Illinois bill proposes to strip unvaxxed of their health insurance
Kit Knightly
Illinois Representative Jonathan Carroll wants to push through a change to the state’s insurance law that would mean health insurers no longer have to cover unvaccinated people who get Covid, forcing people to pay their medical bills out of pocket.
The Democrat lawmaker told the Chicago Sun-Times:
I think it’s time that we say ‘You choose not to get vaccinated, then you’re also going to assume the risk that if you do catch COVID, and you get sick, the responsibility is on you,’”
The potential corruption and abuse of such a rule should be obvious to anyone familiar with just how mendacious insurance companies can be.
In all likelihood insurance companies will simply demand a negative Covid test before paying anything, and if you test positive, no matter what you were treated for, you will be called a “covid case” and forced to pay out of pocket.
The bill could, essentially, wipe all health insurance off the books for unvaccinated people.
The vaccinated should take no comfort from this, because their vaccinated status is entirely temporary, and subject to rules that could change on a whim.
Any “double jabbed” who misses a booster, or got a brand of vaccine that was subsequently unapproved or discontinued, or wasn’t updated for the latest variant, could suddenly find themselves one of the “unvaccinated” underclass.
Of course, once it applies to vaccination status it can apply to other things. You travelled to the wrong place, or you didn’t wear a mask, you “associated with known anti-vaxxers”.
And, even more concerning, is the potentially slippery slope this starts us down. Unvaccinated don’t get health insurance. Neither do smokers who get lung cancer. Or overweight people who get diabetes. And so on and so on.
The potential good news is that putting this law on the books would require a lot of legal workarounds, including violating or changing the Affordable Care Act, which outlaws removing insurance coverage from someone based on a new medical diagnosis or test result.
The editorial board of the Chicago Sun-Times already came out against the move, calling it unfair, warning of the same slippery slope I mentioned above, whilst at the same time arguing “the willfully unvaccinated should pay a price”, and be charged more for their insurance.
Given that response, it’s possible Mr Carroll’s role here is to set out an unacceptably extreme position, so the intended plan of higher insurance premiums for unvaccinated people seems more reasonable by comparison.
But, whether genuine or not, and whether it comes to fruition or not, the very fact the suggestion was made is a damning condemnation of the times. It would be a truly terrible precedent to set.
Once you start putting stipulations on healthcare, you don’t stop.
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There has never been a GENOME ANNOUNCEMENT for SARSCovid2 on GenBank so there is no evidence that it exists. Plenty of other GENOME ANNOUNCEMENTS for other viruses just SARSCovid2 is entirely absent. That means that no laws anywhere in the world that rely on the existence of SARSCovid2, have any validity. Don’t just take my word for it, search GenBank for yourself You will find a computer simulation (giving a whole new meaning to the expression a computer virus) and fragments of DNA glued together, but no SARSCovid2 GENOME ANNOUNCEMENT has been made with a link to the complete genome sequence via its Nucleotide sequence accession number. This means that not one single Covid law in the entire world can be enforced. It is one giant con trick aimed at tricking people into complying.
Lemmethink . . . how would this apply to those fully vaccinated persons who still wind up infected?
Remember when Donald Trump,and many “Republicans” and “Conservatives” vowed to kill the ACA, aka Obamacare?
And yet that ACA is now stronger than ever (growing in strength under a GOP-led Congress & White House).
With that growth has come even more “healthcare” jobs, which means the “healthcare” sector (aka Big Med) makes up even more of the U.S. GDP, which means the U.S. economy has become increasingly reliant on more people getting sicker.
Imagine that.
And the largest health insurance companies (aka Big Insurance) are seeing record profits.
As are pharmaceutical companies (aka Big Pharma).
“For the love of money is the root of all evil”?
I have just heard the breaking news that undertakers are refusing to honour the prepaid funeral plans of the 50,000 who have died in the UK/ EU/ US after taking the Covy Vaxx. Private Insurers are also refusing to cover the 7.5 million who have gone down with blindness/ deafness/ heart attacks/ strokes/ blood clots/ paralysis/ organ failure/ incontinence/ galloping nob rot after taking the Covy Jab. “Were not covering these idiots,” said CEO Sid Scurvy of the Phoenix/ Shyster Insurance Group Inc. “If they choose to get jabbed with this poison, its down to them.”
Can we opt out of the program since it doesn’t serve us?
Red states should do the same to the fake vaxxed!!!
Precisely. Impose a surcharge for being jacked up with a poison that will more than likely cause long-term health issues that will cost insurance companies FAR more than any unvaxxed policyholder.
Are the formerly insured allowed to get their money back from a program that no longer serves them?
Would that include the unboosted?
Will crazed Leftists withhold healthcare insurance of the Jabbed who come down with “Breakthrough” cases, and those people who took the jab and died, or became seriously ill? CD* figures 11/19/21: 19,249 dead from jab, 143,276 MD office visits from jab, 101,372 Urgent Care visits from jabbed, 11,437 Bell’s Palsy, 8,232 from Anaphylaxis, 97,567 hospitalizations from jabs, These figures do not include those adverse events that occur from time of jab until 2 weeks later, which are not counted? MD’s advise that early treatment is essential, to catch disease early, and advocate that treatment from private MD’s offices needs to be allowed. MD’s advocate usage of IVERMECTIN, and/or Hydroxychloroquine, which have been highly successful, or via emergency authorization usage. Other MD’s use Budesonide (Dr. Richard Bartlett-TX), and Chlorine Dioxide (Dr. Manuel Aparicio-MX) claim thousands have been saved with those medicines? Whatever happened to “Right-To-Try” when people are seriously ill? Seems though dark forces are blocking that, while they make astronomical $$$ with jab with “experimental” concoctions? Pradesh India, Mexico City, and El Salvadore have used IVM widespread and reportedly CV rates have plunged. People have to wake up and speak out, as it’s now or never! Politicians work for us-supposedly??? This is not medical advice, do not listen to a word I say, do your own research, and take your own actions.
Until these Leftist Politicians are made examples of, nothing will change and their tyranny will continue.
It’s Left and Right, both are on board with the agenda. If you can’t see that you are living below ground level.
Yes, but predominantly left-leaning twits are putting these bills forward.
In the UK the Government selling us to the Devil is a right wing one, but the problem isn’t the political principles these MPs pay lip service to, but the fact that they are politicians. Politicians are people who have already failed miserably at their first career and are now hard at work helping Bill Gates destroy our country while feathering their nests by buying shares in BigPharma
For the past two years I’ve been having people tell me that if I don’t go through extreme measures that I’ll get sick & die, from the “pandemic”.
And yet I haven’t yet masked.
Nor have I “vaxxed”.
Nor have I socially distanced.
Nor have I isolated.
In fact, I haven’t changed my habits one iota.
And neither me, nor a single person I know & have been around has gotten sick.
In fact, the past two years have been amongst the healthiest of my entire life.
I’ve even gone through extreme measures to try to catch “covid”, like being in more public places, being around more crowds, eating produce without first washing it (which I find gross, but I’m trying to get sick), and yet I haven’t gotten sick.
I want to prove that I can use natural methods to destroy any illness (I cured myself of my formerly chronic pneumonia via using natural products, like Tea tree oil, Eucalyptus oil, White Willow bark, and other phytochemical-containing products, which have been demonstrated as absolutely effective at destroying coronavirus in numerous research projects).
OVER 80 PERCENT OF PHARMACEUTICALS GLOBALLY ARE BASED ON NATURAL PHYTOCHEMICALS (but now often made from lesser-quality synthesized versions of those phytochemicals, in sole regard for profits, via IP, patents & such).
Here’s a thought: raze the idiot fascist’s house down for even suggesting something so gross and abusive.
The stupid treatment he is shilling for doesn’t work, it’s DANGEROUS, and this son of a bitch has no business to prescribe anything.
standup for yourselves in numbers they can’t do a goddamn thing about a propose your own counter-offer- if you have your skin punctured by that garbage, his Nazi hide will be by something much worse.
They are NAZI’S. This is communism. When they die they will always be very warm .
Apparently he heeded your message and, having received ‘ violent threats from a “bunch of different people”‘ has withdrawn the bill.
He should withdraw from among the living. Are they all petty tyrants? Imitating the moronic above them as if that’s the new style of misgoverning to the applause of only the most malicious and sadistic? These times are most disturbing in revealing what lies just beneath the campaigner’s smiling handshake or promises of wise and virtuous governance. Ultimately bestial opportunism and the desire to rule in a penal fashion. Sickening are these times and the capricious demons unmasked. It’s breakdown, pathetic breakdown…
The largest health insurance companies, hereby known as Big Insurance, include: Anthem (antm), Centene (cnc), UnitedHealthcare (unh), Humana (hum), et al. The largest institutional shareholders, hereby known as Big Asset Management & Big Banking, of ALL of those Big Insurance companies include: Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, the Capital Group, T Rowe Price, et al. This group operates as a true CARTEL, even largely existing as the largest shareholders/investors of each other. This CARTEL similarly exists as the largest institutional shareholders of the largest Big Pharma “vaccine” makers, like Pfizer (pfe), Moderna (mrna), Johnson & Johnson (jnj), et al. PUBLIC HEALTH? This CARTEL of Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks similarly exist as the largest owners of the largest Big Tobacco corporations, like Altria (mo), Philip Morris (pmi), British American Tobacco (bats), et al. Prior to the “covid” event, the CDC continually recognized cigarette smoking as the LEADING cause of ALL deaths and chronic illness (still does, but that message has largely been drowned out by “covid” hysteria). The CDC also recognizes excessive consumption of alcohol as a leading factor contributing to excess deaths. The CDC also recognizes obesity as a leading factor contributing to excess deaths and chronic illness. This CARTEL of Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks similarly exist as the largest owners of the largest Big Alcohol companies. This CARTEL of Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks similarly exist as the largest owners of the largest Big Food companies, those producing the extremely fatty, over-processed, and increasingly synthetic junk & fast foods. SO, WHAT’S THE REAL GOAL BEHIND THESE DRACONIAN “PUBLIC HEALTH” RULES? THERE ARE NO LONGER NEITHER “DEM” NOR “GOP” POLITICIANS. ONLY CORPORATE SHILLS & LACKEYS, PASSING SPECIAL INTEREST LEGISLATION DESIGNED SOLELY TO DRIVE MORE PROFITS TO THE BIG ASSET MANAGEMENT FIRMS &… Read more »
Thanks for Cato link. Great comment. Hear Hear!
The East Indies Company. Great statement. Good info.
When do we get a scarlet letter to sew onto our clothes?
They deserve it!
So many Guns and so called “gun rights” and yet… NOTHING!
No problem. Just refund all my insurance payments over the last several decades. I have not needed any treatments but made payments just in case. If insurance companies don’t want to live up to our agreements just return the money I paid for worthless insurance.
LOL. So Insurers will only provide coverage for sick people? Because “vaxxed” are getting sick as dogs and clogging up hospitals.
Oh… wait. Insurance companies exclude treatment for experimental therapies, like this shot.
So the insurance companies want to cover NO ONE?
John O’Looney and Dr. Sam White discuss the current situation.
Dec 9 2021—The-doctor-in-the-interview-with-Joh:1
A very important interview that needs to be circulated as widely as possible.
Now do AIDS.
The whole AIDS scam is about to collapse; see:
American Pravda: Vaxxing, Anthony Fauci, and AIDS
Not so sure. Unz has an article by Mike Whitney (8 December) “Operation Extermination” in which Whitney mentions VAIDS – Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It’s about how the vaxx are degrading people’s immune systems. Shingles remedies for shingles caused by the vaxx are proving a nice little earner. Vax-AIDS treatments should prove a nice little earner too…
By the “AIDS scam” I mean the claim that it’s caused by HIV. We know that vaccines and the mRNA jab destroy the immune system, but it probably needs a different acronym; e.g. “vaccine induced” rather than “acquired”. With regard to the HIV claim, the following is part of a recent comment by Unz.
Here’s a short interview from Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, that someone linked upthread in which he explains how he began questioning the HIV/AIDS connection [Video – see below]:
The whole matter seems quite extraordinary to me, including the total MSM silence greeting RFK Jr.’s #1 Amazon bestseller and its 200 pages promoting that “HIV/AIDS conspiracy theory.”
Kary Mullis Testimony on Why He Began Questioning the ‘HIV Causes AIDS’ Theory
MES Truth
Apr 30, 2021
A lab-devised genetic insert in the spike protein is HIV Pseudovirus Glycoprotein 120 (GP120), as well as two other GPs I can’t remember. The vaxxed are doomed, either short-term demise or long-term disability. It has already begun with the majority in hospital sick with an array of inexplicable illnesses alien to their health history; but it will be called Omicron to abet the fear porn and to mask the vaccine injury. We are being played on an orchestra of instruments at every turn, in every measure. And those of higher authority, who should be fighting tooth and nail to out and stop this, are intimidated by the CDC controlled hospitals & medical groups, threatened with license termination, career loss. Totalitarianism is already interwoven and highly active. Medical tyranny…just the prologue.
There must be majority resistance and noncompliance, as if our lives & livelihoods depended on it, which they do. Massive numbers are our greatest sources of opposing power should we endeavor to unconditionally unite against the beast and the mass psychosis it has so effectively induced. None of us were born beneath a promise that our lives would be free of a pogrom or holocaust; we must understand that that has always been a potentiality, even of our free society, and moreso since the Marxist sociopaths have been fomenting division, witch hunts and social cancellation for many a preceding decade. Division and destruction are their single-minded goals implemented by a thousand means, all disruptive and degrading of decent, struggling humanity. Those who sought only to live in peace and tolerance must now stand up and fight with righteous determination or the ever-rising waves of insanity and tyranny will engulf us all. Intended tragedy must be routed into a victory of the sane cherishers and hopeful custodians of life.
Illinois particularly Chicago has been a leader in corrupt and repressive local politics since the 1968 police riots helped kill American attempts at democracy. Before that it was the main battle ground for the conservative driven social experiment known as Prohibition.
I like to simplify too but that’s too simple. Chicago carried Kennedy into the Presidency by vote fraud. Otto Kerner found his way into jail for taking bribes from The Mob while Governor before 1968. The corruption began before Al Capone and prohibition. He just took advantage of what was already in place. And it has never left. The Democratic National Convention riots just highlighted how much power and loyalty Richard J. Daley had. The MSM had no problem showing the beatings. I was glued to the TV. The City, the County and Forest Preserve are one in the same. 3 separate taxing bodies all controlled by the same political bosses. The State of Illinois is also controlled by the same bosses. A financial free for all of greed and graft. There is a reason why they are broke and record numbers of people are fleeing the state. The state legislature borrowed billions from the state pension system instead of paying into it as required by law. It was set up as 50-50 contribution. Instead of paying their required contribution, Illinois borrowed from the pension and began paying state employees with their own money to avoid raising taxes. Later, they villified the pensioners and said the pension system was the cause of their budget woes. Nancy Pilosi and the U.S Congress have come to the rescue to bail out the Pension system. In return, the Governor and and his loyal cronies have promised vaccine mandates. Now your know the rest of the story. It is the same story across the country. States are taking federal cash distributions under the guise that they must impose vaccine mandates and sanctions. Any governmental body getting state money is being forced into the mandates by the Biden administration through state governments. Graft at every… Read more »
Prohibition was a creation of the temperance movement which was part of or at least closely tied to the progressive movement. Progressives supported prohibition. It was a not a “conservative” experiment. It was progressivism. The idea that human society if not humanity itself should be managed by its betters. Meaning the wealthy so-called elite. The prohibitionists are the same people who want to mandate mRNA and viral vector jabs. They are the same people who in Biden’s ‘build back’ legislation mandated that all new cars treat the drivers like they have had multiple DUI convictions.
Greed and graft was already there in Chicago. By what I have read, the temperance movement started many years before when fermented apple cider had replaced water because it was thought to be medicinal. Whole families were becoming dependent on alcohol. No one realized that the water was getting people sick because the outhouse was near the well. Seriously. Chicago was dumping raw sewerage directly into the lake. How many people died from that? Lots and lots. So they dug a big ditch to reverse the flow of the Chicago River to divert the raw sewerage into the Mississippi River drainage basin. People down stream were pissed. Did not matter. They did the same a little later in nearby Indiana by reversing the flow of the Little Calumet River. This is about the political abuse of new immigrants by Chicago politicians. Newly immigrated Europeans living in squalor with horrible work conditions. If you got sick or injured you were done. This was and still is the political climate in Chicago. I am a product of that. Abused immigrants taken advantage of by Chicago politicians for money through payoffs. White people, I might add. The abused and the abusers. They still have combined sewers. Every time is rains the sewers still back up. Their answer to the sewer problem was to dig what is called the “Deep Tunnel” There is a huge tunnel dug through the bedrock way down under Chicago. That’s where the raw sewage goes during rainstorms now. Not much different than putting the well next to the outhouse. That is Chicago graft and the ingenuity of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It would have been cheaper to separate the sewer system. Democrats are dumbest people on the face of the earth. This where the infrastructure money should… Read more »
This is great. It would collapse the insurance industry, exactly what is needed. The insured’s premiums would double, forcing a run to the lowest cost in the marketplace, driving out the monopolies, and the unvaxxed would recover from any Covid (assuming it exists at all) within a week exposing the entire scam. A total win-win. 👍
As many of us have understood for a long time now, this is war.
We can’t go on acting as if the legal niceties of what our treasonous criminals are doing was in some way related to the idea of stopping them and punishing them.
While Big Brother’s jackboot is hovering over our heads, it serves no purpose at all for us to shout, “But that’s illegal!”. Because his answer is simply, “Duh!”…
“The Narrative” now defines what is legal, and we have to stop pretending that there are ‘proper channels’ for our resistance to that narrative.
All proper channels have been destroyed, and they can only be rebuilt when the destroyers are out of the picture.
Yes, it’s that bad: Highly dangerous psychopaths with large numbers of zomboid followers now control us.
Eton mannerisms can disguise the threat to some extent, but, with time, what those people are inevitably leaks out.\
We know the signs. We knew them in infant school when the class bully was stopped by a teacher, only to continue his bullying when the teacher had gone.
Who seriously thinks that holding up a piece of paper with your ‘human rights’ printed on it is going to stop these parasites…? They’ve already thrown the American Constitution and our own Bill of Rights down the toilet.
Somebody please tell me why violent confrontation is not going to happen… After all, nobody in their right mind would welcome it. France’s ‘Reign of Terror’ made that point.
Not paying insurance makes no sense, the shots don’t work anyway, look at New England more got shots than anywhere else in the country, high rates now of covid from the spike proteins in the shots.
While they’re at it let’s shield the poor insurance companies from having to pay the expenses for people who took risky experimental vaccines for a mostly harmless disease.
Welcome to OffG commenting. Try to avoid all caps in future – thanks
You will doubtless be aware, then, that there are very many options and utilities to improve text visibility, available in almost every browser, OS, windows pc and other device.
Since you’re the only one using caps, this obviously only helps you read your own comments, which isn’t a practical solution, nor does it afford your unfortunate condition the respect it is due.
Therefore, I firmly recommend you look into better options ASAP.
Unfortunately I’ll need to remove future shouting capitals, as they cause some users terrible migraines.
Thank you for understanding,
Yeah right
What about no insurance for the McDonalds users?
No,that’s good keep going nothing to see here….
↑↑ been suggested years ago, Taxes on fat people were often often bandied about during the 1960s. Ms Thatcher tried to reapply the old English poll tax at one point in the1980s.
Yes. Back in the days when the British public still had two legs to support its spine.
That poll tax was Thatcher’s undoing.
Now all we need is Macron’s undoing, Trudeau’s undoing, Johnson’s undoing, Ardern’s undoing . . . Oh, gosh, they’re everywhere – hiding behind each other…!
As if its current residents needed another reason to flee the former land of Lincoln.
Whenever a dysfunctional and disliked status quo becomes intolerable, people will do whatever is necessary and pay whatever price in order to make their escape. In Illinois, it is getting about that time. Good luck to all who are preparing for their exodus.
Just cut to the chase. Insurance company policies descended directly from the arbitrary methods of open sea piracy and road banditry. Look at the timelines of when Lloyds of London (and others) became established. It’s always been a form of legalized extortion
Insurance brokers are practicing medicine, and medical personnel have become insurance brokers. Health care systems – particularly State run systems, are little more than pampered mafia.
The entire economic house of corruption is the progeny of dupes and fools without weapons…
↑↑ Great post i heartily agree .
Isn’t un-vaxxed a pre-existing condition
Do people who pay get a say in their treatment? Can they decline remdesivir and ventilators? Get high dose vitiman C, ivermectin, Vitiman D? Why would anybody want to get treated with their death protocols?
↑↑Suicide has been deemed illegal by most governments punishable by lose of life insurance , dots that are easily connected in indicating whom government represents perhaps !
Stupid arrogant fool! Then take ins away from smokers, those that drink liquor, anyone with a preventable health issue!!! How self righteous you are while ignoring the truth about covid. Tired of your type trying to scare and remove Americans and their freedom. so its only my body my choice if i want to kill my baby BUT not if i refuse a vaccine that has killed and harmed people.
Great comment.
Their answer, of course, is simply that smokers, drinkers and crackheads don’t spread their ‘disease’…
See how easy it is: Once you call ‘flu “a deadly pandemic”, you can make people terrified that they will catch it, while people are not at all terrified of ‘catching’ alcoholism or dope addiction.
Your point is a good one because they are lying about this pantomime from start to finish, and they have no more interest in our ‘covid health’ than they have in how many people die from substance abuse every year.
But obesity, smoking, drinking and being a crackhead is indeed contagious when it’s glorified in society.
Can Vitamin D Prevent Covid Deaths?
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Dec 6, 2021
A little-known study has concentrated and analyzed much of the science around vitamin D3’s effect on mortality risk in COVID-19. Find out why knowing your vitamin D level could save your life.
Covid-19 is just the good old cold and flu rebranded and the wonders of vitamin D is old knowledge:
Yes; and the essential requirement is to stay away from the slaughter houses disguised as hospitals. Because that’s what the term “covid death” means in reality.
I was born a “navy brat” lived in Barcelona two years, Naples two, then returned stateside, at age six. I moved every couple years, and got to Chicago at nine, and lived there till 18, enlisting in the Marines, to escape “murder capital of the world”. Illinois, in the sixties and seventies, was “Land of Lincoln”, and took pride in it’s “testing law, against constitution”, was among the first to raise a helmet law for motorcycles, so it could run it past it’s courts system, and in doing so, found the law “Un-Constitutional”, and laid out a premise that lasted as long as “Constitution” mattered for the issue. What this “lawyer” has done is to essentially reverse the focus, “to see if it can be pushed the other way”, and I support the effort. When I was about seven, my mom walked us down the street to get a cast put on my arm, cost about twenty bucks. I had about five or six casts as a boy, hundreds of stitches, I began my mechanic career at about eight, and have worked it almost sixty years. The last time I was in the emergency room, maybe fifteen years ago, it cost my “insurance”, about 1200 bucks, actually paid, charged twice that, and I sat there three hours, with lines drawn on my foot, refused pain medication, and went home with no treatment, because there wasn’t any. When we paid for our doctor, it was like buying a loaf of bread, or maybe a quarter of beef, for something serious. It was payable out of income. I walked out of my medical treatment six months ago, for Gulf War multiple sclerosis, after 28 years of shots, self-administered, and 14 years of antibody infusions, because my neurologist lied to me about the… Read more »
Ok for second I though it was John “Hanoi Songbird” McCain!!
Wouldn’t it be a revelation if the assortment of political dipshits, and Zog arse-kissers like the Illinois Representative, Jonathan Carroll, would come up with something novel and suggest that they will no longer collect taxes from the non-vaxxed and other critical thinkers?
Look, the Americans no longer believe in ‘the Land of the Free’, it’s now the ‘land of the Fee’.
People need to stopping looking at the USA as a role model for anything except being a miserable genocidal regime that has to cause misery and mayhem wherever it interferes across the globe.
The biggest beneficiaries of the global lockdown scam are Amazon, Pfizer and Moderna. Oh, and Bill Gates, through all his investments in vaccines, surveillance technology etc etc.
The whole ‘American Idea’ is about absolute control of everyone by a tiny masonic elite. Murdering anyone who won’t comply. And enslaving all those who do.
This story is about Democratically dominated Cook County, Illinois. I worked in the community that is represented by Carroll for 20 years. He represents a predominantly Jewish district. That goes a long way in Cook County. As liberal as it gets. You can go to Carroll’s official page and read his tweets. There is an attack on Aaron Rogers for “lying” about his vaccine status. His district is a perfect example of Cook County gerrymandering. These are the people that saw a long line of governors and other high ranking State officials go to jail for graft. The most famous is Rod Blagojevich (Blago). He is not the first Illinois Governor to go jail. All were Democrats. My favorite was Secretary of State Paul Powell who had hundreds of thousands of dollars hidden in shoe boxes in his Springfield office closet. Nothing has changed. The current Governor grew up in the same neighborhood as Blago. Mike Madigan the ex Speaker for of the Illinois General Assembly and the real boss of Illinois for decades was recently indicted for contract fraud. He was forced to resign. He had been working very hard to get his daughter into the Governor’s office. There was and is so much graft that Illinois Democrats think it is normal. Just mind boggling. This should give you some perspective on the thought process that went into Carroll’s proposal. As a closet Republican, my first boss (also a closet Republican) told me to never vote in an Illinois primary as registered Republican. If you do, they will find out and figure out how to fire you. I have never registered with a political party since because it becomes a public record. So much for the secret ballot.
It’s perceived as the Land of the Free Handouts.
Sure, no problem, and when do i get my tax rebate or are you just a thief like all your colleagues?
Last year was a Learning Experience. Everyone was posting information they’d learned about the COVID psyops campaign. I certainly learned a lot from the exchanges. These days it seems most are expressing skepticism, or cynicism. I still have a lot to learn…
Skepticism, cynicism – are asymptomatic symptoms of ‘covid’ ?
As ‘covid’ spreads, the more it spreads, the more people are ‘infected’ by cynicism & skepticism ? Or so it seems.
“Extreme is to negate the whole of medical science.”
The whole of medical science is corrupted to the bone, in a way that mirrors people’s lack of willingness to take responsibility for themselves.
The general perception is that technologies can be devised to deal with everything, including health. So, fatsos pop pills and get liposuction instead of stopping overeating and exercising. Mental weaklings depressed about not being able to deal with life devour antidepressants instead of pulling themselves up on their bootstraps. So on, so forth.
The table is tilted to far in that direction. Pressure must be applied from the other side.
Monopoly never works, and right now, the sick-care a.k.a. healthcare system has usurped monopoly over health. Come to think about it, the ‘health’ in healthcare is as much of a scam as calling the genetic shit shots ‘vaccines’.
They call it ‘healthcare’ to pull wool over people’s eyes.
They should call it chemical care.
They should call it chemical repair
That’s going to be bad for the unvaxxed and vaxxed. The only winners will be the insurers. Claims are going to be denied in the vaxxed too because the term “fully vaccinated” is a moveable premise. Yeah … this is going to go well.
Great site this site. Thanks to Offg the other day i was introduced to Phage Therapy (sewerage viruses). Today i’m introduced to Helminthic Therapy (worm therapy).Someone is bound soon to mention Urine Therapy (The Water Of Life – JW Armstrong).
Back in the 1970s i used to sell the English translation of the Chinese “Barefoot Doctors Manual.” A self-help health manual – to keep you out of doctors and insurance companies grasps…I think that if you’re interested in Natural Alternatives to Chemical Medicines (another book i used to sell), you’re likely to be more resistant to drug companies marketing campaigns, more sceptical about their claims…
Keep up the good work Offg !
(Note: yesterday. Read of a Phage Therapy trial about to commence somewhere in the USA. Someone else must have watched the BBC doco posted on Offg the other day ?)
The United Selfish of America.
What a wonderful place it is.
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face, forever.
COVID-19 = CON JOB-1984
Put this sign in your doctor’s office – “A patient cured is a customer lost.”
Some of these people like this Carroll guy are lower than rats. I have a Ph. D. in history, and, up to now, for 50 years since I studied the French Revolution I thought that there were serious excesses during the year II, commonly called the Reign of Terror. The last few months have taught me that the revolutionaries of the year II were merely reacting to the evils of the bastard Aristos. I think the Guillotine should be brought back for ratbags like Jonathan Carroll and the similar scum running the show in most countries and provinces today. The regimes have degenerated into a war against their own populations on the issue of this toxic ineffective Kool-Aid shot. The people need to fight back against such vermin by any means that will work, similar to how the resistance in the final months of the war, went after Vichy hacks.
Oh we will get there as uranus wanders the numbers….still got a year or 2 to fo.
I learnt French due to interest in the Revolution – it doesn’t sound like it’s especially your area? It’s, complicated, as history is, and not at all how popular culture portrays it. My government (UK) are legit total bastards, this isn’t just some mistake, they’re the fash (of course Royalists are), but even them, who had no good intentions gone wrong (in fact made to go wrong, in the case of the Revolution), I can’t precisely blame entirely/exclusively for literally everything that happens, petty jobsworths over-zealously applying guidelines, etc. Even today, with vastly more recources, micromanaging to that extent is just impossible. Some of the revolutionaries I think can sound sincerely shocked and overtaken by events at times -and they talk about excesses commited, it’s not at all true they all wanted all of it, and this includes those misleadingly framed as radicals- because they genuinely did not expect or intend the results of policy (and they assume it must therefore be down to corruption, which often it is, sometimes it’s just stupidity and incompetence, and sometimes they’re making a mistake themselves), and are inevitably overwhelmed by the situation, under absolutely unsupportable pressure: it’s a human tragedy. More reasons government is simply a bad system. But the Revolution should be something we learn from, if we think we’re any kind of resitance. And yes, by god our bastard rulers deserve it, but we don’t get to forget they are people (revolutionaries often enough didn’t, really), with everything that means about capacity for self-justification, self-delusion, simple greed, entitlement, inability to even see outside the box of the status quo…and that other people, including those without political power, are capable of acting, within their own scale, in the same way. Not excluding us. I might string up a Tory leader from a… Read more »
Let’s at least be consistent. Smokers should pay for lung cancer treatment. Overeaters should pay for diabetes treatment. Drinkers should pay for alcohol related treatment. Parents should pay for live births. Etc. Health insurance is only for act-of-God circumstances. /s
Yep.I’m just putting the finishing touches on my new country and western song “lockdown for Tubby”
Why not include reckless parents who allow their children to injure themselves
on swings, slides and suchlike in kiddies playgrounds ?
Read my lips: THEY will stop at NOTHING to ensure their global vaxx-to-eternity plan is implemented. THEY have hitched their wagon to continuous vaccination of the entire population, for life; THEY have no alternative (other than the climate change scam) for constant revenues forever. Every day we are confronted with yet another unbelievable tactic designed to put poison into 7+ BILLION arms as often as possible for the rest of our miserable lives. Witness the poor Lithuanians who are increasingly unable to survive, feed themselves or participate in any social activities unless they are “fully vaccinated.” And, as we all know by now, “fully vaccinated” changes from day to day, including SIX vaccinations soon if the 2 shots, plus booster, plus THREE doses needed to fight the nothing burger called Moronic (sorry Omicron). This bill may be nothing more than a continuation of Bill Gates’s plan to reduce the population by “about 10 percent through vaccines.” Perhaps Bill has an even higher target number for reduction, given the 8+ BILLION doses already administered. Gird your loins; we are in the fight of our lives.
Insurance is a racket, a protection racket. Unlike the Mafia, with their crude, direct methods, Insurance rackets are legal – though they cough-up for only for what they cant blame on God…
Governments are protection rackets. They too use armed thugs, hired to chase you up when you dont pay up. “Pay Up, Or Else !” is their modus operandi.
Australia has entered an election period. The competing political gangs have started outlining their protection plans for the insecure to choose from. “Choices ! Choices !
Which one offers the best (for Less) security, safety, protection from…..whatever the latest manufactured fear campaign is about ?”
The one thing all main contending gangs agree on – attentions must be kept away from the
experimental health insurance scheme, the risky injections. Pundits think “it’ll be an early election, as whichever gang wins, it’ll want to quickly implement an Austrian Model protection scheme.” (No gang wants it known how many ‘boosters’ they think it will take to ensure the ‘protection’.)
Insurance is a racket. Insurance is a Ponzi scheme. It relies on someone, somewhere, being fleeced…
Insurance (sold by confidence men) has always been little more than State authorized extortion. The sheep are fleecing each other… Good luck with that.
I absolutely agree to the comparison that all of this is a Mafia scheme.
But somehow in my mind this also provokes scenes with some illogical dialogues:
Goon: “Nice body you have there. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to it, would you? How about we let something happen to it, before it gets that far? ”
(pulls out a syringe from his pocket)
Customer: “No, thank you, kindly, I refuse your insurance offer. If ever necessary, I will go and find some private, independent clinic and pay them directly for medical treatment.”
Goon: “Oh, damn, that’s really too bad.”
(puts away syringe with a shrug of disappointment)
The same social engineering tactic has been repeatedly applied by the accountant class now in control of most governments to create a tax windfalls for big government , and its corporate sponsors seatbelts , crash helmets, bans on cigarette smokers, mandated by government insurance scams , have all been successfully introduced after threatening to stop medical care if these cash grabs were not not complied with .
Not sure I can believe this.
Might these vaccines not be safe?
I believe it, it’s happening every where
Yeah definitely the video says the truth. In fact I said the exact same thing last year(I have some medical background and been working in the NHS for many years).
Just spoke with my Illinois based health insurance company, United Health Care. They are now scrambling because of what I said. The bill, if passed, will be enacted in 2023. That is all they know. There are thousands of retirees that live outside of Illinois that will be affected. None of them, including myself, has representation in the Illinois General Assembly where the decision is set to be made. This is big and they know it. I will post what my congressmen tells me about it. This is massive. We had a Revolution a few hundred years ago for this very reason.
A very interesting comment.
Sadly, I don’t think we do revolutions any more… Too damn spoiled and lazy – and that’s no coincidence.
The revolution to which you refer occurred at a time when reruns of “Friends” and “Love Island” didn’t exist, and people didn’t have the money for a newspaper, let alone an iPhone…
A better example might be the French Revolution.
Back then, what the people had was motivation, and they had little to lose.
I meant figuratively. However, it IS like the “Wild West” right now. Anything goes. So much is happening across the country it is nearly impossible to keep track of everything. The Corona-Climate-Blitzkrieg. Right out of the Nazi playbook.
This should be no surprise to those who’ve already recognised that the winnowing is underway. Hospitals are now thanatoria, so recreational drugs and extreme sports no longer have a safety net awaiting the unjabbed.
If you need healthcare you are unfit.
…+1 – …Funny they should choose *This Precise Moment* to roll-out *This* lil’ baby, innit now?:…
…- Sick fucks…
I doubt this would pass court muster. And Medicare won’t be bound by any such law since it is a Federal program.
Also health insurance int eh USA is managed by individual sates (outside of Medicare and Medicaid). Each state has their own insurance overseer/commissioner and they make rules for their state alone. Even were IL to pass such a law, it would be highly unlikely that any other state would allow the exception for unvaxxed to apply in their states.
Further, what of Covaxxed people who get Covid in a “breakthrough” infection? What of a vaxxed person who infects an unvaxxed person? Could they be sued for creating a health hazard by depending on a unreliable product in the first place?
How about insurance doesn’t pay for vaccine injuries and they can bill pfizer or some other fucking demon corporations
You can’t sue them. They have immunity from lawsuits over vaccines by LAW.
Emergency- the clot shot strikes again
WestJet flight diverted back to Calgary after pilot medical emergency | Calgary Herald
Does he think he is safe?