hmmm, I wonder what that reminds me of….
Good point.
My own viewpoints differ significantly with the general consensus on this site but I think the voting system is a positive thing.
see my reply to MaryLS
As I have had endless things removed since March 2019 I have accepted with resignation that the vote thingo is just another of the endless removals of whatever,…and like complaining to politicians about anything at the moment complaining here will probably get us all about the same response,,,,sad
👍 👍 👍
May dogs shit on Colin Powell’s grave. I am content to know he lived in hell before dying and that his dark soul is now being devoured in the void.
Next up : Henry Fucking Kissinger.
As for social media, may they be legislated out of existence and their followers locked down and forced to play japanese video games for 5 years.
Dr Bhakti explains what happens in the body after its been injected with the cIot shot.
(short video with German and English subtitles)
Big Frank” Haugen the Facebook “whistle blower” is back testifying, this time to the British. Thank god for people like this who have the courage to stand up and demand more govt censorship and oversight for our freedom .leghalman
I don’t agree with his economics, and would probably have differences politically with him, but Godfrey Bloom talks sense on “covid” and Climate Change:
Godfrey Bloom Interview With Sonia Poulton25 Oct 2021
I think I’m not the only one here who despairs somewhat that we have to turn to right-wing (for want of a better phrase) sources for sense on both these major issues.
It is precisely the “alt-right” label being attached to the anti-scamdemic movement that is the problem. I know too many people who cannot think past that after so many years of the right being in the wrong on just about everything.
And of course much of it is propaganda created by the supposedly “left” media whores.
In many countries the non-parliamentary right wing groups are generally nothing more than brownshirts, ie violent thugs on steroids who do the dirty work of the elites, and don’t really give a shit about human values.
This is why “antifa” was originally born, to deal with these thugs…too bad most antifa are skinny middle class kids who have never been trained to fight.
There’s an antifa bod @ 4:40
Switzerland: Massive Protest Against Vax Passports, Covid Tyranny In Capital City
October 25th, 2021
Thousands of Swiss patriots gathered in the capital city of Bern for a historic protest against vaccine passports and medical tyranny this weekend.
Organizers estimate at least 30,000 people packed into the Bundesplatz in front of Swiss Parliament to voice their opposition to restrictions and mandates which have radically transformed society since the start of the COVID crisis.
Yep, the alt right = anti scamdemic concept was baked into the narrative very early on. It never made an ounce of sense. But then again nothing has.
If there ever was a true unifying moment for left & right this is it. RFK Jr is just such a “alt-right” “white supremicist” LOL.
Everyone who accepts the “vax passport” gives up their rights and exchanges them for privileges which can be revoked like Israel just did to 1.5 million who had 2 shots but said “NO” to the third.
So true. But the rights of the refusers can easily be ignored and these people punished where the great majority have ignorantly given up their rights and exchanged them for privileges which can be revoked. 🙁
There are some horrors in the finance bills before the US Congress (and they should worry everyone as the UD today is us tomorrow):
1) The plan wants to increase spending on the IRS to $79b. To put that in proper contect, current spending on the IRS is $12b. That is one massive increase – and what else can it be for but to build a surveillance infrastructure.
2) They want to tax unearned income – meaning the money people might make from crypto-currencies or their houses. This tax is to be before any of this is cashed in, in other words it’s tax on potential rather than actual profits.
3) The plan wants to tax travel on a per mile basis. Effectively it’s a tax on commuting meaning people will either have to move into the city or demand tele-working.
the smart packed cities with everyone in a high rise cannot be forgotten as part of agenda 30
A tax on unearned income? Quel dommage!
I imagine most people here know about Sam Bailey:
And Tom Cowan:
I read Tom Cowan’s recent book and I have to say his arguments and science are questionable- and I say this as someone who is nearly toally convinced that virology is a scam.
I just don’t think Tom is going to convince enough people on the scientific front.. someone knoweldgeable in current genetics and microbiology needs to come up with some better counters for the theory of viral contagion.
The continued insistence on Koch’s postulates will not cut it, because Koch’s postulates are not current science. Virology is not expected to comply with them.
And his ideas on nutrition (e.g. dairy products and bread) were also questionable. I would trust the millenia-old medical sciences of the east (ayurveda and chinese medicine) more than any western doctor or therapist’s advice on what to eat- and they both dont have too many good things to say about dairy or bread.
I don’t totally go along with Tom Cowan either, for what it’s worth.
I haven’t checked out specifically his ideas on nutrition, but I know he’s a Weston Price guy, and I’m on board with some, but not all of that. It’s too big a subject to get into here. But I think we can agree that the average western doctor knows very little that is worth knowing about nutrition.
Koch’s postulates: while I’m not totally happy with the emphasis on that, I’m not sure about the relevance of their not being current science. I mean you could say that Einstein’s Special theory of Relativity made Newton’s Laws of Motion obsolete, but that’s only true when talking about speeds approaching the speed of light. In everyday life, Newton’s laws still hold good as far as I know (I’m open to being corrected by a physicist though). Similarly, perhaps Koch’s Postulates were valid in the context for which they were introduced, i.e. bacterial infection.
As I understand it from what the late David Crowe has said and written, and Andrew Kaufman has said, Koch’s Postulates were updated when viruses came to be known about or suspected, but not in a very satisfactory way. Must admit, I don’t know what current virologists say about them, but I can well believe that they feel not bound by them.
UK Covid Marshal
Well I thought I was hallucinating – but sure enough, an “edifying” BBC bulletin on the challenge of climate change:
But note the presenters name: Chris Morris! But not quite that Chris Morris:
Yes the original CM took the well-deserved piss out of gullible patsy celebs. But what about the new CM? Wiki:
“Chris Morris (born 1964) is a British broadcast journalist who regularly contributes to BBC News, Today , BBC Reality Check and From Our Own Correspondent, and is the author of the 2005 Granta publication The New Turkey.
Since November 2016 he writes and broadcasts on Brexit, fake news and other issues for BBC Reality Check.”
The word “irony” doesn’t do it justice!
Casting Co2 as the global temperature control knob is propaganda, how anyone can descibe that as “edifying” is beyond me.
Scare quotes are also beyond you.
aparently, I don;t get yor point, sorry.
The real cause of the Pacific “supply chain” problem: thousands of truck fleets have been banned by regulation.
California port situation is caused by a driver shortage– in part caused by a California Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called AB 5 which prohibits Owner Operators.
Traditionally the ports have been served by Owner Operators (non union), now banned.
Also, truckers in California are not investing in new trucks because under California law only electric trucks will be legal beginning 2035, but there are none to buy.
California Air Resources Board (CARB) began blocking certain trucks’ DMV registrations in 2020.
Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, were blocked from registration with the state’s DMV. The new “health-based requirements” will need to be met before a driver is allowed to register his or her truck through the DMV.
Add in the vax mandates and say goodbye to another 20%
Yep they obviously had a few think tanks to dream up leg etc to cause all this but then blame it on someone else….all about the need to reduce demand and push up prices….blackrock and co at their best I expect.
On returning from walking the dogs I could hear the TV news. Not the words but the tone. It was a female voice and it was the now sickeningly familiar tone of condescending concern. The ubiquitous Laura Kuenssberg is a master of it although I don’t think it was her. They all speak the same way. Sometimes I’m not even sure if the voice is male or female – I’m too busy trying to keep my tea in my stomach.
So, I wondered, what is the topic? Covid sprang up in my thoughts right away. Or perhaps some horrific tale of sexual molestation. The latter turned out to be it. Some indictment of evil Muslim rapists in Afghanistan.
But the tone us the thing. The words scarcely matter. The tone encourages you to see yourself as a totally passive victim – and to think of the whole world as full of passive victims. It’s the age of the victim, the age of humourless pseudo-solidarity – a “solidarity” only in the sense that “we victims” need what victims always need: help! And our benevolent masters are ever so readily on hand to help us by giving us “what we need”.
Here’s the deal: the masters make you a victim so they can force their “love” onto you. And what is this “love”? It’s what they decree that you need i.e. it’s what grants them more power over you. Because the more of a victim you feel, the weaker you make yourself and the more strength you give them.
Doubleplus insight. Why would they not use tone to manipulate? BBC drawl has done it for decades.Tone is all.
This is my go-to question: why would you not? If you ran Tavistock or Behavioural Insights Team, would you not seek to reframe and diversify TV presenters — if you are doing it to lowly council staff, civil servants and police?
Sky was the pioneer. I joined from the BBC in around 1990. BBC presenters at the time were largely wooden, except for people like Jill Dando, who was my presenter on BBC Breakfast.
Murdoch was the pioneer. Linda Duberley, Kay Burley… It is very interesting who has lasted. Murdoch was insolvent in 1990. I would arrive for the night shift through a bevy of reporters…”will it shut tonight?”
Someone bailed Murdoch out. Just as somebody financed Michael Bloomberg to take on the might of Reuters. News does not make money. It is a cost, not a profit. So do the math.
To get to the point…
Murdoch being financed and the BBC being State, they would be sitting ducks for Tavistock experiments. Look at the Behavioural Insights Team and SPI-B. See the Rockefeller Lockdown document of 2010. Would they ignore the media? When they are the vector of control?
Interesting that you say Jill Dando was different. Her sad fate was certainly different. Perhaps there was a connection?
Yep being an Australian we always knew Murdock had sold his soul to someone to do what he did…. Interesting how they find the willing…then finance them having bought their soul for a price…my best guess was the boys and gals of that tiny place on the Dead Sea.
‘Here’s the deal: the masters make you a victim so they can force their “love” onto you’.
munchausen by proxy comes to mind.
Those news casters all have the same cadence, I can’t listen to them, literally turns my stomach.
Nor can I look. The women all look the same. Even if they are different nationalities. They all look the same. The hair done (and stiff), the make up applied, the wardrobe – well, I’ll leave it at that.
I wonder, when I am forced to see them (waiting room?) if they even know what they are talking about. How many of them do any research?
I realized many years ago that they are talking heads. The Sunday morning news shows that became so popular. A circle of talking heads.
Wouldn’t it be funny to plunk Vanessa Beeley right in the middle of the circle.
OK, I am being far too judgemental. Although I truly cannot bear to watch msm, I do believe everyone has the right to choose. That’s imperative.
plus 1 , please bring back the tick offg
The State is the ULTIMATE is passive aggression. They always have the fall back “Your safety”…”just trying to help you”…”keep the community safe”. Butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths. Meanwhile they engage in and carry out all manner of orders at the behest of their handlers and masters.
But yeah, they can always cry innocent. It’s the ultimate scam.
Lucy Beresford’s “worst interview of the week” might possibly be beaten by today’s “Worst article of the week” in the Mirror, titled: Vaccination volunteers are being trained to deal with terror attacks. Why don’t we arrest the anti-vaxxers?
These remarks tell you all you need to know:
“The vaccination programme is so critical to security and stability that any threat to it should be treated as a threat to our country.”
“…we could just ask Scotland to provide a remote island where anti-vaxxers could be housed safely, without a single vaccine, doctor, or hospital to bother them.
We could go back in 10 years and see how many of them, and how many of us, survived.”
“…we could just ask Scotland to provide a remote island where anti-vaxxers could be housed safely, without a single vaccine, doctor, or hospital to bother them.
Where do I sign up?
im all in too
👍 me too!
At my health clinic here in Boston, the first person you encounter in the small hallway outside the entrance, is a security guard. With the ubiquitus mask container and hand sanitizer.
A security guard. To see a doctor.
He sits in front of, and blocks, the community bulletin board which used hold a number of flyers for everything from block parties to yoga classes to helpful resources.
Admins: I’ve got a comment “Pending” (it must’ve been the suspicious link to that other Off-G page 😉 ).
Still nothing. Good Lord this is infuriating.
i too am concerned with off g’s slowed response to comments and the upticks option since the holiday. We have always witnessed ferocity and shills from all angles on here and we recognize that. whilst maintaining, as i know, the best platform for conscious souls exposing and revealing such diverse and informative commentary and links. Having much preferred the previous system where shit seeped through but we all saw they’re eugenic acquiescence. Maybe kit, sophie, et al. are inundated with 77th crap? maybe they are just trying to cling to its authenticity? either way, we see through it, don’t censor it, pretty please can we have off g back? x
The fact that you feel there’s any hope in reaching out to us like this, I think, answers your own question. Don’t you? We’re the same as always. We’re trialling comments off, that’s true. Other than that, all the usual crap is seeping through just fine. Trust me 😉
Once upon a time I used to moderate comments. The traffic there was not even close to Off-Gs, just a mom-n-pop organization. The author had his blog configured so that all comments were in moderation until one of us pushed it through to publication. I regularly checked the spam folder ’cause WordPress is weird, glitchy and a pain in the ass. So to a degree I understand what goes on behind the scenes. I have conducted my own “experiment” with Off-G: two times when I had a comment stuck in moderation, I didn’t do anything but just watched to see if would ever get published. Both times it didn’t. Given the high volume of comments they get, I honestly don’t believe it’s personal. I think they’re just overlooked. So, around here the squeaky wheel gets the grease. But given that there are two moderators and numerous authors, I am bewildered as to why, in this age of instant gratification enabled by smart phones and tablets, it takes over an hour to get to a comment that is “pending”. Honestly, it comes across as passive-aggressive.
lucky you dont tell everyone their all want one.
wonder if pending wil be on the new vaccine passports
There are no “supply chain problems” for getting the jab. Big surprise. legalman
Everyone in the US knows the cryptic slogan / rallying cry “Let’s go Brandon!”
Here is another: “We’re all beagles now…”
BLM: Beagles’ Lives Matter. Oh, and FJB!
Or “Je suis Beagles!” for that Continental touch of class! 😉
+1 hahaha
Question for community: last week someone posted a link to an article about varying “vaccine” solutions for people of various political persuasions. I meant to bookmark it and follow-up but got distracted and then lost sight of it. Unfortunately, my search criteria must be off because nothing comes up. Does this ring a bell with anyone, and if so could you re-post or direct me to it?
Not political persuasions but DNA.. or specifically the way the “vaccine” identifies or binds with the ACE2 receptors. This varies by ethnic genetics.
We’d be better-placed if Da Spike had been tested on animals but that wasn’t done — because last time the animals all died.
Didn’t the PNAC document say something about ethno-specific bio-weapons?
Before that, research was contracted out to apartheid SA.
Mouse A: Have you taken your mRNA jabs yet?
Mouse B: No. The ferrets all died.
Mouse C: Hey, aren’t we ferrets?
Thanks for responding, MC. I finally found it by searching for “pig swill” of all things (it was his response which stuck with me)! The thread was started by Penelope when she posted a Lew Rockwell link to a Stew Peters report. A slight departure from what you posted, it’s quite disturbing:
Let’s see if this goes through (my other is still stuck in one of the circles of moderation hell).
My description was slightly off: turns out to be obedient vs disobedient:
AE911Truth expels Richard Gage
Probably the best-known 9/11 truth activist Richard Gage has been expelled from the organization he founded, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
He had been filmed as a contributor to Spike Lee’s HBO documentary NYC EPICENTERS 9/11-2021½, but then Slate magazine dug up some comments Gage had made about Covid-19.
Lee cut Gage’s contribution and, in the panic that followed, AE911Truth’s own PR agent convinced the non-profit’s board that Gage, the CEO, had to go. They offered him a “lucrative package” in return for a Non-Disclosure Agreement, banning him from continuing to speak about 9/11 or use the materials he has written and filmed over 15 years since founding Architects and Engineers.
Gage turned down the gagging deal and has set up his own funding site instead. Another leading organization, Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry has taken him on board at LCfor911 org.
Read it next week elsewhere or now 😉 at:
Spike’s scared of the vaccine.
I dunno.. hasn’t he been paid to do a commercial urging all the kids in the ‘hood to get the jab?
Lee pushed the official ‘Son of Sam’ angle in ‘Summer of Sam’ when there’s a mountain of evidence that there was a lot more to it.
Have AE911Truth provided a statement on this? It sounds as though they’ve either caved to the cancel culture or been infiltrated.
We can add Spike Lee to the growing list of non-people… along with the South Park creators.
Fuck them. It was good while it lasted, then they go too succcesful and sucked Satan’s cock, as Bill Hicks would have predicted.
“Billy Eugenics asks, why experiment on Beagles when there are far too many Untermenschen Useless Eater children on Earth?”
“Prepping young Untermenschen useless eaters as test subjects in experiments yet to come.“

“Release the flesh eating pathogens.”
“Trust the Quackery!”
♪ School days, school days
Dear old golden rule days
Reading and writing’ and rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hickory stick
You were my queen in calico
I was your bashful barefoot beau
And you wrote on my slate, “I love you, Joe”
When we were a couple of kids ♪
I have some ideas on what to inject him with. Killing him would be far far too kind.
Unbelievable. Hope this finally brings him down.
“Billy Eugenics and the rest of the war racketeer corporate fascist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazi criminals need to go, asap.”

“Honest Socialism (which is social, political, economic Equality) in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs now!”
“WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) will not be culled, lab ratted, Jim Crowed, enslaved or owned.”
Most excellent!
Really beyond done with the push for cures and the natural immunity push as it all reinforces Sars CoV2 cases which are based on severely flawed testing and attribution standards are ‘cases’. It is apparent, except for a few small outliers, the controlled opposition leadership is gate keeping the real truth around this manufactured crisis and advocating talking points which promote unnecessary and harmful drugs with the actual long term research around Ivermectin safety as unsupported as the claims around vaccines. And, ALL keep pointing to studies using PCR which as useless for detection of Sars COV2 and holding them up as viable. Its a SHOW – article on Ivermectin people should read to understand its history, if people knew this I think they would go nowhere NEAR it:
The Off Guardian should correct its last article that it has been proven safe and effective, objective review of long standing research contradicts this claim per above
I for one have never supported the push for Ivermectin or HCQ. Just more toxic products of the pharmaceutical industry.
Non-toxic, non-prescription vitamins and minerals, on a foundation of sound nutrition, avoidance of junk foods and elimination of pollution is the way to go.
I absolutely agree with you. Couldn’t agree more.
I had a lady train guard driving me nuts the entire trip to London from the south coast recently, – most of them say nothing but she was getting more agitated as more maskless heathens boarded at each stop and decided to announce over the PA system her letter of the law about how masks are still mandated on the train…not true…but anyway…she past me a few times, she then stopped and checked my ticket, her eyes popping out of her masked head, as I turned my ugly freeface to hers, and smiled. Then I carried on reading my Kindle, opened and ate my home made organic cheddar cheese sandwich, and listened to some ‘Killswitch Engage’ at full volume on my phone to drown out the bullshit ‘See it, say it, sort it’ messages that play endlessly on trains these days
“WOKE AMERICA” reveres all Black People. Period. Democrats are bending over backwards to maintain control of Congress and the Presidency. They are insane.
Woke America doesn’t really revere Black People, Woke America is USING black people, once again, to make the case that anyone not Woke to their standards is a selfish bigot. Woke America is like the infamous Latte Liberal – about as woke as that “liberal” who advocates lockdowns, forced jabs, censorship, etc. Sure Democrats are insane, but then ALL of our “leaders” are insane so really, singling out Democrats is kinda beside the point when we discuss them. The ones pulling their strings sure as hell could not give one shit about “party” and never have – that’s just for us to fight over while they rip us off and kill us.
No, they don’t give a shit about black people- not even the black members of the “woke” crowd. All they care about is strutting around their well fed middle class asses and virtue signaling.
Deleted UK Government Report Celebrates How Public Loves To “Conform” (ZH)
The report:
Corporate bullshit speak and worst of all at taxpayers expense.
hey MC, can you expand on the Pirates, La Rochelle, Irish slaves and West Indies stuff you wrote about recently, it was fascinating, perhaps write an expanded piece with your sources…would love to hear more as all this stuff is so relevant.
It does though, doesn’t it. We’ve all seen it in action.
Culture Jamming a Blockchain Summit in Texas
This is the kind of thing I come here for, much more than the articles themselves.
Channel 5’s Jeremy Vine show is just the pits. A carnival of ignorance, virtue-signalling and not-so-subtle propaganda. It’s host is the blithering-est idiot on tv. He went on holiday a week ago, so the female co-presenter stood in for him, promoting some other back-room idiot to co-presenter. Now the female co-presenter has gone on holiday, thus allowing some other brain-dead no-mark to become stand-in for the stand-in! None of them have two brain cells to rub together. Same goes for the “guests”, drawn from an extremely shallow pool of about 20 approved propagandists (usually a “journalist” or “broadcaster”) who can be relied upon not to go off-script. Thus these same old faces get their mugs (and air their views) on tv around once a fortnight. It’s an extremely hostile intellectual wasteland, as exemplified by the video clip above.
Bring back Vine show predecessor The Wright Stuff and it’s presenter Matthew Wright!
you switched the TV on didn’t you, schoolboy error 🙂
Right on. +1
Ours went out of the door in 2005. Best decision ever.
Matthew Wright also supports the false ‘official narrative’…! Some months ago, there was a video online, in which Beverley Turner was trying to disseminate the true facts re. the immense dangers of these injections, and the host (Dermot O’Leary) and Matthew Wright (presumably he too had been a guest on the show) were attempting to ridicule the facts re. the horrific nature of the ‘jabs’.
Stop giving the BBC your money.
I don’t watch the Telescreen.
Sky: 30 pupils sent home for testing positive… and 14 students home from the same UK school due to adverse reactions to the shot.
I couldn’t watch a horror movie again with all the real horror in the world – yesterday I saw this from the same people who bring you the vaccines.
In case anybody thinks this sort of thing isn’t really happening…
This is the where the void is found, the absence of any humanity, in those who will come to your country and order your leaders to fire you from your job if you don’t do as they order you…and take the jab
Well psychos, no, never, go fuck yourselves. Don’t tread on me. I’m with Leunig, and going to the kitchen to make an organic black coffee in a saucepan, the simple way, will sip it and and enjoy some mellow music…
Pfizer supports torturevof dogs! Demand they stop paying Fauci!
Good article on this from The Automatic Earth…
i can’t even read that