Climate Warriors and Flagships from Hell
Michael Swifte

There should be encampments and occupations in and near Middlesborough and Hull. There should be. If the spirit of Earth First and actual environmentalism was with us, perhaps there would be.
The EAST COAST CLUSTER (centred around Middlesborough and Hull) is a well-supported proposal for two industrial decarbonisation hubs connected by a pipeline to North Sea geological storage of CO2. It is the flagship product of the ‘Kickstarter’ initiative launched by the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) in September 2019.
When the CO2 pipeline is connected and the fossil hydrogen production begins the members of the OGCI, a collection of the world’s wealthiest oil and gas CEOs, will have been installed as the gatekeepers of geological storage of CO2. Much like the Porthos project in Rotterdam, the East Coast Cluster is one of many new decarbonisation hubs projected as flagships for late stage fossil fuel extractivism.
You may have heard the argument made before that climate justice activism has crowded out classical environmentalism with an omni-problem – the greatest and most urgent issue we face. This is indeed the case. Nobody can deny that climate warriors have always called for an end to fossil fuel extraction.
Most of the credulous masses believe that keeping-it-in-the-ground is a central objective of climate justice NGOs, indeed most of the mouthpieces and paid campaigners still believe that keeping fossil fuels in the ground is what they are fighting to achieve. But, as is always the case, the truth is more complicated and insidious than most can comprehend or imagine.
Through their hegemonic networks, philanthropists have directed the action for the bureaucratic class of climate activism and limited the incubation of grassroots groups. Through their networks and discretionary funding, they have limited the opportunities for campaigning that could pose a credible threat to fossil fuel extractivism.
They have created the conditions for the perpetuation of the biomass carbon double-counting scam. The core components of the stakeholder capitalist plans for net zero in Europe require biomass as a ‘feedstock’. It will function as a key negative value on the deep decarbonisation net zero ledger. The scam is currently deployed to plump up the renewables figures when it is used to replace coal in existing power plants.
Laurence Tubiana is CEO of the European Climate Foundation (ECF) which is a well-funded node in the ClimateWorks empire under the Design to Win plan. Tubiana says that abatement of emissions from industry is now possible, and says that “Industry leaders are looking at totally disruptive technologies and visions”. The ECF has commissioned research into the potential role of biomass as a ‘feedstock’ in industrial clusters using carbon capture and storage.
In one significant 2019 collaboration that included one of the Extinction Rebellion funders, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, it was made clear that the necessary concession positions were in place. In effect, the ECF position is that a little Bioenergy (biomass) with Carbon Capture and storage (BECCS) is okay if heavy industry could please use less fossil fuels and not too much biomass.
In effect they have displayed their concession positions that leave the door open for business as usual, but with some abatement of CO2.
‘A little bit of BECCS and some ‘clean’ fossil fuels in exchange for a renewables revolution’ is the bargain that the bureaucratic class of climate campaigners thought they had on the table as early as 2005.
Bellona Foundation and Climate Action Network Europe (CANE) represent two sides of the NGO discourse in discussions on negative emissions technologies in Europe over the last two decades. Both are associated with Design to Win funding. This is due in part to the sheer size and scope of the regranting networks fostered by John Podesta.
The process for capturing campaigning and activism is deviously simple: new campaigns are incubated and existing NGOs consolidate their positions in the messaging sphere subject to the terms on which grants are distributed. As long as you don’t take aim at the concession positions of the funders, your campaign will stand a chance. Add the captive media with incomprehensible editorial positions and astonishing blind spots, and you have a self-reinforcing, narrative-driven fount of propaganda. Control of the messaging sphere via discretionary funding was made possible by the vast scale of the Design to Win philanthropies interests and influence.
Bellona are BECCS hawks. They are one of John Podesta’s favourite NGOs. Their positions are aligned with the Design To Win imperative/concession position to leave space for “unavoidable fossil fuels”. CANE collectively represent the climate warrior positions which have always included an end to fossil fuels, but are tempered by the pragmatics of managing a transition to renewables and energy efficiency. Everywhere in the ClimateWorks empire you see Design to Win funding for both the hawkish NGOs like Clean Air Task Force and climate warrior NGOs like Global Energy Monitor.
The rapid deployment of BECCS has been a long time in the planning. The former Head of Climate Change and Energy at WWF-UK, Emma Pinchbeck attended the launch of the Teesside Collective in July 2015. At the time she articulated WWF’s position in terms that should have shocked climate warriors, “industrial CCS is the no-alternative solution for the industrial sector”. With the help of the OGCI, the Teesside Collective’s ambitions have turned into the East Coast Cluster.
Pinchbeck is currently the Chief Executive of Energy UK which touts itself as “The voice of the energy industry”. She still supports investment in BECCS and despite her bio stating that she specialises in ‘whole economy’ decarbonisation, she doesn’t seem to care much about the externalities that will be created when the flagships from hell set sail. The economic and environmental impacts caused by the ongoing destruction that fossil fuel extraction and the large-scale uptake of BECCS are unquantifiable.
Antonio Guterres signalled his support for the industrial decarbonisation plans of the OGCI when he sent his special adviser (Robert Orr) to the Gramercy Hotel to meet their CEOs the night before Greta Thunberg’s big speech in New York. The message delivered on behalf of the UN Secretary-General (who had invited Greta to come to New York) made it clear that the ‘Kickstarter’ initiative, the subject of an embargoed media release, had the green light.
Your industry has the assets and the expertise to demonstrate the ambition we need and to lead the way. The world needs, and is demanding, an ambitious road map to reduce the carbon intensity of your industry, and to demonstrate your commitment to align with the goals of the Paris agreement.”
Robert Orr, Special Adviser to Antonio Guterres, September 22, 2019
Philanthropies incubate and fund campaign groups and NGOs to serve particular narratives. Talking points embedded with fallacious logic are easily passed on and bolstered by access to market reach and attention metrics. Greta, AOC and XR are the three most significant examples of high-reach climate warriors. All three share a blind spot that has been crucial to controlling the narratives about what climate action should look like – they all completely ignored the output of the IPCC Working Group 3 (WG3) on mitigation.
BECCS and CCS appeared in three of the four mitigation pathways (P2-4) developed for WG3, with one pathway (P1) avoiding BECCS and CCS – labelled the ‘degrowth pathway’. Any meaningful investigations or public discourses into the various pathways might have unpacked some vital questions about the political will and the future plans of big oil, gas, coal and biomass.
While Thelma Krug (Vice Chair of the IPCC) was happy to present the WG3 pathways to the fossil fuel sector to demonstrate future opportunities, the only mainstream attention exploring the degrowth pathway came from Jason Hickel’s writing about the ‘Grubler et al (2018) ‘Low Energy Demand’ scenario’. Sadly, the degrowth movement discovered Hickel’s work too late to make a meaningful contribution to the discourse when it mattered which was between October 2018 and October 2020 during the ascendancy of Greta, AOC, and XR.
The impact of BECCS is global, but its potential for scale and implementation is currently very European. Decarbonisation hubs in Europe will be made possible by CO2 pipelines, port facilities and imported biomass. BECCS deployment in Europe will require vast quantities of wood chips and waste trimmings from forestry and agroforestry in North America.
The anticipated demand for BECCS and the application of carbon accounting trickery to woody biomass has allowed industry to once again transform waste products like the ‘forest residues’ from agroforestry into valuable feedstocks.
In turn the capturing of CO2 through the application of CCS transforms it into a value added product and potential feedstock for enhanced oil and gas recovery. It is the pipelines connecting the industrial areas near Middlesborough and Hull that form the crucial infrastructure establishing each decarbonisation cluster.
Around the globe planned and already implemented decarbonisation hubs are contingent on CO2 pipelines. Proximity to storage locations is not easily achieved. The Sturgeon hub near Edmonton is a good example of the kind of projects we are likely to see after COP26 when tax credits, border adjustments and other effective subsidies become operational. The $25 billion three train Sturgeon oil sands refinery only uses 10% of the capacity of the CO2 pipeline that forms the foundation of the Sturgeon hub.
The Alberta Carbon Trunk Line transports CO2 from Sturgeon to depleted conventional oil fields for enhanced oil recovery. The CO2, we are told, reintegrates into the rock matrix while the produced crude is pumped to Hardisty for export via train and pipeline.
Dozens of pipelines and hubs have been proposed in North America. Exxon have proposed the Houston Ship Channel – Innovation Zone to process gas from the gulf. The Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative could become a lifeline for coal creating opportunities for coal to hydrogen production while supplying enhanced oil recovery projects.
These projects have been given importance because the effective subsidies that will make the finance work have continued to expand with little to no resistance. The 45Q tax credit is the most prominent of the measures being developed to support the building of CO2 pipelines in the US. It will be further expanded under Sec. 136107 of the Build Back Better Act.
Grassroots campaigners have begun to rise up in the US state of Iowa against the Midwest Carbon Express pipeline intended to cross 5 states and if built would be the longest pipeline of its kind in the world. Look up the Iowa Carbon Pipeline Resistance Coalition and follow their looming fight against eminent domain. Check out a recent series of interviews by Great Plains Action Society founder Sikowis. They are a must listen.
On October 25, 2021 the International Renewable Energy Agency published a technical paper on the synergies between CCS and renewables in “reaching zero”. This is an astonishing and categorical failure by IRENA if indeed they ever held any proper ambition for wide scale implementation of renewables. The widely echoed calls for 100% renewables are fundamentally threatened by any CCS applied to fossil fuels or biomass. We should be very concerned at this time to see IRENA defy the fundamentals of its platform.
In the wash up from COP 26 we will see a deflating reality play out. Saudi Aramco will make more blue ammonia and blue hydrogen deals in Asia. Australian extractive industries will do the same. Scratch the surface of any net zero commitment and you will find partially laid out plans that suggest that fossil fuels aren’t going anywhere for a good while yet, but that the appetite for CO2 abatement and storage is growing.
We should remember the words of the Saudi Aramco chief technology officer Ahmad Al Khowaiter at the Atlantic Council: Global Energy Forum 2019,
CO2 is a valuable feedstock, we should not forget that.”
Michael Swifte is a researcher, anti-fossil fuel activist and a member of the Wrong Kind of Green critical thinking collective. His writing can be found on the WKOG website and on his blog We Suspect Silence.
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UK Column News – 10th November 2021
Savij Jabit Orders Shots For All NHS — Jab or Job
Claims “positive choice” decision followed consultation. Daily Mail claims 60k staff unvaccinated. Radio host Julia Hartley-Brewer asks if mandate will apply beyond NHS.
Savij “we’re not looking at it” — who gives him orders?
Mike Robinson: people are dying for unstated reasons. Jabid’s narrative is variants.
Email to UKC: Patients have no requirement to be double jabbed in order to get an MRI scan but health companies are imposing it.
UK Health Security Agency Accidental Data Release 00:13:00
Shows over-30s get more Coronavirus with vaxx
Daily Sceptic: Awkward! Data Showing Infection Rate Higher in Vaxxed than Unvaxxed
Alex Thomson – anything called office, authority, national or general reports to the Executive, not parliament or the courts. Statistics top three ranks, like journalism and health are being subsumed into the Executive.
Brian Gerrish: this is a Soviet system being built.
Big Brother Watch Legal Challenge
Brussels, Strasbourg Green Pass Jab Pass Challenge
Christine Andreson German MEP 00:23:15
She’s brilliant — Subscribe to Christine
Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes Challenges Pfizer Contract
Alex Thomson: we are beginning to see why the European Union run by president/speaker civil servant David Sassoli are keen to keep the “wrong kind” of parliamentarians to be barred by vaxx laws.
Dutch Journalist Backs Australia Clampdown: “Melbourne Looks Free To Me” 00:31:45
Australian pastor Steve Cioccolanti challened threaten to barr unvaxxed MPs.
Dutch journo Herman Veenhof attacks Christian anti-vaxxers 00:31:40
Claims “Victoria has relative freedom of movement by Australian terms”
2 Lawyer’s Explain How Dangerous the Victorian”Government”Bill Is — Unshackled Minds
Albert Bourla (Pfizer CEO) Calls Anyone Who Questions Vaccines A Criminal 00:39:00
Dr Shane Huntington’s Child is Sadly, Dangerously Ill, Dr Says: Get the Vaxx.
GoFundMe David Noakes Legal Costs: –
RichPlanet Script Writing Competition – [email protected]
[email protected]
Orthodox Jew Persecuted By Southern Poverty Law Center 00:49:00
Arthur Goldberg set up a counselling service for personal sexuality — now he is the first non-profit to be prosecuted as fraudulent.
British Prof Forced By The Guardian For Questioning Alu In Vaccines
Gates-funded newspaper is attack dog for big pharma 00:50:45
Andrew Wakefield was the poster child for questioning MMR.
Book — Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines–The Truth Behind a Tragedy
All UK Parties Are Into The Double Job Racket – Not Just Tories 00:53:00
Order-Order: Slease is widespread — double jobs inclue Kier Starmer
UK Censorship Laws — Online Safety Bill 00:54:30
Journalists Say Bill Places Too Much Power in
No Timeliness Requirement on appeals procedure.
Gov gets to define who is a “protected journalist.”
NUJ’s Michelle Stanistreet & Lexie KirkConnell-Kawana Testimony: –
Activists in British Army Put “Climate Wreath” on War Memorial 00:58:30
“Climate Change Means War” — but these are not environmentalists.
Centre for Army Leadership is an agent of change within Military –
Pressure group also wished Metropolitan Police happy 191st birthday – a possible hint at the fusion of military and police.
Army Backtracks Over Invite to XR 00:56:30
Alex Thomson: The Cenotaph was built in Whitehall to remind bureaucrats that they had sent the youth to war. Now they spit on it.
Arwa Mahdawi: Guardian journalist and activist to preach woke intersectionality to Army leadership conference.
Common Purpose agenda, involving Army in politics
Email to UKC from career Civil Servant
CP dumbs down the job and brainwashes officials. Inverts good and bad, right and wrong. Good officers demoralized and destroyed. Subject to disciplinary proceedings for not working the CP way. Good staff forced out.
MC: It sounds like Common Purpose is less of management theory than subversion, using demoralization to weaken organizations from inside so they can be taken over. Yuri Bezmenov would remind you whose initials CP shares.
Pseudo-legal Courts Will Judge Public Services For Green, Equity
Net Zero, low-carbon, sustainable halth care road map
WHO Initialive means paying stakeholders to develop green policy.
Sustainable Decarbonization Roadmap, Tranform, yada yada…
Alex Thomson: WHO is seeking to replace the law: creating new “green” courts to impose equity – which in social justice means hobbling the able.
Mike Robinson: if you kill all your customers you naturally approach net zero.
Adele Shows She Is a Tool Of Social Engineering
One day she’ll tell son why she dismantled marriage and put herself first 01:20:00
Vogue article: Adele on the Other Side
IcorCatt Article: –
Alex Thomson: Equity is a new kind of justice.
Cows, sheep, pigs … Who would have thought that farming these animals would have such a deadly apocalyptic effect? I’m guessing that the fact this farming has been going on for millennia means there has been a tiny never before noticed incremental change which has suddenly catastrophically swung the entire farming world over from the gentle pastoral scenes we all know to a sizzling barely controlled inferno about to erupt.
Now that I come to think of it, my recent trips through these very fields have been latent with an eerie spine tingling menace! Those preciously gentle bovine eyes are now glowing with a Satanic glee!
Even! Yes these Hollywood stars are so shy and self-effacing!
Oh you little tease! “Deliciously weird” You’re cheekily rubbing our faces in this bare faced hoax just to see if we’ll notice!
After which, Frankenfood!
Lab grown gunge!
3D printers printing thousands of pre-programmed, sliver-thin layers, stacked on top of each other! Mmmm! Chewy ink cartridges! But not real ink! But food in paste format! Well that makes all the difference!
Miniscule nanomaterials to create packaging that keeps the products held inside edible for longer. (I love the way it is blandly assumed they were edible to begin with!)
But what’s this? The Food Standards Agency “still seems a little queasy”? Pussies!
Boris’s near death brush with the deadly purple cloud, after an irrepressible thumbs up (which the cameras were lucky to capture in its effervescent spontaneity) led to a personal revelation that being a fat bastard was a big invite to the covid creature. He now promotes an enlightened new dietary evangelism to combat “a tidal wave”, nay “a tsunami”, of “health problems that our healthcare system will not be able to handle”. “Covid has put (this) reality in stark relief.” Covid as saviour!
YouTube adopts Off-Guardian voting policy.
“You’ll vote for nothing and you’ll be happy.”
So having Pfizer in charge of supervising the safety of their own product turns out to be not the greatest idea:
Those crazy conspiracy theorists at the BMJ….
Well they were fined $3.3 billion for this sort of thing just 10 years ago. And they just had to revoke their anti smoking stuff because it causes cancer
its called the twist, the mail and it type wil now say they was honest and helpful and challenging all the way through the deadly pandemic !!!
#however prime example of fake helper.
i have never heard of theses c*nts either (below) !
Dan winslow, Republican Party politician, Amy siskind, Steve cox, etc have a look at how they say one thing then (internet fashionable sell able to the gullible) do the oppsite.
So glad they are outspoken and on our side is what the deluded would think
Contemporary politics has always been plagued by what Orwell defined as the polarity between idealism and realism. He writes:
‘Currently the idea of intellectual liberty is under attack from two directions. On the one side there are the theoretical enemies, the apologists of totalitarianism, and on the other its immediate practical enemies, monopoly and bureaucracy. Any writer or journalist who wishes to retain his integrity finds himself thwarted by the general drift of society rather than by active persecution. The sort of things which are working against him are the concentration of the press in the hands of a few rich men, the grip of monopoly on radio and films, the unwillingness of the public to spend money on books, making it necessary for nearly every writer to earn part of his living by hack work … Everything in our age conspires to turn the writer, and every other kind of artist as well, into a minor official, working on themes handed to him from above and never telling him what seems to be the whole truth.’’ (The Prevention of Literature – January 1946)
True enough up to a point. But I think that the writer or political oppositionist of today has been swimming against the tide of history and who face much more formidable obstacles which might have been the case in his (or our) own time, namely: cancel culture, rising tides of illiteracy, a massive deployment of the means of communication (Big Tec) with a population gently rocked to sleep by a relentless 24-hour assault.
At present the names and faces of the stand-alone oppositionists are few and far in number and not able to make so much as a dent in the prevalent orthodoxy. Moreover, the opposition – if we can call them that – seem incapable of mounting any serious attempt to redress this imbalance. One of the reasons for this is what can be called the scattered opposition. An unorganised group of various political stripes who simply cannot get their act together. To give one example. The belief in free markets as the solution to the current economic and political problems. You can read this everywhere (always assuming that you want to) but I have to say that this would entail going back to the theories of Adam Smith (1773-1790) theories which were not even applicable to his own time, let alone ours.
Returning to the opening passage, what we might call the Orwellian tension, is the choice that anyone who wants to change the world, must, of necessity, accept the demands of the contradictory mix of idealism and realism. One must be sacrificed, and suffice it to say that the doctrine of realism is succeeding and idealism is being quietly laid to rest. It is the disillusion with the intellectual movements of both prior and intellectual movements of our own times that lies behind 1984. The very people who should have been defending truth and intellectual freedom have given themselves in, both Orwell’s time and our own, to ideologies whose only justification was power. Likewise the outer and middle party have condemned themselves to unreality (‘double-think’ in 1984 terminology) and at the same time betrayed the uneducated whose protectors they should have been.
Our world seems to have descended into a kind of soft totalitarianism as a system of ‘rule’ characterised by Orwell as follows:
‘’Totalitarianism, however, does not so much promise an age of faith but an age of schizophrenia. A society becomes totalitarian when its structures become flagrantly artificial … when a ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in hanging onto power by force or fraud (In Machiavelli’s axiom).’’ (Ibid.)
But of course these structures do hold together, provisionally at least, (but you know the rest W.B.Yeats and ‘The Second Coming’.)
So this is where we are. I think I have said enough today. Your indulgence was appreciated.
Max Igan
What The Actual Fuck?
An admirable (so to speak) example of class warfare from above … How the hell did they study the plan so well? they were very good, they also read Marx, and the Manifesto of the Communist Party, which on the left they no longer do, because they consider it too brutal and politically incorrect, too vulgar and violent, too little Franciscan … But they, the most rich, they acted with patience in a strategic way, temporized, lied, and conspired, as the revolutionary conspirators once did, plus they also financed proxy wars, destroyed and robbed entire countries, promoted and financed coups d’etat that resulted in to the Middle Ages the affected countries …, and now they are winning, they managed to pass through the eye of the needle. and they arrived in Paradise, their Paradise …. They are 0.0004% and they are accumulating in their hands all the resources and goods of the earth … They are the ones who gather in Davos, Switzerland, once every year, authors and directors of the pandemic plan and the great environmental scam. The rulers of the world, finance capital and their government representatives, and they are winning the class war.
100% – beautifully put.
This needs more exposure, Larry Fink should be more infamous than Bill Gates. The John Titus presentation in August, Larry & Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic.
The pandemic presented forensically for what it is, namely, a massive theatrical edifice intended to distract popular attention away from the fact that criminal bankers running the monetary system are making a concerted push toward full-on totalitarianism through monetary and financial control. (prior presentations linked in description are also worth watching)
Come the day of the Great Nuremberg Reset (as if) Larry should be in the dock with his Federal Reserve buddies alongside Bill Gates and his FDA/NIH buddies.
At least we know who owns Black Rock – but who owns Vanguard?
John Titus is an interesting guy
clearly an insider at some point
I think he represents pushback from an elite faction set to lose out in the coming “great reset”
recommended viewing
@ImpObs Keep preaching brother! World maxed out on debt, banksters’ three card monte shell game and fiat money system about to blow!
Second one of these I’ve noticed in the UK MSM in the last few days (Fraud bot Frances Ryan was the other):
I like the way the section on opposition starts with a long consideration on vegans (opposing one part of the narrative is okay if you reinforce another). They do eventually acknowledge working class and Victorian era protest buried away near the end but of course in a way that trivialises and even weaponises such protests (hey, they protested in a carnival-like way, will you stop being so angry about our trying to poison you?).
In the end it reads like an attempt to reassure pro-vaxxers why there’s been no rush to mandates. It is of course just the line the WEF has been taking. And the name of the medical centre that kicks off the story is of course just a coincidence…
Mandatory injection with a gene therapy procedure that is still in trial is most definitely new.
Mandatory injection with injurious substances on trial goes back to the Nazi concentration camps, and probably further. Gene therapy though is new; how the Nazis would have loved mandatory injection with trial substances designed to change genes!
Well hot diggity, if Charleen from Virginia Mason do say it is good that is fine by me. Now where do I find the line?
Centuries of vaccine mandates apparently started in 1885, before that the article can only cite this in the case of the well known slave owner and terrorist, George Washington, ordering it for his troops, and a minor European dictator, Elisa Bonaparte (sister of the more famous Ronnie Bonaparte). Was this the message the author (or whoever gives her orders) intended?
As regards the Climate and 9/11. In the days on and after 9/11 flights across the World were cancelled.
Do I have a false memory or an imaginative one, because I vaguely remember that the cancellation of so many flights caused more sunshine across Europe which in turn caused the temp to rise so much that the trees started pumping out Carbon Dioxide?
So do we have a situation where
If I may, I feel like there are more ideas to explore that might be a better fit. That said, yeah, it was essentially a multi week control study, using the rare control of grounded North American continental flight as the anti-model as it were, and, though just one study(that we know of), from 1 rare historical moment, to use this living lab to extract a data set that showed a very strong corelation of jet flight and North American cloud cover in the specific period, or widow, and it was from a pretty mainstream source, like public broadcasting science doc, or like, if memory serves, well, it was a pretty bold statement, even on its face. I remeber thinking it made some bit of sense, particularly as I had lived through the study period, and physically experienced and observed and was aware of how unusual the circumstances were/are, yet the apparent implications embedded in the data, namely; jets=cloud cover, really a stupifying statement, to say the least, are just too much to be allowed to have currency in the public market, you know?
Got a technical drawing of those “engines not based on fossil fuels”, TFS? That would be interesting to see; even more interesting to see one actually run, and drive even a light aircraft. But never mind if you can’t yet point to an actual working prototype, I’m sure the great god Techie-Techie will present us with one soon. Electric, no doubt…
I lived on Capitol Hill, Seattle, at the time, “Jet City”, and I remember an afternoon in the park with my girl a few days after the event, and the sky was crystal clear, for weeks after even it seems, unusual for the season, and not a jet in the sky for a long while. We both noticed it, and remarked to each other how eerie it all was, the empty sky.
I remember seeing a science documentary some years later, and the subject was a group of scientists noticing the lack of clouds strongly corelated with the lack of jets in the period, which they used as kind of a study window, or control. Those were strange days, and are again. I dont recollect anything about carbon dioxide, but that wasn’t the focus anyway. Those were strange days, and are again. You arent mis-remembering.
I neglected to mention the element i think that really brought the sense of “eerieness”. It was the almost total silence of the city. A dog barks, a car goes by, perhaps a childs laugh in the distance. I remember thinking that I’d never heard the very middle of such a large city sound so quiet in my life. Capitol Hill is just above downtown, noisy. And no jets…or clouds, for weeks. Almost feels like I’m living through that again.
It was often refered to as “Global Dimming” in the literature, it spurned all sorts of papers, some saying the contrails obscured the real threat of “global warming” by reducing sunlight, some saying it made it worse by increasing clouds trapping more heat.
They have their cake and eat it, everything is a sign of doom either way.
Global Dimming was supposedly due to all the stuff coming out of industrial chimneys, especially SOx and soot. Contrails were a minor factor.
WSW quite admiring about Chinese Covid policy, despite them being Stalinists and all, and the WSW obsessively Trotskyist…
Witch doctors’ death bones have certainly been decked out with a lot of new big words.
This may have been shared on here prior.
According to reports all sports players on this video have been stabbed in the arm with a needle.
“This is as mad as imagining that water is poisonous”
Considering that Big Bro is most likely monitoring these pages, I’d urge everyone not to give them pricks any ideas! Don’t mention water or anything else for that matter.
Since people have swallowed the notion of a “deadly pandemic of an asymptomatic disease”, anything goes. Carbon dioxide, or carbon per se, is as good as anything. Who gives a shit about reality any more, what matters is the boogeyman – or two or endless multitude of them – planted in the random motherfucker’s head. Just as Sade sang that love is stronger than pride (listened to the song on the other day, can’t get it out of my head), fear is stronger than reason.
What we’re witnessing is fascinating – a largely successful attempt to impose a new religion on the global population, a religion of woke scienticism aimed at corraling people, taking possession of their bodily existence and doing whatever the fuck Big Bro pleases. Very much akin to catholicity, but it’s going so smoothly and in such a widespread fashion that it must be making the peddlers of the bullshit about heaven and hell green with envy. They’ve been building fucking churches over millennia, while covidians are making do with a makeshift testing and vaccination center here and there.
Our only hope is that the motherfuckers will take it just tad too far, and some patently obvious crap will be too much even for the idiots out there to swallow …
I think and detect a clear but gradual wake up. We sadly will not quite achieve this by realisation. It will manifest in suffering stage – when unexplained deaths continue. We’re already seeing folk talk of experiences on social media. So much more information out there – Twitter in particular. A little more momentum and it’s all to play for.
Everything the media has said for the last 20 months can be reduced to three letters: “BOO!” And the population have been running around screaming.
“BOO!” Scream!
“BOO!” Scream!
“BOO!” Scream!
“BOO!” Scream!
That’s it!
The UK MSM seem to be trying to re-run the expenses’ scandal at the moment.
It’s a classic function-stacked operation. Some functions include:
1) Let the public blow off some steam by chucking a few custard pies.
2) Clear some dead wood out of the political class.
3) Rebuild trust in the media as they fearlessly hold the powerful to account (ha ha).
4) Build up that case for the technocratic and globalist alternative.
5) Keep building that anti-materialist, anti-consumerist agenda that’s prepping for “own nothing and be happy”.
As always, there are probably other things in play that will become clear when we see what the proposed “solutions” are.
And they will probably use that as more ammunition in making their phony case to criminalise so-called “hate speech”.
Yeah – and the bastards made Joe (let’s go Brandon) Biden poop his pants as well.
Greta would never get a job editing Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy – poor dear.
It would not surprise me in the least if she was an alien. Perhaps she’s the daughter of the captain of the Vogon construction fleet?
“A federal appeals court has blocked the corrupt Biden regime’s private employer “vaccine mandate” on the grounds that “there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate.”
As I reported, OSHA does not have the authority to issue legislation any more than does Biden.”
First trimester spontaneous abortion normally occurs in 11.3% of pregnancies. Following mRNA “vaccine” 82%!! The study is here:
global research story about it:
I just posted these figures on a Uk newspaper’s online comments section.
Within 60 seconds I had an email from the paper saying they had numerous complaints and they were withdrawing the comment.
Interestingly, the comments on this particular article were “unmoderated”
I suppose they picked up on ‘VAERS”
“Anyone like the Human League?” (Young Ones reference)
I’ll just put in a little plea here for carbon dioxide:
It is not poisonous public enemy number one.
Let’s just remember that it is only technically a poison, and only if it usurps the normal air of which it is a natural component – as natural a component as the oxygen we all need to inhale in order to stay alive.
The large amount of carbon dioxide we all exhale – several times a minute, every single day and for the whole of our lives – is not an abomination, and the plant life that thrives on it gives us vital oxygen in return.
I mention this because nothing in all my education has ever before implied that CO2 was in some way a ‘bad’ thing.
The way some people are talking now, it’s as if they were confusing it with carbon monoxide, which IS of course outright poisonous.
This is as mad as imagining that water is poisonous to us because some people drown in it, or that nitrogen – the commonest component of normal air – is a lethal enemy to the human race because somebody once found a way of combining it with glycerine and making explosives out of it.
Literal truth can be as destructive as any lie. Rational perspective and proportion are always needed.
To my mind, demonizing CO2 is just contributing to more deplorable, chaotic ‘media science’ – which is no science at all.
As always, if we follow the money, it leads to the irresponsible marketeers who really need to be demonized.
it was another ‘gift’ from Obama 13 yrs ago, it’s one for the growing list of Re-definitions they need to reinvent context…
Obama was such a trojan horse. The whole ‘no mandate’ until after elections has become such a classic move I’m surprised anyone still falls for it.
I got an e-mail from my supposed health care providers to remind me to get my shot and dangle a whole hunnert bucks in front of me. It struck me soon after how universal enrollment in health care will allow them to find the resistors quite easily from their records and those damn phones were for tracking and issuing the future vax passes (or whatever). Very clever, I’d say.
You are kind of stating the obvious for anyone with even an elementary knowledge of chemistry, and who hasn’t been confused by the MSM and supposed “scientists” with an agenda this last 30 years or so.
That it seems no longer obvious to the majority of the public shows up the regrettable state of scientific knowledge in the general population, and the lamentable state of public discourse.
One thing that particularly galls me is referring to carbon dioxide as a “pollutant” or “pollution”. If you were conducting a scientific experiment that required an atmosphere of pure oxygen within a sealed container, and somehow some CO2 got in, then it would be valid to refer to that particular CO2 as “contamination”. But that’s a special situation, and not everyday life.
Quite. Science is neutral. But now, we are putting value judgements on a gas, for heaven sake. Moral judgements even. It would be funny it it weren’t so tragic.
I almost had to laugh out loud at the news reports a few weeks ago when the media were reporting that industry was suffering severe shortages of CO2.
“Oh…so that poisonous CO2 stuff is actually useful then…?”
“Yes Greta, and you and I are breathing it in and out every minute of every hour of every day of our lives”.
Thanks for that basic reality check, W. It does get forgotten lately, amidst all the – highly-realpolitikised – doom-shrieking.
And a further bit of reality wouldn’t go amiss:
There’s a threshold level for atmospheric CO2, below which it mustn’t fall if photosynthesis is to remain possible for chlorophyll-bearing creatures (who are the basic Sun-energy-fixing carbohydrate food-source for almost all life on Earth; the carnivores as well as the herbivores).
Until the beginning of our current population-overshoot episode, with its attendant steadily-increasing CO2 release (which really took off with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, based on tapping into and burning the fossil-hydrocarbon deposits, big-time) the paleontological record had been showing a slow, steady decrease in atmospheric CO2 over a very long time-span. By the time humans began releasing a lot more, the level had declined dangerously close to the cut-off point where photosynthesis simply stops being possible. That’s why commercial greenhouse-food growers routinely flood their glasshouses with extra CO2, well above current ambient atmospheric levels, to increase plant growth markedly.
As ecologists have been pointing out for a long time, life on this planet seems to have a distinct homeostatic function, as if it’s deliberately keeping planetary conditions dynamically balanced in the range that suits it. There are multiple negative-feedback processes engaged in this work: Any time some random happenstance perturbs the balance, counteracting natural life-processes tick up, to re-establish it. Almost as if – you know – someone intended it…
That someone might just be Erde, aka Gaia, always conceived in the ancient-wisdom traditions to be a really-existing, thinking, knowing great being arisen from the planet itself, as it became clothed in its life-web.
Naturally, the gocos – the guardians of current orthodoxy – otherwise perhaps best labelled as the Dawkinsoids, scoff at such ‘silly’ ideas, which are heresies against their current hyper-materialist scientismic dogma. That’s why they regard Rupert Sheldrake, as he laughingly remarks himself, as ‘The Antichrist’. 🙂 Rupert can see clearly why in his description of the basic nature of reality, planets and stars can indeed be thinking, living entities. And according to Tom Campbell’s Big TOE (qv!), everything is mind-based, in essence.
Certainly, we hom saps did seem to turn up just in time to do something handy about that dangerously-low atmospheric CO2 component, didn’t we…?
Bet there won’t be a word said about that “piece of sublime mysticism and nonsense” in the final COP26 waffle-out, will there? 🙂
(additional “beautification” applied)
Perhaps Mr. Strong could have done us all a favour by collapsing himself at a younger age… He was a smart man, but, like most of today’s prominent men and women, he was megalomanic and morally misguided to a psychopathic extent.
Even if everything he said is true – and it isn’t – it is the fact of his saying it that betrays his immorality. He speaks of the lives and deaths of other human beings as if he thought he had some kind of divine right to manipulate them at will.
But you only get divine rights when you’re divine yourself, and he certainly wasn’t that.
I suppose all that petroleum does eventually get into your brain…
Some substances make people think they can fly, others think they can be God… The latter always acquire a lot of money to sustain their addiction to this fantasy.
-I don’t think there is just one Anti-Christ, rather I think of the Anti-Christ ( in the definition of one usurping the power of God and claiming it for their own) as a many-headed thing, maybe even Legion. The singularity is the spirit of the thing, all their eyes focused on the same goal.
The Catastrophe Psychosis. For a long time now there has been a terroristic blackmail in act leading to more and more recourse to the policeman-like logic of emergency. The media carries out the task of upturning problems and using apocalyptical images of the imminence of catastrophe, pushing great masses of people to mobilise to avoid it.
One should ask oneself what lies behind the pictured presented by the media of the impending nightmare of ecological catastrophe. This is presented as a problem to be solved beyond the realm of social relations or class conflict.
We have strong doubts about the show of good intentions made by politicians of every kind and colour (including the environmentalists) and their sudden interest in the population’s health.
We think that behind the bombardment of news concerning the ecological red alert in the areas of high industrial concentration where atmospheric pollution safety levels have been amply surpassed, there lies another far less noble battle: a battle for power between the old capitalist-industrial class and the new ascending one constituted on the public and private bureaucracy in view of the position of the latter have reached within the technological apparatus of capital and the state.
We know that the image of survival, in this case the ecological one, emotively pushes the mass to fight beyond any motivation coming from their own specific conditions of exploitation, not so much for social change but to save their own threatened survival. That pushes them to adopt the reasoning leading to the conservation of the present social order.
The planet is dying, we all know it. It is full of poison and lacking in oxygen because of atmospheric pollution. The rivers are biologically dead; lakes and seas are reduced to dustbins; a greenhouse effect is produced by the raising of the levels of carbon dioxide, thanks also to the massive work of deforestation of one of the main lungs of the earth, the Amazon forest. Growing drought is causing the extension of vast new deserts, and we are assisting in the tragedy of peoples and animal species on their way to extinction. sacrificed to the logic of profit and domination.
Every class that aspires to domination brings with it its own world and its own logic. The ascending bureaucrats are using ecology to accelerate the process of taking over the old world.
But what can that cause in the mass, increasingly terrified by the possibility of catastrophe and interiorising the logic of emergency, if not total adhesion to the repressive codes of behaviour dictated by cybernetic power. With scientific punctuality it is inviting millions of proletarianised individuals to participate and mobilise alongside the institutions to create and institute new organisms of control and to sanction new social authorities under the thrust of a new democratic radicalism.
Beyond its immediate drama, the Chernobyl nuclear accident gave capital and all the States the chance to coldly experiment elements upon which to apply repressive projects of control and consensus, precisely by exploiting the idea a permanent state of emergency.
The emergency intervention therefore does not resolve the problem but serves to instore control in order to eliminate conflict over the social territory through the blackmail of a duty to collaboration between classes. All the emergency measures that are presented as being necessary for the general social interest, in fact give way to a process of privilege and submission given the inequality of existing material conditions.
The greens and environmentalist associations are not looking for a solution to the problem of pollution but to a capillary and spreading control in order to make it a source of profit. One discovers that the least polluted parts of the cities are areas destined to the higher social strata: the poor get square metres of cement and waste dumps in the hells in the outskirts.
It is time then, instead of giving acritical praise to such forces, to unmask their role as the new social pacifiers who are going beyond the spectacle rigged on the blackmail that “the planet must be saved at all costs”. to lend themselves to managing existing alienation in an alternative way, but always based on exploitation and oppression.
We think that the struggle against the domination of man over man is the only basis from which to start. It is the only one capable of attacking those responsible for the destruction of both the planet and social wealth. We must aim concretely towards the liberation of man and nature in the global sense.
The greens and environmentalists are so-called ecologists whose aim is not a clean ecological planet: their politics are the green apartheids that wants “green islands” destined to the comfort of the privileged. The international environmentalist associations are the multinationals of “ecology”, capitalism revised and corrected following the damage done by the preceding phase of maximum industrialisation.
The social struggle in the ecological sense is valid only if it strikes the relationships of domination, the structures of capital and the State, showing its subversive force that contains the prospect of a new world, not the alternative management of the old.
Insurrection magazine. #6. September 1989.
“The social struggle in the ecological sense is valid only if it strikes the relationships of domination, the structures of capital and the State, showing its subversive force that contains the prospect of a new world, not the alternative management of the old.”
Exactly. It’s not like there is no ecological crisis, it’s that capital/state are simply using it to try to further solidify social power, while doing nothing about the crisis, they cannot do anything, as they themselves are the cause.
Why on earth does anyone listen to Greta Thumberg? What makes her the great authority on causative factors of global temperature changes? Not sure how old she is now, perhaps 18, but she started her dramatics about the issue at 15, or so, having no scientific training or background. Now she is the poster child for the anthropogenic global warming crowd…
it is all optics and the gullible flock just respond to the conditioning, no questions asked. Don’t people see that CO2’s minuscule percentage of 0.041 of the atmosphere is too small to have any influence on global weather?
I don’t think anybody actually does listen to Greta Thunberg.
It’s just that she provides a very convenient figurehead for their preconceived ideas – ideas which will remain unchanged whatever Greta says.
AOC is probably worse – she’s like an Instagram influencer has been given a Congressional seat. See her role during “the Insurrection”.
She’s on the pages of one of the red tops today drinking “Irn Bru” in Glasgow.
(From a quick google, it seems all the papers are covering this non-story).
Everything you need to know about Grim Greta is encapsulated in the odd coincidence of an unknown barely pubescent school girl spontaneously deciding to demonstrate for the first time and just happened to be spontaneously recorded on the very first day on a professionally shot video.
They could at least have had the decency to not have her school-girly blog hosted on a DNS address allocated to the UN.
Just one more day in the puppet show
Thanks for that exposee of Greta and the UN. Two great causes [Ecology and World Government] which have been infected by corruption and will need to be either cured or replaced.
She will be 19 on 3 Jan 2022.
As much as I love offgaurdian it’s making me alittle depressed at the moment.I’m going to come away for awhile not from the commentary I love that just need to chill.
Hang in there Annie.
I had to take a couple of days away from the internet recently because of work.
But I unexpectedly found it was a welcome refresher from the heavy truth and sanity here…
Glad to be back, nevertheless 🙂
I hope your experience will be similar, Annie.
Same here. But I don’t blame the mirror for a depressing image of our times.
“Since I am not as I was / Let me not look in that glass
What we henceforth all might be / I no longer wish to see.” — with apologies to Anon, Greek Anthology.
Sky’s desperation is in overdrive
COVID-19: Vienna brothel offers customers 30 minutes with ‘lady of their choice’ in exchange for coronavirus jab
here’s a joke in here somewhere to do with ‘pricks’ and ‘pricks’ but it escapes me at the moment
Innoculate ejeculate?
immaculate infection?
Arguably the most fitting place for Covid vaccines to be administered from.
Perhaps the place should be renamed ‘Babylon’ though
So this is really true…???
What a sad comment on Sky
What a sad comment on Austria too… not that halfwits haven’t taken over all the other countries as well…
“Come and get undressed by one of our pretty nurses (well, she might only take your shirt off…), and as a reward for letting us do it to you, you can have a 30 minute Anschluss with one of our pretty hostesses, know what I mean big boy…?”
For the second time this month, a topic that compels me to post the beginning of Kurt Vonnegut’s typically prescient 1968 short story “Welcome to the Monkey House”:
So Pete Crocker, the sheriff of Barnstable County, which was the whole of Cape Cod, came into the Federal Ethical Suicide Parlor in Hyannis one May afternoon–and he told the two six-foot Hostesses there that they weren’t to be alarmed, but that a notorious nothinghead named Billy the Poet was believed headed for the Cape.
A nothinghead was a person who refused to take his ethical birth-control pills three times a day. The penalty for that was $10,000 and ten years in jail.
This was at a time when the population of Earth was 17 billion human beings. That was far too many mammals that big for a planet that small. The people were virtually packed together like drupelets.
Drupelets are the pulpy little knobs that compose the outside of a raspberry.
So the World Government was making a two-pronged attack on overpopulation. One pronging was the encouragement of ethical suicide, which consisted of going to the nearest Suicide Parlor and asking a Hostess to kill you painlessly while you lay on a Barcalounger. The other pronging was compulsory ethical birth control. […]
The two Hostesses there in Hyannis were Nancy McLuhan and Mary Kraft. Nancy was a strawberry blonde. Mary was a glossy brunette. Their uniforms were white lipstick, heavy eye makeup, purple body stockings with nothing underneath, and black-leather boots. They ran a small operation–with only six suicide booths. In a really good week, say the one before Christmas, they might put sixty people to sleep. It was done with a hypodermic syringe. […]
It wasn’t just Billy the Poet who was attracted to Hostesses in Ethical Suicide Parlors. All nothingheads were. Bombed out of their skulls with the sex madness that came from taking nothing, they thought the white lips and big eyes and body stocking and boots of a Hostess spelled sex, sex, sex.
The truth was, of course, that sex was the last thing any Hostess ever had in mind.
The up and down vote thing was visible today I tried to upvote your post , but was told I must sign in which i had already done ?
Thanks. I just sent an e-mail to the admins asking for help.
When I click the blue “login” button/icon on the header, it takes me to an error page.
I infer that “logging in” isn’t the same as having one’s screen name and e-mail address display when one opens the comment window.
Unless we’re the only two who are having difficulty with the new procedure, I think the admins wrongly assumed that the “login” process is self-evident.
I hope they clear this up sooner than later!
“Big Junkets mean Great Freebies.”
“We are all in this together also means Socialized Medicine For All!“
“We are all in this together also means Socialized Medicine For All!“

Many more memes for your enjoyment from S Cooper’s sources here:
S. Cooper – you’re wrong, so wrong ! The System we live in is Socialist ! Bill Gates, The UN, FDA, CDC, all those mega- corporations – they’re all Socialist !!! John Lennon was the leader of the Bolshevik Party – corrupter of Our Youth !
Dont you believe the MSM ? It too is controlled by The Socialists – wants us to believe our system is Capitalist !!! Read between the lines !!!
“One mistakes corporate fascism for honest socialism. The two are quite different. If there was honest socialism a Bill Gates (or a JD Rockefeller) would not be able to do what they have done. Socialism is social, political and economic equality. Now for some Debs.”
“Humanity is a work in progress.”
S cooper, I think they already tried enforced equality in USSR. When you put that much power in the hands of the State you get one variant or another of dictatorship. Just like when you put unlimited power in the hands of the oligarchs.
Personally, I’m certainly for the free enterprise and private property of capitalism. But it needs to be controlled as it was in the 50s– none of this unregulated “laissez faire” of the Chicago boys that Chossudovsky writes of. (He’s the prime mover behind
Above all you can’t have the oligarchs controlling the currency.
Errrm Marxism isn’t Communism. No-one, unsurprisingly, seems able to grasp this distinction. Communist regimes spared little sympathy for Marxists. The early leadership of the Communist party in the USSR were systematically ‘liquidated’ and the party itself was transformed into a Stalinist monstrosity and the genuine Marxists – Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev et. al. were all dispatched to oblivion.
See the novel ‘Darkness at Noon’ by Arthur Koestler
So why did Marx (and Engels) write “The Communist Manifesto”?
OK, if you want to say that what they ended up with in the USSR was Stalinism, and not Marxism, then I would not disagree, but to say Marxism isn’t Communism is a bit of a stretch.
It was while reading, recently, about how Comrade Trotsky crushed The Kronstadt Rebellion against the Bolshevik dictatorship, that i wondered “should i order Koestler’s “the God that Failed”, which i cant recall ever reading. My copy of his “Darkness At Noon” i lent to someone in 1985, and she still hasnt returned it.
What, no hammer-and-sickle logo to drive the point home? 😉
So it was not Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky who were the leaders of the Bolsheviks and primary impetus for the 1917 Revolution. It was Lennon and McCartney!
Thanks for clearing that up for us, Chuckles.’s communism and capitalism
It’s the same cartel. They control both sides and the opposition is an illusion. Within the Hegelian Dialectic, all sides lead to the same predetermined outcome: Human farming, mind control, forced taxation, fiat currency, fake wars, fake voting, fake parties, fake terror, fake pandemics, fake climate emergencies, racketeering, mind control, indoctrination and debt enslavement.
Red vs Blue is a scam. Capitalism vs Communism vs Socialism vs Fascism vs Democracy is a scam.
All those votes you cast and every political article you ever skimmed were nothing but mind control pablum.
Many smart people are commenting here. You’re not one of them.
Here’s another cretin mouthing off about ‘socialism’. You’re joking right? ”
John Lennon was the leader of the Bolshevik Party.” (sic) But of course! I once saw him with a copy of Marx’s 3 volumes of Capital under his arm sneaking into the reading room of the British Museum.
Moreover, I was particularly impressed by the chapter in Volume 3 regarding the falling rate of profit and the transformation problem, see volume 3, Part 3, Chapter xiii ”The Law of the Tendency of The Rate of Profit To Fall.”
Additionally as I am sure you know the transformation of surplus value into prices of production. But of course it is common knowledge that Marx used to eat babies for breakfast.
But I suppose we are condemned to live in the age of political and economic illiteracy.
Tell me this is just a wind-up!
Donny confusing Lenin with Lennon featured in The Big Lebowski. He was out of his element…
Dear Donald D,
many who talk about Capitalism dont know what they’re taking about.
Many who talk about communism dont know what they’re talking about.
Look around you – All the Good things were made by Capitalism, all the
other stuff was made by the other mob – every cretin knows that. Every cretin also knows that the Quality of Life in those ‘former communist countries’ improved after McDonalds opened in Moscow…
khazars phoenicians venetians donmeh turks followers of zvi and jacob frank
pirates of the caribs
the crown empire of the city of london
fishy fishmongers of fishmongers halls
ashkanazim mason vatican wall street
capital social zio commie all the fucking isms are spawn from the same demonic pits of hell
harvesting for moloch
royalty actors men of politics comedy music all generational all related
beast slave system
the internet of everything is data mining making money from your every movement every action
Dead right
I think, S Cooper, it was criminalism that did all these things, not capitalism. The oligarchs mask their evil doings as “capitalism” & tell us that criminalism is the only alternative to communism. Not so.
Please don’t excuse capitalist scum!
That last one is good.
In Australia they took our guns…..
In Australia guns were given up to the same government which took your national telecommunications (Telstra) and capital city airport (Sydney) and gave them to private ownership. Go figure …
Yes, odd that.
They’re fucking with us.
Quite! Although, I would delete the ‘with’ …
“The focus on emissions has led to many ideas such as direct air capture (DAC) and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) which utilize technology to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) but require loads of energy to be able to accomplish this task. Because it is using technology, it is unsustainable. These devices, like most all technological devices, cannot survive without the fossil fuel platform because the fossil fuel platform supports all the other infrastructural platforms (under the banner of industrial civilization) required for these devices to be built and maintained (see my post on infrastructure here). But because these devices require so much energy, it was discovered that industrial carbon capture actually produces more emissions than it captures. OOPS.
Climate Change is not about climate change. It is a message mechanism for promoting catastrophism, keeping everyone in a state of panic – so they can be controlled…
You’re confusing COP26 and all the moves by the ruling elite to use “climate change” as a whip to keep people controlled, via the messaging, with real physical world events. Unless you believe that incredible amounts of damage to the ecosystem mean absolutely nothing, and that the graph in that link which shows the unprecedented rate of temp rise now vs past warming episodes is fake.
At last, some basic technical criticism of the topic in the author’s concluding paragraphs: the proposed huge investment in CO2 capture and storage as a “valuable feedstock”.
Shouldn’t be any issues with fizzy drinks then, with all those new CO2 pipelines
The cumbersome switch from covid to climate has been easily grasped by many around me. And that alone explains one of the supposed great flaws in “conspiracy theory” i.e. the long familiar remark that these conspiracies can’t be true because they would have been impossible to hush up. They are not hushed up. They are glaringly obvious but everyone has been trained to roll their eyes in mockery whenever the subject is broached. It’s the biggest idiot training camp in the history of the world. They can get away with as much shit as they want – and openly too – by conditioning everyone into sneering at it.
Juxtapose the Yanis Varoufakis’ “Techno-feudalism” with Naomi Klein’s idea that the “Great Reset” is a conspiracy theory all the while the billionaire class is getting fabulously richer, the overwhelming majority disastrously poorer, and what remained of liberal democracy is being shredded to pieces at a dizzying pace with Progressives like Klein complaining that why can’t we make our impoverishment more equitable?
If you can get the chattering classes believing it’s dangerous and selfish to breathe freely, then you can easily persuade them that most people should not be allowed to breathe at all.
What’s your carbon breathprint? How do you justify it?
you can breath in, but you cant breath out!
You nailed it old chap!
Cui bono?
this article is a perfect illustration of modern metastasized finance captured bureaucratic insanity… whereby countless meaningless astro-turfed organizations reference themselves endlessly in the hope that no-one sees through the scams being played….
and of course so they can continue drawing a check, generally paid by those they supposedly oppose… two take-aways from this article.. bio-mass and carbon….
well … that’s you..
and the ‘developers’ and ‘investors’… well that’s ‘them’…
I was struggling for a way to express the concept “modern metastasized finance captured bureaucratic insanity” but you found it first. A big thanks. But…..
Insanity? Hardly. Maybe from a very distant viewpoint, but from where I’m sitting its nothing of the sort. Its merely a rational way of trying to match the goals of rampant capitalism with the reality of a finite sized planet without doing anything obvious like actually tweaking the system. After all we know that ‘the system’ is eternal, immutable and inviolate, its impossible to change despite being entirely a human construct (and we’ll fight anyone who dares to say otherwise)(and don’t even think about trying to implement anything different; you will either fail or we will destroy you for trying).
yes ‘martin’… I think you will find we are in agreement, although I’m sticking with my observations of pathology because it is apropos for the miscreants herding the flock…
it is neither rational nor intelligent to cut off the branch you are sat on….of course one could muse on the demonic nature of the system….
but I’ll leave that one for christmas…
The pivot from covid to climate at this time wasn’t exactly difficult to foretell because it is exactly what Klaus Schwab said would happen.
Knowing what they’ve said and taking it seriously is all it takes (while yes, allowing for some disinfo). It’s amazing how many people are incapable of getting this.
Just waiting for the smallpox bioterrorism attack at my local airport.
Good article but as always peripheral and ineffectual to what is ultimately required.
Vote Communist at the next election. In China they hang bankers.
So basically the poisoning of the earth is being blamed on co2 and alt dementia who is heavily sponsored by chemical manufactures is saying it is a lie. win win for them.
I think there is important material here, but I found it very difficult to parse. Maybe I’m an idiot. Can someone help me understand what this says, or point me to ELI5 articles that cover the subject matter? I googled a few things, so here are my takeaways so far:
Is that basically what he is saying? Did I misunderstand or miss anything? Thanks
Pretty much. The stored CO2 (from BECCS) becoming feedstock for industry.
Also perhaps that the widespread implementation of BECCS (biomass replacing coal etc) itself has environmental impact (the building of the CO2 pipelines). Which is something genuine environmental activists should be up in arms about, but they’re not (controlled opposition), or at least not enough.
And, perhaps, that there were other options that could have been explored, but weren’t.
Your takeaways are pretty much spot on. They’ve crammed CCS into everybody’s plans, or concessions to CCS have been quietly built in.
Thanks very much, Jack. I was going to ask the author to explain but now can I copy your homework?
Okay, so there’s double standards – TPTB talk about reducing so-called ‘fossil fuels’ but aren’t really doing it.
The problem with all these double standards’ takes is which way do they want it to be corrected? The author clearly thinks climate change is real and the elimination of ‘fossil fuels’ should be the aim. That’s nuts, it’s actually worse than the elite’s hypocrisy.
All the article shows is that the likes of Greta and XR are highly selective in what bothers them and therefore controlled opposition. Who thought otherwise?
“Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice” says Robert Frost.
Uh-uh. It will end in a great tower of acronyms. All will cease because everyone will be speaking in code and no one will understand anything that’s said.
The Age of Babel is upon us.
I have to say that’s exactly what I thought after a couple of paragraphs…
It’s an important point.
I would much prefer English which a bright layman could understand, with simple footnotes for those who like acronyms and want to dig into them.
I want names too, but just tell me who their chiefs and principal movers and shakers are.
That will do me just fine.
If I start talking to my few remaining intelligent acquaintances about BECCS, AOC and XR, they will quickly add their names to the very long list of no-longer-intelligent people, who find thinking to be an increasingly irksome hobby in 2021.
Suspect it is part of the game….attempt to baffle with sciency talk coupled with lots of initial operations….guaranteed to get people to gloss over and say what the hell….
just keep remembering all this is to cover up the big money scam…the mess the bankers got us into and will continue to get us into….trusting them to solve anything is a leap in silly faith…land I will keep muttering much is yet to come.,.well when it comes to starvation and chaos….and hopefully at the end of it a few of them strung up.,which may keep them quiet for another 80 yrs,
I keep hoping for clarity on the climate issues. But this article, like most I’ve read, are evidently beyond my level of comprehension. I thought I was educated, but I have zero understanding of what the author was talking about. My mind is open, critical thinking intact and I’d love to be convinced that what I’m personally witnessing, basically the destruction of this planet, isn’t happening.
“The key thing to keep in mind is that those corporate fascist psycho Nazi scammers are going to use their fake save the earth-deep ecology marketing and sales campaign as a pretext to raise rates through the roof and stick it to WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity). One word to keep in mind, HYPERINFLATION. The Weimar Republic was a dry run.”
It’s actually very easy to de-complex the gist of the article. Apply the age old maxim: Follow The Money. Anybody who thinks big oil is about to give up its gravy train is totally delusional.
I am so glad other People besides myself have a hard time reading this article. I started to think I was stupid. I stopped reading after a few paragraphs.
What are you witnessing that gives you the impression “basically the destruction of this planet” from a Co2 driven climate crisis perspective, rather than an environmental/polution perspective?
This is US focused, but it provides some perspective, the same historical context can be found pretty much worldwide:
If you want to understand how the climate actually works, without the influence of Co2 induced histeria I’ll give you some good places to start:
if that’s a bit too highbrow, this hypothesis is pretty much the same, although it’s much easier to grasp as it’s based on observations rather than abstract climate principles
I highly recomend all Willis Eschenbachs posts, some of them get right into the data and can be a bit too deep but in general he sticks to laymans terms and is one of the easiest writers on climate to understand. His posts can be found here:
Not the destruction of the planet, N. It’s much too tough and resilient – even the living component of it – for we drunk-on-our-own-godlike-wonderfulness little human farties to be able to do that. It is now, and always will be, way beyond our (real) capabilities.
What we’re destroying, by refusing to see the realities, is industrialism, and all the hitech developments which it has enabled – briefly. The dense technospeak of this article is an indicator of how the technocrats engaged in this current self-destruction exercise are blinded by their own forest of hyper-intricacies, from which virtually no clear, large picture can be extracted. Certainly not the insight that they are the Fate-appointed harbingers of this particular episode of civilisational destruction.
One useful fact to remember is that self-destroying civilisations are absolutely no new thing. That’s been a repeating pattern for several thousand years, and right now we’re in the middle of a global-sized reprise of the pattern. And – after we’ve crashed this one, like all the others – then, as usual, our numbers will be far fewer, and our impact on the natural world will be much less, both because of our reduced numbers, and because of the drastically-reduced large-scale capabilities of whatever surviving technologies we still have by then.
And round about then, the clear signs of the planetary lifeweb’s ancient, robust capacity for self-healing and recovery (quite independent of any human ‘stewardship’ – hah!) will be making themselves obvious again, as the forests return, of their own accord.
Forests, and their drier-climate cousins, climax natural grasslands – prairie, steppe, and serengeti – love increased CO2, as it allows them to grow faster and more fulsomely. Before the advent of humans breaking – briefly – into the fossil-hydrocarbons sequestered in the Earth’s crust, and releasing – briefly – a fair bit of it into the atmosphere by burning, the background level of CO2 in the atmospheric mix had been on a worrying, long-term downward trend (now thankfully reversed a bit) whereby it was heading towards the lower threshold limit where photosynthesis ceases to be possible – god help us all!
You could even suggest that the flash-in-the-pan advent of humankind’s brief love-affair with industrialism, and the release of CO2 from sequestered fhcs which that required, have been a life-saving stop-gap, whilst we wait for natural vulcanism through plate tectonics, together with rock-weathering, to resume it’s very ancient work of keeping the atmosphere supplied with enough CO2 to keep life ticking over! 🙂 Considerably higher global mean temperatures, with substantially higher atmospheric CO2 levels, in past epochs of the Earth’s history have been times of fulsome life in all its manifestations. Quite probably, they will happen again.
Meanwhile, we humans continue with our hallucinatory schemes to extract sunbeams from cucumbers – as Jonathan Swift satirised it so memorably. It’s a source of increasing helpless laughter, as I observe our blind, mad goose-chases still farting on. :0)
Wish there was still an up vote….nicely said. And the bloody cockroaches will survive.,,of that I am sure,
An upvote for Edith to copy and paste to Rhisiart.
but CO2 is a very low percentage of the unburnables. H2s and CO as well as nitrogen are the largest constituents of unburnables. this is typcial kill the food of the food of the competition that we see in agriculture. the story of B by dan quinn
Hear the man!
… or woman for all I know.
“I thought I was educated, but I have zero understanding of what the author was talking about.”
Same here. Fortunately Jack has done some homework and provided us with a helpful precis in English.
No doubt the article has something important to say. But it’s just too riddled with climate change jargon for me to comprehend. Terms like “feedstock” and “key negative value on the deep decarbonisation net zero ledger” is not exactly engaging prose for the layperson.
“Big Energy’s version (for marketing and sales purposes) of Shirley Temple. Being used for the time old strategy of co-opting and disarming any opposition.”

“What an adorable little muppet.”
it is an 18 year old boy man thing
an actor from a family of bad acts
pure satanick deception
“Yes, the psychos could have chosen a more appealing shill…

… and instead of torturing and murdering beagle puppies provided one to hold.”
Is there really any point in adults like yourselves mocking some poor kid this way. It is shameful and undignified that you resort to such poisonous juvenile antics. Greta Thunberg is young person who is being exploited in the interests of the new green wash big business interests. In much the same way that Malala was exploited by the political and business class when it suited their imperial interest/project. Exploitation of children for propaganda purposes in advertisments, film and political discourse has been going on for a very long time . Some of you may still recall the 70’s advertising campaigns for Pepsi “I’d like to teach the world to sIng in harmony” in which young people are constantly promoted to the public by corrupt corporate power as the pristine hope and the idyllic future of mankind
“Not mocking her. If it were up to me she would be happily at home with her family instead of yet another exploited victim of some perverse mentally disturbed child labor vultures. Perhaps some well meaning person, who personally knows her or her family, will alert them to the fact that they are being terribly misused. Thank you.”
it is a mentally ill boy that has been tavistocked
the family have been central banker agents for generations
it has a 5 star lifestyle how dare you
feel sorry for damian omen
how very dare you
Cause im a secret lemonade drinker😎
This some poor kid is poisoning other some poor kids.
At what age do the exploited become the exploiters?
I agree with you to a certain extent. It seems to me that poor Greta is more the darling of the Alt-Right than of the Environmental movement. She has become the Alt-Right boogeyman de jour, whereas she has next to zero actual impact on the masses.
If she wasn’t so fair-skinned and Scandinavian, there are websites out there that would link her to the Protocols etc…
How someone so embeded in studying the subsidy farming scams of the globalists, not question the false premis of “catastrophic climate change”?
Dr. Heal Thyself
Off G, why promote limited hangouts?
Everything is potentially a “limited hangout.” In fact, how can anything ever be so pure that it can never occasionally stray from the straight and narrow once in a while.
Even if Michael Swifte accepts the premises of “catastrophic climate change,” his well detailed exposure of the flim-flam driving the carbon exchange irrelevancy is valuable information.
Yes, I know: it’s ever so much fun saying “It’s a hoax!” But once in a while it’s nice to have the actual hoax part of it fleshed out.
There’s the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” angle of course. But the logic fail on the main false premis of “catastrophic climate change” leaves one doubting the logic of any argument he’s making, especially since this premis supports the very net zero bollox being used to enslave us all. Then there’s his loud advocation of direct action, making him look a bit of a pied piper.
more like kill the food of the food of the competition for growing… food. but yes same same
We don’t need the hoax part fleshed out. It’s always been obvious.
All we need to know is that it is a hoax. And who exactly are the entities, orgs and individuals that are making off with boatloads of money from the climate hoax, while they launch rockets into space for faked missions to Mars, and fly private jets around the world.
Don’t be another dupe. There’s enough of those already, rolling up their sleeves for voluntary euthanasia and covering their faces with toxic fume emitting, oxygen deprivation devices.
“it’s nice to have the actual hoax part of it fleshed out.”
Agreed. That’s why I’m grateful to Jeffrey Strahl for deciphering the article into demotic English.
I see the world as our oyster, Imp.
We don’t need to treat every article we see as if somebody is promoting something by means of it.
Even if they are, which of course happens, we are perfectly free to toss that aside and move on to the next task.
For a rather lofty example, there is something quite brilliant about much of what Nietzsche thought and wrote, but Bernard Russell’s critique of him is no less brilliant.
At all events, I see no harm in the existence of the output of both Nietzsche and Russell.
We are not in the censorship business here, and limited hangouts are always going to dangle there as a challenge for us to see through them in any case.
Why not?
I guess so, but it doesn’t take a genius to work out CCS is a subsidy farming scam, it doens’t need appending with ‘oil bad’ ‘coal bad’ and calls for direct action which will only lead to more draconian legislation, it’s no better than the astroturfing ER crowd spout all the time bacause it stands on the same false premis.
And meanwhile, climate continues to shift in complex, fundamentally non-predictable ways, and will go on doing so, whatever denialist delusions we award ourselves. And pouring lots of CO2 into the atmosphere will affect those changes to some significant degree, as it always has for many epochs, chop-logic that reality how we will.
But no, we don’t know if it will be catastrophic or not, because that will always be outside our capability of reliable prediction. We DON’T KNOW what the climate is going to do, not in detail; and we never will.
Nonsense. All things being equal, the effect is logrithmic, anymore will have negligable effect, besides nothing ever stays equal in the energy balance equations since it’s in constant flux.
I wrote that 11 years ago, before I became an anti-fossil fuel activist, when I still read The Guardian, before I decided to ignore the thoroughly muddied waters of climate modelling and focus on the money, messaging and networks that are ensuring fossil fools get exactly what they always want, everything.
Thanks for clarification.
Have you thought of becomming pro something positive rather than anti fossil fuels?
Because if you got your way with fossil fuels all you do is increase the cost of fuel for billions of poor folks, and stop development for millions more, while the globalist banksters sit pretty no matter what you do.
You live in the home of Permaculture, putting your research and writing skills to use promoting that would be much more effective than all the direct action nonsense you’re advocating off the back of another globalist bankster seeded meme made from whole cloth.
I read Permaculture 1 in 1994. I’m not a permaculture guy. It’s basically a hobby to which people attach services like ecotourism and education. I learned more from a biodynamic farmer “it’s probiotics for soil” and “I grow soil” is what he told me.
Getting my way would be exposing how John Podesta is fulfilling Maurice Strong’s dreams buy securing the controlling stake in climate activism which has all but drowned classical environmentalism producing generations of guileless fools.
Globalist power is underpinned by continued and relatively stable throughput of materials. My intention is to provide the kind of intelligence that can help disrupt the control of throughput in ways not mediated or obviated by the messaging, networks and market reach of the guileless fools on Podesta’s payroll. I understand it’s a tall order, but power likes to control the source of chaos, therefore chaos from sources outside their control is a significant threat to their interests.
If you don’t think Biodynamic farming has anything to do with permaculture you didn’t read it enough, although it’s probably wise to move away from Steiner from a PR perspective given his occult globalist connections, permaculture provide the ethics missing from biodynamics. If you take the occult out of biodynamics and replace it with science you basically get Elaine Ingham, apply Permaculture principles to her work, mix in some Allan Savory, and you get the solution to replace chemical farming.
Permaculture is a toolbox built on an ethical foundation, soil food web, holitic management, etc. are all tool that fit in the permaculture toolbox.
You seem happy with the unintended consiquences of increasing the cost of fuel for billions of poor folks, and stopping development for millions more. While failing to recognise your whole “fossil fule bad” argument rests on globalist inspired and funded false premise that clearly falls flat on it’s face in historical context. But that’s that missing ethical thing again.
Globalist power is underpinned by the global central bankster money scam, until you change how money works you change nothing, anything else is pissing in the wind, pissing in the wind without any ethical prespective is pissing on poor folk.