“Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”…seriously?
There’s a reason heart attacks and blood clots are about to become a LOT more common…but the vaccine has nothing to do with it. Apparently.
Kit Knightly
Audio Version New Feature!
Doctors are warning that hundreds of thousands of people in the UK could be at increased risk of heart disease or cardiac events.
Speaking to the Evening Standard, psychological therapist Mark Rayner and vascular surgeon Tahir Hussein said that the UK could see “300,000 new patients with heart issues” in the near future.
What’s to blame? Well, that would be “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”. A new condition “yet to be recognised”, even though “many experts believe it should be”.
It’s a totally real thing. They didn’t just completely make it up. Don’t be cynical.
You see, all the “pandemic” related anxiety and stress has taken such a toll on the public that doctors are predicting a 5% increase in heart disease, nationwide, and not just in the elderly or infirm.
According to Dr Hussein, he is already seeing…
a big increase in thrombotic-related vascular conditions in my practice. Far younger patients are being admitted and requiring surgical and medical intervention than prior to the pandemic.
Now, some of you demented anti-vaxxers out there might be asking crazy questions like “could this increase in blood clots and heart disease be linked to injecting millions of people with an untested vaccine?”
But that’s absurd. And I told you to stop being cynical.
Yes, fine, in the interests of fairness, we should mention it was recently reported that the Astra Zeneca jab can cause blood clots.
It turns out all the people saying that back in March weren’t just conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation after all. They were totally right. But the clots are only rare, so don’t worry. And they sort of know what causes it now, so future batches might be fine.
And yes, also in the interests of fairness, it’s true that both the Pfizer and Moderna shots can cause heart issues too. Both, according to the CDC, can cause pericarditis and myocarditis, the complications of which include heart attacks, heart failure and strokes.
The UK government has even produced special guidelines for dealing with myocardits, “following Covid19 vaccination”.
But, just like the blood clots, this is very rare. Obviously not so rare you don’t need a special guiding document on how to deal with it, but still very very rare.
…the point is, yes, all the major Covid vaccines are known to have cardiac-related side effects, and yes, some doctors are now predicting a major spike in heart-related health problems, but these are totally unrelated.
Frankly, the very idea this could be a media psy-op designed to do pre-emptive damage control is ridiculous.
Stop. Being. Cynical.
Any connection between heart problems and vaccines is just bad luck or a coincidence. It’s really just the stress.
Don’t ask questions about the vaccine. Don’t decide to not get the vaccine. And certainly don’t worry about what’s in the vaccine. Worrying causes stress which, unlike vaccines, causes heart problems.
Just get the shot. And the second dose. And the booster, every three months. And the updated doses, for the variants.
Just to be safe, get four shots a year, every year, for the rest of your natural life, and/or until you drop dead of a heart attack.
…due to stress.
Don’t be cynical.
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I now advise everyone living in fear of the plague to get their shots, and get them again whenever the government mandates it. Maybe they will finally die out from the repeated poisonings and let us get on with life…
So the “Media” are being forced to blame themselves and their fear porn for all the heart attacks and blood clots, in order to distract from the real cause of the deaths, which is clearly the injections?
How ironic.
I’m certain that if a final tally is ever made, an unlikely event, that excluding this heart disease psyop, the effects of all the mitigations imposed, as in the destruction of our economic, social, and mental health to “control” a virus that presents almost exactly the same average age of death as normal average life expectancy, will far exceed the effects of this rather ordinary virus.
This weekend local paper mentioned Heart problems was due to the stress off the Lockdown!
Well one area where they could possibly run into a problem is when someone asks ‘but what about the control group, the unvaccinated?’
That’s why you’ll witness an ongoing attempt to wipe out the unvaccinated class.
What control group? The original BIG PHARMA control groups, if they ever existed have all been intentionally injected with the bio-weapons. The only true control group in the UK (community cooperative) that I know of is the Vaccine Control Group (https://vaxcontrolgroup.com). The BIG PHARMA subsidiary, pardon UK Health SECURITY Agency doesn’t want to recognize this impartial and genuine control group for scientific purposes. Ask yourselves why.
I’m certain that if a final tally is ever made, an unlikely event, that excluding this heart disease psyop, the effects of all the mitigations imposed, as in the destruction of our economic, social, and mental health to “control” a virus that presents almost exactly the same average age of death as normal average life expectancy, will far exceed the effects of this rather ordinary virus.
…*Click*… “That’s another one…”
…*Click*… “That’s another one…”
…*Click*… “MORE!!…”
Members of the medical ‘profession” who are complicit in the pandemic psyop should be struck off. . . the human race.
Medicine is no longer a “professional” service. It’s a corporate industry, with all that implies. Such as a total lack of moral foundation or ethical standard. Totally consumed with the search for profit, regardless the consequences.
love of money is the root of all evil
I just got around to watching the Andreas Noack video with the follow-up by his wife/girlfriend? who reported that he was beaten to death. My first impression was that the video was very poorly produced and edited which did to some extent interfere with the transmission of information. It was also very repetitive. That said, this was the core of it:
Noack presented himself as a PhD chemist who was a top expert in the special field of activated carbon compounds. The compounds of interest were graphenes. Graphene and its derivative oxide and hydroxide are a weird compound composed of integrated planer benzene rings one atom thick and typically 50 nm in width or length. At that size, it might appear as a dot in the most powerful electron microscopes. What makes this interesting to non-chemists is his claim that graphene hydroxides are being added to the fake vaccines.
The videos are in German with English subtitles.
Noack makes the following claims about these compounds. As a chemist, I can affirm that these statements are chemically accurate.
1) They are the simplest and sharpest conceivable razor blade like structures conceivable.
2) They are incredibly stable, would last forever in the body, and are so durable that they could be used as super disk pad brake linings if properly aligned.
3) The hydroxide form can shed protons making them weak water soluble acids such as phenol which would stay in solution in the blood.
4) As nano razorblades, they would rip to shreds the smooth epithelial lining of blood vessels which would cause clotting. The damage would be more immediate if the jab put the fake vaccine glop directly into a blood vessel.
5) The reason that athletes are dropping like flies on the fields of play is because their high pulse rates are giving their blood stream a velocity where these nano razor blades will shred the epithelium much more rapidly, causing larger and and more numerous clots.
He then goes on with a rant regarding Austrian top politicians and medical doctors and calls them either idiots or mass murderers.
His purported murder occurred a few days after his video received the English subtitles, which would be a few days ago from this posting. Some articles claimed he was German and that his murder occurred in his house by the German police beating him to death on the spot. However his focus on Austria would lead me to believe that he was an Austrian.
Unfortunately, detection of these molecular razor blades requires sophisticated spectrographic equipment, probably Raman spectrographs. I never had the chance to use one of these instruments, but I assume they are not cheap and are not found in every millennial’s basement.
This could be an intelligence agency plant to make fools of conspiracy analysts or it could be the real deal. If the later, it is huge and it deserves our scrutiny. Hopefully alternative trustworthy researchers will make it clearer whether it is a hoax or not. However, I can say as a chemist, that if the elitists had the audacity to put this compound in all or a percentage of the fake vaccines, it would probably have the medical effect that Noach proposed, and that it would never be detected unless it was looked for by qualified analytical chemists with the appropriate equipment.
Why is the legacy media totally ignoring sensational claims and mysterious death of this apparently well-qualified vaccines sceptic – who last year published social media footage of German police/security forces allegedly raiding his home?
It’s a rhetorical question.
Over the last two years, we have all witnessed our traditional public watchdogs morth into lickspittle Establishment lapdogs, dutifully pushing the increasingly threadbare pandemic official narrative in return for government and big pharma sponsorship.
As a former Fleet Street editor, I am saddened and sickenesd to see members of my once-proud profession sell what’s left of their fading integrity for a handful of shekels. Thank goodness for the alternative media!
sorry – morph, not morth.
Thanks. The profesional athletes/sports people have low pulse rates at rest. On the field, this may rise to the same level as for an ordinary person doing physical work. This and all other oddities in the report may be deliberate.
The fact that we have no idea what is in the jab or how many it has killed, maimed or injured seriously, and yet are being coerced to submit to it, tells us what democracy really is.
Media propaganda campaigns, like the “Heart Attack” campaign, are now so easily recognisable that I am able to skip them in full confidence that I am skipping a little gem pulled out of some billionaire’s lackey’s ass.
But, people keep worshiping at the TV altar, keeping the TV’s pedo priests in business. Until that changes and the government discovers that their Pravda machine isn’t working, we will have to put up with these waves of sewage.
Moronic variant was another one … naughty South Africans, get your slaves in order.
Very nice, Kit.
Another “unrelated” story. I heard a tale recently (directly from the source, but I won’t say who) of a 45 year old woman collapsing in a grocery store in what looked to be a grand mal seizure…no medical history of anything that could cause such a thing. She was shaking uncontrollably and frothing at the mouth with her eyes rolling back into her head. She was taken to a hospital via ambulance, and after cursory tests without finding any of the usual suspects for this sort of episode, the doctors announced her seizure was due to stress…a panic attack.
I have been a psychotherapist for over a decade, and I have never seen a panic attack that would manifest in a “epileptic sort of seizure”…of course she was fully vaxxed. But her episode was “due to stress.” Right.
“Don’t be cynical”
I was already cynical.
Now I’m murderously angry.
The ultimate goal is a 5G ChemLabChip insert to remote feed you the latest BigPharma Poison Update to bug fix the last dose.
I just tried to upvote a comment and a message appeared telling me to login to vote; login to what?
To the site. There’s a login option on the comment box. You can create an account easily with just an email address
Well, with my comment box, it looks like I am already logged in. I can comment, but not upvote a comment.
I don’t know if this will help, but in order to use the vote feature, one actually has to click on the “Login” button located on the header of the comments section, and either log in (if you’ve completed the login registration process) or create an account to obtain login credentials.
I’m currently logged in, so I can’t see the unlogged display– but I dimly remember that this will offer the option to register if one has not previously done so.
It’s confusing, because this Off-G login process creates a specific Off-G login distinct from the WordPress login. If this aside confuses you more, ignore it.
The comment box will save and display the screen name, e-mail address, and avatar (if you have one) even if one has not logged in (or doesn’t have an Off-G login)– as you have discovered.
Once one has created an Off-G login credential and logged in, the field where the “Login” button displays will now read “You are logged in as ____”. That’s how you’ll know you’re logged in– and the vote feature will work.
cold weather give you heart attacks, don’t you know :)))
Yes. That is correct. That’s why you must get vaccinated against Cold Weather! Don’t delay! Get your Cold Weather shot today! http://disq.us/p/2l5ilb2
She’d say “arse” rather than “ass”, and I doubt she’d say “butt” either, but then maybe she spends most of her time watching Seppo soapies.
Well you would no as you would be the first to grass people up for extra rations in the covid camps.
Good,little Ovid Marshall arent you.
You are getting more and more pathetic.
a pertinent article.. but surely it is time to move on from the symptoms of the fabrication and psy-op (societal and physical and psychological) and create a broader analysis of the enemy…
because when one puts this psycho babbler, this mind rapist, this lab coated quak under the microscope… one gets to view and magnify his grotesque and cancerous co-morbidities in all their gory glory…
the first, upon inspection being intelligence (or lack of it)… because often the smartest of imbeciles is much better at rationalizing delusion than the common sheep…. they can believe the most ridiculously false things and believe them adamantly (the nature of credentialed imbecility)…
the second affliction is by far a more serious pathology.. this is the tumor of mendacious financial reward, cowardice and willful murder… and may result in the death of any infected credentialed imbecile if caught soon enough…
the best treatment being…
‘righteous vengeance (justice)’…..
Stop this “vaccine” meme. it’s an mRNA improperly tested DRUG.
I beg to differ:
Medicine: intended to heal, may be pleasant or unpleasant.
Drug: intended for pleasure, may heal or harm.
Poison: intended to harm, and is unpleasant.
The mRNA treatment is a poison!
Yep, the most toxic thing since opoids
The psy-op terrorism continue:
Another brand of money/resource/labour wasting sheep’s piss gets a big scrutiny and any number of media pages devoted to it whilst the cull continues with the blessing of and indeed full implementation by the media.
The biggest vaccine push always comes at Christmas and this is quite deliberate. The Christmas ritual is the main yearly gathering for most people. And so when the media roll out the latest poison and start their relentless tom toms about how deadly the deadly lurgy has become, how everyone needs to be vaxxed etc., they can be sure they will cause innumerable psychotically charged arguments in all the households up and down the land. At least half the population have been trained up to be like the child spies of 1984 – although they are not so much spies as Rottweilers or Stormtroopers attacking their own families. And the rulers’ job has been made easier for them.
My mother in law has sunk into a depression since she suffers from various ailments and can’t see a doctor. My wife just returned from a funeral where they buried an old dear who had experienced a new lease of life when she got one of those scooters only to find a little later that she could never get out when the first lockdown started and she sunk into her own deep depression etc. Thus the psychological and medical terrorism and deliberately engineered neglect that is killing off the elderly even as the media mourns them – this mourning being part of the terrorism.
My favourite was the footballers all having chest pains and some dying after the vaccine was a nothing burger essentially by a leading “expert” who said these footballers dropping like flies holding their chests is nothing new (!!!!?!?!?!? Yeah!) and happens so rarely that it’s not worth mentioning. Good to know the NHS is in such capable hands
Does this apply to Sputnik or sinovac?
I thought they were more traditionally made?
i.e. not mRNA?
Well they aren’t vaccines for anything
Sputnik V is a viral vector shot like the Oxford / AstraZeneca shot.
I don’t know about Sinovac but Sinopharm is based on traditional vaccine technology, that is, it uses the whole inactivated virus instead of just a genetically modified part of the spike protein covering of the virus.
The traditional vaccine technology is also not a “whole inactivated virus,” because a whole virus is never taken directly from a sick person. An unpurified sample is added to a cell culture along with a bunch of toxic crap, the results of which include fragments of dna/rna, and a computer matches those fragments to a theoretical genome of a virus. The virus is thus assumed to be contained in this soup, and this same cell culture process is used to make the vaccine itself. However, as control studies have demonstrated, the same genetic fragments exist even if no sample containing the supposed viruses is added at the beginning of the experiment! This is because the process itself starves and kills the living cells in the culture, resulting in them breaking down into pieces of dna/rna. In other words, at no point is there conclusive evidence that a “whole inactivated virus” actually exists.
If someone has proof to contradict this, please share!
So use a complete inactivated virus particle. They grow the virus in labs, that is how they do their “gain of function” experiments. So it should be easily obtainable.
Of course, there is always going to have to a cocktail of stuff that holds those particles so that they can get into the body.
But the way scientists claim to “grow” a virus in a lab is the illogical process I mentioned above, so it’s not “easily obtainable.” And the “inactivation” of a virus is just adding formaldehyde to the end result of that cell culture nonsense, under the assumption that it weakens the virus that was never actually found in-tact, on top of the assumption that a virus is what caused cells to break down in the first place, which is disproven by control studies.
The foundation of the whole thing is flawed. https://greatreject.org/dr-stefan-lanka-claims-about-viruses-are-false/
Why doesn’t everyone unvaxxed start offering to accept a shot IF it is made in the traditional manner? Would they then STFU?
No, and no.
For it to be “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder” don’t they have to declare an end to the pandemic? Post menapausal is after menopause. Post orgasmic is after the orgasm. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is after you go through trauma. You get the picture. I am so tired of all this BS. Why don’t we call it what it really is? Post Vaccination Side Effect Disorder.
You don’t expect logic to appear in the narrative now, do you? I do find it hilarious. “Post” when it’s not even allegedly over although, of course, there was never any pandemic to be post to in reality.
It means post stress — once everyone is accustomed to a daily injection and a daily deadly variant stress levels will fall.
The Sprinkles of life and seed probably did not originate on our Planet Earth..
The Universe is a Big Place
But our Planet Earth is Special
It is hard to describe it, if you have not traevelled a lot like I have with my lovely wife with kids and grandkids, and gone to loads of gigs and festivals, when quite clearly we are not musicians
We are just fans
Perhaps planet earth is the seed…..
There seems to be a common logic shared by governments and anarchists ?
To get businesses to implement government ‘medical policy’, governments order everything shutdown. So businesses suffer from the Shutdown. So they submit to being the government agents for imposing a very risky medical experiment…And they get a return to Business as Normal.
During riots, while the non-violent plead, anarchists trash and burn businesses – to put pressure on businesses to pressure the government to stop doing whatever the government is doing that’s causing anarchists to trash and burn buildings…
Of course they may not be anarchists, but the government says they are…
“Moderna’s co-founder expects the biotech’s vaccine will be at least somewhat effective against the Omicron variant, but says his company can quickly pump out variant-specific boosters for new strains when needed.”
Whew – that’s a relief.
It was said by this man …. “Professor Langer, who is a multi-billionaire serial biotechnology entrepreneur, a professor at MIT and the most cited engineer in history, explained Moderna was capable of engineering multiple new vaccines for COVID variants beyond Omicron if needed, thanks to messenger-RNA technology.” So it must be right! No mention of any testing, by the way, from the “serial entrepreneur”.
Almost as funny is this article by an Ellie Mitchell, who writes…. “Will my coronavirus vaccine booster make me feel bad?”
If you need a laff, you can read the whole article …… https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/will-my-coronavirus-vaccine-booster-make-me-feel-bad-20211130-p59dhy.html
The Dark Ages had their Flat Earth beliefs, today there’s ‘Germ Theory’ and Virology.
We dont live in a New Dark Age, The Dark Ages never ended; though someone once tried to turn on the enlightment…
Vax passports seem to have replaced the Ducking Chairs, though Minorities are still likely to be burned alive at the stake.
Virology is fast revealing itself as the vast field of pseudoscience that it always was. The main proof of viruses appears to be “you can’t disprove their existence of you can’t prove their existence in the first place”. Incredible.
My Wife is making a Christmas Crib, Like My Mum did for Me, and We Did for our Kids..
For our Grandkids..who live here half the time..
My wife is like a kind of timeless angel.
She has also got to talk to her Mum, and brother and sister..
My Wife really wants to see her Mum for Christmas.
She is 86 years old..
We live South of London…
To get to Lancashire is not that easy..
Only One Visit a Week?
My Wife wants to Cuddle Her Mum For Christmas.
(I do too actually – she is a lovely lady)..and she wants to see her Great Grandchildren, before she dies
My Mother in Law (86) is still hoping to get out of jail and go back to her own home.
It wouldn’t surprise me
Completely Lovely, and as Tough as Old Boots.
Will they let my wife see her Mum?
She does need 24×7 help
“Twitter slapped a “unsafe link” warning on a study from American Heart Foundation, which found that mRNA vaccines dramatically increase the risk of developing heart disease from 11% to 25%.The new Twitter CEO should be slapped for practicing medicine without a license warrant.
“That goes for the top staff at Facebook and most politicians. We have a new world full of doctors, without any training whatsoever, playing doctor.” In Love With CO2 And Bicarbonate. Dr Mark Sircus. 4 December 2021.
I just found out that EU President Ursula von der Leyen is married to Hello Echter von der Leyen who is head of Oregenesis, a company specialising in cell and gene therapy. Surely it is mere coincidence and not a conflict of interest for her to call for mandatory COVID-19 injections in the EU?
Similar to the Premier of Qld, Anna Palaszczuk ‘s father, Henry, who is head of the Gene Technology Alliance Foundation (GTA) – the largest company of its type in the southern hemisphere.
Any moment now, I expect the state of Queen’s Land to go into a hard lockdown, with more restrictions already announced for 17th December. They may bring this date forward.
Henry and Anna must be raking it in!
unsurprisingly…. most of the money and miscreants involved in the ‘new-normal’ island of Dr Moreau fantasy is of the ‘old’ variety…..it’s the same old mix of semitic merchant bankers and byzantine euro-peon aristocracy it always was..
this is of course an old plan, well documented…and according to them..this is the ‘time’ they take control of what is rightly ‘theirs’…all of it!
they have a problem though..the aims of the plan are beyond the scope of the technology…
now.. you wouldn’t think that…. having listened to old klaus baldy recently, who is only a front for an even odder bunch of reprobates …waxing lyrical about how all things will be genetically ‘mapped’ and diddled with and how God-like they will become in order to help little children with cancer and small furry animals …. he is after all and unfortunately, that particularly toxic mix of imbecilias an economist engineer…
but I think old klaus may have grown to big for his boots in his dotage, geriatric imbecile that he is.. having listened to too many yes men-dicants who fire ‘genetic material’ into empty cell husks.. and look for god particles in giant CT scanners… and fly epshteen first class…
the best plan they have… is bribery and poison and lies… as it ever was.. so go on give it some thought..
nah, never, all legit 😉
I went to a normal school. My older brothers and sisters told me what Notre Damn, and St Bede’s College in Manchester were like.
I went to Our’ Ladys with Boys and Girls in Royton, Oldham
I usually cycled there, but sometimes went on the bus…
It was a new Secondary Modern
I got the Best Education I could possibly have..
We all had to do the New CSE’s – all subjects
We all had to do The old GCE “O” Levels too at the same time…
We particulary liked The Geography Master…cos he organised, that all us kids could go on geography trips, and stay a few nights, away from from our mums and dads…
So we kind of said to our kids
And They Loved Their Geography Teacher too, because he took them on all these dangerous sports too (designed to keep you fit) and have the confidence to travel the world.
All the kids, all the community, even my wife and me . We had only met him about 10 times were really upset when he died.
We all kind of went, Oh My God No.
But we have a strong community around here.
I don’t go out much, but everyone knows my wife.
She went to a Secondary Modern School too
With Both Boys and Girls
And Dance Classes Mid Week
She’s Cute
So both you and your wife failed the 11+ exam?
That’s mean.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Get a vomit bucket ready for possibly the worst piece of jab propaganda yet, courtesy of NZ, now known as Pfizerstan.
Sorry, couldn’t make it past 25 seconds.
is this a p a r o d y?
Sadly not
More to the point, is that a mullet?
They’re coming back – unfortunately 😥
https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/COVID-19/safety-report-36.asp So safe, if you don’t count the carnage.
Judging by the comments, NZers aren’t buyin’ it.
Suddenly, dying of covid doesnt seem so bad
I can’t tell if this is supposed to be cool, funny or satirical. It literally feels on the level of the Show Me Your Genitals guy.
If there was any chance of me getting vaccinated, this just killed it.
Just kidding, Stephen Colbert’s Vax Scene skits already did that, lol
I’ve held out through 6 full months of media bombardment, losing friends, locked out from local cafes, pools, schools and to get my hair done… But this has totally convinced me. I’m IN.!
Please put these people on the first Mars mission.
Can’t wait for “Booster the Nation” in six months and “Booster the Nation 2” in twelve
This just reinforced my resolve to hold off on the jabs… thanks guys. The cringe will kill me before the Covid does
This is what happens when a generation grows up without bullying
I’d rather listen to the ventilator next to my icu bed then listen to this again
I thought this was satire until I saw ‘Dr’ Pinky. If I ever weaken in my resolve to not get the jab then I’ll rewatch this. This video is immunisation against fake news.
It’s a shame some things can’t be unseen.
This is why Youtube disabled the dislike counter.
Even though they’re hidden, I can still see the huge number of dislikes
All of those vaccinated athletes dropping like flies had me worried, but thanks to this elvish video I’m totally onboard!
OMG NZ is going to be mocked worldwide for this embarrassment. Again…
I was really hesitant to get the vax until lesbian Eminem and a Pizza Hut delivery guy from 1989 teamed up and set the record straight. Off to get my jibby jab right now!
As a New Zealander, I found this video refreshing and inspiring. If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my garage with the car running.
I stopped my chemo treatments because of this video. I don’t want to live in a world that let this happen.
I am now rooting for covid. Thanks.
So…you didn’t like it? 😉
“The cringe will kill me before the Covid does”
Ha! Lots of good ones here. Thanks for the chuckles.
…- Also this:…
…Vid posted 1 Dec 2021… – 1,178 comments, *And Counting*…
The land that time forgot…
Climbing the stair’s star then at .0,3 seconds in the pentagram on the side of shoe.
i stopped their,
This has got to be a complete piss take. If this is official it merely serves to demonstrate how utterly out of touch governments and medics are with reality.
Well done NZ government/medics, you now have the whole of the country laughing at you, and the world for that matter.
It’s not a piss take. The pink haired bozo that shows up at some point in the video is one of the “accredited” government “experts” who comes from, wait for it, Imperial College.
…- Associate Professor Siouxsie Wiles BSc (Hons), PhD…
…Other interesting Almae Mater:… – BSc from Edinburgh, PhD from Edinburgh Napier, by way of a research posting at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (formerly the Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology) in Oxford.
…- Also invested, Member of the New Zealand order of Merit (MNZM), 2019…
…’Parently it’s an actual hip-hop ‘genre’ called Nerdcore… – Go figure…
…- More of Randa’s ouvre… – Their work has decidedly *Not* improved:…
Just because a New Zealander made a film about hobits does not make NZ cool! This is typical NZ style: amateurish and totally cringeworthy. But why is NZ shouting the Davos message: vaccines don’t work unless everybody gets them, except for the important people, who can decide for themselves.
In NZ Furhrer Ardern decides whether you can use the toilet when visiting grandma. I am not sure what she expects you to do if she decides that peeing in grandma’s bog is not on, maybe go and use the hobit bog instead, every NZ house has one you know.
…Word on the street is *A Lot* of those Davostan ‘Importanti‘ have bug-out bunkers in Kiwiland…
…Yeeeaah… – Nah.
(…- *MAN!!*, The comments tho’!… XD )
“How can Pfizer help me?…”
…- Ooohh, I dunno… – Howabout by *Promptly* voluntarily liquidating the *ENTIRETY* of their assets and turning the proceeds over to the recently ‘coincidently’ crippled and bereaved, filing for Chapter 11 bankrupcy and then *Immediately* turning themselves in to the nearest Cop-shop or DA with full sworn confessions and *Complete* corporate records, for indictment on federal racketeering charges… (- Sundry predicate charges to include multiple homicides, TBD…)
…That’d sure help *A Whole Lot*, I reckon… 🙂
There is a link between blood clotting and the Atra-Zenica vaccine. It doesn’t happen very often but the mechanism is now understood. This is, though, only one of several different vaccines in use in the world so its a bit of a stretch to extrapolate this problem to all vaccines.
What is really interesting about the development of vaccines for Covid is how far we’ve come from “try this potion and see if it works” to a true technology where we not only understand the mechanics of a disease but are able to design treatments to deal with it. I can understand some skepticism with all these new techniques (although the AZ vaccine is built using “tried and tested” technology) but they do represent an interesting future even if the complexity of the mechanisms we’re working with take some getting used to.
Yeah I read about that.
Complete and utter bollocks.
Tried, tested, failed, causing disaster in animal trials.
But best of luck, I really hope I’m wrong and nobody else dies or becomes maimed from them.
I thought there was only one basis RNA toxin, the ‘vaccines’ only differ by delivery method. AZ’s delivery method, chimpanzee, snot is tried and tested, the rest is not.
Basically you edit the target virus into an existing virus which is supposed to be highly infectious but harmless. The halfwits at Oxford/AZ choose monkey colds becuase it would infect, few people hang around monkeys and so would have little immunity. Then they chose to give it twice and, surprise, surprise, the first shot gave immunity to the second shot. So, what now, keep injecting until natural immunity is a thing of the past?
“There is a link between blood clotting and the Atra-Zenica vaccine”
It’s not just blood clotting that’s the problem. There is a growing list of adverse effects as long as your arm.
“…the mechanism is now understood.”
Just how is it understood? Clinical trials are not due to be completed before 2023, so just how are these mechanisms understood?
The mass ‘vaccination’ process going on right now cannot be studied because the variables are immense. There is no interest shown in current or previous health. No interest shown in medication, nor weight, nor general health, nothing, before being administered a shot. There is no follow up, no ongoing study the mantra is, get jabbed.
How can anyone understand anything without at least trying to eliminate variables?
Nothing about covid is any more understood by scientists and medics now, than it was two years ago.
There is no control group and observational evidence is useless when when variables cannot be controlled.
We are being medicated by blunderbuss statistics.
https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/COVID-19/safety-report-36.asp NZ actually lists them, bear in mind 44 people over the last two years have ”’died with so called covid”, 18 of them this year, and they use the ”probable” formula worked up by the WHO and used by the USA and UK, EU and everywhere else.
Yeah but the non-existence of the COVID-19 ‘disease’ tends to put a great big hole in your bullshit, doesn’t it?
surely you have to be working for the ADL or phi-sore…. you absolutlely must be in langley or tel-aviv or the ‘donut’ in cheltenham…. you simply have to be some foisty plump post grad social science female with a blue buzz-cut, problem gogs and daddy issues (mommy killed him)….
because if not…..even amongst the most mentally deficient lower strata of imbecile kind… you would be….
I personally think, this is an important turning point, for all The World To See…
Us English Carry on as Normal and Party Throughout December 2021, as if its 1999.
But we ourselves, have got to make this decision ourselves, and gently ask our friends (oh come on it will be a laugh)
We in England Show The Rest of The World, That We are Still Normal.
It will do their heads in….especially the Austrians.
Never seen anything like it, since 1936
The Australians are Innocent. I have always got along with them, and believe it or not, I have been up Patcheskofel
Whilst, I eventually went a bit paranoid (unjabbed), and wouldn’t go out much, cos everyone was paranoid, and all the pubs were shut…
She more or less (unjabbed) carried on as normal, with her mainly female friends…
Even in full lockdown, and it is pissing down with rain, the girls gather together on the local park benches, with their bottles of Baileys and The Best Red Italian Shiraz (Or Aussie)…and when the park Police, turn up, they Piss Behind The Trees.
My wife tells me everything when she comes back from the park pissed.
Hopefully we will both (and her friends make it to the pub tomorrow)
Otherwise, I will have to walk in by myself, and everyone will wonder where she is.
I will buy myself a Pint.
I really like The Band, The Pub, and I haven’t been there for Nearly 2 Years.
I am getting over my agrophobia..
I was dancing in a pub last weekend, and I will be dancing in a pub this weekend
I might be old, but I am not dead yet
A sexagenarian grandma getting pissed in the park on Baileys doesn’t have the optics you probably were shooting for, Tone
Locally to me is a man everyone calls English translation would be ‘Bullshit’ his first name, his maiden name would translate as fantasy in the head’
Great Video!
“COVID Vaccine Secrets Resources”
Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! ivmpharmacy.com
Covid is an acronym invented by WHO to pretend there was some scarey new thing that required a pandemic to be called. The only way this acronym can vary is if you change the letters order – like call it dovic, or vodic, and no matter how you slice and dice the five letters the MEAN NOTHING
There seems to be a shared assumption that those making billions from The Medical Experiment, those destroying livelihoods and businesses so They can Build Back Better, and their moronic politicians, actually will listen to and respond to those they’re clobbering….
Try asking a state enforcer clobbering you with a truncheon “Please Sir, Stop !”. The Response will be “It’s my job !”
History is one long story about the struggles of the Insecure to impose Order and Control
of all others because all others are felt to be A Threat. Those driven by the feeling of insecurity spend their lives seeking security. Today’s ruling classes are no different, They are driven by the same Fear. They are indifferent to the damage they inflict in their drive for Security, They have always been indifferent…
Such a stark choice: Pessimism of Submission ? That is A Question !
That should be ‘Pessimism or Submission ?’
Admin – pending please help!
PLEASE stop doing this every time a comment of yours goes into pending. We check the pending file regularly and won’t do it any quicker because you get a bit entitled and hysterical.
It’s the first time I’ve went into pending since I started my “test” procedure. Hence my “hysteria”.
There’s no big secret here. There’s no covert plan to subvert free speech. Sometimes Akismet will randomly select a comment as potential spam. It holds the comment back. We look at it and, unless it really is spam or contravenes our comment policy, we approve it.
If it happens to you just have a little patience. Your comment will appear pretty soon.
I never said, and did not mean to imply, there was a “big secret”. I just found a way of getting round the pending issue but it’s a device that no longer works. That’s all. From now on I’ll just submit straight.
Note the Great Reversal – a culling of the community under the guise of a huge gushing concern for well-being. The very expression of sympathy is designed to undermine health. It approaches with such a wan and mournful wet eyed expression, lips atremble, chin quaking. It wants to tuck you in and agonises over all those little tics and tickles in your system – the ones you didn’t even know were there until it tells you.
And all the tales of heartbreak and loss and family members gone and elderly suffering. The doleful piano tones, the dim grey blue corridors, the censure over any inappropriate levity – because after all, we must show due respect to those brave souls who have gone or are about to depart.
All this sympathy adding to your newly installed hypochondria and weakening you mentally and, through that, physically. Oh it bleeds such compassion for you and for everyone even as it is cooing funereal strains into your ears. It is the most appalling hypocrisy of all time. A gentle lullaby to guide you over that dark lake.
And the greatest obscenity is that, while they feign concern and sympathy, they are actually describing what they want from you. But don’t worry! They’ll grant you a really sweet send-off. Indeed – they are banking on that to add more crocodile tears to the big lush hypnotic death spell.
Seems like a distraction from the reality of damage caused by the vax
Definitely related to this American Heart Association Report
We have to ask why AHA waited so long. Were they delaying research papers?
Actually it probably is more likely stress and general ill-health, coupled with more difficult access to healthcare and discouragement of exercise during the lockdowns causing heart attacks. It isn’t that the doctor is wrong but that he, and virtually every other professional person, is making out that it was all some kind of accident or unforeseen side-effect, when in fact he and his ilk would have known full well that stress, depression and poor health would be the result of the lockdowns, but failed to make any kind of stand on the issue.
More possibly the vaxx and the additional stress and ill health- the vaxx is causing injury and will continue to do so. this can’t and shouldn’t be denied
Such a stark choice: Cynical or Gullible ? That is The Question ?
I’m cynical, myself. 🙂
I was labelled the queen of the cynics by my friends 50 years ago
Direct descendant of Diogenes, or distantly related through Dio genes ?
Not sure, I just don’t believe anything.
I know Off Guardian has some brilliant writers here, and I do appreciate, reading them, but I thought 20 years ago, there was no point in writing a book…cos no one would read it – I ain’t that good.
I thank all The Writers who are, and I love reading you…
Meanwhile, I am currently exchanging text messages with my Son.
He is currently experiencing a few problems
No one else could give a shit.
He will be fine
Strong as an Ox. Slim as a Nymph. Not Brainwashed and Can Swim Exceeding Well.
Not Jabbed…and all alone on his boat he got there on his surfboad.
More balls than me.
It’s different at sea.
He can’t get his outboard motor to work
All his stuff is still on the beach.
I really enjoy your posts Tony – don’t stop, please.
Dr Justin PhuXXXD
Brilliant, can’t tell if that is the shit of bull or not !
Here is the link again, posted by Researcher, a few days ago, worth a read…
I never thought about it from that perspective – I like the way he presents shit – whether real or not.
It really made my day. thank you.
Is this THE video to show the normies? While I don’t agree with every statement, most of my disagreements are a moot point compared to the overall thrust behind the video. I’m very pessimistic at this point, although haven’t completely thrown in the towel, but this video made me think it still might be possible to reach some of the brainwashed. I’d be interested to hear what others here think of this — it’s only 17 minutes. I have no idea who produced it, but it’s well thought-out and presumably a fairly high-budget film — well, at least compared to the usual truth videos out there. Here’s the thing — it’s still on youtube after more than a week, with close to 250k views. Hmmm… Is youtube letting it stay up for some twisted reason?
This Pivotal Moment – Episode 1
The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health.
Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of Totalitarian Surveillance Society. It’s time to unite and stop this plan in its tracks.
That was great!
Excellent video, but I’d imagine that if any of the brainwashed start watching it they’ll just start muttering about conspiracy theories and turn it off.
You are so right. A good friend passed it around and all my friend got was denial or anger in response. In fact, his best friend of almost 50 years even told him to stop sending any more e-mails. Pathetic. Similar experience for me over 18 years of trying to wake up sheeple friends. On the plus side, the few friends I do have now are wonderfully awake and actually doing positive things for the future (working towards independence and self-sufficiency).
I’m on Clive de Carle’s e-mailing list (clivedecarle.com), and today he sent out an email endorsing this video. Subject line of the email: The most important video of the year. Spread it and change the world.
And in the text of the e-mail, here is what he stated:
Oracle films are just brilliant, they put out the video with Eric Clapton explaining how he lost the use of his hands and feet after his second jab, which woke up quite a lot of people and now we have a brilliant new film which I believe could be instrumental in waking up the world to the totalitarian future that threatens us all. This really is the most important video of the year for me as I believe anybody watching it, no matter what their preconceptions and beliefs are will see that this film could possibly save us from total enslavement.
While I agree with Clive’s sentiment, getting them to watch anything that challenges their socially-engineered beliefs is extremely difficult. But we carry on, whether they wake up or not. I’ll never, and I mean never, succumb to their injections or their control system.
Perhaps but i think it is presented in such a way that it avoids that. I think this was done quite intentionally….and quite well at that.
Doesn’t fit the topic here – but I just found it and I think you should know:
Craig Murray has just been released from jail and he gave a speech:
… but back to the topic:

Yes. This is about destroying absolute human rights. Just the latest salvo really.
Universal Human Rights: Our Most Sacred Trust
If there was ever any doubt that there’s an immensely sinister and evil force – devoid of even a sprinkle of ethics – running the show here on Planet Earth , then articles such as this one remove it pretty quickly.
It made me smile so thanks for that, Sense of humor helps deal with the madness.of the whole thing.