Gunpowder, Treason & Plot
“Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot…” But what was the plot? Who committed the treason? And where did they get the gunpowder?
It’s a very famous story, Guy Fawkes and his band of Catholics planting barrels of gunpowder under the houses of Parliament in an effort to blow up the building and assassinate the king.
…but did you know that the manufacture of gunpowder was a state monopoly in 1605? And that, in all the investigations following the exposure of the plot, no one ever ascertained how the conspirators had managed to obtain 36 barrels of gun powder?
…or that there are multiple conflicting accounts of how/when/where Fawkes was actually arrested?
…or that contemporary figures wrote that the government knew of the alleged plot months before November 5th?
…or that alleged ringleader Robert Catesby, according to his servant, met with James’ spymaster Sir Robert Cecil at least three separate times in 1605?
…or that this plot was politically very convenient for a “monumentally unpopular” king James I?
These are just some of the contradictions present in the official story, which should remind us that false flags and narrative construction are not new tools, they have centuries of history behind them.
Gloria Moss wrote a long piece about this last year, but for those of you looking for some cosy autumn evening viewing we suggest Gunpowder, Treason and Plot, which Catte first wrote about back in 2016:
This 2001 UK Channel 4 documentary explores the legends and myths and historical realities behind the famous November 5 “gunpowder plot” of 1605, in which a group of disaffected Catholics – including the infamous Guido (Guy) Fawkes – allegedly planned to blow up King James I and his government at the State Opening of Parliament in 1605, using barrels of gunpowder stashed in the cellars of the palace of Westminster.
Happily for James the plot was fortuitously uncovered hours before the ceremony was due to commence. Guido Fawkes was apprehended in flagrante in the cellars, surrounded by kegs of gunpowder. He confessed under torture.
The other alleged conspirators were soon rounded up and either died resisting arrest or were hanged drawn and quartered in batches.
The end result of this was a return of harsh state persecution of Catholics living in England, who had been permanently disenfranchised and persecuted since the early days of Elizabeth I’s reign, some fifty years earlier.
In 1604 there had been a move to soften the government’s stance on this. But the “gunpowder plot” convinced even the most dovelike officials that there was no room for compromise with the “agents of the Pope.”
So, was the “gunpowder plot” exactly what you will read about in the history books, an ad hoc conspiracy by a few angry Catholics?
Or does it have some hallmarks we will recognise as oddly modern and familiar? Was this an early case of LIHOP? Or something even darker than that?
This documentary dares to at least touch on some of these questions.
If it were being made now, for a major mainstream outlet, would this be considered acceptable?
Happy Bonfire Night everyone.
Featured image source: Stethebee on Art Station.
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There was a protest outside the Houses of Parliament on 5th Nov
The million mask march
there he ancestor,Guido….
Look at these scenes in Leipzig today:
On German Twitter and throughout the mass media, depraved Wokeists * — it is impossible to tell how many of them are actual spooks, how many are brain-damaged by screen-addiction, and how many are simply amoral salarymen — are calling these brave people Nazis and cheering on the cops who are gassing them and beating them up.
“Move along now. Nothing to see here. Just the Scamdemic Gestapo enforcing the Big Cull and the Great Rip-Off.”
“Heil Groper Joe!”
“The best fake resistance that the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis can own.”
CJ Hopkins admirably stood up for anger in a recent interview with Charles Eisenstein. I cheered when I heard him say it.
No one is under any moral obligation to greet endless lies with endless forbearance. On the contrary. After nineteen months of:
antisocial distancing,
mass murder of old people,
24/7 propaganda and fearporn,
lasting traumatisation of millions of defenceless kids,
deliberate destruction of the people’s health under the pretence of protecting it,
outright bans placed on visiting your dying loved ones or even attending their funerals,
a gigantic and ongoing theft of the people’s wealth by the world’s worst individuals & organisations…
After all that and more, these smug, vicious, sanctimonious, self-serving bastards are now hastening to prick 5-year-old children. And they won’t stop there. It will be babies next.
There comes a time when it’s positively immoral not to say NO. At the very least. There comes a time when it’s positively bad English to say anything more, or anything other, than FUCK. RIGHT: OFF..
Words won’t suffice, of course. We’re going to have to put our bodies on the line. Because they have already claimed our bodies as their own.
The jabs for babies, toddlers and young children have been normalised for over 50 years. This jab types range from 20 to 100+, depending on the country. Most parents of babies injured, killed or rendered autistic get no aid or compensation.
Absolutely! Sadly, I suspect it is past time to meet the violence of The State, with violence. Nothing more – nothing less. All legal and peaceful protests have been infiltrated and met with brutish violence. The time for pacifism has passed.
I strongly recommend the Hopkins interview.
That’s what real protest looks like. It sure as hell doesn’t look like this:
There is clearly a vast operation underway to redirect real public anger and fear away from the enveloping fascist state around them and towards the concerns of the rulers – ultimately switching round the rage to a support for the very item it’s raging against.
And note the flaccidity of the subtitle:
The chill is descending, the socio-economic fabric is collapsing, now children are being coerced into submitting to a criminally under-tested vaccine, masks, distancing, lockdowns etc. And yet here we have a concern for “African voices to be central to public debate”! And that “public debate” is anything but and even concerns a topic which very few give a shit about.
This is the thing I have never understood and it lies at the heart of every concern I have over covid: Why can people not see the absurdity in the ruling class owned media reporting about how the ruling class is threatened? Why can’t they see the absurdity of the stacked might of the state proclaiming itself helpless before “us the people” who are represented by stage managed youngsters?
Those “African voices” clearly don’t include the voices of President John Magafuli of Tanzania and all those other African leaders who conveniently expired of “heart attacks” after refusing to stay on-script about “Covid”. Such “African voices” can be silenced with impunity. No movie star will risk bad publicity by speaking out in their defence, and the Guardian would either castigate or ignore any thespian who did.
Off-guardian’s comment section has become more like The Guardian’s in that reader’s comment evaluation system has been removed.
A solution would be to haveonly “like”. I saw it on one site. Under each comment was a little heart with a number aside of it. If you clicked on the heart the number counted one up
Neil’s stupid ridiculous crap models:
From inews:
We desperately need care workers, health workers, any amount of workers to, you know, actually do stuff and help people etc. But hey – never mind that. Let’s flush even more millions down the sewage vent with totally unnecessary pills for a fake virus!
Federal Court Blocks Biden Administration’s Private Business COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate (
Good news – “Some analysts tied the dramatic fall in the share price of BioNTech – which amounted to more than 20% – to the publication of an explosive report on the trials of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine. Published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on Tuesday, the report cites a former contractor and claims to expose a staggering level of incompetence in management, the handling of data, and patient safety during the testing process.”
Some more good news- perhaps ….. “A US federal appeals court has issued a stay on President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates for employers, freezing the requirement over constitutional concerns.
Biden’s mandate says companies with 100 or more employees must require their workers to either get the Covid-19 vaccine or be tested weekly. Numerous Republican states and companies, such as conservative outlet Daily Wire, had already presented legal challenges to Biden’s controversial mandate before the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit stepped in.”
Its only a pause in proceedings, but we’ll see
Off-topic but very important.
The climate con. This is how the next step is now unfolding – capitalism exploiting Nature and her resources even further under the guise of saving the world. From latest article by Whitney Webb:
“these “stakeholder capitalism” mechanism models – despite being presented as offering a “more responsible” form of capitalism – instead allow corporations and private entities to participate in forming the regulations that govern their own markets and giving them a greatly increased role in political decision-making by placing them on equal footing with national governments. It is essentially a creative way of marketing “corporatism,” the definition of fascism infamously supplied by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.
To get this far, all they have needed is to convince enough of the world’s population that such shifts are necessary due to the perceived urgency of climate change and the need to rapidly decarbonize the economy. Yet, if put into practice, what will result is hardly a “greener” world, but a world dominated by a small financial and technocratic elite who are free to profit and pillage from both “natural capital” and “human capital” as they see fit. ”
This site keeps me sane, however one defines it
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi) has issued a stay against enforcement of Biden’s vaccination mandate. Feds have until 5 PM Monday to respond, or the stay becomes a permanent injunction.
Federal Court Blocks Biden Administration’s Private Business COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate (
Here about the plot they play today (audio) – and it looks realy bad:
A very good exposition of what’s going on. The good Dr. got frozen out of his university position for wrong think. Far right extremist? No, he was on the far left !!! Basically, no individual opinion is tolerated whatsoever. Listen and weep.
I like the term “Corporate Socialism” – it really hits the spot!
What, like ‘virgin prostitute’, you mean? The technical term is ‘oxymoron’.
Yes – and that’s exactly why this expression really fits. This “oxymoron” shows the deception!
Dr. Michael Rectenwald coined this term not because he believes that “Corporate Socialism” is possible at all. He coined this term “Corporate Socialism” in order to hit those pseudo-left snowflakes and ‘wokies’ right into their face.
@Rhisiart Gwilym
Addendum: Dr. Rectenwald at the same time also hits out against at the right-wingers: They always condemned “Socialism/Communism” (me, too, by the way – and I am not a right winger!) – and now they (Bojo, Merkel Sarcosy, Biden and the mass of people, who voted for them) propagandise the dispossession of everyone, except for the ruling super-rich.
And they propagandise a ‘wise leadership’ like what in communist countries is/was called the “Nomenclatura”.
Shortage of care workers
… due to covid.
Shortage of health workers
… due to covid.
Shortage of everything
… due to covid.
Meanwhile …
The covid figures are going up
and up
and up …
Forbidden questions:
Are these covid cases dying?
Are these covid cases ill?
But but but …
It’s covid!
Don’t you understand?
Don’t be a covid denialist!
Don’t give in to the evil ruling class demand that
… we live with covid!
We, the working classes of the world will only be safe when every single covid case is gone!
And all these healthy covid cases
become healthy non-covid cases!
Roll up, roll up to our new shadow puppet presentation of the 150th adventure of 007. The name’s Dee, John Dee. See how he foils the evil machinations of the Catholic conspirators of Holy Spectre through a mixture of suave sophistication, sex appeal and the help of his Jamestown colony ally Felix. Definitely none of the dirty tricks from our brave boys that those ghastly foreign spy services use! Co-starring Judi Dench as Sir Robert Cecil.
Admission: 33 groats. Smallpox vaccination certificate required.
John Dee will next be seen in ‘Seafall’ where he single-handedly defeats the Spanish Armada
This is bizarre. Can someone explain what’s going on here? Is she drunk? Demented?
Nancy Pelosi press conference, 1m 58s:
Dunno, but it reminded me of those wierd Hillary clips a few yrs back, as if the programming was breaking down
Right, except that Hillary’s babbling only went on for a few seconds at a time. This lasts longer. Pelosi is talking complete gobbledook at that press conference for at least two minutes. Word-salad, as if her language faculties had completely broken down.
I don’t think drink alone can explain it. I’ve seen & heard drunks that incoherent, but they could barely stand up.
Meanwhile, a senile child-groper is President of the USA.
She appears drunk but as the poster below says it also looks as if she is malfunctioning. She looks in pre- shape shifting reptilian mode.
Yes she has issues speaking but those two dumb bimbos laughing at her, so childish stupid and disgusting, to be filming yourself mocking a lady for bad performance, even if she is a corrupt flawed ruler
FWIW, I also found the “commentary” annoying. It was like sitting on a couch with drunken strangers whooping and hollering.
Pelosi’s appalling performance speaks (or not-speaks) for itself; the audience reaction is a distraction.
I agree with both of you about the giggling girlies, but I wasn’t going to waste time looking for another link.
FWIW, I wasn’t faulting you at all for posting it. I only replied to the Baron because I had the same thought when I watched it.
Pretty astonishing. This is a link to the transcript with video on the left.–lp7oTQP_tcXp78tT1DEtVPK8fMNE-kkvEFdI?loadFrom=PastedDeeplink&ts=0.3&fbclid=IwAR3ydmwKTdqTy_4T2zu1KtKenwgyWWjYKnOCjS7bp7WB7Wcz9m5aH6kLr4Y
Two short powerful clips here folks. Support Australia against treason.
The second one is particularly good.
Right to the point, and very necessary.
No idea who Riccardo Bosi is or where he comes from though…
Could just be a clever opportunist, but every word he said is true and his stated aims are the right ones.
I’ve watched Bosi on a couple of interviews which can be found on a search for ‘Australia One’. He comes across very well. I like some of the Australian independent politicians (Craig Kelly) and journalists. I’ve been highly impressed with many of the Americans too.
Did we get some V for Vendetta in London last night? Mebe the censors and cultural programmers let one through the gate? And inspired the audience in ways they didn’t expect?
I’ve not been a great fan of V. I think there are better movies. But if the people embrace it… wey hey.
Perhaps tonight. Last night was pretty subdued fireworks-wise, at least where I live. More lively this evening, thus far.
Moral of the story. Never take a late night tube
Imagine this is or wasn’t happening what would we be discussing?9/11,Jfk every thing under the sun.They have us discussing something because the government are incompetent they make mistakes we have to notice the mistakes not the injustice that’s happening right before our eyes that’s a distraction,They don’t want us to see the plan that’s unfolding.
I know this is a serious matter what’s going on but the comments keep me going.Some are funny some are unsettling but you all are fantastic in your own way.👍
Classic misdirection in the Telegraph:
Has the militant left taken over the British Medical Association.
I won’t pay to read the drivel but I can see how we are being “disinformationed” to believe the BMA is not totally under the thumb of the military-pharma criminal mafia syndicate.
And in case you can’t spot propaganda, 2nd lead is Soros-Rockefeller fingerpuppet Fiona Hill: Biden’s shock Virginia defeat shows Americans are ready to embrace Trump again
“Biden’s shock Virginia defeat shows Americans are ready to embrace Trump again”
more like Americans have lost the will the live over Biden
In a world where everything – in terms of economic theory and practise – has palpably failed, then there is a choice which has to be made from the least worst of the policies on offer. It is easy to retreat into cynicism, but, nonetheless such choices have to be made.
In economic terms these choices boil down to 3 options.
1. Free market capitalism which is based upon a number of postulates which in purely formal terms refer only to abstract representations of the ‘real world’. Try reading one of their journals and you get dense mathematics and even denser verbiage in what in fact is a modern form of medieval scholasticism totally removed from the real world.
2. Communism, which ‘worked’ for a while but then collapsed, and then after the most repressive regime in history.
And finally 3. The mixed economy consisting of public goods and private goods, which was stable for a while from 1945-75, but then later fell prey to the options 1 and 2.
It seems to me that option 3, albeit, not great, is the least worse of the alternatives on offer. Not that it is perfect of course, but it is not as bad as anything else on offer. It is very much the doctrine that evolved in the middle to late in the 19th century until the marginalist counter-revolution in 1870. Option 3 is very much in the typology that Michael Hudson gives voice to.
So for me, and for what it is worth, it has to be option 3. I rest my case.
3) Heart of Great Britain including Yorks/Lancs Wales Scotland the Historical blood sweat & tears of Men Women & Children., English Welsh Scottish Irish to 1968-71…
Where is the Scottish Demo. in these pages? Now, Poppy Week is coming up Get out there and Buy a Poppy..please.
Everything Counts in Large Amounts..DM
That’s the conclusion that I reached when I broke free of the mental shackles of idealistic socialism about 10 years ago.
I have never believed Stalinism to have had anything to do with socialism/communism, but I was a Trotskyist in the days when I called myself a Marxist. Surely we can at least ask if communism couldn’t be done better.
In terms of the UK, yes, the period from 1945 to 1979 (when Thatcher was elected) was a mixed economy, but I would say was more socialistic than capitalistic, certainly when compared to the USA. And much of Europe was pretty socialistic, even if it was called social democracy.
By which I mean much of the economy was in the public sector, and even conservatives|Conservatives were fairly content to leave it there, because they had seen the failure of private enterprise / “capitalism” in the pre-war era.
We used to talk about the “post-war consensus” in the UK, and even Conservative governments built council houses and spent relatively generously on education including rapidly expanding the university sector. No one seriously dreamed of privatising the NHS in those days.
It all started to go wrong when high inflation hit in the 1970s, leading to all sorts of government panic measures which led to bad outcomes and usually made the problem worse. One factor was the series of “oil crises”, which did not of course happen by accident.
much of Europe was pretty socialistic
Which is why the Empire activated the Gladio cells, and when that failed, the EU project.
even if it was called social democracy
You mean, socialism is not democratic but capitalism is?
even if it was called social democracyYou mean, socialism is not democratic but capitalism is? No, I didn’t mean that at all. There is no reason in my mind why socialism cannot be democratic. In fact many traditional Labour people in the UK would have called themselves democratic socialists. People who call themselves social democrats are, in my mind, somewhat to the right of people who call themselves democratic socialists….not that these names are particularly meaningful in absolute terms. When I wrote my throwaway comment that much of Europe was pretty socialistic, even if it was called social democracy, I was thinking of countries like Germany, which is at root a very conservative country, and has been mostly ruled by its conservative party, the CDU (Christian Democratic Union), with some periods of rule by or coalition with the SPD, the Social Democratic Party of Germany (German: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands), But in the post-war “settlement”, and the establishment of the so-called Social Market, business or if you prefer, capitalism, was certainly encouraged, but at the same time, so was a strong and very successful welfare state, with a fairly high degree of public ownership. What you might indeed call a mixed economy. Britain in the 1950s and 1960s was not so different, except that we seemed to be less successful at it. Perhaps we had too many frustrated capitalists who were straining at the leash imposed by the “post-war-consensus” of the mixed economy, and eventually they were let off the leash after 1979 by Thatcher, and the old order began to unravel completely. And the right wing of the Labour Party, the social democrats if you will, either threw in the towel, or actually gave in to their own privately held capitalistic views, culminating in New Labour, leaving a diminishing band… Read more »
One argument, which I think has some mileage in it, is that the ruling classes in capitalist countries were obliged to give some goodies to the working class so that that life in capitalist countries could be portrayed as being better than on the other side of the iron curtain, and started taking back everything they had given once no longer needed.
Sorry, off-topic for this, but this is pretty big I reckon:
BREAKING: 3 Pfizer Scientists CONFESS to undercover journalist:
“Your (Covid) antibodies are probably BETTER than the (Pfizer) vaccination”
“Our organisation is run on Covid money”
Scarey implications if Walter Chestnut is correct :/
Just been reading about the DNA repair issue, and not form your sources or your source’s sources. So looks likely. Got to hand it to the bastards.
Cheers for that Orthus, Dr. Couey is on it too, hope he can make it simpler next week, shining a light on all this could well bring the death jabs to an end, tho it may be too late for the indoctrinated.
VPN) (virtual private network) are country ist.
when i use a non English VPN i seem to have issues when i use western VPN not many issues but the poorer states VPN seem to flag more.Their is class system within the VPN system.
Why November 5th?
One simple reason could be 5×11 = 55. However I can’t find solid evidence that 55 has as much numerological significance to the elite as 11, 22 and 33. A more complex explanation (and I’ll acknowledge this is a stretch) is that it’s the 309th day of the year and 56 remain. 309 reduces to 3 and 56 to 11 so that’s 311 and 3×11 = 33.
There certainly seem to be more than a few events of significance to the elite that occurred on that day. It was when William of Orange invaded Britain; Wilson, FDR (3rd time), Nixon and Clinton were all elected on that day; the Vatican was bombed in 1943; British and French troops invaded Egypt in 1956; Saddam was sentenced to death; there have been two mass shootings in the last twelve years.
P.S. On the Cecils, PM Lord Salisbury was one of their dynasty three centuries after Robert Cecil. Salisbury is one of those PMs (like Palmerston) who one is told “nothing much happened under him… look elsewhere… nothing to see here.
The YouTube channel ShakespeareAuthorshipTrust is a fascinating source of information on such topics. You can’t avoid the Cecils.
Also a home to the delightful Ros Barber.
Coincidence of course.
Imagination is the only limit
Guy Fawkes = Guy Faux
Faux = false or fake
is ‘fake’ backwards.
Lenin calling for the October (actually November) Revolution, 1917 on 5/11 could arguably have subsequent significance.
The Number 23 (2007) (link)
Video from Melbourne earlier today
The only good thing about the commentator is that he is sounding desperate.
Listen to his rhetoric.
As a former executive producer in TV news I reckon that reporter’s script has been reworked to make it more scathing of the protesters… Phrases have been added like the reference to “animals,” the noise “drowning out” considered dissent and an “unvaccinated cohort shrinking by the day”.
It is clumsy rewriting, suggesting that state or military propagandists are getting advance sight of scripts.
The problem is it’s working.
A good example is the difference in comments on YT demo videos.
The UK demo’s comments are 90% against the narrative.
The Australian demo’s comments are 90% against the demonstrators with phrases like “there we go, back into lockdown” or “pathetic drongos”
Have a look at a few. I was shocked.
Australia is, without doubt, a testing ground for worldwide policy.
Australians love…LOVE a target they feel can be easily crushed. And it’s relatively easy in Australia to rouse the many against the few because Australians are generally extremely apathetic, extremely self conscious, don’t ever want to risk being seen to be different and are very, very naive and underfed when it comes to how the world really works. They are ruled by fear…one of their greatest fears is to be labeled a conspiracy nut because that would mean they are low life, dole bludging, weirdo hippy scum. The rest is media repetition. Repeat, repeat, repeat…lie, lie, lie. etc
That itself is a clue. When psychology, as a profession, decided to send humanity to Hell on behalf of the plutocrats, they must have had some idea about the Australian mindset. We are all having to reassess our former selves, confront our demons, recalibrate our perspective: I always had reservations about my Australian colleagues of whom there were many. I worked at Sky News in London, which was run by John O’Loan, the legendary GM of Channel 9. Inevitably the station was on the Australian walkabout… people would come in droves to earn enough to replenish the bank account… before returning to Australia. Now, I nearly married a Kiwi — and the collapse of that relationship was probably the catastrophe of my life — and I spent time in Akaroa so I know how remote it feels to be down under. Part of that is psychological and ethnic: you are close to people, just not those you recognize as people. I am not snarky to Australians or Kiwis. Quite the contrary. Apart from my lost love I received, from Australians, the greatest care and friendship without ever asking a cent in return. When I was suddenly turfed out of my home it was Australians who rushed to offer me shelter. Australians are a complex people. Unjustly parodied — by themselves, too — as hooligans and simplistic when they are not. I think they are afraid of reflecting upon themselves, as if it is somehow not manly. This is not uniquely Ausralian and is probably more British than anything. I am myself some kind of sociopath in the sense that I like to be distant enough from people to analyze them. Maybe I am simply the child of an unloving father who reflexively distrusts and suspects. But I am not watchful,… Read more »
Most Australians are uneducated and just fucking stupid.
I did think you were more level than that from other comments of yours. This huge generalisation disappoints. Education does not equate to intelligence.
“Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously”.
GK Chesterton
That still comes down to genetics and psychology. And they let the people down.
Geneticists and psychologists, like educators, social workers, nurses and doctors are currently showing themselves to be tools of the psychopathic elite — as professions they deserve Nuremberg 2.0.
I know there are rare individual exceptions. And less rare, with the passage of time.
But until psychologists, doctors, and the pseudo-social “professions” give me some reason to respect them as a group, I will go with the people.
My personal interactions with the people have always been better than with the professions. I think most people would say the same.
To balance that; I was always forgiving to policemen and soldiers. I thought of myself as a tolerant, liberal, middle-class guy. Everybody deserves a chance, right?
But you empower me to state my true thoughts bluntly: No: the people in school who became policemen and soldiers were the stupidest blokes in the room.
And it’s true in general. From which there are always valued exceptions.
With life experience, I found bureaucrats fit the mold, too. Mostly stupid and lazy. So where are the practical, useful, reliable people: as we are discovering, about 10-20 per cent, no more.
How do you map that onto a nation or race: it doesn’t work. People at the extremes are no different: all that varies by race and gender is the width of the bell curve.
But.. can you be intelligent and immoral — the psychopath-bureaucrat-militarist’s dream. No, I think spirituality goes with intelligence. One is not possible without the other.
The other side of the ‘heritage of oppressed criminals’ idea is the old saying…in Australia it’s not that so many are descended from convicts…it’s that so many are descended from guards. Sure, under the right circumstances, Australians will help you and seek no return…like any other people on the planet. But in general terms, they are narrow minded and very adept at crushing targets that have been green lit as targets to crush. And they do it with great hate and spite. Nobody wants to appear to be outside the group. You can get a good feel for that in my neck of the Australian woods when you go outside and get a geek at the staggering mask and QR compliance. They are ALL doing it. Because nobody wants to appear different. If they appear different they risk being labelled low life scum, dogs, grubs, dole bludgers…these labels keep people in line. The programming has trained them well.
Here is a different slant on the demonstrations in Melbourne from Rebel News Australia.
The police could be the catalyst.
It has certainly happened before in less extreme cases.
Follow the money. I have in past posts made reference to the Market capitalization of the Big Pharma balance sheets: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, Astrazeneca (have I missed any?) who have doubled or even trebled their market capitalization. Easy money prized out of pliant governments and their members.
This time around a discussion between two really clued up theorists, one British, one American. The discussion centred around Fed contradictory of trying to rein back inflation whilst carrying on with printing monies. Even one of my A-level economics students could see straight through that!
It reminds me of the old Greek legend when ships were trying to navigate a passage through the straits of Messina, but in wait for them were the twin dangers of Scylla and Charybdis. Preying on passing mariners. Scylla was a terrible creature with six heads and twelve feet, while Charybdis, living on the opposite side of the straits, was another monster who, over time, was transformed in the imagination of the ancients into a more rational, but no less lethal, whirlpool. Odysseus famously had to negotiate a passage through their deadly clutches in Homer‘s Odyssey.
This rather resembles the policy of the US Federal Bank. Two choices both bad. Carry on with money printing, which is giving rise to inflation, or raise interest rates, which will stop inflation but will crash the US economy, and the rest of the world’s economy. Voila!
This policy is being kept from being made public, but is beginning to fail. Hence the manufactured ‘crises’ have been operationalised to take the public’s attention away from the parlous economic situation.
This is rather like a Hobson’s Choice – something the Fed loves. The economy is damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
Except there is no longer an economy, at least not in the US. Years of Futures and Derivatives have shown the elites that their greatest asset is thin air.
So now they will simply carry it that final step: have all their wealth based on thin air. Have the Fed keep printing money till the (digital) cows come home. All it takes is for people to foolishly continue believing money is the most valuable commodity in the universe.
The only real victims in this pretend economy, of course, is the bank robbers. Oh, they’ll keep robbing the banks; but their loot’ll all turn to sand in their pockets.
Very interesting analysis from Brendon O Connell here
77. How will American & European Jews Be Encouraged To Immigrate To Greater Israel
Nothing ever changes does it? But, maybe with so many people writing important articles like these, then we might be able to change it in our time?
What is the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV) to prevent a single COVID-19 fatality in kids 5 to 11 based on the Pfizer EUA application? And what are the risks that go along with injecting that many kids?…
most apt comments:
Q. “Is there a legal issue, here, with them not calculating NNTV? What’s the point of these guidelines/rules if there’s no enforcement?”
A. “Pretty sure once you fully embark on genocide that legalities aren’t big concerns.”
The more general concept, Number Needed to Treat is explained here:
Figures for actual interventions can be found on the site: (un)popular interventions tend to be profitable procedures/drugs concerned with heart disease (v. v. scary). More people should be aware of these measures then they would be more like to give the medical establishment the trust they deserve (~none).
This article raises the question of ‘how’ they are performing injections and the implications for everyone, particularly kids, considering the current directive… injections are NOT being aspirated… leading to widespread myocarditis and pericarditis… this explains it all:
I think the aspiration thing is a bit of red herring to be honest, it’s what’s in the clot shots that is fucking with people’s cardiovascular systems.
The aspiration thing is important. For one thing it means another lie: the vaccine can’t spread because it never goes near a blood vessel. It also points to the fact that they are using amateurs to do the jabs.
Can the public be persuaded to demand aspiration? It will at least put the costs up and slow down the rate of the cull.
Indeed, many of us have been pointing this out. Of course this was a fine hypothesis, Bhakdi explained it well early on.
However, now the data on batch numbers is out (most AE/Death seen in <5% of batches) I think it's a bit of a mute point, especially considering we also know the spike is cytotoxic, along with the LNPs.
Something that’s been troubling me.
These ‘Variants of concern’
We are told that the ‘Delta’ or whatever variant is more transmissible bla, bla, bla.
What tests do they use to determine this?
Even if such a test exists, I would assume it would involve a lot more than the PCR and would be impossible to use for mass screening?
It seems to be a very dangerous move to profess to know which ‘variant’ is more dangerous/spreadable when that claim could easily be disproved.
Surely, that would blow a huge hole in the narrative.
Or are they simply taking the piss?
I agree. Surely, and hypothetically, to be able to state that a particular variant is more transmissible you would need to have a protracted and controlled study demonstrating that a group of uninfected people/animals of similar health status and spending their time in similar conditions would, upon the introduction of infection to a specific number of them, spread the infection to each other significantly quicker than a similar uninfected group deliberately infected with a different variant. I am not aware that any of this has taken place. I think your final sentence is spot on!
May be ask another question…? Like ‘what is causing the new variants?’… Many believe it is due to vaccinating into a pandemic. Variants by their very nature need to be more robust than the original strain.
Vaccinating in a pandemic is a sure way to create variants.
The very fact that this is common knowledge and they are doing it anyway is very scary.
You are presuming they actually studied and proved what caused any of this in the first place….if you read the digital documents they made it up on a computer….
up until this game they never tested what virus may do what re colds and flus …well even if any such virus did anything…people tend to get really ill and, or die of pneumonia that is the secondary not cold or flu…but many of the crowd don’t seem to actually understand that.and there is supposed to be a vax for pneumonia so obviously it doesn’t work too well either,
There was no original, ergo there are no damn variants
Variants are possible theoretically but there is no test for Delta.
Likewise the supposed waning efficacy of the jab —how do they know?
A simpler explanation is that the immune systems of the jabbed are collapsing, leaving them more vulnerable to the many coronaviruses and colds, common gripe, flu and anything else they encounter.
Which was the plan.
Beware that the unvaxxed will be blamed, though.
This chap is interesting if a little hard to follow. As I understand the “effectiveness” of the vaccines is a statistical artifact and could not be expected to last. Still a work in progress.
Meanwhile medical chaps (and chapesses) are find that immune systems are being damaged. ‘Tis why I have suggested that this winter’s flu will turn out to be, by coincidence, a particular nasty variant, or a particularly sneaky strain that deceived the brilliant minds of the forecasters of Imperialist College.
”Imperialist college” I like it!
They use genetic testing, when they see a particular ‘variant’ numbers rising, becomming dominant in a given population, compared to previous ‘variants’ they equate it to more transmissable. If it’s correlated with higher hospital admins/deaths they equate it to more virulent.
They ignore viral swarm tho. e.g. each infected individual has thousands of ‘variants’ because each individual viral replication in an actual cell produces an imperfect copy, every replication could be slightly different due to replication errors, the dominant ‘variant’ are the ones that replicate/infect most effectively in the tissue where the sample is taken, say the nose/throat, but that says nothing about which ‘variants’ are in individual organs e.g. where a particular mutation allows it to prosper in a warmer environment (deep inside the body) where it cannot in a cooler envoronment (in the nose).
This is probably the best explination of the swam thing I’ve read:
Dr. Coueys review paper is probably a good foundation for understanding the dangers of vaccinating with a ‘leaky’ vaccine (one that doesn’t stop transmission or infection).
Dr. Couey also streams on twitch a few times a week covering/teaching the basic biology, well worth spending the time to understand it all from first principles IMO.
Thanks for your reply.
I understand the gist of the genetic testing thing but I find it difficult to believe that they wouldn’t make up the scare stories keeping only a few genetic tests that suit their agenda in case they are called out.
After all, we all have an agenda.
I dunno, it get a bit deep, the chap on the UK Column symposium said he’d isolated over 30 and uploaded them to genebase. Trevor Bedfords presentation on youtube about genebase had 3.5 million variants, the ‘variants of concern’ were highlighted because they cluster in one area, but the S domain had changes orders of magnitude above any other genes.
Dr. Couey was showing the latest papers with various variants with common genes the same evololving in the S domain in different geographys, to show it’s the vax driving evolution, the whole picture makes sense in that context, but the details are way off in the long grass for me.
Delta is a con started by WHO in India with stupid compliant media. They started using RAT’s in October last year, they were 95% false as usual, even more useless than the PCR’s, it was 40 degrees C, 80% humidity, hazardous pollution as per normal. WHO and some media used photos of people who were gassed a few years ago and died in the streets, and the rich pretending they need O2, the people died of pollution and starvation as they do in the millions every year in India.
Taking the piss with no end in sight.
MC alerted me to this guy – described as an “Alt Right” comedian. Oh spooky! But this is good:
Note how the noises he makes after the vax sound a lot like what you’ve been hearing on the MSM non-stop for the last 20 months.
Comedian? All see is the Seekers with that great Welsh love song, I’ll Never Find Another Ewe.
I am keeping a close eye on Victoria. Desperate Dan’s new policy $90.000 fine and two years inside (Which you have to pay for) for spreading dangerous ‘misinformation’
This has to be an experiment to see how far they can push.
I think they’re trying to provoke riots so they have the moral high ground to crush them ‘for the public’s safety’
The result could be a defining moment.
The federal government could slap this down.
The fact they haven’t means that the directive is from them, experimenting with Victoria before rolling out nationwide.
As the curse goes ‘may you live in interesting times.’
And the MSM are finally reporting the protests
I posted this above
The Great Covid fraud.
Some interesting talking points:
1. There has been a definite turning point of the belief in the narrative. A big segment of public opinion is moving away from the official version of events. This was to be expected as the official story was so ridiculous that over time it became more and more subject to disbelief and even ridicule on the part of more and more people.
2. More and more mainstream media channels are emerging with some very indignant members of the public.
3. This layer of the population are not case-hardened oppositionists (like me!) who have been in opposition to the establishment since day one of their existence, but given the policies emanating from the PTB it was a case of enough is enough. There are TV-Radio stations – basically middle of the road outfits – who have seen enough and had enough. These were composed of pretty ordinary people, rather than party intellectuals, who began to feel sold out by the PTB. What gave rise to this? I think the following events.
(I) The vaccination of children, their children.
(ii) The no jab, no job, thuggery of the PTB.
(II) The news that those who have taken the jab are still infectious and can still spread the disease. If this is the case, why bother?
All of this has stoked up, if not an outrage, but a feeling that the government/NHS are no longer on there side. Of course all of this outrage has been mainly the fault of the PTB has been criminally responsible for the whole fiasco.
La lotta continua (the struggle goes on).
This was explained in Klaus’ book.
Covid was an opportunist attack on freedom to be followed by climate nonsense.
Now we are used to restrictions, they can push us further on the climate scam.
Covid will be dropped in the Spring and we will smoothly taransition to climate regulations.
Travel restrictions will change from ‘health emergency’ to ‘climate emergency’
Limited flying, private vehicle limits on use and distance travelled.
Lockdowns will be replaced with energy saving restrictions on lighting/ heating.
Sorry to be pessimistic but only the narrative will change.
I agree except that I think covid restrictions will be combined with climate-related restrictions, i.e. they won’t get rid of the covid restrictions, which are far too “useful” for TPTB.
Their problem then is they would be trying to defend multiple positions and, as any military General will tell you, that’s a dangerous situation to be in.
No one on earth is allowed to force another person to even take a fucking aspirin, why are people falling for the con that they can force jabs.
Brainwashing, fear, going along to get along, no backbone etc
Its fingers in ears singing la,la,la. Its wilfull ignorance and low intellect, too busy looking at their stupid phones than the world around them, I despair!
Yes, it’s many of those points but some of the true believers have PHDs, masters, degrees etc so the low intellect as measured by the usual rules doesn’t seem to apply. On the other hand, I have personally met people with very little formal education, no qualifications in low skilled jobs who can see right through the Scamdemic!
I did say once we got to the Taurus eclipse …only 10 days away now…things would start to change…I noted it today at lunch,..general conversation hardly touched vax, mandates etc…people were back talking normal lives…what a relief…we still had the vax van down at Bunnings though….guess this part of the shit will go on for a little while yet..
Who was really executed in the aftermath? In our times we have the precedent of Timothy McVeigh whose execution looks like it was faked. The Daily Express published an article in 1929 (by a Vice-Admiral and CBE) claiming that the man beheaded on the Whitehall scaffold was not Charles I.
Faking identities in a public execution seems difficult. Difficult, but not impossible. Methods could include:
1) Holding suspects for some time to explain changes in appearance and demeanour.
2) Drugging and/or some form of mind-control like hypnotism to ensure victim pliability.
3) Bribery/blackmail of victims – they had families.
4) Plant agents in the crowd to start making a racket if things appear to be going off-script.
5) Control the production of written or pictorial records which is how the vast majority would experience the execution.
6) It may seem fanciful but willing replacement victims isn’t totally impossible. Fear of death isn’t as universal as moderns tend to assume.
The facts that the crowd were kept some distance from the execution, that leading conspirators weren’t even on the scaffold having already ‘died’ and that Fawkes was an unknown having only appeared in London a month before the plot began are all distinctly fishy.
The ‘death’ of Catesby suggests there certainly is fiction in the official account. Mortally wounded in the final shoot-out he crawled off to expire clutching an image of the Blessed Virgin? This is 9/11 passport level of implausibility. However as both a condemnation and mockery of Catholicism it makes perfect sense.
I don’t get why people tend to think ONE part of the story is real while all the rest isn’t. Why do people tend to believe in the killing part if they don’t believe the rest of the story This is what I wrote on Gloria Moss’s article last year. It has been shown that intelligence agents edit Wikipedia ( and I believe these people are some of the “curators” of the coded truth. A hallmark of staged events is contradictions in the story (there are always signs – part of the code). On the Guy Fawkes’ Wikipedia page we see under Introduction: “Fawkes fell from the scaffold where he was to be hanged and broke his neck” … while under Trial and Execution we see … “Weakened by torture and aided by the hangman, Fawkes began to climb the ladder to the noose, but either through jumping to his death or climbing too high so the rope was incorrectly set, he managed to avoid the agony of the latter part of his execution by breaking his neck.” The way we are presented with the three possible ways Fawkes died seems a little odd. Why does it say “fell” under Introduction but “jump” or “climbing too high so the rope was incorrectly set” whatever that means under Trial and Execution. We can see that “falling” or “jumping” might be confused with each other but how is “climbing too high so the rope was incorrectly set” confused with jumping or falling and why say “fell” under Introduction but “jumping” under Trial and Execution? If Fawkes was aided by the hangman how did he manage to climb too high especially if he was weakened by torture … or jump or fall? We are told that a scaffold was purpose-built for this… Read more »
Here is Archbishop Viganòs letter in full so you can read in its entirety rather than selective quotes to suit a narrative!
If you read George Mc’s post again you will see that he is on side and is using sarcasm.
Yes I can see why some might have misinterpreted me. Such is the situation (and such is my chronically cynical outlook) that sarcasm is now second nature to me. I agree with the Archbishop but I know that his views will be presented as “Right Wing fundamentalist nuttery” in the “culture war” to shore up the following meme (Sarcasm alert!):
Covid rejector = rampant Right Wing “medieval” peasant outlook
Covid fighter/ vax lover = groovy Left Wing motherfucker speaking “truth to power”! (While conviently overlooking the fact that it is power itself that is feeding you this self-deceiving bollocks!)
George, if you read the reply I gave to clutching at straws, you will note that I have said sarcasm and humor has its place such as the masterly performances that George Carlin gave.
However, the messages of Vigano are unambigous and need to be driven home without deflection.
While sarcasm has its place, it detracts from the very powerful message that the Archbishop is stating.
Moreover, if you read some of earlier letters concerning the Scamdemic and the interlocking of various factions within the Universal ( catholic) church with the Transnational financiers behind this charade, you will note how important it is to ensure that the message is crystal clear.
We are all in mortal danger even those behind this abomination!
Actually it wasn’t so much sarcasm I was using as drawing attention to the most common meme used to support the fraud I.e. the linking of covid rejection with the “reactionary Right” and the corresponding linking of the “fight against covid” with the “progressive Left”. I think it essential to be aware of that aspect.
I sincerely believe that we need to shelf left and right for a bit.
They’ve driven a big enough wedge inbetween us.
We don’t need to add to that divide.
Fair point. But as Professor Antony C Sutton said “ there is no left or right, there is us against them.”
I take your point.
Archbishop Viganò:
But that’s to be expected because he’s anti-LGBT:
Who are eager to reassure the Catholics too:
Meme present and correct: rejection of the covid tale = bigoted Far Right Nut.
Yes! Why are people giving in to the clearly irrational urge to take the mask off? Don’t they know that these masks are the next evolutionary requirement?
It truly is majorly aggressive psy-op stuff:
Note first that passive tense:
“The clamour” is growing! Just like “The Science”! An abstraction turned into a thing – and a hell of a big ugly thing at that!
And this:
A call to witch-hunting!
Things are getting uglier and uglier now.
Wow. Never have the words ‘Fuck The Guardian’ been so apt…so if any of you wimpwad tossers who get your sarnies in Granary Square Waitrose are here sniffing around for some intelligent and insightful comments, which you know full well that you are incapable of producing…ever…that means you….as in ‘Fuck you’.
And continuing the anticipated cull meme:
Wouldn’t the world be great without humans? Well – without the wrong sort of human? i.e. the un-photogenic ones who clutter up the landscape.
Dogs are humans (10 seconds):
And probably smarter than most “humans”.
Another example of academic hurbis.
Thay have clearly not studied canine communication. Domestic Dogs share the exact same communication ‘language’ with the wolves they decended from ~40k yrs ago. Solitary canines, e.g. Fox split from wolves >1.5 Million yrs ago during the Pliocene, most likely as the earth was dipping into a new Ice Age, as a result of resource scarcity rather than human interfearence.
I see the same posters are still employed to peddle the programming narrative.
Anyway, I just want to warn you about some earthquakes and, yes, I did mention adjusting the sun about two weeks ago.
I’m suggesting the next time I adjust the sun, you won’t appreciate it, and you won’t be warned.
How curious that I should have recently mentioned National Geographic as a CIA outlet:
So what is this then? We have gone from the “Hallelujah – here’s the miracle vaccine!” to “Oh dear it’s not working so well but you’d still best be having it anyway!”
They keep repeating this:
As if the data available from any government is good enough to determine this, it’s not, all the data is a pile of steaming dogshit.
Safety Report #33 – 16 October 2021 ( 5 old people have died of so called covid, look at the carnage from the jabs
look at my post above re NNTV!
Any way to avoid the compulsory sign up for this CIA site?
The quote could be true: get jabbed and the doctor is less likely to send you to hospital with a cough. Fewer hospital visits, the less chance of dying, especially for the aged.
Hospitalization is often used in dodgy medical trials because it is almost entirely subjective.
Penny for the Guy…..mister 😀
So the London establishment has a 400 year long history of fake flag ops, interesting.
Remember, the winner always writes “his'” history and wipes the rest. First Anglo cui bono.
The Gunpowder Plot is one of those political myths that we all know is not literally true but is a convenient excuse for a bonfire and fireworks. I call these sorts of stories “foundation myths”, they may have been based on one or more true incidents but the actual events can bear very little resemblance to the tale that’s told and retold.
Here in the US the popular view of key events in the nation’s history are nothing like the reality. It can have consequences, though — all the fuss over “Critical Race Theory” is a collision between the sort of simplified, and highly sanitized, view of history that many Americans grew up with and the actual historical truth. (This in itself should be harmless, the in depth understanding has always been known to, and taught by scholars, but its a handy political wedge issue.)
Ironically enough there’s an attempt to import the US’s Halloween celebrations to the UK by people, some of them thinking its a safe alternative to fireworks (it is, but its nowhere near as much fun). The holiday, though, has even more bogus origins than Guy Fawkes night although it gives the impression that its a development of an ancient folk celebration.
I see it as the other way round i.e. the bonfire and fireworks were a brilliant idea to seal the official account of the tale in everyone’s mind. And it still works four centuries later.
And they made it acceptable for young children to witness the burning of the ‘guy’, a human effigy, on the bonfire that they had carefully prepared beforehand thus making them complicit in human sacrifice. A satanic agenda for sure.
Honestly, all of these rituals of consumption, including christmas and easter are fucking bullshit and it seriously irks me how people indoctrinate their kids into them so strongly and look at you like some joyless freak if you want no part of it. I try to teach my son to find joy in the natural things that you see every day and to be thankful for everything he has, every meal he eats. I’m not religious, but many traditional religious rituals like saying grace before a meal have been erased from our culture when they most definitely served a very real spiritual purpose. They make you a more gracious and aware person if you take them seriously. Whereas what they’ve been replaced with makes people arrogant, entitled and unthinking consumers, which is exactly what the PTB want them to be. It isn’t so easy to sell a technocratic dystopia to people who are aware of the nature of their connection to the Universe and their impact within the greater whole.
So they start ’em young. Just an observation, but these
things tend to be most strongly perpetuated by women, desperate to fit in, as far as I can tell.
That happened some time ago, although I couldn’t tell you exactly when. It wasn’t a thing when I was a child. I was born late 1949, and I would never have heard of “Trick of Treat” in those days had it not been that I used to read the Charles Schulz “Peanuts” cartoon in one of my parents’ newspapers, which introduced me to quite a few American cultural features that I had no real life experience of.
Certainly neither I nor my friends or school fellows ever went “Trick or Treat”-ing (although some of us did collect “pennies for the Guy”). I think it had probably come in by the 1980s or 90s. Pre-mass internet, so presumably via TV or films.
“When perfectly fit and healthy persons are urged to act ‘as if you’ve got it’, and perfectly fit and healthy persons, including children, are recast as asymptomatic vectors of disease and coerced into fearing nothing less than everyone else, then the suffering subject in question is the whole population. Ever since ‘fright night’ (23 March 2020) the demos itself has been ‘nudged’ into a sick role, pathologizing an entire body politic. Sickness has not just been nationalised but made fashionable – chic almost – as a means to a political end.” “Sick Chic” – Left Lockdown Sceptics. 3 November 2021.
Sickness Chic. Not bad. Sick Chick looks better. Read this and feel your skin crawl when they get to the bit about 5 year olds making appointments for ”booster” jabs.
Guido Fawkes I read you avidly, and mostly agree, so I had to convince my missus, I wanted to go to the gig tonight more than she did…So was Ready to go, and on my way….I have found my wife very quick in such situations, cos I can usually work out approximately when the train is coming (we did really well tonight – with seconds to spare at the connections, and with me trying to run down the stairs with my walking stick) it was both funny, but the timing was brilliant… And I got the exercise – going for the trains, and getting to the Music Club, first time there in 2 years…not been to the local pub yet, since this nonsense kicked off…but trying to encourage it . I have hardly shown my face around here, and the rumours were spreading… So I turned up with my wife today, thinking there would be no one there, and the place was rammed… So we dashed to try and get 2 seats to put our coats on….and all these people we hadn’t seem for ages, put their coats on the seats too… Tonight was nothing much like Wigan Casino Rock Night, immediately followed by Northern Soul… I found the band surprisingly brilliant, especially their new songs. Most of them are even older than me… So I have read most of The State of Fear (Laura Dodsworth) – she writes it so well. And realise it has hit me too – this fear – that everyone has gone mad, and you walk in the place, and it is almost exactly the same as it was 2 years ago…No one wearing masks…Everyone friendly exactly the same as they were 2 years, and delighted to see my wife and me together dancing near the front. As… Read more »
Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
Was Catholicism vs. Protestantism the Capitalism vs. Communism of its day i.e. a bogus dialectic run to increase state power and to decrease population by a transnational force?
A few details that might point in that direction: 1) The Jesuits came out of Venice which seems the fount of many strategies of rule 2) The Jesuits sure seem to have a strange interest in science for supposed religious shock troops 3) Martin Luther had aristocratic backers and after his rhetoric stirred up a peasant revolt in Germany he left them to be massacred by Charles V.
It isn’t hard to find groups that would have been highly amused and whose long-term agenda would have been served in setting Christians up to murder each other in large numbers. The leadership of both groups looks thoroughly infiltrated to ensure that conciliation didn’t occur until it was wanted. .
Venice was a major center of the money changers, taking advantage of the difference in gold/silver conversion East/West.
This is a good read (pdf on web) tho the ‘movement’ the author hoped would spur money reform has been usurped by Climate Change Globaloney now.
Stephen A. Zarlenga – The Lost Science of Money; The Mythology of Money and Story of Power (2002).
Imagine what would be possible if it was taught in schools (lol as if)
Well, the Jesuits were originally Spanish, with a military background. AFAIK Luther’s followers were middle class — one of the gripes was the tithes paid to the Church, peasants didn’t need to pay and the aristocracy were on the take so didn’t care. Hence the Protestant work ethic, only the bourgeoisie stood to gain by working harder, again, the aristocracy didn’t work and if the peasantry improved their lot their wages would be cut or their rents raised. (The US has a separate Protestant work ethic with attempts to make exploitation of one’s neighbours a holy deed.)
In Britain I think we can differentiate between England and Scotland. The English went along for the ride — they has decided it had to be one or the other and Protestant lite won the day. Brother Jock, on the other hand, was rather keen on the misery promised by Knox.
indeed, Knox unleashed a very ugly, miserable era that we’ve never shrugged off.
The gentry used the Reformation up here as a further land grab.
“We love our Corporate Fascist Gestapo State. It has been so good to us.”