This Week in the New Normal #11

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Austria and Germany travelling back in time
In Germany, despite never have any kind of “public health emergency” worthy of the name, Angela Merkel’s government has always been determined to parlay Covid19 into as much extra power as they can. Busily turning society on its head whilst implementing horrific propaganda exercises.
The emergency powers seized by the government last year are set to expire this month, and there are already loud voices calling for their extension at least through the winter.
Alongside that, this week it was announced over 12,000 German troops are on standby to “support vaccination efforts”, and worst of all it was reported in Die Welt that Germany is considering another lockdown only for the unvaccinated.
Austria, seemingly desperate to prove it loves fascism just as much as Germany, has some regions already putting millions of unvaccinated people back into lockdown.
Austria and Germany are quite keen to show the world they’ve learned almost nothing from their past mistakes.
2. Toxic masculinity and climate change
The search is over, ladies and gentlemen, we have found it: The worst headline ever –
Is toxic masculinity the reason there are so many climate-hesitant men?
It’s perfect. It looks like it was produced by an algorithm (maybe it was). It’s got everything – casual misandry, woke buzzwords, and absurd sciency-sounding phrases that mean literally nothing.
(Personally I’ve never heard of “climate hesistancy” before, but it’s a natural evolution from “vaccine hesistancy” and yet another example of the press trying to align Covid and climate.)
As to the actual content of the article, well, it’s a about a report from some (probably billionaire funded) NGO which has found that men are much less likely to change their lifestyle to combat climate change.
It is a predictable melange of meaningless statistics, barely disguised sexism, outright war on maleness, and “expert” opinion.
A few days ago, in my article on “climate change diagnosis”, I wrote about “experts in made-up fields” giving their opinion in the press. The example I made up – I thought satirically – was “climate ethics”.
Reality has once more proven to be far more absurd than we could ever imagine, with the introduction of Dr Katrien Van der Heyden, who is described as “a gender expert specialising in masculinity and climate change”. Which is the funniest job description I’ve ever heard.
Dr Van der Heyden hates men, by the way. She doesn’t say that, of course, instead insisting that some men (sorry “male allies”) are perfectly OK. But others, (I suppose these would be “male enemies”) are refusing to do their part because of their adherence to the “traditional definition of masculinity”:
the traditional way of defining masculinity as everything that is not feminine and everything that is power and privilege
Speaking as a man, I’m not sure any of us would define masculinity in those terms. I’ve certainly never considered my role as especially defined by privilege.
But hey, she’s an “expert in masculinity and climate change”, and what’s the world coming to if that no longer means anything.
BONUS: Sick dog of the week
Do you remember back in May, when the UK’s first cat with Covid was found? Do you remember the Guardian telling you not to panic? Do you remember the stock image of a very unimpressed cat? We covered it in This Week in the Guardian #12.
Well, not to be outdone, the dogs have joined the party. That’s right, we have now seen the UK’s first case of Dog Covid. Apparently in a Dalmatian named Kip. He was mildly ill in October and is now fine.
If you’re considering this entire story nonsense, well you better check yourself, because it was confirmed by a “top vet”. A TOP one. So take that, cynics.
What I found funny about this is that every single UK outlet covered it, and every single outlet used a stock image of a different breed of dog. Apparently, they weren’t even up to googling “Dalmatian”, and just went with “dog” because it was faster.
It’s not all bad…
School districts in Florida are dropping their (illegal) mask mandates. This follows news of one 8 year old Floridian girl who has been suspended 36 times for refusing to wear a mask, which is impressive and brave.
The fifth circuit court in Louisiana has put a stay on the federal vaccine mandate, questioning its legality.
Also this week, actor William Hurt has written an article for AE911Truth detailing his journey to questioning the official account of 9/11. The Oscar winner writes about his initial doubts and why he can no longer stay silent. A good read, and hopefully one of many more to come.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the danger of “climate conspiracies”, India’s proposed “pollution lockdown” or the Guardian article claiming white men don’t feel real emotions, and when they cry “it’s a threat”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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I was never a follower of Feminism. The notion that men colonised and oppressed women was always absurd. Of course, I was surprised to find that the movement always stank, but that’s what I now believe:
βWhile parents have a crucial role in kidsβ education, school board members, educators, and school staff should likewise be dedicated to helping students succeed,β she said.
From the south Florida article about Fiona the eight year old girl who has been suspended for not wearing a mask.
The hardest part about “two weeks to flatten the curve” is the first 24 months.
I have mentioned before that the English-language daily Cyprus Mail from time to time seems to be letting the odd article through that diverges from the dominant covid narrative, but the following made my jaw drop. I’m sure most here will agree with it but the point is that a fairly mainstream print newspaper allowed this to be published.
The whole SafePass business is unsustainable
A small, hard-working shop owner fined β¬4,000 for not checking SafePasses is the sorriest aspect of a very sorry tale
From Dr Theresa Tam, chief medical officer of Canada:
βIn the wintertime, going inside with a lot of people shouting and singing is not the best idea if COVID is circulating and accelerating outside your front door,β Tam told reporters.
No Xmas carol please.
These morons have really endowed a non existent virus with super powers
It breaks my heart to see that some Canadians have become such fuckwits. Canada is a place I defected to as a boy to escape Second World totalitarianism, and seeing them fall into the abyss of covidian fascism is depressing to put it mildly.
For fucks sakes, everybody is sick in Canada during the fucking winter. The winters there are relentless. No biggie! It never used to stop us from going to school, work, whatever! Kanuks used to be tough!
The most sobering thing is that this crud is still being thundered out almost two years after the initial fraud and thereβs every indication that next Christmas and the one after etc. will be the same. Only theyβll extend the prohibitions: various colours of cracker are carriers of covid etc.
“That awkward moment when” someone you fancy turns out to be sane:
This genius is a bluetick medic with 28,000 followers.
Truly unsettling. These people are so convinced.
His βawkward momentβ has to be weighed against the βawkwardβ 20 months of non-stop bullshit terror campaign against the public which, going by that twitter thread, continues unabated.
Here’s his latest commercial :
Make it an easier, better winter for everyone!
You know it makes sense!
The dog PCR test was most likely run at “as many cycles as needed” to get a positive result. I believe I read somewhere you need need to be careful with motor oil as well. Those poor people that change motor oil every day. They should get special Covid hazard pay because of the increased risk.
I understand they are injecting zoo animals. They reportedly killed a giraffe with the poison. Sick.
Did you hear these stories about vaccine workers taking several day long trips on canoes and trekking through the woods to vaccinate isolated tribespeople that live completely isolated from modern civilization?
They’re like missionairies, spreading their new religion. It’s like a pathological fixation on making sure no control group exists anywhere.
…Very likely the dog merely tested positive for dog… – Cycles, Wayne, just as you say: – Wash, Rinse, Repeat, Wash, Rinse, Repeat – As many times as *Necessary*…
Wow, somebody making sense for a change! Kudos to this guy!
The thing is…all the “official science” and the “officials” have to do is close their eyes, reach into the big bag of excuses, justifications and explanations to explain any and all questions away. Any question that arises, any anomaly, any inconsistency is simply met with variations on and elaborations on “computer says no”. They just lie. And that’s how that is handled.
That they lie is not the problem; the problem is the brain dead muppets believe them and thus the lies are perpetuated.
I have officially given up trying to convince people. With sadness I watch friends and acquaintances shuffle forward to their doom.
Peter Doshi has shown integrity since the start of this mess (AFAIK). The dude is for real, I think.
So…when I have tried to register, the ‘wordpress’ thingy tells me ..’hey, you’re registered. now check your inbox and then go to login’. Trouble is, even after a couple of tries, still nary an email. My inbox is still there, and functioning. How to overcome this apparent reluctance of the wordpress thingy to actually send the bloody email?
Have you checked your spam folder?
Good shout. My confirmation email was in ‘spam’.
Hi. Thanks for the response. I did check during both unsuccessful attempts, and I just checked now. Still no reply. Some glitch somewhere. I’ll try again in a little.
Yahoo has been censoring my email from off-guardian for over a year. Otherwise, you guys have “slipped me a Mickey”. Send me something from the same domain and see what happens…….
Mine failed as well. It has been failing for over a year. My account is Yahoo based. I have mentioned this before. Nothing in my spam account either. All kinds of spam just none from off-guardian. Either off-guardian is censoring me or Yahoo is. Maybe your email server is censoring you too.
“Micro apartment” sounds so chic, so not like “coffin apartment”:
It’s another part of ‘The Great Reset’ coming true. Pity how the one-voice-many-user-names who used to be on here seems to have given up and doesn’t appear to explain how this is really all down to the CIA.
Really the new housing is just 60s’ urban planning re-booted with a few new tricks. They learnt:
1) Coffin flats had to be marketed at middle class hipsters rather than the poor.
2) Brutalist architecture made the prison a bit too obvious.
3) Children had to be addicted to devices and otherwise made too scared to want to go out and play.
I’m sure the behaviourists have conducted extensive experiments on how little space it takes before the lab rats start devouring each other.
…Japanese-style pod hotels are the future… – You’ll own *Nothing* Edwige, remember?… – Not even a coffin flat in some napalm-clad Grenfell tower block…
We were prepared for this. I started noticing the “tiny house” thing about three years ago, not long before the first lockdown. Suddenly the bookshops were full of these big expensive coffee-table books, lavishly illustrated with gorgeous photographs. Every dinky little designer houselet depicted was located in its own acre of verdant paradise. About half of them appeared to be up a tree.
What most seem to miss with the Tiny House phenomena is that one must have land. And land is not cheap.
It’s made out to be the answer to lack of housing affordability but in reality it’s no different to living in a caravan park and paying fees.
I’ll hold until I see John Kerry and Obama’s microhouses. And them traveling around on bicycles.
We’ll all be OK Savid Javid the banker has assured us all that all the government is concerned about is venerable people and keeping people well , that’s why people are dying in ambulances outside of hospitals , but nobody seems to care, they’re just obsessed with Blubber and love everything he does , I’m glad I’m the age that I am
Logging into Word Press is arduous, invasive , and needlessly complex . It refused to let me acquire an account because my password was nor sufficiently complicated ? But then of course the censorious moderators of Off Guardian already knew that ?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we just canβt win without being called a string of derivative ad hom π We get that and we know we canβt please everyone, and youβre just gonna have to accept that I guess π A2
I know this will probably make me sound like an “a*se licker” ( ο»Ώ π ο»Ώ ) but I have to say that I am bemused by the problems that people seem to be reporting with regard to registering. I am a complete technophobe but took the bull by the horns and decided to register four days ago as soon as it was apparent that votes were back in play.
I clicked on ‘login’ at the top of the comments section, initially entered my existing OG username and requested to change my password (which I wasn’t sure if I even had!) but was told, not surprisingly, that I didn’t have an account. Fine.
So I simply went to ‘register’ and at the prompt entered the same username and was automatically issued with a random password with an option to change it to anything I wanted that was – as instructed – 12 (or more) characters. (I can’t recall exactly, but the instructions may have said to include at least one symbol and one number) The details I entered were accepted and I was taken directly to a WordPress account page where I had the option of filling in additional user details which I largely didn’t bother with. I was then given the option to go to the OG site which I did and have been able to vote ever since. For convenience I keep myself permanently logged in as prompted.
My point is that, for me at least, the registration procedure was even simpler than registering for any of the multitude of other websites (commercial or otherwise) that I use. I don’t know whether choice of operating systems has any impact on facilitating, or otherwise, registration procedures but I have a ten year old desktop that runs on Windows 8.1 and that’s it. I don’t know what WordPress is and don’t know what ‘passwords saved in Google’ means and I am generally a complete thicko when it comes to computing but I still managed to register without any difficulty!
Stay grown-up, Admin, in the face of all the childish bellyaching about how HARD, HARD, HARD, life is, sitting at home playing with your computer. I don’t know how some of them manage to keep going at all, it’s all so tough! ο»Ώ π ο»Ώ
I believe in “tit for tat.” Just as I believe only women should have a say in the abortion controversy, I also believe only men should have a say in “masculinity and climate change.”
Get thee behind me Dr Van der Heyden.
I believe in “tits for me”. And before anyone calls me a sexist pig, that’s just what I believe in. Not necessarily what I get, nor what I demand. Belief being a sort of study in wistfulness these days, you know.
…Wistful mammaries of a bygone age?… *Sigh*…
Here is an interesting article right on top of the front page of one of the mainstream Czech media. It says that people are likely to be bitterly disappointed about getting vaccinated with the Janssen snake oil because its efficacy declines faster than expected, being reliable for only two months. Quite preposterous from the covidian perspective, eh.
There is a certain, not large but noticeable, amount of reports suggesting that the vaccine is worth shit.
What are they prepping people for? A fucking alien invasion?
One of several analyses out there claiming something like this:
It would be the “plausible deniability” method of depopulation by vaccination.
…Putting that another way Ed’, if I handed you a revolver with 20 chambers instead of the usual 6, with only 1 chamber loaded, would you *Then* be game for a round of Russian Roulette?…
…- Or 2 rounds, or 3, or 4, or 5, or ‘n’?… (Boosters…)
I hear somethings going down in the UK around April 22.
Health and Care Bill 2021-22
Talk about planning ahead…
Brutal intensification of Psy-op sadism:
βWhere should I move to in order to best survive the climate crisis?β (Graud)
The very question is a crass nonsensical taunt.
βUK firm to trial T-cell Covid vaccine that could give longer immunityβ (Graud)
After being told we WOULD get immunity, we are now told what COULD give LONGER immunity.
βNew clues to the biology of long COVID are starting to emergeβ (npr)
βNew” clues to one of the innumerable red herring spin offs. And this βnewness” came about two years in to the bullshit.
All mockery. All tease.
Well the answer to the first has been around scaring the pants off new agers for decades:
Have you got a link to an image with more than a few hundred pixels?
I’m sure it is easily obtained. Type in Cayce I am America map. I didn’t put in a large image because I thought the reference would be enough, but I guess there are a number of people too young to remember when that old saw was in circulation sending paranoid, fleeing hippies to higher ground.
If you are rich, you can probably move anywhere and take it on the chin on your yacht, as in the song in Cabaret. But how many of their readers are that rich?
Are those following “The Science” keeping up?
Oh the mental gymnastics they will do….
Particularly valuable post, showing how the story has shifted.
…I’ve reached the conclusion that the CDC are actually some kind of improv comedy troupe… – Their sense of humour’s *Twisted* and alla their routines *Suck*, tho’…
…CDC: Can’t Do Credible…
i hear something is going down in vienna on the 20th
Come on, spit it out!
it’s all i know. probably late afternoon.
Martin Rutter from austria on fb.
Let me guess – Ausweis bitte!
some sort of protest.
News just in that yet another Doctors surgery in Melbourne has been raided and all their files seized. This one is apparently on the Mornington Peninsula.
Allegedly the jackbooted goons are wanting to know who has been given vaccine exemptions and why. And people en masse still bend over backwards to meekly comply. Clueless.
The morons from “Socialist Alternative” who want to chase “far right covid denying white supremacists” from Melbourne streets will no doubt be cheering on this fine display of democracy in action like the trained brainless seals that they are.
It also looks like Daniel Andrews horrendous pandemic legislation will be passed in the Upper House, and not only will he literally have dictatorial powers, but also be able to declare a pandemic at will. At least 60 QC’s have expressed horror at what is in this legislation.
I wonder if Caitlin Johnstone will find the time to write on this? Nope. Just checked. She did make a reference to those protesting against the fascist police state here in a tweet on Nov 14th saying: “yeah this gets a big fat fucking no from me, televangelist lord smyte thy enemies stuff… American mind viruses are really taking hold here”.
And reality continues to be inverted. Especially here in Australia.
“When will Andrews be getting his shots and boosters through the eyeballs? Just asking.”
And stupid Steven Marshall wants to distract from the fact he has lost control of parliament and Vicki Chapman is in all sorts of shit for a very clear corruption claim over a dirty deal so he wants jabbed people to be quarantined on arrival so that ”delta’ doesn’t spread, a clear knowledge he knows delta is the jabs.
As Doctor David Martin said in his interview with Reiner Fuellmich a while back “there is no Delta, there are no variants”. I’m paraphrasing from memory here. Yes, what is in the “vaccines” indeed. Why have cases soared the more people have got jabbed. Stephen Marshall is yet another puppet of those really pulling the strings.
I always said GEn X were generally so fucking dumb they would ruin the world if they got hold of it
Gen Y and Z are even scarier.
The boomers ignored this shit during the 70’s and gratefully returned to yuppie blindness in the eighties. Boomers stripped out education and welfare and sent the good jobs overseas for profit. X and later just inheirited the clusterfuck. Sorry we are so disappointing.
`Just wanted to add that personally, I think generational sniping is stupid, counterproductive and divisive. Cui bono? Not us…
WEll it was not boomers who did those things, it was our fucking parents, but this mob of collective 0 IQ gen x premiers don’t know a damn thing about health.
David Martin is in contention for Smartest Guy in the World.
His last two presentations tell everything that needs to be known. Who Why What When.
We should start focusing on the low-level perpetrators – starting with the BBC and the ABC.
In Australia for instance (being a lot smaller) – we should be able to start getting some insider information on the ABC. For instance, the names of the middle management who spike any story about the bio-weapon “adverse” reactions. (Maybe it is “effective” – effective for what?)
I spent a couple of minutes today going through ”covid” jabbed and unjabbed in NSW in October and November. 110 died after being jabbed, 83 not jabbed. You can win a set of steak knives and a 20% greater chance of death after the jab.
And all this is the very small tip of a very large iceberg Marilyn. I truly hope that some who got the jab have been given placebo’s because things are going to get very grim in the next 2 years or so. You may have seen this, but here’s Dr Sucharit Bhakdi talking about the impact of the vaccines.
Yep, look at the spike in deaths in countries that have a heavy poison stab rollout; it coincides with each campaign of poison doses and boosters.
And yet people still can’t put 2 and 2 together. It’s right in front of peoples eyes. So blatant. And then they still go off and get jabbed. Its like a plague of hypnotised lemmings Grrr.
Vaccination certificates coming for you guys very soon. At least down here in Melbourne they’re not required for supermarkets or other food shops which is some relief. I suppose.
Tell people you have fucking ebola
Supermarket shopping is exempt from the ‘banning’; I don’t think they would attempt a ban on going in to a supermarket as there would be mobs forcing entry, and that’s not a good look (for them).
And then there are the lost profits to big corporate mates.
Anyway I will be disruptive towards any business here that complies whether pub, cafe/r’rant, or motor mechanic, etc.
If Caitlin had anything of any relevance to say, it has long been buried in Assange and the urgent matter of the UK shortly having a king (it seems that the fact we’ve had a queen for the duration of our lives passed her by!)
It must be one hell of a strain being a mainstream Leftie these days and trying desperately to maintain an appearance of dissidence whilst belligerently ignoring an unprecedented fascist grab that’s been rammed down everyone’s throats for almost two years now.
And also the fact she lives right here in Melbourne as well George. Prime example of the irrelevance and bankruptcy of that entire lefty liberal milieu. And shows the real condescending contempt these people have for actual working class people. Caitlin Johnstone is the Amy Goodman of Australia.
If she had supported us on COVID she could have been queen and leader of the protest movement by now. And she would have been a real asset, with her writing skills. A shame she chose to stay silent.
Writing skills yes, but oratory skills no. I heard her speak twice at Free Assange rallies just before the scamdemic hit that were organised by the WSWS, and not only were both her speeches written down literally word for word, and delivered in quite a flat monotone with no heart or passion in the delivery, but she appeared very nervous.
Yes, I Do understand that for some people speaking in front of a crowd (about 200 or bit more) can be very daunting and nerve wracking, but also noticed that nearly every other speaker who spoke were quite animated, and spoke from the heart, with only a few using small cards as prompters.
And Caitlin Johnstone gets a big fat fucking zero from me too.
Hey Gezzah, did this Caitlin Johnstone crawler start out penning for that young commie wankers mag that you hawk?
That would be the WSW – not exactly a young thing since it was founded by Mr North who felt disillusioned by the futility of a 60s anti-Nixon protest and wandered off to a bookstore where he was confronted by a pic of Leon and pince-nez and experienced an epiphany that was more likely to have been brought on by a whispered conversation with a shady character in sunglasses carrying a big govt cheque.
No, not to my knowledge DM, but there was a self proclaimed Marxist called Helen Razer who is fairly well known in Australia as a writer and media personality who wrote for The Big Issue for years and years, and then quit about 6 years ago.
She wrote a book about astrology and WOKE
Doctors that are against the agenda need to keep their files off site and safe.
Climate hesistancy? Anyone who carries an umbrella.
You need a cartoon (note to self): Two dumb covid crazy cops, mumbling to each other through their wet, dripping, masks, are looking at someone carrying an umbrella. “What do you think Joe? Is that climate hesitancy? She would we bust her?” Joe: “I think it just might be. I feel dizzy. She may have given me something!”
It took me a long time to face what I knew to be true about 9/11 (
William Hurt
William Hurt has always struck me as being a bit smarter than the average Hollywood actor.
He was Inspector Frank Bumstead in Dark City (1998 film) after all.
(Dark City is the late-90’s film The Matrix shared some sets and visual styles with.)
Yes. It’s definitely a fun movie.
I don’t know him well enough to say, but I liked him in Dark City. Talking about tuning!
well… he hasn’t shot anyone yet… but generally it’s probably best to ignore the imbeciles..
after all they are actors…
How about this,Tescoβs advert uk,Santaβs got his vaccine passport for being double jabbed?!!?!!!
+ 1
Twisted and perverse.
No Santa next year unless he renews his passport with 2 boosters.
R.I.P. Santa. He died suddenly and unexpectedly.
What about Rudolph? With that red nose he’s a candidate for quarantine and invasive testing.
Definitely a disease vector, along with the other reindeer.
Bezos Klaus’s drones will happily replace them while they quarantine for our safety.
Santa will not be able to go anywhere as he now needs 3 and the flu jab
his deers are a covid risk.
Seems tesco is telling U.K whats incoming.just like flyers through the doors i been told by U.k friend from power company telling people what to do during a power cut..
The Nudge Unit do like using Santa Claus to do their dirty work for them. I thought he had been killed off by the enemy du jour last Christmas anyway
If they are going to start locking down unvaccinated weβll just find our own community,Party and picnics in the park,Sorry vaccinated you ainβt invited.
Nah we decided they could come to our picnicsβ¦.we may not have the pleasure of their company for all that much longer. And one has to be kind to the silly
Your right as Jesus once said.,βforgive them father for they know not what they doβ.
God forgives all sorts, I don’t.
Germany and Austria: Now it’s not “Adolf” but SorosI
β¦meanwhile in Germany: The GREEN chancelor-candidate Bearbock with Soros:
Ahh yes,,, Austria I think their most famous son would approve.
As for Soros the sands time weigh heavy…. not long now
Hitler , Friedman , or Greenspan are all famous Austrians ?
True… Very true… In Europe, Russia and the UK though there is only one Austrian and he was a painter too.. not a very good one by all accounts
Translated using yandex :Black neggers LOL
Soros has a son primed ready to continue the work, as Soros himself did for his father. It all ruins in the family.
Yes… but HE can’t cheat death and that’s what will be playing on his mind.
It’s the same with all of these w@nkers. They go through life doing what they do, thinking they’re a cut above everyone else. Their ego telling them they are the superior breed and in the end they’re no better than anyone else… We all enter this life with nothing and exit it the same.
Maybe his son will carry on his work…. or maybe he may just p!ss it all up the wall. who knows… As we know billionaire, millionaire sons and daughters don’t necessarily get on with their parents.
Another WEF “Young Global Leader” she’ll go far.
Placed in position to do whatever her owners wish.
Modern high level politicians are selected not elected.
Great link!
Yep… Absolutely no surprise there. The vile Greens here in Victoria have voted for every extension of the state of emergency here in Victoria without blinking, and now they are voting for the most draconian piece of legislation ever introduced into an Australian Parliament that will give unprecedented powers to Daniel Andrews. Obviously the Greens will be all gung ho for the Great Reset and the Green New Deal as well. They’ll be almost beside themselves with anticipation of the technocratic horror show unfolding while sipping their soy lattes and munching on their tofu burgers.
Tim Read claims he has been a doctor for 20 years but he is determined to help fucking Dan destroy the joint.
But Gezzah today’s Age has some good news:
So I guess this means we now only risk a fine of $45,250 for not wearing a mask when and where it’s mandated, for example on public transport.
Victoria pandemic laws: Andrews government agrees to amend proposed legislation
Wonderful… That’s so heartening to know that scum like Samantha Ratnam, Andy Meddick and Fiona Patton negotiated some amendments to halve the fines to $45000. Looking out for the community. Awww bless em.
I note these pieces of shit alluded to “shock jocks” fanning “civil unrest” in their statement. Obviously a nod to the ‘far right racist covid deniers’ talking points of the media and Andrews.
How long before the Mickleham quarantine camp is opened I wonder?
How far this country has fallen… Have a good day Cliff.
You too, Gezzah.
And thanks for so often putting into words exactly what I have also been thinking.
Mailman here. Dmitry Orlov has written a deliciously humorous assessment of a declining “West’s” attempts to retain colonial hegemony over the rest of the world while simultaneously reducing its own people to impoverished colonial status. [My edited] extract from:
“1. There was the attempt to force the entire world to submit to a relentless inoculation campaign (in the works since 2009) in the course of which an interplay between [the West’s] genetically engineered pathogens and [the West’s] genetically engineered vaccines would make fabulous profits for [the West’s] Big Pharma while selectively genociding the population of undesirable [Eastern] countries. Unexpected end result: China has largely fought off the [Western] pathogen [Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein bat virus] and has produced its own [safe and widely sold] vaccine; meanwhile Russia has produced several vaccines, the most popular of which has likewise proven safe and effective and has been turned into a major profit center by being exported to 71 countries and earning Russia more export revenue than arms exports.
In contrast, not only are Western vaccines proving less than 50% effective but thousands of people are actually dropping dead or becoming severely ill from them. Most alarmingly, young, freshly vaccinated athletes are dropping dead from heart attacks in the middle of a gameβdozens of them! The only possible response to this by “the authorities” [in the Freedom Loving West] is to mandate re-vaccination [with the same failed and dangerous vaccines] — again and again and again and again [up to 4 times so far, still counting]. The marketing strategy of βif our product makes you sick, you must take more of itβ is hardly ever effective, producing open rebellion in many places, shutting down entire industries [including parts of the health industry] and generally playing havoc with [Western] societies and economies.
Mission accomplished! [of reducing Western public to colonial status]
2. There is an ongoing attempt to force countries around the world to pay a so-called “carbon tax” – from which nations that build solar and wind generation capacity are exempt. Lots of expensive [and dubious] computer models kept international climate conferences convened, at which people could wallow in maudlin self-pity over the ever-looming end of the world. Both Russia and China turned the situation [climate panic] to their advantage [as they have turned the Covid panic]. China manufactures and exports products which the West loves to import, and just a temporary reduction in the use of coal was sufficient to demonstrate that any such constraints would hurt the West through supply chain disruptions more than they would hurt China.
In the case of Russia, the situation is even more favourable from the point of view of carbon dioxide emissions: Russia is the greenest country on earth, deriving the largest share of its electricity from carbon-free nuclear and hydro and low-carbon natural gas. It also has a whopping 20% of the worldβs forests. In case of global warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, Russia’s forests [being northerly] would spread rapidly across the tundra toward the Arctic circle, soaking up prodigious amounts of carbon dioxide. Thus, the West are in a cul de sac of their own creation, damaging their own economies by pursuing misguided decarbonization policies which nobody asked them to.”
Thank heavens Russia doesn’t have casedemics, opposes vaccination, has a leader calling out all the bs, didn’t just shut down for a week… Hang on a minute.
A ‘saker’ is a falcon, the symbol of Horus. It’s obvious controlled opposition.
I often wonder about these things….certain the covid narrative has drawn a line in the sand for quite a few publications…MOA being one of them.
MoA flipped 180 degrees between consequitive blog posts back when it suddenly seemed that smokers were particularly susceptible (Italy, Iran, China all heavy smokers)
Needless to say, the bloggeur is a heavy smoker.
Edwige, I think you may just be onto something there. Admittedly I was a regular at both The Saker and Moon of Alabama until earlier last year when they quickly became full on members of the covid cult. So I left.
I was on there the other day (I know) and came across this comment that had been intercepted by The Sakers mods. Andrei himself decided to make an example of the “nutcase and an ignorant idiot”. The comment he belittled could have easily appeared on these threads. Note the comments below it rabbiting on about “Qanon types”. A lot of people out there who turned out to be limited hangouts or indeed, controlled opposition.
Same thing here….weird.
He is another example of someone speaking outside their area of expertise. He may be up on Russian/NATO military issues but for medical issues, his opinion is worth that of any actor.
Russia and China come up for discussion in a recent discussion between Whitney Webb, Iain Davis and Cory Morningstar. The come to the same conclusion as James Corbett, namely, Russia and China are part of the American-dominated Corporatocracy that takes its marching orders from the transnational capitalist class. Iain’s term for the TCC, apparently, is the Global Private Public Partnership. I suppose those might be perfectly equivalent. In a body, there’s always a head. π
West bad, East good is equally as nonsensical as East bad, West good Nonsense. The parasite bankster class has no borders, no country allegiance, no need for patriotism except as a tool to decieve the masses, they are all in it together.
deliciously humorous? Only in so much as his premis is a joke, on us.
The idea that nuclear power is “green” or “carbon neutral” is laughably and demonstrably wrong. How were the powerplants built? How was the fuel mined, refined and processed into useable fuel rods? How was the fuel transported around the country? How was the spent fuel reprocessed, and taken to storage or dumped? How are we going to decommision the plants themselves and deal with the waste, some of which will still be toxic in a million years’ time? The answer to all of these questions is, by using fossil fuels for energy. And we still don’t know what we are going to do with the waste. Nuclear power will prove to be one of the costliest mistakes in the history of humanity. It provides no answers that don’t lie within the paradigm of rapacious consumerism and the wanton destruction of the habitable planet and its once bountiful natural resources, which is the paradigm that the PTB are determined to keep us locked within and which we as individuals must break free of if we stand any chance of either having a planet worth living on for future generations, or breaking free of the totalitarianism that is being imposed in order to keep their paradigm going.
“Carbon neutral” itself is an absolute joke. How can anything be “carbon neutral” when the carbon cycle itself is an unavoidably essential and incontrovertible fact of life on this planet?
You’ve said it all.
When are we going to see reducing energy consumption being considered as the only viable alternative to stripping the planet clean of all its life sustaining resources aka civilization?
Depend on it, Peter: we’re going to see steep per-capita energy-use reduction over the next few decades, whatever we think, whatever our fashionable babble about it may say, whatever we do or don’t do.
We have no real, actually-viable alternative. There’s literally nothing whatever of any realistic kind that can replace our current energy sources, or maintain our current huge splurge level. And even if there were, could we manage a whole new global infrastructure build-out, to get it installed and running? Really? Now that the limits to growth already have us helplessly between their teeth?
Randall Mills’ work is worth keeping an eye on.
Russia has solved these problems, and offers it to others. Search for Dmitry’s article on the subject some time ago:
I notice Dimitri Orlov, an ever entertaining polemicist so loved by masochistic westerners, has so far steered clear of any discussion of the current creeping fascism in Russia, especially the fact that both RussiaΒ΄s new technocratic Prime Minister Mishustin and CEO of Sberbank, German Gref are among Herr SchwabΒ΄s top men at the WEF, especialy at those very important recent Cyber Polygon events.
On the one hand the plebs through western msm are being warned of dangerous Russian hackers, on the other, RussiaΒ΄s topcats are crafting the rollout of Global cybersecurity and cyber- pandemic exercises at the WEF.
German Gref wants to be the Russian Bezos and expand the roll of sberbank towards something like Amazon with lots of digital interface. Meanwhile Russians -who were rightly hesitant towards a vaccine programme that has no adverse reporting platform- are now under extraordinary pressure (not much less than the worst countries) to comply and take the Sputnik jab.
It’s there in his archive. But you have to subscribe to pass the paywall. Well worth a few quid a month.
This particular article was in full on the site, w’out paywall.
Dmitry has been reporting recently on new Russian nuclear technology which – apparently – actually eats up and neutralises already-created radioactive materials; and leaves none of its own, since it eats that too.
I don’t know what to make of this. Might be true. Dmitry has a good record of getting things right. Might be a game-changer if it is. Knee-jerk ‘I hate nuclear!’ isn’t an adequate response. If it does work, it might be needed, just to get rid of all the glowing waste we’ve already littered all over the world.
In any case, no matter how much the nuclear-dislikers – me included – may deplore it, if it works, people are going to do it. And they’re going to go on using fossil hydrocarbons, whilst global EROEI-levels still physically permit it, despite all the maunderings of all the COP-wafflers at the empty Glasgow kabuki.
Just as well that no-one really knows how the climate will change, or exactly how all the human inputs from our current, brief overshoot population level will contribute to it. In any case, both the overshoot and our huge CO2 release of recent decades are both likely to have resolved themselves automatically, even without us doing anything effective about them – as clearly we won’t – by the end of this century, or maybe a few decades after.
I’m inclined to expect some sort of upheaval, though feck knows what exactly, but with humankind carrying on and adapting, as will the rest of the planet’s life web. There have been geological eras when the mean Earth surface temperature was more than ten degrees C hotter than now, yet life throve abundantly. All the shrieking hysteria about TEOTWAWKI is really just bourgeois indulgence. They don’t really know what’s going to happen in reality, any more than anyone else does.
The Russian tech. will not help all those unfortunate regions that suffered corner-cutting for profit in the form of abandoned mine waste and spent fuel stored in fragile containers. The reactors themselves are so badly concieved that they will blow up (and have blown up) without auxilliary electricity.
I tried logging in but was allowed. I tried every user name and password I had but was blocked. Ah well, guess I won’t be able to tick anyone
Same happened to me had to reregister.
“three men – aged 29, 26 and 21”
“if you knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
Three six nine, the goose drank wine.
The monkey chew tobacco on the street car line.
The line broke, the monkey got choked
And they all went to heaven in a little rowboat.
This two years after assiduously deleting any comment that mentioned T-cells. It’s not that they lie but they are not even consistent liars: like the Bunter brothers, Billy and Boris.
Comment is Free. Facts are Whatever You Want Them to Be.
And still premised on the lie that there is something to be immune from. I do not get why for the first time in history there is this bullshit that everyone has to be immune from something that doesn’t exist, not a single dick head has ever noted that as it does not exist we are all ”immune”
This is cross immunity, i.e. natural immunity. ~80% of us have been exposed to 6 different endemic coronavirus, known about for decades, exposure to these endemic coronavirus already trained our immune systems to recognise the first corona virus peptides to be expressed, before they get to express epitopes.
No, the tricky part is knowing what all the peptides do, so they can decide which peptides to put on it, without creating a new chimera, they don’t, they are guessing.
This is cartoon immunobiology, only useful in grant applications. Where dumb fuck administrators like Fauci who don’t understand immunobiology get to sign off on them.
What would be worthy of acclaim is prefecting early treatment protocols, so the immuno-compromised can be treated without the protocols killing them, while the rest of the populations with healthy immune systems catch a cold and never be bothered by subsiquent virus evolution, i.e. develop herd immunity naturally, avoiding original antigenin sin, which could bottleneck evolution to create the chimera.
But then, this was never really about health.
Covid isn’t meant to make sense. It’s a mind fuck intended to induce madness, despair and ultimately genocidal tedium where everyone will be eager to throw themselves Lemming style over the cliff to escape terminal boredom.
They’ve been changing definitions like caffeinated baboons ‘playing’ with kittens. The latest is the word ‘vaccine’, about which Peter Doshi says: “βI found it fascinating to learn that Merriam Webster changed its definition of βvaccineβ earlier this year. mRNA products did not meet the definition of βvaccineβ that has been in place for 15 years at Merriam Webster but the definition was expanded such that mRNA products are now βvaccinesβ.” See “BMJ Editor Dr. Peter Doshi Gives Evidence to Expert Panel on Medical Mandates and Covid Injection Injuries” by Rhoda Wilson (The ExposΓ©)
Another scary video from an MSM scientist:
Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage? – COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 18
And a step further…
NAD+ fot the win.
You forgot one piece of important news, namely the politically correct speech device. Reminiscent of the verbal morality statute protection device, but completely useless, as tickets from the latter were good for wiping one’s ass with them.
The fucking floodgates of insanity are wide open. An utterly mad fantasy world. Well, one could have expected that all that mickey mice, donalds the ducks, and infantilizing, mind numbing, debilitating shit would lead into something like this.
A must watch. Dr John Campbell says that Ivermectin is far better than Pfizer’s new antiviral.
The most voted comment on the video: βNo oneβs saying that the information has been deliberately hidden away while millions of people have died.β Of course, thatβs exactly what heβs saying, and heβs completely right.
WEll no he’s wrong, there is no fucking covid, no sars 2, people have been terrorised into the belief they are sick, mind over matter is an amazing thing and millions have not died from a non existent thing. For heaven’s sake all this carry on about ”treatments’ for a non thing are what is killing imbecile people
I understand what you’re saying, but slowly and surely the walls built on lies started to fall down. By the way I am in Australia as well, in Brisbane. Not jabbed yet, self-employed, hopefully we can ride it out. We are originally from Hungary, even thought of moving back after being here for more than 30 years.
Although it is not much better there, but there are a lot of small villages where you can hide from the world.
Of course there is Dear. Now please calm down. Just because TPTB have grossly exaggerated the number does not mean that small number of elderly and infirm have not died as a result of a vascular (not respiratory) disease.
Or perhaps you acknowledge that some people are ill but blame it on the telephone or the TV or the lack of kangaroo poo in the modern diet?
So fucking what?
You probably haven’t noticed that life ends with death, but it does. People are dying all the time. All of us will croak one day, including you and me.
There is absolutely no data suggesting that there is a novel contagious disease.
The TV is probably a major cause of any excess deaths there might have been, namely the insane amount of scaremongering spewed therethrough.
I presume you deny there is a novel contagious disease because to concede that would be to admit that the US has been involved in gain of function research?
However, the disease does not have to be novel, just an old disease affecting the already sick, just via a new vector, one created by Fauci. This would create very little excess mortality, in effect just bringing forward the inevitable, perhaps creating a few spikes. Be a bit embarrassing if it were to reveal that the US today is no better than the US of the 1930s.ο»Ώπο»Ώ
You presume wrong. And I’d appreciate if you didn’t put words in my mouth.
I don’t deny nothing.
I simply ignore any of the utter horseshit that’s peddled by all the motherfuckers involved in this crap. Capisce? Fuck gain of function research. Fuck the US. Fuck Fauci. Fuck some alleged virus.
I don’t see no disease, let alone pandemic. I have yet to see a person drop dead in the street. I have yet to see anything suggesting anything abnormal apart from the craze instigated by the media. Oh yeah, a few people are sick here and there. As always. Big fucking news.
And before you “presume” that I’m a backwards simplistic moron, I do have data to the above effect.
Whether the US is better off in the 1930s, I don’t know. Probably much worse. I sincerely doubt that the US has another period akin to roughly 1950s-1980s ahead of them.
I didn’t write ‘better off’.
There is not now and nor has there been any novel anything,
According to this excellent presentation, the Ivermectin story is a hoax. Strawman. Complete bullshit like everything else.
In a nutshell, THERE IS NO FUCKING COVID, NO FUCKING NOVEL DISEASE. It’s all a giant crock of shit, a complete hoax. Everything surrounding it is lies, lies, lies.
That apparently includes the scare about genetic modification by the alleged vaccine. It appears that they don’t know diddly-squat about genetic engineering. They don’t know what they’re doing.
So, for instance, what a guy like Mike Yeadon says is highly suspicious. He’s very likely if not unquestionably a plant. To me, it seemed since the beginning that the scare about the vaccine is aimed at people who see through the COVID bullshit, and Kiseleva confirms that. They have a half of the world scared shitless of COVID and the other of the vaccine. Divide and conquer par excellence.
Nicely summed up here in the words “Il faut pas avoir peur.”
It’s all about fear, brutal coercion, and the promise of carrot, redemption if you comply.
This is an attempt to install totalitarianism, not a fucking disease. No medicine works for that!
There, there, Jacques. Now take your tranks and go and lie down for a while, there’s a good excitable Slav… You know you need to when you get over-excited like this; and of course you can blow a few more ‘fuck yous’ my way before you go, if it makes you feel better. Water off a duck’s back.
Oh, and btw, if you should happen to cop a dose of this entirely real but rather nothing-much illness which you and some others here insist doesn’t exist, just stay calm and flood your system with powdered vitamin C in water; thirty grams a day, or more if you like; a mouthful sipped from your day’s supply every half hour. Actually genuinely safe, and very effective. You’ll likely find the episode to be less than a mild cold; but – er – actually real, even so. That’s been my experience. (I was just turning 80 at the time; it was absolutely no sweat – literally…)
PS: And now my immune system is filled right up again with a whole new generation of ‘Big White Dogs’, ferociously on watch for any new intruding troublemaker.
Unless, that is, Dr. Zach Bush is right, and it would be better to think of the miniscule intruders as useful message-bearing exosomes, keeping the global ecosphere’s communication system up to date on the latest novel happenstance to which we all need to adapt, to keep everything in balance.
Either way, the Dogs will keep them in order. ο»Ώ π ο»Ώ ο»Ώ π ο»Ώ
So you copped a dose of Covid-19, did you? But how do you know it wasn’t, in fact, just “a mild cold”?
It’s nice of you to share your experience, but I haven’t been sick for as long as I can remember. Essentially ever since I moved from the city to a cabin in the woods where the air is clean and the space devoid of assholes and any other disturbances whatsoever.
On the other day, I dropped of my car in the city and jogged the about 20 clicks back. What struck me was how dirty, polluted, poisoned the air was in the city. Exacerbated by the inversion, the thick shit from cars is hanging low, poisoning people. That’s what causes disease. Not some alleged virus. It reminded me of girl I met in university. She was from some remote place up north where nature is pristine, complete unpolluted. Mind you, Montreal is a pretty clean town, the air fresher than in most European cities. Still, after a couple of months she developed some sort of comprehensive body poisoning from pollution.
Vitamin C is probably always good, but viruses? Don’t think so. Ditto immune system. I don’t think it exists. It doesn’t make sense. Why would we be constantly fighting with our natural habitat? Like germs and viruses? They’re everywhere, on and inside our bodies. We might have a defense system, I could envisage that, which kicks in when the body is compromised, but the immune system as alleged doesn’t make much sense.
What’s wrong with getting excited? What’s wrong with telling a motherfucker to go fuck himself? Ts ts …
You’re probably right about COVID; but I think there’s growing evidence that genetic engineering is beginning its ascent from the clown car to the Rolls Royce. The hit or miss method used for most GMO crops is slowly giving way to a more “scientific” (aka, hellish) method.
For that, of course, we can all “thank” the aborted fetuses – which is of course why abortion will never be outlawed. Though, should the unthinkable happen, they do have a Plan B: the “vaccine,” which seems more than capable of inducing miscarriages.
Hi Marilyn,
About a year and a half ago I tried to explain this to OG readers and I coined the word NODEMIC. Just as there is a placebo, so there is a nocebo. I posted this a few times and what response???……crickets. However I am undoubtedly right. The PLANDEMIC, SCAMDEMIC, PSEUDDEMIC exist. So does the NODEMIC. The evidence for this is incontrovertible. The percentages, age distributions at death…everything suggests a Nodemic at play.
So what you’re describing is a nodemic and in all probability, I for one believe you (probably are correct. Any “good” nodemic will take out somewhere between 2% and at least 20% of the population. It is doubtful whether anybody could not be influenced by the pandemic miasma that has engulfed us all. I have always thought that at least 30% of the population are hypochondriacs Anyway the sCIENCE is on our side in this one.
By the way Marilyn please accept my long time appreciation for your indefatigable output of thoughts and words.
I uttered a simple word last March for all this – BULLSHIT. I rest my case.
I attended, via Teams, a council meeting where the huge rise in mental health problems among schoolchildren, was discussed. When the officer said itβs tragic and caused by βCovidβ, I said no itβs the government response to Covid. I was totally unprepared for the backlash. I was threatened with removal from the meeting – a ban, no less – and told to βstop making cheap political points.β I could see the eyes and body language of the other participants and it wasnβt nice. It was vicious. Nobody defended my comment and we then had a tirade about βmostly young peopleβ not wearing masks in Sainsburyβs β. I feel quite distraught this evening.
Your heartfelt comment prompts me to recycle a lament I posted earlier this yearβ a lament I began making as far back as April of last year, only a few weeks after the Megadeath Virus of Doomβs nascent New Abnormal was officially launched by political and public-health authoritiesβ to use the British expression, βtwo cheeks of the same arseβ:
I noticed that both the authorities and the complicit mass-media scrupulously ignored even the possibility of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the onerous, draconian, and pathological social-control exercises, er, masquerading as scientific, sensible prophylactic public-hygiene measures and the broad social woes of madness and badness: pathological depression, anxiety, anger, angst, etc., and concomitant increases in violent crime and abuse.
In the US, politicians, public figures, and mainstream news occasionally address the adverse economic ripple effects of the scamdemic restrictions, but these are presented with a kind of implicit stoic understanding that the βpandemicβ is what it is, the official response is as scientific and sensible as possible, and the inevitable negative consequences are unavoidable. Thereβs a mix of stories: for instance, some sympathetically report the premature closure of some popular local business, while others briskly showcase businesses and recreations that have ostensibly successfully adjusted and adapted to scamdemic life.
The authorities and mass-media occasionally express insincere regrets and condolences acknowledging that the βpandemicβ is a tough time for all of us, and drizzling the usual repulsive, saccharine βmorale-buildingβ glurge in the form of Thanking Our Heroic Healthcare Workers, exhorting the audience/public toβ well, certainly not lean on each otherβ but pull together (no, thatβs wrong too, but βdistance togetherβ doesnβt work), keep a stiff upper lip under that mask, Follow the Rules, and Get That Vax so we can finally lick this thing. (Whoops, I think the CDC has banned the traditional idiomatic use of βlickβ.)
The rhetorical gimmick is to attribute the source or cause of exacerbated, cumulative social misery exclusively to the MacGuffin*, the MVD Phantom Menace itself. When the despised Donald Trump sensibly warned early on of the risk of making the cure worse than the disease, he was roundly excoriated and dismissed.
*MacGuffin: βan object, event, or character in a film or story that serves to set and keep the plot in motion despite usually lacking intrinsic importanceβ.
The βResistanceβ-grounded principle of excluding direct critical analysis of the βcureβ in all its dismal and destructive aspects was formed at the outset, and remains in force to this day. Here, The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present isnβt going to croak out any seditious concerns about the cure being worse than the disease; heβs a thousand percent behind the New Abnormal and all its malignant works.
This year, Philadelphia is experiencing a surge in violent crime, particularly multiple gun-related homicides. There is the usual profound outcry from the grieving and devastated community, and the usual knee-jerk demagoguery from local municipal and state politicians. Something Must, and Will, Be Done About the Epidemic of Violence! So far there is the usual talk of improved βgun controlβ, and declarations that special grants and funding must and will be authorized for community outreach and gun control programs, expanded municipal Youth Recreation Programs, and the like.
No politician, activist, or pundit makes any causal connection to the New Abnormal and this βinexplicablyβ ratcheted-up violence and general public disaffection. What does one have to do with the other? they might remonstrate. Thereβs the awful pandemic, and weβre addressing that. And then thereβs the economic and business decline, and weβre also addressing that. And then thereβs the horrific and mysterious spike in crime, especially violent felonies and homicidesβ and weβre determined to address that.
So itβs all about supposedly altruistic Elected Misrepresentatives turning on separate funding-stream faucets in hopes of cleaning up the behavioral sink, and ignoring or denying that the official cure has stopped up the drain and the water will only get more fetid and brackish with blood.
Maybe the biggest of the Big Lies driving the scamdemic and the permanent imposition of the New Abnormal are Big Lies of Omission.
Was this the video that set the fact checkers on him? It has been a joy to see the change in the former high priest of the Covidian Cult.
No, his video about aspirating the needle were removed.
Really? Including the calculated insult from Zahawi?
Aside from that he was more recently fact checked for saying that Ivermectin and its new replacement (Pfivermectin?) are, as claimed by the drug company, both protease inhibitors.
Pfizer’s new daily pill to replace the vaxxine is a patented derivative of Ivermectin. Patented = losts of dosh for Big Pharma. Ivermectin = not patented = cheap.
There were stories about pets getting or communicating Covid last year. And don’t forget the minks they killed off. I’m hoping someone calls for pets to be killed off. That will kill the Covid narrative faster than just about anything!
Are Cats Spreading COVID-19? Study Finds Domestic Cats Can Be Asymptomatic Carriers of SARS-CoV-2
NOVEMBER 19, 2020
Are Dogs Spreading SARS-CoV-2? Study Finds Living With a Dog Increases Risk of Contracting COVID-19
NOVEMBER 16, 2020
Yeah, kill all the dogs to protect usβ¦βscientists sayβ dogs are contributing to climate change as well so they definitely got to go. As you suggested, itβs fine to abuse and experiment on humans on a vast scale, but if they come for the petsβ¦.! My cats are, of course, life-long anarchists and have told me they will scratch the eyes out of any needle-toting gene-therapy goons who show up in my yard.
You do know where this leads right? Eventually they will DO the whole village in order to save it. Cue the species self loathing, the lockdowns in the name of climate and another round of toxic shots….
Well, We we – humans (not in the predator/parasite class) – got to go, I guess there’s no reason to expect cats and dogs to be safe!
The abolition of animals as pets is part of the long term agenda. All that meat they consume would be a problem when humans can’t eat meat. It’s also an inversion of the Bible giving humanity domain over animals. The elite might keep some human pets though.
Sim-pets will be great, human brains can’t tell the difference apparently. Any resemblance to ‘Do androids dream of electric sheep?’ will be purely coincidental.
Yes, the entities pursuing this hell on earth are true necrophiles.
They hate life and living things.
It’s true, i miss the ticks. Even a down tick meant somebody read me, which was better than no-tink at all. Now i feel i’m being given The Silent Treatment.
“Will do anything for a tick !”
+27,000,123 – I do not have an account as such I cannot give you an actual “tick” jubal, as such I will tick you in the only other way possible – you can now consider yourself well and truly ticked dear fellow traveler.
Take a tick on me
“Apparently, they werenβt even up to googling βDalmatianβ, and just went with βdogβ because it was faster.”
Hey, spelling Dalmashen is hard!
The question on everybody’s mind: How many booster shots will it take before ‘covid’
is eliminated, and how many years ?
Itβs funny you should mention that because lots of people that have been inoculated are starting to scratch their heads.
They are wondering the same thing how many shots do I have to take but for the demands are satisfied.
At the same time they are looking at government policies which are forcing their children to be injected as well as seeing the number of athletes that are collapsing on the field
Then they look around them to see how many people in their community are becoming ill
I realize that Iβm being rhetorical here and we know the answer to these questions but my primary concern is how much longer before the tide turns
The point is – the ‘authorities’ have moved on, are starting to implement the Next Stage, using every ‘punishment’ to get the non-vaxxed to get vaxxed. That IS the next stage if the intermediate goal is the imposition globally of digital IDs, using vaxx passports as their Trojan horse…
Some will keep recording and expressing horror at the injuries and deaths still piling up, at the failures of the vaxxes to Stop The Spread, or stop “infections”, and the dangers of face masks, the fakery of the PCR tests, and so on, but they’re only fighting the old battles. It’s not that the ‘authorities’ arent also still fighting the simmering remnants of 2020-21 battles but they act like they have all along – as The Winners.
They set the Agenda. They have all along. (and if They give The Dissenters a thought at all, it’s as you would a pesky mosquito…
(PS: nobody has been ‘inoculated” – it’s not a vaccine.)
A sensible public health precaution aimed at those who have not received a jab that is not even claimed by its proponents to prevent transmission.
Well yes there is that, but the Logic and Reason therein is drowned out by the horns affixed to the motorcade of clowncars that keep passing by…
Alrighty then, thsnks for the clarification. I assume that you’ll be taking your hemlock tea now that there really is no hope?
Yep. Makia Freeman wrote about it here.
The unification of The Daily Mail and Antifa is almost complete.
Note the URL: Antifa members supporting BLM clash white supremacist group America rally NYC
Nov 14, 2021
– Antifa and BLM activists clash with far-right anti-vaccine mandate protesters outside NYC’s Gracie Mansion
– America First chanted ‘f*** Antifa!’ when Antifa members supporting BLM showed up at their anti-vaccine mandate protest
– America First members were headed by Nick Fuentes, a former podcaster who was banned from social media platforms after attending the Capitol riot
– They gathered outside Mayor Bill de Blasio’s residence days after he revealed he’s considering requiring children under 12 to show proof of vaccination
– Meanwhile, Mayor-elect Eric Adams has hinted that he’ll reverse de Blasio’s widely-criticized vaccine mandate when he takes office on January 1
βF*** Antifa,β members of group America First – also known as Groypers – shouted while wearing blue hats and carrying flags donning βAmerica First.β They were protesting against the city’s Covid-19 mandate. Outgoing Mayor Bill de Blasio recently revealed that he’s considering requiring children aged five to 11 to show proof of vaccination once enough have gotten their shots. . . .
White supremacist Groypers:

…- See, they lost me there right around ‘white’…
#FakeNews #SpookyKabuki
I did wonder whether the Groyper-Antifa clash was all just theatrics. Within the Daily Mail article there is a description of a real protest from two weeks earlier:
Around 160,000 municipal employees, including cops, firefighters, and sanitation workers, rallied outside De Blasio’s residence to protest his vaccine mandate ahead of the city’s October 28 deadline for city workers to get the shot.

They probably donβt have the Antifa personnel to take on that sort of crowd, so maybe they arranged a low-budget, pseudo event just for the cameras. However, although some of the alt-right organisers have clearly been FBI types, my impression is that Nick Fuentes is genuine. Heβs a bit of a publicity junkie and heβll know that all he needs to do is to schedule the protest and the mob will turn up.
Andy NgΓ΄ @MrAndyNgo
Nov 14, 2021
Right-wing activist Nick Fuentes led an anti-vaccine mandate protest outside Gracie Mansion in New York City. Antifa gathered to try to shut down the βgroyperβ gathering.
(asterisks and CAPS added for emphasis…)
…- There you go then, Lost:… – *Probably* a majority of those are Dem voters or else *At Least* a *Large* plurality are, and *Certainly* a majority of ’em are *Unionized* (ie:Unions = *Major* Dem donors)… – Those folks were the *Real Deal*…
…- *Definitely Not* ‘good optics’ to sic Antifaux on *That* particular crowd, and *Damn-Near Impossible* to ‘spin’ positively if they did… – Hence the pantomimed stage act reconstruction, with the ‘Civil War (Re?)-Enactment Society’ usual suspects two weeks later
The skynews article meanwhile doesn’t even adress, at all, why the climate lockdown position is a conspiracy theory. It’s like from a comedy or parody. It doesn’t deny it and, moreover, the EXPERT they have called on, instead of deconstructing the “conspiracy theory” literally only argues that “if you are like me, you agree that we should do something about the climate problem”.
Q: Has W. Hurt also faced what he must surely know to be true about “COVID-19”???
And if not, what’s still preventing him from facing it? (Or, if he has, when will he speak out?)
Well, what a coincidence that Hurt suddenly discovers an interest in all this just after having been accused of being an abuser and rapist:
It’s an obvious guilt-by-association op. Truthers are not just crazy but dangerous abusers!
He’s an actor FFS. His first major role was playing MK Ultra lunatic John C. Lilly in ‘Altered States’, the one with the sensory deprivation tanks. Lilly was the one who did the LSD experiments on dolphins but Hollywood had already made a film about that called ‘Day of the Dolphin’ (originally meant for Roman Polanski to direct – he was supposedly working on it in Europe when the “Manson Murders” occurred).
Anyone in his postion thinks good and hard before opening themselves to character assassination and various other types of punishment. And off to MeToo Island he goes!!
according to his wiki he was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2018
also, whatever the real purpose of his piece for, the effect is he comes across as slightly unhinged
I just don’t believe “actors” on principle
Dogs eat meat. Bad Dogs !
Signed: Cat lover.
Tis a dog eat dog world Jubal.
Did you mean “woof !” or are you just being bitchy ?
….and you are wearing milkbone underwear!
What about fish? Are they also off the menu? I suppose I’ll have ant pie to look forward to or perhaps cockroach soup? Hmmm, yummy!
Protein without fat.
Apes eat em, no heart disease in our nearest relative.
Apes don’t eat processed chemically extracted polyunsaturated oils or refined carbs – which, in combo, are a leading cause of plaque formation and heart disease.
If you want to do one thing for your heart throw away the sunflower oil and start using butter, lard, dripping and olive oil.
And btw – humans NEED fat to thrive, but they don’t need carbs. Proved by experiment.
Now That’s Real Science Sophie, not like that covid stuff ! I use butter, and cook with dripping (Mum used to love all the blood and stuff that settled at the bottom of the dripping container. Salty. And spread on dry bread…). I’m not a Scientist, but i know processed foods and processed plant oils are behind a lot of illness. Big Pharma’s gonna make a fortune when little billy gates gets his way, stops us eating meats, and we have only his processed muck for food < another word that’s being re-defined
I upvoted your realworld good sense comment, S. But – carbs are good for SOME constitutions. I thrive on them, following Dr. John McDougall’s dietary principles. Primates, including gatherer-hunter humans, have been eating insects forever, particularly their grubs. Good food. But yes, raw and unprocessed; as they come.
Am keeping a close eye on my pet goldfish. Be vigilant !!
When I first told family and friends that I was not getting the experimental jab, they just smiled and said βYour choiceβ or went quiet.
But the relentless fear mongering has suffocated their tolerance.
Now I am being called names and my sanity questioned.
Get me outa here.
you are not the crazy one they are. congrats on remaining uninjected, may you live long and prosper
HoldFast! I am in the same boat, but the tide is beginning to turn.
The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unprovenβ it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
The fact that the liberal laptop class embraced Pharma fascism automatically and unconsciously, it was instantaneous, truly stands out.
All of these studiously ignorant academics and various liberal “do-gooders” did not need Bill Gates to direct them. They just knew intuitively that fascism was right for them. That suggests some other process is at work.
Indeed, and as most know on here fascism was endorsed by monitory incentives and reward. The medical freakery and obeyance surrounding the pseudopandemic is a case in point
Aye, shows how liberal they actually are. A case in point: Left wing “liberals” don’t like it when virtue signalling right wingers insist that everybody wears a poppy at this time of year, but also don’t like it when athletes refuse to partake in the tokenistic, virtue signalling act of taking the knee before every fucking sporting event.
My view on it: Do whatever floats your boat, just don’t expect it to float my boat too and and don’t get cross with me for doing something different. In other words, the actual lliberal position on things.
Here is your one stop shop to learn just about everything about pharmaceutical and institutional criminality:
Anyone willing to give these pharma cretins the benefit of the doubt after reading that deserves what is coming to them.
My third best book ever is by a Hunagrian…Arthur Koestler “Scum of The Earth”. I have met Hungarians down my local pub. I go outside for a smoke and ask, if the band is too loud, or crap. Hello where do you come from Love? You must meet my wife.
This is Lithuania now (I once sold my old car to a bloke from Lithuania.I described it accurately) He trusted me, seemed quite happy and paid cash, and drove it back to Lithuania I said its failed its MOT. I have got the bits in the boot to fix it. It was fine, German, posh but had a hole in its exhaust. I only paid Β£200 for it myself (it had a flat battery)
“Life under the EUβs first strictly-enforced Covid Pass regime covering all society: Lithuania. Without a Pass, youβre banned: shopping, work, eating out… This is the future facing countries that impose a Covid Pass: EU, US, UK,Australia,Canada… Is this the world you want?”
Thank You,
Gluboco Lietuva
Lithuanian father, husband, forager of wild mushrooms
What is about to happen in Austria, and in Germany, is not an aberration. The next stage of The War Against Covid is Lockdowns & Lockouts of the Unvaxxed.
In Australia over the past month the Mass persuaders have been, via the mass media, creating perceptions of “a minority’ – an undefined number of unvaxxed…
The three eastern coast capital cities did not build up-to-3000-bed concentration camps (aka detention or re-education centres) simply for propaganda purposes.
The government has prepared a $40 million media campaign to neutralise any concerns by The Free (the jabbed) for ‘a minority’ while encouraging The Free to get the (1st) “Booster” – “So You Can Stay Free”. (The use of “booster” has been deliberate. So many dissenters have, by pointing out the failures of the jabs to protect, unwittingly helped the argument for boosters (#1, #2, #3, or “every 4 to 6 months” as Australians have been told.)
It looks like Australia’s future is going to like something this

unless Australians are going to do something to prevent that.
No, they won’t. They’ll just sit around and wait and see what happens while going along with everything that’s happening.
Could you please provide a link to the article with William Hurt expressing his doubts about the 9/11 story. I searched and couldn’t find it (maybe because I have switched from Google to another browser?).
Here you go
Because kids are naive and they cause emotional responses in adults.
They tend to conform, rather than think independently and rationally.
They are easily confused as to their own sex and its binary nature.
Greta is a modern day pied piper of Hamlin, at the same time Greta is also a puppet.
I will not be surprised at all if/when Greta reveals an LGBTQXYZ orientation (or will she simply remain “A”?).
Hope you liked my attempt at a “Greta puppet”! π
…I’m seein’ the green skin tone and I’m thinkin’:…
…- Greta: “I’ll get you, my pretty!… – And your little dog too!!…”
…Where’s a handy tornado-thrown house when you need one?… π
“Our generation is clearly lost man” George Floyd
The only hope are boomers that are aging … and soon will leave this world
It’s always about the kids with this lot. Epstein was THEIR man
yeah, because I feel real threatening when I cry. I laughed so hard when I read that.
I wonder if men actually have consciousness or are just machines.
…Hydrophobia is supposed to be a *Classic* symptom of rabies IIRC… π
donmeh boris
new york born turkey man
follower of zvi and jacob frank
says the queen is well and in good
the queen i was not the queen
the stone
under the thrown
was fake a lie
her words on that day on that throne
where fraud
breach of trust
breach of contract.
the satanist bolshevik boris
says the queen is well
which means she is