Open letter to the “Good German” inside of you
Alison Blunt
Audio Version New Feature!
A bandleader contacted me with regards to confirmed dates in an upcoming tour, asking as to whether I had taken the ‘vaccinations,’ explaining that, ‘the situation in Germany is starting to become “2G” (Geimpft & Genesen = ‘Vaccinated & Recovered’).’
If I am not intending to be injected then he said he would need to replace me. Clearly entirely ignorant of the human consequences of going along with the totalitarian circus and of the currently flagrant violations of the Nuremberg laws, he mentioned proudly amongst other things, his life-long position of being entirely uninterested in politics.
Here’s the reply I sent to him.
Dear Bandleader,
Thank you for your email about the upcoming invitations for our ensemble to perform in Germany and Austria in 2022.
I’m fully aware of the twists and turns of the screw, the attempt of total control of society through the imposition of medical martial law. I’ve been following its global course with shock but not huge surprise since the start of 2020.
I am fortunate to have been researching for many years and am therefore not at the mercy of propagandist mainstream news. I know how and where to check the sources of what is then spun into so-called news for the purpose of manipulating the people into obedience through brain-numbing terror.
There was no ‘corona crisis’ in reality.
What happened was a long-planned manipulation of the usual flu season which each year always, unfortunately, kills many of our elderly and vulnerable.
This manipulation was achieved by simply attributing their deaths to a new ‘pandemic.’ The so-called ‘tests’ for an alleged new killer virus were designed even before the virologists in Wuhan had computer-generated the assumed theoretical genome of the putative SARS-CoV-2 virus.
This assumed genome was created using what were deemed to be ‘likely’ nucleotide sequences based on previous data entered in Genbank.
The WHO/UN attempted a similar con with the Swine Flu in 2009. But, due to the observations and expertise of Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, (at that time a member of the German Bundestag and chairman of the Subcommittee on Health and vice-chairman of the Committee on Culture, Education and Science in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe), the pandemic hoax was uncovered.
Devastatingly however, by the time the lies were finally clear for all to see, many people had been permanently damaged by the new jabs, manifesting various symptoms including narcolepsy.
Important to note that once the scam was uncovered, the ‘Swine Flu’ disappeared overnight from all of the mainstream media outlets.
In late Spring/early Summer 2020 mainstream news had to change from unending lies about ‘covid’ causing excess mortality (there wasn’t any), to soaring ‘cases’ of ‘covid’ – because excess deaths simply could not be found to continue the lies.
‘Cases’ means nothing more than people tested positive with a fraudulent and utterly meaningless test, but this was beyond most people’s understanding, since their brains were already turned off by the relentless gas-lighting and incoherent narratives they kept paying attention to from the mainstream media.
In 2009, after the Swine Flu fiasco, the WHO quietly changed the definition of pandemic so that such a thing could be declared even without any deaths.
Mainstream media has worked hand in hand with governments as the mouthpiece of propaganda in order to promote and maintain mass fear and hypnosis.
Thousands of world-renowned and expert voices from medical science have been silenced and smeared by the state-sponsored media in order to promote the idea that there is unanimous agreement about the whole virtual reality to which we have been subjected.
The new DNA/mRNA jabs are actively being trialled on people, people trusting these new injectables are taking part – like guinea-pigs, in a lab trial.
Despite all of it having been done openly in plain sight, many people seem to have overlooked this, and indeed many other facts that are freely available on the internet which would lead them to wonder whether there might be an agenda to the mass lying we’ve been subjected to since, well, forever.
I have not and certainly will not start taking fake tests for a non-existent novel virus – tests in which the number of amplification cycles is dialled up or down in the laboratories according to the whims of the governments in order to give the impression that there is a rampaging disease amongst the populations.
I will certainly not be taking any of the new experimental medical injectables that are all still in trials until 2023, that have only received approval on non-existent ‘emergency’ grounds for a non-existent declared pandemic, and that have long since far surpassed the abilities of previous so-called traditional vaccines to maim and kill.
I’m certainly not prepared to ‘show my papers.’ I have a sovereign right to live freely and breathe freely. I am no threat to anyone except those suffering from cognitive dissonance and mass hypnosis who yowl in pain when they are presented with facts that don’t correspond to their mass media-fuelled virtual reality, online existence.
All who go along with the regime perpetuate it. Anyone complying with the demands is an enabler.
It’s true that Russian roulette gives you a 1 in 6 chance of being killed right away, certainly a far higher likelihood than the current “mRNA” vaccine roulette. However, with Russian roulette, IF it doesn’t kill you or maim you, it loses all its capacity to do so until the next time you choose to play.
In the game of vaccine roulette played with these apparently high-lethality ‘vaccines’ (at least potentially, or in part, intended for population reduction) death or increasingly apparent iatrogenic symptoms may strike immediately, or it may strike a few hours, days, weeks, months or years later.
Volunteering to take part in the trials of these new medical interventions can be compared to agreeing to have a loaded gun to your head for the rest of your life. I for one would opt in preference for Russian roulette.
Musicians aren’t exempt from thinking and checking facts for themselves. Since when did being an artist involve or require throwing in the towel regarding fundamental human responsibilities that belong to us all?
In many other professions one would be surprised and perhaps a little concerned if an individual changed how they conducted their work activities, based on their research and thinking about issues in life. One would not expect a plumber to rethink his approach to fixing leaky pipes or broken boilers on hearing about the plight of Palestinians, for example.
But for an artist, coming to grips with, for example, the complexity of historical, colonial assaults on Palestine might lead to the creation of new art.
The hand-to-brow, ‘I’m an artist’ abdication from functioning in this world is in my opinion as good a reason as any other not to ever take their art seriously. After all, what is their art expressing if they have no understanding of, participation in or comment on the challenges of life and in society?
When artists profess to generally not being interested in researching what is going on in the world yet persist in believing the mainstream news/political rhetoric without question, how can they claim to be ‘unpolitical’ and, more to the point, what do they bring to their art?
In past times, artists sat together discussing philosophy, politics, poetry and all manner of subjects and how these related to both the act of creating art and how art can communicate ideas. For decades it has seemed to me that many artists are under the impression that they have some kind of priestly calling to not research or think critically about current or ongoing issues, and to churn out products or play gigs and tours as if it’s their entire raison d’être.
I have long felt that grappling with the truth of matters and researching all kinds of issues in this world is an essential aspect of developing as a human being and that these activities are crucial to forming and cultivating the artist’s voice. It is not about being ‘political.’
That the current political systems are a total distraction to polarise and confuse people is glaringly obvious, especially since 2020. Identity is first and foremost as a living being; political allegiances are blinkers that prevent us from seeing clearly.
If the un-jabbed are not permitted to travel or perform in March 2022, I would like you to consider the profound implications of replacing me in the ensemble and playing the concerts in the tour. You (and the ensemble) would be enabling and supporting the current fascistic system that is driving towards a 2-tier society.
You mention that if I don’t take the jab/s and they are required by the venues and festival directors then you will be forced to search for someone to replace me in the group in order to play the dates. Have you so completely assimilated the propaganda and virtual reality?
Have you even asked the venue and festival directors about their position on this fascistic segregation promoting a 2-tier society? Or have you been only too happy to secure the much sought-after invitations, hoping that the whole band will just follow the ludicrous, tyrannical rules like the Good Germans in the 1930’s. Living in a blinkered world, pretending and communicating to the audiences that none of this matters….transporting yourself and the audiences to the ‘other worlds’ that live music offers, what a lie to live that way.
People who don’t want to be part of this huge medical experiment have been losing jobs, losing livelihoods, losing touch with family members and friends and now we see governments locking up the un-jabbed. If you choose to be jabbed, then I assume you consider yourself to be protected against the covids? So why would I need to be jabbed? To protect you? Good grief, the insanity and the lack of science is beyond what space and time affords me here. It’s abundantly clear that massive division is the intention – division within families, relationships and society in general. Going along with it all signals that you are absolutely fine with that.
I for one, look forward to all the ever-widening cracks in the narrative eventually bringing down the whole house of cards. I look forward to seeing those responsible for crimes against humanity such as have never been seen before receiving their just desserts.
Those who have ‘just followed orders’ and ‘rules’ in order to keep their careers and societal standings have caused and continue to cause unimaginable and needless suffering all around the world will also receive their dues.
On discovering music improvisation I started to understand sovereignty. Without a score, without a leader and with nothing materially external to follow, this kind of music-making can have a profound impact on life, both on and off stage. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand in this music-making – as in art, as in life.
Making music whilst listening to the sound of the river, the wind in the trees and the bird songs is far preferable to playing with musicians who essentially consider that accepting gig invitations which entail unnecessary and forced medical interventions for the ensemble (and I assume for the audiences who attend the concerts) to be ethically and morally acceptable.
Even if I never set foot on a concert stage again because my artist colleagues are perfectly happy to comply with all the rules, to not think critically or stand up against this encroaching global totalitarianism and medical martial law, my skills as an artist will continue to inform my life and interactions with others.
Alison Blunt is a musician, composer, performer, and adventurer. You can listen to her work via SoundCloud here, or follow her on twitter here.
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Nearly 2 years on from when your brilliant letter was written, I still find it incredibly inspiring. Your words have helped me in so may ways to navigate through the incredible pain and loss of life that has been perpetrated. Thank you for writing this letter and for speaking out with such educated passion Alison. It’s a tour-de-force. My feeling is the true nature of the global crimes that have been committed are slowly but surely being revealed for all to see. Your letter has contributed to that process. 💗
I hope Alison gets treated for her paranoid schizophrenia. I hope even more that she doesn’t kill or injure anyone else through her anti-vax irresponsibility.
Alison Blunt has been a beacon of light — a spark that can potentially lead the world out of KaliYuga.
Bravo Alison! The eloquence of a true artist. I live in Stockholm. On New Year’s Eve in Engelbrekt church – two blocks from my home and in the chapel of which my Swedish wife and I and I were married – the Swedish Radio’s symphony orchestra and the highly skilled Engelbrekt chamber choir performed Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. One of the greatest musical creations in human history, emanating harmony, freedom and the united human community resonated in one of Stockholm’s most majestic churches, and my wife and I were denied entry. Typical of the lunacy and mass psychosis present in Sweden and the rest of the world, the ad for the festive event in Svenska Dagbladet ended with this intimidating warning: “Covid vaccination proof and ID will be checked at the entrance” That is, in the spirit of Nazi Germany, an obedient minion with a badge was stationed at the entrance demanding the music-lovers: “Show me your papers!” Beethoven turns in his grave.
Great letter.
I hope and Pray more and more people will wake up from this nightmare caused by very rich people who hate humanity because they fear us all.
Absolutely brilliant!
EXCELLENT LETTER, it has hit on every point.
Brava Alison!
Great reply to this bandleader! Long; but well-done!
Poor guy. Over 1800 words to say, no thank you. I’m betting he moved on long before he reached the end.
Why do I get the feeling this might be your approach to most reading? Don’t worry, there’s an audio version, at the head of the article. A2
PS. Picturing you doing a word count before you trolled. XD
Thirded! The fact it never occurred to the author that she might have lost her audience quite early on suggests she’s a bit of a bore and needs to get out more.
I meant I seconded what Alison wrote
Ah! Thank you for the clarification.
Quite the opposite. She has a wealth of understanding and expresses her thoughts with feeling. The words she uses shows she has a solid education. It is a shame that you three men have missed the mark on recognizing this jewel of intelligence and creativity. With your responses you give a hint as to your having been lesser educated.
I am glad to have read her letter and look forward to hearing her music.
There is “green pass” referendum in Switzerland on Sunday.
Auto translation
Switzerland, the green pass referendum kicks off on Sunday
It is the first country in the world to vote. It should be approved with 61%
Nov 24, 2021
Switzerland votes on Sunday on the Green Pass: the Swiss electorate is in fact called to the polls to pronounce on a series of changes to the Covid law, including the legal basis for the Covid certificate.
According to the media, the Swiss electorate is the first in the world to vote on the Green Pass.
But this is not the first time that the Swiss have voted on health measures to combat the pandemic: on 13 June, the coronavirus law had already been submitted to a popular vote. Back then, it was accepted with more than 60% of the votes.
Next Sunday, therefore, citizens will again be called upon to express themselves on the law after the regulatory changes adopted in March by parliament and against which a referendum has been promoted. The most contested change concerns the legal basis on the Covid certificate. As in other countries, the Covid certificate – which certifies vaccination, a negative test or recovery – is regularly contested in street demonstrations, but according to the latest polls even the new version of the law should overcome the hurdle of the ballot box and be approved by 61% of voters.
38% are against it and 1% remain undecided.
Aaand it failed.
Ironically, it was the Germans who were the ones fighting the Khazarian supremacists destroying the West. Their politicians and lying media encourage the worst in society to murder white children in the streets. But all the brainwashed are still going to bleat “Germans bad, Banksters good”.
Reminds me of “there were no planes on 9/11”
How does an alunminum and fibre glass plane enter a steel and concrete building
and emerge the other side ? Magic ? Must be because it`s physically impossible .
Have you ever seen post-tornado pics where a 2×4 piece of lumber has pierced a brick wall and the lumber remained fairly intact. If you knew anything about engineering, you’d know it is not impossible.
Lumber is not steel frame. They shamelessly promulgated that they were the architects and executors of 9/11 so in our faces and yet their flagrant lies are vehemently defended. Everywhere you turn in the 9/11 story is a big fat problem right in your face. Passenger airliners – especially a whole four of them – do not lumber around the best-defended airspace in the world without interception. That’s not a thing. Nor do pilots not press the squawk button if they’re ever hijacked – that makes no sense – and certainly not in the case of four passenger airliners. Nor are black boxes not found where planes crash on land – not a thing. Nor is there wreckage that doesn’t match the plane found – not a thing. Passenger airliners would never penetrate Defence HQ of the country with the greatest military and intelligence powers in the world. Not a thing. High rise steel frame buildings do not collapse to the ground either from passenger airliner penetration (if it happened but didn’t) in a matter of 12 seconds and nor do high rise steel frame buildings collapse to the ground in a matter of 6.5 seconds in the manner of a perfect implosion without that collapse being an implosion. Implosions being confused with collapses by fire is not a thing … except where propaganda is involved. Nothing purported in the 9/11 narrative is a thing. Everything reported is against reality except the actual destruction of the buildings. The irony is that a fact little reported and known is that the whole of the WTC was destroyed if not on the day later. All seven buildings at the WTC came down eventually. 9/11 was a massive demolition job … but that’s not what the propaganda tells us in any shape or… Read more »
What? Just being a paid troll?
God bless you
What a beautiful person x.
did you ever get a reply back..?
Wow! Fantastic letter, Alison. Says so very much so eloquently. Fantastic!
Speechless!! 😐
“I’m gonna pick up my guitar ‘n play
Just like yesterday . . .” 🎸
Thank you for your insight and wisdom. 🙏
Love it! Thanks so much for posting something which makes no attempt to “compromise” with the outright lying narrative.
“This manipulation was achieved by simply attributing their deaths to a new ‘pandemic.’ The so-called ‘tests’ for an alleged new killer virus were designed even before the virologists in Wuhan had computer-generated the assumed theoretical genome of the putative SARS-CoV-2 virus.
This assumed genome was created using what were deemed to be ‘likely’ nucleotide sequences based on previous data entered in Genbank.
I have not and certainly will not start taking fake tests for a non-existent novel virus – tests in which the number of amplification cycles is dialled up or down in the laboratories according to the whims of the governments in order to give the impression that there is a rampaging disease amongst the populations.”
Right on. Likewise about taking the jab and showing one’s papers.
“I’m certainly not prepared to ‘show my papers.’ I have a sovereign right to live freely and breathe freely. I am no threat to anyone except those suffering from cognitive dissonance and mass hypnosis who yowl in pain when they are presented with facts that don’t correspond to their mass media-fuelled virtual reality, online existence.”
wonderful to read. we should wear this as a badge instead of the “J”.
Brilliant letter. Thanks for sharing.
always a pleasure to see an artist regain the connection to their art… because of course the hollow men and their alphabet accomplices have spent a century and half turning the so called ‘arts’ into a swill bin and money laundering operation…. much of it dependent on their ‘funding’ and ‘publicity’, thus the most ‘worthy’, in accord with modernist inversion… will be sidelined in deference to more pliant and useful ‘agenda’ driven modes of creation..
of course, the artist devoid of his own voice,blackened soul sold to the ‘devil,’ is nothing more than a propagandist for vile miscreants and hypocrites…
and thus an enemy of truth…
A very well spoken truth! Bravo!
many french/polish collaborated, enthusiastically! just as now many around the world do.
I got the giggles
I thought it said ‘Open letter to the “Good Guardian” inside of you’
discussing the new safer voting system that has been imposed
We trust the double logged in feel much safer now.?
Dealing with Hypocrisy
Hypocrisy is the number one complain followers have against their leaders. Why is hypocrisy such a rampant expression in our day to day relationships? The word “chameleon” comes to mind – the blending in of oneself into the environment in order to save one’s own reputation. The root word “hypocrisy” come from the Greek – “hupokrites” meaning “actor”. That is what the hypocrite does – playing different roles, constantly shifting his stance to suit the environment without clear conviction. It is a life of pretense.
Hilarious ‘fact checker’:
Can anyone explain this sentence from the website?
“Ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy” it does not mean “Ultimately mRNA vaccines are an example of that cell and gene therapy», But«Ultimately mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy».
Superb article. Those complying with all this dangerous nonsense seem to fall into two main categories: the ignorant and the indifferent. Both pose a threat to the more sentient among us. One of the biggest shocks for me is just how uncritical and uncaring the public have been in the face of all the scare tactics and divisionary policies. Also agree entirely: art without conscience is a soulless, nasty insult to humanity.
Agreed. Funny how Banksy has gone quiet right now. I’d have thought an edgy radical like him would be using this opportunity to have a swipe at the powers he purportedly hates.
Well done Alison.
Did you get a reply? I suspect not.
I am finding that these things only go one way.
After they have spouted the official line they have no original thoughts of their own.
Magnificent! Well said, and most logically set forth.
I just saw vision of SA’s new ”freedom” for the vaxxed. Cops at the border checking vaxxes as if our health records are any of their fucking business, people driving with face nappies on and our fucking ABC and other media think this is rational. And the cops are telling people they have to QR code even though it’s never been mandatory here. 900 people in 2 years have had a so called positive test and 4 old strokes on legs died last April and yet without jabs most of SA was totally open till the jabs started. Seems to be an admission the jabs are the real problem. Of course the idiot boy premier could just be distracting from the fact his government has collapsed.
Thank you Alison! A wonderful, wise and very important text! May there be more non-conformists like YOU in the art world! But isn’t that what we should expect from artists!?
Herr Conductor has just been handed his arse. Well done madam and well named it would also appear…
What a wonderful piece of writing Alison. So profound, brave and meanignful. I’m 100% with you. I wish you all the best in this sinisters Covid times.
Perhaps we need Armandos. Now, who is Armando, you’re probably wondering. One of the music schools I attended was a college in the northwest tip of Toronto. Now, a music school is a weird place. Performing music is no easy matter, and students are generally scared shitless of making a mistake. Especially under the watchful eye of their peers who are all too keen to spot when somebody fucks up. There usually are a bunch of prodigies or guys who are simply more advanced than others, but full of themselves, while the rest are intimidated by them. The atmosphere can be very competitive and very, very unhealthy. Armando was a sax player from Tahiti who kinda materialized from thin air, all of a sudden he was there. He didn’t give a flying fuck about any of the aforesaid. He was a completely natural element. At the end of every semester, all ensembles (everybody was in an ensemble) had to perform in front of a jury composed of professors (some of the very best Canadian musicians) and other students. During one of these performances featuring Armando’s big band, Armando got up from his chair during his solo, walked up to the table where the jury was sitting, jumped on top of it, stomped all over the papers the professors had there, and blew his solo right in their faces. I shit you not. Luckily, the teachers were cool jazz cats who appreciated his act. I remember Ron Collier showing proudly his evaluation sheet with an imprint of Armando’s shoe. So, those of us who can still perform, we have to find an Armando within us, and make a fucking scene during the next concert. Regardless where it is, the more “dignified” (read” stale, stuffy, pompous) the atmosphere, the better. So, get… Read more »
Beautiful and truthful response letter. You are one of the truthers indeed!
Nice letter. Most NPC’s wouldn’t make it to the third sentence though, I bet.
My thoughts exactly. This letter was only read because it appeared here.
Finally a fucking rebel.Thank you Alison
Germany copied this totalitarianism from neighbor Austria. There the only party that would have opposed it, the FPO, was earlier subverted through a “sting” operation on their leaders on Ibiza.
Well, Hitler was born in Austria. So perhaps they are just returning to their roots.
A salute to the Author!
“Germans will be ‘vaccinated, cured or dead’ by spring”, warns health minister Jen Spahn.
Sounds like the gauntlet has been thrown down. Place your wagers…
I suspect just “unvaccinated or dead” will suffice…
vaxx dictatorship
One has to keep in mind, which crimes these “governments” are guilty of against the people, to whom they are obligated, but whom they have brazenly and unmistakably declared to be their “enemy”: coercion, extortion, deprivation of liberty, bodily harm (in some cases resulting in death), discrimination, incitement of the people, violation of the right of self-determination, abuse of authority, totalitarian state criminality, and so on.
So what happened? Did the bandleader accept your letter, recognize the error of his ways and allow you to proceed to make arrangements for the trip?
Or was the reply more along the lines of “Thanks for sharing, buh-bye”?
I’m guessing it was the “Thanks for sharing, bye”….They don’t give a shit. But I think she knew that, that’s why it’s an open letter. We need people like her standing up to them.
thank you
MURDER s being normalised in the UK and I don’t see anybody standing up against it
Powerful letter Alison, thank you. “All who go along with the regime perpetuate it”. I couldn’t agree more, because without mass non compliance and refusing to enable the covid tyranny, this medical fascism will only continue and worsen.
CJ Hopkins has a term for these people: “Little Eichmann’s”. Going along to get along. Just following orders.
News in today that indigenous people here in the Northern Territory in Australia are being rounded up by the Army and taken to the Howard Springs quarantine camp.
Where are CARF? Where are Black Lives Matter? Where are the rest of the treacherous, gutless Left? Not a peep from any of these bastards who are all, in fact, cheering on this tyranny.
Just received a text message from the Big Issue magazine, which I’m banned from selling because I’m unvaccinated.
All unvaccinated people in Victoria are banned from working due to our status of not getting the poison jab. They sent this text: “Christmas is just around the corner, the crowds are returning to the shops, so get out there and sell the magazine. New edition out this Friday”.
They know damn well I’m unable to sell their mag. Probably a little dig to make me feel bad. They are all Little Eichmann’s at the magazine as well, like so many others in Australia.
It’s time for you Australians to fire up your gumption and occupy your halls of politics.
The average WQ (Wisdom Quotient) of Australians, is only a bees dick above that of Americans.
No hope.
No gumption.
No way back.
I’m not convinced of that.
Round my part of Aus, there are businesses closing because they cannot find vaccinated staff to replace staff either they sacked or who left because they refused to take the jab.
I also know of a coordinator for a large homecare organisation who is in the same position. She has lost a lot of her staff and cannot find jabbed replacements.
That situation is going to bite very soon.
Sounds like the politicians could run out of incoming cash (taxes) if this keeps up.
And what they are doing is fucking illegal.
I know. You can tell them that until you’re blue in the face Marilyn, but the response they will give you, with glazed eyes, and a Daleks type monotone will be this: “deadly pandemic…. follow Govt guidelines… stay safe… save lives”.
Obey. Obey. Obey.
So I assume their are ongoing court challenges going on? There is precious little media coverage of legal challenges to the Covid tyranny in any country.
But then again, does anyone seriously expect one of the pillars of the establishment to go against the institution they are part of?
There are cases going on but in the main the human rights lawyers gave up last year and have screeched endlessly for more lock downs and jabs
Where’s the indigenous rugby league players who scream blue murder every time someone looks sideways at them?? They love a good squeal about racial vilification. Where’s the Australian cricket team, who now drops the knee for BLM before every game??
Seems like a great chance for these wealthy pro sportsmen to use their voice. But I’d say they’re all too busy counting their money.
Not a single word on Archie Roach’s Facebook page. Tho on a Sept 6th post he urges people to get jabbed. Not a single word on Black Lives Matter FB page, tho someone posted a video clip of Michael Gunner announcing this. BLM made no response. Complete silence.
And not a single word on Socialist Alternative FB page about this. They’re still going on about “far right anti vaxxers” and the “militant far right mobilising”. All total hypocrites the lot of them.
Hypocrites is right. BLM is just a stick to beat people into submission. BLM is not about black lives, it is about power.
Geezah may i suggest you make your own anti-medical experiment fanzine yourself, seeing as you are good with words. You could call it the Big Bovine Issue.
A B Thank you – this was a beautiful piece of writing. It feels from the heart – I am a musician too. My friend bought me a ticket to a loved performer recently – I didn’t go because it required ‘papers’. But another friend didn’t go to the gig he had booked because the internet wasn’t uploading his ‘papers’ in time. I was shocked to see in my case that Nick Cave gigs required passes. I would rather never see NC again than subscribe. On the other hand – I will look out for your music.
Alison is totally correct – there’s no doubt they are killing people – the even ore insidious thing is they are ‘destroying’ us – and having fun doing so
Whilst Alison Blunt is absolutely Briilliant here – Might have seen you at Latitude, and I am feeling somewhat concerned from the indication this morning that The German Health Minister, has gone completely insane (including the fact that they’ve turned off almost everything including the new Russian gas Pipe. I like Germans. My Niece is Married to one, and he seems quite sensible…)
I read the headlines, that Boris Johnson, has more or less turned into Peppa Pig.. I assume The Daily Telegraph, is making this up. They have most of The Brightest Sparks from The Intelligence services working there AEP was probably their best….Did someone buy him a Tesla? cos recently he and his mate Mark Carney, have really lost the plot….We all know why.
So I just wanted to see the live video of Boris Peppa Pig. I clicked on it and nothing happened…but found it for free on The Daily Mail…
What the hell have they jabbed Boris with?
He sounds like he is pissed as a fart, and stoned out of his head
He makes even The German, and American Government leaders seem normal, when they can’t get 3 words together out that make any sense, before they fall over sideways, crashing the mike.
It’s not a good look.
“Boris Johnson compares himself to Moses and praises Peppa Pig in bizarre speech”
Don’t get Jabbed. It also sends you Mad.
This moron is head of state…..amazing!