WATCH: How to Disarm Propaganda
Mark Crispin Miller, NYU Professor and News From Underground publisher, joins James Corbett to discuss his specialty: propaganda.
In true #SolutionsWatch style, they discuss ways to identify and dissect propaganda, as well as how to help others to see through common propaganda techniques.
Links, sources and shownotes – as well as download options and an audio-only version – are available here. Previous editions of #SolutionsWatch can be seen here and our own “Covid Positive” series here.
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I would follow your program if you would provide a transcript. I don’t often have the time or inclination to listen to long videos and I don’t especially like getting information verbally.
Programs that provide a text transcript are easy to implement and they allow users to read at their own pace, refer back to points of interest, copy and paste to search further when an item of interest is presented. There are many advantages to a text format.
I understand a lot of people want videos (is that just laziness?), but critical thinkers often prefer written format.
If you want followers like myself, please provide text transcripts.
I probably won’t watch very many of your videos.
By Sundance
The Conservative Treehouse
Tucker Carlson Has Triggered The Fourth Branch of Government With His Preview of “The Patriot Purge”
October 29, 2021
Say what you will about his general disposition, but one thing is clear – Tucker Carlson has triggered almost every element of the Fourth Branch of Government with his preview of a Tucker Carlson Original documentary, “The Patriot Purge: The True Story Behind 1/6”.
Scheduled to begin airing on November 1st, the docu-series looks like a deep dive into who was behind the January 6th insurrection narrative and the possibility of the FBI and Fourth Branch creating a false flag operation. . . .
My point is this…
What the Federal Security Service (FSB) is to the internal security of the Russian state; so too is the FBI in performing the same function for the U.S. federal government.
The FBI is a U.S. version of the Russian “State Police”; and the FBI is deployed -almost exclusively- to attack domestic enemies of those who control government; while they protect the interests of the U.S. Fourth Branch of Government. That is the clear and accurate domestic prism to contextualize their perceived mission: “domestic violent extremists pose the greatest threat” to their objective.
Put another way, “We The People”, who fight against government abuse and usurpation, are the FBI’s actual and literal enemy.
Let me be very clear with another brutally obvious example. Antifa could not exist as an organization; capable to organize and carry out violent attacks against their targets; without the full support of the FBI. If the FBI wanted to arrest members of Antifa, who are actually conducting violence, they could do it easily – with little effort.
It is the absence of any action by the FBI toward Antifa, that tells us the FBI is enabling that violent extremist behavior to continue. Once you accept that transparent point of truth; then, you realize the FBI definition of domestic violent extremism is something else entirely.
The FBI is not a law enforcement or investigative division of the U.S. Department of Justice. The FBI is a political weapon of a larger institution that is now focused almost entirely toward supporting a radical communist agenda to destroy civil society in the United States.
Anyone who continues to push the fraudulent “honorable FBI rank and file talking point”, is, at this point in history, willfully and purposefully operating to deceive the American people on behalf of government interests who are intent on destroying us. It is not a difference of opinion any longer. It is a matter of just accepting what is staring us directly in the face.
Tucker Carlson appears to accept that reality.
PATRIOT PURGE : Official Trailer From Tucker Carlson On The Jan 6th False Flag Attack
Oct 28, 2021
Mr Wick
Premieres November 1st on Fox Nation
Well that was a fun evening. I caught up on all my ironing and managed to watch James Corbett and Mark Crispin Miller. This is my kind of propaganda and gets my seal of approval. There were some superb points made, which we all here know, but it is still helpful to have them articulated. In no particular order:
1. Censorship of any alternative view is a corollary of Propaganda
2. Once they label you a Conspiracy Theorist, you have already won the argument
3. Sometimes, people label us as CTs because the truth is way too dark for them to handle and their antipathy comes from a place of deep fear and denial: “Whaddya mean there’s no Tooth Fairy? My mommy told me so and she’d never lie…would she?”
Maybe I ought to do more ironing…NOT!
A Professor in Propaganda is promoting known propagandists as trusted sources that pretty up their with what mainstream media does.
Miller’s point that the most effective propaganda is that which tells us what we already agree with is a crucial one but it doesn’t really get developed much.
One way this works is through controlled opposition using ‘bait and switch’. A source builds up credibility through the bait of good information but then starts slipping in misdirections. Any disinfo is wrapped in some good info to give it plausibility. The good info is however either not something new (true of both Snowden and Assange which is why I don’t think either is genuine) or can be re-purposed to serve the elite agenda. It wasn’t long ago that many voices here would try to say controlled opposition doesn’t exist – since the likes of Peter HItchens even they realise that’s hopeless.
Telling us what we want to hear can also work by black-pilling, telling truths in such a way that produces despair and giving up. Finally there’s telling truths but mixing it with things that sound insane and the guilt by association will discredit the truths in most eyes. David Icke and Alex Jones were ops on those lines. Do they know it? Jones certainly does imo, not sure about Icke. The controllers seem to particluarly enjoy stories that appear insane but are actually true (or at least based on a true phenomenon if not true in this instance) – Pizzagate is a good example that Miller mentions in a different context. It’s a form of derision (“we know it’s true, you know it’s true, but you’ll never convince those normies and will discredit yourself in trying”). Hitching critiques of NASA or any space propaganda to flat earth is another clear example. It concerns me the way commentators like Corbett, Farrell and Fitts think they can make the manifest fakery in space disappear by uttering the magic words “secret space programme”.
Bias by omission is also a tell among those who seem sources of truth. I grew very suspicious of Richie Allen when he wouldn’t give the view that false flags were hoaxes a fair hearing. Corbett himself used it to expose Noam Chomsky. I have to say that yet again Corbett seems to steer the conversation away from entertainment as propaganda, a topic I don’t think he’s ever gone into. He also didn’t pick up on MIller’s remark about a Satanic component which is another angle he seems to be avoiding. Corbett’s defenses might be: a) he prefers to stick to what’s documentable (but these can all be documented) b) he’s not an expert in those fields and others cover it better (well, make yourself an expert in them or invite some of these others on) c) it’s not his personality or that of some of his core audience (what’s going on is what it is and can’t be reconfigured to suit anyone’s fine sensibilities. Can one ignore in-your-face Satanism by crying “but I’m a rationalist!”?).
When Corbett had that row with Sibel Edmonds a while back I sided with Corbett. However something Edmonds said, that Corbett wants to protect his brand, feels increasingly pertinent. I’ve noticed a prickliness in his dealings with Whitney Webb for example – like he sees her as a threat. Corbett says not to trust him and to check what he says and he’s right (but does he know that people won’t bother?… ).
P.S. On Corbett/Chomsky, getting a new asset established by outing an old one is a tactic they’ve used before. The Red Stockings outed Gloria Steinem as CIA which she was – but it turned out the Red Stockings were also a deep state operation themselves.
You make some good points Edwige, thankyou.
NB I may have written this anyway if there were the ‘ticking’ option, as some posts ‘deserve’ thanks, but an uptick for good, but not quite as good posts would still be useful.
Yes I agree. Thank You Mark.The voting thingy is handy and also saves some cluttery of ‘thank you’ posts.
Thank You Edwige – you nailed it again. Neither the Assange or Snowden characters have hardly ever even mentioned 9/11, so I didn’t trust them from the beginning. They are also psyOps.imho.
What do you mean by “manifest fakery in space?”
Also not defending or white knighting Corbett here but he did have a whole series called “film literature & the nwo” so he’s definitely covered entertainment as propaganda.
As often, the comments are interesting.
Disarming propaganda will take more than analytical skills, which academics, journalists, and other professional intelligentsia are occupationally inclined to exclusively focus upon. It will require habits and traditions of living rooted in social contexts free from the behavioral conditioning as well as indoctrination of schools, workplaces, leisurely or re-creational activities captive to entertainment/infotainment industries, and other institutional population controls alienating us from our own agency, autonomy, and ability to lead critically awake lives. There’s no more powerful propaganda than reality itself, and the means to manufacture it. As with genuinely independent media that present alternatives to, not of, the MSM, we need to rebuild (counter-)cultural (and economic and political) bases of resistance to the domination of capitalist social relations reducing human purpose to its mechanical and ultimately demonic imperatives, as the present totalitarian takeover reveals.
“The insurrection took place on November 3, Election Day. January 6 was the Protest!”
– President Donald J. Trump; Oct 21, 2021
Senator Lindsey Graham Questions Brett Kavanaugh Military Law vs Criminal Law during war on terror
Sep 2018
Trump hired Elliot Abrams, John Bolton, and Mike Pompeo to his administration. It doesn’t get more neocon than or does it.
Trump was a vaccine and 5G whore.Total shill. I am still laughing about the wall.and bannon taking your money and being pardon’d by trump LOL
Abrams was employed as a useful idiot to screw up the planned CIA coup in Venezuela. Trump’s target in the region was the CIA’s cocaine operation, and there was most likely a covert deal with Maduro. Likewise, Bolton was just a placeholder with no power or influence. Pompeo, on the other hand, is a far more interesting character; and it probably took a while for Trump to check him out.
From Wikipedia:
Pompeo represented Kansas’s 4th congressional district from 2011 until his January 2017 appointment to director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In the [2010] general election, Pompeo defeated Democratic nominee Raj Goyle . . . Pompeo received $80,000 in donations during the campaign from Koch Industries and its employees.[42] In the 2012 election, Pompeo defeated Democratic nominee Robert Tillman by a margin of 62–32%.[43] Koch Industries gave Pompeo’s campaign $110,000. . . .
Once a critic of Donald Trump, whom he called an “authoritarian”, Pompeo became one of his biggest supporters after Trump became the Republican nominee in the 2016 presidential election.[4][5] President Donald Trump appointed Pompeo director of the Central Intelligence Agency in January 2017. Trump promoted Pompeo to secretary of state in March 2018, with Pompeo succeeding Rex Tillerson after his dismissal.[6] . . . During his tenure as Secretary of State, Pompeo was described as among the staunchest Trump loyalists in the Cabinet.
The mRNA jabs were ready to go by late 2019. All that Trump did was to accelerate the testing phase, but they would have been released regardless of Trump. See:
Video (Oct 2019) Emerges of Fauci and HHS Plotting to Stage Massive Health Scare Using “New Virus”
Oct 5, 2021
The Alex Jones Show
Alex Jones breaks down three clips which are the smoking guns which prove the COVID pandemic was planned and carried out Big Pharma, the UN and corrupt government officials.
This is a slightly different edit of the above presentation, but the article provides some background.
Fauci and others Planned for a “Universal Flu Vaccine” in 2019 that Became the “COVID” Vaccine
October 5, 2021
This panel discussion focused on what they perceived as the need for a universal flu vaccine, but they admitted that the old way of producing vaccines was not sufficient for their purposes, and that they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public. They all agreed that the annual flu virus was not scary enough to create an event that would convince people to get a universal vaccine.
And as we now know today, about 2 years after this event, that terrifying virus that was introduced was the COVID-19 Sars virus.
And so now we know why the flu just “disappeared” in the 2020-21 flu season. It was simply replaced by COVID-19, in a worldwide cleverly planned “pandemic” to roll out the world’s first universal mRNA vaccine. This was always the goal, and previous efforts through various influenzas, AIDS, Ebola, and other “viruses” were all unsuccessful in leading to the development of a universal mRNA vaccine to inject into the entire world’s population.
Panel participants:
Michael Specter, a journalist who is a New Yorker staff writer and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University.
Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.
Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).
Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine.
Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute.
Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab.
Full Article:
Disease Deaths per Day Worldwide C.D.C. WHO: March 9th 2020
MERS 2.3
SARS 3.2
Ebola 5.3
Sleeping Sickness 10
Chicken Pox 12
Hepatitis A 20
Dengue Fever 50
Echionoccosis 53
Leishmanlasts 55
Covid-19 coronavirus 56
Yellow Fever 82
Rabies 162
Measles 242
Meningitis 329
Cholera 392
Typhoid 396
Whooping Cough 440
Rotovirus 548
Seasonal flu 1027
Rotavirus 1233
Shigellosis 1644
Malaria 2002
Pneumonia 2216
Hepatitis B 2430
Tuberculosis 3014
I haven’t looked into this, but I had assumed the TB jab to be among the most beneficial and least adverse. If true, then surely it would be the one promoted globally.
Alex Jones is a shill. The scamdemic was planned by the world government with the central banking cartel at the pinnacle.
Likewise, 5G would happen without Trump; but he was able to get Huawei banned.
Press release
Huawei to be removed from UK 5G networks by 2027
Decision follows a technical review by the National Cyber Security Centre in response to US sanctions
Published: 14 July 2020
– Buying new Huawei 5G equipment banned after 31 December 2020
– All Huawei equipment to be removed from 5G networks by end of 2027
– Existing ban on Huawei from most sensitive ‘core’ parts of 5G network remains
– Digital Secretary Oliver Dowden said in a statement to the House of Commons: “By the time of the next election we will have implemented in law an irreversible path for the complete removal of Huawei equipment from our 5G networks”.
I linked to this article elsewhere not realising that OffG had already featured it:
I like MCM’s reluctance to use the “mainstream” label for the media. Because what we call the “mainstream” is actually under the control of the most microscopic part of the population. Whilst, in true Orwellian fashion, the actual mainstream is now represented by those “fringe” sites on the net.
Re: the booster bonanza covid shots, those eagerly signing up are even impatient about it! I do wonder what goes on in their minds. You’d think that some smidgen of the old ways, i.e. when they did occasionally think about things, would have survived the viral re-programming. But no. Direct experience of actual reality can’t possibly compete against that little box in the corner. (Though to be sure, in most households it is already assuming the dimensions of a cinema complex!)
The effects of the covid hokey cokey rules in our workplace have had a remarkable impact. Difficult access to equipment, general slump in the effectiveness of the service, a culture of mistrust now emerging between the segregated groups (two tribes!) etc.
And this morning, in the wake of the New Holy Water being dispensed, a scarcely believable chat about e.g. disputes on how long Evil Covid can survive on various surfaces, the correct procedure to wipe down this and that etc. And there’s the new (and, I suspect, now permanent) post: The Cleaner who comes round every day constantly wiping wiping wiping. Just as, in the old Catholic sheep pen, the penitent confessor had to rigorously observe the correct purification procedure, so our new “Scientifically advised” clergy must enact the necessary rituals. I wonder how long it will be till covid gets its own version of The Lord’s Prayer?
It will be used to time the seconds disinfectant must remain on the surface, just like medieval people timed eggs with pater nosters and hail marys.
Cripes, Noam Chomasky………..
Isolate the Unvaxxed.
Chomsky is not a frightened old man. What is he afraid of? He’s been an inside man from at least as far back as JFK.
And nowadays I’m suspicious of everything and I don’t think there are details too small to just shrug shoulders over. Don’t you think that Chomsky looks more and more like Karl Marx? I wouldn’t be surprised if that too is a very well planned out move to associate this covid shit stirring stuff with Marxism and the Left.
IMO, it was skilfully executed, in terms the ‘left’ might be capable of understanding, e.g. he knows nothing about the Science (!), is engaging in hate speech against ordinary people and propping up the oligarchy. I also liked the reminder of his past and of how he is very much the technocratic insider.
Does the arsehole still work for MIT ?
‘ Karl Marx …. Marxism and the left’ You really seem to have an unhealthy fixation with this. Take a rest, and think about errrm … Bakunin!
All part of the controlling the lively debate idea he is famously know for
Now he’s a part of the the debate
And to think that he was the first person I came across that woke me up with his documentary ‘Manufacturing Consent’. Although I felt sceptical about him going along with the official narrative for 9/11, I still inclined towards him as he appeared to expose the Palestinian situation. Even bought some of his books but couldn’t get past the 2nd page as was way too complicated. (On purpose?)
Now he’s going along with the covid narrative on camera, surely you ain’t that thick Mr Chomski. Someone put a gun to his head or maybe he is on the payroll?
Tut tut tut what a sad way to end up as.
Despite my realisation from this pandemic psyop of how fraudulent “science” can be I’m not persuaded against the climate change emergency situation yet. Every time I look at the pro and contra arguments the pro arguments win. Mark Crispin Miller mentions polar bear researcher, Susan Crockford – she’s funded by the Heartland Institute for a start and I think criticism of her work sounds as if it might be valid but haven’t checked properly and I don’t think that Michael Mann’s hockey stick has been debunked convincingly either – you’ve got to follow the debunking trail to the end.
The destruction of nature and biodiversity is there for everyone to see with their own eyes. Global Warming is a way of pretending you care while doing nothing for nature. inflammable electric cars, bird killing windmills, solar panels on deforested land. For Christ’s sake .
And the extraction of rare or exotic materials in countries with probably dubious environmental standards, in order to provide components for EV and storage batteries, magnets and solar panels with unpredictable effects on the environment.
And when your EV & solar panels come to the end of their life, to what extent will the components be re-usable or re-cyclable, how much energy will that take, and how much environmental damage will that cause?
Renewables? hmmm…..
Producing large amounts of energy has an environmental cost no matter what, Mike, so what needs to be considered is which is more egregious: fossil fuels or renewables. In fact, “renewables” is, unfortunately, not really an accurate term. Biofuels are “renewables” but solar and wind are really free fuel energy sources not “renewables”.
With fossil fuels and renewables such as biofuels you have the two elements: fuel and production.
With free fuel energy such as solar and wind you also have two elements but not quite the same:
production and storage, fuel is free
Which are more egregious and which will become less egregious as time goes on? As solar, wind and storage develop I think we can hope they will be able to use more recyclable and less environmentally-damaging materials whereas for fossil fuels I’m not sure the improvements will be as good – carbon capture and storage?? As some oil sheikh famously said, “The stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stones.”
Solar panels on deforested land? We certainly don’t want to deforest land to put solar panels. But what about coal mines, CSG, tar sands, etc? Energy has environmental costs and we’re very greedy energy consumers – maybe that’s the part we need to address – consumption.
Well Petra, solar and wind may be “free”, but capturing their energy isn’t free, as I think you implicitly acknowledge. And of course, they are not “always on”.
The answer to the latter is claimed to be better storage, e.g. new battery technology, but even supposing appropriate technology could be developed and implemented on a sufficient scale, you have the problems of the obtaining necessary materials, likely including yet more rare or exotic, and potentially toxic ones, possibly only obtainable from countries which are hostile to you.
Implying yet more recycling or disposal problems at the end of their useful life, as they are unlikely to last forever.
Well we could always reduce that by depopulation, although by all accounts, some people already have that covered. 😉
Here are three Videos, in which is is explained why so many people follow the ruling propaganda and can’t wake up:
1) James Corbett: “solutionswatch-bystander” – *
2) MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
I’d suggest that psyops are treated as a separate propaganda category because psyops have a very distinctive MO and there are certain predictions we can make about what the propaganda will consist of.
1. For big psyops there will be generally be separate streams targeted to the anticipated disbelievers coming from controlled opposition agents, eg, Judy Mikovits and her “Wuhan lab” drivel. They want a VARIETY of propaganda streams to confuse and obfuscate.
2. They will push out very obvious nonsense beyond the necessary illogicality of the basic psyop narrative, eg, showing us people falling flat on their faces, claims that pangolins and snakes carried the virus. This fits this seminal (edited) quote:
The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist
3. They only do for real what they want for real and fake the rest so we could predict that there wouldn’t be an actual virus in this psyop, that it would follow the Problem > Reaction > Solution model perfectly in that the problem would be ENTIRELY manufactured not have even the tiniest reality about it. When we consider that the reality is often so very simple compared to the narrative it is so very sobering – see image below which only covers the propaganda, of course, in the most very basic form – it’s an incomprehensible monster.

Would love to see this image properly. I wonder why the diagram is illegible?
-10. I am pretty sure Judy Mikovitz is not “controlled opposition.”
What I would be fascinated to know, Mary, is if the voting system were in place would you have simply downvoted my comment or put a comment with the downvote. If you would only have put a downvote rather than accompany it with a comment this supports my case for upvoting only if voting is re-introduced. Your comment opens up discussion where a downvote simply expresses hostility to what I put forward and neither I nor anyone else are left the wiser as to what is objected to in my comment.
I wonder why you’re convinced Judy isn’t controlled opposition.
I put forward my case for her being so:
1. When the pandemic was first announced two friends of mine immediately jumped to the supposition that the virus was created in a lab in China. I think we can safely say that the power elite have studied us all extremely well and they know how different groups of people tend to think – whatever they tend to think that is on the wrong track we can infer they will capitalise on to confuse and obfuscate. Above all, they want to control the narrative so wherever people are inclined to think the wrong thing they will curate that message massively. Because of my close study of psyops I, however, immediately thought that there wouldn’t be a virus at all because I know that psyops are essentially Emperor’s New Clothes affairs and that they only do what they want for real and fake the rest. There was no reason to believe they WANTED a real virus, they only wanted us to believe in one and there is no possible way that a real virus would work for their narrative in any case. I predicted before any evidence that there would be no virus and, in fact, the evidence shows from numerous angles there is no novel virus.
2. “Created in a Wuhan lab” is PERFECT fodder for those supporting the mainstream narrative looking for targets to call “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” and we see that fact-checkers have LEAPT on Judy to debunk her nonsense – just do a search on “fact-check” and “Judy Mikovits”. Of course, when you approach fact-checkers with the work of Torsten Engelbrecht, Konstantin Demeter, Dr Sam Bailey, Dr Stefano Scoglio and Dr Saeed Qureshi, among others, they remain completely MUM, simply label their work very unconvincingly “misinformation” or produce nonsense debunking that is easily debunked in turn.
In this article in The Conversation, four academics have analysed the controlled opposition film, Plandemic, in which Judy features, but you will notice none of these academics have responded to any of my or others’ critical comments, nor did John or Stephan respond to my direct emails either where I cite the work of those in the above paragraph. John didn’t respond at all while Stephan simply said something with regard to beliefs about AIDS as undermining credibility when we know that the AIDS narrative is bogus too but – in any case – irrelevant to the argument about the pandemic.
To support Plandemic being controlled opposition – which isn’t to say that some of the people appearing are perfectly genuine (they love to mix it up, of course) – we only need to look at the director, Mikki Wilson, who allegedly was a vigilante helper of first responders on 9/11. Watch him in this hilarious interview.
I have two questions, Mary:
1. What makes you think that Judy Mikovits is genuine?
2. Regardless of the evidence, do you think that pushing out a VARIETY of false propaganda streams against the mainstream narrative is a very effective way to undermine genuine argument against the narrative and to keep the truth hidden? Is there any reason you think the power elite wouldn’t use this technique?
i didnt lose my religion all in one blindingly lit moment… A snake has to wriggle out of its shedding skin… Some bits i clung to longer, like i needed their residuaI certainty before i found a different certainty to stand on…Instant conversions to Islam are the product of counter-terrorist ‘experts’ “fevered nightmares”.. God likes to reel us in slowly (Except for Saul who banged his head falling off a donkey, then thought he was Paul when he recovered)…
The Pope is proving he’s not 100% Catholic. He’s in on the Scam… I’m not making excuses for Judy… Is she doing more harm than Good ? In my classes at school there were always those cleverer than the rest. They were bored, resented revision periods of material they’d mastered, revised for us slower students…Judy sometimes sounds like a scorned lover… I keep an eye on her…
Is she doing more harm than good? Really? Anyone who’s speaking against the mainstream narrative who’s got it wrong (whether they’re genuine or paid to do so) is doing harm. There is ZERO evidence of a “novel” virus either real or produced in a lab so when people say that there’s a virus produced in a lab to mainstreamers they simply invite scorn and undermine the case against the mainstream narrative.
Why is it so hard to get the concept of “controlled opposition”? The power elite don’t rule the world by targeting only the masses, that’s not the way it’s done. There are MASSIVE resources put into controlled opposition to confuse, obfuscate and fragment the opposition argument to undermine it – which only makes perfect sense, of course.
Fact-checkers have a field day with Judy but stay much quieter on critics of the narrative whose argument is solid. If everyone against the mainstream narrative spoke like Torsten Engelbrecht, Konstantin Demeter, Dr Sam Bailey, Dr Stefano Scoglio and Dr Saeed Qureshi, the opposition argument would have so much better a chance at success but very few in opposition speak like them.
If those prominent in the opposition space are not saying “produced in a lab”, they’re arguing for, at least, the existence of the “novel” virus but this is wrong too.
So few prominent people in the opposition space are actually saying, “There’s no virus, it’s a 100% psyop.” Lots of punters are but not the prominent people in the opposition space.
Do James and Mark say it? Nope, they don’t say it and did they mention controlled opposition propaganda? Nope. If you’re talking about propaganda and you don’t mention controlled opposition, especially in the middle of the biggest psyop known to man, you’re really not addressing the subject properly.
another thing pet is notice the name they have and the so called appeared out of no where heroes.always a red flag. the gullible fool for it
Judy kovit
I Recently heard someone on the radio trying to explain to a lay person about this shill funeral director called looney. These’s people job is to discredit.
Just like Mike spin us a yea don some CEO (he is not) who has said fuck all grounding breaking but in true shill alt media form is now some big spokesman on every subject.
FWIW, Judy Mikovits does not think a virus has been isolated.
Manufactured in a lab but not isolated? Interesting contradictory combo. They love to mix it up Jeffrey. That’s what controlled opposition is all about – mixing the truth with lies and the truth/lie ratio changes as they get further up the truth ladder so some agents will virtually tell the whole truth but will just miss that little bit that makes all the difference.
While certain details are not important people don’t realise how certain elements of truth are absolutely essential. People will say, “Whether or not there’s a virus,” for example, as if it doesn’t matter. It matters massively however because if there’s no virus then that is the end of the conversation. The conversation stops right there. There is no room in the conversation for the validity of mask-wearing, social distancing, lockdowns, curfews, jabs, etc. There is no room at all for measures or propaganda of any kind.
If those prominent in the opposition space blared day in day out – as some of us punters do – that there is no virus and pointed to the evidence for it constantly things would be different but they don’t.
What the perps absolutely don’t want is simplicity of argument. The reality is so simple: there’s no novel virus but how much space is taken up with with all manner of rubbish said which couldn’t be if that simple truth were acknowledged.
At exactly the same time that lockdowns started in March 2020 the flu vanished off the face of the earth.
There is no novel virus.
Covid is the flu rebranded.
Pretty much but they wouldn’t make it quite so straightforward, it doesn’t work so well having a straight switch I don’t think. How they get people testing positive I don’t know but some people at least who don’t have flu symptoms still test positive and are still considered covid “cases”.
Bias by omission remains the simplest sort of propaganda. I searched the Fraud and the BBC websites for four well-documented, officially acknowledged conspiracies:
1) Northwoods – one mention on the Fraud from back in 2001 and nothing on the BBC.
2) Mockingbird – nothing on the BBC, a handful of mentions on the Fraud although closer investigation revealed these seem to have been in the Comments rather than the articles themselves in most cases. Needless to say, there are dozens of articles on the ghastly agenda-peddling novel and film with the word in the title.
3) Gladio – nothing on the BBC again (even though they themselves made two programmes about it in the 1990s). A few mentions in the Fraud mainly in obituaries that nobody except those who already know about it are going to read.
4) MK Ultra – again pretty much totally ignored by the BBC. The Fraud had ignored until 2019 but have mentioned it a few times more recently. They’ve dealt with it by either dismissing it as “a bizarre foot-note of the Cold war” as one article calls it or twisting it to suit other agendas (like the one about a woman in Canada which serves their general anti-patriarchy agenda).
I suppose everyone saw this…
It’s not the efficacy of the “vaccine” that’s waning… it’s the immune system of people who have had the shot.
It’s not new “variants” they’re catching. They are more vulnerable to (and more likely to be hit hard by) common or garden coronaviruses, cold and flu, along with every other ailment going.
Efficacy, variants and boosters are simply the narrative. The only thing a booster can do is kill their immune system even faster.
“The last 7 Public Health England / UK Health Security Agency ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report figures on Covid-19 cases show that double vaccinated 40-79 year-olds have now lost lost 50% of their immune system capability and are consistently losing a further 5% every week (between 3.9% and 8.8%).
Projections therefore suggest that 40-79 year-olds will have zero Covid / Viral defence at best, or a form of vaccine mediated acquired immunodeficiency syndrome at worst, by Christmas and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost that part of their immune system which deals with Covid-19 within the next 13 weeks.”
How do you measure an declining immune system? And who wants their immune system measured if it’s declining?
This I don’t get
Is it just more fear porn to justify the opposite opinion?
What’s the instruments they use to know your immune system is declining every week by 5%?
Is anyone even questioning this?
I guess by people getting sick and filling up hospitals.
The statistics have gone to shit. The only measure they cannot fiddle (for now) is total mortality… but that is reported with a delay.
Take a blood sample, introduce a virus and see what happens. Two separate things are happening, it appears. The Covid “vaccines” are failing rapidly – in the US the J&J vaccine is down to about 3% efficacy. In addition people are losing the rest of their immune system – prepare for an unusually virulent strain of flu this winter.
I think I posted about this in the New Normal.
Propaganda 101:
Take a grievance and blame it on the external fake enemy. Put it in the form of a question to make it look like journalistic inquiry. It doesn’t matter that the case for ‘yes’ is garbage because the headline links “rising gas princes” and “Russia” and that’s all that really matters.
Normies quack up the wrong tree while the headline “To what extent is the World Economic Forum (or NATO or the climate change agenda) responsible for high gas prices?” will never appear.
”Normies quack up the wrong tree while the headline “To what extent is the World Economic Forum (or NATO or the climate change agenda) responsible for high gas prices?” will never appear.”
Of course not, but what would you expect? The levels of political illiteracy are such that it now seems possible to pass any type of communication and it will duly imbibed by the masses with apparent alacrity.
But that isn’t the end of story. At the end of the day ideological conditioning comes up against the road-black of the cold reality of mass poverty, unemployment and lockdowns. Starvation presents an increasingly difficult barrier for the PTB, and things are only going to get worse and they will have to pull out all the stops to contain the discontent.
I have noticed that where I live in the UK at least 95% of the population no longer wear masks. For them the whole episode is on a downward decline. Government policy which is not delivering is running into diminishing returns. Old Ricardo got it right.
The PTB can’t deliver the goods, the situation is changing and they can only rely on brute force, which is of course an admission on increasing weakness. We shall wait and we shall see.
The hypocrisy is getting ridiculous.
Joe Rogan: Dr. Pierre Kory Said 200 Members of Congress Were Treated With Ivermectin
What’s the betting that CNN presenters have been using it, too.
Regards establishment propaganda, including the presstitutes masquerading as “journalists” various bought “health officials” and a plethora of chinless craven politicians, I just ignore it, simple as that.
I don’t watch TV programs anymore and haven’t read an actual newspaper since about 2005. The only time my TV goes on is to watch a dvd from my film collection, and that’s not often anyway.
I have posted articles here and elsewhere from the MSM, but only to highlight what the pricks are saying and planning.
Speaking of which, Daniel Andrews is planning to introduce over the top Orwellian legislation in the next couple of days here in Victoria.
If Dan had a brain cell it would be lonely walking around in the top of his skull looking for another one, at least NZ admit they are murdering the unborn with the jabs.
Mark Crispin Miller’s inability to teach propaganda any more sums up what is worst today in the world. Here is some more of the propaganda, and the slippery slope moving us towards a controlled society.
Only by collectively opposing what is happening can we defeat the oncoming slave-society. Recognising what happened historically can help prevent it happening again.
Thanks Grafter. It’s nice to have the one or two thumbs-ups. I take each one as being ten likes in old currency.
I can recall when the approaching Catastrophe was called Global Warming…
Not being a scientist one had to believe the Experts… The Science of Modelling parading their Graphs and Stats on the Catwalks… But there were doubters, and they had some interesting facts… So it was decided to change the name of the looming Catastrophe to Climate Change. A bob-each-way bet…
About then i discovered the Electroverse site and got curious about The Grand Solar Minimum and its effects on our climate… It may be a propaganda purveyor, but it’s my type of propaganda, for i reckon that over the past 12 plus months Sydney has had more Cloudy days than Sunny days, which dont fit with the Global Warming thing. But does with Climate Cooling. I could be wrong about Sydney’s changed weather patterns, but not subjectively…
It seems the term propaganda was fairly neutral ’til post WW2 after which only the Commies spewed out propaganda, and we in The West had Public Relations & Advertising…(“a rose by another name…” (Dylan ?)
The reason they had to call it Climate Change was because some people countered the fact that global temperatures may have risen by 1 degree with the assertion that this was impossible as it was quite chilly where they were – and also that it had been quite cloudy in Sydney of late. Global Warning would tend to cause more cloud – it was once hypothesised that increased cloud would lead to global cooling, or a new ice age.
When you understand that it’s the job of climate scientists to cover the tracks of the climate engineers with all manner of nonsensical modeling, then you can dispense with terms like Global Warming and Climate Change – and start using the real designation: Climate Crisis.
Most of what you’re seeing in the sky over places like Sydney is NOT clouds but aerosol dispersions from planes constantly spraying nano-particulates to try and hide the rising temperature – which is only making it worse by keeping the heat from escaping at night.
Somebody’s awake!
Howard. Really !! “Climate Crisis” ? What “Crisis” ? Crisis Mentality more likely ! “The Sky Is Falling” cried Chicken Little…
The moment i accept Their claim there’s A Crisis – they’ve got me by The Balls… Rule by Emergencies > hurry, hurry, hurry, no time to stop to think !
Stampede the Herds into getting risky experimental injections… Dont give them time to think, reflect, analyse, doubt…
There’s a lot said on Offguardion that helps me push back against the feeling of Impending Doom that’s spewed out daily by the corporate mass media… They own it, They tell me how they want me to think.
Henry Kissinger was one who liked to label events “Crisis” so he could rush in and impose corporate Americas solutions… “Emergency ! Emergency ! Make Way ! Emergency !” – as he trampled the little guy in his way.
Framing things as Catastrophes, Emergencies, Crises allows for us to be pushed aside, for Experts (and Politicians) to impose ‘Solutions’. And as the current Crises show, stripping us of our rights, prevented from resisting the imposition of The Experts solutions….
Good one Les.
During OTO season totally normal.
One good way of grabbing a bit of attention.
Even if they strap me to a chair, i’ll wriggle my way out.
And what happened to the voting system, i thought it was a good thing.
The voting system would work much better…if people were removed from the mix. A tall, attractive candidate will nearly always fare better than a short, rather dumpy candidate.
I believe it’s called “What Sells.”
Very true! I’d vote in Miss World without any hesitation.
email them. If we keep talking about it in comments, they will close the thread. They’ve done it before.
And closed understandably, if it’s a sprawling and off topic thread and where admin have already answered multiple questions multiple times.
I hate to further compound the teacher/schoolboy dynamic that develops here by sounding as if I’m dictating, but instead of dehumanising admin and this site by transforming them into some symbol of authority to begrudge or rail against or whisper about in the back rows – which is your privilege and I would never attempt to suggest otherwise – why not treat us reasonably, and suggest people approach us in good faith, one human to another? Yes, emailing is good.
It’s in out best interest to engage with as many people as possible, and the most effective comment system will achieve that. Therefore you’re preaching to the choir if you think we need persuading.
We are, however, anxious not to give trolling parties easy and anonymous weapons to influence and belittle those commenters who bravely put their name (or moniker) to their opinions.
Therefore we’re trialling voting off. Let’s see how it goes over the coming weeks.
and deleted pointed questions, I note.
Even the Blind can see… Blind Joe – I will not comply
Great stuff ImpObs! Made my day a happier one!
Blind Joe is also very happy with the reactions he has had…
thats great, thanks for posting
The best propaganda is that that people do not perceive as such and thus let their guard down. Most people don’t watch “the news” – they either know there’s something wrong with it or have been too dumbed down to cope. News’ viewing figures have collapsed especially in the USA eg CNN didn’t get over a million viewers in one week recently.
They’ve known entertainment is the best propaganda for centuries. “Shakespeare’s plays” were propaganda (most obviously the history plays for the Tudors but all of it in some form or another eg Macbeth showed the disaster that would be an independent Scotland). Music is particularly powerful propaganda because it by-passes the limbic system. They’ve ridden popular music and cinema so hard these are in the process of collapse the propaganda has become so obvious. They’re doing the same to team sports (eg the cricket T20 World Cup is currently a BLM vehicle and anyone who won’t conform can’t play). New entertainments (presumably in the VR realm) are in the pipeline. Entertainment has always functioned as escapism but that’s going to be moved on to a more intense level.
Mum said “dont play with matches ! you’ll burn your fingers !’
I played with matches, i burned my fingers. So why didnt i trust Mum ?*
I can never decide if Trust is inborn. I know for certain dis-trust is learned…
Everything i know about that midget Fauci and his “Make de-pop popular”
associate little billy gates i learned from the internet. They are Evil. And that’s not propaganda…
I could say everything in the mass media is propaganda, but you’ve gotta draw the line somewhere. When i was younger i worked with a born-again Christian ( and, yes, they’re the worst types.) One time he gave me a booklet that argued, quite persuasively, that the number seven (7) is Gods number. It listed numerous instances of ‘7’ in nature. It would have convinced me, if only i hadnt wondered why do most cartoon characters have only three (3) fingers… I told him the booklet wasnt very good propaganda…
*mum seemed to spend a lot of her time discouraging me from enjoying myself – so why should i believe her about the matches ? Had she no trust in me to Be Careful ?
Dis-trust is merely the higher octave of trust. Not everyone can hit those high notes.
It looks like Chomsky’s senile ranting has had an effect on some believers:
But he had to take a swipe at Carlson and Trump at the end. Only neither of them said anything remotely like what Chomsky did, AFAIK.
It’s been consigned to the “anti-vaxx” bucket!
The root of the covid psy-op: to whip up the fear and then draw back and say, “But it’s up to you. Do you want safety or liberty?” After which, the opposition are always presented as selfish psychopathic bastards who care more about their individual freedom than public health. Hence the attribution of “Right Wing” to the opposition.
And so the dupes get wound up into this wrath at those “self-centred monsters” who are taken to be killers just by saying “No” to the vax.
+1. We are vile George, beyond saving. If it wasn’t for us the world must be a better place.
Two people were not vaccinated, and one person had received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine shortly before testing positive. This case, a man in his 30s from Sydney’s inner west, died at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. this is about the first time NSW has stated without doubt the young man died from the jab without actually saying it. Because testing positive AFTER the so called jab is absurd isn’t it. And in NZ the deaths from jabs are now 91 compared to 28 from the so called virus.
I think this is the image you were hoping to post:
At least Big Brother didn’t inject spike into the veins of his subjects.
Has anyone noticed that the way respective State “Governments” in Australia are behaving you might as well be in Communist China. Conditioning
Things cant be as bad in China like they are in Australia, surely ? Isnt what They want us to believe about China all propaganda ?
You know what, looking at their public addresses, they look on drugs. I wondered if the Australian police too. There’s a drug they give terrorists in Syria and elsewhere which takes fear away. I do wonder sometimes as this isn’t normal human behaviour. Either that or Icke is right – these are lizard folk.
what surprise s me is the the mind control is so strong that people in U>K and E.u including USA have forgotten this is how they was treated.
Meanwhile in Australia you would think the deadly covid pandemic with the 99.99999999% survival rate had started yesterday. And the sheeple still do nothing. Very very alarming. I wonder what they will do when the 1 Million man standing army arrives? Seriously that’s what it’s looking like. A handover free of tenants.
Why can’t they just hand out suicide pills? Seriously lets stop mucking about.
It’s unbelievable what’s going on there…unfathomable.
When will Australian ‘boat people’ start turning up in other countries? There must be some nearby that have more bearable Convid regimes (although not NZ nor Micronesia for starters).
This is such a clear inversion of the sort the elite find most amusing I wonder if this is actually what they’re trying to engineer.
Yet there is one simple cure, leave the fucking mobile phones home and off.
About the only options close to Australia are Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, or The Philippines… And we know about President Duterte and his draconian covid regime there. Almost makes Daniel Andrews look like a novice in comparison. I haven’t got any money to get out of Australia anyway Edwige, and there’ll be a lot of other people here in the same boat.
Max Igan made it to Mexico.
And his first interview there is worth watching – mainly about Australia and what what is about to happen here.
For me, the build-up to Copenhagen (COP 15) was far more scary than Covid911. The latter will cause a massive amount of pain and destruction, but given that its scope was expanded to include a coup against the US president, it was effectively lost before it started. As with Covid911, the corporate media and government alignment in the run-up to COP 15 was almost universal. And although there was lots of dissent within the blogosphere, none of it was going to make much difference. But out of the blue, and as proclaimed by Stephen McIntyre, “a miracle happened.”
The Climatic Research Unit email controversy (also known as “Climategate”)[2][3] began in November 2009 with the hacking of a server at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) by an external attacker,[4][5] copying thousands of emails and computer files (the Climatic Research Unit documents) to various internet locations several weeks before the Copenhagen Summit on climate change. . . .
The incident began when a server used by the Climatic Research Unit was breached in “a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated attack”,[5] and 160 MB of data[9] were obtained including more than 1,000 emails and 3,000 other documents.[19] The University of East Anglia stated that the server from which the data were taken was not one that could be accessed easily, and that the data could not have been released inadvertently.[20] Norfolk Police later added that the offenders used methods that are common in unlawful internet activity, designed to obstruct later enquiries.[5] The breach was first discovered on 17 November 2009 after the server of the RealClimate website was also hacked and a copy of the stolen data was uploaded there.[21] RealClimate’s Gavin Schmidt said that he had information that the files had been obtained through “a hack into [CRU’s] backup mail server”.[22] At about the same time, a short comment appeared on Stephen McIntyre’s Climate Audit website saying that “A miracle has happened.”[23]
COP 15
The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as the Copenhagen Summit, was held at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between 7 and 18 December. The conference included the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 5th Meeting of the Parties (MOP 5) to the Kyoto Protocol. According to the Bali Road Map, a framework for climate change mitigation beyond 2012 was to be agreed there.[2] On Friday 18 December, the final day of the conference, international media reported that the climate talks were “in disarray”.[3][4][5] Media also reported that in lieu of a summit collapse, only a “weak political statement” was anticipated at the conclusion of the conference.
Disarming propaganda requires giving people an alternate view which is hopeful. People don’t want to believe that which will make them feel hopeless & vulnerable.
When my link and post appears above, have a read. There are some grounds for optimism. Feeling hopeless and vulnerable is the reason they latch on to propaganda in the first place. Because they think the government through lockdowns etc are offering a solution or way out. So when someone disagrees, these feel threatening. We need to concentrate on those in the middle bracket, 40% or so. They are the ones not fully indoctrinated and in mass pyschosis. Leave the hopeless, otherwise they just use up our time and drag us down with them.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling for employers to be held liable if their employees suffer injuries from mandated vaccines — even if the mandates were a result of federal edicts.
“We need to take action to protect Florida jobs and we have a situation now, unfortunately, in our country where we have a federal government that is very much trying to use the heavy hand of government to force a lot of these injections,” DeSantis said.
Saying he and his constituents believe in “basic medical freedom and individual choice,” and that
“your right to earn a living should not be contingent upon COVID shots,” DeSantis said
If OSHA ends up coming out with the mandate dictated by President Biden, he plans to contest it, DeSantis added. He also plans to contest federal mandates on contractors that work with the federal government, but also work on the state level.
He also plans to contest the mandate that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are talking about handing down on hospitals and health care providers that accept Medicare and Medicaid.
“So what we’re going to be doing in addition to mounting aggressive legal challenges to federal mandates [is to] be taking legislative action to add protections for people.”
Now there’s a man with great big ones.
Yes, it all looks like one big psyop. Some states for it, some thankfully not. Republic states of course etc. etc A big game that is costing and going to cost hundreds of millions if not billions of lives. May they rot in hell.
A few of those red states, such as Tennessee are taking the same line and luring in those who don’t wish to mask or get jabbed (great for votes and taxes) but at the same time are deploying National Guard to ‘help’ with the medical system. Nah, doesn’t sound suspicious at all. I don’t know if Fla has mobilized their Guard, but I am wary of their intent and the intent behind this.
No, sorry, that won’t cut it. The question is, “how to REALLY disarm propaganda”. I already know how to discern propaganda, I’ve spent many years perfecting it (and it’s not that fucking hard once you know it’s ALL propaganda), but we have to stop it, not just discern and argue against it. Classic example of running around the edges while they laugh all the way to the bank. It’s like taking one step forward and two steps back, all the time. Saw the same thing during my antiwar days. Who are they really trying to reach here, because I can’t imagine too many people watching this who don’t already know the situation.
Typical Corbett
They are trying to reach those who understand what’s happening and want to help those around them to understand.
Hmm. Still no up/ down vote option. I am wondering how long admin will take to decide this. So far I have seen no reasonable explanation for eliminating the option. It remains annoying. A real distraction in an otherwise good and interesting discussion site.
Lets have a vote on it !
I vote for upvote only – if you’re the comment poster it’s nice to know others support what you say and it’s not as if you need them to provide their support in words – and the same applies when you support a comment obviously – you want to support it but not necessarily say it in words although you might. On the other hand, to me a downvote is meaningless unless it is accompanied by a critique and if the critique is there no need for downvote.
I think an argument against upvote only was not wishing to be like FB – I can’t see the issue with being like anyone or anything else if that’s what suits.
If it’s either up and down votes or nothing I go for the votes. I have comments that get a lot of downvotes but my only objection is they mean nothing to me without an accompanying critique, they’re simply an expression of hostility.
Petra, may I suggest you email this constructive suggestion to the admins?
I agree
As you know from previous replies and those great big honking red substitute upvotes, I share your view.
FYI, the admins have mentioned “weeks” as the timeframe for the trial. They also responded to persistent references to the “experiment” by directing commenters to behave like proper experimental subjects and quit squeaking about it– not an encouraging sign.
Well at any rate sorry for the mess! An old friend of mine created an original piece of art and gave me permission to share it. It was made clear to me that the image may be duplicated and shared freely. Now that they have come after the little children it’s time to push back. Please feel free to replicate it.
Plus 10.
ConSarnit! No Image!!
If RT can be believed then that intellectual giant Noam Chomsky supports the idea of the non-vaxxed being ‘isolated’ from society…
As someone who has a strong reputation for analysing government propaganda and manipulations, who’d have thought he could be taken-in by the covid-fear propaganda campaign ?
But then, as is pointed out in Jacques Ellul’s ‘Propaganda. The Formation of Men’s Attitudes”, Ellul designates intellectuals as virtually the most vulnerable of all to modern propaganda, for three reasons: (1) they absorb the largest amount of secondhand, unverifiable information; (2) they feel a compelling need to have an opinion on every important question of our time, and thus succumb to opinions offered to them by propaganda on all such indigestible pieces of information; (3) they consider themselves capable of “judging for themselves”. They literally need propaganda. (
If Chomsky can be taken-in, what hope for the rest of us ?
Chomsky built his reputation on debunking right wing fascist overreach. I was a big fan of his back in the 70s. But as to left wing inspired tyranny, he doesn’t have a great track record. Even as a former committed progressive, I was impressed with his twisted and ridiculous mental high jinks debunking the 9/11 inside job. He simply knows too much basic physics to believe what he wrote. Looking back at it, I think he has always been a totalitarian wolf in sheepskin.
“If Chomsky can be taken-in, what hope for the rest of us ?”
Maybe it is simply a matter of you being taken in by Chomsky and not him being taken in by the Luciferian agenda. But it is a lot harder for a person to shed his ideological skin than for a snake its physical one.
Plus 10. 10
Chomsky is in the club, that should be clear by now.
What isn’t exactly clear is what have these old duffers to gain by giving the required opinion now.
Their families well-being ? Or something else all these club-members are hiding?
The guy got tenure at a corporate fascist national (NAZI) security affiliated institution. What are the odds that politically he was (and is) a total and utter fraud. They are 100% Come on, he is a Nazi. You got fooled. Admit it. Move on.”
It was Corbett that outted Chomsky as a gate keeper about 6 years ago…..
I remember that. First time I became aware of it and was very surprised.
But when you consider where he works, I became not surprised after awhile.
Canadian journalist Barrie Zwicker exposed Chomsky and other left gatekeepers in 2006 in his book Towers of Deception.
Your post bring to mind the claims of Weapons of Mass Destruction put forth by Colin Powell.
All of us would like to have a safe, effective, affordable, non-life threatening vaccination. Better than a vaccination would be a cure to treat the disease and its side effects should the disease strike. Even a guard against the destructive effects would be helpful. Something capable to prevent or minimize against possible myocarditis, micro tessellation, organ degradation, blood vessel degradation (like invermectin or Hyrdroxychloroquinone) etc. to protect against vessel wall, organ and tissue degradation. No rational persons disagrees with that.. ?
The disagreement centers on whether or not what the Oligarch owned monopoly-stabilized privately owned Pharma, the power hungry bureaucrats and politicians, and the make me rich local hospital with its attached Medicine man, and the Oligarch captive government offer <=is as billed. The reasons for our disagreements and refusals to be subjected to the assertions and mandates of government centers on data and the risk associated to possible impacts that are not reverse-able.
The assertions of Big Pharma, and the demands of our society are not backed by data, but instead by demands. Our society has not been given the data (all of it) in sufficient form, with sufficient depth of detail, and with reach in coverage so that the assertions made can be tracked back to the source and understood in terms of the associated risks; nor has our society been allowed to make these data into our narratives and to discuss them in detail on social media and in our neighborhoods.
Without that information, individuals cannot make informed decisions or take the questions they have about the data to trust worthy persons in our society for help to sort out the truth from the fable. Also the level of risk to be assumed by each person in accepting or rejecting is unique to that individual.
The problem is the officially approved institutions, mega profit privately owned corporate assertions, the government claims of oversight and review and the professional advice upon whom the mainstream propaganda would have each member of our society rely, are each, in a class of actors, known to society, as proven liars and profit thirsty monopolist..
The reason intelligent persons, decide against the vaccination is such persons have before been victims. They don’t trust the authorities; they don’t trust the corporations and they know the local medical establishments rely on the assertions of those who are untrustworthy, so no matter the good intentions of the local community, the actual responsibility reverts to the assertions made by the untrustworthy.
The reason the authorities want to criminalize refusal to submit to their demands, is because the private oligarch owners of the proven liars club tolerate no challenge to their claims (Oligarch owned government will do as commanded by the Oligarch). Hence the basis used by the authorities to make recommendation and mandate decisions cannot be trusted, even if government, and all of its actors, were non corrupt.
Simply said, without reliable data, presented by knowledgeable sources, which has with stood unrestrained scientific community inquiry and full disclosure there is no trust.
If society no longer trust those who govern, what then?
You speak for all of us? You don’t, you know.
Better than a “cure” would be prevention.
I started to lose the will to read further at “invermectin or Hyrdroxychloroquinone”,although I did read further. These antiparasitics are still the toxic products of the anti-nature pharmaceutical industry.
A healthy body doesn’t need (and should avoid) such things and is in no danger from supposed viruses. And the route to a healthy body is through healthy nutrition (with supplements where necessary) and avoidance of pollution/poisons.
And a genuinely healthy body has a far better chance of withstanding the real threats to life (especially quality of life), i.e. the chronic diseases.
I agree with much of the rest of the posting however. But then:
Well, it depends on what you mean by knowledgeable sources of course. But let’s take an example away from respiratory health: the science of dieting, i.e. weight loss. Gary Taubes wrote a fascinating book called “The Diet Delusion” (in the UK) “Good Calories,Bad Calories” (USA), about the history of the science of dieting from William Banting (1863) to the then present day (about 2007), including of course, the story of people like Robert Atkins, but much, much more. And he dealt with the very closely related topics of heart disease and diabetes / metabolic syndrome, and the thorny topic of cholesterol and blood lipids more generally.
Whether you agree with his conclusions or not (that low-carb is not just a good way of losing weight, it is also good for your metabolic health) it’s definitely worth reading to get a good idea of how research works in the dietary/nutrition/medical world. Needless to say, he had many critics who were supposedly better qualified than he was, but many people have benefited by what he wrote, which was essentially just writing about the work of others, but in a fairly accessible way (accessible to those who still actually read books, of course. 🙂 ).
Now fortunately, so far anyway, no government has come along and said no no no, it’s all wrong, you are not allowed to eat animal fat and if your total cholesterol goes above a certain amount, then you will lose access to certain services, and maybe access to medical treatment, and we may even quarantine you.
Mind, they have made some threatening noises, like talking about fat taxes, and possibly not medically treating the obese, etc. And now we are supposed to limit our meat-eating to “save the planet”, etc.
But by and large, we still have choices about these things.
When “covid” came along, we suddenly realised that our choices were going to start to be limited in ways we might never have imagined, and that, even now, I still can’t quite believe are happening.
Well, I no longer trust those who govern, but then, I no longer trust (most) climate scientists, and I no longer trust (most) medical “experts” about what they say about nutrition, and the experience of the last 18 months is that I no longer trust them about much of anything.
“What then?” indeed.
great interview. Thank you O-G for your work and courage.
Covid and climate change are not equivalent issues. Covid has been created by the billionaire capitalist class in league with silicon valley, wall st, big tech, pharma, big media, the central banking system etc. Climate change is generally an inclusive term involving all forms of eco-cide (war on nature) built up 50 years ago around courageous scientists and writers, and pushed by another tiny minority–the political left. Only relatively recently has “climate change” been usurped by corporatism and its allies, made into a centralized top-down, parasitical, occupational force with its own science. All the original environmental organizations still exist, some having been co-opted to one degree or another by this corporate shake down, and some, esp the more radical ones, standing firmly up to these new posers.
This is complicated scenario is hardly the simplistic picture painted in this interview. I have seen Corbett clarify the problems at other times, but not here, and Miller seems to be bending over backward to side with the right, while dismissing left positions as another example of propaganda. Bothersome, because climate is not covid… the proof of the former smacks any conscious person right in the face every single day.
Many people who’ve long been associated with the left seem to be bending over backwards to try to attack the left because of widespread support among left ranks for the official Operation “Pandemic” narrative.
The origin of climate change began in 1947, in a commission chaired by a person who had stepped down from a university because the congress was after him to explain where billions of war dollars had disappeared to. Truman was complicit in what ever this fellow used the money for because before Roosevelt died, VP Truman was in charge of moving the government money to producers and researchers. A famous statement of Truman
I hereby proclaim for the USA, ownership of all of the oil and gas under the sea and 20 miles inland. Churchhill a few weeks later made similar claims for the UK.
That commission was asked how can the government guarantee producers with monopoly power in the oil industry, keep lout competition. This was not a government need, but a private corporate need. The answer was, make people believe the environment needs to be regulated.. then the private party oil players could deny permits to anyone that would be competition to the big guy oil companies. This came first in the form of the 1954 continental shelf act of 1954 (it created and funded universities to teach the science of geology, and to allow the government to fund mapping the entire bottom of the sea and 20 miles inland around the world by seismic testing.
After the oil was mapped, in 1973 the Environmental ACt (EPA) was created to keep competitive people from drilling oil in Domestic America and the deal with the Saudi was made which basically put the little producer in America out of work.
weather (Hurricanes and Tornados) does more damage to the environment than anything man has done.
Hi. OffG
Seems like a lot of diverse discussion, completely different opinions on the climate thing.
I would love to see some articles on the topic.
Wherei those billions of war dollars the money that was found buried in Japan(?)
I believe Gen MacArthur was involved in getting the money to the White House.
I heard the story in a lecture that Dan Sheehan gave at UofCA Santa Cruz. And I’ve heard bits and pieces since then.
Covid and ‘Climate Change’ are equivalent issues. Both peddle and exploit fear. Both rely on Rule by Emergencies… If i dont get vaxxed – disaster ! If i keep eating red meats – disaster. If i question either – i’m A Denier, or worse, A Conspiracy Theory Believer…
Most of what is propagated about either ‘issue’ is propaganda…
If someone tries to say eating red meat has anything to do with the climate, he or she hasn’t the slightest idea what climate is.
Similarly, if someone imagines that saying red meat affects the climate somehow reduces the entire climate argument to rubbish, they too haven’t the slightest idea what climate is.
First and foremost, climate has been adversely affected by geoengineering – climate engineering, which has been going on for at least 75 years.
Best advice: while eating your steak, look up and see the almost constant spraying being done. And pay no attention to the climate scientists until they start looking up.
Okay, I’ll bite (pardon the pun).
The Earth’s atmosphere is approximately 4.2 billion cubic kilometres. That’s gonna take a shitload of magic chemicals to ‘engineer,’ a SHITLOAD.
Eating slaughtered animals full of cholesterol, adrenaline, antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides and herbicides.
That’s just slow suicide.
You do know that your own body makes cholesterol don’t you? If it didn’t, you would die. It also makes adrenaline.
Both carnivores and vegetarians need to shop carefully.
As for “slaughtered animals” – well, I’m certainly not planning to eat any live ones.
Slow delicious suicide.
No one here gets out alive.
What is the evidence for this? I don’t mean evidence for geoengineering, I mean any evidence it’s effected climate adversely, the claim needs historical context, a comparrison with past climate to differentiate it from todays climate, and then some kinda proof it’s not the natural climate change that’s always been going on.
Without this, the claim bolsters the whole “climate change” narrative, that there is indeed a problem with the climate, when in fact there isn’t.
I agree with you in some sense. Who has studied climatic effects of geoengineering? Do you agree the weather is being affected by the geoengineering? I certainly think so. Where I lived for most of my life the climate did not change at all. What changed was the riparian forest surrounding my farm basically died in the span of 3-5years, with over 90% of the trees having disappeared when I left. It was designated as an “important bird area” as was my farm. The once nearly countless birds disappeared as well as many species of insects, the toads managed to keep good numbers but the tree frogs went from thousands to a couple. The big thing that did change was the intensity of the sun. I had to start measuring my soil temperature with a meat thermometer, the air temperature consistently hanging around 70F(20C) for a high. The sun intensity affected the growth of every plant on my farm, including the weeds, and me as well.
Lots of things can alter local climate, a copse of trees will increase local rainfall downwind, I know a story about ground squirrels altering weather patterns, it turned out cloud seeding was happening because the wind blew though their burrows taking dust up into the atmosphere, they wiped out the ground squirrels, and caused a local drought! (forget where, it was in the permaculture design manual iirc)
Cloud seeding works on a local/pretty wide level too, China was big on it, until it caused some major floods (old news this >10yrs)
Download the weather stats for your local, that’s where I’d start, but tbh it sounds like something else, but I ain’t got much to go on!
I agree with the first paragraph. Howard is not talking about the cloud seeding form of geoengineering. He is talking about solar radiation management. I thought we were talking about the climate of the planet, not local climate. Sure local climate can be changed readily through geonengineering. And in a sense you seem to agree with this by your response but maybe I am misunderstanding where you are coming from. But the planets climate? That is what Howard was talking about.
I don’t know if you have read many of my posts, but I written numerous times how the local recorded weather is, well, like covid cases, pure bullshit. I have had at least ten freezes on my farm. In the US, where I use to live, I I could easily look up some records— and I did, if not on a daily basis on a weekly basis— and find they were in disagreement with my dead from frost plants, for example, but here that sort of resource isn’t available but I can look at the latest temperature and its often off, quite considerably. If you think the recorded stats are reality, I suggest you start monitoring, yourself, because in the places where I lived it wasn’t an accurate reality, or ground truth, as my friend calls it. Monitor everything like temperature, sky cover, type of precipitation, etc.
May I suggest you visit for the information that you seek.
context free scaremongery I’m afraid
The absolute fact that both subjects (con-virus and con-climate) fear campaigns are run by the exact same people is conclusive evidence that both subjects are based on, and propagated by lies, as well as both being run by and for the same commanders.
A good example, in the UK, local and global dissent and PROTEST BY REAL PEOPLE against con-virus measures and “vaccine” passports is either not reported at all, or under reported.
However, people sitting on roads (by a somewhat fake organisation called “insulate britain”, like extinction rebellion) is reported EVERYTIME, EVERYWHERE.
You do the math(s)
30,000 billionaires,celebs, and “delegates” jetted into Scotland for CP26-during a deadly pandemic and no vax pass necessary.It’s the same people.This alone should be a start to “disarm the propaganda.”
In agreement fx.
We have evacuated our property four times in the last twelve years because firestorms are unpredictable, and becoming more frequent.
Many lost their homes. We were lucky.
Hi Johnny,
I have three friends who been affected by wildfire. One lost her farm. Another friend’s house burnt to ashes. Just this year some small logger friends had their entire forest burn to the ground. You may want to check out the engineering wildfires section at
A few years back I remember saying to my nephew, who was with staying with me at the time, “ those are some really strange thunderclouds.” There was no rain. Next day there were hundreds of fires everywhere. They did the same thing in Portugal a few years back, torched a lot of the country overnight.
Lots of chemicals sprayed in the air everywhere I have been in the world. Like covid its a worldwide program. Its not just the sprays but also the microwaves, haarps, etc.
I couldn’t disagree with you more. They are both two hoaxes to push through their dystopian agenda. As Miller points out quite vividly, when they squeeze all the juice out of the cv-1984 hoax lemon, they will turn up the shiekometer fear porn climate change to 11..
Let’s be very specific, The climate change hoax is aimed at CO2, the gas of life. You know the gas they add to the greenhouses to make the plants more robust. Speaking as a chemist with some research in atmospheric chemistry, just as 90% of the MDs are total whores when it comes to cv-1984 and the clotshots, the same can be said for the climate scientists. I am all for cleaning up the planet of all the toxic shit that is killing us and turning it into a giant toxic spherical garbage dump, which has nothing to do with Klaus Schwab, BlackRock, and Goldman-Sachs, our “Climate Change” gurus.
Oh boy. Several pluses for this response, and your thoughts regarding Chomsky. As MCM acknowledged, it, sadly, takes a significant personal wounding to loosen the white knuckle grip people have on their ideology, if there’s any hope of it at all.
Excellent summary.
I loved that squeeze the juice out of the lemon analogy.
You know the longer you are a “conspiracy theorist” the more you recognize the inanity of the bilderburgdavosnatoUNwefinternationalbank blah blah blah….
We are all well aware that climate change and the destruction of our planet is the result of cow farts – there’s a lot of them.
Now that Greta is a big girl one wonders if she will start talking about glyphosate, monsanto, bayer, and the toxic shit that is killing us.
(I mean no disrespect to Greta. I am only using her as an example of what Corbett and Miller are discussing)
Little Greta’s handlers would not appreciate it if she broadened her approach. They like their one trick pony just fine the stunted childlike way she is.
I think young Greta seems to have matured herself more or less ‘overnight’… someone on another forum posted the following video a week or so ago. She doesn’t seem to be ‘the stunted childlike way she is’ any more!
“Greta Thunberg ends the climate crisis” (video: 1.02 mins), at:
…the proof of the former smacks any conscious person right in the face every single day’
By sophistry, scientism and hearsay but most importantly, media propaganda.
There’s climate change, and there’s the climate change hoax. Two different things, you need to filter that. If you think they aren’t the same with the globalists, then you’re flat out wrong. Relative to the left and right thing, most of the so called left positions emanating from the liberal and democratic party left should be dismissed in lieu of the basic right wing elements concerning freedom, liberty, and national sovereignty. That is what it’s all about at this point. Climate change is nothing if we can’t fight that fight. And that is especially true for the globalists and their so called green revolution. That is as fake as a three dollar bill.
Dr. JACOB NORDANGÅRD, PhD in Science and Technology studies and an expert researcher on climate politics and the history, of what he calls, the CLIMATE CHANGE agenda. He is also a researcher and author of a book about the Rockefeller family dynasty, and a lecturer and researcher on political think tanks, secret societies, the New World Order and the “green agenda”, connected to the roll-out of 5G, implementation of Smart Meters and A.I. Artificial Intelligence.
Nordangård will take you on the journey of how the Rockefellers and others are behind the orchestration of the “Climate agenda”, and how it all began many decades ago. A green agenda “depopulation plan”, as he calls it.
From the video:
Q: But how can everybody believe that something is real if it isn’t?
A: Propaganda. Indoctrination.
This is when I want the vote tick….that doco was extremely interesting and yet again tying the groups up and their persistent agenda to force us all into their digital Prison….these people are quite crazy…how can my little life and billions like mine be of any interest other than power to them….obviously all blessed with the god complex…
thanks for posting it.
Thanks for this link. I look forward to watching it.
Corbett has done a lot to expose the Rockefeller connection to this, also, in his How Big Oil Conquered the World and Why Big Oil Conquered the World on his
Sorry, fxgrube, climate change is bought and paid for by exactly the same group behind Covid, The proof is here.
“The report uncovers the sophisticated practice of how wealthy donors, referred to in the report as the “Billionaire’s Club,” funnel money to far-left environmental activists through public charities. It also shows that current leadership at the EPA is very much an active partner in the far-left environmental movement, and even sponsors their efforts through grants to environmental activists.”
Only I wouldn’t call them far-left. The Report is quite devastating, shows how George Soros, the Rockefellers, etc control the environmental groups– even founding a couple of them.
More to the point, when you look behind the “factual” basis for man-made climate change every specific turns out to be a hoax. I spent months looking– it’s all a lie, for the same purpose as covid: a one-world dictatorship w a few psychopathic trillionaires at the top of the pyramid.
I understand your point, and thank you for your post which clarifies, but I heard Miller differently.
Like Corbett, I think he was pointing out how the valid environmental movement was usurped by corporatocracy and now the climate change movement is big business.
But then maybe I was hearing through my own propoganda. 🙂
The assertion that humans are causing the earth to warm by creating excess CO2 is absurd. But the issue is being pushed by the globalist cabal in order to support their one world government goals. In that respect it is very much like the PseudoPandrmic. Same players too.
Scientists get it wrong. Again.
The story doesn’t quite justify the headline. There is nothing wrong with science per se. It’s when scientists stop using the scientific method, and scientific theory becomes religious dogma that the problems start.
That and corruption when “scientists” (using the term broadly) take the King’s Shilling or the corporate dollar (or megabuck) to prove something that isn’t so.
Timothy Leary (1960’s) :
“Turn on, tune in, drop out”
Not anymore Sport.
Turn off, tune out, get a fucking Life.
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That sounds like the start of a Monty Python skit.
An endless stream of posts about the looming switch to Digital Money – now they’re propaganda !
And they’re not only about digital money but also about introducing a ‘universal basic income’.
And notice how everyone has already adopted, consciously or not, UBI as the descriptor.
Evidence of a successful propaganda campaign isnt only having gotten everyone talking about a UBI, but having got them talking within the narrow restrictions UBI imposes in advance.
“Of course UBI without a digital passport is not in the equation. There is a sucker born every moment.”

“Odd homelessness and hunger were not a problem before the Scamdemic and do not get me started about how there is no honest socialized medicine program in the USA. Now this vague mention of a UBI. Do not buy their baloney for one moment. They lie and lie and lie and lie.”
People oppose a ‘UBI’ because Klaus Schwab promotes a ‘UBI’…’UBI’ has become ubiquitous. When that descriptor is unthinkingly accepted it also restricts thought / discussion – in advance. And that is a propaganda success…
“You’ve seen a collaborative worldwide effort to vaccinate every human being, but never a worldwide effort to feed every human being.”
I was looking at the numbers last year, 2020, of the amount of people who died of starvation, the number was around 11,000,000. I was trying to convince my family: “look 2,000,000 more people are dying of starvation because of the restrictions and lockdowns, 11,000,000 million a year. They don’t care about people lives.” ….But it didn’t matter. I couldn’t wake any of my family members up.
One does not have to learn to dissect propaganda to realize they don’t give a shit about the general population.
Sorry everyone, I didn’t finish my edit quick enough.
Strike the last paragraph. One of the biggest propaganda lies is the gov’t is by for and of the people. The gov’t cares about you. The warmongering criminal psychopaths running the show care about you. And the general population somehow believes this shit.
At the start I was telling people about all the children starving that none gave much of a shit about….and yes they look at one blankly …not their problem I also told them 4 m die of pneumonia…that didn’t do much either….they are not dying of either starvation or pneumonia so who gives a rats…but yes we all need to fret about a virus with a survival rate around 99%. Always been bullshit
👍 👍
been saying stuff like that for years Edith- people told me I was being too heavy, or sad – nobody wants to know in this me me me world.
It would be interesting to calculate how many people you could feed with all the money that has been spent on developing, distributing and administering the injections said to be Covid vaccines.
it would probably be years of feeding people. But I think many would prefer the opportunity to be able to feed, or provide, for themselves and their community, rather than just being fed.
As a long time small farmer who has used very little resources to grow food on some very marginal farm land, I know very little money is needed for the growing of food. And yet people do need resources like a field, maybe water (I have farmed with out water for years—dry farming), seeds, plants, fruit trees, possibly fertilizer ( but you can make or create your own), and a little know how (there are many methods for growing crops). Lots of people have little access to any of the things I have listed. A friend from Zimbabwe told me that when the colonials left, they left their tractors as well, but when doing so they put sand in the engines so the tractors were no longer useful. When I was in Nepal, I was surprised by the seemingly near nonexistence of fruit trees except a banana tree wild here and there. Apples from China, Oranges from India. Etc.
If people are given just a small amount of resources and opportunity they have no problem feeding themselves. But instead resources are taken away such as land and opportunities (like selling extra food) are limited by monied interests.
Not only do the psychopaths not care about feeding people, most people with plenty, as Edith, says above, don’t give a rats ass because its not their problem, or because it goes against their belief that the gov’ts care about people.
Small and natural farming is an existential threat to capitalism. Aborigines are an even bigger threat.
Actually 8 million are kids under 5.
👍 👍
Keep up the great work.
I would theorize, which is what we conspiracists do of course, that here in the USA we have been duly indoctrinated into the UBI dystopia from March 2020 through August 2021 through monies granted in the Pandemic Unemployment program.
Many, I would conspire most, citizens earned more during lockdown than they did in their jobs. Laying the groundwork?
I read something interesting the other day one of my daily sites – that the closing of the churches during the lockdowns got people out of the habit of going to church. I’m not a habitual church goer but I thought “how sad”. And how clever.
(I know there are some that might think that ‘s a good thing. I went to Catholic school for 12 years, back in draconian days, so I am well aware of the dangers – but I think actual faith and worship with a group, in church or out, is a postive thing.)
In those old Western Movies there’s always a church… Where there’s a church there’s a community… sadly it’s a church community…
Religion , from re ligio (L) = to re-bind = to bind (strangers) into a community…
… and gather in His name… the sadness is that the church in those Westerns is the redoubt of community, communal Spirit… Sunday attendance is confirmation of what’s absent in the townships everyday life…
Like today, it’s earning a living, making money – competitiveness. Community (spirit) pushed to the margins of the week. On Sundays – a celebration which points to its absence from life’s daily struggles against each other, against The Man.(“Orbison: Working for The Man. They dont write songs like that anymore !)… Community lives on symbolically…
Sydney NSW premier is A Catholic. Has no qualms about forcibly injecting the young or old with risky experimental substances. His community is not in this world…
“Cheers” as the Yanks say…
Question. The next worldwide march for freedom is November 20th and numbers are increasing – is some person or body actually co-ordinating these? How do you get in touch with them? or even your own local organiser? Thanks.
Speaking of other ways to get the information out…
Admins, please pass this along to CJ Hopkins. I’ve got a writing assignment for him. I think he’d do very well on this (heck, maybe he’s already tried it). I’d like to see an article agreeing with the whole premise behind the Great Reset. Concede that Klaus, Gates & Co. are doing the right thing here. There really are too many useless eaters, and this tech-led, controlled demolition of the world really is for our our own good. Reframe everything not as an evil conspiracy theory but as a benevolent conspiracy fact. The reverse psychology might be confusing enough that an intern at CNN tweets about the article. Suddenly, a large group of people who have had their heads up their asses for almost two years will (at least) accidentally learn that Klaus Schwab has been a real person all along, in spite of looking and acting like the epitome of a movie villain.
If CJ pretends to agree with the agenda, it’s no longer considered dangerous misinformation, right?
Doesn’t need too many words. We know that there are too many useless eaters. They are all bankers, finance capitalists, stock brokers and stock traders, billionaires, lawyers, politicians, Bill Gates, Prince Charles, doctors, everyone who has ever attended Davos or Bilderberg, attended Yale, worked for the CIA or the FBI, army, cops, worked at the BBC or the Guardian – well, really, anyone who doesn’t or hasn’t ever done any real work. No-one on this list would be missed, but we still need the dustman.
Love it! Oh, can’t you see all the msm talking heads discussing this with genuine seriousness. I’d pay to watch it!!
CJ, you must!
The only problem with this is I sent the whole WEF— very early on, like last July or so— Klaus thing to my sister and she agreed with it. “You will own nothing, become a robot, etc. The level of disconnect, brainwashing, and indoctrination, of my sister, into the cult is more than I can comprehend.. She now wants to travel and live in North Korea: “it seems like such an interesting and wonderful place to be.” She would probably accept, not from CJ, of course, but from Scwab, Biden, Gates, or Goodman, an article like this: “that we should do it for the good of all.” That’s how far gone she is. I met someone today, a very nice person, much the same way as my sister. I suspect there are many, especially in places like Canada and Australia.
Saddam’s soldiers dumping pre-mature babies out of their special cribs – now that was great propaganda.
Insisting You’re Killing Granny if you didnt take the shot / stay at home / wear a mask -that too was great propaganda.
Stories about Fauci feeding live dogs to sandflies – is great propaganda.
Jon Rapports posts about how fetus are taken from the womb, have all their organs harvested – to be used for vaccine research – then killed, that’s great propaganda too.
You’ll hear about ‘killing granny’ and ‘Saddam’s atrocities’ via the mass media – because they’re great propaganda. But you wont read about Fauci’s evil deeds. or those of the Vax companies because , though great propaganda, there might be children watching.
The incubator story was a lie. It is possible the organ harvesting story is true.
Go to Rapport’s site “no more fake news”. The harvesting story is true, nor possibly true.
that should read “not possibly true.”