Will you stand with me?
Lucy Davies

Audio Version New Feature!
To those who care. Those who are kind. Those who are inclusive….Where are you?
You so proudly stand for everything.
‘I’m with you.’
‘I’m with you.’
‘I’m with you.’
‘I’m with you.’
‘I’m with you.’
‘I’m with you.’
Not agreeing to the government injection?
What is this? Brain-washing? ‘Not in my back yard’? Fear of putting your head above the parapet & standing with the crazies who’ve got slammed for the last 2 years for calling out the bullshit?
How can a vaccine passport prevent transmission when the vaccine doesn’t? Please riddle me that.
Not with one of the standardised answers from a weekend newspaper’s ‘free leaflet of things to say when a conspiracy theorist backs you into a corner’ sentences.
I mean really.
A logical, rational, of your own mind answer.
Are you willing to see that this is not about health? That this is about divide, prejudice & discrimination? The things you so loudly & proudly stand for?
Do you believe that it’s acceptable that a medical apartheid is happening? That some of your friends & maybe family are already being treated as second rate citizens?
If we can’t enter a shop…Will you use your voice?
If we can no longer travel…Will you vote with your feet?
If we lose our jobs…Will you risk your reputation?
The propaganda machine will continue to spew out its lies, just as it has during every other war & every other attack on minority groups; all of those you fight for & stand with today in utter disbelief that the peers of each group in each era could possibly have sided with the oppressors – their deafening silence alone often doing the work for them.
I wonder if you’ll continue to believe them, or if you don’t believe them, turn a blind eye to them in the incessant & futile hope that things will go back to normal, or will you snap the cord & stand.
Will you help to collapse the old so that the new can flourish? The new which will give you freedom too?
Real freedom, not the increasingly conditional drug-dependant draconian bullshit they’re selling to you as freedom.
I’m doing it no matter what. Along with millions of others. There is nothing they can do or say that will ever make me buckle.
I’ll hold my head high & I’ll boycott any establishment that is complicit in this tyrannical insanity.
I’ll teach my kids the meaning of integrity.
I’ll support & add to the wave of new businesses, groups & communities that stand for freedom, love & all the other cliches that have been on the receiving end of a patronising eye roll from the intelligentsia for so long; considered lowlier virtues than the pseudo-authenticity & cherry picked, media led, anti-prejudice ‘caring’ that’s so readily accepted & rewarded in today’s fucked up world…
Because it’s real.
And it’s the future.
This is not just about us. This is about our children & all future generations.
I’m not worried or scared because I know what’s on the other side of this.
I just keep wondering – Will you stand with me?
Because I can’t stand with you & chat shit in the street anymore, politely ignoring the brontosaurus in the room for fear of offending you or making you feel uncomfortable.
I can’t pretend it doesn’t hurt when you’re all smiles & we talk awkwardly about the weather & all I can think of is, ‘Do they really believe this is deserved?’ ‘What will they do when the walls close in even further?’
I can’t do that fake crap anymore.
It was never ‘just a mask’. We are now on the brink of a full-blown medical apartheid.
Will you stand with me?
Lucy is a naturopathic nutritionist with a love of writing, cooking, fermenting, energy & sound healing, & cutting through the crap. You get in touch with her through her website, or read more of her thoughts on her blog.
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There is now an audio version of this piece, available at the head of the article.
‘Will you stand with me’, of course I will, but where do you propose taking me?
I’m a realist & a researcher. I saw through this Con Job Extraordinaire from the onset. I thought the obeyance to dicatorship on the 9/11 False Flg was bad. This is 10 times worse from those in obeyance to a Globalist Agenda To Enslave & Control Every Population–those left from the Depopulation Agenda, that is. They want Nations Of Zombies to obey their every dictate! I WILL NOT COMPLY!
Is it just a coincidence, or are there a lot of people who are simultaneously discovering that their breaking point is right about now? Posted a Facebook status update rather similar to this last night during my Insomniac’s Annonymous Happy Hour, albeit with a more liberal sprinkling of ‘fuck’s.
I’m not with transpeople. i don’t understand what a transperson is. seems to be nonsense to me.i do like what the whole trans debate has done to language though; find it quite interesting that we seem to be moving towards language where you don’ t specify what a person’s gender is.
I’m all out of storage space, and I still don’t have enough for more than six months. Once the federal reserve implements a digital currency. I won’t be allowed to purchase any more ___________ fill in the blank.
What about “Normal I’m with you” ?
Will you vote with your feet? ay!!!
if they amputate both my blood clothed hands I will have to
Same boat as you mate but I don’t appeal to people’s sense of right and wrong. They don’t care. I appeal to their fear. Hey it’s good for the gov, med, media & parma cartel to use it then it’s good enough me. I’ll play by the same rules they are actually playing by. NOT the ones they tell us to play by.
I find the best way to get people to think about “vax-ports” is to ask them:
“How many shots are you going to take?”
Then tell them the following:
“Canada has bought 135 million MORE shots for 38 million people. That’s 3 MORE each plus extra for spoilage and waste”
Then follow up with:
“Israel just took away privileges from 1.5 million people for refusing the 3rd injection. They’ve announced the 4th is coming. Lithuania is the same but announcing the 4th & 5th shots”
And finally leave them with this thought:
“You can say “NO” at zero injections or you can say “NO” at 3, 4, 5 and the result is the same. When you REFUSE you lose all your PRIVILEGES because you have NO RIGHTS. You gave them away when you agreed to the vaccine passport”
Or you can close with an olive branch offering:
“Don’t worry. Us naturally unvaxxed don’t shun or discriminate against you politically unvaxxed. When you say “NO” to the next shot we are here for you. WE ARE NOT A CULT.”
This is the right, pragmatic attitude to adopt. Such a shame we can no longer upvote.
If I ever run into any of the fictional people your advice would appeal to, I’ll use it verbatim.
Meanwhile the real people in the real world, the ones already fully “vaxxed” until told otherwise, will be lining up for their 100th jab once it’s available.
It’s a game to them; and they’ve chosen what they perceive to be the “winning” side. That’s all there is to it.
I’ve given up hope on 98% of the vax heads I know (my family included) and am convinced they are lost to the Cult of Covid now, regardless of what happens next. I believe another 1.99% are a little unsure whether they’ve done the right thing or not, but will go along with it all anyway now as much to save face as anything. To not have the booster would be to admit that they were wrong, and perhaps more importantly, in some way admit that I and all of the other ‘anti vax’ cretins (their view) were right all along.
Can you imagine being so dismissive, derisive, scornful, and supercilious towards a group of people which happens to include a family member, and then have to climb down from your ivory tower and join them. It will be difficult but I sincerely hope some of them do.
I will always find it difficult not to hold them partly responsible for enabling this nightmare however, and it has taken me a while to come to terms with that. How can I ever take them seriously again?
I’m just thankful that I’m one of the lucky ones whose wife has not been abducted and that I still have 0.1% of my friends who I can still count as friends and have a relatively normal conversation with. Although I do wonder if the human head was designed for this much shaking.
I don’t know. I was speaking to a chap at a bus stop last year who said he’d had both injections so he’d be able to travel and I casually inquired as to whether he’d take the third when he had to (well before they’d started giving more than two) and he replied indignantly that two was all he’d take. I think it is worth pointing out to people that for as long as they comply, there’ll be a third, then a fourth, then a fifth …
I can’t add charts here to show, so you will need to do your own research. I will give you some links: here are various links, you want to link at yellow card reporting, where it states more vaxed are in ICU or died of covid lately, and some other links can bring you to vaccine injuries on this link: https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/how-many-people-are-vaccines-killing
Then there is Lancet report, respected medical journal; https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(21)00258-1/fulltext?s=08#%20
I can’t give you all the links, so this is s start, do your own research, remove yourself from all media for a few days and think with your own head, then try to find alternative news.
I got the jab because i spent along time looking at all the stats i could find and they all said that if I got covid and ended up in ICU it would save my life. I tried to get even a rough estimation of my chances of survival out of the antivaxers, but no one would even hazard a guess. They could only counter overwhelming evidence coming from every corner of the globe, with doubt. Just like the ciggarete lobby and the coal lobby, the aim is just to sow doubt. Even if I beleived the virus was a plot devised by Bill Gates and the drug barons, and every thing else, i would still get the jab because the fact that it will save my life over gazumps all other considerations.
!the fact that it will save my life over gazumps all other considerations”
Someone please direct this person to theguardian.com
they’re clearly lost
I know somebody who was in the ICU diagnosed with Covid, he had not had the injection, and he lived to tell the tale.
I had two mothers, there was a Good one, and there was a Bad one. The Good one always tried to protect me from all The Bad Things in life. The Bad one always tried to protect me from my self. Whenever i discriminate, i blame my mother…
We’re staying on message. We’re developing a mono-focus on Covid-19/the vaxx, with occasional excursions to India, Syria.
Yesterday i watched the 2 hour documentary “The Dimming” by Geoengineering Watch. It’s about Chemtrails. (I’m wavering).Late in the doco mention is made about how the substances being used cause respiratory problems, damage the lungs. It reminded me of my focus on pollution before covid-virus came along and distracted me. It reminded me
of the seemingly perfunctorily way any role 5G had in affecting our health was dealt with.
Meanwhile the 5G roll-out continues at a pace.
I’d become too focused on covid/the vaxx forgetting it takes more than one swallow to make a Summer…
what claims made you “waver”? I’d encourge you to look into them critically.
I’ve not seen it, but I did dig into some of the claims from geoengineeringwatch years ago when a friend of mine went full “chemtrail”, what stuck me was the lack of context for many of the claims, same MO used by the climate doomsters. One that sticks in my mind was about Barium levels, the video showed some chap near a beach holding up a meter probe claiming levels were high, turns out maritime winds do show higher levels than background, becuase it’s picked up blowing in from from the sea.
If you’re researching 5G etc. watch out for Barrie Trower, he was being bigged up on the alt scene ~5yrs ago warning about microwaves and some such, his CV was a crock of shit “Navy Diver microwave expert” turned out to be a walt.
You can slag them off. but these musicians are still doing it..they are keeping all the bars , pubs and festivals open all over much of the world
“Creeping up the blind side, shinnying up the wall
Stealing thru the dark of night
Climbing thru a window, stepping to the floor
Checking to the left and the right
Picking up the pieces, putting them away
Something doesn’t feel quite right
Help me someone, let me out of here
Then out of the dark was suddenly heard
Welcome to the Home by the Sea
Coming out the woodwork, thru the open door
Pushing from above and below
Shadows but no substance, in the shape of men
Round and down and sideways they go
Adrift without direction, eyes that hold despair
Then as one they sigh and they moan
Help us someone, let us out of here
Living here so long undisturbed
Dreaming of the time we were free
So many years ago”
Before the time when we first heard….”its going to get cold”
Re: “Join the discussion”, just a little suggestion:
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
There was nothing wrong with OffG when this feature was absent, and, like Lizzy, I don’t intend to use it.
It’s even more than a question of “full-blown medical apartheid”.
It’s full-blown good vs evil – or at least decent vs wretched.
I’ll certainly stand with you, Lucy.
Just say where.
Do we have live “chat” here now? Instead of the upvote/downvote? Really? I’m sorry but the whole live chat thing is a real turnoff. Extremely childish and social-media-esque. I just got some kind of “challenge” because I commented on an excerpt of an article instead of linking to the whole steaming pile of garbage? So if I comment on the idiocy out of the MSM I can only do that if I give them clicks? WTF?
I don’t think you have to ‘join the discussion’…
You can just comment as before.
That’s what I’m doing.
No, there’s no live chat here. I think you might be confusing us with Twitter which does have the function you describe
OK, so the “join the discussion” bit is something not from this site? I’m not into the whole tech thing, can barely tolerate most of it and most assuredly do not know the proper nomenclature for it, but why the live feed thing in the margin? Do we need live comments in addition to regular comments now? Feels like live monitoring to me, particularly when I get an immediate response from it after posting a comment. I guess the surveillance aspect of it is something we all just should get used to? Don’t we already have more than enough of that? Count me out.
The green bubble is just a shortcut to the comments section – like the one on the menu bar. It also flashes up when new comments are published. There’s no ‘live comments’. Just the old ones. Don’t know what else to tell you
I abhor that green bubble thing. It is frustratingly irritating. Same darn thing that is used at dailysceptic.org. At times I feel I could just smack it so hard that it never comes back.
plus one.
Like several others, I am still missing the up/down option. I guess it is not coming back. I also miss Tony Op’s posts. Is he banned? If yes, too bad, as his posts were always colourful and entertaining.
Why was the up/down option taken away? Everyone seems to have liked it….
I never stopped standing, but I’ll be happy to have some company. 🙂
Fab post, Lucy. Yes, Lucy, we are with you and so are all the thousands of us here in Switzerland who gathered in the town of Fribourg yesterday to shout “Liberté” as we campaign for the big referendum on Nov 28th to throw the China flu laws in the trashcan in history. We are with you!!
I am waiting to see the videos of the Fribourg manif. Lovely to hear someone from Fribourg on here! 🙂
I am standing with you.
I can feel the emotions you felt when you wrote this.
I can feel your anger and pain.
But we have right on our side.
We will be OK
Too many “proudly” claiming the positions above are anything but caring, kind, or inclusive. And one of the main reasons they don’t stand with whomever they now cast as deplorables or racists or science-deniers or whatever is that they and their positions, or poses, are instrumental to furthering the plandemic agenda. None more asleep than the woke. Save us all from the fake left and fascist anti-fascists.
“none more asleep than the woke.” I like this – very good.
There’s no-one as bigoted as a “tolerant” wokester.
The majority of Blacks will not get the poison. When you encounter one of these zombies remind them of this fact.
Well its people like Lucy Davies, Laura Dodsworth, Iain Davis, CJ Hopkins,et al that give me a bit of hope for the future for my Grandchildren, and also going out to a gig, like we did on Friday, which was seriously brilliant, meeting loads of our friends, many for the first time in 2 years. No one wearing masks, and hugs all round as if the last 2 years in Covid jail, didn’t happen, and everything was back to normsl. I honestly couldn’t tell the difference…
But the next morning I felt like shit, cos I had been dancing all night, running for trains and stuff, like I was 23. Maybe too much alcohol too.
Maybe I picked up COVID from some of the people, I was hugging, but more likely, I did far too much exercise in one night, after doing next to sweet FA, over the last 2 years, except digging my garden, to grow food.
It may get better if we survive until the Spring, but likely to get much worse first.
Brilliant passage from Orwell’s novel first published in 1934 – Coming Up For Air – George Bowling, travelling salesman, the main character in the book, captures the spirit of the age as follows:
” … does anyone who isn’t dead from the neck up doubt that there is a bad time coming? We don’t know what it will be, and yet we know its coming. Perhaps a war, perhaps a slump – no knowing, except that it will be something bad. Wherever we are going we are going downwards, … all this rushing to and fro! Everlasting scramble for a bit of cash. Everlasting din of buses, bombs, radios, telephone bells. Nerves worn all to bits, empty places in our bones where the marrow used to be.”
So much different from our current predicament!
Orwell conveyed such depth it was possible to appreciate its import without imagining its impact: like seeing an asteroid without its timing — and thus unable to conceive the devastation.
Someone more intelligent can explore this: Orwell was not as deep as the French intellectuals, yet he seems more practical, describing the reality we tackle — while those beloved of academia (yes, love is a patriarchal nonsequitur) but LOVED by LEFTIST ACADEMIA because the sex is free, and there is no commitment or obligation to result from PRACTICAL engagement with reality that demands we act.
Instead we can fuck and walk away.
Isn’t that the heart of the dichotmy? There is at the heart of a non-philosopher like Orwell or Solzhenitsyn the proposition that our arguments count for nothing unless we enact them into live struggle.
The eternal academic, the state-annointed philosopher — like the perpetual student — never has to do anything. He or she shits in an ivory tower and pontificates.
Moneycircus Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/r9MusRes7H
Very true. His ‘Homage to Catalonia’ would illustrate that, since he not only wrote about the Spanish Civil War, but fought in it.
Likewise, his ‘Burmese Days’, albeit fictional, was based on his own experiences.
Sorry for the long post.
In France, like in any other country, there aren’t only the “established philosophers”, the ones who are the protégés of the status quo, the famous ones that are invited to talk in the media and the only ones we hear about and cite in the universities; there are also the renegade and discontent philosophers who understand that theory is nothing if praxis is not its horizon. Of these, I should mention Francis Cousin, Jean-Claude Michéa, and the more recently discovered Dominique Pagani. As a matter of fact, Dominique Pagani in this video, talks exactly of the issue you raise (in French). But you are right that the level of practical engagement by the intellectuals be they renegade or established is nothing compared to that of the past. I’m not sure any philosopher fought on the side of the oppressed in any of the conflicts that fills the 21th century.
But it’s not black and white, I think; philosophy against practical politics; we need both to get out of this mess; and I’d argue that if Orwell hadn’t been a philosopher as well as a man of action, not in the narrow academic sense of “love of knowledge” for knowledge’s sake or having a degree in philosophy, but knowledge to understand and be able to transform the world, he wouldn’t have had the guts to fight in Spain.
Lenin was right when he said that “without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement”: A whole century of Enlightenment preceded and prepared the bourgeois successful revolution of 1789 and the ill-prepared Spanish Republicans in 1936-1939 surprisingly resisted for so long the military coup backed by Italy and Germany (Russia effectively helped the Republicans only in the last stretch of the war and very insufficiently) precisely because organizations like CNT CGT and FAI had made it a reality, since the end of the 19th century and as a natural historical development, that common people were intellectually well prepared and aware of the class struggle by the end of the 1930s so their resolve was strong and were not easy to “pacify”. Many argue also that The Russian revolution turned into a dictatorship and State capitalism because most of the population at the time being illiterate peasants to whom the idea of class struggle was foreign, didn’t back the revolution and “had to be forced” into “socialism”. More recently these days, we may ask ourselves whether the reluctance of the general population to turn into a combative organization joined by millions and millions, has something to do with our insufficient theoretical preparation: we are not yet able to make clear statements as to what is “we”; what the problem we are facing is, and why it is a problem at all, hence why must we make a change and in what direction; the clarity of statement and vision of the problem similar to the one we have when someone is openly hitting us in the face (with a boot?).
As for practical politics without reins, unhindered empiricism that does not concern itself with higher principles or history (philosophy) and only with getting going, it got us into this mess. R. H. Tawny, in the introduction to his The Acquisitive Society (1922) of which the following is an extract, described it more eloquently – The mention of the “Englishmen” here is to do with the subject of the book:
“It is a commonplace that the characteristic virtue of Englishmen is their power of sustained practical activity, and their characteristic vice a reluctance to test the quality of that activity by reference to principles. They are incurious as to theory, take fundamentals for granted, and are more interested in the state of the roads than in their place on the map. And it might fairly be argued that in ordinary times that combination of intellectual tameness with practical energy is sufficiently serviceable to explain, if not to justify, the equanimity with which its possessors bear the criticism of more mentally adventurous nations. It is the mood of those who have made their bargain with fate and are content to take what it offers without re-opening the deal. It leaves the mind free to concentrate undisturbed upon profitable activities, because it is not distracted by a taste for unprofitable speculations. Most generations, it might be said, walk in a path, which they neither make, nor discover, but accept; the main thing is that they should march. The blinkers worn by Englishmen enable them to trot-all the more steadily along the beaten road, without being disturbed by curiosity as to their destination.”
“When the broken ends of its industry, its politics, its social organization, have to be pieced together after a catastrophe, it must make a decision; for it makes a decision even if it refuses to decide. If it is to make a decision which will wear, it must travel beyond the philosophy momentarily in favour with the proprietors of its newspapers. Unless it is to move with the energetic futility of a squirrel in a revolving cage, it must have a clear apprehension both of the deficiency of what is, and of the character of what ought to be.”
Or as the French would more succinctly say: si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.
Correction: R. H. Tawney.
And, towards the end of his life, he was informing on people he thought were Communists, throwing in remarks about homosexuality and Jewish ancestry at the same time.
Understandable, given his experiences of the Communists in Spain (as described in “Homage to Catalonia” and some of his essays/articles).
I haven’t read any of his comments on homosexuals or Jews, but if he showed any prejudice, it would have been fairly “normal” at that time, and among his class.
The best assemblage of evidence I’ve seen so far about the most crucial question currently – is all-cause mortality exceeding normal levels in such a way that the vaccine looks the most likely explanation?
The distribution of death both by location and type suggests the answer is: yes. It needs deeper analysis and I hope Off-G will give over an entire article to it soon. Nothing would make me happier than to be proved wrong. I know very little about the site this is coming from and its reliability.
It is not easy to find the cause)s) of a disease or death.
As there hasn’t been proof of a virus to exist, the cause(s) of a specific disease/death is something else. It’s probably toxic material, fear, stress, etc..
As vaccins are toxic material, it could be one of the causes.
That is why they are looking at the excess mortality figures. If significantly more people have died than would be expected then we can look for a cause. There will be two candidates, the vaccine and the virus. I expect TPTB will blame the unvaxxed, but hey ho!
The proof of the virus is that Fauci isn’t demanding his money back from the Chinese 🙂
There are always more causes than one. It’s a combination of all kind of things the body has to try to protect itself from. It will do its utmost to heal itself. There is pollution in the air, water and food, radiation in the air, fear, trauma, stress and delusions.
Pollution does not get seriously worse from one year to the next. If a rise in the death rate coincides with an increase in the jabs then it is likely that the jabs were to blame.
Thanks, Edwige.
Reminds me of a conversation I had with a close relative who asked! “Have you ever considered you might be wrong?” I said the difference between me and you is that I have the exquisite luxury of being able to hope I’m wrong … Silence.
Make sure this zombie relation watches ‘The Great Narrative’. https://www.weforum.org/events/the-great-narrative-2021
If Klaus lives up to his billing this should send a shiver down any sane person’s spine.
Please post nearer the time on here.
I have it in my diary but i would be useful to get max coverage.
I’m on the staircase.
But not the next time!
Did you coin that?
It’s rather brilliant – and very apt.
Blimey that’s a good piece. Cheers Edwige, going to have to come back to it to read all the comments.
It’s not often I come across something I completely missed, NSSM 200 never made my radar for some reason.
it’s not ‘depopulation’.
if depopulation was the objective, there’d be no covid pysop.
you simply have to recognise the difference between those taking it and those not.
I doubt they would ever just come out and say, “Sorry, folks; we’re going to sterilize you and murder you”, so the chaos of the covid psyop is surely useful cover while they do just that…?
Analogously, upon a field of wheat, depopulation would be to spray it will napalm.
The Covid psyop is about harvesting the wheat.
Either way, the field still appears to end up being destroyed.
However, there’s a subtle, but vital difference.
In the former, the wheat is destroyed. In the latter, the wheat ends up in the barn.
There is no other explanation for the convid psyop and the extreme coercion to needle rape. It must be depopulation.
If i was a drug company executive i’d produce only saline solution doses ’til the all-cause mortality figures evened out. Then i’d resume producing the killer vaxx – in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, “boosters”.
We’ve all accepted The Science that The Virus can incubate up to 14 days before there’s any symptoms. That Scientific Fact allows for any symptoms that develop up to 14 days post-vaxx can be blamed on the covid-virus. It was stated in a recent article that The Virus can incubate “up to a month” before any symptoms show. I wondered if it was the start of an attempt to have us Non-Scientists believe that any symptoms that develop for up to a month were due to the covid-virus, not the vaxx.
And if so, The Science would have to claim The Latest Variant was Far More Dangerous as it could cause heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, not your simple everyday “flu-like symptoms.”
The focus on increases in all-cause mortality, and the high incidence of heart attacks, etc, that Whitney focuses on indicates there are problems for The Experts trying to blame the heart attacks etc, on the covid-virus.
That should read “any symptoms that develop for up to a month after being vaxxed were due to covid-virus, not the vax”.
Play at half speed — it does not relax but somehow neutralises the ether.
It has started: Big corporations institutionalize land-grab to control the global food production
I think this is the right place to post this call for solidarity. One of the once commenters on here is currently going through difficult times in a foreign country. Would you spare a little time and visit her site and leave a recomforting and kind word? Oftentimes that’s all needed to make a difference.
Thank you very much.
Did anyone else note that, in the reporting of the Texas festival deaths, the “covidised” word “surge” was used repeatedly e.g. by the BBC, Graud and Daily Mail?
The word “surge” is loaded with ominous implications: something sudden, a rising up, a mass i.e. something large – and more to the point, something biological – suggesting (bodily?) fluids. It may also have a Biblical resonance being linked to floods. Also Freudian – the unconscious. A rich palette of symbols to exploit. Also related soundwise to insurgent and surgery. (“Urge” too – thus a compulsion – uncontrollable.)
Surge features in the Astroworld deaths – a surge that never happend but becomes concrete through repetition.
The press continues to bleed the event for all it’s worth: Astroworld victims killed at festival start to be identified, says NY Post.
Killed “during the surge at the event.” — like a hypnotic pattern words are repeated: spike protein, spiked by a madman; breaking the law with a surge, insurgents, to be sure.
What Killed The Youth At Astroworld — Assailants and complex scenarios or something they all had in common?
At least eight people — youths and children as young as 10 — died at the Astroworld music festival in Texas on Friday. Were they, as the press claims, killed. Or was there a less complex explanation?
The official story is odd: An unidentified person injecting people with an unknown drug. This caused a stampede and either the stampede or the injection caused people to have heart attacks.
Mystery deepens
So the stories are inconsistent. People don’t “start going down” one-by-one in a stampede. And if it was a crush it would take a lot longer than the reported 40 mins to treat the victims and calm and exfiltrate 50,000 people. Was someone really passing bad drugs to victims who were as young as 10 to 14?
The MSM frankly lies, using pictures of crowds rushing the front gates but that’s not where most deaths — if any — happened. There is no other video showing any stampede. The fading old media is conflating different locations. In reality, people died “collapsed… with cardiac arrest” in various places, not just at the front near the stage. Something’s being covered up.
Even if the casualties were caused by crushing, why is a police chief rabbit-holing about some guy going round injecting people? Why are there spooky headlines like:
Police confirm victims may have been injected with drugs at Astroworld crowd surge — News.com.
There is no such confirmation. Murdoch’s News Corp is inventing stories.
The media does not even mention the fact that the newly-vaccinated, many on their first “big day out” may have suffered physical stress and collapse. Should we ask such a question? Only if you take the VAERS report seriously.
The admitted toll as of Sunday night is 25 people taken hospitals, 300 treated on site, CPR on 11 of the victims. By Saturday afternoon, 13 were still hospitalized. Five of those patients were under 18-years-old.
Support the word
It is often observed that many pop performers seem to be compromised and their love of the occult goes deeper than a meme. Travis opened his concert with a projected image saying: “See you on the other side.”
One concertgoer say he saw 10 bodies in the VIP section and estimated that 100 had died, a number that may have been exaggerated by his terrified impression and has not been verified, however his comment seems apt: “He sacrificed so many lives tonight.”
In full and free at: https://moneycircus.substack.com/p/what-killed-the-youth-at-astroworld
the ‘other side’ is the other side of the great reset – the divide between the old world order and the new.
The powers that be are buckling. The lies are being exposed. But, they still will succeed unless we do what you suggest. I stand with you.
Congo: WHO staff offered women jobs in exchange for sex https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/heartbroken-horrified-staff-offered-women-jobs-exchange-sex/
I really don’t understand why this is a surprise to anyone.
The WHO is largely staffed on the ground by well meaning people who haven’t a clue how the real world operates.
The grand inquisitors at the top demand intervention in local health affairs then devolve responsibility to those well meaning amateurs to run schemes that draw in lots of money for the WHO via international donations.
Sure, they put lots of impressive sounding people on the ground like doctors and scientists, but these people have no clue how to responsibly recruit locals to help. If recruitment provides locals with authority they seize it and abuse it. If it provides money for that privilege, so much the better.
The WHO is a dead loss as a functional NGO.
I’ll note again that most people just want one thing in life: to always be on the winning side. And since the infamous Powers That Be seem to be winning (as they always “seem” to be), it follows as Eastern Standard Time in the US kicks Daylight Savings Time out the door that most people will align themselves with the official narrative.
That’s never going to change, so it’s best to accept it and try to find a way around or, if there is none, a way to live with it. Facts mean nothing in this game; scorecard is everything.
Off-G has clearly lost its intellectual edge that had many of us (not anymore) glued to it.
It has also clearly understood that when
a pandora box opens up.
It has also shown that it doesn’t have the intellectual nerve needed to explore and expose what really is going on and who is behind it.
It has also shown that it had to recourse to “checking for spam”, censoring, shadow-banning and, to top it off, to do away with likes/dislikes features.
What a bad joke Off-G turned out to be.
Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein have been exposed and are on the way out of the controlled opposition forces. Off-Guardian comes in.
But many of us already know those sleights of hands.
I am still thankfull to Off-G team for all their work in the past 18 months. Just as I am thankful to Chomsky and Klein for their past work and for showing us the gates.
We crossed those gates, Off-G. Long ago.
For the sake of intellectual integrity, honesty and nerve, and for the good of ALL -and I do mean all- humanity, you should do it too.
I, and many others, won’t hold our breaths.
In fact, we won’t participate anymore of a platform that censors as heavily as you do.
Keep those that stay running in circles, you do it very well.
Exactly my feeling. I think they changed the editors, but kept the editors’ names in place.
But what do I know… Something is odd though, or doesn’t add up, just like covid statistics.
I am out, only to return when the monthly death numbers are published from our national statistics department, since I think that is important information and does deserve some coverage here, there, any place.
You have been coming here to say you aren’t coming back for some time.
We haven’t changed. We are still doing what we do, trying to keep the focus on data. You otoh used to be a valuable contributor but suddenly stopped posting content and began fact-free and vague complaints about this site which read as thematically identical to those posted by obvious shills like Diego above.
We have struggled through immense hardships to keep this site running. We provide content daily. We recently posted our 30 Facts article which has been shared all over the globe and is providing basic data to help millions of people fight back against the covid scam.
What are YOU doing?
If you are genuine and have genuine problems with us for some reason, prove it by offering an actual factual analysis of what you think we are doing wrong.
If you can’t do that, do us a favor and actually LEAVE as you keep saying you’re going to.
As things stand it looks like your current remit us to concern troll about us, for undeclared reasons.
I have noted quite a few times that when you get a really negative and downright nasty comment, it seems to be followed up by someone who agrees with it. I reckon it’s a psychological device. I read the nasty one, see the response, assume this response will tick off the nasty one and give the case for the defense – but when it doesn’t, it appears to lend a spurious weight to the nasty one. A kind of one-two “kick you while you’re down” trick.
Perhaps you’re right. Timings of the first and second comments are often a bit sus too (as above). There’s often evidence of coordination going on, at the least, although with our open comment platform you also need to factor in single perps posting under multiple IDs. A2
Well said, Sophie! Fuck off ‘Diego’, you content-free shill; and Willem, FFS stop wavering!
nice, way to be welcoming to other viewpoints. I also happen to agree with Diego, so slag away.
Could you please set up a vote for those for/against up/downvoting buttons? (Like what twitter has) Then it’s democratically decided and hopefully everyone can move on?
Thanks for suggesting this. I think the owners of this site have made clear it’s permanently a dead issue. When it was suggested by an admin. here that I “crave” up and down arrows, I cancelled the monthly contribution I had happily been making. The content is still great, and there’s still not another site like it.
Could you remind me how to post images?… I need to write the instructions down… 🙂
• First, upload the image file to an upload site; Postimages is free and straightforward enough: https://postimages.org/
• Once uploaded, the page will display several URLS; copy the “Direct Link” URL and paste it into the Off-G comments window. Make sure it’s on a separate line with spaces above and below.
• Do not use the “link” markup feature, just post the raw link. Voilà!
Perhaps just the up votes could return. If people REALLY need to disagree they could comment. That’s assuming we are still in the suck and see stage.
Still sucking and seeing. Thanks for your suggestions though! A2
Totally agree Sophie!
Anyone that disagrees must be a shill, or troll the sob story of how hard it is to be so well informed and provide this VERY important information (which it isnt) has the sob story what alt dementia does plays for your hearts emotion strings, surprises their wasn’t a donate now button at the end of the sob comment.
Since you’re clearly ‘where it’s at’ in terms of assessing what’s important and what’s not, may I suggest you get out of this obvious slump your in, stop piss-anting around here complaining and go do something much better somewhere else?
Oh and try to figure out why you clearly have a lot hate for OffG along the way. It’s not healthy to let a website have this control over you.
I look forward to tracking your success. A2
I can say, with confidence, neither of you will be missed. Au revoir.
I remember how insightful your comments used to be; giving us an insight into the shenanigans going on in the Dutch medical services. Always tinged with positivity.
Although you’d lost your lustre prior to announcing your departure it was still sad;
Alas, I see you’re still here but now solely concentrating on “how Off-G is not worth your time blah blah” and getting plaudits from the likes of Shamen and JimboJames…
Willem do yourself a favour and walk away whilst your dignity is still intact.
For all those fellow geezers who, like myself, thought that Chomsky was quite wonderful in the 70’s and wondered what happened to him after 2001, here is an article worth the read. It think the moral of the story is that the enemy of my enemy often turns out not to be my friend, and has not been all along.
And I found that the owners of off-G turning off the thumbs up and down both obnoxious and reflective of the very people we stand against. When I clicked on an off-G article that fateful Monday, I thought that my Mac was acting up. I quit and reloaded my browser. Then I rebooted the OS. Not the slightest mention of the change. Not the slightest discussion of the reasons for doing so and inviting counter arguments and opinions. Very much like a politburo. It has lowered my trust immensely.
Well, one might argue like a fellow Corbett agorist that I am, that they own it and can do what they wish. But without the readership and donations they own nothing of value. Is it time to walk with our feet? I know for one that I had often found the commenting of greater interest and education than the actual articles, and now read and write far less of the comment. Perhaps I will get a participation award anyway. And now I also discover as a terrible typist and proofreader that the have essentially turned off the edit function or turned the time allowance down to a nanosecond. Have they decided to boil the frog?
I discovered in recent weeks that RT has appeared to turn off its AI censoring machine after years of being among the most onerous, and their thumbs up and down buttons are fully functional. Ironic, isn’t it?
“Gnome claimed he was some sort of anarcho-syndicalist. So much for that. Just because someone says or claims something does not mean it is… or that person is not phony baloney.”
Someone with more intellectual integrity and philosophical depth than a 1,000 Chomskys.
You articulated at least for me that the larger issue was the passive-aggressive manner in which the change in up and down arrows was made. When I was a child, I started reading a book from the bookshelves in our den. To that point I’d seen nothing controversial, and innocently mentioned to my mother that I was reading the book. The next day, I looked for the book, but it had vanished. My parents never said a word about it to me. Certainly my parents had the right and responsibility to monitor my reading habits, but why couldn’t they at least acknowledge that they’d removed the book?
I have to disagree that your “parents had the right and responsibility to monitor” your “reading habits” – especially regarding books in their and your home.
The only time I ever removed a book was when my two puppies began chewing it up (it was a Shakespeare Anthology: they came too close for comfort to “As You Like It,” which I consider second only to “King Lear” as Shakespeare’s finest work).
The voting is being trialled off because, although we’ve received some feedback that people found it a helpful tool and it helped them select which comments to read, we also have good evidence the system was being gamed by faceless actors, and that’s not what OffG is about. We don’t want our readers’ comments tampered with, or their eyes steered in this direction or that by anonymous parties. Unfettered, honest communication is what we need right now, not social media gimmicks.
We may have to work a little harder right now, you know, like people had to read whole actual books before the internet turned up, but it’s rewarding and it’s real.
I can see us keeping the voting off until we can find a better method. Let’s see how the trial goes. Thanks for your feedback! A2
Please be careful not to commit inadvertent trollery! You’d know perfectly well, if you’d been present, that admin have taken the trouble to answer all questions relating to the voting system (or lack thereof) trial. Please, continue to enjoy this free resource, but make sure you read a bit more carefully! All the best, A2
The article about Chomsky has convinced me that every government in the world is left-wing, and they couldnt have taken over the world without the backing of. Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Business.
Almost all answers are wrong or simple & right. You can think of enough examples yourself, I reckon. If you can think of an exception it would be interesting to hear from you.
Just give us your knowledge and advice, O Wise One…
Or, you could just fuck off…
“Thank heaven for little girls.”
A strange video of Turdagain in action (Telegram link, sorry). Somewhat reminiscent of Killary Hinton during the Klinton/Trump selection episode. One jab too many?
more here:
So back to the lunacy.
Astroworld victims killed at festival start to be identified, says NY Post.
Killed at “during the surge at the event”… insurgents, to be sure. Perhaps by the spectre who a police chief (no less) speculated was going round injecting people with a mystery potion.
Ignore the videos of people fainting or having apparent heart attacks in the midst of peaceful, well-spaced party goers…
Friends, there is a narrative to cover for something else. Either heat, stress in the presence of vaccine damage (vaccination or negative test was a requirement) or the frankly toxic visual and sonic assault set them off.
At 00:09:00 minutes you can see people getting CPR, during the concert with no crush around them. Plenty of space. They collapsed, many with heart attacks.
Here is the deep end: Travis is clearly into the dark arts. He likes his (monarch) butterflies. He refused to pause the dirge as he watched people dying. Was it triggered by frequency, vibration, strobes… given that the vaccines cause all manner of neurology and cardial issues… Was Travis serving his master… just another real-time drug trial?
I thought it was interesting that the Queen wore a butterfly brooch and had a picture of Philip surrounded by Monarch butterflies behind her, in her COP26 address. Coincidence? 🤔
She was also dressed in green.
Don’t give in. This crisis shows we are not “all one” as people. There is a large number who are dangerously stupid, and their intent is to undermine the whole.
I use the word stupid advisedly. See the work of the economist Carlo Cipolla. I don’t write for people with short attention spans but as a gift, Cipolla identified the bandit as he who steals for his own advancement versus the stupid who steal, destroy or undermine at a cost to themselves as well as the community. In other words, the stupid hurt themselves and everybody else by their actions.
Most of my life I have felt like an outsider — well, since about eight — and, as see a different world to others, something dark and forbidding. I realized that the reason I could not share a language with them was that they saw something different.
This ultimately undermined my marriage, and my spouse took a defensive, initially passive then overtly aggressive position, militantly to ensure the children absorbed her view not mine.
Modern psychology would label me for failing to adapt. Modern psychiatry would call me psychotic. I could not and cannot win.
However, I kept believing the adults would wake up, and that I would get an equal influence upon the little ones. I invested my hopes and security in them.
That was a big mistake. In fact they willingly destroyed my security — my assets were transferred — I met my obligations. In my morality, the timeless morality, I am in the clear. But that is not the dominant morality.
See John Waters for his reporting over 20 years on the legal system and fathers: the new underclass. Or cancel me at your pleasure.
I am open and free. The alternative is closed and enslaved. Which message, which way of life, would you pass on to your children?
Moneycircus Substack
Wanted to edit this para;
I met my obligations in a legal sense but I know that is insufficient: yet the system prevents me from fulfilling my moral obligations.
Seems to me the people the author is trying to talk to here are among the most brainwashed. Like the Hollyweird liberals, the Arnold Swarzenpansies, democrats (in the U.S.), etc. Brainwashed people require a lot of deprogramming to get right, but that ain’t gonna happen. We’re just going to have to kick their asses up one side and down the other. Trying to reason with illogical and hypocritical people is a waste of time.
Big Al. Most people will only come to their senses when they die from the vax or see their loved ones die.
Thanks Lucy. Beautiful. This pointed me to your website. I’ll be a regular there. I also came accros Fabio Vighi this evening, who really seems to put all the pieces in place, without an ax to grind. Something I also very much needed. This discovery, for me, of you both, this evening, has come at a time when i am at the edge of losing hope in/for the human race, and allowed me to see, in some small way, a path forward, and even a way to try and plant the seed for some to find their way out. Thanks for your spirit, and for being there.
Microshaft certainly have their finger on the pulse. Anyone notice how the W10 splash screen [‘customer experience’ I think is the jargon] has changed from backpacking eco-wash to the Brandenburg gate? – how teutonic. One jab for all etc..
More soma anyone?…
It’s easy to assume that promotion of psychadelics is just about making the population more docile and suggestible. That’s part of it – but only part. The elite also hope they if they can get people having pseudo-spiritual experiences they can be led on to the real thing and leave the world of matter behind. It’s why the counter-culture twin-tracked LSD with Eastern mysticism. George Harrison was not the ‘nice Beatle’ but ultimately the most dangerous. It’s also why Silicon Valley and consumption of psychadelics seem often to go together.
Who cares if your avatar is being exploited, raped and murdered if your spirit is off with the infinite or something? If you feel the pain, it’s your fault. Funny how promoted things so often come back to that conclusion – the elite’s scumminess is our fault….
Aldous Huxley helped run MK-Ultra
The monarch butterfly pop idols are his offspring.
They’re psychedelics, not psychadelics.
So glad you were here.
what did george do and did he do it knowingly?
To the total non-surprise of everyone here no doubt, The Mail on Sunday (the Sunday variant of the Daily Mail) “can exclusively reveal” that the government is considering (i.e. is going to) restrict the foreign travel of those double-injected people who “refuse” (the Mail’s word) their booster poison injection.
i.e. they will have to (like un-injected people) take a PCR test before they return to the UK, quarantine for 10 days on their return, and take 2 and 8 day PCR tests within that time, with an optional “test to release” after 5 days.
Edit: Just to add:
“modelled on the Israeli system” – there’s a comfort.
I feel so very very deeply for the moneyed middle class who might have to forego their holiday abroad. My tears go with them.
Mine too, Howard, mine too. Bugger indulgence air-travel!
I wondered whether to reply to this or not, but since I found this comment again by chance, and have reflected upon it in the meantime, I will do so:
People go abroad for reasons other than holiday, but if they do go on holiday, why shouldn’t they?
In the age of cheap flights and cheap package holidays, it’s hardly just the “moneyed middle class” who go abroad, and clearly, the additional expensive tests which were forced on people in the covid era added greatly to the cost and inconvenience of travel, so making it even harder for the less well off to afford it.
Speaking personally, I do like travelling abroad, but only usually managed it once or twice a year (and not always flying, which I dislike intensely, but alternatives are not always practical). In more recent years with my children (and now grandchildren) living abroad, my foreign travel has been exclusively to see them (and it’s not fair to always make them come to see me (us)), and obviously, opportunities for foreign travel have been limited since March 2020.
As for “moneyed middle class”: I was born in a Coronation Street style (non-gentrified) terrace with no bathroom and an outside toilet, and lived there until nearly 12. My parents would have been described as working class by members of the middle class, although I seem to have drifted into the middle classes at some indeterminate period by virtue of employment. Certainly not “moneyed” though.
Surely the important point is though, that anyone who is not wanted by the law and has not committed any crime should be free to leave or enter their own country at any time without undue hindrance or inconvenience, regardless of their wealth, or lack of it, or social status. Many people have now received the two injections as recommended by the medical profession and all the MSM and propaganda merchants, partly for health reasons and partly because they thought (because they had been told) that this would give them “freedom”. They will now find that it’s a very limited freedom, and consequent on yet another injection (and presumably yet another in 6 months time, etc).
Unlike some people I’ve seen on Twitter, I’m not feeling Schadenfreude towards these people (even if some of them mocked us, the unvaxxed, because we wouldn’t be able to travel freely). I actually have sympathy for them because they’ve been conned, but then, we’ve all been conned.
Because it’s working so well in Israel right! sheesh!
“How can a vaccine passport prevent transmission when the vaccine doesn’t? Please riddle me that.”
What they say now is that it reduces the risk of transmission, hospitalization and death.
That’s why the ‘vaxxinated’ must have a passport, still wear masks, ‘social’ distant and test themselves when they have a cold.
It is a matter of ‘risk’ reduction.
Is the ‘virus’ real? you should ask. There is no proof for that.
Is it good for the juice? The only question a head of tax cattle ever need to ruminate.
I see one “big item” of news has been some data breach involving Labour members having their personal data stolen.
Now here’s a way of looking at this: the kind of news we’ve been subject to for most of our lives is the kind of news that really didn’t matter to us. And it’s comforting stuff. News is something that always happens “over there”.
And when something like covid comes along and chains everyone up, it’s too much of a shock and consequently, a large number of folk don’t want to know and want to go back to that inconsequential shite. And of course the various channels are ever so happy to dish it up (including a lot of the “Left” sites too who are supplying their own custard pies to throw at Boris.)
And that’s why, when it comes to the undeniably big story i.e. covid, there’s an irritable shudder followed by, “Oh don’t be a denier! Take the vax!”
They want to go back to the trivial trash.
I think it is actually a serious story, but it is a shame that it will be used by the MSM to bash Labour when they should be bashing the Tories, so it is serving as a welcome distraction in that respect.
It’s ironic that some of the people getting emails from the party about the data loss are former members who were booted out for being the wrong sort of socialist, or (in one case I saw on Twitter) for being the wrong sort of Jew. And (again judging by Twitter (I need to stop spending so much time on Twitter) they are pretty angry that the LP kept hold of their details after they left or were kicked out of the party. (Actually though, there may be a legal reason for them to hold on to those details for a certain time … I came across this issue when I was a member of the Green Party, and had some dealings with head office, as I was an officer in my local party).
I’ve had an email about the data loss, because, for reasons I can’t fully explain, I’m still a member of the LP. I keep thinking about resigning, but then think that Starmbot is performing so badly that surely there will be a challenge, and I’ll get the chance to vote for someone better….I know this is a pipe dream and in any case am thoroughly disillusioned with the party system (if I ever had any illusions).
Dr. Nancy Snyderman’s words on a TV show during the swine flu hoax at the time: “Forget the conspiracy, listen to our government agencies, these guys are telling the truth, you know, there’s no conspiracy here folks, just get your damn vaccine
Tell that to these people Nancy…
Fanos Rises Up in Melbourne. 6.11.21 – YouTube
Nancy is such a rotten liar.
Are you willing to see that this is not about health? That this is about divide, prejudice & discrimination? The things you so loudly & proudly stand for?
It’s certainly not about promoting health and it’s not really about ” divide, prejudice & discrimination”, those are simply the tools the cabal is using to further its real aim.
It should be absolutely clear to all of us by now that the Covid scam is and always was about achieving massive genocide. With every prick of a Covid needle we are being moved a step nearer to a world that will have been deliberately ridded of its human masses.
“It should be absolutely clear to all of us by now that the Covid scam is and always was about achieving massive genocide.”
Yes. Exactly…
Let’s unburden ourselves with the morbid ideals of discrimination… No charges, no arrests, no indictments for murder…
The trouble with that scenario is that such a genocide (which I agree is a distinct possibility) would kill off the very ones who make life easy for the “ruling elites.”
I’m having trouble seeing that inescapable result as being in anyone’s interest – even “us,” because they serve as a buffer in that they’ll go first, before they can be turned against “us.”
Ah, the perils of genocide. Pity the poor psychos: damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
I tended to agree with you but think about selective genocide. Are all batches of the death jab the same or are they being selective. I read recently that 5% of the Pfloosher jabs were the prime candidates for morbidity and mortality and were focussed on red states versus blue. This seemed to be backed up with data but I never pursued it. How about the new Hitler could get rid of say 2 to 3 billion people then who would he/they select? If the billionaires only have say 5 billion people to suck dry they should still have a luxurious life until a return to the mean and the critical thinkers take sweet revenge. Many around me in Oz have had their jabs with little to no effect to date albeit our little Hitlers won’t provide meaningful data on jabbed deaths vs unjabbed, I wonder why? Next winter will be a tell-all, I hope I am wrong!
Toothlessness from Bylinetimes.
Any site or channel which directs anger towards any particular political party is obsolete. And insultingly so. I know that the covid crapola has thrown up a level of gullibility scarcely believable. But is there anyone who thinks there’s any effective difference between Boris and Kier? (I have a horrible feeling I won’t like the answer!)
Eugenicist Johnson’s government is the one we have and if some people are now very belatedly waking up to the blindingly obvious, then that can’t be bad. Of course, this is not to be taken as an endorsement of the disgusting pos, laughingly known as the leader of the opposition. If there is a way out of the genocidal Covid coup, it won’t be coming from the useless cowards in Parliament.
Kier is just more accomodating to male preverts in dresses. But then I’m an ‘American’ and only know what I have gathered from following certain trends.
“The War Racketeer Eugenicist Psycho Nazis of the Corporate Fascist Crime Cartel must be fought.”

“Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution are not only not futile

They are essential… no a sacred duty.”
that’s ‘baby wannabe cartels’ on the left, real grownup cartels to the right ….
Here we never thought of cartels as men with guns — just men in suits.
Perhaps the US “drugs cartels” thing was an early attempt at diversion? We just control your energy, your media, your news, but not your drugs — we can’t be a cartel.
more here:
More threats.
Get booster jabs so we can ‘enjoy Christmas’ – UK health secretary
Have you listened to the quash podcast?
I also have questions that I’d like you to attempt to answer after having listened to the quash podcast
Prove to me that there is an actual pandemic, not just that more than one person died from covid 19
Use actual science
Prove that masks prevent infection and don’t cause long term health issues related to breathing
Use actual science
Prove that even if there is a pandemic going around that is so contagious that no-one is immune from it, what exactly is the point of wearing a mask?
Use actual medical science
Prove that the police have the right to arrest and kidnap me for not wearing a mask, even if there is a pandemic
5. Prove that mask mandates are not an infringement of basic human rights
Use actual logic and reasoning that can stand in a court of law
I reiterate, nothing about the official story that Fauci is giving us makes any sense
Nobody was sworn in to testify, not in any medical court in the world
It stands to reason that there is massive criminal collusion, a psychopathic agenda, because any medical lawyer could destroy Fauci and Bill Gates in mere minutes
Sorry I am not going to address this silliness. Wear your mask. That is actual science
Based on what exactly?
It must confuse you that I don’t believe the earth is flat, but that I will not, cannot accept the bought and paid for narrative
The covid19 narrative is a massive scam based on contrived and faulty data for the sole aim of massive expansion of government
What is the science of wearing a mask?
There isn’t any
Prove me wrong, I’m listening
Him: Sorry not going there wear a mask
Me: What is the science?
Not going to play the ‘what is the science’ game. Start with the cdc website and go from there. Meanwhile wear you mask.
Right: “shut up! Obey!” Can’t breathe? 30⁰c heat wave? Irrelevant
Carbon dioxide on OSHO meter? Also somehow irrelevant
Yes absolutely irrelevant. Same with the co2 issue. Wear your mask
Please explain why it’s “absolutely irrelevant”
Because I just told you as someone that has worn a mask most of their adult life for hours at a time
Yeah, in air conditioning and you get paid
Have you listened to the quash?
I know you’re not a big fan of conspiracy theories (neither am I)
If there really is a pandemic, we would see piles of bodies dropping dead
We wouldn’t need the government to force us to close down entire economies
Follow the money and power
NWO is real
Bill Gates funds the CDC and the WHO
This panic is manufactured so we’ll consent to his fake vaccines and world wide surveillance programmes
Call me a lunatic
I don’t care anymore
Quite frankly, neither do I. Have a good one. Wear your mask
There is no pandemic
To suggest so is as absurd as believing that the earth is flat
I also show him Dr Rancourts articles
Provide the original peer reviewed studies. I’m not interested in someone’s take on the studies. Wear your mask
My response:
(The peer reviewed studies are cited but he’s too lazy to find them himself with a simple Google search)
Wow! Just wow!
An idiot and a shill
Stick to debunking flat earthers, because any idiot can do that
I’m done with you
I really thought you were reasonable
But I can see now you’re just another normie incapable of rational thinking
Also, you’re a hypocrite
You sell masks while lecturing us about the ethics of Judy Mikovitz selling a book
Good day to you
If you hadn’t ended your sentence with an order like a psychotic stasi drill sergeant, I might have obliged you
Fuck you
You self righteous, ignorant, cunt
Wear your mask
Wear your gag muzzle and GO FUCK YOURSELF
Dear editor
Please excuse the profanity
I look forward to hearing what you think
“Because I can’t stand with you & chat shit in the street anymore, politely ignoring the brontosaurus in the room for fear of offending you or making you feel uncomfortable.”
Is it irritating, sometimes? Yes. Would I prefer it was the old normal? Of course. Am I going to provoke some sort of futile “you’re either for me or against me” confrontation as a result? Of course not. Division and atomisation is what they want.Not learning ‘live and let live’ from this is not learning anything much. Make them be the ones who walk away if it comes to it.
People’s goodness has been weaponised and used against them. At least they have some goodness and that’s something to work with, however imperfect and corrupted it might be. The people with no goodness at all are the ones to worry about more.
Gnostics don’t believe in good and evil, only matter and spirit. They hate the former and want to destroy it. There are no essences with natures, only random clumps of molecules to be manipulated any way they can. Look at what that believe system explains – transhumanism, transgenderism, GMOs, abortion, microchipping, AI, murder with no sense of loss, and much more. They aren’t true Satanists which requires a belief in evil but use Satanism to further other ends.
The entire elite are Gnostics which usually leads to outright Luciferianism or other beliefs that prioritise ‘spirit’ (like Eastern mysticism). Film director Richard Stanley (maker of ‘Dust Devil’ and ‘Hardware’) said in an interview 25 years ago that you had to be a Gnostic to work in Hollywood. That can’t happen in isolation or gradually – clearly the elite have been covert Gnostics for a long time. Stanley now happens to live where the Cathars came from.
Only the ‘will to power’ of their spirit is real to them. They meant ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ very literally. This is why they can lie and deceive without a second thought. It’s useful to remember this as a defence against being guilt-tripped by their fake caring. They’ve taken ordinary people’s real concerns about the environment or oppressed peoples and weaponised them without having the slightest real regard for the issue they exploit (the Bank of America cares about the inner cities!?!). It’s what they do – or to put it in their terms, how this game works (because everything in the material world is a game i.e. the great chessboard).
I agree.I don’t want to fight with the ordinary folk whether they wear a mask they can’t help that,Just as we can’t help seeing the lies and destruction everywhere.Our energy must go to the evil from the top once we break them down the others will fall like a stack of cards(The minions).
It doesn’t matter if they think they are gnostic and that their delusion to power is spiritual in some sense, they are narcissists who have created a self-replicating magic mirror that features themselves. They have aligned themselves, doubting souls frighted of death…or real comeuppance, with matter, technologism and transhumanism.
I don’t think one can align gnosticism = seeking the spirit at the cost of the material with this lot.
Spot on.
The worst enablers are youtube science “personalities” like professor dave and Bob the science guy
They really claim to “follow the science” while being wilfully ignorant of what things like vax passports will bring
they’re ‘willfully ignorant’ of nothing, they’re just lying through their freaking teeth, cause lying and keeping a nice paying job is better than telling the truth and losing it, for them
“*As long as they are not abusive to staff or others.”
“The rule of thumb is: If I have no rights, you have no rights. Anything else inevitably leads to this.”
