Klaus’ Great Narrative: Locking the Plebs in the 21st Century Plato’s Cave
Matthew Ehret

In case you were beginning to feel like your world was becoming a cliché dystopian movie script, don’t feel bad. It appears that at least some of the villains agree with you.
Not happy with unsatisfying stories, scripts and narratives that shape our disorganized zeitgeist, Klaus Schwab and other creepy dungeon masters trying to manage the post-covid world have called for a ‘New Narrative’ to shape our 21st century and beyond.
Schwab described the World Economic Forum’s Great Narrative Initiative announced on November 11 as a:
collaborative effort of the world’s leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative that can help guide the creation of a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future.”
It is no question that this new project is bone chilling, but can it work? Does it have any basis in reality or is the oligarchical high priesthood stage managing this shit show intoxicated by their own self-induced narratives and completely incapable of seeing the seeds of self-destruction they have created for themselves?
Let’s examine this question in a bit of detail.
As far back as we look, recorded history demonstrates myths and stories that shape each culture’s subjective experience trying to make sense of the objective world and the many tenuous challenges that are tossed into our path.
Deep Structure Narratives
An ice age comes to an end and sea levels rise hundreds of feet drowning millions while wiping out coastal cities. As a consequence, flood myths appear across various cultures of the world.
Fires from the sky reflect terrible asteroids striking the earth wrecking havoc on ecosystems and perhaps even inducing volcanism and vast weather anomalies. As a consequence, more myths are created featuring heroes, villains, angels and Gods punishing sinners and rewarding those with virtue.
Throughout history, countless stories have been created by shamans, priests, and poets which have attempted to infuse meaning onto traumatic events induced by either nature or geopolitical strategies. Some classical stories may have even exposed geopolitical evils under the safer terrain of fiction when literal truths were impossible.
One instance of this latter case can be found in the Olympian Gods of Homer’s stories who were in all likelihood representative of actual oligarchical families who manipulated never ending wars and exploited the folly and corruption of their chosen chess pieces on the Great Game of ancient Greece.
These stories are a part of the human condition and for the most part, perfectly natural.
However, in our supposedly enlightened secular era, these forms of myths are discarded as the foolish practices of simpler unscientific times.
Science has taught us to believe in logic. Not faith in God or the health of our immaterial souls.
The medieval myths of sea monsters and flat earths beyond which unsuspecting voyagers would meet a terrible fate were superseded for a new set of narratives during the enlightenment period. During this period, pure logic and empiricism were placed upon the new altars where religion once stood and we were told to worship new godheads by the names such as Kant, Locke, Hegel, Bacon and Newton. When Nietzsche proclaimed God to be dead, this was the current of thinkers that supposedly killed him.
The Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore referred to those suffering from this disease of metastasized logic saying:
A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it.”
When the foundation of enlightenment logic began to break down under the pressure of reality over a century ago, new narratives taking the form of the Standard Model quantum mechanics began teaching modern man that what appears to be living is in truth, just made up of non-living atoms and chemical interactions…and what appears to be ordered form operating with purpose is merely the stochastic motion of atoms devoid of purpose, beauty or even objective truth.
We were told that all of this was held together only by a mix of luck (statistical probability) and four fundamental forces created 13.7 billion years ago.
All behavior in human life or in nature thus explained away by Darwinian models of survival of the fittest and random mutations. The rise of modern monstrosities like eugenics, and neo-Malthusianism were the sick children of these ghoulish assumptions.
The more we probe behind the impressive veneer of these popular narratives, the more we discover that myths spun by modern day high priests on behalf of political interests has not only continued into our present age, but have continuously adopted new costumes to adapt to our changing world.
Those brilliant minds whose discoveries actually overturned old narratives by leaping beyond the domains of inductive/deductive thinking are carefully obscured under mathematical formulas devoid of the spirit and personality of these exceptional individuals*.
The Political Consequences of False Macro-Narratives
Some political expressions of today’s secular narratives were seen as neocons trotted out in front of cameras broadcasting the message that the two hijacked planes which destroyed three towers on 9/11 was orchestrated by angry Muslims in caves who hated our freedom.
We were told that covid-19 arose from a badly cooked mammal that kissed a bat requiring a total abolition of our constitutional freedoms.
We were told that the protests of January 6, 2021 in Washington D.C. was an insurrection worse than anything the USA had seen since the Civil War when 500,000 Americans slaughtered each other for four years.
We are continuously told that Russia has ambitions to undermine democratic elections across the entire free world while China is aiming to subvert western values and impose a global communist government through its imperial New Silk Road.
I could obviously go on for quite some time here, but needless to say, political myth making is an ugly part of life.
But while each lie certainly does grave damage, our susceptibility to falling for these falsities is in no way disconnected from our acceptance of those higher meta-narratives embedded in those scientific myths that shape HOW our minds move.
Every high priest knows that controlling HOW people think is always infinitely more powerful than controlling WHAT they think about any particular thing. This is how the neocon rot grew in the USA over a few generations leading us to today’s multifaceted systemic breakdown crisis.
One of the fathers of the mutant that became neoconservatism was a narrative-building master named Leo Strauss.
Leo Strauss’ Neocon Monstrosity
Working closely with Fabian Society and Frankfurt School agents throughout his career as a teacher in Columbia, New School and the University of Chicago, Strauss preached a perverse interpretation of Plato’s Republic to tens of thousands of devoted students spread across several decades.
Among the highest lessons contained in Strauss’s teachings (at least for a select few among his students) was the idea of the Noble Lie developed by Plato in Book 3 of the Republic.
Strauss taught his students that this Noble Lie was the greatest weapon and rightful tool of anyone who found themselves in a position of power to rule over the weak at any time in history.
In true Nietzschean fashion, the narrow definition of “power” as the subordination of the weak to the strong was the only definition permitted by Strauss who taught his students that while Plato preached love of wisdom to the masses, he secretly held a different teaching for those elite among his Academy who would control political power. To these elite few, he gave the name ‘gentlemen’ and ‘Guardians’.
Strauss taught that Plato’s Guardians would control the shadows cast on the cave wall which the plebs shackled to their senses, would believe were the only reality possible. The mandate of these perverse neo-Platonists was to live the ideal not of Socrates, but rather of Thrasymachus whose immoral doctrine Socrates annihilated in the first book of the Republic.
Those young neocons learning from their master were taught that the true ‘secret Socrates’ believed, like Thrasymachus, or Callicles (student of Gorgias), was that the highest purpose in life is to attain power, satisfy our lusts and control the shadows in the cave.
As many of Strauss’ own students (like Shadia Drury) came to realize over the years, the old master was himself guilty of projecting his own perverse penchant for fascism onto Plato as he himself maintained secret teachings for his chosen elite students as all good oligarchical head-hunters must.
Cleansing Plato of Strauss
While I adore Plato, I would never deny that he was a mythmaker.
The stories showcased in his dialogues from the Timaeus, Critias, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman, Meno, Laws, Phaedo, Apology, Gorgias, Republic etc… have shaped the minds of some of the greatest historic figures across 2400 years of world history.
Renaissance figures like St. Augustine, Ibn Sina, Erasmus, Shakespeare, Benjamin Franklin, Lincoln, Moses Mendelsohn, Pushkin, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless other brilliant souls had their wits sharpened on the stories and lessons contained in Plato’s writings.
But was Plato truly the tyrannical double-speaker portrayed by Strauss and his followers who preached morality for the weak and vice for those who would control the shadows?
To be a true Guardian in Plato’s world meant more than simply getting out of the cave to see with the light of the sun (symbolic for creative reason) and then lord over the masses.
While Nietzscheans like Strauss stop reading at this moment and choose to dominate the slaves using a higher power of thinking reserved only for a select few of the golden collar elite… Plato made it very clear in his Republic and other writings, that the TRUE philosopher (and implicitly true guardian) was obliged to return back into the cave at risk of his or her life in order to help liberate their fellow captives.
Narratives for Freedom or Slavery?
“Every artist, every scientist, every writer must decide now where he stands. The artist must take sides. He must elect to fight for freedom or for slavery. I have made my choice”
Paul Robeson, 1937
The question can now be posed: how do we know which narratives are designed to enslave us, which empower us, and which are benign (like a child’s belief in the tooth fairy or the toy-bearing fat guy who trades gifts for good behavior)?
Since each person’s internal universe interfaces with the external reality through the filter of both logic, senses, imagination, and free will, is it possible that some narratives can uplift and inspire us to be more than we are in the face of impossible odds?
Can certain stories sharpen our wisdom and free us from the shackles of sense perception as we are taught to see ever more through the eye of reason and a developed imagination?
When George Washington led a small force of farmers against the world’s largest mercenary force in 1776, was it purely logic that guided them in this statistically impossible fight, or were stories of Christ’s passion animating this seeming irrational drive for freedom?
When Syria was beset with foreign-sponsored Jihadists and teetered on the brink of the abyss, did stories of the Prophet Mohammed animate their hearts to do the impossible when an easier albeit more slavish road awaited their surrender?
Certainly, history has proven time and again, that a certain type of poetic story can empower us to leap beyond our limitations and gain insights into the deeper truths of the human condition and universal reality itself. Even Shakespeare’s “fictional” stories offer the sensitive soul great universal lessons into humanity and real politic which has served great statesmen for centuries.
A Last Look at Today’s Oligarchical Narrative Builders
Although we can affirm with certainty that narratives can be good and others evil, is it possible that the oligarchs managing today’s Great Narrative project wish humanity no harm?
Perhaps Lynn Forrester de Rothschild is completely genuine when she launched the Council for Inclusive Capitalism alongside Prince Charles, Mark Carney and a handful of Davos Billionaires representing tens of trillions of dollars of capital in 2014. Helping to transform capitalism into a green, eco friendly, more inclusive system that treats everyone equally is a good thing isn’t it?
When this Council merged with the Vatican in December 2020, Lynn de Rothschild described the event as:
a historic new partnership between some of the world’s largest investment and business leaders and the Vatican… joining moral and market imperatives to reform capitalism into a powerful force for the good of humanity.”
This council is even led by “a core group of world leaders” who even call themselves “Guardians” following the title used by Plato 2400 years ago.
These guardians include the CEOs of powerful organizations as State Street, Bank of America, Johnson and Johnson, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Merck, British Petroleum, and the Rothschild banking houses.
Not exactly the most morally advanced coterie of political heavyweights one could imagine, but still maybe the evil that they have been a part of for decades has all been arranged for the sake of a higher good that only the elite may be permitted to know…
Unfortunately for the Davos Guardians, the reality of the New Great Narrative is a world devoid of those very principles that humanity requires to survive and thrive within our creative, reasonable universe.
Wielding the power to control a shadow land of dumbed-down slaves within a cave might seem impressive for some, but when juxtaposed with the active, creative multipolar paradigm now rising to become a global force for scientific and technological progress, controlling cave dwellers becomes little more than a bleak and pitiful ambition.
And like any parasite which can do nought but kill the very host it needs to suckle on for its very survival, those Davos guardians are likely to meet the same fate as that encountered by Edgar Poe’s impotent, nihilistic oligarch Roderick Usher as his castle crumbled into an abyss.
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation. He can be reached at matthewehret.substack.com
*Some exemplary names of these exceptional individuals include Leonardo Da Vinci, Luca Pacioli, Pierre Fermat, Christian Huygens, Johannes Kepler, Gottfried Leibniz, Max Planck, and Dimitry Mendeleyev (to name but a few).[back]
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Ehret is a mine of invaluable information, particularly in a historical sense. But I feel his knowledge is misjudged in certain crucial strategic areas. Like the snowflake alt.media they run a highly eloquent account of the ENEMY’s progress in suffocating humanity, but they fail to provide a solution capable of impacting the ENEMY’s holds over the majority, who are subject to their MSM psychological indoctrination.
Humanity is caught up in such a sorry state of affairs.
There is great power in the hands of the unelected.
Sovereign governments controlled by oligarchs, enslaving the people, working for big pharma and the banks.
The very people who should not be allowed to possess power.
This combination of power, greed and ignorance is certain to end in disaster.
Powerful people that want the whole world to remain divided into rich and poor.
Their whole effort is to keep you as unintelligent as possible, so those who have power are never questioned, their intentions are never questioned.
Those who have taken away your individuality, your freedom, your intelligence, in its place they have given you bogus beliefs, which mean nothing.
You are talking about every possible impossible thing you know nothing of,
Your systems are purely creations of imagination.
The end result of believing, of having faith in a truth that you have not realized yourself.
It is hearsay.
Our world is fully unconscious and facing a dangerous crisis, which drags us ever closer to the nuclear precipice.
There remains no choice but to address the fundamental problems of our global dystopia.
To discover the very roots of it’s unconscious nature.
Yet until the people begin to realize that the solutions we seek can only be found beyond the intellectual mind.
Global peace and freedom will remain a utopia!
How many so called world leaders, oligarchs, artists, scientists, academics, politicians, clergy, celebrities, know themselves?
Or are even aware that they do not know themselves?
Knowing oneself is intelligence.
Intelligence comes from seeing.
Not from the mind.
Intelligence is consciousness itself.
Thoughts must cease for your intelligence to be.
Consciousness, being free of thought, is the door to knowing the absolute, zero.
It is ever present within us.
Intelligence is always in the present.
Intelligence is a state of no-mind.
Fully unlocking the present will release humanity from its entire past of divisions, violence, hatred and war.
Transcending mind will release humanity from all tyranny!
Set Intelligence as a Universal Existential Constant!
Yet, you are collecting all kinds of retarded information that seems to be important to you.
Why does it seem important?
It seems important because it covers your ignorance.
It helps you to feel as if you know.
Yet you have no criterion to judge the true from the false.
It is mere hearsay, knowledge which is ignorance.
Unfortunately, ninety-nine percent of humanity belongs to that category.
Truth is intrinsic in your consciousness, beyond your mind.
It is not a thought.
It is not a question of philosophy, nor a question of intellectual discussions.
It is a question of deep meditation that leads you beyond thinking, beyond mind.
Modern physics, in the hands of Albert Einstein, has turned almost into mysticism.
Nobody has noted the fact, because mystics don’t understand modern physics and the physicists do not care about the mystics.
The mystics have always experienced that they are one, but nobody has listened to them.
Perhaps man was not mature enough to understand the depth of their declaration.
The mystics have simply expressed the oneness of all.
That existence knows only one moment.
The present moment.
Physicists go into detail.
Physicists say that existence consists of two elements: space and time.
And Einstein turned even these two into one.
Albert Einstein, especially, was the first scientist to come to the conclusion that time is the fourth dimension of matter.
He used to say that “There is not space and time, there is only ‘Spacetime’.”
Einstein had said, “the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one.”
We are accustomed to dividing time into past, present, and future.
But in reality these are not the divisions of time, these are divisions of our mind.
Because past does not exist anymore, except in our memories.
And the future exists not yet, except in our imaginations.
Time means mind.
Time is a projection of mind.
It does not exist, it is only an illusion, although a convincing one.
Maya is a faculty of the mind.
The state of unconscious hypnosis that all human beings together create throughout the world.
Mind has the capacity to manifest whatsoever it believes.
Its belief becomes the actuality.
Yet mind prevents us from ever knowing the truth.
That only the present exists, and the present is not part of time.
This moment in which we are living is of tremendous importance.
As things are moving today, the logical conclusion is a global suicide.
We are coming closer to a third world war.
Ask sleepy Joe?
A sneaky first strike US nuclear attack on Russia and China?
It is sad to recognize the fact, but it is good to recognize it, because then there is the possibility of taking a different turn.
A single politician, to show their power, can destroy the whole of civilization.
Moscow, New York, London, Beijing, any place can be vaporized within seconds.
The whole point of a war is to win, but in a nuclear war nobody wins.
So war has lost its basic foundation.
If a nuclear war happens it will be the destruction of all.
People are completely asleep!
It is time that politicians should learn to discriminate.
What helps life and what destroys life.
These criminals have to realize their responsibility.
This is the only planet in the whole of existence which is alive 🙂
It’s death would be a great tragedy.
But it can be avoided.
The intelligentsia of the world has to create an atmosphere in the world.
A tremendous struggle for a great revolution in human consciousness is needed, and everybody is called for that revolution.
Contribute all that you can.
Your whole life has to be given to the revolution.
You will not have another chance, another challenge, for your own growth, and for the growth of this whole beautiful planet.
You have to become the soldiers for this revolution to avoid the criminal forces, the evil forces, which are getting ready to destroy us.
The death of this earth is not far away.
A revolution in human consciousness is no more a luxury, it has become an absolute need, as there are only two alternatives, suicide or a quantum leap in consciousness.
It is now or never!
“a collaborative effort of the world’s leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives”
sounds like a great idea except for the part where only the filthy rich get to decide who these leading thinkers are. Rich people invariably see themselves as intellectually superior to anyone who failed to play the game of capitalism as well as them. So called “successful” people are by their very nature neither leading nor long term thinkers. In terms of philosophy and spirituality they haven’t even got off the starter’s blocks.
“Throughout history, countless stories have been created by shamans, priests, and poets which have attempted to infuse meaning onto traumatic events induced by either nature or geopolitical strategies.”
I have one of those stories.
The story of the new, massive, beastly Hydra, i.e. Big Everything.
The new monstrous Hydra, much like the Lernean Hydra in ancient Greek legend, has many heads, each represented by massive industries, like Big Oil, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Chem, Big Pharma, Big Banking, Big Ag, Big Food, Big Med, Big Insurance, Big Politics, Big Government, etc.
Each head capable by itself of supporting that monstrous Hydra, but all heads working together to create a likely unbeatable beast.
Any attempt to destroy one head, like the ill-fated attempts to breakup Big Tech, represents only a minor setback to this massive beast, as the numerous other heads continue to support the beast. Anyone who attempted to behead the Hydra found that as soon as one head was cut off, two more heads would emerge from the fresh wound.
Big Everything continually gets ever bigger.
This new monstrous Hydra, aka Big Everything, was created by the neo-feudal Lords, aka the largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks, as a method to protect their massive hoards of wealth & power.
Wealth & power represented by those numerous heads, which they own the largest stakes in, via massive share holdings.
The masses of “common” citizens, the serfs & peasants, now exist solely to support those neo-feudal Lords. The new massive Hydra exists to keep the masses in line, preventing uprisings, threats to power, and/or any divergence from the establishment systems.
Every activity, every action, every behavior, the entirety of the human existence is controlled by the neo-feudal Lords, enforced and controlled by the heads of this massive Hydra.
Sure, certain segments of those masses of “common” citizens are led to believe they are escaping the grasps of that new monstrous Hydra, via pseudo-alternatives, by say “choosing” “green” energy over “brown” energy, but remain wholly ignorant that both are merely different heads of that same Hydra, thus those people remain as captives, obediently serving the same neo-feudal Lords, and continuing to feed that massive, monstrous Hydra, whilst it slowly consumes them.
Though this is just a story, the facts underlying the corporato-socialist neo-feudal structure that has been created, and remains all-consuming, is quite real.
Meanwhile the mindless masses are continually led to constant fear, but remain always misled & distracted by pseudo-threats & false narratives, like “the Virus”, to keep them from realizing the truth of the emergent danger that has become this new monstrous Hydra, aka Big Everything.
“Each head capable by itself of supporting that monstrous Hydra,”
Do you mean incapable?
I wonder if the drool from this specimen’s blubbery face contains unheard-of viruses we should know about…
Matthew Ehret wisely noted the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, if only parenthetically. Unfortunately, he noted them as “benign” when they are anything but benign.
Be that as it may, when Mr Ehret concludes his essay by extolling “the active, creative multipolar paradigm now rising to become a global force for scientific and technological progress” he offers us a candy cane and a steaming cup of Christmas cheer. Nothing more.
We will not move one inch beyond where the Davos diddly-turds have thus far brought us if we continue to keep clinging to the bauble we lovingly call “Science.” For indeed it is a bauble, very much like a diamond; and just as a diamond generally has an imperfection embedded within it, so too does Science have an imperfection embedded at its inner sanctum.
That imperfection is its total reliance on those who have the resources to endlessly study the universe. Or to state it more succinctly: the imperfection rendering Science a mishmash of meaningless drivel is the tiny man at its center.
Rising Tide Foundation
The Rising Tide Foundation is committed to the belief that the improvement of scientific and technological progress is inextricably tied to the improvement of creativity and moral disposition of every member of society. This is reflected in what English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley described as a society’s “power of communicating and receiving intense and impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature”. Describing the role of the poet in society, Shelley went onto say “They measure the circumference and sound the depths of human nature with a comprehensive and all-penetrating spirit, and they are themselves perhaps the most sincerely astonished at its manifestations; for it is less their spirit than the spirit of the age. Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
I made what will probably be my final shopping trip to get stocked up with enough non-perishable food to last a couple of months or so in case (as is looking likely from the local perspective in Cyprus) they decide to starve us into getting the injection. I went to the nearest food shop and a very polite middle-aged woman was checking for so-called Safe Passes at the door. While she was dealing the elderly chap who was just ahead of me as we went in, I simply walked past in feigned oblivion and got away with it. I staggered home with 80 euros worth of stuff. Apart from things discussed down below in this connection, worth thinking about is tinned corned beef for protein (I bought some with a use-by date in 2015) and packets of fruit juice for vitamins.
Well done! Luckily, for now, the great unwashed, namely thinking people with brains; also known as the unvaccinated, are still allowed into the supermarkets here. But for how much longer?
My cupboards are fairly full, and apart from both tins & packets of readymade soups, have bags of rice, packets of noodles and spaghetti, tins of tomatoes, tins of tuna and sardines, packets of flavoured couscous, macaroni cheese, dried soup mix (lentil and split peas) boxes of muesli and weetbix and a few other items including tins of chicken breast.
But its not easy. It actually seems harder in Cyprus than here. I only go out now to get fresh bread, milk and vegetables and teabags. Herbal teabags make a nice change from the normal ones.
I still haven’t scanned a QR code anywhere and won’t. Its one of my bottom lines. If asked I politely but firmly go “no thank you” and walk straight in. I know one supermarket called the cops because two of them rushed up just after I had left it. When I go in I don’t piddle about, just grab what I need and leave. Good luck to you up there Tim.
wow that is an imperfect situation
Thumbs up. Good essay.
I read that “humanity no longer believes in anything but bare existence.” I think it’s a big generalisation. I’d accept that “the West no longer believes…..”. It’s been obvious to many for a while that The West is a Spiritual Desert.
History has revealed that when a people stop believing in The Future they soon perish…
Of course, i blame a lot of it on Maddison Avenue. Many would probably be still going to church on Sundays if The Shops were still shut on Sundays…
Victoria, Australia. Dictator Dan has had his anti-democratic legislation passed. Whether other states follow suite will depend on whether their upper houses are as spineless as Victoria’s is.
The new laws massively increase fines for eg demonstrating. What does Dictator Dan intend that he has to threaten Huge fines, and even imprisonment, to deter any protests against his diktats ?
For some reason I was reminded of a book from a neo-Marxist perspective written by controversial Kurdish separist Abdullah Öcalan from prison in Turkey. One of his key theses is that the ruling class maintains its hegemony through three main means: ideology, the social contract and coercion. He argues that the third of these is the weakest and any ruling structure that has to rely purely on coercion to stay in place is doomed to collapse. If this thesis is right, the increasing shift towards coercion as the narrative (ideology) breaks down spells the ultimate demise of those who are resorting to it in desperation, even if it currently fills us with dread. It must be noted that the collapse can be protracted, however.
It’s been said that “you cant run a modern economy using fear.” The Soviet Union is given as an example…Rule by coercion is not what’s currently going on.
The Global Economy is transitioning – that Great Reset. The coercion etc is being used to suppress / repress resistances during the transition..
Though this time, as Many of us will be Surplus to the needs of The New Economy, i expect the hob-nailed boot to remain crushing our necks…
It shows what a complete narcissistic psychopath this creature really is les.
You can also guarantee palms were greased to get this legislation passed.
Look at two of the cross benchers who voted for this vile thing: Rod Barton and Andy Meddick. Take a look at them and their backgrounds.
Main reason – this bill is to enable him to keep rolling out the vaccine. The current Victorian state of emergency expires on December 15th, and by law it couldn’t be extended again. Without that, Victoria cannot legally administer vaccines.
Now Andrews has the power to keep doing this for an unlimited time. Secondly, this Bill is also to punish all those who refuse to get on their knees and meekly obey the covid directives. Like myself.
Andrews, given his psychological makeup, would actually be relishing the opportunity to punish “anti vaxxer extremists”. He will get off on it. That is the sort of creature he is. Next step, people will be sent to the Mickleham camp. That’s a certainty.
With so much spotlight on these criminals, and the hindsight of what happened in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, they just pass these laws in broad daylight.
There’s a covid joke but there’s a 99.99% you WONT get it 👍
This is what Schwab refers to with ‘The Great Reset’, used to entitle his red herring ‘story’.
The last reset was called The Younger Dryas. They happen every half a dozen ages (recorded for our amusement in geological strata).
If you want an idea of what ‘rise hundreds of feet’ looks like then see Interstellar: https://youtu.be/4Hf_XkgE1d0
The question to be asked is: “Where does the water come from, and why?”
On the subject of Plato, well, I suggest particular attention is paid to his Critias dialogue.
“Where does the water come from, and why?”
Scientists have discovered what they call water worlds around distant stars. A shell of water exists around a planet, and could this be the source of the forty days and forty nights deluge recorded in the past?
In addition scientists also agree that there is more water inside the earths crust than is on the surface. Logic determines that the flood, recorded in the Sumerian records of the Annunaki Gods and their building of the Great Pyramids thereafter, would offer an explanation for the biblical writings.
As more and more truth comes to our attention, it would seem to lend more credibility to the Annunaki records. Homo Sapiens are now acknowledged to have been recorded up to 200,00 years more than previously thought in the Levant.
This squares with the Annunaki arrival some 450,000 years ago in Suma and their Genetic experiment to create a worker race at 250,00 years ago.
Why not?
In what sense have they ‘discovered’ these things btw?
Common Sense and logic btw.
Is it just me or are we all waiting on the Americans 😬
Americans say “Virus”, meaning (SARSCOV2) is the Disease.
Soo, I’d think a living breathing person would have sars2 in their blood.
If it’s not there, your not ill..simple.
If only they could get rid of Biden and his backers. Still, there is enough push back in the US that it may slow things. Possibly turn the tide.
I’m American, nothing will happen. First, people wonder why there was no push back in 2020. Answer: Because the only push back would’ve come from the half of US that’s right of center or anti-Davos. The left loves lockdowns. Right of center people had voted for Trump–specifically to protect them from this kind of gov. overreach. Instead, Trump was the cause of the whole thing, so his voters were left unprotected and speechless. Trump turned out to be Davos. For the same reason, Trump’s lockdown and closed schools mania also prevented backlash from congress. Both “sides” of US gov were rabidly on board with one exception, GOP Rep. Massie from Kentucky who merely asked for an extra few days to study matters in March 2020 before sending out trillions in cash. An enraged Trump said Massie “should be thrown out of the Republican Party.’ Trump went on tv and brutally criticized Georgia’s Gov. Kemp (Republican) when he made a small attempt to open his state. When Florida Gov. DeSantis allowed people back on the beach, Trump called him and asked him not to do it. (DeSantis declined) Trump’s request). Second reason why no US backlash is the violent Black Lives Matter riots in 2020. These deadly riots were praised by virtually all US politicians, police were ordered to stand down, 1000 “public health officials” endorsed the riots saying that “white supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19.” It was Kristallnacht in New York and many other cities. If store windows weren’t boarded up they were smashed. There were curfews. It was all accepted as fine and normal. The same scenario played out in 2015-16 against Trump supporters during his campaign. Again, police stood down, Trump supporters were entirely on their own and bled. I have pictures. A very peaceful person would be quietly walking to his car and he’d be hit on the head from behind and left bloodied. Many were knocked to the ground and left bloodied. Conclusion: The half of America that doesn’t love lockdowns and Davos has learned that their political views no matter how peacefully expressed in the public square will immediately cause deadly riots and perhaps their own injury. No one is behind us.
Thank you Matthew, a great read.Your article reminds me of a quote I heard recently, “bad stories cast spells…good stories break them.” – this would apply individually and collectively.
Everyone should know the truth. Only the truth can avoid biblical disaster.
All you need to know:
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Stuttgart have made world history.
Here you can find the decision of the BGH, AZ.: I ZR 62-16 from 1.12.2016
The BGH and the Higher Regional Court Stuttgart have refuted all allegations about the suspected “measles virus”, the infection of measles and the measles vaccination.
Even more, it is now the case law of the highest court that the entire virology has been refuted.
You can find out why this is so in this text.
Here you can find the important judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, AZ.: 12 U 63/15 from 16.02.2016
– wissenschafftplus.de
TRUST ULTRA TRUST NAOMI – https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/
Blog: https://coronistan.blogspot.com
What Schwab means by “Collectible” Future is his Elite Monster Pals & their most successful minions. He’d never be altruistic in any way.
…DavoMon… – “Gotta catch ’em all…” 😉
is this a kite I see being flown before me?…
Pearl Street Films run by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck creates some great Tv series
Incorporated 2016 which lasted one season is everything and some
DNA sequencing baby’s is in it. So is lab made food
Feel free to print and post this info to doctors. Feel free to post it on popular Facebook pages including those of your elected officials.

After the war, the top surviving German leaders were tried for Nazi Germany’s crimes. Their trial was held before an International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg, Germany. Judges from the Allied powers—Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States—presided over the hearing of 22 major Nazi criminals.
Subsequently, the United States held 12 additional trials in Nuremberg of high-level officials of the German government, military, and SS as well as medical professionals and leading industrialists. The crimes charged before the Nuremberg courts were crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes.
In all, 199 defendants were tried at Nuremberg, 161 were convicted and 37 were sentenced to death, including 12 of those tried by the IMT. The defendants generally acknowledged that the crimes they were accused of occurred but denied that they were responsible, as they were following orders from a higher authority.
After almost 140 days of proceedings, including the testimony of 85 witnesses and the submission of almost 1,500 documents, the American judges pronounced their verdict on August 20, 1947. Sixteen of the doctors were found guilty. Seven were sentenced to death. They were executed on June 2, 1948.
…This as well from Kyle Becker’s Substack FOIA request data dumps, Eddy (I’m not subscribed to him, but caught a ZH piece on this)… – I’ve just begun to doing a work-up on this, since the ‘collapsing footballers’ thing went viral…
…- Preliminary FOIA release, incl adverse events data for batches shipped worldwide, 01/12/20 – 28/02/21… – ***WTF*** is up with the UK’s per capita (per 100K) rate?!??!!:…
Country:……Pop*:…………….AE Cases**:…..AE Cases Per 100,000:
(* Sauce: Worldometers…)
(** Sauce: Section 3.1.1 of the .pdf, 1st link below:…)
It’s been a year ago or so, but I remember reading that Herr Schwab et al would be creating a new religion (a new “narrative”?) called Chrislam.
…- FIFY…
Perhaps even inducing plagues as well, as outlined in this book: https://www.world-archaeology.com/books/new-light-on-the-black-death/
Just wanted to take another shot at germ theory 😉
Prop one lie (the Black Death) up with another (asteroids). It’s what they do…
It’s a forgotten part of the early space programme about how much trumped up fear there was about space viruses. Probably the main remnant of that now is the film ‘The Andromeda Strain’. The official explanation of the strange behaviour of the Apollo astronauts at their post-landing press conference is the period of quarantine they’d been put through.
It’s all so rosy form the WEF, isn’t it? https://zero-sum.org/when-the-world-economic-forum-predicts-your-future-you-better-watch-out/
The governments and elites of China and Russia are not innocent bystanders, they are as much a part of this operation as are the governments and elites of the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Japan,….
That’s right, it’s a Global Economy and they’re just as much its servant as are Western governments and national comprador class. Slaves to an economy they have no control over.
Corbett does a very good job on the importance of this theme in his current solutions watch featured video.
“Dear is Plato, but dearer still is the truth”
The theatrical ritual of our “progressive” faith continues to sermonise through its peculiar pseudo-debate – as witness wired.co.uk:
The demonic Omicron set to spar with “Science” and we are already drafted in as “spellbound spectators”:
The game is set and those heroic scientist-priests are called in to exorcise the demon, although even the ones still hypnotically taking up their positions in the theatre already must feel that the demon can never be fully expunged. The mesmeric sway of the ritual has a rhythm that is now familiar. The faithful are caught in the trance.
There is no need to read the rest of the article since the meaning of the words is irrelevant. It is their sound and appearance that matter, these setting up the swaying circle of prayer
RE: So far, panic about the new Covid variant has outpaced actual information.
Gee, I wonder how that could happen?
In the Canadian film Black Robe set in the 17th century, an Indian shaman resents the presence of a French Jesuit priest. Basically one sky pilot sensing competition from another one.
Put the j word you have no say so if offgaurdian are doing this then we are fucked proper fucked because the one place you thought you had sanctuary you don’t
morbidly obese woman
Gemma Roberts, 35, suffered eight cardiac arrests while in a coma after contracting COVID-19 and still requires oxygen to walk. She is now battling long COVID and is urging others to get vaccinated. Read more: https://trib.al/37XomNH
“Doctor, doctor. After this, will I be able to walk without oxygen.”
“Yes, why?”
“I never could before.”
I’m just angry tonight wake up I’m awake for you be awake for me
http://folklorethursday.com/folklife/real-gypsy-life-belief-and-customs/ —– by Lisa Boswell. This is for you.
I was abit drunk
Sorry dear, I’m going to sleep
Think about it every minority in the western country are evil???Black Muslim,The real Jewish,Romany why do you think they are doing this?Its dirty and I don’t and want no part in this genocide because it’s all a lie
Think conservative. Think about individuals, evaluate your interaction with the individual, not groups. That’s the difference between righties and lefties.
Every single government on the face of this planet is founded on the assumption it has authority to kill you if you don’t obey. No exceptions. Sane people do not seek such authority. Ergo, we are ruled by sociopaths and psychopaths. The thought that they hold your best interest in any concern is a serious delusion. They not only do not feel ordinary human virtues like sympathy, charity , guilt, remorse, etc. they cannot comprehend them except as tools to use against you. Which they do.
“Every single government on the face of this planet is founded on the assumption it has authority to kill you if you don’t obey.”
This is a very important point that very few have considered.
Nobody seems to think about limitations of government power, and as a consequence there simply aren’t any. Nation states are essentially totalitarian cults, their borders imaginary lines. It’s crazy how everybody identifies as belonging to one country or another without agreeing to any membership terms. It took me a long time to realise that I am not “Australian” just because I happened to be born here.
I’m going to stop now or I’ll get banned but just remember you me everyone are a tribe are connected we are union x
I am a Romany that taught myself to spell to learn a language to do poetry and nice things I was taught to stay away from people but I went closer.
Maybe imposters like the fake isralies like the fake government’s like the absolute disgusting want to steal your money they are scammers
People I’ve grown up with have said Romany will steal your children?Romany are dirty Romany will rob you not the real Romany will never do that.
Offgaurdian I am a Romany like many cultures they are trying to destroy.Where did dirty Romany come from???We are called alsorts pikey gypsy steal your children really why would we want your children?
I often thought of moving in a place where they steel children. Heck I even thought about it as a child.
We are union they tried with Jewish they tried with gypsys they tried with disabled old and infirm they will not try with us!!!!
“Listen to the bot.”

“The message above has been approved of by Lord Billy Eugenics THE DEPOPULATOR-MASTER OF ALL ONE SURVEYS.”
“The cull juice does not work unless everyone takes it.”
“Make no mistake, SCAMDEMIC GESTAPO jackboots WILL STOMP REPEATEDLY on the faces of ALL UNTERMENSCHEN USELESS EATERS who defy or resist the REICH.”
I’ve been in Chatham House. But the Jesuits? Really?
FYI. Just passing it along for informational and research purposes. Thanks.

“But does Death deserve Fauci (Mengele the Beagle Slayer)?”
Most of Trump’s close circle were Jesuit educated…. Jesuits hold more Nobel prizes for science than anyone else…. Loyala came from Venice….
Yes. The Jesuits. Noticed “Pope Francis” role in this? He’s a Jesuit. The Vatican is controlled by the secret societies and is playing a central role in the globalist plan. They will be a major player in helping to set up the new “One World Religion” that will be the “spiritual” element of their global regime.
FOMOmicron! You gotta be a fool to miss out on this sweet, sweet jab.
Interesting posting because it shows one of the agendas behind Omicron. Just a coincidence it has a picture of Saturn with it!
Another is to ruin Christmas for normies (without outright calling it off – they prefer people tp do it to themselves and they want their neo-pagan festival to go ahead). Here in the UK there’s a way they can pile additional agony on top of that.Think of someone who’s been a Christmas fixture and whose recent appearances have been very strange suggesting their may be a death waiting for a strategic moment to be announced….
For the top one, I was expecting a punch line. How disappointing.
Uncle Ted said that industrial society cannot be reformed, and that therefore single-issue protest/campaign groups would always fail.
This article gives Schwab too much intellectual credit. Like late Otto Von Hapsburg,he is just an disgruntled prussian narcissicist skank that got lucky, Stilll bitter the the Kaiser/Hapaburgs lost sorely a century ago. The EU-Davos is their revenge. The French term from 1870s ” Prussian Arrogance” was coined for a reason.
It is not unlikely that all these naratives get hit by reality right now and that we will end up with having a war:
Don’t give “science” a dirty name by associatation with the dirty uncientific lies, propaganda, deplatforming and coecion of Fauci, Sage, Imperial college et al and their scientifially illiterate media whores.
No level of mythology can erase the fact that Klaus Schwab is a pathetic and insane caricature of himself. Everyone casts a shadow on the cave wall, if some other holds the light of illumination… The man belongs in an insane asylum.
klaus is just a rich actor like gates
all roth shill by blood or just agent front bag men
a goldstein for your 2 mins of hate
as the video below states everything and everyone is incorporated qr coded
“There’s a nasty virus with a 99.7% survival rate going around, so we are going to need to forcibly inject you and your kids with … well, whatever the fuck we want on an indefinite basis. Thank you for being too stupid, or cowardly, to stop us!” — Your Friends the Paedmasons
In this world of lies you are right. It is difficult guess which narratives are designed to enslave us. There are two parts to this short blog-post. The first relates the death of a doctor and two stories from his grieving and pregnant widow. The second is from Mark Playne’s Not On The Beeb and relates to potential nano-micro-chips in the vaccine soups.
I appreciate Matthew’s well written articles even though on this subject of ‘narrative control’ I feel that he himself suffers from the East vs West contrived dialectic. All nations with a private Central Bank are corporations, we are the collateral that enable the issuance of fiat debt, our govern[ments] are trojan horses.
Right on. Look at any corporate accounting ledger. “Assets” are counted as debt ratios, and “human resources” are considered liabilities… Need I say more?
You bet your ass we’re liabilities. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
H.G. Wells wrote the ‘Great Narrative’ for one generation and didn’t try to hide it, it was ‘The Open Conspiracy’. Parts of his writing are dated but the central elements are still very much in the elite script. Here’s a summary for anyone who’s not had the chance to read it yet. Does it need saying the Wikipedia version is seriously misleading?
Wells says there are “seven broad principles” of the conspiracy (p.113-114):
1) All existing governments are “provisional”.
2) To minimise conflicts between these governments “by all available means”.
3) Ownership of “at least credit, transport and staple production” to be transferred to “a responsible world directorate”.
4) “Recognition of the necessity for world biological controls”.
5) “Support of a minimum standard of individual freedom and welfare in the world”.
6) “Personal career” must be subordinated to this goal.
7) “Immortality… lies in the race and not in our individual selves”.
Firstly, this is obviously a statement of what now’s usually called ‘globalism’, the advocacy of a worldwide government. Wells doesn’t try to hide this in the slightest (“we must be cosmopolitan in our politics”… “an effective world control, not merely of armed force, but of the production and main movements of staple commodities and the drift and expansion of population is required” etc). Wells is extremely vague on how this world government would work. There’s nothing on how it would be selected or how it could be removed (clear implication: it couldn’t). Wells does explicitly rule out a world leader, parliament or court. Interestingly, he says leaders are “figure-heads” and “shams” and parliaments mere places for recording decisions made elsewhere. The “really directive forces” come from outside but are not otherwise defined. (p.41)
Secondly, depopulation is of course a major theme. He speaks early on (p.5) of “a steady, alarming increase in the world’s population”. Wells presents it as, combined with nationalism, the cause of wars. People and nations struggle for scarce resources. Although he never mentions the name it’s classic Malthus. Wells returns to the theme (p.47) to say “the organized world community conducting its own progress, requires a deliberate collective control of population as its primary condition”. He expresses “a clear hope” for “directed breeding” but doesn’t elucidate. He says that if women have “sufficient knowledge, intelligence and freedom” their desire to have children can be “tranquilized”. He says increases or decreases in “specific types” can be easily produced but doesn’t expand on which “types” he means. Wells returns to the theme again on p.109 where he stresses “the supreme importance of population control”. He writes on p.128-9 about the need to infiltrate the Birth Control movement. Icky realities of population control like abortion, contraception and euthanasia are never discussed. There’s nothing in what Wells says that rules any method out: indeed, he keeps stressing using any means necessary and not being bound by traditional moral restraints.
Thirdly, and most deceptively, there’s what Wells says about war. Superficially, what Wells writes may look appealing because he seems anti-war. One might remember Wells wasn’t anti-war in 1914 and was one of the many British writers enlisted to write propaganda – but perhaps that was an unfortunate mistake? Wells is against wars between nation-states but he is not anti-violence, quite the contrary. He compares the old order (i.e. nationalists) to cancer where the whole growth must be cut out and says “there can be no half measures” (p.106).He speaks of “the need for military action on behalf of the world commonweal for the suppression of nationalist brigandage” and he says Open Conspirators could have “military training” (p.112). He returns to the theme on p.143 by stating “where [the Open Conspiracy] is not allowed to illuminate [!] and persuade, it must fight”. In the context of his previous statements, “fight” here clearly doesn’t exclude physical force. Wikipedia is particularly deceptive on these points.
Next, who are the allies in the Open Conspiracy? Wells says the idea is maybe closer to socialism than capitalism – but he is scathing about much of socialism and finally come clean that he is not a socialist. “The Open Conspiracy is not so much a socialism as a more comprehensive off-spring which has eaten and assimilated whatever was digestible of its socialist forbears” (p.122). He talks about using tactics which today would be called “entryism” which is perhaps why globalists denounce it so virulently in others, it’s classic projection. Wells is even more scathing about anti-colonial nationalists who might see the Open Conspiracy as another form of Western imperialism. Turning to capitalists, Wells is clear that the old boss will be the new boss. In 150 pages he manages one paragraph (p.66-7) on banking which divides bankers into the ‘bad’ ones who value nation and tradition but there is “a residium of original and intelligent people in banking” who are moving “naturally” in the direction of the Open Conspiracy. No names are named. No problems with banking are identified – Wells has nothing to say about usury, central banks or fractional reserve banking. Stupidity or running cover? You decide.
Wells worships science in the book – there is not a word of doubt or criticism about it. Science has made the Open Conspiracy possible and the part of the new order Wells is really looking forward to is “pure science… uncomplicated by moral, social and practical considerations”. (Just let the implications of that sink in for a moment!). I’ve already posted Wells comparing scientists to bees and the Open Conspiracy is to build the hive. However his worship of science doesn’t stop Wells engaging in a bit of proto-green wibble as well – mainly so that nature can be brought under “collective common rule” to “save” it.
Finally,Wells writes quite a bit about religion and ties himself in knots in the process. At one point he goes all Dawkins and says religion will die out and that psychoanalysts will replace the confessional (p.101). However, later, he says the Open Conspiracy will itself become the new world religion (p.127). BTW Wells never considers the word ‘conspiracy’ but he was writing before the CIA weaponised it.
All in all, the book exposes the cover story that Wells was a nice guy if a bit impractical and the Fabians were socialist moderates. The Fabians were and are lunatics, extremists, entryists, eugenicists and enemies of humanity. Wells ran cover for them. Wells was educated at Imperial College by T.H. Huxley so it shouldn’t be a surprise. Can much of Wells’ biography be believed – or is it a legend? Well’s mother was supposedly in domestic service –was she a vessel for an illegitimate child from a bloodline and the ‘father’ acted as paid cover.
Wow Thankyou edwige I don’t need to read everything just like I don’t wait for a car to cross the road I just know and we just know that we are in ww111 x
Good stuff on wells here: frombehindenemylines.org.uk
And also articles there about the 1936 Wells film “Things to Come”, where a decade long WW2 leaves plague and anarchy, then the rational state rebuilds civilisation and attempts space travel.
Sounds familiar……
Did you know:
Comrade Susan Michies mum Anne McLaren as a child actress played a part in Shape of things to come (1936).
The dots always connect.
Interesting….when this first started I said it is War of the Worlds done on steroids and not lasting the 3 days of the reading….seems indefinite at this time….I then checked the astrology of neptune timing and got to see the interconnection of neptune placement…..the publishing of war of worlds, the reading and March 2020….
thanks for reminding me….so many energy wheels between energy wheels….and this particular one has a similiar theme.
…the dubious narrative is always that authority knows best