The Misanthropic Bankers Behind COP26 and the Green New Deal

Matthew Ehret

Mark Carney – formerly of Goldman Sachs & the Bank of England – has hailed plans to spend 130 TRILLION dollars on “net zero finance”.

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A vast sweeping change towards a “green economy” is now being pushed by forces that may make an educated citizen rather uncomfortable.

Of course, news reports flash daily showcasing the brave young movement of “eco-warriors” led by Sweden’s “forever 15 year old” Greta Thunberg or America’s 17 year old Jamie Margolin who have become a force across Europe and America leading such movements as the Extinction Rebellion, This is Zero Hour, the Sunrise Movement and Children’s eco-crusade.

The young face of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez daily sells the idea that the only way for outdated capitalist forces that have plagued the world for decades to be replaced is by imposing a sweeping Green New Deal that priorities de-carbonization as a goal for humanity rather than continuing to allow the mindless forces of the markets to determine our destiny.

When EU President Ursula von der Leyen had stepped into her office, she lost no time attacking China’s Belt and Road Initiative (which is ironically representing a true 21st century New Deal) by saying:

…some are buying their influence by investing in dependencies on ports and roads [but] we go the European way.”

What is the “European way”? Not the development plans of Charles De Gaulle or Konrad Adenauer who envisioned industrial growth and increasing population as positives, but rather a Green New Deal.

Von der Leyen then announced that: 

I want Europe to become the first CO2 neutral continent in the world by 2050! I will put forward a Green New Deal for Europe in my first 100 days in office…”

Attacking the “mindless forces of the market” and vested power structures of capitalism are not bad things to do…but why must we de-carbonize? Re-regulating the too-big-to-fail banks is long overdue, but why do so many assume that a “Green New Deal” won’t just empower those same forces that have run havoc upon the world for the past half-century and just cause more death and starvation than has already been suffered under Globalization?

One might only think to even ask such questions by first confronting the uncomfortable fact that behind such young cardboard cutouts as Thunberg, Margolin, Cortez or the Green New Deal are figures whom one would not associate with humanitarianism by any measure.

Green Bonds and Oligarchs

When we begin to pull back the curtain we quickly run into figures like Prince Charles, who recently met with the heads of 18 Commonwealth countries to consolidate climate emergency legislation which was promptly passed in the UK and Canadian Parliaments.

At the end of the meeting Charles said that we “have 18 months to save the world from climate change” and called for “increasing the amount of private sector finance flowing towards the supporting of sustainable development throughout the commonwealth”.

Following the royal decree, the Bank of England and some of the dirtiest banks in the Rothschild-City of London web of finance have promoted “green financial instruments” led by Green Bonds to redirect pension plans and mutual funds towards green projects that no one in their right minds would ever invest in willfully.

The Ecological, Social, Governance Index (ESGI) has now been set up across 51% of Germany’s banks including the derivatives-bomb waiting to blow named Deutschebank. Leading bankers supporting the ESGI like Mark Carney of the Bank of England have said that over 6.5 trillion Euros could be mobilized under this new index (which currently accounts for about $160 billion).

The creation of these “green bonds” run hand-in-hand with the Bail-in mechanisms which have now been implemented across the trans-Atlantic nations in order to steal trillions of dollars of from pension funds, RRSPs and Mutual funds the next time a bailout is needed to prop up the “too big to fails” which currently sit atop a $1.2 trillion derivatives bubble waiting to blow.

On top of heading the Bank of England, former Goldman Sachs-man Carney has also endorsed the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures which was created in 2015 and was used as a guideline for the UK government’s July 2019 White Paper “Green Finance Strategy: Transforming Finance for a Greener Future”.

The White Paper proposed to: 

consolidate the UK’s position as a global hub for green finance and positioning the UK at the head of green financial innovation and data and analytics…endorsed by institutions representing $118 trillion of assets globally.”

The Carney-led Task Force also spawned the Green Finance Initiative in 2016 which is now a primary vehicle designed to divert international capital flows into green tech.

Carney’s former employer at Goldman Sachs has also created a “Green Index for ‘virtuous investing” including two new sustainability indices to promote heavy investment in to green infrastructure called CDP Environment EW and CDP Eurozone EW.

The acronym CDP originates from the Climate Disclosure Project – a London-based think tank that generated Goldman Sachs’ program. Goldman Sachs’ Marine Abiad promoted the CDP index saying on July 10 “we are convinced that sustainable finance enables financial markets to play a virtuous role in the economy.”

Just in case you thought the Extinction Rebellion was somehow untouched by the hand of social engineers, a leading figure behind the movement named Alex Evans was a former consultant on the Prince’s International Sustainability Unit, and co-author of the US National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World which became an environmental/foreign policy blueprint for the Obama Administration in 2008. Currently Evans also runs the Collective Psychology Project “where psychology meets politics”.

Other leading British intelligence figures managing the Extinction Rebellion movement included Farhana Yamin and Sam Gaell of Chatham House (the controlling institution behind the New York Council on Foreign Relations).

Could a ‘Benevolent’ Green Dictatorship be a Good Thing?

The devil’s advocate speaks: Can’t we presume that these central banks, oligarchs and hedge fund managers just care about the environment? So what if they are trying to modify humanity’s behaviour in order to save the environment?

After all, humanity itself is a selfish, gluttonous pollution-making machine and isn’t better for everyone if those enlightened elite just transform the world economy so that we consume less, and think more about the future?

If this line of thinking approximates something you’ve felt inside yourself then you’ve been brainwashed.

Of course, the world has turned into a consumerist cult over the past few decades which has sacrificed long term thinking for short term gain and of course we need a re-organization of the system. Thunberg and the Green New Dealers aren’t wrong about that stuff. That’s all fine and dandy.

But if you think that going along with the types of reform that aspires to put dollar values on reducing carbon footprints or spreading low quality (and very expensive) windmills and solar panels across the globe with the expectation that somehow these sources of energy will not cause a vast collapse of industrial capacity of civilization (and an associated loss of capacity to sustain human life), then you are fooling yourself.

One kilowatt of windmill energy is only the same as one kilowatt of nuclear power when applied to a mathematical equation but not in real life. When applied to capital-intensive work functions needed to melt industrial steel, run machine tools, power a vast agro-industrial complex, high-speed rail system or construct things like Belt and Road Initiative, “green” energy sources do not come even close to cutting the iron.

The issue has always been population control

The oligarchs running the “grand green design” since the Club of Rome’s Sir Alexander King began the Limits to Growth study in 1970 knew that green “low energy flux density” sources of energy would constrict global population and that is exactly what they wanted.

Sir King said as much in 1990 when he wrote:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

Sir King was, after all just following the lead of UNESCO founder (and Eugenics president) Sir Julian Huxley who wrote in 1946

Political unification in some sort of world government will be required…Even though…any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

It was only a few years later that Huxley would co-found the World Wildlife Fund alongside Prince Philip Mountbatten and Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands.

All three were present at Bernhardt’s founding meeting of the Bilderberg group to advance this grand conversion of society into a willful self-extermination in 1954 and while Huxley wasn’t present in 1970, the other two oligarchs co-founded the 1001 Nature Trust alongside 999 other wealthy misanthropes to fund the blossoming environmental movement.

These forces were also behind the coup d’état in America which put the Trilateral Commission in power under Jimmy Carter and unleashed the “controlled disintegration of the US economy” from 1978-1982 (this will be the topic of another study).

This grouping, led by Zbigniew Brzezinski, not only played the radical Islam card against the Soviet Union, but also established a program of population reduction through the promotion of green energy sources long before it was popular.

The oligarchs that are currently trying to reform humanity today don’t care about the environment. Prince Philip and Bernhardt have been recorded to have killed more endangered species on safari than most people have killed mosquitos. They just don’t like people.

Especially thinking people. Thinking people who question how and why arbitrary rules are applied to justify wars, poverty and oligarchism which destroys lives both now and in the future.

The Belt and Road Initiative, and the tendency to grow the human population both quantitatively and qualitatively which such great projects entail, is the target of the Green New Deal.

The legacy of scientific and technological progress that launched western civilization out of a dark age and into a renaissance in the 15th century is under attack because it is that lost ethic which the oligarchy KNOWS may yet be awoken and which would bring the west into harmony with the Russia-China program for growth and development under a philosophy of “win-win cooperation” both on Earth and also in space.

The effects of the ideas of the renaissance coincided with the greatest rate of discoveries of universal principles as mankind sought to come to know the mind of god by studying the book of nature with a heart of love and attitude of humility exemplified in the figure of Leonardo Da Vinci.

The explosion of new technologies that arose not only revolutionized astronomy, medicine and engineering but gave birth to the modern industrial economy which coincided with the greatest rise of population in history.

This exponential rise has been used by Malthusians for centuries as the proof that mankind is “just another cancerous growth” on the “purity of mother Gaia”.

So if you don’t agree with humans=cancer philosophy, and want something a bit more optimistic in your life, then support a real New Deal today.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and has authored 3 volumes of ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.


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Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 4, 2021 9:00 PM

There is now an audio version of this piece, available at the head of the article.

Nov 7, 2021 11:37 AM

And what does COP26 produce? A globalising bankers’ deal….


I’m shocked, shock to find there’s gambling in this establishment….

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 6, 2021 12:22 AM

I once started a thread on a now defunct forum titled a brief history of the world. This put things into a broad perspective. The mysterious and rare phenomenon of life emerged we are told 3.5 billion years ago. Evolution drove this phenomenon with more complex organisms emerging to take advantage of the various niches in the biosphere. It seems to me that this process would inevitably result in a super species that had the capacity of overwhelming other species and thus the ability to alter it’s environment to what it perceived it’s own advantage. This has of course happened. Domestication of other species and of man himself helped further the process. All successful species put a strain on resources and on biodiversity, but with man it is on a much greater scale. The ground water table in Kansas is falling and this water is used to irrigate the vast wheat fields in the area. Sao Paulo’s reservoirs once fell to 5% of capacity and this metropolis is the Southern Hemisphere’s largest.

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 6, 2021 1:00 AM
Reply to  New Nane

Our infrastructure is fragile and dependant on large quantities of fossil fuels. Alternatives like solar are pie in the sky and others like nuclear are dangerous. In the fifties we were promised controlled fusion but all the pompous technocrats can give us are useless radioactive brainwashing QR code reading cell phones. (Why “cell” ? Perhaps because they have the ability through contact tracing and geo location to confine us into virtual prison cells).

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 6, 2021 1:46 AM
Reply to  New Nane

Intelligent as we are and Machiavellian as our masters are we collectively lack the ability to regulate ourselves. The banksters of the time gave us the monotheic religions, both of which foster materialism and large families right into the present day. We collectively lack the wisdom required to project ourselves into the distant future.

Nov 6, 2021 5:19 PM
Reply to  New Nane

Nuclear is dangerous? Repeat a lie often enough and hope it is true. The truth:
Deaths per TWh:
Coal: 161
Oil: 36
Biomass: 12
NG: 4
Hydro: 1.4
Wind: 0.15
Nuclear: 0.04 (including Chernobyl = a military reactor, illegal for commercial nuclear power)

Fukushima zero deaths, TMI zero deaths, Chernobyl ~250 deaths (including long term cancer deaths). Vs 12 million deaths per year from fossil/biomass emissions. 100’s of thousands in coal mining deaths. 200 thousand in one hydro dam failure. Germany has killed 70,000 Europeans by shutting down its NPP’s, they were replaced by the dirtiest lignite. Failing to embrace Nuclear condemns more millions of lives & $trillions for endless Oil & Gas wars. Failing to embrace nuclear allows the Ruling class to use Energy as a weapon to beat down energy starved free and independent nations. As Kissinger stated: _”If you control the energy supply, you control the Nation”_ . Nuclear is clearly the safest & most plentiful form of energy on the planet. And unlike solar or wind, is quite capable of replacing all combustion fuels, currently 90% of the World’s energy supply. No wonder the Bankster/Oil Barons/Green Billionaires despise nuclear energy with a passion.

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 7, 2021 7:14 AM
Reply to  Eman

Lies ?

Chernobyl alone has been shown to have killed a million people.
You must work for the nuclear lobby.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 7, 2021 4:11 PM
Reply to  New Nane


New Nane
New Nane
Nov 8, 2021 8:53 AM

I have come across a detailed study by if I recall a Russian researcher that studied excess deaths in all the numerous areas where Chernobyl fallout occurred. They arrived at a figure of 1 million killed.

Your own Sellafield is a horror story. There is a spent fuel pool so radioactive that birds drinking from it have to be shot. The big spent fuel recycling plant in France disgorges vast amounts of radioactive waste into the ocean through an underwater pipe. Your country , the US and many others have dumped huge amounts of radioactive waste into the ocean in drums. The Three Mile Island meltdown was bigger than most people realise.

Nov 9, 2021 12:22 AM
Reply to  New Nane

That study was a Greenpeace piece of garbage by some fringe whale biologist in Russia, known there as a crackpot, with zero qualifications in the relevant field. Funny Greenpeace refuses to tell us where they get their $350M/yr from.

Many people stayed after Chernobyl. Other Reactors continued to be manned and operated until 2000, 18yrs later. The people who stayed were more healthy than those who evacuated. Watch bionerd, a radiation biologist, as she wanders around Chernobyl nuclear plant area, including Greenpeace’s much hyped “Red Forest”, eating Greenpeace’s daunted “radioactive apples” and then visits a naturally radioactive beach resort in Guarapari, Brazil for 3 days. Search for her (bionerd23) Youtube videos:

” brazil 2012: sunbathing on radioactive beaches ”

” Chernobyl wild zone: radioactive rabies, autumn fruit and foxes ”

End result after 2 days at Chernobyl doing the worst of the worst: she got a 100 uSv dosage, after 2.5 days at Brazil beach she got a 300 uSv dosage. She admits if she had the time to lay on the beach like a typical tourist she would have got about a 900 uSv dosage. At Chernobyl you are getting primarily a gamma & beta radiation external dosage. On the beach you are getting a stronger dosage of both PLUS an internal Alpha particle dosage from breathing and ingestion of Thorium daughters, i.e. Radon, (similar but more potent than plutonium). People have lived on that beach for thousands of years, no detectable bad effect on their health. 

Nov 5, 2021 5:11 PM

The grandiose Net Zero Carbon Scam is a Carbon Trading, Financialization of Carbon Fraud that only makes the worst emitters, the most guilty = the Rich, even wealthier, while doing nothing to reduce emissions except to promote energy poverty for the 99%, energy gluttony for the 1%. Essentially they are in a roundabout way creating energy rationing but doing it in the exact opposite of how rationing is supposed to be done, that is applied equally to everyone not just to the poor & middle class.

Get ready for energy poverty. The whole purpose of the Net Zero scam is to force those in Western countries to have a large percentage of our energy expenditure sent to Developing nations to build scam projects that enrich the Globalist Ultra-rich who profit off of every exchange. Instead of creating wealth in the poor countries, the Ruling Parasites want to create poverty in Western countries. And these charlatans giving 100% direct credits for wind & solar installations in Developing countries but refuse to give any credits to nuclear and large hydro which unlike wind & solar ACTUALLY does reduce emissions. And credits to Energy Efficiency projects when Wind/Solar is the epitome of ENERGY INEFFICIENCY. What a joke.

The most authentic & uncorrupted of all Climate Scientist’s = James Hansen, rightly believes correct approach would be to replace all subsidies, mandates, exemptions, carbon credits, carbon trading, net zero scams with the Revenue Neutral Carbon Fee & Dividend which equally rewards all low carbon energy sources and the biggest energy consumers, aka the 1%, pay for their high consumption while those with low consumption get rewarded. The exact opposite of the Carbon Trading Net Zero Financialization Scam. Notice you never hear them talking about CF&D anymore, just endless talk about the Net Zero Scam.

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 6, 2021 12:30 AM
Reply to  Eman

Nuclear is deadly. Chernobyl and Fukushima have been ignored by the media but there are unsolved problems with the wastes and with plant safety. However it may give us a few more decades.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 6, 2021 2:39 PM
Reply to  New Nane

Hardly ignored. You could also have mentioned Three Mile Island, and the Windscale fire in 1957 in Cumbria, England.
Ignores the fact that there are many other nuclear plants throughout the world that have performed without incident.

And provided a steady & reliable source of base load whether the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, or not.

Problems with waste can be mitigated by using molten salt reactors which can consume new and existing waste and reduce the time needed for storage from thousands to hundreds of years. Plant safety is an issue, but again can be mitigated by molten salt reactor designs.

The problems with so-called renewables will soon begin to show themselves when the essential materials for their construction become harder and harder to obtain, as well as of course, their inherent unreliability. People might by then be regretting having closed down the fossil fuel sources of energy. And not having invested sufficient resources into modern, safer nuclear energy.

Nov 5, 2021 2:33 PM

I went on tik tok only because my daughter linked omg what aload of crap?Is this actually going on do people act like this?If the majority act and think like this then there’s no hope.

Nov 5, 2021 7:37 PM
Reply to  Annie

This tik tok is a complete nightmare. Young people nowadays are so dumb its grotesque and sad. Thank you america

Michael G Eaglemeare
Michael G Eaglemeare
Nov 6, 2021 9:35 AM
Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 5, 2021 1:54 PM

“A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse, and no one will realize that he is the millionth link in the final act.”

From: Henri Verneuil‘s film I Comme Icare
Release date: Dec 19, 1979

Nov 5, 2021 12:59 PM

Have you ever played the sims?Remember when you had the old grandparents you’d put them in a locked room or swimming pool to kill them because they weren’t needed.Now look at what’s happening?We do need grandparents we need their wisdom.What they are doing is taking out the old to bring in the new.So we are not taught wisdom granny and grandpa are dead,Now listen to us and your parents who are messed up.

Nov 5, 2021 1:03 PM
Reply to  Annie

And also government don’t have to pay pensions when granny and grandpa are dead.

Nov 5, 2021 11:48 PM
Reply to  Annie

68 next month. Too old ( or maybe never developed an interest) to have played those types of games.
Interesting about the old folks tucked away and not asked for advice. They usually do retain some *sagesse*. The idea has been tried but not so beneficial but actually biblical. Consider the death of King Solomon. His son rose to the throne and sought the advice of Solomon’s cabinet “members”. Rehoboam rejected their wisdom and turned to his peers. The result was a split in the kingdom and eventual destruction of the nation 1Kings 12.

Nov 5, 2021 12:50 PM

YER do remind me how many ancient forest wood land nature reserves is the H2O train Neural Networks going to destroy.??Last count was over 100 ancient forest wood land nature reservesbut they said 9000 jobs wil be made. (bullshit)

Its all about saving Nature earth by the world biggest rapist.

H2O train Neural Networks deeper look

Nov 5, 2021 9:51 AM

Global Green New Geal paid with Weimar greenback$ or multi polar world trading goods together bitcoins or their own gold backed currencies?

New Name
New Name
Nov 5, 2021 12:00 AM


I was confronted with a horrible sight this morning. The large local park with playing fields and trees was gone. I was on leave yesterday. I knew something bad was going to happen because they had suddenly fenced off the area. I wrote this email to the council:

Over the years I have watched the degradation of this little island of green in this area. I once counted 6 white faced herons on the larger playing field. Masked lap wings were common as were galahs, butcher birds, little corellas, magpies and many others. Welcome swallows skimmed the lawn in large numbers.
Last year there was the shocking installation of environmentally unfriendly synthetic turf on the smaller playing field. An apparently essential activity in the time of deep dystopia.
I was stunned this morning to see the destruction of all the trees in the park. Trees that have taken 40 or more years to grow to their present height. I am not aware of what horrific development is planned for what was once Rydalmere park. I suppose we live in an age when all pretences of democracy have been swept away. The overdevelopment in the Greater Sydney Area in the last few years and everywhere in Australia has been shocking and displays absolute contempt for the environment. However this did not prepare me for the shock of this morning’s ghastly spectacle. The irony of this awful act is that it is occurring at a time when a large “climate” summit is being held in Glasgow. Absolute cynical hypocrisy.

New Name
New Name
Nov 5, 2021 12:03 AM
Reply to  New Name

I hope the pigs don’t beat on my door tonight Cheka style. Wish me luck.

Nov 5, 2021 7:10 AM
Reply to  New Name

A cry of global anguish from the Wonderful Land of Oz.

Nov 5, 2021 9:17 AM
Reply to  New Name

I am sorry to hear that, I know how you feel. I grew up in the country in England in the 1950s and 60s. Here in the suburbs of Perth the neighbour is cutting down a big Ficus home of an unruly family of crows, or Ravens more properly, and lots of other birds. I will miss them shouting and pulling all the plant pots over. Hoping the Turtle Doves stay around for the handouts.

Nov 5, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  New Name


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Nov 5, 2021 9:03 PM
Reply to  New Name

This is the kind of environmental destruction I felt in my bones and hated as a small kid, even before I knew the word “environment” – the routine, careless spoiling of beautiful places close to me, places I knew and played in and loved. The clearing of wild woods and the utter shittiness of the buildings that went up there in their place,

I remember standing on the top of the railway embankment with my pal at the age of 17 or 18 and looking long and hard at the place we lived in (a council housing estate on the edge of Glasgow), and seeing this incredible jumble of ill-designed, jerry-built, multicoloured stuff — industrial estate, car park, “shopping centre”, “community centre”, dilapidated 25-year-old concrete tenements — and saying: “Ffs, why does everything have to be so ugly?”

The answer was obvious: The people who lived there (including us) had practically no say in what happened to the place they lived in.

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 5, 2021 11:25 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

True. This particular bit of vandalism is especially vile since it does not have the excuse of providing accommodation or “services”. A fellow at the site said they were going to put up netball courts where 20- 30 large trees used to be. Absolute lunacy.

John the First
John the First
Nov 13, 2021 6:10 AM
Reply to  New Name

That people love to be in areas with lots of green nature, that it is healthy for people is nothing to them. Like the article suggests, they want to imprint a guilt complex on the minds of people (which works best starting with the youngest). It is a modern form of the Christian sinner and guilt complex which they implanted successfully long ago, but which does not work anymore. When they have locked as many as people in cities and suburbs, perhaps they will let you in a large park someday, but collectively in guided trips, in big vans (you have to stay inside these), that is, if you have earned sufficient points by obedience.
Meanwhile they will remove ever more green in the cities, if needed for commercial or institutional exploitation and expansion.

But hey, even for the writer of this article capitalism is the devil…, so this communist style top down control finds many adherents… though their ideas differ on points…

Nov 4, 2021 11:29 PM

And rest I can’t remember and everyone on here I have to remember you all the warriors.And remember the guards that pushed us into the abyss fauci gates every leader that works for the rich there time will come sodom and Gomorrah they will look back we won’t.

Nov 4, 2021 11:40 PM
Reply to  Annie

Crikey I meant reset.Anyway don’t look back something is coming.

Nov 5, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  Annie


Nov 4, 2021 9:57 PM

This is my jist with life and lies that’s been told.Not everybody in the medical profession but ones dealing with young mothers or young people.!They lie they lie to you I’ve had nurses tell me to get sterilised at 20yrs I had a midwife actually abuse me in labour because I wasn’t giving birth fast enough had actual bruises.I’ve had so much injustice inadequacy just from doctors and nurses I can understand why the government use them as nazis because believe me they were,Not all but honest to god they were mean.

Nov 4, 2021 10:10 PM
Reply to  Annie

Believe I’m not looking for sympathy far from it but children young adults look up to these people some are ruthless.I’ve met plenty of lovely nurses but I’ve met some nefarious evil ones.so what makes any difference if these evil ones inject children or people who die or get sick from the injection?They are just following orders so said nazi nurses.

Nov 4, 2021 10:25 PM
Reply to  Annie

Not all nurses some are wonderful.My experiences ain’t going doctors again.

Nov 4, 2021 11:10 PM
Reply to  Annie

Nurses and doctors work on dead bodies not the living

Nov 9, 2021 5:09 AM
Reply to  Annie

There’s a lot of truth in that.

It always struck me as amazing how often modern biologists seem to be trying to understand Life by dissecting it and killing it.
So how does Death teach you Life?

You might as well try to appreciate the colour ‘blue’ by staring at red pictures all day…

Nov 4, 2021 9:34 PM

I’ll always remember the names of the murderers hankock.whitty,fauci,Gates,Trump,Biden,Boris,And the rest

New Name
New Name
Nov 5, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  Annie

There are so many others. Dictator Dan, the now deposed Horrible Hag, Aotearoa’s Buck Toothed Bitch, Pile of Shit, Modi, the lunatic in the Philippines.

Nov 5, 2021 1:09 PM
Reply to  New Name


Nov 4, 2021 6:23 PM

This is sick, Pfizer just jumped the shark

Timely new Pfizer ad featuring ‘superhero’ kids sparks fierce debate

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 5, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

The two most chilling words:

“Various youngsters”

Another appalling case of child exploitation. Just pull the kids in and drill them. Actually not even that. All you need is their images. Then get some hacks – or even software – to write the article.

Nov 4, 2021 5:43 PM

USA experiencing heroin shortage –


I wonder why that coule be?…

Nov 4, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  Edwige

drug dealers needing a vaccine passport ?????????????? comment image

laureen schreiber
laureen schreiber
Nov 5, 2021 12:30 AM
Reply to  shamen

what does this picture have to do with drug dealers?

Nov 4, 2021 5:37 PM

…I am the Master Liar
My pants, forever on fire

And trust me when I say,
you can trust no one,
especially not me today

I mock you now with my lies…

…Confess to me now, that which I ask for:
are the unworthy vessel of life
that secret-you,
and I,
both abhor!

Unfit, unclean, subhuman, who!
I now tattoo!
Only I provide, the cure,
for the disease of you


Nov 5, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Lance


Nov 4, 2021 5:33 PM

Surprise, surprise, vaccine trial data might not be so reliable after all:


Nov 4, 2021 5:17 PM

Fuck me already!

That expression seems to have been given a new meaning (being the opposite of fucking myself) by Australia’s campaign to “give yourself a hand“. I know that it’s yesterday’s news since the Americans (always on the vanguard!) already proclaimed that you are your safest sex partner, but how fucking long are we gonna put up with the government telling us to go fuck ourselves?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 4, 2021 9:34 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Don’t they know it makes you go blind? (Or maybe that’s the vaxxine….it’s so hard to keep (it) up … ).

Nov 5, 2021 8:18 AM
Reply to  Jacques

What happened to our collective cultures that a) governments think they can nanny us from gestation to grave, and b) we let them

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 5:17 PM

In the “Good Old Days” the gatekeepers were called “Inquisitors” and “Witch Hunters” and they screamed “Unbeliever”.

In this Brave New World the gatekeepers are called “Disinformation Researchers” and they scream “Denier”.

And it’s an epidemic!


Just look at this new nomenclature:

“Climate change denial is spreading unchecked on Facebook, two studies by disinformation researchers have found. The Center for Countering Digital Hate and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue said less than 10% of misleading posts were marked as misinformation.”

So – “denial” and “hate” are interchangeable?

It would seem so – or at any rate, they are connected …

“The CCDH is a non-profit organisation which monitors and lobbies against online hate and misinformation.”

And as if the Orwellian mode wasn’t already glaring enough, we are presented with a list of terms causing concern:

“hysteria”, “alarmism”, “scam”, “fraud”, “hoax”, “cult”, “scam”, “lie” …

Perhaps these words, like the now successfully neutralised “conspiracy”, will also be “deleted”?

Nov 4, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So blatant. Climate Change, Covid and a handful of other topics cannot be questioned. What era are we living in?

Nov 5, 2021 2:12 AM
Reply to  MBJ

You can stop any Climate Change scientist in their tracks with three words: “What about geoengineering?” They’ll shut right up.

Because their entire raison d’etre is to obscure the 75 plus years of climate engineering that the military industrial complex has been conducting.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 5, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  Howard

+100… No one wants to talk about runaway military “exercises” that have caused more global heating and biological carnage than all other sources combined. Let’s talk about “think tanks” instead of tanker air craft spewing shit into the atmosphere
The global heating conversation is completely steered and controlled.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 8, 2021 8:05 PM

Gretina hasn’t even considered the possibility …No one word about militarism.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 8, 2021 8:04 PM
Reply to  MBJ

Exciting? Pre-revolutionary?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 4, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“the missed a few [terms] such as: corporate ascist, eugenicist, oligarch, mobster, psychopath, Nazi, cull, cuomo-nize, war racketeer, war criminal, charlatan, phony baloney, panic, Nuremberg Code, labratted, labdogged, enslaved….”

Nov 5, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

And inbreds 👍

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Nov 4, 2021 6:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

BREAKING: World’s Most Loathsome Scumbags Call For Ban On Hate Speech.

Nov 4, 2021 4:56 PM

I’ll either fight or be caught either way I’m not afraid.I’ve said done things to turn this story around.They aren’t listening what is it going to take?99% of the people I meet outside my household are for this?Whether they are afraid to speak out of line I don’t know only one person outside my house has agreed with me??1 person?!?In 18 months????Goodluck waking people up.

Nov 4, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  Annie

I’m convinced it’s mostly people who can’t bear the thought of not “fitting in” to their family and local group. They have built their lives upon fitting in at all costs, and the shock of suddenly not doing so is simply too great.

That’s why so few people are Beethovens, Michelangelos or Shakespeares.
Any creativity they have is strangled at birth – and all because one of their puritanic or politically correct acquaintances might not like it…

I suppose we are what we are. Some think clearly and cut through the crap, while others live in a dreamy, blurred quagmire.
As others have pointed out, it looks as though we are going to have to choose right now which way we are going for our future existence.
I feel sorry for those who simply don’t have the mental equipment to know what they are doing, but they are probably happy enough in their ignorance.

It has always been extremely difficult for those who believe in a spiritual world to imagine what a long-term ‘divine plan’ for us might be, and our holiest divinities currently appear to want nothing to do with us (who could blame them for that?).
So I can’t think of anything better to do at the moment than to research, learn and think for myself what might be a good plan, even if it doesn’t turn out to be quite what God had in mind…

At any rate, from my limited knowledge of more arcane religion, I understand that periods of chaos in our history are never intended to be endless, and that greater clarity is our destiny.
Patience will almost certainly be a requirement, however.
It isn’t usually a question of “pray hard tonight, and all will be well tomorrow morning”.
But who knows?
Certainly not me.

Nov 4, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  wardropper


Nov 5, 2021 2:25 AM
Reply to  wardropper

It isn’t so much that there are no longer any Beethovens, Michelangelos or Shakespeares. Rather, it’s that the world no longer wants or thinks it needs a Beethoven, a Michelangelo or a Shakespeare. They may be out there; but no one will ever hear of them.

Such types have always been a threat to those in power; and for decades the people have been indoctrinated to also see them as a threat. Most people cannot imagine an Art that demands they think as well as experience.

A world in which Super Hero films are the highest grossing is no place for a “King Lear” (which many, including myself, believe the greatest work of literature).

New Name
New Name
Nov 5, 2021 2:40 AM
Reply to  Howard

Beethoven was Illuminati.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 5, 2021 1:50 PM
Reply to  New Name

Beethoven was also one of the most gifted composers that ever existed. I don’t give a shit whether he was Illuminati. Get real…

Nov 5, 2021 4:27 PM

He was illuminated.

“I am Dionysius, come to pour wine for suffering humanity” — Ludwig “Bacchus” van Beethoven.

dr death
dr death
Nov 5, 2021 5:50 PM

the greatest ‘recorded’ composer, and deaf too (though not at all dumb).. ahhh… the mysterious world we live in….

no doubt when this aeon crashes (coming soon to a place you habitate* ), he will take his place amongst all the other forgotten ‘Beethovens’… and lesser Beethovens that inspired them ( teeny weeny Mozarts and Haydn’s from the preceding aeons whose music was endlessly reworked and refined by grumpy genius’s)…

and as you ‘remember’ who you really are…just drop the ‘Egmont’ into your shell-likes, become a human being again and chuckle at the world as it crashes…

and burns…..

dr death
dr death
Nov 5, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  dr death

i hasten to add, Mother Earth will be fine, she has done this many times before (she can be a cruel mistress old Mother Earth) thereby offering inspiration to future artists…

that is…

should there be any people around to birth them, (mankind may well be a defective ‘line’)..
and if not, no matter…

because of course they wont be missed

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 6, 2021 12:45 AM

Music is of very little real value. Which is why people of each culture detest the music of other cultures. Pop and rock are control tools like most forms of music. Our guide once chastised a passer by with headphones on a path in the woods for blocking out the magic of birdsong.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 8, 2021 8:15 PM
Reply to  New Nane

Gotta love the chastisers, dude! Rock fuckin’ on!
PS Guide?

Nov 9, 2021 4:33 AM
Reply to  New Nane

That doesn’t apply to the great composers.
Their music is still loved internationally, centuries after the world in which it was composed has disappeared.

I have worked with many musicians from other countries, some of whom spoke no English, but the music spoke to us all and effortlessly overcame such barriers.
Music is a real language, and one much less vulnerable to corruption than traditional languages, because it can’t exist without its inner structure and logic.

It is certainly sad that there are so many people who can’t be bothered to learn about ‘inner structure and logic’, and therefore allow themselves to think that “music is of very little real value.”

Nihilism is usually incurable, depending on how early it was introduced into the host body, but we can’t waste time hindering our own progress by wondering what our local nihilist will say next…

Nov 9, 2021 4:14 AM
Reply to  New Name

Ludwig van Beethoven had the humiliating experience of having to admit in public that he invented the ‘van’ bit to appear to be of the nobility and thereby enhance his career when he was younger.

He knew his gifts were exceptional, but he was not arrogant with regard to his fellow man.
When he realized in his early thirties that he was well on the way to becoming totally deaf, he was near to suicide because of what he saw as the cruellest thing a composer could suffer.

He asked, “Can you imagine what it is like for a musician celebrated all over the world, and who is full of goodwill towards his fellow human beings, to have to yell at people in public, “You’ll have to shout at me because I am DEAF! ???” ”

If he was a mason, it was because people of his standing often followed that path. Many composers did so. But it is clear from his many surviving letters that the only things he was interested in manipulating were his hands as he played the piano until he could no longer hear it, and his pen when he scrawled those incredible notes on paper.

“Illuminati” is a word better reserved for the unremarkable and talentless snobs who think money and power are the only things of any significance in the world.
Nothing could be further from Beethoven’s soul than such an abominable outlook, and he even conquered his horrible handicap by composing some of his greatest music during the 25 or so years left to him after deafness struck him so hard.
Many people wonder how that could be possible, but of course his brilliant career as a performer and composer until his early thirties had given him a rich store of memories upon which the inner ear of his soul was able, and determined, to work further, until he had no more to say.

It took unbelievable courage for him to pull himself out of the deepest depression and to continue to compose until death claimed him in 1827.
He also did it for us, admitting that it was only the art of music which pulled him back from falling into the abyss of despair.

Give him a break. “Illuminati” is an insult to a great man, whose 250th birthday was widely celebrated last year – as well as this year – due to performances being postponed or cancelled because of covid…

John the First
John the First
Nov 13, 2021 6:30 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Illuminati theory is a product of the theories of a select amount of democratic people who are ever hostile to any elite and anything which is superior to the collective mediocrity which rules in a democracy (while the mediocrities in turn are implicitly ruled by the contemporary intelligent but malevolent oligarchy.
This is the source of New Name’s Illuminati theory. A sensational theory, proposed by the few, adopted by many, parrotted around by more and more, which feeds paranoia and directs hostility. It’s a poison seed, which, when mixed with the believers own paranoia, incompetence, inability, smallness, anger and hate, grows into a strong pleasant powerful kick.
No way you are going to convince a man who feeds on that and so easily accuses the man in question (Beethoven) with the arguments you give, not with any arguments.

Nov 9, 2021 4:58 AM
Reply to  Howard

Well said, Howard.

Today, the talents of a Mozart, Beethoven, Raphael or Shakespeare would be doomed to waste, and the owners of those talents forced to clean windows in order to survive, because they simply aren’t bright enough to grasp the incredible importance of being a crass materialist and trying to fit into a brain-dead, mechanized society.

Nov 4, 2021 4:42 PM

comment image

New Name
New Name
Nov 5, 2021 2:41 AM
Reply to  shamen

Plus 10.

Nov 5, 2021 2:22 PM
Reply to  shamen


Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Nov 4, 2021 4:34 PM

I mentioned this summer that the vendor of IT equipment I use, who totally disputes the mainstream Covid narrative and is opposed to the injections, was hospitalized and put on oxygen, diagnosed with Covid. I was at his shop yesterday and broached this issue, asking if it had made him change his opinion. He said absolutely not and told me that most of the people on his Covid ward were double vaccinated.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Nov 4, 2021 4:28 PM

A US company called Zillow has lost a fortune using algorithms to buy and sell houses. Maybe the Fourth Industrial Revolution isn’t coming as quick as some are hoping.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Nov 4, 2021 5:49 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

It’s stalling. It will fail.

Nov 5, 2021 5:19 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

It’s impossible to game a system when there are Overseers who can arbitrarily manipulate the system to their own ends. The big winners will always be the insiders.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 8, 2021 8:17 PM
Reply to  Eman

What’s that that they’re winning … ?

Nov 4, 2021 4:22 PM

It’s madness what’s happening and it’s making me mad that a lot of people can’t see this????Its insane.If you worked in a school and a teacher was abusing children would you not say???

Nov 4, 2021 5:55 PM
Reply to  Annie

Well, look how long it took for Savile’s sickening career to reach the surface…
“Don’t rock the boat” is such an important subliminal message for people these days.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 4, 2021 9:40 PM
Reply to  Annie
Nov 4, 2021 11:17 PM


Nov 5, 2021 1:55 AM
Reply to  Annie

You wonder why so many can’t see the madness? Well, it’s kind of like trying to see a drop of water in an ocean.

The world is steeped in madness – and has been almost from the beginning. Everywhere you turn, more madness – and that’s when you’re beholding the “normal” things of life, alongside which the truly crazy things (like the COVID thing) really don’t look or seem all that unusual.

Literally, “nothing to see here” – because nothing is indistinguishable from everything around it.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 8, 2021 8:18 PM
Reply to  Howard

The Empire of Lies

Nov 4, 2021 4:03 PM

Not being funny either,We are all here for the same reason something is going wrong right now we know it’s happening on a mass scale,Can we stop it?The elites parasites want what they want they are going head over heels to benefit them we are the sacrifices it’s as simple as that.Collateral damage they care for no one but themselves humanity has invested too much time and energy into these murderers it about time people see them for who they are!!Mass murderers greedy money grabbing scum.They need to outed made accountable for their actions not us.Yes some people go along with the story because they don’t want their world to be upside down ignorance is bliss.Some people are pissing in the wind (sorry for language)They the elite will get there way I’m no way for this tyranny but it will happen until everyone makes the world stop.There I said it I’ll probably get a backlash my boyfriend doesn’t want to listen to me anymore.My friends unless we do something drastic as they have done we ain’t going to win this it’ll take a mass.Think about it where did the internet come from?Why all this connection.Who’s watching who?I didn’t make the internet now I’m being monitored?

Nov 4, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  Annie

I probably mis spelled things I write what I think I’m better at drawing.Sometimes this phone text purposely mis spells.Anyway we are all doomed until we lay down our tools this is not fantasy this is real life tv is fantasy what is happening right now is real people are being murdered by injection by neglect how can a whole world buy into this crap??Offgaurdian have been telling us for nearly 2 years people on here have been telling us.Money circus,Edwidge,Marilyn,Penelope,Tony omp,s Cooper,Edith many more I can’t remember all Rishart I think many more and Tony.

Nov 4, 2021 4:18 PM
Reply to  Annie

George mc

Nov 4, 2021 9:40 PM
Reply to  Annie

And reset I remember I will remember all the good people here everyone bless you all

Nov 4, 2021 4:19 PM
Reply to  Annie


S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 4, 2021 5:20 PM
Reply to  Annie

comment image

“What happened to The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Planet of the Apes, Blade Runner, Logan’s Run and The Time Machine?”
comment image

Nov 4, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


New Name
New Name
Nov 5, 2021 2:44 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Plus 100.

Nov 4, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  Annie

everyones being ‘monitored’ in some sense, metadata is a thing.

you can parvicy harden your browser, if you’re not at tech savvy brave or firefox is probably your best bet, with a bit of tweaking and a couple of addons, info here https://www.privacytools.io/

the hated one, or techlore on youtube for more insight

Nov 4, 2021 9:15 PM
Reply to  ImpObs


Nov 4, 2021 3:53 PM

Shop till you drop… [wait thirty years]… you destroyed the earth, you pig… feel guilty if you’re old enough… hate the previous generation if you’re not…. feel confused and disorientated however old you are….

It’s not difficult to see, with a long enough timeframe, how this psy-op was designed to work.

Nov 5, 2021 2:02 AM
Reply to  Edwige

It’s a ploy that can’t and won’t work…because people don’t particularly care if they destroyed the Earth.

“Dude, I don’t live there – I live here in my house in the burbs!”

It’s called “Think Small.” For decades TPTB have worked to shrink the thinking capacity of people. And they succeeded. So to many people, the Earth is not “home” – it’s just a ball rotating and revolving in space.

Nov 6, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Over-consumerism is wasteful and rather pointless but is hardly a major factor in human impact on the Earth’s environment. You can measure consumer goods in tons of oil equivalent. A ton of Walmart junk is pretty much just a ton of oil equivalent. They comprise a small component of world energy production. Energy is about agriculture, shelter, heat & cooling, refrigeration, lighting, transportation, military, education, health services and political & legal system. Consumer junk is insignificant.

The real way we are damaging the Earth is by failing to replace fossil/biomass energy with nuclear which can easily and at minimal cost do the job. The World has already spent $4 trillion on wind/solar and their associated transmission. Result 2009 combustion fuels were 90% of global primary energy supply, 2019 were still at 90%.

comité espartaco
comité espartaco
Nov 4, 2021 3:23 PM


Population control, especially through energy production and consumption, has never been the issue. As a matter of fact the population explosion of modern times has taken place, above all, in the Third World, where the energy consumption and production was kept to a minimum. The most developed countries, on the other hand, had their population under control. Even China, managed to control its overpopulation through drastic social and political measures and only recently, under the pressures of globalisation and capitalist ‘win-win’ policies, has been forced to launch a new drive for demographic growth that, without doubt, will be, to a great extend, exported to the rest of the world.

It would be absurd and naïve in the extreme, to think that the, relatively, recent rise of China is the result of ‘fair’, ‘free’ and mutually beneficial trade and relations between different countries. Even for strong supporters of the policies of the CCP and the PRC like us, it is obvious that the development of China has been paid, mainly, by the workers of the West and, also, by the migrant workers forcefully created by globalisation. There has been an unmistakable transfer of worker’s wealth from the West to China. The creation of millions of Chinese millionaires and the Chinese middle class, has been ‘subsidised’ by the impoverishment of millions upon millions of Western workers (hence Brexit, Trump and other ‘populist’ movements). In short, in capitalism there are not, cannot be and will never be ‘win-win’ relations of production. The ‘free’ market is not ‘free’.

China was coopted into the ‘Western’ world to destroy the USSR, the main enemy of the world elites and exploiters. However, that policy has created a Red Dragon that the elites might not be able to ride. One way or another, Communist China might liberate the rest of the world, including the West, as the Communist Party is still in control. Let’s hope that, in the end, Red China comes to the rescue of the workers of the world.

New Name
New Name
Nov 5, 2021 2:54 AM

Mao was just a figurehead. Real power was funneled into China by figures like Israel Epstein and Sidney Shapiro from the banksters. The USSR was three decades earlier financed by the same forces. China’s growth really took off in the early 90’s when they established diplomatic relations with China.

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 5, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  New Name

I meant diplomatic relations with Israel.

comité espartaco
comité espartaco
Nov 4, 2021 2:45 PM


Once again we are treated (mistreated), to one of those, badly written, ‘American’ gossipy and naïve articles, a psychological ‘history’ that almost amounts to the famous Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Indeed, if the ‘dirty’ Rothschilds are there, we only miss the, not less dirty or ‘Jewish’ Marxists.

This bad article is a compendium of political, historical and intellectual confusions, inaccuracies and misunderstandings and, therefore, are a very poor and weak base on which to build the case against the brutal and merciless ‘green’ class struggle of today.

If Machiavelli, that archetype of the Renaissance, would have heartily laughed at the characterisation of his times and intellectual elites as ‘love and humility’ (Pico della Mirandola used to arrogantly challenge its critics, from the ends of Italy, by paying travel expenses to Rome), the ‘popular’ misrepresentation of Malthus’ mechanistic views (a Mathematician, a Wrangler from Cambridge University), views that are at the heart of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, that most scientific of modern scientific paradigms, borders ridicule.

However, the political confusion is no less significant. The ‘Green Movement’ (ecologism, climate changism, etc…), that has been promoted and funded with, the evident, full support of the elites and their mass media and, necessarily, ended with the ‘Green New Deal’, has a long history and is, certainly, previous to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (launched around 2013). Thus, Germany, of all places, had a political ‘Green Movement’ (imitated all over the world), of long standing. A Movement, by the way, of a strong reactionary nature (those lovely ‘vegans’ were the ones that bombed Yugoslavia). Something not very strange as the Nazi Movement, for example, was well known for its love of nature, mountains and peasant ‘natural and rural’ life.

Nov 4, 2021 2:28 PM

German news agency compiles a list of 75 European athletes who have died “suddenly” in the past 5 months since being fully vaccinated. Youngest 13 yo, many under 20yo.



When do they stop calling it “safe & effective”?

When do they stop calling these deaths “rare adverse events?

When do they start calling it by it’s true name, Democide?

Nov 4, 2021 2:35 PM
Reply to  ImpObs


Nov 4, 2021 2:46 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

When? I’ll tell you when: when fools who encourage or force or let their children be vaccinated finally wake up – that’s when.

So don’t look for it to happen anytime soon.

Nov 4, 2021 3:23 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

They died. But they didn’t get Covid.

Managed Outcomes achieved.

© Common Purpose, World Economic Forum, Cabinet Office, United Nations, Oxford University, Oxfam, bull shit, Moloch-cum… and every other self-serving group of mutual, genital-caressing, mind-numbing social failures pledged to take care of each other.

You know it’s true.

Nov 4, 2021 5:23 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yeah I know…

Having a bad day is all, one of my dogs is real crook, temp 40.2, shitty gum infection whipped right through her, been feeding by hand for a week trying desperately to keep the weight on her, they just upped her meds to max to try to beat it, it’ll be a long night.

I thought it was earlier, I was definately thinking it earlier. I just checked, it was 19/4/21, the date I posted this: “the ‘jab’ they are so eager to force on us all is part 1 of a two part depopulation biological preparation”

Maybe it’s Just the frustration of seeing multiple reports, showing an obvious tsunami of death and bullshit, while part of my heart is staring into the abyss. I feel like Cassandra, pointing it out while everyones still happy making sand castles on the beach, shouting me down because ‘it’s just another small wave dude.’ laughing while taking their kids by the hand, to paddle in the ominous receeding shallows.

Nov 4, 2021 11:58 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Sorry re your dog. Strangely had similar issues with mine yesterday. Find this sort of thing gets close to being the stick that breaks the camels back…the war has been so tiring ….and it gets hard to care for oneself and the animals and keep going…hope your dog gets better soon…

Nov 5, 2021 8:28 AM
Reply to  Edith

Thanks Edith, her temp has come down this morning, she’s perked right up but her mouth/gums are a mess, I expect they’ll want to take most of her teeth out at this rate, vets have a licence to print money these days.

I hope you & yours are feeling a bit better today too.

Nov 4, 2021 4:16 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

And you inputs 👍

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 2:12 PM

The thing that’s bothering me more and more is the blow up with that friend which alerted me to the extreme divisiveness of Event Covid. I have no doubt that this was built into the psy-op: that the public would become divided between those hooked up to the media like the unborn to the umbilical cord and those actually thinking about things. The arguments that were bound to break out threaten to destroy what’s left of the social fabric after the collapse of the economy and the soul crushing distancing and masking. This is an extreme anti-human agenda that is being carried out.

Nov 4, 2021 2:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I wouldn’t worry about it George everyday I meet people that’s brought into the fairytale.Keep your head while everyone is losing theirs.

Nov 4, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s not a fait accompli that having an argument about the COVID syndrome inures one to an irreparable split. My brother and I had one argument – which changed exactly neither’s opinion. So now we simply avoid the topic. It is possible to work around even these monumental differences.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 4:16 PM
Reply to  Howard

We had reached an unstated agreement not to talk about it till my friend “caught covid” and … well I don’t know what happened. Obviously he survived and it sounded just like a flu bug thing.

He’d already had the vax and I queried the peculiarity of him catching covid anyway. My wife told me it wasn’t to stop you catching it but from dying from it. Yeah I know – the absurdities pile up.

In any case, such was the way that fateful meeting went that it seemed to me he was determined to have his argument anyway. I was actually driving him somewhere at the time. In retrospect I should just have stopped the car and waited for him to shut up before moving on.

Nov 5, 2021 12:03 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I keep trying the mantra of. It is all deliberate….the money position meant they had to implode the western economies…and cover their arses while they did…nothing more and nothing less….a magical virus was the perfect vehicle, followed now by climate carryon….and it pays not to forget for one min that Charlie boy is a major shareholder in vanguard which plans to make trillions from same

Nov 4, 2021 2:10 PM

I’ve come to the conclusion it does not matter how much you protest how much you say no,The government’s work for the rich,The rich work for each other.We are in a different league from them.Think about it the holocaust happened because of them because they started the wars,The wars ended because they said so,Covid is here because they said so it will stop because they said so.It’s happened throughout history.The only hope we have is to turn away from the lies don’t buy there useless gadgets don’t listen to the lies cut the monsters head off not the tentacles.

Nov 4, 2021 2:32 PM
Reply to  Annie

Look what Australian premier is doing now?!!global research site.Hitler has entered the building.

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 5, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  Annie

You mean Lenin.

Nov 4, 2021 2:01 PM

It wasn’t my most structured writing but I examined the banker mindset in this article
Bankers Infected the Economy: Rivals for Power, Part Two. Their Covid Cure was Premeditated (forgive the repeat, if you’ve seen it).

Mindset is cliché but not simply vague prejudice — rather financial, monetary, extractive, slaving, rental gain from suppressing another.

Characterise Event Covid as you will: a spiritual clash, good vs evil, capitalism vs its nemesis… the very antagonism of humans for each other is ignored.

In the present climate this means making unlimited “free’ loans to some interests while scalping another — and all the time collecting data that allows the banker to determine whom he helps and whom he starves.

Financial, like health, services are in a unique position to gather such data. Medicine and banking are the nexus, the decisional intersection, the choke point.

That is why the Third Reich saw medics and doctors as the largest profession to join the NAZI party — the eugenic project could not run without them.

Thus we inherit medical tyranny and see, once again, before our blinking eyes, fascist nurses and “I was only following orders” police – and “computah sez no” functionaries.

Humans don’t hate each other but it comes close in numerous ways: tribe/clan that erect barriers to each other every way that they can, in trade, dietary, language, modifying their own religion to make it exclusionary.

Losing my religion, as the REM boys sang is in practice modifying it so that it excludes that crowd over there.

Learned helplessness gets much attention but what about its corollary, learned oppression? People discover what works.

Moneycircus Substack and Blogger

Nov 4, 2021 2:17 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus


Nov 4, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It goes deeper than Carney’s chop.

All societies need narratives — heroic, imperial, maritime, military — but what happens when it’s not the motive or the great game that fails, but the narrative… what if we can no longer convince ourselves with our own story?

I suspect that is where we have arrived. Our actions and motives no longer have any grounding in narrative — and that begins to undermine the very actions!

We no longer know why we’re doing what we’re doing. One small section of society looks at what’s happening and asks, “Are you mad? What the hell are you doing?”

The other 60-90 per cent answer: we’re following Da Science. But in practice, they cannot explain what they do, they have no explicatory narrative.

Maybe there was some real, significant depth to a comment that we misread as an exclamation driven by inner pain. What if there is a deeper adjunction which we ignore to our cost? That may, after all, have been both observation and a caution to which we turn our back:

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Nov 4, 2021 1:30 PM

The WEF love this story…


Who killed, for example, the European bison? You did, you bastard! All those bison steaks your ancestors ate! That space you’re taking up could sustain three bison! And don’t get me started on your exhaling…. What, the genocidal hunting mania of my ancestors might have had something to do with it? Don’t be silly.

The importance of these sorts of stories is that they want to stop defeatism, show that if we just agree to what they say it’ll work. The ozone layer fiction played this role for climate change. They clearly had seen that there was a danger the kind of climate porn they were planning would produce hopelessness and inertia. Hopium is one of their greatest toxins.

It’s funny how these otherwise convinced Darwinists want to save these species. By their own logic haven’t they shown themselves unfit and their extinction part of one of the most fundamental laws of the universe?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 4, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“Riddle Me This.”
comment image

“Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) was the person who started the modern system of naming organisms.”
comment image

“So how before him could any of these so called species gone extinct?”

Nov 4, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 2:15 PM
Reply to  Edwige

They want to save these species for their own lovely backdoor wildernesses to bloom after all those troublesome humans die off.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 4, 2021 2:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Or perhaps like Teddy Roosevelt they want more game preserves
comment image

where they can hunt
comment image

for their trophies, mounts and heads for their game rooms.”

Nov 4, 2021 2:38 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The rich kill more endangered species than the poachers.

Nov 5, 2021 11:29 AM
Reply to  S Cooper


Nov 4, 2021 2:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

What is the “ozone layer fiction?” Are you saying there is no such layer? Or that it doesn’t trap ultraviolet radiation?

Certainly the freon ruse to cover up climate engineering was a great fiction. An even greater fiction is that the layer is repairing itself.

Certainly, too, attempting to hunt down who killed which animals millennia ago is an exercise in absurdity. But we don’t have to look far to see who’s killing modern day wolves so that they can profit from cattle and sheep.

When humans view every other living organism on Earth as our exclusive property – which doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out – then it does become an exercise in futility to attempt painting humans as merely innocent bystanders.

Ditto the climate. Humans are active participants in, not merely passive recipients of, climatic changes.

Nov 4, 2021 4:34 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Bison codified speak it about genetics, also a certain leader brought one back to life,
Bison also had it correlation with huge horns etc TAURUS so on so forth. each year some type of story just like dogs last week same template.month

Nov 4, 2021 1:23 PM

The Belt and Road Initiative, and the tendency to grow the human population both quantitatively and qualitatively which such great projects entail, is the target of the Green Necould w Deal.

Author is drinking Kool-Aid, BRI is supposed to be a nobel project. Come’ on!
How could BRI bring about “…grow the human population [both] quantitatively…” is beyond my imagination. It’s possible in virtual reality many people are living.
Why if one is against eugenics then one must preach population growth…I don’t get it. Population size is not an issue for me at all.

Nov 4, 2021 2:23 PM
Reply to  mik

Nor me people in my eyes are here but for the grace of God.There’s not a lot of people there’s a lot of energy.Every single soul has a right to be here and there Earth has more than enough to keep us,It’s the big companies that are pillaging the earth and taking our share and starving people.

Nov 4, 2021 12:54 PM

Anyone with more than half a brain cell will see and feel and hear the planet is being terraformed (so is you) anyone who has done the basic of real research we’ll see that alt media is actually sponsored by weapons, chemical and fracking, oil oligarchy = establishment.
Dont be fooled that they arent doing something to the planet when in fact they fully our.

You think the 5G towers intrinsically placed and the chem’s is the sky during sunrise and sunset isnt having a effect. Fracking causes earth quakes destroys the water eco system underneath Oil drilling is like vaccinating the earth.
They have raped the planet and its people. As mentioned dont be another wet behind the ears type fooled by alt media and its sponsors

GPPP = Global Fascism
GPPP = Global Fascism
Nov 4, 2021 12:41 PM

China never fell for the neoliberal dogma. They haven’t privatized their government and handed over the financial management reins to the private bankers and mega-corporations. This keeps financial power decentralized. Governments are public institutions that primarily exist to invest in the public sector. The capitalists have declared war on everything public. Fiscal policy lies at the dead center of a democratic government. MMT reminds us of how it’s supposed to work. China and Russia reminds us how it’s supposed to work. They are not fearful of purpose, knowledge and progress.

Nov 4, 2021 12:17 PM

Off topic this time I’m afraid, but below is the text of a reply from a Queensland Minister to a petition regarding PCR “tests”.

Would any reader like to comment?

By the way, does RT mean “real time’ or rather reverse transcriptase?


Hon Yvette D’Ath MP
Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
Leader of the House
1 William Street Brisbane Qld 4000
GPO Box 48 Brisbane
Queensland 4001 Australia
Telephone +61 7 3035 6100
Mr Neil Laurie
Clerk of the Parliament
Queensland Parliament
George Street

Dear Mr Laurie

13 OCT 2021

I write in response to your letter regarding petition number 3589-21, tabled in Parliament on
14 September 2021 in relation to ‘Evidence required by the people of Queensland from the
Queensland Government about the efficacy of PCR tests’.
In relation to the queries presented, please see below response:
The cycle threshold of PCR test in Queensland
The endpoint cycle number used in SARS-CoV-2 real-time RT-PCRs depends on the method,
validation, kit and platform used. It may range from 35 to 45 cycles. The threshold cycle (CT) is not
a fixed value. It is the result returned after real-time RT-PCR of a patient sample’s nucleic acid extract
and falls in a range between approximately 15-35 cycles. It may fall beyond that upper limit, and
such results would be further investigated – as are all positive results – in collaboration with clinical
microbiologists, epidemiologists and public health experts and further sampling and testing.
Accredited Queensland laboratories aim to provide the most accurate results as quickly as possible.
The irrefutable evidence used to justify the use of PCR test and its threshold
Laboratorians, scientists, microbiologists, epidemiologists and those with public health expertise
agree that the sensitivity of RT-PCR requires interpretation. A sample from a person which generates
a value suggestive of a lower viral load does not by itself explain that patient’s status. They could be
early in their infection, heavily infected but the sample was poorly collected, or they could be late in
their infection. All of those still indicate the person was at some point infectious, and this knowledge
is essential for contact tracing and quarantine of contacts. This process has been extremely
successful in Queensland, so we currently have many more freedoms than other jurisdictions in
Australia or other nations. True false positives are almost entirely avoided when RT-PCR is
conducted in a quality framework and in collaboration with clinical microbiologists, epidemiologists
and public health experts.
PCR-based tests that are developed by an expert accredited pathology laboratory in Australia must
undergo a rigorous optimisation and TGA validation process during which the threshold is defined
based on experience with that test. Different tests, even for the same virus or virus gene, can behave
differently, therefore, this optimisation and validation process, which is then reviewed in detail by
National Association Testing Authority (NATA), is an essential part of producing quality testing
Kary Mullis had no hand in developing real-time PCR and did not have experience in a pathology
laboratory setting. However, he did co-author a scientific paper that supported the use of very early
PCR methods for virus detection, concluding PCR would be useful to detect viruses, including
cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B virus, Epstein-Barr virus and human immunodeficiency virus. Mullis’s
comment is often used out of context. PCR cannot by itself detect “disease” as a disease is a
collection of signs and symptoms noted by an experienced clinician and the sufferer. In this
pandemic, PCR-based tools identify the infectious pathogen (SARS-CoV-2) which causes the
disease (COVID-19), and they do that very specifically and sensitively.
The future of PCR test in Queensland, given the CDC announcement:
Queensland will continue the use of PCR testing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The Centre for Disease
Control’s 21 July 2021 announcement states that the CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. FDA
for emergency use authorization of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-
PCR Diagnostic Panel first introduced in February 2020. This was one of 117 distinct RT-PCR tests
for detecting SARS-CoV-2 listed on the FDA webpage for which there was sensitive data provided.
It is important to note that there is no single “PCR” to detect this virus and its variants. The U.S. CDC
also recommended that laboratories consider replacing a SARS-CoV-2 test with one capable of
detecting both SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses as the latter may emerge at any time after travel
begins again.
The decision to use PCR has been influenced by such things as; expert availability to very
quickly develop tests without the need for the infectious virus to be in the country
(Queensland was a world-leader in providing its citizens optimized and validated real-time
RT-PCR based SARS-CoV-2 testing); the impacts of a slow commercial test development
processes which would have seen Australia overwhelmed by COVID-19 well before testing
was available; the high sensitivity of real-time RT-PCR which was essential when nothing
was known about this new pandemic pathogen; results being returned to patients within 6-
48 hours; and the quality of the collaborative laboratory network which already exists within
Australia to perform PCR-based testing.
I trust this information is of assistance to the petitioners.
Yours sincerely


Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
Leader of the House

Nov 4, 2021 1:58 PM
Reply to  Wombat

RT= Reverse Transcriptase. That’s what’s used to convert the RNA into a DNA strand which is what the PCR test amplifies.


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Nov 4, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Wombat
  1. “Mullis’s comment is often used out of context. PCR cannot by itself detect “disease” as a disease is a collection of signs and symptoms noted by an experienced clinician and the sufferer.”

That’s quite an admission from an official source. It makes complete nonsense of the grossly-inflated and ever-rising “case numbers” being used to terrify people worldwide. By her own admission and by her own definition, these are not cases of disease.

The alleged “COVID-19 pandemic” is indeed a mere casedemic or testdemic. “COVID-19” is not identifiable by any unique “signs and symptoms”, therefore it is not a discrete disease. It is a label for a collection of symptoms that are in most cases indistinguishable from symptoms of the flu, common cold or some other well-known respiratory disorder. It is a pseudo-disease that has been “tested into existence” among millions of people who are usually perfectly healthy or only mildly sniffly.

Ms D’Ath continues:

  1. “In this pandemic, PCR-based tools identify the infectious pathogen (SARS-CoV-2) which causes the disease (COVID-19), and they do that very specifically and sensitively.

Firstly, see above. “COVID-19” has not been proven to be a disease.

Secondly, she is begging the question. Correlation does not imply causation. Viruses have not been proven to cause any disease, just as fire brigades have not been proven to cause the fires they fight. And in this particular case, we know that the alleged causative agent (SARS-CoV-2) is found among millions of people who have no “signs or symptoms” whatsoever and who therefore have no disease.

This is why Lanka, Cowan, Kaufman etc. need to be taken seriously. Because if they’re right, then the whole giant edifice of virology is built on a false premise.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Nov 4, 2021 3:58 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Apropos, here’s the top story on the BBC website right now:

  • Covid: Record German cases as WHO warns of Europe deaths
  • Germany has recorded almost 34,000 daily Covid cases in the past 24 hours, its highest number so far, in what the health minister is calling a “massive pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

Did you notice the conflation? Easy to miss, because it’s absolutely routine.

Not “SARS-CoV-2 cases” but “Covid cases”.


dubious fragments of ambiguous cellular debris found in 34,000 healthy people by means of a notoriously-unreliable test that was practically forced on them and which can be used to ‘prove’ anything”



Sleight-of-hand. Hey presto, terrified population.

The scam is so crassly blatant.

(Apologies for the longwindedness and the screaming all-caps, but I want to make vulgarly explicit what the BBC and the world’s governments are so slyly insinuating. It’s mainly myself I’m trying to make this clear to.)

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 4:22 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Also “massive pandemic of the unvaccinated” is a screamingly obvious bit of emotional blackmail. Has there ever been a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” before? The very idea is ludicrous. It’s basically an advertising campaign only without the element of choice – or rather with that element overlaid with a hardly subtle coercion.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 4:25 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And I don’t know if this is more embarrassing than it is frightening. That such crass manipulation should be hammered and hammered out by ALL media channels. And that so many criminally gullible dupes should not only be taken in but aggressively so – resulting in them turning into the screaming pointers of that body snatchers movie.

comment image

Nov 4, 2021 10:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Nov 4, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.

Coming up next: Pandemic of the Unboostered.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Nov 4, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

The merely Vaccinated are the new Unvaccinated.

Nov 4, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Also known as a ‘plague of the boosterless’.

Nov 5, 2021 12:12 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yep headlines in qld yesterday ….covid is coming for the unvax….this was based on 3 people testing positive…one being vax one jab…which left me wondering if all in same household and the vax caused it all.,,

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Nov 4, 2021 7:20 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Yes, you’re so right. The scam is so crassly blatant.

I’m the only one in my immediate/close, and extended family, who’s refused to submit to these evil injections. And all my friends bar one [she also being wised-up) have also (very gullibly) submitted.

One of my (gullible) friends is a Spanish lady in her late 80s. Months before they ‘rolled out’ the injections, I tried to inform her and her English husband that it would be very unwise to agree to be injected. But (you guessed it) they chose to ignore my warnings, and rolled up their sleeves.

Due to their having only the ‘mainstream’ media for their sources of ‘information’, she ‘believes’ the Establishment’s blatant lies re. a ‘pandemic of the un’vaccinated’… and, knowing that I’ve refused the injection, she keeps saying to me “Well I wish you good luck… but there are so many people dying and in hospital due to having chosen to not be injected”. When I tell her that that is merely false propaganda, and not the truth, she doesn’t believe me…

What can one do, huh? When people don’t have the comprehension ability, then no one can succeed in making them understand what’s really going on…

I’ve had the same reaction from my close family members, unfortunately. They all choose to ‘believe’ whatever the government [here in the UK] and the MSM spew out. Even though I’ve bent over backwards to explain to them that the global Mainstream Media is ‘bought’ and is merely a mouthpiece for the corrupt governments of the world.

I’m 62, and will continue to refuse to submit to these evil injections. I’m so stunned that the global masses seem STILL to not be able to see what’s really going on.

I’ve explained to many of my family members and friends re. the fact that the PCR ‘test’ is deliberately being used fraudulently, and HENCE the FAKE ‘case’ numbers. But they all still ‘believe’ what the people on their TV ‘tell’ them.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 5, 2021 8:21 AM

The biggest problem I have is in these morons asking me “How do you know these alternative channels aren’t lying!” and I have to explain that these alternative channels are not making substative claims! They are querying the substantive claims of the MSM. As with 9/11, it’s that old reversal of the burden of proof: a very devious move which did not become clear to me till months or possibly even a year or two after 9/11!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Nov 5, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes you’ve hit the nail on the head. These morons (as you so rightly refer to them) cannot see the wood for the trees. They have no idea what’s really going on and, as you say, they just don’t comprehend the modus operandi of the perpetrators.

9/11 is yet another PsyOp which the vast majority of my family members and friends took at its mere face-value… I’ve explained to them till I’m blue in the face, re. the fact that it was a PsyOp, and all that that entails, but they still chose to ‘believe’ the ‘official narrative’.
The husband of one of my friends became very verbally stroppy with me when I dared to tell them that the ‘official’ story of 11th September 2001 is not what actually took place. I was subjected to vile (totally unwarranted, of course…!) opprobrium; including having him say to me, “How DARE you say that! More than 3000 people died, have some respect”.

If the global masses were not so brainwashed, naive and gullible, these outrageous scams would not even get off the ground.

County Girl
County Girl
Nov 6, 2021 4:26 PM

Hi Christine. Get yourself some like-minded friends. My husband and I felt totally alone until one month ago. One of the commenters on Off-G mentioned ‘Stand in the Park’. We looked at the website and attended the very next Sunday. There were 3 venues in our town. The lovely people there told us about the Freedom meetings which took place in our town, and we attended the next day. These meetings are word of mouth and advertised on Telegram. I don’t have a smart phone so cannot sign up for Telegram.

The meetings are amazing. We have attended 3 times. A large room of people who haven’t been jabbed. Sensible, friendly informed people. Info. about get-togethers. Talks – so far – *Round Earth v Flat Earth – presented as a debate by guys who knew their science. *Common Law.

Organisers are not advertised due to that ‘Covid rule’ of organisers being fined £10,000.

I understand many cities and towns in the UK have these meetings. The large city 12 miles up the road from our town also have these meetings.

Also look out for a free newspaper called ‘The Light’. In our town a guy has a small stand on Saturdays and gives this paper out. This may be your way of finding the meetings.

Good luck.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 4, 2021 2:35 PM
Reply to  Wombat

I think it actually means both. Iain Davis’s book on the “Pseudopandemic” gives a good explanation, among much much else. You can download it for free by subscribing to his newsletter, which is free.


That letter above from Yvette D’Ath (Death?) misrepresents Kary Mullis’s views on PCR; no surprise there though.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 4, 2021 2:46 PM
Reply to  Wombat

BTW, you can find Kary Mullis’s book “Dancing Naked in the Mind Field” on z-lib DOT org

I don’t think it will particularly help in the context of your question, but given that Mullis is always being quoted (yes, out of context sometimes), and given that he’s not around to reply for himself, it might help to know something more about Kary Mullis, the man.

Nov 4, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Wombat

YVETTE D’ATH? Really? And “Minister for Health and Ambulance Services”? Oh, but for a missing E.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Nov 4, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  LOL

Monty Python had a sketch about a Dr Death who inisted it was pronounced “D’Ath”.

Reminds me of Alan B’stard.

Nov 5, 2021 12:14 AM
Reply to  LOL

Yes I was struck by that too…so many of these people in this game have interesting names..

Nov 4, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  Wombat

theater for the brain dead
interesting name it has U YET death

Nov 4, 2021 11:22 AM

Here’s a good one. Put itanimulli.com into your browser (itanimulli = illuminati backwards). Where do you end up?

Nov 4, 2021 9:51 PM
Reply to  LOL

Very interesting.

les online
les online
Nov 4, 2021 11:15 AM

I keep sensing that we all implicitly believe The Ruling Cabal are omnipotent. Maybe we get that impression because of their omnipresence in all mass media…
But their omnipotence relies on our acquiescence, on our felt impotence.
The System relies on our active support, even if begrudgingly given – or our passive support. You cant rule a modern complex society by fear, The USSR learned that.
Rule by fear is a weakness – it means you dont have the consent of the ruled.
They’re not omnipotent if they have to resort to fear.

Nov 4, 2021 10:38 AM

Keeping within the above theme a very overlooked film which seems to be showing a variation of the timeline they want people to go on.

Nov 4, 2021 11:12 AM
Reply to  shamen

Great film, I said to my wife when we watched it, replace the time clock, with a carbon allowance and see the future.

Nov 4, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  shamen

Looks fantastic. Thanks for the heads up.

BTW, one of the very best shows I’ve ever seen about someone fighting back against the system was an Outer Limits episode (the new series) from Season 6. It was called Zig Zag. It was great.

Nov 4, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

cheers for that one, found it… https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x61ljqr

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 9:55 AM


This burp-catching mask for cows could slow down climate change

Can’t you hear it? That laughter from upstairs?

“ARF! They believed in JFK’s magic bullet, they believed that two controlled demolitions were caused by planes impacting and another was caused by fire – all three on the same day, they believed that Corbyn was Hitler, they believe in a magic virus only detectable by a voodoo test … so why not have them running in fear from cows farting?” 

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 10:00 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Perhaps it makes sense. St Bill wants us off meat. So why not phase all the livestock out by gradually making farming more and more cumbersome. Perhaps even introducing some devices to reduce the health of the cattle? These cow masks must be as detrimental to the cows’ wellbeing as face nappies are to humans.

Nov 5, 2021 11:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The cows can wear air-tight nappies and the gas can be piped off to use as fuel.

Nov 4, 2021 10:06 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Billionares will continue to eat the best beef their organic farms can create. No fertilizer for their grass or veggies, that shit is for poor people.

The rich don’t eat the poisons we eat, so they don’t care.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 4, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  aspnaz
Nov 4, 2021 10:58 AM
Reply to  George Mc


Nov 4, 2021 11:09 AM
Reply to  George Mc

They also believe:
1) WW1 just sort of happened.
2) So did the Great Depression.
3) Both 1 and 2 were disasters for everyone.
4) Door handles are delivery systems for advanced chemical weapons that can be produced by only one country.
5) Assad gassed his own people when he was winning the war anyway.
6) They’re to blame for slavery despite their ancestors never owning a slave.
7) George Floyd is the greatest hero ever despite dealing drugs, acting in porn movies, pointing a gun at a pregnant woman’s belly during a break-in and probably having died a few years earlier.
8) If you work hard, want it enough and have a bit of luck, you can get to the top no matter who you are.
9) Every crime they’ve ever heard of was committed by a lone nut – except the ones the MSM says weren’t.
10) Capitalism and communism really hated each other.

And so it goes…

Nov 4, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Edwige

This george floyd is a real degenerate. What piece of trash. And they built statues for him, donald trump is evil for being mean and tweeting rude things but violent drug addict, thug and probably a rapist is a victim of society and a poor angel. The police in usa are violent tards but that skag is not a hero

New Nane
New Nane
Nov 5, 2021 9:30 AM

The George Floyd incident was a brilliant bankster false flag. This triggered Soros’ forces and derailed anti convid protests.

Nov 4, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  Edwige

They also believe casualtues of iraq were 1000 people instead of 3,500000+

Nov 4, 2021 9:44 AM

It is time to attack this completely baseless CO2 ideology and it must finally be stated that it is completely unscientific and has no basis in reality!

The claim of this CO2-freaks is: Allegedly, CO2 functions in high altitude as a ‘heat catcher/interceptor’, which prevents the sun-warmed earth to ray a lot of heat back into space.
But this assumption (and it has never been more than an assumption – no data, no research!) is absolutely baseless and wrong.
1) Because the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere is only 0.039%. That is, that there is only one CO2 molecule for every other 2500 molecules of the atmosphere. Add to this that CO2 is heavier than other air molecules. Therefore in early days, they went into the wine cellar (below!) or septic tank (below!) only with a burning candle. When the flame went out, one had to rush quickly back up again.
That means: If the atmosphere has only 0.039% CO2 in AVERAGE, and if heavy CO2 by principle gathers on the ground, then there is no CO2 in high altitude anyway. The circumstance that virtually all CO2 is near ground level, is also evident from the fact that plants, which need CO2 desperately, could certainly not grow with a CO2 content in the air of 0.039%. Certainly the CO2 level near the ground is likely to be 1%, 2% or even more amount).

2) The second reason why CO2 can’t be a “heat catcher/interceptor” in high altitude is, because this strange assumption is established solely by the fact that CO2, when it is charged with infrared of a specific wavelength, CO2 does not radiate off this heat with the same wavelength, but only with another infrared wavelength.
But even if CO2 needed to be more heated up than other air molecules before it can radiate away the heat in its other wavelength (we have no information even about that) this could not justify this absurd theory of CO2 being a ‘heat catcher’ in high altitude (unlike clouds, which indeed prevent earth from raying heat off into space)
Why not?
a) Firstly, because the heat release of molecules indeed may well also be due to radiation. But on Earth, molecules pass on heat by releasing kinetic energy to neighbouring molecules. This because the heat of a molecule is shown by its violent swinging back and forth. And the ‘cooling’ of a molecule happens when the hot molecule ‘bumps’ into adjacent molecules and thus passes its kinetic energy on . Example: If our bath water is hot too and we turn on cold water, then the temperature in the bath water does not drop by “radiation”, but because the hot water molecules bump into the new cold water molecules and thus loose their kinetic energy.
b) Even at high altitude CO2 molecules would pass on their energy by ‘jostling’ neighbouring molecules. And than this neighbouring molecules could even radiate off this energy into space! That means: Even if CO2 couldn’t ray off energy at all (which is not the case) the adjacent molecules a CO2 molecule bumps into will ray the energy/heat into open space.

3.) Last not least: Research with archaic rocks und stone and research of drilled probes of arctic ice of the very deep showed that earth warming periods did not start with high CO2 levels. CO2 levels only started to rise long after a warming period had already begun. This because the warming seas of the planet now released CO2.

My cause for concern is the disappearance of the “green lungs” (equatorial forests) of earth. The forest cover is Congo Basin – which is even more important than the Amazon’s basin – will be gone in 20 years (a good article of DW a few years ago). But these Friday For Future (FFF) would not care about that. Just as they don’t protest against the devastating wars and the destruction of entire countries, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, etc. These destructions really produces real “climate gases”!
These FFF freaks also don’t care about the military, which burns a lot of gas, oil and kerosene (e.g.: Only the USA has more than 200 bases in foreign countries).
Read (translation-link): https://das–blaettchen-de.translate.goog/2020/08/klimakiller-militaer-53928.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=nui

Nov 4, 2021 11:14 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Excellent post, thank you. I would disagree that the rainforests are the ‘green lungs’ of earth, even the head of the IPCC said they were carbon neutral i.e. they emit as much carbon as they devour.

Why CO2? In gematria it’s 366. 6+6 = 12 then 1+2 = 3. Yep, it’s another 33.

Nov 4, 2021 11:44 AM
Reply to  Edwige

1) For those who believe in this CO2 ideology it must be important, because these huge jungles bind carbon. They are like a lot of huge coalmines. which, before exploited, also bind CO2 and are ‘stores’ for CO2.

2) But first of all these huge jungles (Amazon, Congo, Indonesia and so on) are important, because they produce rain. This, because – other than the Sahara – with their woods they keep the heat also at night and thus make the equatorial area a low pressure area: In low pressure areas the air goes up, cools off in high altitude and the then cold air releases the humidity in form of rain.
This is also true for zones of moderate climate. All over Europe they still chop down woods. In Romania they are chopping down the jungle of the (by Romanian law once protected) Danube delta. This means too little rain in future.

3) But also this: In Vietnam I saw a lot of these areas or little hills made of reddish sand. no plants! I saw this also on pictures from Cambodia: The reason for these sand areas popping up: As soon as the woods are chopped away the very heavy rain of the tropical/subtropical raining season washes out the soil and washes away all minerals plants need. In Vietnam, after a heavy rain, my landlady watered her garden with tap water. At first I thought she was crazy. But then I understood: The tropical rain had washed out the soil of her garden plants And with tap water the plants got their minerals again.

Nov 4, 2021 12:46 PM
Reply to  Joerg

CO2 weighs in as the most versatile element in the universe. It is, at the same time, a boogeyman and a straw man, used by both sides of the climate debate to disprove the other’s talking points. Yet it’s effect on the overall climate is dwarfed by climate engineering, which is not only warming the planet in its own right but helping to release methane, which is warming the planet even more, and coating the Earth with a fine layer of aluminum and other elements which do not exist in free form in the environment.

And of course the biggest and best friend living organisms have is the ocean, which is the ultimate heat trapping entity on the planet. But even the ocean can only trap so much heat.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 6, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  Howard

Sorry to be pedantic, but I have to correct “CO2 weighs in as the most versatile element”. Chemically speaking, CO2 is a compound, not an element. (Carbon and Oxygen are elements, i.e. the things which appear in the Periodic Table of the Elements).

Of course, the climate alarmists do not help people’s understanding when they continually go on about “carbon emissions” and “low carbon economy”.

Well, by mass, human beings are approximately 18.5% carbon. Of course, the eugenicists, who are probably one driver of climate alarmism, really do want a low-carbon economy.

Nov 5, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Joerg

There was a claim (by Chris Hall in New Scientist, 2012) that once greenhouse gases reach the stratosphere, they have a cooling effect.

The Congo area will be kept destabilised, poor and brutalised because the big boys need the cobalt and other minerals, especially for those eco-friendly batteries.

Nov 5, 2021 6:13 PM
Reply to  mgeo


Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Nov 4, 2021 8:33 AM

At the end of the meeting Charles said that we “have 18 months to save the world from climate change”


I don’t suppose Brandon Biden was sleeping during this statement……..

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 9:24 AM

Directive from upstairs:

“Let’s put this line into Charles’s mouth and see if anyone objects? It’ll be a laugh! We convinced them all that Corbyn was Hitler, and that wearing face nappies can keep you alive forever. So why stop the fun now?”

Nov 4, 2021 11:03 AM

Not the first time that this man totally lunatic and entitled makes his apocalyptic predictions.


Nov 4, 2021 11:15 AM

18 = 6+6+6.

Nov 4, 2021 11:47 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Ha sorry I missed your comment so stated the same thing 😅

Nov 4, 2021 11:46 AM

18 = 6+6+6

But you already knew that…..

Clutghing at straws
Clutghing at straws
Nov 4, 2021 7:55 AM

News from UK.

‘Government’ backs down on mandated jabs or healthcare workers.

Rather, it’s delayed until March.

Is that the start of the retreat?

Maybe they’ve seen the disaster in US?

I would urge any healthcare worker with other skills to find themselves another job lickety spit.

The NHS always struggles in Winter.

This year there are still thousands off ‘sick’.

Added to the reductions in staff and hospital beds over the last ten years.

The ‘gov’ know that the sacred NHS is the Rubicon that cannot be crossed in UK.

Looks like we’ve found the chink in their armour.

Nov 4, 2021 9:30 AM

New moon in Scorpio the ritual work in cycles.

it means another year or 2 of fear fear fear, USA did not mandated it
THE mandate thing was in twitter number `1 for months saying experts said it was covered by law which it wasn’t it was covered by 24/7 FEAR coverage from alt media and mainstream media .

If that is to technical to understand they pressurize the employer to put pressure on to employee’s just like the MASKS exacts same psyop.

Clutghing at straws
Clutghing at straws
Nov 4, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  shamen

Erm….. Ok

I think what you are trying to say that a mandate is not a legal requirement?

That may be true but there a lot of ex service workers in USA at the minute.

Surprising for such a litigious country.

Nov 4, 2021 7:17 AM

I find this comment to be the most to the point, sober description of reality.

We’re at a point of excessive growth driven by the availability of limited resources (solar energy accumulated in fossil fuels) that has resulted in gluttonous consumption, overindulgence, luxury. With that comes entitlement, some decadence, all the phenomena we can observe in the world, good and bad. It’s inevitable that it will end. Maybe not right now, but one day for sure.

Can humans transition to a technology capable of harnessing solar energy (that’s basically all we’ve got) in a way able to sustain, maybe in part, the current civilization?

Provided that it’s possible, even though it will inevitably entail having to give up a lot of the luxuries people are used to, what would be a good way of winding down the current consumerism on steroids given how entitled people are?

Nov 4, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  Jacques

“Luxuries” like eating a balanced diet, having a garden, being able to travel more than 15 minutes, turning on the heating in winter, dying when nature decides it’s your time and using cash?

I live a fairly ascetic life myself – but this attempt to sell neo-feudalism as some sort of anti-consumerism is totally bogus. It’s clearly been designed to appear to leftists who’ll think it’s anti-Thatcherite and fall for it. Try selling the idea to people who have little, no wonder they’ve concluded the left is not for them. The same people who brought us the 1980s (or their children) are behind this, they’ve just flipped it around.

Mind you, if you mean banning SUVs in urban areas then sign me up…

Nov 4, 2021 12:45 PM
Reply to  Edwige

My first reaction was to tell you that your view is myopic, but I’d rather say that I’m looking a bit further beyond the tip of my nose, aiming as far as or beyond the horizon.

The comment I quoted and commented is not about the -ism du jour or the -isms du dernier siecle or even les derniers siecles. It’s about physics and their implications for biology. Societal issues are only a collateral extension of that.

The human race is riding on a giant wave propelled by the discovery and exploitation of what is essentially solar energy stored over millennia – fossil fuels, most notably crude oil and natural gas. The quantity thereof is finite, which means that the expansion of the human race that has taken place during the last centuries is not sustainable.

There are two possibilities – either humans will develop technologies that will harness enough solar energy to sustain, more or less, the current way of living (if extracting enough solar energy in ‘real time’ is even possible) or not, in which case, the current civilization will collapse. A quite likely collateral effect of that will be self-destruction as myopic humans who evidently understand shit as to what’s going on will fight for whatever resources there are left.

Sorry, man, but invoking leftists, thatcherites, or SUVs is ludicrous. Those are absurdly insignificant, inconsequential, and anachronistic particles in the overall mosaic.

Nov 5, 2021 9:23 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Orgone, chi, the energy of finer/higher frequencies is free, our ancestors used it, the universe including ourselves is electrical and magnetic. But the knowledge of this and how to use it has been suppressed by the controllers who don’t profit from free energy, and also it has a spiritual dimension which they also don’t want us to access, they like to keep us ignorant of soul/spirit as that is where our power/empowerment is.
It’s not so much about developing technologies or reducing population, the knowledge is already there in the human collective psyche as to how to thrive, we just need to access it collectively, that is the difficult part!

Nov 5, 2021 3:43 PM
Reply to  Dandelion

Well, you seem to know all about it. So, how do I convert enough chi into gas to fill up my fucking car?

Just kidding, you probably mean well. And the chances are very high that there is a vast amount of shit we’ll never know about because of our inherent sensory/intellectual limitations.

But even if true, the aforestated applies. Does mankind have enough time to switch from fossil fuels to chi before the civilization collapses?

Doubt it, people are conventional normies, mostly fucked up in the head, unwilling to embrace anything that doesn’t fit their preconceptions. The virus being a case in point.

Nov 5, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  Jacques

When people can no longer get fuel for their car, well that’s going to wake them up, isn’t it!
I’m not saying by 2025 everyone will be breatharians but the worse things get the more people will wake up. It all has to collapse, all this consuming of stuff. It’s a time of opportunity.

Nov 5, 2021 11:35 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The only valid use for wind/solar is in areas on diesel generation or areas with a lot of reservoir hydro and a good wind/solar resource or for niche applications like off-grid homes.

Energy from fission is for all intents and purposes unlimited, unless you want to talk in ridiculous terms like billions of years. I’m sure if any of our ancestors are around by then they will have already colonized the Andromeda Galaxy. Just the current supply of depleted uranium and spent nuclear fuel is worth $2600 trillion at the energy price of $100/bbl petroleum. In fact that supply of nuclear fuel waste has as much energy as 800 years of current world petroleum production which is ~35% of world energy supply. It is 14x total world oil reserves. That is without any mining whatsoever.

The energy density of ordinary dirt is 26X that of coal in MJ/kg just from the uranium & thorium contained in that dirt. That wonderful bounty of energy granted us by Mother Nature born in the violent inferno of giant supernova explosions and neutron star collisions, that released more energy in a few seconds than the sun produces in its lifetime. One rare earth mine that makes materials for wind & solar power will produce enough waste thorium & uranium annually to supply all the energy needs of the entire planet every year burnt in Molten Salt Reactors. They will pay you to take the thorium and uranium away. And any metal mine you can extract the uranium & thorium by adding an additional flotation circuit. We will never run out of uranium & thorium to power our civilization. We will long run out of regular construction materials before we will run out of fission fuel. And then there is fusion. And asteroids. And the Moon.

Nov 4, 2021 5:40 AM

Best video explaining the machinations in the IPCC to stay on the message of “The End Is Near!!”.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Nov 4, 2021 9:19 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Great video!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Nov 4, 2021 4:34 AM

comment image

Big al
Big al
Nov 4, 2021 4:19 AM

We need to manage billions of people on the planet. If we don’t want them to do it, we need to do it. I think that’s what’s missing in all these missives about how bad they are. We have to somehow get past the griping stage and in the action stage. I should say that many are in that stage, but certainly not enough and not in the manner that needs to be done. Face it, we need massive organization. We need money, we need leaders, we need workers, we need an organization, or organizations relative to multiple countries, to force political representation. I can’t speak for England or Australia or New Zealand, but in the U.S., we have a two party system. That’s it, one side or the other and both parties are completely corrupt. That’s been completely evident and known basically since the system was started. I like to give an old quote by Eugene Debs, the famous socialist activist in the last 19th and early 20th centuries, he made in 1904: “The Republican and Democratic parties, or, to be more exact, the Republican-Democratic party, represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences as arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles.”

Nothing has changed, it’s only gotten worse relative to political representation and how democratic our political systems are, or are not. We’re not going to wish this away. It’s got to be done the hard way. We don’t need politicians, we don’t need to participate in the election farce, but we need to organize into one voice that is registered and counted. We keep saying there are many of us out there, how many? We have to find out now.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Nov 4, 2021 9:15 AM
Reply to  Big al

I think the really important lesson is that anyone wanting to or advocating “managing billions of people” is likely to be a bigger problem than any global warming or potential eco crisis.

Nov 4, 2021 12:54 PM

You’re probably right. If people were left alone and lived locally, they’d manage. But the damage has been done. People’s heads have been fucked up by 1000+1 factors, and things don’t depend on their personal, local judgment, but on issues with global ramifications.

Food supply being a case in point. If people were producing food locally, they would know what they can afford, how big a family they can feed. That’s not the case. The system has been fucked with to a state, where food is grown who know the fuck where and shipped to people from the other side of the globe thanks to cheap energy the availability whereof is limited.

So what’s the solution? Going back to local, obviously. But will people come to that conclusion on their own? Looking around doesn’t inspire a whole lot of confidence. You had a good article about that some weeks ago, but there has been nearly a zero response even though this is an issue of central importance.

Big al
Big al
Nov 4, 2021 3:12 PM

I didn’t say it couldn’t be done locally, or that there needed to be global management. Societies or even small communes require organization, rules, etc. My point was, we either let them do it, or we do it. In other words, we don’t want them to do it, so we need to take the bull by the horns. You seem to be totally against any kind of organization.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2021 10:37 AM
Reply to  Big al

We need money, we need leaders, we need workers, we need an organization, or organizations relative to multiple countries, to force political representation.

Well – the “we” I see are the countless atomised individuals hanging on as ever to their livelihoods – jobs or government handouts. Meanwhile the money, leaders, organisation, political representation etc. are all part of a system that I, and those countless others, have zero chance of “gate-crashing”. And even if somehow I managed to make a big noise and become a “concern” for the rulers, it wouldn’t be long before they were applying their boundless resources and cash to neutralise any threat I represent.

I reckon the only solution is mass resistance and a refusal to be part of any Great Plan for the millions which always comes from above.   

Nov 4, 2021 2:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I think we need a bit more than just mass resistance.

The ‘Great Plan’ is already in place, perhaps not to the extent of its next-level incarnation that’s being rolled out, but the world is already globally controlled. Through religion (the “covid” of yesteryear), through money, through just about everything.

We need something to replace it with. And that something has to be viable, sustainable, and defensible from being taken over by the very same motherfuckers who are behind the ‘Great Plan’ or anybody who might wanna emulate them.

What is it gonna be? And how is it gonna work? A society of small local communities? Alright. That would work. How do we establish them? How do we prevent some entity from taking over since the defensive capability of small communities would be zilch? How do we persuade enough people to go that route?

Or is it that the current system can be purged of the cancer that’s sprawled throughout?

Nov 4, 2021 1:03 AM

With rightful focus on Australian medical fascism OFFG should also focus on China that periodically terrorizes its citizen while official reporting all Covid deaths are 20 times smaller than normal seasonal flu deaths, continues locking down 30 millions after only one PCR positive in the area. Now 150+ millions are locked down, PCR tested because of 600 99% PCR false positives.

Nov 4, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Where do you get your information about what’s happening in China from?

Nov 4, 2021 7:21 PM

Those snippets of info come From MSM like Bloomberg TV and that’s why I suggest OFFG looks into it.

Nov 5, 2021 2:41 AM
Reply to  Kalen

China still persues a zero-Covid policy but many consider it to be related to the Winter Olympics: China does not want to lose face by having to cancel the Winter Olympics due to Covid. People are expecting the over-the-top lockdowns to end after the Olympics is done: they have hope.

Nov 5, 2021 2:43 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Source of this rumour: https://www.hk01.com/.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 4, 2021 12:46 AM

The scam behind the slow motion rollout of anthropogenic global warming > global warming > climate change is as obvious to the non-mind controlled with IQ’s over room temperature as the scamdemic itself. The two scams are joined at the hip both in regard to the agendas and the perps. The $cience behind each of them is ludicrous.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 4, 2021 12:43 AM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 4, 2021 12:48 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

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