Der Impfpass – A Kafkian short story

TE Creus

Someone must have slandered Josef K, for one morning, without having done anything truly wrong, he was arrested.

His landlady, Frau Grubach, had a cook who brought him breakfast each day around eight, but this time she didn’t appear. Instead, there were two gentlemen in dark grey clothes standing by the door.

“May we see your vaccine passport?” they asked.

Josef K, who was an unemployed bachelor and kept mostly at home, wasn’t aware that he should have taken any kind of vaccine, much less carry a “vaccine passport” with him, a concept which he didn’t really understand even though the two gentlemen explained it to him in utmost detail.

After denying having a vaccine passport, certificate, QR-code, or any proof of current and up-to-date vaccination, the two gentlemen declared his arrest.

“But why am I being arrested?” asked Josef K, timidly and politely, as he hated being rude even to strangers who woke him up early in the morning unannounced.

The two gentlemen proceeded to explain that there was a terrible contagious disease going around in the city, and since now vaccines against it were mandatory and he hadn’t gotten one, nor had he the aforementioned vaccCcine certificate or passport, he was endangering public health and safety.

Josef K replied that he didn’t understand how he could possibly be endangering anyone, much less the whole of society, since he had never had such disease they were talking about, and thus could not have spread it. Moreover, he hardly left his house these days. But it was to no avail.

The gentlemen were adamant that he was a criminal for not submitting to the still-experimental medical procedure, which was, however, they assured him, “100% safe and effective”.

“But why is this vaccine mandatory?” he asked. “Can’t it just be optional for those who want it?”

The reply was that only with a 100% fully vaccinated population, which by then meant two “jabs” plus another “booster” every six months, could the city reach “herd immunity”, and thus stop the spread of the disease and end the pandemic.

“So the vaccine contains the spread of the disease?”, asked Josef.

Here, the two gentlemen had to make an embarrassed pause and admit that it didn’t really stop the spread, and that in fact there had been more cases since the vaccine was introduced than before it, but insisted that the unvaccinated were the problem, because by irresponsibly being unvaccinated they were giving a bad example to the rest of the population. Besides, the concept of “vaccine passports” could not fully work if people didn’t get their mandatory vaccines every six months.

“But if the vaccine does not contain the spread, then what is the point of the vaccine passports?”, Josef asked.

Here, the two gentlemen had to make an embarrassed pause again, and inform him that the point of the vaccine passports was to force people to be vaccinated, so that they would be protected from contagion by the unvaccinated, even though they could still get it from the vaccinated, but at least it could provide useful tracking information to the authorities. Only with total vaccination would it be possible for society to “go back to normal.”

“But if we need a vaccine every six months, and a ‘vaccine passport’ to go anywhere, and still have to wear masks indoors, and suffer with lockdowns every winter, and not even get rid of the disease, then how is this in any way ‘back to normal?’”, Josef asked once more.

Here the gentlemen started to lose their patience. One of them made a threatening gesture and the other moved to block the door, in case Josef K was just trying to distract them with complicated questions while planning an escape.

Josef K still did not understand why they were trying to arrest him, nor why a “vaccine passport” could be needed by anyone, healthy or sick, but rules were rules.

Besides, the two gentlemen informed him that he could avoid the fines and the long prison sentence if he would just follow them to the closest vaccination centre that same day.

So he did as ordered and took a double-vaccine, plus a couple of “boosters” at the same time, just in case.

The next morning he awoke from uneasy dreams and found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. But that’s another story…

TE Creus is a writer, translator and filmmaker. He is the author of “Our Pets and Us: The Evolution of a Relationship” and the collection of short stories “The Sphere”. He’s the editor of Contrarium.


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Categories: Covid Positive, latest
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Dec 13, 2021 7:23 AM

These stories are great but unless you can get them in the MSM, they do no good for your just preaching to the choir.

Dec 9, 2021 1:32 PM

The Midget Bride of Kafka….Uschi Van der Lyin’, all powerful Führerin of the evil EUSSR Uschi Van Der Lyin…hair stylist in chief and Politburo “leader” of the evil EUSSR, in Natostan capital and sinkhole BrUSsel$ is doing a tremendous job. That she pulled a Hillbilly Klingon with her “wiped emails” and Pfizer kickback texts is normal and to be expected of the great leadere$$. Just look into her background and the USSAN roots of her slave owning Southern bigot scum from which she was spawned and everything becomes plain as the nose….behind her mask. (Even Jimbo Wales’ Wikipedo has the slave tale). https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/09/europe/ursula-von-der-leyen-profile-intl/index.html https://www.politico.eu/article/the-scandal-hanging-over-ursula-von-der-leyen/ https://www.politico.eu/article/ursula-von-der-leyen-biography-career-inconvenient-truth/ Corrupt and dangerous. Just fancy that…however, “No conflict of inter€$t whatsoever…” honesly…! Husband, Heiko married Ursula née Albrecht in 1986 and they have seven children. Since December 2020, he is Medical Director of the US biotech company Orgenesis which is specialized in cell and gene therapies. Orgenesis Inc. is a pioneering global biotech company committed to accelerating commercialization and transforming the delivery of cell and gene therapies (CGTs) while lowering costs. Orgenesis has a cell-based vaccine platform targeting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, as well as other viral diseases such as Zika, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, MERS, HCV and Cytomegalovirus infection (CMV). A Drug Cartel always needs more junkies! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heiko_von_der_Leyen Because of third rate, midget morons like Uschi, the EUSSR is dooooooooomed. So keep up the good work deary and give me a blue dye rinse, hot blow frizzle and while you trim me corns and get the ingrown toe nails keep your face rag tight and don’t be spreading that covaid$ contagion in me face. Oh and don’t forget, Albert Bourla (PfiZer drug cartel honcho) says “PfiZer macht frei und macht Uschi reich.” Chosenite… Read more »

Dec 7, 2021 1:35 AM

VERYYY funny! Love the ending altho’ I confess, I had a hunch that that was what coming:The scary,incredible thing ofcourse is that it ain’t a joke, it’s real life!! I wasn’t really a Covid sceptic until this month: I was a Covid agnostic:…..but now that they are announcing lockdowns over Omicron even though nobody has died of it and they haven’t even evaluated it , it’s just too strange: I am leaning strongly towards the ”Querdenker ‘ camp: ( In France it seems to be the ‘ antisemitic camp ‘ in so far as Covid sceptics are considered to be antisemitic – no kidding!)

Dec 6, 2021 2:22 PM

OffG recently published an link on its twitter account a suggestion from Ursulan Van De Leyen (EU Commission) along the lines of getting rid of the Nuremburg code.


I can only the imagine the outroar from the Universities in the UK. University of Huddersfield has a exhibition dedicated to the remembering the Holocaust.

Anytime soon I’ll here a cacophony of ‘cancel culture’ chants emminating forth from the learned institution and seeking her removal from the EU Commission. Waiting for Israel to start raising issues?

Or maybe Universities are really are nothing more than sheep pens, where cancel culture is saved for those who dare to offend such delicate ears?

Dec 9, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  TFs

surely you jest

Dec 6, 2021 8:57 AM

Only the Nazis wanted to get rid of the Nuremberg codes so I guess they are back, but how so? Isn’t Boris Churchill II? Maybe Boris will save us, soon he will start fighting them on the beaches … sorry, that doesn’t even qualify as sarcasm.

Dec 6, 2021 7:19 AM

🤣. Thanks for this. I’m a big Kafka fan and you did a nice job capturing the tone.

Dec 6, 2021 2:36 AM

What I really like about The Other (mostly Jabbed) Tribe..

Is The Fire in Their Souls.

They have been Protesting For Years -about whatever they Believe in.

Us normal unjabbed people, after Protesting Millions of Us about The Atrocity of Tony Blair, and bombing most of The World to Shit, now, couldn’t be arsed doing it again.

Whilst they continue to Protest and Scream, about Pensions For Women (they were Robbed) and Tory , Liberal and Labour Scumbags all Working for The same Evil Genocide Team.

Its not what they believe in, that is the point.

It is That They are Protesting

They are Going Out To Demos to Protest.

They are trying to change things for the better, with their hearts, energies and souls.

I am so Proud of My Friends on the Other Side.

I just want them to come over, and fight for us unjabbed too.

Not bothered about the dogs, but I want these Cats, back on our side.

Nowt like a Cat Fight.

Us blokes tend to just look on, whilst we are all on the same side really.

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The Girls Protect us Blokes.


les online
les online
Dec 6, 2021 1:23 AM

The Story so far: A male, mid-30s, feels fatigued. Visits Top doctor. The doctor checks him. Thinks: “He has no sore throat, cough, loss of smell or taste – so it’s not Delta”.
Others visit doctor. Their symptoms are ‘body pains, fatigue, headaches, and “scratchy throat”. Doctor thinks: “These symptoms do not make immediate sense.” They clearly are not “Delta” symptoms !
Doctor receives results of samples sent off to be analysed: Some of the samples contain the Omicron varmint discovered recently in Botsland…
The story appears to be about a new covid mutant – which it is. But it’s also about the inclusion of more symptoms, an expanded list of “covid symptoms”…
Anyone who followed the AIDS pandemic story as it was developed early 1980’s will recall how the list of HIV caused disease symptoms was constantly expanded, eventually it included conditions that existed pre-AIDS. In Southern Africa even the effects of malnutrition were designators of AIDS…
? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ? Does it really exist ? True believers are inclined towards CFS having a viral cause… Will Omicron be used to expand the list of “covid symptoms” ? “Headaches” were listed by the doctor. And though the doctors says Omicron symptoms are “mild” we know that “mild symptoms” readily become “severe symptoms” when the ocassions require it…

les online
les online
Dec 6, 2021 3:36 AM
Reply to  les online

Though it was evident that the highly toxic drug AZT was killing those AIDS patients who took it, the worsening symptoms and deaths were attributed to HIV, not the AZT.
Omicron, though adding only “mild” symptoms to the ‘covid’ list of symptoms, may become the means to blame all the harmful effects of the injections on ‘covid’. Stealth ! With its claimed 20 – 30 mutations one of them is bound to be capable of causing strokes, heart attacks, blood clots,etc ?

Dec 6, 2021 12:39 AM

I am trying to do my shortlist of Best Journalist/Media Person, who has inspired me, and made me laugh, and I have believed them in 2021.

I have liked Linh Dinh for a very long time, and I have bought he book

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Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Dec 6, 2021 1:29 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Hey Tony

Is that you? You really do exist.

Await an apology from Admin.

Dec 6, 2021 8:39 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Lots of great Asians and Linh is definitely one of the best.

Dec 5, 2021 10:29 PM

Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left.

George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face, forever.

COVID-19 = CON JOB-1984

Dec 5, 2021 9:28 PM

….the gentlemen started to lose their patience. One of them made a threatening gesture and the other moved to block the door, in case Josef K was just trying to distract them.

Josef K, having noticed the change in the visitors demeanor, was now ready to implement his plan B. He simply took out his concealed pistol and shot them both in their respective knees -knowing that to kill was wrong. He picked up the suitcase he had readied, weeks ago, and walked out the door. He could still hear the shrieks of pain coming from his apartment, as he walked calmly down the street. There were the faint sounds of sirens in the distance. Hi plan was rock solid, he was headed for the Free State of…

Dec 8, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  Vee

nice-i like a story with a happy ending

richard carroll
richard carroll
Dec 5, 2021 9:11 PM

The body politic could add to all the oaths of office the following: “Under penalty of perjury
I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.”

Dec 5, 2021 7:46 PM

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Dec 6, 2021 7:12 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

For some diseases, the newborn has already got the jabs as a fetus through the mother. There is no limit to greed.

Dec 5, 2021 6:55 PM

The next day was completely unrelated to his daily booster jabs. Because they’re safe and effective. Trust the science. Or you’re a terrorist who murders puppies.
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Dave Crow
Dave Crow
Dec 5, 2021 6:29 PM

Priceless! But unfortunately all too true in Australia. https://zero-sum.org/inside-australias-covid-internment-camp/comment image

Dec 9, 2021 1:36 PM
Reply to  Dave Crow

actually PfiZer macht frei

YOU are the disease, their covaid$ death squirt the cure.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 5, 2021 5:53 PM

This is the Brussels protest before being attacked by the Public Health fascists (aka “the police”).

Anonyme Citoyen
2:10 PM · Dec 5, 2021
Enorme manifestation à Bruxelles contre le pass sanitaire et l’obligation vaccinale pour les pompiers et soignants.
‎Huge demonstration in Brussels against the health pass and the vaccination obligation for firefighters and caregivers.‎

The Brussels firefighter and care worker protest before the police jumped in and shot tear gas and water at them “for their health”.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 5, 2021 6:04 PM

Then they fire tear gas and water cannon

Anonyme Citoyen
Situation tendue à #Bruxelles lors de la manifestation contre le pass sanitaire et les restrictions. #Brussel
‎Tense situation in ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎#Bruxelles‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ during the demonstration against the health pass and restrictions.‎


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 5, 2021 6:13 PM

Situation très tendue à #Bruxelles. La police charge et utilise trois canons à eau et de nombreuses grenades lacrymogènes pour disperser les manifestants.
‎Very tense situation in ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎#Bruxelles.‎‎ Police charge and use three water cannons and numerous tear gas canisters to disperse the protesters.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 5, 2021 8:04 PM

MEP Christian Terhes was giving a speech at some point prior to the police deploying tear gas and water cannon.

Speech van MEP Christian Terheș tijdens de demonstratie in #Brussel. “Transitioning this great Union from a democracy to tiranny!

De politie zet het waterkanon in terwijl er kinderen in de buurt zijn in #Brussel
‎ The police use the water cannon while there are children nearby

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 5, 2021 5:52 PM

Slightly off-topic. What is it about politicians and clerics who seem incapable of being honest and true to their professed beliefs. For example. ‘’Dissolve the people.’’ These words are to be found in one of Bertolt Brecht’s most famous poems involving the implied critique of Stalinism in his short work. “The Solution” during and after  the workers’ uprising in East Berlin of June 17th 1953.   ‘’The Secretary of the Authors’ Union Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee Which said that the people Had forfeited the government’s confidence And could only win it back By redoubled labour.’’   Brecht argued that Wouldn’t it Be simpler in that case if the government Dissolved the people and Elected another?’’ (I don’t know how he did it  but he some-how he got away with it.) Next Up; St. Augustine. Famously prayed that God would ultimately  give him continence and  chastity, “but not yet.” Nothing like having it both ways! ——————————————————————————————————- Finally Richard ‘Dick’ Tuck. Mr Tuck (January 25, 1924 – May 28, 2018) was an American political consultant, campaign strategist, advance man, and political prankster for the Democratic National Committee … Tuck was a typical American politician on the make. One typical prank happened in 1968. Tuck utilized Republican nominee Nixon’s own campaign slogan against him; he hired a heavily pregnant black woman to wander around a Nixon rally in a predominantly white area, wearing a T-shirt that read, ‘Nixon’s the One’. But Mr  Tuck’s concession speech following his loss in the 1966 California State Senate election was the truly unforgettable outburst. ‘’The people have spoken – the bastards.’’ Well that’s telling ‘em like  it is! In short there you have the political class and its media and clerical hangers-on. What always strikes about these people is their grubby little self-importance, and lack of anything remotely resembling  principles.… Read more »

Dec 5, 2021 5:51 PM

a gigantic insect having a Coincidental Cardiac Event

Dec 6, 2021 7:17 AM
Reply to  draeger

You forgot Extremely Rare.

Dec 5, 2021 4:24 PM

The media complex has people under a spell, bewitching us with exciting items to sell us and make our lives more like the stars in their pantomimes. But you take those new pair of shoes and wear them in real life, not the metaverse, and you find it doesn’t change anything, except your wallet is emptier.

These wizards of narrative generating all this wealth aren’t concerned for our spiritual and physical well being, their only objective is profit. They promise us everything but deliver nothing we actually need: healthy nutritious food, proper and safe dwelling, help following our calling.

We don’t need them.

Dec 5, 2021 4:21 PM

Hmm, why has the Fraud suddenly discovered an interest in this when previously they haven’t given a hoot (e.g. when Hugh Hefner died all bar one of their many articles on him praised him in that august ‘woke’ oh-so-feminist publication)?…


It wouldn’t have anything to do with the looming plans for on-line ID verification, would it?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 5, 2021 3:23 PM

↑ Good article ! However , Kafka’s family would probably sue for plagiarism if his relatives had not been eradicated in German death camps circa WW2 ! What goes around comes around?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 5, 2021 1:46 PM

Luxemburg: Protesters Storm “Vaxxed Only” Market

Austria: About to Blow?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 5, 2021 5:42 PM

Orwell would be proud as if waltzed with Machiavelli, I bet he never dreamed he could make so many morons believe that healthy people can make others sick

Dec 5, 2021 6:44 PM

Those are police from Berlin and not Austria.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 5, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Circle

I wouldn’t know whether it’s Berlin or Austria, but there’s a few Austrian flags. This is another one which is labelled “Austria” and appears to be from the same protest.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Dec 5, 2021 1:45 PM

Very clever twist to Kafka’s story!

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 5, 2021 3:23 PM
Reply to  Tom Welsh


Dec 5, 2021 1:38 PM

You can tell right away this was a fictional account because, in real life, the two enforcers would never take the time to entertain questions from the suspect (aka criminal), let alone actually answer them.

Even more telling was the two enforcers per se: in real life it would have been a swat team and Josef K would have been gunned down just in case he had a weapon.

The most realistic part of the story was the end, when Josef K turned into an insect.

As they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

Dec 5, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

Dec 5, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

Wow Howard, I was thinking the exact same thing!!!

Dec 5, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  Howard

SWAT teams went national in the US on the back of the Patty Hearst operation which was itself part of Operation Chaos. The SLA was an organisation to entrap white radicals and discredit the genuine Left headed by a police informant and MK Ultra victim whose first target (largely forgotten) was a black school commissioner who wanted to open dialogue with the Black Panthers in Oakland.

Essential reading is ‘Revolution’s End’ by Brad Schreiber.

Dec 6, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Howard

Kafka was a law graduate who worked in an insurance office, for example processing claims from workers injured in the workplace. In one letter Kafka complained about female servants seeming incapable of carrying stacked plates downstairs without tripping and incurring injuries. (Presumably there were not enough dumbwaiters installed in Prague buildings.) His work routine seems to have influenced what he wrote as fiction, but the Austro-Hungarian Empire was not as repressive as what came later. Bureaucratic stonewalling rather than heavies killing you out of hand was more its style. Critics tend to be too influenced by what happened to his family after his death and assume he foresaw the Holocaust.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 5, 2021 1:14 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 5, 2021 1:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Dec 5, 2021 4:14 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The Nuremburg Codes don’t apply to covid, fact-checkers say so.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 5, 2021 5:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes well they are all bought and paid for shills for pharma

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 5, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Dec 5, 2021 12:16 PM

Clear absolutely solid proof that the jabs are wrecking the blood of the jabbed. Takes blood samples live and puts them under the microscope live on the spot – first unvaxxd, then vaxxd – 8 repeats. The evidence is 100percent clear – the vaxxd blood is contaminated. Blood extractions and analysis starts at 10 mins but all research is good.

Worms Hatching From Eggs? Researchers Present Strange Vax Microscopy Findings & Blood Comparisons

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Dec 5, 2021 12:04 PM

People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-12-03. Segregation = solidarity. GHO razors. 1st batch Pfizer 42k+ ARRs, 1 dead in 17. Obedience training

Dec 5, 2021 1:12 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

I take your point. But I’m a proud anti-vaxxer.

Dec 6, 2021 9:02 AM
Reply to  Dale

Except it is not a vax worthy of your anti sentiment.

Dec 5, 2021 9:57 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

I never used to have any sympathy for anti-vaxxers until I saw how the authorities lied about the covid so-called vaccines. Now, I have to wonder whether the anti-vaxxers were right all along.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 5, 2021 11:40 AM

Antifa Down Under

No wonder they wear masks!


Dec 6, 2021 9:04 AM

Antifa shpuld go to the EU, the Nazis are back and this time they arecgetting rid of the Nuremberg codes up front … no more embarrassing trials!

Mr Y
Mr Y
Dec 6, 2021 1:51 PM

No thanks to a vaccine is fascist?!

What happened to their brain cells? God help us!

GPPP = Global Fascism
GPPP = Global Fascism
Dec 5, 2021 11:21 AM

We need a great reset in the way medical science is being taught.

“What if everything you learned about how viruses and bacteria cause disease was actually the exact opposite?”

Dec 5, 2021 1:13 PM

Bacteria exists.

Dec 5, 2021 6:00 PM
Reply to  Dale

Well, that’s settled then…

Dec 5, 2021 3:34 PM

Very interesting video. Thank you for it. The narrative does beg a number of questions – which any worthwhile video ought to do.

Dec 6, 2021 1:38 AM

I’ve yet to see proof that a virus of any type actually exists before culturing it from a mixture of all sorts of crap outside of the body. That said, I’d certainly rather this point of view become the norm rather than the one we currently have, where someone can eat and drink and do whatever they want for however long they want but look for a germ to blame when they inevitably “get sick.”

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 5, 2021 11:06 AM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 5, 2021 1:28 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 5, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Also time to turn Billy Eugenics’ Xanadu 2, as well as his other WHITE PRIVILEGE real estate holdings, into housing for the homeless.”
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“Reparations Now!”

Dec 6, 2021 9:11 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Need to burn it down with him inside … I am waiting for the first report of weapons going missing from the US army … specifically SAMs that can be used to shoot down private jets.

Dec 6, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Don’t care about the gnome, he has an A* in “I’m a very embarrassing idiot”, but the punishing of SA is spot on.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 5, 2021 3:25 PM

They Live? ↑

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 5, 2021 4:35 PM

“If there was ever an example of war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psychopath Nazi parasitical political toadyism it is WAR CRIMINALS Killary and Sllck Willy Clinton.”
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“Besides robbing the long suffering impoverished people of Haiti blind, they have cleaned up big time on the ScamdemicBIG LIE’
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“Long overdue to turn their Chappaqu, NY estate, as well as their other WHITE PRIVILEGE real estate holdings, into housing for the homeless. Time for WE THE PEOPLE to take back everything those criminals have stolen from us. Reparations Now!”

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 5, 2021 5:43 PM

Kissinger is the worst war criminal alive today

Dec 5, 2021 5:59 PM

Dead, from the shoes up…

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 5, 2021 11:05 AM

Interesting piece of info. The UK National Health Service (NHS) probably the finest piece of legislation of the Labour government in 1945, now has a waiting list for consultation for those individual souls who are awaiting referrals to cancer treatment – all 700,000 of them! Oh, but f”’ them, coronavirus referrals must come at the head of the queue.

And that’s just cancer referrals we are talking about, there’s a whole raft of other deadly maladies being held up. Outrageous? Of course. Just get the Midazolam ready for a quick fix.

It rather makes my blood boil.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 5, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

The “substitute” move is part of the covid cull I.e. take up all medical concerns with a phantom virus and watch the genuinely ill drop in their thousands.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 5, 2021 10:43 AM

If you haven’t seen it already – its a beaut!

Dec 5, 2021 11:05 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Its one of Coops favorites. Carlin is a treasure that keeps on giving.

Dec 5, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 5, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck


Dec 5, 2021 10:43 AM

So he took them to court and had six legs to stand on 🐞

Dec 5, 2021 11:21 PM


Dec 5, 2021 10:23 AM

Here’s the man for you. His work being a fine reflection of the phantasmagoria of one totalitarian regime after another foisted on our beautiful city throughout history.

Somehow, Prague has survived all of them, largely unscathed. Even WWII. Hopefully, the covid-tards will one day be a thing of the past too.

Dec 5, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Even if the covitards become ‘a thing of the past’, there’s always a new variant of them waiting in the wings.

Maybe toilet paper will be the new thing to be afraid of, and we’ll all have to have bidets installed… “Gates-Fauci Bidets Inc. Latest Windows Software included for no charge!”…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 5, 2021 10:21 AM

BHP in Australia tried on the mandatory jabs and the Fair work people declared it illegal, in Western Australia they tried to force the jabs on healthy ”front line” workers who even ever got close to so called covid and they laid thousands of uniforms on the steps of parliament house with a very firm FUCK YOU.

In South Australia they invited in only the jabbed from other states and ‘get cases” of nothing at all but the moronic variant. Speaking of variants, the morons in the media and pollies still prattle about covid variants but there is only one way to have an acronym variant and that is a new anagram like dovic or vocid.

Janey B
Janey B
Dec 5, 2021 11:27 AM

They can’t legally mandate experimental jabs or any other medical treatment. We have legal protections in absolute human rights, afforded by the lawful and legally binding conventions Australia has signed. The same applies to other countries who have signed and ratified these conventions.

We have the tools. We just need to use them.

I wrote a blog about this.
Human Rights: Our Most Sacred Trust

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 5, 2021 1:36 PM
Reply to  Janey B

The only tool I have used for the past 2 years is the old fuck off.

Dec 5, 2021 5:23 PM

Dec 5, 2021 7:36 PM

I have a similar refrain, now printed onto a T-shirt. It reads: FREEDOM. I WON’T (courtesy of Eric Frank Russell’s 1951 short story ‘And Then There Were None’). Worth reading, by the way.

Peter Allen
Peter Allen
Dec 5, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  Janey B

Thanks for this, that’s a very reassuring piece of legislation that I was unaware of.

Dec 5, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  Janey B

Janey, they don’t care about our tools. They have already done what you say they ‘cant’ do…

“Ursula Van Der Lying, the head of the EU commission, told the press on Wednesday that she is in favour of scrapping the long-standing Nuremburg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID.” (thepostmillennial.com)

“Hey, it’s just the Nuremberg code. Only what we learned from the Nazi atrocities, not least those that were medical,” sarcastically notes esteemed professor, lecturer and podcaster Dr. Jordan Peterson:

I might add that the American Constitution was effectively thrown in the toilet with the Bush administration, as was the British Bill of Rights with Thatcherism. (“There is no such thing as society”)…

Dec 5, 2021 7:14 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yup. We can talk about the rule of law all we want to, but we no longer live under it and in reality we haven’t lived under the rule of actual law for a long time. If we had an actual Constitution we surely would not even be talking about forcing experimental “medical” procedures on anyone, but here we are. The very idea that “they would never go that far” is ludicrous on its face, they already are doing it.

Dec 6, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Society is the rich using the dumb poor.

Dec 5, 2021 6:48 PM
Reply to  Janey B

Tell Dan Andrews. Then I might get my job back.

A German
A German
Dec 5, 2021 10:11 AM

In the Rockefeller Foundation’s Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (2010)
there are two criteria:
1. Political and Economic Augment and
2. Adaptive Capacity.

Depending on the given characteristics, either one or the other is “weak” and in need of improvement. The Lock Step scenario we are living through has Adaptive Capacity as a variable in a strong Political and Economic situation. In business management thinking, improvement in the variable for adaptation is measured as a KPI, and that is the vaccination rate.

It is also clear that this KPI is one from a corporate point of view, because for corporations it is not relevant whether the products are harmful, it is not the corporation that is subject to the assessment, but the customer – the states!

That is the reason why all information, which has nothing to do with this KPI, is massively fought against: for the equalization and even more for the future controllability the enforcement is essential – only this – and not whether the people are healthy, sick or dead afterwards, because nobody is interested in this, these criteria are not purposeful for corporations.  

Dec 5, 2021 6:22 PM
Reply to  A German

I would upvote this if i could

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 5, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  dude

You can, any time you want. Just log in. I did, and now I’m voting again.

Dec 6, 2021 9:38 AM

But you didn’t vote for the above.

Dec 5, 2021 9:59 AM

It’s not all bad.
Don’t the experts tell us that following Mutually Assured Destruction only cockroaches will survive?
Hopefully then evolution will come up with something better than apes-humans.

Dec 5, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Those scientific-materialist experts also came up with the evolutionary theory. If you ignore the religious connotations of the video-“Divine Image Destroyed” by Christine Beadsworth it shines the clearest light on the vax question that I have seen. The parallels between the biblical text and modern scientific gene research are startling. I saw it at The Truthseeker uk website.

Dec 5, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  Johnny

What we’re seeing is a project of conscious evolution so the elite are fully down with this idea.

Ray Kurzweil wants to become a ray of light and resurrect his dead father.

Dec 5, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Johnny

So, it is all bad.

Dec 5, 2021 9:29 AM

The “Impfpass” is only the beginning.
We are on they way to “Transhumanism”.
See  “WHAT IS THE TRANS AGENDA? – Questions For Corbett #082”

Dec 5, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I simply adore the irony of transhumanism. Imperfect humans seeking perfection by blending with machines created by imperfect humans. What could go wrong?

Dec 5, 2021 3:47 PM
Reply to  Howard


Dec 5, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

Exactly the same as goes wrong with other types of incest…
Brings out the worst in us…

Dec 6, 2021 12:23 AM
Reply to  wardropper

One should try everything once, except incest and folk-dancing.
–Arnold Bax

Dec 5, 2021 7:16 PM
Reply to  Howard

Priceless! I’m keeping that one.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 5, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Nothing much, because such lunacy has no future – because it’s part of the delusional super-techie-techie non-future that we’re all getting so hysterical about.

The future, a couple of centuries ahead, will look more like Earth circa 1700 rather than startrekky Vulcan. The limits to growth already have that process in hand, and we – hom sap – are simply unable to do anything to stop it. We’re not in control; never were, never will be.

But meanwhile – enjoy you nightmares-for-fun…  😂 

les online
les online
Dec 5, 2021 9:26 AM

What’s scary about that tale ? Well i live alone in a block of small apartments (bedsits); i rarely go out, then only to the supermarket. If They came hammering on my door, and i refused to be accommodating, they might use force – and my death would be blamed on ‘covid’..

les online
les online
Dec 5, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  les online

I’m still wondering about ‘how did some poms live right through WW2 without ‘papers’ ?
something revealed in one of the many documentaries about WW2.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 5, 2021 10:24 AM
Reply to  les online

And in Australia the only time they tried to bring in a legal ID card was over 30 years ago and it was downed in quick time. Since then no one has to have ID to be in the streets or a shop so why the fuck they think they can track all our movements over a fucking pointless jab is beyond me.

Dec 5, 2021 11:37 AM

Australian film ‘Children of the Revolution’ (1996) has some interesting predictive programming…

It’s set against the backdrop of Menzies’ referendum to outlaw the Communist Party. (QED the audience sympathises with communism) A woman is impregnated untraceably by one of the elite and her “husband” is a stooge who acts as cover. (Looks very like a number of the elite – H.G. Wells, possibly Hitler, Bill Clinton). The boy grows up to look like his real father (Barbara Bush?…. ). The family are surveilled by a spy who works for both Australia and the USSR and who fakes his own death when his lies start to catch up with him (capitalism/communism is a fake dialectic and no elite “death” is to be believed).
The director was somehow able to attract a host of stars despite almost no track record. One of them, Sam Neill, had played Sidney Reilly in the early 1980s. John Coleman names Reilly as the British Intelligence handler of leading Bolsheviks and say his death was faked.

The director’s next film (which I’ve not seen so I’m going by the description) features genetic engineering and a secret Satanic cult among Australia’s leadership.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 5, 2021 9:15 PM

The imposition of digital I.D’s on everyone has nothing to do with health. It is about ultimate control – turning us into obedient slaves. Your I.D. will be on your ‘cell’ phone, making it impossible to access money or other services (unless you’ve been a good slave).

If you have no mobile phone, you may be forced to wear a ‘fit bit’, i.e. a bracelet or anklet which cannot be removed and is constantly on-line and traceable at all times.

If we let this happen, that is.

Ccertificate Of Vaccination I. D. = COVID. They’ve been telling us from the start.

Dec 6, 2021 9:47 AM
Reply to  May Hem

And who out there weould stop it?

Dec 6, 2021 9:45 AM

Because only 40,000 people protested, the other 3 million stayed at home.

Dec 6, 2021 9:42 AM
Reply to  les online

Possible with the real Churchill, not with the wannabe Churchill.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Dec 5, 2021 8:48 AM

The story sounds almost mild Kafkian compared to reality

Australian women taken to camp for 2 weeks not having covid pass
Has to obey stupid rules or face fine and being kept in camp for longer.
Near future Kafkian forced vaccination , regular boosters , compulsory covid pass.
Then green pass then good citizen pass etc
Welcome to the new normal.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 5, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

WE have had a system of Machievelli and Kafka waltzing to jail refugees for years on end, I have been making free clothes for refugee kids for the past 7 years and the need is still the same because they are not being supported and can’t get visas

Dec 6, 2021 3:04 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

You left out the best part – she tested negative at least 3 times.

Dec 6, 2021 11:07 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

That friend of hers who went and got tested because he had “a little bit of a cold” needs a swift kick up the arse.

Dec 5, 2021 8:46 AM

“On the plus side I am no longer being harassed as unvaxxed. On the minus side I need a completely new set of ID documents as for some reason I now look like a giant cockroach.” (Gregor Samsa in the 21st century)

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 5, 2021 8:20 AM

Hate to be pedantic but ”Besides, the concept of ”vaccine passports” could not fully work if people didn’t get their mandatory vaccines every six months.” Of course that has now been readjusted to every 3 months.

Dec 5, 2021 8:38 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Soon it will be every month

Dec 5, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  Violet

Then, when monthly boosters prove insufficient, everyone will be hooked up to a feeding tube, through which a “vaccine” will flow – at first intermittently, then 24/7.

And when even that doesn’t work, anyone still alive will be killed as global security threats.

Dec 5, 2021 5:25 PM
Reply to  Violet

Then every day, along with your cod-liver oil…

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 5, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I believe the jabs and boosters will become irrelevant once people are implanted with digital I.D. chips – the main aim of this game. The mark of the beast.

Those without I.D.s will starve, flee and perhaps survive, or be eliminated.

If we let this happen.

But those of us who survive will start a new system of living/governing. This is already happening among many of we unjabbed. One good thing to come out of all this if we look at the bigger picture.

Dec 6, 2021 9:51 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Those without ID chips will eat those with chips.

Dec 5, 2021 8:12 AM

You will have six legs instead of two arms and two legs and you will be happy…

Dec 5, 2021 2:44 PM
Reply to  Waldorf


Dec 5, 2021 3:46 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

You’ll still be at a disadvantage because the controllers will have eight legs and the ability to weave a very tight web around you.

Face it: resistance is futile.

Dec 5, 2021 5:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

You will look like me, and you will be happy…
[Klaus Schwab]

Dec 6, 2021 9:52 AM
Reply to  Howard

Representing the surrender monkeys.

Dec 5, 2021 5:39 PM
Reply to  Waldorf