Remembering JFK’s Vision for the Future that Should Have Been

Matthew Ehret

“Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe.”
President Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address

Where China and Russia are currently leading a new paradigm of cooperation and development, it is too easily forgotten that America itself had once embodied this anti-colonial spirit under the foreign policy vision of John F. Kennedy.

Even though the young leader died in office before the full effect of his grand vision could take hold, it is worth revisiting his fight and stated intention for a post-colonial world governed by win-win cooperation.

FDR’s Death and the Emergence of the New Rome

America didn’t become an imperial “dumb giant” after WWII without a major fight.

With FDR’s death, the USA began acting more and more like an empire abroad and a racist police state under McCarthyism within its own borders.

During this time, those allies of FDR who were committed to Roosevelt’s anti-colonial post-war vision, rallied around former Vice President Henry Wallace’s 1948 Presidential bid with the Progressive Party of America. When this effort failed, an outright police state took over and those same fascists who had sponsored WWII took control of the reins of power.

These “economic royalists” enjoyed full control as puppet President Harry S. Truman giggled as he dropped bombs on a defeated Japan and happily and supported America’s new role as the re-conquistador of nations who sought independence after WWII.

While it can’t be argued that the politically naïve President Eisenhower had some redeeming qualities, for the most part, his eight-year administration was run by the Dulles brothers and Wall Street, and it was only on January 17, 1961 that he made any serious effort to speak openly about the military-industrial complex that had grown like a cancer under his watch.

A New Hope Emerges in 1961

It was no secret who the outgoing President was warning. Three days after his address, a young John F. Kennedy was inaugurated 35th president of the United States to the great hope of many anti-fascists in America and abroad.

It is too often overlooked today, but Kennedy’s anti-colonial position was not a secret during his decade as a Senator and Congressman. Even though his family pedigree was stained with mafia and JP Morgan ties to his father “Papa Joe”, John Kennedy was made of sturdier stuff.

Touring Asia and the Middle East in the 1950s, a young Senator Kennedy expressed his sensitivity to the plight of the Arab world and problem of US imperialism when he said: 

Our intervention in behalf of England’s oil investments in Iran, directed more at the preservation of interests outside Iran than at Iran’s own development […] Our failure to deal effectively after three years with the terrible human tragedy of the more than 700,000 Arab refugees [Palestinians], these are things that have failed to sit well with Arab desires and make empty the promises of the Voice of America…”

Later, speaking in a 1960 speech regarding ending colonialism in Africa, JFK expressed his understanding of Africa’s demand for genuine independence saying: 

Call it nationalism, call it anti-colonialism, Africa is going through a revolution…. Africans want a higher standard of living. Seventy-five percent of the population now lives by subsistence agriculture. They want an opportunity to manage and benefit directly from the resources in, on, and under their land […] The African peoples believe that the science, technology, and education available in the modern world can overcome their struggle for existence, that their poverty, squalor, ignorance, and disease can be conquered…[The] balance of power is shifting…into the hands of the two-thirds of the world’s people who want to share what the one-third has already taken for granted…”

JFK Battles the Deep State

Wall Street’s Dulles Brothers who together ran the CIA and the State Department had made several major efforts to sabotage Kennedy’s “new frontiers” initiative that gripped the imaginations of young and old alike. Kennedy’s program was driven by large scale infrastructure at home and advanced scientific and technological progress in the Developing sector abroad.

Attempting to break that trajectory, Allen Dulles had prepared the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba months before Kennedy entered the scene which was a near disaster for the world.

Just days before Kennedy’s inauguration, Allan Dulles ensured that a pro-Kennedy ally who had just recently gained power in the Congo named Patrice Lumumba was assassinated in cold blood knowing that JFK would be blamed, and every effort was made to back up the French fascists trying to stop the Algerian independence movement behind JFK’s back. Both the Cuban invasion and the assassination of Lumumba have been blamed on Kennedy to this day.

In response to this treachery, JFK made the bold move of firing CIA director Allan Dulles, and two Wall Street-connected CIA directors on November 29, 1961 saying that he would soon “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”

Sen. John F. Kennedy, (left), and Allen W. Dulles, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, (AP Photo/WCC)

Recognizing the insanity of the zero-sum Cold Warriors who could only look at the world through the perversity of a Hobbesian lens of “each against all”, JFK not only stood alone against the entire array of war-hungry Joint Chiefs calling for war with Russia during the infamous “13 day showdown”, but also took the advice of Generals MacArthur, and Charles de Gaulle who warned him to avoid all entrapments of a “land war in Vietnam”.

On this point, Kennedy introduced NSAM 263 in October 1963 to begin a full withdrawal from Southeast Asia.

JFK’s June 10, 1963 speech What Kind of Peace Do We Seek? showcased his resistance to the imperialists in America.

What was especially intolerable was that JFK began challenging closed rules of the Zero-Sum Cold War game itself when he announced a new mission outside of the closed parameters of geopolitics: to put a man on the moon “within the decade”.

This would have been tolerable if the effort was kept within a geopolitical ideology of “competition against the evil commies”. But Kennedy knew better and called for a US-Russia partnership to jointly develop advanced technologies together making the space program a project for human peace.

Kennedy’s efforts to build bridges with Russia were of vital importance as his efforts resulted in the passage of the test ban treaty on August 5, 1963, and hopes were awoken for an early end to the Cold War though the mutual development of the poorest parts of the world.

This was the “International New Deal” strategy which patriots like Henry Wallace and Paul Robeson had fought for from 1946-1959.

Across Africa, Asia and other former colonies, JFK had worked hard to build relationships with Pan African leaders Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, as well as Egypt’s Gamal Nasser, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru and South Vietnamese President Diem to provide American assistance for the construction of great infrastructure projects like the Akosombo Dam in Ghana, nuclear power in Egypt and Vietnam and steel industries in India.

Today the Akosombo Dam stands with a plaque dedicated to the “martyred John F. Kennedy”.

As historian Anton Chaitkin proves in his incredible 2013 opus “JFK vs the Empire”[1], this didn’t happen without a major fight with the JP Morgan controlled steel barons who artificially raised the price of steel in order to make these projects financially impossible.

Charles DeGaulle as a Factor in the Great Game

JFK was not alone in this struggle at this time and worked closely with the great anti-fascist general Charles de Gaulle.

Charles de Gaulle was among a network of leaders who fought valiantly against the cancerous deep state that was re-asserting control across the trans-Atlantic nations after WWII.

While Franklin Roosevelt had to do battle with such pro-fascist organizations such as the Liberty League and Council on Foreign Relations from 1933-1945, President De Gaulle had to contend with the pro-Nazi Petain government whose agents immediately took over controls of France in the wake of WWII, and didn’t go away upon the General’s ascension to the Presidency during the near collapse of the 5th republic in 1959.

De Gaulle strategically fought tooth and nail against the pro-NATO fascists led by General Challe who attempted two coup attempts against De Gaulle in 1960 and 1961[2] and later worked with MI6 and the CIA using private contractors like Permindex to arrange over 30 assassination attempts from 1960-1969[3].

JFK and de Gaulle at the Champs Elysee in 1961 [photo:John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston]

De Gaulle was not only successful at taking France out of the NATO cage in 1966[4], but he had organized to ensure Algeria’s independence against the will of the entire deep state of France who often worked with Dulles’ State Department to preserve France’s colonial possessions.

De Gaulle also recognized the importance of breaking the bipolar rules of the Cold War by reaching out to Russia calling for a renewed Europe “from the Atlantic to the Urals”. He also sought an alliance with China with the intent of resolving the fires lit by western arsonists in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam whose independence he was committed to guaranteeing.

De Gaulle wrote of his plan in his Memoires:

“My aim, then, was to disengage France, not from the Atlantic Alliance, which I intended to maintain by way of ultimate precaution, but from the integration carried out by NATO under American command; to establish relations with each of the states of the East bloc, first and foremost Russia, with the object of bringing about a détente, followed by understanding and cooperation; to do likewise, when the time was ripe, with China.”

After arranging a treaty with China’s Prime Minister Zhou Enlai, India’s Prime Minster Nehru and the leadership of Cambodia in 1963 to create a China-led block to resolve the crisis in Southeast Asia with France’s help, De Gaulle became the first western head of state to recognize China and establish diplomatic relations with the Mainland on January 31, 1964.

He saw that China’s growth would become a driving force of world development and believed that friendship based on scientific and technological progress to be a source of France’s renewal.

Attacking the false dichotomy of “Free liberal capitalism” vs “totalitarian communism”, De Gaulle expressed the Colbertist traditions of “dirigisme” which have historically driven France’s progress since the 17th century when he said:

We are not going to commit ourselves to the empire of liberal capitalism, and nobody can believe that we are ever going to submit to the crushing totalitarianism of communism.”

The De Gaulle-Kennedy Alliance

De Gaulle had great hopes to find like-minded anti-colonialist leaders and collaborators who were fighting against the deep state in other countries.

In America he was inspired by the fresh leadership of the young John F. Kennedy whom he first met in Paris in May 1961. Of Kennedy he wrote:

The new President was determined to devote himself to the cause of freedom, justice, and progress. It is true that, persuaded that it was the duty of the United States and himself to redress wrongs, he would be drawn into ill-advised interventions. But the experience of the statesman would no doubt have gradually restrained the impulsiveness of the idealist. John Kennedy had the ability, and had it not been for the crime which killed him, might have had the time to leave his mark on our age.”

De Gaulle’s advice to Kennedy was instrumental in the young President’s decision to stay out of a land war in Vietnam and led to Kennedy’s National Security Action Memorandum 263 to begin a phase-out of American military from Vietnam on October 2, 1963.

Kenney and De Gaulle both shared the view (alongside Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei with whom both collaborated) that Africa, Asia and South America needed advanced scientific and technological progress, energy sovereignty and sanitation in order to be fully liberated by the colonial structures of Europe.

All three fought openly for this vision and all three fell in the line of battle (one to a plane crash in 1961, another to several shooters in Dallas in 1963 and the last to a staged “colour revolution” in 1969.)

If De Gaulle, Kennedy and Mattei were alive today, it is guaranteed they would recognize in the Belt and Road Initiative and broader Eurasian alliance, the only viable pathway to a future worth living in and the only means to save the souls of their own nations.

The Plot to Kill Kennedy

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, famously played by Kevin Costner in Oliver Stone’s 1992 film, did more than many people today realize in exposing the networks that ran Kennedy’s murder and subsequent cover-up.

Without going into detail of the multiple bullets that killed Kennedy from several directions (especially the lethal head shot which obviously struck him FROM THE FRONT as showcased in the Zapruder film), let us look at some lesser-known evidence discovered by Garrison.

In his 1991 book On the Trail of the Assassins[5], Garrison wrote of an international assassination bureau named Permindex and the World Trade Organization on whose boards sat CIA asset Clay Shaw. Garrison wrote:

The CIA- which apparently had been conducting its own foreign policy for some time- had begun a project in Italy as far back as the early 1950s. The organization, named the Centro Mondiale Commerciale had initially been formed in Montreal, then moved to Rome in 1961. Among the members of its board of directors, we learned, was one Clay Shaw from New Orleans”.

Garrison cited French researcher Paris Flammonde when he described it as: 

a shell of superficiality…composed of channels through which money flowed back and forth without anyone knowing the sources or the destination of these liquid assets.”

Garrison pointed out that Permindex had been kicked out of Italy, Switzerland and France for good reasons: 

As for Permindex…it had, among other things, secretly financed the opposition of the French Secret Army Organization (OAS) to President de Gaulle’s support for independence for Algeria, including its reputed assassination attempts on de Gaulle.”

After naming the other pro-fascist members – many of whom were connected to European royal families and banks, Garrison then pointed to the World Trade Center owner: 

One of the major stockholders of the Centro was a Major Louis M. Bloomfield, a Montreal resident… and former agent with the Office of Strategic Services, out of which the United States had formed the CIA.”

Bloomfield as Minion of the Oligarchy

Since both the World Trade Center and Permindex were owned by Bloomfield, his role in this story cannot be overlooked and takes us straight to the heart of the agenda to kill Kennedy.

Not only did Bloomfield play a key role working alongside Rhodes Scholars in Canada such as Justice Minister Davie Fulton in order to stop continental water projects advocated by JFK[6] and Canadian pro-development leaders like John Diefenbaker, Premier Daniel Johnson and BC Premier WAC Bennett, but he also played a leading role as a founding member of the 1001 Trust alongside other upper-level managers of the oligarchy like Maurice Strong, Peter Munk (of Barrick Gold), and media Mogul Conrad Black[7].

For those who may not be aware, the 1001 Trust was a special organization set up under Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Prince Philip Mountbatten to finance the new ecology movement then blossoming under their guiding hand.

Rather than preserving nature, this new movement was driven by a perverse new form of global imperialism today being pushed under the framework of COP 26 and a ‘Great Reset’.

Philp and Bernhard were not only co-founders of the World Wildlife Fund in 1961, but were supporters of the anti-technological growth Morges Manifesto which the WWF credits as the start of the modern green movement[8]. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield served as Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund while Prince Philip was President, and later gave the baton over to Maurice Strong. 

The Morges Manifesto was the first attempt to place the blame for humanity’s ills on the yearning for scientific and technological progress itself rather than the imperial traditions of inbred oligarchs.

A co-author of the Morges Manifesto and co-founder of the WWF was Sir Julian Huxley. Huxley was a leading eugenicist who laid out the intention for the new imperial movement that JFK rebelled valiantly against in his 1946 UNESCO founding manifesto[9] when he said: 

even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” 

The fact that dark-skinned people are the most ruthlessly affected by de-carbonization schemes and “appropriate technologies” like expensively inefficient windmills and solar panels today is not a coincidence.

Open vs. Closed System Paradigms

So WHY would those founders of the ecology movement, which is today pushing a global green one-world government, have wished to see President Kennedy murdered?

If I said it was because they want depopulation or world government, it would be too simple.

It were better said that Kennedy was self-consciously unleashing the innate powers of creative reason as a governing principle of political economy. He believed in an anti-oligarchical view of humanity as made in the living image of God and said as much repeatedly.

He believed that the human mind could conquer all challenges that both nature, vice and ignorance can throw at us. Kennedy didn’t see the world through a zero-sum lens, nor did he believe in the Malthusian “limits to growth” paradigm which his killers promulgated after his death.

In fact JFK argued against Malthusianism by name[10].

Today, those Green New Dealing technocratic zombies pervasive across the western deep state are horrified to witness the reawakening of JFK’s spirit in the leadership of powerful leaders like China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin who have created a new paradigm of cooperation, war avoidance, and infrastructure projects under the growing New Silk Road as well as ambitious space projects which are quickly bringing the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies into the sphere of our economic activity.

Kennedy’s revenge can best be achieved if the American people do everything possible to support the fight against this Malthusian cancer and push for America’s participation in that new paradigm before an economic meltdown throws America into a new Dark Age.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.

[1] John F. Kennedy vs. the Empire by Anton Chaitkin, EIR, Aug. 20, 2013[back]

[2] THE GENERALS’ PUTSCH: 21 APRIL 1961- When the Stay-Behind wanted to replace de Gaulle by Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 27 August 2001[back]

[3] How Charles de Gaulle Survived Over Thirty Assassination Attempts, by Alex Ledsom, published in Culture Trip, June 26 2018 [back]

[4] When France Pulled the Plug on a Crucial Part of NATO by Erin Blakemore, History Channel, 2018[back]

[5] On the Trail of the Assassins, by Jim Garrison, New York Warner Books, 1991[back]

[6] The battle to halt the development of continental water management projects throughout the 1950s-1960s is outlined in volume 3 of the Untold History of Canada: Canada’s Forgotten Struggle for Progress, by this author, 2019.[back]

[7] The 1001 Club: Bankers and Raw Materials Executives Striving for a Sustainable Future by Joel van der Reijden, Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics, August 14, 2004[back]

[8] https://wwf.panda.org/discover/knowledge_hub/history/?[back]

[9] UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy, by Julian Huxley, UNESCO, 1946[back]

[10] Speaking to the National Academy of Science on October 22, 1963, JFK said: “Malthus argued a century and a half ago that man, by using up all his available resources, would forever press on the limits of subsistence, thus condemning humanity to an indefinite future of misery and poverty. We can now begin to hope and, I believe, know that Malthus was expressing not a law of nature, but merely the limitation then of scientific and social wisdom.” [back]


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Dec 9, 2022 9:38 AM

De Gaulle

Both De Gaulle and JFK were deposed/murdered for their stance on the new entity imposed on the Middle East.

Nov 29, 2021 2:08 PM

Build Back Batter.

3 Words you won’t hear Putin or Xi say. Or Trump.

The Great Reset another.

If the media don’t like someone then I love them.

When George Sorass said Xi is bad and a danger then I liked Xi that little bit more.

berlin beerman
berlin beerman
Nov 29, 2021 4:48 AM

Gore Vidal summed it up well. JFK was a decent man when it came to having a drink and terming a joke. Bit of a skirt chaser … sure.

As a president, the man was a disaster, lets just leave it at that and concentrate on the current. Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi are leaps and bounds ahead.

Jean Ranc
Jean Ranc
Nov 28, 2021 7:03 PM

If JFK was such a “Man of Peace”, why did he continue the Vietnam war? started by President Eisenhower, approve Eisenhower’s plan for the Bay of Pigs Invasion? then in his fury & humiliation of defeat, order the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro? and when the Soviet Union came to Cuba’s defense against a massive American follow-up invasion are we to still cheer JFK’s “heroically” standing up against such defensive missiles being installed in Cuba? .thus, precipitating the “Cuban Missile Crisis”…pushing US to the brink of nuclear war…with Americans again plunging into an irrational state of fear & panic as they rushed to build bomb “shelters” in their basements? a delusional faith that they could thus protect themselves from obliteration of nuclear war and/or the radiation thereafter?!? much like today’s hysteria over an invisible virus and faith that wearing a mask & getting “jabbed” will protect them from Death!?! And even the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN was caught up in the panic: handing out orders to all of us (my husband a resident MD in training) in case of war to be prepared with bags of clothing & other necessities (an infinite supply of diapers for our baby?) to be ready to report to our designated niche in the maze of tunnels beneath the clinic, hospitals, hotels to serve as our communal “Bomb Shelter”!. And the previous owners of the cottage, where we lived, had already built their bomb “shelter” of concrete block walls in a section of the basement…but with no “top” or ceiling…other than the wooden floors & support beams of the one-story cottage above!? And the home we subsequently bought in Hanover, NH in 1970, when my husband joined the faculty of the Dartmouth Med.Ctr. had its “bomb shelter” beneath the bedroom wing of the house:… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 26, 2021 3:03 PM

MEPs fighting for freedom in the EU. Defending peoples’ rights against Mandatory Digital Certificate
Cristian Terhes
Nov 24, 2021
In this third press conference, which took place on 24 Nov. 2021 in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, we explained why the Green Certificate is violating peoples’ fundamental rights as well as other related topics.
The members of the European Parliament who participated in this press conference are:
01:04 – MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas (Lituania – the Greens);
05:34 – MEP Mislav Kolakušić (Croatia – NI);
             MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (Croatia – NI);
10:03 – MEP Cristian Terhes (Romania – ECR);

19:40 – Question
21:43 – Answer from MEP Cristian Terhes
22:57 – Answer from MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas
24:45 – Follow-up question from Anna van Densky
25:29 – Answer from MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas
26:41 – Answer from MEP Cristian Terhes
29:23 – Answer from MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić

31:47 – Question
33:52 – Answer from MEP Cristian Terhes
37:49 – Answer from MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas
40:12 – Answer from MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić

As we said, we will fight to restore back liberty and democracy in the EU.
For those interested, the previous press conferences can be found [via yt link]:

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Nov 27, 2021 1:12 AM

Thanks for that!

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Nov 26, 2021 1:39 PM

It is “the power to abolish…all forms of human life” that mankind seems set for.

Nov 26, 2021 1:10 PM

JFK was not a nice man he wanted just as many wars as other presidents have, he wanted to attack the USSR and he cheated on wife multiple times. Not a genuine bone in his body

Dec 9, 2022 9:36 AM
Reply to  Koba


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Nov 26, 2021 7:03 AM

Unofficially: if you are one of the ‘disease spreaders’ removed from polite society to “the camps” in Australia, you will not be able to take any phones or computers with you. That is to prevent you spreading disinformation about the quality of the food, or posting photos of the orchestra playing chamber music while you are being injected for your protection.
The modern swimming pool on the postcards and adverts exists – for staff only.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Nov 27, 2021 1:13 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Can’t they release information afterwards?

les online
les online
Nov 26, 2021 3:44 AM

I like reading Matthew. He’s informative, widely read. But Matthew has a Blind Spot – the Chinese funded & built New Silk Road… Matthew is in love with the idea. The fantastic cornucopia he imagines it will help bring into existence counters any thoughts about the possible negative means to which it could be put…
A thing about people who love ideas, are possessed by an idea, is had they the power they’d bend people to fit the idea. People such as Lenin, Pol Pot, little billy gates, come to mind;: and there was that O’brian in Orwell’s ‘1984’. (In love with the idea of having Total Power)…
I’ve nothing against intelligent people. But Intellectuals ? I’m wary about how the intellect can assist the forces of repression, can provide the rationalisation for repression. (the intellect divorced from the body, hostile to the body, disdainful of The Emotions.).
The 20th century’s Left developed an aversion to drawing up “blueprints” of their ideas for any Future (socialist / communist) Society, for they learned that within their midst were zealots whose embrace of The Plan was such that if the Left acquired power the zealots would want to use the power to impose The Plan, bend humanity to fit The Plan…

B D McClerren
B D McClerren
Nov 26, 2021 2:08 AM

I had to recheck the web address. Did the site get hacked? If this is Off-Guardian it’s only by a degree.

“If De Gaulle, Kennedy and Mattei were alive today, it is guaranteed they would recognize in the Belt and Road Initiative and broader Eurasian alliance, the only viable pathway to a future worth living in and the only means to save the souls of their own nations.”

Of course another great website gets compromised the moment I start recommending it to others ☹️.

Nov 26, 2021 4:48 AM
Reply to  B D McClerren

+ 1

Nov 26, 2021 1:12 PM
Reply to  B D McClerren

Three questions? 1) what’s communism? Trust me I’ll be able to tell if you google it. And 2) what have you got against the belt and road? And 3) are you an American?

les online
les online
Nov 26, 2021 1:20 AM

Big White Man (in Phantom costume, and Friendly with The Natives) Say: “75% of the (African) population now lives by subsistence agriculture.- (Trans: they’re unhappy). They want an opportunity to manage and benefit directly from the resources in, on, and under the land (Trans: To Be Happy / Want Mod Cons, and to go shopping for canned foods in supermarkets).
“(I’m telling You) ‘The African people believe that the Science, Technology and Education (Trans: schooling – to turn them into never-satisfied consumers) available in the Modern World (trans: the natives are so Backward) can overcome Their Struggle For Existence.”
“Kennedy’s Program was driven by large-scale infrastructure at home, and advanced Scientific And Technological Progress in the Developing Sector abroad”
A Paean of Praise of Western Technology’s ability to solve EVERYTHING, even the Problems that very technology creates. (“isnt Science Wonderful !!!).
In Kennedy’s ‘Man Must Get To The Moon Project’ (Hubris Unleashed), the author sees
Humanity’s (trans: billionaire’s) “ambitious space projects which are quickly bringing the moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies into the sphere of Our ECONOMIC Activity.” (Trans: “there’s gold in Them Thar Planets !!”, or “Look at them, hanging around doing nothing. Let’s put them to work. Let’s plunder/ gouge them – and call it Human Progress.)
As the Situationist International said “When Consciousness Rots, Ideology Ooozes Out.”
(A post: James Corbett promoting subsistent farming. And a post: Development to help subsistent farmers…All very confusing for this Old Fellow.)

Nov 26, 2021 1:18 PM
Reply to  les online

These were my thoughts as well when reading how Africa would dearly love for all the wonders of modern technology re-make their homes and their lives.

Nov 29, 2021 3:03 AM
Reply to  Howard

With the average IQ of 70 in Sub-Sahara Africa this just isn’t possible, I fear.

Dec 9, 2022 9:26 AM
Reply to  Tim


Nov 25, 2021 9:22 PM

Where China and Russia are currently leading a new paradigm of cooperation and development

No new paradigm here, just loan a LOT of money, then take over the country when it defaults. They’ve been doing it for decades. Why do you think this time is different???
One of the best cons ever. Don’t fall for it.

Nov 26, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  Yirgach

Name one nation Russia or China owns by default

Nov 25, 2021 8:41 PM

“…on a defeated Japan and happily supported America’s new role…”
“While it can be argued that the politically naïve President Eisenhower…”

I haven’t got through the whole article yet, but these corrections are correct, I think.

Nov 26, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  John

Eisenhower was politically naive but one hell of a military commander

Dec 9, 2022 9:27 AM
Reply to  Koba

He was an effing war criminal.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Nov 25, 2021 7:19 PM

This article is JFK mythologizing of the worst sort, added to by mythologizing FDR and De Gaulle. FDR was the creator of the post WWII US global order, including the IMF, World Bank and the UN, and most importantly, the $-based global economy anchored by US control of Middle East oil, sealed by FDR and King Saud on a boat docked on the Nile in Cairo in February 1945. He pushed to end the European blatant colonies by replacing them with the US de facto chains of economic controls. JFK did a lot to maintain the empire, including massive buildup of US conventional military forces (capable of fighting an actual war), pushing out Canada’s government in early ’63 in favor of one which agreed to a unified North America military command, ousting Iraq’s government in favor of the Baath Party military junta (including Saddam Hussein), also in early ’63, building the Alliance for Progress which really meant US-organized death squads trained by the US Special Forces (created by JFK) to maintain control of Latin America, build up NATO and the EU,…… Oh, and the huge tax cut for the rich.
I would have given it a zero, but 1 was the lowest possible.

Nov 25, 2021 10:24 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I never read Edward Curtin or Matthew Ehret, which means that I read a lot less of OG’s material than I could be reading. I might enjoy the comments section though.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Nov 26, 2021 4:33 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I especially enjoy Matthew Ehret’s work when he writes about history of the cancerous US/UK Crown relationship (I’m in US). I don’t see FDR the way Mr. Ehret does. From everything else I’ve read, FDR was desperate to be an internationalist, wanted US to be in WWII with his UK pals, knew Americans desperately wanted to remain neutral in WWII, but came up with ways to ship weapons to the UK. Massive propaganda campaigns ran to convince the US that their boys should yet again travel across a vast ocean and die for the UK monarchy and Wall St. But FDR died on April 12, 1945 only 3 months into his new term, so Truman was president for most of FDR’s 4th term. Germany didn’t surrender until May 7, 1945. Truman dropped two atom bombs on Japan in August 1945. FDR was in on beginnings of UN, IMF, and World Bank, but Truman, even more internationalist than FDR, moved them along. It was Truman after WWII who stationed 180,000 US troops in Europe, gave billions in aid to Europe, started the CIA and NSA, incited the Cold War for no reason except that the UK would have no reason to exist without it and the he needed to prevent Americans from realizing their wish to remain neutral. Truman also put the US in the Korean War in 1950. Truman offered Ike the presidency, telling him, “I must keep the isolationists out of the White House.”

les online
les online
Nov 26, 2021 6:14 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

JFK was no saint. But there’s a need these Bleak Times for Uplifting, Inspiring Stories. I learned about WW2 secondhand. Most Young Australians today dont know Australia assisted the US government’s war against the Vietnamese .I’m already part of ancient history to them… The generation gap just gets wider as i get older – but i never mistake what’s represented on TV as reality…
The Young have their St Greta and though there’s dangers to fictionalising The Past we do so because Western Civilisation has lost faith in The Future…
What’s on offer ? Wars, more wars, endless novel must-have gadgets, an endless succession of “booster” jabs to protect (?) against never ending “variants”…
JFK was no saint – but sometimes i like those ” JFK would have, if….” stories….
They’re like the TV “The Sixties” docos. If you believe them then you were never there.

Nov 26, 2021 1:15 PM
Reply to  les online

When it comes to history and western minds it’s a case of “well it happened before I was born so therefore i don’t care”! People who hate history are a major problem

Nov 25, 2021 6:26 PM

According to RFK Jr the stories about senior Kennedy links to the mafia and banksters were political lies and false. He has an interview where he goes through his upbringing with vigorous intellectual development that was characteristic of all the Kennedy family.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 25, 2021 5:51 PM

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“What if Morpheus were to tell you in SHAM DEMOCRACY USA that it is all fake, fake, fake, fake. WE THE PEOPLE do not have choices we have owners. They own us.

Nov 25, 2021 5:36 PM

Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. KennedyBy James Shelby Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II


Nov 25, 2021 5:28 PM

Slightly OT, but… perhaps a confession…

Another extended pub crawl today. 5 pubs this time.

And the point of the post? Well, freedom, I suppose (maskless, phoneless, ID-less and all the rest of the Covid BS-less).

But why? Or rather how? Did you have to bribe someone to get out from quarantine? No. Ok, so tell us the big secret…

Good question. Or rather, I don’t know. Hence the post. I just went to the pubs, paid for the beers, and the rest is history.

So how come? When we wallow in draconian measures (with masks and all that BS), that you in England can saunter maskless off to the pub, sing sailor’s songs along with the rest of the gang (actually some pretty original ones today. Watch out for future tracks), while we wallow in self-pity, riddled with fear and actually do think that psychos rule the world, while we little people can do nothing about it, since we’re part of an ‘inevitable dystopia’.

Dunno. Not sure. Also hoping for some top-level answers. Already been through the ‘survivor’s guilt’ ravine/process without fruit. But here’s a reflection on it, from a mainstream perspective. If there are any clues in there, then let me know


Anyhow, cutting rapidly to the chase (for the sake of avoiding any offence). Any insights (as to why England appears exempt) are appreciated (if only to provide appropriate justification for the experience)…

[Clue: It has nothing to do with vaccination rates, since numerous European countries surpass that of England]

Nov 25, 2021 5:03 PM

I’m reasonably sure the information in this article is already well known to the residents of Australia who comment here. But it’s worth linking.

Disturbing Details Emerge from Inside Australian Quarantine Camps – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Nov 26, 2021 1:17 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Detainees are charged $2,500 for their two-week involuntary stay.”

Kidnapping and extortion racket by Oz regime.

“When they came for me, I went quietly; what a fool! I could have fought, I could have shouted for my neighbours, I could have made it difficult for them. But I went quietly. So did all my fellow Zeks. Such things will continue until the morning arrives when a kidnapper, off to work and kissing his wife, can no longer be certain of his return for dinner.” — Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag.

Nov 25, 2021 4:48 PM

Arguablely the best critique i have heard about JFK including some now events.
Michael Hoffman Twilight Language ] : Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare – Kill Bill 33
Unfortunately the rest of the JFK researchers just dont really get it.


S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 25, 2021 4:23 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 25, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“So little time…  
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… so much corporate fascist eugenicist psycho Nazi scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ propaganda bilge to spread.”

“In Pilbara the scamdemic gestapo will be going door to door.”


“Let us see how many untermenschen useless eaters are going to end up like poor Fred Hampton under that corporate fascist eugenicist psycho criminal Nazi regime.”

Nov 26, 2021 7:06 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Omg Cooper so fucking absurd it’s funny.

Nov 25, 2021 2:23 PM

I know I go on but the rich will get richer they are afraid of loosing their power.we are just collateral damage.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Nov 25, 2021 2:12 PM

OT: Contender for Irony of the Week Award

In order to visit Buchenwald Nazi concentration camp, “From 19 November 2021, the so-called 2G regulation will apply. Therefore, you have a digital or written proof of a complete vaccination or recovery ready for your visit.

Nov 25, 2021 6:15 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

THAT takes the irony cake.

Nov 25, 2021 1:48 PM

Ehret’s whole FDR/JFK love-in thesis hinges on their alleged anti-colonialism. Well, anti-colonialism would indeed be a good thing – but was it not more a re-configuring of the imperium? The Third World was never going to be gotten into the one-world system if it appeared a mere extension of the old European empires. Instead they had to be put through anti-colonial meat-grinders to be dis-illusioned about nationalism and then they could be hoovered up into the one-world system that had its framework already established by neo-colonialism. French neo-colonialism is particularly unsubtle so spare me the idea that De Gaulle was some sort of good guy (which currency do more former French colonies use? Who cares about the form of government as long as they control the production of money?…. ). Surviving over thirty assassination attempts looks like contrivance to me, not skill or good luck. FDR and JFK were in charge of colonial break-up like FDR’s cousin Teddy was in charge of trust-busting. At the end of the process it looked to the naive as if empires had been taken down – but somehow the Rockefellers turned out to still be running the show. JFK was elected as a cold warrior, has the fraud of ‘the missile gap’ been forgotten? His background speaks for itself and there was a mass of material to compromise him. How did a monster like LBJ get on the ticket? (It’s a bit like how did Wallace get off it in 1944? He would have become President otherwise). There’s precious little material from the first two years to romanticise JFK’s Presidency so one has to buy some Damascene conversion after Cuba. Well, his smashing of the CIA was failing (but provided convenient cover for parts of the CIA to go more covert and beyond even… Read more »

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Nov 25, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Edwige

A very good critique of Mr Ehrets article, and an up vote form me ! At best JFK may have had some small effect on the timing of the current disasters we find ourselves in today. However when Mr Kennedy was “elected” , appointed , or stole the election from Nixon there were 3 billion humans , today there are 8 billion , and nuclear winter was the bogeyman of the the intellectual mavens , since then global warming or human accelerated climate change has served that purpose . That bogeyman has in turn been replaced by a fake plague . Biological terrorism has replaced all others in the last 2 years an amazing effect of the Information Age?

Nov 25, 2021 10:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Very good. By the way, it looks very much like LBJ blackmailed JFK in order to get the position of vice president. Seymour Hersh examines the possibility in “The Dark Side Of Camelot.”

My compendium has a fair bit of information about the terrorist Kennedy brothers. I intended to grow it but I don’t grow anything right now. Covid has destroyed my life.

Nov 25, 2021 1:47 PM

the final judgement book is just that
michael collins piper did a great job

christopher bollyns as usual in the past has named names and countries

jfk serial writer lane polluted the well just another gnome chumpski

oliver stone had mossad milchan as producer on his movie jfk

this is a very good over view

israel and the kennedy brothers


Nov 25, 2021 1:36 PM

“the reawakening of JFK’s spirit in the leadership of powerful leaders like China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin who have created a new paradigm of cooperation, war avoidance, and infrastructure projects under the growing New Silk Road as well as ambitious space projects which are quickly bringing the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies into the sphere of our economic activity.”
I enjoy Matthew’s well written articles but I think he places misguided faith in the above two so called ‘leaders’. All 193 UN member nations with a privately controlled Central Bank must comply with those behind the matrix or face the same fate as JFK. Just look at the ludicrous behavior of these two ‘leaders’ with respect to the current trojan horse of an engineered health crisis, the aim of which is to centralize world power in a new geographic area for their next phase of dominance using a different set of tools.

Nov 26, 2021 1:49 AM
Reply to  Freecus

Yep and that’s why Putin, Russia didn’t do much to stop the Libyan disaster and didn’t even use it to point out the American craziness.
China is going strong with their convid narrative too …

Some hope is good, but I don’t trust any leader anymore

Nov 25, 2021 11:37 AM

Stupid people deserve stupid rules that’s why it’s so messed.They’ve forgotten about the people that see through all this bs.

Nov 25, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Nov 25, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Stop marching and break something already.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Nov 25, 2021 11:30 AM

Am I the only one who don’t trust these dead hero narratives?

Nov 25, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

I wouldn’t trust this article, anyway. The penultimate paragraph is a dead giveaway.

Edward Curtin’s understanding is logical and objective.

Nov 25, 2021 1:36 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

No, you’re not.

Nov 25, 2021 10:33 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Not at all.

Nov 25, 2021 11:18 AM

Crisis Update The Australian military continues to seal off indigenous lands, chasing residents into the bush and hauling them out of buildings where they’ve found refuge, trucking them to the Centres For National Resilience. From the headlines you’d think the clampdown is new. But for more than a year the residents of the remote Binjari and Rockhole settlements, located approximately 20 km from the township of Katherine in the Northern Territory, have faced roadblocks that closed off their communities. If isolation was a tactic to push the Covid jabs, the take up was “much lower than 70 per cent,” says Northern Territories chief minister Michael Gunner. Time to get tougher: house-by-house searches. This week he used the excuse of “the level of movement that has been happening in some communities” leading to the assumption that the residents are spreading the “virus.” Strange, given they’ve been isolated by roadblocks. Homelands redefined The word homeland, once understood as tribal lands, has been appropriated to the federal state, what Joost Coté in an article “Terra-ising the Homeland” calls the “historical imaginary.” This is consistent with the communitarian view of individual rights as subservient. This view of community does not mean respecting the rights of every member, however. The concept is the greater good. The people behind the Pandemic-Reset have a direct connection to the eugenicists who brought you the U.S. Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor; Planned Parenthood; who inspired the German experiment of the 1930s and continued after the war in Tuskegee and MK-Ultra. To bureaucrats and eugenicists these small nations are simply a problem to be swept away. It’s hard to miss a parallel with the Reich’s “hygiene and purity” and ended up breeding Lebensborn. But my imagination is running away… surely it’s just about keeping everyone safe from the… Read more »

Peter Allen
Peter Allen
Nov 25, 2021 5:02 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The Greater Good is nothing more than Mob Rule

Nov 25, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yes it is highly possible there are minerals in the land now being cleared of indigenous people in Australia….or simply that our fed govt has donated the land in return for debt forgiveness….it has been an endless tale of Australia. And the various govts have been howling about the indig communities being difficult to maintain etc. so covid may be proving a great excuse for removal of same….

there would have been uproar under any other circumstance except covid…..convenient!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 25, 2021 11:14 AM

“It is either someone’s idea for cheap entertainment … 
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… or someone losing it. In either case a sorry sight to witness.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 25, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Yet more hilarity from the SS (Scamdemic Set).  
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“The merriment continues.”

Mr Y
Mr Y
Nov 25, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Humans really are a sad species!

Nov 25, 2021 4:45 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

some humans not all, it just so happens that the ones on top are cunts who always have been and always will be. That is why we need to remove the concept of a top or bottom, we can dream I guess.

Nov 26, 2021 7:21 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

‘Cut your slice of pie like this..”What the hell does that even mean.So Lame.

Nov 26, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  Hele

It’s utterly inane, but it’s hilarious that this supercilious bozo thinks that this “object lesson” or “demonstration” dramatically and irrefutably makes his tortured point.

He would’ve done better to use a page from a coloring book, with one area in which someone has colored outside the lines:

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Nov 27, 2021 6:52 AM
Reply to  Ort

Agreed, Ort-so pathetic.
Remind’s me of a scene in the Soprano’s when Meadow -Tony’s daughter -who is in university -is playing Scrabble with her thug boyfriend ,Jackie Aprille- and all he could come up with was the word-p i g.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Nov 25, 2021 11:42 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Good grief, I’m speechless …

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 25, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

“It is not a Death Kult.”
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“It is a Post Apocalyptic Happening. Anyone for more Kool-Aid?”

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 25, 2021 11:04 AM

Live long and enjoy your mind-changing personal experience of the – actually perfectly real – limits to growth, Matthew! Despite all the dirty politics which have been larded so irrelevantly around them, these limits are indeed objectively real, and are already starting to exert themselves to educate us – whether we want to know their truths or not. Techie-techie-progress’n’growthforever is simply not in our future. We’ve had a brief shot at that lunacy, and now its tide has turned, precisely because of the objective absolutely-vital-commodity limits. Our real future involves a lot of that utterly taboo idea: shrinkage!  😱  Of population, of technical capabilities, and – massively – of economic GDP. (Shrinkage? That ultimately-dirty word? Oh gasp! Blasphemy! If we’re going to speak of it at all, let’s please have the decorum to call it ‘negative growth’!  😆  ) You can also say, with strict objective accuracy: To hell with the vile doctrines of eugenics, as promoted by ‘aristos’ with a wholly-deluded idea of their own superiority. Damn the whole delusional doctrine to hell! But still, once all that nasty superiority-complex-driven toxic trash is set aside, population-overshoots do indeed happen, amongst many species. And homo sapiens sapiens (joke!) is in the midst of one right now. Nothing to do with factional human politics and the ludicrous sociological hallucinations of the eugeni-pillocks, just the realities of natural-world ecology. And – as usual – our overshoot is heading along the standard pathway that they take, because, despite all our abject worshipping of science and technology as all-powerful gods (not!), clearly we shan’t be doing anything effective to resolve the overshoot humanely. So, the usual automatic natural processes will see to it for us; have already got the matter in hand in fact, with – for just one example… Read more »

Mr Y
Mr Y
Nov 25, 2021 11:35 AM

“… towards a much more reverent and deeply-cooperative relationship with the natural world; of which we are, and will always remain, integral parts.”

Will we ever reach that far? I think we are a species only deserving to go extinct; the sooner the better.

Nov 25, 2021 1:52 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

We are a species specifically designed for extinction. It seems likely that Nature wasn’t thinking long term when it created man; and now realizes it made a huge mistake – and will correct that mistake the way Nature always corrects its mistakes.

Or as a Thanksgiving alternative, perhaps Nature needed certain tasks completed to fulfill its own evolution so it created a species with the technological skills to complete those tasks. And now that it no longer needs that species, it’s kissing us bye bye.

Nov 25, 2021 8:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

Some humans.

Nov 25, 2021 8:39 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Some humans.

Nov 25, 2021 1:45 PM

Humans pathologically regard a wake-up call as a siren song to roll up their sleeves and get going – not as a warning to stop and actually think about what they’re doing.

Nov 25, 2021 8:39 PM
Reply to  Howard

Some humans.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Nov 25, 2021 2:40 PM

Well worth expressing that population is going to stop growing, based on an inevitable confluence of forces.

It’s not going to be famine or plague, though, fortunately. Those banes have been largely overcome — that’s why the population has been able to grow!

But as you mentioned, fertility rates are falling rapidly. The greater the population, the more complex life becomes, and the complexity increases at a much faster rate than the rate of population growth. Women are working outside the home. Sociological factors, perhaps even more than pollution-affected reproductive tracts, propel the fall in fertility.

With peak population comes peak technology because all technology is devoted to population maintenance. Science fiction has reached the end of it’s genre. It is all about life in the 21st century. (Star Trek absurdities like warp drive and transporter beams, which nobody would ever want and are pointless, will never happen.) As population falls, less technology will be needed (and would not be able to be implemented even if it were needed.)

As life becomes less stressful there will be less compulsion to reproduce. That’s an axiom of biology! Women who have lived under extraordinary conditions of low stress have been observed to stop ovulating.

Technofascism, if it’s allowed to proceed, will create hugely unnecessary suffering and death, as we have seen graphically over the past two years. It’s a war against the progress of improvement of the human condition, and must be countered.

Nov 25, 2021 5:01 PM

Please separate technology from capitalism it’s the economic systems and its use of technology for profit, not the technology itself that is the issue. These Luddite arguments reveal real cognitive bias and need to stop. Technology and science are a prisoner of capitalism and the de facto ruling class that controls that system for self-interest. Technology will always be destructive if it is beholden to a system that incentives the destruction of the natural world for profit. If the profit motive was not a factor and technical efficiency, not market efficiency, were paramount the world would be a very different place. Research planned obsolescence and cyclic consumption as rules of the game. We make stuff cheap and toxic to turn a profit but these methods of production are not the only ones to exist they are just the cheapest option to make maximum profit. Case in point; the glass bottle and the migration to plastic. Glass 100% recyclable material versus plastic, in this case, normally the most toxic and non-recyclable are used as they are the cheapest to produce. In the event it is recyclable the manufacture is damaging to the environment so its still technically inefficient but in terms of market efficiency it is a gold mine. Now apply this logic to almost any other technology/industry and you begin to see the state of our industries it is impossible to turn a profit and no pollute, ergo all companies pollute to make PROFIT. Science is a tool and one that is not used properly. Alfred Bernhard Nobel won the noble prize for dynamite that should give you an idea of how fucked up our system really is. Also another point we make products to break and fail to force the consumer to purchase more, it is really bad business… Read more »

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Nov 26, 2021 12:00 AM
Reply to  Stoicturk182

“It’s not us ! Not us !” cry The Scientists, captives of The Capitalists. “Free us from our Capitalist captors so we can work for the Good of Humanity ! And if you’re not for SCIENCE, you’re a luddite !”
One way to help Mother Earth, to ease the pressure on her from those resource gougers, is to do something about the Human Population Overshoot.
To avoid The Big Die-off – which will be Mother Earth’s fault – support the human scientists trying to solve the Overshoot; the scientists working on The Bill Gates Final Solution Project to Ease Pressure on Our Mother Earth… All Hail Science !!!

Peter Allen
Peter Allen
Nov 25, 2021 5:14 PM

Big thumb up

Nov 25, 2021 8:44 PM

“There is no sanctuary.” — Logan 5, LOGAN’S RUN

“Earth, man. What a shithole.” — Johner, ALIEN RESURRECTION

“I say we take off, nuke the Earth from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”— Corporal Hicks, ALIENS

“Game over, man. Game Over.” — Private Hudson, ALIENS

How the West Has Won

What Do You Think Is Worth Fighting For?

END CIV Resist Or Die 

“Welcome to the human race.” — Snake Plissken, ESCAPE FROM LA

Nov 25, 2021 9:45 AM

In 1961 a plane crashed on LBJ’s ranch killing the two pilots. It took the news four days to appear in the media.

Happens all the time…

Nov 25, 2021 9:38 AM

‘The Moon and Mars and other celestial bodies into the sphere our of our economic activity’
They’re gonna transport rock dust to Earth to build more roads?
Build self contained holiday homes for jaded billionaires?
You lost me there Matthew.