Coronavirus Fact-Check #13: “ICUs are filled with the unvaccinated”
It's become a common meme to refer to ICU's being "filled" with the unvaccinated, but is there any truth to that?

A few days ago Dr Hillary Jones, whilst being interviewed on Lorraine Kelly, claimed:
90% of people in hospital are unvaccinated”.
🚨🚨 @reallorraine – “That is a really a figure we really need to concentrate on, 90% of people in hospital have not been vaccinated”
➡️ A figure to focus on because its factually incorrect from @DrHilaryJones
◼️ 36% of Covid patients in hospital unvaccinated not 90%
— Jamie Jenkins (@statsjamie) December 6, 2021
Similarly, last week, Kevin Maguire claimed on Jeremy Vine’s show that:
The unvaccinated are filling hospital beds, they’re in ICUs taking up precious resources – there are hospital waiting lists going up because there are so many unvaccinated people in hospitals”
1/4 On @JeremyVineOn5 @Kevin_Maguire claimed the following
"The unvaccinated are filling hospital beds, they're in ICUs taking up precious resources – there are hospital waiting lists going up because there are so many unvaccinated people in hospitals"@Ofcom
Next thread 👇
— James (@JamesfWells) December 3, 2021
Television presenters and news headlines across the United Kingdom have commonly referred to hospitals being filled with unvaccinated covid19 patients.
As if it could ever be considered evidence of anything, an anonymous “doctor” wrote a piece for The Guardian, which he filled with nameless anecdotal evidence, and emotively headlined:
ICU is full of the unvaccinated – my patience with them is wearing thin
This claim is regularly used as an argument for vaccine mandates, and/or unvaxxed-only lockdowns.
But is it true?
In a word, no.
ICUs are not “full” of unvaccinated covid patients, they’re not even full of covid cases. In fact, they’re not even full at all.
As of last week, NHS England’s own bed statistics reported that England has 4330 available critical care beds, of which 894 (21%) are being used by Covid patients, 2608 (60%) non-Covid patients and 828 (19%) were empty.
So, England’s critical care beds are not even 90% full, let alone 90% full of unvaccinated covid patients.
But let’s be charitable and assume these people misspoke or communicated their point badly. Let’s assume they meant 90% of covid hospitalisations are unvaccinated.
That, at least, is true right? Wrong.
The actual number is 35.4%
According to the UK’s Health Security Agency data (page 31 of this document) 6639 patients were admitted to hospital “with Covid” in the weeks 44-47 of this year. Of those 6639, 2355 were unvaccinated.
So unvaccinated people do not even make up the majority of Covid cases, let alone the majority of ICU admissions in general.
So, even going by the official statistics – which we’ve previously shown are routinely inflated to make the “pandemic” appear frightening – the claim is incorrect.
And that doesn’t even account for the fact that, according to Public Health England, a “Covid hospitalisation” is anyone admitted to hospital for any reason within 28 days of a positive Covid test. This could include people who are admitted to hospital for something else and then happen to test positive while they are there.
We could also discuss the tiny number of hospital beds available in this country, which has more than halved since the 1980s, whilst the population has exploded in that time.
But that’s really an article for another day.
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Found this rather sloppy and skimpy. When Bojo or Kilary Jones say X-percent of people in hospital are unvaccinated, they never say ‘in hospital WITH (or DUE TO) covid’. They just say ‘in hospital’. Also there is the issue of the definition of ‘unvaccinated’. The two weeks after your vax is the time you are most likely to have a severe adverse reaction. But in this time, you are classified as unvaccinated. Neat trick; this article should have exposed it. I cannot believe that the *proportion* of people who have had no vaccination whatsoever is anything like as high as the proportion of those who have.
Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium starting just now on UK Column.
The link to the live symposium:
The replies to Doly Garcia may be founded. But those on the ‘other side of the fence’ (I am one) calling names like fagot and clotshot lemming perpetuate and grow the divide. Are we children in a playground?. Let’s be smarter: reply with intelligence, with respect; whether we feel it or not. Let’s give up the vitriol and focus on what is important to us: the truth.
See also the last chapter of R F Kennedy’s book The Real Fauci: Germ Games it is called. dealing with the long preparation Games wherein the unvaccinated need to be targeted to win. High crimes!
Another interesting devil in the detail is that Public Health England and the NHS now classify anyone not having the 3rd jab more than 21 days ago, as UNVACCINATED.
View and share the facts of what health damages are taking place with no planned cessation of these deadly synthetic devices by governments:
and that doesn’t even account for the brand new mincing of the definition of the word ‘Vaccinated’.
OK, so people are repeating an old number and by now enough people are vaccinated that the stats have moved. Common enough in the press. However, since you kindly found the stats, it’s worth noting that in young people (where most of the unvaccinated are found, and are unlikely to be hospitalized for any reason), the proportion of unvaccinated people hospitalized and dying are higher:
Under 40s hospitalized and unvaccinated: 63% of all hospitalized covid cases
Under 40s died with covid and unvaccinated: 57% of all that died with covid
So it looks like not vaccinating didn’t work out so well for young people, did it? Weren’t they supposed to have strong immune systems and all that?
But of course, there are people like you whose mission in life seems to be to make sure that people get the worst and most misleading scientific advice possible, presumably so that they learn that free information is never to be trusted. You get what you pay for, you pay nothing, you get nothing of value. Thank you for bursting the dream of all those silly people who thought the Internet would be a new era of knowledge. Please let us know who is paying you so that we make sure not to give them any more money (and demand damages) in our search for useful knowledge.
Unvaccinated people generally speaking live healhier and are more health conscious than the vaccinated, this is an undeniable fact.
I would like to stop giving money to the NHS and fake science like the one you’re a big fan of. I’ll be my own doctor or find alternatives, and stay clear from the killing machine. Thank you.
It’s worth checking out the views of mathematician Prof. Norman Fenton whose interview on the BBC was picked up on in the most recent edition of UK column news. He says the statistics are being skewed as people who die within a few weeks of getting the injection are still classified as “unvaccinated” so deaths shortly after getting the injection are chalked up as being deaths among the “unvaccinated”.
Aw that’s adorable, get a load of the clotshot lemming pretending that the vaccine is less harmful than covid, and the only thing you can really say at this point is “w-well it would be so much worse without it.” News flash – the vaccine doesn’t do jack shit. Gibraltar, Israel, many other places are proof of this. And as for you, you boot-licking little clotshot lemming – you will never be fully vaccinated. You will always be rolling the dice with each new booster that comes out.
Oh and also:
Under 40s hospitalized and unvaccinated: 63% of all hospitalized covid cases
Under 40s died with covid and unvaccinated: 57% of all that died with covid
This is a straight up lie. It’s well known that pretty much all severe / fatal covid cases are in the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions. Post your source so we can laugh at you, faggot.
“Under 40s hospitalized and unvaccinated: 63% of all hospitalized covid cases
Under 40s died with covid and unvaccinated: 57% of all that died with covid”
Nice try (and lack of source,) clotshot guinea pig, but covid deaths are always overwhelmingly for the elderly and those with already fucked immune systems – just like the flu.
Before you go and start demanding damages from people trying to cut their way through the blatant big pharma lies being peddled here, let’s just hope that no one ever finds you alone and puts you in your place for shilling this experimental poison “treatment.”
You yourself just said that of the people who died of covid only 57% were unvaccinated thats hardly more than 50% so all these vaccinations and boosters and all that will only decrease your chance of dying by 7% and the liklihood of dying is already like 0.3% so of the people in that tiny percent your only going to reduce your chance of hospitalization by 10% and your chance of dying by 7% and you consider that a win for a supposedly 100% safe and effective vaccine that doesnt even prevent transmission? A vaccine that doesnt stop transmission is like using 90% effective antibiotics everywhere and then you blaming dirty people for the rise of super bugs.
More people ae dying that are vaccinated with the experimental gene Therapy drug ,, from Heat attacks and blood clots .. The so called Vaccine does not work , you can still get it , still pass it to others and still go to the hospital and die from it .. In Europe many healthy soccer players are dying and getting sick after the jab .. Ill remain a pure blood you have no idea how this experimental drug will affect your body in a year or two or ten .. In Vietnam 120 young kids were made very sick from the jab and many died from it .. with a 99.96% survival rate why take a experimental drug ? I guess for the sheep in this world its great ..
What absolute twaddle!
The article demonstrates clearly that ICU beds are not filling up with Covid patients, vaccinated or unvaccinated. However, from the data made available here we do not know whether the majority of ICU Covid beds are with unvaccinated people. If there were there would still be a sliver of truth in the Guardian piece in this particular case. Just pointing out that someone who is more likely to believe what is in The Guardian than in the Off-Guardian might pick this up and might for that reason not be convinced by the fact-check above.
…Indeed ICU’s most assuredly *Have Not* been ‘full to breaking point’, nor even remotely ‘full’, folks… – In addition to the other official data cited in the article, here’s the latest from ICNARC, published 03/12/21 (data to 02/12/21):…
…Figures 4-14 (pages 8-18), contain the essential breakdown:…
…- Note especially figure 14, ‘Average daily number of patients in critical care by month, 2016-2021‘, where apart from an anomalous spike in April last year (1st full month of the lockdown), and another over January-February this year – part of last winter’s ‘wave’ – critical care admissions have been generally at or below the 4 year average trend for 2016-19 *Throughout* the so-called ‘pandemic’… (- The point made at the end of the article about the definition of ‘Covid hospitalizations‘ is *Obviously* to be given *Especial* due consideration here, particularly with respect to the two spikes…)
…- Note also figure 8 on page 12, ‘Cumulative number of patients by time period‘: – Note the ‘S’ shape, culminating in a pronounced plateau – just as you’d expect from a normal epidemic trajectory (In this case, presumably the last two years’ worth of common-or-garden colds/flu)…
(…That link should lead to the .pdf… – If not, try the page link below then click on the link “here“, 1st word of line 2, under the heading ‘COVID-19 Reports‘ at the top of the page under the ‘Reports‘ main heading:…)
The Graud goes full Al Pacino:
“As many as 6 million eligible Britons may not have had a Covid jab. Who are they?”
Isn’t this the kind of intimidating line we were supposed to associate with the old Soviet Union?
…Bojo’n’Saj’+Sundry Assorted Graun’/MSM Presstitutes, et al *All Coked To The Eyeballs*:…
…*Brandishes Syringe* – “SAY HARRO TO MAH LEE’LE FREIN’!!!…”
…*Time For Boosters*… – “OKAY!!… – AH’M RELOADED!!!…”
(…*When They Can’t See The Angles No More*…)
…Everybody who got the jab *When TPTB Redefine ‘Fully Vaccinated‘*:…
…- “Just when I thought I was out…”
(…- Sorry folks! – *Couldn’t* resist it… – *Heh*… 😉 )
why al pacino?
A guy from a local hospital were interviewed on radio about “The Pandemic”. In a grave voice he told us about RS virus, that during the winter there are more people with respiratory infections etc but we’re managing. Despite of this he agreed completely with the reinstated 1 meter distance etc of yesterday because … eh, just in case.
God damn, I would have been embarrassed to spout nonsense like that.
There will soon be a test in Darwin, northern Australia, to check out ‘smart city’ geofencing technology, and more. Calling a mobile a ‘Cell Phone’ is accurate. This is preparing us for the nightmare of ‘Smart Cities’.
“Australia is preparing to debut its version of the Chinese regime’s high-tech system for monitoring and controlling its citizens. The launch, to take place in the northern city of Darwin, will include systems to monitor people’s activity via their cell phones.
The new system is based on monitoring programs in Shenzhen, China, where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tests its Social Credit System. Officials on the Darwin council travelled to Shenzhen, according to NT News, to “have a chance to see exactly how their Smart Technology works before being fully rolled out.”
In Darwin, they’ve already constructed “poles, fitted with speakers, cameras and Wi-Fi,” according to NT News, to monitor people, their movements around the city, the websites they visit, and what apps they use. The monitoring will be done mainly by artificial intelligence but will alert authorities based on set triggers. It monitors cell phone activity and “virtual fences” that will trigger alerts if people cross them.”
If you don’t keep strictly to your ‘social distancing’ regulated distance from others, you will lose points.
China is exporting its model of totalitarian government, as a service of its “One Belt, One Road” program. When the Chinese Communist Party builds its infrastructure abroad, its surveillance and social control programs are part of the package.
In a previous deal between Darwin and the Chinese Communist Party, the city signed a 99-year lease of the Darwin Port to a Chinese company and the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese owner, Ye Cheng, referred to the deal as part of One Belt, One Road.
The deals also should raise concern for U.S. Marines stationed in Darwin about whether the Chinese C.P. can monitor data collected on cell phones from its systems in the area. The 2011 deal between the United States and Australia stays in place until 2040.
The Chinese Communist Party views Australia as a testing ground for programs it wants to spread to the West. After Australia comes to Canada and the United States
Sit down you western clown. Telling media lies about China will always just be telling media lies about China. And they’re called the Communist Party of China not Chinese communist Party you little shill! You use CCP because it’s closer to CCCP which still scares you to this day. If you’re an Aussie you’re a fine example of how criminals breed dumb people. All Australia offers to its people is fear of China and fear of COVID and you have all bought into both
Have you not noticed China is 100% on board with the scamdemic?
exactly… thank God…
remember back to the early days of the psy-op when it was all new and fresh and exciting, when the little chinese drones were dropping dead in the street… and men in haz-mat suits were taking away all those little ‘bodies’.. and welding the survivors into their little domicile sweat shop cubicles..
well that there…. those little vignettes prepared for un-social media were pure..
‘chop suey-wood’….. the yankees probably flew out a ‘director’…
because currently (whichever miscreant so called leader/crime boss you are dealing with) all these geo-political pissing contests are just theatrical distraction…
pabulum… for imbeciles..
You’ve missed the point Koba. My post was about the beginning of a social credit system in Australia, copying the one being used in China.
I’m aware of the propaganda and china fear pushed by mainstream media, but my post was not about that.
Stop gass lighting the guy. Totally uncalled for and rude comment. Show some respect. What he has said is happening in the Northern Territory and is easily searchable. You’re the one resembling a shill.
And the hits just keep on comin’….
Headline on Yahoo news just now: 50,000 school age kids have tested positive for covid after the Thanksgiving break.
I would make a joke here but it’s beyond joking at this point.
It must have been the stuffing. No joke.
Thanks to a whistleblower we have this information: The “Bundeswehr” (in new uniforms) will take over control of the German population: They call it “OPERATION SUNRISE”
Translation-link: https://corona–
As a resident in an EU fiefdom can I claim asylum in a safe country because my adopted country wants to forcibly subject me to a medical experiment that will kill me?
If so, where is that country?
Asking for a friend.
China and North Korea are the countries you seek.
Good luck in getting a flight out of the Western gulag without being jabbed.
Yeah, just how do we get out of Australia, Canada or the UK unless we’ve been juiced up with the poison elixir? Where do you find a doctor or someone else who will give you a fake vaccine certificate?
I could tell you but then I would have to kill you.
And even if I don’t tell you I’m going to kill you anyway.
A new derangement has hit my local doctor. Conditions of entry sign up today, 2 jabs, wearing a face nappy and no coughing, never heard anything so fucking insane in a state where no one is sick and literally never have been
Your local doctor isn’t the first Marilyn. They’ve started doing the same over here in Melbourne. Saw a story yesterday that a suburban medical clinic here has announced only the double jabbed will be allowed on their premises. I also saw a post on Facebook that said a man in Queensland has allegedly been denied surgery because he is unvaccinated. Expect a lot more of this in the… “land of the fair go”. Not. How the hell are people meant not to cough? Utterly bonkers.
Expect multitudinous articles on the covid “tell tale” cough I.e. how a specific pitch and inflection can signal certain death. Also, how frequency can signal how long you have left. Covid masturbators, get ready for some fun!
For doctors to go along with the crap that the unjabbed are sick and diseased proves how much we should not fucking trust them
i did not trust them much prior to this, not at all now. i say lock them all up and give them a weekly shot!
These ‘doctors’ don’t deserve to be called that. They’re pharma shills at best and murderers at worse.
Thankfully we found a doctor/surgeon in a town close to us- walked into his rooms for hubbies first appointment-no staff wearing facemasks- he came out and shook our hands- he was also not wearing a facemask !!! We yanked ours off as fast as possible- He laughed when we said we have found a kindred spirit and told us masks and vaccines are rubbish!! Please bear in mind that we live in a country- where police opened fire with rubber bullets (on the 2nd day of lockdown in 2020) as people were not “social distancing” in a queue to a supermarket. After losing all faith in the medical fraternity in the past 18 months, very relieved to have found him.
Stop going to those doctors working under govt, they are not on our side anymore. The ones that are good are not allowed to speak or practice. Stay away, we need to find health alternatives to the mainstream.
I live in India very far away from the city. Most of the villagers here agree that the restrictions are rubbish. No one wears a mask if they can help it. The country is trying to emulate the totalitarian west but you can slip through the cracks because of the bungling. I wouldn’t recommend this place for someone who wasn’t born here because the inefficiency will drive you nuts but the land of corruption has its benefits.
Apologies to not be of any help but if you want to shift to the Indian countryside you’ve got a friend.
If you are in EU then maybe Belarus or Croatia are good options.
Note that both have been under some pressure to regime-change, so how long they’ll be safe for, who knows?
Check out Linh Dinh’s travel blog, he’s been to other places this past couple of years that seem to have escaped the hysteria.
Let all hospitals and ICUs burn down, for all I care! What good have they done this past two years, other than fanning the flames of technofascism?…
We’re all expected to lock ourselves up in the basement and hang ourselves, “because hospitals” and because their angelic staff are “worn out”. I say, ENOUGH.
When my number is up, it’s up. If that’s tomorrow, fine. I will do my level best to make sure I’m at home whrn the time comes, not hooked up to a machine.
My thoughts exactly. Enough with the false pretence of a pain free life. This life has both joy and pain, to numb one is to numb the other. What kind of life are people choosing to live drugged up to oblivion.
Where are the figures?
The NHS that substantiates the article doesn’t show the required figures. And so?
So where are these figures? The webpage linked doesn’t have them. Without such the whole article is fake news.
Go to the link in the article and scroll down to “weekly bed occupancy data”. The figures we quote can be found in that download. Sorry if it’s confusing.
I looked at the NHS report and crunched the numbers myself, to confirm your findings. There is something I can’t add up, maybe you can comment. Tables 31, 32a and 32b all align with your findings. But table 11 on page 34 is COMPLETELY out of alignment with those. Any idea why? Tables 31 & 32 (raw #s) make Table 11 (per 100,000 pop.) look completely fabricated, but maybe I’m missing something?
Io sono un partigiano.
Hola compapgneros. The coup d’etat has entered well into the second year.
The false equivalence of comparing people in hospitals of the people whom have had the holy serum and those that have not is just not the way to go.
PUNTO UNO: If lets say what they the New World Order propagandist state that circa 80 percent of western civilisation have had the holy serum. Then statistically they will occupy most health care bend facilities be it ICU or any bed like Accident and Emergency.
PUNTO DUE: Not every holy serum injection is really the holy serum. There would be way more adverse reactions and or adverse deaths all in one go. It is a theory of mine.
PUNTO TRE:More and more health care professionals are taking a stand and refusing the holy serum and walking out of there jobs. Hence they are neo nazi’s and tin foil hatters.
DOCIUS IN FONDO; You still think we defeated fascism??????????
Ora è sempre … Resistenza! Contaci FalceMartello.
Strano che non abbiano capito la lezione la prima volta … Ebbene, siamo qui, pronti a partire con le ripetizioni.
Carrissimo Victor G Una cosa e certa che nell’occidente ci sono circa 200 millioni che resistano, per cui la guerra e gia vinta. Non aspetavano che ci sia cosi tanto resIstenza. Europa e Nord America ci sono 200 millioni d’adulti che praticamente dicano LETS GO BRANDON ho per dirla alll greza VA FANCULLO. In Italia gia se ne sta parlando quante punture dobbiamo fare ha 15 euro a puntura. CA NESCUNNE E FESSE E FESSE SIETE VOI. You ain’t foolin anyone but yourself.
Scroll down and you will see the “donations” of the bill and melinda gates foundation to LeMonde, from gates foundation own site>>>
UK lockdown worked then:
Worked as in what it really meant to achieve (depop with plausible deniabilty) rather than its stated ail… obviously.
Even more problems for Pfizer. Lucky for them that no one can sue them.
Taiwan halts 2nd-dose BioNTech vaccinations for ages 12-17 amid concerns of myocarditis
In Vietnam, 120 children hospitalized, province suspends Pfizer vaccine batch
In Sweden, research fraud at subcontractor to Pfizer now 16 doctors and researchers demand that vaccination in Sweden be halted.
In New Zealand
Pfizer document concedes that there is a large increase in types of adverse event reaction to its vaccine
And a short video to show Pfizer’s domination of mainstream media content in the USA.
Reuters reporting Japan is at 1% of its COVID peak cases and falling. India is at 3% of its peak and falling. What did these countries do? Ditch vaccine mandates for ivermectin. Since April 28, India medical officials started providing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to its massive population. As India is the major pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world, they were ready for this massive drug distribution. MIRACULOUSLY!, COVID cases have plummeted quickly since then. Meanwhile, all “first world” countries in Europe are reporting a rise in cases. Get your ivermectin before it is too late!
there is no such thing as covid ergo there is no such thing as a treatment, in Italy and other places all they found was very old people dying of old age.
Yes, Marilyn.
I maybe wrong but I believe Italia has/had one of the largest populations of elderly (80+) pensioners. Imagine the potential savings. Draghi took care of that.
Also, Italia is one of the countries with the highest rate of individual savings (€€€). The idea is to do a Greek number on the country with significantly bigger bounty. Draghi is working on it.
No! I’ll stick with my vitamins and eating properly.
‘COVID cases’ refers only to the number of meaningless positive PCRs and has no bearing on anything in the real world. Why quote garbage stats to promote an unnecessary medication?
Did anyone bother telling them if they stop running fake tests they get no cases. Absolutely zero. No drugs required.
“You want to get rid of Covid? Stop testing for it”.
Privatisation of the NHS, as in any case of “privatisation”, never is without the funding from public funds. It is in the general direction of Public-Private Collaboration.
The true meaning of privatisation is the lifting of the emotional burden of guilt by the private citisen, concerning their responsibility towards “protecting” themselves so as to not overburden the health infrastructure and draw “unnecessary” resources from it. And protection in this context means doing the right life choices, those that are deemed “reasonable”, “prudent”, and with the best cost/benefit ratio, by those who are in position to evaluate such choices.
Are you overweight? Why weren’t you following one of our approved diet schedules? Why didn’t you join a gym? Oh because you didn’t have a good job that would allow you money and time to go to a gym?
Why are you smoking? Don’t you know your choice could end up consuming valuable resources for your treatment?
Why aren’t you choosing euthanasia, right now? According to all our algorithmic models, keeping you alive by the time you are 60 would cost the economy more than it would benefit it. Don’t be irresponsible, think of the common good. What? Your children and your partner would be sad? Don’t be selfish!
I have another word for privatisation – PIRATEisation. Or, if you prefer, theft.
Here, in Romania, we had exactly the same propaganda, but in our native language. The „pandemic of the unvaccinated” , and also some furious rant of a physician (imediately distributed by media) against the unvacinated people:
It seems that the same script is distributed in all countries.
Not banned from Utube:
what did happen to the midget dwarf people ? I hardly see them around no more.
Perhaps there are far fewer of them, due to ‘medical advances’…?
I believe some instances can be ‘normalized’ with medication.
Still, it’s a good question. I’ve noticed it too.
The following video has been banned from Youtube.
Big Tec has deleted the video of the German soldiers!!!
Big Tec does not want soldiers and civilians to act together against these tyrannical vaccination orders!
Let the voices of German veterans and soldiers go around the world !
3:41 PM · Dec 7, 2021
Soldiers raise their voices against vaccine mandates _ Engl. sub
Published December 6, 2021
Video of soldiers for peace and freedom
“Soldiers against compulsory vaccination”
I hope it “touches”.
Please redistribute
We live in such strange times that a military coup d’etat by such soldiers would almost be welcomed
Maybe the regular soldier will stray, but the scum running the show tempted the top brass from rebelling by giving them millions of $$$ in stock options. Money can buy your soul.
Maybe they could get Poland to invade!
While Germany is locking down and forcing people to get vaxx’d, Poland has a normal Christmas.
I didn’t see the interview between the female airhead – Lorraine – and the lovely Doctor Hillary, and frankly I didn’t want to see it. Moreover given the absolute BS being sprayed around the place I was glad that I made the right decision.
These people endowed with shit for brains apparently want to be held in esteem by their peers, trouble is their peers are just as thick as they are.
But they do exhibit a marked technique for neurotically fiddling around with I-Phones, eyes down and fixated with some inconsequential tripe. And also loudly mouthing the inane monologue to all and sundry on a crowded tube train.
I also note the disappearance of the book on public transport journeys, any book, and we’re not talking about War and Peace here or Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain, even a children’s book Thomas the tank engine will do.
Dumbed down doesn’t even begin to describe it. But consider:
”Sallust’s description of ancient Rome in 80 BC – a government controlled by wealth, a ruling class numb to the repetitions of public scandal, a public diverted by chariot races and gladiatorial shows – stands as a fair summary as some of our own circumstances …”
Lewis Lapham – Waiting for the Barbarians
No further comment needed.
‘The Magic Mountain’ was Davos, home of the WEF. I’ve not read Mann’s novel but I’ve seen a film version and it’s full-on Occultism.
Perhaps they could read the new ‘woke’ feminist version of ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ instead? It tells the story from Julia’s viewpoint and has Orwell’s son’s backing.
“Movie prop guns do not kill people, Alec Baldwin with a movie prop gun kills people.”

“One asks will Orange Hair Bozo now going to be parodying Baldwin.”

“But most importantly you will submit to our racket scam or you will be disappeared. Though even then we reserve the right to cull you at our leisure.”
I have just heard anecdotally that the police here in Cyprus have started cracking down very hard on the small shops that now have to permit entry only to people with “safe passes” and are imposing heavy fines on those found in violation.
Is that to destroy the remaining small businesses?
Certainly looks that way to me.
No, I think it’s to starve those who are resisting the injections into submission. I just nipped down to the local bakery and I was still able to enter and get a few things for the next couple of days.
Damn fascists. Have you witnessed the Gestapo on your trips to the bakery?
I’d be stocking up if this is the case.
I stocked up massively last week.
For the time being, it seems you can still enter bakeries, pharmacies and kiosks that sell newspapers and other bits and pieces known as peripteros.
It’s the shops themselves that have to enforce the rule – building our own prison as Catherine Austin Fitts says – by posting one of their staff at the entrance, or even hiring an extra person for this job.
Sorry to hear that Tim. You’re right, they’re cracking down to literally starve us into submission, or make things so difficult, that we give up and get jabbed. I would rather eat fecken grass than go along with, and be complicit with such debauched evil.
Look at what the bastards are doing in Greece. All over 60 year olds there will be fined €100 a month, and for every month they refuse to get the jab.
For now, we’re still allowed to go to the supermarkets here in Melbourne. For now. Good luck.
I remember the time I was a firm supporter of the European Union because for one thing I saw it as a guarantee that totalitarianism could never return to Europe. Now they are tearing up the Nuremberg Code.
I know Tim😪 I’ve seen the pronouncement from Ursula Van Der Leyden. Once they get rid of the Nuremburg Code…. Well, I don’t really need to fill in the rest.
Queensland is going to test and arrest anyone who sneezes.
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5. omicron
6. discrimination
7. woke
8. mortified
9. imperialism
10. trembling
First prize goes to anyone who can construct a coherent sentence containing all ten words!
gnarled woke anti-vaxxer mortified by chimerical omicron imperialist discrimination trembles while barreling <insert 11th word here>
Tony stood mortified, his gnarled hands trembling, his beady eyes narrow, barely concealing the smoldering rage directed at the maskless anti-vaxer — “filthy bastard”! — who only an instant before had come barreling past him, an arrogant sneer of imperialism on his smug, naked face, a face clearly not woke, a face lacking in intelligence, and discrimination, a chimerical face, like the face of some animal, not quite human, a beast-thing, unclean, the face of a useless thing, a thing destined to die — and die deservedly — of omicron.
Here’s what it is. The PTBs have launched an attack against the people with the aim of reshaping the world, steering it into a dystopian future in light of various factors, such as the forthcoming unavailability of resources, energy, etc. Their intentions are clearly malevolent. The goal is to put humanity on a short leash, gain as extensive control over people as possible.
Fuck that. While some of the issues, such as a likely shortage of energy and resources, are real and need to be addressed, they need to be addressed with the participation of the people, not foisted on them. Ditto everything else because the train has left the station, and it’s now not about going back to normal, but about defining the future.
We the people need as many as possible on board to tell the shitheads to go fuck themselves with the Great Reset. To flush the current establishment down the tubes and set up some framework for debating the future.
We have, say, 25% of people who have fully bought into the narrative. They’re as good as fucked. Some 25% are alert, understanding more or less what’s going on. It’s a question of convincing the remaining 50% to go with us.
Everything hinges on that. On some simple 10 Anticovidian Commandments that even the simplest folk will understand. It’s not about preaching to the choir, it’s about convincing the undecided 50%.
Any ideas?
Some kind of hypno-ray?
Temporary, of course… Just for this transitional period, you understand.
Surely a legitimate use of coercion; truly in everybody’s interests (with the exception of the parasite class).
Or does that make me a fascist?
A dreamer, granted. Pointless diversion, most certainly.
Gotta admit it’s a nice thought, though.
With the media in the employ of the covidian fascist, the only hope is word of mouth and old-fashioned flyers, posters. Graffiti will do too.
Containing simple powerful message.
You are right. The hypno-ray has long been the most favoured and effective weapon at their disposal. Its power obviously can’t be used responsibly.
I haven’t owned a tv for just over a decade.
From 2 weeks to flatten the curve to ‘take this unlicensed vaccine to participate in society’ in under 2 years.. The efficiency of the machine is truly staggering. I can’t even try to imagine another 2 years down the line. It’s just horrific.
I kicked myself for not seeing this coming in late 2019 because I was following Gerish’s research on Common Purpose 15 years ago, around the time the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill was passed. I managed to convince Paul Flynn MP (bless his soul) to change his vote, as he had been placated by the amendments that in reality actually made it more dangerous. It was a veritable enabling act, allowing laws to be fast tracked, bypassing parliament. It passed regardless, almost unimpeded, as the agents of change were already installed. Everywhere. What I didn’t really realise at the time was just how global and co-ordinated the enterprise was. Obviously total, in hindsight. I could not sustain the energy required back then because it was damn near impossible to inform other people about it. There are more of us now, at least. A lot more.
The great reset has in fact been a great reveal. Everyone now can easily be seen as either on the side of truth, or of ignorance.
Ignorance has always had a certain double meaning, of both wilful ignorance and stupidity.
Pre covid one felt slightly ridiculous and apologetic about 9/11 and Apollo etc truth, mainly I suppose because it was hard to explain how social institutions could permit such travesties. Now we know, or at least it is before out eyes.
I agree. That’s what I took away from the Mattias Desmet interview and the presentation he gave to the German Corona Committee. He says the fully brainwashed 30% will never be swayed until the end, but if we are the 20% and can win over the wavering 50% we’ll have a large majority. But how? As I see it, a lot of those who had previously bought into the narrative thought they only had to have two injections and they would get their old lives back. Now they’re told that they need a booster and the Pfizer CEO was talking about annual injections for some time and many aren’t happy about this. I think this issue is a hook we can use to win over the undecided.
A simple powerful message that can be circulated. Printed on flyers, left on public transport, posted on lampposts, spread around.
Something like the OffG article with 30 reasons debunking the COVID crap, but much simpler, to the point.
I’d also like people to set up parallel platforms, but that’s probably utopian. We don’t have an alternative vision for societal order. If at all, whatever is set up would mirror the existing ‘democratic’ structures and would be promptly hijacked by the same pieces of shit who are behind the current coup d’etat.
The concept of authority, hierarchy, some motherfucker standing above others, all that must go. We need an updated version of Hayek’s spontaneous order.
You can’t have a structure without an order.
Do not be scared of hierarchy.
Just make sure that the transparency and responsibility is inalienable, visible part of the structure, fully protected.
Then if the goal is the progress of humanity in time, everything will be balancing itself automatically; eco systems, overpopulation, extinctions…
Yes, transparency
I think that the drift in our direction by the 50% has already begun. I notice on all the chat and current affair shows a steady drift both unvaxxed and also fully vaxxed commentators think that the government and PTB have gone beyond their remit and are acting in a high-handed authoritarian manner, unreasonably so. Their is no converting the true believers, the Guardian readers – the outer-party true believers of 1984 – they are the damned. We will chip away at their programme, discredit them, take the piss out of them, grow in strength and numbers whilst they diminish. But there is some way to go yet.
I’m sitting in our bar, finishing up some work.
Overheard the conversation at the next table, and it makes me hopeful. The guests were discussing, rather intelligently, the current goings-on, coming with hypotheses. Precisely what you’d expect.
Hopefully, that will translate into action when the time is right or when they’re faced with a decision that affects them
Yes, 25% is the magic number.
The really interesting thing is that ANYTHING below 25% is useless.
Maybe that’s why the jab targets are all over 80%?
I’ve heard another theory that 3.5% of society actively involved is enough, although the Gezi Protests in Turkey are a counterexample.
Time for switching off TV. Time to get off our arses and get organised. Time to join like minded freedom loving people in larger groups. Time to establish lines of coordination between same. Time to hold marches/rallies every 2 weeks. Time to invade shopping centres, supermarkets etc., and let others see and hear that we won’t stand by and watch this lying, criminal behaviour gain traction. Time to name, shame and boycott any business supporting “health” passes. Time to let your MP know they are behaving like spineless jellyfish and their complicity in this deception will not be forgotten. We can do this and more but the battle must be won by direct action and showing others that what is happening is nothing more than a crime against humanity supported by a medical fraud.
So let me get this straight.
Dr Fauci says you should take the vaccine against the virus created by his funding?
Has the English Dictionary been updated to include further references for the word ‘Irony’?
Something occurs to me which I’d like to share (because misery loves company?).
They constantly use the term “war” to describe the scamdemic. At first glance it’s merely laughable hyperbole by the Media. But might there be an underlying theme?
What’s the first rule of war? That there will be casualties. Not just collateral damage but among the soldiers. And there may have to be conscripts.
Enter the “vaccine.” The vaxxed are the soldiers. The unvaxxed may have to be conscripted to help fight the “war.”
Persons with, let’s say, heart conditions (like me) would almost certainly succumb to the jab – that’s pretty much a given. So these persons can plead their case – and perhaps get a deferment? Well no.
Because, you see, it’s a war – and in a war there must be sacrifices.
They got it pretty well nailed down.
German Nazism and British WW1 ‘Jingoism’ are both entirely appropriate names for what is going on.
‘german idealism’ and ‘british mercantilism’…. is more appropriate… a cancerous synergy of both imbecilities..
For quite a while, soldiers – as well as civilians in the “Third World” – have been the guinea pigs for jabs and other potions.
Astute comment from Phil Greaves:
“It’s simple ‘blowback’ terrorism theory transferred to a viral context.. “Oh, we tried to kill the terrorists/germs, but our humanitarian bombs/injections mistakenly induced isis/mutant variants. Better bombs/injections required!””
Basically covid is an update of the old war propaganda but repackaged into a “Left friendly” format.
Yes it is definitely a military operation having nothing to do with public health.
How about “wokeness friendly” format?
My suggestion is to quit fussing over what the PAID FOR corporate media is saying or doing, These assholes are nothing but adding machines, spewing fake figures and fake dialog. Turn them off and walk away.
Spend some time reviewing the recently released “Covid Revealed” documentary. The entire video series can be downloaded or purchased. Share the series with others. The information is about changing the future, rather than craping about nonsense.
And the Fraudi bio by RFK jr, if you can get it in the UK:
December 6 Update by John O’Looney (Funeral Director)
It’s a genius trick. Allow society to fear something and then sell it. It really is the perfect crime.
Except that I don’t consider it ‘genius’ to be copying exactly what Goering, Goebbels, Himmler and Adolf were starting to plan a hundred years ago…
To me, it just shows how devoid of imagination and intelligence our current ‘authorities’ are.
After all, good alternatives to outright satanism do exist, don’t you think?
Slashing and downsizing. An American boss fires 900 staff in a single zoom meeting. Meanwhile schoolchildren now slipping behind with their education. All the services, public and private, getting axed. Unthinkable…. without that handy “pandemic”.
And, as Mr Cohen once sang, everybody knows. They know what’s happening underneath this Mafioso coded language.
Many of the jobs we once knew won’t be needed if the WEF are to have their agenda fully rolled out. Education isn’t needed either, they want dumb kids for future plans. Anyone with a fully functioning brain is a threat.
They want to switch to tele-learning as soon as they can and then make a fortune and have complete control through the learning programmes. It’ll probably be a hybrid model initially with some attendance at a physical school/college still required before becoming completely virtual.
If you submit politically incorrect answers, that will end your education.
Lefist Max Blumenthal has broken ranks and is documenting what we were warning about 18 months ago.
Forget ‘Logan’s Run’ and the carousel, you can now just get one of these new suicide pods that some ‘Doctor’ in Oz has invented, it looks like they suffocate you to death…and are easily transported so you can off yourself in a nice rural setting, in a plastic coffin…lovely…
…and that leads me to the point…I think the time has come to stop even allowing them to blackpill us…as everything that spews from the MSM is demeaning, or lies, veiled threats and just bloody awful…the only way to retain your humanity and stay sane is to shut all of it out…I mean all of it…even satirising and laughing at this stuff seems to be a form of self harm as you are still processing this garbage and vomit…it is like working in an insane asylum with the deranged constantly barking at you…it will eventually turn you into one of them…which I guess is their mission…but the world isn’t insane yet, it is just that they want you to think it is…and that all hope is lost…which isn’t the case at all…
What I find most disturbing is the amount of twisted fucking arseholes who are gainfully employed to continue this charade…and even worse are enjoying the job…and they are seemingly in every single organisation…what kind of sick and insane minds could enjoy any of this…and where do they think it will take them.?
So, I’m on a religious forum full of ‘awake’ people, most of whom get that the pandemic is a lie. But very very few of them seem able to understand that COVID itself doesn’t exist.
They know the tests don’t work. They know the ‘cases’ are just a result of tests that don’t work. But they STILL think there is something called ‘COVID’ and even claim to have had it!
How can people believe both these things st the same time? It’s driving me nuts trying to get through to them! Any suggestions?
Its probably nothing more than the flu. Deaths are being attributed to this so called virus because the methodology of death was changed in Jan 2020. Also the WHO guidelines to every nation determining death and more so the UK legislation of the 28 day protocol.
If ya mix them all together you get, what was promised, a plandemic.
Tell them the Flu was rebranded Covid to make it sound scarier. If they can’t see the slight of hand I’m afraid they may be lost forever.
Some adults need to be told things in a child like manner so the cerebral cortex can process it. Try finger puppets if the phonology doesn’t work.
They would simply reply,
“You don’t need to talk to me as if I was a child.”…
In fact, even though WE might consider them lost forever, from their point of view, they think they are ‘safe’.
Their brains get tired if they have to think further than that, so they don’t even try.
To that my reply would be..”Well stop behaving like one”
I get the safety aspect of it but I’d offer the lone soldier in a trench scenario, soon to be overwhelmed by the enemy and possibly killed. I have a bad habit of frightening people with reality.
My suggestion is, don’t worry about it. If they understand the whole thing is essentially a scam, isn’t that enough?
They don’t have to disbelieve in viruses in order to refuse to go along with the scam – and that’s all that matters.
Quite right, Howard. Like TBM girl we (OH and I) know a lot of ‘awake’ people who believe they’ve had ‘the Covids’. Our very sceptical hairdresser texted me yesterday to say she’s ‘tested positive for Covid19’ so can’t cut my hair tomorrow. She knows it’s all bollox and has no symptoms but still she repeats the narrative. I did get back to her with some info about the test. Anyway, I don’t think she’s been stabbed. We know several others like her. Some of them even think they’ve ‘caught Covid’ from a jabbed person.
We just keep gently challenging them, asking them questions about it. As you say, at least they know it’s a scam and that’s the most important thing.
I don’t disbelieve in viruses myself and am not asking them to do that. I’m just trying to get them to grasp how this scam works. That there never was a deadly new pathogen, just a catchy name and a phony ‘test’ that conveniently produces ‘positives’ as needed. That they got their ‘covid deaths’ by testing dying people in Critical Care and old people in rest homes whom they then butchered.
I keep saying “how do you know you had ‘covid’
and they keep saying ‘well what would you call it?’
and then I say ‘well, what would you have called it before someone told you covid existed?’
They just can’t grasp the idea this name that everyone talks about can actually belong to something that does not exist!
If you yourself believe in the myth of the transmisable “Virus” you can’t honestly expect people to believe you when you say Covid is a scam. Your core belief is one of the reasons this scam has been able to be as successful as it has been.
We don’t need to agree on everything, just the most important and your “awake people” get the most important issues. There are many scientists that have appeared on this website that believe Covid exists too.
Let us say a patient is struggling to breathe. If he and family are told it is covid, they are hardly in a position to object, esp. when past successful treatment is withheld. Medical “science” has developed the art of collecting symptoms into new syndromes or diseases, according to the commercial requirement or political fashion.
I am going to say something that might seem unpleasant and contestable. Opposition outfits like off,guardian have been and are being infiltrated, both by private individuals and spook outfits working for the government. But this was to be entirely expected. When I was active in opposition politics in the past our organizations were riddled with spies and provocateurs. Some of the infiltrators actually formed relationships between members even to the extent of getting married to them. (See the Guardian – off all places in 2018). Undercover spies and spooks had been infiltrated these groups for years, even animal rights organizations.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I do notice a certain defeatist tendency which has crept into some of the contributions in Off-Guardian columns, but maybe I’m just getting neurotic about this but there are historical instances of this, and it would be very surprising if this were not the case.
But hey maybe I’m getting it all wrong.
The entire net has been infiltrated by one entity or another.
Some are easy to spot if you’ve been on as many forums as myself and some here.
You can take tony_0pmoc as an example of the classic disruptor.
No, I don’t think people here have become defeatists, it may be that we’re all bored of repeating ourselves. We know the truth but still go looking for data to reassure ourselves we aren’t losing the plot. 😀
Tony Maroni,
“You can take tony_0pmoc as an example of the classic disruptor.”
I have been posting on numerous forums on the internet, since 1995. I have never engaged in any kind of disruption, nor have I done, what you have just done, which is to engage in personal abuse.
Once you have brought youself to the level of abusing other posters, as you have, you should check yourself for own shit, as it maybe you, who are losing the plot.
I don’t expect any apology to be forthcoming, and very rarely respond to such abuse.
I usually ignore people like you, as beneath contempt.
Actually you are a chronic disruptor.
You have repeatedly ignored polite requests to limit your OT posts about your imaginary life in a country you don’t live in.
Further more you responded to the request by stalking me and posting info about another girl with my name whom you thought was me.
You have also abused and insulted this site and its moderators.
That is disruption.
Who you really are and what you really do this for I have no idea, but your ‘amiable doddering old Brit duffer’ act doesn’t go over, so quit trying to take a moral high ground as spurious as everything else about you.
well said – I copy and paste all the comments into my kindle and read ’em in bed, and opmoc is all over the place…for two years…like an awful fart that just will not dissipate – in fact if I deleted the opmoc bs the file size would probably be halved
Well said Sophie👍 thank you. You know he’s been doing this very deliberately, don’t you?
Thank you.
Tony Maroni was abusing you? Really? All he said was “you can take tony_opmoc as an example of the classic disruptor”. Where’s the “abuse”? No personal abuse there, only the truth. I would have gone further however, and said: you have been deliberately and maliciously disrupting the threads on this site for ages now and some of us are absolutely sick of it.
“I have never engaged in any kind of disruption” Hilarious🤣
Hello Donald Duck. You are correct. I’ve been reading and commenting on “activist” sites for years. It’s always the same pattern. The initial comments are often right on the money, and anti-government or anti-policy suggestions are pointed and germane to the topic.
It never takes long for the comment pages to be filled with disinformation and complete bullshit. The despondent pissers and moaners always show up, especially if the topic is getting allot of public attention. Pretty soon the majority of comments erase any interest I once had in the activist mission. It’s always the same, and it’s not just coincidence…
Totally agree.
There’s always a very thin line between being realistic and being defeatist.
I for one get a little irritated with those who insist things are starting to “turn around” and it’s just about time to call out Madame Guillotine. There is no evidence whatever that such is the case.
The fact that the COVID handlers no longer feel the need to be consistent or to present sane information to the public tends to give the lie to the “turn around” meme. All they’ve done in the face of mounting evidence against the scam is to double down. That doesn’t look like they’re turning tail and heading for the hills.
I’d much rather be in the camp of those who believe the worst – and end up pleasantly surprised; than in the camp of those who believe the best – and get caught with their pants down.
Gosh, the irony 😉
Very well said and well spotted.
Last year Peter shillkens and Lord simpleton and other alt media sold experts on nothing did the exact same thing,
If your skeptical about mainstream media and rightly so how come
people dont have this type of skepticism towards theses figure heads on
YouTube etc calling them selves alt media.
Any real awake person wouldn’t need to watch another fake CEO bullshit absolute bullshit pied piper whistle blower.
Anyone who is true to knowledge doesn’t need some fake Doctor or Nurse or dog shit psychologist who is pawned about by alt media to be the next talking head on everything but nothing.
Of course that what the fake pied piper whistle blower dumb as fuck say nothing of real relevance and if you listen closely your see that they push ‘The we cant win attitude’ in fact they sell the agenda to the point of scaring you shitlesss and like junkies you run back to them.
Dis infor whores and U.K column is a prime examples if this.
They them the shills sell Sensationalism and lies yet people are still glued to them in 2021, when they was exposed as Government Operatives before Bs19..
2022 will be serious if your still dumb enough to be watching the likes of PJW or spooks central alt media good luck to you as your really need it as your be in the camps thinking xyz is coming to save you.
Joke of the year this one
Dr. (LOL) Michael Yeadon (former Chief Scientist and VP at Pfizer) LOL .Sold via The spook central alt media.
#some of us are not that naive and we have receipts on all of them.
Wake up
nice acid face smile face for the symbol literate
Basically, you don’t have to concern yourself with who on the alt-Media is for real: Google, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter et al have done it for you: they’ve banned anyone threatening to the official narrative.
Unfortunately, now “they” will be turning their attention to the likes of Bitchute etc.
I just had an offer from Facebook to fight the viral fight and answer a few questions even if I wasn’t suffering any effects of covid! They’re really getting desperate to convince everyone that WE’RE ALL DOOMED!
Oh….’george’… are you still ‘using’?….
very disappointing, very very disappointing..I would have thought you of all people would be ‘clean’ by now…
as a physician (probably the best) I am of the opinion that you would be much better off cranking ‘speedballs’ (introvenous heroin and cocaine cocktails, you could add a bit of buckfast or vimto for variety if you feel inclined)…
than on zuckkerborgs face-fuck (now rebranded as a mid nineties video game so I believe)..
just say no….
Just caught a piece on the internet. Typical establishment journalists from the Graun and the Spectator chewing over the covid issues. The thing that gets me about these people is that whatever comes out of their mouths is the same current worldview of the PTB. They were like ventriloquist’s dummies mouthing the same garbage. Thus it was taken as an indisputable ‘fact’ that the current pandemic was a pandemic among the unvaccinated, this was simply reiterated as if it was an un-contestable reality. There were no alternative views allowed, they didn’t exist. Only the party line exists at the present time, as it is and always has been.
At that point I switched off my computer. The only thought that occured to me was did these people actually believe in their own bullshit or were they just reiterating the same old story for reasons of expediency. Who knows?
The media works through presupposition and a false presentation of the opposition. Thus a recent BBC article gave us yet again the phony head scratching over “vaccine hesitancy” and offered the following as the voice of the opposition:
“Instead of pointing the finger at the people who are unvaccinated, maybe we should point the finger at the fact that this vaccine is just not good enough,”
And that’s supposed to be “our argument”! Note that the deadly pandemic is ruthlessly presupposed. As Noam Chomsky (and look who’s talking!) once noted, every argument is controlled by setting the limits of discourse. In other words, every argument is annulled in advance.
Well observed George.
The above images come from this interesting documentary/perspective on the depopulation and transgenic future that is being presented to the world as the next linear step in the progress of humankind:
Video: The Technocratic Dictatorship
and here is the accompanying article with the video from
“presented to the world”
or rather, forced and coerced upon us,
Another moment of the film.

great video thanks
“You connect these dots? I bet you’re some sort of David icke follower… “:
but in criticising the profiteering, these clowns also reinforce the vaccine inequality bullshit…so in seemingly protesting they actually reinforce the bullshit narrative…
The reach and brazen flaunting of the covid/”science” propaganda continues to astonish. From the latest sewage production of the BBC:
“The women publicly tortured after being accused of sorcery”
Tragic tale of backwoods superstition in Papua New Guinea. Women – specifically women – accused of sorcery and strung up etc.
But let’s cut the crap. Skip forward and sure enough:
“The Covid-19 pandemic may have been linked to a recent increase in sorcery-related violence, according to Human Rights Watch.
This is because vaccine hesitancy and Covid denial are “huge” in the country, Ms McLennan says, meaning deaths caused by Covid are attributed to sorcery.”
After which we return to the woke stuff and the ceaseless efforts of plucky resident yadda yadda …
But the link has been made: vaccine hesitancy = misogyny = anti-science etc.
Today’s dose of death porn from the Graun — the line seems to be get jabbed to save the immunosuppressed. No mention, of course that this possibly derived from the family’s overall largeness.
So, don’t we have an NHS to warn people of this, doctors who understand that immunosuppressant drugs and vaccines and vaccines (or ‘vaccines’) don’t make the best bedfellows. Next they will be saying that they don’t check natural immunity before jabbing. Still, I suppose Lord Fauci demands his targets are met.
My mistake. This is a weekly column.
I am suspicious of those few words would better health advice have saved her….I do suspect that sooner or later they will come for the obese and anyone else they can lump into the unhealthy class…they will then be the ones cluttering up the hospitals etc…this lot won’t stop at unvax.
At the moment they do not even seem to be warning them of the true health risks. A few months ago there were a number of TV reports from hospital wards of people saying how ill covid had made them. “And what do these people have in common, children, they are all anti-vaxxers.” And viewers heard this and thought, “My, aren’t they large.”
In the case in the Guardian, it is alleged that the first health problem was a low white blood cell count — actually it was at least the second. The low blood count was caused by the drug retuximab. She was also diabetic.
So no doctor picked up on this until it was too late? And hubby claimed key worker status in a heavy engineering factory but they just know it was brought in by a visitor.
The Guardian’s exploitation is repulsive.
I have to disagree with you here. The unhealthy – especially, the obese – are so prevalent (at least here in the US) that they would better serve the narrative by being held up as needing stronger protection from the unvaxxed.
And it won’t be hard to convince the unhealthy that it’s not their lifestyle that’s to blame but the unvaxxed.
I’m sure the imbeciles that scribble this pabulum, must have ‘forgotten’ the govern-ment drive to force toxic untested genetic injectables into those at ‘risk’ (the immuno-compromised on treatment)…. strange that, because they provided the propaganda for the operation…
and now of course they are trying to hide their crimes… because the ‘stab’ is killing it’s recipients…
the same scribbling miscreants are blaming ten year olds having heart attacks on the weather and telling us kickball imbeciles have always keeled over and jossed it from heart attacks mid game…. that their toxines cure cancer and arthritis..
so we must make sure that their ahem, ‘journalism’ doesn’t go unrewarded (they are so deserving) and that the punishment is, how should one say…