WATCH: REKO Rings, Farm Shares and Farmer Bazaar

This edition of #SolutionsWatch deals with independent food sources and the best ways to source locally grown produce.

Do you know what a REKO ring is?

Well you should and, after you watch this #SolutionsWatch episode about the things you can do to start preparing for the coming food supply crunch, you will know all about REKO rings and other simple, innovative ideas for sourcing locally grown food.

Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.


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Nov 14, 2021 8:05 AM

We have the same thing here in Estonia as the reko rings, its called õtt. Õtts are organized to bypass the bullshit regulations that exist here where it is illegal to make a farmers market without permits and such. While people enjoy meeting up to sell organized food boxes, the majority people, customers and farmers, want a farmers market. I was involved in creating legal farmers markets in California and in maintaining the existence of one in Hawaii, no bullshit regulations or permits needed, just a place is needed as a venue for the farmers market.

The EU, in my opinion, is very oppressive when it comes for people to grow food and sell it to others, hence reko rings and õtt. Small farmers, at least where I live have a terrible access to anything but chemical industrial agriculture products to use. The available seeds are mostly of poor, inferior quality. It is also illegal for me to sell agricultural seeds, at õtt or anywhere else here, this is not the case in Hawaii or California.

Nov 14, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  fame

Ott should be spelled ott not õtt.

les online
les online
Nov 14, 2021 4:48 AM

In its Genome Report (2018) Goldman Sachs advised clients to invest in companies researching cancer treatments ‘as there was no profits to be made from cures’.
Tom-Oliver Regenauer: ‘The Goldman Sachs Report makes clear that the strategic “roadmap” for changing the health care system towards digitalised individual health medicine with a focus on gene therapies was established long before “coronavirus”. The rapid innovations in the field of genetic engineering, in combination with the new possibilities of nanotechnology, as well as the complete digitalisation of modern living space, triggered the gold rush in Big Pharma and the digital finance complex years before the current crisis.
‘Therefore the Supranational global world governance of the “public-private partnerships” was ready to take control at the beginning of 2020, as soon as the pandemic was declared. Lobbyism had at least two decades in advance to influence the legal landscape favourably. And the billions of dollars in profits that corporations – such as Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, or even Amazon and Apple were able to realise in the wake of the ongoing global health emergency, confirm the far-sightedness recommendations of the Goldman Sachs analysts.’…The Management of the Body. Tom-Oliver Regenauer. Rubikon. (online) #46/2021…

A Global Digital Health (Vax) Passport for everyone has been an aim of the “pandemic” all along, and is the reason the drug companies will let nothing stop them getting at the young, and babies. Ensuring these latter were ‘enrolled’ into the passport scheme is the reason no “Acceptable Level” of deaths and injuries exists to provide a brake on the roll-outs. .Those in the older generations that succumb are merely collateral damage
to imposing the passports on the young and very young > the source of future mega-profits, once the system is bedded down.

les online
les online
Nov 13, 2021 11:06 PM

Is this going to be a repeat of the 1960-70s Down To Earth movement ? Will the Whole Earth Catalogue be reprinted / updated ?
Whatever happened to Stay & Fight ? Good Old Sabotage ? Monkeywrenching ?
or are you all, like me, too old and broken down to Fight The Good Fight ?
NB: Dandelions growing by the roadside absorb toxins spewed out by road traffic. Same could be said of any veggies grown in city soil.
Some weedheads went mental from smoking hydroponic grown pot – it may be because metals absorbed via solution are not the same as ones ‘treated’ by soil creatures before absorption ?

Nov 14, 2021 7:20 AM
Reply to  les online

what you gonna sabotage that won’t help them collapse the money system, society, and give them the excuse they want to fix it in their own image?

who ya gonna fight? hows that goning to work?

les online
les online
Nov 14, 2021 8:25 AM
Reply to  ImpObs


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 13, 2021 9:01 PM

Its great to grow your own produce but you need to have a bit of perspective about whether they’re truly homegrown or not. Most people who grow at home will use products like seeds and soil amendments from the local garden center. That’s great but it’s only appearing to step away from agriculture. (The paper bags containing the produce — where did they come from?)

Its very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that just because civilization as we know it has been around for our lifetimes that it has always been like this. Potable water comes from taps, electricity from sockets — everything around us we take for granted. Take this away and life becomes a lot more uncertain (and uses a whole lot more labor). This knowledge shouldn’t stop people from contributing, from growing things and the like, but it is an illusion that most community gardens (allotments) or backyard growing operations could be viable without the civilization that surrounds them.**

That said, the sin of agribusiness isn’t agriculture, its an attempt to maximize return on investment using dubious industrial farming methods. This isn’t civilization, its the rape of resources for short term profit. Agriculture has to be sustainable and if the land can’t yield sustainably above a certain level then that’s what it yields. We just have to learn to ration our consumption to match.

(**Yes, its not a new movement. People have been going “back to the land” for generations. That’s how they learn that its not quite how it might appear in the movies.)

Nov 14, 2021 12:33 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

perhaps the people that grew up with running tap water and electricity that trusted food would always be in the store at any hour might not know food, and life in it’s many forms are not always available and food became sacred because of scarcity first and with understanding food and all life must be held sacred

Nov 14, 2021 3:17 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The Chinese have doing it successfully for forty centuries.
And according to the ‘The China Study’ it works extremely well.

Big al
Big al
Nov 13, 2021 8:39 PM

Way more of us than them. I’m not in favor of letting them keep their mega-yachts, mini-submarines, five star restaurants, and private islands, while me and my family scrounge for food and hide in the background. But whatever floats your boat.

I think we should just take their food.

That said, I am a prepper, so to speak. I’ve got a large pantry, I have a large vegetable garden I’ve maintained for over a decade and I can double the size if I want. I have power sources, water sources, and most emergency stuff we’ll need. I’ve got a large supply of barter goods, coins, etc. But that’s just to temporarily survive if necessary. To really survive, we need justice against the globalist psychopaths. To me, that’s the only real solution to this mess.

Nov 13, 2021 10:32 PM
Reply to  Big al

I am with you Big Al

“Way more of us than them. I’m not in favor of letting them keep their mega-yachts, mini-submarines”

Why not? If they are all away at sea, they are not bothering us on land.

They are not here, and make very easy targets


“I have a large vegetable garden I’ve maintained for over a decade and I can double the size if I want.”

Yeh, must harvest the Nicotiana, except she ain’t flowered yet – need the seeds for next year…

Who wants Gold in an Apocalypse?

Most people will just want a smoke, if we are still here…


Nov 14, 2021 7:49 AM
Reply to  Big al

I do the prepping thing too, we’d be comfy for ~3 months, we could survive ~ a year, in which I could ramp up food growing, it’d be difficult to be comletely self sufficienct tho, I’d say a good % of it is about skills & tools to make/fix stuff too tho.

The last place I’d rather be if TSHTF is looting Tesco or standing in a military food line waiting for hand outs.

Nov 14, 2021 10:16 AM
Reply to  Big al

MR Big Al was thinking of your wonderful post last night and could you kindly give your off g brothers and sisters 10 basic tips for neophytes new to this regarding what is needed for a 14 day power cut. please
this is life saving information.

look forward to your suggestions

Nov 13, 2021 7:55 PM

…also don’t miss Corbett’s & Pilato’s actual “New World Next Week”:

Nov 13, 2021 6:14 PM

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Nov 14, 2021 3:05 AM
Reply to  shamen

These days he would just send em to Maccas:

Nov 13, 2021 5:14 PM

fad fancy diet stuff is nonsense [I enjoyed an ileostomy bag for a year, it’s amazing what you see in your shit, and all the fad foods pass clean out, undigested]. i’m not saying our diet these days may not be lacking or tainted, but the body just needs the right balance of the real stuff. For better or worse, most of us in north atlantic europe had many generations live off barley, oats, kale and later tatties – and of course any fish, meat or dairy to be had (which then were plentiful). the salmonid load on the catchment has been proven (ruined by river engineering). Many folks would have had a milcher and, contrary to historic shite, a lot of folks even had those skinny savage pigs. Chooks? I reckon they just ravaged nature for any egg. Pre-clearance/industrialisation people were entirely independent of any system for their sustenance, just their own ken and labour, good neighbours and scratch of land. Natural systems were nothing like as depleted just 150 years ago compared to now, so what could not be grown, would be found in nature, locally. I do put a lot of credence on local food – especially if people have invested themselves in the effort, and it reflects the reality of their landscape and seasons. Unfortunately the vast majority are too fucking lazy to even entertain the thought of anything but a deck, fake grass and monobloc and trendy grey painted fence. Then they’ll follow whatever food fashion health craze shite their partner/pals/media tells them, as they spray the dandelions on the monobloc with glyphosate. Ecological destruction, agribusiness and vulgar moron consumerism lazybones are all too real. So is the theft of our commons many years ago. We’ve never addressed that effectively yet, and that will be… Read more »

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 14, 2021 10:08 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

And of course, r, there were far fewer people doing this scratching up of a living then. Not that we have a population-overshoot problem, together with an over-technologising problem now, no-no-no! Mustn’t say that. Heresy here btl at Off-G! To some.  😂 

Btw, Bezos thinks we can sustain about ten billion on Earth “if we’re careful” (as we always are, of course). And – you know – like Gates, he’s an ace money-grubber, so everything he says must be supernally god-like true! Apparently the surplus humans above the ten billion are all going to be living in the tin-cans-in-space that the oaf is now promoting. Christ! The superhuman intelligence of these billionaire oracles! Makes your head spin.  😆 

Nov 13, 2021 3:45 PM

“Hey honey, I’m heading for the reko ring market to pick up our dinner of radishes; hope their site has been updated this year.”

This ‘alternative’ doesn’t sound much different from the hunger-games austerity and insect diet our masters have planned for us.

El Zafio
El Zafio
Nov 13, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  niko

I buy premium meat at my REKO.

Brian of Nazareth
Brian of Nazareth
Nov 13, 2021 2:04 PM


Nov 13, 2021 8:31 PM


S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 13, 2021 2:01 PM

“Wheel of Fortune, Billy Eugenics Edition”
comment image
comment image

“The way things are going, no need for anyone to worry about that.”

Nov 13, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

no, i just read this

I want to bring to attention a particular case which was found on The Covid Blog, about a certain Mr Michael Granata. This has to be one of the most shocking cases I have so far read about on the covid blog.
Michael’s obituary goes into graphic detail about his treatment at the hands of doctors, after ending up in ICU following the vaccine. Michael described how ‘doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death.’
Michael did not really want the vaccine to begin with, but was pressured by his doctor.
The full tragic obituary reads like a horror story. It can be read here.



Nov 13, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

November relates to the penis vagina area in astro
ben cost = spent means cum
michael sly a dragon sure is strange that theses name that appear in alt dementia .
Serbian (Latin)  Granata.english translation = Grenade = sexual connotation

Storys is as real as MacDonalds food.

The ritual done it job though.you spent your energy in believing it sharing it.

Nov 13, 2021 2:27 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

I’ve read this too as I subscribe to the blog, there are some truly horrifying cases on it. It also covers these peoples’ social media posts which are to be quite frank, sickening.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 13, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

“At the insistence of my doctor.”
comment image

“That quack seems to be the ‘medical’ equivalent to the ambulance chasing shyster lawyer. The ole kill them and bill them scam. The Billy Eugenics toxic viral cull juice Euthanasia Death Shot DNA/RNA gene experiment offers plenty of opportunity for that.”
comment image

Nov 13, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Just in case anybody panics: I’m 74, un-needle-raped, and penis just fine. Please ignore the above-mentioned doctors and read Dr. Vernon Coleman’s “How to stop your doctor killing you” instead.

Nov 13, 2021 1:44 PM

i use fb all the time for my own ”nefarious” purposes of finding support in this situation, lol.

Nov 13, 2021 1:13 PM

I love the concept! Americans should come up with a different name though, because REKO sounds like RICO, a racketeering statute that has brought down kingpins.

Nov 13, 2021 9:59 AM

I tried growing some runner beans for the first time this summer – it’s very easy and they’re incredibly prolific (I got 150-200 beans from 6 plants).

The freshness of homegrown beans compared to the supermarket was undeniable. Most diet commentaries on Western diets say the nutrient most people lack is magnesium and green veg contains magnesium. Green veg is also good for the acid-alkali balance and one theory that to me has some plausibility is that cold/flu symptoms are the body becoming excessively acidic. I haven’t had a cold in three years since upping my fruit and veg intake.

Gardening is also good in the sense that, if not wearing rubber-soled shoes, one might be getting an electrical charge from the earth. I’m not 100% convinced about electric universe theory but I’ve seen enough to consider it a base worth trying to cover.

Nov 13, 2021 10:25 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Good advice Edwige.
Humans can survive and flourish on just fruit and vegetables.
Omega 3 can be found in flaxseed oil and vitamin B (we only need a minuscule amount) is in the dirt on your spuds.
As for protein and calcium, the biggest, strongest creatures on Earth, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, buffalo, horses etc, are all herbivores.
They also have long intestines, the same us us. Carnivores, on the other hand, all have short intestines.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Nov 13, 2021 10:33 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Full 100% herbivores have a gut that digests cellulose, we do not. To exist on a vegan diet we need to process vegetable matter through cooking or fermenting or chemical extraction in order to make the proteins available to us.

A human can survive and thrive on a diet of raw animal protein, especially sea food. But a human would die of malnutrition on a diet of RAW plant food because we can’t extract a full complement of nutrition from plants without processing.

This obviously implies our natural diet contained animal proteins though probably supplemented with fruit and veg for other vitamins and minerals.

Nov 13, 2021 11:47 AM

Protein myth is a Extension of the B12 vaccination big pHARM psyop.

Nov 13, 2021 11:56 AM

Thanks Sophie.
I’m not suggesting a raw diet, though many fruitarians might disagree.
The mainly seafood diet of the Inuit people does have many drawbacks.
I’ve met a bloke (yes, anecdotal) who survived and thrived on nothing but potatoes (including the skins of course) for a year.
Boring as, but his health outcomes were excellent.
The longest lived and healthiest people in the world (Okinawa) consume a highly plant based diet.

Nov 13, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Johnny

not sure if the okinawa story it true,i rea things about it years ago.
as for the rest, limited diets can be great for detox, not long time living.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 13, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I checked out Okinawa and the other three ‘blue zones’ – at this link, which seems very keen to emphasise the low-meat aspect.


As does the national geographic:


Seems pretty conclusive. Low meat is the secret to long life, but should we believe it, or is there spin applied? Is there an agenda at play?

Interestingly, none of the cultures are exclusively vegetarian, tying into what Sophie said above. They all eat meat/fish, although the links seem very keen to play that down and place a lot of emphasis on diet, despite the fact they themselves state there are other factors at play. How accurate are the percentage values for these cultures’ consumption of animal protein?

All these cultures also eat very local produce. Many have a strong spiritual element.

Just saying, this might be correlation, not causation, and in fact confirms Sophie’s point above, since they do eat some meat.

All told, something about these ‘blue zones’ feels very leading. I’d be interested to know what ‘NGO’ gathered and published these statistics and how close to reality the diet summaries really are. A bit of quick digging reveals they do all eat meat. I do find it difficult to believe the Greek island Ikaria, situated off the coast of Turkey, doesn’t consume a fair amount of the fish and pigs they catch and rear there!

Have any locations been mysteriously left off the ‘blue list’? Feels like it deserves some digging.


Nov 13, 2021 5:12 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Some of the famed Japanese longevity has been ascribed to the lack of birth certificates.

Nov 13, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Interesting, not so sure about the low meat thing tho. I was researching stuff to counter the spike from the vax, best I could find was increasing NAD+ to repair DNA since the spike seems to feck up the SIRT-6 genes (that control NAD etc.), effectively causing premature ageing.

Longevity research also points to NAD+ increasing longevity by 30% in the mice they used for the research, limiting it killed em quicker. There’s quite a bit of research on it.

Nicotinamide (B3), niacin, fasting, exercise, and some other bits n bobs increase it.

Keto diet increases NAD+ too, which is why the no meat thing sounds off.

Nov 14, 2021 3:14 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

Give the big pharma mob seem to be driving the don’t eat meat one has to wonder…nothing else they do for our health is in our best interest so why would that be….

I have some long livers in my family….they enjoyed their meat…shorter livers also enjoyed theirs..there is more than meat involved.

Nov 14, 2021 7:32 AM
Reply to  Edith

Keto diet is about Ketogenesis. Very low carbs, high quality fats, high protien, there are veggie keto diets, not that I’ve looked into them, maybe they use a lot of mushrooms for protein <shrug>

Point being it’s not about high meat, although that’s the most common keto.

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 13, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Local produce, in season (unless stored properly), no poisons, fresh and from healthy soil. These seem to be the key elements. You eat what’s available when its available.

Indigenous peoples usually travelled to find their food. Settled agricultural communities stayed mostly where they could produce their food.

Now we travel to the supermarket and back to home.

les online
les online
Nov 13, 2021 11:56 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I wasnt born a green food eater. Mum said i hung around her for 18 months, threw tantrums when she tried to get me onto Solids. I was born carnivorous, but i eat some green veggies – raw. Whatever happened Back There put me off cooked greens for life…

Nov 13, 2021 1:45 PM


Nov 13, 2021 9:25 PM

Millions of people in India, are completely healthy on a vegan diet, but when they move eg to England, and maintain their vegan diet, they get ill.

This was explained to me about 10 years ago, and I think it is probably true.

In England, all vegetables are thoroughly cleaned, especially from High Street Supermarkets.

In India, that is not the case so much. Most food rapidly goes from farm to open markets, very quickly.

The vegatables contain small amounts of insect matter – eg fly shit, and this contains the essential vitamins, that gets washed off in England


Misha Stivrowic
Misha Stivrowic
Nov 13, 2021 9:38 PM

I’ve survived perfectly fine on a raw vegan diet for 8 years now. Best shape of my life. Never have any illnesses. Don’t believe everything you read in MSM Sophie.

Nov 13, 2021 10:53 PM

I also believe that individuals are very different in many ways. We don’t all have identical digestive systems, and then there us the matter of what happens when we TRAIN ourselves to do what is good for us, after years or decades of doing the opposite.
Some people can give up coffee without much fuss; others fall to bits.

Nov 13, 2021 11:50 PM

Misha, My Ex has been a Vegan, since she left me, and She is Fine xx

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 18, 2021 5:37 PM

You’ll enjoy your meat even more if you butcher it yourself!
Hint; don’t give any animal you plan to eat a “pet” name and only frequent it to fatten it up.
Under ordinary circumstances, people find it hard to murder their friends just for some higher quality protein.

Nov 13, 2021 11:33 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Lived as a strict vegan for many years but unfortunately my body requires meat. I loved the convenience of living as a vegan but was quite sick until I ate meat everyday for a week straight after seven years of abstinence.

Nov 13, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  Creeper

My wife cooks, eats and loves lots of meat, but I can live without it entirely.
We are both getting on in years, but our health is excellent.
People are not the same.

Nov 13, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  Johnny

not even remotely!

Third Chimp
Third Chimp
Nov 13, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The Omega3 in flax is not absorbable by humans, and people can convert only a small percentage, varying from 0-4%, to a usable form. Likewise, the B12 found in dirt (soil microbes) is a tiny fraction of the amount you need. Are you going to eat kg of dirt per day? Chronic B12 deficiency can result in permanent nerve damage.

Nov 13, 2021 5:23 PM
Reply to  Third Chimp

Indeed, we should be careful about using “omega-6”, it is a category not the name of an oil. We require DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). These are not found in plants. Low DHA is associated with learning difficulties in the young and dementia in the more senior members of society.

Misha Stivrowic
Misha Stivrowic
Nov 13, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  Johnny

100% agree Johnny. The response to your comment reminds me of how vaccinated people respond to those of us who don’t want to take the poison. Everyone’s a bloody expert just because they’ve read something and someone has taken a path that might be a threat to their belief system and make them feel a little uncomfortable. Never fails to amuse or amaze me. I would have thought that folk on this site would be far more aware that the majority of these myths are perpetuated by big food, dairy inc, meat inc etc, who all happen to be owned by the same people who own everything else.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Nov 13, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  Edwige


198 beans from 6 plants = 33 beans per plant!

Nov 13, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

lol I almost had a coffee out the nose moment there, too funny 🙂

les online
les online
Nov 13, 2021 11:46 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Back in the 1980s i dug up mum’s backyard, turned it into a veggie patch. (So many strawberries, couldnt give ’em away, so fed ’em to the chooks.)
I’d chookshit among lawn clippings, etc, too ‘hot’ to use as fertiliser. so: I dug a 10″ deep trench, about 5″ wide. Half filled it with the clippings etc, watered it, covered it with newspaper, watered it, filled in the top half with soil. Planted hundreds of peas, a finger width apart. The plants grew at least two feet higher than they were s’posed to, and gave an abundance… Seems the buried chookshit etc generated heat, raised the soil temperature about the roots by a degree or two = abundant pickings. And had the same result with string beans
Apparently it wasnt an original idea to bury clippings etc – but only once have i come across the idea, and that was during a TV gardening program 2 years ago, over 30 years after i thought i’d originated the idea…

Nov 13, 2021 8:38 AM

Permaculture in your back and/or your front yard, joining a community veggie garden, even growing kale, potatoes, parsley, carrots etc in pots.
Bypass the $y$tem.

Nov 13, 2021 1:50 PM
Reply to  Johnny

we can’t live on plantfoods alone. survive for a while, yes. + few regions support that many/much plant foods. where i am is great for pasture, for instance, why i realised that veganism is unsustainable. i grew up with lush gardens in germany, in ireland that’s a struggle.
that’s why i gave up on vegainsm and only after going back to animal foods i realised how malnourished i had become.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Nov 13, 2021 1:58 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

During the late 1960s I came across a sect known as the Breathe Airians who attempted to survive by drinking only water, breathing, sitting in the sun and contemplating life as it is. As far as I know they became extinct ?

Nov 13, 2021 2:07 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh


Nov 13, 2021 3:27 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

There was a curious case of an Indian fakir a few years ago, for whom it was claimed that he never ate or drank. They had him under close surveillance for 10 days.


Nov 13, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Interesting. Looks like you can up vote yourself. Love your neighbor as you love yourself

Nov 14, 2021 7:52 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Then there’s the not so curious case of the tens of millions of Folks who ate kilograms of animal fat and drank copious amounts of alcohol Vagabond.
They’re all in the cemetery.
They weren’t that old.

Nov 13, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Breathe Airians live on air not water they very much still exist.

jim beam me up

where ya been not seen you for a while.?

Nov 13, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Nope! They are still alive and thriving in India. My partner did a 7 day workshop with one, air only, and when he returned he literally was glowing and I have never felt his energy that light. That said, I’m not looking to be a breatharian, but might be a great idea to practice very energy modalities should there be weeks of no sustenance in our near futures.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Nov 13, 2021 9:00 PM
Reply to  Guenonsbitch

The group I met were in northern California and were Rieichian [Wilhelm] in believing the highest form of energy in the human universe was the simultaneous orgasm. John Lennon wrote a song about it , Come together ?

les online
les online
Nov 13, 2021 11:29 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

John Lennon underwent Janov’s Primal Scream Therapy – a poor derivative of Reich’s Character Analytic Therapy…Lennon’s first solo LP, containing “Mother”, “Working Class Hero”, and other great songs,
was produced in the aftermath of his therapy. (Notice the primal SCREAM on one of the songs)…
Wilhelm Reich discovered Orgone Energy (not to be confused with the fake orgone trinkets pushed on the net)…

Nov 14, 2021 7:54 AM
Reply to  Guenonsbitch

Fasting has a lot going for it.
Flushing the toxins.

les online
les online
Nov 13, 2021 11:30 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Jim… it was “In the air that i breathe” (The Hollies);, it was “Something in the Air (JPY)” – and it wasnt love… The silly buggers breathed in too much air pollution…The water they drank ? It was probably safer than what comes out of the bottle these days, which, in terms of pollutants is up there with tapwater – not safe. (Proof ? See how long your goldfish can survive swimming in it.)

Nov 14, 2021 3:22 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Yep I met them too…and yes the first thing that happened was their teeth fell out…teeth it seems are very dependant on usage….the groups around here gave up in the end …one tried the no water as well…she ended up in a hospital mental ward for some time…but the cult had similar undertones to the covid vax cult …one reason I recognised it very early….smile