The first “climate change” diagnosis is here. It will not be the last.
A doctor in British Columbia has taken an unprecedented step, and actually diagnosed an elderly patient as "suffering from climate change". But why? And what does that mean for the future?
Kit Knightly

Doctor Kyle Merritt, an attending physician at an emergency department in Nelson BC, added “climate change” as a contributing factor to the medical issues of one of his patients. And, in so doing, has achieved a remarkable and troubling world first.
The first-ever medical diagnosis of “climate change”.
Dr Merritt said in an interview with Glacier Media:
If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,” the emergency room doctor told Glacier Media. […] It’s me trying to just… process what I’m seeing.”
The entire situation raises some interesting questions.
Does it make medical sense?
Of course it doesn’t.
He diagnosed her as “suffering from climate change”. You can’t do that, it is insane.
That’s like diagnosing someone who was struck by lightning as “suffering from the effects of rain” or a person having a heart attack as “suffering from the effects of Mcdonald’s”.
…actually, it’s worse than that. At least my examples have a distinct cause-and-effect relationship, and there are no scientific papers suggesting Mcdonald’s doesn’t actually exist.
The patient in question is over 70, asthmatic, diabetic and suffering from heart failure. She’s very, very sick…no matter the climate.
Even if Dr Merritt can somehow trace a decline in her health due to the weather (and there’s no evidence at all that he can), actually diagnosing it is completely bonkers.
…so why do it?
It’s a staged PR move. A very obvious one, when you think about it.
For one thing, there’s the question of how the media ever found out it happened, since medical records and diagnoses are completely private.
Clearly Dr Merritt didn’t just diagnose his patient with “climate change”, he then immediately called up the local media to tell them he had done it.
Throw in the fact that this happened to occur during the COP26 conference in Glasgow, which only today warned of “climate-linked health risks” rising, and that the move has already spawned a new NGO, “Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health”, and you have a textbook example of a stage-managed media rollout.
Why now?
In simple terms, because Covid worked and climate didn’t.
They have been stoking up public fear of “a new ice age” and acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer and myriad other supposedly incipient climate disasters for literal decades, and never touched one-tenth of the level of hysteria created by the Covid19 “pandemic”.
Somewhere, some not especially bright public relations executive has decided that the way to push the “pivot from Covid to climate” is to try and turn the long-predicted environmental disaster into a public health issue.
It’s hamfisted, a little funny, and probably won’t work, but it does open up some troubling possibilities going forward.
Like what?
Well, for starters, this may be the first “climate change diagnosis”, but do you honestly believe it will be the last?
Don’t be surprised if we see a huge spike in “climate diagnoses” in the next few months.
There are already widespread academic efforts to create a causal link between “climate change” and common illnesses.
A few days ago, the Independent headlined The climate crisis is not just about the environment – it’s about health too.
As I mentioned earlier, just today the COP26 panel warned that “climate-linked health risks” are going to rise.
Only last week the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology published a paper titled “Climate Change and Global Issues in Allergy and Immunology” which argues climate change is already making asthma and some allergies worse.
It’s not hard to put together a list of other common afflictions that are already being linked back to climate change.
Cancer, pneumonia, heatstroke, diabetes, heart disease and essentially all lung conditions.
There’s also all diseases spread by mosquitos or other zoonotic agents, plus every waterborne illness.
And that’s without even severely stretching logic, which Covid has shown our medical and scientific institutions have no trouble doing.
They are already discussing “climate-related” mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression. These could easily become further types of “climate-related diagnoses” too.
Now, allow me to speculate for a few paragraphs…
The practice of “climate-related diagnosis” is likely going to expand. When questions about the science behind this are raised by sceptics, they will naturally be accused of “climate denial”.
Opinion pieces will appear torturing reason to defend the practice of diagnosing “climate illness”. So-called journalists, or mercenary experts in made-up fields like “climate ethics”, will crochet strands of reason into positions so full of holes they barely exist.
We’ll be told that even if the practice is technically inaccurate, it’s serving a greater truth. That people might not literally be sick due to climate change, but we are all figuratively dying of it.
“Covid has shown us people only do what’s right when they’re scared: We need to make them feel climate fear.”
“Climate change diagnoses are on the rise. And that’s a good thing.”
“Healthcare workers take stand on climate with new diagnosis trend.”
“NHS workers saved us from Covid, and now want to take on climate.”
…you don’t have to read the Guardian as much as I have to feel those headlines, or ones very like them, in our future.
Then the deaths can start happening. Covid has demonstrated that you can create a “mass casualty” scare by essentially just adding an extra line on a death certificate. They can do that for climate too. The headlines will carry on…
“Physicians see spike in “climate deaths” as people suddenly feel the consequences of inaction”
When people point out the flaws in reasoning the papers will argue that, even if people aren’t really dying of climate change, symbolically putting it on death certificates is the best way to illustrate how much danger we’re in.
They’ll backhandedly admit the statistic isn’t real, but then use it as an excuse to call for action anyway:
“Weekly climate deaths are outstripping Covid – we need to address the “climate pandemic.”
…it will go on and on.
Climate change will start being listed as an “underlying cause of death” for more and more diseases. I already mentioned cancer, lung disease and heart disease. They’ll all be “climate-related”.
The press spent the last year telling us that climate change “makes pandemics more likely”, so any future “pandemic” can be linked to climate and boom, a few hundred thousand climate deaths.
Climate change is allegedly bad for unborn babies, so stillbirths and miscarriages can all be “climate deaths”.
They can do a study finding “higher levels of solar radiation” can “increase the risk of cancer”, and then start saying anyone who dies of cancer also died of climate.
They don’t even have to limit it to natural causes.
Drowned in a flash flood? That’s a climate death.
Starved due to drought? Climate death.
Committed suicide? “he was pretty upset about the climate”.
Attacked by a polar bear? Well, climate change forced it out of its natural habitat.
I’m not being funny. This is not satire, I wish it were. Believe me, they could easily actually say it, or something like it, eventually.
If the past twenty months have done nothing else, they should at least have taught you this valuable lesson: There is nothing – NOTHING – too dishonest, too cynical or even too insane for the establishment to sell.
It doesn’t matter if it’s unlikely, or self-contradictory or irrational – it doesn’t even matter if it’s literally physically impossible – they will say it, and they will expect you to believe it.
We now have our first climate “case”. The first death “with climate” probably won’t be far behind. Thousands more will likely follow.
That’s when talk of “climate lockdowns” will come back.
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RE: “It doesn’t matter if it’s unlikely, or self-contradictory or irrational – it doesn’t even matter if it’s literally physically impossible – they will say it, and they will expect you to believe it.”
Theodore Dalrymple had some insights on this matter:
“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
The possible game here is that all sorts of “health acts” are being used now to suspend constitutional rights and freedoms in an attempt to make this practice look legit and squash all the filed court cases. Once they transform “climate change” into another “health crisis” they can just keep using those health acts until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east
“Doctors?! … I am glad I’m healthy and not sick…”
FFS, more and more doctors (alophatic) make me sick and feeling that 90% of them are really pharma tools. Stay Free and fit cause you dont wanna face a ignorant doc.
First of all, the author of the article should get proper credits for going through the torture of having to read the Guardian. This is going to deliver him or her dementia sooner or later, thus a being a martyr for the cause. Perhaps we should set up a donation program to get him some nice trip to some enjoyable place (as long as these still exist on this planet). My advise is, keep it to a minimum and stay on a healthy diet.
The analysis is sharp though. No satire? not funny, yes it is satire, and it is funny, there are levels of stupidity where things can no longer be taken serious, regardless of the serious consequences of the comical stupidity it remains a laughing stock. Besides, we needed some fresh stupidity in this area, the rest of the climate change scam is played out for so long now, it becomes stale. And the COVID stuff became so repetitive too. A new mix, COVID and climate change, some much food for more satire.
The world’s population is increasing a million a week, becoming healthier and living longer. And climate change singled out this woman. Imagine if she had died , oh no, what to write on the death certificate, Covid or climate change.
Spanish Flu: Polio: Ebola: Bird Flu: HongKong Flu (A-flu): HIV: AIDS: Swine Flu:
Covid-19/Sars 2 … whatever, maybe the next “pandemic” could be smallpox, who knows.
Yer man doctor understands the Game being played out on this planet, I suspect.
He believes COVID is at its end, it is time for the next “pandemic” which will be “climate change”. Could mean when a patient of him has a cold or flu, now he not only gives a medicine against the flu but is able to say: “… and lockdown for fourteen days”.
As a prescription.
there you go.
Climate change and covid are both lies and there function is to force “the great reset”.
“you own nothing and will be happy” realy means “we steal everything and control your mind” (via “vaccines”,Heath scare and climate scare))
If climate change leads to disease, then what is the cure? Getting rid of the virus of humanity that is the cause of climate change. Save the planet, exterminate the humans! I’m running across more people than ever coming out of the cracks, usually good little liberal Nazis if not another sign of totalitarian plague, following this logic (of genocide, eugenics, transhumanism, etc.).
Both Covid and climate changes are lies.
They are crowbars to réalise the « great reset »
A eugenicist,technocratic,transhumanist,neo feudal dystopia.
The #1 environmental issue that COP26 refused to address is ending planned obsolescence, which causes an obscene amount of natural resource waste. That has been the main driver of this decades-long dopamine economy of empty consumerism. Those with the worst affliction are the wealthiest, who cannot fill the endless abyss of acquiring more and more.
“Ending planned obsolescence vs. ending climate change, represent two different paradigms. The first is connected to a forward looking paradigm reflective of a real and sustainable 4IR, and the second is a cynical ruse not only to limit the rational development of the physical economy, but also human horizons.”
Planned Obsolescence Sucks. Here’s Why It Still Exists.
DON’T PANIC – the problem has now been solved.
This novel Climate Change Disease (CCD) can be easy remedied using our latest technology: the climate change vaccine – this vaccine will give you maximum protection from CCD and thus will be marketed as the CliMaXXX VaXXX.
Our trials demonstrated that you will enjoy 96.69% protection from storms, floods, extreme heat, hail, cyclones, anti-cyclones, transgender cyclones, pronouns, sea monsters and Greta Thunberg. Of course it will only work for one season therefore you will require boosters four times a year, as such, you will be considered multiclimatic vaxxxed and have your CliMaXXX VaXXX passport stamped accordingly.
There will however be some minor side effects which will include excessive moisture in the region of the genitalia, an overwhelming desire to light up a smoke after vaccination followed by sleepiness (should the latter two side effects be a problem then you can buy nicotine patches and crystal meth from your friendly vaccine provider). Trials have also demonstrated, however, that some pre-menopausal female participants may put on considerable weight post vaccination – but for nine months only (accompanied by cravings for fried pickles and ice cream sprinkled with a generous serving of desiccated liver) – we suspect this is only coincidental and is possibly not related to the CliMaXXX VaXXX.
Unfortunately there was one death in our trials but it was due to trial participant Matt Handycock’s insistence on being vaccinated 27 times in just one hour, and in the arse for reasons unknown. He was found dead in a lift that afternoon still holding the buttocks of an unidentified female. As such we recommend that one should not ride lifts while in the company of an unidentified female immediately after being vaccinated 27 times in the arse.
We are very proud of our product which was developed at super warped speed just last Sunday evening and was approved by the Fucked Deviants Arsociation (FDA) last Tuesday morning following our trial on Monday last.
You can book your CliMaXX Vaxxx by calling this number 6969696969 now.
Virginia Pussywink PhXXX’d
CEO Pricksters Pharmacuties Inc
OK, that’s funny! 😆
There’s a lot of money being invested in developing a HIV-AIDS experimental “vaccine”, using the new gene therapy technology – because that umbrella condition (virus still to be isolated / purified) could be the next big money earner. Expect to hear of its “comeback”, and “mysterious outbreaks” – just like shingles remedies have been pulling in the money since the mass experimental jabs started.
HIV research was how the mRNA tech/virus gathering started ~20yrs ago, certainly the Fauci directed funding part of it anyway. All those clips floating about of Karry Mullis slagging Fauci off was about HIV research.
In a sane world, finding glyphosate and microplastics at “unsafe” levels (as if there was a safe level) in both groundwater and rainwater would immediately shift the focus away from CO2. In a sane world, the largest polluters wouldn’t be allowed to pay for credits that allowed them to keep polluting. It’s unfortunate that we don’t live in that world. That’s not to negate this article whatsoever, and any “doctor” diagnosing someone with a case of the climate-itis probably cares much more for his Mercedes than his patients.
But assuming the heart attack patient ate McDonald’s for decades, I’d absolutely say they were suffering from McDonald’s Syndrome!
in a sane world Co2 is not a “pollutant”, it’s the gas of life.
The mind trick of getting someone to look at a factory as it pumps out clouds of toxic garbage and convincing them to place their singular worry on carbon is downright impressive.
I suppose this means there will be jabs and jabs upon jabs to fight the climate change pandemic.
The transmission argument.
This is where I see our biggest problem and the next stage of the game.
Until now, the memes have been funny:
“My God, I didn’t take the pill, now my best friend is pregnant”
Now, it’s not so funny.
I think the next step is they’re going to “prove” that the unvaxxed spread more than the vaxxed.
If they can get a groundswell on this, and let’s face it, a lot of the already jabbed would do anything to see us submit, then we have a problem.
This is an article from the Lancet. It’s pretty vague in it’s conclusions but you can see the seed being sown.
Follow this up with another few ‘scientists’ from the theatre and you have 80% of the population with ‘righteous contempt’ for the 20%
I’ve already seen debunks of their data presentation. But the 80 percent aren’t likely to see it.
The problem in Qld is that these bloody double vax keep turning up as the culprits testing positive and threatening the peace of life….funny that..
but of course it is still the unvax who are the threat and must be banned…
meanwhile the prime minister appears almost rabid getting those needles into kids arms and the minister of health says the small no of kids who are damaged are worth it,,,,not sure how he justifies such statements and the puppy dog press are not about to disturb his notions with any decent questioning or how he is going to like the trials in future..,
Here in Demark, Mette Frederiksen, the PM, publicly blamed the unvaccinated in a speech justifying the return of the covid pass to enter restaurants etc. from 6am ln Friday. The seed for persecution has been planted…
I’m not a bit worried about the emergent climate-change pandemic.
I’m confident that the proven warp-speed method of manufacturing safe and effective vaccines will be employed to produce a line of climate-change vaccines and boosters, and save the day.
So according to the CDC the Sun really does orbit the Earth
Well, Let’s try this again. I posted this once and the page flickered and the post disappeared!
A blog post by Ronnie Lempert (Canuck Law) arrived in my inbox. An image that Ronnie displays, taken from a UK Government document titled “Sustainability & Climate Change A draft strategy for the education & children’s services systems,” seems, to me, to validate Kit’s speculation that doctors, and others, would start using the completely ridiculous diagnosis of “climate crisis” or “climate change.” Have a look:

Ronnie Lempert: “Terrorizing kids into believing the world is coming to an end is sick and cruel.”
Yes, and they’ve been doing it for well over a decade.
Rajendra Pachauri (IPCC chairman 2002-15): “We Have To Sensitize The Young” – “The Next Tools”
They could yell “Climate Alarm” and have the kids huddle under their desks for protection the way they did for protection against Atomic Bombs in the 1950s
Kit’s prediction that doctors (and others I guess) would start using a ‘climate crisis’ diagnosis in their practices seems, to me, to be very spot on. A Canuck Law blog post appeared in my inbox that, in my view, validates Kit’s suspicions. It’s titled “Climate Propaganda To Be Embedded Throughout British Education System.” Ronnie Lempert is the author. I editted an image from the blog post, which was taken from a UK document titled “Sustainability & Climate Change A draft strategy for the education & children’s services systems.” Have a look:
Ok Nelson BC is an old hippy town. so not surprised some quack said a patient was suffering from Climate Change some left wing nut job BC is pretty left wing in pockets, I live here and know this to be the truth
Extremism is a demonstration of ignorance. There is a compromise……………. and we need to find it……..soon……..
Build more nukes………..
As previously commented: we face an insidious ENEMY who will distort reality in any way that serves its purpose. Problem is, the majority have been conditioned to soak it up without a murmur of due diligence.
They use words to trap us in a dream which we take for reality. If we stop speaking their language their witchcraft will not affect us.
Yes. Agreed.
First they came for the vaccine hesitant…………………………………
One way or another they will achieve 100% fully jabbed; then 100% booster #1,; 100% booster #2 , +#3, +#4, +#5, + >>>(Except for the VIPs who have servants to do their shopping, or take in a movie, or taste their food for them – just in case one of the other 1 percenters has eyes on their harem.).
Waiting for the daily ‘climate change deaths’ announcements: deaths from any cause within 28 days of breathing.
Nice 🙂
So that must be why fit people are having heart attacks all over the world.
Climate change of course.
The environmental issues that take lives are from toxicity, not this carbon bullshit hype.
I’m on the left, though homeless as my party sucks as much as the right, and knew the carbon explanation was a huge lie because of the ice core data showing co2 rising AFTER temperature.
Of course most idiots will just say that was accounted for, just like they ignore the low count of 18k deaths from the clot shots…..
People, wake the fuck up….. Unless you like to be a slave that’s lied to and used over and over until you can’t do anything
“Jam tomorrow” wibble wrapped up in current mental health concern:
They’re clearly worried that, having fostered generation after generation of low attention spans, they won’t be able to get people to stick with the climate change agenda – especially when it produces zero tangible benefits. Every jam tomorrow con they’ve pulled has always meant no jam today and no jam tomorrow.
They’re so concerned about mental health they churn out nightly TV programming designed to drive people into insanity. They profit from the problem and profit from the cure – they make you ill and sell the treatment, they pollute and sell the clean-up, they drive you nuts and have the solution (just don’t turn off your TV!).
Yes. Let’s couch everything about atmospheric heating in the language of childlike denial. Let’s continue to laugh at the pigsty man has created on this planet. Let’s ignore the rabid industrialization that has produced unmitigated heaps of dead junk we can throw away… Let’s ignore the thousands of first hand photos of retreating glaciers and polar ice caps.
The real problem with the whole CO2 argument, is that atmospheric models fail to include the direct heating consequences of energy expenditure. Energy expenditure produces direct atmospheric heating.
I know it takes a modest amount of concentration (an intellectual mode that has become progressively entropic) yet I will insist that readers at least familiarize themselves with the essential FACTS concerning the use of energy. >
First law of thermodynamicsFirst law of thermodynamics – Wikipedia
Yes, the COP26 conference in Glasgow is a Disneyland production. Disneyland thinking will not negate the essential facts of environmental catastrophe…
So that’s the reason that the kilometre of ice which was over where I am sitting melted.
The maximum “wet-bulb” temperature (at which sweat can keep evaporating) is 26-27°C, while the fatal limit is ~35. There were brief occurrences of the latter in 2020 and 2021.
AFAIK, they have not gotten around to quantifying the impact of
:- clouds (whether more or less), related to the weakening magnetosphere
:- seabed methane
:- heat from marine volcanoes, the planetary mantle and the planetary core
:- the drift of the Poles.
The emphasis is on profit, e.g., electric cars and big projects at public expense.
analysis aside, because of course such nonsense requires no analysis…. there is a much more interesting and revealing side to this propaganda…
in so much as those that manage the prole feed and it’s daily dosage, have long since given up referencing anything that may be deemed logical or even rational….. ( those AP/reuters handouts before ‘editing’ must read like must read like de sades diaries)..
now this has many applications, and feeds into the hunchbacks of davos ‘post truth’ world and also the so called CIA’s mission of creating a public mindset of total falsehood…. ( the inversion of all things)..
and under these conditions….. the new cult of scientism and pathological medical quakery will form all realities around supposed illness and of course furnish all cures… those that resist will be deemed …’mental health’ anomalies (and you thought they cared about teenage eating disorders hehe)…
and as in Starlings dissident asylums, they will have you chemically (jabbedy jabbed) and technologically lobotomised (upgrade your I-phone ), thus reducing you to the the ‘commonly’ accepted status of terminal imbecility…
just like the rest of ’em…
“It is expected after the Martians land the numbers of reported cases of that will rise exponentially.”

Mental Illness indeed. I had some lady snap at me yesterday in a shopping line for coming within the 6 ft bubble of her and her hyperactive tots who were manhandling every damn thing up for sale in the checkout line with grubby little fingers. Her little boy kept calling her a ‘rat’ and I thought boy, out of the mouths of babes, he’s got her number…
Good one! Jerked me awake! I am stealing it for family…….
Vote Green will bring deliverance. Oh…
(Of course in reality there’s no need for a Green Party because all the existing parties have been captured from within – the Greens are just there to shout “it doesn’t go far enough” from the wings. The Fraud is already publishing its COP26 failed because it doesn’t go far enough that they had written ages ago).
indeed, you may find this link interesting…
it hails from down under and features a set of ‘defrocked professionals’… of particular interest is the male psychologist, who having discovered a multi generational ‘establishment’ conspiracy looks absolutely terrified… all have reluctantly overcome their own programming..
one of the ladies sent out over 4000 letters to establishment wonks… and received zero replies..
of all these ‘social media’ vidz about ‘graphene’ and ‘aluminium octopi’ (I generally don’t bother with the usual faces )…
this one really touches on the ‘hidden truth’…. now all that is left for them to do is put the ‘face’ to the ‘crime’….
There have been too many revealed instances of so-called satanic ritual abuse, particularly involving public figures and institutions, for any reasonable person to doubt that it’s an organised reality in our societies.
Operations such as jeffrey epstein’s provide a glimpse into how the blackmail material is collected (no doubt it’s a condition of acceptance into the “club”)
Will details be released of the nature and extent of these unspeakable crimes? If “their” goal is to completely dismantle current systems of government (and they openly state it is) then I think it’s highly likely
but it’s a dangerous game they’re playing
the great reset relies on them being able to control and direct the vast majority of the world’s population, but it necessitates unleashing a power that could easily destroy them
I genuinely believe we are standing on the brink of a world revolution but I also believe the situation is far from hopeless
Be true to yourself. Trust in God, or Good if you prefer. Resist the coming evil.
A major motivation for the speeding up of totalitarianism that we see may be the coming crunch in minerals.
Here’s a number of seemingly unrelated matters but I reckon it all adds up to tapestry of terror:
I recall that back in my home town, it was possible to phone up the local train station and speak to an actual person re: the train times. Now it is unclear about which number you have to phone and the chances are that you will end up speaking to a machine.
Similarly, trying to get customer service on the net is a futile exercise. What usually happens is that you are put on to a forum where you address other service users. (Imagine you were to go back four decades and explain that, if you need customer support in a shop, you would find no-one there but a big sign telling you to wait for the next customer who may, or may not, be able to help you!)
Also my son is disabled and lives in 24 hour care supported by a third sector company who lose workers at a hell of a rate through shit management.
See the tapestry? As the technology increases, more and more help is needed and yet there is more and more confusion. And it is snowballing through sheer ineptitude now veering into something increasingly life threatening.
Is this “deliberate”? The question is borderline meaningless. It is all due to an inhuman parasitical system that drains all spirit and life out of everyone for the benefit of leeches at the top.
the technology is a smoke screen….
sold to happy clappers and star trek fans that think their dysfunctional society is just a stepping stone to a technological nirvana…. iron out the ‘bugs’ so to speak…
when in fact the aim is to dissolve all social cohesion…
and then iron out the BUGS… the bugs having no reliable ‘systems’ to fall back on…
rockefellar was a keen entomologist in more than one way..
Sort of related/unrelated to your comment, Is Yanis Varoufakis seeing the light – Technofeudalism?
He’s right in what he says in this video, but it’s only what I have been saying for the last decade or so. It’s been blindingly fucking obvious, even to a manual labourer like me.
The significance being that Varoufakis is on the “left”, that is, those who, with very few exceptions (like him), have been cheerleading the lockdowns, vaccine mandates and censorship. (To your point, these are also, those who abandoned the interests of working class people a long, long time ago.)
Thank you for that. Yanis Varoufakis on what the Left don’t want to hear i.e. that capitalism has brought itself down and has been replaced by something worse – and, certainly not socialism.
Cutting corners and squeezing the employee/product/service/customer for more profit.
Yes, I do see it connected.
The customer service via “automated” phone assistance, or their preference “please go to our website http://www…...” I refuse. I just keep saying “I want to speak to a live person” into the phone until I eventually get one.
I wrote recently that our local supermarket installed 2 do it yourself check out stations which replaced the express lines. You have to use debit or credit – no cash. So if you are paying with cash for one loaf of bread and it’s a busy day, you’ll have a long wait.
Yesterday I stopped by the local, very large thrift store, Savers (a national brand). ALL cashiers have been replaced by self checkout machines. At least there are two where you can use cash. For now.
Little things like this. Happening under cover of c-vid. Where will all these former cashiers, and there’ll be lots of them coming up, find work.
Universal Basic Income.
As the sixties duo sang “and the beat goes on”
I know we all have a backlog of videos to watch and print to read. But if you don’t know Lynne Truss’s modest book Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door, I encourage you to find and read a copy.
Apart from the subject matter, I admire the way Truss can write as a layperson, albeit an aggravated one, yet display sharp wit and erudition. Put another way, unlike so many authors writing social commentary, she’s neither a career academic nor a self-proclaimed “expert”. Not unlike us, I daresay, she strikes me as someone with a curious, inquiring, skeptical mind who autodidactially educates herself as she works through the topics that capture her attention and ire.
The book was published in 2005, but holds up well– I would love an updated edition which discusses the smartphone and social-media “revolutions” which were only getting underway when she wrote the book. Of course, to keep up she might have to re-title the book “Sixty Good Reasons, etc.” instead of a mere six. 😉
Truss strikes me as a socially conservative woman; I just checked, and discovered that she’s 66– about one month younger than me. She has some pet peeves I don’t share, e.g. a horror of graffiti. Also, some of the UK’s social ills she describes aren’t as pervasive or persistent as they were in 2005– in the US, as far as I know hordes of reckless skateboarders don’t come barreling down public sidewalks, or even zip through department-store main floors. But I don’t have to share all of her peeves, just as she doesn’t share all of mine.
That pitch made, I immediately thought of Truss when I read your comment because one chapter in that short book (one chapter for each of the “six reasons”) addresses exactly what you describe. It’s entitled “Why Am I the One Doing This?”
I truly hate to sum it up off the top of my head, since Truss’s prose does an infinitely better job. But just to venture a spoiler: Truss discusses how commerce and corporate culture have gradually transformed merchant/customer relations in many pernicious ways: one is that commercial enterprises use the bad excuse of “cutting-edge” technology to make the customer do work formerly done by employees.
She specifically mentions “live” telephone receptionists being eliminated in favor of Kafkaesque “voice mail”. She first identifies examples like this, then goes on to astutely point out that, adding insult to injury, dumping lots of now-depersonalized, dehumanized “routine” transactions onto customers is reprehensibly “sold” to the public as if it’s all for their (i.e. “our”) benefit.
That is, the unilateral top-down “improvements” are touted as “empowering” customers, providing miraculous new “tools” to put customers in charge of their business, and enhancing their “experience”. (I can’t recall offhand if she bursts the bogus marketing term “experience” bubble, since I think that term arose, or became ubiquitous, after 2005.)
Find the book and read it, if only for the soothing “validation” it provides. I can almost guarantee that you’ll exclaim “Yes! Yes! This!” a lot as you read, and may even start to read choice excerpts to any family members close enough to be victimized. 😉
Thanks for the suggestion! Sounds great.
I love the “tools” for the “experience”. UGH. So efficient!
I held out for the longest time putting my own gas into the car. lol
I always tell people “you know when the recording says “This line may be recorded for training purposes”. I know I hold the record for the most training conversations: How to Get a Lunatic Off the Phone. What To Do When They Don’t Stop Screaming….
Oh, you know what I LOVE now! When the automated voice on the phone is accompanied the sound of typing!! Oh, it’s a live person! I thought it was just a voice. But she’s typing!! (They haven’t caught up with male typists yet).
They should have at least one check-out aisle in stores labeled “Old Farts.
Hmmm, anything else I can kvetch about?
Again, thanks for the suggestion. Love that she’s “of an age”. Sounds like she’d be fun to hang out with.
Good article Kit. The woke hipster brigade, the Greens, the fake left and all the rest of that motley milieu will lap this up just as much as they lapped up the covid fearporn.
As Iain Davis pointed out in his article the other day, these bastards at the top of the pyramid want everything for themselves, including nature; and the commons, so obviously stories like the above are to plant seeds amongst the public, and to also galvanise the useful idiots like Extinction Rebellion who will unwittingly do the bidding of the Worlds major predators, ie, the mega corporations, the City of London and Wall Street. Namely “The Investors”.
Interesting to note that Dr Kyle Merritt doesn’t have a LinkedIn profile, as I was going to do some digging into his background. Also interesting to note when I typed his name into search, it came up with scores and scores of stories on his diagnosis of “climate change”. Hmmm. I smell a coordinated campaign going on.
I can’t say that I like the distracting comment-related pop ups. I’m not a baby. I don’t need constant mobile-like pop ups to entertain me when I’m trying to read an article.
I agree entirely. An unnecessary and retrograde upgrade, in my opinion.
Why does everything have to come with a “New and Improved” label, these days?
The colors remind me of the old Howard Johnsons. sigh.
I don’t have them so, like everything IT, it’s system depedendent. If you are on Firefox install adblocker ultimate and privacy badger and smile at the garbage you don’t see totalled on their icons.
Thanks. Interesting. I’m on Vivaldi. I am not at all techie. I’ll have to possibly add an ad blocker and see what happens.
I would readily exchange this new feature for the old voting system.
“You’ll vote for nothing and you’ll be happy.”
‘Somewhere, some not especially bright public relations executive has decided that the way to push the “pivot from Covid to climate” is to try and turn the long-predicted environmental disaster into a public health issue.” There may be a pivot in propaganda priorities, but I see covid 19 and climate crisis as one thing. And it is many things. I just finished reading Iain’s second article about the predator/parasite class’s seizure of everything. He provides a detailed report on what the predator-parasites are up to. Fake pandemics (and fraudulent science, like germ theory) and fake climate crises (diverting us from noticing that they are poisoning the planet and all of our bodies) tie in with their effort to take everything from us and have it all for themselves, while enslaving us so that the actual productive work that human civilization depends on for its existence can continue.
Obviously it’s one thing.
It’s a search for the New Hell. For something that will work to scare so that they’ll put their tails between their legs and comply. They’ve tried quite a few things, but nothing has quite worked as neatly as COVID-19.
The question is whether people are really that fucked up that they’ll swallow whatever they’ll be throwing at them now, such as “acute case of the climate change disease”.
But you know something? If the dimwits swallowed, largely without batting an eye, a deadly pandemic of an asymptomatic cough, they might just swallow “climate change disease” as well.
Why didn’t the “good doctor” (roflmao) diagnose her as suffering from “unfettered corporate capitalism’s global exploitation of the populace for profit”
Yah, I know it’s not as flashy sounding but it’s more realistic
Ha – good comment Penny. Thanks.
I think that Dr Merritt is confusing ‘climate change’ (?) with ‘poisoned world’. To put it another way, I think that ‘toxic globe’ or some such label, is a better new diagnostic category than ‘climate change’. (And if the scammers and the uncaring ‘citizens’ following their lead, really want to say something when they complain or sound the alarm about climate crisis, then why do they say “climate change” instead of “climate crisis”? Interestingly, I sent a number of emails to various organizations chastizing them for replacing ‘climate crisis’ with ‘climate change’ when I myself didn’t know better.)
Nice to have warmer winters — maybe fewer people will get sick.
Also means less energy is needed to heat buildings, warm vehicles, remove snow. Leads to conservation of fossil fuels and less air pollution.
Also means longer growing seasons and higher yields. Could possibly make vast stretches of fertile virginal land in Canada, Scandinavia and Siberia arable.
It’s been a cold world for quite a while — nice to have it a little bit warmer.
Just sayin’.
IF you could accurately measue the average temp of the planet, and IF such a number actually meant anything in the real world, and IF the projections had any degree of accuracy, and IF anyone living now and claiming 1.5, 2.0 or whatever degrees rise (mostly at night) in that average since 1850 (at the end of the last mini ice age) could actually feel it, maybe.
That’s a lot of BIG IFs tho.
That the rise in temperature occurs “mostly at night” is the alarming part of the equation. Thanks to the insanity of global climate engineering, heat is being trapped under a toxic cloud of aluminum, barium, strontium and polymer nano-particles and is not escaping at night like it’s supposed to and used to.
As to feeling the rise in temperature, no one needs to – they can feel the increasing heat of the sun. Of course, the sun’s not getting hotter; but the ozone layer is being depleted, admitting UVB and the even more dangerous UVC radiation – which makes the sun feel extremely hot even when the air temperature is say around 60 degrees F.
Nonsense, on top of more nonsense.
It’s called the urban heat island effect. This you can actually feel by walking out of town a couple of miles into the countryside and back, more noticable if you cycle.
You can feel it, you can measure it, there’s even pretty pictures for those hard of logical reasoning, or for those so open minded their brain fell out.
Yea, come on Howard, get with the program. Wattsupwiththat is the worlds most viewed site on global warming and climate change. Its information is so good that its number one. And cities aren’t hotter than they use to be because of increased energy from UVB and UVC, thats nonsense. Look at the bike science. now thats some real science. The heat radiating off the buildings at night nothing to do with solar radiation, oh wait a minute maybe it does with the bike study. And wattsup has those great advertisements too that you see on all the good websites. I really need to think about the mortgage and tinnitus.
Seriously, where I have lived most of my adult life, the average night time temperature decreased substantially over the years. The nights went from cloudy to clear. Clear at night, cloudy(from the spray planes) during the day, opposite of what it use to be, I lived about 9 miles up river from the coast. The most drastic change I noticed was the intensity of the sun. For most of my adult life, I had a farm directly across the road from a river with a big river bar because of gravel mining. The extent of the gravel never really differed at all over the years and I didn’t notice much change till the last ten years when my bare feet began to burn on the ground, my eyes became sore and I had to start wearing sunglasses, the high ground riparian surrounding my farm 90% died off, My soil temperature I had to measure with a meat thermometer, greenhouse plastic folded in the field melted together on the ground, the apples started to sunburn on the trees, not only did the tomatoes start to cook on the vine but sometimes even the cherry tomatoes too. An asian pear laying on the bare ground would cook like it had been in the oven, t-posts would fry my hands, every plant on my farm changed its growth habit because of the sun, and the river after years of having no river bar heat island effect suddenly had river bar heat island effect killing most of the willows; the invasive blackberry and butterfly bush not only stopped spreading on the river bar, but ceased to grow on it anymore.
On the ball. Since my youth in SW Ireland in the 40’s, 50’s when stars were very visible including the milky way; thence since the 80’s very few stars; and just notice the frequent oily swirl of clouds NW of London where I notice burnt leaves on the big leafed trees facing that silvery bright liquid sun in the morning…
Prof Tim Noakes has some ideas on peoples health is particular Carbs in the diet, a diet it would appear from some of his videos promoted by those who it would seem have the $ in their minds, rather than your health.
The attack from his own University is somewhat reminiscent of Peter C. Gøtzsche being on the receiving end from the Cochrane institute that turned on him when he dared to question HPV vaccines.
The only relevant discussion now is – how to effectively stop this tyranny and this enormous crime against our planet and all human beings.
Those in power everywhere who are the most senior members of this joint criminal enterprise, as well as all those who are substantially assitsing in this terror campaign and crime, must be stopped immediately, removed and prosecuted.
They have obliterated the law, any sense of morality, they have committed every kind of abuse imaginable, they are totally illegitimate and should not be listened to and obeyed under any circumstances any longer.
Is it plausible that medical certificates and doctors’ diagnoses have been 100% honest and accurate up to this point – and have just suddenly been corrupted?
Or is it more plausible that deception has been going on in these fields forever? Are the diseases a fiction that are, as Florence Nightingale said, more diseased conditions?
Will accepting diseased conditions or trying to resolve them bring a profit? That should explain the current situation.
a court case in london had a judge ment stating car pollution recently killed a child
the solution ulez emissions tax
pollution tax
problem reaction solution
human harvesting
slave system
He’s ‘avin a larf 😂😂😂😂😂.
Perhaps the true aim of this “diagnosis” is to totally negate ALL human communication, to turn it all into pure noise? Thus reducing the human population to bellowing beasts?
Nothing new kit not really ground breaking
every new psyop needs a mental disorder and the white coats who your types alt dementia ass licks will provide that for the oligarchy as they have done since time immemorial.
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
The precursors of the DSM were written during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Their purpose was to try to group “idiocy/insanity” into subtypes for census takers and general administrative purposes at mental institutions. By the time of the first official edition of the DSM in 1952, the number of classifications had grown from 7 to 106. Since the publication of the third official edition in 1980, the DSM has incorporated more detailed lists of characteristics/symptoms and added hundreds (1000’s) of new “mental disorders”.
One aim of the DSM is to establish a particular, illness-focused way of understanding and discussing emotional and behavioral difficulties; unlike medical diagnostic manuals, though, the DSM categories are based on loosely defined behaviors that are not detectable by scientifically or biologically objective means
The Malleus Maleficarum, written in 1486 – 1487 was not the only document about witchcraft written in the medieval period, but it was the best known of the time, and, because it came so soon after Gutenberg’s printing revolution, was more widely distributed than previous hand-copied manuals.
The Malleus Maleficarum represents not the beginning of witch persecutions, but came at a peak point in European witchcraft accusations and executions. It was a foundation for treating witchcraft not as a superstition, but as a dangerous and heretical practice of associating with the Devil, and thus a great danger to society and to the church.
Witchcraft wasn’t persecuted in the C13th so the witch craze poses problems for the view of linear progression from “darkness” into “light” (highly Luciferian terms).
Wicca is, according to some accounts, now the most popular religion in California. Is it producing paradise on earth – or is it producing a hellscape? Wicca’s founder Gardner was a Crowley devotee. In ‘The Shining’ Kubrick shows what happens to those who think they can dabble in the Occult – Shelley Duvall’s character is some sort of white witch (see her bookcase) who discovers the real thing isn’t benign or tameable. Kubrick added this because it isn’t in King’s novel.
We’ve all been indoctrinated that “tolerance” is a supreme virtue. This goes back to the East India Company’s and Gnostic John Locke’s ‘A Letter concerning Toleration’. Why those who belonged to heretical groups wanted to foster toleration should be self-evident. The original medical meaning of ‘tolerance’ is the capacity of a body to endure a poison. Those who turned it into a civic virtue knew this and were encoding one of their little jokes.
Of course none of this is to argue witches should be burnt (they never were in England). It is to point out that witchcraft is a lot less benign than the mainstream wants one currently to believe (unsurprisingly, as the mainstream is controlled by Occultists).
I recall a programme saying that, contrary to the usual image and as you note, the witch hunts did not happen way back in the “dark middle ages” but actually accompanied the “Enlightenment”.
You picked a strange time to frown on witch burning. What do you suggest that we do with them instead? Colorado, California, Oregon, and Washington are already overflowing.
So be sensible ed and relate it to today times
MY blueprint is this does it relates literal or metaphysical to today . it does.
In a war situation or organised disaster zone first thing they do bring in red cross take the people of the original land who was eating the original food, then they give them refined food bring in the bible lot, school room them.
that is conversion burning of the witches
in today speak a herbalist gets burnt big time saying he/she can heal a person.
Burning of the witches is still very much happening
Better still try this go to the CMHT Center for Mental Health Services and tell then you speak to Jesus then tell them you speak to pan or a fairy who lives bottom of the tree. See who gets sectioned quicker and then do tell about the electro shock treatment or the other helpful conversion therapy’s they have for people who are not considered normal.
The chemicals and apparatus in the Malleus Maleficarum, are still very much alive and in use now today which means the burning very much happened and still happening .
In your language higher side chat Darren Grimes | Empire, The Indian Act of Canada, & The Residential Schools is just one of the many 1000’s of videos available.
Their has been a huge demonetization of Kalifornia the last few years anywhere where their is homelessness of drug issues is usually because they didn’t found Jesus or the devils work.
your ultra right wing Conservative nonsense media and it is nonsense. Unless your a Christian??? then it the demoncrates demonetization which the left right never address the real issues.
RE: Mainstream your talking about is controlled by dark magicians = sorcerers working for and they have many different names BUT very different than occultists.
As always thanks for your reply.
If they were not burnt alive, were they drawn and quartered?
Dunno about the DSM, but mass phsychosis seems to be a thing
The DSM became a marketing tool for the drug companies. As each ‘new’ drug was developed it required its own set of symptoms to treat. The number of different collection of ‘disorders’ expanded parallel to the availability of a specific drug ‘treatment’ for each ‘disorder’. Loosely defined behaviours may lack any scientific basis, but Marketing Is A Science…( Marketing science invented “syndromes”.)
I suppose it is a good excuse if you wish to pull a sickie after a boozy night out…just phone your boss and tell him you have a bad case of ‘climate change’….I’m sure they’ll understand given just how important an issue it is…and ‘I’ve got Covid’ is just so yesterday darling
Shouldn’t be long before they develop a version of the PCR test to diagnose it.
( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
Not to mention robot dogs prowling the streets sniffing your junk to determine whether you have the climate disease…
Unfortunately the treatments aren’t likely to be so much fun….
Merck probably have a pill for it on the shelf ready to go now!
Hangover now is classed as covid and whole psr test is required just in case the others at work get it!
One thing I noticed is the blasé way that many reports of this “story” blatantly stick the word “first” in. This is the first such case. In a world where the public’s critical mind was actually functioning, that alone should have been enough to start alarm bells ringing – as should also have happened in spring 2020 when, right away, we were hearing about “the new normal”. These are obvious indications that this is all a script.
And yet – now that I think about it, I reckon the public are meant to catch on subliminally. They are being primed for the ensuing scenario like that customary first scene in a horror movie where we have a “preview” of coming nasties via a previous case. After all, the public are invited to be co-creators of these penny dreadfuls.
Climate change is a red herring. The real problem is the pollution that affects all life. Their is lots of money to be made from ‘climate change’. The ordinary people who are on board with the hoax have not really thought about what is being done under the guise of ‘climate change’. Do people truly believe that those who control this World love it’s inhabitants, if you are someone who buys into ‘climate change’ driven by human activity you should look more closely at the people who are driving this agenda and maybe you’ll find that your opinion might be changed.
I’d like to say this marks a new low in programmed news but the level of credibility has been plunging so fast and so often, it’s hard to keep track.
I’d also like to say this could be the moment that shark was well and truly jumped and marks the point where a sufficient amount of people think, “Hey wait a minute …” and then extrapolate backwards to covid and think, “Hey wait a minute … “ again.
But as I’ve said before, the media not only lie about the world but lie about public reaction to their lies about the world. And so:
“Man suffers from climate change!”
Followed by:
“The entire world panics about new climate change perianal diagnosis! Everyone runs away screaming!” (Subtext: “Apart from you, you puny little lone climate denier!”)
So now they can say what they want. They could announce tomorrow that Santa Claus really exists. They don’t even need people to believe them. They just pump out the stuff that claims everyone does believe it.