If we tolerate this, then our children will be next

Can you handle the truth?

Greg Maybury

Like many people out there battling in their own way the tyranny and the treachery to which we’ve been subjected by our political, media, and bureaucratic ‘Brahmin castes’ (self-appointed as they are), I’m all fired n’ brim-stoned up.

This article is something of a different beast to my past efforts in the truth-telling stakes. It’s more personal. A thing like Covid will do that. My fervent hope is that if my “personal” isn’t already, it will become yours too.

As always spread the love. Liking is wonderful, but it’s only virtue signalling; it might float your boat, but it ain’t gonna do much for anyone else. Or for furthering the cause. Bringing others into the fold was my main objective in penning this.

I implore all to make it yours too. Don’t let this be the time we finally learn—too late—that the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history…

Out of the Mouths of Babes (An Unexpected Lesson in Truth)

As you can see my handle is Greg Maybury. Who I am is not that important. But my message is. I’ve a story to tell, and in doing so I’m going to draw on both my professional and personal experience. I hope what follows resonates with some folks.

First, a bit of humour to get us going, if only because if we lose that, we’re really done. In one of my previous lives I was a high school teacher (an experience I’ll touch on again later). Back in those days I had some hair, and according to many folks I could’ve passed for Jack Nicholson’s kid brother.

This resemblance didn’t go unnoticed by my students at the time. They would often dine out on this by joking about it, occasionally improvising some of Jack the Lad’s more infamous lines whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Now mostly this was done so as to get a laugh or two from their classmates, ‘take the piss’ out of yours truly, as well as I suspect to distract me from my sense of mission.

Which as a teacher was to get the lazy buggers to do some work on occasion! There was a time when one of my more work-shy charges ran out of excuses for why he’d not finished a certain task.

In semi-mock exasperation, I began giving him grief. Saying something like: “I’m sick of your lame excuses mate. Why not just tell me the truth for once? You’re a lazy sod, and can’t be arsed!”

Big mistake on my part.

Without missing a beat, this kid stood up behind his desk, leaned forward with a cheeky grin and just the right touch of dramatic flourish (and right away I saw what was coming). He bellowed to ensure everyone heard: “Mistar Maybury, you can’t handle the truth!”, copping the indelible line — and mimicking to a tee the demeanour and the emphasis — Nicholson himself used in the hit movie A Few Good Men, then doing the rounds in the cinemas.

By this time the class was in uproar. This was not helped by my own inability to stifle the stupid grin on my own dial, even if the ‘comeback’ came at my own expense. Talk about a “Come in spinner!” moment for your humble. It was hard to beat. (As a reward I resolved never to ask the kid again whether he’d finished an activity I’d assigned him. To this day over twenty years later I expect he’s still dining out on the story with all his mates down at the pub in between lockdowns!)

Anyway, lest the point of this yarn be lost on anyone, let me move a bit closer to the purpose of this post. Right from the off we have to ask ourselves, “Can we handle the truth?” of what’s going on with this so-called pandemic, this inflated crisis, this beyond purgatorial Malice in Plunderland pantomime which is playing havoc with our world?

Can we handle the truth about what is being done to our friends and families? Our personal and professional relationships? Our communities? Our schools? Our hospitals? Our social and support networks? Our businesses? Our workplaces? Our lives and lifestyles? Our economy? Our country? And last but not least, can we truly handle the truth about what’s happening to our freedoms under our very noses?

You all know what I’m talking about here: The very things that our parents’, our grandparents’, and our great grandparents’ generations were told (or presumed) they were fighting for when they either volunteered or were conscripted to go and fight, kill and/or die in every war since the Boer War going back over 120 years ago.

In all these cases they were ‘making the world safe for democracy’ or some propagandist’s mutant variant of the theme, when in truth that was only half the story. They fought, killed, and/or died to “make the world safe” to be sure, but it wasn’t for democracy as such, not as we know it.

It was in fact ‘deocracy’ they were fighting and killing and dying for. This is an obscure political doctrine with which I’ll wager few are familiar. Put simply: If we take the “m” out of democracy, this is what we end up with. A “deocracy” is

committed only to the insatiable drive and hunger for maintaining its ascendancy…[A]ll variant of tyrannies and dictatorships rather of a political, economical, social, religious and/or cultural disposition are in essence a form of deocracy.’

That in essence my friends, is the “end-point” for the New Normalites, the Great Presetters (sic), whose hubris and whose pretensions to omnipotence rival that of your preferred deity. An “end-point” which is no less than a barren, lonely, soulless, heartless, disconnected, enervating, mindless, submissive void.

And the awe-inspiring tragedy of it all? It could well be one very much of our own making! If that is we continue to acquiesce to their pretensions.

Now I don’t need to bang on too much about those “freedoms”; if you’ve come this far you all have a pretty clear idea of what the loss of those “freedoms” mean, what’s at stake if we allow them to be tampered with in the way they are so blatantly doing now!

We do so not just at our own peril, but that of the next generation of Australians, and thereafter. To be sure, this isn’t just about Australia! Clearly many eyes are on us. People across the globe see us as a ‘bell-weather’ for their own futures. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.

However, we all still need to ask ourselves everyday: Can we really handle the truth about any or all of the above?

Because what is being imposed on us is happening all under false pretences. It is being enforced by bullying bureaucrats, both elected and unelected, because politicians are little more than “bureaucrats” when it comes down to it! These people justify all this by telling us they are following the advice of technocrats and assorted “experts”. But we all know the definition of an “expert”: An “ex” is a ‘has-been’, and a “spert” is a drip under pressure!

The Difference Between (Truthers and Trusters)

The key point here is that these people do not—let’s rinse n’ repeat those two words, “do not”—have our interests at heart! They never did really. And they definitely do not now.

They are “deocrats” in the purest sense of the concept.

At the risk of being unkind, those folks who believe these people have our interests at heart need a check-up from the neck-up! To paraphrase Whitney Webb, one of my ‘go-to’ writers on such matters, in placing our trust—either implicitly or explicitly—we might as well hand our brains to the deocrats in a bag!

We need to soak up this cogent reality day in and day out. We must never forget from one sunrise to the next whilst this monstrous charade continues to play out, that for these people, “freedom” is a dirty word. At least our notion of freedom is.

Their own notion of “freedom” however is another matter: they have a far different definition of the word than we do. Their idea of “freedom” is on the one hand the unfettered “freedom” to take away from and/or deny us as many of our existing “freedoms” as they can get away with doing, and beyond that reserve the option of imposing new and even more draconian curbs on the few they begrudgingly leave us with.

To rehash the very words of one of their glorified foot-soldiers cum mercenaries, the former CIA Director and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, theirs is the freedom to lie, to cheat, to steal. They “even have training courses!”

At the same time they are quietly (and not so) amassing for themselves ever greater “freedoms” to do whatever they like without any transparency, without accountability, without so much as a ‘by-your-leave’!

Their constitution defying diktats, edicts, mandates, and arbitrarily imposed rules and regulations have nothing to do with our public health in general, or about preserving the personal health, well-being, and welfare of ourselves, our families, and our communities. As we have already seen, these diktats etc., are a moving feast anyway, being made up on the fly.

Ask yourself this question: When was the last time any of you heard a politician say?: “We have too much power in our hands. It’s time to give some of that power back to the punters who backed us into office!”

Ask yourself who in fact do these politicians, bureaucrats, policy wonks, advisers, diplomats, experts, and technocrats work for? In whose interests and on whose behalf are they acting in formulating and implementing their ill-conceived, self-serving, destructive public proclamations and policies? I mean, if they’d gone out of their way to mismanage this bespoke crisis, they could not have done a better job.

Those amongst us who can’t seem to handle the truth about what’s happening to our country are of great concern. There are those who don’t want to know about what is the real driver of events! We all know people like that. They are all around us.

Some aren’t returning our phone calls, or answering our emails. Others are perhaps at best tolerating our concerns, our doubts, our fears about what’s unfolding. Some have struck us off their dance card.

We should, however, be patient with these people. Insofar as they will allow us to do so, we need to keep them on our dance card.

Let our peaceful, informed, measured, calm resistance be an example to them. Let it stand as a message to them. Perhaps at some point, an inspiration.

In recent posts I’ve referred to these people as “trusters”. They trust their political leaders. They trust the corporate, establishment media. They trust the pharmaceutical companies and the regulatory agencies which ‘oversee’ them! They trust in what their professional bodies and their trade unions and their employers tell them.

And in doing so they comply without question with their diktats, their edicts, their demands. When their own common sense, their own past experience should tell them there is no basis in reality for that “trust”. Yet in them they still “trust”—almost two years later!

As for those of us who are attuned to the larger, longer term agenda of the Covid Cultists—the aforesaid “New Normalites”—and are resisting it, I’ve referred to them as “truthers”! You all know who you are!

But there is a third group. And that “third group” is crucial for us to connect with if we wish to send a message to our respective state political leaders and legislators, to our Federal government and indeed, to all our political classes within this once great country right across the political spectrum.

That third group comprise the ones who aren’t as readily compliant or complacent as the trusters, and we all know people in this group too. These are people who do harbour grave concerns about the regime which the ‘Pandoras’ of the pandemic seek to impose on us. Perhaps they haven’t yet fully grasped the implications of their Grand Ambitions. But they smell a rat! They don’t really need the test results back from forensics to know there are carp in the cornflakes!

These are the people who are as yet undecided about what to do, which direction to head, how to respond. My belief is that this group far outweighs those “trusters”. If we can connect with them, we’re in with more than a half a chance. And we have to make a supreme effort to draw them into the fold.

To Those who Stand Tall in the Saddle (We Salute You)

Although this is directed to all, I wish to impart a special message to (and about) those people who have either lost their jobs or are at risk of losing them because you are taking a stand against this #NewNormal nonsense.

Those in particular who’ve resigned rather than slip into the submissive void of that aforementioned tyranny earn my deep admiration and gratitude. We know many of them. There are many more we don’t know I suspect.

In particular, those countless folks in the medical and healthcare professions and the broader scientific community are to be greatly admired for the stand they have taken against the Big Machine of their respective bureaucracies.

New ones are emerging each day. In their case it is the medical, academic, and public health bureaucracy; as we’ll see shortly, in my case it was the education bureaucracy. Same horse, different cowboy!

There’s no difference between these bureaucratic entities when it comes down to the wire. They are ruled by heartless, faceless, soulless, gutless facsimiles of real people. They spend most of their working and waking hours getting high on their own supply, kowtowing to their fly-by-night political masters when beckoned like ‘cap-in-hand’ courtiers in the courts of medieval kings, whilst building on the QT their own private little fiefdoms, their exclusive empires of enmity.

They have consistently demonstrated they haven’t a ‘skerrick’ of interest in our health, safety, security, welfare, well-being, or in that of our families or our communities. Or our country! They are Quislings! Judas Goats! Traitors! Declarations I don’t make lightly.

They ‘mos def’ have no interest in anything remotely resembling democracy, freedom, the rule of law, or adhering to the spirit or letter of our Constitution or our basic civil and human rights. These bureaucrats as a rule are a mutant sub-species all unto their own!

They have above all, no integrity, no empathy, no credibility. They treat us with disdain, with contempt, with malice aforethought! We should return the favour in spades.

These people are bought and paid for; they have sold whatever passed for a soul to that tiny, malevolent cabal of obscenely rich and insanely powerful people who, unseen and largely incognito, truly run this world in which we live. If you truly believe otherwise, a check-up from the neck-up might be in order!

At no previous point in our history of which I am aware has all this ever been more obvious, more plain to see.

Notwithstanding the propaganda and the censorship to which we’re constantly being bombarded, such insight has never been more easily or readily confirmed by those who do wish to discover for themselves what we’re up against, who’s really leading the frontal assault on everything we hold dear, what their grand, nefarious ambitions are.

The only way I see they can prevent this awakening is for them to shut down the internet (it’s on the cards), and herd us all into their internment camps. Which in case you haven’t been looking, they’re real, they’re up, and they’re operational!

As a former teacher of history, I can safely say all this. For that matter, as a former teacher of the only subject that really matters, I can just as safely say virtually everything I taught my students over the years is bollocks! Though I didn’t come to this realisation until well after I pulled up stumps as it were, and well before Covid reared its ugly head.

The emergence of this global pandemic ‘economy’ — the Covid Thing — has brought this harsh reality into sharp, fearful focus, for all but the most blind, the most ignorant, the most arrogant, the most insular of people to see.

To those people, I say this: your Mr McGoo-like myopia is our dystopia in the making!

And to those who have either lost their jobs or are at risk of losing their jobs because you are taking a stand against this tyranny, I know what you’re going through. I get this, I truly do.

As hinted earlier, for years I worked for the WA public education department. As an internal whistleblower, I fought numerous battles up the food chain to the highest level against the soulless, faceless, heartless, corrupt, morally bankrupt, and capricious bureaucracy. Now’s not the time for a blow by blow. No names, no pack-drill. No chapter and verse.

Suffice to say this: I fought hard against their hypocrisy, the misuse and abuse of power, their bullying, intimidation and their harassment, their arrogance, their double standards, their presumed—yet ultimately inflated—sense of privilege.

At first they ignored me. Then they closed ranks. They engaged in gaslighting, false accusation, character assassination. That’s what they do! And when that didn’t work, they eventually brought the power of the Big Machine of the Bureaucracy to bear on my ass and got rid of me.

In the end I never had a chance. In doing so, they took away my right and my ability to earn my living, my livelihood. The cost was considerable. As a contractor, there was no right of appeal.

Any legal remedy was out of the question. The cost of pursuing such would’ve only aggravated the situation for me personally and financially. Success, in any event, was far from assured. I moved on.

This explains why I so admire greatly people like Craig Backman and Krystle Mitchell, the two former Victorian police officers who resigned rather than slip into what I call the ‘submissive void’.

Why did I go up against the Big Machine? Why didn’t I just go along to get along? Why didn’t I just suck it up, cop it sweet, keep my trap shut! I did for awhile. But that got to me in the end.

See, I despise bullies, liars and hypocrites! I detest those who with supreme arrogance misuse and abuse their power and authority. I reserve a special contempt for those in public office who abuse the privileges and the prerogatives we invest in them.

I particularly detest politicians and bureaucrats who wield power over our daily lives in ways imaginable and unimaginable, seen and unseen, blithely evading at every turn both transparency and accountability. Their sense of entitlement knows few bounds.

Where is all this heading? There’s only one end-point to where this can go if we allow it. It will lead to a destination that almost certainly will not be to our liking nor to our individual or collective benefit.

To the extent they’ll even have the freedom to reflect on such, it will leave our descendants wondering why we let it get to this point. And despairing—with a mixture of outrage, fear, and anxiety—at our stupidity, our ignorance, [and] our complacency in doing so. That in essence my friends, is the “end-point”. A barren, heartless, lonely, mindless, soul-crushing, passionless, submissive void.

In summing up, there’s a wonderful meme doing the rounds at the moment. Some of you may have seen it. It goes like this: ‘The time will soon come when every single person who has remained silent will be forced to do one of two things. Get loud and resist. Or stay silent and comply.’ Before we can “get loud and resist”, we have to be able to handle the whole truth, and nothin’ but.

Can we handle the truth? Yes! I believe we can handle the truth! We do not have any other choice! The truth once embraced becomes then our sword, our armour, our shield. To be used defiantly against the Big Lie and those who would perpetrate and perpetuate it. Wield it with precision. With conviction. With valour. As if your life depended on it. It does my friends, it really does.

The following is perhaps a fitting coda. An anonymous person posted this on social media recently:

For all the ignorance in the world, we are still a curious species. I have no doubt that many who still have a wall of resistance up, know that something doesn’t look/feel right about all this…and they are paying attention. Keep shining the light you beautiful people!’

For some reason I liked that!…

It is said, ‘curiosity killed the cat, [and] information brought him back’. But a bit more of both — “curiosity” and “information” — might also kill the power and the presumed prerogatives of those who are forcing us to take the poison in it!

Because if we don’t, there’ll be more poison to follow. Of that we can be sure! These people don’t give up without a fight. In case you haven’t noticed, they fight dirty!

Amen to that truth pilgrims! Amen I say to all that!

Greg Maybury is a freelance writer based in Australia. His main areas of interest are US history and politics in general, with a special focus on economic, financial, national security, military, and geopolitical affairs. For 6+ years he has regularly contributed to a diverse range of alternative, independent media, news and opinion sites, including OffGuardian, Dissident Voice, OpEd News, The Greanville Post, Consortium News, and others. You can read more of his work by subscribing to his newsletter, or visiting his blog Pox Amerikana.


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Dec 5, 2021 10:45 PM

I find the best way to get people to think about “vax-ports” is to ask them:

“How many shots are you going to take?”

Then tell them the following:

“Canada has bought 135 million MORE shots for 38 million people. That’s 3 MORE each plus extra for spoilage and waste”

Then follow up with:

“Israel just took away privileges from 1.5 million people for refusing the 3rd injection. They’ve announced the 4th is coming. Lithuania is the same but announcing the 4th & 5th shots”

And finally leave them with this thought:

“You can say “NO” at zero injections or you can say “NO” at 3, 4, 5 and the result is the same. When you REFUSE you lose all your PRIVILEGES because you have NO RIGHTS. You gave them away when you agreed to the vaccine passport”

Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury
Dec 5, 2021 10:40 AM

Friends, Still wading through the comments, and appreciate the efforts people made to post relevant material in the comments. Some of this I’ve seen before, but there’s a lot I haven’t. Keeping up with it all is a FTJ. I will continue to explore more of it.

Again, the following might be on interest. I posted this also on my SM pages recently. Click on link first to see pic. All will be revealed after.

comment image?dl=0

More Dispatches from the No 🙅 Vax Zone — Behind Closed Doors, Inside the Pfizer Waiting Room!

I saw this (click on link above) in my doctor’s surgery the other day. One can only speculate what in pfact a “Pfizer Waiting Room” is in the pfirst instance, and why it would command prime real estate in a medical practitioner’s premises? Yet it got me thinking off-piste, admittedly not always a good idea as a few of my nearest n’ dearest will attest to. 

And the result of all that musing? Here’s a great promotional pitch for all you Pfizer marketing gurus (“Scotty”, you be paying attention old son?) Why not sponsor—wait for it—“Pfizer Waiting Rooms” in every mortuary, funeral home and crematorium on both sides of the equator? Or a “Pfizer Viewing Room”. Perhaps call it the “Pfizer RIP/VIP*” Departure Lounge (sorry), the “VIP” an acronym for Vaccine Indisposed Persons. Like that huh? A winner for sure.

But no need to stop there. Let’s spit-ball a bit more shall we? The possibilities really are endless, the brand enhancement potential unlimited. Here be another!  👉  Stake out a large acreage of ‘terra firma’ in every burial ground and boneyard from Tibooburra to Timbuktu and back again, and designate it exclusively for your former clients (as noted, now sadly “RIP/VIP”, but let’s not quibble). Call it “The Pfizer Plot”, an exclusive, “Members-Only” gated community for the DD of sorts! Just like the Catholics, Calvinists, and Calithumpians have their own eternally designated plot of The Good Earth. They’ll only have to flash their ‘vaxtix’ to gain entry, and a lifetime leasehold will of course be assured. How ironic huh? Yet appropriate? 

Anyways, all your former Covid Congregants (the vaccine faithful) would all appreciate these gestures I’m sure. And if the area so designated is located on elevated ground (remember real estate is all about “location, location, location” even in the after-life… 🤔 hmm, especially in the afterlife!) they’ll have a better view–a front-row seat if you like–of your medically-induced apocalyptic s**t-show as its unfolding in the wake (sorry) of their untimely demise.

And for an additional fee, you can always offer a RIP/VIP “Access all Areas/Backstage Pass” to the dearly departed for the ‘after show’ party, if/whenever it takes place. The ‘value-add’ to your brand equity would be well, immeasurable. A bit like the body-count I guess. But once again I quibble!

Oh one more thing: No charge for my “great idea”, it’s a ‘freebie’. Consider it my personal expression of appreciation and gratitude for all the great work you pfolks be doing. It’s the least I can do. But don’t dilly-dally my ‘pfriends’; your competitors will be on to this before you can say: “Hey, have you had your third, fourth, fifth?… booster clot-shot yet!?” Best to be a leader in these things, not a “me-too!”

Hey come on guys, ‘we’ jus’ be f**kin’ wit’ yo’ ‘eads! Like you be doing with our lives!…Are we there yet Mum?

Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury
Dec 5, 2021 8:58 AM

To all Off Guardians, Great to see such fervour against the tyranny. Thanks for reading, and your passion for the fight. Feel free to share. We need to keep the messages flowing. Some might find the following of interest. FYI. Posted on SM recently…GM More Dispatches from the No Vax Zone — The Great Global Gulag Gambit (New Season) Omargod, it‘s #Omicron…the all new, all singing, all dancing, one-size-fits-all Moronic Mutant Variant Zombie Premium Strain of Covid. Quelle surprise?…coming soon to a breathing space near you! Out with the Old Fear, In with the New Fear! With the intro out of the way…those of us (ahem) “woke” to this monotonous, yet monstrous shell-game—being played out as it is behind a smokescreen inside a hall of mirrors and ‘carny-barkered’ by mutant mongrels, miscreants and misanthropes—are not at all surprised by this latest product offering from the marketing geniuses-in-residence behind The Great Global Gulag Gambit. The only surprise for most will be how long it took for them to launch it. And the only question will be: is this the beta version or is it the full Monty!? Desperation, like its close cousin fear, shares a peculiar aroma, one that’s all pervasive, and for those of us with an eye for such things, unmistakable. This time the “fear” is that of the #NewNormalites and the #GreatResetters and their ilk. You know, the perps who released the Covid “Kraken” in the first instance. Theirs is a palpable fear that the public fear—a bit like the chewing gum that loses its flavour on the bedpost overnight—is wearing thin, with the only thing them having to fear now is no fear itself (thx FDR) in order to keep the populace duly alarmed and clamorous for protection from those ubiquitous, malevolent microbial monsters looking to do… Read more »

Janey B
Janey B
Dec 4, 2021 2:26 AM

This is ultimately about our collective absolute human rights. This is the hill we should die on.

Human Rights: Our Most Sacred Trust

Dec 3, 2021 6:03 PM

Time for an Off Off guardian,

charles kint
charles kint
Dec 3, 2021 5:42 AM


Dec 3, 2021 4:07 AM

Being a Truther since my teenage days. Many decades passed and I do NOT comply with these 1% of sickos and their weaklings.They could gimme a farm or a house by the water of 10, 20, 100 millions of dollars and that will not buy my integrity and firm convictions. They became so lame they are offering ‘escort’ ladies in exchange to poison with some chemical slime and a bad one into the weaklings. Am I strong human being and if comes to quit my awesome job in order to Stay Clean I will quit my job cause I am strong and I will find another thing to do cause I have arms and a Brain unlike the weaklings trusters. Beg to discord with the author when comes to forgive the trusters, I already despise many of them and cutted relations because I do not want weaklings around me and their servitude for the parasitic 1%.

Dec 3, 2021 3:24 AM

I recently felt the sting of the machine’s blade. A double Covid whammy if you will. Living in the extremely cruel and hypnotised state of the author I was simultaneously evicted by my landlord for not being injected with experimental products and refused training as student teacher. I was into my second year of studying to be a primary school teacher, but you cannot get a practice placement if you aren’t pricked. I’m now assuredly about to experience the third indignity as the overwhelming portion of employment opportunities are denied me due to my medical status. But I shall continue to resist. I will starve to death on the steps of parliament if need be.

Dec 3, 2021 6:26 PM
Reply to  Dollyboy

What a beautiful, courageous, Spirit you are. I can tell that you KNOW deeeply that you did not come here to kneel down this! I am with you and will end up doing the same thing if it comes to it.

Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury
Dec 5, 2021 9:09 AM
Reply to  Dollyboy

Dollyboy, I am appalled at the treatment you’ve received, though not surprised. Ive been away from the classroom for some time, so was not aware of what trainee teachers were facing. Putting that aside, I believe you’ve done the right thing, though I do appreciate how difficult this must have been, and is. But for what it is worth, the teaching profession is not where you want to be, Covid or no Covid! It ain’t what is used to be, and hasn’t been for decades. Find something else you’re passionate about, and go with that. Something you can pursue without having to answer to someone else. Though in these days–pending how things pan out with all this–that may be easier said than done. Take care mon ami. Stay strong, remain righteous! GM

Dec 2, 2021 10:53 PM

And it is all about handling the truth. The incredulously heinous crimes again humanity. Crimes being committed by our government, the MSM and the medical community. It is so incredulous that one cannot wrap his or her mind around the concept that these institutions are knowingly and wantingly killing and maiming us with a vaccine that was never needed. More and more people are figuring it out. It won’t be that much longer before we are no longer in the minority. It is simple: The stats don’t lie. It is not conspiracy. The conspiracy lies in the why. And we already know that answer. For now climate change and the Great Reset are irrelevant. Just focus on the now. The contradictory data clearly and effectively proves they are lying. The question is why. I would be willing to bet that 90% of our politicians don’t know what is real and what is not. They are just going with the flow and doing what the minority extremist screamers want. Extremism is demonstration of ignorance. An expert is someone who knows everything there is to know in a very narrow field. There is no such thing as a narrow field. The answer to solve this mess is to vote the motherfuckers out of office. Period. The latest poles indicate that the Republicans are going to take over Congress after the 2022 elections. If Republicans get the Presidency then all of this bullshit is gone. Put WHO and the United Nations in the trash. Fuck the accord. Fund a hypersonic defense system so we can tell the Chinese and Russians to Fuck Off. Put the Biden family in jail along with the Clintons. Hold them accountable. Everyone involved in the vaccine murders needs to be held accountable. Heinous crimes require capital punishment. Try… Read more »

Dec 2, 2021 9:19 PM

Everybody should know the truth.

All you need to know:

The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Stuttgart have made world history.

Here you can find the decision of the BGH, AZ.: I ZR 62-16 from 1.12.2016

The BGH and the Higher Regional Court Stuttgart have refuted all allegations about the suspected “measles virus”, the infection of measles and the measles vaccination.

Even more, it is now the case law of the highest court that the entire virology has been refuted.

You can find out why this is so in this text.

Here you can find the important judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, AZ.: 12 U 63/15 from 16.02.2016

– wissenschafftplus.de

TRUST ULTRA TRUST NAOMI – https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/

Blog: https://coronistan.blogspot.com

Dec 2, 2021 9:15 PM
Dec 2, 2021 8:46 PM

re Graphene in the “vaccines”:

Graphene Razor Blades In The P0!$0N Clotshot – Dr. Andreas Noack

… and the German Original:

DR. ANDREAS NOACK DEAD! ‘murdered’ in exposing graphene oxide in injections

Dec 3, 2021 12:33 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

I had a look and left a comment, which didn’t get accepted because I wasn’t logged in. So I log in successfully and then can’t comment. Nice. Brand New (but not improved) Tube strikes!

The presenter is right; We don’t know. The pregnant woman in the video spoke standing. If she was as distraught as she appeared to be, then wasn’t she sitting? Was that manipulation to get us to feel anxious instead of think clearly? As another commenter noted, she was vague. She didn’t begin by giving us her name (unless I missed it). She gave us no details at any point but she did instruct us to ‘implement his plan’. What plan? What was she talking about? I’m supposed to implement someone’s plan, on demand, when I don’t even know what that plan is?

Dec 3, 2021 2:41 AM
Reply to  Arby

Haven’t you watched the earlier video first (the one on odysee)?
The second one just relates to that one.

Jeremy Bright about what has been found in PCR tests
(fibres are tiny tubes filled with fluid)
comment image

Dec 3, 2021 3:55 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

I’m watching the first vid now. It’s very interesting and disconcerting. He mentions that if you hit a vein when injecting people with the covid-related products then you’re increasing the chances of their having a negative reaction right away. If you inject the product into muscle, which they are supposed to do as far as I know, then the effects don’t necessarily show right away. But, as I learned from reading “What Really Makes You I’ll?,” even stuff injected into muscle tissue makes it’s way into the bloodstream. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work? I pay attention, but I possess no specialized knowledge about chemistry or medicine and have to rely on what others have said and I’m not always even going to catch some of the basics, so if I sound stupid, that’s because in some areas I will be.

What I said in my first comment is nothing I wouldn’t have said had I seen both vids first, by the way.

It appears that Dr Noak is unaware that the covid 19 pandemic is a hoax.

Dec 3, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Interesting item near the end of this Jeremy Bright video:
The notion, which I had never heard of before, that it is possible to get the jab toxins out of your body – but the sooner the better…

The non-layman protocols are outlined here, if you scroll down to near the bottom:

Help & Advice (openglos.co.uk)

Dec 3, 2021 3:47 PM
Reply to  Arby

I agree. This is difficult in some ways.

Noack’s video made chemical/scientific sense, and fits perfectly with the relentless pressure upon us all to get jabbed.
If the intention is population culling, then it could hardly be stated more explicitly that this would be a good way of carrying it out.

The second video is:

  • Overdone: (the familiar ‘sob, sob’ tone, used by talentless, fake actors)
  • Over-staged (hands over womb and twitching body language)
  • Badly scripted (nothing said that anybody might not say in any unremarkable Hollywood movie)

Perhaps Noack was simply threatened to the point where he would voluntarily disappear, and this lady would put a public face on it all?
I have no idea, but at any rate, his alleged departure from this life deserves better than this.

Perhaps a scientist with some knowledge of Noack’s work, calmly sitting down and hammering home what his work was all about and reiterating his main point, that Austria’s authorities have taken it upon themselves to spawn a new generation of murderers… now that might have hit the mark.

Dec 3, 2021 7:09 PM
Reply to  wardropper


Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury
Dec 5, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

TT, I saw this and posted it everywhere. Thanks for posting the extra link. GM

Dec 2, 2021 8:35 PM

The only way this ends is when houses start getting painted. There is no other choice. They will never acquiesce without it.

Dec 2, 2021 8:23 PM

I am so relieved that I honored my inner knowing to NEVER, EVER use my womb to bring forth other beings here to this dark realm. I get so angry when dumbed down people, who do no research whatsoever create children, then have them vaccinated throughout their life. These ghouls, who have manufactured ALL PLANdemics have tried this current medical tyranny time and time again and have perfected it—while using hypnotism, mind sorcery/programming and brainwashing consistently to stop people from critically thinking and using their instincts and intuition to KNOW deeply that all this “germ theory” medical fraud is the cloak for genetically modifying us through their many experimentation projects that has been happening for EONS.

There have never been any “life saving vaccines” that are safe—just as there has NEVER, EVER been any “deadly viruses” proven through the isolation and purification process to show transmissibility. We have NEVER been infectious, biological weapons. It’s a convenient, deadly, dangerous lie/scam/swindle to get inside our bloodstream with their POISONS, while it’s cloaked as a “treatment.” UGH! I am sick (pun intended) of all of it; especially with those who question NONE OF IT.

Our society is the product of an inter-multi-dimensional race of beings that moves and breathes — and even breeds — beneath the surface of all of human history. “THEY” feed on us via our suffering and use that energy for power. They also sustain their physical form by ingesting the hue-man’s blood.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Dec 2, 2021 7:25 PM

A well reasoned article (IMHO) but its got one peculiar twist to it, the Covid angle. We in the US are aware that the entire Covid denial thing was a political ploy cooked up by the very people who this article ‘outs’. Sure, there’s Big Pharma making hay and lots of other opportunists, big and small, grabbing their slice of the action but at the root of it all is naked power, the need for a neo-Fascist clique maintain and extend their power. That they’d then co-opt large segments of the population to support them in the name of freedom is the ultimate irony. We can, and should, debate Covid outside this envelope. Opinions and statistics differ. I, for one, prefer the KoolAid this time around because its enabled us to live a normal life (I live in California where we have a very high vaccination rate, low infection rate and few public health restrictions). But we should never lose sight of who the puppet masters are and what their motivations are. As this article points out our leaders rarely care about the lives and fates of ordinary people, they might make the right noises if there’s an election to be won but ultimately we’re just cannon fodder. The same is true of Covid — it matters little that the rubes suffer high infection rates and significant numbers die because the puppet masters have their access sorted out. (So someone like Trump can go around infecting people while denying his infection because when it eventually catches up with him he’s got access to all sorts of treatment options denied to the rank and file.) All that matters is the appearances, the winning and the consolidation of power and if three quarters of a million mostly old people die off as… Read more »

Dec 2, 2021 8:29 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I ran from CA July 2020 to a more “red” state… best decision I made.

Dec 2, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher


New Name
New Name
Dec 3, 2021 3:34 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Minus 10.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 2, 2021 7:04 PM

Some say that the choice to know will be yours, whereas others predict a frozen moment when everyone sees what is on the end of every fork.


John David Podesta Jr. (born January 8, 1949) is an American political consultant who served as White House Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton from 1998 to 2001 and Counselor to President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2015. Before that, he served in the Clinton Administration as White House Staff Secretary from 1993 to 1995 and White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations from 1997 to 1998. He is the former president, and now Chair and Counselor, of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a think tank in Washington, D.C., as well as a Visiting Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center and was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.[1] Additionally, he was a co-chairman of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.[2][3][4]

https: // en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Podesta
Anthony Thomas Podesta (born October 24, 1943) is an American lobbyist best known for founding the Podesta Group.[1][2] He was formerly one of Washington’s most powerful lobbyists and fundraisers.[3][4][5] Podesta and the Podesta Group were under federal investigation regarding compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act for their work for a Ukrainian group tied to the pro-Russian former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych beginning in 2012. The investigation was closed in September 2019 without charges being brought.[6] Podesta was born in Chicago, where he was raised, with his Greek-American mother Mary, first-generation Italian American immigrant father John Sr., and his brother John Podesta Jr.[7]

Carol Brouillet
Carol Brouillet
Dec 2, 2021 6:35 PM

Sometimes I am so busy “organizing” that I don’t “have time” to read the “news” or my favorite sources of news- like Off-Guardian, but I am glad that I read this today as it gives me even more energies for my day’s tasks which is organizing a solidarity protest with the Australians, who have sent their SOS to the world – See https://www.reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au/sos/. If you are near San Francisco, join us Noon til 2 pm at the Australian Consulate, 575 Market Street, SF! Or if you are hunkering under house arrest somewhere, you could always sign one of the petitions by clicking on your country’s flag at the link posted. Sadly, the struggle is global…

Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury
Dec 6, 2021 9:06 AM

Hi Carol, Appreciate your support for us here Down Under. Glad you liked the article. Though I do wish I was writing about something far less disturbing than what we’re all facing. By all means share the article. Stay strong, remain righteous! Best, GM

Dec 2, 2021 4:57 PM

I’d like to link this article from global research on what’s happening to Indigenous people in Australia’s Northern Territories. Not because everyone doesn’t already know about it; but because of the filthy, rotten “White Man” (sorry alt right) designation of these individuals as “living in crowded conditions.” Of course: when you force an essentially nomadic people off the land into tiny ghettoes, what the fuck do you expect but overcrowding? Self-fulfilling prophecy much?

Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts to Quarantine Camps – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 2, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Howard
John Kable
John Kable
Dec 2, 2021 3:35 PM

All the mandates have not a single thing to do with any virus or vaccine. They have to do with your submission. If you submit, you are voluntarily removing any limit on what the Psychopaths In Charge might do to you. If you submit to taking a vaccine with zero long term testing, a horrible adverse event record, and the makers not held liable, how do you justify not submitting to the “officials” and “experts” taking your 14 year old daughter into custody for “examination”?

Dec 2, 2021 3:28 PM

No matter how benevolent or benign the intent, it’s always inappropriate and wrong for adults to involve children in their squabbles.

New Name
New Name
Dec 3, 2021 3:37 AM
Reply to  jimbojames

There is nothing benevolent in this. It is depopulation.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 2, 2021 2:41 PM

From Midnight’s Children

“Children are the vessels into which adults pour their poison.”

– Salman Rushdie –
(Born June 19, 1947)

Dec 3, 2021 12:42 AM

Salman Rushdie (from his website): “If anybody right now deserves to be called a hero, it’s this 16-year-old girl Greta Thunberg. There’s this extraordinary girl, who has in the course of one year galvanised a global movement to energise young people to protest about climate change.”

Salman Rushdie – FAIL

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Dec 2, 2021 1:52 PM

Bam Bam’s sign should read “You should be protecting me. Not the other way around”

Dec 2, 2021 1:32 PM

I gave myself a booster shot today by digging up this highly encouraging clip from August:

Even if one might quibble about this and that concerning ‘vaccines’, the level of scum with which we are dealing comes across just perfectly.
They are shamed into silence – they don’t even interrupt him.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 2, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Thanks, I’d not seen that one before. This is Matt Walsh on the Lefty-Liberal attempt to change the meaning of “satire”.

Gay Choir Launches DAMAGE CONTROL Campaign After Posting Outrageous Video
Jul 13, 2021
Matt Walsh
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir recently posted a video proclaiming that they are “coming for your children.” After this was met with immense backlash, they came out with a lazy attempt at damage control.

Dec 2, 2021 5:58 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I watched that a while back and I’m glad it was brought up again. Hopefully it continues to inspire people.

Dec 3, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  NoThanks

Well it sure inspires me 🙂

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 2, 2021 1:08 PM

Trusters? Yes, I know one. His argument is that politicians can never agree on anything yet all the politicians in the world are agreed on the Covid narrative so it must be true.

Dec 2, 2021 1:36 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Our counter-argument is simply that all the politicians in the world are now afraid of the power of the corporations that have bribed, corrupted and blackmailed them.
It isn’t even a secret any more.

Why else would Pelosi think it’s okay to show up in public in the state she’s sometimes in?
Why else would senility be a positive feature in the successful candidate’s campaign to be President?

Because they have a job to do.
And representing the American people is not their real job.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 2, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s a hard conceptual leap to come to the conclusion that they are all puppets of a small hegemonic group that exercises real power, and the Magufuli example cuts no ice, either.

Dec 2, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Yes. It is a hard leap.
But when I think of all the thousands of people who have had a good scientific training – scientific in the sense that you follow the facts, wherever they lead – I still find it astonishing that more of them haven’t got together in unstoppably large groups to put some very large spanners in the works of this scam.

I could understand my long-deceased mother finding such conceptual leaps very difficult, but not my young scientist relatives.
My hunch is that they know, but they simply don’t want to lose their jobs and their livelihoods…

Dec 2, 2021 6:10 PM
Reply to  wardropper

My cousin, who has worked in cancer research for over 20 years, is a great example of someone so entrenched in the system as to never question the root assumptions of it. Assumptions that viruses or genetics cause cancer have lead him down endless rabbit holes and research experiments, but at no point has he questioned that cancer might simply be the culmination of accumulated toxicity—because that would require a shift away from all of his germ theory indoctrination and into accepting terrain theory principles. He’s like an “expert” tree analyst who can’t see the forest around him…and if he could, he’d realize that he’s been inside of a parking lot Christmas tree tent for a couple decades.

But also, yes…a lot of people aren’t willing to risk their jobs, especially after accumulating massive college debt just prior to getting those jobs.

Dec 3, 2021 12:54 AM
Reply to  NoThanks

Andrew Kaufman talks to Brian Rose and some pretty interesting subjects come up, such as “The Ruination Of Doctors.”

I use the analogy of speaking Klingon. Virology (and much of Rockefeller medicine) is like speaking Klingon, a real language that you can learn and become expert in and speak in with others who also know it. But Klingons don’t exist. If you become an expert in Klingon, Will you then admit that Klingons don’t exist? Well, probably yes. It’s going to be a lot harder to say that they’re too small to just show you or some such nonsense. If they were as small as particles the size of purported viruses, then they very well might disagree with you about the existence of Klingons and tell you that you are wrong and insist that you follow the science or evidence. It’s called false pride.

Dec 2, 2021 10:33 PM
Reply to  wardropper

They just want to “live their lives” and so they ignore what is happening. When a small kernel of doubt comes through, they quash that as quickly as possible and go back to just living their lives. Of course there is the one big excuse to fall back on as well – “what can I do about it? Nothing.” So they get their shot, they tell themselves it’ll all be OK if they simply ignore it all. If they ignore the oncoming train, surely it won’t hit them, right?

Dec 3, 2021 1:06 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

My sister agrees with me about most of this evil hoax, but she finally caved and got jabbed, telling me that she just wanted her old life back. And she was, like myself, a Bible student. What was the lesson of Lot, his wife, and Sodom and Gomorrah? Angels told Lot to pack up his family and leave Sodom and Gomorrah and not look back, for it was about to be destroyed. Lot and family obeyed, but the wife, en route, turned and looked back and was instantly turned into a pillar of salt. I honestly don’t believe that God would have turned someone into a pillar of salt for looking back, physically, in a situation like that. The only sin that the wife would have committed in looking back, then, is if she had looked back as in ‘desired her old life’ in a wicked place that was so wicked, God was going to destroy it then and there. How wicked? Lot was entertaining his two angelic visitors (who had materialized human bodies for a time) in his home in Sodom when he found his house surrounded by a mob who called to him to hand over the strangers (in male form) so that they could have sex with them! “Excuse me Lot, but would you mind if we rape your visitors?” The angels with Lot then struck the mob with blindness and went on to give Lot important instructions. (Genesis chapter 19) Is the story true? Are details of the story a little lost in translation? I don’t know. But there are some important truths in that story regardless.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 3, 2021 1:17 AM
Reply to  Arby

But she won’t get her old life back. Even if she gets every booster she will still have to wear a mask and isolate and take tests.

Dec 3, 2021 2:35 PM
Reply to  Arby

As Sophie says, your sister didn’t get her old life back, did she?
Because covid is making the very air she breathes as toxic as chlorine.
What kind of life is that?

Religion is a reality for me too, but we are not getting unmistakable instructions from God any more, as our species used to in the Old Testament.
For me, the religious question is simply this: Have the times of the Apocalypse arrived, when the Beast will be allotted a certain period in which to rule, and we will be helpless to resist?
Or are we supposed to do something more tangible, using our own initiative, for the further physical evolution of mankind?

Nuremberg, for all its dramatic importance, never prevented the regular subsequent emergence of large groups of evil people, so I still haven’t come up with any ideas that might work…

Dec 3, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Well, I don’t read anything that Sophie writes. I can’t tell others what to believe, but I do believe in God. There’s too much, for me, that argues for God. I was a Bible student with Jehovah’s Witnesses (who everyone loves to hate; which should make thinking people ask Why?). Unlike with churchgoers, Witnesses actually study the Bible in their meetings. And no one dresses special and everyone addresses the congregation. I did a few times myself. I enjoyed it. It turns out that I handle English well. I love words. I don’t have a flowery vocabulary but I just like using words. Anyway, I might not get all of the Bible – in the sense of understanding and in the sense of understanding but having a hard time accepting what I’m reading – but I do know what it is telling us. Most self-identified Christians have not be taught properly what is in their Bible. I’ve seen some fairly impressive understanding of aspects of the Christian Bible by some who clearly are missing some big things. And I learned to think about some things differently, with what I feel are good conclusions, from critics of the Bible. It’s actually very easy to show that we are close to the end of this cruel, perverted system from the Bible. Again, I’m convinced. Others may not agree or may choose to not agree. That’s fine. I have mentioned by blog post “WHO’s “One Hour” Reign” many times on OG. Possibly you missed it. If you’re interested, check it out. If the Bible doesn’t interest you, that’s fine. Skip it. Correct, God has been absent – in some ways – from mankind’s affairs for some time. We were told that he would be. We were also told (by Paul, I think, who… Read more »

Dec 3, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  Arby

By the way, Jehovah’s Witnesses have, I see (in relation to covid 19), been misled by their wayward shepherds. But, as the Christian Bible admonishes us to do, I buy truth itself. I don’t buy an organization or charismatic individual or leader or, uncritically, a particular body of knowledge. I am honest in other words. I buy truth, which is not the same as being unerring. It means that I choose to believe and teach what I believe to be the truth, which is the best that anyone can do.

Dec 2, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

God I hope I’m wrong on this, but I fear if I read one more time how the people have a hard time accepting that their elected “leaders” are corrupt – my head will explode!

Every single freakin’ time the “leaders” pass a new tax or any law the people don’t like – they scream bloody murder! “They’re all crooks!” comes rolling out of the electorate’s collective mouth with each new tax.

So, what, they suddenly become true political believers when these same crooks tell them to duck for cover there’s a virus a-comin’? I don’t buy it.

I don’t know what it is; but I sure as hell know what it ain’t! And it ain’t that people can’t accept their “leaders” as corrupt pigs who drink at the public trough!

Dec 3, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury
Dec 6, 2021 9:09 AM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, Makes my head spin too. G

Dec 3, 2021 12:45 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Nice try. But… FAIL!

Dec 2, 2021 11:56 AM

Okay, click bait here.


1. Get a few thousand empty glass jars ready, call them the swear box.
2. Make sure you have no sniffles. You are going to need to breathe through your nose, because you’re going to have to strap your mouth closed so its doesn’t violently hit the floor.

So here we go. Sit back, listen and start chucking the coins in, as Dr David Wiesman gives his take on all things around Vaccines, Safety Data and the like.


Dec 2, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  TFS

I’d prefer Daniel Horowitz to encourage more than just the few remaining ‘honest’ Republicans to oppose all this crap.
Given well-documented Republican corruption over many decades, he might at least have encouraged the ‘honest’ Democrats to join him.

This is all way beyond party politics, and he ought to be ashamed not to realize that.

Dec 2, 2021 11:53 AM
  • not really seeing the overall point here – ‘can you handle the truth’??? – well, really, I expect most, probably all except the odd troll, are here because we **demand** the truth, or at least an honest search for it – people who are committed to ‘the official story’ (about the scamdemic or any of the fake narratives about the last few decades) are very unlikely to be darkening the screens tuned to OffG …. and it’s not ‘our children are next’, our children have been getting injected with this whatever-evil-thing-it-is drug all over the world for months, with most of the rest targeted – including Australia many months ago –
Dec 2, 2021 11:48 AM


Dec 2, 2021 10:28 AM

AZN find the solution to those blood clots…


Phew, just in time to cash in – that was fortunate!

Dec 2, 2021 10:27 AM

Brilliant well said.

Dec 2, 2021 10:16 AM

Hello Aussielanderers. G’day mates!

This is Ned
comment image

Remember him? …Didn’t think so, no. So, when you’re loafing around in your homes all day, intimidated, scared and bored, why not take the time and check him out. Might give you an idea or two…

Toodle pip!

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Dec 3, 2021 10:42 AM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

Who doesn’t remember or know about him?

Dec 3, 2021 9:33 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Yeah, it’s Jack Dorsey, the soon-to-be Twitter ex-CEO, isn’t it?

Funny, he looks a bit like Mick Jagger! I never noticed that before.

Dec 4, 2021 8:56 AM
Reply to  Ort

Close your eyes, what do you hear? An Irish bushranger ca. 1880 AD. Stella performance! Master thespian, our Mick!

Dec 4, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

No, wait, wrong clip!

Oh my god, this is awful. What were they thinking?

Dec 2, 2021 10:03 AM

Here in Draghistan they’re jabbing 5yos from 23rd December.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Dec 2, 2021 12:04 PM
Reply to  mojo

Non ti preoccupare compagno.Ci sarà resistenza, ora e sempre ….

Dec 2, 2021 12:13 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Compagna  😊 

Comunque intorno a me vedo solo conformismo, assuefazione e poca resistenza.

I’m a parent and the vast majority of those around me will take their lickle lambs to the slaughter.

Dec 2, 2021 9:57 AM

Look what we have already tolerated. Enough is enough!
comment image

Dec 2, 2021 11:12 AM
Reply to  fame

comment image

Dec 2, 2021 8:36 PM
Reply to  fame

And “deadly viruses” have never ever ever ever EVER been proven to exist. EVER.

Dec 2, 2021 9:27 AM

A few days ago my sister, who told me last January the “ vaccines “ will save us ( her husband works for big pharmaceutical), informed me that she had just got over having Covid-19 and it was like being to hell and back plus wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I poised the question don’t the “ vaccines “ prevent you from getting the virus ?

Now, you would have expected an answer either yes or no such as does this bread look and taste mouldy or is the water in the pond frozen which requires a simple yes or no.

However, this was not the response I received but a litany of mitigation straight out of the MSM/ State Broadcaster script. Such as it stopped me having to go into hospital or my friend died from it because she didn’t have the “ vaccine “. So I made a statement instead and said so the vaccines don’t work. Her next line was you only care about prevention of deaths but not increased infection rates.

Alas, she could not see that these experimental gene therapy “ vaccines “ do neither and she is far from being alone in this. It’s astounding how easy it is for these rats pack of Satanists to deceive people to believe black is white but I shouldn’t not be surprised because they have been practicing their evil trade for many a century.

People will either see through this Scamdemic or they won’t. Unfortunately, many never will no matter how many facts are put to them or how much they suffer because of it.

Nevertheless more and more people, are seeing through the tissue of lies hence why so many are refusing the boosters.

While their is life their hope!

Dec 2, 2021 10:01 AM
Reply to  Brianborou


Dec 2, 2021 11:33 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Stop calling it a vaccine. It’s a form of mRNA gene therapy. It’s a DRUG.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 2, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  Grafter

AZ is a chimpanzee cold virus

Dec 2, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Notice on the first line I put “ vaccines “ in inverted commas so people would grasp the point !

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 2, 2021 3:50 PM
Reply to  Grafter

It’s a poison.

Dec 2, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Therapy? Really?

Dec 3, 2021 1:10 AM
Reply to  fame

Indeed. But it’s a step up from just vaccine. I very much hate the word therapy here, although I understand it’s use.

Dec 2, 2021 7:46 PM
Reply to  Grafter

What do you mean by ‘therapy’?
Stop calling it a therapy. It’s a poison.

Dec 3, 2021 1:14 AM
Reply to  Terrestrial

The therapy aspect is simply ‘their’ description of what an mRNA injection does. They are full of crap, so there’s no therapy happening at all, but the point is that they layer on their lies so that what they themselves refer to as gene therapy is now a vaccine.

Meanwhile, as Jon Rappoport points out, they have ‘never’ cured anything via their gene therapy.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 4, 2021 4:15 AM
Reply to  Terrestrial

+ 1

Dec 2, 2021 11:57 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Experimental Gene Poison – for fuck sake get it right.

Dec 3, 2021 7:32 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Most people won’t see through the scam because they trust the government and its representatives simplicity. It’s easier this way as then they don’t have read and think.

The government and the MSM take advantage of this by incessantly repeating the same messaging – vaccines will save you and yours! Failure to get vaccinated will likely kill you.

There is no mention that less than 1% of the people who get Covid wind up in the hospital and of this small percentage, only a very small percentage of the hospitalized will die. Yet, if you watch the daily MSM rpeorts, they would have you thinking that people are falling over dead right in front of you and you have to step over them all day long.

What will convince these people is if the unexplained death count after recent Covx or booster shots keeps growing. Even worse,if a lot of kids start dying after vaccination.

Dec 2, 2021 6:32 AM

“Looking ahead towards the end of 2021, at current vaccination rates, only Bulgaria and Ireland will remain below the 75% threshold, with most EU member states reaching 100% vaccination rates (Figure 1). This allows us to assess which EU member states will be able to fully benefit from the first disbursement of EU funding as the vaccine rollout advances.”


Dec 2, 2021 7:27 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Except the the vaccinated will become unvaccinated approximately one month after their last booster.

How are they planning spending Christmas in Gibraltar, with compliance greater than 100%?

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 2, 2021 8:54 AM
Reply to  Orthus

Good point. The 100% vaccination regime in Gibraltar (and increasingly elsewhere) means that the PTB have no further place to go, apart from, more lockdowns more ‘variants’ and more jabs. That should be the end of the matter, but of course it is not such thing. There will be an unending regime of new boosters, new variants, new proclamations, new and more arbitrary rules and a complete collapse of the economy with hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of unemployed.

The health system is also collapsing with hundreds of thousands of the sick with deadly diseases – cancer, heart disease, Alzheimers, Type 1 diabetes among others. Adieu NHS! The taxation base has been raided by the PTB for short term measures such as lockdowns, unemployment pay, the new concentration camps, and paying off big Pharma’s toxic concoctions. In short the economy is going bust and societal collapse is on the cards.

Welcome to our Brave New World


”Oh wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How Beauteous mankind is! O Brave New World
That has such a people in it!

The Tempest Act 5, Scene 1.

Prospero retorts: ‘Tis new to thee!’ Shakespeare is also using the phrase ironically, so Aldous Huxley’s novel not only takes its title from Shakespeare but is also mirroring its tone

Dec 2, 2021 9:33 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

And you believe the stated compliance figures… why exactly? These stories of 100%+ compliance are thinly-veiled mockery of those who believe their stats. The motive for lying is obvious – to induce feelings of isolation and hopelessness (not that they really need a motive to lie, it’s just what they do).

Nice propping up of the Shakespeare myth as well. ‘The Tempest’ is one of the most esoteric plays with marked parallels to Bacon’s ‘The New Atlantis’. It happened to be No.1 in the Folio and No.1 in the Tarot major arcana is ‘The Magician’ which I take as not just a reference to Prospero but to the Folio’s creator. The plays in the Folio mirror the Tarot suggesting an Occult hand was behind it. Still, some bloke from Stratford who didn’t leave one letter, diary or manuscript was the author?…

Dec 2, 2021 3:47 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Some thoughts on Shakespeare.

One doesn’t leave letters (except for politicians). One sends letters to others, which then become the property of others. And others are prone to tossing letters in the garbage. “He might be famous one day and these letters will be a gold mine” is pretty 20th Century.

Is there any reason Shakespeare would have had no familiarity with the Occult?

If it’s accurate that Shakespeare staged the plays; wouldn’t it have been likely that the plays were attributed to him? Furthermore, wouldn’t he likely have re-worked passages to make them more amenable to his audience?

Quite possibly Shakespeare was not the author; but he could have been. We’ve been spoon fed this notion that only well educated aristocratic souls are capable of great artistic accomplishment. It always was and still is about patronage, not artistry.

Dec 2, 2021 4:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

Its so elitist, really. I think its funny how lefties will fight tooth and nail to deny Shakespeare just might have been a plebe.

Dec 3, 2021 1:25 AM
Reply to  Edwige
Dec 2, 2021 9:53 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I live in Gibraltar and I know lots of people who aren’t vaccinated. I reckon probably around 20% aren’t like elsewhere. They inflated the figure by including cross border workers who live in Spain but were entitled to get the vaccine via the Gibraltar health service. Lots aren’t getting the booster people have had enough.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 2, 2021 1:54 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Well, they either have to admit they were lying about the percentage, or that they were lying about the efficacy of the so-called vaccines, so it’s their narrative that’s in trouble.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 2, 2021 1:51 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I think I heard on the BBC radio this morning that the UK government was spending £2b to buy extra “vaccines” for the new “variant”. Wait a moment! I thought they weren’t sure if the old “vaccines” were effective agains the new “variant” so isn’t that a waste of dosh?

Dec 2, 2021 8:45 AM
Reply to  Jacques

SAD that in the 2 months this article has been out, the MSM and public Health Officials everywhere have completely ignored it. —————- Eur J Epidemiol. 2021 Sep 30 : 1–4. doi: 10.1007/s10654-021-00808-7 [Epub ahead of print] PMCID: PMC8481107 PMID: 34591202 Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States S. V. Subramanian corresponding author1,2 and Akhil Kumar3 Supplementary Materials Vaccines currently are the primary mitigation strategy to combat COVID-19 around the world. For instance, the narrative related to the ongoing surge of new cases in the United States (US) is argued to be driven by areas with low vaccination rates [1]. A similar narrative also has been observed in countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom [2]. At the same time, Israel that was hailed for its swift and high rates of vaccination has also seen a substantial resurgence in COVID-19 cases [3]. We investigate the relationship between the percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases across 68 countries and across 2947 counties in the US. Methods We used COVID-19 data provided by the Our World in Data for cross-country analysis, available as of September 3, 2021 (Supplementary Table 1) [4]. We included 68 countries that met the following criteria: had second dose vaccine data available; had COVID-19 case data available; had population data available; and the last update of data was within 3 days prior to or on September 3, 2021. For the 7 days preceding September 3, 2021 we computed the COVID-19 cases per 1 million people for each country as well as the percentage of population that is fully vaccinated. For the county-level analysis in the US, we utilized the White House COVID-19 Team data [5], available as of September 2, 2021 (Supplementary Table… Read more »

Dec 2, 2021 11:37 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Stop calling it a vaccine. It’s a form of mRNA gene therapy. It’s a DRUG.

Dec 2, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Looks a bit like a quote to me. Would it be legitimate to alter a quote from someone else’s work?

Dec 2, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Just admit that everything is a copy.

Dec 2, 2021 7:45 PM
Reply to  Grafter

What do you mean by ‘therapy’?

Stop calling it a therapy. It’s a poison.

Dec 2, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Jojo

they’ve been pretty good at ignoring contrary evidence since this whole thing started – I’d say they’ve lost some credibility, but they haven’t had any to lose for decades …

Dec 2, 2021 1:52 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Who hasn’t any credibility: the authors of the paper, the publishers of the paper, the European Journal of Epidemiology?

Dec 2, 2021 9:10 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Fancy name for bribe money for local corrupt mini dictators: RECOVERY FUND. I wonder what percentage of that fund ends up in their secret bank accounts. I’ve heard they’ve also all received an A4 page plandemic contract…No doubt with a small print of what will happen if they don’t do as they are told.

Dec 2, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  McMurphy

I don’t know about other countries, but over here, massive amounts of infrastructures are being done. Since about last year. All over the country.

Oh yeah, I’m sure there is a lot of carrot. And if somebody shows any sign of non-compliance, they’ll ask him if he heard of poor Magafuli …

Dec 2, 2021 6:24 AM

The child in the image at the top of the post isn’t a science experiment and I wouldn’t call what the criminal vaccine companies are doing to them scientific experiments. And the reason that I wouldn’t call them scientific experiments, at least without qualification, is that there’s no real desire to discover anything here, certainly not in a positive sense where the discoveries are seen by the experimenters as being something, potentially, that could actually be good for people.

There’s got to be better language that we can use for what’s happening. Medical murder and medical assault are good, in my view. Medical abuse. Nazi-style experimentation is accurate.

Dec 2, 2021 6:35 AM
Reply to  Arby

The experiment is to see what they can get away with. So far we have children being sacrificed for granny. Sorry, sacrificed so granny can go shopping and visit Marbella.

Dec 2, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  Orthus

The sacrifice-for-granny shtick is a lie, too. Already immuno-compromised granny is being sacrificed as well, with mandatory, further immune-system-compromising injections for the over 60s. Notice how often even those who are against “vaccinating” the young make an exception for the old, who ostensibly “need” to be further weakened for their own well-being, of course.

les online
les online
Dec 2, 2021 7:12 AM
Reply to  Arby

or: ++1

Victor G.
Victor G.
Dec 2, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Arby

Neo-Feudal Corporatist culling of the excess serfs

Dec 2, 2021 6:24 AM

The unvaxxed Dr. Matthew Memoli, director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at NIH, will argue against vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 livestreamed roundtable session, which will be open to the public.

I can’t find the video of this, which occurred today. Can’t wait to see it.

Meanwhile, Mexico has caved in. They WERE holding firm against masking and boosters.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 2, 2021 7:27 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Yet in the USA every court has now banned Biden’s mandates.

Dec 2, 2021 8:59 AM

Not accurate. Here’s how it works:

OSHA Vaccine Rule Blocked Permanently by Fifth Circuit, But Judicial Review Will Continue

Sunday, November 14, 2021

A three-judge panel on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has now permanently blocked OSHA from implementing and enforcing its vaccine rule, which impacts employers nationwide. 

This is not the end of the judicial review road for the vaccine rule. Challenges to the rule were filed in multiple federal circuit courts across the country. When there are multiple filings like these, a multi-circuit “lottery” system is utilized for purposes of consolidation and clarity. All of the appeals are consolidated before the circuit court selected in the blind lottery, which will then hear the challenge to the rule. That lottery is expected to take place on or about Monday, November 16th. 

If the Fifth Circuit is not selected in the lottery, then another appeals court will have an opportunity to issue the controlling decision here (which could, among other things, lift the Fifth Circuit’s stay). After that, regardless of the outcome, the Supreme Court will likely have the final word. 

While the future of the vaccine rule continues to remain unknown, notwithstanding this latest decision, covered employers should consider continuing to take steps to come into compliance, given the short compliance window provided by OSHA if the rule is ultimately upheld.  


Dec 2, 2021 11:05 PM
Reply to  Jojo

thankyou, Jojo.

Dec 2, 2021 6:22 AM

So they put you under house arrest in Spring of 2020, and maybe again later in the Winter. Now you’re free. Suddenly they are encouraging you (NOT requiring you) to vaccinate your kids.

Did you know that this is exactly how Hitler Nazified Germany in 6 years! First, 5 steps forward, then 4 steps back, and finally asking “pretty please!”

Dec 2, 2021 12:57 PM
Reply to  Ipseity

actually Hitler nazified (that is to say, created a National Socialist Germany) by kicking the international banking cartel out of Germany and while the rest of the world continued their banker-created depression put Germans back to work and created the strongest economy in most of the world in about 3 years, which all Germans shared in – the Germans cheered Hitler because he made Germany strong and proud again after the depredations caused by the Versailles treaty and the banker-created great depression. where your little fantasy fits into that isn’t quite clear …

Dec 2, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Of course little nazi, A.H. could give the obedient Germans a piece of cake as long as they obeyed their Fúhrer while demonising a group of people.
Just the same as the unvaccinated are demonised now.

New Name
New Name
Dec 3, 2021 3:56 AM
Reply to  Terrestrial

It is the victors in WW2 that are herding mankind to extinction.

Dec 2, 2021 5:51 AM

I ran into another Nazi– or is she only a victim of Stockholm Syndrome? The masked teller at my bank backed away 10 feet, and asked me to back up so she could approach her side of the counter. I laughed at her and complied. Inside my head I was shouting at her, “No matter how obediently you go to the showers it will still be cyanide.” and “You are not stupid, you are just cowardly.” But I said nothing; there are those that I cannot reach.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 2, 2021 2:05 PM
Reply to  Penelope

An experience I had of late tops it all. I was second in the till queue at the bakers and was edging slightly forward over the two-metre marker from the person who was at the till and I saw him mutter something to the assistant and rush out. I’m only guessing but I think he took fright at seeing me move to about 1.90 metres away from him!

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Dec 2, 2021 5:41 AM

“I fought hard against their hypocrisy, the misuse and abuse of power, their bullying, intimidation and their harassment, their arrogance, their double standards, their presumed—yet ultimately inflated—sense of privilege.At first they ignored me. Then they closed ranks. They engaged in gaslighting, false accusation, character assassination. That’s what they do! And when that didn’t work, they eventually brought the power of the Big Machine of the Bureaucracy to bear on my ass and got rid of me.” I can relate to this although I am not ready to tell my story yet. What I have found though is that society is largely run by unwritten rules and one of those rules is that nobody should be rocking the boat. Government propaganda claims to welcome criticism which it promises to consider in order to improve services but in reality complainants and critics are seen to be attacking the system and public servants tend to close ranks defensively. Like second nature they will treat the very people they should be keenly interested in listening to like criminals. In my case it did not matter that the letter of the law was on my side and that the government’s conduct was unambiguously illegal.They got away with it and are still unrepentant. The pack of arse holes spent public money to use the court like a blunt instrument i.e. they used the colour of law to run me out of town knowing full well that I couldn’t afford a lawyer and that they were in the wrong. I have been threatened with criminal defamation if I go public and name names. As such I have self censored my web site and the law also prevents me from “scandalising the court” even though what happened to me in court was scandalous. The notion of separation of… Read more »

Dec 2, 2021 9:22 AM
Reply to  Bob the bum

The kind of people who should never hold positions of power tend rise to the top of hierarchical power structures while the exceptional few whose help societies really needs are ignored or persecuted if they try to effect change. Sad but true. Bad people push good people out – dishonest people create a corrupt culture in institutions and organisations, the meanest and nastiest (usually covertly so) rise to the top – the decent honest people are sidelined, sacked or leave in disgust. Over the years I have witnessed this dynamic personally (when I worked in a well known global media company). This could be described as a Gresham’s dynamic, as in Gresham’s Law: “bad money drives out good.” Sir Thomas Gresham was an adviser to Queen Elizabeth 1 – he observed that debased currency, eg gold or silver coins diluted with additional non precious metal would see people hoard the more undiluted coins, hence the good money would be taken (driven) out of circulation. The same applies to honest brokers, especially in this day and age where those willing to be compromised for person gain has become the norm rather than the exception. We see this in politics, banking the bureaucracy, the judiciary, corporations and so on – the end result is a BIG CLUB – and you and me ain’t in it. Maybe we should all become self appointed bastards and take it all back. I’m an ordinary figure in these democratic states, A pathetic demonstration of hereditary traits. As the children of the cops possess the flattest kind of feet And the daughter of the floozie has a waggle to seat, My position in the basement of society I owe To the qualities my parents bequeathed me long ago. Now, my father was a married man, and what… Read more »

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Dec 2, 2021 5:14 AM

If you want to take effective action to stop this massacre you need to fight fear with fear. You need to inform people that these vaccines are dangerous. Form groups, and post the information below on popular Facebook pages – I have done this on one Minister of Health FB page and they do not remove it. Bombard every FB page you can find. If they block you move on. Also, print these 4 files and post them to every medical professional in your city. Most clinics list names of practitioners so you can post to each of them. What needs to happen is that people realize the vaccines are killing and maiming – and that might convince them to stop taking them. You can bold some of the key sentences (with the words doctors/medical professionals) NUREMBERG TRIALS 16 DOCTORS SENTENCED TO DEATH After the war, the top surviving German leaders were tried for Nazi Germany’s crimes. Their trial was held before an International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg, Germany. Judges from the Allied powers—Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States—presided over the hearing of 22 major Nazi criminals. Subsequently, the United States held 12 additional trials in Nuremberg of high-level officials of the German government, military, and SS as well as medical professionals and leading industrialists. The crimes charged before the Nuremberg courts were crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes. In all, 199 defendants were tried at Nuremberg, 161 were convicted and 37 were sentenced to death, including 12 of those tried by the IMT. The defendants generally acknowledged that the crimes they were accused of occurred but denied that they were responsible, as they were following orders from a higher authority. After almost 140… Read more »

Dec 2, 2021 9:45 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Fascinating details but of zero relevance to covid.

Jenner and Salk never faced justice and are now lauded as heroes… no MK Ultra doctor or hurse ever faced justice… US medics who experimented on Puerto Ricans are a footnote known to a few….

Nuremburg was about finding Nazism, Germany and anyone who opposed the Anglo-American empire guilty – it was no precedent for holding doctors and scientists to account for their crimes so long as they serve the right masters.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Dec 2, 2021 10:08 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Well if you want to stop vaccine mandates you need to stop people from agreeing to the vaccines.

So how is this not relevant?

Of course you can feel free to march around the block and shout we demand freedom. Enjoy

Dec 2, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Did the Nuremburg trials come as a personal disappointment, then?

New Name
New Name
Dec 3, 2021 4:00 AM
Reply to  Orthus

The Nuremburg trials were conducted by the ancestors of those now poisoning mankind.

Dec 2, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Sad but likely true. Never thought about it like that.

New Name
New Name
Dec 3, 2021 3:58 AM
Reply to  Edwige


Dec 3, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I don’t get that impression at all.
There is some truth to what you say, but it is only half of the truth.

Jenner and Salk never had to deal with the vast amount of genuine scientific information available to the general public today, nor with the corresponding exponential increase in general mistrust of ‘the authorities’.

Let’s not forget that it is only a couple of decades (pre-Bush/Blair) since practically everybody thought that western governments were at least half-competent and that their vote in elections actually counted.

That is no longer the case.
Now it is no longer ‘practically everybody’ who trusts their government.
Now it is a bare majority – even if practically everybody is still going through the rigmarole of wearing masks in order to get into their supermarket.

I find that ‘of high relevance’ to covid.
If nobody at all trusted ‘the authorities’, this pantomime would be over.

Dec 2, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Stop calling it a vaccine. It’s a form of mRNA gene therapy. It’s a DRUG.

Dec 2, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Stop calling it a therapy. It’s a poison.

Dec 2, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

funny how, in the same way the winners write the history books, the winners always find ‘the other guys’ guilty of war crimes, but never themselves. The ‘allies’ committed far more atrocities than the Germans, with their fire-bombing of many civilian cities in Germany and Japan for no other reason than to terrorize citizens – yet nary a word about maybe holding Churchill and Truman and a bunch of others accountable for these terrible war crimes, things far worse than the Germans ever did. As it’s highly unlikely the many governments and international agencies responsible for millions of deaths from the covid scamdemic are ever going to face justice.

Dec 2, 2021 9:01 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Your comment moved me to rummage in my chaotic comment “archive”, because I vaguely remembered posting a comment that speaks to this exact point. I found it– it was posted last May as, er, a “reply to siamdave”. But I still want to dance this two-step again  😉 :

The Nuremberg Trials and edicts (including the Nuremberg Codes), epecially the nominal repudiation of “I was only following orders”, aka the “Nuremberg Defense”, are usually cited with pious high-mindedness, and accordingly are taken seriously and at face value.

The official narrative got the ball rolling with high rhetorical hype, and the reverence for the ostensible meaning and lessons of Nuremberg is reinforced in popular culture. For instance, the epic 1961 film “Judgment at Nuremberg” was the secular equivalent of the pious Biblical-themed blockbusters popular at the time.

So there’s an understandable blindness to the cynical prospect that, in reality, the moral of the story was “Every one on the losing side is responsible for their own actions.”

At least that’s how the Allied governments and the Western Hegemony’s institutions interpreted it– especially the military, from the top to the bottom of the chain of command. The Nuremberg Principle didn’t seem to restrain the winners from blithely committing atrocities afterwards, e.g. No Gun Ri in Korea, My Lai in Vietnam, and (literally) countless others.

In reality, the Nuremberg Defense is only denied to Losers. Likewise, the lofty edicts are only enforceable when applied to Losers; the Winners know that they’re just a glittering shroud to cover the Winners’ malignancy, corruption, and decadence.

Dec 2, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Don’t forget Ike the Kike’s death camps; hundreds of thousands, maybe in the millions, of POWs left in the open to starve and die from exposure to the elements.

Dec 2, 2021 5:09 AM

I imagine that by now y’all have heard about today’s good news. But in case you haven’t:

“A federal judge in Louisiana on Tuesday issued a preliminary injunction halting President Biden’s national vaccine mandate for healthcare workers nationwide, and separately, a U.S. district judge in Kentucky issued a preliminary injunction blocking Biden’s mandate for federal contractors in three states.”


Dec 2, 2021 5:24 AM
Reply to  Penelope

thank goodness

Dec 2, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  hele

heckin’ a right, hele.

Dec 2, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  Penelope

That seems like a way to go about it…Higher courts have been all corrupted and controlled so take the cabal’s servants to district courts. Go local.

Dec 2, 2021 5:06 AM

A voice of reason, logic and calm, in an ocean of insanity :

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 2, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Excellent interview. See it with subtitles on to get all of RK’s detailed points.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 2, 2021 4:59 AM

Daniel Andrews draconian pandemic legislation has just passed the Victorian Upper House of Parliament, 20 votes to 18. It now returns to the Lower House for rubber stamping and will become law on December 15th.
A $21909 fine for refusing to wear a facemask, refusing to get tested, failure to show your id, and for merely attending an “illegal protest” are just some of the punishments to be meted out to those of us who refuse to get on our knees.
And of course, Andrews now has the dictatorial powers to declare a pandemic literally at will.
The filth media is claiming the protests in Melbourne last Saturday have produced another 10 positive covid “cases” and is now a superspreader event. All for a supposed virus that has never been isolated and purified. That’s all.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Dec 2, 2021 5:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Touch wood. I haven’t been sick since early 2018, when I had a nasty virus or something. Very crook. Touch wood, I’ve been in good health all the way through this global “pandemic” and lived the first year of it in Hong Kong. Right on the edge of Southern China where this whole joke supposedly came from.

Nothing has made me feel sicker than than what you’ve just told us Gez. That is sickening. Who are these people voting in favour of this? I imagine the fix is in, no doubt. But to be one of the people who agreed to vote for it…stunning.

It literally makes me feel sick.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 2, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Oh, that’s pretty much a given Pigs. Name your price. Why else would they vote for such a monstrous peice of legislation, one that even had a Queen’s Counsel throwing up in horror, tho that was before the amendments were made, and 60 QC’s writing an open letter condemning it.
There’s no future for me here in Melbourne, that’s for certain. The Big Issue mag staff would have given away my best pitches to other mag vendors and the vast majority of my customers are full on covid cult members anyway.
Only problem is, this will happen in all other States, and I believe Queensland is the next domino to go. Then probably South Australia. Vaccine passports in Qld shortly I believe.
I have heard of a couple of “off the grid” communities starting up in rural Central Victoria, tho the only thing I have left is a lump sum in a Fund that would only last me about 12 months tops once I get it out. And even then would be living very frugally. Good luck to you up there. Thanks for the feedback P.

Dec 3, 2021 7:07 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah do you have a paypal address? I would like to support your relocation fund. Hope you can make it up to Central Victoria.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 4, 2021 4:25 AM
Reply to  Maram

Hi Maram, no, I don’t have a PayPal address as yet. However, I really appreciate your offer, thank you🙏
I’m currently working on playing the last financial card I have left to play, and once that card has been played, there’s nothing else, and I won’t really have any other choice but to get out of Melbourne.
Dealing with the bureaucracy and the rules around playing this card has not been straightforward and has caused numerous headaches.
Daniel Andrews has stated clearly that the “unvaccinated will be locked out until well into 2022” and I’ve seen reports that say we will actually be locked out for ALL of 2022. So I greatly doubt I will ever be selling the magazine again. I’m 59, and my employment options are very limited.
I’ll keep you in mind and get back to you. Have a good weekend Maram👍

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Dec 3, 2021 10:52 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

What are you gonna do Gez? By the way…QLD Education have “mandated” injections. I’ve received the smiling, praise filled emails proclaiming a brighter and safer future once we are all injected. The school year has a week to go. I won’t be allowed to work again. Naturally, I’m drafting my non-consent reply and asking them how they feel about depriving me of the ability to earn money in the field I studied for 4 years and have taught in for 25 years.

Gone. Just gone with a smile and a mandate. I’ll be facing enormous pressure and I’ll be the cause of a lot of heartache for my family because I won’t submit.

To “save” imaginary lives from a shamelessly overblown “virus” threat (a corona virus is after all a kind of…..COMMON COLD) that has had virtually zero impact in Australia….the QLD Education Dept sees fit to destroy my life and by proxy…impact those around me who depend on me.

Even if the virus and all they say was real and true…by choosing not to take their injections at least I would still have SOME chance of not losing my health.

But in mandating that the only way for me to earn a living is to submit and comply to injections…and with me, well within my right, not agreeing to the deal…they are assuring me that I don’t have any chances. There’s NO chance whatsoever that I could earn money to buy food.

They are guaranteeing me that THAT will NOT happen.

I, and others like me, have been condemned.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 4, 2021 1:17 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

I only just saw this… Really sorry to hear that mate. I’m guessing you’re about 50 ish or so. Regards work, are there any fields where you don’t have to get vaccinated? Or are all the unvaccinated banned from working like we are here in Melbourne?
A lot of us have been condemned. They consider us ‘useless eaters’ but much more threatening for them, we are in the vaccine control group. It’s becoming much more obvious who is being impacted by the jab and who isn’t. The unvaccinated.
Knowing what this evil agenda is really about, that a great deal more innocent people, including children, will die in the next 2-3 years, knowing the huge amount of suffering these psychopaths have already inflicted, knowing about the large number of deaths as well as serious adverse reactions after people got the jab, I just cannot comply with any of this. I can’t.
Going to one of these Off The Grid communities seems to be one of the very very few options I have left P. What is happening in Melbourne will soon be in all the large cities and towns.
Good luck to you up there Pigs…

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Dec 4, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yeah, I’m 48. The only jobs I could imagine would be doing labouring work or something like that. Like becoming an off-sider for someone on his lawn mowing/ garden business. I laboured for a year when I was about 18. But today…well I could handle doing lawns, trimming hedges, chopping trees but stuff like paving, mixing cement all day and days full of heavy back breaking lifting would probably do me in. I just have a feeling that this shit is not going to fly. This forced injection shit. I suspect they are still hard core in the phase of using every trick in the book to get as many people as possible to agree to inject. It’s an injection drive and it’ll go on through 2022. They coerced with burgers and fries, they coerced with million dollar lotteries. Now they are coercing with your livelihood. The masks will come back in winter along with more hysteria. More people will cave in. It might go right through 2023 or longer. Who knows. But boosters…over and over. Surely people are starting to get suspicious. I know there are legions out there who will go along no questions asked. These people are scary and there seems to be a lot of them. But at some point surely, people will turn the corner. But then again maybe not…if the injection drive keeps injecting then there’ll be so few of us out there that the world will just roll on without us. People don’t need to know anything special. They don’t need to have studied history or read a thousand books. You don’t need any special knowledge to know that what is going on is very, very wrong. When you know that it’s wrong that’s when you’re in the right mindset. When you’re STILL… Read more »

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 2, 2021 6:46 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And it will be knocked out on the first constitutional challenge. Nurse Ratchet in SA is whining 18 NEW CASES TODAY, without stating they are all double jabbed pollies.

Dec 2, 2021 7:45 AM

G’day Sheila — long time no see. I thought you might have succumbed to the virus 😉

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 2, 2021 10:00 AM
Reply to  Orthus

No fucking way, I reckon if measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, scarlet fever, whooping cough, glandular fever, several counts of double pneumonia, blood poisoning caused by a dentist and have lived 30 years after my predicted death with out of control Crohn’s disease I ain’t too fussed about a non virus. Have never signed in, used QR, had a test or a jab or worn a face nappy – fuck ’em.

Dec 2, 2021 1:11 PM

 😁 – that’s approximately the correct attitude to take to these people. totally agree – fuck em all

Dec 2, 2021 1:10 PM

??? so you have honest courts in Australia?? I wouldn’t hold my breath on that – the Cdn courts are 100% political these days –

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Dec 2, 2021 4:23 AM

For those who have read my accounts…I managed to get back into school for a few days to get a bit of work relief teaching. The forced mask rules dropped in Brisbane 3 weeks ago or so. So, first time in 3.5 months earning some cash.

I spoke to some students, who’d outright asked me about my injection status. Judging from what I saw and heard, the kids are hopelessly lost on this. They are, of course, lead by utterly spineless NPCs and are basically defenceless against the magnitude of this global operation. But, my impression…they’re gone. I feel sorry for them. They are like everyone else out there: no fight…no critical thinking…only regurgitation and rabid defence of party line.

A couple of days ago it became official: Queensland Education “requiring” teachers to be injected. They’ve issued formal surveys asking for disclosure of injection status. Naturally, I’ll be replying with my non-consent and taking it from there. They are using terms like “requiring” and teachers “need to” etc. All the language is legal chicanery and the terms used are loaded. They do need consent. After all, I have to agree to go and allow a stranger in a paper mask and salad bar face shield to inject me with unknown goop.

If I do not agree, I know in layman’s terms how I’m supposed to respond…oh ok, I can’t work on Ed QLD sites. I get that. But if I do not consent to their offer then they are depriving me of the ability to earn money to live. As we know, it’s all pure bullshit and coercion.

Anyway, I’ll be drafting an email of non-consent.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 2, 2021 7:42 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

The only person on earth who needs to know anyone’s health status is their fucking doctor, the teachers union and other unions are whining disgraces willing to sacrifice people to the altar of fake science.

Already TGA is reporting kids dead from the jabs using evil weasel words.https://www.tga.gov.au/periodic/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-safety-report-02-12-2021

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Dec 2, 2021 9:29 AM

A quick glance at those sites…the impression is…”don’t worry, the vaccines are perfectly safe, just take them because we said so”. They totally water down any blame toward their precious vaccines and fob all ill effects off as a coincidence.

That seems to be the upshot.

Trust us, we’re the government.


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 2, 2021 11:38 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Exactly, the fact that kids have a 680% greater chance of getting heart disease from the jab than ever getting sick from the fake virus is OK by the scum, which is now owned by big pharma

Dec 2, 2021 11:42 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Stop calling it a vaccine. It’s a form of mRNA gene therapy. It’s a DRUG.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Dec 2, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  Grafter

I’m calling it a vaccine facetiously. Calm down.

Dec 2, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Stop calling it a therapy. It’s a poison.

Dec 2, 2021 11:39 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Experimental Gene Poison – how about that?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 2, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Luckily for me I’ve been working from home on a self-employed basis for the past 15 years or so, but I really admire those who are not buckling under the pressure that comes from having to physically attend a place of work in these insane times. Good on ya mate, if I may attempt to speak Oz.

Dec 2, 2021 6:00 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Hi pig swill! Do you know of the australianssayno.com website? Teachers are banding together.

Dec 3, 2021 12:46 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

I have lost hope with some people, most really. No matter how many times you say to them that the damned thing does NOT confer immunity and does NOT make one not “contagious” it no longer matters. They’ll nod along like a damned bobble head doll, perhaps even actually THINK about it for 5 seconds, and then it’s straight back to the MSM line and the utter bullshit. I don’t know why I still expect any different when I let a little rant go, but I still do, idiot that I am. I just want to shake these fuckers most days, but that would be violence and that would play right in to their idiotic stereotype of an “anti-vaxxer.” Dumb motherfuckers, willfully dumb too, they don’t even have the excuse of being intellectually incapable. End rant.

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Dec 5, 2021 1:10 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

I was wondering whether students would organise protests in support of the teachers being discriminated against, but I guess not.

Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury
Dec 5, 2021 5:32 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

G’Day PS, Interesting response. Like you, in the last years of my time with the WA education department I was working in a relief capacity. This was the reason why they were able to dispense with my services. So yes I know about the “pure bullshit and coercion”, albeit from a different perspective. I know about the power of these miscreants to abuse and misuse their power. As noted, I had little recourse to fight them. In your case as a reliever it will be much the same. If the DOE in QLD hasn’t already decreed it, at the school level you will be asked to provide proof of 💉 or they won’t offer you any work. Same as your WWCC check and TRB membership. No ticket, not start. But then you probably know all this already. I’m just extending some moral support. The only thing I might add is that since 2013 I’d been getting some work in the private school system. But since Covid, that has completely dried up. I don’t expect the situation is any different there now. Such is the state of play. Everywhere it seems. Good luck mon ami.👍

Dec 2, 2021 4:21 AM

Amen to that! We are indeed at a crucial point. I asked my haters on Facebook whether any of them were having any doubts now that we had gone from 15m jabs to freedom last November to having to jab every single person on the planet including children every three months – yes I have doubts said one – and many are quietly starting to have doubts – let us make that a tsunami!

Dec 2, 2021 7:47 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Pfizer just announced they are aiming for one per year. Might cure the flu as well, but if the jab can tell the difference…

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 2, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  Sofia

This is the real chink in the armour. The strategy was, I am sure, that the people they got jabbed would then be hostile to those who were resisting, but this breaks down if they keep making people take more injections or face reclassification as unjabbed.

Dec 2, 2021 10:30 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Agreed, the single and double stabbed that have had AEs, and the stabbed ones that didn’t have an AE but don’t want another needle are starting to direct their anger towards those above, and so they should.
They are realising that thy have been ‘had’.

Big al
Big al
Dec 2, 2021 4:13 AM

Found this little tidbit, just another sign of how illogical, hypocritical, and basically stupid the reaction to this genocidal scamdemic is. I’m a US federal government contractor scheduled to be terminated on Jan 4th if I don’t have proof of the jabs or get a medical exemption. I certainly won’t get the jabs, so I’m going to make an effort in getting that exemption. From what I’ve learned, and the fact that I have “insurance” with one of the largest HMOs in the country, Kaiser, I’m not optimistic on my chances. I will explore alternative doctors, as I’ve been following for the last almost two years many of the alternative sites most of you have, but I am going to request an exemption through Kaiser, if for nothing else to see what they say, and to make them turn me down. Which is why I won’t quit my job first either, I am going to make them fire me. As I’ve said before, I have 35 years of service, I’m an honorably discharged Vietnam Vet, and if they want to tell me I can never serve again, that’s on them. And we have to make sure it’s really ON them. When the time comes. But in researching, I came upon this article, which goes to what I am going to address with my exemption request, heart issues. I have them, and I have a legitimate concern that taking these jabs would exacerbate or even fucking kill me. (That’s not my primary reason I won’t take the jabs, the primary reason is this is all a lie, the pandemic is fake, and there is no Covid 19 or variants. So there is absolutely no need to get jabbed with an experimental drug procedure evidently intended to create billions of junkies who… Read more »

Dec 2, 2021 5:28 PM
Reply to  Big al

Good lick, I wish other people would wait to get the sack so there can be a few test cases. The few I know who work have caved in

Dec 2, 2021 3:47 AM

So long as we value “Science” and all the many “wonders” “Science” can give us, we will remain putty in the psychos’ hands.

It never was about a God-damn virus or pandemic or even a concerted takeover of the world by the “ruling” psychos. It was always about humans imagining they were the Crown of Creation; and that everything on Earth was, is and will always be theirs for the taking.

In other words, Might Makes Right. That’s been humanity’s reigning mantra since day one; and nobody has ever philosophized it away, try as they may.

“Science” is merely the latest incarnation of Might. But that too will fail; and, should humans somehow remain alive 50 years from now, some other incarnation of Might will take its place.

Never a dull moment on the planet of the demi-gods.

Dec 2, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  Howard

“humans imagining they were the Crown of Creation”.

Which humans very obviously are – only humans have language, only humans are conscious of mortality, only humans can tame other animals. Humans have dominion over nature but as responsible trustees and not plunderers.

Wanting to become a god is not the same thing as being “the Crown of Creation”, you’re confusing two different things. Gods stand outside Creation.

Dec 2, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

We must be careful not to confuse “following the science” with “following the scientists”. Science is objective and factual. On the other hand, vast majority of scientists are sold to the highest bidder who pays their wages.

Dec 2, 2021 2:46 AM

Thanks Greg.
It’s become heaven on Earth for all the control freaks, authoritarian addicts and self absorbed narcissists.
They are wallowing in their own self importance and pronouncements from on high. Their sycophants and enablers lick their bloodied boots.

As for the Sheeple, well, they’re either somnambulists or too fucking lazy to do a bit of research.
They all deserve each other.

Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury
Dec 5, 2021 5:35 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Johnny, Appreciate the feedback. I only wish it were something completely different you were 🙏🏼 me for. Best, GM

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Dec 2, 2021 2:38 AM

I have been preaching since the “14 days…” to not comply. At no point in history has a government returned liberties the citizens have willingly surrendered. Protests have not mattered. How many weeks have Italians and Parisians been protesting? Australia, Germany, the UK, the US to a smaller extent, Austria. None of the protests have mattered because the political class do not care what the citizens think or want. I have long advocated there are only three ways out of this: 1. governments realize they have gone to far and back off. That is not going to happen. 2. The populace goes on strike en masse and shuts the economy down. This has been successful in small pockets, but it must be bigger. Unfortunately, this takes a level of coordination that is very difficult on such a massive scale. 3. The traditional way tyrants give up their power is with their head on a pike or in a basket. This is never the preferred way to handle these situations, but it may lead to this. People are becoming angry, and at some point something will have to give. I do not see the political class backing down. Is it possible? The BLM protests show how impotent the government really is. Yes, they were allowed to riot in many Liberal bastions, but even if they had been met with force, they would have prevailed. Their violence would have grown had the government truly tried to crack down on them. As each iteration of the virus has become less lethal, and as those who refuse to take the inoculation dig their heels in harder, governments have become more determined to impose their will. With “cases” that are not really cases are dropping, and “deaths” that are not really deaths are almost nil,… Read more »

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Dec 2, 2021 5:57 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

These politicians, media spin doctors, false $cientists…all of them…they all have names and addresses.

Dec 2, 2021 9:48 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

“I do not see the political class backing down.” Most of those on OG’s commenting forums have read enough of Whitney Webb, James Corbett and Iain Davis to know that the political classes simply aren’t in control. Yes, they set policy on a small scale, where it doesn’t interfere with their bosses agendas but only enables them to manage in a day to day fashion, but when it comes to big picture stuff they don’t set policy (as Iain explained to Jeremy Nell recently).

I love to harangue them all the same. They deserve it. They deserve to have the fact that they are living on death row shoved into their smug faces. They’ve invested everything – their souls – in this cruel, perverted system of things and when it goes, they’ll go with it.

Dec 2, 2021 10:00 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

There has been backing down when confronted with some pushback (except in certain locations that seem to be testing grounds for the more authoritarian method).

Nobody is so enslaved as those who don’t realise they are a slave. The illusion of consent is very important to them and they are willing to compromise to some extent to maintain it.

David Ho
David Ho
Dec 2, 2021 2:07 AM

A clueless mother is having a heart to heart conversation with her eight year old son. “Son, you are going to have to shoot yourself in the head, for grandma.
“Do I have to?”
“Yes. Grandma is 98 years old and if you don’t shoot yourself in the head it will kill her”, she explains lovingly, “Shooting yourself in the head is safe and effective and if you feel any pain or see blood then that means it is working. The doctor says the benefits outweigh any risks”. She smiles.
The eight year old doesn’t seem convinced, “But Mum, I have seen on The Dark Web what happens to people who shoot themselves in the head. It does not look good.”.
“Miss-information, son”.
“But my friend fell over dead at school really soon after he shot himself in the head.”
“You didn’t actually see that, it must have been something else that you saw. Maybe he had a heart attack. This happens all the time and nothing to worry about and has nothing to do with people shooting themselves in the head.”
“But Mum, he was seven years old!”
Exhasperated, the mother says, “Everyone is shooting themselves in the head these days, so that must mean it is a good thing to do. Movie Stars are shooting themselves in the head. Our best friends are shooting themselves in the head. Even God is shooting Himself in the Head. And surely you don’t want to kill Grandma by not shooting yourself in the head!”. With such a winning argument the mother says, clapping her hands together briskly, ” come a long, get your brothers and sisters we don’t want to be late for the appointment “.