WATCH: The Unspeakable
Their loved ones were murdered on 9/11. Twenty years later, they are still fighting for the truth.
Directed by Dylan Avery (Loose Change) and produced by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, The Unspeakable follows four families in their ongoing struggle to find the truth about the murder of their loved ones on September 11, 2001.
Interwoven with their stories are the elucidating words of psychologist Robert Griffin, who guides the audience through an exploration of trauma and the healing power of bringing suppressed truths to light.
The film also includes interviews with engineer Tony Szamboti and world-renowned forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht, who weighs in on the autopsy report of 9/11 victim Bobby McIlvaine and the extreme fragmentation of human bodies seen in the World Trade Center’s destruction.
The film is narrated by Oscar-winning actor William Hurt, who recently released a statement detailing his position on 9/11.
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Hate to be negative, i thought is was a pointless documentary, I learnt absolutely nothing, More yapping for decades and pretend to do something and pretend to care while doing absolutely nothing. That is one of the specialties of the Cabal: control both sides to prevent all action
Matt Campbell “what, my hair? It’s where i’m at right now”. i’m going to do this and say this when i lose mine. Wishing you all the peace of mind you deserve.
They came with their Doctors and their lockdowns. Torched our economies, suffocated our lungs with masks, destroyed the minds of our children, killed and maimed us for life with poison filled needles…
And now they want us to be thankful to the WHO for being saved…
from a cold.
Once these evil doers are swinging from the gallows, we must be adamant that we will never forget this tyranny, and we will never allow it occur again.
Always remember
Unspeakable is a fabulous film that echos the two films “Vaxxed” the initial expose of the data coverups of vaccines and then “Vaxxed 2” which highlighted the victims stories. In both instances any doubts you might still have are dashed hearing from those who were and continue to be at ground zero. Thank you for speaking the truth.
As a full grown man of 73 years with children and grandchildren ,I broke down in tears at the beginning of this video ,watching and hearing Bob MacIlvain recount the event that killed his son.The empathy was such that I had stop watching this video as it was too painful .
Thanks ,though ,to the people that put this film together to bring this reality to the world .
The perpetrators of the 9/11 event ,in my view , are still at large ,which makes it all the more painful .
The grief of these families can be multiplied 2,000 times for those who lost loved ones, But it does not stop there. There are those who have died from the after effects. There are those who have died of grief from the loss and stress from trying to get a hearing. Those covering it up are the ones pushing the biggest lie ever- bigger even than 9/11.
The integrity of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth is scrupulous. They would not let me join because I did not have adequate engineering qualifications. I left school at 16 and served a 5 year indentured apprenticeship as a toolmaker. That gives me practical experience that many qualified engineers do not have. Nevertheless I’ve watched Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth grow from a few hundred to more than 3,000.
I’ve written extensively about this lie, demonstrating how the twin towers and Building 7 could never have fallen straight into their own footprint, my latest trying to explain to the pig-headed pseudo-engineers by simple means: beer-crates, beer-cans, cranes and the game Jenga how, by Newton’s 3 laws of physics, it could not have happened the way it did without the use of explosives.
If we do not defeat the Covid-19 lies we will never get to the 9/11 truth.
Somebody on Facebook posted this:
Is this not the ultimate in liberal fatuity?
Human zoo, but a PC one. Whatever happened to wealthy b-stards volunteering at soup kitchens to slum around and collect poignant stories? At least that way we got some work out of ’em.
I think Elon Musk sank that boat when he turned up to dispense corporate wisdom in a soup kitchen in Big Bang Theory.
From my Orwellian net feed today: (“You rely on Al Jazeera for truth and transparency” – of course I do!):
(Hmm … wasn’t British Columbia that region which gave us the first case of global warming as personal illness?)
(Yes imagine losing your sense of smell for an hour!)
The highway of death is real and long precedes the current kerfuffle. I’ve actually been impressed by BC’s willingness to expend public monies and police hours to protecting the identities of transexual sexpests, enforcing lockdowns of healthy people, enforcing PC speak everywhere to the point things like ‘women’s libraries’ are in danger of closing because they state the unspeakable. That they have found no time to actually address this decade long problem affecting mostly first nations women is certainly a sign that the government has no real interest in actual human rights.
Breaking – Hong Kong to jab 3 year olds:
And Costa Rica is going to make vaccination of children compulsory from March next year.
Well at least parts of Qld are finally on the move…I did expect yesterday eclipse to bring a little ray of light….suspect it may be that the business community has finally got the message that the govt is hell bent on destroying them and their class and finally standing up…which would represent an eclipse in Taurus….
thousands turned out in cairns….we had had a small gathering here on tland yesterday….any shop I want near today was busy expressing their anger about the govt forcing them though huge fines and costs to be police…
in the eclipse terms the difficult aspect to jupiter would be the government…moon is always the people and she had the fixed star Algol with here,,,that made her position very strong and destructive if not heeded….sun in scorpio had mercury with it…so communication is being pushed….
I understand there is also a political effort finally happening with a couple of lib senators declaring enough is enough…so finally so,e sound pushback getting under way…the fear factor that has been operating for a few months is no longer at the govt disposal …the aspect has ended so it could break more of the spell now…
see how far we get…but I suspect at least Qld has made the first real mistake…
Longest lunar eclipse in over 500 years – and Sydney’s sky was grey cloud wall-to-wall all Friday and all Saturday. Must be that Grand Solar Minimum buggering things around i reckon.
Melbourne Victoria: During Freedom Rallies “1166 new ‘cases” announced; “first child under 10 dies of ‘covid’ (w) ‘co-morbidities” announced.
Coincidences dont make them related…
Sydney NSW: And it’s only a coincidence that Sydney TV “news” headlines Sydney’s Freedom Rally, then follows with a piece ‘exposing’ the UAP, a right-wing party’s support for the rallies…
Probably had end stage cancer.
“First We Take Manhattan”
Sorry Leonard, it’s more like:
First THEY take Switzerland:
Then the dominoes fall.
I am going to start saying Don’t give me that superstitious BS -when they say anything about the unvaxxed.
Something I didn’t expect to feel was the aching sorrow for those people who lost their children. Pretty hard to maintain any hostility toward the United States when you know there are people who got tagged that hard and who still were against a bait-and-switch war of vengeance. The US government, yes. The American people, no. I couldn’t get past that poor bastard, in tears, expressing gratitude because at least they had a body to bring home for burial. I wouldn’t wish that on people I hate.
Twenty percent of what’s in a Pfizer BioNTech vial is not disclosed.
FDA wants 55 years to tell you: 2076 — some declaration of independence, that.
Pfizer’s CEO just called anyone who criticizes his syndicate a criminal, and said he’s in touch with the FBI and CIA…
Did someone take over the United States? I was hoping Albert Bourla might be able to tell us…
“Perhaps it is time someone should WAX that mass murdering corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psycho creep.”

2076 is another 33 encode (7+6 = 13 then 2+1).
55 is also a significant number although I haven’t heard yet a convincing theory of its meaning. WTC and ECB both reduce to 55, for example.
Also 20+7+6 =33
And one for 9/11:
Divide by the number of buildings toppled = 3
99/3 = 33
And this from Icaros of the Coronacircus:
“For the occultists, 9 is the number of man, 10 is the number of equilibrium/God, and 11 represents the Initiate or “magus” that is beyond God. In turn, 911 symbolizes man ascending (being re-birthed, crowned, illuminated, etc.), superseding God without actually going through God.
911 thus represents the destruction of a former self/order, and the beginning of a new one. It is perfectly fitting that it is used to represent the destruction of the mythological temple, and that destruction’s occult re-enactment on September 11th, 2001.”
Interesting. There’s a lot to unpack in there. Mankind skipping God to gain illumination. Which sounds similar to the promise that the serpent offered Eve (‘You will be like God’).
Which did, in a sense, result in a new order. Being cast out of Eden. And also resulted in a new body. One that died rather than being immortal.
So perhaps the post-9/11 world bears parallels with mankind being cast out of Eden.
That wasn’t as hard hitting as I was expecting/hoping. Probably why it is still on yt and not been deleted…
“One act of bravery begins to snowball. Dr. Patricia Lee “risked it all” to step forward, after being ignored by public health officials, to reveal the serious series of harms she witnessed from Covid-19 vaccines in her intensive care unit. With that one act, my firm has now been contacted by more than a dozen other physicians. Attached are 11 declarations from physicians across the country attesting to serious harms from Covid-19 vaccines. ” -more at:
20 years – from 9/11 to Covid-19 a timeline:
Its a contrived sick show – stage events – swap out players – lie their azzes off
While I definitely appreciate this production, it just falls short of revealing any truth.
Other than the pain of those left behind to grieve.
Even though William Hurt mentioned the evidence of thermite in an interview, no mention of it here.
Film opened with a shot of Silverstein Properties plaque, then nothing.
No mention of building 7 collapse, that was not hit by a plane.
No mention of the infamous dancers.
No mention of experts that asserted 9/11 could have only been executed by a fixed frame government sponsored entity.
This is an emotional documentary for the most part.
AE has already done all that, in great depth. Plenty of leads from this film into AE’s archives, for those who are interested.
Lol AE.
Try Christopher Bollyn or Dylan Avery.
That you think a Mainstream like AE tells substantial truth is naive.
Dylan Avery produced this documentary
Thank you for the fix.
I didn’t do anything and have absolutely NO idea why you received that message. Very weird. If you see it again can you make a screen cap and email to us?
Archbishop Vigano continues to speak out brilliantly. First, he says, a health ‘crisis’, next, and ecological ‘crisis’ and then an internet ‘crisis’. “It is necessary to form an international anti-globalist alliance”.
Vigiano lays out the situation so clearly and succinctly. I don’t care if he’s a catholic or whatever, at the moment his words are for everyone. He’s speaking out against all established institutions, even his own. Listen without prejudice.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-11-17. Gates’ $319m bribe of legacy media. Died ‘With’ vs ‘From’. 100k+ Melb protest. #Pfizerstein. Vax fail (link).
Link failed…
Once you start looking at alternate theories there’s really no end to them. For example, I’ve never been a fan of the “lone gunman” explanation for an assassination; its possible, its happened but too many things have to go right for it to work as well as it did in, say, JFK’s assassination. For 9/11 we seem to be caught between two truths — one a bunch of well organized, mostly Saudis, rammed planes into the WTC and Pentagon, the other that it was a carefully engineered and stage managed event to create a panic. Nobody to my knowledge has ever raised the possibility that both may be true, just not 100% true. History shows us that even the most carefully laid plans are often — invariably, even — messed up by random events. So we could have had a conspiracy of Saudi hijackers on a Mission from God but its also quite possible that they were not intended to be successful (or “as successful as they were” — remember the 1993 bombing was serious but it didn’t significantly damage the buildings’ structure so there would be no reason to expect a collapse). This would give the rationale for the whole “Patriot Act”, invasion of wherever and so on without the enormous material cost of the actual attack.
This is just a plucked from the air theory, its not worth wasting time on. I think its better to focus on not just the event but the run up to it and the “who benefits?” fallout from it. I’d be tempted to just write it off as a random attack if it wasn’t for the anthrax; this attack was obviously designed to push legislators into a corner where they wouldn’t be able to ask questions until the legislative goals were achieved. It was never satisfactorily explained, we just got a variant on the “lone gunman” again.
Well yes. And one film – which I think was called something like “It’s all a rich man’s trick” – laid out an observation about JFK that indicates that not only did it not go well but was a real botched job. Only a hyperactive media campaign could save the wreckage and, as we know, this campaign has been waged ever since.
And that is why I think it undeniable that, with all that was learned from previous scams, there is no way the organisers of the 9/11 attack would allow any more risk than they had to. Bearing in mind too that the logistics involved in 9/11 are of an incomparably larger magnitude than with JFK.
Therefore, I doubt very much that there was any external involvement whatsoever. Any real active terrorists trying to hijack planes would most likely have zero effect even with a stood down defence. There are too many things that could go wrong. But alternatively, there is also a very slim chance that a genuine outside attack could go the opposite way and become too successful. As has been pointed out, real Islamic fanatics would, given the chance, care very little about striking at the “financial heart” of America (as the “symbolism” of the official account would have it). No, these fanatics would make a beeline for the nearest nuclear power plant. Not something the inside operators would wish.
This is where I agree with Petra: not necessarily that everything is a show but that the show business aspect of these incidents is the whole reason they happen. The organisers (and don’t forget that America must be the most glamorously visual empire of them all) have their eye on the effect.
There really would be no need for ‘alternative theories’ and/or speculation if the appropriate authorities did one or two things to elicit some evidence.
Film and document the proceedings so that the evidence cannot be tainted and corrupted by the controlled media and the prostituted Law-Courts.
A standby: Have a high’ish fence separating Tony Blair from an open truck-load of looted Iraqi/Libyan gold and US dollars – encourage him to believe that the loot is all his on the proviso that he informs about the phantom plane which never made it to Shanksville.
Like many experts have asserted, only a state sponsored fixed frame entity could execute the crime of 9-11.
Think 5 Eyes, with the Sixth Eye behind the scene.
Gotta love your ‘alternative theories’ .
All phantom
“Enormous material cost of the actual attack” my eye! The buildings that came down had asbestos and heating/cooling problems, etc. They had a high vacancy rate and were heavily insured. Leaseholder Larry Silverstein bought terrorism insurance two months before 9/11, then collected double its value.
All other costs of the “attack” were paid by the taxpayer.
I know this will be interpreted as another baseless attack on the joooooz, and whether or not you believe it, I bear them no particular ill-will. But Carl Cameron of FOX News (of all networks) did a post-911 story on Israeli involvement which is hard to refute and was almost immediately taken down. See what you think. His take was that Israeli intelligence may have known what was going to happen, and not only did not warn the USA of its apprehensions, but also positioned its operatives within the United States to most effectively leverage it.
Chris Bollyn at ‘’ makes an entirely plausible case that 11/9 was a zionist (not jewish) plot from the first, years in the brewing. Criminals within the ruling ‘elite’ of zionistan-in-Palestine fomented the conspiracy, and recruited plenty of willing cronies, both jews and goyim, from within the US ruling ‘elite’ – many of the recruits being both zionists and dual US/zionistan citizens – to join the plot, since they saw at once that it served the global realpolitik aims of both lots of crooks: a means of advancing the US empire, and of safeguarding zionistan’s future.
Exactly. A preemptive strike to keep the USA weak and to acquire more power and influence for Israel.
Since 9-11 a massive technology transfer has occurred to Israel. Specifically automation, surveillance, cyber security, and Blockchain.
Christopher Bollyn does the best at presenting the big picture IMHO. Including all the links to Israel.
Singling out an entire people (and their culture) for the actions of a relative few is utterly wrong. Its a common mistake, though. Most traders shipping and managing slaves were white, for example. That does not make all white people complicit in slavery. The problem comes down to most people seeking simple answers to complex questions, something to do with not wanting to be bothered and needing to get on with their lives. This provides considerable opportunities for less than honest types to ‘mold’ opinion and attitudes to suit their goals.
There were reports at the time from the flying schools which abound on the East Coast, especially around Florida that they had a number of trainees who were keen to fly commercial jets but less keen on learning to land them.
One notion was that inter-agency rivalry meant they were never investigated properly. Another was that the authorities expected a hi-jacking, or a series of hi-jackings, a price that was thought to be well worth paying for the mayhem that could be unleashed. This is said to account for Bush’s shock at events as they did play out. (Even if you believe the Bush’s were involved, they wouldn’t have told George, who was the stupid member of the family.)
“Nobody to my knowledge has ever raised the possibility that both may be true, just not 100% true.”
Both are true (not just “may be” true, not just a “possibility”). Those much-publicized Saudi terrorists were supplied to the Bush regime by Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud head of the Saudi secret service, nicknamed “Bush” bin Sultan because he was under the control of the CIA (headed by George Bush Senior). The Bin Laden family were guests at the Bush ranch the night before 911, and flown out the day after 911 (the only civilian aircraft allowed over U$ airspace on 912). Whatever the Bin Laden family told Bush about Osama, it is a fact that the Bush regime shut down U$ Air Security on the day of 911. This shutdown, which can only have come from the highest level of the Bush regime, allowed terrorist planes to fly unhindered.
The night before 911 those much publicised Saudi terrorists were wined, dined and womanized at a Las Vegas nightclub owned by Natan Yahoo’s friend (and later, Trump’s financer) Sheldon Gary Adelson , a U$-Israeli dual citizen political donor and philanthropist. The Israel connection to 911 is very strong; not just the Dancing Israelis, it goes up to the highest level including both houses of the U$ parliament giving a hitherto unheard-of number of standing ovations to a visiting Israeli premier. Those Saudi terrorists were patsies and proxies, mere window-dressing to divert attention from the real terrorists sitting in the Oval Office.
The so-called Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Anglo Zio Capitalist oil company masquerading as an Arab sheikdom; always has been, ever since Great Britain and the U$A imported an easily manipulatable Wahabi fanatic, Ibn Saud, to be its first CEO.
Are you saying those terrorists were actually on board the planes? (Presumably apart from the ones who were shown later to be still alive).
No, I deliberately avoided saying that “Bush” bin Sultan’s terrorist patsies were actually on board the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers; because on reflection, after their previous night of wining, dining, drugging and womanizing at Las Vegas, “Bush’s” boys would have been too hungover to stir. Those so-called “airliners” were probably empty CIA planes on auto pilot.
I said as it happened it was CIA, then they announced the pristine passports on the street in NY
And just by merest coincidence, Martin, a team of skilled loaders, under the direction of a veteran master of controlled demolitions, happened to spend a whole sequence of privileged-access night shifts to rig WTC Buildings 1, 2 and 7, just in time to intersect with these other complex interactions of happenstance. Well yes, of course! Highly persuasive. It was all chance interactions. Why didn’t I think of that!
Here’s another unspeakable:
“In a request that couldn’t be any more bizarre, the FDA has asked a federal judge for permission to hold off releasing data on Pfizer’s COVID vaccine clinical trials until 2076.
“What kind of transparency is that? asks Aaron Siri in his blog, “Injecting Freedom.” The fed gov’t shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Who does the gov’t work for?”
“While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.”
They are hoping the people asking questions are gone by then.
no diss intended
but i prefer christopher bollyns
9 and 11 positions
does dylan director mention the dancing tel avivers
or the is real arts projects b thing and gelatine
or the urban moving systems truck with a painting of aircraft hitting building
or bush and children chanting about kites hitting steel at the very moment of the event
at this stage everything else id polluting the well
Weren’t the ‘dancing tel avivers’ in ‘Loose Change’? I forget
No they were not in Loose Change.
No real mention what so ever about potential Israeli involvement. It is my understanding that his background is linked to the tribe.
Thanks. I do recall seeing them in one of the early documentaries, but forget which one (perhaps ‘911. In Plane Site (2004)‘)
it gets banal: Holohoax, JFK, RFK, 9/11, assassinations of Iranian elites, Beruitshima…
What next? Was CoVid1984 a Mossad manipulation gone awry?
banal A judd
mass murder for moloch
i love that book by arthur koestler called the 13th tribe
and douglas reed on zion
oded yinon is a big idea
israel tip of the spear city of london crown wall street and the vatican
and that family
that built the knesset
the red heffer have been reanimated like in a spielberg dinosaur movie
Maybe time will tell.
That is not an argument that refutes the work done and presented by Christopher Bollyn.
Let go of your bias.
Yes, you’re right.
I wonder whether you’ve read the excellent book (its contents refute the ‘official narrative’ of 9/11) that’s entitled “Hijacking America’s mind on 9/11: counterfeiting evidence”, by Elias Davidsson.
I’m in the UK, by the way, and own, and have read, approx. 15-20 high-quality books which demonstrate that the ‘official narrative’ of the events of 11 Sept. 2001 is, of course, totally false.
Also considering that Israel is forcing people to participate in the experimental chemical cocktail injection program, it cannot be ruled out.
Even Israel fails at learning from history.
I’m pretty sure Dylan Avery is fully aware of the activities of Urban Moving Systems Inc. and the dancing Israelis.
This is a film about the victims and their kin …
the strange thing is that as soon as I saw it happen and got past the notion that it was another boring Graham Greene book made into a bad movie I said one thing CIA
… and you might have reasonably concluded that CIA are only a subsidiary of Mossad.
That is a given I have known for decades.
Thumbs up!
The plutocrats cannot segue their financial dominance into lasting technological power without the inventive energies of large numbers of people.
It is as if they have absorbed the myths of Stalin’s industrialisation, which really was an ongoing stagnation, periodically refreshed with imports of technology and punitive labour.
Is it a surprise that this mistaken historical perception, this flawed economic analysis, comes at a time when the communitarian, Common Purpose is busy scything the tall poppies, kicking out the competent and installing their loyal apparatchiks and komissars?
Do they really imagine they’ll prosper from a purge?
We are about to witness the Dance of the Dullards
As they Circle the Devil’s Sphincter
Klaus poking his bald pate in now and again
To show he’s got Connexions
Reminiscent of Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’, where the competent business leaders were replaced by incompetent ones.
Klaus would be looking there for inspiration for his forthcoming ‘Great Narrative’ book.
But Moneycircus, they’ve co-opted many of the competent– and will easily continue to co-opt more: They have near-monopoly on all the financial incentives. Millions cooperate cuz they need to eat.
Only reversing the incentives will reverse the takeover. We must begin to create a bandwagon to dispossess the trillionaire deep state. Begin to speak of the most equitable way to redistribute the wealth they’ve stolen from us. We must offer a vision of an alternative order.
Also, why should you assume they WANT the economy to succeed? Scarcity of the necessities heightens cooperation/obedience.
Here’s a lovely interview with former MEP Godfrey Bloom of Yorkshire. Having spent time in Brussels he says: “you’ll never see a British politician ever in a team sport game. They don’t do team. They’re loners. You only have to look at them.. people we didn’t even elect like Chris Whitty…
“You’re dealing with a man who looks like a homicidal poached egg. He was obviously bullied at school. He couldn’t get the girls… You are dealing with a guy with a lot of baggage. And suddenly he is a powerful man for the first time in his miserable life. There is something wrong with them.”
Geopolitics and Empire: Godfrey Bloom.
I’d take a simpler line with the billionaires, Penny, similar to don Vito Corleone’s approach to the awkward Hollyshite film director who wouldn’t hire one of don Vito’s proteges.
As Michael Corleone tells it: “My father went to see him with Luca Brasi, and a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, and a new contract. Luca held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his signature or his brains would be on the contract.” He signed.
Certainly some crowd of uprisers should be putting ultimata like that to the likes of Gates, Bezos, Musk and the rest of the worthless parasite criminals; give them a choice between immediate expropriation or lynching – followed by expropriation anyway. Better if it were all done by democratic due process of law, sure. But the revolutionary way tends to be swifter and more certain of immediate success.
Austrians who remember their history
Sorry. Don’t have a clue what that actually is.
[from House of the Dead (1862)]

“One of the hackneyed phrases used to attack corporate crime analysts and those whose critiques, observations and commentaries get in the way of the crimes of the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis.”
“Want to bet.“

“I Can Hire Half the Working Class To Kill the Other Half”~ Jay Gould, 1886 (anecdotal)
As I’ve said before I would rather die on my feet than my knees.I don’t know the mindset of those that agree with this shite but I ain’t.And yes the peoples everyone thought or were taught are retarded inbreds are the ones that will fight for freedom.To be honest it’s not the upper or middle class that will win this war it’s the under class we have your backs.And we are growing.
There are only 2 classes these days: the Brainwashed and the Unbrainwashed.
This transcends the old class structure. A quick rule-of-thumb is that anyone wearing a mask is of the Brainwashed class
Untrue, Vagabard. Many of those wearing masks are awake & aware but need to be able to work, grocery-shop, etc. I KNOW this, cuz I continually talk to mask-wearers.
Also many are deceived by the propaganda. What seems obvious to us may be quite opaque to a person who has no computer or no time to use it. I knew about 9/11 the moment I heard about it. But that doesn’t mean that those who delayed years in finding it out are in any way unworthy.
Please focus your anger on the perpetrators not the victims.
I don’t think Vagabard is angry, and his point is essentially correct.
Of course plenty of aware people have to wear masks just to be able to survive in this nightmare, but surely they just fit into the Unbrainwashed category, along with those who have the luxury of being outspoken in their protests?
It is not inaccurate to distinguish people in that way, although it naturally doesn’t cover every perspective.
The successfully brainwashed are those who don’t even realize they are brainwashed, and I think that merits a separate category, although I believe that compassion for the deceived is also appropriate when they are prepared to listen to reason.
That is just a lame excuse to accept living like a slave.
If you don’t resist now, all you are doing is escalating the cost for everyone else.
What is your price?
People who are not brainwashable would never have fallen for the propaganda (and that goes for whatever the subject matter is).
“Also many are deceived by the propaganda.”
Perfectly right.
Nor do ‘left and right’ have meaning any longer in the face of this global emetic.
I believe the jabbed and unjabbed need to unite and fight together for our rights and freedoms.
Many of the jabbed are now backpeddling and refusing any further jab assaults as they are waking up in droves.
Don’t be too quick to judge.
2 classes these days: the Brainwashed and the Unbrainwashed. 😀
It is High time that OffG started a weekly updated listing for forthcoming rallies, marches, demonstrations wherever they my be, stating time and place, etc. The word needs to spread and people need to get off the settee, and join the opposition. Writing about this ongoing criminality is extremely depressing and a more positive attitude will be required.
“Live from New York.”
Excellent. We need this example followed throughout the world.
While I support any protests against the New World Order, the United Australia Party has a Right Wing history of racism, jingoism, corporatism, sexism and rabid Capitalism.
The MSM will have a field day, mocking and belittling the protesters.
It’s not the way to get reasonable people to question the narrative.
“Please note an FYI is not an endorsement of any one group, it is just announcement of an event. If one feels uncomfortable being associated with a particular group one has the choice of opting out or staying away, unlike THE FORCED Billy Eugenics toxic viral cull juice Euthanasia Death Shot DNA/RNA gene experiment. Thank you for your patience.”
Right On, Bro ! The few politicians taking a stand in Australia – against compulsory covid vax, and further lockdowns – are on the right. The UAP outfit belongs to a worker unfriendly millionaire, who spent at least $40 million last Australian federal election to keep the “worker friendly (my arse !)” Labor Party from being the mob implementing the Great Reset in Australia….
The Right make me squirm because they tend to respond to the propaganda with their own hyperbole.
Cold, hard facts are the only way to fight the Covideluge.
The Left have proven themselves to be Capitalist arse lickers, having bowed down to the Big Pharma criminals and their cult of believers.
Where have all the good people gone?
“If you have tears, prepare to shed them now” — Julius Caesar.
Not for the slain of yesteryear but for those of years to come. Because the public allowed the Bush Regime to get away with Con-911, conspirators grew bolder and came up with Con-19. And now face a run up to World War 3 with yet another Weapon of Mass Destruction (Weaponized Virus) and one more line of Digital Control (Social Credit).
Those who fight back against oppression will be demonised, such as Hamas who have lately been designated by UK as terrorists.
I wonder what that will lead to?
Anyone endorsing them in word or deed may find themselves on the nasty end of a “supporting terrorism” bill.
Time for a fresh hashtag
and Palestinians.
On Spt 11 I went up to my boss’s office and watched the footage live on her big, wide-screen monitor, which was a fancy new device at the time. We were watching close-up aerial footage taken from a news helicopter circling the area, as events were happening. The South tower was already gone. I looked for it amidst all the smoke, but the undeniable fact was that it had disappeared. I remember wondering how it could have vanished, what had weakened it so much, and if the base of the building was still there — maybe 20 or thirty stories of it that we couldn’t see on camera. Then, out of nowhere, the North tower came down — live on camera. It was completely surreal. I had no feelings as I watched, other than how strange it looked that the thing could come down like a big pile of sand. Having studied industrial design (we had to take the same classes as the architects during the first year), what I saw didn’t make any sense at all. I knew how the w.t.c. was constructed and knew it couldn’t just dissolve like that. Remembering 1993, my first thoughts were, “man, they didn’t just use planes, they even planted bmbs in that thing to make sure it came down”. Later that night, the news people (Dan Rather, at least) were reporting that bmbs were going off everywhere right before the collapse.
The next day, the official stories changed and started to take on their more permanent character. Against my better intuition and against everything I’d learned from school, I began to believe and accept the 0fficial narrative. The ‘fact’ that a nearly pristine passport was found amongst the rubble so soon after the collapse was almost inconceivable, yet I took the reports at face value and believed it all. And I believed the whole narrative, even defending it, for the next ten years until a friend finally got me to watch ‘L00se Change’. About that time, some nagging doubts had already begun rising up, and so I was able to watch it with more of an open mind. Needless to say, the 0fficial narrative didn’t hold much water after that. It’s because of that knowledge that I wasn’t taken by surprise by Con-19.
It’s hard to keep information like that in and bottle it up, but I’d only talked with a tiny handful of people over the years about my true feelings concerning Spt 11, for fear of being laughed at or thought a kook. After Con-19 and getting into some discussions, I’ve found that a lot more people feel the same way about Con-9II, but would never have said anything had I not brought the subject up first. It was surprising and incredibly refreshing, like a weight had come off my chest to be able to talk about this with people. It seems more level-headed and normal appearing people out there know what’s going on than one might think — but are enough awake for a critical mass to occur?
Personally, my first reaction was, What took them so long? Didn’t surprise me in the least. US Presidents, presidential candidates, senators, congressmen have all murdered, 4 presidents, if I not mistaken. So what’s new? People bury themselves in their little niches and the criminals laugh all the way to their banks.
“What took them so long?”
Narcissism, egotism and fear.
Perhaps it was a case of “Rome wasn’t levelled in a day.”
A very good comment indeed.