WATCH: How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Whitney Webb returns to The Corbett Report to discuss her recent work on the “green” transformation of the global financial system.

From NACs to GFANZ, Webb and Corbett break down the latest attempt to monopolize the world’s natural resources and how this financial scam represents the next step along the path to the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Links, sources and show notes – as well as download options and an audio-only version – are available here.


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Categories: climate change, latest, video
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Michael Swifte
Michael Swifte
Dec 6, 2021 1:33 PM

We at Wrong Kind of Green have been writing about #NaturalCapital and payments for ecosystem services for several years. This issue connects to the People’s Agreement of Cochabamba and the call for a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Nature. I’ve written primers on the natural capital sector for the WKOG blog. Here’s one to get people started. https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2017/01/26/the-bankers-at-the-helm-of-the-natural-capital-sector/

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 6, 2021 1:35 PM
Reply to  Michael Swifte

Thanks Michael. I will pin this to the top

Dec 23, 2021 6:43 PM

Covid SCAM. Why we are where we are…..?

1971 President Nixon took the USdollar off the Gold standard, so from 1971 until now money has been printed out of nothing (ie not backed by gold) governments around the world have been printing money out of thin air and the debt has been mounting up now over 29 TRILLION check herehttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f449.svg https://usdebtclock.org/.
The globalists knew the financial system will head to hyper inflation just like we have seen in 28 countries in the past 20 years alonehttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f449.svg https://munknee.com/21-countries-have-experienced-hyperinflation-in-last-25-years-is-the-u-s-next/

The Globalist who own all the media and silicone valley have only one way to remain powerful, that is to work towards creating a society similar to that of China a place where you have less freedoms and the governments can control the citizens and remain in controll like they have been with printing money for 50 years. 
The great reset is a step towards communism with the help of a virus they created to scare the population. 

This is the conclusion ive come up with for why the world has gone down the path it has and assuming this everything makes sense.
Below is a video that helped me come to this conclusion and now it seems obvious the video is an eye opener for anyone wanting to know whats going on. 
Follow the money!!!!https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f447.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f447.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f447.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f447.svg

Dec 2, 2021 9:48 AM

Here is another excellent discussion on the Corbett Report, this time with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on his new book “The Real Anthony Fauci”” with a bit of other discussion as well.


Dec 2, 2021 1:21 AM

As someone who is amazed to be still be alive and well at the age of 68, I do realise that as you get older, it is completely normal for old people like me to drop dead..

That is Completely Normal. I don’t mind that, but the reason I cried tonight, is because my Ex told me the truth. We are like brother and sister, and have seen each other twice in the last 42 years…

She told me tonight, that her Son, only a few years older than mine had been diagnosed with a second stage brain tumour.

So it was only by text messages, and I know she has been though a lot of shit.

I just wanted to cuddle her and give her hug.

There’s not much you can say, but cry


Dec 2, 2021 12:46 AM

What is The Chance, That These Evil Bastards Currently in Control, Drop Dead, Go Straight To Hell, and Don’t Come Back???

We have got the future of the human race to think of here.

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les online
les online
Dec 2, 2021 12:13 AM

Seems you might soon have to pay a fee for thinking about …
Some Very Intelligent People (VIPs) are hard at work inventing devices that can read your thoughts… Others, concerned about mis-appropriations of Intellectual Property are working on legislation that will allow the Owners of Copyrighted thoughts to charge you a fee every time you think one of their copyrighted thoughts…
If you’re an enterprising person, now’s the time to copyright as many thoughts as you can – so you can live-it-up from renting your thoughts to others…

Dec 1, 2021 11:51 PM

Yeh, I Know all about “Agenda 2030 and the 4th Industrial Revolution”,

Meanwhile – well what would you like?

Complete Bollocks From These Stupid Twats…in The Daily Mail, trying to Brainwash, and then turning up smiling in the pub….after the photoshoot

How much notice did you get before it happened – you know about the novichec Salisbury Thing…You must have been pre warned about that. The photography was awesome. I was talking to some of you on the night, and posting some of it on Craig Murray’s Blog…He deleted what I wrote, and took it on from there..and put his Arse on The Line

What a Fantastic Man, and I’ve Never Met Him. The Fact I disagree with him is not the point…

It’s not really about politics

It is about hceeps eerf

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Dec 1, 2021 11:13 PM

Whitney is brilliant, I really admire her, sharp as a tack.

Dec 1, 2021 10:26 PM

Bottom line: The scammers will NOT do honest, productive work that benefits all. They don’t even like people who are not rich and scammy and perverted. Of course, That’s a very convenient attitude to take for those whose full time job involves stealing the means of survival from others. I mean, making freedom a service-? The scammers don’t plan to quit and we can’t make them quit. But they will be stopped.

*I keep getting utterly annoying pop ups as I’m typing. They hang over the comment field momentarily. (How about not having them at all?) I must be hitting one of those colored icons. It’s seriously too much.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Dec 1, 2021 11:03 PM
Reply to  Arby

Who are these scammers you speak of? Little men who hide behind an army? Sounds familiar doesn’t it. The truth is the entire system is created by scammers. Parasites who offer nothing but money in exchange for brains to figure it all out for them. The sooner the tide is turned the better. Simply put, stop working for them.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 1, 2021 10:15 PM

The next stage is to fine and/or imprison those who don’t get the jab. — https://www.rt.com/news/541687-austria-vaccination-resist-fine-bill 29 Nov, 2021 Harsh penalties mulled for those resisting compulsory vaccination in Austria People repeatedly snubbing Covid-19 vaccination summons in Austria after immunization becomes compulsory there might face fines of up to $8,100 or several weeks behind bars, according to a draft that was leaked to the media. Those resisting vaccination in Austria might soon face stiff punishments, according to a leaked draft of the so-called Covid-19 Vaccination Protection Act seen by the Austrian Die Presse daily. If passed, the legislation, which is set to take effect in February, would apply both to the Alpine nation’s citizens and its permanent residents. Under the bill, anyone who refused to attend a scheduled vaccination appointment would receive an official summons from local authorities. If an individual failed to show up, they would then be summoned one more time within the next four weeks. Should the second official request be ignored as well, the person would face a fine of €3,600 ($4,061) or four weeks in prison. The fine would increase to €7,200 ($8,000) for those who had already been fined twice for violating the vaccination requirement. — https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/greece-fine-elderly-114-every-month-they-remain-unvaxxed Dec 1, 2021 Greece To Fine Elderly 100 Euro For Every Month They Remain Unvaccinated On Tuesday Greece rolled out its first vaccination mandate order targeting the elderly portion of the population, with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announcing in a televised statement that the COVID-19 jab will now be required by law for people aged 60 and over. He cited the national “vigilance” now required as the new omicron variant has emerged, and also lamented the huge numbers of still unvaccinated elderly in the country. But more shocking is the penalty unveiled for not being in compliance, which… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 1, 2021 10:10 PM


Another exasperating article from John Steppling awash with the typical obsession over World War 2 images of fascism: Hitler, the Nazis, white supremacy, anti-Semitism etc. As if these are embodiments of the rising threat in the world today.

But the media is too smart for that and alludes to the same WW2 imagery from the same perspective in the construction of a convenient bogey man where the customary Hitleresque notions are now welded explicitly to the “Right Wing” in general and accompanied now by new arrivals QAnon, Trump, “MAGA”, “conspiracy theorists”, “anti-vaxxers”, “covid deniers”, etc.

The new bogey man construction is exemplified by this stereotypical “Right Wing” couple here:


This is a cartoon. Indeed it’s the old Leftist kitschy cartoon. And you’re supposed to hate it. And through hating it, you are then supposed to gravitate towards an equally kitschy vision of “The Left” consisting of “The Science”, “fighting covid”, “vax worship” etc. Steppling’s obsolete fixations threaten to dupe him into this false theatre.

Dec 1, 2021 9:51 PM

ramping up the fear before the solar Luna eclipse… (4th December)

Huge headline’s medical emergency
Watford vs Chelsea suspended for 30 minutes due to fan suffering cardiac arrest in stands

Over in USA
Fully vaccinated Lebron Tests positive.

For a Full house a MP or Holywierd actor will give the perception of Apocalypse Now new scarient (when they get tested tomorrow and tested positive)
and we must all get our Boosters to save Christmas.

Be interesting to see this years nativity plays..
Mary and Joseph was able to get into the stables as they both had health passports.
The stables was registered and complied with regular CV checks.
Mary and Joseph donkey was also inoculated 

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Dec 1, 2021 10:07 PM
Reply to  excommunicated

Yeah but the three wise men won’t get in. They are wise and are not jabbed!

Dec 2, 2021 12:00 AM
Reply to  excommunicated

Huge headline’s medical emergency

Watford vs Chelsea suspended for 30 minutes due to fan suffering cardiac arrest in stands

It’s starting to become a regular event. Two out of the 6 premier matches played Wednesday stopped/delayed.

Dec 1, 2021 9:26 PM

OT, I know, but…

From a Melbourne newspaper this morning:

Chair of the South African Medical Association Dr Angelique Coetzee who was among the first to identify and treat the new variant: “For patients with mild disease we have easily treated them at home with no complications up until now, they’re all healthy. It might be the same… the same type of infectiousness as the Delta variant but the severity that we have currently seeing is not so severe.


“(Patient) have asymptomatic symptoms not the same as Delta, no loss of smell, no loss of taste, no stuffy nose, no cough, no fever or very little fever. I saw, these whole 10 days, only two patients with fever. Also their oxygen saturation was normal.” (my emphasis)

Yep, ‘asymptomatic symptoms‘.

Omicron alarmists waste no time spreading panic | Herald Sun

les online
les online
Dec 1, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  Elmo

It’s reports like this that makes me wish i wasnt retired from work…
To be able to ‘phone work and say “I’m taking a Sickie. I have no loss of smell, no loss of taste, no stuffy nose, no cough, no fever – or very little fever. My oxygen saturation is normal. I have asymptomatic symptoms !”
 And to hear the Boss say “OK.Get Well Soon.”

When being OK is a sure sign you’re NOT OK..
No wonder They’re going after the Kids…

Dec 2, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  les online

so good!

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Dec 1, 2021 8:24 PM

Still waiting on that part 2 of the Bin Laden documentary. Anyone else?

Dec 1, 2021 9:45 PM

Whitney Webb is Great, but she speaks 10 faster, with 10’s more information in 10 seconds, than my brain can absorb…and she does it in real time

I’m all for enthusiasm, and some of her content is great.

She’s like Corbett on Steroids

Not that I disagree, but its hard to keep up.

The important thing to realise, is that much of the entire world’s population, has not had to endure, almost TWO Years of This Brainwashing 24×7, on All Channels Simultaniously, Paid By The British Government, using Our Taxes.

I have never had so much Brainwashing in My Life, and I don’t even watch TV.

These British Bastards are Attacking Us British Ferociously With Their Brainwashing.

Why are They Attacking Us?

What have we done wrong?

Take it out on yourselves, not us.

Stop Brainwashing Us , You Imbeciles.

Read Laura Dodsworth for The Links.

“A State of Fear”

It’s not got better, and a lot of people have been and continue to be really suffering, for many reasons.

So be a Friend.

Listen and Provide a Shoulder, and Help if you can.

I’ve been Crying Tonight With My Friend


Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Dec 1, 2021 11:07 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

What time zone are you in Tony because it sure isn’t GMT.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Dec 1, 2021 11:09 PM

He was trained by the CIA and served a purpose. What else is there to add?

Dec 1, 2021 8:12 PM

Offgaurdian I don’t want to hear about ww1 ww2 we are in ww3 how do we and what can we do because seems to me every avenue is blocked they’ve planned this really well.

Dec 1, 2021 8:08 PM

I was delighted to see Craig Murray Free yesterday morning.

He looked Great – Like Father Christmas Appearing in a Howling Gale


Thanks ever so much for whoever recorded it, and especially the transcript, of what Craig said about COP26, some of which to my surprise I completely agree with. I think Craig has learnt a lot in jail. He can now see more clearly through most of this Greenshit….and The Wealthiest People in The World in Control of it.


Dec 2, 2021 12:19 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Up !

Dec 1, 2021 8:08 PM

We’ve heard all the doom and gloom of what the parasites are planning?!I would rather hear what we are doing nothing seems to be happening because they own us they own judges politicians police etc,what’s going on with our rights nothing because they know we don’t have a leg to stand on.

Dec 1, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  Annie

Hi Annie. I find the short videos of Aussie Tom Barnett very hopeful and inspiring. Hope you do too.


Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Dec 1, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Annie

If you stopped reading the gutter press your head wouldn’t be spinning.

This has been covered many times. Stop now, save your sanity, and be brave in the face of tyranny.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 1, 2021 8:01 PM

And now time for the “Tory Bastards” to play their part getting booed in the stocks:


Now before we go any further, you must cast your mind back to the primeval viral tar pits of winter 2020 and “the new Kent variant of coronavirus”. The reader may be forgiven for having totally forgotten that one amidst the virtual smorgasbord of variants that has been unleashed since. (I must confess I am a bit hazy on the “Kent” one. Wasn’t there an Ealing Broadway one?)

There was a “Tier 3 lockdown” with no mixing or fornicating outside respective “support bubbles”.

So much for the background.

It seems those Tories (fuckin’ bastards who never closed the country down fast enough despite all those proletarian strikes demanding face masks and infinite distancing – yeah go WSW!) were recklessly having a party!

They said “several dozen” people were at the event, where party games were played and food and drink served.

Good God! Have they no shame!

Sir Keir rages against “a boozy party in Downing Street?” Yes it’s came to this! But that’s good news for these Tories. To fulfil their function of earning the wrath of the plebs they no longer have to have elaborate scandals. All they need to do now is throw a party!

Keir accuses the PM of “taking the British public for fools”. This is, of course thoroughly accurate but it applies to a little more than the PM!

And as if to prove his point, Boris jeers at Keir for watching out for his own party’s parties!
Yes – this is where we are now! Arguing about toffs’ Christmas parties to push home the point that we should not be having such parties!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 1, 2021 7:34 PM

We know how the mysteriously abstract language works: “There are calls for”, “There is a crying need for”… and now “Omicron COVID variant underlines need for” … a “global ‘pandemic treaty’”.


“The emergence of the threatening new Omicron variant shows how important it is for the world to end the current “cycle of panic and neglect” over the COVID-19 pandemic, said the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday.”

This is “essential to preserve “hard won gains” against the virus” because “the world has not responded accordingly to COVID-19, and vaccine inequity, among other challenges, has facilitated the appearance of new highly mutated variants such as Omicron”.

And of course,

“The people of Africa cannot be blamed for the immorally low level of vaccinations available in Africa …”

As if the people of Africa are just gagging for vaccines! Thus it is outrageous that there is an “immorally low” level of same.

Note the blandly presupposed morality of the entire scam!

The language of urgency!

“…the world shouldn’t need another ‘wake up call’”

And for those displaying lack of sufficient enthusiasm:

“…although many of us might think we are done with COVID-19, it is not done with us.”

The future of humanity depends on unification of all peoples – which might seem a reasonable concept until you see the banner they’re flying:

“…our ability to end the current pandemic is a ‘test for our collective ability to prevent and respond effectively to future pandemics’.”

Unity under the compulsion of fighting “future pandemics”!

Requiring “(c)ourageous and compassionate leadership; Fidelity to science” (?!)

A glimmer of the underling logic:

“…a convention, agreement or another international instrumentwill provide the overarching framework to foster greater international cooperation and provide a platform for strengthening global health security

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 1, 2021 7:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And just go back and note the implications of this:

“The emergence of the threatening new Omicron variant shows how important it is for the world to end the current “cycle of panic and neglect” over the COVID-19 pandemic, said the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday.”

Panic and neglect? What “neglect”? This refers to the insufficiently hysterical response to all those constantly regurgitated artificial panics.

The underlying message is:

“Look you apathetic bastards! We’re throwing all this bullshit at you and you’re not screaming enough! How can we hope to shaft you all when you aren’t submitting fast enough?”

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 1, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

re: How can we hope to shaft you all when you aren’t submitting fast enough?

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Dec 1, 2021 8:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Beware the Tyranny of Urgency.

Dec 1, 2021 9:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There are suggestions that this variant was dreamed up the day after South Africa told Johnston and Johnston etal to bugger off..punishment for misbehaviour….South Africa always seemed a bit more likely not to completely buy into the narrative….

Dec 1, 2021 7:34 PM

Why aren’t more people on the Left complaining about what is essentially a ramped up neocolonialism? How much real Left is left?

Dec 1, 2021 7:01 PM
Dec 1, 2021 6:28 PM


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Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 1, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  Willem

Dec 1, 2021 4:36 PM

Good job they have so many assets planted in alt-right or they’d be running out of ones to ‘kill’:

A TV evangelist called Lamb? His channel is called Daystar? Not at all bogus…

Dec 1, 2021 4:48 PM
Reply to  Edwige

And it’s on the back of:

several prominent Christian broadcasters have died of the virus in recent months.

A targeted bio-weapon for influential dissenters?

dr death
dr death
Dec 1, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Ha Ha… well of course, ‘Christianity’ is returning to its early and persecuted form… even the EU have plans afoot to ‘remove’ it … which of course will segue into prohibited… hardly surprising when most church leaders preach ecumenicalism and social justice for obvious reasons and the pope a is jesuit crypto witch-doctor… I think you will find that the new management classes (and increasingly political for what it is worth) will be muslim and hindu…. and obviously those who may not be named..

you can ask avid jabber.. haha, ahem, secretary of state for health and the perpetual booster.. or that israeli spy, pretty fucking awful (patel)…

or the tow haired hunchback that runs the dr caligaris cabinet of criminals alexander bey…

Dec 1, 2021 5:20 PM
Reply to  dr death
Dec 1, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  dr death

Is this why the catholic schools around here are pushing vax mandates so hard

Dec 1, 2021 5:29 PM
Reply to  Edwige

No Smiley faces on the article?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 1, 2021 3:56 PM

“Green projects” are increasingly under the control of Internet scammers and Wokesters , Greta and Naomi Klein come to mind .

Dec 1, 2021 3:35 PM

The greatest meme of the day comes from People’s Party of Canada.

Jom McDonagh
Jom McDonagh
Dec 1, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Sapas

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 1, 2021 3:57 PM
Reply to  Sapas

Dec 1, 2021 1:25 PM

30% of the Earth uninhabited actually rather understates how much populations are already concentrated in small areas:


It’s a cute trick – compress people into smaller and smaller areas that will make over-population seem more plausible and they’ll start supporting the depopulation agenda.

On a different tack, many seem impressed by Catherine Austin Fitts for an alt-take on financial matters. Fitts is a banker and ex-Reagan cabinet minister. She seems to be on a lot with Joseph P. Farrell. Farrell took his Ph.D at Oxford (which he claims he hated). Both go on Whitley Strieber’s show ‘Dreamland’. If that name isn’t enough of a giveaway, there’s some discussion of Strieber here which clearly points to him being an agent:


I’m not saying Fitts (or Farrell) has never come up with some useful information but they look very like gatekeepers.

Dec 1, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Ms Fitts has looked like a “gatekeeper” to me since day one.

I would caution against equating area with sustainability. As many have pointed out, the entire world’s population could easily fit within the US State of Texas, with room to spare. That does not, however, mean there are resources within Texas to sustain all 8 billion.

Even allowing for deserts, swamps and all the land ruined through over farming and climate engineering, doubtless there’s still plenty of land available for sustaining the human population.

But what about double or triple the current population? At what point will there be one too many humans? (I recuse myself from answering that, given my view of humanity.)

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 1, 2021 3:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

Dec 1, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  Howard

It’s a hockey stick….aaargh. Except it isn’t. The temperature goes up and down. The population goes up and down. The sun goes up and down. Your rhythm stick goes up and down. Relax, kick off your shoes.

Jom McDonagh
Jom McDonagh
Dec 1, 2021 3:51 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Dec 1, 2021 5:03 PM
Reply to  Edwige

As a nice addendum to my other reply, here’s an article from global research I just read. I’m not including it for any purpose of supporting my view – which it doesn’t anyway. It has the Texas meme – plus some interesting numerology.

What Determines a Limit to Growth? “Planet Earth Next 100 Years” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Dec 1, 2021 5:26 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Fitts ran a hedge fund before her single claim to fame as an undersecretary in HUD.
She’s been flogging that dead horse ever since.

Farrell’s PhD is in Patristics, the study of early Christian church leaders.

Yes, both are gatekeepers and attention diverters.

Dec 1, 2021 7:08 PM
Reply to  Igor

yes; i’ve felt that since the first time i came across some of her works. To catch a glimpse of those 2 said qualities (i.e., gatekeeper & attention diverter), please refer to the interview Fitts had with Alison McDowell (of ‘wrenchinthegears.com’/YT/Odysee) on the ‘Solari Report’; as she clearly exhibits signs of discomfiture and dis-ease throughout the interview most plausibly due to being confronted with an authentic ‘truther’ (i.e., Alison McDowell). RGB-Y1 out!!

Dec 1, 2021 10:51 PM

They’re just people, good for some things, useless for others, neither of them has promised to lead me to heaven. That Fitts woman look as if she drinks AND smokes,Mc Dowell looks a bit uptight and would do neither. I don’t care I’d love to have both of them as friends.

Dec 2, 2021 12:20 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Fitts likes the sound of her own voice.

Dec 2, 2021 2:05 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

“That Fitts woman looks as if she drinks AND smokes.”

Yeah, lock her up, castigate her, can’t have people doing what they want, can we? Who the hell are you to pass judgement?

Dec 2, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  Molinos

I thought the big AND was signal enough that I was being ironic. I would put a warning alert but it ruins the effect and while we’re at it who the hell are you.

Dec 2, 2021 8:23 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

I completely agree with your disdain for the practice of making explicit disclaimers or “tags” identifying content as irony or sarcasm.

That said, FWIW the comment fooled me too. I didn’t pick up the “AND” clue because I wrongly guessed that it was exactly the kind of emphasis a prissy moralizer would use to drive home a tiresome denunciation.

Even so, I agree that it’s best to let irony/sarcasm fly free (or “bareback”) and let the chips fall where they may.

Dec 3, 2021 5:28 PM
Reply to  Ort

You’re right, it’s a very dodgy device. I write as I speak, forgetting that the tone is lost in the dead letters.I was rather pleased with the AND, it did catch the character, perhaps too well. I’m a great fan of Dickens who gets so many ever shifting tones and shades of meaning in his writing, the brimstone magpie.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 1, 2021 8:39 PM
Reply to  Igor

But he plays the harpsichord and chainsmokes on his videos. Give credit where credit is due! 😀

dr death
dr death
Dec 1, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  Edwige

and of course you have to accept the premise there is actually eight billion imbeciles, because from where I’m sitting (very comfortably with an excellent whisky, dash of fresh well water) the same people counting imbeciles seem to be the same miscreants…

knocking ’em off like billy-o… (some amongst you will say eurika! numbskull and I would say to you agenda driven propaganda)…

NB: the numbers are meaningless it’s the same MO used for so called greenhouse gas (the noxious verbal wind of credentialed janissaries ).. the pre-determined ‘targets’ of the operations not so much, as they are gently massaged into compliance by mendicant medias… most of imbecile-kind is heading over a demographic cliff the ‘other way’ for various reasons…if you care to do some research… (on a not too distant timeline).. presumably the current malarkey is merely crisis management…

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 1, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Edwige


Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Dec 1, 2021 1:14 PM

Ouch. Is it strange I get a message from Firefox telling me ‘Odysee’, ‘to protect me’ (of course!), ‘won’t allow Firefox to open this video’:.. ???
Strange as Firefox does not (yet?) forbids us to open it directly on Odysee…
Who needs that kind of ‘protection’…
Great video by Corbett and Webb by the way!

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Dec 1, 2021 1:26 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

OK now! It seems the problem was on my side… ‘They’ ‘ve not deleted Odysee yet ;-(
BTW here’s another great video about the same issue, on Withney Webb’s UnlimitedHangout website with two great guests, Iain Davis and Cory Morningstar:
Looking Behind the COP26 Propaganda with Cory Morningstar & Iain Davishttps://odysee.com/@UnlimitedHangout:a/Looking-Behind-the-COP26-Propaganda-with-Cory-Morningstar—Iain-Davis:7

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 1, 2021 8:40 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

Thanks for that!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 1, 2021 12:24 PM

“Kermit has a question.”
comment image

“The Billy Eugenics Cull Juice does not work unless everyone takes it.”
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“From now on Billy wants to be known as LORD BILLY THE DEPOPULATOR, MASTER OF ALL ONE SURVEYS.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 1, 2021 12:28 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Another one bites the Vax.”


“Making too-stupid-to-live a self fulfilling prophesy… and the list goes on and on and on…
comment image

… and on and on and on and on…”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 1, 2021 12:47 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


 “Police Scotland have not been made aware of the rugby star’s death, suggesting it is non-suspicious” 

Dec 1, 2021 2:00 PM


R.i.P. ? In a ‘shit-storm’ of successive tyrannical inhuman abuse of
Elementary human constitutional legal rights, under charter,
Up for barter?
I hope not…

Family condolences.


Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 1, 2021 1:18 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I don’t think we should insult the intellegence of those who believe there’s a pandemic. We need to win them over.

Dec 1, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

They don’t want to be ‘won over’.

They want to sacrifice their freedom for their ‘security’, and they will even put up with the inevitable result: Getting neither.

Their intelligence needs to be insulted.
I can still recall that in the bad old days of strict school teaching, insulting a pupil’s intelligence improved it surprisingly often – usually because pupils were thereby shamed into applying themselves more diligently to their homework…
The tactic even worked on me, since I was a lazy sod back then…

Dec 1, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  wardropper

‘They want to sacrifice their your freedom for their ‘security’…’ FIFY.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 1, 2021 3:58 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

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Dec 1, 2021 9:50 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”Attributed to Benjamin Franklin

Dec 1, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I’m not a fan of toilet language, but the man said much that’s true, but he too was a victim of germ theory and said much that is not true. I did like the bit about swabbing the arm of the criminal on death row before they gave him his lethal injection.

Dec 1, 2021 3:47 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Unfortunately, the tactic you mention has its dark side – as when a bad tempered teacher uses it on those who are genuinely trying their best but for whatever reason seem unable to solve the problem being presented.

Dec 1, 2021 5:39 PM
Reply to  Howard

Oh yes. I remember we had our fair share of sadists and bullies among the staff.

But the ones I’m thinking of were actually pretty popular. They were deadly strict in the sense of insisting on high standards and absolutely no horseplay in class, but their ‘insulting of pupils’ intelligence’ often had a strong element of play-acting and humour.

And they didn’t even seem to mind if the rest of the class laughed at their caustic soul-withering skills… Even as an eleven-year-old, I could appreciate the artistic brilliance of some of our toughest teachers.

A strictly banned art today, of course.

Dec 1, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I still am. Imagine what they would say if you wanted a “safe space” ! And the ones who weren’t hard? We gave them nervous breakdowns! But not the ones who’d been tortured in japanese prison camps we weren’t that vicious.

dr death
dr death
Dec 1, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

ha ha, insult the intelligence…

good one, excellent… you had me there for a minute…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 1, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image
comment image

“What they corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psycho NAZI’s have lost in income tax they will clean up in hyperinflation and the VAT… and their war racket still continues. Next step digital currency and the Great Enslavement.”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 1, 2021 12:01 PM

OT but interesting.

Analogy in comments section of France Soir

We see that the Western countries have coordinated themselves, as in a game of chess: the leaders of the Western countries together represent a colour (for example the black pawns): each country takes turns advancing a pawn, it is logical small steps, like putting a frog in a pot of cold water heated over a low heat that does not realize that it is cooking:

> the 1st leader advances a pawn= (he takes an unacceptable measure, e.g. total confinement), he sees that the population does not protest and that that does not put millions of citizens in the street: of course, when MACRON imposed on us the 1st undifferentiated total confinement from March 17 to May 11, 2020, we had to stay locked up 23 hours a day, exit right limited to 1 hour with an ausweiss ”: it was impossible to demonstrate under these conditions. –
> the 2nd leader of another country advances a 2nd pawn (= another unacceptable measure), he sees that it does not put millions of citizens in the street –
> the 3rd leader of another western country advances a 3rd pawn … and so on.

Nothing new with the frog but I thought the chess thing gives a clearer picture than the word ‘lockstep’.

You can just see Klaus on a telescreen saying “Ok Germany, your turn”

The poster then goes on to suggest that the leaders are voted out at their next election.

I think a better solution is to find amongst us a Grand Master.

Dec 1, 2021 12:10 PM

Preceded by a quick survey to find out the percentage of people who seriously believe their ‘vote’ means shit.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 1, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yeah. That was my point.

Dec 1, 2021 2:13 PM

Just adding my two cents’ worth.
I’m seriously interested in what percentage that might be.

Dec 1, 2021 3:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I can answer that off the top of my head: 100% of those voting believe their vote counts.

It’s what they’re voting for that’s the problem. They’re voting for “their team.” That’s all voting is. Those who don’t vote…have no team.

Dec 1, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

The different “teams” are fictional entities, it is one uniparty serving corporate interests.

Dec 1, 2021 11:23 AM

..as Pierre Joseph Proudhon once said: Property is theft.” Sure is. the problem with this article is that it provides no information to illuminate for those who care enough to want to understand, how it is, THAT the wealthy greedy vicious take -all including the kitchen sink, elite accomplish their steal everything mission to take from everybody, everything. How is it done? The short answer the theft factory is law ( the king made a land grant to private person X). Theft is accomplished by rule of law. first in the line of things is how does one party get away with owning what used to be public. The private persons made into owners of public domain stuffs don’t even have to pay for it, they are the beneficiaries of a law that make it so. Privatization, some call it, allows the beneficiaries of the rule of law to require authentication and to require ticket gated access to their legally owned content. The law transfers public authority from the public domain to the private domain authority creates private ownership of things. . Law privatizes the authority, the privateers put their new content inside of a fenced compound. . What used to be in the public domain (open to all who were interested) is now in the private domain (public=>private transform), and if available at all: the “old public access and use ” is now protected from the public access by a pay wall and requires personal authentication and payment of money to gain a key that will allow inquiry <= access to. the bounty. now comes the digital platform. without the digital platform it is not possible to transform many public domain items into privately owned things. Next, we look at the international agreements .. Agreements that force local nation… Read more »

Dec 1, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  eman

Thank you for this. Far and away, this is one of the most illuminating comments ever set into a comment forum.

dr death
dr death
Dec 1, 2021 7:17 PM
Reply to  eman

clearly correct, enclosure was such an act of piracy and no doubt they intend to take everything left in the world under the aegis of the ‘reset’ nonsense…

however you missed one important point the rule of law is always ably supported by the will to violence (as illustrated by the regime creating various useful designations and international laws to justify imperialism)..

for example ‘ the harrying of the north’ by the norman conquerors in England, during the eleventh century which laid waste to great swathes of the kingdom and exterminated great masses of the saxon population….

all booty later jotted into the domesday book to make it all ‘legal’…

Govern-ment and the legal system has always been the front for a criminal cartel, nowadays the only difference, is they don’t care that you know it…

les online EF*
les online EF*
Dec 1, 2021 11:04 AM

The counter-revolution never sleeps because it knows The Revolution is an ever present possibility.

Dec 1, 2021 10:49 PM
Reply to  les online EF*

Yep. And, note, you don’t need actual revolution for there to be counterrevolution, which means war (cold and hot) against the people. All you need is criminals who fear that justice will catch up with them and force them to relinquish their ill-gotten goods and do community service, and not service on their terms either.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 1, 2021 10:32 AM

It seems that the global bread-heads can’t get enough money, no matter how rich they are already. The global commons are being privatised. And, as Pierre Joseph Proudhon once said: Property is theft.” Sure is. Although the spatial commons – such as the common land – are what most people think of as the commons, they are by no means the only form. We might add multiple threats of erosion, enclosure and conversion, intellectual (educational) commons as well. All are threatened by the rent-seeking Leviathan. There has always been a tension between ‘the commons’ – that which is public and open to everyone to use – and commodification – which turns ‘things’ into commodities for private ownership and money making. To adopt the Marxian terminology, the commons have a use-value, but not an exchange-value (a market price) simply because it is not (and by definition cannot be) a commodity which can be bought and sold or commercialised. In this context the elevation of use-value over exchange value is essential to the understanding of the commons and their expropriation thereof. The depletion of the spatial commons is a global phenomenon, and the war on the commons and common ownership is an integral part of globalization and resistance has been fragile, and most times easily overcome by the forces of globalization who don’t operate by Marquess of Queensbury rules. This transformation of the global commons has been facilitated by the rent-seeking financial global elites who will stop at nothing to privatise what has been common space. The methods include bogus economic theories, threats, bribes, extortion, coups, assassination (the strange death of Tanzania President John Magufuli for example) and unbridled military power. The Confessions on an economic hit-man (2016) written by John Perkins details how any person(s) opposed to the inexorable drive of… Read more »

Dec 1, 2021 6:09 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

It is interesting how he used the term ‘jackal’, which is reminiscent of Frederick Forsyth’s ‘The Day of the Jackal’ (1971), plus the associated film (1973).

Dec 1, 2021 9:06 AM

The people who want to own the sea beds to “protect” them caused this (not that the precise number given is anything more than the usual numerology):


Dec 1, 2021 4:16 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Even more fascinating than the number of cast-offs given is how everything ends up in the ocean. China won’t even let us send recyclables to them any more; so it’s not like they fall off the container ships.

Dec 1, 2021 8:42 AM

When there’s a buck to be made the CORPARASITES swoop and $atan’s $oldiers do the dirty work.
Humans, animals, Mother Nature, are all expendable.