The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition
Todd Hayen PhD

“Science denier!!” A snarky phrase I am sure most of you have heard many times. In the beginning of this Covid debacle, when there was clearly only “one science” approved and presented by the media, it took a bit of digging to find other scientific hypotheses.
Now it is not so difficult to see clearly that there is a deeper, more robust, science that is contradicting the mainstream.
But still we hear the mantra “follow the science!” “you are a moronic denier of science!” and as Fauci so famously put it, “if you are against me, you are against science!”
So what, then, is science? The first thing I would say in defining science is to state what it isn’t…it isn’t typically consensual. I suppose there are some things we can call “settled science” but even much of that is often questioned, certainly over the years as new discoveries are made “old science” steps aside for “new science.”
Why doesn’t this still happen? — probably because science has truly become more of a religion than a systematic (and by its nature controversial) effort to discover the mysteries of the natural world. Religions are typically dogmatic, meaning they have rules that are not to be questioned.
An unseen authority such as God, or a group of Gods, has historically set the rules of religions. Today, the self-appointed “ruling class” — the government, the Faucis, the Big Pharma corporations, or someone or something even beyond that, sets the rules of the religion “scientism”.
The powers that be are desperate to harness the power of science to do their evil bidding. They wish it to become the superstitious demon they can release onto anyone who questions their power and authority. Again, as Anthony Fauci so brazenly stated, “if you are against me, you are against science.” And a sane person, or so they want you to think, cannot be against science.
How is this “take over” of science possible? “Science” is now sacred in our modern world, and has been for quite some time. Technology, medicine, engineering, has become so sophisticated and complex few people know the inner sanctum of the science behind all of this that seems to be, to the layman, magic. It takes a real scientist to know science’s innermost secrets.
Or does it?
We certainly have come to think that only the priests of science can understand science. It used to be that common sense ruled, and what it didn’t rule, religion and a belief in God filled in. Now neither common sense nor God exists in the popular mind. The phrases uttered by those who still listen to their common sense, such as, “do your own research” has, to the science worshipper, become the mantra of the imbecile, the moron who doesn’t trust the “Science God” to tell them what is real and what is not real.
Common sense cannot, for the most part, assume a thorough understanding of science, but as mom used to say, “if everyone is jumping off the cliff, would you go with them?”
It seems that in today’s climate, most people are jumping. That is a lack of common sense. If science says it is safe to jump, then we jump.
Not so long ago we came to “settled science” through a process. Many minds, many experiments, many mistakes (remember Edison’s thousand light bulbs?) During this Covid insanity there are not many minds, many experiments, nor many mistakes (not enough time to make them). That’s where the common sense should come in—we should question this censorship, this lack of scientific debate—but for the most part common sense has evaded many of us. Jump off the cliff, folks…and away we go.
The problem is not the science, the problem are the people proclaiming to know the science. There is now only one (or one consensual group) “Priest of Science.” And the masses are not sophisticated enough to tell the difference between “jump off the cliff” science, and real science.
Science, real science, is dead.
So where does superstition come in? Superstition historically can be seen as the shadow of religion. Since science is now a religion (something to trust if the high priests (Fauci et al) tell us to) the response to this new religion is largely superstitious. Since science can now be created, and justified, merely through the word of a handful of authoritative figures, then the belief in it (since the new science does not have to be justified through experimentation, documentation, and debate amongst scientists) is then superstition.
How many examples can you come up with that simply defies any sort of logic or reason? I will name a few: lockdowns, masks, social distancing, segregating the unvaccinated to prevent the vaccinated from becoming infected, vaccinating 5-year-olds to prevent a disease that no one who is 5 gets, ignoring viable treatment options for Covid that actually work.
Need I say more? I will not elaborate considering who is reading this; you need no explanation.
None of these examples have a scientific foundation, we simply have been “told” by the priests of the new science that these things are based on scientific inquiry and experimentation. But we know they are not.
We don’t even have to know much about science to know this. These are things a person with an 8th grade education would scratch their head about. But we are told we are science deniers if we question any of this. We are told the doctors who question this are quacks, the scientists who question this are pseudo-scientists. Those who hold these as truths without questioning them, in my view, are superstitious.
The definition for “superstition” is “a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation.” In the context of this article the “supernatural causation” is the irrational and empty assumptions that people seem to think are “natural causations” — if you question these people on this point, i.e., ask them to explain why a vaccinated person needs protection from an unvaccinated person (in our rational effort to discover the “natural causation” of a scientific assumption) they will start yelling at you calling you an idiot, or a science denier, or whatever other nasty thing they wish to throw at you.
“I hope you get Covid and die!” OK. Thanks.
The rebirth of superstition.
All this is really a manifestation of the fundamental problem: Most of the world is suffering from a cult-like mass psychosis.
Actually, it probably isn’t most of the world. I just came back from a two-week sojourn in Egypt. No one, or very few, were wearing masks. And those who were, were mostly tourists.
People were smiling, laughing, hugging, kissing, and shaking hands. There are two primary reasons for this: one, they are very religious people and feel that if Allah says it is time to go, you go. If Allah says it isn’t time to go, nothing will take you down. The second reason is that they do not trust their government, never have, probably never will.
There are no “priests of the new science” there to redefine science. They actually don’t seem to care much for what science has to say about most things anyway. Their lives are in the hands of their maker, and that is good enough.
Why did the leaders of many other nations, such as the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and many more, kill real science?
Well, that’s for another article, but I think you already know.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.
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But still we hear the mantra “follow the science!” “you are a moronic denier of science!” and as Fauci so famously put it, “if you are against me, you are against science!”
I did a search for this quote and didn’t find it. Where did you get this from?
Science (based upon skepticism of Models or Stories and testing them repeatedly with DATA), has been replaced by Religion (Belief and Faith in Models or Stories). I call it the Follow-the-Science Religion. We see that in CoVid and the “Climate Crisis:
Charles Darwin, upon receipt of much refutation & criticism of his observation and reporting on the existence of carnivorous plants, wrote:
“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.”
Much of the “Scientific” community of his time believed in a strict hierarchy of species, and of the food chain.
It was widely believed that the “lowly” plant could never prey on “higher-order” insects & animals.
This statement by Darwin serves as a bases of the Dunning Kruger effect.
Those with lesser true knowledge tend to think they know more than they truly know, and hold more confidence in what they think they know.
Depth of “knowledge” rather than breadth of knowledge can often result in ignorance.
Pinpointing your focus on one small element of a larger process can often result in a failure to account for different factors affecting that one element.
It fascinates me at the widespread divergence of opinion I often read from those with different specialized training, like from Virologists, MIcro-Biologists, Chemists, Physicians, etc.
Most receive quite narrow training, and often fail to account for how the elements of one field of study may likely affect another.
One hand rarely knows what the other hand is doing.
They cannot see the forest for the trees.
The 19th-20th century Educator, Philosopher, and true Polymath Bertrand Russell, as part of his Ten Commandments of Critical Thinking wrote:
“Do not feel absolutely certain of anything.”
Which can be related directly to the statement by Darwin regarding ignorance, and the Dunning Kruger effect.
Certainty is often a sign of ignorance.
Russell also wrote:
“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”
True Philosophy lies in knowing what one doesn’t know.
Always searching for the truth, but still realizing you likely never know for certain.
And understanding that what you may believe today, may be proven wrong tomorrow.
True “Science” and “Medicine” need to follow the same line.
True “Science” and “Medicine” lie in knowing what one doesn’t know.
Always searching for the truth, but still realizing you likely never know for certain.
And understanding that what you may believe today, may be proven wrong tomorrow.
Cicero, one of the last true Roman Statesmen, and staunch defender of true Liberalism and Republicanism, wrote:
“The one who engages in conversation, should not debar others from participating in it, as if he were entering upon a private monopoly; but, as in other things, so in a general conversation he should think it not unfair for each to have his turn.”
Freedom, democracy, liberty, justice, et al; even true progress, all rely on divergence of thought & opinion.
Petrarch, a ancient Greek scholar who laid the foundations for Renaissance humanism, which emphasized the study of Classical Philosophy, logic, dialog & such was often highly critical of the Scholastic Movement. Plutarch found Scholasticism, the dominant method of learning in the early “schools” or universities, as arid and useless, focusing too much on hair-spitting specifics.
Interestingly, our modern system of accreditation & degree-based “education” has been molded by that early Scholasticism.
That Scholastic Movement was widely promulgated by the ultra-powerful, highly-corrupted Church, which skewed true logic and knowledge for theological dogma.
Rather than being truly well-educated, more “experts” are just well-trained, on very specific subjects.
They fail to engage in that art of Philosophy, the art of consideration, that art of continually searching for the truth.
Petrarch is often credited as coining the term Dark Ages, for this period of pseudo-knowledge based Scholastic ignorance.
That ultra-powerful & highly-corrupted Church had the wealth, and thus power, to control information, and therefore influence common belief, culture, customs, superstitions, and such.
Philosophy, the art of searching for true knowledge, was largely abandoned for absolute faith.
Today we are again living in a time of massive wealth & power consolidation & concentration amongst a few.
As such, those few maintain the power & ability to largely control information, and therefore influence common belief, culture, customs, superstitions, and such.
Therefore, I charge that we are currently living in the Dark Ages of the 21st Century.
Too many “Scientific”, “medical” and other “experts” are failing to employ true Philosophy in their education & work.
Information being disseminated at the speed of light does not necessarily lead to truth & knowledge.
Controlled, manipulated, and false info & narratives can now be disseminated just as quickly.
Leading to mass ignorance.
Yes — I have been observing this for quite awhile — we have replaced real Science with the “Follow-the-Science” Religion, which instead of being based upon skepticism and DATA, is based up Faith and Belief in Models or Experts.
We see this in “Climate Science” and now also in CoVid-1984.
Disney + are showing a new docudrama called Dopesick.
It tells the story of how the pharma business Perdue created a new opioid, Oxycontin, that they claimed was not addictive, the corrupt FDA approved it despite the claims being false.
It is estimated that this highly addictive substance killed at least 500 000 Americans and destroyed the lives of many more.
I think this docudrama could be a good way of introducing covidians to the idea that pharma lies and kills people for profits.
Obviously Perdue are rank amateurs compared to the likes of Pfizer and Bill Gates.
‘Now neither common sense nor God exists in the popular mind.’
Indeed our secular society is now so demented that we don’t know what a man or woman is and the relentless terrorism carried out by Muslims is seen as proof that ‘Islam is a religion of peace’.
I wrote the following satirical piece on this subject recently. I read a lot of scientific papers. Essentially the reason I don’t trust vaccines is because the more I look into science the less impressed I am with the methodologies and the more I realise how much settled science is actually junk science.
–Settled Science Roundup–
Trust The Science®, Because It’s Settled™
The vaccines are safe and effective. The experimental vaccines which are only authorized for emergency use because the long term data proving they are safe and effective is not yet available are perfectly safe and effective.
Einstein was right about everything. The speed of light is the fastest speed there is, time dilates relative to velocity(or is it acceleration?), and a particle which approaches the speed of light increases in mass to infinity as it’s length contracts. We don’t need to conduct experiments to prove any of this because it popped out of Einstein’s equations, almost like magic! He was really smart you see, and in any case it’s all settled now because we won the popularity contest fair and square.
Comets are made of dusty ice which sublimates to produce a coma when approaching the sun. We know this because we detected spectra for hydroxide ions and jumped to a photo dissociation conclusion. Although scarcely a trace of water vapor or ice was found by visiting spacecraft it must be trapped on the inside where it remains frozen even when close to the sun and heated to millions of degrees. Yeah it’s pretty obvious it’s just like deep fried ice cream.
The universe is exactly 13.77 billion years old. We know this because some stars appear redder than others and we reckon it must be like a Doppler effect where everything is moving away from everything else, clearly from a big explosion. As more data became available we noticed the expansion was accelerating which seems a bit weird but never mind it must just be that space and time itself is expanding obviously.
Dark matter and dark energy are fully real. We know this because our theories didn’t match observations and so we made them up. We were a little bit skeptical at first but now we’ve grown to love them. Honestly, I don’t know how we could manage without them.
Black holes are cool! Imagine a mass with so much gravity that it becomes infinitely small and infinitely heavy. There was no limit to how small or massive something could be in the mathematics so why would there be a limit in nature? Yeah that Polaroid photo sure put the issue to rest.
Science knows for sure that light is actually a wave of electromagnetism except for the occasions when we prefer to think of it as a particle stream of photons with mass. Clearly it must be both at the same time.
The Egyptian pyramids were tombs. Well they’re pretty big you see, and kings generally like to have big castles and stuff. OK so we never found a mummy in any of them and there are no hieroglyphs, they look like industrial facilities and their building methods cannot be replicated, but we like our primitive funerary cult conjecture and can call it science if we want.
Planes brought the towers down. We know this because the American government wouldn’t lie and certainly wouldn’t kill its own people and so we tweaked our models and massaged the data until we got a match: they “pancaked”.
Again I really must assure you, the vaccines are probably safe and kind of effective. In any case with Big Pharma’s latest acquisition, trademarked ownership of science itself in the field of medicine and the forging of new alliances with Big Tech, the Mainstream Media and governments the world over, The Science® on vaccines is now well and truly Settled™.
So take the jab, shut up and do as you’re bloody well told because from now on The Science® is whatever we say it is.
‘ The universe is exactly 13.77 billion years old. We know this because some stars appear redder than others’
Could it be that they are just red?
A UK post box is red doesn’t mean it is 13.77 billion years old.
“Its not appropriate to compare science with religion”
Sure. One can compare anything to anything. Apples, oranges.
Religion is the antithesis of science. Religion is blind unsubstantiated faith, the invention of a phantasmagorical fairy tale to substantiate something people have no fucking clue what it is. Science is a process of describing reality in an empirical fashion.
The concepts could hardly be more different.
Why invent stories? If we don’t know how something works, why not admit it? Just say that we ain’t got the first clue how this and that works, but we’re working on it and maybe one day we’ll know. In the meantime, the sun will rise tomorrow morning again, the water is still wet, and so on. Better acknowledge that we don’t know something than live in delusion.
It is the fool who says in his heart there is no God.
“in his heart there is no God”
Whether there is or isn’t God in your heart is a construct in your psyche. I’m sure there are various constructs in my mind too, none of us is completely free from that.
But seeing the world through the prism of the religious dogma I need not. Thank you, but no, thank you.
The ‘fool’, you can shove up your ass.
Back in the day I’ve made this one…
This article on Dr Fauci, besides detailing his sadistic role in American “Science,” says volumes about the American character. Only a thoroughly depraved society could elevate such a monster to a position of influence.
The Real Anthony Fauci. RFK Jr. Discusses His Book – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” ~ Richard Feynman
Specialists deepen knowledge, like holes in the ground. They do not have an overall view. Education promotes respect for the existing holes. – Edward de Bono, 1967
“Science is more than a body of knowledge
It’s a way of thinking,
a way of skeptically interrogating the universe,
with a fine understanding of human fallibility.
If we are not able to ask skeptical questions,
to interrogate those who tell us that something is true,
to be skeptical of those in authority,
then we’re up for grabs for the next charlatan
political or religious, who comes ambling along.”
~ Carl Sagan, 1996
“… ignoring viable treatment options for Covid that actually work.”
Treatment for what?
Any scientist will tell you to a) follow the science and b) do not follow the science blindly. Unfortunately understanding science implies the ability to manage both certainty and uncertainty simultaneously, something many people find difficult to juggle. The reason for this is that all science, even supposedly settled science, has limits — its a bit like standing in a large floodlit space. Everything might be clear in the light but as you get further away things become less visible, and there might even be a yawning chasm that you can’t see that you can fall down. Knowing the limits is key to success in both science and engineering (applied science).
Another feature of science is that discovery doesn’t happen overnight, its often a case of “one step forward, two steps back” with numerous people both contributing and contradicting each other. Eventually out of this mess a consensus appears (we hope) but even then its quite possible that someone will come along with a theory that upsets settled knowledge. This is possible because humans don’t work with the universe — they can’t, because they’re part of that universe — so they have to invent models to describe this. Most of the time they, like everyone, has a generally accepted model of reality that enables them to go grocery shopping, pay bills and generally lead a normal life. But depending on the field of the scientist that’s eating that sandwich for lunch they may view their food as all sorts of different, unworldly and often downright weird views. (But its lunchtime and they’re hungry…)
The one constant in all this is mathematics. That’s the good news. The bad news is that its really easy to go from ‘obvious’ to ‘WTF?’ with this subject. There are some excellent youTube videos that explain some important math concepts to ordinary people. of particular interest might be how you use statistics to derive accurate probability models from imperfect data (or, how you can use inaccurate PCR tests to get an accurate picture of Covid in the population).
Its not appropriate to compare science with religion. Bad science, maybe, but religion on the whole tries to invent answer to questions we can’t easily answer at this time by claiming its all caused by some ineffable entity. The thing about science is that it can’t disprove this — it can’t just blandly state something to the effect of “there is no God” — but given our current state of knowledge and observations of the universe its regarded as improbable, especially if He takes the kind of form depicted in paintings. (The Metatron — that’s a different matter…)
on the contrary it’s most certainly appropriate to compare scientism with religion, particularly when it has appropriated it’s tenets.. in fact the so called enlightenment was itself a creation of alchemists and devil worshipers… it’s ‘luminaries’ so to speak..
you refer to mathematics which is now the theoretical basis for what passes in modernity as ‘physics’ ..
itself obsessed with discovering the ‘god’ particle and wasting good real estate in its occult installations at ‘cerne’ (no not the carthaginian port) and other locations in pursuit of mathematical mumbo jumbo and parallel universes subshumed in electronic quanta…
sound familiar? because it should..
the lab-coat has replaced the ‘frock’, the needle the sacrament the particle the hosts… the credentialed imbecilia have never been ‘serious’ in the way you ‘presume’….
Modern physics is just coming up with a mathematical model that matches reality. So far its always been a case of “close, but not quite” — it often seems to be the more we know, the less we understand. It makes for endless popular books and the ubiqutous use of the word ‘quantum’, though.
Scientists tend to fail a lot, its part of their job description. When one does make a notable discovery then its not surprising that egos can come into play and they’ll defend that discovery against all attempts to undermine it, sometimes using underhand methods. The system is set up to try to resist this, though, and it usually ends up doing so. Ultimately bad science is bad science no matter how hard you try to spin it.
BTW — CERN is a machine for conducting numerous experiments. One may have been the search for the so-called god particle. This is a misnomer — the search for this thing was like searching for an elusive jigsaw puzzle piece that would complete a very large puzzle. Finding it just raised more questions. Reality is neatly expressed in the concept ’42’ — The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. (Now find the question….)
nonsense… there is a scientific method developed to probe the mysteries of nature… this is done by observing phenomenon and being able to repeat results obtained in a controlled and empirical fashion… and of course there is the philosophers stone which is more appropriate to scientisms..
mathematical abstraction in fact bears more resemblance to your so called ‘reality’ which by your own scientific metrics is mutable and thus forever being reappraised (and thus a logical fallacy there being no point at which a ‘reality’ can exist, only particular ‘realities’ thus negating any so called general ‘reality’ I think einstein approached this after reading Maxwell and being booed out of yankee universities…having ‘borrowed’ his ideas )..
you sir are a Schrödinger’s cat of a man…. who puts his ‘faith’ in charlatans..
but to show no hard feelings an’ all here is a puzzle for you…..
We’re going to build a little “Collatz Machine”, a function. Call it C(n). Let C(n) operate from the positive integers to the positive integers. Let C(n) be equal to 3n+1, when n is odd, and let C(n) be equal to n/2 when n is even. I imagine Mr Collatz was playing around with this little function on a pad of paper and decided to see what happens if you iterate it over and over repeatedly on a number. Let’s try it out for ourselves.
Let’s toss the number n = 7 into the Collatz Machine. 7 is odd and so it becomes 7×3+1 = 22. 22 is even, and so it gets divided by two. 22/2 = 11. 11 is odd and so it becomes 11×3+1 = 34. Writing out the progression, one gets:
7 >> 22 >> 11 >> 34 >> 17 >> 52 >> 26 >> 13 >> 40 >> 20 >> 10 >> 5 >> 16 >> 8 >> 4 >> 2 >> 1 >>
4 >> 2 >> 1 >>
4 >> 2 >> 1 >>
but look what happens here…. when n=27 (the meaning of the universe)
27 >> 82 >> 41 >> 124 >> 62 >> 31 >> 94 >> 47 >> 142 >> 71 >> 214 >> 107 >> 322 >>
>> 161 >> 484 >> 242 >> 121 >> 364 >> 182 >> 91 >> 274 >> 137 >> 412 >>
>> 206 >> 103 >> 310 >> 155 >> 466 >> 233 >> 700 >> 350 >> 175 >> 526 >>
>> 263 >> 790 >> 395 >> 1186 >> 593 >> 1780 >> 890 >> 445 >> 1336 >>
>> 668 >> 334 >> 167 >> 502 >> 251 >> 754 >> 377 >> 1132 >> 566 >> 283 >>
>> 850 >> 425 >> 1276 >> 638 >> 319 >> 958 >> 479 >> 1438 >> 719 >> 2158
>> 1079 >> 3238 >> 1619 >> 4858 >> 2429 >> 7288 >> 3644 >> 1822 >> 911
>> 2734 >> 1367 >> 4102 >> 2051 >> 6154 >> 3077 >> 9232 >> 4616 >>
>> 2308 >> 1154 >> 577 >> 1732 >> 866 >> 433 >> 1300 >> 650 >> 325 >>
>> 976 >> 488 >> 244 >> 122 >> 61 >> 184 >> 92 >> 46 >> 23 >> 70 >> 35 >>
>> 106 >> 53 >> 160 >> 80 >> 40 >> 20 >> 10 >> 5 >> 16 >> 8 >>
4 >> 2 >> 1 >>
4 >> 2 >> 1 >>
4 >> 2 >> 1 >>
bet your scientists can’t ‘solve’ that.. hint: they haven’t… but it sort of gives one an an insight into the ‘problems’ we can create, though of course one could argue that they exist independently, but that of course would imply a ‘Creator’ of such ‘problems’ independent of man would it not..
there is a web site dedicated to this ‘problem’ if you are interested in such things… (there are many more, just as much fun)..
There is actually plenty of decent science going on in the Covid19 arena. It is published in journals and its results stack up.
What has superseded this work is the blanket propaganda coverage in the MSM, which the Western population continues to believe represents some kind of eye into the world of truth.
The difficulty for the layman is that the original science papers are broadly incomprehensible to them, so they need a translator.
Once the translators become corrupt, problems emerge.
We should be focussing on the translators (which include Fauci, Whitty and Vallance) and less on the less heralded, properly carried out science which often doesn’t get any look in on MSM ‘news’.
The scientists are not killing science, it is the head honchos like Fauci.
There’s pretty substantial evidence that it goes far beyond the “head honchos.” Scientific research is actually more likely to be corrupt than honest and rigorous. And this isn’t just a phenomena since 2020, it goes back at least 2 decades.
Dr John Ioannidis’ seminal paper Why Most Published Research Findings Are False from 2005 demonstrates this reality.
Excerpt of summary:
“…a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field … when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance. Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true [emphasis mine]. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias.
So what do we have to do to make the “pending” go away?
Hmmm. This post didn’t generate a pending but the one I made a minute before did. Does this have something to do with trigger words like “god” that I used in the other post?
No, it’s just karma.
“Science advances slowly, slowly,
Creeping on from point to point” — Tennyson.
Science is a slow, hard won evolutionary process, tested and refined by continual conflict with reality — like life itself.
Superstition is untested science: thinking up rules but not testing them against reality.
A good example of a Superstition masquerading as Science was the Nazi concept of “The German race of Supermen” — as blonde as Hitler, as athletic as Goering and as beautiful as Goebbels. It was tested by conflict with the Russian Army, and failed. Last words of Adolf Hitler: “The rotten no-good German people were unworthy of my genius. I should have led the Russians — they are the real supermen”.
Con-19 is more like superstition than like science: fighting a virus which does not exist, using an unreliable test, and a vaccine which does not work. Con-19 is being tested by conflict with reality, and failing on all three points.
Which does not prevent careerists in every age from exploiting every pseudo-scientific superstition that gathers enough sheeple to fleece and butcher profitably.
Tennyson hadn’t met Antony Fauci, who creeps on from slime to slime…
“Science” is that which conforms to the layman’s prejudice’s.
Journalists frequently raid scientific studies for their next ‘killer’ exposé, extracting a single number or statement of ‘fact’ from a complex study littered with qualifications.
The scientific landscape is now littered with doubt and ridicule, the replication crisis being just one.
Science is staring into the abyss of incredulity.
Not just journalists – or MSM. The bulk of science serves capital, either exaggerating a specific facet or rewriting an inconvenient discovery.
We jump through the hoops to register and login so that we can comment again…
Then up comes the “pending” message once more…..
Remember…? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”…
How many times does something which ‘ain’t broke’ have to get fixed before we learn to leave it alone…?
Just found this gem:
Richard Feynman on the pleasure of finding things out (1981)
Thank you, what a beautiful man.
The condensed normie history of science:
1) The Greeks laid the foundations of what becomes science. They got a few things wrong because of inadequate tech.
2) Greek learning is lost and humanity spends centuries living in hovels and burning witches because of the deadweight of the Church.(New woke revised edition: the Chinese and Moslems were making great breakthroughs which Europe ignored because the Church was not only mired in superstition but racist as well).
3) The Renaissance wakes things up a bit with heroes like Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo who were viciously persecuted.
4) The Enlightenment was the real breakthrough and the modern model of science emerged to make the world a better place.
5) Since them it’s been progress and more progress – all the great mysteries have been solved or soon will be.
Like all effective disinfo it contains some truth mixed in with the toxic deceptions. The first step to de-sanctifying an idea is to look where it cam from. This story came from Enlightenment propagandists like Voltaire and eugenicists like T.H. Huxley. Voltaire was a great rationalist-materialist? Explain what he was doing becoming a Freemason in England then – dressing up in aprons and blindfolds and worshipping T.G.A.O.T.U. may be many things but it certainly isn’t materialist and is dubiously rational.
A corrected version of the normie history of science:
1) Excessive reverence for the Greeks, especially Aristotle, held Western thought back for centuries.
2) There were steady advances in Western technology for centuries before the Florentine Renaissance. Inventions like windmills and stirrups increased agricultural production and led to a population boom before the Black Death. Discoveries from other cultures were adopted and often improved upon. Learning from observation of nature was fully accepted. The Church not only had no problem with any of this – so long as it wasn’t used to question official theology – to the extent that most leading scientists were Churchmen.
3) Galileo’s trial was about politics, not science. It looks like it was a deliberate provocation and may be entirely concocted. Stories like Churchmen refusing to look down telescopes are complete fictions.
4) The Enlightenment was more about promoting Gnosticism and Luciferianism than ‘science’. Lucifer was “the light-bearer”. Why do so many Enlightenment scientists belong to the Freemasonic Royal Society and Enlightenment engineers belong to Occult societies (like James Watt was a member of the Lunar Society)?
5) Science progresses more and more… into nonsensical paradigms. Einsteinianism hides its tosh behind the kind of obscurantism that religions are accused of. How many people realise gravity is supposedly curved space-time? How many are bewildered by wibble about “points of reference” into accepting the nonsense that there is no absolute motion? Their whole cosmology is so inaccurate they have to invent dark matter and dark energy to make it work. Darwinism has no mechanism to explain speciation. The Big Bang (invented by a Jesuit) has to break the speed of light to get its model to work – which their other models say is impossible. The germ theory of medicine turns out to have very shaky foundations. Consciousness remains a mystery – if they know where it’s located they aren’t saying. Above all, first origins remain as mysterious as ever. “The primordial soup was zapped by lightning [!] and thus life came about”. Really? No experiment has ever achieved this so it’s pure pseudo-science.
Interesting post. I agree, we’re kinda kidding ourselves, as humankind probably always has, that we’ve got things pretty much sorted out with just a few piddling ‘i’s to dot and ‘t’s to cross! A2
I’ve been asking this very question – have people always, at any point in history, thought that they’ve pretty much have everything figured out and that from any point on, it’s just a matter of, as you say, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s? I’d say that when I was young, people were less confident, well arrogant, about humankind’s knowledge.
And wasn’t Newton a pretty spaced out cosmo hippie with more pentagrams than Crowley? (He also never got his rocks off! I reckon there’s a moral there!)
Yeah yeah! Newton was a rosacrucian hermetist. His three laws were based in his beliefs and he opposed cartesian mechanicism because it discarded God. It’s really interesting to delve into occultism its what behind most of our world today.. philosophies, sciences etc take Hegel for example his works was influenced by kaballah as well
“The Big Bang”
Yes, imagine a huge primordial explosion that actually BUILDS all the laws of the universe we live in, defines all the subatomic particles, puts into place a maximum physical speed, balances matter and anti-matter and so much more. More commonly, explosions destroy things, not build them.
An analogy to the “The Big Bang” would be for a huge explosion to create a brand new city with working infrastructure in a few milliseconds!
Out universe is either the result of a god thing (but where did the god thing come from) or more likely a bubble, possibly through a black hole, in a multiverse (but where did that come from?).
indeed the the rennaisance was fueled by neo-platonism, which bore little resemblance to anything platonic in the truest sense… more kabbala and alchemy (think the of ‘modern’, karl rove and his ‘magikal thinking)…. and strangely enough was kick started by the spanish inquisition…
these historical (hysterical?) imbeciles saw themselves as adepts (though most belonged to a much larger ‘coven’)…
enlightenment making way for illuminism… all of it concerning trans-mutation..
merry old england sat atop demonology and secret (occult) services, lizzie the first and john dee…
using the ear-less (perhaps ‘armless as well) edward kelly to summon enochian demons and scry the sigils for queen and country….
raleigh and drake agents of chaos 007….
it was rampant throughout europe, for obvious reasons…
On a related note to the topic of “consciousness” and non-material things…
If I’m not mistaken, a drugmakers’ gold standard “science” goes like this:
The technocrats pushing this paradoxically-called Scientific Dictatorship have no respect for real science, which is considered a threat to them.
“Purpose leads to unpredictability in the status quo, there are no sureties for an oligarchic system of governance in a world that is motivated by a purpose towards truth, beauty, and knowledge…”
What a sad, ancient (Descarte’s mechanistic view of the universe) and narrow philosophy of life that exists to this day among “elite” minds.
“…to promote a concept of the Universe that had no governing purpose, no directionality and no morality, that it was essentially a mechanism…”
“The continent is now the centre of the global epidemic – again. As countries from the Baltic to the Med brace for harsher winter measures, we look at what’s driving the fourth wave”
The “fourth” wave? Coo! I must have missed a few episodes of the franchise!
“It was almost as if the pandemic had never happened. In Cologne, thousands of revellers in fancy-dress jostled side by side in a tightly packed throng as they counted down to the start of the annual carnival season at 11am on 11 November.”
“almost as if the pandemic had never happened”! Oh you do like your little teases! But the subtext is sledgehammer stuff:
Who do these revellers think they are? What do they think they’re doing? “business as usual”? No chance!
“But rather than heralding the start of a season of celebrations culminating in Christmas and New Year, those nights may have been a last hurrah as a fourth wave of coronavirus sweeps across Europe.”
Ah that “fourth wave” again. Why am I getting visions of a horse’s head in a bed?
And here’s state premier of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, to make you an offer you can’t refuse! “You can’t imagine standing at the market drinking mulled wine while hospitals are full and fighting over the last resources”. He’s “urging the federal government to make the difficult call”. Tush! It’s not difficult at all!
After which – the expected numerology. Yackety schmackety!
You’ll note how the manoeuvre works i.e. the same manoeuvre endlessly regurgitated for the last 20 months: the media is telling us what will happen, what they will do and what we will do. They are reading us the script, announcing the commandments, basically threatening us all in the most brutal way but under the pretence of a virus which they just can’t do anything about!
“Don’t you know there’s a war on?”
Deception is a State of mind and Mind of the State
Internal subversion – groups / themes /stage managed events etc formed to create social [political] tension to divert attention.
Standard model of “the State” not knowing how to confront those against its approach [aka the majority of the people], so resorts to “extreme measures, managed protests etc. attributable to those against State approach, to justify their own actions.
Gosh, they’ve really lost their touch at the Guardian. We’re already on the cusp of the fifth wave.
Well of course!
Waves of PCR kits are generated at will!
It seems that the Plan for the UK is to end the PCR pandemic in Jan 2022 since it appears they (scoundrels in office) want to stop mass “testing”.
“almost as if the pandemic had never happened”
Actually, the (Covid-19 virus) pandemic never happened. What we got was Con-19, a manufactured pandemic of pseudo-scientific superstition — like the pseudo-scientific Ubermensch pandemic, which the Nazis manufactured and imposed by brutal diktat, and killed 4 Million Germans by persuading them they were Supermen who could win a war against the rest of the world.
That was my point i.e. that the pandemic never happened. They know it and we know it … but no-body in the “responsible” media can say it unless they put the words “It’s as if …” first. It’s their little sadistic tease.
Mini-Graud roundup:
“Three snow leopards have died at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo in Nebraska of complications from Covid-19.”
Won’t someone think of the snow leopards!
“Medical experts are speaking out against Covid-19 vaccine “detoxes” that some inaccurately claim can remove the effects of vaccinations received under mandates and other public health rulings.”
The war against the war against covid! But the blessed vax cannot be banished!
“Angela Rasmussen, a virologist and adjunct professor at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, told NBC News: “Once you’re injected, the lifesaving vaccination process has already begun. You can’t unring a bell. It’s just not physically possible.”
So evil vax negators are laughing, “We want to undo the lifesaving vax!”? Ever get the feeling you’re only being told half the story?
“Why is Europe returning to the dark days of Covid?”
I had no idea we were ever “out of” the dark days of covid!
If “follow the science” was replaced by Follow the Technology, all the science/theology debate would end
right there
People are being trained to debate nonsense rather than results. What are the empirical results? Follow the technology. The answers are there, and they are obvious..
Zeroes And Ones
By Jesus Jones
Across the world the message flies
Information, truth and lies
It’s all yours and it’s all mine
You just have to find the time
We’re all the same, we share the blame, we play the games
If it’s yes or no the decision is easy, it’s easy
Zeroes and ones will take us there.
Zeroes and ones will take us there.
This time the revolution will be computerised
You’ll know it as you do it
In real time before your eyes
Slip between realities
There’s more to this than anything that you or I can see
The world is mine the world is yours and here’s the cause
Zeroes and ones will take us there.
Zeroes and ones will take us there.
I’ve stared into the heart of it all
Seen the pictures on the wall
The beat of a heart
The oceans part and the patterns in my mind
This time, we’ve split the world once more
There’s those that have and those that don’t in information wars
We’re not alone ‘cos all is known and it’s everywhere, it’s everywhere
Zeroes and ones will take us there.
Zeroes and ones will take us there.
Zeroes and ones will take us there.
Science is the ongoing questioning of EVERYTHIING. The notion it can be “settled” is an oxymoron. If science doesn’t move, it becomes doctrine, not science.
Of course science can be settled: all scientific evidence shows that virology’s campaign of terror is dark fantasy. We can legitimately settle on that conclusion because it is a working truth as in, a truth that works. If new scientific evidence comes to light that outworks the working truth, then we accept that gift and we grow in truth. We grow in truth. Some truths, like 2+2=4, remain settled our whole lives.
2+2=4 is not a truth so much as a human convention,
see Bertie Russell for more on this
Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell – The Bertrand Russell Society (
Having a read about the Pramanas within Hindu epistemology elucidates the scientific method imo.
It is a determination to only accept as factual that which is verifiable (falsifiable too, from Popper) by direct observation. Not inference, not referring to wise men or wise books etc.
But look at the argument of any ‘science as religion’ type, and direct observation will almost always be thrown to the side for names of famous scientists, their degrees, schools they went to etc.
The priest becomes more important than the gospel, and the faith in the scientific method becomes far less concerned on verification/falsification.
Science vs. superstition is probably their most important manufactured fake dialectic.
Consider this interview between journalist Robert Guffey and Stephen Hoeller, Bishop of the Gnostic Church –
RG: CISCOP [Committee for the Scientific Invetsigation of the Paranormal] seems to find mysticism and science to be antithetical in some way. Do you believe that’s the case?
SH: It depends on what kind of science. I think you will find quite a number of highly regarded scientific figures, primarily in theoretical physics and some in bio-physics, who see a possiblity of a convergence of mystical ideas and science, but it’s at the very high esoteric level. At the lower level I think the old kind of C19th and early C20th notion wherein ‘mysticism’ is a bad word would hold true. So it very much depends on who in the scientific community you are consulting.
RG: So the higher you go in theoretical physics, the closer you get to mysticism?
SH: Yes.
…If this is where your head’s at Edwige, you might appreciate David Bohm and Jiddhu Krishnamurti’s ‘Brockwood Park Conversations’ (Too numerous to list here… – Try “Bohm Krishnamurti” in YT’s search box, for instance)…
…Bohm, incidently, was one of *Very Few* theoretical physicists to take seriously and at face value the profound implications of John Stuart Bell’s theorem at the time of it’s publication in 1964. The interpretation of Quantum Mechanics that Bohm subsequently formulated, going *Directly* against the grain of the then decades-long prevailing Copenhagenist orthodoxy, naturally incorporated at a fundamental level the ‘hidden variable(s)’ necessarily implied by the inequalities in Bell’s theorem…
…- Th(is/ese) hidden variable(s) (there may be more than one…) point(s) to the existence of a *Nonlocal* and (likely also) *Nonphysical* foundation (or ‘plane’, if you like) to the fundamental nature of Reality itself…
…In addition to the Brockwood Park Conversations where he elaborates on some aspects and implications of this with Krishnamurti, Bohm’s ‘pop science’ book Wholeness and the Implicate Order is also worth a look for a lucid and more general discussion of his conception of this ‘fundamental nature’…
(…*Spoiler*: By the ’80s Bohm had come to the conclusion that the Universe/Reality/Whatever is analogous to a ‘hologram’, with *Consciousness Itself* playing a fundamental role in articulating the 4(+?)-dimensional ‘projection’ of this ‘holographic image’ (which is the apparent ‘World’ we experience – what Bohm calls the ‘Explicate Order’) from an underlying ‘pre-image’ encoded in the foundational ‘holographic film’ (Bohm’s ‘Implicate Order’)…)
Ken Wilber did his damndest in The Holographic Paradigm’ but got bogged down in method.
We are born with 100% self awareness, but it gets buried under our conditioning.
No one is to blame, after all, we have to survive in a world of thinking addicts.
Stillness is the way.
Love is the energy.
…Thanks Johnny… – I’d heard of that one, not read as of yet – one more to add to the pending reads list…
…- *Faxx*…
Todd, I’m afraid you haven’t been looking at the science closely enough because the real science says there is no covid. From start to finish we see scientific fraud at every turn:
Suspicion of a “novel” virus is based on an alleged “cluster” of 44 cases of pneumonia of “unknown origin” in the highly-polluted city of Wuhan.
44 cases doesn’t make a cluster and pneumonia has many causes – “unknown origin” makes no sense.
Then, if indeed these 44 cases of pneumonia were caused by a novel virus why is the association between pneumonia and the novel virus now completely lost?
Determination of a “novel” virus is made using swabs from only a single one of these cases.
Completely unscientific. You can’t take samples from one person to determine the existence of a new virus. Unbelievably unscientific.
Recommended for above two points:
Biochemist, Dr David Rasnick (10 minutes)
NZ medical doctor, Dr Sam Bailey – love her! (20 minutes)
Science teams have published papers claiming they have isolated the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus but on questioning they admit their electron microscopy images don’t, in fact, show purified virus particles. Heaven knows what the test is supposed to find when there is no reason to think they’ve isolated the virus they say they have.
Even if they had isolated the virus they have to prove it causes the alleged illness, covid, and they haven’t done that. Lots of viruses cause no harm, you need to prove that the virus causes the illness.
Unscientifically quickly, a PCR “test” was developed to test for infection by this new virus which is not fit for that purpose.
One of the problems with the PCR “test” but there are significant others: the PCR technique (very powerful when used in the appropriate situation) was developed to find specific molecules in the body and multiply them for research purposes – not to test for infection. Infection is determined by millions of viral particles – you can’t just find a single molecule and determine infection. If you look at the PCR kit packets they say things such as:
“not for use in diagnostic procedures”
“aid in diagnosis”
“Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA)”
“qualitative” (you need quantitative – how much virus not just a molecule)
Recommended for above three points:
Let’s just say they really did isolate the virus and that the test is an “aid” in diagnosis. How is covid diagnosed? Well, it can’t be because it doesn’t have a distinctive set of symptoms – if you test positive using the unfit-for-purpose test when you have symptoms of a cold, how do you know whether you’ve got “covid” or just a cold or perhaps both? Same for flu, same for pneumonia, same for any respiratory illness. There is nothing to grab onto to say “this is covid” and NOT flu, cold, pneumonia, whatever. It is a phantom illness, we cannot point to anything and say, “This is covid.”
This nonsense completely exposes the lie. In this “Science in 5” snippet the WHO tells us the difference between flu and covid symptoms. Guess what the differences are? Supposedly, only covid symptoms include loss of smell (anosmia) and taste (ageusia) … ridiculous! Loss of smell and taste are common symptoms of many respiratory illnesses including flu!—flu-covid-19v
All of this, plus the dubious nature of what a virus supposedly is in the first place.
It’s frustrating when even an article dedicated to explaining how science isn’t allowed to be questioned still can’t go far enough to question the foundational issue that the last 2 years (and all previous pandemics) have been based on. For those truly willing to question “the science,” read on:
In addition, If it was a real pandemic it would show up in the all-cause mortality statistics, that is, the total of number of people that died in the last year of any cause compared to previous periods (adjusted for population). It doesn’t. Below is the abstract and a link to a statistical study of all cause mortality from March 2020 forward. It’s all a manipulation of data.
Here’s the abstract:
We investigate why the USA, unlike Canada and Western European countries, has a sustained exceedingly large mortality in the “COVID-era” occurring from March 2020 to present (October 2021). All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable data for detecting true catastrophic events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge in deaths from any cause. The behaviour of the USA all-cause mortality by time (week, year), by age group, by sex, and by state is contrary to pandemic behaviour caused by a new respiratory disease virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population. Its seasonal structure (summer maxima), age-group distribution (young residents), and large state-wise heterogeneity are unprecedented and are opposite to viral respiratory disease behaviour, pandemic or not. We conclude that a pandemic did not occur. [emphasis mine]We infer that persistent chronic psychological stress induced by the long-lasting government-imposed societal and economic transformations during the COVID-era converted the existing societal (poverty), public-health (obesity) and hot-climate risk factors into deadly agents, largely acting together, with devastating population-level consequences against large pools of vulnerable and disadvantaged residents of the USA, far above preexisting pre-COVID-era mortality in those pools. We also find a large COVID-era USA pneumonia epidemic that is not mentioned in the media or significantly in the scientific literature, which was not adequately addressed. Many COVID-19-assigned deaths may be misdiagnosed bacterial pneumonia deaths. The massive vaccination campaign (380 M administered doses, 178 M fully vaccinated individuals, mainly January-August 2021 and March-August 2021, respectively) had no detectable mitigating effect, and may have contributed to making the younger population more vulnerable (35-64 years, summer-2021 mortality).
Common sense has gone awol.
that’s what vaccine mythology has always been. this gets a bit mumbly toward the end but essentially very much true.
Came across this website that seems to be collating stories of jab injuries and jab deaths of pro athletes etc from across the globe:
Yes something is very rotten in the state of science. The rot has been spreading unchecked for a long time.
yes, certainly with any $cience that links to profit, or control.
It’s not just science. It’s just about every concept, every institution, every ideology. We live in a state where things are empty shells. Or perhaps shiny shells proclaiming to be this, that, and the other majestic thing, but dare scratch the surface, and you’ll find heaps of putrid shit.
For example, the much worshiped democracy is exactly the same mirage as science as per the article.
The make-believe world works because people are incessantly conditioned not to discuss underlying issues, the heart of the matter, reality, shit that matters. Instead, people are thrown non-issues, distant reflections of whatever is at stake. That’s what people’s thinking revolves around. Basically total bullshit.
The question is whether the plandemic, which is a manifestation of our surreal existence on steroids, and the ensuing efforts will instigate some sort of renaissance or whether it will further push humanity into this superstitious stupor, in which case the question is whether such renaissance will take place in the future, given the means the motherfuckers have to keep people on a short leash.
So true. Everything’s just an elaborate shell game. Small-time con artists have risen, like scum on a pond, to the top. The Film Flam Men and Women know that the jig is up, in economics and medical science especially. The bottom of belief, which holds everything together, has dropped out. It truly is the best and worst of times.
Because it’s the same collective mind …
Two quotes from Eisenhower’s farewell address (not the parts that Oliver Stone starts films with):
“In holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite”.
“Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overhauled by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a governemtn contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity”.
Both are quoted in the Collins’ brothers’ ‘The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship’ (which I highly recommend without of course endorsing every single word).
Over the years there has been a steady increase in “news” stories that begin with the words “scientists say” or “scientists have discovered”
With BBC radio as my main source for this information, it was apparent that science was starting to share the domination of the product-line called “news”.
The situation that has emerged now, where to challenge science is to be a modern heretic, has been created slowly and steadily.
With their white robes and their lofty pronouncements about the true nature of existence, these scientists have positioned themselves to take control of our thoughts. It’s hard to avoid a comparison with the “old religions” and the power that they held over our communities.
Good points. The BBC and all other subsidiaries of “news” is not and never has been, anything more than a glorified form of gossip and propaganda.
It wouldn’t be so bad if they were clear about where scientists were getting their claims from.
What’s the experiential basis for this claim? Is it based instead on theorising or modelling?
It’s how they’ve detached ‘science’ from the scientific method. It’s been a quite a revelation how thin the experiential basis is for some major claims of ‘science’ – like viruses, gravity or the Big Bang.
Every academic field requires concensual belief, especially the social sciences. For the hard sciences, consider these:
In mathematics you do not understand things. You just get used to them. – Prof. John von Neumann (math.)
Using linear algebra, quantum mechanics describes physical states by vector matrices, and observable quantities by operators acting on these vectors. One of the most mysterious aspects of quantum mechanics is that these quantities are observable because they correspond precisely to “self-adjoint” operators. – Peter Woit (physicist), 2012
yes and twitter Facebook etc has experts says – fact checker say to justify or back up any statement
believe in your authority
On wikipedia when scientists are clueless about something they use the phrase “not fully understood” to describe their lack of knowledge but never “not understood”. In pop science news I see the phrase “mystery solved” a lot, even though it’s not.
One of my favourites are the (propaganda) media stories/reports held together with “suggested”…”it’s been suggested”, “so-and-so suggested”.. and so on…
In place of facts, we’re given suggestions… It’s all very suggestive, not much substance….
indeed! us anti vaxxers have been seeing, and dealing with this for years/decades.
Good point, I have noticed that as well, and it makes me cringe. If I see that phrase in any news media (other than a few I find more objective) I don’t read it. If I hear it from a scientist him/herself, I will read with an open mind…
It’s really about people being too lazy or apathetic to do something that takes real work, real effort, for little to no gain.
Take Politics, or Science. They can start off altruistic, some probably still believe they are.
But the only way to gain personally from all the hard work it took to get there, is to work for the money men, work against them and you’re out. The majority of those ‘in’ people become the hierarchy, the gate keepers.
Let this run for a few generations, passing on the enormous fruits of that labour to gaurentee their genes get a free pass into the hierachy, and here we are.
Until we change the way money works, we’re pissing in the wind.
The essence of scientism is ego telling lies to perpetuate itself and exert control over the schmeeople…
Latest UKHSA Report shows the Covid-19 Vaccines have negative effectiveness as low as MINUS 126% as infections in the Fully Vaccinated soar
This short parody is hilarious. A laugh to start the day always helps.
It’s funny because it’s true!
Cardiologist Who Said He ‘Won’t Cry at Funeral’ For “Selfish” Unvaccinated People Suddenly Dies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab
Published November 11, 2021 at 10:42pm
Jake Kazmarek: 28-Year-Old Body Builder Dies 4 Days After Second Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
October 29th, 2021
Rupert Sheldrake on ‘the science’ Ten Commandments.
The Vaccination Cult’s Limited Hangout Declaration
Pushed by (amongst others):
– Dr. Tess Lawrie
– Dr. Ryan Cole
– Dr. Robert W. Malone
– Dr. Peter McCullough
– Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
October 29, 2021
It is resolved that:
A) Healthy children shall not be subject to forced vaccination
B) Naturally immune persons recovered from sars-cov-2 shall not be subject to any restrictions or vaccine mandates
C) All health agencies and institutions shall cease interfering with physicians treating individual patients
A = children deemed “unhealthy” can be subject to forced vaccination.
B = the individual must prove to some medical authority that they have had this or that illness; and regardless of whether the illness is a phantom invention.
Nonsense. They’re about using Science against “The Science<trademark>” 30k PhDs using scientific argument to counter the official narrative stands a much better chance of winning ground than a handfull of sincere folks arm-waving about “no such thing as a virus”.
Bollocks. They’re all vax mandate pushers.
You are completely incorrect.
Then find an unequivocal statement saying: No Vaccine Mandates!
. . . and I’ll happily reconsider.
I tend to agree with you. Many so called anti-mandate talking heads still support vaccines for the elderly or those in poor health, and children with health issues.
when I hear that natural immunity should suffice I get panicky because that means I’d have to subject myself to a ‘test’ for immunity to a virus that no one has proven exists.
There’s a number of scientists and doctors who want to return to the “old normal” vaccine industry; but the forthcoming implosion of the scamdemic is likely to have a major impact and they are therefore trying to limit the damage. The strategy seems to be that of pushing the narrative that the pandemic was real; and that it was appropriate to take extraordinary measures such as lockdowns and mandates. We then get drawn into a debate around the relative value of the various measures; e.g. soft vs. hard lockdown.
You Sir, are a liar.
I see the headline saying: Working together to STOP COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Healthy Children K-12
The implication is that they support mandates for children who are deemed “unhealthy”. Also, that they support mandates for certain classes of adults.
I’ll state again; if you can find an unequivocal statement saying: No Vaccine Mandates!
. . . I’ll happily reconsider.
No, the implication is what it fucking says it is. They’re fighting against mandates for k12s, the whole reason they started it.
Read malones twitter feed, he’s clearly against mandates.
You’re just comming across as a bigoted prick.
How about you prove it, post an unequivocal statement saying Malone is pushing mandates, until then fuck off with your lies.
So I’m supposed search through Malone’s twitter feed for an unequivocal statement saying: No Vaccine Mandates!
My guess is that the statement isn’t there; but as I’ve said, show me otherwise and I’ll happily reconsider.
Re: 30k PhDs
The above link is to Declaration II – dated 29 Oct 2021.
The “original” declaration states: as of 2pm ET on 10/22 over 12,700 doctors & scientists have signed the Rome Declaration. Please join us by reading and signing below.
However, other than the third resolution (C), the original declaration is entirely different to that of Oct 29. It makes no reference to “vaccine”, “mandate”, “child”, etc.
whatever, I was making a point not an accurate count of signatures.
The difference I’m referring to is that between the original declaration (12,700 signatures) and Declaration II. Have they signed again or has it just been assumed that they’re in agreement? At the bottom of both declarations it states:
“And thousands more physicians, medical scientists and researchers from around the globe.”
the difference is, you’re a bigoted prick and nothing will change that.
I watched Malone in his first big video and felt uneasy when he said in one breath ‘if your old or vulnerable, get the vax’ then in the next breath spoke about the danger of the spike protein traveling through the body. Very mixed messaging.
My suspicions were raised mainly because of Malone’s association with the pharmaceutical industry. I had similar suspicions with Mike Yeadon but the latter’s “Road to Damascus” conversion appears to be genuine. Also, I think Yeadon’s position on the vaccine is more coherent; though it’s a while since I’ve looked into it.
That is the part that kills me too. If you’re vulnerable you should rush out and get an untested “vaccine” that isn’t even a vaccine. Why on earth no one sees the massive contradiction in that I certainly will never grasp. I have a good friend whose husband, with some pretty major congenital heart issues, was just given his “booster” to “protect” him. I am so damned worried about that man, and I really can say nothing about that to my friend who was basically forced into taking that poison as her husband’s “doctor” told her if she refused he would call Adult Protective Services and report her! Some “doctor” eh?
Some serious BS going around.
You have to realise that “they” look at this site and are monitoring our reactions.
I am happy today that the wheels came off of the CON26.
The “green” passes will be rejected which denies them access to the social pass etc.
I think their problem is they made their model on the Chinese psyche but didn’t take into account the Eurasian spirit.
I hope they burn in hell for eternity
They’ve just copied the page from the original declaration; changed the declaration text; but retained the “signatories”. Did they all agree to that?
The Unity Project
Home Page: Working together to STOP COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Healthy Children K-12
We stand against:
Forcing children as young as five-years-old to effectively become human shields, assuming vaccine-injury-risk despite having statistically zero risk of COVID-19 to those who are HEALTHY, just so adults with comorbidities can feel safer — what kind of a society does that? At no time in history have we put children in harm’s way to protect adults.
Stripping risk/benefit discretion from parents with a novel vaccine for children, which, if HEALTHY, are at statistically greater risk of the seasonal flu than Covid-19.
Illogical, nonsensical, unscientific, top-down, one-size-fits-all carte blanche mandates for HEALTHY children that directly contradict the current body of evidence and data.
[Emphasis added]
I’ve only had a quick skim of the site, so if anybody finds where they discuss what should happen to “unhealthy” children, or how they make the distinction, please let me know.
Lost, I have been thinking along these lines for a long time now, with Malone and McCullough and others often saying things that make them appear to be, as you say, a limited hangout, never really paying any attention to the most important fact which is that if we go along with the official narrative about a new virus, all we have is a low mortality rate virus which is absolutely nothing to worry about for 99.84pc of society, therefore all of this nonsense is nothing but an agenda built on the fraudulent notion that there is a super killer mega virus, which is visibly and provably complete bullshit. But this is changing now and they are discussing this, so this is to be applauded because it is the maybe most impoortant point. People have been falsely brainwashed to believe Bovid is way more deadly than it is, and this is what needs to be de-programmed immediately.
This interview with Malone, at his home, does show a man of real integrity, saying things that could get him bumped off. I think we just have to respect and support that. The reality is, standing there saying viruses dont exist is not going to convince anyone. However the worlds leading vaccinologist and inventor of the technology being injected into everyone while still working for the DOD screaming from the rooftops to stop jabbing, thats a big deal and we have to support this. If you can get sleepers to watch this interview, it can change minds and he makes ALL the right points clearly.
As an aside, I would love to see some real science taking place – ie Lanka debating Malone. Thats what we all want to see, super-heavyweights presenting and defending their lifetimes work. Thats real science.
Dr. Robert Malone: “The government is now lawless!”
A couple of days ago, I posted another recent interview with Malone (see below). However, I’m not concerned about Malone. In fact, I don’t see how he is relevant to this situation. There may or may not be a virus (viruses). There may be a somewhat strange pathology, though it’s unclear how much of this is caused by Remdesivir and other so-called “treatments”. But there is no exceptional, novel virus. Consequently, there is no health emergency and no pandemic. People who claim otherwise are frauds. And why would we bother listening to frauds?
Dr. Robert Malone: They’re Rushing Into Killing Children
Nov 12, 2021
War Room (Infowars)
Dr. Robert Malone joins Kristi Leigh to reveal the level of damage the vaccines are going to cause to our children and what it might take to wake people up to this danger.
As noted in the above comments, Malone’s position is incoherent. He accepts that the vaccine is deadly, but he advocates its use on ill and vulnerable people. This is essentially a eugenics position, though it’s possible it’s not intended as such.
“We certainly have come to think that only the priests of science can understand science.”
This is a great point. Someone doesn’t have to be an astrophysicist to understand that the Earth is (sort of) round and that planets revolve around the sun. Someone doesn’t have to be an MD to understand diseases and manage their own health. Someone doesn’t have to be a mathematician to be able to understand basic statistics, matrix tables or use spreadsheets.
Yet question anything about Covid and immediately you hear “Are YOU an epidemiologist?”, “Are YOU a doctor?”, “Are YOU a microbiologists?”, etc..
Pardon a tangent: some time ago, my brother and I accidently “triggered” our sister when we veered into discussing the JFK assassination during a conversation. My brother and I have pursued– OK, dabbled in– JFK assassination research for years. BTW, we were all in our 50s or early 60s at the time.
We drifted into the open question of LBJ’s involvement, not knowing that our sister apparently reveres LBJ as a heroic champion of the 1960s civil rights movement. Thus, we didn’t realize that Sis was rapidly coming to a boil as she listened. FWIW, we weren’t making any definite claims about LBJ’s involvement, just discussing circumstantial evidence.
Finally, she began to interrupt, nastily challenging information about LBJ’s doings with sharp questions about the sources we were lazily quoting– questions like, “How did they know? Were they in the room?”
The climax came after my brother cited some forgotten bit of LBJ chicanery. My sister stood up and snarled with high dudgeon, “Where did you get that? From some book?” as if this was the ultimate putdown.
She’s since retired, but at the time my sister was a university librarian.
We should ask them in return, “Are YOU a believer in Boris Johnson science?”
The vast medical industry depends on
:- undermining or outlawing confidence in healthy behaviour, precautions, common remedies and alternative medicine
:- evading causes and deficiencies
:- concealing the damage it causes.
I’m no more superstitious than my ancestors. But i’m glad to see doubts about science being aired.. Maybe it’ll lead to a return of sanity and you all will return to accepting the earth is flat.
Rupert Sheldrake thinks our eyes are like radar: rays shoot out from our eyes when we look at objects and bounce off them back to our eyes… Now that’s my type of science.
There’s not much more preposterous than the current mainstream theory of light.
Light travels through “the vacuum of space” as a particle then turns into a wave when it strikes the atmosphere? Uh huh – show me the experiments that prove this.
Two fun problems with light:
1) Light speeds up when it exits a denser medium eg exiting a fish tank into air. Where does it get that from because it breaks Newtonian physics?
2) Light diminishes by the inverse square law. Reverse calculate the moon’s brightness from what we perceive to how bright the moon’s surface must be – it becomes billions, possibly trillions of times brighter. Why exactly does none of the footage of moon exploration show nothing but dirty grey? Are you trying to tell me 1960s’ filter or apertures could cope with this?
Interesting 🤔
That’s not a very accurate rendering of Rupert’s ideas, folks. Look for yourself at what he actually says, if in doubt.
Agreed. But attention spans are so short these days, collapsing complex ideas into digestible bytes always mangles them. (Monday 15 November. Sydney)
Superstitious…fear addled and limp…
Oldish bloke walking towards me on suburban road…nobody within a bull’s roar. We are both on footpath. I spy him veering off onto the grass off the path to give me a socially distanced and socially considerate wide berth to account for leaping germs. Pretending to be looking the other way, I ‘accidentally’ veer off path on same side so now we are both on the same strip of grass between path and road. I turn back looking ahead as we pass…he’s literally shaking his head and muttering under his breath and craning his head away from me lest some of my germs make a jump for him and kill him.
How’s his mindset?
I was living in HK at the start of this nightmare. Women used to see me coming down the street unmaksed and use their umbrellas to shield themselves from my leaping germs. People would see me on the train unmasked and frantically move to the next carriage down.
The hook was set deep.
That was in the very early days. I had a very bad feeling almost from the start that things were going to get weird. In the very early days there were oh so concerned and innocent talks of mandating masks. Just little articles here and there. Don’t put them on, I thought to myself…don’t do it. Don’t allow that to happen. You allow this and then…
your mind reading skills are amazing!
Even jumping to conclusions is better than having no deductive skills at all…
I read overnight a study proving that ”long covid” was basically mind over matter, if people had endless positive PCR’s they believed they felt ill. But as Dr Heneghen explained long ago, if you set a pointless fake PCR at 45 ct like the majority of the world did, you will have positive readings for dead cell shedding for 72 days – long covid. As mythical as the whole covid con.
The sacred cow is not science but mammon. Along with all the oligarchs and their acolytes. COP 26 and the vaccine vampires share the same agenda. Depopulation so I can continue to obscenely over consume.