Seizing Everything: The Theft of the Global Commons – Part 2
Iain Davis

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“The population problem has no technical solution; it requires a fundamental extension on morality.”
Garret Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons”
In Part 1 we explored the ongoing process of defining of the global commons and the claim of the stakeholder capitalists they they should be the “trustees” both of the commons and society. We are now going to look at how systems have been established to enable those stakeholders to seize them.
We should be mindful of what “global commons” means for the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP). For them it means possession of everything: every resource on the planet, all land, all water, the air we breath and the natural world in its entirety, including all of us.
Principles of the Global Commons
The notion of the “global commons” sprang from an amalgam of two principles in International Law. The Tragedy of The Commons (ToC) and the Common Heritage of Mankind (CHM).
In his 1968 paper on the ToC, the U.S. ecologist and eugenicist Garrett Hardin, building upon the earlier work of the 19th century economist William Forster Lloyd, outlined the population and resource problems as he saw them. He said “a finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must eventually equal zero.”
While logically this is ultimately true, if a whole raft of assumptions are accepted, the point at which zero population growth becomes necessary is unknown. The evidence suggests we are nowhere near that limit. Eugenicists, like Hardin, have claimed and continue to claim that the Earth faces a population problem. There is no evidence to support their view.
Hardin theorised that when a resource, such as land, is shared in “common,” people acting in rational self-interest will tend to increase their use of that resource because the cost is spread among all. He called this type of thinking a tragedy because, if all act accordingly, he maintained that the resource would dwindle to nothing and everyone suffer as a result.
Hardin insisted that this tragedy could not be averted. Therefore, as human beings were, in his eyes, incapable of grasping the bigger picture, the solutions were “managed” access to resources and “population control.”
While Hardin’s elitist ToC concept suggested regulated, enclosed (private) access to “common” resources, the Common Heritage of Mankind (CHM) rejected the idea of enclosure (privatisation). CHM instead advocated that a special group should be created by international treaty as “trustees” of the global commons. Seen as more “progressive,” it was no less elitist that Hardin’s concept.
The philosophical concept of CHM emerged onto the global political stage in the 1950’s but is was the 1967 speech by the Maltese ambassador to the U.N., Arvid Pardo, which established it as a principle of global governance. This eventually led to the 1982 U.N. Convention on Law of the Sea (LOSC).
Citing the CHM, in Article 137(2) of the LOSC, the U.N. declared:
All rights in the resources of the Area are vested in mankind as a whole, on whose behalf the Authority shall act.”
That “Area”, in this case, was the the Earth’s oceans, including everything in and beneath them. The “authority” was defined in Section 4 as the International Seabed Authority (ISA). Article 137(2) of the LOSC is self contradictory.
The legal definition of “vested” implies that the whole of humanity, without exception, has an absolute right to access the global commons. In this instance, those commons were the oceans. While the legal definition speaks of ownership, “vested” seems to guarantee the no one can lay any individual claim to ownership of the oceans or its resources. Access is equally shared by all.
Supposedly, this alleged right can never be “defeated by a condition precedent.” This is repudiated entirely by “on whose behalf the Authority shall act.”
Who among the billions of Earth’s inhabitants gave the ISA this alleged authority? When were we asked if we wanted to cede our collective responsibility for the oceans to the ISA?
This authority was seized by U.N. diktat and nothing more. It is now the ISA who, by a condition precedent, control, limit and license our access to the oceans.
This is the essential deception at the heart of GPPP’s “global commons” paradigm. They sell their theft as stewardship of the resources vested in all humanity, while simultaneously seizing the entirety of those resources for themselves.
Seizing The Global Commons: The Oceans
When interpreted by International Law, the CHM appears to place the private ownership of the global commons, suggested by the ToC, beyond the reach of government stakeholder partners. They should have no more right to these riches than anyone else. Legal challenge to any claim should be a relatively straight forward process for any concerned individual or group minded to make one.
This is not even a remote possibility. International Law, as it pertains to the global commons, is a meaningless jumble of inconsistencies and contradictions that ultimately amounts to “might is right.” For anyone to challenge the GPPP’s claim they would need to retain a legal team capable of defeating the UN’s and a judiciary willing to find in their favour.
The “law” is ostensibly designed to leave us imagining that we have “protected” rights and responsibilities towards these shared resources. Whereas, if subjected to any reasonable scrutiny, the legal notion of the global commons looks more like a diversion to facilitate a robbery.
If we look at the ISA’s record of stakeholder engagement we quickly find their Strategic Plan for 2019 – 2020. This succinctly outlines how the scam operates:
In an ever-changing world, and in its role as custodian of the common heritage of mankind, ISA faces many challenges…The United Nations has adopted a new development agenda, entitled ‘Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.’[…] Of most relevance to ISA is SDG 14 — Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.”
The shared resource – global commons – of the Earth’s oceans are not freely accessible to humanity as a whole anymore. Rather, the ISA determine who gets access to oceanic resources based upon Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Effectively they have turned access to the global commons into a new market.
The most vital questions we must ask is how these allocation decisions are made and by whom. This will reveal who controls these new highly regulated markets. The ISA state:
States parties, sponsoring States, flag States, coastal States, State enterprises, private investors, other users of the marine environment and interested global and regional intergovernmental organizations. All have a role in the development, implementation and enforcement of rules and standards for activities in the Area”
In addition, the ISA will:
Strengthen cooperation and coordination with other relevant international organizations and stakeholders in order to…effectively safeguard the legitimate interests of members of ISA and contractors…The rules, regulations and procedures governing mineral exploitation…are underpinned by sound commercial principles in order to promote investment…taking into account trends and developments relating to deep seabed mining activities, including objective analysis of world metal market conditions and metal prices, trends and prospects…based on consensus…that allows for stakeholder input in appropriate ways.”
The Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP) of governments, global corporations (other users of the marine environment), their major shareholders (private investors) and philanthropic foundations (private investors) are the stakeholders. They, not us, will have an input to ensure the rules, regulations and procedures will promote investment that will safeguard their interests.
In the space of a few short decades, broad concepts have evolved into principles of International Law which have subsequently been applied to create a regulatory framework for controlled access to the all the resources in the oceans. What was once genuinely a global resource is now the sole province of the GPPP and its network of stakeholder capitalists.
The Global Commons Are Global
We should be wary of falling into the trap of thinking the GPPP comprises solely of the western hegemony. The stories we are fed about the global confrontation between superpowers are often superficial.
While there are undoubtedly tensions within the GPPP, as each player jostles for a bigger slice of the new markets, the GPPP network itself is a truly global collaboration. This doesn’t mean that conflict between nation states is impossible but, as ever, any such conflict will be fought for a reason absent from the official explanation.
SDG’s led to net zero policies and they stipulate, among a swath of enforced changes, the end of petrol and diesel transport. We are all under orders to switch to electric vehicles (EVs) which the vast majority won’t be able to afford. In turn, this means a massive increase in demand for lithium-ion batteries.
Manufacturing these will require a lot more cobalt which is widely considered to be the most critical supply chain risk for producing EVs. The World Bank estimate that the growth in demand for cobalt between 2018 and 2050 will be somewhere in the region of 450%. To say this is a “market opportunity” is a massive understatement.
The ISA have granted 5 cobalt exploration contracts to JOGMEC (Japan), COMRA (China), Russia, the Republic of Korea and CPRM (Brazil). When located deposits become commercially viable, as they undoubtedly will, the corporate feeding frenzy can begin.
Corporations, such as the weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin, with its wholly owned subsidiary UK Seabed Resources (UKSR), are also among the many ISA stakeholders. UKSR received their exploration license for the South Pacific in 2013. As an ISA exploration contractor, UKSR stakeholders are free to submit their recommendations for amendments to the ISA regulations governing their own mining operations.
For example, the ISA stated that mining corporations should provide a financial guarantee that would cover “unexpected costs, expenses and liabilities.” Lockheed Martin didn’t like this at all and so suggested a slight change. They recommended the addition of the following:
The Guarantee is not to cover costs, expenses and liabilities incurred as a result of tortious liability for environmental damage.”
This was presumably because, in their pursuit of SDG “protection” of the planet, Lockheed Martin don’t wish to be liable for the environmental damage they will inflict upon it in the process. This risk of this is high because the proposed method for “scraping the seabed” will almost certainly destroy it.
Fortunately for UKSR and other stakeholders like COMRA, the ISA’s is committed to regulations which promote sound commercial principles and safeguard their commercial interests. Destroying the seabed is a risk worth taking but not if you have to pay for it.
When it comes to fighting climate change, human life is even cheaper. Nearly all cobalt is currently mined from Africa’s copper belt and more than 60% of the world supply comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is clawed from the Earth by tens of thousands of child slaves.
This poisonous torture dramatically shortens the abject misery of their suffering on this Earth. However, it does mean other young people like Greta Thunberg can inspire more fortunate children to mobilise on social media, using their fully charged devices, to save the planet.
Only the commercial viability of deep-sea reserves seems capable of saving the cobalt mine slaves. Alas, it is difficult to envisage how deep see reserves will become viable until land based reserves near exhaustion.
This openly condoned child abuse has been ongoing for years. A fact which the world’s media admits but never mentions when it eulogises about the green revolution.
The estimated 94,000 tonnes of cobalt in the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) of the Eastern Pacific alone represents 6 times the known land based reserves. With total deep sea reserves estimated to be worth between $8 – $16 trillion, as we progress towards a carbon neutral economy, deep sea mining is an inevitability. Regardless of the environmental cost.
All the real environmental issues are to be ignored as the world embarks upon a transition to a new global economy based upon one highly questionable theory: namely anthropogenic global warming (AGW).
The Global Commons New Market(s)
This transition to the green economy will see myriad new markets created as the Earths “common” resources are converted into proverbial investment gold mines. Cobalt scraped from the seabed is just one example, there are thousands more.
The GPPP will have exclusive access, and thus control, over these new, essential resources. The investment opportunities are endless. It is this prospect, not any concerns for the Earth or humanity, that is driving the seizure of the global commons.
The GPPP have recognised that if they can squeeze something into the “global commons” they can then control of it. Consequently, the list of alleged “commons” continues to grow, as the the GPPP seek more control over more of the planet and everything on it.
In 1996 the late John Perry Barlow, from the Electronic Freedom Foundation, presented a Declaration for the Independence of Cyberspace to the annual Davos conference of the World Economic Forum (WEF). It perhaps seems odd that the GPPP wanted to hear this radical, libertarian call for governments around the world to leave cyberspace unregulated.
However, as I stress in my book Pseudopandemic, the intent of ideas, political and economic philosophies or social doctrines is not what interests the GPPP. Rather, it is how those ideologies can be exploited to achieve their goals.
In making his address Barlow was, perhaps inadvertently, laying the groundwork to include cyberspace as part of the “global commons.”
As we shall discuss shortly, the GPPP already had a plan in place to appropriate everything defined as a global commons. It was this prospect which enthralled the assembled Davos (GPPP) crowd.
In their 2015 Davos executive summary the WEF illustrated how the GPPP manipulate narratives to reshape the context of our daily lives.
In this case, the objective was to institute the precepts for their claimed jurisdiction of cyberspace.
What is clear is that we are confronted by profound political, economic, social and, above all, technological transformations.. resulting in an entirely ‘new global context’ for future decision-making…The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting provides an unparalleled platform for leaders to develop the necessary insights, ideas and partnerships to respond to this new context…
Based on the principle that a multistakeholder, systemic and future-oriented approach is essential in this new context, the issues to be addressed through sessions, taskforces and private meetings at the Annual Meeting 2015 include…The inability to significantly improve the management and governance of critical global commons, most notably natural resources and cyberspace.
We have considered the example of the oceans and their resources, but the process for creating a regulated markets for all commons is the same. First something must be levered into the category of the global commons. Once declared to be among the “shared resources all life relies upon,” some GPPP quango is appointed to oversee access to the new regulated market.
This body will be formed to serve the stakeholders capitalists who will then have exclusive access to and control of that resource.
In accordance with the U.N. definition “stewardship of the global commons cannot be carried out without global governance.” Global governance is formally convened via the process of stealing the global commons. The entire operation is founded upon sustainable development.
The Agendas For Sustainable Global Commons
As mentioned previously, this plan has been in-place for decades. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are set in Agenda 2030 as way-points along the path to completion of the plan for the 21st century: Agenda 21.
When GPPP stakeholders say they are committed to SDG’s they mean Agenda 2030, in the short term, and ultimately Agenda 21. Agenda 21 has a lot to say about what it calls “human settlements.” It lays out how they will be planned, constructed and managed by a public-private partnership. However, in constructing human settlements, human beings do not appear very high on the priority list.
Objective 5.29 states:
In formulating human settlements policies, account should be taken of resource needs, waste production and ecosystem health.”
Resource allocation, waste management and environmental protections are the prerequisites for “human settlements.” Not the welfare of humanity.
The GPPP will oversee the construction or allocation of our settlements. Objective 7.30. d. states:
Encourage partnerships among the public, private and community sectors in managing land resources for human settlements development.”
All land, not just the commons, will be managed by the GPPP. Again, subsequent Agenda 2030 SDGs have provided the justification for the land grab.
Objective 10 of Agenda 21 states:
The broad objective is to facilitate allocation of land to the uses that provide the greatest sustainable benefits and to promote the transition to a sustainable and integrated management of land resources”
Clearly this raises issues of private land ownership and use. Not just among householders but by industry, farmers, train companies or any other private land owner. The trick in holding on to land will be to secure its designation as having a “sustainable” purpose. This allocation will need to be agreed by the GPPP, so friends in high places will be key.
Agenda 21 demands, under “Activities” in section 7.29, that all nations must develop:
A comprehensive national inventory of their land resources in order to establish a land information system in which land resources will be classified according to their most appropriate uses and environmentally fragile or disaster-prone areas will be identified for special protection measures.”
If the place where you live is deemed to be environmentally fragile, and we are told the whole planet is, then the GPPP will follow section 7.30. h and implement:
Practices that deal comprehensively with potentially competing land requirements for agriculture, industry, transport, urban development, green spaces, preserves and other vital needs.”
This will involve the creation of “protected areas.” Among many of their authoritarian powers, this means that the GPPP will have control of all drinking water. Water sources automatically become “protected areas” under Agenda 21, for the good of our “health.”
Activity 18.50 it states:
All States, according to their capacity and available resources, and through bilateral or multilateral cooperation, including the United Nations and other relevant organizations as appropriate, could implement the following activities:.. Establishment of protected areas for sources of drinking-water supply.”
By exploiting the deception of “sustainable development” a planetary system of global governance, under the auspices of the GPPP, is currently being established. This is “build back better,” the “Great Reset,” the “Green New Deal” or whatever the GPPP choose to sell it as.
It means GPPP dominion over absolutely everything. We truly will own nothing, although it seems unlikely that many of us will be happy about it.

Those who do not understand, or do not wish to admit the reality of this global coup d’état, are quick to point out that Agenda 21 – and 2030 – are not legislation. Nation-states are not compelled to go along with any of it. This observation fails to appreciate what “global governance” is.
Global governance is not the setting of either policy or legislation. It is the creation of policy agendas which individual nation states may or may not implement as policy or subsequent legislation. It can only have teeth if nation states comply.
The problem we face is that nation states are “partner organisation,” some might say junior partners, within the GPPP. While they remain sovereign entities they do not act as such. We only need look at how global markets are created by Agenda 21 to see how all nation states have willingly collaborated in the sustainable development scam.
In Agenda 21 the declared “Basis for Action” at section 8.41 states:
A first step towards the integration of sustainability into economic management is the establishment of better measurement of the crucial role of the environment as a source of natural capital.. A common framework needs to be developed whereby the contributions made by all sectors and activities of society, that are not included in the conventional national accounts, are included.. A programme to develop national systems of integrated environmental and economic accounting in all countries is proposed.”
The clearly stated plan, written in 1992, was to create “natural capital” to shift “sustainability into economic management.” All sectors and all society will be involved in this effort to transform nature into economic capital.
This will include the oversight of the “activities of society,” such as our use of cyberspace, which are “not included in the conventional national accounts.” The global commons in other words.
It doesn’t matter if Agenda 21 (2030) has legislative authority or not. All the matters is the complicity of legislative authorities. They are in full compliance.
Agenda 21 proposed the development of “national systems of integrated environmental and economic accounting in all countries.” This was envisaged to complete the transformation of the Earth and all of its natural resources into a centralised system of economic control.
As Whitney Webb explored in her excellent article, Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class that is precisely what has happened. By once again misusing the concept of the global commons, the GPPP has created Natural Asset Companies (NACs). These will allegedly:
Preserve and restore the natural assets that ultimately underpin the ability for there to be life on Earth.”
This allusion to caring for the global commons all sounds wonderful but when we consider its impact upon the oceans depths, for example, it is really just the creation of new markets. Concern for environmental destruction barely registers.
The Metrics of the Global Commons
Clearly, the objective of NACs is to secure GPPP stakeholder’s exclusive access to resources which, hitherto, weren’t “owned” by anyone. Michael Blaugrund, the Chief Operating Officer of the New York Stock Exchange, admitted as much:
Our hope is that owning a natural asset company is going to be a way that an increasingly broad range of investors have the ability to invest in something that’s intrinsically valuable, but, up to this point, was really excluded from the financial markets.”
To put this into perspective, the current, total GDP of the whole planet is approximately $94 trillion. By converting the Earth into an asset portfolio, nature is projected to be worth $4000 trillion. More than 40 times world GDP. Needless to say, this is one hell of an investment opportunity.
The transformation of the global economy is well underway. The entire GPPP is, understandably, committed to the project. What disagreements that exist only extend to who gets what. There is no opposition to the new global economic model. As Webb pointed out:
The ultimate goal of NACs is not sustainability or conservation – it is the financialization of nature, i.e. turning nature into a commodity that can be used to keep the current, corrupt Wall Street economy booming under the guise of protecting the environment and preventing its further degradation.”
NACs will enable investors to acquire assets primarily in developing nations, as multinational corporations and financial funds hoover up former global commons and other resources. However, the financialization of nature is global, transforming the Globe into a bull market.

This will be achieved using Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. Assets will be rated using environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmarks for sustainable business performance. Any business requiring market finance, perhaps through issuing climate bonds, or maybe green bonds for European ventures, will need those bonds to have a healthy ESG rating.
A low ESG rating will deter investors and the project or business venture won’t get off the ground. A high ESG rating will see investors rush to put their money in projects which are backed by international agreements. In combination, financial initiatives like NACs and ESGs are converting SDG’s into market regulations.
This centralises authority over the global economy, placing it in the hands of the GPPP. Speaking in July 2019, then Governor of the Bank of England (BoE) and soon to be U.N. special envoy for Climate Action, Mark Carney, simply stated:
Companies that ignore climate change and don’t adapt will go bankrupt without question.”
Later, speaking at the Green Horizons Summit in November 2020, jointly hosted by The City of London Corporation, the Green Finance Institute and the World Economic Forum, Carney, acting in another role as UK Prime Ministerial Finance Adviser on COP26, said:
“Transition plans will reveal the leaders and laggers on the road to Glasgow.. We will not get to net zero in a niche, it requires a whole economy transition.”
The leaders in the new global economy will be those selected by the GPPP through the appropriate rating of their issued securities. The laggers will be weeded out via the same mechanism. They will go bankrupt without question.
All business, not just global corporations, will be required to “adapt” to the new SDG based economic system. This isn’t some projection of what the future global economy will look like, it has already happened. While the world has been obsessing over the pseudopandemic the GPPP has initiated a global revolution.
At the eventual COP26 summit in Glasgow, Mark Carney, allegedly speaking as the U.N envoy – or perhaps as a Board Trustee of the World Economic Forum, it’s hard to say – launched something he called GFANZ:
The architecture of the global financial system has been transformed to deliver net zero. We now have the essential plumbing in place to move climate change from the fringes to the forefront of finance so that every financial decision takes climate change into account … [This] rapid, and large-scale, increase in capital commitment to net zero, through GFANZ, makes the transition to a 1.5C world possible.”
The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, followed up Carney’s statement with the declaration of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). The plan is to initially “align,” (force) 40% of the world’s current financial assets, amounting to $130 trillion, to commit to the transition towards a decarbonised global economy. The UK government press release reported:
The UK has convened over 30 advanced and developing countries from across 6 continents and representing over 70% of global GDP to back the creation of a new global climate reporting standards by the IFRS Foundation to give investors the information they need to fund net zero.”
All this is necessary, according to Carney, Sunak and all the other GPPP leaders, to control the Earth’s climate. They really imagine, or rather want you to imagine, that they can tweak the temperature of the Earth by centralising their authority over the world’s economy.
As Whitney Webb accurately observed on Twitter:
If you are going to trust billionaires and bankers (who have created the environmental crises) to design a brand-new economic system because you think they care about the environment, you might as well hand them your brain in a bag.
— Whitney Webb (@_whitneywebb) November 4, 2021
Global Governance of Everything
GFANZ is largely based upon double accounting and financial slight of hand. There isn’t really any commitment to actually reducing GHG emissions. The major banks will still be free to invest in fossil fuels while it remains profitable.
Once again the mainstream critics, or at least those reported by the financial MSM, utterly fail to understand what they are looking at. They fantasise that it is all about “saving the planet” or creating a greener economy for the good of all.
It is not, and it never was. It is about centralising financial and economic power.
It doesn’t matter if the numbers don’t add up. The real environmental impact is totally irrelevant. All that matters is that a mechanism is created by which the upper echelons of the GPPP hierarchy can firstly rescue and then extend their authority and control. That is the primary objective and until the pet economists and media commentators grasp this, they will never see that which is staring them in the face.
Presumably they still believe it is just an incalculable coincidence that this transformation has occurred just in time to save the failed IMFS (international monetary and financial system.) The GPPP have simply struck lucky. Saving the planet just happens to require exactly the same economic and financial restructuring needed to cover up the complete collapse of their former control structure.
At the 2019 annual G7 bankers symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, just four months before the first cases of COVID 19 were reported, the second largest investment management firm in the world, BlackRock, presented their report Dealing With The Next Downturn to the gathered G7 central bankers. They reported:
Unprecedented policies will be needed to respond to the next economic downturn. Monetary policy is almost exhausted as global interest rates plunge towards zero or below. Fiscal policy on its own will struggle to provide major stimulus in a timely fashion given high debt levels and the typical lags with implementation.. Conventional and unconventional monetary policy works primarily through the stimulative impact of lower short-term and long-term interest rates. This channel is almost tapped out.””
Unable to either spend or tax their way out of trouble, BlackRock admitted that, for the GPPP, the existing IMFS was a finished. This was the source of their power and therefore, if they were to retain their “authority,” a new system was required.
Mark Carney, on this occasion speaking as the governor of the BoE, affirmed BlackRock’s assessment:
Most fundamentally, a destabilising asymmetry at the heart of the IMFS is growing…a multi-polar global economy requires a new IMFS to realise its full potential. That won’t be easy…the deficiencies of the IMFS have become increasingly potent. Even a passing acquaintance with monetary history suggests that this centre won’t hold…I will close by adding urgency…Let’s end the malign neglect of the IMFS and build a system worthy of the diverse, multipolar global economy that is emerging.”
All agreed that a new IMFS was urgently needed. There was no time left to lose. In their paper BlackRock suggested that the new financial order could be created by “going direct:”
Going direct means the central bank finding ways to get central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders.. enforcing policy coordination so that the fiscal expansion does not lead to an offsetting increase in interest rates.”
This was a revolutionary concept. Central banks theoretically served solely as the bank for commercial banks and government. Their official role was to invest in government bonds and manage settlements between commercial banks using central banks reserves called “base money.” The money you and I use every day is “broad money.” It had always circulated in the economy separately from base money.
Base money had never before been used to directly stimulate or manipulate broad money markets (in theory). With their going direct plan BlackRock were suggesting a mechanism by which it could. Effectively placing central banks in charge (enforcing policy coordination) of government fiscal policy: government taxation and spending.
Going direct represents a fundamental change in the nature of our political systems. It suggests that elected governments are no longer in charge of spending. It appears to be the establishment of taxation without representation: the end of any notion of democracy.
BlackRock added that going direct would be required if an “unusual conditions” arose. The center couldn’t hold, an extraordinary catalyst was needed to bring about the transformation.
In yet another remarkable and, for the GPPP, incredibly fortuitous coincidence, the U.S. “repo market” floundered just a month later. This delivered the necessary unusual condition, triggering BlackRock’s plan.
Things became extremely unusual just a few months later as the world was plunged into a global pseudopandemic. In response, by March 2020, going direct went into overdrive.
BlackRock said that going direct would only be required while the “unusual condition” persisted, although the nature of the arrangement would require a “permanent set-up.” Once fiscal policy objectives were achieved, which were also monetary policy objectives, the temporary permanent set-up could then move on to the “exit strategy” placed on the “policy horizon”.
We now know what that policy horizon is. It is the transformation of the IMFS, the seizure of the global commons, the financialization of nature and the establishment of a central financial body that rules it all. This process is more commonly referred to a “sustainable development” or the contruction of the green economy.
One Ring To Rule Them All
Prior to his GFANZ proclamation, in November 2020, Rishi Sunak stated that the UK intended to issue the world’s first sovereign green bond. The UK Government decreed that it would make reporting to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TFCD) mandatory for all UK businesses by 2025. Sunak added that this would encourage investment in new technologies “like stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies”.
The UK Government added:
The UK will become the first country in the world to make Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) aligned disclosures fully mandatory across the economy by 2025…The UK will also implement a green taxonomy — a common framework for determining which activities can be defined as environmentally sustainable.”
The UK government’s pretence that it was in control of this initiative was comical. The Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics which determine ESG asset ratings, and the development of NACs, aren’t managed by the UK, U.S. or any other elected government. These financial levers are firmly rooted in the private sector.
GPPP leaders like the Bank for International Settlements, national central banks, BlackRock, Vanguard and WEF partners like Deloitte, PwC, McKinsey and KPMG are controlling these investment strategies. Governments are just junior, facilitating partners in the Global Public-Private Partnership.
The TCFDs are evaluated in response to a company’s “sustainability report.” According to the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the sustainability report “describes a company’s or organization’s impact on society, often addressing environmental, social, and governance issues.”
The TDFD assessment determines the ESG rating of its assets. This will be the deal maker, or breaker, whenever it wants to raise capital investment.
The sustainability report standards are set by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) foundation. The IFRS foundation states that it is a non profit, public-interest organisation.
It sets agreed accountancy standards in 140 jurisdictions for both public and private organisations. Its jurisdictions include the U.S., the EU, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China and Russia.
However its claim to operate in the “public interest” is not supported by its own statements. The IFRS foundation also reports:
IFRS Standards are set by the International Accounting Standards Board and are used primarily by publicly accountable companies—those listed on a stock exchange and by financial institutions, such as banks.”
The International Accountancy Standards Board (IASB) is a private-sector organisation. Currently 12 people supposedly decide upon the IFRS standards which stipulate the sustainability report requirements for businesses and other organisations, including governments, across the planet.
Under the chairmanship of Mark Carney – he’s a busy man – the Financial Stability Board (FSB) created the TCFD in 2015:
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) announced today it is establishing an industry-led disclosure task force on climate-related financial risks.. The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) will develop voluntary, consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to lenders, insurers, investors and other stakeholders.
Five years later it was again Carney who, knowing that the “center cannot hold,” announced the consolidation and unification of the whole system at the COP26 summit. Inline with GFANZ, the IFRS announced the next step in the process, with the creation of its International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB.)
The head auditor at PwC, Hemione Hudson, said:
The launch today of the International Sustainability Standards Board is an important step towards achieving a global common approach to ESG related disclosure standards. Harnessing the power of the financial markets to play a leading role in the transition to a net zero economy…Reporting standards are a critical component to achieving this”
We can now see how the whole system will work.
Every business, every project they wish to embark upon, every initiative they plan and every policy they pursue must adhere to SDGs. Their compliance to the agreed agenda will be measured via their “sustainability report.”
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) will judge their performance. Their ESG subcommittees, such as the International Sustainability Standards Board, will approve the relevant ESG rating for that business.
The private investment ratings agencies like Deloitte who are “members” of the IFRS and, by definition, the GPPP, will effectively control every business’s investment strategy and thus their operations. Deep-sea mining, cybersecurity, digital currency innovation, exploitation of the global commons and anything else ordained as “sustainable” will receive the corresponding ESG rating.
All of this is centrally controlled through the TCFD system, operated by the FSB. They will be able to select who prospers and who doesn’t. The FSB secretariat is “hosted” and funded by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and is based at BIS headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.
Not only are the central banks, under the authority of the BIS, going direct and funding global fiscal policy, they are intent upon controlling all business, all commerce and all finances. They are seizing the global commons, financializing nature and moving beyond the old IMFS to establish true global governance.
If we don’t act. If we simply allow the puppets in our so-called governments to maintain their GPPP positions then the BIS, the central banks and other “valued stakeholders” are going to seize everything on this Earth. We will be beholding to them for the resources that “all life relies upon.”
If we allow that to happen then, just like the forgotten souls abandoned to the brutality of the cobalt mines, we will all be slaves.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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There is now an audio version of this piece, available at the head of the article.
Truly, these gangsters have the most sensitive sprunging organs. They could detect value on alpha centauri from three miles under the earth with the merest twitch!
UK Column News – 8th November 2021
Vaccination Has No Impact
BBC Kommisar Andrew Marr Interviews Health Security Agency
Morlock doesn’t ask what the HSA is — why would his viewers know?
Esther Rantzen reboot Dr Susan Hopkins, HSA chief medical officer: the same people are dying that died before the vaxx.
The immune effects wane… hitting elderly hardest… so roll up for yer third dose.
She says 5% of older group unvaxxed, but “there are deaths in the vaccinated group as well.”
Dr Hopkins hails from Imperial College and the behavioural change units.
Dying From The Underlying
Covid deaths pre-vax did not count underlying conditions
Deaths post vax are blamed on underlying conditions.
David Scott: she ignores the increase in middle aged people dying since the vaxx came out. More experts are expressing doubts.
Brian Gerrish: if you bought a car, the owner told you its performance waned within months, you’d say it was sold fraudulently. We were told the jabs would stop Covid. It’s a scam.
MHRA Still Silent On Adverse Effects, No Information Published
What Explains Rising Cases Among the Vaccinated? — Dr Mike Williams
Clotting and Covid Vaccine “Science” — Dr Mike Williams
The Hydroxy-chloroquine Scandal — Iain Davis
GoFundMe Obstruct Father Who Seeks To Publicise Son’s Deatth
Ernest Ramirez’s page deleted for “prohibited conduct”
Ernesto, 16, died 5 days after Pfizer vaccine
David Scott: Gov knows safe is relative. The Gov chose not to tell the public.
Brian Gerrish: When UKC publicised a woman whose husband was paralyzed from the neck down, YouTube deleted UKC.
Nadine Dorries Testimony: –
Gov Panelists, Vaccine Scientists Warning Of Risk To Children
Significant Uncertainties on Child Jabs 00:27:00
Narrative from Gov, Politicians, Media, Agencies, is “safe and effective.”
Global Covid Summit:
Brian Gerrish: The Gov Is Leaving Elderly To Die – But So Long As They Have A “Good Death”…
That saves the Gov money on care and pensions. There is a policy to kill off elderly people.
GoFundMe David Noakes Legal Costs: – 00:36:00
Online Safety Bill — MPs Scrutinize Their Shoelaces
Gov seeks to shorten time for social media to adjust to new rules
MP Nadine Dorries, Digital Media Sec, wants to impose censorship within three months.
Online Harm is not defined — if it causes physical or psychological injury.
Societal Harm: too complex to put into legislation. So how will the law “fit the bill” — courts will interpret legislation after the fact.
David Scott: this is intentional. The definition comes later when it comes through policy. It’s a blank cheque.
Even The Guardian can see the corruption: I
have lived under corrupt regimes – the cynicism stalking Britain is all too familiar, by Nesrine Malik
UK’s Corrupt MPs On Both Sides Of The House 00:40:30
Labour’s Chris Bryant, Committee on Standards chair, linked to Citizens ltd
More than £220,000 raised so far.
Strange fundraising video is all over the place – multiple unconnected but emotinal appeals vaguely about corruption and Rusha, Rusha.
Inverts Facebook’s funding of 2020 election monitors to somehow suggest Facebook colluded with Trump. “Holding power to account.”
MC: Is Luke Harding trying to raise money on the side?
Mike Robinson: they clearly have more than the £14,000 raised on their Crowdfunder.
Nicola Sturgeon’s Book Publisher Probed For Public Cash Grab 01:01:00
£295,000 taxpayer money weeviled its way to the beadle
Highlands and Islands Enterprises awarded the cash to Sandstone Press of Inverness who published her book, having scalped 500,000 of public money over the past 15 years, including Creative Scotland.
Charities In The Shadows Manipulating Government
Who is All The Citizens Ltd?
Clara Maquire — vague history — NED (National Endowment for Democracy?)
Ford Foundation, Luminate, Joseph Rowntree,
EU Russia Centre funded Chris Bryant trip to Moscow in 2010 — who are his links, what is his agenda?
Funding includes political activism: Fabians, Open Democracy, Quilliam, Hacked Off, Electoral Reform Society, Lib Dems…
Chris Bryant CV, 1990-95 Common Purpose Future Leader Change Agent.
Brian Gerrish: there are questions who supports or finances our MPs today.
David Scott: is it really Global Citizens.. University of Glasgow now offers leadership courses in global citizenship delivered by.. Common Purpose.
Charities In The Shadows Manipulating Government
Who is the Lokahi Foundation?
Committee on Standards members… lady with no photo, founder with HIV commission,
Mehmuda Mian, also, variously Mehmuda Man
Non-Executive Director, Berkshire Health Foundation
Associate Director, Lokahi Foundation/EU International Exchange Platform — “importance of engaging religion and religious actors to advance foreign policy goals.”
The Lokahi Foundation: –
Brian Gerrish: Now we’ve gone from an org that’s going to look after us in the nicest possible way to one that’s going to cynically use religious actors to advance foreign policy.”
Once we look at the Standards Board, what is happening here, who are we dealing with?
Lokahai boasts how it prevented a terrorist act by building links between the community and police — this is a politically active oreganisation.
MC: This is a deep state organization .
Calling Cow Plop on Carney’s Green Financial Clout
COP26 — Nearly 500 Financial Services Firms Align $130 Trn to Paris Goals
Fin Min Rishi Sunak takes credit but who is behind it: FT thinks it’s Mark Carney’s project, and too big to be credible.
Ridiculous sums, six times larger than U.S. GDP. Global cap of world stock markets is $120 Trn.
Banks, fund managers and insurers suggest they cannot direct such funds. Numbers are wrong as banks account for half and typically count assets several times through different chains of lending. The other half of this sum represents insurers, who also double count assets.
FT says: the myth is that private finance will “green” the world — when their proposals will need massive state funding.
MC: That means the Stakeholders are fraudlent in their presumption to claim equal status with governments — The Investors are perpetrating a scam: demanding influence without putting up the money. Can you spell mafia.
David Scott: the risk is this fraudulent policy will bankrupt the world. Mark Carney is not fit for purpose.
Alan Jones Sky News Australia Destroys Carbon Believahs 01:15:00
The answer is 0.4 %
Jones is cancelled, fired from Sky-Murdoch-Banker TV
Protest Song: Your Government Loves You, by William Wallace
Yeap… the CO[spoiler title=” “]Nvid circus is all about just like in the military, a training season for God & Nature created Humanity to be accustomated with its total servitude to the newmodafukrs in charge wannabe’s… but guess what they underestimate is that if just few billions survive still a billions and they will Crush Them As Insects and parasites.
Right and Left or whatever remains of it will Unite and Fight
Hard and Hard
Focus on all the subsidies being proposed for the ridiculously wealthy. Start by saying that the rich don’t need a single subsidy, that’s why they are rich.
If they argue, stop arguing and act……
Here are a few ‘non-negotiables’ for the lying criminals at COP26:
Please add to these non-negotiables below….
The Common People’s Wealth of China versus the “Elite” (Latin for Chosen) People’s Global Wealth. From Saker Vineyard, BTL:
I think we need to railroad the title to FANGZ.
Like the feeling of teeth gnawing on your body, mind & soul, your right & means to exist.
I very much appreciate your good work.
If we find a way out of this I’m sure you will be a part of it.
I understand that OG is based in the UK, so that means no citicism of anyone, such as tbe tribe, considered to be above the white man. Such is British law: I have more freedom here in China.
But controlled dissent is not dissent. On OG I cannot determine what my fellow citizens are thinking, only what the censors are thinking, which is never very much.
Time to find another home where the long arm of the law is less effective.
It would help if I could grasp WTF you’re on about, A.
Check out the “about” tab on the home page:
Is this a War? – by Unbekoming – Lies are Unbekoming (
I find that not all are awake to the Peak Oil scam. The most primary of all commodities is Energy. If one wishes to control, then destroy the economy, start w oil& gas.
Here is a partial list of available Oil & Gas which the oligarchs are suppressing: Engdahl. Cyprus recently confirmed huge deposits of offshore oil and especially natural gas.
12/13 Syrian government signed a 25-year deal with the Russian SoyuzNefteGaz company to explore for oil in the Middle Eastern country’s territorial waters off the Mediterranean coast, southward off Tartus. estimated to be oil and gas reserves comparable to one or more new Saudi Arabia-size regions . SoyuzNefteGaz main shareholder is RCB.
**3/6/12 Maps & facts. Engdahl. The discovery in late 2010 of the huge natural gas bonanza off Israel’s Mediterranean shores triggered other neighboring countries to look more closely at their own waters. The results revealed that the entire eastern Mediterranean is swimming in huge untapped oil and gas reserves. Preliminary exploration has confirmed similarly impressive reserves of gas and oil in the waters off Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and potentially, Syria. Greece: Major geological surveys were made. Preliminary estimates now are that total offshore oil in Greek waters exceeds 22 billion barrels in the Ionian Sea off western Greece and some 4 billion barrels in the northern Aegean Sea. [1] Greek analyst, Aristotle Vassilakis, “surveys already done that have measured the amount of natural gas estimate it to reach some nine trillion dollars.”Southern Aegean Sea and Cretan Sea are yet to be explored, so the numbers could be significantly higher. Map of conflicting claims, esp Turkey.
Cyprus: Aegean Sea: December 2011 Noble announced a successful well offshore Cyprus in a field estimated to hold at least 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Cyprus and Israel governments have mutually agreed on delimitation of their respective economic zones, leaving Turkey in the cold.
2/20/12 Engdahl. Mediterranean Sea between Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Syria and Lebanon suggest that the region could become literally a “new Persian Gulf”
Israel: Leviathan field 16 trillion cubic feet of gas—making it the world’s biggest deep-water gas find in a decade. Tamar field 8.3 trillion. map.
USGS total Eastern Mediterranian alone 345 trillion cu ft gas & 3.4 B barrels oil.
N. Africa Rub Al Khali Basin 426 trillion cu ft gas
Russia West Siberian Basin alone: 643 tcf of gas
2/3/10 Engdahl. Haiti & Cuba. Cuba deepwater: 10/2008 Western oil consortium finds Supergiant 20 B barrels– the 12th Supergiant field since 1996. One month later Russia signs Cuban agreement to develop it.
Haiti: Haiti & Hispaniola sit atop convergence of 3 tectonic plates. A promising location for hydrocarbons being pushed up from below, according to abiotic theory, which is covered here. 1976 explorations showed oil, but the big oil companies succeeded in blocking exploration. US twice deposed Aristide. They’ve mapped the whole Carribean for petrochemicals.
Mediterranean 1.7 BillionBarrels Imad Fawzi Shueibi
Oil &gas are abiotic, products of the earth– NOT dead dinosaurs.
Yes, Also New South Wales alone (named after the coal fields in Wales) has enough coal to supply the entire world for about 10,000 years. Plenty of high quality stuff, and newer technologies provide low emission. Photos of polluting coal fired power stations are photographs of steam (water vapor) – but hey – that doesn’t mean much to today’s scientologists (damn – that word taken already).
What a marvellous planet it will be, P, if all that fhc is raised and burnt into the atmosphere; if indeed that were actually possible under the non-negotiable rule of EROEI (it isn’t!); if indeed it’s all really there at all, behind all the certifiably-insane optimistic growthforever, oilgas’n’coalforever fantasy-prattle.
Much as I like the bulk of Bill Engdahl’s work, he’s seriously off his trolley about fhcs (that’s fossil hydrocarbons), being amongst other things a devotee of the hypothesis of ‘abiotic oil’ from the deep, hot interior of the Earth, an idea never yet fully confirmed, and – even if it’s real – a process that doesn’t appear to re-fill drained crustal fields at any sort of useful pace.
The key word in the phrase ‘fossil hydrocarbons’ is ‘fossil’: enormous masses of long-ago forest organic material, sequestering within the molecular bonds of its physical mass huge quantities of trapped ancient solar energy output, buried into the Earth’s crust over geological time, where it’s rested – for the most part – silently and – thank god! – inertly ever since.
Just imagine digging all that coaloilgas shit up, and burning it into the atmosphere. Wouldn’t have ANY effect at all, according to the ‘no such thing as anthropogenic climate shift’ pollyannas! Laff? I’m rolling about! Lucky for us that the immovable physics of EROEI – energy return on energy invested – says: ‘Forget that! You’re never going to be able physically to do it!’
Do qv EROEI, if not already well-familiar with it. Its ramifying, intricate intrusion into all the recesses of industrialism take a bit of grasping. Prof. Charlie Hall is one of its chief pioneers.
The sane, sober, grown-up way of viewing the future is that it will involve a much (spontaneously) reduced human population, as our current overshoot-episode runs through its traditional engame; the survivors living much de-energised subsistence life-ways (largely without fhcs, though possibly with some electricity and radio-comms still in the mix) within a largely de-industrialised global economy, itself much more regional and re-localised.
That’s to say: with the insane hallucination of growthforever, replaced by the non-negotiable reality of shrinkage-towards-stability for a considerable period; probably a century or two before it’s fully played out. That will be an interesting human society, probably not exactly like anything that’s gone before; and certainly not like the current brief, once-only industrial mass-insanity episode in human history; Richard Duncan’s ‘Single Giant Pulse Event’ in the Earth’s life story. An event of similar planetary-perturbation magnitude to the Deccan Traps and Siberian Traps events (qv), but much briefer in duration.
CA has the strictest auto pollution laws, and one can neither see nor smell any emissions. If the oil & gas deposits I list above were used over the span of a century or longer I see no problem w it. However, it is highly likely that we would continue to progress to more efficient energy– if we could only get rid of the oligarchs.
Oil & gas are abiotic products of the earth. I believe the US is the only developed country which still teaches otherwise:
Indeed, between 1951-2001, thousands of articles and many books and monographs were published mainly in the mainstream Russian scientific journals proving abiotic petroleum origins – all ignored by western governments and media. For example, leading expert V. A. Krayushkin has alone published more than two hundred fifty articles on modern petroleum geology, and several books.
Russian mineralogists, oil explorers and each successive government since the dark days of the former Soviet Union have been unalterably upbeat that they’ve ousted the ‘peak oil, fossil fuels’ nonsense. And who are we to argue – they’ve got the money in the bank to prove it.
This is mind boggling stuff! It’s making my head spin but I know it is going on. It is time to spread the word and hope the world heeds it.
Iain Davis’ follow-up to his introductory article “What is the ‘Global Public-Private Partnership'” [1] is much anticipated and as equally informative, well-annotated and terrifyingly prescient as the first in the series.
I would very much have liked a similar audio rendering of article – can we expect that this might be presented at a later time?
[1] Off-Guardian (Article | October 20, 2021 | Iain Davis) | “What is the “Global Public-Private Partnership”?” [ ]
Acknowledging Off Guardian’s presentation of Iain Davis’ follow-up article in audio format. Thank you folks!
the hollow men have been plotting to grab the globe for over a hundred years ( the limits to their ‘system’ were known to them in the sixties, hence the club of rome etc in the seventies, concurrent with their strategies of financialization), concomitant with this you will almost certainly see a new form of ahem, ‘religion’ (in fact you are seeing it) to accompany their fraud and grift (take a look at the new public statues appearing here and there, all incredibly ugly unsurprisingly)… this is after all the ‘great work’ to which they have aspired for a long long time..
I suppose devil worship is ecumenical enough for the common imbecile…
fortunately for us and unfortunately for them magical thinking offers no ‘general’ benefits, and though they intend to continue with fossil fuel abuse (american military anyone)…. a cursory cost benefit analysis yields a need to cover the whole of france with ‘solar panels’ to generate their fossil fuel equivalence… thus you wont be planting many trees on a froggy sahara..
unfortunately for us and undoubtedly fortunately for them… end user reduction will be needed to balance the ‘books’ (after all you are dealing with grey bureaucrats, even though they dress up as wizards on a friday night to summon their dark lord and drink excellent Armagnac)….
this is the part they keep secret…
It’s purest Orwell. In come the determined world saving tree-hugging fluffy womble merchants riding high on their vax steeds to protect bunnies from greed-ridden psychos but calculating how quickly they can carve up the ocean beds and turn air into soot, dragging along the triumphalist Trotskyites behind them whilst Greta and her woke kiddies flash their smartphone weapons over the carcasses of infant miners.
My daughter works in a spa the amount of people that’s had the injection and now are getting skin reactions unbelievable.Hairdresser skin patches because so many people are getting reactions.
Her colleagues Thats had the injection and it’s mostly female environment are getting really bad heavy menstral sorry to all the men on here but it’s a fact what’s happening.
I read an adverse event record yesterday where a six year old girl was listed as suffering “menstrual irregularities”.
I know a lot of people want to hear about facts and figures.But this is from the horse’s mouth so to speak what is happening on the ground.I truly haven’t heard about anyone dying of the injection here but I’ve also not heard about anyone dying of covid.But I have seen and heard a lot about adverse reactions to the injections.
Powerful and well researched article Iain, thanks. Perhaps this is why the fake left frauds, along with the quinoa munching Greens, are going along with this fake pandemic that in turn will usher all this in: Sustainable development. Zero carbon emissions. Green economy. Green New Deal. Yet they, like the mainstream critics you mention are oblivious to the big picture: Instead “they fantasise that it is all about saving the planet or creating a greener economy for the good of all”.
While the psychopaths own everything, and those still living after the jabs have done what they are intended to do will have nothing.
Regards the morally bankrupt Greens here in Melbourne; they who are fully supporting the covid fascism here, several people I know have pleaded with them not to support Daniel Andrews pandemic legislation and to vote against it. Their pleas have been fully ignored. Sort of reminds me of the German Greens who voted for the bombing of Serbia back in the 1990s.
It amazes me, throughout the five-eyes world, that the majority of the populations are actually not represented by any political party: this appears to be the democracy end game. Look at the USA, the Democrat party faithful hate Biden and the woke movement (basically everything Biden stands for apart from the corruption) and the GOP voters hate the RINOs who constantly show that they are the party of bribes. Even Trump, a relatively honest interloper, has a low popularity rating.
The democracies have run out of representative parties: this is not surprising. When did you last see a political party pass a law that helps the people? Even the US infrastructure bill was held up until they had managed to get rid of anything that could possibly help poor people: oh, and they added the 400 billion of tax relief for the top 1%. Hilarious.
The US tax payers still pay tax. Why woud any sane person do that?
We shall not surrender.They may take our rights away but they will never take our spirit.Others might have been brainwashed into this but we haven’t we are still strong,And when they come for me which they will I will never give in I will die on my feet.
It seems the worm is slowly beginning to turn in Ozzie land.
The population problem has no technical solution; it requires a fundamental extension on morality.”
Garret Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons”
The man who wrote one of environmentalism’s most-cited essays was a racist, eugenicist, nativist and Islamaphobe—plus his argument was wrong
The Tragedy of the Tragedy of the Commons
And he comes across as a bit dim. His arguments are so shallow that they belong in kindergarten.
Their new toy seems to be “anything we don’t like we can just re-define out of existence” and they can’t stop playing with it. The latest, unsurprisingly, is privacy:
Beneath all the fake concern and highlighted rare/extreme examples of where such tech could be beneficial is a clear psy-op, privacy is old-fashioned and if you believe in science, modernity and progress it’s not something you can be too bothered about. Anyone can see how they’re setting up fake “safeguards” that will then be exposed by some fake whistleblower years later to have been totally useless.
I like the reference to “rogue actors” and the constant insinuations that it’s only what Facebook and Amazon make of this tech that we have to worry about. The deep state? Don’t worry about them!
The story was relased on 6/11 and at 19.00. Not a coincidence, I would suggest.
BTW Facebook’s new name Metaverse must be at least in part a mocking reference to meta-data.
BTW2 Trump’s new social media platform has servers by… Google. Trump was given a chance in a recent interview to condemn both vaccination of children and Fauci – and he steered the conversation on to blaming Democrat governors. That Trump was an exercise in corralling and herding must be obvious by now to anyone not controlled or with two remaining brain cells to rub together.
i enjoy all of your post Edwige (your name somehow always reminds me of Bagpuss and ?Ludovig? from childhood ???).
Anyway, metinks ye be losing it with all that numbers talk – just saying : )
admin hi why does it now tell the world when you last edited a comment it looks really shit pre this it just edited the comment.
We explore the bizarre analysis from the ONS showing a large number of unvaccinated deaths from 2 Jan 2021, when vaccines were largely unavailable. We also ask a wider question about how far ONS will go in order to support a political narrative and come to a worrying conclusion. (data/analysis link in description)
he of course should be given a few more stats, necessarily those referring to midazolam prescription and care home deaths in the peak at the beginning of the year…
that fit nicely over the ONS ‘chunk’ of so called ‘un-vaccinated’ deaths…..plenty of sleuthing to be done on those numbers…
Another good overview of the PCR test:
PCR = People Conned Regularly ?
Not a snowball’s chance in hell that the sheep will take note of these FACTS on their way to the slaughterhouse.
It’ll be resoundingly ignored by the smiling 6 o’clock news anchors.
PCR is 19 in gematria (PC = 1+6+3 = 1; R = 1+8 = 9).
Nikola Tesla once remarked “Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need for coal, oil, gas and any other common fuel.”…So let’s dump those fuels, switch to Tesla’s electric power to drive the world-wide magamachine (and all those data-on-us storage centres), so we can keep gouging Mother Earth for stuff to turn into disposable stuff…
Enclosure of nature / securing new scarcities.
“The overriding of commoner’s rights has been taking place for centuries all around the world. But in the last two decades it has accelerated. The impetus for much of this change came from a paper published 25 years ago, whose title had become a catchphrase among developers.
In The Tragedy of the Commons Garrett Hardin , an American biologist, argued that common property will always be destroyed, because the gain that individuals make by over-exploiting it will outweigh the loss they suffer as a result of its over-exploitation. He used the example of a herdsman, keeping his cattle on a common pasture. With every cow a man added to his herd he would gain more than he lost: he would be one cow richer, while the community as a whole would bear the cost of the extra cow. He suggested that the way to prevent this tragedy was to privatise or nationalise common land.
The paper had an enormous impact, appearing to provide some of the answers of the growing problem of how to prevent starvation. For authorities such as The World Bank and western governments it provided a rational basis for the widespread privatisation of land. In Africa, developers hurried to remove land from tribal peoples to the state or to individuals. In Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, developers hurried to remove land from commoners and give it to people they felt could manage it better. the commoners were encouraged to work for those people as waged labour or to move to towns where, in the developing world, they could become the workforce for the impending revolutions.
But Hardin’s paper had one critical flaw. He had assumed that individuals can be as selfish as they like in the commons because there is no one to stop them. In reality, traditional commons are closely regulated by the people who live there. There are two elements to common property: common and property. A common is the property of a particular community which, like the Turkana of the Turkwei River, decides who can use it and to what extent.” – The Real Tragedy of the Commons. George Monbiot. The Guardian 6/8/93. (via Here & Now #14 1993)…back before Monbiot was seduced by The Dark Side,
An old saying: The peoples customs are stronger than the kings laws (Siam)
“An Inuit shaman told the explorer Knud Rasmussen, “We fear the cold and things we do not understand. But most of all we fear the doings of the heedless ones among ourselves.” George Bradford – Return of the Son of Deep Ecology. Fifth Estate (Detroit) #331 Spring 1989.
Les, can you supply a technical drawing of an over-unity electrical generator that I can actually build – AND GET TO WORK?
I’ve been dipping into the ‘free-energy’ scene for years now; never convinced that there’s much in it, but always keeping a watching brief. I remember – so far – one interesting machine that worked with water-hammer at high frequency, and which seemed to produce a modest over-unity power gain. Somewhere in the southern US, I seem to remember; Georgia, perhaps…? A bunch of pragmatic engineers…
I’m well aware that virtually the whole of the free-energy scene is about as convincing as the flat-Earthers. But I’m also aware that scientific revolutions come from the fringe of stubborn mavericks who go on studying anomalies that they’ve found, even when the gocos – the (religiously-rabid) guardians of current orthodoxy – insist with dripping scorn that such things are simply impossible, because – cart-before-horse – they can’t be fitted into the currently-sacred theories, and therefore MUST be wrong. To rabid-goco keepers of scientismic holy writ, it’s never the theory that has to give way; it’s always the dissident facts.
Then, eventually, comes the paradigm shift, shoved on by the young iconoclasts – “one death at a time”.
So, les: about that tech. drawing…?
RG…I cant help you there. If i’d the blueprints for a working model i’d only have the word of who gave it to me that it works when built…
I’ve got a copy of James DeMeo’s “The Orgone Accumulator Handbook” (240pp).
I get the “Energy Times” newsletter sent to me, probably learned about it via DeMeo. It promotes videos of working models of maverick inventors devices..
You’re right to be sceptical. The paradign wont shift ’til the last sceptic has a Saul of Damascus religious conversion. Without zealotry, where would we be !
8.30 am Wednesday 10 Nov ’21… Cloudy…(here in Sydney)
And so it begins:
Will no-one ask the obvious questions: “What do these covid case figures really mean? How many people are actually ill?” Of course not!
Meanwhile the Disney photo catalogue will continue to supply photos like that one used for “Lonely child buries her covid riddled granny”. (Two decades ago, that would have had the caption: “Lonely child buries granny killed by Islamofascists”. And for all I know, it probably did!)
I reckon the compulsory vax is not meant to be complied with. Mass resignations are expected and desired. The BBC article even hints as much. This will be used as a way of running down the NHS – the collapse of which will be blamed on “selfish” staff refusing the vax.
Phil Greaves:
Kill the economy, create inflation and those with the most physical assets will win.
Force the population into absolute subservience and the rich people win.
Not a lot of downsides for the rich.
Psychosis upon psychosis from Graud:
“US man who survived Covid says sorry to doctors for not getting vaccinated
Richard Soliz from Seattle, who spent month ill in hospital, thanks staff and says he ‘deeply regrets’ not getting vaccine”
Every channel on its knees: “OH PLEEEEEZE VAX VAX VAX!”
The sound of the one armed man clapping…will your intense dissection change anything ? This is mental masturbation for the chattering classes
Show me your colours when you have been out there making a stand
Another fucking armchair warrior,mute without the electronic scribble machine
Fuck off
Listing platitudes alone is not valid criticism, nor does it seem all that appropriate or relevant to describe this quite dry article, detailing the mechanisms of the Global Public Private Partnership and its leading role in the fast shifting global financial system, as ‘mental masturbation’.
If you’re not interested in Ian’s opinion of these details – of how ‘New Normal’ and ‘Green New Deal’ are being tied together in relation to ‘Covid’, and the corporate processes whereby earth’s natural resources and even people are being commoditised under a banner of faux ‘environmentalism’ and ‘sustainability’ – then fine, don’t read it.
One question though, how will you ‘make a stand’ unless you have a good grasp of WHAT you’re making a stand against?
I suggest that you do act, while also being as well-informed as you can possibly be. Researchers into all areas of the ‘pandemic’ and Agenda 21/30 and anyone helping to bring any kind of perspective to a wider audience in these dark time are doing an immensely important job. So maybe lay off the platitudinous putdowns and absorb the information that’s out there! 😊 A2
+1 for Sam -Admin 2!
– will “buy” tourist countries like Thailand and Sri Lanka, which are going totally bankrupt now. These superrich will buy all the farmland there and also in Africa and elsewhere. Gates is already now the biggest land-owner (also: farmland!) in the US.
Also this: The super rich – here some of them:
Thanks for this excellent article here!
More good articles:
It is a return to aristocracy and peasants. The peasants own nothing but “will be happy” eating vegatable protein, while the aristocracy fly around in jets, rockets while eating meat. What amazes me is that paople listen to the likes of Gates and his paid slaves, all of whom are singing the no-meat, germs, injections, boy’s-bottoms songs.
Gates is a psycho, but he has a lot of money, so he can hire dimwits to sing his tune.
Me, I would rather just kill and eat the first aristocrat that denies me beef: I believe aristocrat meat tastes of pin worms, the ones that creep out of your arse at night to lay their eggs on your arse ring, then creep back into the anal shelter: so aristocratic.
I am pessimistic and suspect that we will go into a social future that will historically resemble less feudalism than the conditions in ancient Rome from about the 1st century BC: The ruling caste at that time was the “nobiles” and “equites” (which were quite different from the “nobility” in feudalism of the Middle Ages or in our ‘bourgeois’ (Marx) time since the renaissance), and below was the “plebs” (people from families without assets). They were kept quiet with “bread” (= unconditional basic income) and “games”. And these conditions remained stable for almost half a millennium (!) – until the fall of Rome!
The large amount of the “plebs” had been created since about 1st century BC by driving the peasants – the then ‘middle class’ – into debt and then into ruin (lack of wealth and income) with cheap grain imports from North Africa.
Agree. Aristocrats gain their position more by weakening the plebs than by enhancing their own power. But, I think they have played their card too early. They could get away with what they are doing if there was automation to help them: robot dogs to hurt the rebelling plebs, automated soldiers to keep the plebs corralled. But now they are relying on relatively well educated police, people who mostly can survive without the government. Not likely to work.
But, what if the government uses criminals to enforce its policies?
ffs they have been forever – thugs, mercenaries, death technologies, lawyers, doctors and any local cabal that can be bought. controlled anarchy haha.
Good point.
Well – like they like to say about the US Constitution – their land “ownership” is just a bit of paper. The real Cancel Culture will be when we cancel all these parasites, their fake money, and all of their ill-gotten gains.
So many theories, here’s one as good as any:
Can politicians do anything about humanity approaching limits such as cheap enough fossil fuels?
Can politicians construct a distraction such as Scam-19 and divert most peoples attention away from the troubles ahead?
PS Will capitalists try to capitalize on anything?
Spot on, Y. The energy trap is going to scupper all these sick fantasies. (Now read just below, where Penelope advises that there’s lots and lots of highly getattable fossil-hydrocarbon, easily and cheaply raised, refined and brought to market, still available for us to go on as we have been: Spindletops galore, right there for the taking! Yeah, right… 🙂 Been reading too many of those pollyanna-ish ‘proofs’ of no shortage, I suppose, put out by the wilfully-blind Panglosses.)
Mr Y, it’s not clear to me if you actually believe that we are approaching limits to cheap and plentiful fossil fuels. If they are not cheap it is only due to the usual oligarchic manipulation. I can supply you with LISTS of megafinds of both oil and gas. There is not the slightest doubt that there is more than a century’s worth of easily exploited (non-shale) oil & gas readily available. There is a pact among the oligarchs not to develop them, that’s all.
If you want a part of my list, just say so.
Years ago, Wm Engdahl wrote an article entitled “Oil, Where Is Thy Peak?” which gives some indications of this.
Penelope, the watering out of Ghawar in SA is the tipping point. Without unlimited cheap to extract oil at its roots, every other source of oil goes up in price etc.
“If they are not cheap it is only due to the usual oligarchic manipulation.”
I think availability play a part as well.
“There is not the slightest doubt that there is more than a century’s worth of easily exploited (non-shale) oil & gas readily available.”
I have plenty of doubt.
Riddle me this: If there’s plenty of easy oil, why are we searching in hostile, remote areas like the ocean around Svalbard?
Oil is pumped out of the ground in Saudi Arabia for about 3 USD per barrel. Availability does not play a role. It is pure price manipulation.
“There is a pact among the oligarchs not to develop them, that’s all.”
Replacing the entire industrial and retail energy systems is a huge chunk of money, all of which will be paid by either government grant of energy regulation taxes. Throw away the current working solution and build a replacement that doesn’t work.
Money explains most human decisions.
A goal explains most human decisions. Money is often the reward for winning and results.
No. Sorry. All your big decisions:
– Another child.
– Next house.
– Car.
These decisions are driven by money AND a goal. Your reward for having a child is rarely money. Car definitely not. House, sometimes.
Okay. How about: If you don’t have money, money plays an important role in your life, but if you have enough money, money plays a lesser role in your life. (in general).
Of course, but Mr Average is not in that position. Mr Average would only be in that position without the billionaire wannabe aristocracy.
The problem with Mr Average is that he mostly plays by the rules whereas billionaire wannabe aristocracy does not give two hoots about the rules, he can buy whatever rules he wants.
But, I agree with you for some, I am in that lucky number where money is not an issue, but I wish the same were true for all hard workers in this world: lazy wankers, who gives a shit about them.
The thing is that many people praise ‘hard work’ and ‘hard workers’.
First of all most of the work that’s being done is unnecessary.
Second, the more work that’s being done, the more money (debt) is flowing around in the game, the more interest the bankers catch and the more money the clever rich players can siphon off.
Third, in order to get money you have to use and exploit nature and people. The game is about to exploit and to be exploited.
I was thinking simple hard work: waiter, gardener etc. The people at the top MAY work hard but they also get the luxury of tons of perks, tons of “guilt-free carbon emissions”.
Debt isn’t due to hard work, debt is due to the money supply, which is due to politics.
Debt and hard work have no link at all. Debt is universally required because the people controlling money have made certain assets unattainable: a means of control.
Making assets unattainable is done through inflation and expansion of the money supply. It started off equitable, it is now not equitable, but the money that was made from it not being equitable is now PARTIALLY being injected into the woke project to make everything equitable again. Crazy world.
Waiters and gardeners etc are exploited.
In this system money = debt. My points are a description of the system.
Peak oil was a con as you rightly say (which is not to deny that there might well be better energy sources that have been suppressed). It plugged straight into the broader limits of growth con and was popularised by films like ‘Mad Max 2’ (because genuinely oppositional ideas always have Mel Gibson films to popularise them!).
Why anyone continues to believe oil is a “fossil fuel” escapes me – even plenty of mainstream scientists admit that claim makes no sense. Did all the dinosaurs crawl off to die in Saudi Arabia and none in, say, Japan? It’s using one lie to prop up another, one of their regular tactics (like Assad’s previous “gas attack” proves this one must be real).
The quantity of a particular resource, like oil and gas, is only half the equation. Usage is the other half. As greater quantities are shown to exist (assuming they do), greater usage will follow as night follows day.
The human tendency to keep using something until it’s all gone has not changed since day one – as the graveyard of one after another “empire” testifies.
He [Hardin] said “a finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must eventually equal zero.”
To which you, Davis, countered: “While logically this is ultimately true, if a whole raft of assumptions are accepted, the point at which zero population growth becomes necessary is unknown. The evidence suggests we are nowhere near that limit. Eugenicists, like Hardin, have claimed and continue to claim that the Earth faces a population problem. There is no evidence to support their view.”
This is the nub of the argument. I agree with Davis; and on this also I agree with my Roman Catholic friend. The Malthusian argument was first used by Cain: “there are too many of them“; when Cain slew his brother for jumping over Cain’s boundary wall there were fewer than a score of humans on our planet. Cain was the first property owner, and his descendants have not changed their mentality.
Rich young brat: “I’m a keen golfer, so Dad bought me a golf club for my birthday. It is a very exclusive club. The first thing I did was improve my drive: managed to drive away most of the members.”
Hardin obviously liked to state the obvious: the universe only contains so much carbon, so there must be a limit on the population. Very good, what has that got to do with us, go take your dementure pills.
“the universe only contains so much carbon”
Not true: the universe is continually generating carbon and other elements in the nuclear fusion reactors we call stars: for instance, new carbon atoms are continually being generated inside our local star, the sun. The carbon inside our bodies comes from the dust of stars that existed billions of years ago. The bodies of new creatures yet to come will be made of new carbon that is being generated right now. Astrophysicists tell us that we are literally made of stardust.
“In my Father’s house are many mansions” — John 14:2.
Lift up your heads to see the power and the glory of existence, and try to put some of it into those little Malthusian mathematical models of exponential growth versus finite resources.
Iain is consistently one of the very best analysts. These people are seriously plotting to take over everything and this is how it’s being done. The next step will be taken at the “special session” of the WHO starting Nov. 29. Definitions will be changed, WHO powers expanded and the Int’l Health Regulations will be rewritten. A report on this is “Pending Int’l Treaty Empowering the WHO” posted in Principia Scientific on Sept.23.
This is important and is being overlooked. I hope Iain and Off Guardian will address this
We can stop it easily, if the majority wanted to: we all get arrested, all 60 million of us. Then what?
The problem isn’t what to do, the problem is that most are too far gone to even know there is something to do.
All global problems have been managed very well for hundreds of years by nation-states. So , let’s strip away all the detail and make this simple. What Iain Davis describes in this article and the previous one, is just the latest attempt by communists, reinvented now as communitarian globalists, to destroy the nation-state and impose totalitarianism on free peoples.
If they fail, fine. If they succeed, they still fail, because there will be endless civil wars and guerrilla actions non-stop, in every city, until nation-states are established again, and then the people behind Build Back Better will end up the same way as previous tyrants.
That’s why I don’t think they will destroy the nation state completely. Better to have fake democracies and make people believe they have a choice while you quietly and compassionately rape and murder them.
“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”
― Carroll Quigley Tragedy & Hope 1966
The illusion of democracy will be perpetuated for as long as it helps control the great unwashed – methinks.
That’s a great quote and one which encapsulates exactly where we are today in politics in the UK and have been for some time.
Or as Frank Zappa said:
Okay, you really ought to stop voting, OG spent money getting rid of voting !!!
Voting is naughty in whatever sense OG decides when they make that horror pic. You must be equal!!!
Have you ever looked up a dictionary definition of ‘communist’, Horse? If you are a speaker of USAmerican-Illiterate English, you have some excuse, I guess. In that rapidly-degenerating variant, it appears to mean something different to what the dictionaries actually say.
Let’s be Real, Our leaders, especially the wealthy unelected ones, dont bloody well TRUST us. Why else do They want to watch everything we do, say, buy, meet ? THEY DONT TRUST US. And their biggest fear is that we might be conspiring, plotting The Revolution…
Talk of the theft..
Anyone with tips / strategies on how to effectively deal with a lawyered up company who fraudulently obtained sensitive client data — conciliation has been offered.
Off topic (sort of) I am trying to access Children’s Health Defense from both email accounts (I get The Defender from them daily) and from a regular search.
“Service Unavailable” on all counts.
I am hoping it is a bona fide glitch on their end and not the idiots stopping service.
There are some pretty serious articles today.
Sen. Warren being sued for pressuring Amazon to stop The Truth About Covid 19 book.
Another article about perhaps the same book being so widely censored.
Governor Newsome possibly suffering booster side effect.
New book coming due about Fauci by Robert Kennedy, Jr.
Perhaps the site is suffering growing pains?
Oh, I want so bad to know what is up with Newsome. If it is a vax reaction, I will laugh. I wonder how he feels having copped the real thing instead of a placebo? Now is his reaction (should this be true) going to be to bite back at the ones who voted him off the island, or does he get out the kneepads and double down?
The California Globe article, easy to find, says that there is a medical-community rumor circulating that Newsom, who has not been seen in public since October 27, contracted the Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome after a Moderna booster shot. I have been doing some studying of the Moderna program and it seems like a lot of bad stuff crops up, such as Hank Aaron, dying 17 days after his Moderna vaccine, the patients of Charles Hoffe in B.C. north of Vancouver getting adverse reactions from his patients, etc.
Perhaps it has already been posted, but NYT (Even!) has reported that Emergent BioSolutions got its $600 Million contract cancelled for Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca after an inspeciton earlier this year revealed 100 million contaminated doses.
As if J&J doesn’t have enough problems legally, currently in the midst of a 29.9 Billion judgment against them last year, the largest in history for such things.
But with these corporations protecting our health, I still feel totally safe.
Well, less totally safe.
Thanks, I’d only really heard about it around the edges, so to speak, good to at least have more substantial rumors to base some totally freewheeling speculation on. 😀
Yeah, these guys have such stellar track records I can’t possibly see how anybody could seriously refuse their miraculous products.
Yeah, I also am looking forward to a reliable confirmation of the rumored bad news about the odious Newsom.
After all, nothing is more frustrating and embarrassing than premature schadenfreude emission.
Governments enforce the jab directly or indirectly, but the insurance businesses are unimpressed.
I’ve gotten the same response 3-4 times today. First there’s a 1 minute browser check, and then the message about the “unavailable service.” I checked the Children’s Defense site and found no reference to The Defender being down. It seems spooky, because I’ve never experienced that browser check before.
Ha, I was just trying to access the site after seeing they had posted about Newsome and also got the same error. Came here to read comments instead and it’s the first ones I’m met with. Definitely something going on.
Well,they have been adding quite a lot to the site, and Polly Tommey, the VP has said once or twice “Sorry for the glitch while we get our new website together”.
Awfully coincidental. This new book about Fauci looks to be rather scathing.
I don’t know what to think about the Newsom thing. Seems a bit too obvious, doesn’t it? Although I believe he was going to attend COP26? Some big shindig like that – and ended up cancelling.
I guess more will be revealed.
Unless there’s more “service’s unavailable.”
Seems like they might be recieving a DDoS or other attack that is messing with traffic.
CHD Newsom article archived:
Gov. Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot, Source Tells The Defender
A source close to California Gov. Gavin Newsom today told The Defender the governor experienced an adverse reaction to the Moderna COVID vaccine he received Oct. 27, the last day he was seen in public.
By Children’s Health Defense Team
The source, who asked not to be identified, said Newsom’s symptoms were similar to those associated with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a known side effect of many vaccines.
Gavin Newsom is out of sight likely because he has Guillain-Barre syndrome from his booster shot
They say he has personal issues to attend to… like he is paralyzed. It’s likely vaccine-induced Guillain-Barre syndrome or possibly Bell’s Palsy. That’s why NO ONE is allowed to SEE him. Get it?
Steve Kirsch
7 hr ago
Judith, It’s Dr. Mercola who’s suing Sen Elizabeth Warren. His book is “The Truth About Covid-19 & it’s been on the NYT Best Seller list awhile..
At 1 AM in CA I’m able to access CHD, so maybe it wa just a glitch..
The Defender article about Newsom’s illness due to covid shot seems to me really peculiar. I mean surely such a tool of the oligarchs MUST have known the truth about the vaxx. Surely they only get a saline shot when they take their publicity “vaccine” shots. Maybe they mixed up the vials & he accidentally got the real thing??
Could be something secret going on. If they were grooming him for something really important what cd it be?
Look out, Joe Biden. But, nah, there’s no way to get past Kamala, right?
I thought the same, Penelope – that Newsom probably did not even get the shot.
Maybe it’s just a cold.
One interesting piece of speculation I encountered lately was that Newsome got spiked because he didn’t take the hint and leave when he was supposed to in the recall. Now the handlers can’t make the opposition the patsy for what is coming. Cuomo stepped down as planned and his nutty god-invoking vicegov is now doing all the crazy stuff.
This is all so interesting, Iain. Thank you.
Seems that the only thing they having included in their collection of Sustainables is sustainable erections. Surely there’s money to be made from controlling permits for sustaining them ? Sustainable population control …
“sustainable erections” are not a very good idea at all, too many nasty emissions – nocturnal and otherwise. But I suppose that won’t stop them from issuing the permits – after all this sustainable con is just one big wank.
My mother used to de-bunk me every morning with “Wakey, wakey, hands off snakey !” I think it was her way of debunking any ideas i had that what i fantasied about could actually exist in The Real World.
I believe in the services it was “hands off cocks, on with socks…” or similar. 😈
Many thanks for this (necessary) series, Iain!
A couple of oversights (ADMIN please correct):
We will be beholding to them for the resources that “all life relies upon.”
Alas, it is difficult to envisage how deep see reserves will become viable until land based reserves near exhaustion.
Here a look into the future envisioned in 1969
Zager and Evans – In the Year 2525
I give it 5 stars and I’m only half through. I still haven’t finished Pseudopandemic, not just because I’m slow and lazy, but because there’s so many new aspects it introduces that I wish to consider. UKSR for instance. It must be something to do with The Crown because they own the sea bed around the UK. For a start that makes a mockery of the idea of the “commons”. I kept thinking of Arthur Daly as I was reading. These WEF types are super Arthurs, a bunch of con men who should be laughed out of any discussion about anything, they have so much “previous”. I’m turning into a news junky reading these daily columns, too much information is worse than none. Iain’s blog is as much as I can take. See you in the gulag.
Brought to you by Pfizer…
How odd I recently mentioned covid in relation to Santa. Here’s miracle worker Fauci saving last Christmas:
It may be this Christmas. Who knows? We have been trapped in a snow globe since … well it feels like forever.
I had a week off on holiday and came back to the “devastating” news that a member of staff was off with covid. This person tested negative for the Lateral Flow test but when her son tested positive, she had a PCR and it seems that she too had come down with “the deadly bug”.
And so I attended the morning meeting where everyone was talking about the awful bureaucratic hoops they had to pass through and how we had been lucky so far not to have a case in our workplace etc. This went on for some time until I asked if the staff member or her son was actually feeling ill. Answer: no. The son had cheerfully been saying that he could smell everything fine. Then we went back to the hoops and the stress and the …. etc.
After which we resumed our usual duties and the matter was forgotten. Even by myself. Now that I look back on it, the entire matter seemed a kind of play acting, a huge formality. Is it really the case that now everyone just goes through the motions, making the expected gasps and sighs and cries but overlooking the patently obvious fact that no-one is actually ill? Have we all been trained to be actors in a bad movie?
Get hip, daddy-o. When a colleague or neighbour tells you that someone they know has the coldvid,the polite response is to burst into tears or shit your pants on the spot.
Anything less is heartless.
If you can have an illness purely by demonstrating a positive result in a test then I reckon I should be able to demonstrate my sympathy by a similar test result!
A positive response is not always appreciated.
Yes, absolutely.
Take the grocery store I shop at twice a week or so. While their official policy (coming from Head Office) is to require those, like myself, exempt from wearing a mask due to a “medical condition” to submit to a temperature check and to answer a bunch of covid-related questions, I am now just waved in without any of the nonsense and nobody apart from a particularly uptight young cashier (yes, the same one who once judged me for being a cyclist who doesn’t wear a helmet…) and the very rare fellow customer (“Keep ten feet away from me!” lol) seems to care. I think mainly they are envious/jealous that I seem to be able to be in the store unmasked while they must needs abide by the absurd regulations.
Anyway, my role in this bad movie was set in stone a long, long time ago…
I’ll bet helmet nazis are also vaxx nazis. (I’m another cyclist – not quite as active as I used to be – who exercises the right to choose).
Actually, Mike, I will not get the injection, but I won’t leave my driveway without a bike helmut on. Too scairy for me.
But each to their own.
Fair enough Judith. We are each exercising our own free choice, as it should be.
Really Judith? First sentence on it’s own I immediately thought sarcasm, but the second cancels it :/
I guess we grew up reckless, nobody could afford a bike, so we made bogies (soap box cart) out of planks of wood and old pram wheels, bent nails sticking out every which way, brakes were optional, supplied by the kid on the back jamming his foot on the wheel, a 1/2 day hike to the biggest hill we could find in the area, I’m sure we got to 45 mph on some of them 🙂
Course this was the late 60’s, early 70’s, a time when a bunch of kids aged 5-10 could go off for the whole day across the countryside without phones or adult supervision, where the biggest fear was not making it home in time for tea.
In my early teens we moved on to bikes, cobbled together from bits of old bikes from the tip, again brakes were optional, I was 16 before I had a bike with brakes lol. I never owned a new bike until I was ~25 yo when I got into moutain biking. I’ve biked up and down Snowden twice (back in the days this was just normal, now you’d get fined for it) I’ve never worn a cycle helmet, let alone owned one.
I wonder if this safetly culture (generally, not you specifically) contributed to the willingness of populations to accept government as a parental figure to the point they demand to be looked afer.
As you say, each to their own, or as they say in Yorkshire, there’s nowt as funny as folk.
ImpObs, you inspired me to write this:
I grew up on a remote Hebridean island where I raced over wet rocks down by the shore, built stuff from driftwood and collected the proverbial goats from the hill. Back for tea just Jimmy Shand and his reels on the radio and and the hissing and yellowish glow of tilley lamps while the wind was howling around outside.
Fast forward a few decades and I am taking a brother and his 18-year-old son for a walk in some ancient woods and I get sort of lost. I say sort of because the woods are situated between a very busy main road and a railway line. The lad became extremely concerned mainly because I was not concerned in the slightest. I told him I liked getting lost which exasperated him further. He was furious with himself for leaving the phone and its GPS in the car. Like Covid, what was a relatively minor matter in the scale of things became a massive issue. Eventually, I recognized a tree and announced we were no longer lost. He accused me of never being lost in the first place and said I had tricked them. I asked him to just listen as I pointed. The busy road thundered up ahead in the distance and as if on cue a train passed not that far behind us.
Safety culture has deprived this young man of being able to properly evaluate what is a serious situation and what is trivial. Danger is being lost in the snow in the Pyrenees on a freezing night and unable to find the refuge that is not where we thought it would be.
Great story Molinos, sounds like Delemere Forest, I’ve done it too there lol, I forgot we’d crossed the road in the middle, ended up doing about 5 miles extra trying to get back to the carpark, which we’d been 100 yrds from at least 4 times 🙂
Go carts, yes!! Oh my God, we’d start to build one, try to drive it and it would end up konking out. Such fun!
I never wore a helmut growing up. No one did. Never wore seat belts, jammed 25 people in a car…. lived daringly, lol.
I started riding a bike again in my 50’s. Lots of traffic riding. I don’t mind wearing one at all. And, actually, witnessed an accident that horrified me. Car coming out of a gas station hit a boy on a bike. No helmut. I’ll leave it at that.
A few years back I stopped short, flew over the handle-bars. I knew when I lifted the hand that I landed on it wasn’t good. Broken wrist both bones.. Very lucky – really good ortho doc at the ER that night. Hurt like hell, but no surgery.
Bought a car shortly after.
I’m very much a “whatever floats your boat” guy, but I hope you’re actually on a bike when you leave your driveway.
Otherwise, I would question the necessity of the headgear. 😉
I kid you not, a friend of mine worked for a woman who wore a helmut when she drove in the car. To hear my friend tell the stories – halarious.
But, whatever floats your boat.
And, yes, I do wear a life jacket when sailing.
A friend told me recently that 3 mutual aquaintences had traveled out of state and all got tested when they arrived. The doctor mentioned to them that the tests are coming back positive for a cold.
I definitely think it’s come to that now. People are so scared that if they have a sniffle, or their child does, it’s off to get tested. And snot registers positive.
Just my not so humble opinion.
Some may be scared but others may have been convinced it’s their duty. Win-win for the psychologists.
Someone said “culture is what happens until something better comes along.”
The feeling of just reading water, marking time, is quite pervasive… I sometimes wonder if we’re all just waiting around for The Revolution to break-out .Why else would we bother to watch those Harry Potter movies ?
Harry Potter makes more sense than Covid propaganda.
or strictly come good morning bake off lol, +1 les
Having “remade the world in six days” everything on the media now presupposes the new covid creation. is typical:
Yes imagine! As if we were taking an absurd leap. Because after all, we “know” that no-one is born naturally resistant to the bug, everyone has to constantly worry about contracting it or spreading it. To posit otherwise is to posit a superpower. The presuppositions are blandly asserted. And they are demonic deceptions of the most ferocious sort: spun beforehand to ensnare everyone in a cancerous web of the mind.
One theological strain has it that Satan is the Prince of Lies, the Lord of Illusion. And that is demonstrated here. I have already wasted too much time on this suffocating cloud of toxicity. It is enough to note it and pass on.
In the covid era, the medical establishment has forgotten, or has chosen not to remember, that humans have innate immunity, as well as acquired immunity.
(That’s even if you go along with the whole concept of the immune system, as was traditionally taught, which not everybody does).
But innate immunity does not add to Pharma’s bottom line, and neither does good nutrition, sunshine or exercise. And neither does it (or do they) do much for the medical establishment’s reputation as our only saviour against illness (even if it’s only a glorified cold).
Yes, the body has an ‘innate’ intelligence of its own. It knows how to take care of itself.
In the past there were two kinds of treatments:
For the nobility there was ‘healing’ by giving the body the time and opportunity to heal itself.
For the workers and slaves there was medication, giving them substances in order to suppress the symptoms as quick as possible so they could get back to work as soon as possible.
Working class, my Grandfather “Lad, everyone is working class…”
That is an interesting way to observe it. I think it dovetails very nicely with the overprescription of anti-depressants which don’t make anyone happier, just dull all emotion so the worker can keep droning away at the task and situation that depressed them in the first place.
Almost no doctor ever
:- tests for inadequate micro-nutrients
:- tells you the plausible causes of illness
:- suggests simple home remedies where applicable.
All the bad work conditions, pollution, poisonous products and harful services will keep boosting the med. industry – until it doesn’t.
“If you have this superpower…”
That’s Do they know no shame? It’s infantile.
Nothing this stupid can survive much longer, nothing this anti-real. It’s all coming down, inevitably. But it’s going to take a lot of us with it.
This is what MAY happen:
Because there WILL be people that have done nothing to acknowledge the CoVid1984, no mask, not distancing and especially NOT getting vexxed these people, me and many other commenters included, we ARE POTENTIAL TARGETS for the Medical crime Bosses!
Be aware of mail-outs addressed personally to you to give a blood test, so they can find out IF any such “superpower” exists.
Ignore them, and if they come in person, BE PREPARED TO FIGHT THEM OFF, as this is probably the most desperate measure they will attempt, other than kidnapping.
I have a cudgel and a medieval sword behind my front door.
Recently, surprisingly, got called in for a ‘medication review’ by a GP. First one I had seen in years. Went in expecting a lecture about my lack of vaccination status (non: covid/flu (sic), BCG, measles, mumps, rubella – only the odd tetanus and perhaps a doctored sugar lump way, way back). Not a mention. I came prepared to do battle, starting off with my O negative provable natural resistance. But, as I said, not a dickie bird. Sent off for blood tests; lots of them. Then more. Then one final lot. Each time I query: ‘Isn’t there a shortage of vials for testing (indeed, I was told, there was – it’s urgent cases only), so why am I being tested when, as far as I know, I am in my usual good health..?’ No answer. And they eventually admit I don’t have any problems.
My mother (even rarer blood group) was tested last year, was told she had T cell immunity to the soi disant plague without having had it. Still took the bait: hooked and probably fucked.
If you had a medication review should we assume you are on medication (lots of it)?
Not at all, I’m simply laying down a cellar of Oromorph for the coming zombie apocalypse.
In many traditions superpowers (siddhis) can result from spiritual study but spiritual study just to gain a siddhi is frowned upon. I am very leery about this sudden ‘super hero/ superpowers’ meme I’m seeing so much of lately. Something a bit too volksy ubermench with a stirring Wagner soundtrack.
I don’t like the use of ‘pureblood’ by unjabbed either. It just puts up more blocks to unity and serves the masters more than ourselves.
The classic response to the appearance of the siddhis, as recommended by veteran yogis is: “Oh, that’s nice. Shows I’m making progress. Now, back to work, concentrate on what’s REALLY important…”
Which isn’t the siddhis; and sureashell isn’t using them as ego-wanks.
Anyone who has experience of visiting seances run by genuinely talented materialising-mediums will have seen siddhis – called paranormal events in the modern Western lexicon. No big deal; just useful to reassure seekers after reality that we do indeed live in a magical universe, and human minds can – if you’re really determined – conjure ‘miracles’ easily; all of us; so long as you’re determined to put in the necessary work.
But if you think you can control them to give you magical powers on tap, watch out for Trickster’s two-by-four laid round your head eventually, to straighten your ego-fantasies out a touch!
It’s really odd isn’t it, were we just fearless 50yrs ago when catching a cold, flu, measels, chicken pox, scarlet fever etc. was just normal.
Well with colds & flu, for most of us, they were a bloody nuisance, but we knew we’d get over them sooner or later, and just tried to get through it as comfortably as possible. For a very tiny minority they might have turned into pneumonia, and some died, but that tended to be very old people – “the old man’s friend” because it meant at least they wouldn’t die a slow lingering death of cancer or dementia.
Looking back (and admittedly being influenced by the tweets of Michael P Senger – see my post elsewhere ) I think it can only be the pictures allegedly coming out of Wuhan, and the “news” that the Chinese authorities had successfully suppressed this new plague in Wuhan, that made us believe we must all take similar action because it was certain to spread to other continents and countries.
As allegedly it did, although many of us don’t believe it was anything new: at worst a variation on a coronavirus of the sort we were well used to.
We were conned, in a way that hadn’t worked for previous pseudopandemics (although it had largely worked for HIV-AIDS until the promised pandemic among heterosexuals failed to materialise and people began to calm down).
Now whether, as Michael P Senger seems to be arguing, it was the CCP actively trying to con the West, or whether it was forces in the West “inspired” by the CCP, or a combination of the two, is an interesting question, and one we can no doubt debate at length.
A message as old as humanity
Man lives in a natural order governed by the law of opposites through which everything that is there is born, grows and dies, everything is doomed to be destroyed, exterminated or simply withered.
The same is true of human works and desires.
Man is a prisoner and lives in the warp of this world completely ignoring the spiritual world and its values.
This weakness comes from the maintenance of a biological consciousness which is the slave of matter and passions.
In this way man struggles within a field of strife and violence unnecessarily and without any meaningful positive ending.
Some people have mistakenly believed that they can hope for an escape after death as long as they have lived a moral life, but this is nothing more than a fallacy that actually feeds negative forces and entities from the Beyond.
And after death, all our bodies will dissolve regardless of how we lived in this life and our microcosm will come back through a new personality.
So man travels between life and death and life, and nothing changes us, for no meaningful link with the spirit has been created.
In spite of this weakness in man there is a faint recollection of his original spiritual origin which from time to time through his life speaks to him in whispers.
The primal man as a microcosm is surrounded by an attractive field of radiation and assimilation of forces in which in the center lies the one and true eternal personality which is the Divine Soul, The Rose of the heart.
The microcosm is a divine immortal creation that in the distant past flowed into matter but without having been abandoned by the father.
The liberating powers of knowledge work within him to enable him to be able to build that which has been lost. Through this path of inversion man can reconnect with the spirit.
Of course this perishable and imperfect personality must not be preserved, and in this process of preparation it is completely energy-deconstructed and neutralized.
A new, Immortal personality must be rebuilt. Only she can allow the divine soul to be reborn and return to the Kingdom.
This new temple within man should be built within the perishable personality through initiation into the mysteries of the spirit voluntarily.
This work is not an evolution of his physical personality but a birth in quite another field of life.
These are the three initial steps of the candidate’s initiation, and have to do with thought, desire, and will, and these three should be readjusted through the Rose of the heart through the Head – Heart system.
When this union is completed then through these four stages our work is completed :
1. Unification of head, heart and desire for new action
2. Physical change according to consciousness, soul and body
3. Union of the new personality with the Universal Soul (pastoralist)
4. Union of the new Immortal personality with the Divine Spirit
Man evolutionarily understood the concept of religion through two ways, one internal and one external.
This happened because of the pre-memory he had and the desire to reunite with God through a process. Thus he created an external aspect through which he worshipped in essence the external temple through a life of reverence, morality through which, however, the ego simply changed roles. This work was done through priests who were supposed to mediate between men and God.
Esoteric religion aimed at rebuilding the esoteric Temple and this work was taught by initiated priests who through their liberating work in the past had been able to impart this wisdom but also to radiate spiritual radiations into this dark world.
In the distant past these two systems were quite close but gradually completely separated.
External religion maintained a dogmatic teaching while internal mystery schools guarded knowledge about this liberating ATP.
A spiritual faculty does not bring a simple philosophy. It provides the necessary forces to the students who commit themselves on the path of transformation.
The microcosm is revived when its tractive field captures and assimilates the new spiritual forces.
For this and a spiritual School erects in different parts of the material world, temples that are centers of cognitive radiation.
The school is trying to awaken the memory of the primal Kingdom so as to push people into action.
A burning desire to rebuild the Inner Temple is currently illuminating humanity in many parts of the world.
Man is obliged to react according to his nature, the majority will remain in this prison through this fallacy either struggling through external religion or trying to bring about one or the other political, economic change, or through imagined science which thinks it can capture God’s world through its flimsy perceptual ability.
But every earnest aspirant who rightly conceives his fundamental duty to his spiritual essence and humanity is drawn together by the powers of the spiritual faculty through a deep desire of service to the fellow-man.
Thoughts drawn through the bibliography of Lectorium Rosicrucianum
Look out, the masons are coming.
Let’s dance. It may rain.
I don’t know the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, but I believe what this writing decribes – on a purely practical basis.
To put this into perspective, the current, total GDP of the whole planet is approximately $94 trillion. By converting the Earth into an asset portfolio, nature is projected to be worth $4000 trillion. More than 40 times world GDP. Needless to say, this is one hell of an investment opportunity.
How much is all this worth if one cannot breathe the air, drink the water or eat uncontaminated food?
But as CoVid1984 has revealed, a good chunk of the population would rather save their trivial pursuits than attempt at changing their ways, hence their behaviour of elevating their narcissism to the point of now deliberately supporting bigotry over their inalienable rights.
So it’s come to that: putting a price tag on the whole of nature. Truly, the most demented psychos ever to crawl from under a rock have completely captured humanity.
There’s nowhere to go but extinction. And nature – priceless as it should be – will return to the default setting: no humans allowed.
as if humans are not part of nature. lol
Nature/the biosphere/the planet does not really care. We are like a mere itch to it.
These people are despots psychopaths everyone keeps telling us what they want or are going to do,But not telling us what we should do??Protesting is all well and good but when these phychos put laws into shops businesses lands ?Its all well and good when people have their own homes what about the people that don’t?Wheres all this freedom going to fit in,Because the homeless penny less are the first to suffer.Not anyone’s fault but these hyienas That call themselves human the parasites.There day will come through the greed and filth they reap what they sow.But in the meantime it’s the middle man that are suffering self employed,small business,unemployed because of this.Talk about us please not just about how the rich got richer.
Sorry for spelling mistakes I’m not going to correct them because I was mad when I wrote it and I’ll keep it that way.
And I’m not a good speller anyway.I was before stupid smart phone?Didnt make any smarter though made it worse.
Thank you but my partner pays the bill on it I’ve told him I don’t need it.It’s the Debil I tell you.Joking aside I wish I didn’t have it.
Neva mind Annie, I’ve nevar had a smaart fone and my spelling is krap aniweigh
😂😂👍good one
If you play their game their game can go on. Stop playing their game.
You need some money to survive, I reckon. No way out.
Thanks for the link. Interesting!
I think it is possible to live outside the system, though it is a personal decision.
You can build alone or with other people a house in the wilderness close to a clean river, have a garden, etc.
The system cannot be fixed. Just let it rot.
The most important thing is allies. You can have as much land as you like, but in the end your happiness and security comes down to your allies, your friends, the people you can count on. The more you give the more you will receive!
I know people who gave away a lot, but did not receive anything.
Now they are broke and have no friends.
I got no money but I know how to survive.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-11-06. DES: “safe” in 1955, carcinogenic in 1975; mRNA: “safe” in 2020, long list of athletes dead, injured (link).
It’s all psychopathy — tribal one-upmanship. “I’m savage, but less savage than the next guy.”
You can’t buy protection from one gang. The next gang is waiting in the wings. Because by trusting one gangster, you have given in to them all.
“Trust me, trust my clan. Pay us not to break your windows instead.”
The thankless task, which I have pursued for 30+ years, is to tell people that the gangster is not your friend. He is not exceptional. He is universal.
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