A War against Humanity
Michael Lesher

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Halloween was once a popular holiday in Passaic. Year after year, my neighborhood’s lawns abounded in mock-terrifying October decorations – witches on broomsticks, carved pumpkins on the porches, fantastic spider webs festooning the shrubbery.
This year, though, there were hardly any Halloween decorations on display. And like so many small signs of the way the “pandemic” – in plain language, the deepening police state – is bulldozing away what used to be ordinary expressions of human community, the change troubles me.
I understand it, of course. After all, why should children look forward to an evening’s romp as a witch or goblin while tales of an omnipresent Black Death – exaggerations so wild they once would have made normal people laugh out loud – have become our daily dogma? And if the children aren’t celebrating, why should the rest of us?
But the sense of disquiet remains, unsettling everything I used to hope I knew about the realities of communal life. I cannot get used to the subtle encroachment of fear into every aspect of our collective existence. I cannot accept the slow poisoning of all the interactions between one human being and another by the relentless tide of COVID19 propaganda.
As I walked around an unadorned neighborhood that should have been full of Halloween symbols in that late October season, I began to rage inwardly at the realization that so many parents genuinely believed they were protecting their children when they deprived them of a public celebration, however innocuous.
Trick-or-treating on Halloween? I could see my neighbors shaking their heads and mentally counting up the possibilities of infection. What would have happened if the kids had knocked on someone’s front door and the person who answered it wasn’t wearing a muzzle? Besides, could anyone be absolutely sure that whoever put candy into the kids’ plastic bags had washed his hands before touching the wrappers? Or what if – horror of horrors – he hadn’t even been “vaccinated”?
On a sunny afternoon a few weeks ago, I found myself unexpectedly surrounded by a large crowd of children just released from school. At first it was reassuring to float in an eddy of untroubled human behavior; such moments have become progressively rarer, and therefore more precious, over the last year and a half.
The kids around me strolled, joked and chattered like schoolchildren everywhere. But wasn’t there something wrong with the picture? So inexorable has been the stealthy advance of the corona coup’s “new normal” – even for someone who has struggled to resist it – that it took me several seconds to realize that these children were masked.
Every last one of them had his or her face hidden behind a black muzzle.
Yes, if I closed my eyes, I could almost imagine that things were still as they should be. But opening them again brought back the nightmare reality: here were what should have been children replaced by caricatures – people without faces, conversations without smiles, eyes unaccompanied by mouths.
And the worst of it was that these kids had clearly become so accustomed to this Kafkaesque state of affairs, so indoctrinated in COVID19 hysteria, that they had kept their muzzles on even after leaving the school building where they were required to wear them. For them, terror was now a way of life. The surreal had become normal.
And not only for them. Consider the political reality of the state I live in. For well over a year now, all-cause mortality figures throughout New Jersey have rarely fallen outside ordinary parameters – in other words, there has not been any conceivable grounds for claiming the existence of a medical emergency.
And yet New Jersey’s governor, Phil Murphy, is still ruling as a virtual dictator, wielding “emergency” powers that were legally supposed to expire on April 9 of 2020 – destroying businesses, confining people with illegal quarantines, threatening to muzzle us all (again) at the first sign of resistance – while the state government whose constitution Murphy has pulped for the last 19 months recently mailed out to the citizens, with what I assume was unconscious irony, leaflets explaining how to “vote” for governor on November 2.
Earnest instructions on how to choose a dictator? For anyone who could think clearly, this was a breathtaking insult to every citizen of New Jersey. But as far as I could see, it stimulated no public reaction. How many people here realize, even now, that they’re living under unconstitutional rule? Even Murphy’s Republican challenger did not raise the issue during the campaign.
The same eerie quiet in the face of unprecedented assaults on freedom is the norm almost everywhere. The United States’ Chief Executive has been fuming like a fascist over the latest species of Untermenschen, the I-decline-to-be-a-guinea-pig-for-Big-Pharma variety.
“The unvaccinated,” sneered President Biden barely two months ago, “overcrowd our hospitals, are overrunning the emergency rooms and intensive care units, leaving no room for someone with a heart attack, or [pancreatitis], or cancer.” (Pluck the word “unvaccinated” out of that incendiary lie and insert “Jews” or “immigrants” or “black people,” and imagine how that would have played out at a White House press conference. Alas, no one tried the experiment.)
And as for people who don’t like being forcibly muzzled, the President had a simple message: “Show some respect!”
Maybe Uncle Joe has forgotten this – along with so many other things – but I can remember when candidate Biden displayed his respect for Americans by promising them that federal vaccine mandates would never happen on his watch. Funny how that sort of “respect” didn’t survive the election.
Now that he’s President, Biden has no problem claiming quasi-dictatorial powers to force federal contractors and workers at any company with at least 100 employees to submit to injections of untested drugs.
But liars will be liars, I guess: the same President who assured the public last February that everything would be hunky-dory by Christmas, with “significantly fewer people having to be socially distanced, having to wear a mask,” now boasts of imposing still more restrictions on Americans’ right to breathe.
“One who trades his horse for a promise ends up with tired feet,” Nikita Khrushchev liked to say. By now, every American ought to be walking on crutches.
But one scours the popular press in vain for some trace of indignation at this cavalcade of lies. On the contrary, the COVID propagandists are praising Biden for his “toughness.”
Maybe it’s my age (I’m approaching 64), but in these days of political repression and intellectual cowardice, when health “experts” advocate medical Russian roulette and “liberals” endorse totalitarianism, I feel the need to mention aloud some of the subtler changes that have undermined my own life since war was declared on humanity in early 2020.
Mind you, I don’t claim that these are the worst consequences of the police-state methods we’ve been facing. I don’t even mean that they’re the ones I think about most. Next to the 34 million people worldwide who have been pushed to the edge of starvation by lockdown policies, they seem positively trivial.
But to me they are constant reminders of the tide of madness rising around me, everyday measures of the slow derangement of what we used to call “normal life” – and now can only remember and mourn.
Physical obstructions between people
March and April 2020 witnessed a remarkable flurry of activity throughout my area as banks, drug stores, supermarkets, neighborhood groceries and a host of other retail outfits, large and small, installed barriers to impose some physical distance between customers and cashiers.
Many of those barriers were plastic. A few were plexiglass. But they were all supposed to be temporary; they were there because of what we were told was a medical emergency, not as a permanent means of establishing more separation – and more fear – between people going about their daily lives.
That was a year and a half ago. New Jersey’s unconstitutional “lockdown” ended last summer. Mask “mandates” (also unconstitutional) ended before the beginning of 2021. All the other scare measures promulgated in early 2020 – plastic gloves in stores, constant hand sanitizing, mutual back-turning in elevators – are behind us, at least for the moment.
But those barriers? Every single one of them is still in place. It took mere days to erect them, but now I’m not sure whether I’ll ever see them taken down. What are they for? Clearly they serve no medical purpose.
But as constant reminders of the danger each human being supposedly represents to every other – and as obstacles to any practical sense of solidarity between customers and workers – they’re hard to beat. So there they remain, daily symbols of a cynical war against human community, another successful trick of the freedom-haters.
At first I thought this might be a product of my own impatience – but no, general shortages really have been commonplace for the last year and a half. Consider the case of cleaning fluids.
We all remember how the store shelves emptied when the first government-inspired panic had people running to buy antiseptic cleansers for their kitchen floors and counters back in March 2020. But manufacturers have had plenty of time since then to increase production. Yet, in defiance of the ordinary dynamics of supply and demand, the public’s appetite for cleansers still hasn’t generated an abundant supply.
And it’s not just cleaning liquids that are comparatively scarce. Many types of chicken (I’m told) have been difficult to obtain for months at a time. So are paper towels. Mung beans, formerly almost a staple of mine, now can’t be found even in health food stores.
According to press reports, there is a national shortage of cars – for sale and for rent – and of microchips and test kits, among other things. An article in Atlantic, one of the most committed purveyors of COVID propaganda, has even dubbed the situation “the Everything Shortage.”
Unsurprisingly, popular media have attributed all this to the “pandemic” – an explanation so patently absurd that the propagandists have recently begun to recast the question, claiming that what we’re experiencing is actually something called a “supply chain crisis.”
Even if someone had clearly defined that term (and no one has), and even if national distribution systems could actually be brought to a halt by one moderately serious respiratory virus (and they can’t), anyone tempted to believe the new tale would do well to ponder another national “shortage” that has been touted by large retail corporations for nearly a year now, and which seems to be spreading.
I’m referring to claims about a “national coin shortage” I’ve seen for more than six months at several chain stores in Passaic, where placards instruct customers to make their purchases with credit or debit cards instead of cash. According to press reports, the same warnings are showing up in businesses all over the U.S., so there’s nothing eccentric about my own town in this respect.
But what is it all about? Could the United States really be suffering from a “coin shortage”? Has the national mint broken down? Have we run out of nickel or copper? Are all the mint workers on strike?
Well – no, no, and no. In fact, the simple truth is that there isn’t a “coin shortage” at all; instead, according to the usual media suspects, the real trouble is that “the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the U.S. coin supply chain.”
Ah – there’s that convenient “supply chain” again!
But what does it mean this time? Well, if you believe the pundits, it seems that lots of people have been keeping much of their change at home – which is probably true, but also irrelevant, since that practice surely started long before 2020. Leaping over the objection, however, the pundits assure us that this is the reason that your local supermarket won’t take your cash nowadays.
Got that? Too many people are keeping change in their houses; the ostensible solution is to prevent them from using cash altogether at large stores, a practice that can only further increase the number of loose coins sitting “idle” at home. In other words: we “solve” the problem by creating more of it.
I hate to sound paranoid, but given the obvious absurdity of the argument, doesn’t it seem a lot more likely that claims about a “coin shortage” represent an early push toward the elimination of cash? And that the real goal of such measures is to funnel our economic life into digital transactions that – through the broad medium of credit or debit cards – can easily be monitored and, in the not very distant future, controlled by governments who have already proved their contempt for democracy at every step of the corona coup?
I may not be able to prove that this is the real reason for the “national coin shortage” hoopla – but I can certainly see that the stated reason is false. And plenty of credible observers already believe that discouraging cash is a political strategy, not a practical “remedy.”
Snooping and snitching
Informing on one’s neighbor to the thought police is already pretty much the norm on commercial airliners, where passengers are encouraged to report anyone who dares to attempt normal breathing, even while asleep. (“Look! There’s a secret anti-masker dozing in the seat across the aisle!”)
But the snoop-and-snitch craze seems to be spreading. Now, whole school systems are using commercial software to spy on as many as 23 million U.S. children, monitoring their every keystroke and tracking their internet contacts.
According to a recent press report, while some parents object to this Big Brother-ism, others seem to feel that there’s too little surveillance of their kids, not too much. As for school administrators – many of them see nothing wrong with local bureaucrats doubling as thought police because “I’ve always felt that they [the kids] are already being tracked,” as one school principal phlegmatically put it.
Meanwhile, a recent and typical news story described, without comment, how students and/or parents reported a teacher to the authorities for the crime of being “unvaccinated” – and of having occasionally removed her muzzle while reading aloud to the class.
Sad to say, there was nothing unusual about that.
Hollywood snitches have busied themselves in recent months getting actors fired for expressing the wrong thoughts about such things as mandatory muzzling or manipulated elections. And what’s good for celebrities ought to be good for the rest of us, right?
The trend toward the destruction of privacy – which is the death knell for any democratic system of government – is all the more dangerous because it was gaining ground even before coronavirus hysteria created the perfect culture for its expansion.
“Think of our counterinsurgency wars abroad as so many living laboratories for the undermining of a democratic society at home,” wrote Alfred McCoy, the leading U.S. historian of surveillance and its political consequences, as far back as 2009.
McCoy presciently warned that technology used to repress dissent in, say, Iraq:
has proven remarkably effective in building a technological template that could be just a few tweaks away from creating a domestic surveillance state – with omnipresent cameras, deep data-mining, nano-second biometric identification, and drone aircraft patrolling ‘the homeland.’”
I think of those words every time I’m urged to install proof-of-“vaccination” software on my cell phone. Am I really supposed to believe that such a potentially powerful surveillance tool won’t be put to more intrusive uses?
It’s worth remembering that President George W. Bush tried to organize ordinary citizens into a massive, informal spy network as part of the “war on terror” nearly 20 years ago, while the federal government was compiling “electronic dossiers” on millions of Americans – a system that only got bigger under Barack Obama.
With Joe Biden, Obama’s Vice President, at the helm now, there can’t be much question about where we’re heading. Anyone who still believes in privacy is going to have to fight for it.
Lying, lying everywhere
I admit there’s nothing new about dishonesty in popular news media. But Marion Renault, writing in The New Republic, may have reached a new low when she recently portrayed the entire state of Alabama as a convocation of lost souls because fewer than 40% of its inhabitants have submitted to COVID19 “vaccines.”
Ms. Renault, who made her descent into that conservative Hades last August, was seeking from the damned an answer to a question that literally brought her to tears: how can we go on feeling compassion for people who don’t want untested, potentially lethal chemicals in their bodies?
Unbiased readers might notice that the word “compassion” drops rather oddly from a woman who repeatedly hurls fact-free anathemas at the “unvaccinated,” of which this one is typical:
By delaying or refusing to get vaccinated against Covid-19, a majority of Alabamians have offered up their bodies to host the virus, spread its disease, and incubate its next, potentially more dangerous variant.”
(Whew! I suppose we should be grateful she hasn’t recommended burning at the stake for such dangerous heretics.)
But what is most striking about her hate piece – the work of an avowed unbeliever – is the fire and brimstone of its sermonizing, which repeatedly reaches its most fervently pious pitch as its logic passeth all understanding:
On its own, Covid-19 vaccination is a shield against individuals’ risk of being hospitalized or dying should they make contact with the virus. But millions of individual doses can coalesce into a congregation of immunity that could push SARS-CoV-2 to the margins. “We are protected not so much by our own skin, but by what is beyond it,” writes the essayist Eula Biss. Immunity, she adds, “is a common trust as much as it is a private account.” Vaccination’s most powerful protection is amassed, not allocated. It is an ideal. And it is achieved only when enough individuals decide it’s worth contributing to. “We give up a little freedom to all be safer,” Craig Klugman, a professor of bioethics at DePaul University, told me. The very roots of the word “immunity” reflect this hopeful collectivism: In Latin, munis means a burden, duty, or obligation.
That final sentence, with its abortive Latin exegesis, is an especially blatant howler: it’s true that munis means a “burden” or “duty,” but im-munity means freedom from such a burden, so that the word actually expresses the exact opposite of the “hopeful collectivism” Ms. Renault claims to find in it.
But getting things upside down isn’t the worst of her sins. In keeping with the most sinister tendencies of crisis propaganda, she manipulates language to give an emotional boost to a piece of dangerously irrational incitement. Look again at the sanctimonious rhetoric she deploys to gloss over the fact that the drugs in question don’t hamper transmission of the virus:
“[M]illions of individual doses can coalesce into a congregation of immunity that could push SARS-CoV-2 to the margins…Vaccination’s most powerful protection…is an ideal.”
“Congregation of immunity”? “Push to the margins”? An “ideal”? If Ms. Renault could claim that COVID19 vaccines protect the public by stopping the spread of a particular pathogen, she would say so – in plain words. But she knows the drugs do no such thing.
So, instead, we get tendentious pieties about “congregations” (cue the religious music) being energized to force a deadly adversary over the sideline (go, saints, go!), a religious rhetoric that blurs medical realities in the frisson of forging a new Church Militant. (At another point, Ms. Renault actually goes so far as to describe “herd immunity” – which she wrongly assumes can only result from “vaccination” – as “sanctity.”)
Ms. Renault’s crusading metaphor paves the way for the paragraph’s ultimate lie: “We give up a little freedom to all be safer” – a sentiment that can only shed its totalitarian essence in the context of holy war, where individual sacrifices are rewarded with collective salvation.
Nor does Ms. Renault shrink from still darker ramifications of her holy war analogy. “It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks,” she approvingly quotes from Alabama Governor Kay Ivey. (Ms. Renault calls such bigotry “righteous anger.”) She even finds a “bioethicist at New York University” who insists that “vaccine refusal should be punishable by law.”
First the non-guinea pigs are aliens (not “regular folks”); then they’re literally criminals. Anyone familiar with the logic of holy war can easily imagine the next step. Ms. Renault’s article poses as empirical journalism, but it is really a specimen of jihadist incitement in which the infidels to be eradicated are not Christians or Jews or atheists, but Americans who still value the Bill of Rights.
I’ve singled out this piece not only for its soggy prose – in this respect, it’s no worse than dozens of other COVID diatribes – but to underline the fact that the propagandists’ holy war against anyone who resists coronavirus hysteria is so far advanced that its manifestations seldom even attract notice, let alone public comment.
If Ms. Renault had called down similar anathemas on Muslim immigrants, the entire liberal media would be in a frenzy of righteous indignation. But she can (and does) excoriate people whose actions are protected by the Nuremberg Code as heretics and public enemies – infidels, in a word, whose right even to be pitied (and, by implication, to live) may freely be called into question.
And such is our overexposure to this sort of scurrility that no one even seems to notice it.
Totalitarianism going mainstream
There have always been people who pine for dictatorship, but before the corona coup such people pullulated mostly at the margins of civilized society. Now they are ubiquitous, expounding their hatred for freedom from liberal media platforms all over the country. At first they attacked people who didn’t cover their faces when illegally ordered to do so.
It didn’t matter that no scientific evidence supported their position, just as it doesn’t matter now that post facto research shows that all the mandatory muzzling didn’t save any lives. The unobstructed human face was a symbol of liberty – so it had to be purged.
The same totalitarian rage soon focused on doctors who tried to care for their COVID19 patients. To take a single example: Dr. Peter McCullough, a physician with impeccable credentials and an impressive list of academic publications, has testified repeatedly about the excellent results of treatments that, he believes, could have prevented 85 percent of COVID19 deaths worldwide.
He was expunged from social media for his trouble.
But on a single day, I read three separate articles lionizing a Michigan doctor who boasted of refusing to give his critically ill COVID patients the treatments they begged him for, instead blaming them for not having submitted to the “vaccines.”
Since when is a doctor who lets his patients die and blames them for their own illness a hero – while another doctor, who is actually saving lives, is rewarded with enforced oblivion? This would have been unthinkable before the corona coup infected the public consciousness. Now it’s hardly worth mentioning.
The totalitarians’ most recent targets are “the unvaccinated.” Along with the exploded myth of “asymptomatic transmission,” the fact-free mantra that COVID19 vaccines are “safe and effective,” and that only moral monsters would dream of refusing them, is perhaps the most palpable single fraud of the whole corona coup.
For one thing, the two professional groups with the most experience of COVID19 – health care professionals and nursing home employees – have consistently been among the most reluctant to be injected with these experimental drugs. For another, the evidence for “vaccination” simply doesn’t add up.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have refused to monitor COVID19 infections in “fully vaccinated” people since May 1 – thus avoiding the exposure of unwelcome facts about the drugs and their effects – but the evidence we have doesn’t demonstrate any significant advantage for the “vaccinated.”
And why would we expect it to, given the figures touted by the propagandists themselves? They once told us that about 345,000 Americans died from COVID19 in all of 2020 – when the “vaccines” were not available to the public. But now they insist that in the first ten months of 2021, while nearly 60% of the U.S. population submitted to the experimental drug regime, a significantly larger number (393,000) succumbed to the same illness.
Yes, the propagandists’ numbers are unreliable to begin with (I’ve stressed that myself in prior articles) – but why can’t they even keep their story straight? They can’t simultaneously hype the Delta-variant-is-killing-us-all fear porn and insist that COVID19 “vaccination” means the end of the outbreak.
Besides, if the totalitarians actually cared about public health, they would be paying at least intermittent attention to the real world that people like me actually inhabit. In fact, they’re too busy poisoning that world to worry about the consequences.
The CDC already admits that “over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the U.S. in the 12-month period ending in May 2020” – the “highest number ever recorded by the CDC.”
And while the U.S. is notoriously laggard in reporting suicide figures, there are already grim adumbrations from other countries about what we can expect. Japan recorded more suicides in a single month – October 2020 – than the official count of COVID19 deaths for the entire calendar year.
For children in Italy, Spain and China, lockdowns have triggered serious increases in the rates of depression and anxiety.
Remember: none of this has been caused by a respiratory virus. It has all been the work of the totalitarians who, while robbing us of a decent human life, are using “vaccines” as an excuse to dehumanize all those who still believe in freedom – and to complete the regimentation and enslavement of all the rest.
Alfred McCoy’s warning about the coming surveillance state, issued more than a decade ago, rings truer now than ever, particularly his suggestion that by 2020, “our America may be unrecognizable – or rather recognizable only as the stuff of dystopian science fiction”:
In a future America, enhanced retinal recognition could be married to omnipresent security cameras as a part of the increasingly routine monitoring of public space…. If that day comes, our cities will be Argus-eyed with countless thousands of digital cameras scanning the faces of passengers at airports, pedestrians on city streets, drivers on highways, ATM customers, mall shoppers, and visitors to any federal facility. One day, hyper-speed software will be able to match those millions upon millions of facial or retinal scans to photos of suspect subversives inside a biometric database…sending anti-subversion SWAT teams scrambling for an arrest or an armed assault.
McCoy wrote all that without even knowing that the corona coup would accelerate the process he feared. Today, a year and a half into the coup, I am living in the first phase of that “future America” – and the experience is bleak.
And it’s personal. I began this essay by remarking on the loss of interest in the Halloween holiday. That’s a small detail in itself. But multiplied by the loss of dozens of holidays and celebrations, by the repeated splintering of family and friends, by the deprivation of embraces or kisses or even friendly handshakes, by the routine covering of our faces, by every instance of fear where there should be comfort, of cruelty where there should be sympathy – multiplied, finally, by the dozens of small insults our spirits must absorb every single day we live in this totalitarian hysteria, even a detail like Halloween trick-or-treating can feel like the difference between sanity and madness.
And if you think the madmen behind this coup intend to spare our children, you’ve got the picture exactly backwards. Children are their primary targets.
As I write this, New York City’s mayor is giving out $100 bribes to any parent willing to have a 5-to-11-year-old son or daughter injected with chemicals whose safety the government specifically refuses to ensure.
Meanwhile, the thousands of babies believed to have been born with congenital syphilis in the US in 2021, and the even larger number expected for 2022 – babies whose suffering and death are entirely preventable – can expect little or no help: the government refuses to appropriate more than a small fraction of the hundreds of millions of dollars it is pouring into COVID19 “vaccine” propaganda for medical outreach programs that could save real children from a genuinely deadly disease.
But nothing can stand in the way of the “vaccines” – not even death. Due to staffing shortages “caused by the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate,” 26 fire stations in New York City alone were shut down on October 30.
The next day, a fire in Brooklyn killed a 7-year-old boy. No one in liberal media seemed to mind.
That same day – Halloween – I was invited by my apartment building’s management to participate in “an in-building trick-or-treat event” for children whose parents were too afraid to take them into the street. The last line of the flyer advertising the “event” cautioned, “Masks must be worn when greeting the children and handing out candy.”
Poor kids, I thought.
First, they terrify your parents into keeping you indoors on a night you should be enjoying yourselves outside. Then they see to it that wherever you’re allowed to go, you’ll be met by masks – not playful Halloween masks, but terrifyingly real symbols of the mortal danger the propagandists want you to see in every human being from now on, as you learn to be the frightened slaves of a police state that uses you as pawns in its quest for social atomization and absolute control.
I really wanted to give those victimized children whatever taste of fun it was still in my power to give. But I couldn’t, wouldn’t do that at the price of being an accomplice in their enslavement. Maybe I couldn’t stop the coup. But I could refuse to collaborate.
So I spent Halloween alone in my apartment, mourning for a world in which simple acts of humanity are criminal, and where nothing is safe from the rising tide of oppression that only turns more poisonous as we become desensitized to it.
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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Amazing writing you covered so much of this madness. Thank you.
I am in Mexico and what you describe is not happening here.
(Yes, many have been vaccinated – but many have not and doing so is encouraged but strictly voluntary).
Humanity continues to be a valued attribute of local society and things are returning to normal.
Not only are the authoritarian aspects of the Scamdemic absent, the public WILL NOT TOLERATE further sacrifice and have no intention of giving up their Constitutional Rights that safeguard their ability to work, associate and transport themselves freely within the nation.
Concentration camp with electric fences near Brisbane airport.
If we don’t take back our rights we are fucked. I have been keeping calm and carrying on but after the Q’land health Minister shitstain recently talking about locking us up, and now seeing this I’m finding it difficult to keep on keeping calm.
We don’t have guns, we don’t have allies, we don’t have the numbers.
Has anyone seen the Q’land AMA chief’s outburst?
“Oh, they’re crazy not to get vaccinated, life will be miserable without getting vaccinated,” warned Perry. “You won’t be able to hide, you won’t be able to get a doctor to sign off that you got an exclusion because there’s quite set rules on that and doctors will be audited, every one of their exclusions will be looked at very carefully.”
“It’s going to be very hard to maintain your employment if you’re not vaccinated and you won’t be able to go anywhere for any entertainment,”
This disgusting shit stain is also an Army Reserve Officer and as such a willing helper of the cabal
More coercion and threat. Disgusting. Imagine being one of these arseholes, waking up in the morning, wiping the filthy sleep out of your eyes, slopping down some Vegemite on toast, having a shit, looking at your pasty body in the mirror, looking at your tired face in the mirror, pulling on your undies….as so many average human beings do…….then coming out on camera and saying that you’ve conspired with and are aiding the deliberate destruction of innocent people’s lives in this way. Over the biggest non event in Australia just about ever. What type of person is this? What type of person watches this and does not feel his skin crawl?
As if we need yet another whiff of pure evil; but here it is.
Pfizer Secretly Added Heart Attack Drug Tromethamine (Tris) to Children’s COVID Vaccines … But Why? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
The Italian “Green Pass” (notice the use of inglese?) is used to surveil vaccine status. It is administered by the Ministry of Finance, not the Ministry of Health. Isn’t that interesting?
I think this is even worse than Melbourne!
Doctors support new Queensland COVID-19 restrictions, businesses frustrated
Nov 9, 2021
9 News Australia
The Queensland AMA president has thrown his support behind the state’s new COVID-19 restrictions, while business owners have been left frustrated over having to police patrons’ vaccination status.
This made me cry.
Another vaxxed sports celeb ends up in ER because of “trouble breathing”.
Dakota Duran Dozier (born April 30, 1991) is an American football offensive guard for the Minnesota Vikings of the National Football League (NFL).
Nov 10, 2021
– A vaccinated Minnesota Vikings player was admitted to an emergency room with trouble breathing due to COVID-19, but he has not been identified publicly
– Several reports claim that player is 30-year-old offensive lineman Dakota Dozier
– Coach Mike Zimmer told media that the player went to the ER but is now stable
– When asked if the player’s condition was due to COVID-19 or a reaction to the vaccine, Zimmer said: ‘No, it was COVID… He had a hard time breathing’
– Dozier is one of five players on the Vikings’ COVID-19 list, including vaccinated center Garrett Bradbury and starting safety Harrison Smith
Head coach Mike Zimmer did not identify the player, but said the individual is in stable condition in hospital but that it was a ‘scary’ situation. ‘One of our players that was vaccinated, he had to go to the ER last night because of COVID. It’s serious stuff,’ Zimmer told reporters. ‘Like 29 guys are getting tested because of close contact, including myself’
Young Hearts (Part VI) – Code Red – Hospitals Filling Up With The Jabbed
Nov 10, 2021
Hugo Talking
German Newspaper Highlights “Unusually Large” Number Of Soccer Players Who Have Collapsed Recently
NOV 10, 2021
“Every last one of them had his or her face hidden behind a black muzzle.”
Main Street is a Babbit home, and that spells Conformity. — (With apologies to CS Lewis).
Halloween or Con-19, what’s the difference?
“The United States is such a thorough going democracy that the opinion of the majority, by however slight a margin, becomes the opinion of all”. — De Toqueville, 1823.
Andrews and Co get a new one ripped. Melbourne CBD and Bendigo, it’s happening Everywhere they go. Remember always keep it peaceful, call out people doing anything aggressive, it does NOTHING to help the cause.
Nov 10, 2021
Victoria’s premier Daniel Andrews facing a fierce backlash against pandemic laws
Nov 10, 2021
7NEWS Australia
Daniel Andrews has been confronted by protesters in a backlash over controversial pandemic laws. The premier was forced to make a hasty exit from an event in Bendigo, while Brett Sutton has been abused at Parliament House.
bullshit staged just like the MPS getting attacked in u.k and E>U, eventually you get to see they repeat the same story’s all over
The Bendigo incident was not staged. My sister knows some of the women that were yelling abuse at the shit stain. The media beat it up; it was just a group of angry mothers.
The religious exemption was saved by one vote!
N.J. parents can still cite religion as a reason not to vaccinate kids after bill collapses
Jan. 14, 2020
Religion will remain a valid excuse for children to bypass vaccination laws in New Jersey — at least for now — after state lawmakers Monday failed a second time to muster enough support to pass a controversial bill that would have repealed the option that thousands of the state’s families used last year.
With hundreds of parents once again staging a high-decibel protest outside the Statehouse in Trenton, a planned vote on the latest version of the legislation was called off because leaders in the state Senate fell one vote short on the last day of New Jersey’s two-year legislative session.
But the bill’s Democratic sponsors vowed that the fight to repeal the religious exemption isn’t over. They said they will reintroduce the measure Tuesday, when a new legislative session begins at noon. The public hearing and voting process, however, will have to start over.
“We’re ready to go to war over this,” state Senate President Stephen Sweeney, D-Gloucester, told reporters after Monday’s voting session at the Statehouse in Trenton. “We will pass this bill. This is about public health. It’s about protecting people.”
N.J. Senate President Sweeney concedes in his stunning election loss
Nov. 10, 2021
State Senate President Stephen Sweeney on Wednesday conceded defeat in his re-election race against a virtually unknown Republican challenger, an upset practically no one expected and one that has stunned New Jersey’s political world. . . .
His loss — one of the most shocking in the history of New Jersey politics — brings an end to a 20-year run in the Senate and an 12-year tenure as president of the chamber.
Sweeney, who has been considered a possible candidate for governor in 2025, would not say whether he would seek to regain his Senate seat in two years, when Durr’s term is up. . . . Durr, a 58-year-old commercial truck driver who has never held elected office . . .
bullshit just like anyone can be president !
I’m sure that NJ Gauleiter Murphy has denounced the bill’s opponents as “knuckleheads”– that’s his favorite public putdown. God knows what he calls them in private!
Meanwhile, the sore losers are amping up “opposition research” to undermine Durr as unfit for public service.
The vax will be compulsory in England from midnight tonight and there is already an announced exodus of care workers. And those old people that the media weeps over will be abandoned – and the abandonment will be blamed on the anti-vaxxers. Thus the cull will continue whilst the perpetrators pose as blameless benefactors whose “lifesaving” vax is being rejected.
Compulsory for who? It seems to me like Govs around the world are TRYING real hard to generate out and out riots on the streets. But after so many years of domestication, people are just apathetic. There’s push back…gloriously under-reported in lame stream media, but generally people are happy to just go along. I dunno. It’s just a theory.
Sorry I should have said care workers.
Yet the carnage from the jabs continues, there is something truly sick happening
I keep noticing people I know forgetting things they wouldn’t be expected to forget. Could this be an effect of the quaccines?
Hmm, you make a good… wait, what was the question?
Did a job at a customer’s house today. I also have been on many motorbike rides with him and he is (was) a fit 67 year old. He looked old and worn out today. Then he tells me he (and his wife) had to have two Phiser poison stabs for her work.
I didn’t bother commenting or asking why does he need it for someone else’s employment as one can never get a sensible answer from a covidiot.
In the past I have told him many facts but he is one of the TV watching morons that don’t have a grasp on reality.
Anyway rang a mate that knows him and he said the bloke has been very ill since the stabbing. Another mentally infantile twit off to the morgue.
They’re everywhere. All fell for the big time coercion. I’m the only one in my family not injected.
That must be hard to take. In my family there is just one covidiot, two if his wife is counted. And they, my brother and his wife, have sacrificed their 14 y/old son and soon their 11 year old (asthmatic) daughter.
They are beyond redemption, have no shame, and have ruined their child’s health due to their willful ignorance. Scum.
The spike and other bizare contents of the jab can reach every part of the body. This includes the antifreeze (PEG) that protects the spike in transit.
It’s not letting up. I’m a senior who doesn’t travel or go to mass social or entertainment events. Thought I was safe until a clipboard bearing minion of my landlord knocked on my apartment door demanding to know if…you know.
I held firm against his exhortations of “no jab no pool or common area” with the apparently novel idea that he was requesting personal medical information that he had no right to. Troll left in confused and irritated state to report back to Sauron that there are a few concerning rumblings in Middle Earth.
We need a little levity though. Here are three of my faves (AC/CDC a repost from Moneycircus – thanks). Sorry they are them-tube.
Everyone Gets Jabbed – Or else you can’t POOP !
American identifies as Mexican to avoid vaccine – YouTube
The global population is facing the biggest threat in its history yet few recognise the reality that they are under attack; such is the insidious nature of the ENEMY we face.
They have effectively isolated and neutralised us by authoritative dictates and hybrid psychological warfare techniques. We stand in utter bewilderment as they progressively close in around us. We have no leadership, no defence or counter-attack strategy, our situation is totally helpless, this is how they planned it to be.
Trouble is, those aware of the danger spend their time in isolation writing about it, not acting in cooperation to evolve an effective counter-attack. We hold numerical superiority,
we simply need to consolidate and apply it with justified venom.
Too many people have their eyes shut and their fingers in their ears. The simple, spoon fed explanation for what’s going on is enough for them. They don’t want to look further. The sport is still on the TV. The 6 o’clock news anchors still end every bulletin with a beaming smile. Remember when sport was axed for a while at the start of all this? That solidified in the minds of a huge number of people that ‘this shit is real and serious’. Shelving pro sport was a great ploy to convince people of the ‘gravity’ of the situation. That’s something that really got into people’s heads. But now, nearly 2 years later, pro sport is on, has been back on for ages, and is being used to pacify huge numbers of people. With pro sport back on it allows people to go back to sleep.
Nobody stops to wonder how it is that pro sport outfits can exist ‘in a bubble’ and be trusted to follow their own strict ‘measures’ to keep covi covi at bay. They fly all around the world at will, each team is a small city of people…and covid miraculously leaves them alone. And the sheep are happy enough to watch interviews conducted with microphones on 7 foot boom sticks, camera men masked, lip service rules for crowd masks…when what we see are thousands in some cases in the stadium screaming maskless.
And still people sleep.
“They fly all around the world at will, each team is a small city of people…and covid miraculously leaves them alone.”
On the contrary, the U$ team who flew to Wuhan for the 2019 Military Olympics were already infected with Covid-19, and they spread Covid-19 to other teams, who flew back home to infect the rest of the world. Some of the U$ team worked at Fort Detrick, home of the Fauci virus. One of the U$ team fell ill in public, and the team as a whole performed disastrously: came second from last.
They may have done very poorly in the games but it looks like the operation was a strategic success. Medals, anyone?
Throughout 2020 and beyond, there was no reduction in the “sports news” pages of the newpaper. Truly amazing.
Yes there is no separation between sport and state.
Politicians pretend to like sport, and will bend and break rules to accommodate it.
Did the kids who had to grow up learning to “Duck and Cover” become fearful, compliant adults? Not at all. In fact, those children created the social/spiritual revolution of the 1960’s decade that scared the bejesus out of the establishment and they’ve had their wagons rounded ever since.
I grew up with the twin scares of reds under the beds and the yellow peril, 60 years later I am still waiting for them to arrive.
You should have a T-shirt made with this message:
I Grew Up With the Red Scare and the Yellow Peril, and All I Got Was the Blues 😉
Thanks for the reminder; it throws some light on Cavafy’s poem, Have the Barbarians Arrived?
“Perhaps there are no Barbarians?
A pity, they were a sort of solution”.
They were here all along, disguised as politicians
Those kids didn’t create the social/ spiritual revolution in the 60’s. All that was given to them from the top down. Culture creation. The beginnings of the degeneration of society. It was made available to them.
I don’t know how many US citizens frequent these OffGuardian pages, but this item defines the actual “mandate” situation in the United States.
Excerpted from the United States Department of Justice web page:
Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.
“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”
Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law (justice.gov)
Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law (justice.gov)
Let each locality bring on its crowd-funded attorneys, district by district, to fight for People’s rights under the Constitution.
I’ve never seen this. Thank you.
Ditto … just words but good words. Thanks.
It would be great if somebody could quiz lawmakers on their knowledge of this one …
and still humanity is male. s someone on disqus just told me , as an explanation why there are few women [ as well as poc/bame ] in film/tv overall,
> The Eurocentric West is primarily a product of white Europeans and primarily white male Europeans and therefore our stories will be centred around such archetypes of white male heroes and villains and supportive females protected by those males. <
”primarily white male Europeans”
because women’s work is discounted.
like this friend of mine likes to say. ” my father took 4 boys and a wife to america to start a new life where he build a business ectr. ”
sure, he put the wife in the luggage and then she just sat somewhere while he worked 😉
Yes indeed 1984 in full blown going on! I was first part of the mass psychoses here in Sweden 🇸🇪 I remember I was in a state of emergency and I was even sick with sore throat and thought maybe I fought this virus?? Then slowly I started to wake up 🆙! I said well soon they will have a V and give it out. Sure indeed. In the beginning I was thinking maybe 🤔 I’ll take it cause I want to still be able to travel. Like so many others that took it thought… I was still believing the so called pandemic was real cause I thought it’s normal like the Spanish flu was once. But now since a few months I realised it’s just wrong 😑 and all it’s a hoax to push us into all that the article/essay says! Even worse- to push us into trans humanism and being digitally nano-chipped via you know what….I feel so sorry for our children 👶
They are telling the same lies in Australia. People are starting to take to the streets. Everyone must say NO.
Watch this from Australia: https://m.facebook.com/watch/live?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN GKOT-GK1C&ref=sharing&v=603355474442803& rdr
“The Invasion of The Models”. “The Tyranny of The Models”. “The Models Take Over The World”. “Models Rool !”. – these should be the Headlines. (But is modelling a well paid job ?)
Models are useful tools, but you wouldnt want to marry one ?
Thank you Michael. While reading your piece I was reminded of growing up as a child and teenager growing in the 1960s and 70s when it was truly like being on another planet; in another world.
I’ve observed the last 18 months of the scamdemic with incredulity and amazement that so many have fallen for the irrational propaganda of those running Event Covid. And you’re right – they’re going after the children now.
Like you, I’ve become very disturbed at the increasing entrenchment of a totalitarian, medical based fascism around the world, but especially here in Victoria.
I write this from home, because like all the others who see through the lies and are repulsed by this evil agenda, and who refuse to submit to the poison jab, I’m banned from working due to not getting jabbed. And my money has run out now.
I have just one card left to play, though its a pretty sobering feeling literally standing on the edge of the Abyss.
There will be many millions of other people in the same boat who are refusing to enable this monstrous crime in any way.
Regardless of the personal consequences, its the moral and principled thing to do – to say No. Because far far too many people have jettisoned those ideals, especially here in Australia.
We are pretty much in the same boat here in Wisconsin USA. Maybe not yet as far, but it’s happening and it’s coming. My husband was just informed at his work that he must accept the jab. He won’t. We will fight it.
We stand in solidarity with you, brother. Stay strong. And kind. :).
You guys stay strong too.
Like you I’m in Victoria. I’ve just come from the doctor after being refused an exemption from the vaccine (because I have to take drugs to depress my immune system). Dan Andrews decides who can be exempt apparently. The doctor was angry but his hands are tied. I am beyond pissed off with what has happened here. I presume I will not be allowed to enter any store to buy non-food items unless I can show a vax certificate. How long will it be before we are not even permitted in a food store?
Find another doctor.
Banning Folks from food stores won’t happen Bev.
The duopoly supermarket chains have a lot of sway with politicians. Half a million fewer customers would mess with their bottom lines and riots involving women and children outside supermarkets is not a good look.
How could they police it ?
Fresh food markets will still be open to everyone.
Fuhrer Dan is under a lot of pressure from vested interests and the different rules of the other state Fuhrers.
Chaos is fucking with their plans.
Sorry to hear of your experience with your Doctor Bev. I’ve avoided the big shopping centres since the vaccinated were granted “freedom” (cough) to shop again, but I’ve noticed security guards outside the TK Maxx store at the small shopping centre I go to, which also has a Coles.
I’ve heard that many non food shops now have security guards at the entrance, even places like Koko Black for gods sakes. So, you’re correct, no vaxx, then no entry to those shops.
I’m angry as well that so many have blindly gone along with this like meek sheep and that they’ve literally buried their heads in the sand. But, hey, they’ve got their “freedom” back.
Given what Andrews has said, this will continue until after people have had their second booster shots at the very least. He is a puppet for those running the scamdemic. And people here still support this bastard.
I am in the same boat and there is no way in hell I will have this fucking jab, a flu jab nearly killed me and people with multiple allergies like me are exempt anyway, they can fuck their own brains because many doctors have nearly killed me over the years.
That’s right Gez. As some here know, I’m out of work too. And QLD has just introduced quite cruel segregation. People in Australia do nothing. They wait to see what will happen, while going along with what’s happening.
If anyone in the Bris area needs guitar work done…setup, maintenance, basic repairs or lessons hit me up. This is the only option I can think of now for work. And getting a thing like that off the ground for regular income will be a 1 in a million shot. But it’s all I’ve got.
I hear you Pig Swill… We’re in the same boat. Most here just go along like Little Eichmann’s and they are the ones driving this bullshit. Reread CJ Hopkins articles about totalitarian systems.
Just got off the phone to a financial counsellor and was hoping to get help from her to access my Super Fund.
She informed me I would have to go into Centrelink in person to get that sorted and it just dawned on me that you probably can’t even enter Centrelink now without being jabbed.
She said to me “you’re making it so much harder for yourself by not being vaccinated, you do realise that”. I said “hundreds of thousands of people have died after getting the vaccine, and many have had serious adverse reactions”. She flared up and said “I will not debate vaccines with you here, I won’t discuss it”. As I said, all of them little Eichmann’s blindly going along.
Name and shame that covidiot hussy.
She flared up and said “I will not debate vaccines with you here, I won’t discuss it”.
Standard Con-19 reaction: they start out rational, lose the argument then flare up and won’t discuss.
“The King to Oxford sent a troop of horse,
For Tories know no argument but force”.
I don’t expect things to get better for sane people. The capitulation is epic. My parents have pleaded with me to get injected. Right from about April 2020 I told them that there’s something not right about ‘all this’. Something was off. By now we know everything was off. All of it. It’s very hard dealing with the ones who’ve allowed themselves to be injected. They don’t get it. They don’t get that they’ve given up autonomy of their body. They can now be injected at will. The woman you spoke with is a good example. These people have agreed to slavery. But they’ll tell you till the day they die that they agreed to help society. They are heroes. The division is a complete and perfect reversal of reality. The sane are insane and the insane are sane. A very, very well executed operation. The perfect psyop.
Couldn’t have said it better myself, especially your last few sentences. Spot on.
Where’s that damn like button when you need it?
Yes. A March 17, 2020 NY Times article told me all I needed to know: Imperial College, UK computer models provide scary estimates for “US and UK.” Just like global warming. It would be based entirely on numbers that can’t be checked. (I’m in the US). US physicians and universities need not exist since they’re automatically subordinated to the Crown.
Not in SA yet touch wood, all the facist CHO’s and premiers going on with this crap need to be dragged off to the Hague for crimes against humanity. FFS 7 old people died of so called covid in 19 months in Queensland, 4 in SA, 9 in WA, 0 in NT, 13 in ACT (11 jab deaths this year), 13 in Tassie last year. And the fucking media feed them like hysterical nutters.
Yet under the constitution what they are doing is illegal and under the Victorian human rights act it’s illegal. In fact no politician, doctor or anyone else can force you to even take a fucking aspirin.
It’s all being rushed out under the emergency rule I think. Nothing has passed as law the regular way.
You’re in good company Gezzah. Hang in there.
I’m sorry to hear this, Gezzah. I’ll bet people miss you selling the paper. I hope things work out financially sooner than later. There’s a lot of us with you on that edge.
Thank you Judith🙏 I will not give up yet and today actually made some very promising progress on the financial front, tho not there yet. But progress is much better than no progress.
There are many millions of people who are in the same boat now, who have lost their jobs, and many who are now living in the streets or sleeping in their cars. The massive criminality of this scamdemic is utterly breathtaking.
Yes I miss selling the paper, but that’s out of my control. No work until deranged Daniel Andrews says the unvaccinated are allowed to return to work… possibly after the 3rd booster shot. More people do seem to be waking up here now tho.
Hope your week is going well up there and you’re avoiding those snitches living near you.
Is this a War? – by Unbekoming – Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)
Great article. Especially his bits. The quotes are great too.
Thanks Michael.
Your inner poet shines through.
There was a time that I felt quite sympathetic for the ignorant and those with their faculties stuck-on-stupid … not any more. Give them the jab … In fact, just give them the whole box-n-dice, viz. jab, jab and boosters.
The only caveat I would propose is that all the jabs should be paid for from the politicians personal salaries and NOT from tax-payers money-trough. Let’s wait and see how many millions of doses will be ordered using a politician-funded transactional regime.
When, years ago, i stopped buying “news” papers, watching teevee “news” i found The World really wasnt such a scary place after all – and my anxiety levels went down.
But my Anxiety Quotient is back up There – since i started using this device last year.
There ought to be a law requiring sites to advise: Warning. If you’re over 70 this article could increase your anxiety level, mayby even provoke a heart attack. The most shocking are those articles about how radically the world-we-love-and cherish has changed; they make you want to help the government by croaking it.
As the author wrote’ “The subtle encroachments of fear into every aspect of our collecxtive existence.”
Given the level of ineptitude with this stunt, it’s difficult to figure out what they were trying to accomplish; though the following seems to be the agreed upon “damage limitation” narrative. The original “Unite the Right” and Charlottesville hoax at least had some professionalism behind it, but this just looks like third-rate amateur hour.
Journalists Slam Lincoln Project for Racial Hoax against Youngkin Campaign
Oct 31, 2021
The anti-Trump organization the Lincoln Project became the subject of intense criticism after it coordinated a hoax show of support by ostensible white nationalists for Republican Virginia gubernatorial frontrunner Glenn Youngkin.
In the viral incident, a group sporting khaki pants, baseball hats, and tiki torches lined in up in front of a Youngkin campaign bus to declare their endorsement of the candidate in a way that was presumably supposed to mimic the white nationalist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017.
“We’re all in for Glenn,” the activists proclaimed.
After rumors circulated that the stunt was launched by Youngkin’s political adversaries, the Lincoln Project claimed responsibility. It was later revealed that the demonstrators were paid by the non-profit to position themselves as white supremacists affiliated with Youngkin as part of a disinformation campaign against him.
“The Lincoln Project has run advertisements highlighting the hate unleashed in Charlottesville as well as Glenn Youngkin’s continued failure to denounce Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides.’ We will continue to draw this contrast in broadcast videos, on our social media platforms, and at Youngkin rallies,” the Lincoln Project wrote in a press release. “Today’s demonstration was our way of reminding Virginians what happened in Charlottesville four years ago, the Republican party’s embrace of those values, and Glenn Youngkin’s failure to condemn it.”
I just made two comments. Both, very similar, were dubbed pending. Both vanished. I suspect it is the link that caused it.
The link was to the latest post on my blog and confirms that what Michael Lesher says is undoubtedly true.
Your original comment is here. Next time before multiple posting complaints about comments not appearing just refresh your browser. Your comment will almost certainly be there after you do that.
I’m going to delete your repeat complaints about this if it’s all the same.
No problem. Thanks Sophie. I’ll try that next time. It does seem though that certain buzzwords are sending comments automatically into moderation. I suspect “Jews” in this case.
Yes we flag up that word, just to catch the (very few) deeply racist comments we get.
I found the cause. You’ll see it in comments needing moderation.
Campaign Senior Advisor Reveals NJ Gov Phil Murphy to Impose COVID Vax Mandate AFTER Re-Election
Oct 26, 2021
Project Veritas Action
It’s a week after the election, and they’re still “finding” “votes” for this scumbag.
Yes, they’re still trying to find votes for the senate president who lost to a truck driver. And the governor’s race was another stolen election which will probably be added to the list of integrity campaigns.
Nov 7, 2021
NJ Dem Steve Sweeney refuses to concede election to GOP truck driver, says thousands of ballots ‘found’
Sweeney has been in the state Senate seat in South Jersey’s 3rd district since 2002.
The Associated Press called the race for Republican truck driver and political newcomer, Edward Durr, Thursday morning, with 100% of precincts reporting at 32,742 votes for Durr to 30,444 for Sweeney.
By Sunday morning, Sweeney has not conceded.
Blatant election theft. They always seem to find these “mail in ballots” the following day — now week — after they figure out how many they need to create.
Sweeney has conceded, the non-politician truck driver Durr has won!
I’m sure Sweeney could have stolen the election if he chose to, but there is going to be a cascade of forensic audits, so maybe he’s one of the smart ones who decided it’s better to walk away.
Republicans AreMAGA is Taking Back New YorkBannons War Room
With Boris Epshteyn
Nov 10, 2021
Yes it is now pretty obvious that we are following the uranus path through to the total mayhem of 1942/43.,..heading for a rerun 2022/23…no war with guns this time but the starvation and general mayhem will be just the same…meanwhile al gore is happy that he has 100’s of satellites to surveil everyone….so he will be able to see the pollution (of dead bodies) for himself and share it with his mate gates…
fingers crossed the trials will also occur at some time as well…and some of these smug bastards will get done over.
I’m hoping I’m still around to see scum like Daniel Andrews and Brett Sutton get their just desserts. I know that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better Edith. Far too many have complied with this evil, and enabled its birth, tho it is heartening to see large protests in Australia in recent days. Article on what the authorities are up to in Queensland.
And Spain is paying them all back, Australia has always been a shit hole though, from the ongoing genocide of the Owners of the land we white arseholes stole, to refugees, to the sick, the disabled forcibly sterilised, stolen children and so on.
Just received very disturbing news that today in South Australia, a range of different schools had 16 callouts for ambulances for things like convulsions, trauma and unconsciousness. May the bastards who are responsible for this crime burn in hell. I linked this from someone’s Facebook page…
Just saw a bitchute video of a Melbourne doctor being raided by health authorities who literally took patient medical records. There’s no privacy by law apparently now. 7 of them came in, demanded patient records, took them and left.
Those willing helpers would need cops to enforce anything with me. Evict the scum as trespassers.
A human rights lawyer got me binned from facebook, you know the vile pricks work, good old Kon from Melbourne. Same with twitter Can you cut and paste this
The local paper ran a story today and I was totally confused as they didn’t spell out what the initials stood for…there is no end to the bastardry.,,,one can hope these things end up with people able to neg $1 a week…or everyone says jail me and they have to then do that.,,no room in jails..meanwhile the kids are dropping dead with heart attacks….and the hospitals are over flowing with vacinated…admitted by the WA premier…
2 million people have reported bad effects to the TGA, the TGA ignore them, the 650 deaths are ignored, the 44% over all reporting bad effects and illnesses way worse than a cold. IN NZ it’s 5 so called covid deaths, 97 jab deaths and 15 miscarriages. Safety Report #34 – 23 October 2021 (medsafe.govt.nz) 326 blood disorders, 228 heart conditions and they used only Pfizer
“The unvaccinated,” sneered President Biden barely two months ago, “overcrowd our hospitals, are overrunning the emergency rooms and intensive care units, leaving no room for someone with a heart attack, or [pancreatitis], or cancer.” (Pluck the word “unvaccinated” out of that incendiary lie and insert “Jews” or “immigrants” or “black people,” and imagine how that would have played out at a White House press conference. Alas, no one tried the experiment.)
Yes. Exactly. And everyone should be pointed to the culprits, and letting them know what lies in store if they keep promoting the unholy agenda.
30 free minutes with the ‘lady of your choice’ if you take the jab.
A tough choice. Either accepting or declining could lead to a lifetime of regret
Not a bad deal for a terminally ill person with only days left to live.
It’s okay ’cause big daddy government will be more than happy to charge you a 1000% markup for some crutches, and then expect gratitude for your newfound mobility.
But first you must agree to hobble along barefoot …
QLD Australia have just announced injection segregation, coming into effect around mid December. Privileges, rewards and happiness if you allowed yourself to be injected…punishment, spite and second-class citizen status if you did not. Very Australian…full of mateship, unity and that good old Aussie ‘fair go’ spirit. Proud to be Australian gang, who’s with me?!
I’ll be doing the following: making bookings to restaurants that follow the illegal govt. directives (Moscow residents did this with great success) ; ordering coffee in cafes and refusing to advise them of my personal health records, won’t leave when asked and police will have to move me on….to the next cafe, rinse and repeat.
Cause mayhem without giving them a reason to arrest. Keep them busy attending trivial shopkeepers requests to remove us.
And will boycott all businesses for ever that complies. We already boycott the Blackrock/Vanguard infested supermarkets and will do so down to a one man business that complies.
I am going to have to get out of Bris suburbs and get somewhere regional. Somewhere I can access water, grow food and have chickens. This is insanity. And most people are just happy to wait and see what happens…while going along with what’s happening as it happens. My parents are begging me to take the injection. Not going to happen. I left an overseas job that pays 3 times what I can make here, with a tax rate of 15%…to come back here and give support to my parents and spend more time with them as they get older…approaching mid 70’s…but I’m going to have to leave them to it and get the hell out of Brisbane.
I worry for my daughter as she lives in a high rise apartment at South Bank, trapped like a rat if shit gets very bad. We have asked her to come home but she has uni and a 12 month lease…..
Maybe the loss of her social life will make her think of coming home. And she is fully informed so won’t be getting poison stabbed even though most of her peers are.
BTW a newly graduated pilot friend of hers had one stab and regrets it now as he feels he was coerced (no shit Sherlock) and says he won’t get another.
There will be many like him that will join the pure bloods in opposing then tyranny and they will be angrier, as they know they have ruined their health based on lies. At least we are still healthy with functioning immune systems.
Nice to hear your daughter is holding strong. But how’s she going to go with uni and all that? I imagine campuses will be totally covidian. I think everybody who has taken it has been coerced. The “mandates” and segregation are all being dished up under the emergency powers I’m sure. Nothing has gone through true legal, lawful process. It’s so clear nothing is about health. Never has been. It’s only been about injecting as much of the population as possible. That’s it. They are running serious coercive tactics. Big time, all out coercion to dupe as many into the injection as possible. Given that everything has been a lie, and there’s been SO much creepiness right out of the horses mouth…you have to conclude that the injection is no good. People are SO, SO domesticated. They have no instinct.
Tnx Piggie, if her uni goes fully to the dark side then she will have to break her lease and leave.
Her p/t job is a worry as the business that employs her has gone full poison stab for it’s staff in NSW and Vic. But she’s prepared to tell them to eff off.
It’s owned by a piece of shit from Toorak who used hubbie’s money to start it.
A greedy multi millionairess sacrificing her staff for (her) profit.
Converts are the most fervent!
True dat.
I too am a Queenslander, Pig Swill with much sorrow in my heart. The worst part has been the gullibility, gutlessness and she’ll be right attitude of our people and most especially the “Christian leaders”. No one cared when we were financially penalised with Morrison’s No Jab, No Pay rules. It was an obvious foreshadowing of further tyrannical measures to come from our treasonous and illegimate “government”. I will stand firm to the end and having done all, stand.
Yep, stand firm. This is beyond insane. Far, far too many Australians are just happy to wait and see what happens…while they go along with what’s happening. They are mute. They have nothing to say about what’s going on. They are STILL scared of a virus. They are STILL QR scanning, mask wearing. It’s TRAGIC. I just went for a 2 hour walk around my neighbourhood and the compliance and gutless, weak, insipid masked losers I saw out there was mind numbing. I need to get way out of Brisbane.
Big protests happening on the 27th. The closest to me is at Maroochydore and we will make a big effort to go.
Let’s all do it. It won’t make the evil scum back off but it will lift our spirits to see thousands of like minded people.
27th hey? QLD wide? I’ll try to get up there or to the Botanic Gardens. There’s a place in Caloundra I can stay. Either way, I’ll get somewhere. How do you hear about it? I literally don’t know a soul who would even know. My oldest mates of like 32 odd years don’t talk to me anymore. They are on the covid train. Shame.
It’s posted on telegram.
And here https://howdyaussie.com/millions-march-australia-27-november-2021/
No Brisbane (Bot Gardens) listed; GC or SC.
If we go we can contact thru either telegram or here.
Right thanks. I have no eye on any telegram stuff or any info about events etc. So I’ll check that out and see what’s what on the 27th
telegram is encrypted with no censoring; unlike twatter and fuckfacebook. There is a wealth of onfo there. UAP, reignite democracy, and many other ‘channels’. And there are no covidiots and Kool Aid drinkers which infest mainstream social media.
To register you need a mob. ph. number which turns many off; but they are the ones that don’t think to use temporary internet mob. ph. numbers. I used one to register with no problems.
Another protest is scheduled for this Wed, 17th. King George Sq, Brisbane.
Yep yesterday’s happiness in qld….been musing that how was to know that instead of caring for my health and improving it significantly over the last 20:yrs I should be now wheel chair bound and vax….costing the health mob 100,000$ ….for more acceptable behaviour for qld health….one wants to just remove health from the name….next stop will be refusal for treatment at hospitals ….meanwhile the people who never care for their health are welcome..l.bullshit piled on more bullshit..l.
but never mind cafe attendance is the only bit o may miss but friends and I have already organised to have our own little picnics….and I hadn’t thought of doing what the other poster grr here suggests….what a cute idea.
The other sinister thing that wouldn’t surprise me is to flat out ban all un-injected from hospitals…ruling out visiting dying parents. I know for a fact my father was by his mother’s side when she died. He was by his father’s side when he died. And these scum, these ghouls are potentially banning people from this. And nobody is reacting. People are just rolling up for the injection. Sane thinking people are just being brutalised. The big fat dumb majority always goes along.
Yep, just like when our govts. wage illegal wars, the majority see no problem.
MSM does their thinking for them.
Anyone left on the planet who thinks Australia has ever actually had a fair for for all is brain dead.
I tried to post a link to tweets talking about Michael P Senger’s book “Snake Oil – How Xi Jinping Shut Down The World”.
But I think at least one of those tweets may now have been deleted, plus my post went into “Pending” jail.
I’ll try posting the Threadreaderapp “unroll” version. The whole thread is a summary of the book, apparently:
That is a very good summary book….sadly with not a lot emphasis on the role of the participants of the oct 2019 conference….China was at that and I am presuming it was all agreed behind the scenes, how it would play out as the players all appeared to know their absolute roles in early 2020…
it also confirms what I have always known, whatever version of a normal corona virus was used for the game with pcr, it was circulating happily in aust from at least sept 2019…thus 6 months before it was supposedly so deadly aust had to be locked down and needled,,,no one was dying on the streets in that 6 months….funny that…
sadly all still comes back to it being used to cover the money crisis…and that impacts China as much as the rest of us….thus their agreement to play the major role…no doubt with support from the old familiar blackrock….
The China did it narrative is as fictitious as this pandemic itself. China is controlled by the same people pulling this stunt.
Gets old repeating it, doesn’t it? Nation states are a thing of the long past. National sovereignty is a geopolitical antiquated concept. BIS runs them all.
Regarding why there has been little pushback, the late Angelo Codevilla correctly observed that Trump is the reason for that. Trump’s 2016 voters were the only people who’d object to being arrested for going to the beach, but they couldn’t say a word because Trump himself was telling people not to go to the beach. He even called Fla. Gov. DeSantis and asked him to stop people from going to the beach. Trump signing on to Neil Ferguson’s early catastrophic predictions enabled Ferguson to sell it to others saying “the US” agrees. Less than 2 weeks later Trump signed $2 trillion tax dollars in virus bailouts. On 3/22/2020, Neil Ferguson stated on his twitter that his Covid predictions had been based on a 13 year old computer model for influenza, yet not a single person in congress objected to the overthrow of our government with the exception of Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky whom Trump demanded be “thrown out of the Republican Party.” Trump also praised his Goldman Sachs alum pal NJ Gov. Murphy.
Exactly it was always a monetary crisis so players like trump were always going to support ot as much as any democrat leader ….on and on goes the game.
I grew up in NJ. Left it behind 30 years ago for CA. One of my sisters moved to FL this year. The remaining one is thinking of doing the same. None of their kids live in NJ.
Y’all had your opportunity to vote Murphy into retirement but you couldn’t pull it off. Sad!
I’m not a legal bod but this reply to a Scottish gov FOI seems to suggest that trial participants receiving a placebo are given vaccinated status.
Surely, if true, this drives a horse and cart through the argument for ‘vaccine passports’
As a weapon against spreading disease?
To complement the photo in the article, here’s a photo taken on March 14, 2020 of the cleaning-supplies aisle at an ACME supermarket in Cape May, NJ.
When it was sent to me, I replied along the lines of “Great! Now we’ll become a nation of germophobes!”
I had absolutely no idea at the time that, sadly, the relative who sent me the photo would herself become a full-blown scamdemic thrall. Even though she spent lots of time at her Cape May condo over the months, I learned that when the beaches reopened after Gauleiter Murphy decreed the first “lockdowns” she was afraid to even walk on the beach– or, for that matter, go anywhere “around people”.
Spare a thought for lonely unwanted Kleenex.
Reminds me of a Turin Brakes tune – Underdog
“Oh please save me, save me from myself.
I can’t be the only one stuck on the shelf.”
Sorry. On initial viewing, I thought the unwanted boxes on the shelf were boxes of ‘Kleenex’. I’m not so sure now.
FWIW, I’m not intimately familiar with all Kleenex product packaging, but I assume they’re boxes of Kleenex tissue too.
Blushes saved.
If only Kleenex did blushes.
“spare a thought for lonely unwanted Kleenex”.
The other day I tried to buy a packet of tissues at a small pharmacy in England. Nothing, except some specifically for people with allergies at exhorbitant cost. But they *did* have six different kinds of disposable gloves.
As we are talking about books, check out this:
Michael P Senger
“This thread is a very brief visual overview of the new book, now available at all Amazon stores”.
The book is called “How Xi Jinping Shut Down The World”.
I haven’t read the book, but I’ve read the complete thread, which is a kind of summary. Very interesting.
thanks Mike
That post got delayed in pending. In the meantime, I realised that the full title is “Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down The World”.
I realise that blaming China for everything is a bit simplistic – too easy, and some people have pointed out objections. Nevertheless, China is obviously a massive part of the story, if not the whole story, and the thread makes interesting reading, and I presume there is more detail in the book, which I have not yet read.
With all due respect get it past your filters. Nationhood is dead. One bank BIS rules them all!
So that’s Tony Fauci lying about AIDS back in 1983, just like he lies about “covid” nowadays. As a gratuitous personal aside, don’t you just love his sprayed-on, stuck down hair? He reminds me of the little plastic people that go with my grandsons’ DUPLO sets. And he’s about as genuine.
Kary Mullis knew what a fraud he was, so did Peter Duesberg. They managed to hamper Duesberg by starving him of research funds, although he did succeed in publishing “Inventing the AIDS virus” ( available at z-lib dot org). Mullis was a much more difficult character to control I suspect. His death was mighty convenient for TPTB, coming when it did, and as I’ve said, it’s tempting to imagine that it was hastened somehow by dark forces.On balance though, I don’t think it was, given some aspects of his lifestyle that he was very open about. (On the other hand, I’m now very suspicious about the death of David Crowe who called out the scam from the very beginning, and was dead within about 5 months).
Thanks for the link. This is the full interview.
1983 Throwback: “Dr. Fauci Speaks Out On The Aids Virus”
Jun 7, 2021
Hezakya Newz & Films
Decades before Dr. Anthony Fauci took on the Covid-19 pandemic, he was a leading researcher on HIV and AIDS. On June 5, 1981, the US CDC released the first official report of illnesses that would later become known as AIDS.
In France, people above 65 will need to have a third dose for their passport to remain valid after 15 December.
It might become interesting if the younger injectees realise that it will be their turn next. The ‘revolutionary’ left continue to rail against far right conspiracy theorists. It looks like they will never get it.
No talk of injecting children or further harassing the uninjected.
PS : people working in healthcare are already required to be jabbed, with many hospitals struggling due to staff shortages. That appears to be the intention.
To be clear, that’s the Pass sanitaire. Not national passport.
“No talk of injecting children ”
I think a 12 year old is still a child.
You’re right. And the 12-18 age bracket already need a ‘health pass’ for everything other than school.
If they regard themselves as “revolutionary” then surely we have a right to ask them where their revolution is.
Well, the “conspiracy theorists” tag here refers to those who don’t accept the world according to covid and the ever present tag “far right” pushes these covid rejecters onto the side of the devils.
Therefore, for this “revolutionary” left, the only permitted path for the true Leftist is to submit to the covid tale and all that follows: the world’s population is in severe danger and our only hope is through the “enlightened” way of vaccination.
This clearly puts us in a totally passive mode. No action on our part is permissible unless it is a protest to keep the lockdowns, the distancing, the masks etc.
Also we are totally dependent on the vaccinators even if we’re allowed a pathetic moan about how these vax manufacturers are ruled by profit. Any suggestion about relying on natural immunity is to be violently rejected as an appeal to “murderous herd immunity” and a capitulation to the Right.
And that’s it!
This is revolution?
If it is then it’s sobering to muse on who the active participants are:
Most French ‘revolutionaries’ are studiously looking elsewhere, acting like it’s 2019. A few even venture to explain why people no longer trust the authorities, but are careful to go no further.
The more intrepid engage with ‘conspiracy theorists’ using the argument “So-and-so (a duly credentialed ‘revolutionary’) is in favour of the jabs, you’re not going to tell me he is a Big Pharma shill”.
One would have thought they were familiar with the concept of useful idiots.
That refers to the other branch of the Left i.e. the ones who are not whoring it up for covid are drifting away into the lilac mist of those misty watercolour memories of the way we were. Can it be that it was all so simple then? No, not really. But it seemed so. And that comfortable little castle from which you sneered at the conspiracy nuts is so hard to abandon. And what’s harder still is the chilly wind that blows away the gossamer threads of the old certainties which have not only become obsolete but are revealed as a lie from the start.
They’re all useful idiots… all completely drunk on identity politics and wokeism… spoilt middle class brats, almost all of them University educated, playing at being “revolutionaries” for a few years until they graduate. Melbourne is swarming with these types as are all large Australian cities.
The more of the poison shots one takes up, the sooner people will begin suffering the associated problems. If enough people begin to have problems, then TPTB will have to start reconsidering their investment in Covid jabs.
Why I Will Not Take the Second Dose
By Medhat Khattar
November 4, 2021
URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER
Alex Berenson
Oct 21, 2021
The problems are visible already. People are collapsing all over the place. It doesn’t seem to deter them.
If you keep taking your boosters…and if it becomes a bi-yearly thing…eventually you’re gonna get the ‘hot shot’. And it’ll be see ya later.
So, to no one’s surprise, the UK government has gone full-on Fascist and imposed mandatory pseudo-vaxxes on frontline staff in the NHS.
It had been dangled over their heads for some weeks, as a threat or a promise, but now it’s here….except that it won’t be implemented until after Parliamentary approval, which apparently means not until April.
Why they didn’t impose it much sooner (as they did with care workers) is obviously because they don’t want to be embarrassed by losing thousands of NHS workers at the beginning of the expected Autumn and Winter “flu season” (which will now be the “Covid season”).
And why didn’t they mind losing care workers? I don’t know, but maybe they simply want to kill off a few more thousand old people, like they did last year.
Hopefully, the nearly 5 months notice means that NHS workers affected could band together and get expert legal help to mount a challenge. (I hear that that Geoffrey Cox takes on private work; maybe he could help…).
I would urge any healthcare worker with other skills to GET OUT NOW. Not only will they be doing themselves a favour but they will be giving leverage to their erstwhile colleagues and, best of all, puting the ‘government’ on the back foot.
Mr Javid has said he wants to coerce people into accepting “vaccination” so as not to lose their job.
I’m staying put until they sack me.
It will be more embarrassing (and legally dubious) for them to have to fire people, than for people to leave en masse of their own accord.
Has anybody here read the book about Bechamp?
I’m in about 40 pages and it’s excellent- no doubt Pasteur is a fraud. It’s really a must read! In my opinion, anyway. Anyone else?
I think I read a version of that that I found online. Not sure if it was complete, or if I read it completely. Very interesting though. I noted a reference to Florence Nightingale in the Amazon sample. She seems to have been a pretty cool lady. Probably a lot smarter than the doctors of her day …. or of today for that matter.
Hi Mike
an excellent quote from Florence Nightingale in there. She definitely understood the nature of dis ease- that’s apparent from the quote.
“Probably a lot smarter than the doctors of her day …. or of today for that matter.”
I’d say, yes
“The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured,
unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no
specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
– Florence Nightingale
a random quote from her and she’s said quite a few great things. Truly.
She saw terrain theory as the reality.
No I haven’t but I just ordered it as it sounds like an interesting read. I am reading the Poisoned Needle right now. I can recommend it. Alot of stats mind and a bit dry.
Hi kevin,
The Bechampe book is a bit of a slog as well, I had to reread parts of it. But overall it’s been very interesting.
Just understanding what a fraud Pasteur is has been enlightening. He was a show man that had the support of the elites of the day.. engaging in publicity stunts to appear grander then he was.
The Poisoned Needle? Got to check that one out!
Looks like “buildbackbetter” besides bringing in medical tyranny was, as expected, a way to wage an alternative form of warfare on China
US Eyes January Roll- out of “First” Project to Counter China’s Belt and Road- Build Back Better
The United States plans to invest in five to 10 large infrastructure projects around the world in January as part of a broader Group of Seven program to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
Officials are meeting government and private-sector leaders as they hunt for projects to be funded under the Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative launched by the G7 rich democracies in June.
The G7 B3W initiative is aimed at partially meeting the $40 trillion in infrastructure investment that developing countries will need by 2035 and providing an alternative to problematic lending practices by China, officials have said.
So we can assume that all this ‘building back better’ will have no carbon emissions and will not use fossil fuels????
No we can’t assume that- not at all
It’s the ultimate disconnect. A staff member is off with covid. She apparently caught it from her son. Everyone is concerned and worried about this intrusion of the great evil miasma. Everyone talks about the surges and the spikes and what can be done to reassure all the locals that we have things under control etc. And no-one, other than myself, thought to ask: are mother and son actually ill? Answer: no. The son cheerfully remarked that his sense of smell was perfectly intact. And yet that didn’t matter! The way people feel, their actual lives and constitutions, their sores and ailments or lack thereof – all this is irrelevant. All that matters is what this test tells them. And so we have a voodoo virus announced by “The Science”. The witch doctor points the death bone and the invisible, insensate hex claims all.
Thereby turning “Science” into Scientism.