WATCH: Make Your Own Newspaper
This edition of #SolutionsWatch focuses on a topic very near to OffG’s heart
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Do you want to make your own newspaper? Or maybe just help distribute a newspaper full of articles by writers you love? Then this is the #SolutionsWatch for you!
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Welcome to Mafia World:
The New Statesman gives a preview for next year’s blockbuster:
“Boris Johnson has lost the credibility to lead Britain through another Covid wave”
Also, here’s a nice juxtaposition:
Graud: “Omicron could overwhelm NHS if it is as virulent as Delta, Neil Ferguson says”
Expressive Egg tweet: “Or; ‘Mild illness could stretch 120,000 beds (down from 480,000 in the 1950s) in the same way it does every year if it is as bad as another mild illness which nobody noticed, according to Gates-funded scientist whose inaccurate predictions always justify tighter state control.’”
I note that EE was the Marx basher but, in that little exchange there, he said more than John Steppling’s 20 volumes on The History of Mimesis!
this is a great article
Agree. Article gets to whats always gnawing at me. No one ever owning their sins – taking responsibility for the wreckage – humbly righting their wrongs under the oversight of the innocent. Shall I go first?
Keep doing internet posting as well in combination with the paper until it is no longer viable
Don’t let them take over the web
Current Tweets From CJ Hopkins
Dec 10, 2021
Consent Factory
Update from New Normal Germany … fascist fanatic Minister of Health @Karl_Lauterbach now threatening to impose fines on anyone who refuses to conform to the new official ideology … imprisoning us in camps is considered “unnecessary” at this point.
“Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach considers fines for unvaccinated people to be ‘unavoidable’ … You have to talk with psychologists and economists about when penalties have an effect. [He] does not consider prison sentences to be necessary.”
New Normal Germany’s Health Minister is a fountain of Goebbelsian lies. A recent example was his claim that OMICRON is especially threatening to children. New Normal fascists will say anything, as they know their fanatical followers don’t care about facts.
Dec 10, 2021
Minister of Health on compulsory vaccination
Lauterbach considers fines for unvaccinated people to be “unavoidable”
Prison sentences for the unvaccinated are not necessary, but fines are necessary, says the new health minister. Lauterbach struggles with the Stiko.
The new Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach (SPD), considers fines for unvaccinated people to be “unavoidable”. That’s what he told der Spiegel. You have to talk to psychologists and economists about when penalties have an effect. However, Lauterbach does not consider prison sentences to be necessary.
If someone does not pay, the fines would have to be increased considerably. “But I am sure that we will reach a lot of people with the announcement of the general vaccination obligation alone,” says Lauterbach.
In addition to the compulsory vaccination for medical staff, one for educators is also necessary. Lauterbach justifies this with the Omikron variant, which affects children much more than the previous variants. “The children get infected more often, and they also get sick more severely,” Lauterbach said.
Lauterbach also said that he was not satisfied with the speed at which the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) makes its decisions. Recently, for example, the decision to vaccinate younger children had been a long time coming. He will definitely have talks about it, Lauterbach told the “Spiegel”. “It has to be faster.”
Since the beginning of the vaccination campaign in Germany, Stiko has been repeatedly criticized for its speed in deciding whether a vaccine will be approved for certain age groups, including by Lauterbach. However, the health minister also said that the Stiko “must act without any influence and pressure from the ministry”. “The Stiko must be completely free in its decision-making.” Lauterbach wants to ensure that the Commission gets more staff.
Dr. Pekova, forensic expert in molecular biology and molecular genetics
“On average, the development of simple, complex, and unprecedented vaccines last nine, 12, and 12 1/2 years, respectively. The BS-1984 shit-shot is classified as an unprecedented vaccine. The likelihood of successfully passing Phase III tests, meaning that the vaccine has proved to be generally safe for use, is 45%, 20%, and 2%, respectively. In other words, the probability of the shit-shot successfully passing testing is around two percent. The claimed efficacy of 90-95% is fucking impossible.”
(Expletives courtesy of moi-meme to increase the dramatic effect)
Utube just deleted this video from their site. GB Resistance is another of their targets.
#LIVE Julian Assange Appeal Verdict l High Court, Strand,, London – YouTube
Any former Schnews-readers out there? The excellent weekly publication “Schnews” was based in Brighton and emerged out of the protests against the Criminal “Justice” Bill in 1994. That was the Bill that, amongst other measures, was designed to destroy the free party/rave scene in the Uk. Schnews was wound up after about 15 years, as the internet became the principal source of information for most people.
One of the great features of Schnews was “crap arrest of the week” , as well as excellent national and international commentary. Sadly missed.
1994 – before Brighton became Shighton. Now its the world epicentre for brainwashed Guardian readers and woke – more accurately wank – culture
I finally found a recent WSW article worth reading- their obituary to Stephen Sondheim (though even it has to include an irrelevant aside to the covid whoremongering). Even Carolyn Zaremba’s comments are worth reading.
Worth watching the first few minutes, if you want to see the most deplorable brazen predictive programming aimed at children from the good old BBC
They’re having a laugh at us. A big, big belly laugh. Huge.
they also reference Off-Guardian’s fact checkingarticle
Has this Richard “D” Hall ever been certified sane?
People don’t tend to be certified sane. Sanity is assumed to be a given rather than a pleasant surprise.
I respectfully disagree, and here’s the proof:
Let me see if I’ve got this straight: in order to be grounded, I’ve got to be crazy and I must be crazy to keep flying. But if I ask to be grounded, that means I’m not crazy any more and I have to keep flying.
The Deep State is emerging more and more. The idle chit chat mode continues but becomes increasingly hollow. It now makes wrathful noises about Boris and directs you towards his “irresponsibility” as a means of coaxing you towards the other meme which they are tentatively introducing: mandatory vaxxes. That such an idea has no basis in any medical requirement even going by the curious minimal and ever shifting aspects of the official propaganda is irrelevant. This is where the Deep State comes in. We know what it wants. It has not been subtle and it will simply keep going and going, using presenters, “entertainers”, pundits from all across the showbiz spectrum etc.
And the US won the appeal to murder Assange
What do you mean?
The high court of the UK gave them permission to kill him
Owen Jones on Jeremy Vine fulminating against Boris drinking his beaujolais whilst the NHS was experiencing carnage (yes he said that!) … oops and there goes a bit about mandatory jabs because “anti-vaxxers are holding us back” etc. This last not from Jones but they’re going to have a phone in. Gosh wonder how that will go?
owen jones … day time teevee’s polital rent boy…. I’ve heard he’s quite the ‘specialist’..
I tend to ignore his state sanctioned ranting, butt he gets lots of plugs..
douglas murray is the other porta-potty… but he bats for the other team…
Two issues are at play.
Generally speaking, when things go too far one way, it’s a good idea to push the other way to achieve a balance. Accordingly, with communication shifting fast to the virtual world, it does make sense to push for alternative ways, including paper media, flyers, posters, and the good ol’ word of mouth.
More important, however, is what the content. And that is a bigger problem.
Thus far, the vast majority of stuff that is analyzed, published, discussed is essentially one form of another of rejection of the narrative pushed by the globalist covidist-wokeist establishment. There is the implicit effort to return things to a ‘normal’ state, to a state embodying justice, freedom, truth, but that’s pretty much it. There are some budding efforts to create a parallel society, to divorce oneself from the establishment. They go in the right direction, but they’re rather chaotic, not based on a solid concept; rather, they are, once again, a form of rejection of the mainstream. Plus, people going ‘off grid’ are still mostly reliant on the grid infrastructure. It’s more of a manifestation of one’s position than a real solution.
We the people need to start earnestly debating the future – such issues as energy, resources, freedom, societal structure, and so on so forth. We have to get away from traditional dichotomies, such as the anachronistic left and right (meaning all the shit for which these two concepts are an umbrella), and formulate a concept that people can work toward. A viable alternative to what is being pushed by the covidists-wokeists.
That’s where energy needs to focus. And that’s the content that should be published.
Sheep don’t read.
Sheep might read. Junkies don’t. And the smart phone has made junkies of the vast majority of people in the West if not the world over.
Sheep do read but only memes and emojis – a bit like this:
This is a boy sheep ( Rambo) propositioning a girl sheep (Shirley), translation as follows:
RAMBO: Hey Shirl, I’ve got the hots for ya, you’re looking like 50 acres of juicy grass, here’s a rose. Let’s go to the big smoke and find a hotel where we can eat, play pool and have a few drinks. We can book a room and fuck like rabbits for a few hours, freshen up and piss off home again in one of them sexy city buses – ya up for it?
SHIRLEY: Not bloody likely you piece of shit.
Soooo this coronavirus with a 99% percent survival rate can only be defeated by:
The consolidation of state and corporate power
The outlawing of criticism of public health officials, big pharma, and uncensored speech
The deification of science, and the persecution of anyone debating or questioning it
And the repeated forced injections of untested gene expression modifying concoctions into the veins of every person on the planet?
To hell with it, I’ll put up with the virus, thanks.
“U.S. Senate on Wednesday voted 52 – 48 to overturn President Joe Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate for private businesses with more than 100 employees.
The vote came one day after a U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Georgia, issued a 28-page ruling suspending the mandate nationwide.
Republican Senators seeking to overturn Biden’s mandate used a law called the Congressional Review Act (CRA) which allows Congress to overturn federal regulations and requires just a simple majority vote in both the Senate and House.”
I don’t think we should assume this represents a sincere change of heart by Congress (who are NOT mandated to take the vax). Biden will doubtless veto their action.
Incidentally, when a Vice President steps down, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
before neil armstrong and buzz aldrin astro not or kubricks 2001
an old bbc play about the lies we have lived
The News Bender” FAKE NEWS LIES predictive programming
Excellent find.
I see the blind birder from the great escape in a new light.
It’s in plain sight.
I’m surprised the BBC broadcast this. Things were better 55 years ago.
Drakeford is a snake. No money will come to Wales from their protection racket masters in Westminster if they don’t play along.
Rejoin the EU and the money will flow, no strings attached?
Dream on…
Hell no….
How many people die in bed? How risky is that!
The Metaverse on the other hand….
Without a vaccine and virus (V&V) project database, where discoveries can be uploaded, assembled, indexed, annotated and made available to interested persons, to enable such enabled persons to select the data and to extract from the database the facts in the selections; so the facts can be used to make reports and to develop theories and stories; it will be difficult to prove intent, or expose the plans of those who inform the masses about the results of the privately party initiated Virus & Vaccine project. .
If such a database were available, the sum of uploaded contributions, might form a solid foundation for reporting on revealing things.
eman, it seems in Israel that there was a citizen-made database regarding the vax if not “covid” deaths– or such is my impression.
You know, what we need is for pre-existing organizations to step forward & do what’s necessary, even tho outside their normal roles. In the US I believe there’s an actual body of law that prevents churches from doing much in the political sphere. But covid is MEDICAL, not political
Everything takes money of course, but if we were to raise money for a team of only 2 or 3 people it would probably be possible for them to obtain enough cooperation to make a county-wide database. Especially if it were county-govt money. In fact, who could oppose a citywide or countywide ordinance to fill out Form X, addressed to hospitals & doctors & vax dispensers.
Edward R Murrow:
We have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information. Our mass media reflect this. But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late.
That the Murrow who shilled for US entry into WW2 and the CFR’s George Clooney loves so much he made a movie about him?
In his book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ “Kennedy devotes an entire chapter to the story of AZT (an AIDS drug)…Apparently Fauci had been under enormous pressure to produce medical breakthroughs justifying his large budget. So he manipulated the AZT (trial results) to conceal the extremely toxic nature of the drug, which rapidly killed many of the patients who received it, with their symptoms being ascribed to AIDS. So, following FDA approval in 1987, hundreds of thousands of perfectly healthy individuals found to be infected with HIV were placed on regimes of AZT, and a large number of resulting deaths was misattributed to the virus rather than to the anti-viral drugs.
“According to the scientific experts cited in the book, the vast majority of post-1987 “AIDS deaths” were actually due to AZT.” Ron Unz review of Robert J Kennedy’s book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci.’ https://
While Omicron doesnt appear to fit the bill, the ‘experts’ must be preoccupied with coming up with a way to blame all the ‘vaccine’ caused injuries and deaths on ‘covid’.
Stay Alert !
The following is part of a recent comment by Unz.
Here’s a short interview from Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, that someone linked upthread in which he explains how he began questioning the HIV/AIDS connection [Video – see below]:
The whole matter seems quite extraordinary to me, including the total MSM silence greeting RFK Jr.’s #1 Amazon bestseller and its 200 pages promoting that “HIV/AIDS conspiracy theory.”
Kary Mullis Testimony on Why He Began Questioning the ‘HIV Causes AIDS’ Theory
MES Truth
Apr 30, 2021
What is striking is Unz’s admitted unfamiliarity with anything that contradicts the Official HIV-AIDS story, even the destructive role AZT had causing so many deaths. I have the assumption those who work in the “news” industry etc would be familiar with a lot more than the ‘man in the street.’ Of course it’s to do with narratives. If you accept the dominant/official one, you might read a contradictory press article out of interest, but it’ll be forgotten 5 minutes later…
I’ve on hand a 27 April 1992 page 3 article from the national daily “The Australian”, about an upcoming International meeting in Amsterdam ;‘AIDS Experts Challenge Viral Infection Theories.’ Prof Luc Montagnier, and Prof Peter Duesberg would be at it. Duesberg ideas are mentioned: ‘Professor Duesberg also claimed the epidemic was being fuelled by the use of the anti-AIDS drug AZT. It was so toxic, he said, that it brought on AIDS-like symptoms in HIV-positive people.’
The article would not have gotten a second thought by most who read it. It was mainly a vehicle for dumping on Duesberg. Australia’s ‘Professor Ron Penny said Professor Duesberg had lost all credibility in the scientific community…’,’many of Professor Duesberg’s views were scientifically irresponsible and had been refuted before.’
They learned a lot back then. Now they dont even mention the names of any scientist who questions the ‘covid’ propaganda…
Of course, AIDS varies depending on location, but my theory about the initial, San Francisco variant is that it could be AZT created. They could have laced recreational drugs with AZT and distributed them within selected communities. People’s immune systems would already be weak because of lifestyle, and AZT would produce a pattern of immune collapse. Once they got AZT approved as a treatment, all they would need is a HIV diagnosis; which we know is a pile of crap.
In New York City it appears the original outbreak of AIDS was caused by dissemination of AIDS-laced hepatitis shots, in which ALL the recipients of at least one doctor were infected– gay or not.
There never was AIDS. It was poppers in the West and malnutrition in Africa.
tc fry on the aids hoax
T.C. Fry’s book was my first introduction to AIDS. I purchased the book at an alternative health show simply because of the title. On reading it, I found out about Peter Duesberg’s research on HIV/AIDS. As a result I contacted Peter Duesberg by email asking him how he liked being a modern Galileo. He was kind enough to respond to my email by phoning me at about 11:00pm California time. I live in the eastern time zone so it was about 2:00am when the phone rang. I awoke from a deep sleep and had an interesting conversation with Duesberg. He informed me that he was sending me a package which included his published scientific paper, “AIDS Epidemiology: Inconsistencies with Human Immonudeficiency Virus and with Infectious Disease”. It was in that paper that I learned about Farr’s law regarding the spread of infectious diseases which is so important relative to covid-19. .I made fifty copies of the large amount of information in the package and gave copies away to agencies in the area where I live. It seemed to have no impact on anyone I gave it to but it had an impact on me as an example of the tyranny of the majority (see John Stuart Mill).
In Duesberg’s package was an editorial written by Richard A. Radner, the editor of the monthly publication of the medical society of the District of Columbia. I remember this quote from the article, “If Duesberg is wrong, let him be proved wrong. Let’s not do what we did with the Shaw of Iran, suppressing dissent and propping him up until all was truly lost. To err is human but to perpetuate error through self-delusion is to break faith with those who trust us with their lives.”
After reading T.C. Fry’s book, I phoned him and had a conversation with him about his book. At the end of the call, he was kind enough to say that it was one of the most interesting calls that he had ever had.
I am indebted to T.C. Fry, Peter Duesberg, Richard A. Radner and John Stuart Mill for providing me with information that allows me to have a better understanding of how the world works. I take the position that it is easier to convince me that I have been fooled that to fool me in the first place. I always base my opinion on evidence. Without supporting evidence, I have no strongly held opinions.
Thank you.
“a modern Galileo.”
What, has he deliberately present his findings in such a way as to provoke a show trial and leave Venice so he would come under Papal jurisdiction when he didn’t need to? Does the Pope happen to be his best friend? At least he can know that, despite being a victim of the most vicious persecution, he’ll die peacefully in his bed.
But while every modern story of any significance is false, all the history we’re given is true….
And you are but one man. Imagine if we all took interest and responsibility to guard ourselves from state abuse. Maybe things would be better. Shows how much effort has been put into hypnotising us with glitz and beads.
great stuff thank you for that excellent reply
it is very difficult to find any books by tc fry now
the only one i found was edited years after his murder
by the kosher nostra
another great book and another who was dose snuffed out was
eustace mullins who wrote murder by injection
who clearly shows all the inter connections between the same old same old players
Thanks. A couple of things:
“Thus HIV became the first virus for which a positive antibody test is interpreted as an indicator for primary diseases that have yet to come.”
This quote is from Duesberg’s scientific paper I mentioned earlier. I had to laugh when I read it. How do you create a vaccine for a disease when the antibodies created by the vaccine are the indicators that you are going to get sick? Did you ever wonder why there is no vaccine for HIV yet? Talk about painting yourself into a corner!
In a talk on HIV/AIDS that he gave in Toronto in the early 1990’s, Kary Mullis talked about a research grant on HIV/AIDS that he was applying for. In filling out the application, he asked his colleagues what the scientific reference was for proving that HIV caused AIDS. When the response was that there wasn’t one, he tossed the application in the waste basket. I consider him to be an honest scientist and every researcher who works on HIV/AIDS on the basis that HIV causes AIDS is a dishonest scientist.
Needless to say, my learning experience with HIV/AIDS had me well prepared to deal with the fog of covid. On learning that the PCR test was being used as the test for the covid virus, I knew what was coming. I only needed to be patient until I had sufficient evidence to explain what has been going on.
Good post except for the bit on Iran. Khomeini was a Western/Israeli trojan horse. His successors solidly promote the scamdemic.
Whole smorgasbord of info here about HIV / AIDS / testing / AZT etc – for those who enjoy disappeaering down rabbbit holes – lots of very good interviews and info. The similarities to what’s occurring now are obvious – they are using the same template.
Thanks for the link. I’d somehow missed the following.
Diagnosing HIV without using an HIV Test
Jul 20, 2010
Leading experts discuss diagnosing people in the West with HIV, without doing an HIV antibody test.
les online: your last sentence is so astute. I am just reading CardiologyToday, a journal for cardiovascular specialists. Their front page article begins with the sentence, “The ability of Covid-19 to cause cardiac injury and myocardititis has been well documented since the pandemic began, and data continue to accumulate.” This is a quote from Howard J Eisen,MD, senior heart failure specialist at Penn State Medical Center. The article continues in the same vein, connecting heart injuries to the Virus and never to the ‘vaccine’.
You’re not ‘fully-vaxxed’ ’til 14 days after being injected – Their definition .During that period any health problems caused by the injections can readily be blamed on ‘covid’. I’ve pointed out previously the seeming aversion in media reports to name the symptoms blamed on ‘covid’ when ‘covid’ symptoms are reported to have developed during the 14 days. These reports with unspecified symptoms allow for the expansion of symptoms – & inclusion of cardiac injuries… .
I dont read everything i come across, so maybe i missed those well documented reports… However, as beliefs can be created through repetitions of phrases, we should be wary when “has been well documented’ crops up in any article…
Stay Alert !
Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009) – House of Numbers documentary.
Diagnosing HIV without using an HIV Test. (20 July 2020.)
Recently a trial was approved to test an mRNA vax.
‘As of 2019 UNAIDS has reported there are 38 million people who have HIV or AIDS. Among this big number 36.2 million are adults, while 1.8 million are children under the age of 15. This is very alarming, and with the rate of its increase, there would be more for 2021.’
As yet it’s a smaller market than the covid vax market, but as no test other than a doctors opinion is needed to say “you have it !”, the market is sure to expand…(And Jabs Mandated)…
Stay Alert !
That should read ” to test an mRNA vax for AIDS.”
AIDS was one of many dress rehearsals for the big one.
“The Zombie Walk. The latest dance craze to sweep the nation.”

“Speaking of the Dead.”
“Didn’t know that Reichsfuhrer Dan has a long history with pharmaceuticals did you? Well now you know.”

“How was I to know Billy there were so many Beagle lovers.”
So it would seem that is what he needs to hide.,,always something lurking,,,like somo and his advertising past …something buried in there.
Maybe someone has something on every one of them. Maybe they all are just spineless pollies. Maybe they were bought off with promises of being Someone in the New World Order. Maybe they were threatened they’d be injected with the Real Thing instead of saline solution. Maybe they fell for the drug makers marketing campaign.
The hysteria by the Northern Territories chief minister is scary. That police resources should be used in a manhunt for three youth – charged with no crime – who escaped ‘imprisonment’… What’s happening to Australia ?
Not sure about the photo.Dan Andrew’s looks out of scale compared to the others
aye, agreed.
or maybe he’s a massive, charismatic guy ; ) ?
↑I first read Brave New World circa the late 1950s , I found it creepy. I reread it one evening recently and found it boring .To me 1984 still is a better representation of the human condition , but Huxley’s view may be gaining on Mr Orwell?
Huxley had it wrong in giving supremacy to the Alphas. The Epsilons ended up in charge, supported by the Omicrons.