WATCH: It’s not about what they say it’s about…
The latest Saturday monologue from Neil Oliver, perhaps better known to UK audiences as “the Coast Guy”, is a must-listen.
For those who don’t know him, Oliver is a Scottish archaeologist, author and television presenter who has a weekly spot on fledgling TV station GBNews. He’s certainly eloquent, usually correct, and almost always worth listening to. But his latest, on the COP26 meeting, is a vital watch.
From the false framing of the narrative, to the pivot from Covid to Climate, to the hypocrisy of the “little emperors” who preach a lifestyle for the masses they would never tolerate themselves, Oliver hits the nail squarely on the head.
His repeated refrain is a mantra we every one of us needs to remember, all the time…
“It’s not about what they say it’s about, and it never has been.”
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Some hopeful sound from Scotland at last, after the Craig Murray jailing ourage.
Fantastic! Time for change. Time to opt out of this beyond corrupt system. I have been looking into de-registering my vote as a way to opt out of the corruption. Votes mean nothing anyway and if enough people do it they have no power as far as I know. I need to learn some more about it though so please research for yourself. In the mean time I’m getting on with life minus tv, radio, shopping in big chain stores, re-using, recycling, growing food and homeschooling. Enough is enough.
Love you M’Lady…inspiring as always❣
Thats all fine to blame the folks who we put in power however its time we took the blame and started to think , that’s right to think, about who we are voting for and what we are saying with our vote.
Too many live in fear however too many live in stupidity as well, if that’s proper English?
I mean it goes both ways. We can’t all be perfectly balanced human beings. Racism, climate, covid, these are just a few misdirect dilemmas we are faced with. Nothing new really, if its not one thing its another. News just travels faster these days. The world is essentially the same, just a bit dimmer.
When the minions find it reasonable and convenient to get their education from news outlets, Google and Wiki , what outcome was it that you were expecting?
If anything perhaps they are begining to wake up slowly.
Bashing China and Russia is also not the answer. Mr. Oliver needs to get his facts straight as well. It seems he too likes to spread the crap but then again at least he is provoking thought.
So some ‘truth bombs’ then…..ouch!
Dr. Peter Doshi (BMJ senior editor) gives evidence as part of an expert panel on Covid vaccine mandates and injuries.
The Youtube video has links to the full panel discussion
Its All a Hoax!
They are outing themselves, and really that is the only way this was ever going to change
As long as people can go along to get along, they will
Its funny really, they have all these cameras and monitoring system but all they need to see who will truly bring about their fears of exposure and fall is a mirror
People should understand once such system is enrolled in which you have mass surveilance, only digital currency and the police dogs (in this case not actual dogs) will have received some new weapons to terrorise people with (along with actual dogs that are robots with rifles) chances of overthrowing such system or preferably removing such technology and way of conducing society are quite small. Assange warned of this x years ago but nobody cared, he said precisely mass surveilance will lead to this, now those wef tards not only will have mass surveilance as a weapon, but also more agressive propaganda, heavy censorship and population that is sheepish and busy watching youtubers smashing their tvs with hammers
Yet another controlled opposition shill……
Care to elaborate? Interesting that you have waited until now – two days after the article was published – to make this insightful comment. Could it be tactical, in the hope that it will remain one of the most prominent comments when newcomers happen to come across the article?
It appears to be a battle between the Davos crowd for the total control by a very few, and the mass of one tier down wealth who are having their wealth and luxury life styles destroyed. Neither of these groups is about empowering humanity, it is about keeping their own power and lifestyles and the second group will be more than willing to fight mandates and vaccines with ‘choice and cures’. This group will be the victors of the current struggle but any push for new drugs is going to be pretty much doomed once the vaccine harm truly outs. The Golden Goose of pharmaceutical profit and control is on life support. They are the ones who put it there.
“It’s not about what they say it’s about, and it never has been.”
It’d be good though if Neil could say the ACTUAL truth which is:
What it’s “about” is a complete and utter fabrication, that what they say it’s “about” is actually nada, niente, nothing. It is complete smoke’n’mirrors. In another video posted below by Judy (, Neil says it started with “three weeks to flatten the curve”. It actually started before that, it started with a “cluster” of 44 cases of pneumonia of “unknown origin” in Wuhan which as pointed out by biochemist, Dr David Rasnick, in this 10-min talk ( and NZ medical doctor, Sam Bailey (20 mins), ( is complete nonsense.
But, of course, it really started before then: we had Event 201 in October 2019 and before that we had a number of other exercises and supposed “pandemics” including SARS 2003 – see great analysis in this article, Cough and Awe,
And then before that …
It started with Gates decade of vaccines and DARPA funding of new vaccine initiatives –
The entire history of this program is easily searched:
Beautiful… well said.
“…Biden’s going to mumble something.”
Hah, he showed you. Biden sleep thru the thing, you know the thing.
As if that was a surprise to anybody.
Just imagine if it was Trump who slept thru it.
Evidently you couldn’t be more wrong about Biden sleeping.
Why, his devoted followers and mainstream/Resistance mass media insist that Biden was only “resting his eyes” and “digesting the information”.
Sharp as a tack!
A model function-stacked story:
1) Women out at night should be terrified = best stay at home.
2) Police are patriarchical bastards = best replace them with mental health experts.
3) COP26 is going on = you hadn’t heard?
They don’t mind stories about elite double standards and treating the little people like dirt. The MSM have covered plenty of them. On one level it’s just disposable puppets who can be replaced by the next lot of wannabes, on another it’s just mockery.
“Double standards” need to be treated with great care. They want the point about, for example, Matt Hancock to be that everyone should have been wearing a mask. The real point was that nobody should have to wear one – and the fact he wasn’t shows he knows it’s a fraud. The COP26 meeting is the same. The problem isn’t that they can travel and meet, it’s that others can’t and the fact that they do shows they know the ‘pandemic’ is a fraud.
it always makes me laugh when you hear people shout “defund the police, they are awful” well, why call them then when your “in trouble”? if some people don’t like the police then stop calling them then, deal with your problems ya self.
Why wouldn’t these climate enthusiasts be even more enthusiastic when Xi Xinping offered to Zoom them and tell them what he will do to save the planet? Why turn him down if the planet is about to die? He is the most senior person in the climate game, so why turn him down?
Definitely not about climate, looks to be about flaunting wealth, flaunting “us vs them” freedoms, showing the plebs that they do not have to obey rules, showing the plebs that they are all united around yet another scam. It is like being run by the Mafia.
‘Like being run by the mafia’?
This is the new mafia with Government being nothing more than a shop front for the crime bosses. Just take the money.
For those who haven’t already seen it, this is Neil Oliver’s monologue from 23 October. I think this is even more powerful than the one ATL as it covers so much ground. And it is the only time I have heard reference to Blackrock and Vanguard on a mainstream media forum in the context of the ongoing travesty.
Thanks Judy, for bringing this to our attention. Very powerful indeed.
He talks about our leaders being elected to serve, and not rule us. I’ve written before that democracy died in the UK last year when the Enabling Act, (The Coronavirus Act 2020) was passed, without a vote in the Commons.
However, I now think I was wrong. Borrowing from Iain Davis, what we had, so called representative democracy, was never real democracy at all.
Iain Davis:
His suggested approach:
Thanks, Mike. I am aware that ‘inalienable rights’ is a very popular (serious) topic of discussion at Stand in the Park gatherings and at seminars I have subsequently been invited to, largely organised by self-taught experts on the matter who have admirably devoted much time and effort to looking into the subject and spreading their knowledge.
I confess I have not delved into the subject adequately to understand it in depth so Iain Davis’s comprehensive account of how it applies will be very useful to me. Thanks again.
The West has never been a democracy. The illusion was good while it lasted but now the mask is fully off. The plebs serve little or no purpose in wealth creation since they can just print any amount they want and buy up almost anything.
The NHS has been on the table since 88, just ask Letwin the architect of the sell-off. He admitted it in an interview a few years ago and stated it was only public opinion that kept it from being fully sold back then. I think what he really meant was the lack of resources they had to deal with protests at the time.
The rush for technology should have sent alarm bells ringing. But here we are with the AI deciding who is fit enough to stay in their new crazy world. If you don’t use the app or show signs of resistance, you’re out.
What we have lived under was a tyranny in waiting.
Really well told. Thank you. We must galvanise our resources. I don’t think there’s a massive difference between Trump and Biden, the conservatives and Labour, it’s all merging into a blob of privilege. It’s sickening.
Sorry folks,
but as long as we, the stupid common people, keep doing as “kings” and “emperors” say this charade will go on.
We. Get. What. We. Deserve.
Something we can expect to hear about before the end of the Gathering Of Dwarfs (GODs) in Scotland is how we face future threats from pathogens that live in deep, dark, sweaty jungles and which we have no immunity against…These we’ll be told are lurking in the depths of The Amazon jungle, and unhygienic, smelly parts of Deep African jungles (‘cept where The Phantom lives.)…
Every so often during the covid pandemic The Lab Escape (Accidental or Deliberate ?) story was given an airing. Lurking in the background was a sinister story of a pathogen
lurking in, breeding in, spreading out from a definitely unhygienic live-foods market. Scary stuff…
If They are going to close down access to, lock us out of continent-size areas – cram us all into 100-200 storey high cities – to protect Nature, allow Nature to recover / re-wild, they’ll need a Scary story to frighten us with…. ‘Pathogens’ have worked successfully at scaring us, to date.
“It’s not about what They say it’s about” sounds good. But i believe They let us know what They intend because They rightly believe We wont believe Them; We’ll suspect They’re trying to hide ‘something’ from Us.
I believe Klaus, that him and his ilk intend We wont own nothing (though i dont believe his claim We’ll be Happy about it.)
I understand Them as being driven by the need for Security, by the need for Control.
What’s the point of being A Psychopath if you dont want control ?
The University is dead. In its place is corporate funded R&D, corporate sponsored researchers whose work is guided by the need to be profitable.
Long gone are the Gentlemen Scientists who pursued knowledge of The Universe / Mother Nature’s Secrets out of curiosity or the love of knowledge.
Universities have simply become extensions of corporations where they do some of their R&D, and get cheap, if not free, R&D labour from students who have taken on serious debt which they hope they can pay off by getting a job with a corporation. Those doing media studies hope for a job with corporation-owned propaganda media, while those studying the psychologies hope for a job with corporation-owned propaganda media.
Many a year ago I brought my children up the best way I could I had many turmoils but I never put to them listen to me,I told them listen to themselves be free free spirited a white horse running free let no man woman or child put you down.Run free be who you are until our body lays are a free spirit.
Re: “It’s not about what they say it’s about.”
Yes and no. When they say they’re coming for the children, they really are telling us what it’s about.
Rajendra Pachauri (IPCC chairman 2002-15): “We Have To Sensitize The Young” – “The Next Tools”
If you tolerate this then your children will be next
Exactly! But as the other song goes, when will they ever learn? I thought the above onslaught of climate propaganda around 2010 would have been a sufficient wake-up call. And then again in 2016 with “Pedogate” and the Podesta art collection.
A plandemic that’s the offspring of a scamdemic. I’ve never heard of Neil as a non -TV watching Yank but he’s spot on.
Here’s a non- filtered American who has called out the global warming scam from the beginning.
Dean Pena on London Real.
This Neil Oliver creature cant be trusted.
did not watch
not because scotch
or scottish rite
butt because is he not x bbc
is he not
Please explain?
Edwidge explained it more eloquently below. your to sensitive to what i have to say about theses ‘alt media hype’ types.
Sensitive? alt media types? He’s an archaeologist for crying out loud.
But at least he’s been allowed to air what many are saying and thinking. That this is just a crock of shit and we shouldn’t accept it.
Can you not see what Neil did. Without foaming at the mouth and calling his audience a bunch of dumb bastards (Which he can’t) He’s inviting you to read between the lines, do some research. Look behind the curtain. Is that not obvious to you?
Home brew.
and why should you be trusted?
I thought a “tosser” was one that “tossed their cookies.”
The Brits have a better meaning for that.
Don’t emulate that.
I talk too much maybe put my foot in it.I’m an humanist I love my fellow man i will try to protect everyone.I’ve been in situations where you might think dangerous.I’ve stood my ground I’m nobody just a mum grandparent but I know right from wrong.I live in a village in uk you don’t meet people like minded it’s a battle to try and persuade them it’s hard.
I have so much to say to express.I have to hold my tongue.One thing I know this is the biggest hoax man has ever witnessed.
You are absolutely right, of course. How is it that STILL so many people just cannot see what we wised-up people see, and all too well.
I think many can but they are afraid to speak out for fear of being labelled a nut or conspiracy theorist. There’s also the fear of being ejected from their once ‘normal’ lives if they refuse to comform.
Yes, you’re right.
Right from the start of all this, I was one of those totally able to see that a scam was being perpetrated on the world. And from the outset, I therefore provided members of my family and friends with a great deal of information re. what’s really going on…
However, with the exception of one friend who’s likewise wised-up to the reality, my family members and friends did nothing but ridicule me. And none more so than my younger brother (he’ll be 56 next week). He subjected me to vile ridicule and abuse, saying such things as the usual “Hah, you’re a conspiracy theorist!”, “You’ve been duped” (oh golly, the irony… when they all ‘believe’ every word that comes from their TVs…), “You’re talking BS”, “You have no correct discernment”, “One day, you’ll see that you were wrong”, and more of the same…
I tried my hardest to provide them with as much information as I could, last year, in order to protect them from these horrific injections. I provided them all, several times, with the link to a high-quality video that was going the rounds, featuring respected doctors from around the world, who were issuing dire warnings to people NOT to submit to the injections…
But my family members (in various regions, here in the UK) refused to take heed. And all of them meekly rolled up their sleeves, like good little slaves…
My sister, 60, STILL thinks that the injections (she, of course, refers to them by that word that begins with a V…) are ‘totally safe’… her naivete, her refusal to ‘wake up’, is so infuriating.
She and her husband have two young grandsons. The little boys’ four parents have all rolled up their sleeves and submitted, too… having no idea what danger they’ve put themselves in.
I’m 66 years old, fairly isolated, and have only a few close relatives.
I used to feel occasional twinges of guilt or embarrassment for never having a committed relationship or children– FWIW, the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic has completely cured me of even fleeting self-recrimination.
Now I’m positively pleased, if not ecstatic, that I don’t have to face the familial and interpersonal conflicts and hassles you’re enduring– at least not on the scale you report.
My one and only older sister, M., somewhat surprisingly was terrorized and traumatized by the scamdemic; she completely bought into the official Big Lie(s) narrative, and last year canceled her traditional hosting of Thanksgiving and Christmas.
After the holidays, M. naïvely (or foolishly) greeted the arrival of the “vaccines” with optimistic relief; she hoped that once “everyone” got vaccinated, the “pandemic” would surely end. She talked about having a big “Christmas” party in the spring to make up for the “lost” holiday festivity.
However, long before that we had drifted into a standoff of “agreeing to disagree” about the nature of the scamdemic; my early criticism of the “public health” measures upset her. She didn’t confront me angrily, but she told our (older) brother that she found my skepticism painful to witness.
M. became a full-fledged germophobe, or virophobe. For instance, she and my BIL have a seashore condo; M. often stayed there during the lockdowns, but was afraid to walk on the beach or be “around people”.
Recently, I’ve gotten indications that I’ve become persona non grata. M. contacted me to see if we could get together for a meal somewhere, which was encouraging.
But I had to inform her that I hadn’t gotten “vaccinated” and had no intention of doing so. Again, she didn’t confront me but politely called off the proposed get-together, saying only that she “wasn’t comfortable”.
I just heard from my brother (a fellow skeptic, I’m happy to say) that M. finally let my BIL convince her to fly to Austin to visit my niece and their grandchildren. They’re all scamdemic thralls who promptly got the injections, but M. is still terrified of traveling by plane because of the “risk of infection”.
I feel sorry for her, and regret becoming persona non grata, but frankly I’m glad to stay away from the craziness.
I’ve just come onto the Off-G site, and read your reply to me.
Oh, the perpetrators of this scam/Psy-Op really are causing a very great deal of suffering, pain, heartbreak, around the world, aren’t they.
Your account of your own family situation is an example of the suffering that’s being caused, family members and friends being separated from each other, when one [or more] member[s] of a family has the ability to see through this most evil of all PsyOps, and relatives who are not able to see through it, submit to the false propaganda in all its forms, including the submission to the immensely dangerous injections, and then subject the wised-up relative (or friend) to totally unjustified criticism/ostracism.
Your account of your elder sister, M’s, about-turn, re. the planned family get-together, when she learnt that you had not been injected, is so sad. And is being experienced, all over the world.
I detect, from your words, that you’re in the USA. Texas? (my geography is good!, I know that Austin is the capital of that State!)
My sister, whom I mentioned in my earlier post today, the one to which you replied, is my younger sister, 60 (I’ll be 63 later this month). Yes, she and her husband, 74, fell for all the propaganda. And, no matter how much factual information I’ve provided them all with, right from the start of this very nefarious, sinister scam, she refused to address all the information which I provided them with (they all live in different parts of the UK [England] to me). For example, when I sent them, via email, several times, the links to a couple of high-quality videos [which had gone ‘viral’ online] featuring about 33 HONEST doctors from around the world who were issuing dire warnings to people NOT to submit to the injections, and why, on each occasion on which I phoned my sister to ask if she’d watched the videos (and also articles, re. the many doctors who were urging people NOT to be injected), she very defiantly snapped at me, “NO, I’m too busy!”. Well, you can imagine how I felt, on hearing how she responded. ‘Too busy’ to watch a 28-minute video, which, if she and her husband HAD watched it, may have caused them to elect NOT to submit to the injections…?? Their naive, brainwashed, gullible attitudes to what’s happening make me (how can I put it…) wish they had more ability to see through things, instead of their gullible blind belief in every word that comes from their TVs.
I too am so glad to stay away from the craziness. I did have a longtime relationship until early 2019… but he then passed, aged 70, of a lung condition. Knowing him as I do, he’d probably have fallen for the propaganda, and would have [in all probability] become very critical of me for refusing to roll up my sleeve. Due to his having suffered from emphysema, he’d have been categorised as ‘vulnerable’ (to this mythical virus…), and would no doubt have been urged to have the injections.
Who knows, at this point in time, what the situation will be, re. us ‘refuseniks’ around the world, a few months from now… many people think that the Establishment may step up the difficulties for us…
My afore-mentioned younger sister and her husband, in the 1990s, almost moved to the USA! They came within a whisker of moving to Dallas. Her husband [ie, my BIL]’s work involved him travelling around the world, and they came within a whisker of deciding to move to Dallas. They had the choice to either move to Dallas or Singapore; and they had more or less chosen Dallas. But then (maybe due to having older family members here in the UK) they opted to stay here.
What a great pity (that’s nothing like a strong enough word, I know) that the global masses have been so gullible, so brainwashed, re. what’s going on. For, as every truly wised-up person around the world is aware, this nightmare situation would not have been ABLE to progress as far as it has, had the masses been able to see through the scam, right from the start. It’s ongoing, due to the blind compliance of the brainwashed, gullible, naive masses, worldwide.
Like I said we have the veil lifted so too the others it’s upto them to be slaves or free.😬
Yes, you’re so right. People do have the choice to be either slaves or free.
Take a look at my reply, above, to Tony Maroni. My family members have obviously chosen to be slaves.
Projection or what? A diatribe against Ivermectin which could easily be turned around and aimed at the vaxxes – which you’ll note only get a mention in passing:
“It has also been widely promoted as a coronavirus prophylactic and treatment. This promotion has been broadly criticized as a fever dream conceived in the memetic bowels of the internet and as a convenient buttress for bad arguments against vaccination.”
Now ain’t this true:
“The problem is, not all science is worth following.”
After which the big Iver gets a sound thrashing – which reaches a peak here:
“Given all the care that goes into maintaining scientific literature, how did this house of cards acquire planning permission?”
You’re talking about the vaxxes surely? Oh sorry my bad!
“The answer is that the pandemic has created a very difficult environment for scientific publishing. In early 2020, a hunger for high-quality information arose immediately.”
One of those convenient passive tense passages. “A hunger”? Whose hunger? And are we to believe that there was no high-quality info before that magical caesura?
“How scared of the coronavirus should we be, and how should we behave? How does the virus spread? How dangerous is it? What decisions should….”
Yeah well you’ve heard this bit before.
But look here:
“Forensic work like ours is not organized by scientific journals. We do not get paid. We are not employed by universities, hired by governments, or supported by private money to do this. We do it because we feel it should be done.”
Isn’t it so uplifting to know that somewhere on this wretched Earth there are such saintly souls?
Richard Smith, the former editor of the British Medical Journal has a good idea: “We have now reached a point where those doing systematic reviews must start by assuming that a study is fraudulent until they can have some evidence to the contrary.”
And once again you know what he should be talking about. But he’s not.
And more pot/kettle:
“Yet it has not yet sunk in to the public consciousness that our system for building biomedical knowledge largely ignores any evidence of widespread misconduct. In other words, the literature on ivermectin may be quite bad—and in being so, it may also be quite unremarkable.”
Again and again I think, “Are they really discussing ivermectin?”
And – ominous sign-off:
“The fact that there is no true institutional vigilance around a research literature that affects the health of nations, that it is necessary for us to do this, is obscene. It is a testament to how badly the scientific commons are managed that their products are fact-checked for the first time by a group of weary volunteers.”
You always know that when you get a really severe word like “obscene”, they’re making the main point: We need institutional vigilance! (We need a guard on the data!)
Thank you for going through the pain of reading and reflecting on that Atlantic article for those of us with constitutions too weak to stomach it!
I’ve always thought this about George Mc. On the front lines.
What I wrote is from the heart I’m not drunk today but I’m fed up.I just put on notice board in my little village please do not vaccinate your children hopefully a decent human will see it.
offline is the new online
Please don’t frustrate idiots who can’t look up from their cell phones long enough to focus on a sky full of industrial puke and biological pathogens…
Just repeat: “ no global warming. There is no global warming. There is no global warming.” Then you’ll fit right in with the rest of the suffering idiots on Off Guardian.
You seem slightly switched on.
alt media is heavily funded by chemical and oil big boys. so of course they will dismiss chem trails it what they are paid to do.
I recently reread the Protocols, and it talks about how when the mystical messiah is arrived he will have a small guard, the mystical prestige will protect him. That sounds a little nuts, but when I see Biden’s big caravan, carrying a decrepit little goon who can’t figure out the time of day, it makes sense. They’re going to pull this stunt, watch, and if any living man tells you he is coming in the name of God, don’t believe her.
This was just so good. Nothing he says will be news on these pages, but Neil Oliver’s delivery and argumentation are just impeccable.
“So the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psychopath Nazis in their Lear Jets have now turned their attentions from the Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ to the so called Climate Crisis ‘BIG LIE.’ If one sees straws as being a problem just try getting rid of mountains of used face diapers and old batteries.”

Earth in its history has seen many such ecological “crises.” Yet has managed to survive and continue. It will survive these, the Psychos, latest scams though humanity may not.
“The Big Cull and Great Ripoff are just a continuation of their ongoing assault, wholesale robbery and enslavement of WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity). They are crimes against it. Want to clean up the planet? End the WAR RACKET. We will not be culled, labratted/labdogged, toxified, mutated, enslaved or owned.”
The earth continues its psycho eugenics loons that keeps the crisis going 👍
if you drop the nazis, the anagram is MR Few Cop
The problem isn’t the Earth being “destroyed,” but that humans are rendering the planet uninhabitable for human beings (and numerous other species). Our survival is the real crisis.
“Earth will decide that… or at the very least the Human Body Politic in its Fully Informed Democratic Entirety will.”
“The psycho dirt bags should take solace in the fact that if their save nature scam does not work out, they can always go back to pump and dump or hawking historical land marks.”

“Of course provided they (the psychos) are still around.”
Yes Earth, the planet, has managed to survive ‘ecological crises’ (house cleanings ?) before – but what about we humans ? Is The Dread That Drives Us knowing that we are insignificant, that the planet is indifferent to its Special Creatures (Which We is – in God’s eyes at least), indifferent to All the life-creatures that grow on its surfaces ?
Isnt Science (and especially The Science) driven, not by the love and delight of knowing (and discovery) -though it gets a look-in, lip-service – but by the drive to control; to have control over our Destiny.; to deny Mother Nature control over us; To control Mother Nature, subdue, gouge, strip, dominate, exploit Her – wrest Her Secrets from Her breast. (cut the Umbilical cord – become transhuman, fly off to Outer space – away from Her attentions.) ?
“A misconception – that organisms are the focal point of this planet – blocks conscientious progress. Our secular faith is that organisms – things like us – are the ultimate achievement of the universe’s evolutionary process. Despite ecological knowledge that organisms without the context of the ecosphere are not only dead but unthinkable, we persist in making them the be-all and end-all of the Universe.” Stan Rowe. Professor of Plant Ecology. (cc1990s ?)
Also I’m noticing the “middle classes”,People that you would think should know better people that you thought were sane are believing this?And the so called under class are actually the one’s smelling the rat and fighting for our freedom.I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this.
I’m one of the underclass.Or is it because we have had the veil lifted to see behind the curtain so to speak.
I can only compare it to an abusive relationship you know it’s wrong but you keep going back,better the devil you know.They we’re clever they locked us in for a year then all of a sudden a miracle vaccine appears obviously people are going to scramble for it instead of being isolated.And now injection after injection forever then your owned you can’t break up with your captors they hold the keys.If only the wool was pulled from their eyes and they could see the true horrors that’s taking place.Sorry for rambling on I know you all know what’s going on sometimes by writing or expressing emotions of this horror will maybe ease my soul or yours.
The strategy of the banksters is of course very good. But they would win regardless. Over millennia they have acquired a stranglehold over mankind and can quite easily march us un resisting to the abattoirs.
I’ve got children grandchildren thank God they understand what’s going on.I don’t want my grandchildren your grandchildren to be sub human machines or collateral damage along the way.
“And the so called under class are actually the one’s smelling the rat and fighting for our freedom.I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this.”
It is the effects of war propaganda. The emotional manipulation of fear is being spread by NPR and CNN here in the states. Well off lefties listen to this. Your propaganda vector is BBC, of course.
In 2001, the propaganda was an emotional manipulation of hate, and the propaganda vector was Fox News. People have been brainwashed and don’t know it. The technique is an emotional manipulation of their minds. It is emotion, and they have been manipulated emotionally just like Pavlov’s dogs. Stimulus and response.
Don’t expect reason or a rational discussion to sway them. We must brainwash them back with emotion.
How can we do this?We as the many can change all this.It’s getting everyone onside is the task.Myself I would not adhere to regulations I will not comply we are a few fighting the many.I don’t think it’s about waking people up I think they know but want to go along with the narrative.
they really don’t know or they wouldn’t take the vaccine
Many including myself have succumbed to extreme coercion.
You’re right Sam. All my magazine customers who got the jab or were intending getting it honestly thought they were your normal run of the mill vaccines. A lot of them actually believed that after the jab things would go back to “normal” and they could get on planes and go on overseas holidays again. I tried to tell them otherwise.
They didn’t want to know anything apart from what they heard on the TV. And you’re also right about the university educated.
I found in general it was your more working class types who were the most sceptical or saw through the bullshit.
They are pushing black verses white in uk programs here in uk.Nobody in normality cares about creed or colour the organ grinders do.Everyone in my life are equal we all have to live you notice only the msm and eugenic phychopaths make the narrative when in actual life we don’t give a shite what colour you are as long as your a good person.
Why can we see through this though?How can we see what is happening when so many people can’t?Im not anything special I’m just a woman trying to survive but even I can see the evil that’s going on.
Hi Annie, look up Mattias Desmet, mass formation. He explains much of what is happening from a psychology viewpoint. It is fascinating. The essential act that we must continue to do is to speak up, reconfirming the truth and reality. Not to convert others (this is nearly impossible atm) but to stand up for the truth. This stops the mass formation from becoming complete (but does not reduce it).
As to why some people are conscious and others are the living dead, I believe the people that are conscious and awake are mostly highly emotionally intelligent. I have also noted that working class are far more conscious than the middle class. From my perspective this could be due to the reality and hardships of the working class lives, this applies also to anyone who has been through much suffering. It is as if these people have experienced reality and many have evolved to become better, the bs does not work.
In regards to the evil nature of what is happening, I think that this is a key component. We do not talk about the spiritual (in all ways) aspect of this event, I believe and hope that this perspective holds the key to unlocking the truth. I am not talking about religion, I am talking about energy, healing, the universe, nature, the Soul, all aspects. There is a huge movement in this domain and many many people are trying to help.
Take care, good days and bad days, keep going strong, everyone who stands up plays their part and is essential 🙂
yes the university educated are the worst
Yep, the outer-party fanatics and the worldly-wise proles.
This may be on or off topic. You decide.
Just received this email from Google.
If I am to continue to use Google I have to give them my phone number.
Obviously, having your phone number is useful for purposes other than ‘my security’
Soon you’ll sign in with 2-Step Verification
(My personal details)
After you enter your password, you’ll complete a second step on your phone. Keep your phone nearby when you sign in.
2-Step Verification will be turned on automatically on 9 November. You can turn this on sooner if you want – your account is ready.
Turn on now
Why is my sign-in changing?
Using a second step to sign in makes your account much more secure.
How this protects your account
How does it work?
After you enter your password, you’ll tap a Google prompt on your phone or get a sign-in code to enter (charges from your operator may apply).
Update your phone and recovery email
The bastards at Twitler pulled exactly the same sneaky move.
They are tightening the noose now.
There appears to be no legal comeback against this, and very little political opposition. Our “political representatives” are all bought and sold, or else they’re too frightened to risk voicing even mild dissent.
We really are ruled by corporations now. Since March 2020 they’ve been forcing everyone out of the real world and into their shitty “metaverse”. Now they’re deciding ex cathedra which of the camp inmates will be permitted to survive there and what they will be permitted to think, feel or say.
So don’t use Google or twitter
Why are you still you still using Goolag after everything that has been revealed about them over the past decade?
same as a cop asking you if “do you understand?”
demotes your legal status.
twitbook et al better left behind
find your good pen and gather up addresses
Best to use products other than google, meta, microserf etc. There are alternatives to all of the services offered by google or any of the major tech (Defense Dept) corporations.
They will eventually use all your data to attempt to exterminate you. So take the time to get rid of those accounts. You’ll be thankful in the long run.
If you absolutely have to sign in then you really need to have what the TV dramas call a burner. The reason they want a phone number is to tie in all your different accounts. If you use aliases online and then use that phone for making calls the number will end up in someone’s telephone book with your real name and your efforts undone. Avoid gmail by all means but if you send to a gmail account then Google can read it there. Not all gmail accounts are obvious.
Good luck.
What gives these eugenicists or God complex people the right to pick and choose who are weak who are strong genetically,When we all know those that are giving orders are inbreds.I’ve been reading about Darwin and his ilk,They wanted and want to destroy God to destroy harmony spirituality everything that is our God given right to be sentient beings.By trying to merge us with machine’s will not end well for them.Devine intervention springs to mind.
Buy the same people who said
Energy saver light bulbs could save +£ per year on your electricity bill!.
Brought in new lighting laws and guess what?? you actually pay more money for the death trap light bulbs and the horrific lighting is deadly!
It sure works on energy, killing your’s slowly!
Is this to mean that when lab experiments on the US Congress commence– to cut down on noise pollution and for a less stressful work environment– members should expect humanely to have their vocal cords cut?

“What a nifty and humane idea. To Hell with the Nuremberg Codes. Cuomo-nize (Euthanize) the World! Corporate Fascism and Eugenics.”
Greta Thunberg Chanting ‘Shove Your Climate Crisis Up Your A**e!’ in Glasgow Raises Eyebrows Online
I still stand by my comment regarding Greta below…
We’re talking Tourette’s here, along with a bunch of other problems.
After all, one must be civilized at all times if one expects to be taken seriously…
For example, if Queen Elizabeth were to tell Bill Gates to shove his unremarkable brain up his arse, we wouldn’t have a royal family any more.
There’s a lesson in there somewhere.
Perhaps somebody will find it…
Not too complicated. Greta is telling her zombie followers not to wait for the oligarchs in their Lear jets to move. Go fake populist and not only knock yourselves out but eventually do yourselves in. Just ramping up the next stage of NWO fear porn. Greta has no more freedom than Fauci’s beagle puppies. As to “being civilized,” Joe Rogan is the most popular podcaster in the USA yet he constantly uses a lot heavier swear words than ‘arse.” (Not that I am a big fan of his.)
“Look at Greta as yet another agitprop/marketing device/sales tool for those slimy corporate fascsist eugenicist mobster psycho Nazi dirt bags. Her part in the farce being the audience heckler screaming out they are not doing [stealing] enough.”

Analysis: 100% of Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots are From Only 5% of the Manufacturer Lots According to VAERS
My comment put on the Exposé release:
This article, which is potentially of earthshaking importance, only has your conclusions but not the raw data, especially the specific lot numbers of ‘problem’ batches. This should have been included as a downloadable pdf file for those of us capable to do our own statistical analysis of the data and see how it corresponds to the VAERS raw data. Without independent verification, this piece could simply be a set-up by the oligarchs to invalidate the anti cv-1984 vax movement or even a donation raising gimmick.
If this article is accurate and valid and not a set-up, I would say that the oligarchs used these specific batches to check the lethality of the product which will be gradually released in increasing amounts in the ‘boosters.’ The old boil the frog technique.
Once again with the validity caveat, I imagine that the only way which the oligarchs and their evil ‘scientists’ could verify the lethality of the special batches would be via the VAERS reports which must include the batch numbers. I am surprised however that VAERS did not keep the real reports confidential and publish a fake public report with randomized batch numbers. Hubris comes before a fall.
Karl Denninger is an American who made his millions in the 90s selling software products he personally developed. He then sold his business and has been blogging, primarily on economic events since. He is certainly an expert when it comes to the use and understanding of computer software.
Well, Karl didn’t waste any time. A conservative who is highly skeptical of ‘conspiracy theories’ which also unfortunately often included conspiracy facts, he immediately dug into the Exposé presentation with the the strong intention to expose the Exposé piece as fraudulent. The results are, to say the least, frightening. Not only did he confirm the Exposé’s piece as valid, but he added far more details surrounding the statistics he validated and explored.
The importance of his story cannot be over emphasized.
PS – Karl also explains how VAERS made it extremely difficult for most people to discover the fact that only a few lot numbers from all three manufactures with EUA in the USA had most of the AE and deaths. They did this by keeping the lot numbers on a different, though public, data base. Karl got around it by using a very sophisticated software program he owns.
Perhaps concealment of batch was a motive for the nitrogen-cooled (centralised) storage of jabs. The central distributor would thaw (to normal refridgerator temperature) and send out lots from the killer batch to different sites on different days. A dream job for a psycho.
This was extremely interesting. And frightening. But what isn’t these days.
Thank you for the link.
Neil Oliver is a good orator, pointing out the hypocracy.
But he still stays well within the narrative, “China is responsible for a quarter of all harmful emissions”…
I’m sure China chucks out all sorts of harmful emissions, but Co2 isn’t harmful, it’s the gas of life.
And that’s why GBN will remain in the limited hangout column.
That’s because The-Tube will have Mr. Oliver de-platformed along with GB-news if he crosses the line. It’s the same with Russel Brand. They refuse to say they belong to any cult or left – right wing movement. It’s smart move to keep the banning algorithm off their backs yet still have their concerns heard by many.
Halloween COP Theatre is just that.
Dont kid yourself it is already pre planned what is incoming,.
Your smart meter will explain this
….for the idiots who succumbed to the “you must have a smart meter” sales talk !!
Exactly! We’ve not all been foolish and submitted to the many “Book your Smart Meter appointment” communications from our energy suppliers…!
A lot of the companies who pushed those meters have gone broke since the energy price rise.
It’s the same strategy they used with fracking.
They (energy corporations which are really just the banking cartel) start smaller energy companies to push a product or service, make money off the initial scam, (fracking is more about seizing oil and mineral rights from landowners and destroying the water table and SMART meters are irradiation devices designed to destroy health that also monitor the movements and energy use of people in their homes) then declare bankruptcy to avoid litigation and to hide where the profits went, AND hide the bankrupt subsidiaries’ arms length relationships to all the major energy corps which are also all part of the conglomerate cartel owned by Vanguard, State St, Fidelity and Blackrock.
If people understood that what they perceive as separate corporations, entities or companies are just fronts for the one global cartel, who majority own all the major corporations on earth and use tens of thousands of shell corporations and fronts to do their dirty work, launder their money or push their agendas and products, the global governance scam (countries are not sovereign nations and are not public entities) would be exposed.
where is you hanging out now ? dont see you hear much.
what forum you on….
Haha. WEF. Funny. As if we haven’t had global governance for at least 2000 years. Probably closer to 6000. Last thing I was reading today was The Kybalion.
No forums. Doing my own research lately and writing a detox protocol for the injected using OTC supplements and natural food products.
On a rare occasion, I write a comment or two at Jon Rappaport’s blog, NoMoreFakeNews.
I’m controlled by my needs. Back before Civilisation took hold, before middlemen imposed themselves in the form of The State between my needs and their satisfaction, Mother Nature wasnt stingy. There was no scarcity. With Civilisation everything was privatised, life became pay-as-you-live (pay-to-live). I’m thinking: if i become a transhuman cyborg i’ll have fewer needs, i’ll be freer…
What we have isn’t civilization it’s enslavement. There are no transhuman cyborgs. It’s just another scam. Like the scarcity scam. To depopulate, poison, cull and imprison within a digital control grid under a medical tyranny.
But before they take your life with one of their numerous kill programs, they want to get every last cent out of you possible, which includes seizing all your property, bio-monitoring your painful death, and collecting the data for analysis.
You won’t have needs when you’re six feet under so don’t stress.
I’m a slave to my needs, to my passions – and They know it.
What little i’ve read by transhumanists – they want to be free of the messy bits, and the emotions, and no longer able to be easily controlled by Them (ie. those dwarfs gathering in Scotland). Freedom Through Technology ! (And they do promise a longer, much, much longer life < there’s always the sugar coating.)
If you haven’t figured out it’s all a bald-faced lie then I don’t know what to tell you. Nothing they claim is true. They are liars who lie. It’s what they do in order to sell their eugenics scams and the farming of humans for profit.
They only have kill and maim programs. They cannot extend life by a single year. If they could, Philip Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg would still be alive.
The psychopathic, inbred parasites who run the world and their puppet politicians are eugenicists who want to euthanize and sterilize the majority of people on the planet.
The transhumanism and futurist aspect they promote is an obvious fraud to achieve mass democide faster and more cleanly.
They think of you as they do a rat, due for its dose of rat poison. Think about that when you get your next flu shot.
What do you mean ‘your smart meter will explain this’.
‘All aboard the next fear machine’
Kudos to Neil Oliver. GBNews at last have a big gun. Hope he lasts.
Always enjoyed his history programmes, but gone way up in my estimation.
Spot on. The hypocrisy of the billionaires turned dictators is very clear: they are reestablishing the feudal days where the rich own everything and the poor pay rent and “be happy”. They will use their powers of corruption to roll back time to the dark ages.
Despite the planet being capable of feeding many more than we have at the moment, they are still going to reduce our standard of food while retaining their own, because this is about them having more and us having less, less of everything.
The question is: can we stop them?
If life is to be worth living, something must stop them.
They are, quite frankly, not bright enough to be God.
As my mother used to say back in the days of more or less universal plenty, This will change, because what fun is it to have a $10,000 couch when the masses have $300 knock-offs, or a steak when everyone else has one? The fun is in the exclusion of others.
A little late, they realised that that oaf had shot his mouth off with “you will own nothing and be happy”. So, they are now working on the Great Narrative to replace the Great Reset.
Its very important to understand the role of Stanley Johnson to the climate change global warming frauds. Both Stanley and Boris are stooges of the Rothschild crime and banking network. Stanley has spent his life being the driving force behind the climate scams in the UK, where they lie to everyone and link the temperature of the Earth to man-made CO2, which has no basis in science, its just a load of hypno-lies which enable them to control manipulate and render people hypnotised dumb and stupid.
This excellent vid makes it absolutely clear that Stanley is behind these scams. Now Bojo is running the same scams on us as PM, plugging the same lies which are handed from the top. Are we really going to let these disgusting scumbags con us out of our right to free and enlightened lives here on Earth. These people are verminous.
The Oxford Global Depopulation Agenda 2025
Stanley is heavily linked to the Extinction Rebellion controlled opposition scam:
Fantastic photo mucho
All this information was available to alt media pre 2018 yet they wouldn’t touch it.
In E.u and U>k the green agenda is sold as left thing. IT again shows who alt media is working for,.AS all over the Tory The Communistatives conference it had Build back better posters every where.
In fact they been shilling the green agenda for 10 years hard .YET alt media Shills it the other party.
Go to London or certain parts of E>u (mainly conservative areas) they are well a head of the game with the green agenda.
Looking forward to Greta turning up.
Just out of interest. With the obvious (?) Human impact on the Climate, should Greta not look to solving some minor victories like:
I wonder why Greta and her handlers are so silent on tackling 2?
In fact, if anyone starts talking about the human cause of Climate Change whilst excluding the Western War Machine in the same conversation, then I kinda glaze over.
People in UK Who Post “False Information” About Vaccines Could be Jailed For Two Years
… and I’m afraid this is no false information!!
Where are we now…?
If they’re taken to court, will it be trial by jury? Will they stack the jury?
Will the case be heard in camera?
The plot sickens.
It’s not good is it! People can work round it if they’re smart, form their posts as questions for example.
How can asking a question be “knowingly false communication”? Unless it’s a staged opperation like
”Why is Lord McAlpine trending? *innocent face*”
Inclined to agree. Lock up all BBC, Sky and mainstream newspaper employees.
Daily Mail and Metro perhaps slightly less culpable. They may be able to find the 10 righteous journalists necessary to avoid the fire & brimstone of Sodom & Gomorrah.
Well said.
This corruption is a plague of Biblical proportions.
Always trust Dis infor whore with it sandy hook media circus psyop fully complicit like they are for most things s with the gargoyle Oligarchy.
nice photo straight out of CIA P.r Media handbook!
Great! Bring it on!
First day this is implemented we all report the The WEF, BBC and all other politicians, Health Workers, Media outlets etc.
Show the law for what it is!
Jam up their system folks… Let the enemy be your quartermaster!
Nonsense the populist leaders will tell the E>U and the deep state where to stick it.!
Every show needs a villain and someone will be cast in that role.
Bolsanaro? Putin? It’s unlikely to be difficult to spot…
The populist leaders can only do that once they’re in power. Are there any in power right now? The Preseident of Croatia called an abrupt halt to Covid vaccination, as far as i know. Other than that, the only European political rebellion i can see (by people holding some kind of office) is that of the smalle group of MEPs led by Christine Anderson and Cristian Terheș. Here is Anderson the other day:
Rebellion LOL
you foollen yet again for the e>U MEP psyop. how can something be called speaking out….?? nearly 2 years later??? when people on their 3rd vaccine and 4th lockdowns later and vaccine passport already out in some E.u county’s.
Alt media brainwashing !! it was them who sold the Evil unelected bureaucrats from the E.u psyop and now THEY are selling them back to you as hero”s.
Orwell would be proud of alt media.
To all the rich old men sitting in their houses that make up 95% of the posters on this site:
Why do you shun the people who care about this planet? It’s self defeating. You claim to want to fight against your country becoming another china. Yet you drive people to the other side who would otherwise be on this side. You do it day after day. If thousands come here a day, then you’re driving thousands to the other side every day. All because you absolutely refuse to consider they’re opinion. Because you know better and refuse to compromise in any way.
Consider this:
Australian Military Being Trained to Force Vaccinate in Door-to-Door Attacks
That’s where you’re inevitably going to be, and very soon, when even your money won’t protect you.
This site has different opinions to, but has the same arrogant attitude as, the wsws site. And it’s toxic to anyone that doesn’t fit your ideas of how things are and should be.
What people who ‘care about this planet’ are we shunning, and how exactly? I think I care about the planet. I think most here do. Does that have to involve, in your mind, buying into certain green agendas which many argue are not ultimately about caring for the planet at all? A point the video above so eloquently makes.
I’m confused about what your point is. A2
Please demonstrate how the global parasite class “cares about this planet”. Not with quoted platitudes and Globaloney talking points, but with actual deeds. Hint: Charles converting his Austin Martin to run on recycled excess wine, paid for no doubt with the £10 BIllion he gets from off shore windfarm ground rent, doesn’t count.
As an example, start with the WWF and explain how their foresty permits, which sell off commercially profitable forestry rights to the easy to get trees, in places like the Amazon, but only ‘protect’ the too expensive to get at remote valley trees.
Have you looked in a mirror?
pfft, as if.
is that you greta?…. you know that drinking on your medication isn’t allowed..
report back to HQ immediately..
georgie s…
Wow !
You know that exactly 95% of us are “rich old men” sitting in our houses ?
Are you psychic ? A superhuman remote viewer ? Or are you just displaying an “arrogant attitude” regarding your own knowledge ?
BTW – of the 5 assertions in your statement you are wrong on 3 of them for myself.
If you can’t even manage to figure out what’s real and what’s false you’re not much use to anyone, let alone the planet. And making accusations about others without any kind of argument or point comes across just as arrogantly as those you are accusing of arrogance.
Big Clue. There’s no climate emergency, climate crisis and there’s no pandemic.
Rich old men? I sell a homeless street magazine Kim, and am now banned from selling it because I refuse to get the jab. And an hour ago I rang up a charity to get assistance with food, so please excuse me from your sweeping generalisation about the posters at this site.
I would also point out there are quite a number of females who post here as well, some of them are using pseudonyms.
I’m right here in Melbourne. Trust me, I know just how bad things are here, and because I refuse to get jabbed or tested or wear a mask, it’s only a matter of time before I’m arrested or dragged off to a “quarantine facility” like all the other conscientious refuseniks.
Donald Trump is Jesus Christ
will be debt free
We will return to God’s country.
It is common sense No man can bring down each country’s wealth ,Royals and clear the massive number of tunnels from the satanic killings of so many children but Jesus Christ.