Molnupiravir: Covid Wonder Drug or Money-Making Scam?

Ryan Matters

What happens when you fail in your attempts to create a vaccine for “Covid-19” and then realize you’ve just missed out on a billion-dollar profit-making opportunity?

You hurriedly develop a new drug, rush it through a clinical trial (which you yourself design to ensure good results), and then announce it to the world as the Covid cure we’ve all been waiting for, except no one’s been waiting for it because Covid isn’t any more deadly than the flu, and can be treated by easy-to-procure, inexpensive means (if it exists at all).

But governments are too stupid to know that and you own most of the corrupt politicians making the decisions, so who cares? As long as they’re willing to invest in your new concoction, it doesn’t even have to be necessary, or safe, or effective, or ethical…

Yes, I’m talking about “Molnupiravir”, Merck’s latest poison being promoted as an effective treatment against covid-19 (hang on, I thought that’s what the vaccines were for?).

This unapproved (yes, unapproved) drug costs $700 per course and the US government has just agreed to buy 1.7m courses. That’s a 1.2 BILLION dollar investment.

The deal is part of the Biden administration’s pledge to “respond to the health needs of the public”, but, in actuality, it’s simply a money-siphoning operation, with the American public coming off second best.

Molnupiravir is being sold to the public as the next big breakthrough in Covid-19 treatment off the back of what appears to be a SINGLE study, which was never even completed. Furthermore, the study was conducted by Merck (the makers of the drug), who chose not to disclose any adverse events. If that isn’t suspicious enough, the study was never published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Media press releases are apparently the new standard when it comes to evaluating medical treatments. After all, why would you wait for independent confirmation of your results or objective peer-review when you can get paid journalists, without a shred of medical expertise, to convince the public that they need your new drug?

If government scientists with integrity were in charge of assessing Molnupiravir, not bribed pharma shills, they may be alarmed at the lack of testing or the failure to disclose adverse events, they may even notice that vitamin D has had FAR superior results in combating “Covid-19”. In fact, one study, published in the highly respected and influential Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, found that vitamin D reduced mortality among severe covid-19 patients by 79%.

Compare that to the alleged 50% reduction offered by Molnupiravir for “mild-to-moderately ill” patients. Not to mention the difference in cost. As stated earlier, Molnupiravir runs at $700 per course, while vitamin D costs a fraction of that (probably less than $10!).

Furthermore, while Merck chose not to disclose adverse reactions, years worth of reliable data shows that vitamin D supplementation is extremely safe. And not only is taking vitamin D safe, but it also has a wealth of benefits for a variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, pain, inflammation, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and more.

As was obvious from the very beginning of the “pandemic” when nutritional medicine experts were slandered in the press for recommending “lethal” doses of vitamins, world health has been hijacked by the profit-hungry, empathy-dead, toxic cartel of Big Pharma “medicine”, and our governments have been in bed with them all along.

Furthermore, this has been going on longer than most people think. In fact, more than a decade earlier, governments were locking in billion-dollar deals to buy stockpiles of “Tamiflu”, an equally useless influenza drug that was later found to have no effect on reducing hospitalizations, deaths or complications from influenza.

In fact, Tamiflu was subsequently found to cause a raft of serious adverse reactions including delirium, panic attacks and even hallucinations. The “milder” side effects include nausea and vomiting.

In 2020, an unsealed whistleblower lawsuit revealed that drug company Hoffman-La Roche, the maker of Tamiflu, misrepresented clinical studies and made false claims regarding the effectiveness of the drug to treat influenza. In a 2020 article, Nasdaq quotes attorney Mark Lanier as saying that:

As alleged in the complaint – Tamiflu does not do what Roche promised… Roche hid this fact for many years by selectively citing its studies and suppressing the data about Tamiflu. The company utilized lobbyists, key opinion leaders and ghostwriters to promote Tamiflu with a deceptive promise to governments fearful of an influenza pandemic.”

Nonetheless, the medicine remains on the World Health Organization’s “essential medicines” list. The US and UK governments spent $1.3 billion and $703 million respectively buying “strategic reserves” of Tamiflu in preparation for a global flu pandemic.

At the time, the media (which had not yet totally sold out to Mr. Global) condemned the investments as a waste of money.

Governments made these outlandish investments off the back of “incomplete” data, which is exactly what has occurred with the latest deal to procure Merck’s Molnupiravir. And I’ll bet that when more data comes out, it will be found, once again, that governments wasted millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money.

Bribed politicians would rather deepen their pockets than institute sensible health policies or invest money into procuring and promoting vitamin D, which would not only save lives but help to improve mental health in a woefully deficient population ravaged by anxiety and depression.

As functional medicine expert, Dr. Alex Vasquez states in his latest blog,

…viral infections and the fear and ignorance around them have become a great way for drug companies to sell worthless drugs to their bribed politicians. If we spent that money on heath-promotion rather than fear-promotion, we’d be freer, stronger, healthier, and we’d emancipate ourselves from the mental slavery of fear, ignorance, and dependence.”

Furthermore, the importance of sunlight cannot be overstated, for apart from being our principal source of Vitamin D, it also induces the production of several powerful antiviral metabolites that aid the body in fighting off illness.

This article would not be complete without at least mentioning some of the corrupt dealings, legal cases and blatant crimes that Merck has been involved in over the years. The most egregious of these offenses, and one of the largest scandals in medical history, was the company’s promotion of its anti-inflammatory drug, Vioxx.

During its height, Vioxx was earning Merck $2 billion in revenue per year and estimations have found that around 25 million patients were prescribed the drug. In September 2004, Merck was forced to recall Vioxx on account of it being shown to cause adverse cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and stroke.

Merck was slammed with a massive class-action lawsuit that was eventually settled for $4.85 billion in 2007. Not only did Merck cover up data suggesting its drug was dangerous, they illegally promoted it as an “off-label” treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, without any indication of its effectiveness.

According to the testimony of Dr. David Graham, the Associate Director for Science and Medicine in FDA’s Office of Drug Safety, Vioxx caused 55,000 premature deaths from heart attacks and stroke.

Even years after taking the medication, patients often still experience problems, indicating that Vioxx may have killed far more people than the conservative estimate made by Dr. Graham, who, after all, works for the FDA, the organization that was responsible for assessing the drug’s safety.

In fact, after analysing US national mortality data starting from the year Vioxx was released up to the year it was withdrawn, Ron Unz, publisher of The American Conservative, came to the startling conclusion that Vioxx may have been responsible for up to 500,000 deaths, mostly in the elderly (age 65+) population.

After the scandal, Merck hired the services of PR company, Burson-Marstellar (whose past campaigns include covering up genocide in Nigeria, fighting health authorities on the issue of second-hand cigarette smoke, and playing down Apple’s abuse of Chinese factory workers), to help clean up its public image and assert them as an “ethical player in the healthcare arena”.

And it seems to have worked, for here we are, 15 years later with another worthless – and possibly quite dangerous – Merck drug being promoted around the world as a treatment for “Covid-19”. Predictably, the UK government has now expressed interest in Molnupiravir, with many more countries expected to follow suit.

But Merck’s criminal history stretches further back than 1999 when Vioxx hit the shelves, for, as early as the 1960s, Merck faced controversy regarding its arthritis medication, Indocin. Although the drug had been approved by the FDA, it was later revealed that the medication had not been adequately tested for efficacy or side effects.

Less than a decade later, Merck’s drug DES (diethylstilbestrol), alleged to prevent miscarriages, was found to be carcinogenic, causing cases of cervical cancer and other gynaecological disorders. And last (but certainly not least), in 2007, Merck’s cholesterol drug, “Zetia” was shown to cause liver disease, a risk that was known to Merck who intentionally concealed the damning trial results.

Before ending this article, I would like to quote a section from one of my previous articles titled Big Pharma Power Vortex vs Zero Deaths From Vitamins, as I believe it’s particularly pertinent here:

For those who think the media are simply biased towards pharmaceutical drugs, this is a naive assumption. Behind the headline-making newspapers, magazines and television programs is a coordinated socio-political power vortex seeded in Big Pharma/Big Money corruption.

Drawing on the work of Dr. Alex Vasquez, I present here a brief summary of how the system works:

  1. Medical journals are inherently biased towards publishing pro-drug articles. These then serve as advertisements for the pharmaceutical industry which pays millions of dollars for journal reprints.
  2. Mainstream media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, TV shows and online publications then republish the pro-drug information, much to the delight of the pharmaceutical industry.
  3. Medical science and mainstream media then become a pro-drug echo chamber for biased, Big Pharma propaganda.
  4. Drug companies increase their sales, gaining profits and building influence to the point where they have more power than governments.
  5. Pharmaceutical companies infiltrate medical education, media, and health policy; they pay “researchers” to publish and teach information favourable to the pharmaceutical paradigm.
  6. Governments then write policies and make investments that favour drug companies rather than the citizens of that country.

At the time of writing, Molnupiravir has not yet been FDA approved. However, Merck has asked the FDA to grant “emergency” approval on account of the drug’s alleged effectiveness. Considering the decisions made by the FDA thus far, along with the fact that funding from pharmaceutical companies like Merck makes up 75% of the FDA’s drug review budget, what do you think the chances are of Molnupiravir’s approval being granted?

And would you trust a doctor who prescribed it to you?

Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at newbraveworld.org, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.


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Categories: coronavirus, featured, latest
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Nov 14, 2021 9:09 PM

⁣Hospitals in USA and in first world countries are refusing life-saving Ivermectin treatment even with court orders. Big Pharma doing everything they can to jab us no matter what, while alternative COVID cures EXIST! There happens to be heavy censorship who are looking for these treatments. The Research Is Clear: Ivermectin Is a Safe, Effective Treatment for COVID. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! https://ivmpharmacy.com

Nov 9, 2021 11:37 PM

Great article, it’s not just Merck but all of the big pharmaceuticals do this sort of dodgy plays, they are the new Medical Mafia! https://francinerose.substack.com/p/big-pharmas-track-record

Tim Ellison
Tim Ellison
Nov 9, 2021 12:27 AM
Nov 6, 2021 4:04 AM

You guys going to talk about Bill Gates “warning” us about a potential smallpox pandemic? Operation Dark Winter was all about that…back in 2001. They’ve been planning for years. Btw the only antiviral effective against it is being hoarded by the US government.

Billy Kidd
Billy Kidd
Oct 31, 2021 11:48 PM

Excellent article.

the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government leaves us all vulnerable.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 30, 2021 2:33 PM

Nearly all Vitamin D supplements are D-3 as cholecalciferol. Artificial supplementation bypasses the bodies ability to produce vitamin D from other sources. If you wish to increase your vitamin D levels, go outside.and riot…

Oct 31, 2021 11:19 AM

I doubt one would get much vit. D from the Canadian winter sun.

Oct 30, 2021 1:27 PM

While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! https://health.p0l.org/

Tim Ellison
Tim Ellison
Nov 9, 2021 12:29 AM
Reply to  ProudUSAGirl
Mister Bump
Mister Bump
Nov 10, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  ProudUSAGirl

OK, but it was Merk who licensed, marketed and profiteered from the drug Ivermectin in 1980s So why do merk get a passs on Ivermectin.

Oct 30, 2021 8:14 AM

How about this wonder drug?

Does it negate the legal use of EUA’s for the Vaccines?

Effect of early treatment with fluvoxamine on risk of emergency care and hospitalisation among patients with COVID-19: the TOGETHER randomised, platform clinical trialhttps://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(21)00448-4/fulltext

Oct 30, 2021 4:34 AM

I like to save articles like this in text format but one major problem is that articles with linkbacks become flat and dead. It would be helpful if a version of articles were available where they linkbacks could be shown as the original URL’s.

This used to be more common but only a few sites still do this (like this one: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/10/27/over-70-of-covid-19-deaths-in-england-in-september-were-fully-vaccinated/).

Is it because showing the full URL doesn’t look as pretty or it takes up more display space?

Nov 3, 2021 4:47 AM
Reply to  Jojo

You can use Chromium extensions like Copycat or MarkDownload to copy the article in Markdown format with links intact. Full URLs are very ugly and disruptive to reading.

Nov 3, 2021 6:56 PM
Reply to  Alec

I’d prefer a solution that doesn’t requires additional extensions. You never know how long extensions are going to be supported or how safe they actually are and they are generally browser specific.

Some sites have a PRINT button that might be a vehicle for offering this functionality w/o requiring additional extensions.

Oct 30, 2021 4:22 AM

Great article. Thanks! So since we haven’t read any of this in the MSM, I assume that they are also brought and paid for, which occurs via (at least in the USA), the ubiquitous and always annoying, daily drug advertising in print and on TV.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Oct 29, 2021 10:00 PM

Molnupiravir?! What a stupid name! How about 1) Turvlefsir, 2) Findurpatur or 3) Arvgurpi?

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Oct 30, 2021 1:03 AM
Reply to  Mr Y


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Oct 30, 2021 3:16 AM
Reply to  Mr Y


Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 9, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.


Oct 29, 2021 5:58 PM



In theory, mutagenic drugs can cause either birth defects or cancer. The inclusion criteria for the Phase 3 study of molnupiravir required males to refrain from donating sperm and either agree to abstain from sex or use contraception. Females were required to not be pregnant or breastfeeding. Women who were of child-bearing age had to agree to use a highly effective contraceptive method or be abstinent for 28 days from the start of the study intervention. In addition, women of childbearing age must have had a negative highly sensitive pregnancy test within 24 hours before receiving the first dose of medicine.

Every LAST one of these drugs from Ivermectin to Monoclonal Antibody Therapy to this – just look up funding – and Gates is leading it

(see acknowledgement)

The vaccine opposition leadership doctors and policy makers are destroying their credibility as they push big pharm drugs as harmful as the vaccines as alternatives – not the People’s champions AT all, just more of the same controlled opposition b.s. we always get to keep us in line

Oct 29, 2021 5:15 PM

Normally at this point a robo-milit-intel type shows up from one of the allied cuntries and says I’m a racist.

That would be ridiculous to anyone who know me but … let’s play doctor. Doctor Freud.

The inner neuroticism of a patient plays out upon the whole. What can this profile project – only that which it knows. If it is a racist, it must accuse the whole of racism. If it is feels alienated, it must accuse the whole of expelling it. N’est-ce pas?

It is a festival of gestalt therapy, as my dear mother would say. You are what you project: You project what you are. Better out than in: just shout.

It doesn’t have to be a plan, a cabal or an elite. As Johnny Rotten sang: “This is a sociology lecture, a bit of psychology, a bit of neurology. a bit of fuckology.”

Or as someone else said: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Freud, before Freud.

We have a political culture of brazen psychopathy. I do not think they are innocent. But I agree that they know not what they do.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2021 5:06 PM

I have just had a blowout with a “friend” over covid. He is an ardent covidian and, with him, I had long since adopted a “non-committal” attitude towards the topic since I knew there was no point in getting bogged down in arguments with him. Recently he “caught covid” and did the dying swan act. I was dreading meeting him afterwards since I was expecting him to rub his “near death” experience in my face. It initially went OK since I was once again adopting a non-committal air. But what was interesting here is that, even being as tactful as possible, as soon as I approached a topic such as the supposed way of telling the difference between covid and the flu, he became extremely prickly. And his defensiveness was over me daring to use words like “supposedly”. It degenerated into a screaming match and that’s when I realised he could not handle any opinion different from what was being shovelled out on the mainstream. He was actually outraged that I did not go with the BBC and Channel 4 etc. He also mentioned how he and “his colleagues” were having a good laugh about my “covid denialism”. It ended up with him making sarky remarks about my inability to secure myself a big social circle – as if I gave a shit about that. But then I realised that that was what was important to him: the group mentality as sanctioned by a media which anyone with any sense would question. All of which has verified my long time feeling that there is a vast percentage of humanity who haven’t a single critical thought in their heads. They may be able to spout polysyllabic verbiage but it’s all superficial. And they are total pawns when it comes to being… Read more »

Oct 29, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

But he probably doesn’t know the beauty of Chaikovsky or the swan’s death. His, and I hope he is spared, would be squalid.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

His would be more like this:

Oct 29, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is really taken from the carnival of the animals by Saint-Saëns. Often confused.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 30, 2021 7:09 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s not Tchaikovsky it’s Camille Saint-Saens, “The Swan” from the Carnival of the Animals.

Oct 29, 2021 7:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thou protests too much, huh?

People secure in their beliefs do not need to go out of their way to mock those who don’t agree with them. They are now experiencing very intense challenge to their cognitive dissonance and they are bullying and denouncing those who don’t agree to relieve their internal stress

Most KNOW something is not right, I listen to it all around me as I live in the heart of blue land. Their conversations center on what is becoming desperate rationalization & hostility to those challenging them (not because we are wrong, but they are terrified we are right)

Of course, there are some just completely brainwashed and loving the masters pats on the head and validation they are ‘good’ while we are bad’ (its borderline personality disorder splitting projected onto the population with what ever doesn’t validate their own perspective as bad)

This is going to out as the kids get injured and more around them have their lives destroyed

I don’t want to be around them when they go into this meltdown phase as their will be quickly a lynch mob mentality which will do nothing to solve any of this crisis nor cause them to take any responsibility for their own behavior that helped create this disaster
Count on most playing the duped victim card.

Oct 29, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  Rose

Kevin Corbett address the attachment to the Covid label people are falsely given by useless tests and attribution standards. I would tell you to send him this because he probably won’t be open to it, but it is a good resource to have on hand for any who are:

Oct 30, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  Rose

“Count on most playing the duped victim card.”

More likely, a silent epidemic of group amnesia.

“It is easier to dupe victims than to persuade victims they were duped.” — Mark Twain.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Oct 29, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In an age of victimhood, “catching covid” is about the ultimate in self victimisation and it allows millions of other victims around the world to weep right along with you.

Oct 30, 2021 1:19 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Well said.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 29, 2021 9:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I have suspended my ‘circle of friends’. Some are lost for good. Some will return. I will find new friends who I can trust. Ever was it so.

Oct 29, 2021 9:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Your comment resonates strongly with “Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity”, as explained in this video:

The insight that (mass) stupidity is a sociological phenomenon rather than an idiosyncratic psychological phenomenon seems self-evident upon consideration, but I admit it didn’t quite crystallize for me until I recently watched the video.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2021 10:48 PM
Reply to  Ort

Interesting video but I think the suggestion that stupid people are swept up in something new could be expanded to mention that they are unaware that something new is happening. Or rather – they perceive a deep continuity without realising the novel feature.

My friend like so many others still believed in the old BBC/mainstream current without noticing a change that manifested in many ways but most of all in the sheer monotony both of the news subject matter and in the angle taken. And although my friend was always a Right Winger, this obliviousness to a fundamental change is also prevalent in the Left too – perhaps even more so.

To put it bluntly: these people have no idea that the world has changed in a radical way.

And it reminds me of something once said, I believe, by Naomi Wolf i.e. that even in Nazi Germany, much of the old way of working was preserved – the trivial little daily shows and entertainments and the cafes remained open but there was a new chill that went unacknowledged. Time and time again, I meet up with a total incomprehension of change, a blasé assumption that things will go back to normal – even after the media has ceaselessly told us otherwise.

The truly frightening thing is to see the sheer malevolence that can then be released in these complying people when you counter their view. And that anger is something which indicates that deep down they really are aware of what’s going on but will never admit it to themselves. And they rage at you because you made them face the truth – if only momentarily.  

Oct 30, 2021 11:14 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“And they rage at you because you made them face the truth – if only momentarily.”

Thanks for that observation; it throws light on this one:

“Human kind cannot bear very much reality” — TS Eliot.

Oct 30, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So true George. They do know, and when I get the small catch of silence upon saying something to one friend, I realize I hit a nerve. Usually the subject gets changed, and I go along with it, frustrating as it is. They refuse to see that nothing will ever be the same again. That is too big a chasm for them to cross. They’ll admit the corruption, even listen for a bit about mandates and the profit that generates, but when one tries to talk about the inherent complete control of every facet of life that is only going to get worse (because it really IS already here, it is not some future dystopian fantasy) they shut you down quick.

My friend has not yet resorted to personal insults, and really, I am a vindictive bitch so God help her if she ever does, but there’s a general air of slight condescension every once in a while. To her, we who see it are simply crazy, and it simply just will not happen because that does not fit their paradigm of reality. I wonder how they’ll handle it when it hits home. I like to think they wake up and get angry at our owners, but I feel they’ll only take it out on the rest of us who dared to warn them. They can get to us, they cannot get to the ones who really run the show. Divide and conquer, the oldest tactic in the book.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 31, 2021 9:26 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

I wish all I had to deal with was a small catch of silence. But this particular friend is simply not made that way. As I think I mentioned, he is a teacher and really fits the model of one: very loud and opinionated and blandly authoritative. He is also a born Tory and a Royalist and thinks the sun shines out of Winston Churchill’s arse. I once got into an argument when I dared to suggest that the routine of whipping up patriotic sentiment was essentially the same for Britain as it was for Germany in the wars. Naturally he was utterly appalled at the suggestion. His reaction reminded me of this exchange from Blackadder:

Darling: So you see, Blackadder, Field Marshal Haig is most anxious to eliminate all these German spies.

Melchett: Filthy Hun weasels fighting their dirty underhand war!

Darling: And, fortunately, one of *our* spies–

Melchett: Splendid fellows, brave heroes, risking life and limb for Blighty!

Darling: …has discovered that the leak is coming from the Field Hospital.

Oct 30, 2021 11:11 AM
Reply to  Ort

Bonhoeffer was the proverbial Good Man in Hell who might convert Hell by his example. What that good man politely called Stupidity was really an aspect of Original Sin.

“Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil” — The Good Book

Mr Y
Mr Y
Oct 29, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“And when I encounter such a person, I end up thinking that perhaps the human race deserves to die out.”

Amen as some say.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Oct 29, 2021 10:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

These people have now spent 600+ days of their adult lives 100% invested in the Official Yarn. Their entire professional credibility, social standing and self-image depends on that Official Yarn being true. If the Yarn turns out to be untrue, then they will look like gullible fools. Worse still, they will look like defenders of a lie. Therefore, they must defend that Yarn to the death (your death, my death, anyone’s death, millions of deaths if necessary). No, they will not look down that microscope, not use that telescope, not listen to that heretic scientist. They know, they just know.

It’s a cult, a death cult, the cult of the ego.

They follow the BBC and call it “following the science”. Their attitude could not conceivably be more anti-science. Honest and conscientious scientists are not wholly beholden to social pressure, they do not bow down to “expert opinion”, and they do not respond to countervailing evidence as if it were a personal insult.

“Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” (Prof Richard Feynman)

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 30, 2021 1:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Lovely post, and a situation I think we all relate to. I certainly do. Hopefully his absorption into the borg serves some benevolent higher purpose. 🤷‍♂️ We can live in hope. A2

Oct 30, 2021 5:33 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Yes. Too bad we can’t upvote it. Well, we can live in hope.

Oct 30, 2021 9:13 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

comment image

Oct 30, 2021 5:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think the Covidians are very frightened. Deep down, they know the vaccine is not effective. They must now acknowledge that they have been lied to by governments and the media. It’s a hard thing to come to terms with. If government has betrayed them who will keep them safe?

Oct 30, 2021 7:15 AM
Reply to  George Mc

75% of the people are dumber than average.

Oct 30, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  Jojo

“Two percent of the people think; three percent of the people think they think; and ninety-five percent of the people would rather die than think.” – George Bernard Shaw

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 30, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The postlude to this sad tale is that we were on the verge of just walking away from each other forever but my wife intervened and all is as it was. But it was a very steep learning curve for me. This friend is a likeable enough guy and hardly ever loses his temper. But he is a teacher and has this “professional authority” about him. He is intelligent but in a kind of juvenile superficial way. He likes reading The Spectator and keeping up with what is charitably called “The News”. What I learned is that some folk – like him – have a way of moving instinctively. Nothing is reasoned out. They proceed with a kind of animal cunning. This is not a deliberate thing at all. It is the way they are. And it may derive from the customary social conditioning in childhood where we pick up how to be sociable. Some are gregarious. Some not. I never was. But there are those who just know what to say and do to make the requisite impression etc. And being accepted by a group is all they care about. That is more important than a minor issue like, say, the truth. Or rather, these people see truth itself as what is sanctioned by the community – represented in our time of course by the media. But in retrospect, and considering how careful I was being, it seems to me on looking back, that this friend was determined to have the argument. While it was happening, he wasn’t responding to what I said but to some argument that was going on in his mind. It was remarkable. There was even a point where I said that we should drop the whole matter and he exploded with, “How dare you tell me what… Read more »

Oct 30, 2021 10:52 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“It [the disagreement] ended up with him making sarky remarks about my inability to secure a big social circle. I realised what was important to him: the group mentality …”

Don’t knock group mentality; it is a tried and tested strategy for survival for many species, from ants through sheep to humans.

Independent thought is Nature’s fail safe strategy, to maintain a few breeding pairs for the rare case where group mentality has led the rest over a cliff.

Oct 30, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Getting covid” has given some people’s lives a sense of meaning and furthers their tendencies towards self-indulgence. Surviving “covid” makes you a post-modern trans-human warrior who has now earned full fledged status into the cult as a favored member.

Just think how much more power and self esteem your friend now has in certain covidian circles. If he simply comes to you and says (or admits) that he had that he merely had the good old ordinary flu (which I’m not sure even exists any more in the minds of many) where would he be on the roster?

I think there are a whole host of folks who love the idea of getting a PCR swab up their nose and furtively pray they get a “positive” result so that they can get a badge of honor from the “Covid Wars.” These folks are truly demented.

Nov 13, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘Recently he “caught covid”’
Are you suggesting that the numerous vaccines he will have taken let him down?
He must have been one of those rare exceptions, and just think how bad it would have been if he hadn’t had the magic sauce.

Oct 29, 2021 3:29 PM

I’m trying to do my bit — the most challenging of which is to relate history to the present.

We have to wake people up to where this is leading and how people have been bamboozled.

When Hitler formed his movement he appropriated ideas from several directions: the young people’s fashion for mass organizations like the ramblers, the popularity of eastern religions, of ecology and back-to-the-earth, and the wheel of life for his logo.

His theft went further: he took ideas of degeneration in popular culture from some surprising sources. Zioinism, and Dr Max Nordau, collaborator of Theodore Herzl was the most prominent critic of “degeneracy” in art and culture.

Eugenics, which Hitler turned into simplistic concepts of race, was a broad field of thought embracing environment and lifestyle as well as pure genetics. In a funny way, the reduction of everything to genes is primitive compared with the view of the Edwardians.

One gets the impression that the peoples at the turn of the last century were probably better-read, certainly more open minded, than today: not all the ideas were good — though neither is the dominant culture today.

Hitler’s informers or channelers were broadly informed and expensively resourced. This was no concept dreampt up in a prison cell. Wherever Hitler got his ideas, the industrialists quickly saw the value of his movement…

I suspect that research has yet to be done into the marketing organizations behind Hitler. His absorption of the main social trends of the time is too complete to have been the work of one man or even two (If Hess was the author).

This was a mass public relations, mass psychology campaign. We are seeing the same today. Whodunnit?

Next article, ideas appreciated [email protected]

Moneycircus Substack

Oct 29, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

👍 I was pondering that thought.Apart from the smoke screen of war it was still a eugenics movement.And Hitler was the monkey got to find the organ grinder(s).

Oct 29, 2021 6:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You have mail, I may have sent you off on a bit of a tangent, but the topic certainly relates history to the present!

Oct 29, 2021 3:26 PM
George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2021 2:53 PM

Sussex University professor Kathleen Stock has resigned after being targeted in a terror campaign after she suggested that biological sex trumped gender preference. Since this campaign had a highly anonymous character, I suspect a “Strategy of Tension” type move. But on the whole what this really signifies is the increasing irrelevance of the entire academic sector.

Oct 29, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The Soros of Tension. A purple-haired binary will be executed to keep public opinion on the right track.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2021 5:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’ve unfortunately forgotten the details but there was a “woke” issue which appeared on some social media platform and, before the “designated responders” appeared, a hefty number of “regular punters” weighed in. And it turned out that the latter actually didn’t give a shit about the issue. It wasn’t as if they were incensed at “deviants” or even complaining about “woke”. And their total lack of concern majorly pissed off the wokers. What had clearly happened is that the media did what it always does: it invents an arena and it expects everyone to get right in there with the passionate reaction one way or another. What it cannot stand is a richly deserved indifference.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Oct 29, 2021 11:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The abolition of sex (as opposed to “gender”, sic) was an important preliminary battle in the Great War on Reality. Having won that brief skirmish, the ruling class knew they could get most people to believe — or rather, “believe” — literally anything. The road was open for The Global War On The Invisible Purple Spiky Airborne Killer-Dot.

As things stand, I will not be allowed back into my native country (Scotland the Brave) unless I submit to The Prick. And even if I do finally let myself be penetrated against my will (for instance, so that I can attend a family funeral), I could be arrested there if I say that a man can’t become a woman merely by asserting that he is.

It will soon be illegal to doubt the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, or perhaps to assert it. One or the other will be Hate Speech. We’ll just have to wait and see which.

What’s on TV?

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 30, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I reckon another testing of gullibility was the “Corbyn Labour Party as Fourth Reich” meme.

Speaking of which, I read a Telegraph article complaining, ironically enough, about how TV dramas can never be honest about the past. In a mention of the recent drama “Ridley Road”  about (alleged) rising fascism in Britain in the 60s, the writer (one Ben Lawrence) made a comment about anti-Semitism along the lines of “we know what end of the political spectrum that comes from currently”. Presumably meaning that it’s the Left who are the new Nazis.  

And then I discovered this:


All about how that Ridley Road thing was an anti-Brexit anachronism. Cf:

Tellingly, these neo-Nazis don’t speak the language of racial purity or totalitarianism. They speak like Brexiteers. They talk endlessly of ‘taking back our country’, a hardly subtle allusion to ‘taking back control’. Ridley Road writer and executive producer Sarah Solemani has admitted as much: ‘I made a rule for myself that everything spoken by the far-right characters, you could hear now.’ One half expects Oswald Mosley to appear and announce, ‘Get fascism done!’.

Oct 29, 2021 2:49 PM

People who are fully vaccinated against Covid yet catch the virus are just as infectious to others in their household as infected unvaccinated people, research suggests.

Households are a key setting for the transmission of Covid infections (pdf), with frequent prolonged daily contact with an infected person linked to an increased risk of catching the virus.


Thank God for lockdown.

Oct 29, 2021 3:19 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Sounds like they are starting to lay the groundwork for acceptance of quarantine camps.

Oct 29, 2021 6:29 PM
Reply to  Kate

Could be, but they’re admitting that the vaccines are useless. Perhaps they are going to pause for a while and now need to claim that although vaccines weren’t the final solution, they at least prevented billions and trillions of deaths (insert your own made up number, or Imperial College statistic, to give them their technical name).

Oct 29, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  Orthus

The vaccine campaign is not going to remain tenable due to high injury rates among the individuals who took it – its too much And, many people who were full on with the program and now expressing dismay that they are being treated like we have been and doing research finding out what we said was true all along. These people are the ones who will out it to many true believers though as they are one of THEM.

Oct 29, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Orthus

They are getting it because the unvaccinated are avoiding the tests knowing they are scams

As the vaccinated are the majority of the people who submit themselves to testing which can’t detect the virus it is supposed to diagnosis -they are the ones getting ‘Covid’

It’s pathetic:


Oct 29, 2021 2:05 PM

2020 – Then UK Health Secretary ordered a very large batch of Midazolam because apparently it was a “sedative” that was necessary to “manage the coronavirus outbreak”. Supplies were diverted from France to the UK. https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/supplies-of-sedative-used-for-covid-19-patients-diverted-from-france-to-avoid-potential-shortages. Coincidentally there followed an uptick in elderly people dying in care homes apparently from the Morona.

2021 – Death Row inmate John Grants “whole body convulsed” and he “vomited violently” following the administration of Midazolam during his Execution in Oklahoma. He died an excruciating death not long after. Activists are (rightly) pointing out the inhumanity of Grants botched execution.

The parasite class are leaving a trail, that can be followed if people would apply their brain cells, whilst saving themselves from any karmic blowback. Yet people still believe they care about their health.

Oct 29, 2021 7:14 PM
Reply to  Trewpol
GPPP = Global Fascism
GPPP = Global Fascism
Oct 29, 2021 1:33 PM

We should just call everything “the Vanguard this” or “the BlackRock that” since they own it all, pretty much.

Who Owns the World?


Want to see how the psychopathic PR sausage is made? Watch this:

Marc Van Ranst talks about how he “prepared” public opinion for H1N1 epidemic via mainstream media in 2009.

Oct 29, 2021 1:28 PM

An interesting financial venture, I could be investing. May I take the liberty , if you missed my previous missive, to inform you of my Smoke Easy wind proof motorbike ashtray and Puffer’s Pleasure visor. Both have been rigourously tested by myself on an exercise bike in my futility room at home. Extra Benefit- the visor is probably guaranteed to prevent infection from airborne viruses. Available Now! Mail order only. Personal visits discouraged in order to flatten any curves.

Oct 29, 2021 1:27 PM

No mention of Ralph Baric ? Strange … a little search would connect lots of dots. The usual problem, action, solution approach at Chapel Hill. His GOF research provided the problem, and … drumroll, he has provided the antidote in Molnupiravir. (On April 29, 2020, Baric and his colleagues published a study in Science Translational Medicine that described NHC/EIDD-2801. That was the early name for molnupiravir)

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2021 12:48 PM

There have been genocides before but this may be the first genocide to be accompanied by a sympathetic commentary!

Oct 29, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I think most of them are. They all purport to save you from some oppression or other.

Oct 29, 2021 11:58 AM

class-action lawsuit that was eventually settled for $4.85 billion
This may have been true in USA. Elsewhere, MSM, regulators and politiicans became richer just by evading the subject.

Oct 29, 2021 11:55 AM

I love Big Pharma. They are such good people, they just want to make sick people better. They’re nothing like those evil oil companies polluting the planet and that will have us all boiled or flooded by the end of the week/month/year/decade. Sure they make some money but it’s a just return on all their good work. They’re the experts and they know best. Where’s your degree in virology? Wouldn’t it be great if experts just ran everything instead of those dreadful politicians….

What’s that you say? They are serial violators and have paid billions in fines for things like harmful drugs to bribing doctors? [Pause, looks blank]. Well, I know nothing about that because I only get my information from the BBC. It must be that crazily litigious society they have in the USA. Really, drug companies should have more legal protection so it’s virtually impossible to sue them. It’s what we clever Brits do. You found this on alt-media? Well, I’m not surprised – they all believe in lizard people. No, I won’t look at it – even looking at it makes me a bad person.

Someone would blow the whistle if they were up to anything nefarious. I mean, I wouldn’t but someone else would. You think the desire for a quiet life, peer pressure, being labelled a lunatic, bibery, blackmail, compartmetalisation, threats and murder are enough to stop anything bad coming out? Hang on, there are whistleblowers? They aren’t on the BBC so must be mad or evil or both. No, I won’t look at it – even looking at it makes me a bad person. Plus I’m very busy.

Yours etc, A. Normie.

Oct 29, 2021 12:48 PM
Reply to  Edwige


They may kill everything else but satire will live on.

Oct 29, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

They will kill satire too !!

Mr Y
Mr Y
Oct 29, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

Will it? Up here (Norway) it seems to have died out …

Oct 29, 2021 11:04 AM

I find it funny how people keep saying that you should take vitamins to ‘protect’ yourself from ‘covid’. Before ‘covid’, everyone thought vitamin/supplement poppers were nuts. Now, because someone somewhere said it benefits you if you get ‘covid’, everyone’s falling over themself to pop pills – the very thing the drug dealers want you to do.

If you want to be healthy and you believe that vitamins play a part in that, then look up what food has whatever vitamins rock your boat in it, and eat that food. Humans are always looking for something to use to fix a problem that usually doesn’t even exist.

Oh, and as an aside, no one has ever proved that vitamins exist in vitamin pills. Vitamins are a living thing, and extracting them, drying them, and putting 0.0032 mg of them into a pill is impossible. Even if you could, it would die. Minerals are a different thing. This is why drug companies won’t produce them and doctors won’t prescribe them – because even for them it’s a lie too far.

Oct 29, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  troy

High Vit C with regular zinc dose has been established as an effective anti-viral for decades, one orange has about 50mg of vit C, to get to 1g you’d have to eat 20 oranges, so tablets are more convinient. This was explained to me in the 1980’s by two diving doctors who’d researched it, so hardly a new thing due to rona (you can’t dive with blocked sinuses/eustation tube) nobody thought they were nuts.

3rd major indicator or covid death? Vitamin D deficiency (behind old age, and high BMI)

Cod liver oil isn’t dried. oily fish works too.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Oct 29, 2021 2:45 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Meat’s a better source, look at liver. If you need vitamin A I believe dogs’ livers are a good source; I you ask Fauci nicely he may be able to spare some.

Oct 29, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  troy

Oh ye of little faith! Do you really think the psychopaths have neglected food? Besides the obvious (GMOs), they have managed to all but destroy soil microbes with their constant spraying of aluminum nano-particles. Consequently, good luck finding anything nutritious in today’s trans-food.

Oct 29, 2021 10:21 AM

Covid Wonder Drug or Money-Making Scam?

Still asking trivial questions like this while governments all over the world are breaking the law in the service of money and readying themselves to throw you all in jail and close down OG.

You may not think your government would do that: don’t forget the dead anti-Covid disobedient leaders. Your leader will come round or disappear.

Oct 29, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

What if they’re just slavishly following the orders just like everybody else? Just like the sheeple wearing respirators on the bus, like the supermarket operators who prevent the plague rats from entering, like the schools that have gone apeshit. Everybody? And at the top of the pyramid sits that one motherfucker who has set up the system and now is pushing the buttons?

Oct 29, 2021 10:49 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

I wish someome would ‘disappear’ ‘my’ ‘leader’.

Oct 29, 2021 11:54 AM
Reply to  troy

The interesting thing of today was to learn that whoever had been busy taping the conversations of the nsw premier…so who is taping dans? His must be verifiably nuts.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 29, 2021 10:02 AM

https://www.health.vic.gov.au/covid-19/covid-19-chief-health-officer-update#update This is Victoria where nearly 4,000 people die of all causes every month and the average age of so called covid deaths is 87. They are certifiably insane

Oct 29, 2021 10:24 AM


You are insane if you think they are insane: wicked, evil, monstrous, ruthless are all suitable.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 29, 2021 11:14 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Agree, and the fucking majority of the Victorians are so dumb they go along with this shit

Oct 29, 2021 10:51 AM

You are also insane for allowing them to continue killing you.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 29, 2021 12:42 PM
Reply to  troy

I do not comply

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Oct 29, 2021 9:55 AM
Oct 29, 2021 3:04 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

That’s the ultimate “good news/bad news” scenario. While it’s “bad news” finding living things in the injections – it’s “good news” that ANYTHING can live in that toxic cesspool.

Art Cruddup
Art Cruddup
Oct 29, 2021 9:22 AM

This might ramble a bit, but I’d be interested to know other’s views. One way to get over any illness or to avoid being ill in the first place is to get a job. My wife worked for many years as a doctors receptionist. She always said that the only people who ever got appointments were mainly the elderly and unemployed. Very few working people seemed to get ill. My daughter’s best friend is a chemist and she also said that most of the prescriptions handed out are to people on benefits and that there are a heck of a large number who must cost the government (really, you and me) a fortune in repeats/new drugs etc. In my 60+ years, I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times I have been to see my doctor. Anybody think there’s anything in my hypothesis?

Oct 29, 2021 10:08 AM
Reply to  Art Cruddup

Hmmm, I guess a lot of unemployed are in that situation because they are disabled, depression, and other unseen problems maybe?
I guess it depends on the percentage of unemployed compared to invalid

Oct 29, 2021 10:21 AM
Reply to  Art Cruddup

sounds like the type of bullshit that appears on you tube comment retarded type forums like daily mail alex Jones etc before the selection period IT definitely that stuff that appears online in cheaply made videos around 2019/2010 after the banking bailout BUT now we are in next stages of bs19 this type of dribble is paid (U>k jut had the fake budget) because your be a right sad fuck to write this for free.

The only people who cost the tax payer is them in government more is given to them than is given to the bottom feeders.

Oct 31, 2021 12:34 PM
Reply to  shamen

The Morrison govt. gave over $100 billion in corporate welfare as JobKeeper and most were profitale corporations who gave the money to their CEO’s and sacked the staff, e.g. pilots one example.

Oct 29, 2021 10:58 AM
Reply to  Art Cruddup

The largest amount of your money is given out to the old as pensions and the young to pay them to have children. The unemployed are kept on starvation wages – most of their benefits are given to the rich person who owns the box they live in. They get sick because they can’t afford to buy anything but the cheapest food, the thinnest clothing, the worst of everything. Try it and see for yourself. You won’t like it. Only the rich think the poor are parasites – whilst they draw child benefit, pensions, marriage allowances, tax reductions and who knows what else.

Oct 29, 2021 11:09 AM
Reply to  Art Cruddup


Oct 29, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  Art Cruddup

Here’s a thought: working people are AFRAID to take off work just because they’re sick. Especially if they have no sick leave.

Oct 29, 2021 9:19 AM

Here is a little something for your reading pleasure to inspire you on another day of onslaught of covidianism-wokeism.

Petőfi Sándor

The Song of the Dogs

Loud the storm is howling
under a thundery sky.
The twin sons of winter,
snow and rain, sleet by.

What’s that to us? We have
our hearth-side, by the grace
of our good kind Master
who gave us this place.

We shall not die of hunger.
Our Master wills it thus.
When he has fed his fullest
the leavings are for us.

True, his whip sometimes
cracks, and the weals
it leaves are most painful;
but a dog’s hurt soon heals.

And then our Master calls us,
his sudden anger over,
and with true gratitude
on his boots we slobber.

The Song of the Wolves

Loud the storm is howling
Under a thundery sky.
The twin sons of winter,
Snow and rain, sleet by.

It is a barren plainland
We chose for abiding.
Not a bush grows there
For shelter or hiding.

Hunger gnaws the belly,
Cold gnaws the bone,
Two torturers who will not
Leave us alone.

And there, the third torturer,
Guns loaded with lead:
On the white, white snow
Our blood drips red.

Freezing and starving
And peppered with shot.
Yes, our lot is misery …
But Freedom is our lot!

Fuck them ….! Vive le monde libre …!

comment image

Oct 29, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Wonderful – thank you.

Oct 29, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  Jacques


Oct 29, 2021 8:43 AM

As the article mentioned Vitamin D, I thought i’d drop a few links to UK Doctors with something to say about Vitamin D.

1. Dr Malcolm Kendrick
Lets talks about C, just you and me https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2021/10/22/lets-talk-about-c-just-you-and-me/

2. Dr John Campbell
Low vitamin D and increased mortalityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwNgKJ-7YWQ

3. Dr David Grimes
Covid 19, Vitamin D, 2020-2021, Nature andhttp://www.drdavidgrimes.com/2021/10/covid-19-vitamin-d-2020-2021-nature-and.html

Oct 29, 2021 9:04 AM
Reply to  TFS

Dr John Campbell is a fully signed up member (priest even) of the Covidian Cult. The only time he has dissented is over the issue of aspiration in the jabs, the lack of which he contends may have caused the very few side-effects due to inadvertent injection into a blood vessel.

He wrote to the Department of Health about this and once that they had determined that he only had a PhD in healthcare, having been a nurse and a trainer of nurses, Zahawi replied, dismissing his concerns, and addressing him as Mr Campbell. Displaying, yet again, the ignorance, as in lack of knowledge and lack of manners, of this government.

Oct 29, 2021 9:44 AM
Reply to  Orthus

Zahawi who just happened to co-found Yougov who just happened to publish a poll earlier in the week showing the public were clamouring for another lockdown…

Oct 29, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  Orthus


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2021 8:20 AM

The greatest economist of our age weighs in:


Oct 29, 2021 9:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

His relatively obscure film ‘The 6th Day’ is worth a watch for those interested in dystopian sci-fi full of predictive programming. The main plotline of human cloning is full-on Luciferian but there are also passing details like driverless vehicles and “sim-pals”. His film before that ‘End of Days’ is blatantly Satanic with the Devil adopting the cover of a Wall St banker.

There are photos of him with Jimmy Savile when he was in London in his pre-acting days.

Oct 29, 2021 9:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So many of his movies from my youth that are still alive in me as I subconsciouly idolized him.

In reality he’s the real Killian and we are the Running Man. He could have given it a rest and carry on making odd films like Escape Plan, but no.

We’ll be back, you fraudulent sellout for your ambitions scummy cowardly bastard.

Here’s a Real Life heroine, bet she’d outwit Arnie in a real fight before she was martyred:


El Zafio
El Zafio
Oct 29, 2021 7:58 AM

Another author giving credence to the kovid narrative.

Oct 29, 2021 10:35 AM
Reply to  El Zafio

Indeed. Nobody with a sense of proportion is any more concerned about Covid than about flu.

The injection and authortarian politics and enforcement of illegal laws are a different matter altogether.

Mybe next we will get an article about flu.

Oct 29, 2021 7:54 AM

I’ve recently watched two videos:

Here, the protagonist speaks about science as such. Very clear, logical, makes sense. A reminder that research is not equal to science and even less so is some asshole in a lab coat wielding a test tube containing a concoction the boss has ordered him to make.

This video presents some Mountie, basically a cog in the system, who has had the integrity to question the bullshit that’s going down. What he says outlines his thinking process, which is interesting. He draws the correct conclusions from information he allows himself to accept. He says things like “we’re putting all our eggs in one basket”, “Canada is blindly following the US”. Serves “the (fucking) Crown”. So on, so forth. Correct thinking that won’t quite breach the bounds of his conditioning. Doesn’t look like he’s quite willing to embrace the notion that all of this shit is hugely malevolent and intentional.

So it goes back to the first video – science per se. Intellectual honesty, objectivity, correct methodology, detachment from dogmas.

Incidentally, I wonder whether he’s right about that fuckwit Trudeau is simply blindly brownnosing to the Americans and if everybody is basically doing the same. Blindly following orders from the WHO, the globalist organizations, whoever, basically the same way the sheeple that obediently put that fucking respirator on as told.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Oct 29, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I listened to most of the interview with the mountie (thanks for posting the link) and he struck me as being an intelligent and articulate man who had done his own research and reached rational conclusions. Good to see some resistance building within police forces.

Oct 29, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

There is a group of them:


Oct 29, 2021 7:46 AM

Is this drug not mutagenic?

Oct 29, 2021 7:50 AM
Reply to  dnomsed
Oct 29, 2021 7:40 AM

I really miss the like factor in the comments section. Just realized I haven’t checked this site all week and missed some good articles. So bravo to OG on you content as usual… but the likes were a good guide to some equally compelling comments and reaction. I hope you consider including them again.

Oct 29, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  jude

I miss the ‘likes’ too.

Oct 29, 2021 11:10 AM
Reply to  Gizmo007


Oct 29, 2021 10:37 AM
Reply to  jude

Here here!

Without the likes it takes too long to skim the comments: I don’t have that sort of time.

Oct 29, 2021 11:10 AM
Reply to  aspnaz


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 29, 2021 12:13 PM
Reply to  jude

You also just described exactly why voting is a simple, faceless way to surreptitiously influence what our readers read! Many, just as you, use up/down votes as a basis to select comments to focus on.

We have evidence this anonymous system was, in fact, being gamed.

Does this bother you? The fact that voting sometimes wasn’t an accurate, organic indicator at all, and that faceless force/s were involved to actively influence?

Do you think that this is in keeping with OffG’s remit?

Do you think you could try using a ‘+1’, or a 👌 or a 👍 or a ‘bravo’ for the time being, and let’s see how the trial goes over the coming weeks?

We are pragmatic here and we shall return voting if, all round, we think it’s a sacrifice worth making for usability.



Oct 29, 2021 3:18 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thank for pointing out what should already be obvious to all readers – and commenters – of OffG. Namely, that using the voting system as a guide to which comments are most worthwhile (I think they all are, to a point) is a poor substitute for evaluating the comments individually.

Aren’t we all here because we respect the ability of people to think for themselves – rather than simply follow the crowd?

Oct 29, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Howard


Oct 30, 2021 5:54 AM
Reply to  Howard

I was always against up or downvoting as it is nothing but manipulation to conflate social value or impact of issues discussed with popularity ratings regurgitating establishment opinions in most cases opinions derived from MSM. we must realize that up down voting on social media was invented as a part of psychological warfare against teenagers unwittingly subject to DOD experiment run by FB that resulted in several suicides of adolescents.

In fact if it is tolerable at all, it is only for one two sentence simple comments in most cases loaded with emotional attitudes to other commenters, provoking certain reactions. Some people simply upvote/downvote the same posters as a routine without reading or comprehending their posts and addressing their points.

what I would do is in first 12 hours after article is posted obfuscate screen names of actual authors of comments only to be revealed later in that way more people would read comments in unbiased ways and won’t act impulsively.

of course there is no substitute for actual comments that reveal real attitude of commenters to other people’s comments.

Oct 30, 2021 7:42 AM
Reply to  Howard

No. I have much to read and not enough time. Every assist I can get is helpful. In this case, I am willing to accept the guidence of the crowd in determining where to focus my limited time.

Oct 30, 2021 8:00 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Someone is always attempting to influence others to come to their side, to believe in what they think is important. The MSM do it by what news stories they lead off with and newspapers do it by the placement of their stories.

Large media properties like the NYT, LAT, WaPo and many more all allow for voting although some (e.g NYT) only allow up-votes, ostensibly to protect the sensibilities of the mentally weak who get easily triggered by any criticism in the form of voting something they post down.

Eliminating the ability to up/down vote is akin to communism, where everyone is supposed to be equal, something that doesn’t exist in the real world of Nature. Suggest you read the famous short story called Harrison Bergeron by Vonnegut, which is satirical view on imposing equality at any cost.

Nov 3, 2021 4:59 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sam, the comments section is unreadable without the voting. If you feel there is a group gaming the comments, take their votes away. Only allow people with accounts and a reasonable track record to vote. Right now you are allowing an organised cabal to vandalise the site indirectly by forcing you to remove the votes.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 3, 2021 10:08 AM
Reply to  Alec

I already pointed out that what you term ‘usable’ is, in fact, an invitation for invisible actors to draw your eye in certain directions, but you’d prefer that we keep that, AND make commenting account based?

Maybe I’m seriously out of touch with this site’s USP, but I don’t think what you’re suggesting would go down all that well.

And we may bring voting back. Who knows.

Oct 29, 2021 9:36 PM
Reply to  jude

Hey, jude:

comment image

Oct 29, 2021 6:57 AM

Biden administration: incompetence vs criminality?

Retired Mexican-American border agent on the migrant crisis. Victor Avila asks how deep is the corruption on both sides of the Rio Grande:

Oct 29, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Incompetent criminals, but ruthless.

Oct 29, 2021 5:14 AM

When will we tire of all our hard earned money flying out the backdoor- decade after decade-none of it used for our or society’s good.

Oct 29, 2021 7:12 AM
Reply to  Hele

Yes, and by using an analogy to a war, endless public money goes to ‘winning it’.
This is going on and on…

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Oct 29, 2021 7:16 AM
Reply to  Hele

As long as we can watch TV and porn, shop online with credit, eat fistfuls of Frankenfood, gossip and voyeuristically peep into and about the lives of others, stare at our phones, never engage with responsibility or stop for a second in any way shape or form to consider real life…never.

The system provides all the delicious steak, cooked just how you like, you could ever need. The easy option is always made…well…easy.

Oct 29, 2021 3:42 AM

From Facebook to Meta,
So will it be better?
Or just remain
A corporate newsletter.
Of misinformation, self congratulation and self flagellation.
You’ve got to hand it to Zucker
He’s a devious Fucker
He’s got the world in his claws
And we are his Suckers.

Dave Crow
Dave Crow
Oct 29, 2021 3:41 AM

Here are more “safe and recommended” drugs and procedures from the past.

Oct 29, 2021 12:04 PM
Reply to  Dave Crow

That’s crazy!!


Oct 29, 2021 2:49 AM

I can’t help cringing every time I read anything noting the benefits of vitamins – because how very easy it would be for Big Pharma to completely destroy vitamins.

There are many ways. They can get the FDA to declare them dangerous and ban them. Or, at least, have them become prescription only medications. Or, with less fanfare, they could buy up all companies producing vitamins – and simply re-formulate the ingredients to eliminate the actual vitamin content (if they haven’t already).

Ah, but we can all step into the sunlight and make our very own vitamin D. Except climate engineering is destroying the ozone layer, making it impossible to get sunlight without UVC rays as well.

Isn’t it interesting how each new evil dovetails evils already undertaken to facilitate a never ending synergy? Almost makes you think it’s been planned, doesn’t it?

Oct 29, 2021 7:43 AM
Reply to  Howard

Funny, i was just having this very thought not 20 minutes ago. As I took my nightly doses of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, D3, Iodine (as well as many others through the day) I wondered if I should stock up on these too. They seem to be canceling everything I ever thought was good about life.

les online
les online
Oct 29, 2021 9:28 AM
Reply to  Howard

An article popped-up on line a couple of days ago: Pfizer owns Centrum label vitamins (USA), which is being hounded for unsafe etc fillers, ingredients not on the label, etc… If i can find it i’ll post it. Some Vitamin companies are HUGE, be strange if drug companies dont have investments in them.
New Dawn Magazine (September 2019) had an brief article by Sally Fallon Morell (co-author The Contagion Myth) about manufactured / synthetic vitamins:
Of vitamin A “The results (of the process) is always a single form of vitamin – something that never happens in nature – without the various isomers and co-factors that allow the body to use the vitamin properly.”
“As for minerals, manufacturers tend to use the cheapest form such as magnesium oxide (with the absorbability rate as low as 4%), calcium carbonate (only a fraction absorbed) and ferrous fumarate (well absorbed, possibly leading to too much iron).”
If you know of a site or book that informs the best bio-absorbable brands, i’d like to know
Are all vitamin D labels of the quality, and perform as they claim ?

Oct 29, 2021 10:42 AM
Reply to  Howard

They can kill vitamins by declaring them to be drugs. Drugs require tons of testing and certification, unless they are vaccines that can kill you.

Oct 29, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  Howard

destroying the ozone layer

Nope. The whole scam was sponsored by DuPont when their CFC patent monopoly was comming to an end. Result? DuPont got another 50 year global monopoly on their new CFC free refrigerant gas.

Lots of these scams depend on a lack of context, prior to DuPonts sponsored ozone layer studies we had zero clue weather there was a hole or not, the hole waxes and wanes naturally, natural processes dictate the level of ozone.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 29, 2021 2:36 AM

Winter is coming in the UK / northern Hemisphere… And a New Variant was discovered in the UK, and has since turned up in the USA. Latest report is that the current covid injections are not effective against the new variant.

Oct 29, 2021 4:02 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

I would not be at all surprised, because it is in the nature of coronaviruses to mutate in an effort to escape measures used against them, and months ago researchers at Osaka University discoverd that mutations had already escaped three of four Receptor Binding Domains (RBD), suggesting the Delta Variant is only one significant mutation away from completely escaping wild-type spike protein vaccines.


Oct 29, 2021 7:45 AM
Reply to  Mark

Thus the entire effort. Coronavirus = the gift that keeps on giving…

Oct 29, 2021 8:29 AM
Reply to  Mark

Great, variants. This means that someone has finally isolated the original (for there to be a variant of it).

Mark, could you point to the evidence (white paper) of this. There is still an unclaimed reward of 1.5 mil euros for anyone who can provide evidence of this. I will forward the documents on, it should be easy money for me, or you for that matter.

Looking forward to the papers you have read that have convinced you of this.

Oct 29, 2021 10:19 AM
Reply to  Mark

One scientist says they can mutate within 24 hours, that’s a lotta mutes

Oct 29, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  Mark

This is the crux of it, but only for those jabbed IMO.

It’s been established that the six known coronavirus that are endemic (responsible for 5-10% of all historical ILIs – influenza Like Illnesses diagnosis every year) have given 80-90% of populations cross immunity to cov-19 (hence high ‘asymptomatic’ test results) but it has also been shown the jabs destroy this prior T-cell memory.

80-90% of the unjabbed have immuno-memory to the normal target epitopes on all coronaviruses (ORF1, N, etc.) the S1 epitope is not the selected target from prior exposures for the natural immune response (natural response to S1 shows less than 5 antibody types to S1 out of ~30, ORF1 & N being the most dominant) so it is unlikely any changes in the S1 epitope is going to lead to immune escape in those with natural immunity, unless these changes interfear with the chemical signaling of the inate immune response, there is some evidence for this but it’s very new and poorly understood.

Trevor bedfords work shows the only unexpected evolution of cov-19 is in the S1 domain, the ratio of Nonsynonymous/Synonymous chnages in the S1 domain is an order of magnitude higher than expected. indicating it mite be worth listening to people like Geert Vandenbossche hypothesis, that the jabs are driving selective evolution.

Bedford presentation. Timestamped to S1 changes

Geerts Hypothesis: https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/post/keep-looking-at-snapshots-and-you-ll-never-see

Updated review paper from gigaohmbiological: https://gigaohmbiological.com/review

Oct 29, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

They might be trans- covid viruses that have declared themselves a variant. In which case “they’ll” need a new ptonoun.

Oct 29, 2021 2:27 AM

Not a great article because it goes off at tangents and doesn’t even address the real issues with Molnupiravir. There is a body of clinical data from earlier incarnations of this drug (it has, like remdesivir, been “re-purposed” for profit) which suggest, amongst other serious AEs, that it is mutagennic. An article that purports to be about Molnupiravir should bother to do the research to fully explain the facts about this VERY dangerous drug.

Oct 29, 2021 7:48 AM
Reply to  philipat


Oct 29, 2021 2:08 AM

You can either do things that promote your body’s natural detoxification and regeneration processes, or you can take drugs that (at best) decrease symptoms but never deal with underlying causes, increasing toxicity in the process, making you more unhealthy than you were when you started. We shouldn’t need drug trials to figure out the scam anymore.

Oct 29, 2021 4:05 AM
Reply to  NoThanks

Like the drug companies say; cure the patient’s disease, and you have a customer once. Manage the patient’s symptoms so that he/she can live a bearable shared existence with the disease, and you have a customer for life. There is no money in curing diseases.

Oct 29, 2021 8:32 AM
Reply to  Mark

Or, convince the customer that the disease they have is the result of a bug that floats on the wind and not the shit they stuff into their body on an hourly basis.

That way that can sell you snake oils to mask the symptoms.

Oct 29, 2021 7:48 AM
Reply to  NoThanks

For the first 35 years of my life I never heard of ‘healthcare’. It became an industry behemoth. Our reliance and obsession with drugs and healthcare is just f’ing bizarre.

Oct 29, 2021 10:45 AM
Reply to  jude

It got financialized: investors helped the bigger companies grow into huge monopolies by buying payents off smaller companies. The investors then bribed government to create an environment where they can rip people off.

Oct 29, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  jude


Oct 29, 2021 12:23 PM
Reply to  jude

I agree.

I live in a city with world renowned hospitals and I’ve gone to them when needed. Most of my ailments were sports related so no biggie.

Now I’m of an age when those sports related manageable issues require more serious attention.

I had back surgery 6 months ago. Managing logistics was a full-time job. Not to mention the distress of standing in line for the c-vid check in every time you visited the hospital.

Would be too long to go into, and I am very grateful for the care I received, but boy healthcare is a big business.

The hospital network I am in – which has become a behometh – has a digital records system now. It is a site where you manage all of your care Your visits, your bills, your tests, your results, your messages.

You get reminders constantly. On your email account, your phone, by text. It’s like Big Brother.

And the surveys! I finally called the hospital and said TAKE ME OFF THE SURVEY LIST.

I’ve decided I’m closing my account. The portal is convenient in some aspects, but overall it’s become overwhelming to me.

And of course you know all this info is now available to anyone anywhere.

les online
les online
Oct 29, 2021 1:06 AM

Rightwingers and BO.
People who have a greater tendency to turn their nose up at the whiff of urine, sweat and other body odours are more likely to have right wing authoritarian attitudes, research suggests. “We think that authoritarian attitudes might, at least in part, be rooted in biology,” said Dr Jonas Olofsson, co-author of the research from Stockholm University and the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study…
The team say the findings support the idea that a feeling of disgust might partly underpin social discrimination against others, with the link rooted in a primitive urge to avoid catching diseases from unfamiliar people or environments.(the Guardian cc2018)..

Dr Norman Doidge, author of “The Brain’s Way of Healing” provides the science;
‘One reason humans have difficulty having a nonemotionally charged discussion about vaccines is that in humans (and other animals) any infection can trigger an archaic brain circuit in most of us called Behavioural Immune System (BIS)…
The BIS is a circuit that is triggered when we sense we may be near a potential carrier of disease, causing disgust, fear, and avoidance. It is involuntary, and not easy to shut off once it has been turned on…
‘Unlike the regular immune system BIS evolved to prevent us from getting infected in the first place, by making us hypersensitive to hygiene, hints of disease in other people, even signs that they are from another tribe.
‘The BIS is, i would argue, one of the instinctive reactions that missed appearing in medical textbooks, perhaps because we’ve not had a pandemic on this scale for 100 years.’ ((Tablet site 28 October 2021)’…

So Hitler acted instinctly. Pol Pot acted instinctly. Politician in every country are acting instinctly ?

Oct 29, 2021 2:58 AM
Reply to  les online

A lot of scientific gobbledygook to say simply that we use our sense of smell the same way other animals do: to determine friend or foe. In fact, I would bet (sans scientific data to back me up) that the sense of smell is second only to sense of touch as the primary sensory ability.

Interesting how much effort is put into masking our sense of smell and our sense of touch – and in accentuating our sense of sight and hearing.

Oct 29, 2021 4:11 AM
Reply to  Howard

Up-tick for you Howard.

Oct 29, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

Does anyone else find they are revolted by something underlying many common perfumes, air fresheners etc ? Whatever the perfume smell is the sense or reaction to it is the same. It is not like allergy, more a revulsion, a need to get away from it. It takes over your olfactory function and stays with you even when you out in fresh air.

Oct 29, 2021 5:32 PM
Reply to  martin

Perfumes are poison. I began reacting to them (and dryer sheets) when I lived in the city and rode busses with people doused in celeb scent du jure as well as having a neighbor who would do laundry at 2 in the morning pumping her dryer sheet scent into my bedroom window. After I started getting migraines I looked it up. The chemical bases for most scents are toxic but were grandfathered into use because they had been used for decades.

I’d rather smell BO. Its nasty but doesn’t cause migraines or cancer.

Oct 29, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  juno

Dryer sheets eh? Perhaps that’s the dreadful smell that wafts off peoples clothes as they walk by. I wondered if it was fabric softener

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Oct 29, 2021 12:49 AM

OffG really needs a discussion forum, but of course this is to presume that the internet will survive 2021.

Anyway, off-topic, here’s Mark Zuckerberg selling the “metaverse” in 57 seconds:

Walter Kirn @walterkirn 2 Std.

I will be tweeting against this video all day because it depicts the end-stage masturbatory fall of our species & I’d rather not have to travel back in time someday to destroy it when I can start right now


Oct 29, 2021 7:43 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Oh look, it’s world of warcraft. Again.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Oct 29, 2021 9:52 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Mark Zuckerberg is Tommy Wiseau, and The Metaverse is The Room.

“Oh hi, Mark!”


Oct 29, 2021 12:33 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

(I agree about the discussion forum, Patrick. Commenters on this site are intelligent and interesting.)

Oct 28, 2021 11:23 PM

A few other fun things about Merck…

The family business supposedly started in the C17th with the purchase of a pharmacy which just happened to be called Angel Pharmacy. Their coat-of-arms looks suspiciously Rosicrucian. The other family business was… merchant banking.

Merck was nationalised in WW1 but the family bought it back with the help of those nice people at Goldman Sachs.

Merck employees invented the first MMR jab and the first statin.

Also one of the companies that later ended up in Merck had the contract to vaccinate US military horses in WW1.

Here’s Merck’s record on the violation tracker:

And their corporate rap sheet:

Oct 29, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Isn’t ivermectin a merck product? It’s a pretty new drug, isn’t it – do they still own the patent? Do they still produce it, or is it fully generic now?

I’ve been wondering why they haven’t been on the ivermectin bandwagon. I suppose they would get paid to stay quiet.

Oct 28, 2021 11:20 PM

Covid-19 is medical fraud – a disease of attribution to other cause through testing unsuitable for detection of the disease and attribution standards designed to falsely attribute Covid-19 as cause

Great new video by Kevin Corbett outlining the issue –

Bottom line, no need for cures or vaccines to cure an illness created through fraudulent medical protocols & testing.

It is time the pharmaceutical companies to be exposed for their long standing tactic of manufacturing a disease to treat which inflicts mass harm and generates mass profits, the River Blindness program in Africa was one of them:


Oct 29, 2021 12:12 AM
Reply to  Rose

Can I ask is there anyone on this blog who didn’t know this for over a year at least?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 29, 2021 5:09 AM
Reply to  Edith

I knew it as soon as they announced it,

Oct 29, 2021 7:09 AM


Oct 29, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  Hele


Oct 29, 2021 2:32 PM

Meril, Helen, Judith… Can you read?
The question was:
“”who didn’t know””

It’s like all this “up vote” – “down vote” rubbish. Do we need it?

Absolutely not!
If you have nothing to contribute to a conversation other than “here here” or “rubbish”, especially if you have not even grasped the question, why should you waste anyone’s attention.

Thank you.

Oct 29, 2021 11:51 AM
Reply to  Rose


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 28, 2021 10:55 PM

“At the end of times the merchants of the world will deceive the nations through their Pharmacia.” (sorcery)

– Rev. 18:23 –

Disclaimer: Just thought this was appropriate in these New Normal ‘end times’.

Oct 29, 2021 2:15 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Very appropriate. It’s on script. This isn’t new.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 29, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  JoeC

If this version of Rev. was written in Greek then the warning is clear

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Oct 29, 2021 7:20 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

And according to Alan Watt, Revelations was written as a business plan, by the same kinds of con men currently ripping the world a new one.